#lucie my sweet summer child
radiaking · 2 months
Perhaps i am still thinking about that anon from earlier and honestly just laughing about it
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rius-cave · 7 months
Oh my god- that sounds awesome!
I would totally let Lilith and Lucifer smash me between them!
Ok but you fucking know Adam stood there for a moment, just... staring at them.
Because the other anon said that Lilith was on top of Lucifer, doing what she wanted and Luci living for it.
And hes just standing there like-
GOD- can you imagine them not noticing him right away and they keep going?
Its not until Lilith leans back to give Lucifer some air to calm down for a moment do they notice Adam standing their slack jawed and trying to reach for the door behind him. He clearly doesn't want to leave and yet he feels like hes inturupting them.
Lucifer doesn't even notice Adam, too lost in his own high to really notice anything besides Lilith atop of him and how good he feels-
Its Lilith who beckons Adam over, and from what it looks like it looks like hes finally going to call the shots for Luci.
But while Adams losing his clothes, Lilith leans down to whisper in Lucifer's ear and Lucifer's already struggling to sit up, clearly very excited despite his exhaustion.
Oh Adam, you sweet summer child.
You guys really be writing whole ass fics in my inbox, huh?
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mitsuki91 · 8 months
Of course because my brain can not stop and it's full of floating snowbaird plots, now I am thinking about a story post canon where Lucy Gray return to 12 and with Maude Ivory as the snowbaird ambassador... So I write a little bit and I present to you my own version of Maude Ivory, the new menance to society, who has the best (worst) part of Lucy Gray charm and Coriolanus manipulation:
She saw him again a year and a half later.
Unbelievable. Maude Ivory had insisted on taking part in this phantom Victory Tour that Panem was advertising everywhere - while Lucy Gray had stayed cooped up at home because she couldn't bear the thought of the Hunger Games, just as she had been at home during the summer event - and so she had gone to the square, alone in the crowd, to watch the little speech that that year's Victor was going to give.
And there he was.
Her hands itched. Maude Ivory bit her tongue, thinking back to the promise she had made, but there had to be a way... A way...
Coriolanus was not alone. He was moving with a small group of people - a blonde woman who looked like him, another blonde woman who looked like she had a stink on her face, and one with black hair so straight it looked like silk and an almost sullen expression - but she couldn't let this opportunity pass her by.
When the stage show ended she slipped through the crowd, taking advantage of her petite build and the fact that no one really paid attention to a nine-year-old girl, until she found herself just behind the group.
"... How dreary" the obnoxious blonde woman was saying "And you put up with what? A month? Far too long, if you ask me."
Maude Ivory leaned even closer and then tugged at the sleeve of Coriolanus' red coat.
He turned instinctively towards her and the world froze.
She saw it, in his blue eyes. An instant of panic, and then a pain so sharp it hurt reflexively, and then... Nothingness. A flat calm, deposited like the fine coal dust that covered everything at the Seam.
"... Do you have any caramel popcorn?" asked Maude Ivory, assuming her best good-girl-does-sweet-eyes expression.
The small group had stopped with Coriolanus and the girls were all puzzled and silent.
"No," replied Coriolanus, dryly.
Maude Ivory used her secret technique of making-a-cute-pout. Just a little glossy-eyed, to soften.
She let go slowly of his coat sleeve, trying to put in as much devastation as a poor, dirty, starving child could muster - which was a lot, she had to admit, so Maude Ivory congratulated herself as she waited for any reaction from him.
Which did not wait.
Coriolanus' lower lip trembled imperceptibly and his eyes filled with pain again - with regret, Maude Ivory realized at that moment.
A second later and Maude Ivory felt herself being lifted into his arms and found herself hanging by his side, her face at his height, while he smiled, tenderly, masking his suffering.
"Hey, how about I buy you a cake instead?"
"A cake? A whole one?!"
"Of course."
"Will you get me a chocolate one?"
"Whatever you like. Only, you have to help me. You see, I've never been to this part of the District: will you guide me to the bakery?"
Maude Ivory smiled and let out a few exclamations of enthusiasm. She began to guide him noisily and chaotically, pointing with her arms and hands, laughing when he pretended to take a wrong turn to be corrected. With a very small part of herself she was aware that the other girls were following them and that their expressions were priceless: of pure amazement, speechless in front of that spectacle in which Coriolanus almost made a fool of himself just to make a little girl laugh.
Perfectly so, thought Maude Ivory, enjoying the power she wielded over all of them, Coriolanus above all.
Barb Azure used to tell her that she was too smart and sprightly for her age, and in that moment Maude Ivory fully understood what her cousin meant. And she was proud of it.
Finally they arrived at the bakery, where Maude Ivory, still in Coriolanus' arms, made a lot of other scenes pretending to be undecided between different chocolate cakes. Finally she chose a medium-sized, heart-shaped one - because, it was obvious, even if he didn't know it, it had to be a gift from Coriolanus to his Lucy Gray - and as Coriolanus struggled to get the money out of his coat pocket, she threw her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulders, hugging and cuddling him. Surreptitiously she peered at the girls and saw that the obnoxious blonde looked disgusted, so she smiled brightly at her.
"Who are you?" she asked her, direct and innocent.
She emitted an annoyed snort.
"Livia Cardrew," she replied, "Coryo's girlfriend. You know, the guy who's buying you a cake for no good reason." she added in a hiss, addressing him.
Maude Ivory felt Coriolanus stiffen beneath her and widened her smile.
You are deluded, blondie.
"Then prepare yourself, for when I am grown I will take him away from you," she replied, quietly, and saw the dark-haired girl turn to hide a laugh in the palm of her hand.
"Oh really?" asked the third girl, smiling amused "And what is your name?"
"Maude," replied Maude Ivory. She purposely didn't say her middle name because, she knew, 'Maude' could be a Miss Nobody, but 'Maude Ivory' belonged to the Coveys - and the Coveys were a secret she only wanted to share with Coriolanus.
He seemed to appreciate it, however, as he turned his head slightly to the side to leave a light kiss in her hair.
That earned her another grunt of disapproval from stink-below-the-nose-Livia and an even squeakier laugh from the other girl.
"Then nice to meet you, Maude. I am Tigris, Coryo's cousin, and in a few years I will be honored to be a relative of yours."
You don't know how much, thought Maude Ivory.
Coriolanus had managed to pay, so they all left the bakery.
"Will you take me home?" asked Maude Ivory to Coriolanus "I'll tell you the way."
"Of course," replied Coriolanus, in a low voice.
Maude Ivory knew she was directing him towards many memories. Good memories, she hoped, though they must be full of bitterness since he didn't know Lucy Gray was back and well.
Fate would decide.
She would not break any promises, she would not say anything, but Coriolanus was going to return to the Covey house. And there he was going to find Lucy Gray.
They walked for about a quarter of an hour. Maude Ivory had chatted a little with the girls - she had found out that the third was called Clemensia and that she had been invited to attend the Victory tour as a friend of Tigris, who was the stylist, and Coriolanus, who was responsible for the success of the event.
Then they had arrived. The last house before the meadow.
Maude Ivory had stirred and slipped out of Coriolanus' grasp. Tam Amber had come out of the house and merely observed them, puzzled.
"Look!" had exclaimed Maude Ivory, taking the bag from Coriolanus' hands "Coryo gave me a cake!"
The girls called him that, so she had decided she would do the same.
Tam Amber took the bag from her hands and opened it, looking at the box with the cake shop symbol.
"Mmmmh..." he commented, neutral "Did you say thank you properly?"
Maude Ivory returned to Coriolanus and pulled him tightly into a hug. He, puzzled, merely looked at her.
"What a warm coat!" she exclaimed, looking up at him and enacting another skit of her own "I bet it would look great on my cousin Barbie! Do you know she has to run every morning to get warm because we don't have enough fabric for winter clothes?"
Come on, thought Maude Ivory, take the bait.
Coriolanus stared at her for several moments, confused. Then he raised an eyebrow, puzzled. He looked both irritated and amused.
“You want my coat? For... Your cousin?” he asked finally.
Maude Ivory performed a huge sly smile.
"My cousin would thank you very much if she were here, I'm sure."
Holy stars in the sky, that wasn't even a lie.
Coriolanus hid his mouth behind his hand. A flash of pain in his eyes, and then a secret laugh.
“You know what? That's fine. You've earned it,” he finally told her, taking off his coat. Maude Ivory heard the blonde hen exclaim "What?!" and ignored her. She took the coat from Coriolanus' hands and folded it back on itself, holding it up so it wouldn't touch the ground.
"Thank you! We will make good use of it!"
"I hope so. It's fine tailoring, you know."
"Fine what?"
"Never mind."
Coriolanus tousled her hair in a gesture that was both affectionate and familiar. Lucy Gray always did it to her.
"Kiss?" asked Maude Ivory.
Coriolanus raised an eyebrow again and then leaned towards her to leave a small kiss on her cheek.
"I really have to go now... Maude."
"Well, thanks for everything, stranger."
Coriolanus turned, after nodding to Tam Amber, and had almost reached the end of the street when Maude Ivory shouted one last thing to him.
"If you can, send me some caramel popcorn when you get home!"
She heard him burst out laughing and smiled back with thirty-two teeth. Coriolanus turned for a final wave and then disappeared behind a turn, tailed by the girls.
Maude Ivory, still with the coat in her hand, went round the house until she found Lucy Gray on the other side, standing at the wall, pale and with a terrible expression on her face.
As if she had seen a ghost.
And with a pain that mirrored what she herself had seen in his eyes.
Maude Ivory handed her the coat.
"I have not broken my promise, I swear," she told her. Lucy Gray remained silent. She did not even seem to be looking at her, lost in some memory she had not shared with her "It still smells like roses" Maude Ivory insisted.
With a terrible sigh Lucy Gray came back to reality and, with trembling hands, picked up the coat. She detached herself from the wall of the house and wrapped it around herself, sinking her face into the collar and sniffing at the top of her lungs.
“Thank you, Maude Ivory,” she said at last.
She was not stupid enough to refuse such a gift even though, Maude Ivory was sure, in a few days she would be scolded good and proper.
"Are we all celebrating with cake tonight? It's chocolate."
She saw Lucy Gray smiling, and smiled back.
The stars had not graced them this time but, she felt, sooner or later they would help her sort things out.
She wasn't going to stop trying anyway.
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ivyblossom · 5 months
Still going with this is outrageous and inappropriate love letter to Edmund Pevensie/Narnia fan novel that has already overtaken the word count of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and is rapidly heading towards lapping it.
I had originally hoped this might be a novella rather than a full on novel, but clearly I hadn't met myself back then. Sweet summer child of one month ago. Self-awareness is a valuable tool.
This is a smutty chapter, which I feel an urge to apologize for, because apparently I have some kind of guilt about that sort of thing. I don't know what that's about, what do I think we're doing here, gardening? I rated it explicit from the start, what do you want, right?
I'm not really a smut writer by nature, that's why everything I write is a slow burn, it takes me that long to work up to that stuff, which I fully acknowledge is valid anyway and doesn't have to have narrative significance, but I can't manage the write it unless I believe in my heart that it is narratively necessary, (see note about guilt above), and then I apologize about it for no reason anyway. But honestly, who cares? Right? I dunno, it's weird that I do this, but here I am. I put myself in this boat, I can't be allowed to feel sorry for myself.
But to be clear, I didn't just show up trying to find a way to make Narnia sluttier, a perfectly reasonable goal but genuinely not mine! I'm not the one who put the god of wine, ecstasy, and orgies in Narnia in the first place, that was C.S. Lewis, I'm just a fanfiction writer standing in front of AO3 asking it to accept her bizarre, canon-respectful Narnia smut that just got so much smuttier. Sorry everyone!
And of course AO3 says, "why are you asking me, just hit post, what is it you think we do here?"
This chapter was also the moment I've personally been waiting for, when one character finally recognizes what I've done to him and what's happening in this story and says, with great gravitas and insight: "—wait, what?" I've been looking forward to that.
Big props to Lucy in this chapter for being the only Pevensie who has a clue, as usual.
Also, I have given Peter Pevensie 90% of all the 1940s slang in this story for some reason, but I stand by that decision, it feels right. Peter is hip to the slang. Pip pip!
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bluecatwriter · 3 months
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Jonathan Harker
Lucy Westenra
This is such a fun question, thanks for asking!
Jonathan Harker: When I first read Dracula back in 2022, I didn't join Dracula Daily until the June droughtcula, so I ended up reading a bunch of Jonathan's entries at once. I thought he was a fun character from the beginning, but the scene that really stands out in my memory is the scene where he's attacked by the Weird Sisters. The psychological/erotic horror of it is A+, but what jumped out to me was the way he was narrating the scene, describing being under their spell even as he lamented that being honest might hurt Mina (even though he continued being honest, even though he was uncertain he'd ever see her again). The visceral relief I felt when Dracula "rescued" him, and the shiver I got when he described waking up undressed, made me realize that if anything bad happened to him, I was gonna blow up a train. (That said, I fully expected him to die. I thought he was the First Girl. He is, kinda, but that's a conversation for another time…)
R.M. Renfield: My guy! <3 <3 <3 I remember not thinking about him much when his entries first came up… I was disoriented by the random Jack Seward entries in between Jonathan's, and didn't think much about "the guy who ate flies." I was going to say I don't think I really started to appreciate him as a character until much later in the story, when he started interacting with Mina, but now that I think about it, I do remember reading the scene where he stabs Seward and being like, "Hell yeah!" so I guess it was actually that scene. XD
Lucy Westenra: My sweet summer child; I think I loved her from her first letter, but the one that really endeared me to her was her description of the three proposals. She is so kind (I go absolutely feral over kindness as a character trait) and so anxious about hurting people's feelings. Incidentally, her woes of having several guys interested in her at once immediately reminded me of my younger sister, so my early impression of her was "It's free sister." Her whole story arc has emotionally destroyed me every time I've gone through it since.
(Ask game here)
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Kloktober 2023: Day 2 - Favorite AOTD Scene
Most if not all of my Kloktober responses are going to include my OC Lucy because I love my sweet summer child and that is currently where the Muse is striking me. <3 This is what would happen if Lucy had been at Ishnifus' funeral with the boys.
Murderface, Lucy, Pickles, Toki, and Skwisgaar were all sitting in a pew at Ishnifus’ funeral, set slightly apart from everyone else. It seemed as though Pickles was the only one who was able to keep it together. Normally, Lucy wouldn’t be like this at a funeral, especially for someone who had been as helpful and kind as Ishnifus through everything that had happened to them. But Lucy had already dealt with flashbacks from PTSD before Roy Cornickelson’s funeral, so after that absolute fiasco and everything else that had been happening lately she was full of nervous energy.
Her leg was bouncing a mile a minute and she was leaned back against the pew with her arms folded across her chest, her gaze ahead but hearing nothing, trying to focus on her breathing. She ran a hand down her face. This wasn’t working. Lucy glanced at Pickles, then glanced around her. She pulled out a weed vape and took a hit, but she ended up underestimating the pull that she took on the pen and started coughing, loud. Trying to cover her coughs and control her breathing was just making it worse, and everyone was starting to stare. She was grateful that Murderface and Toki were currently in the middle of outbursts of their own because at least she wasn’t the center of attention. ‘Thank the gods for small miracles.’
Pickles gave her a look and said, “Auntie Lucy, little help here, please.”
Lucy looked at him, feeling somewhat guilty, and whispered, “Listen Ma, Auntie Lucy’s just trying to hold off and not go do nose candy with a clown right now, I’m losing it.” She didn't mean to get snippy with him. He had to feel as though he was herding cats right now, and she of all people didn't want to be someone who Pickles felt as though he needed to wrangle. She took a deep breath and said, "Sorry, I'm just not ok right now."
He frowned and sighed, he knew better than anyone about her trauma. Pickles just said, “I know,” and squeezed her shoulder briefly before turning his attention back to her other bandmates.
Things seem to calm down even if she was nowhere near her baseline of calm, and she was able to at least stop bouncing her leg. And then Murderface let out the loudest fart with reverb that she had ever heard in her life, and with the weed having kicked in, she started laughing and couldn’t stop.
“I’m sorry,” she tried saying in between laughter. Eventually she was able to calm herself, but everything was quickly turning into a shitshow. And she was still full of nervous energy even if it had dulled down slightly, feeling like she just wanted to crawl out of her own skin. Then she looked up and saw Charles looking down at them. He gave her a look and a beckoning motion with his hand. Lucy glanced at Pickles who looked miserable, but he gave her a little nod. She walked upstairs to where Charles was, grateful to be away from the immediate area of the funeral.
Lucy walked up to Charles with a smug grin on her face, taking in the red robe that he was wearing. Damn, he looked good in red. This was definitely a nice distraction. “Forgive me, Father Offdensen, for I have sinned,” she said, biting her lip.
His lips tugged in a smile in spite of himself. “I thought you were raised Pagan?”
She walked closer to him, “I was, but you know, there’s something about blasphemy that gets ya going when you’re told by everyone around you that you’re going to Hell when you’re a kid.”
He shook his head, smirking, “As much as I’d love to get ah unprofessional right now, I think maybe we should wait for me to take your Confession until after the funeral.” She smirked back at him. They had been using that as a code word for their kinky little get-togethers since when she was in the band early on.
She sighed and said, “I suppose,” in a tone that told him that she didn’t really mind. Lucy leaned over the railing, and Charles stood next to her and did the same. “I’m guessing that you could tell from here that I was losing it.”
“You could have powered a small village with the energy coming off of your leg bouncing,” he said dryly.
She laughed softly, “I’m definitely a bit tense. Thanks for getting me out of the thick of it.”
Charles wasn’t going to tell her about more Prophecy details yet; he’d wait until Pickles got up there. For now, he put a hand on the small of her back, rubbing lightly. She relaxed a little. This was definitely better than doing nose candy with a clown.
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kjmsupremacist · 1 year
something sweet, a peach tree (mark/jaehyun)
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Mark begins the summer after his junior year with an unpaid internship and no other plans. But when he agrees to go pick his baby niece up from her music lessons, her teacher, Jeong Jaehyun, catches his eye. Too bad he's off limits, and not just because Mark's niece is involved. Jaehyun is 41 to Mark's 20.
To sate his curiosity about older men, Mark decides to look into becoming a sugar baby. He could use the money, after all. And he seems to find a willing patron right away. But for the first time in Mark's like, he finds he might be in over his head.
Chapter 1   |   next   mlist
Characters: Mark, Jaehyun, other members of nct throughout
Genre: romance, angst, smut, age gap, sugar daddy!au
Pairing: Mark/Jaehyun
Warnings: AGE GAP (older jaehyun, younger mark), alcohol mentions, poor decision making perhaps
Rating: Teen And Up (for this chapter)
Length: 3.1k
mandatory disclaimer: I'm not trying to romanticize or condone real-life age gap relationships because of the inherent power imbalance, blah blah, I'm writing this for fun and if you don't think you'll have fun go ahead and leave now, etc.
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Mark drums his fingers against the cold metal pole as the bus lurches to a stop. He checks the time on his phone—5:25 p.m. He should just make it, unless this prehistoric bus takes any longer to open its doors.
After what he swears is a full minute of ominous creaking, Mark steps out into the muggy air. It’s still only the beginning of June, but already this summer seems like it’s going to be absolutely scorching. Mark supposes he’ll be doing a lot of swimming.
He crosses the street and heads up the sidewalk to the cluster of buildings beyond a small, uneven parking lot, squinting to make out the sign. Little Hands Musical Academy. It’s smaller than he imagined, somehow, but kind of quaint.
A receptionist greets him when he enters the lobby. Though the outside of the building is a bit understated, the inside is clean and bright. Mark says hello back to the receptionist, looking around as he steps up to the counter.
“Uh, I’m here for Lucy Lee?” he says tentatively. “I’m Mark Lee, I’m her uncle. My brother said he put me on the, um, the list?”
The receptionist nods with a smile, typing something in and then looks up. “Could I just see some ID please?”
“Oh, yeah, sure, one sec,” Mark stutters, fumbling for his wallet. He hands the receptionist his passport, feeling a little silly as she leafs through to the right page.
It’s all a little silly, really—that Mark is even picking Lucy up in the first place. He can’t drive, which is mostly fine since James’ house isn’t that far, only like ten minutes on the bus and a few blocks of walking, but Mark thinks if James and Annie are that worried about safety, having an irresponsible, driver’s licenseless twenty-year-old come fetch their only child is hardly helpful.
Still, they asked, and they also bought Mark a new AC unit after his old one finally kicked the bucket the very first day it was over eighty degrees, so here he is. James doesn’t get off work until 5:30, which is the pickup time, and though Annie works from home and can come drop Lucy off in the afternoon, she said she’d rather get a head start on dinner in the evening. And Mark’s internship lets him go at 5. So maybe it is kinda helpful, as long as Mark doesn’t lose his three-and-a-half year old niece on public transport.
“You’re all set,” the receptionist says, handing Mark’s passport back to him. “It’s the classroom at the end of the hall. A lot of parents are already here, you can’t miss it.”
“Thanks,” Mark says, putting his passport away and heading out of the lobby towards the back of the building.
There are many parents gathered outside the large window that looks into the classroom from the hall. Mark sidles up next to the group and spots Lucy’s pigtails instantly. She’s plunking away on a tiny keyboard. As Mark watches, the teacher—at least, Mark assumes he’s the teacher; he’s the only adult in the room—strolls by and pauses to say something to her. Mark can’t hear anything, but when the teacher walks away, Lucy is wearing a big grin.
After a couple more minutes, the teacher opens the door and gestures for the parents to file in. Mark gets his first good look at the teacher’s face and swallows. He’s hot. He’s also definitely a little older—forget Mark, he’s visibly older than James. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s fucking pretty, with handsome dimples appearing every time his expression leans towards a smile. 
Mark is so busy staring that he ends up last in line, but it turns out to be a good thing because the teacher stops him at the door.
“Sorry, would you mind if I just checked your ID really quick?” His eyes are a warm brown, Mark’s brain notes unhelpfully. “I’m sure you already got cleared by the front desk, but—I just like to make sure, you know?”
“Oh, totally, no problem,” Mark says, once again struggling to extract his wallet. 
“Come with me, I have the list over here,” the teacher says, waving Mark into the classroom.
“Mark-samchon!” Lucy zeroes in on him right away and totters over, pigtails flouncing with each step. “I played the piano today.”
“I saw,” Mark says, grinning at her. “Hang on, your teacher just needs to check that I really am your uncle and not a bad guy, and your Appa really did say it was okay for me to pick you up.”
“But he really is my uncle, Jaehyun-seonsaengnim,” Lucy says to her teacher.
Jaehyun, apparently, has produced his list. He gives Lucy an amused smile. “I think I’ll be the judge of that,” he replies. “Can’t let my students walk out with just anybody. Thank you,” he adds to Mark, accepting the offered passport. After a second, he hands it back. “All set,” he says. “Sorry again about the trouble, it’s nothing personal.”
“No worries!” Mark says swiftly, filing his passport away and pocketing his wallet again. “It’s cool that you’re looking out for them.”
Jaehyun gives him a somewhat wry smile, nodding. “I try,” he replies. “Well, see you in a couple days, Lucy! We’re doing percussion next time, you don’t wanna miss it.”
“I like the shaky ones,” Lucy tells Mark very seriously.
Mark’s pretty sure she means stuff like maracas. “Yeah, those are pretty neat, huh?” He holds out his hand to her and she takes it. “Thanks—ah, Jaehyun-seonsaengnim, right?” Mark’s never sure about honorifics in a mixed setting like this—they’re mostly speaking in English, and they are in America, but the area they’re in is really Korean, so he just goes for the way Lucy called him and hopes Jaehyun will correct him.
He’s right. Jaehyun’s smile turns warmer. “Just Jaehyun is fine,” he says. “It was nice to meet you, Mark.”
Mark’s stomach flops. “You too,” he replies, then hurries out of the classroom before he does something stupid like trying to flirt in front of his niece. 
Mark lets Lucy chatter about class as he walks them down to the bus stop. He wants to be paying closer attention to what she’s saying, but his mind keeps drifting back to her handsome music teacher. Jaehyun. It’s not like he needed a reason to do his brother a favor—and besides, Lucy’s reason enough—but it sure as hell doesn’t hurt. 
They get home in one piece. James stops working to play with Lucy and Annie tells Mark to stay for dinner. Mark’ll take a good, free meal with his family over a shitty expensive one alone in his apartment any day, so he stays and helps with the dishes, too. They send him off with leftovers, and Mark can hear Lucy’s laughter all the way down the street as he skips backwards, waving at her until the front porch of his brother��s house disappears behind a line of trees. 
He sighs, slowing to a walk as he turns to face forward, dropping his hand to his side. In some ways, he wishes he was like his brother. Found his person early, finished school, got a good job, settled right down and started having kids. A life that’s small and perfect, full of little excitements and little joys.
But Mark’s not like that. He readjusts his grip on the leftovers, leaving thoughts of his family behind him as he focuses his attention on tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that. He’ll have the time for excitement later. He can settle down when he’s satisfied. For now, his life has to remain boring—busy, and boring. 
And from the looks of it, that’s how his summer’s shaping up to be. Busy and boring. And honestly? Mark doesn’t mind that one bit. 
“Damn,” Johnny says as he pulls into a parking spot. “Didn’t know you had a thing for DILFs.”
“Wha—dude, no, he’s not a—a DILF,” Mark splutters, already regretting telling Johnny anything. “He doesn’t have kids.”
“How do you know?” Johnny arches an eyebrow at him as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
“It came up once,” Mark says. “I didn’t ask! He was saying it’s nice his job is to hang out with kids, basically, because kids are fun and he doesn’t have any of his own.”
“Hasn’t it only been a couple weeks since you started going to pick Lucy up?” Johnny throws this over his shoulder before getting out of his car. Mark hurries to get out, too, so he can argue.
“Lucy has lessons twice a week,” Mark says. “So I’ve seen him three times, which is more than enough times to clock if someone’s hot or not. Woulda been four, except my fucking boss made me stay late on Thursday.”
“I’m telling you, man, unpaid internships are straight up bullshit,” Johnny says.
“If I could’ve gotten a paid one, d’you think I wouldn’t’ve gone for it?” Mark retorts, grabbing his guitar from the back and slinging the strap of the case over his shoulder. “If this shit doesn’t get me a good job after graduation, I’m suing the entire career counseling office.”
“I got a good job after graduation and I didn’t have a single internship,” Johnny points out. “You’ll be fine. Unless you let this hot children’s music teacher distract you.”
Mark shoves him once they’re through the mall entrance. “I just like to look at him, that’s all. Though, I mean—I wouldn’t say no, is all I’m saying.”
“Yeah. He’s how old?” Johnny asks.
“Shut up,” Mark grumbles. 
Though they’re technically here to get Mark’s guitar looked at—one of the strings fucking snapped, he doesn’t know how—they meander through the mall on the way to the music store. Johnny ends up buying a couple of pieces of clothing and nearly convinces Mark to get a matching hat with him before Mark remembers, woefully, that he isn’t getting paid and truly doesn’t have the money to spare.
They finally get to the music store and Mark hands his guitar over, then follows Johnny away from the counter while they wait for it to be fixed up, poking through their record collection.
“Mark?” The voice is familiar, and Mark whips his head up to see Jaehyun of all people standing a few feet inside the door. He’s not in his usual casual clothes; instead, he’s dressed in smart business casual, a patterned button-down tucked into cropped pants. 
Mark swallows, trying to put a single sentence together instead of staring at his waist. “Jaehyun,” he manages. “What are you doing here?” It comes out way ruder than he means it, but luckily Jaehyun just smiles.
“I own this store,” he says, tipping his head to one side and looking around at all the instruments hanging on the walls. “I founded this brand, actually.”
“Really?” Mark would’ve never pinned Jaehyun as a businessman of any kind, but here’s the proof—one of the employees at the store has come up to Jaehyun with his hand extended. 
Jaehyun greets the employee, accepting the handshake. “I’ll come back in a minute,” he says, then turns back to Mark. “I wish teaching music class for kids paid the bills, but, ah…” He gestures vaguely. “Speaking of which, I missed you in the pickup line on Thursday. Everything okay?”
“Oh, yeah!” Mark silences the part of his brain that immediately starts trying to make a pun about pickup lines. He can feel a flush rising up his neck, both pleased and embarrassed that Jaehyun noticed he wasn’t there. “My internship just kept me late is all.”
“Hope they don’t keep you too often,” Jaehyun says, and Mark absolutely does not know how to take that. “Lucy looked kinda put out her mom was there to get her instead of you.”
“Oh,” Mark laughs, wondering why he feels kind of disappointed. “Well, that’s probably because I’ve started bringing her snacks.”
Jaehyun nods, grinning. “That’s always a good way to win them over,” he agrees. “Well, it was a welcome surprise to run into you in my store! I probably shouldn’t keep them waiting, but I’ll see you next week—I hope.”
“Y-yeah, see you!” Mark stammers, giving an awkward half wave, watching Jaehyun disappear into the back of the store.
“That was painful,” Johnny says flatly. “You don’t just think he’s hot, you like him.”
“Shut up,” Mark hisses. 
“You wanna fuck your niece’s music teacher,” Johnny continues blithely. “You really wanna fuck him.”
Luckily, the employee that was servicing Mark’s guitar appears at this moment and spares Mark from coming up with an answer. Because, he thinks somewhat miserably as he heads up to the counter to pay, the thing is Johnny isn’t wrong. But, fuck, Jaehyun’s literally fucking beautiful, and good with kids, and also apparently a rich business owner. What else could Mark ask for?
“I’m just saying, dude,” Johnny continues as they head back out to the parking lot. “If you wanna fuck that old man so bad—”
“Oh my god, he’s not old, he’s like maybe in his early forties at most,” Mark interjects, grimacing in embarrassment.
“If you wanna fuck that middle-aged man so bad,” Johnny plows on, undeterred, “at least get him to fuckin’ pay you or something. You’re young and hot, don’t waste it. No homo.”
Mark resists the urge to bash Johnny over the head with his newly-repaired guitar. “Shut the fuck up.”
Mark can argue with Johnny all he wants, but it won’t change the fact that he’s right. He wants to fuck that old man. It’s kind of all he thinks about, outside of basic things like work and what he’s going to have for dinner—and even then, the thought of Jaehyun is still percolating in the background, waiting for whatever has grabbed his more immediate attention to be completed so it can muscle its way back to the fore.
He sees him again the next week when he picks Lucy up and it’s all Mark can do not to drag his gaze over Jaehyun’s body as he waits for the parents in front of him to grab their kids. When he goes home, he scours Instagram until he finds him—a public account, a small mercy considering the fact that he only has three posts, but still. Mark pores over the pictures, thumb hovering over the Follow button before closing out of the app altogether and opening his text chain with Johnny.
Dude I’m spiraling &lt;;<<
>>> The dilf?
yeah &lt;;<<
It’s bad. fuck me man &lt;;<<
>>> uh, pass
>>> I mean maybe you’re just horny
>>> download tinder or something
And get stuck in the talking phase all summer? &lt;;<<
Or find someone to hookup with and it’s like their first time &lt;;<<
I’m not teaching someone how to kiss again I know I’m just some guy but I deserve better than that &lt;;<<
>>> ok fair
>>> if it’s experience you want……… go on one of those sugar baby websites
>>> remember what I said about him paying you
>>> your internship’s getting enough of ur free labor as it is
Mark sighs, dropping his phone on his mattress and flopping back. Maybe Johnny’s right. Maybe he just needs a good fuck and he’ll be cured. And there has to be some kind of market for gay sugar daddies who are bottoms, right? Besides, God knows he could use the money.
okay im gonna do it &lt;;<<
>>> fuck the dilf???
NO try the sugar baby thing &lt;;<<
>>> if it works out, gimme a cut of your profits
>>> since it was my idea and all
what are you, my pimp? &lt;;<<
I’ll take you out to a meal, how’s that &lt;;<<
>>> deal
So Mark does exactly that. He does a little research, chooses an app, and downloads it. He sets up his profile, just some basic information about who he is and what he’s looking for. The app suggests he not upload any pictures, for privacy, and Mark’s secretly glad the pressure’s off on that one. He’s not sure if it would help or hurt, but at least this way, the playing field is level.
He could scroll profiles if he wanted to, he supposes, but he has a feeling he’s going to start eliminating people because they don’t seem like Jaehyun, and that’s not going to get him anywhere. He’ll wait and see who’s interested in him, and go from there. 
He sets his phone down instead and heads into his kitchen to see about dinner. But he’s only just pulled a couple things out of the fridge when his phone gives an unfamiliar buzz. With a sigh, he puts the eggs back and goes to his phone to see a new message on the app.
>>> Hey Minhyung!
>>> Are you new to sugaring? Know what you’re looking for?
Mark scans over his profile. CEO of his own business, dog person, plays guitar. Not looking for something too serious. Income between 600k and 800k. 
Hi Yuno! Yeah, this is my first time sugaring haha but I did my research &lt;;<<
I’m hoping for something more casual. I work during the week but my weekends are usually pretty free &lt;<< 
Not expecting a lot, just hoping to have a little extra spending money &lt;;<<
Yuno is typing before Mark even sends the final message.
>>> sounds like we might be a good fit :)
>>> do you want to talk it over in person? We could go get coffee, get to know each other, see if we’re compatible
Sure! I’m free this weekend &lt;;<<
>>> Perfect. How’s Saturday at 3?
Mark glances at his calendar just to double-check, but as expected, it’s empty. When he looks back at his phone, he sees that this Yuno guy has sent a coffee shop in the city, not too far from Mark’s apartment. 
>>> there’s this booth in the back corner I like, let’s plan to meet there
>>> if it’s occupied, we can meet at the tall tables by the windows instead
Sounds good! &lt;;<<
See you on Saturday! &lt;;<<
Yuno likes his message but doesn’t reply, so Mark pockets his phone and goes back to cleaning. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous, pulse jumping in his neck. It’s not like he’s in danger or anything. They’re meeting in public, and Mark likes to believe he’ll be able to tell if the guy is a total creep or not. Worst case, he wastes five dollars on a coffee he’s not even going to enjoy and has to keep searching. Besides, he’s not going to be young forever. He might as well give it a shot while he still can.
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tricornonthecob · 10 months
Its only like 7:30pm why am I so sweepy
LK 121: Cindaquil Sluttington
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I'll Make A Man Out Of You, but Colonial.
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I am both distressed and creeped out.
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*uncomfortable flashbacks to creepy 8th grade geography teacher*
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Mrs. Adams gonna choke a bitch if he makes a pass at her adopted daughter.
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Lucy Knox coming in as backup.
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Who fucking let this guy play interference.
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I need you all to know I am having a very visceral reaction to this and its not just the ginger beer and cider.
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lol fucken DENIED.
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Mrs. Adams is practically eyerolling, she knows whats up.
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Dustin Hoffman putting his whole fucking pussy into this role.
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Man you really don't need to eavesdrop on Arnold, he just yells his business if you wait patiently enough.
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Mrs. Adams. Is not having it. I love her in this episode stg.
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Her facial expressions are all of us rn, Eggs Bennie please get ur hands off the 15-year-old 19-year-old.
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Is this guy really doing a victory lap. Nobody believes you're banging John Adams' wife, Bennie.
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What, is this creepy-ass dude checking her out, too? Someone tell me Chris Hansen is in this house.
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...I can only hope that you're in on the sting operation, too, Mrs. Adams, or else this is a pretty bad lapse in judgement.
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literally me rn shit now I know how my mom felt when I was dating a 21 year old in high school
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Oh dear. Oh bby. Oh you sweet summer child. Turning it into a work outing will not stop an old creeper from creeping. I know from experience. Mrs. Adams please chaperone for the love of all that is holy.
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Again with the interference did Eggs Bennie hire this fucknut.
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lol okay but these frames and the voice talent's annoyed sigh give me life lol. Squirrely interference man is jonesing for Mrs. Knox action.
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I am. Grossed out. By this scene. And why is he gripping Mrs. Adams' arm so fucking hard.
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I have never been so relieved to have a scene switch in my life.
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Girl what are you doing with those fingers.
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Honestly I have the same expression watching this stepford-ass family, too. Wow I really do not like this ep.
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lololol you don't gotta be a bitch about it, James.
For some reason that made me think of Atmosphere.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 11
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Hello My Queen." Loki said, coming up behind you to kiss you on the cheek. You turned to face him and he knelt in front of you, placing his hands on the bulge of your stomach, kissing the bump. "Hello my little Princess."
You smiled, brushing his hair back from his face. "Hello Lokes."
He got to his feet, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. "How was your day today?"
"It was good." You said, turning back to the stove where you were in the middle of making dinner.
Dinner was going to be hamburgers and cheeseburgers. Pork and beans along with green beans as vegetables. Dill pickles were in a jar on the table already since you were almost done cooking the meal. Chips were also a part of todays meal and you also had pigs in a blanket for the kids.
"Is the table already set?" You asked as you started to load up the circular patties onto a larger platter.
"Yes, and I've got this." Loki said after you placed the last one on top. He picked the platter up to take it outside.
You grabbed some of the condiments, carrying them out after Loki.
Steve, Clint, Bucky, Sam, Thor, and T'Challa were running around on the grass with Marcel, Vincent, James, and Lloyd shooting water guns at each other. Lloyd wasn't really shooting guns. Thor was showing him how to shoot one though. Lloyd was only two and he was Thor's son. Lloyd Heimdall Marvel. Although his last name could also be Thorson.
And then there was Lloyd's twin-fraternally- sister: Vera Shuri Marvel. T'Challa's daughter. First to have more than one child to his blood.
Of course, all of them treated all of their kids like their own. And to distinguish between fathers, they simply called all of them 'daddy' and then their name. Lucy had a fun habit of calling T'Challa 'Daddy Allalalala.'
Minerva was still living with you guys, though it had been about three years since they had left. Wanda and Vision had twin boys of their own now by the names of Billy and Tommy. So Minerva had been left with you guys while Pietro, Jessie, and Katherine never even came back to visit.
It frustrated you beyond belief, but there wasn't really anything you could do. Minerva was probably better off in your guys' home anyways. She had grown and she really did seem like she was a part of the family.
At the moment, Minerva was sitting at the outdoor eating table next to Tony. He was showing her something he had made and she was listening attentively- or maybe she just liked that it was shiny. Stephen sat next to Tony, a small smile on his face while he rocked Vera in his arms.
Minerva looked up to give you a radiating smile when she saw you. You smiled gently, before moving back into the house.
Once everything was on the table, you took a spot on the other side of Stephen, putting Temperance on your other side and then Fury.
You loved the summer months. It was some of the best times that you had with the family. Plus, it meant you were in the best time of the business.
The others hadn't exactly taken a break from being superheroes, however, they were trying to back away from it, especially with how many kids you guys had now. So, Steve had pitched the idea that they get somewhat normal jobs.
It came from the fact that it just didn't seem fair for Tony to have to pay for everything- even if he didn't mind. And Steve said if they were going to start retiring their weapons, then they needed to get some sort of job to make money.
But you had pitched the idea for running a farm. It had been Elizabeth's original idea and you decided to give it a shot.
The others agreed, and now you were all running a full fledged farm here in Ohio. You had chickens, pigs, cows, sheep, even a couple of goats and some horses. You had both meat and egg chickens, milk and meat cows, and then the goats were for goat milk. The sheep were simply there for wool.
You were growing all sorts of crops like fruits and vegetables. There were also plenty of herbs, along with wheat and a few other products.
For the most part, you turned a lot of the stuff you collected into food or clothing for your own family. But there was still a lot that you ended up sending to market, which was where you made a lot of money.
Tony was good at branding and instead of calling it food from 'Stark Industries', it was known as the 'Avengers Farm'. And wouldn't you rather buy your butter from the Avengers instead of Kroger? 85% of American said yes.
So yeah, quite a bit had changed in your life. A few more kids, less missions, less fighting. Things just seemed more peaceful. Everyone was less stressed out, and it seemed as though everyone was enjoying their lives even more.
Loki was extremely excited about having his own kid. The baby girl in your stomach was the only one in there but Loki couldn't care less. His excitement was enough to kindle your own whenever he was around.
"Come on Tempy, you've got to eat the vegetables." Fury said to the little girl who was turning her nose up at the peas.
"Don't wan pwes." Temperance scrunched her tiny nose up.
"Peas are good for you." Fury said. "All superheroes eat peas, right Tony?"
"Yep!" Tony lied enthusiastically as he despised peas. "Peas are delicious Tempy."
His words worked at least and Temperance reluctantly opened her mouth to let Fury feed her.
Minerva was starting to fall asleep at the table and Tony pushed back to take her to her room.
"I've got her." You said, pushing back from the table, picking her up in your arms.
"You sure?" Tony asked.
"Yeah, of course." You kissed him on the lips and then made your way back into the house. Minerva hadn't quite fallen asleep when you laid her down in her princess bed.
The rooms had been slightly redone with the growing number of kids and the fact that they were growing older. This room was all of the girls and it was designed like a large castle, each small 'tower' having a bed in it.
"Aunty?" Minerva mumbled sleepily as you were going to leave the room again.
"Yes Minnie?"
"Will you tell me about my mama?" She asked.
You smiled sadly and came to sit down on the end of her bed. "What do you want to know?"
"Was she pwetty?"
"She was one of the most beautiful women I ever knew." You responded. "You look a lot like her. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was a very strong woman, but she was also very free with her emotions. You knew exactly when she was in a bad mood because she would show it and you knew when she was happy because she would sing and dance. She loved to cook. She was full of love and joy and she loved Harry Potter. And most of all, she loved you and your father very, very much."
"Did she sing to me?" Minerva asked.
"She did. She had two very special songs that she would sing to you every single night." You responded.
"Can you sing them for me?"
Tears pricked your eyes. "Of course."
You slowly got up off the bed, turning off the lights, setting the purple night light in instead. You tucked her in with the sheets and then sat next to her, hugging her into your side.
"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bride is falling down, My fair Lady. . ."
"How is she?" Tony asked as you settled into his and Stephen's room last night. He was very attentive towards Minerva, whether because she reminded him of himself a little bit, or just because he was a very sensitive man, you weren't sure. Your other soulmates didn't pay her the same attention as the others and both Tony and Stephen tried making up for it.
It wasn't their faults, of course. That was the bond. They took care of their soul kids first. It just worked that way. But you had taken care of her since she was young and that was how it was. But still, every night when you tucked her in, you cursed Pietro for his stupid decision.
"She asked about her mother again." You sighed.
Minerva knew her parents were gone, but she wanted to know all about them. You supposed it was fair.
"I'll have F.R.I.D.A.Y. find some pictures for her." Tony promised, sliding into bed next to you. Stephen was just finishing up in the bathroom.
"You know she hasn't even met any of her brothers?" You asked angrily. "Skylar, Billy, Tommy, and we both know that they just had a new little girl! It's not fair to her!"
"I know Y/N." Tony sighed, pulling you into a hug.
Stephen came out of the bathroom, turning the lights off as he made his way to the bed. "We'll figured something out darling, you don't have to worry. Besides, Minerva fits into the family well. I don't think Elizabeth would mind us taking care of her daughter."
"I know but. . . I'm afraid when she grows up she'll feel the difference." You admitted.
Neither of them said anything. It was to much to hope that the others would treat her as their own. Soulmate bonds. . . well they just didn't work like that.
Minerva stumbled along on her tiny feet, trying to help you with the laundry as you hung it up on the line. She would pick up a towel out of the basket by your feet and hold it up to you. You'd take it, hang it on the line, and then take the next towel from her.
She was quiet as she helped you, and you enjoyed her presence and her help. It was really adorable to watch, like a baby duckling or something.
You finished hanging up the laundry and then picked up the basket to go back inside. Thor approached you, kissing you and saying, "Do you want to watch something later?"
"I would like that." You said with a smile.
"Up!" Minerva said excitedly. She really liked being on Thor's broad shoulders.
Thor lifted her up to put her on his shoulders before turning back to you. "Do you know what you want to watch or do you want me to pick?"
"Something funny." You said with a smile. "Adam Sandler probably. Or something with Kevin Hart in it."
Suddenly, Thor's hammer shot skywards into Minerva's hands. She lifted it in one hand, grabbing Thor's hair in the other and proclaimed, "mew mew charge!"
Thor just stood there in shock, trying to figure out what had just happened. You gaped, staring at the sight in front of you.
"Well. . . that was interesting." You said. "But Lloyd can pick up the hammer too."
"True." Thor said. "I just did not expect this."
You smiled. "Minnie, give Uncle Thor his hammer back, okay?"
"Mew mew!" She cried happily, before lowering it, "Here Uncwle Twhore."
You giggled quietly as Thor took the hammer back and then lowered Minerva off his shoulders. She ran off on the farm and you and Thor looked at each other again.
"I'll be in the basement at eight." You said, kissing him on the cheek.
"I'll see you later Princesse." Thor smiled, before chasing after Minerva.
"That's awesome!" You said with delight through the phone while you stirred the spaghetti in the pot. "I'm really happy for you guys Y/S/N! So where do you have to move to?"
"Idaho." Y/S/N said glumly. "I mean, the job is great and of course, everything's cheaper there so Ben will make even more money since we won't be spending as much, but still- Idaho?"
"I don't know. It sounds kind've peaceful. Like my house." You said with a smile. "You might like it."
"I'm more of a city girl." Y/S/N sighed. Suddenly, there was loud crying in the background of her phone. "Well, she didn't want to sleep for long."
You laughed. "I'll talk to you later. If you want any help with the move, just let me know. I love you."
"Love you too."
You hung up, placing the phone on the counter as you finished off cooking dinner. You dished out the plates, setting the table, and then called everyone down for dinner.
"Look at these." Steve said with a grin, pulling you back into the kitchen as the others started to sit around the eating table.
He showed you one of the old milk jars that you guys had. He'd tied brown string around it into a bow and then filled it with wild flowers. "Thought you'd like to put these in the bedroom."
"Thank you." You whispered, taking them from him and kissing him.
"Let's eat!" Clint shouted from the other room.
You giggled and the two of you went back out there to join the others.
The kids made a mess, eating the spaghetti and you loved watching their fathers clean then up.
"That's it!" Sam declared, lifting Lloyd out of his seat. "You need a bath."
The two year old squealed, kicking his feet, but Sam wouldn't let him go as he disappeared out of the room.
"So, anything exciting happen today?" Clint asked the kids.
"I lifted mew mew." Minerva stated simply.
The others looked at Thor. "She did what?" Steve asked in surprise.
"I'm so proud of you sweetheart." Tony said, winking at Minerva. "Means you're worthy."
"But did she actually?" Loki asked, a huge grin on his face.
"She did." You confirmed. "It was actually quite adorable."
"I wanna lift mew mew!" Lucy squealed.
You bit your bottom lip. Yeah, that was going to be a problem if they all argued over it.
"Are we weally starting school in Augwust?" Vincent asked excitedly.
"Yeah, but it's a sort of home-school project." T'Challa said.
None of you had felt comfortable about putting the kids in a public school setting, but you had also wanted them to interact with other kids. The win-win solution was a home-schooling program where they met with other home-schooled students three days a week for five hours at a church nearby.
"Alright, c'mon, you guys gotta wash up and then get ready for bed." Fury said twenty minutes later.
They grumbled, but they were good about getting up and doing as they were told- especially if Daddy Fury was the one telling them.
"Mama, come tuck us in!" Lucy begged you.
"Alright, if you're in bed when I come upstairs, I'll tuck you in and sing to you, okay?" You said. She scampered off and you looked over at Thor. "Maybe more like eight thirty."
Thor grinned, "I'll be waiting."
"I thought you were with me tonight." Loki glared at Thor.
"We're watching a movie. I'm still with you tonight, don't worry Lokes." You grinned, before you got up from the table and headed upstairs to where the girls were all waiting in bed.
"Now will you sing to us?" Lucy begged.
"Of course Lucy Loo." You smiled, brushing back her black hair. "Do you know what you want me to sing?"
"The one with the bears!" Temperance giggled from her bed.
"Yeah!" Lucy and Minerva agreed.
'That one is kind've creepy.' You thought, but you didn't say that aloud.
"Alright." You said, turning out the lights.
You headed over to where Vera was already falling fast asleep, kissing her forehead and started to sing,
"If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic
Every teddy bear who's been good is sure of a treat today There's lots of marvelous things to eat and wonderful games to play Beneath the trees where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please That's the way the teddy bears have their picnic
Picnic time for teddy bears The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today Watch them, catch them unawares And see them picnic on their holiday
See them gaily gad about They love to play and shout They never have any cares At six o'clock their mummies and daddies Will take them back home to bed 'Cause they're tired little teddy bears
If you go down in the woods today, you'd better not go alone It's lovely down in the woods today, but safer to stay at home For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic"
They were all fast asleep. You smiled, leaving the room, and closing the door behind you. Then you went downstairs to join Thor and Loki for the movies.
I don't know. This Chapter was kind've everywhere. I was kind've trying to explain what they were doing with their life and also trying to keep the story moving. But I also really wanted to explain why Minerva was still there, etc. I don't know. This wasn't the best chapter. I'll do better- promise.
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elyndafae · 5 months
Queen Lucy - Chapter Two
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Brelor castle has come on a bit since it was nothing but crude wooden stockade, built upon the remains of an ancient hill fort. Brelor means 'moon hill' in the ancient tongue. Many kings and queens of the Pengareth line have ruled Nantrelor from here, for the most part wisely and justly. But few were more beloved than the late King Robert, second of that name, taken from his people too soon, in the full bloom of manhood, leaving but one child, a daughter, aged nine years old.
The king is dead, long live the Queen! Long live Queen Lucy!
What more pleasant way to start the day than an hour or two fishing, especially on a crisp clear summers morning, and more especially if you have a well stocked moat ready to hand.
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This is Viscountess Zenobia Trewarne, ward to the late king Robert and cousin to the Queen. She came home from school in England to attend the king’s funeral and stayed on as Lady in Waiting.
Alas, the morning’s tranquillity cannot last long, for that is that is Jenny, Her Majesty’s chamber maid, on her way with a message. She spends much of her time doing that lately, the castle being rather understaffed at present and Zenobia spends much of her time receiving such messages. She had hoped, at such an early hour, for some respite, but alas, it was not to be.
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“Beg’ your pardon Lady Zenobia. Her Highness’ compliments, an’ she wants the two of you for breakfast”.
“I always suspected it, Jenny. But she can jolly well have cornflakes like the rest of us and lump it!”
“Ha ha, oh m’lady you’re a caution! But you know what I means, she wants you both to join her for breakfast. And dressed, so she says, though I can’t imagine as you’d turn up naked”.
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“Ah, well you know these aristocratic types Jenny: breakfast, lunch, dinner, high-tea, or whatever – it’s not so much what’s on the menu, as what’s in the wardrobe. If they didn’t have the right outfit for the occasion they’d starve to death.
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“And if i had to depend upon fish, so would I. It doesn’t look as if I’m going to catch anything bigger than this today in any case, Jenny. Will you wake Sleeping Beauty or shall I?”
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“Well, I think I’ll leave that job to you M’lady, if you don’t mind. I know what that one is like if you wake her too early. Takes after her dad for temper, she does”.
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“An’ if it’s fish you’re wanting M’lady, I’ll have Cook fry you up a nice fish supper this evening and have it brought out for you”.
“Oh, you’re an angel Jenny. And so is Cook. Give her I nice big sloppy kiss for me!”
“Ooh, I dunno as I should do that, M’lady. Most like she’d come after me with a rolling pin!”
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Hold onto the thought, Zenobia: A nice fish supper, sitting around the camp fire, under a clear summer night’s sky, fretted with heavenly fire… always supposing Her Highness let’s us go on camping out like this”.
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"Wakey wakey, sleepy head. It’s not your hansom prince, I’m afraid, you’ll have to hold on a few years for him. It’s only me, your favourite cousin, so you won’t have me tied in a sack and thrown into the moat now, will you my dearest heart?”.
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“Well, I suppose not Nobby, I feel more like chucking myself in. Is it really time to get up already? Seems like I only just went to sleep…
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“Oh Nobby! The sun’s barely up yet! What’s the idea waking me up at this ungodly hour? Is that the act of a best friend? Or of a favourite cousin? I ask you now, is it?”
“Sorry, sweet cuz, but needs must. I was hoping for a quiet morning too, but then came a harbinger of woe, in shape of Jenny bearing ill hap in her pocket and a shadow athwart the sun of our merry making. In brief, we’re to attend Aunt Beatrice for breakfast. Properly attired, I may add, hair brushed and orderly, and faces, hands and (most particularly) necks well scrubbed. It’s hard cheese, I know, but what can we do?”
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“Oh well, the holiday’s over I suppose. Not that camping out in the castle grounds was much of holiday, but it was a pleasant change. And at least I could look at the mountains, even if I couldn’t go and explore them”.
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“It’s not fair, Nobby! Not fair on you, I mean. Just because I have to be a prisoner here, there’s no reason why you should be. You could have gone back to school ages ago and had fun with all your chums”.
“And leave you all alone here with Aunt Beatrice? No, Lucy, I won’t do it! Oh, she’d love to pack me off back to school, wouldn’t she? Couldn’t wait to get rid of me, and inflict some frightful old witch of a governess on you. But she can’t force me, and she knows it.
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“Besides, I think I’d had my fill of school: all that jolly hockey sticks stuff, and everybody competing to be the most popular girl; hero worshipping anybody who biffs in a last minute goal and saves the match for the ‘good old coll’. You can keep it! And, as for chums, well my very best chum is right here in front of me!”
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“So, please don’t feel bad on my behalf, Lucy. I came home for Uncle Robert’s funeral, but I stayed on because you needed a friend with you – not a lot toadying courtiers, or some horrid old governess. And if Brelor Castle really were a prison, and you were in it, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but right there beside you.
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“We’d best get our skates on: the sooner we’re ‘suitably dressed’ the sooner we can get a suitable breakfast. Believe me Lucy, the food’s better here than back at school. Think: bacon and eggs, with toast or fried bread, a few mushrooms, maybe, delicately fried to a golden blush”.
“Hmm, I’d give the royal assent to all of that! Come, let us go robe ourselves sweet cuz, in customary suits of solemn black “.
“Oh Lucy! Have you been reading Hamlet again? You should try Treasure Island for a change. Bloodthirsty pirates are far more fun than mad Danish princes who go foraging around graveyards at night picking up skulls”.
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
My version of That 90s Show, if my verse didn't exist.
First, I'm setting the show in 1998. It pays homage to the OG show's start date, and it makes logistical sense. Betsy exists, and Jay is Kelso and Brooke's son. Plus, they missed a great opportunity to include younger siblings for both realism and comic relief (so no more Kitty as weird comic relief, eww).
Characters I'm keeping:
Gwen Marie Runck (born May 31, 1983: ESTP, 7w8): No significant changes, other than the hc that she's bi.
Nicole "Nikki" Maria Garcia (born November 10, 1982; ISTJ, 6w5): No significant changes, other than Nate and Nikki never dating, and the lore I've personally established (aka, being Buddy's niece).
Lucy Katherine Forman (born July 19, 1983. INFJ, 4w5. Played by Raegan Revord): Named after Eric's favorite Star Wars protagonist, Lucy was an unexpected light in Eric and Donna's lives. She's smart, snarky, and craves adventure, even though she can be a bit of a starry-eyed idealist and a goody two shoes. She loves music, the oboe, books, the debate team, and is fairly politically minded. She may be a bit awkward, but she has a big heart.
She hasn't seen Jay since last summer, and he's certainly grown up, that's for sure. Her intense crush begins, minus the weird kissing frenzy at the mall, but she also has feelings for the girl next door...
John "Jay" Michael Kelso (born April 2, 1982. ISFP, 6w7. Played by Dylan Kingwell): Kelso and Brooke's son. Based on Jay's original description. He always has a video camera in his hand, with an artsy but vaguely pretentious aura, but he always has his heart on his sleeve. He gets straight As in school, and is smart like his mother, but can be a goofy flirt like his dad. Well, he tries to be.
Nathan "Nate" Casey Kelso (born December 8, 1981. ESFJ, 6w7): Casey and Sherri's son. He's a loveable goofball and a passionate football player. He's super close to his cousin Jay, but in a far less cringey way. Oh, and the random Nate and Leia plot twist doesn't happen here.
Oscar "Ozzie" Chen: He's a walking stereotype, so bye.
Adding (main):
William "Will" James Hyde (born September 8, 1983. ESFP, 2w3. Played by Noah Jupe): A chill version of his mom Jackie, he's firmly in the closet. He's a popular football player, and him possibly coming out as gay terrifies him. He wouldn't be accepted by his peers, and it fucking sucks.
Also adding (recurring):
Elizabeth "Betsy" Victoria Kelso (born January 15, 1979. INTP, 6w5. Played by a young Minka Kelly): Kelso and Brooke's smart, scheming daughter. She often puts her nose where it doesn't belong.
Sarah Michelle Kelso (born March 16, 1985. ESFP, 7w6. Played by Julia Butters): Kelso and Brooke's ditzy but sweet daughter. She's close to Lauren, and has a crush on Nic Hyde.
Dominic "Nic" Steven Hyde (born April 21, 1985. ESTP, 7w8. Played by Mason Thames): Jackie and Hyde's loud, wild child son. Named after both Donna and Eric. He's always getting into trouble, often with Sarah and Lauren by his side.
Lauren Anne Forman (born February 12, 1986. ISTP, 6w5. Played by Ryan Kiera Armstrong): Eric and Donna's snarky, athletic daughter. Named after her Aunt Laurie. A firm tomboy, she'd much rather be playing basketball or fixing cars with grandpa Red than any of the girly crap most other girls like. She's already on the JV basketball team, and has her mother's jump shot (and her dad's last name). Also has a crush on Nic.
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libidomechanica · 24 days
Untitled (“A furlong from its earth thy shade, I find”)
The love-hat restrain’d our feeling     nod of sweeter weariness: swift, undespoken Pomps, the     mesh, that, with lower whispers met, since, and pain, and move away!     And take and clarity of this pleasured mirth, leaves     are clear eye’s moiety and
dropt a fairy parachute and     Thoughts of a Forgiving gentle minstrel’s skill remaine, that     long dead had but dislike ours for him with sight the kind; he     plied and through the lady faire guise, Joan, Maria, shield.     Everything has gotten, an
awful Governs with trumpets from     Cockle, then, his vigorously he built it on Aunt took     the few. Orpheus could not see the son,—the starts—but Dick     was mischieuous with shall death, no life, no preclude fresh Glories,     lest have lark, where partake,
which no eyes divine; softly, Gracious     and vow, and moist hand only a sequel, after God’s     future Truth the night: a debate true tear is used to me     and weak. With Time his face; and an end, and broke? Then beginnes     to repair she will
stop it, for my Safety of the     marks of love. A stones are; talk back my child, a little childe     of bronze valves, embossed there are the little clause tis Sin to     you remain, as he been fringe upon, lulled by a Niggard     seem mere empty, after
you do not merit it. The flourish’d;     sweet, inspir’d with her rosy silken robe of life was     no dream’d to Israel’s mocking of Orpheus did say, the     diapason closed me warm the fair, then smile as in clustered     he, At length now vnthought to
laugh when river-whisper a slowly     does not of us, as from times better though ne’er thoughts     will listen, so talk kindling went by murmuring run warmed     maid, Lord of telegraph they stand see and all his world will     not been, shalt be seen mid
the best, then, you here I nigher,     glares at me. In arias of air, and join’d their nipples     down to love, Jamie, come to flesh, they home with dumb; the spired,     you slept, kind Nature, furnished day in my Hands more some     might, and on the fancy
father’s face. And less, set his career     home—as many ornament, yes. The begins his heart     away; I hate away his brow With these Adam-wits too     shall remains, of spiced dainties, but vainlier things, at last, to     move ashes from afar:
each had Horace, oh call my hopes,     how long be-night words and an eye shall tread, and arrowy     smart did say: but let them down, th’ Offended, the soft     as a something else was summer-night is chill; and on thy     wilt be myne, led for that.
Loose Carrier like a mistress     unto the spired, or doest at last long sincere crystal     stones;—the morning out my shivering, the lips as warrior     frosted breath. The broad was their Prince, and my heart escapes; but     his way. A furlong from
its earth thy shade, I find but Pomp,     did other Kind? Scandal of old did she, I lagged dust die:     the new—born and in view, behold while my eyes o’er they, where     is dumb—we stand! Eyes still told of death-bed when Ambitious     Friends. Than if these voluptuous
store of Christabel, where     your loves repenting palfrey’s backe, and, your Piety, you     survived every sprawl, in sorrowing tone: the mellay, lord     of Lucy’s feet. I’ll see their duty, all the melodious     bird, whom self-contemn;
but there in the pit. Was made women     sands not harmony with first said he looked for truth that     ye wondering, found him, gliding … a wave … that feed on a     crowd? In the wild wood pigeon that made a hundred of her     guards you, their name of years
the stature learning knife, That time,     the mought availed as if God’s enemies they view’d his Youth     remain their verdict is depart from far, which with thy fresh     as shadows Thus theory. A red wing ouer her dell. Takes     her moved against his limbs.
A petty railway railing, kiss—     in soothed limbs, and, stream—the morning; if thou art and laid out     as your noble thou sire of Friendship should for lonely     Office might, that free our heart was my loue alone, but will     commerce and Take when river
and say shoulde haue no care not     so. At duty’s angell short-legged heart;—as I may discolored     meant, three with a Lordly any air. Or, if ye saw     not: waive you I’d have her as such a night and she then     she founts of indignities:
but I know not when thou affrights,     make Heirs for Just. From God is fixt as a song of this     patient of Lucy’s feet dispers of Ettrick’d in words to     inflame or haply lies too late, some lives come; charge, a monstrous     shame, and right, that rise.
Of the ship, and by tiffanies:     like windy jest had never a victim and lines, and with     beauty doth spread to flowers which forest beauties she me     caught the breeze went on his ancient melody enthralling     things sake whom her false whisper’d
by one, into my silken-     sandaled for want to knots. And come to think, so much ease,     no, not touch that Sickenesse brags it selfenesse brags it     seems half as happy and the wintry day, in Ettrick’s vale,     is the distant, but brooke.
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brutclhonesty · 4 months
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★ SPOTTED !! AVETT MARIE on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 26 year old looks like RENEE RAPP, but i don’t really see it. while the ACTRESS/SINGER is known for being AMBITIOUS, my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be INSECURE. i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song SWEET SILVER LINING by KATE VOEGELE
name: avett marie meyers
dob: june 16th, 1998
zodiac: gemini
face claim: renee rapp
gender identity: cis female (she/her) 
sexuality: bisexual
profession: actress/singer
hometown: seattle, washington
spoken languages: english, some ASL
positive traits: energetic, playful, attentive, compassionate, creative.
negative traits: stubborn, impatient, impulsive, childish, jealous
father: charles meyers mother: rachel franklin step-mother: lucy murray-meyers
her parents were two kids from crappy homes who found love and freedom in each other. they ran away together when they were eighteen, but then found out they were expecting a baby. while avett’s father wanted to become a big name in the music industry, he was forced to take whatever jobs he could find, leaving his girlfriend home with their newborn daughter. little did he know, rachel had lied about her daughter's paternity, leaving him to support a child that wasn't his.
after a few years of scraping and saving, it seemed like charles was going to make it big, & he began to be home even less, auditioning and playing gigs around the city when he wasn’t working. rachel had once dreamed of becoming an actress, but those dreams were lost in the reality of caring for avett, although the young woman began to resent her significant other for prioritizing his dreams over hers.
it wasn’t until avett was seven years old that her mother vanished one morning, taking everything except her guitar and a note apologizing to her daughter. from then on, it was just charles & avett, and the man very quickly realized he knew nothing about raising a kid.
instead of taking that opportunity to get to know the bright, beautiful daughter he had, he hired a nanny and threw himself into work; rationalizing that he was doing it to provide for her, when in reality, all avett wanted was her father after losing her mother.
when avett became a teenager, it was clear her father never had any intention of being an involved, loving parent, and he enrolled her in a performing arts high school in new york. with a whole country between them, they grew further apart, until avett was only coming home for summers. christmas’ were spent at rockefeller center and seeing off-broadway shows, exchanging gifts with her friends and ignoring the ache inside of her when they left to see their families.
imagine her surprise when she returned home one summer to find her father had remarried- to a woman who was only a few years older than she was. as if that wasn’t a shock to the poor teenager, her new step mother was expecting a baby. avett decided then and there that when she graduated, she was moving to los angeles to become an actress and wanted nothing to do with her father’s do-over family.
she has such a big heart, although it’s been hurt numerous times, and the young woman is quick to help anyone who needs it. she throws herself into the roles she plays, embracing being someone new and giving it her all. she always quips that it’s like getting to play dress up for a job, especially with her roles in the disney channel franchise, descendants.
gossip girl is her first tv show and her first adult project, which is both exciting and terrifying to avett. she’s worried her personality might be a bit much for people on set, so if she’s quiet, it’s probably because she’s concerned she’ll be ‘too much’.
recently, she's been looking for her biological mother after finding out that the man who raised her- and that term is used lightly-wasn't her real father. roman barlowe, the multi millionaire, revealed that he had, in fact, gotten rachel meyers pregnant when she'd arrived in los angeles.
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whatilistenedtoatwork · 7 months
From February 26th to February 29th, 2024
THE BLUETONES “The Bluetones”; GUIDED BY VOICES “English Little League”; NED'S ATOMIC DUSTBIN “One More: No More”; THE DIVINE COMEDY “Swallows & Amazons”; SLEEPER “Inbetweener”; EUROS CHILDS “Beef Bridge EP”; DREAM THEATER “Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From A Memory”; BARRY WHITE “Can't Get Enough”; BEACH FOSSILS “Beach Fossils”
THE BRAVE LITTLE ABACUS “Just Got Back From The Discomfort – We're Alright”; OSIBISA “Woyaya”; THE WICKED FARLEYS “Make It It”; DOROTHY COATES & THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL HARMONETTES “The Best Of Dorothy Coates & The Original Gospel Harmonettes”; UNDERWORLD “Everything, Everything”; LEON ROSSELSON “A Proper State”; EUROS CHILDS “Face Dripping”; TIM HARDIN “Tim Hardin 1”; DUSTER “Stratosphere”; DIZZY GILLESPIE “Gene Norman Presents Dizzy Gillespie & His Orchestra”; OTIS RUSH “I Can't Quit You Baby”; LESBIAN HORSE “Slime Tones”; THE SUGARCUBES “Stick Around For Joy”; EUROS CHILDS “Summer Special”
PRIMAL SCREAM “Vanishing Point”; RIDE “Carnival Of Light”; COUSINS “First Cousins”; BMX BANDITS “Gettin' Dirty”; JERRY HERMAN “Hello Dolly”; T.REX “Futuristic Dragon”; OPETH “Still Life”; DOC WATSON “Riding The Midnight Train”; ADVANTAGE LUCY “Fanfare”; CLIFTON CHENIER “Clifton Chenier Sings The Blues”; TRANSGLOBAL UNDERGROUND “International Times”
THE BLUETONES “A New Athens”; TIM BUCKLEY “Goodbye & Hello”; TALKING HEADS “Talking Heads: 77”; BUCKWHEAT ZYDECO “On A Night Like This”; KAREN DALTON “It's So Hard To Tell Who's Going To Love You The Best”; BRIAN WILSON “Pet Sounds Live”; BEAUSOLEIL “La Danse De La Vie”; WEEZER “Weezer (2001)”; MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE “Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge”; CORNERSHOP “Hold On, It Hurts”; ABBA “Waterloo”; SWEET BABOO “Wild Imagination”; INTERPOL “Turn On The Bright Lights”; DOC & MERLE WATSON “Watson Country”;
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techiekittie · 8 months
i just finished hazbin hotel, here are my opinions that no one asked for:
sir pentious my sweet summer child
angel dust baby im so proud of you!!! im worried for him tho
rosie and alastor meet up to spill tea istg
luci x alastor maaaaybe? (ace but is he aro?)
charlie sweetie you did so good!!
huskydust is cutee
cherri x pentious is nice but its a bit sudden? and cherri is a bit of a bad influence but whatever makes my babi happy
why does velvette sound like the voice of voxi 4G mobile ads
kinning angel dust, alastor, sir pentious and nifty is not a good combo
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (July 25, 2023)
23:56 Lamb - Wonder 23:53 Loud Luxury And Frank Walker Feat. Stephen Puth - Like Gold 23:47 High Heels Breaker Feat. Sarah Palin - Come Easy (David August Remix) 23:44 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 23:41 Topic, Robin Schulz, Nico Santos, Paul Van Dyk - In Your Arms (For An Angel) 23:38 Mark Ronson Feat. Miley Cyrus - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 23:31 Nora En Pure - Cognitive Fadings (Club Mix) 23:27 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 23:24 Dennis Lloyd - Nevermind 23:21 Audax Feat. Ron Caroll - Falling For You 23:18 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Josh Cumbee - Sunny Days (Original Mix) 23:14 Milkwish - From The Earth To The Moon 23:09 Robin Schulz - Moonlit Sky (With The Void Pacific Choir) 23:07 Alan Walker - Faded 23:04 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 23:01 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 22:55 Shakatak - Rio Nights 22:52 Bolier - Another Blue 22:49 Kygo & Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It 22:46 Alok Feat. Bruno Martini & Zeeba - Never Let Me Go 22:42 Ac Venture - Rain In Spain (Roberto Sol Remix) 22:31 Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout 22:25 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 22:18 8000below - Turnaround 22:16 Bernward Koch - Flowing Colors 22:11 Cinemascope - Sweetest Story 22:08 Max Johann & Layrz - Tell It To My Heart 22:04 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 21:57 Faithless - Crazy English Summer (Brothers On High Remix) 21:54 Sans Souci - Condor 21:51 Hypnosis - Pulstar 21:47 Bossasonic - Wicked Game 21:45 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 21:42 Tiësto & Ty Dolla $ign - The Business, Pt. Ii 21:39 Alphawezen - 4043 21:36 Moby - My Only Love 21:32 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 21:28 Ashcome - Vitamin Sky (Original Mix) 21:25 Nora En Pure - Branches 21:21 Dalibor Dadoff, Nacho Lezcano, Grabo Bakos - Sounds Like A Melody 21:13 Doyeq & Jay Medvedeva - Break Into My Walls (Armen Miran & Hraach Remix) 21:10 Kryder & Natalie Shay - Rapture 21:06 Eelke Kleijn - Mojo's Tale 21:03 Le Shuuk Feat. Xilions - Goodbye 20:56 Mashk & Soul Button - Pensées 20:49 Jan Blomqvist - Maybe Not (Rodriguez Jr. Extended) 20:46 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 20:43 Kidsø - Finja 20:37 Lizot Feat. Jason Anousheh - Einfach Nur Weg (Blondee & Roberto Mozza Remix) 20:31 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 20:28 Blank & Jones - Coastline 20:25 Regard - Ride It 20:21 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 20:15 Consoul Trainin & Pink Noisy Feat. Anastasia Zannis - Tango To Evora 20:12 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 20:05 Monolink - Don't Hold Back 20:00 Puremusic - Unsaid (State Azure Remix) 19:57 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 19:54 Rita Ora - You Only Love Me 19:50 Schiller - Der Tag...du Bist Erwacht (Mit Jette Von Roth) 19:48 Edx - Ecletric (Mixed) 19:43 Lstn - Floral Decor 19:40 Depeche Mode - Goodnight Lovers 19:35 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Sweet Lullaby 19:30 Dreamerproject - Horizons (Glenn Main Remix) 19:27 Mila - Herzlos 19:25 Digital Camel - Shine Bright 19:21 Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? 19:17 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 19:11 Tebra - Suton 19:08 Robin Schulz - Sugar (Feat. Francesco Yates) 18:59 Dino Lenny Feat. Artbat - Sand In Your Shoes 18:56 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 18:51 Channel 2 Feat. Tanya - Space Cowboy 18:47 Robin Schulz & David Guetta - On Repeat 18:44 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Good Things 18:40 Alphawezen - Gai Soleil 18:36 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 18:32 Arty Feat. Cimo Fränkel - Daydreams (Sultan Shepard Echoes) 18:28 Schiller - Lichtwerk 18:25 Melonia - Sweet Child O' Mine 18:21 Troels Hammer Feat. Clara Valente - Ai Meu Bem 18:18 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 18:15 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 18:10 Aware - En Busca Del Sol 18:06 Klangkarussel & Poppy Baskcomb - This Love 18:03 Sans Souci - Nanda 17:59 Edx - Missing 17:56 Klingande & Bright Sparks - Messiah 17:53 Lucy Neville - Ransom 17:50 Chymera - Umbrella (Beatless Mix) 17:46 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 17:44 Alok Feat. Alida - Love Again 17:36 Max Melvin - Sometimes 17:33 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 17:28 Nardis - Sunrise 17:25 Nora Van Elken - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 17:20 Schiller - Der Goldene Engel 17:17 Alessandro Taccini Feat. Pierre Soyer - Higher Love 17:13 Nihoni - After Sun 17:06 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 17:02 Karen Ramirez - Looking For Love 16:57 Monolink - Harlem River 16:54 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 16:51 Blank & Jones - Breezin' 16:47 Monoir, Eneli - 3 To 1 16:44 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 16:35 Nor Elle - Silent Storm 16:32 Lost Frequencies & Elley Duhé - Back To You 16:27 Leftfield - Melt 16:24 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 16:21 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 16:17 Blank & Jones With Jan Loechel - Secret Hideaway 16:13 Robert Manos - Silver 16:10 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 16:06 Kygo Feat. One Republic - Stranger Things 16:04 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 16:00 Sum Wave - Malin's Song 15:56 The Chainsmokers Feat. Daya - Don't Let Me Down 15:53 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 15:46 Julian Wassermann - People 15:42 Moby - Lie Down In Darkness 15:35 Le Roy - See The Light Ahead (Extended Mix) 15:28 Jazzanova - Bohemian Sunset 15:24 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 15:20 Karsten Kiessling Feat. Helin - Fight Like A Lion 15:15 Tibet Project - Tibet (A Passage To ...) 15:10 Worakls - Caprice 15:06 Nora Van Elken - Interstellar 15:02 Kabanjak - The Rain 14:59 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 14:50 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 14:46 Moya Brennan - Ancient Town 14:42 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 14:37 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 14:30 Richard Grey - Need Your Lovin (Murjd Remix) 14:27 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 14:24 Rag'n'bone Man - Human 14:20 Sans Souci - Take My Breath Away (Original Mix) 14:17 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 14:15 Robin Schulz Feat. Harloe - All This Love 14:10 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Deep Ocean 14:03 Worakls - By The Brook 13:56 A Forest Mighty Black - Rebirth 13:53 Vievie - Blue Island 13:50 Pulsedriver & Tiscore Feat. Anna Grey - We Are 13:45 Andrea D'amato - Jaipur Nights 13:42 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 13:38 Neptune & Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Original Mix) 13:35 Blank & Jones - Love From The Start (Original Mix) 13:33 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 13:29 Jubel - On The Beach 13:26 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 13:22 Lstn - Sky & Sand 13:17 Giuseppe Ottaviani Feat. Alana Aldea - Heal This Empty Heart 13:09 David Hohme - Fear Less (Hraach Remix) 13:06 Undressd - Forever Young 13:03 Sam Feldt Feat. Deepend & Teemu - Runaways 13:00 Thrdl!fe & Sleepwalkrs - Outta My Head 12:56 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 12:51 Boozoo Bajou - Lava 12:46 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 12:38 Martin Roth - An Analog Guy In A Digital World 12:31 Armen Miran - Precious Story 12:28 Gamper & Dadoni Feat. Joe Jury - Satellites 12:24 Schiller X Ro Nova X Tricia Mcteague - Illuminate 12:22 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 12:18 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 12:14 Burak Yeter Feat. Danelle Sandova - Tuesday 12:11 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 12:09 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 12:05 Mike Perry Feat. Casso - Inside The Lines 12:00 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 11:56 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 11:51 Disco Meets Bossa - Could It Be Magic 11:49 Mellowdy - Rise Up 11:46 Kush Kush & Sickmellow Feat. Kazhi - Blacklight 11:39 Lexer - Forgive Me 11:32 Avira & Diana Miro - The Worship (Mark Knight Extended) 11:28 The Underdog Project - Summer Jam 11:25 Glockenbach Ft. Clockclock - Brooklyn 11:21 Kidsø - Fir 11:17 Tania Zygar, Sofia Zlatko, Vijay - Wildest Dreams (Extended Mix) 11:14 George Geccoo Feat. Maik Pinto - Dolce Vita 11:11 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano - Let It Lie 11:08 I Will, I Swear - Long Days 11:01 Hraach - After Dark 10:55 Pete Tong & Tale Of Us Feat. Jules Buckley - Time 10:50 Jasmon - Sanpo Suru 10:49 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 10:46 York - On The Beach (Kryder & Jenjammin Sax Edit) 10:42 Kygo Feat. Parson James - Stole The Show 10:35 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 10:28 Caf Bar Feat. Sara Allman - Gimme Shelter (Chilled Buddha Session) 10:24 Jako Diaz & Margret - Mirror 10:17 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 10:13 Jens Buchert - 1000 Miles 10:10 Mount & Illian - Fool 10:07 Duboss - Losing My Religion 10:03 Robin Schulz Feat. Graham Candy - 4 Life (Original Mix) 10:01 Paratone - Time After Time 09:56 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 09:50 Bedrock - Beautiful Strange 09:47 Tiësto - The Motto 09:40 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 09:35 Andy Caldwell - Quiet Nights 09:31 Lstn - Undecided 09:28 Faithless - Insomnia 09:20 Super Flu - Mygut (Solomun Remix) 09:16 Sanah - Invisible Dress (Maro Music X Skytech Remix) 09:10 Jan Blomqvist - The Space In Between 09:05 Faithless Feat. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi - I Need Someone 08:57 Armin Van Buuren & Avira Feat. Sam Martin - Mask 08:54 Klingande & Krishane - Rebel Yell 08:51 Emily Burns - Im So Happy 08:48 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 08:42 Fous De La Mer - Vue Sur La Mer 08:40 Twisted Harmonies Feat. Mougleta - You & Me 08:36 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 08:33 Tokkoi - 45 Minutes (Original Mix) 08:31 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 08:24 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Universe 08:21 Mousse T. - Boyfriend (Alle Farben Remix) 08:17 Ambyion - Motion 08:10 Nikolay Mikryukov - If It Were Easier (Original Mix) 08:07 Nora Van Elken - Sumatra (Lstn Remix) 08:04 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 07:58 Aural Float - Still Here 07:55 Vinai - Hide Away 07:52 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 07:50 Troels Hammer - Azur 07:44 Banderas - This Is Your Life (Easy Life Mix) 07:41 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 07:36 Yonderboi - Sinking Slowly 07:30 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 07:26 Cristian Marchi Feat. Block - Baker Street 07:22 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 07:18 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 07:13 Chicane Feat. Bo Bruce - Still With Me 07:10 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 07:05 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 06:59 Rodg - Life Is Life (Chill Mix) 06:56 Blank & Jones Feat. Kyle Pearce - All Of Me 06:52 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 06:48 Coldplay - Clocks 06:45 Together Alone - Let Go 06:40 Schiller Feat. Jael - Tired (Live) 06:35 Maestro & Cabal - Rocklands Beach 06:33 Atb & Topic - Your Love (9pm) 06:27 Camiel - Take Me To This Place 06:25 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 06:21 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 06:17 Paul Kalkbrenner - Part Eight 06:09 Blank & Jones - White Light 06:07 Wave Wave Feat. Lena Sue - Repeating 06:00 Deep-dive-corp. - Lucsus 05:57 Topic Feat. Nico Santos) - Home (Alle Farben Remix) 05:54 Alan Walker Ahrix - End Of Time 05:49 Hannah Ild - Right Beside You 05:45 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 05:42 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 05:38 Night Cruzer - Timeless 05:35 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 05:31 Karsten Kiessling Feat. Zach Alwin - Live It Up (Peace, Live And Love Mix ) 05:28 Hagen Feetly - Cry 05:26 Rene Rodrigezz & Tristan Henry - Let Me Go 05:19 Nora En Pure - Polynesia (Extended Mix) 05:16 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 05:13 Purple Disco Machine - Hypnotized 05:07 Kosheen - Hungry 05:02 Victoriya - Nothing Remains 04:58 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 04:52 Alle Farben - Sonoro (2018 Rework) 04:48 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 04:42 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 04:38 Monolink - Swallow 04:32 New Age Kings - Illusion (Instrumental Remix) 04:29 Quantic - Painting Silhouettes (Original Mix) 04:25 Armin Van Buuren & Avira - Illusion (Mixed) 04:22 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 04:18 Klangperlenspiel - Before The Sunrise 04:15 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 04:12 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 04:06 Nora En Pure - Don't Look Back (Extended Mix) 04:03 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - Saltwater (Rework) 04:00 Consoul Trainin Feat. Steven Aderinto & Duoviolins - Obsession 03:56 Nombe - Wait 03:49 Colyn - Lightyears 03:46 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 03:42 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Shine (Kygo Remix) 03:39 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Daylight Is Falling 03:34 Waldeck - Defenceless (Mushroom Dive ) 03:33 Nathan Evans - Wellerman (220 Kid X Billen Ted Remix) 03:29 Sons Of Maria - Elevate 03:26 Meduza & Becky Hill X Goodboys - Lose Control 03:22 Daniel Portman - Sensual Desires 03:19 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 03:16 Italobrothers - Summer Air 03:13 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 03:09 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 03:03 Max Melvin - Earth Inside 02:59 Schiller & Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You 02:52 Colyn - Unstable Gravity Alert 02:45 Tosca - La Vendeuse Des Chaussures Des Femmes, Pt. 1 02:42 Rosa Linn - Snap 02:35 4tunes - Helen 02:31 Tinlicker Feat. Hero Baldwin - Rebirth 02:28 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 02:25 The Alan Parsons Projekt - Eye In The Sky 02:22 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 02:19 Vamero & Lizot - Bleeding Love 02:14 Hazy J - Our Way 02:11 Italobrothers - Stay 02:08 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 02:05 Chubbanak Club - Candysnow 02:01 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 01:57 Klangkarussell And Givven - Follow 01:51 Max Melvin - Magnolia 01:49 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 01:45 Sono - Twist In My Sobriety (Sans Souci Remix Edit) 01:43 Mike Candys, Sb Mont & Salvo - Turned To Dust 01:41 Buchs Feat. Nokyo - Cheverolet 01:37 Thievery Corporation Feat. Shana Halligan - Depth Of My Soul 01:35 Lunax & Zana - Gone Tomorrow 01:32 Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones - Love To Go 01:24 Ost & Kjex - Queen Of Europe Feat. Anne Lise Frokedal (Solomun Remix) 01:20 Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth 01:17 Kygo With Avicii & Sandro Cavazza - Forever Yours (Tribute) 01:11 Alex H - Seeking Agapism 01:08 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 01:03 Tinlicker Feat. Roos Jonker - Come Back Home 00:57 Massive Attack - Safe From Harm 00:55 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 00:48 Menachem 26 - Hal (Anatolian Sessions Remix) 00:44 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 00:36 Blond:ish Feat. Bahramji - Omnipresent 00:33 Major Lazer Feat. Dj Snake & Mø - Lean On 00:28 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 00:25 Shouse - Won't Forget You 00:21 The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This 00:18 Mike Candys & Séb Mont - What's On Your Mind 00:14 Loud Luxury - Cold Feet 00:09 Thomas Lemmer - Fatigué 00:04 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 00:00 The Ocean Piano - Piano Mi Camino (Blue Wave Mix)
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