#lucifer (ram)
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did some height comparison stuff because i was curious about vox and niffty's height difference and then got carried away
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malaksamy1912 · 6 months
Romance club be giving us multiple amazing/sexy/mind blowing love interests and be like : hey , you can only choose one , hoeing around will have grave consequences
C’mon ! That’s s not fair and u know it
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decentsoupperson · 4 months
Ram Adam au @things-arent-what-they-seem66 @fanofstuff02
Lucifer in Sheep's Clothing
After Adam had been living at the farm for 2 months he became used to the lifestyle he led. Today, Adam had gone out to the field for the day, grazing and chilling out, and when noon came around, his son Cain. Cain called all the sheep up for attendance.
Cain: All right, let's see here get in line sheep.
Cain began counting at one end of the line to the other end.
Cain: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7... 15, 16, 17, 18... 29,30,31. 32?
Cain looked down and saw a ram next to his dad with red cheeks and red eyes looking right up at him. Cain shrugged and picked him up to take him to a separate pen.
Cain: Alright, buddy, let's get you neutered.
The ram began glowing before turning out to be Lucifer himself. He ran back to the palace.
Adam: I knew there was one more.
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dreamytfw · 5 days
Yeah, yeah, we've all thought about John telling Dean to kill Sam through a Michael and Lucifer lens and a Cain and Abel lens. Of course we would. It's right fucking there in the canon.
But have we ever considered: the Abraham and Isaac lens?
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Ram au
Adam playing poker: I think am getting better at this
Abel: I won!
Adam: never mind
Cain: duck!
Adam: duck?
Lucifer outside the window: Hey adam
Adam: duck!
Lucifer: Too late I saw you my little ram!
Adam: Fuck me.
Lucifer: I'm trying!
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huskirl · 8 months
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This is clearly a kismesis
Also a small silly doodle from right before bed
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redladydeath · 6 months
For Pen and Lucifer in the RAM AU:
Vox keeps forgetting who Lucifer is. He knows he's important, but not like King of Hell important. Maybe he reminds Vox of someone from his life, maybe the CEO of the first company he worked at? He /needs/ Lucifer to like him, a remnant from working towards promotions when he was alive, but at the same time, Lucifer is so goofy and it confuses Vox.
As for Pen, after watching Vox dismantle some random electronic for the 3rd time he decides that Vox might actually be helpful for building his gadgets. He requires a lot of supervision but does end up being helpful. The real question is why is Pen at the hotel? Did Vel and Val send him as a spy still? I think the spy plan was originally Vox's. Maybe Vel and Val needed someone to keep an eye on Vox for them at the hotel and report back what kind of bullshit Alastor was doing to him?
Ooo, I like the "Lucifer as his old boss" idea! Would make for some fun character interactions. It'd also piss off Alastor big time that Vox is kowtowing to Lucifer, despite knowing how much Alastor dislikes him. He's not used to "disobedience" from Vox. The Pentious idea is cute too! Pen's quite used to wrangling mentally not-all-there people into completing complex tasks, so he'd actually be a really good buddy for Vox!
I don't know why he'd be there, I'd honestly kind of forgotten he was originally sent as a spy by the Vees even though I literally rewatched the first four episodes last week. The check-in idea is cool though, especially if him and Vox end up growing kind of close! Let me see what the other askers said...
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ramsashi · 29 days
My LIs from Romance Club
Sails in The Fog: Sebastian???
Moonborn: MAX!! OH GOD HE'S SO COOL!!
My Hollywood Story: Mike
Queen in 30 Days: Queen in 30 Days: I used to like Adam, but he started to creep me out in the final season, so now I'm aiming for Richard and Leonard for the achievement. LMAO
Shadows of Saintfour: Luke Morring (or should I call the bootleg version of young Leo DiCaprio? LMAO. TBH, I wanted to have Ethan as the main LI. too bad, he was not even a casual LI.
Wave Patrol: Jake (I initially wanted Alek, but he's in jail for a long time?? How can an FBI agent wait that long for his freedom?)
Seduced by The Rhythm: Hiro (I broke up twice with Charles because of him. lmao)
Chasing You: Alexander Nielsen (EDWARD & CHRISTOPHER were tempting!!)
Legend of The Willow: KAZU ALL THE WAY <33
Path of the Valkyrie: Now is Ullr (I didn't know that I have to stay single to pursue Thor. I'm going to replay this book)
Rage of the Titans: Adrian (the old flame is still on fire 🔥)
Sophie's Ten Wishes: SEXY BENEDICT <33
Sins of London: Not impressed that much with Glasthyn, Should I replay this book to pursue Sherlock?
On Thin Ice: Dom
Arcanum: Liam, my softie heart <33
Gladiator Chronicles: SO HARD TO CHOOSE A LI in this book. I ended up with Paulina, now I want to pursue Stortia
Heart of Trespia: Wyatt, my softie boy
Kali: Call of Darkness: Amrit (although I've tried to pursue Killian or Ratan to the end, I failed)
The Flower from Tiamat's Fire: Niall
Theodora: Lawrence!! replaying this book 3 times, only ended up choosing Lawrence all over again.
The One Volume 1: Deshawn
Vying for Versailles: FIRST LI IN RC UNIVERSE THAT MADE ME HEAD OVER HEELS, ALEXANDRE. He's still the best compared with King's romance path. I'm now looking for a happy ending with Prince
The Desert Rose: ADIL!! But now I'm replaying for pursuing Zain, then perhaps Mustafa and Jack in the future. I'm also curious to explore Zain or Adil's disloyal storyline. This book has really made me feel conflicted about my choices.
Heaven's Secret 2: STILL LOYAL TO LUCIFER. I've also had Astaroth's ending.
Elite Tag: Karl, now replaying for pursuing Daniel's ending
Dracula: A Love Story: I'm not sure who I'm going to pursue in this book. I might end up with Hasan in the end. I mean, I was getting bored with Vlad and Leo's routes 🫠
Love From Outer Space: Never expected that I'd pursue an Alien Prince. lol
Hell and High Water: CHAND!! OH MY GOD. HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!
Song of the Crimson Nile: So, once upon a time there's this man named Livius, but then there are Ramesses and Set also
Chasing You 2: Still Alexander. I mean...his cgs are way too hot compared with the first book
Love, Sin & Evil: Tony is still the best I guess?
Kali: Flame of Samsara: No need to choose another LI, just RAM my baby
Garden of Eden: Seonghwa <33
Soulless: Walter is such a softie baby, my heart melts for his big puppy eyes. but then there's this bickering man named Vincent 🤭
Astrea's Broken Heart: Not sure which LI i'm going to end up with. I mean, they're all gorgeous!! the closest one may be Raphael??
Heaven's Secret: Requiem: GREG AND CAIN. I'M TORN BETWEEN THEM!
7 Brothers: still having my eyes on the sweet vanilla Grant
And the Haze Will Take Us: I laid my eyes on Ozar (of course) and Volot
The Thunderstorms Saga: I might pursue Tai in this book. TOO BAD, THEY DON'T MAKE LADY TENNERLY AS AN LI.
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secondsonaym · 1 year
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Not sure how relevant to the AU they'd be but. i caved and gave the sin crowns original bearers.
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octofrsh · 9 months
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i can't believe nintendo made a sister for my oc isn't that crazy
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Each cast member's relationship with Vox in RAM
Alastor – Alastor decided to break Vox on a whim. Seven years ago, during one of their fights, he managed to subdue Vox, which he'd never fully managed to do before; usually, they would fight to a stalemate or one of them would decide to make their escape before things could get really serious. With Vox at his mercy, Alastor found himself recalling a certain experiment he performed several years ago on the former overlord of the fashion industry. Alastor wanted to claim victory over Vox, make him suffer for his decades of insolence, and, most importantly, wind back the clock. Vox used to be his starry-eyed little protégé, hanging on his every word and doing exactly as he said. He missed that version of Vox (or rather, what that version did for him and his ego) and hated the crass, obnoxious megalomaniac he'd become. If that experiment had transformed Niffty into such a loyal, amusing thrall... why not try the same with Vox? Alastor took Vox into the basement of Vee Tower and did things to him that no one will ever know, broadcasting his screams to all of Pentagram City. Once he was satisfied with his work, he dumped Vox's mangled body in the lobby and completely vanished from the Pride Ring for seven years. He hoped that, whenever he returned, he'd find a Vox that was far more to his taste. And he got his wish. Or at least, he thought he did.
Alastor finds Vox's state quite amusing, and he derives a great deal of satisfaction from having such total control over him, but... he still misses the old Vox, in a way. Alastor enjoyed the challenge Vox used to pose. He enjoyed being able to banter with him. He enjoyed how, for 60 years, he and Vox perpetually feuded, but never truly defeated each other. This new version of Vox offers none of that. He's almost cloyingly docile with Alastor and absent-minded to the point of incompetence. There's only so long the novelty of watching his greatest rival reduced to a pathetic, feeble-minded wretch can last. Still, Alastor is unwilling to let Vox go. He's his toy now, and there might still be some fun to be had by dangling him over the Vees' heads until this nonsense with the hotel is finished.
Angel Dust – Angel's feelings about Vox are deeply complicated. He was one of the few non-overlords who knew that Vox was still alive and had lost his mind, due to his constant proximity to Val. Vox's condition was a constant source of rage, grief, and frustration for Valentino, and more often than not, he chose to take those feelings out on Angel. He wishes so badly that he could just ignore Vox or laugh at his suffering, but he can't. Seeing it up close every day isn't cathartic, it's just sad, and he hates that it makes him pity the man who happily enabled his abuser for decades on end. He'll never forgive Vox or become his friend, but, after several months at the hotel, he decides that he can at least be a better man than Vox ever was and not be needlessly cruel to him. Read more here.
Charlie – Vox grows to really like Charlie (just like everyone else tbh). She's just so endlessly patient and kind; she always treats Vox with respect and understanding, which makes him very eager to please her. If she sets him a task, whether it's related to hotel maintenance or the redemption activities, he'll try his best to do it right– and if he fucks up, he'll attempt to make it up to her somehow, even if his methods are kind of... extreme (Accidentally fried the hotel TV? Time to go steal a new one!). They're not super close friends, but there's a lot of affection between them.
Cherri Bomb – Cherri is unsympathetic to Vox once she finally meets him. She's not willing to forgive him for what he helped put Angel through for all those years and tries to get Angel to laugh with her about how he got what he deserved. As much as he'd like to, Angel can't bring himself to laugh along. She'd probably be the hotel resident most willing to mock or prank him (other than Alastor) once she moves in, but we'll see what happens in season two.
Husk – Husk does his absolute best to never exchange words with Vox unless there is literally no other option. Vox scares the shit out of him. It'd be one thing if Niffty was just a one-off– maybe something went wrong with her during Alastor's usual overlord-murder routine and he just decided to roll with it– but seeing explicit confirmation that, no, this is something Alastor can and will do to people just for shits and giggles is terrifying. Husk has no love in his heart for Vox as a person, but watching Alastor puppet him around and utterly rob him of his dignity makes Husk fear and hate Al all the more. If Husk steps too far out of line, what's to stop Alastor from doing the same thing to him, someone he actually has under contract and who no longer has access to the power that Vox and Niffty had when they were broken?
Lucifer – Vox has an ongoing delusion that Lucifer is one of his old bosses from his human life. He's constantly sucking up to him, trying to earn his approval so he'll finally give him that promotion he's been after. Lucifer finds this situation fun and plays along. He's not malicious about it– he genuinely just enjoys putting on a show and doesn't think it's doing Vox any harm. He may or may not care about who Vox used to be; if he does care, it's only in the context that Alastor is capable of doing this to his fellow sinners, and that's all the more reason not to let him continue to manipulate Charlie.
Niffty – Vox and Niffty instantly click. They're from the same time period and are both in similar mental states, so they get each other on a level no one else in the hotel can. Alastor specifically fucked with Vox's mind to make him more amenable to retro culture, so Niffty's 1950s sensibilities immediately make him feel at home with her. She's also the only one in the hotel who isn't even remotely bothered by his cognitive issues. Vox forgets what he's talking about halfway through a conversation and tries to leave to do something else? Niffty will come along happily, regardless of what they were originally doing. Vox fries electronics or shocks her by accident? Yay, pain! And now there's a mess for her to clean up! They just adore each other. Neither of them is cognizant enough to realize that they're both ex-overlords in the exact same situation– they just "naturally" get along completely separate from that. They're one hell of a double act, causing problems without realizing it and occasionally calming down enough to have sweet, quiet moments together. Out of everyone in the hotel, Vox will miss Niffty the most once he finally goes back to Vee Tower.
Sir Pentious – Pentious is sent by the Vees to infiltrate the hotel and report back on how Vox is doing, as well as if the hotel has any vulnerabilities that they can exploit in order to rescue him. He isn't caught quite as quickly as he is in the main verse and instead choses to defect from the Vees after a few months due to how willing they are to kill everyone in the hotel as soon as they get Vox back. Pentious used to look up to Vox as one of the most powerful overlords in Hell and is caught off-guard by the state he's now in. Even as Pentious is playing double agent, he finds himself becoming very attached to the hotel and its residents, including Vox himself. Vox is supposed to be the hotel handyman, but he ends up breaking things more often than he fixes them due to his short attention span and volatile powers. Pentious finds himself helping Vox with his job more and more often; he has a lot of experience with wrangling mentally not-all-there people (or eggs, in his case) into successfully completing complex tasks, after all. Vox ends up liking Pentious a lot; they talk about mechanical stuff and Vox finds Pentious' big personality funny and interesting and attention-grabbing. They strike up a pretty sweet little friendship, which gives Pentious a bit of an ego boost that an ex-overlord likes him enough to consistently want to spend time with him. And at no point does Vox ever feel compelled to scream at Pentious to kill himself. Read more here.
Vaggie – Vaggie mostly kept her distance from Vox for the first six months at the hotel, like she did with most of the other residents. She doesn't trust easily, so it takes a while for her to open herself up to people. She sort of mentally filed Vox under the same category as Niffty: Erratic weirdos who Alastor brought to the hotel for God knows what reason, but who don't seem to be malicious. She struggled a lot with being patient with him and dealing with his destructive fits though. Her first instinct is to attack when threatened, so Charlie often had to get in between the two of them whenever Vox started losing control. Eventually, Vaggie starts picking up on the fact that something is off about Vox and Alastor's "friendship." Once she learns what happened to Vox, she finds herself empathizing with him quite a bit; she knows how it feels to be blindsided and left to rebuild your life from nothing, as well as what it's like to be an ex-monster hiding in plain sight.
Valentino – Valentino has not been doing well these past seven years. He was never known as an overlord with an abundance of self-control, but any he may have once had has gone completely out the window. He simply does not know how to deal with his emotions, so instead, he takes them out on everyone and everything around him, including himself. His reputation for needless violence towards his workers has grown exponentially every year since Vox's encounter with Alastor. He constantly starts totally unnecessary fights with other overlords and wannabe overlords just to give himself an outlet for his anger. He's abusing his body in a manner he hasn't done since he was alive and is doing so with increasing frequency. He's become a rabid dog that everyone in Hell knows needs to be put down, but no one can manage it because he and Velvette have become so powerful in Vox's absence.
But for some reason that even he can't understand, Val leaves most of that anger at the door when he goes into Vox's quarters to make sure he isn't driving his claws through his screen, or curled up in the corner of the room, screaming at memories from decades ago, or simply catatonic, unwilling or unable to move or speak. He becomes something that he never– not in a million, billion years– would've ever thought himself capable of being: a caregiver. A shitty one, probably, but a caregiver, nonetheless. He'll do his best to calm Vox down during his bad spells and, amazingly, manages not to retaliate when Vox lashes out at him. He'll try to provide what little comfort he can when it seems as though Vox is about to shatter into a million pieces. He somehow finds it within himself to be patient when Vox can't recognize him and asks the same questions over and over and over again. And never– not even once– has he been tempted to take advantage of Vox's vulnerable state. Why?! Preying on vulnerable people is his entire identity! Val cannot understand why– if he can't bring himself to take advantage of this weak, pitiful version of Vox– he doesn't just go back to his room, retrieve his angelic bullets, and put Vox out of his misery already. But he doesn't want to. Not really. Vox is his. And no matter what, he always will be.
Velvette – Velvette always considered herself "the backbone of the Vees." Well, now no one can deny that fact and she's infinitely less satisfied with her afterlife because of it. After it became clear that Vox was not going to recover, she took over his old position as CEO of VoxTek (now VTek). She'd always idly coveted Vox's power, but now that she has it, she's utterly overwhelmed. Between running both her and Vox's businesses, caring for a Vox who doesn't even recognize her most days, and having to deal with Valentino's self-destructive spiraling, she's simply spread too thin. Vox's situation on its own is so deeply emotionally draining, it's a miracle she still has energy to run the company. She knows she can't falter though, even for a minute. Everything, from her own power to Vox's personal wellbeing, is hanging on her ability to project strength and carry on like nothing's wrong. And on top of all that, none of the other overlords or the public in general give her the respect she deserves. They see her as a nepo baby who inherited the bulk of her empire from a man too arrogant to realize that sharing power is not generally considered a respectable strategy in Hell. It almost makes her as angry as Val, although she makes an effort to actually control that anger or at least put it towards something productive.
She never realized how much she loved Vox until she essentially lost him. She knew she had a good bit of affection for him, but she never would've anticipated that she'd be willing to go to such lengths for him. She's not a patient person, but she finds herself becoming one with Vox. She'll play along with his delusions if that's what he needs from her that day (even that horrible, gut-wrenching one where he thinks she's his seven-year-old, human daughter). She'll make whatever accommodations to the tower that are needed in order to keep him safe and as happy as he possibly can be, no matter how much they cost. She'll shout Val down when he reaches his breaking point and nearly lashes out at Vox, and then turn around and offer whatever comfort Val will accept when he breaks down over losing the only person he ever loved. The urge to be kind makes her skin crawl– she fully committed to becoming the most callous, impudent, self-serving version of herself years ago (with Vox's own guidance!)– and it makes her feel weak to love this deeply, but... she'll never stop. Not until all three of them are banished to the bottomless pits of Purgatory.
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decentsoupperson · 4 months
Ram Adam from my new au @things-arent-what-they-seem66
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venisontransmission · 3 months
@televisionrotsyourbrain said: Vox offers a bbq plate, grinning. "Having fun?"
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Oh no, why did it have to be this Vox? His eye twitches as food is offered up to him. It's truly a kind gesture but it means nothing to him now. If anything, it disgusts him.
"Fine! Yes-- enjoying myself. Are you?"
He could tear off that picture box and start from the spine - go through the chest cavit-- no, no, control yourself Alastor.
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Ram Adam au
Lucifer turns into a ram to sneak to Adam. Cain catches him.
Cain: 27, 28, 29, 30, 31?
Lucifer in ram form: uh baaaahhh
Adam: I'm not trying to point hooves, but..
Adam: What are you hoping to gain from this asshole?
Lucifer: Hey, you never know.
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domono08 · 1 year
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I drew a beefcake demon goat and I’m so happy on how it came out!
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redladydeath · 6 months
I have some ideas for Lucifer’s role but it’d require him being uhhh, kind of a dick? Maybe not ooc-ishly so given his canon distaste for sinners.
He’d know immediately upon meeting Alastor’s thralls of course, maybe not the exact shape of it, but that something was done.
Immediately telling Charlie would probably be off the table since their relationship is shaky and his obvious dislike of Alastor would make her think he could be lying, he’d want her to be lying.
I think he’d be on team “let Charlie figure it out for herself.” Like obviously, the moment she’s ever in actual danger, he’ll step in but the kind of dramatic ripping the bandaid off about the nature of sinners (of a certain sinner especially) might be genuinely what she needs.
Hmm, interesting! Charlie's getting betrayed from all sides today! When she finally does find out, after the initial wave of emotions, she'd probably vent to someone about how angry it makes her that everyone treats her like a child who needs to be protected from ugly truths, just because she wants to see the good in people.
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