#luciel my beloved
fox-prince · 1 year
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Al you’re not completely wrong but...
(more under the cut)
You’ve been here the most when I was at my worst. I can’t imagine what would have become of me without the impact your existence had on mine. I could have been someone else.
I would have been someone else, someone I would resent. Not because they’d be different but because they’d have given up. I know it’s not their fault but I would have hated them so much if they thought it would be their forever, stuck in that mortifying body and in that island with those noble dogs.
I know I would have lost my way.
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canned-pears · 5 months
Comic based on the robocat from seven's route when he stays at the apt for the first few days =)
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I planned this comic like 2-3 years ago? I had the drafts & sketches rotting in my sketchbook and I figured I should to finish what younger me started! Truthfully I'm not really into the game anymore but I had a bunch of stuff I came up with and I'm at a point where I'm pretty satisfied w/ my art so why not finish it yk? I still have more stuff coming out ofc so stay tuned 🙀
Also, this is like, the first ever comic I've ever rly done so sorry if it's kinda weird to follow 😭 it's not perfect by any means i just do this for fun. I tried keeping it as being read from left to right.
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deoidesign · 2 months
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I was gonna do a pinup but he kept posing cute idk what happened
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I'm feeling like writing for them again. Miss my boy saeran SO MUCB. JSNSBSHSHSHSHE
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Which of the ro's would win in a karaoke contest. No scratch that which one would win in a belly dance battle, no wait which one would win at uno...no wait chess..no wait which one would win at sudoku. Which one knows divisions which one knows the phytagorean theory. Which one is good at counting on their fingers....which one would win at the telephone game, which one knows charades, which one would win in a no blink battle, which one knocks on wood three times to not jinx it, which one hides important documents under the sofa, which one would win in arm wrestling with santa clause, which one can do tricks with a yoyo, which one would win if they participated in corgi races, which one-
Short answer below! 💕
Best singer to worst would probably be Ciocana > Luciel > Salvatore > Alessi!
SALVATORE is not particularly good, but they can carry a tune and probably loves to sing if given the opportunity! Again, a hard work over natural talent case for them. Humans turned something they use for communication into an art, an instrument in themselves--that's amazing!
LUCIEL can hum and sing softly, which they do rarely if they want to soothe someone or lull them into sleep. Their voice is naturally calming, so it's already suited to that! Of course, they're no trained singer.
CIOCANA would probably be the best at singing, which they usually do when no one is looking. They love to sing to themselves, and they have a rich and lovely voice already. You'd be hard-pressed to hear it, though.
ALESSI definitely sings for fun, so they aren't aiming for "good," they're aiming for "loud." It'll grate on your ears, but if you're singing along, you'll hardly hear it! The best to sing with, fun-wise, and they also probably have some upbeat tunes up their sleeve that'll get stuck in your head for days.
For a belly dance battle, I would say Alessi > Ciocana > Salvatore > Luciel!
SALVATORE... needs practice, like usual. Or else they will sway side to side very, very awkwardly. They will be into it, I promise, but it will be more comical to look at than anywhere near good.
LUCIEL is even worse, but you won't find them even participating. It's less for themselves and more for people watching; they don't need to witness the mess that would be them trying to dance like that.
CIOCANA is already quite a good dancer, but they've never tried anything like that. Again, they'd probably be extremely embarrassed to do it, so unless they can convince themselves to do it as a joke or a prank, then they will never do it in public!
ALESSI is also a great dancer! Unlike Ciocana, they have no shame, and they will be happy to do it in front of other people, and to take pride in what they do. In fact, they'd have a blast belly dancing!
At Uno, it's a bit of a toss-up, so I wouldn't say any of them particularly wins! As far as how they play, though...
SALVATORE would be sweating and trying hard. They will win a round of this mortal card game even if it kills them, or they will eat their non-existent hat. They're too obvious when they play, though, and probably have rotten luck of being the one who runs out of a +2 or +4 in a stacking game.
LUCIEL would be pretty good at it, actually! They have a calm demeanor, a natural poker face, but they will let Salvatore win if they're playing together, or anyone else for that matter if it looks like they're dying where they're sat just to be able to win. They probably have a tell, though!
CIOCANA would be the most annoying to play. They might not even play to win, they'll just play to annoy the person next to them, or anyone else for that matter. This is probably Salvatore. If they did try, though, they could win if they wanted.
ALESSI would just play for fun, but their idea of fun is winning. They will go hard in this card game, and no one will stop them from winning THIS round of Uno, and they will die before they let anyone else win. Unlike Salvatore, though, they're not struggling as much.
... why is this Uno game a perfect reflection on how the ROs would react to the main conflict of the story 😭
For a game of chess, it'll be Ciocana > Luciel > Salvatore > Alessi initially; if they picked it up, it'll become Ciocana > Alessi > Luciel > Salvatore.
SALVATORE loves these human games, but they are so strange and have so many rules. They really like this horsey, and why does this guy runs so slow when he's the most important piece? They throw every part of themselves in playing, but they would be destroyed since they're so obvious.
LUCIEL plays defensively, so it would just be hard to win against them. Less in danger of actually losing, though. They're the most calming to play with, though, like an old man you play at your local park.
CIOCANA is the most calculating of all the ROs, and chess is a great example of showing this. They act confident and certain, and try to distract the other opponent by teasing or charming them. The only thing they're not good at hiding is their surprise, if you do something unpredictable.
ALESSI has never played chess, and would rather just plow through the king than go through all this. They'd play terribly at first, but as the need to think more carefully dawns on them, they quickly pick up on the rules and movements, and starts playing quite aggressively.
Sudoku might be Salvatore > Ciocana > Luciel > Alessi.
SALVATORE loves these casual, fun puzzle games, and if it existed, I actually imagine they'd play it a lot! So weird and interesting! They'd get good at it through practice and experience, and also an overcompetitive zeal.
LUCIEL would rather take their time looking over everything than compete with other people. If it's who gets to do it all first, they wouldn't play very hard to win.
CIOCANA would be very good at this, but they would find it a little tedious and just aim to distract whoever's trying very hard--namely, Salvatore.
ALESSI would just find it all confusing and weird. Who actually enjoys this? Also, they're not very good at looking at either letters or numbers, so they have that barrier to overcome. If they learned their letters or numbers, though, I imagine they'd be on the same level as Luciel.
As far as maths, Salvatore and Luciel are best educated, Ciocana and Alessi would employ unorthodox methods but get to the answer eventually. Namely because Salvatore has gotten some education, and Luciel has read and studied a lot! Ciocana would get the answer, but not through any traditional method--they'd figure it out themselves. Alessi's methods are not quite as pretty, but with a lot of thinking and tears and working their way through it, they'll get the answer. That is, if they know their numbers and letters already.
Salvatore, Luciel and Ciocana do calculations in their head, so... Alessi is the best finger counter? :)
Who wins a telephone game?? If you mean the best at listening and hearing things exactly, then it would definitely be Luciel. They're good at picking up on quiet noises! Runner-up would be Alessi.
As far as charades...
SALVATORE would be the most animated in acting out something, so it would be easy for anyone to pick up on what they're doing! Guessing would not go as well, though.
LUCIEL would be reserved in acting out, but they always figure out how to do things with grace and with the least movement. Perhaps easier than Salvatore to guess, then, considering there's less flailing and confusing movement going on! They'd also be very good at watching and picking up on cues from others.
CIOCANA would get too impatient with the other person for not guessing their very obvious movements. They probably act with dramatics, too, which might complicate things, actually. They'd do much better at guessing.
ALESSI acting out is less hurried than Salvatore, but they're always looking to win in everything they do, so it is done with quite a bit of urgency. When they guess, they probably shout out answers and audibly cheer when they get it. They'd also boo loudly when someone else wins.
LUCIEL would win a no blinking contest, followed by Alessi, Salvatore and Ciocana. Alessi is cool and composed while not blinking; Salvatore will try very hard. Ciocana would have the hardest time.
CIOCANA knocks on wood three times not to jinx it. They can be pretty superstitious; they would know a thing or two about jinxing.
ALESSI might shove important things underneath the sofa. An easy place to look, somewhat hidden, but their documents will always be crumply. They exist, but they're all folded with crinkles.
ALESSI would win in an arm wrestling match with Santa Clause. The others might feel shame in beating him, but they will destroy Santa Clause. The only time they wouldn't is if this evil man somehow threatens to not give presents this year.
ALESSI can do tricks with a yo-yo. Salvatore would try very hard, and Luciel would at least have the patience to learn a trick or two eventually. Ciocana would find it pretty hard, and they can get impatient at things they're not immediately good at.
What is a corgi race??? My guess, Salvatore?
Thanks for the ask 💕🫶!!
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mxsticmess · 9 months
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wip of saeyoung during saeran’s after ending
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leeny-leens · 2 years
The only way I can describe the YacinEsmeLuc dynamic is like,,, Yacin being the oldest of the three and having no idea how socializing works and thus he leaves that to the other 2 while he intimidates anyone who comes near them
Esme being the youngest who's very reckless in the name of collective good and extremely good at manipulating and talking to people, she's basically the front and brain of the group
Luciel, the second oldest, is the quiet sarcastic asshole who loves his dumbass friends (some more than others 😳😳) but he'd never admit that ofc. His personality is very deceiving bcs just like Esme he's impulsive and reckless but only under certain circumstances. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty and lacks a clear moral compass (which Esme and Yacin make up for) and thus he's the one executing the darker aspects of Esme's plans
I love them so much and I will be going onto their relationship and dynamic in detail some other time but for now have these crumbs
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thecoffeelorian · 14 days
Fandom Friday, 09/13: Fanart!
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome to another installment of Fandom Friday, the two-post series where I go off to find new and interesting fanworks that might need a bit more visibility.
Before we begin...I'm not sure I have a cool address created for this latest update, other than the seasons are about to change, and I think that...for better or for worse, I'm probably changing a little right along with them.
I have no idea whether this will prove to be a good thing or not in the long run, only that I'm still learning new things even as I face my elder nerd years, and my ever-increasing amount of gray hairs upon my head keep reminding me that there's still a ways for me to go here...so please. I hope that anybody still reading my words will continue to be patient with me, especially if I don't always feel in the mood to draw, write, or otherwise create eye-catching things for the rest of the interwebs to enjoy.
And so without further delay...here are my picks of the week.
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The Clone Wars Fanart--By @clownbloody:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @lonewolflupe:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @thora-sniper:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @elslittlestories:
Andor Fanart--By @fen-luciel:
Rogue One Fanart--By @aron-mp4:
Star Wars Rebels Fanart--By @hayesflint:
The Mandalorian Fanart--By @shadsthequeenofthepotatopeople:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every two weeks, highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…this post will be continued in its second half: the Fanfiction Edition.
Thank you, good morning, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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No Pressure Tags: @melymigo @algo-o-nada @theosb0rnway @everybirdfellsilent @skellymom
@leos-multifandom-corner @maggie-dylan @leenabb104104 @gun-roswell @tazmbc1
@bluedeedeedoop @its-time-to-rise-above @tlmtwelve and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new SW fanart.
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cloudcountry · 3 months
SUMMARY: jaehee celebrates your birthday!!
why do so many of my beloved mutuals have summer birthdays....its like birthday fic week over here
also i tried to write trey clover but he was being a butt and i couldnt SJDJSDJDSJ
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“Did you have fun today?” Jaehee murmurs, raising a brow at you as you stumble into the kitchen, “You look exhausted.”
“You know how they all are.” you shoot her an amused look, taking your spot next to her, “Luciel chased Elizabeth the Third around the room and she clambered on top of the presents to escape, then they fell on Jumin and Zen laughed so hard he turned bright red, then Yoosung tries to get him water and ended up slipping on a loose ribbon and face planting into the carpet.”
Jaehee sighs, and you sigh with her.
“I don’t even know why Mr. Han insisted on bringing his cat...” Jaehee huffs, lifting the mug of coffee in her hand to her face.
You watch as her glasses cloud with the steam, and how her wrist curves when she places the mug down on the counter as taking a quiet sip. You hear Zen sneeze from the other room and Jumin makes a snide remark about the beauty of cat hair and it takes all your strength not to roll your eyes.
Jaehee does it for you.
“I hope you enjoyed this get-together nonetheless.” she says, eyes meeting your own, “And...I’m glad you came in here with me. It’s nice to spend time with you alone like this.”
“Of course. There’s no one else I’d rather spend time with.” you beam, a smile bright and happy and lovely just for her.
You’re not sure how it happens, but you find yourself wrapped up in her arms and her in yours, faces pressed to patches of bare skin where your shirts don’t cover, chests rising and falling as you embrace. It lasts for one beat, two beats, three, and you feel your mind slipping into peace.
This is what it means to love, to fall into it and feel safe doing so.
“I love you, Jaehee.” you say, and it’s not a whisper but its just as soft, your breath ghosting across her neck.
“I love you too.” she says, just as softly, her fingertips pressing into your back as if she’ll never be able to touch you enough, “Happy birthday.”
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rfaromance · 1 year
I'm new here so idk if you've done this before but what about hurt/comfort with Saeyoung and MC while they're in the apartment, Saeyoung ofc is being Like That. MC tries pushing at first but she's been burned/ghosted by ""friends"" more than once and has low self-esteem and eventually goes "you can just be honest with me you know. if you really don't like me I can take a hint. wouldn't be the first time. i know im not the kind of person other people like." maybe even says she wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the RFA is just being polite so they can hold parties again... and she locks herself in another room, maybe doesn't even check the messenger for the rest of the day.
And Saeyoung, as much as he's trying to be a dick so she won't miss him, just can't fucking do it. he's not going to let MC think she's the problem when he's the asshole (and whoever else has hurt her, but revenge plotting can be done later). she probably won't let him in right away but eventually they talk and maybe cuddle or smthn
"You can just be honest with me, you know."
Luciel didn't look up from his screen when MC spoke, even though the strands of letters and numbers flickering across his computer had turned into a jumbled, soupy mess hours ago. He was accustomed to working through exhaustion, fatigue, malnutrition, and dehydration, so he knew that if he kept pushing, eventually he'd break this obstacle and be working smoothly once again.
He didn't need to stop. Certainly, he didn't need to stop to listen to MC's chattering.
They'd been trying to start conversations with him multiple times since his arrival at the apartment, but he would just tighten his headphones or lean closer to his screen, to make a point. 'I'm busy,' he would convey wordlessly. 'I don't want to talk to you.'
That was a lie, of course; Luciel wanted nothing more than to be close to MC, to hear their woes, and if he could dare dream to be so selfish, to sob into their embrace. But he couldn't risk getting close to someone ever again.
Now that he knew he was a curse that damned everyone he loved to misery.
After seeing what had become of Saeran, who was his entire reason for breathing, he couldn't dare risk accepting MC's snacks, or blankets, or bandages. They'd live a far better, safer, and happier life once he finished restoring the security system and could vanish from their world forever.
"If you don't really like me... I can take a hint."
But nothing... nothing could have prepared him to hear those words leave his beloved MC's mouth.
A harsh bark of laughter came next. Luciel didn't dare look behind him, lest MC know he was listening, but the bitterness in their tone made his stomach twist. "It wouldn't be the first time," they murmured, their voice barely above a whisper. "I've learned by now... that I'm not the type of person that other people like. I'm not the type of person that anyone wants to keep around."
How was he supposed to focus on the flashing symbols on his screen, when warning signals were flashing inside his brain? Luciel could feel his body stiffen as he tried to think of a response. Was it appropriate for him to say anything? Would his words only put MC in more danger? Maybe he could just wait for them to calm down, and then surely someone from the RFA could call to distract them and put a smile on their face.
Someone from their world, a world of light and justice and charity and hope, could put a smile on their face once more and restore their confidence.
Luciel massaged his fingers for a moment, then cracked his knuckles and returned to typing. That should help MC understand that he "wasn't listening," right?
"It's okay," MC murmured. "If you don't want me around, I mean. Actually... I bet everyone else in the RFA feels the same way." Another pitiful laugh escaped their throat. "Maybe... maybe you even said in the chatroom that my location is secret because you wanted me to believe that's why nobody would visit me. I'm just some dumb, lost fool who doesn't know any of you, and I'm not at all fit to fill Rika's role. Maybe... someone begged you for an excuse... Would it be Jumin? Jaehee? A whole separate group chat?"
Every word that left MC's troubled lips cut another slice on Luciel's heart. Were they even talking to him anymore, or were they just voicing the concerns that'd been clogging their thoughts and feelings for days now?
"At least I can be useful. Even if nobody likes me... The RFA is full of good people. If I'm good for nothing else, at least I can help them have a party again. That's enough of a reason to pretend to tolerate me, isn't it?"
Whether he was meant to hear them, he knew he couldn't bear to let MC continue to believe this. Luciel could plow through work against his own pain, but the thought of hurting MC... Even he couldn't handle that adrenaline working against him.
Luciel finally turned his head (against his better judgment), but by the time he could open his mouth to speak, MC was already gone.
The bathroom door slammed behind them.
"Time for dinner, meow! Time for dinner, meow!"
MC nearly tripped over themselves as they got to their feet, their joints and muscles screeching in protest. Carefully they stepped over the side wall of the tub, suppressing a groan as their knees shrieked. They didn't intend to pass out sobbing in the bathtub, but crying is exhausting! One minute they were sniffling into their sleeves, and the next...
Wait, did that robot kitty say "dinner"?
MC nearly tripped again in their shock as they hurried over to the bathroom door. But as soon as they touched the handle, they hesitated. Would Seven--no, Luciel--even want to see them? Shame and guilt washed over them as they remembered what they had said this morning. Confessing that they knew everyone hated them and it wouldn't be the first time? Would he kick them out of the apartment? Would they be fired from the RFA? MC couldn't begin to imagine the conversations that had happened while they were dozing off. They could vaguely recall their phone buzzing from time to time, but half-conscious and wholly-despondent, they'd ignored every message.
"Dinner meow! Don't let it get cold meow!"
Well, if nothing else would motivate MC to face their anxiety, the rumbling in their stomach was rather persuasive. Inhaling deeply, MC turned the handle and opened the door to walk out into the main body of the apartment.
"I hope you like soup."
MC nearly jumped out of their skin at the sound of Luciel's voice. He was sitting in his usual spot on the floor, but he was pointing a finger towards the kitchen area. "The broth will be good for you, since you... It's good if you lose fluids," he finished awkwardly. Was he trying to avoid saying "cry"? Wait, did he hear them crying in the tub? "Meowy can help you spruce it up. It's a basic miso soup with some vegetables you had around the pantry."
As if on cue, Meowy pressed its head against your legs. Curiously MC followed, and the corners of their mouth twitched into a smile when they saw the tray of sauces, spices, herbs, and other garnishments by the eager robotic kitty's paws.
"I already had some. Eat as much as you want."
MC wanted to thank him, but they weren't sure if he would want to be bothered now. He'd already gone back to typing with both hands, and his headphones were firmly nestled over his ears with his hood on top of them too. "I..."
"You're important to us. All of us." He spoke up before MC could think of what to say. "Just because you don't like yourself, doesn't mean we can't like you. Got it? Don't try to change my mind."
MC had never tasted such a delicious, heartfelt bowl of soup in their life.
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k4txlulzz · 2 months
have a mysme mc yume self insert oc in mind and i named him ესაია/esias to match the whole biblical symbolism thing with luciel ^^ (luciel--"light of god", esias-"god is salvation" or "salvation/help from god") . this ties into their character because esias deeply cares about saeyoung and is extremely devoted, he is willing to protect and shield him always and she is generally this kind of person, hence the name meaning of esias ! :)
she is genderqueer so they use all pronouns and are very androgynous ... because there is a severe lack of non-binary or male mcs in the fandom
i am going to draw him and post a cute art of her and saeyoung but all yall need to know is that : im planning to make him seven's personal knight in shining armor, basically xd they are also extremely similar to him and have gone through similar mental struggles, which is one of the reasons hes so devoted. on the other hand, esias is too infatuated at times, and gets kind of scary if her beloved is hurt
sidenote: they own a traditional georgian/kartuli dagger collection! (they are georgian/kartveli like me ofc) his dad taught them how to use these and ADDITIONALLY because of secret lore reasons esias is extremely skilled at combat ; esias is also a major space fan !!! they adore space and her grandfather is a scientist who works in a space observatory that he often visits; (there is also a...special lore connection between him and celestial objects wink wink nudge nudge ;))
maybe they are more than just a mere human? saeyoung notices that there is something ... off about esias ^^;;; almost as if at moments he is possessed by a higher, divine power ? anyways esias is actually a badass exorcist who slays shadow beings that prey on people's sorrows and much more but YEAH thats weird lore dump but this ties into my personal oc lore in general so yada yada its a looong story
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baeshijima · 7 months
Btw please take your time and don't forget to take care of yourself 💗💗
YES ITS FINALLY IN THE WORKS AGAIN SO FINGERS CROSSED I GET TO UPDATE IT SOON 😭😭 our baby beloved luciel is currently t-posing over my hunched form rn waiting for his turn to appear in future chapters 😔
waa tysm nonnie :(( u and prev nonnie have honestly made me so happy with the asks abt the stories sobs🥹🫶
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Gotta ask, as a fellow mystic messenger veteran and twst fan, do you have any headcanons for if our mysmes babies were students at NRC? Maybe what dorms they'd be in, or who they would or wouldn't vibe with? Obviously feel free not to answer at all, or even just partially, its just a brainworm I've had that I personally am not creative enough to write for lmao
Love your writing! Thank you for opening requests, and for doing all that you do already!
I MEAN SEVENS- get it? Sevens? As in the Great Sevens of NRC and can also refer to Seven? 707? Luciel Choi? Saeyoung my belov-
Hmm, let's start with Yoosung. I feel like he could be in either in Heartslabyul or Ignihyde, mainly because he’s a lot more extroverted but also someone who would stay shut and play video games. Who knows? Maybe he would be pretty good with technology.
Zen... Pomefiore. No questions why- Although he can also be in Savanaclaw.
Jaehee... I would like to think she would be in either Octavinelle because of her business-esque, or maybe in Scarabia. Both dorms house intelligent students, and of course, Jaehee is such a big brain I love her <333
Jumin could be in Octavinelle, although I can also see him in Diasomnia. I’m not really sure why I can though... But let’s all agree that he can’t be in Ignihyde-
Seven... Wow, I could see him in Ignihyde, which is the most obvious, but also in Scarabia? Mainly because they’re mostly carefree (well, Saeyoung can be although we know he’s actually a serious guy-) and he’s really smart :DD
Saeran being in Octavinelle if Saeyoung’s in Scarabia would make them academic rivals during written exams, and I think it’s pretty fitting for him, too! Although, him being in Ignihyde is also an option.
V... he feels like he belongs to Diasomnia, in my eyes at least.
These are just my thoughts, though. Thanks for asking this! I really love to think about it! ^^
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infamousfailure · 2 years
Closed Starter: The Arranged
The despair overwhelmed Aziz with the loss of his dearly beloved Sublime. Thankfully, the fennec fox was found and safe in the hands of Luciel. However, Aziz did not know until he left to return home for a while. He only wished to go home to try and clear his mind. Being around his family always calmed the nerves that shot through his mind and body. This trip did not leave him calm and satisfied this time, though. Upon his arrival, he accidentally overheard a meeting between his mother, father, and their advisor. "𝘏𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴. 𝘕𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘺 16. 𝘈𝘻𝘪𝘻 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘸 25 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦. 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢 𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘦. 𝘚𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳, 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘨𝘦."
"It is not that I have no interest in having a wife. I am still young." Aziz mumbled as he walked towards Eira's place of living. Naturally, he would not go there alone as he found it inappropriate. However, these were different circumstances. He needed to see her before he picked up Ali. "I have my entire life ahead of me. I have no reason to try and settle down when I just arrived at school." Aziz sighed deeply, his heart beating out of his chest. The last thing he wished for was to ruin this friendship that had blossomed since childhood. Eira had been his closest friend for as long as he could remember. Why now? Why must he be the one to feel this guilt? This feeling was forced upon him by a decision his parents did not want to make, so why would they make it?
Nonetheless, Aziz gathered what courage he had remaining and knocked upon Eira's front door.
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uroboros-if · 2 years
Heyo! Was wondering how the ROs felt about nicknames/pet names and if they are fond of any particular nicknames/pet names.
P. S. Sorry if this was asked before. I can't find one like this but then again my tumblr has been acting up lately.
P. S. S. Whenever I listen to a song (When The Sun Loves The Moon), I just can't help but think of this IF <3
UGHH I forgot to post this yesterday!
SALVATORE. I think they'd be absolutely ecstatic about nicknames. Their nicknames are probably super cheesy and over-the-top ones like, "my love", "my sun," "my star", or "my life." They would be particularly delighted if you call them something similar, but honestly, they'd swoon over any cute endearment.
LUCIEL. They wouldn't know what to think of it at first. They'd probably be slightly confused or surprised at first to know what to feel about it. However, it doesn't feel... bad. They'd let you call them anything, and they'd eventually warm up. It's actually really nice. It makes them feel warm. They'd stick to the classics of "dear" or "beloved." They'd feel happy if the MC said something similar, but if it was over-the-top, they'd feel a little flustered, but they'd still be just as happy!
CIOCANA. They'd gasp if you proposed to call them nicknames, or if you start calling them as such out of the blue. "MC!" they'd exclaim, sidling up to you and grinning. "Did you call me that?" They'd most definitely use them, probably things like "dear" or "sweetheart," or even some equivalent of "babe." If you challenged them to say the cheesiest pet names, though, they'd most certainly go to town with it! Just don't call them that in public -- they get a little shocked and flustered. Do you... really want to call attention to their association with Ciocana that badly? (They're very pleased with that.)
ALESSI. Gets all dopey smiley about nicknames. They'd ask you what you want to be called, and even if you say something as a joke or something seemingly stupid, maybe they'd laugh a little, but they'd take it to heart and most definitely call you that sincerely. Even something like "sugar-butt." Don't test Alessi's determination and just how seriously they take things!
These would all be true for platonic partners as well (except love is meant platonically), but if you prefer more friendly terms, like "beautiful," "partner," or even just a simple "my friend," they'd all be equally be up to that!
P.S. No worries at all ❤️❤️ don't think I've gotten too popular to get repeat asks, and it's such a sweet ask and I'm glad you asked!
P.S.S. I just listened to it and omg..... you're right. Your mind, Anon, it amazes me sometimes. My partner in particular loves Reinaeiry's stuff!! I'm super honored you think of this IF, that makes me so giddy <3<3 djdkjd
Thank you so much for the ask! ✨
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dropob · 2 years
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