#lucid can be creative!!
dawnofiight · 1 month
Now presenting: Lucid (she/they)
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She's a Seer.
Working for the Sodality.
Disguises herself as a dreamwalker.
She speaks in mostly a whisper because she always has a fucking headache.
Headphones are always on her head.
The way she dies is a bit confusing to her and she has yet to understand it so she takes time out of her day to dissect it.
Because why is there fog and why was she on a boat?
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silverwingborn-moved · 6 months
//on a positive note, I’ll prolly share my “pre-fall” Lucifer OC sometime tonight. His blog is nearly setup! He isn’t a true pre-fall Luci. He is not a time traveling or alternate universe Lucifer, nor is he a twin to Lucifer. The story I’ve got is he was made well after Lucifer’s fall as a replacement to fill the hole in God’s grief of casting down his favorite angel.
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reverted to my natural state (nocturnal) library work is going to be capital h hell
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Okay, I don't know if you remember me, but I participated in a lot of your challenges and the Pink’s challenge, and I found some success! I shifted to my wr and manifested some things, but I could never do it consistently, and it was really fucking annoying.
So, I took three months off and worked hard, using subliminals every day and going on affirmation rampages. I was doing lucid dreaming methods, SATs, meditations, yoga nidra, reading spiritual books literally my whole summer was dedicated to shifting and the void state. I was eat sleeping and breathing it because I could not continue to live the way I was even I can even consider that living …
So What did I do
I just followed your challenge because college was starting, and I couldn't go back to school without my dream life for the fourth time, fearing I might actually harm myself. So played the fields with this rampage (together in two different tabs).
During the Day
During the day, I would live in the end. I created albums for my desired realities, re-read my scripts, revised my void list because I genuinely believed I was going to succeed, watched supercell shifting videos on YouTube, and stared at my vision board, realizing it was going to be my life the next day, and more!
What I Manifested
- Master shifting abilities
- Master void state abilities
- Having my WR to be a perfect heaven
- Making this current reality a dream: desired looks, desired body, never gaining weight, revised wealth and family, dream friend group, a social media following, being worshipped and respected, being so beautiful by my own standards, dream home (I have a mountain range that goes through my backyard and a farm on my land, it’s enormous), revised city, only attracting wealthy, tall, attractive men, pretty privilege, 145 IQ, going to an Ivy League, getting rid of my anxiety and depression, getting rid of my health issues, no toxic family, so much money, and revised my name to Bella because I love Bella Hadid (my old name was Audrey), and so much more.
I know it sounds nothing too crazy compared to other people who manifest powers and trillions of dollars, but I can shift anytime I want. I’m going to my singing desired reality and high school musical Dr soon and I am so excited I have hundreds of places to explore. My life here finally has stability, and I’m so happy. Not waking up with stress, nausea, and diarrhea is a blessing. My house is clean, my family members aren’t fighting and calling me names, my siblings and I are close. I audibly gasp anytime I see myself in the mirror. My phone is always blowing up with people asking me for plans when it used to be dry as hell, and people forgot I even existed. Everywhere I go, people tell me I should model, want to pay for what I’m buying, are so kind, open doors for me, want to help me for no reason, give me discounts, ask me on dates… I’m so happy and confused. I don’t know how to feel. I am genuinely so loved and respected, and on top of that, I get to explore the universe of my favorite shows and movies.
I’m so glad I never gave up, even though these three months were hard and my life had gotten worse, I am finally free, my hard work paid off, and I hope everyone else will do the same. We truly are God! I was afraid this community was some big joke and big bloggers were creative writers or just laughing at delusional people like me, but I can confirm it’s very, very real.
My love I am so proud of you ! And yes I vaguely remember you and your first shift you messaged me about :)!
I am happy your hard work paid off as well. I remember when everything seemed so meaningless and delusional as well and I also thought shifting was some big joke to target mentally ill teens, but the reality is we truly are all god and no amount of doubt and struggle will ever change that truth. I hope you enjoy your dream life, and I am happy I could help 💖
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bitchy-craft · 1 year
Lucid Dreaming | Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this new post! Because many people thought it would be a nice idea to have an affirmation series on my page I thought it would be a good thing to try out. In this post I'll give a few lucid dreaming affirmations, I hope you guys like them and find them useful!
ANNOUNCEMENT: I added the ability to choose your own questions to be answered in my shop.
Masterlist > Questions > Paid Readings [NEW]
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I am aware in my dreams, and I can control them.
Lucid dreaming comes naturally to me, and I embrace the experience.
Every night, my lucid dreaming abilities improve.
I am in control of my subconscious mind, allowing lucid dreams to manifest.
Recognizing dream signs is easy, and it triggers my awareness.
I am confident in my ability to stay calm and focused during lucid dreams.
With each lucid dream, I gain deeper insights into my inner self.
I enjoy exploring the limitless possibilities within my lucid dreams.
My dream recall is sharp, helping me remember and learn from my lucid experiences.
Lucid dreaming empowers me to overcome fears and unlock my creativity.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more affective affirmations are.
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neonacity · 3 months
Limerence | Haechan x Reader (A Lucid Special Chapter)
Limerence (n) - a feeling of all-consuming longing or desire for someone.
Summary: After years of longing, can strangers find it upon each other to forgive and remember again?
Warnings: Note: This story will NOT make sense if you have not read Lucid. Haechan is aged-up and in his early thirties. There are mentions of torture, abuse, and kidnapping. Haechan and the rest used to be really toxic.
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. I do not claim any likenesses between the characters here and their real-life counterparts. I reserve all rights to this work and I post nowhere else but Tumblr.
And with this, the story finally comes to a close.
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“This room has more smog than a city center. How many packets have you smoked?”
A sigh from somewhere made Mark blindly turn towards the only lit part of the space. Peeking in between wisps of heavy scented smoke, a bronze plate with several burning sticks stood against the light of a yellow lamp. The apparatus was resting on a handsome oak table, puttering away silently to screen the figure of a dark-haired man sitting beyond it. Mark smiled wryly to himself before taking deeper steps inside the room. 
“It’s called incense, my uncultured big brother. It’s supposed to make you feel relaxed and inspired,” came the low but lazy drawl of someone. Mark stopped just a foot away from the desk, his hands buried in his pockets.
“Let me guess, Renjun gave them?”
The other shrugged before slightly frowning at the paper in front of him. It’s obvious that he is not much up for a conversation right now, but Mark didn’t fly 15 hours to Seoul just to be snubbed by his little brother. Slowly, his eyes dropped on the pages laid out on the table, noting the scribbles and crossed-out words there. 
“Let me make another guess. The smoke isn’t really cutting it for the ‘inspiration’ part?”
At that, brown eyes snapped up to glare at him, hidden behind the slight reflection of black-rimmed glasses. The next second, he had a balled piece of paper thrown straight at his face, one he easily caught with a light laugh. 
“Did you just come here to be stabbed by me?”
“Well that’s better than being ignored by you after a long flight. Jisung asked me to make sure to check on you before I go to South East Asia. He said you haven’t been answering any of their calls.” 
The other scoffed. “Since when have we been on daily calling terms?” 
“And since when have you been so against it? Or is the great best-selling author Lee Donghyuck too popular for his brothers now?”
Another piercing glare, then followed by a roll of the eyes. Mark laughed again, noting how the shoulders of the other just ever so slightly softened.
“Well… how are you, Haechan?”
Haechan placed the steaming pot of tea on the table without even bothering to pour one for his guest. To be honest, a visit from Mark was something that he wasn’t expecting tonight, and he would have for sure bolted if not for nosy Jisung making sure he didn’t have any idea about it until the last minute. Now he is cornered and has to deal with something worse than a creative block—a brotherly talk. 
“How’s the book going?”
He waved a hand towards the littered surface of his table before taking a sip of his once scalding coffee.
“It’s going swimmingly, as you can clearly see.”
In his peripheral vision, he saw Mark’s lips slightly tighten into a line. It was an expression he knew far too well, especially with him in the context. With an internal groan, he took another drink from his cup in an effort to hide his wince. 
“I don’t think being back in this place is helping you at all. This manor, of all places… I still don’t understand why you think being here will help you finish your book.”
“Would you rather have me camp out in Rosewood then? Because I would have. If only it hadn’t been burned down.” 
Great. The words were out before he could even realize what he was saying. With a frustrated sigh, he finally looked up to see his older brother with a stoic expression, one that only clouds his usually accommodating features every time their past was mentioned. Haechan looked away guiltily, but kept his silence. 
Ten years. A long time, but a short one all the same. Even now, mentions of their old home still feel like a strike of burning metal against their insides, a proof that sometimes, your ghosts can still catch up with you at the mere mention of a word or a slip of memory. He could see it on his brother’s face now, and there is no doubt the other sees the same on him. They were older now, but under the dim lighting of the room, they looked like the same boys who ran away from the nightmare that shaped up their younger years.
So much has changed… and yet so much has remained the same. 
Mark moved on to be the official heir of the Rosewood wealth, working hard to bring back public trust on their family after they were officially cleared of suspicions of kidnapping. He rarely visited Seoul, opting to jump from one country to another to make sure their ‘businesses’ run smoothly. 
Renjun moved to Paris to start an orphanage, which also doubled as a school for children who were abused or shunned by their family. It’s where he also continued his career in art, though he opted to keep his works anonymous and mostly hidden away from the public eye. 
Jaemin is a father now to a daughter—a chatty adorable girl that he met on a visit to Renjun’s school. Both relocated to London where he had built a career as a photographer under a different name and identity.
Jeno… None of them really knows where Jeno is, only getting letters from him every now and then from different addresses. He makes sure never to miss their birthdays though, sometimes even sending some trinkets that could only give the slightest hints of where he could be living his quiet life.
Jisung and Chenle both decided to settle in China, the latter having had the need to trace down his real family before he was taken to Korea. He found nothing but a sister who accepted him back to the fold and he had been in close relations with ever since. Finally, there's their youngest Jisung who also found family there but in a different way, now a happily married man—and a father soon.
As for him? Oh he had moved on too for sure, if you could call being an author hiding under a pseudonym that, at least.
Haechan tried his best. He really did. On his good days, he would wake up and feel like the wounds have finally closed and turned to scars. Writing helped him cope for the most part, because it was a way for him to escape reality and repent for things he could never grovel for in the flesh. It kept him sane. Grounded. But more than that, it made him still feel connected… 
To you.
Of course, he knew better now to even consider himself worthy of even remembering you. He hurt you badly, stole you away from the world, and left you wounded in ways that he’ll probably spend a hundred more lifetimes to repent. Yet in those dark days when he thought what he was doing was out of love, there were also moments when you two connected from the stories you both loved. In those slivers of time, he thought—hoped—that maybe, you wanted to be with him too. 
“You didn’t have to come back here. There’s nothing to come back to anymore.”
Mark’s voice was what he needed to pull him from his spiraling thoughts again. Hand stiffening, he kept quiet, because he knew his brother was telling the truth. 
Being in the same house in the middle of the woods where he shared the days with you is not going to heal him of anything. It was not going to give him forgiveness. 
Nor was it going to give you back to him. 
The slight sound of rustling made him look up just in time to see Mark pushing a long slip of paper towards him from across the table. He picked it up and frowned at the print there. 
“Come to Hong Kong with me. You can stay there for a few months, or weeks, I don’t care. You can try and finish your book there and decide what you want to do after. You can go anywhere, except here.” 
Haechan’s gaze didn’t leave the plane ticket. He was barely touching it, and yet it felt like it was burning the pads of his fingers. From across him, he heard the sound of a chair pulled back across the floor, followed by his brother’s voice before he closed the door. 
“I leave in two days. Think about it. I hope to see you in the airport, Haechan. I know it's hard... but it’s time to finally let her go."
“What are we going to say if they ask you for updates about your book? We don’t even have a publish date yet!” 
Haechan tried his best not to bash his head against the brick wall he is leaning on. He was currently on his third stick of cigarette, and yet the nagging of his publisher was doing more to his blood than the nicotine pumping in his veins. With a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose at the hopes of staving off an oncoming migraine.
Why the fuck did he even agree to do a book signing in the first place? And is it too late to bolt from here?
“Xiaojun, if you don’t shut up, I will walk away and not do this at all. Stop worrying too much.” 
The poor man pacing in front of him stopped and looked at him with eyes as big as saucers. If he wasn’t so irritated, he would have laughed at his reaction.
“What?! You can’t do that! There are already people waiting for you outside!” 
“Yeah? Well those people only know Lee Donghyuck, not my face. I can easily walk out the door without them recognizing me.” 
The threat holds true though. In his career, he had only held a few exclusive book signings that all required guests to turn over their phones and cameras. It was the only way he agreed to do them after Xiaojun finally cracked him down with his incessant pestering. Surprisingly, the man loved the idea, saying that his mysterious persona will add on to his popularity.
“Okay, okay fine. I’m going to stop and go back inside. But please, can you have that as your last stick? We’re about to start in five minutes.” The same man blurted out now, face pale. “You can’t ditch this. This is your first ever book signing in Seoul!” 
And probably the last, came his silent, sour thought.
“Just get in. I’ll be there on time. Make sure nobody takes pictures,” he said as he shooed the other one last time. With one last suspicious look thrown at him, he finally heard the clicking of the door. He sighed and took one last hit of his cigarette before crushing it on the bin beside him.
“Stupid Mark. This is all because of him.” 
“I love your book so much. I’ve been such a fan since the first one!” 
Haechan gave the woman a smile as he started scribbling on the copy of his book. He had lost count of how many people had said the same thing to him since the line started moving, but he accepted each one with practiced grace anyway. He might have lived as a hermit for the past few years, but that doesn’t mean he had lost his flair for charm for necessary situations like this. At least that’s what he can say from the way the guests, especially the women, seem to blush and look just a little disoriented when speaking to him.
“Thank you so much. Who is your favorite character?”
“Oh I love IL Bagatto! The Magician! I think he is so different from the rest.” 
He gave a slight laugh as he flicked his wrist to finish writing his signature. “Good choice. He is my favorite too. Thank you so much for supporting my work.” 
“Only five more,” Xiaojun mumbled quietly behind him as the man placed the final fresh batch of books on the table. As he waited for the next person to come, Haechan took the chance to reach out for his glass of water to take a sip. 
“Thankfully. I need a new pen. This one’s out of ink,” he grumbled back.
He had just uncapped the new marker he was handed when a shadow fell over his table. Like auto-pilot, he reached out for the top book from his pile when a soft voice stopped him.
“Oh. I’m so sorry… But would it be alright if I have my old copy signed instead?” 
It felt like the floor dropped under him with the way his lungs stopped breathing. Like the flip of a switch, everything around him fell silent, except for a heavy thudding that banged against his ears. It almost seemed like an out of body experience as he slowly looked up to meet a pair of eyes he had begged all that is holy to never let him see again in his living days.
You smiled at him, and all of a sudden there was a God that cared for the heavens again. 
“Yah… Hyuck… there are people waiting.”
He barely felt the slight nudge that Xiaojun gave him as he continued staring at you like you were a ghost. The world could be burning around him right now for all he cared. It was only when your smile slightly wavered did he snap out of his trance, your gaze hesitantly moving to the book that you have placed on the table.
“A-ah… it’s fine if I get a new copy. I don’t want to hold you back,” you said in the same voice that he remembered even after all those years that passed. Haechan felt his heart constrict as he tried to search for something else in your face. 
You… Do you remember…?
“Your name. What’s your name?” 
You looked a little worried yourself as you heard him croak a reply. Quietly, you answered as he blindly pulled the book towards him. It was only then that he realized it was not the same one as the title he is signing for today, but his very first story.
The Girl By The Window. 
The same book he was drafting when he last saw you in the hostel by the woods. The one whose pages you picked up and read under the dying light of the sun before he lost you again.
“I know this is just the start, but the way you wrote her makes me feel like you love her deeply as an author.” 
It took him his last strand of self-control as he heard your voice utter your name. Fingers shaking, he turned the battered cover of the book and flipped to the first page where his author dedication was. The copy was a soft cover version, and he noticed how well-loved it was from the yellowing paper and the earmarked pages. Shakily, he started writing there, barely aware of the words he scrawled. 
“That’s my favorite page. That dedication,” you said with a breathy laugh as you watched him sign. “To be loved is to be remembered. I think it’s a very beautiful quote.” 
Haechan looked up and felt himself drowning in your eyes. It only lasted for a few more seconds, but the way you held each other’s gaze felt as if every single day you spent apart came together as a singular unit in that moment. When he handed you back your book, he knew he had once again crossed a boundary he promised himself he would never tread again. 
“Can you wait for me to finish the signing? I want to talk to you… About this book.” 
He watched as your eyes rounded in slight surprise, before giving a slight nod to hide away what he just whispered from a curious Xiaojun over his shoulder. Without another word, you walked on, clutching the still warm book against your chest. 
He found you at the end of the classics aisle, silently reading a book opened on your right palm. The bookstore is mostly empty now, except for a handful who mostly stayed at the front of the shop where the new releases are. The aisle where you are is a long one, and he simply stood at the end of it in silence, giving himself a few seconds to admire you from afar.
You looked so beautiful that he almost wished he could spend longer to just stare at you from a distance. The vision of you standing there, content in your silence and peace sent a painful throb through his chest. You looked so… safe with yourself. So free. All of the things he had only seen in his dreams, none of which consisted of him. In that moment, Haechan realized what he was about to start the moment he takes another step closer to you. This couldn’t be right… It has been ten years. He can’t throw that all away and mess it all up for you again. 
He took a step back to walk away… 
But then you looked up and said the words that turned his world upside down again.
It felt like he had swallowed fire at that moment. Every part of him was burning—his hands that want to reach out to you, to his heart that seemed ready to burst out of his chest. He walked towards you slowly, as if afraid the image of you would disappear like an illusion if he approached you too fast. But you stayed there, resolved and unafraid. 
“You waited…” he whispered, breathless. You turned your body to him fully now, closing the book you were reading.
“You asked me to…” 
His eyes fell on the cover that you were holding and he felt his breath silently catch in his throat again. Shining in gold letters etched against the cover were two words. 
Wuthering Heights. 
“What do you want to talk to me about?” Your voice shook him back from his trance. You were looking at him so openly and yet he can’t read a single thing from you. Do you remember? Are you here to punish him? Or do you still not know him?
“How do you know my name?” It was not how he intended to ask the question, but it was the only thing he managed to push out now. You stared at him for a few heartbeats before finally giving a small smile and showing him the other book on your hand.
“You wrote it in the dedication you signed for me… Here,” blankly, he blinked at the page he just wrote on earlier, the black ink still fresh there. He didn’t even realize that’s how he signed.
Silence fell on both of you then. You patiently waited for him to say more, while he was right there, combusting and putting himself together again and again internally. He didn’t plan ahead of this. How could he? He was never even meant to see you again.
“I was just—I was surprised when you brought my first book out. It has been so long since I…” he fumbled now, at a loss of what to say. It’s not too late yet, a voice inside him said. She doesn't remember. You can still walk away.
“I wanted to know why you like it.”
No. No, I don't. 
“Ah…You must be curious as its author,” you said kindly as you looked at the copy fondly. “It just felt so raw and real. To be honest, I stumbled upon it at a low point in my life and it helped me a lot. I can see how much you felt for her… the character you wrote.” 
His throat felt dry. He didn’t know what to say to that. 
“May I ask a question?" you asked again when it seemed like he has lost his tongue.
Do you still feel the same?” 
His gaze snapped back to you. The way you stared at him was still unreadable, but there was something in the light of your eyes that made the chaos in him slowly quiet down. It was as if you took hold of a thread inside of him and slowly pulled at it to unravel him slowly. 
“Feel what…?” 
“Love her. Do you still love her, Haechan?” 
That was all it took for the rest of the world to fall away around him. Fear was replaced with something else. No, that's wrong. He is still afraid, but he is willing. 
“I do. It never changed,” he said softly as he took another step towards you. You didn’t move back, even when he slowly raised his hand to cup your face.
“And you? Do you still like the way I loved her?” 
“I do. And do not at the same time,” you paused, and for a moment he could see it. All the answers he was looking for as he gazed down on your face.
“You hurt her.”
“I know.”
“You abandoned her. All of you did.” 
“We did…”
“You didn’t come back after taking everything from her.” 
“We didn’t think we deserved to come back. None of us did.” 
“And now? What do you think of it now?” 
Haechan paused, allowing himself to review every right reason why he is wrong for you. Yet, for every mistake and every risk, he found an excuse to never let you go again.
“I’ll stay. Even if I spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you… If you let me.” 
You watched him, thoughtful and doubting. He was ready to grovel to your feet at your denial. He'll beg you if you want him to, like the lost man he is.
But then you smiled.
“Even if I make you suffer for every wrong thing you did?” 
He stilled, surprised, before a soft laugh broke his silence. Gently, he lifted his other hand to cradle your face and tip it back. With a sigh, he leaned over to press his forehead against you.
“You can torture me every day of our life and I’ll still thank you at the end of it, noona."
This time, it was your turn to chuckle. You waited as he slowly dipped his face to yours, but stopped him just before your lips met.
“What’s your favorite story?” 
He smiled before finally meeting your lips together.
“You. Forever you."
Taglist: I only added those who were part of my taglist for Lucid previously (those who still haven't deactivated, at least!) @marijmin, @cabaretyun, @jhornytrash, @pukupukupawpau, @vsszn, @grandmasterslickfox @haoshitt , @furryllamas , @mindofthescattered @bettyschwallocksyee , @strawbunnyjaem , @huangberryyy
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kakiastro · 3 days
Lunar Eclipse Pisces 25°=A time for Healing
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What’s up everyone! Well another eclipse is approaching on the 17th/18th(check timezone location) so tomorrow. This eclipse is important because it’s taking place in the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces! It’s also a supermoon!! The energy will be strong and potent.
Pay attention because this is the beginning of our storyline to the Pisces/Virgo axis in our life! The Nodes will switch to these signs next after being in Aries/Libra for 1.5 year.
Lunar Eclipse is connected to past lives and connections to the spiritual realm in ancient studies.
This eclipse will conj Neptune Pisces! Remember Saturn is still in Pisces too! It’s opposing all of this Virgo energy and sextile Pluto and Uranus!
So what does this means?
-if you’re a creative, it’s the perfect time to tap into that creative space! Listen to some music that aligns with the energy you want to tap into! Let your imagination fly!
-pay attention to your dreams! The more you remember, the longer the message. Our dreams are like codes so this is good time to journal and decipher what they mean to you! Follow your intuition. With it being in Pisces, they’re going to be lucid and might not make a lick of sense so bare that in mind. Look up the meaning then connect them to your life
-if you’re into spirit baths, then take one tonight, release all the funk negative energies you felt throughout this whole summer! Connecting with water energy like bath, showers, drinking water, if you live near a body of water. Anything that will connect you to it!
-healing and more healing! You may have an epiphany during this eclipse. Maybe it’s something you didn’t realize about yourself
-some people may find out they’re pregnant or will conceive this eclipse
-hospital visits or picking up medications could be a thing. Scheduling a doctors appointment or confirming one
- mental health topics could a huge topic with this eclipse! What can we do as a collective to help those who are struggling right now?
-Pisces placements especially moons will feel it the heaviest especially the ones with 25°-29° degree placements. Mutable placements Sag, Virgo, Gemini with degrees 25°-29° will feel it too!!
-some people may start a new career or pursue one. Some might start to get recognition after hard work.
-some may change their diets or contemplate doing it
-you may reconnect with someone to clear the air and finally move forward in peace. Setting boundaries or removing yourself completely after saying your peace could be the main topic of conversation. Moving forward is the theme.
-there’s a strong sense of “I just want peace and quiet” energy.
-25° is an Aries degree! So the focus is really on ourselves and getting ourselves together! Standing up ourselves, starting over or something new, forgiving ourselves for our own past deeds by taking accountability.
Whatever house Pisces rules for you is how it will play out in your life. May this eclipse be the chapter to something good for you!
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dreambunnynotes · 6 months
bunny's 60-day glow up challenge: my habits and goals ❤︎
hi angels, here are my personal habits and goals for the 60-day glow up challenge i'm doing! you can participate along with me if you'd like 🥰 let's get into it!
my chosen habits:
workout every day, stretching on rest days
get to bed by 10:30pm screen-free every night
practice piano every day
my goals and why's:
working out: i want to have my dream body and i want to feel more physically healthy and strong; i also want to be able to beat my brother in a fight lmao 😎 i'd also like to complete the body weight fitness build-up primer and then the bodyweight strength foundation routine to learn how to exercise properly and to say that i did it!
sleep routine: i absolutely neeeeed to improve my sleep schedule for the sake of both my mental and physical health; the early mornings are the only time i have alone so its perfect for getting up earlier; lucid dreaming will be much easier
piano practice: i run a creative business, and while i have to do many different creative things that i'd love to do as a habit, i think that if i can accomplish at least one of these creative essentials a day like piano it'll help build my discipline in the other areas of my business and life
my habit energy-tiers:
workout routine:
low energy: do a guided stretch in my bedroom after i wake up or before i go to bed
medium energy: complete bodyweight exercise routine or go for a walk
high energy: complete bodyweight exercise, stretching before and after, and go for a walk
sleep routine:
low energy: get into bed at 10:30pm and listen to audio
medium energy: get into bed at 10:30pm and go right to bed
high energy: get into bed at 10:30pm and do yoga nidra
piano practice:
low energy: run just the essentials for at least five minutes
medium energy: practice for 50 minutes
high energy: practice for 90 - 120 minutes
let's gooooo! ❤︎ bunny xoxo
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casper-spills · 2 months
·:¨༺ ♱ 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒚 𝑴𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 ♱ ༻¨:·
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 1 ~ ᴘɪʟᴇ 2 ~ ᴘɪʟᴇ 3
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Discaimer: Tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only and should never take the place of professional therapy or professional legal, medicinal or financial advice.
Ends on September 22nd
General £10 ~ £5
Wellbeing £10 ~ £5
Career £10 ~ £5
Prediction £15 ~ £8
Love £15 ~ £8
Sex £20 ~ £10
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♡ ᴘɪʟᴇ 1 ♡
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
King of Pentacles Upright
Keywords & Signs: Saturn, neptune, aqua, ocean, cliff, forest, stargazing, earth, green, spotlight, picture frame, certificate, 14, 3rd house, gemini, mercury, gibbous moon, starseed
Messages: 'You're very close to achieving your goal' 'What sparks your curiosity and inspires you?'
This month seems very focused on your work life or career in particular. You will find yourself thinking and working hard to learn more about your role. Perhaps you have just gotten a promotion or you could be an intern shadowing somebody. You will be processing and learning how to lead/run a business and you will be thinking about how you can communicate effectively. You are being asked to remember to stay disciplined to keep the business abundant and secure.
If you are not employed, you might be someone who takes a leader role and keeps up with a lot of responsibilities in your family/friend/social circles. It could also mean you will be presented with a work opportunity this month!
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
Seven of Cups Upright
Keywords & Signs: Mirror, vanity, brown, zen garden, ballroom, desert, twins, shadow self, water, leo, neptune, 7, 10th house, capricorn, saturn, reputation, new moon in capricorn, dance
Messages: 'Your hard work is paying off' 'Do something to change your energy'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: dreamy, intuitive, imaginative, spiritual, innocent, kind, sweet, forgiving, compassionate, lucid dreamer, psychic, sensitive, empathetic, optimistic, ambitious, abstract, big/thick hair, elegant walk, broad shoulders, tall, tanned skin, warm skintone, bright smile Negative: delusional, naive, unrealistic, overly ambitious, childish
If you are single, you may already have a few potential partners you could be considering at the moment. You are being asked to choose carefully. If you feel as though you have to choose and settle for one option then it probably means that none of them are right for you. Trust your gut. Some may not be who they seem.
If you are already in a relationship, then you are being asked to address any issues that may come up within the relationship and take steps to strengthen the bond. The honeymoon phase may be starting to wear which is completely natural, and so, you are faced with the reality of the relationship and you are indulging less in fantasies and wishful thinking. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. It is a natural part of every relationship.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
Knight of Cups Upright
Keywords & Signs: Water, balance, bored, snow, brown, capricorn, eclipse, cross, meadow, ritual, 2nd house, taurus, venus, posession, mercury, picses, 12, full moon in capricorn, protection
Messages: 'Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval' 'The end of a tough cycle approaches'
You could be trying to gain some extra income at the moment with new ideas. You could be someone who is trying to use their creative skills to earn a bit of money, perhaps an artist? It may be painting, nail art, photography, etc. You could also be a writer or a composer.
This is your reminder to not be discouraged! You might feel like you're not doing enough or earning enough. You feel like maybe you're being too ambitious. You are doing just fine and you are not doing anything wrong. Stay motivated and push through! You have so much to share, it would be a shame for everyone to miss out on what you have to offer.
If you are trying to save money and budget, remember to have good discipline and spend responsibly. You may sometimes be too optimistic with how much you can spend which is okay sometimes, especially when you need to treat yourself after a long day, but make sure you're keeping track of just how much you're able to spend.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
The Star Upright
Keywords & Signs: Performance, pole dancing, purple, gate, orange, pyramid, mountains, desert, egypt, scorpio, mercury, 17, 4th house, cancer, moon, full moon eclipse, light
Messages: 'You've been training for this for lifetimes' 'Conclusions are within reach'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your genitals, reproductive system and your rectum.
If you have been trying for a baby and have been struggling then you may be in luck this month! Make sure you are seeing a doctor consistently to ensure the health of you and your baby.
If you are someone who does not want to get pregnant, make sure you are taking extra precautions using contraception.
Generally, this reading is positive. You could be someone who has had problems with these areas of the body and in this month of July, you will have a time of healing. Not many of you will need to worry but it is always good to pay attention to your health and take the right precautions.
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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
Two of Coins Reversed
Keywords & Signs: 3rd house, gemini, mercury, communication, neptune, fish, giraffe, storm, blue, earth, green, full moon in virgo, stairs, lightning, 2
Messages: 'You are good enough' 'Wait. Postpone. Pause. Say no'
This month seems focused on your workload and your priorities. You may have been feeling overwhelmed and feel like you're struggling to maintain your schedule. You will be learning how you can keep yourself organised and manage your time. You could also be struggling in some of your relationships due to your busy schedule and you might find it difficult to keep up with your social life. This month, you will also be figuring out how you can balance your work life and your social life. You are being asked to stay realistic with how much you are able to do and turn down opportunities that are no longer in alignment with your goals. Reassess your priorities.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
King of Wands Reversed
Keywords & Signs: Fire, 14, imrama, full moon in capricorn, 10th house, capricorn, saturn, reputation, moon, virgo, orange, brown, doors, claustrophobic, caves
Messages: 'The end of a tough cycle approaches' 'Listen to your heart'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: Secure, consistant, loyal, feminine, nurturing, gentle features, bright eyes, lean, curvy lips, delicate nose Negative: Emotional, sensitive, resting bitch face, prudish
If you are in a relationship, you or your partner may be exhibiting controlling or aggressive behaviour. There may be a lack of trust in the relationship due to the nature of how it started. You or your partner may have rushed into this connection because of superficial or shallow reasons such as a gain in social status, fame, money, etc. You are being asked to remind yourself to think before you act and to address these issues to strive for a open and honest connection.
If you are not in a relationship, the King of Wands reversed warns against arrogance, recklessness and lack of self discipline. You may be feeling pressured to rush into a new relationship. You could be the kind of person who typically has high standards for potential partners and you feel like you have to lower these standards and settle for someone for shallow reasons. You are being asked to take your time and think about what it is you actually want. Don't cave into the social pressure.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
Seven of Swords Upright
Keywords & Signs: Air, arrows, new moon in leo, warrior, sword, 7, 2nd house, taurus, venus, uranus, leo, orange, centre, spotlight, posessions
Messages: 'Have you answered your deepest calling?' 'Confidence is your key to success'
You may have felt like you had to resort to deceitful tactics when it comes to your finances lately. Perhaps, if you are running a business, you could be inflating prices for example. Alternatively, you could just be more secretive about your financial position and leading people to think you are not in a secure enough position to pay for certain things or to lend money when in reality, you probably could and you just don't want to.
Some of you may have been saving up for something big which could be why you are not lending money or spending as much. You are being asked to have more confidence in how you spend your money and remember that you are always entitled to your money and whatever you decide to do with it is your business.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
The Chariot Upright
Keywords & Signs: 7, ink blot, horse, star, voice, cave, full moon in aquarius, purple, moon, taurus, 9th house, sagittarius, jupiter, opening, persecution, expression
Messages: 'Share your voice' 'Bring love into the situation'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your throat, neck, vocal chords, tonsils, thyroid and your intestines.
If you are currently going through some obstacles regarding your health, you may have struggled with a negative mindset for some time but soon, you'll feel a sudden burst of energy and a new sense of urgency to address these issues. You'll become determined to start an exercise routine to help you heal or maintain good health.
Some of you might be performers or singers so perhaps you'll be doing vocal exercises or routines to ensure the health of your voice.
Even though your road to recovery may be difficult, you will overcome these obstacles and you are being asked to remember to talk about these problems with your support group or loved ones.
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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
Page of Coins Horizontal
Keywords & Signs: Earth, 11, mecury, libra, 11th house, aquarius, uranus, hope, whale, dolphin, ocean, mutable moon, field, egg, green, horizon
Messages: 'Nothing is yet set in stone' 'Call in your tribe. You don't have to do it alone'
This month seems to be focused on your personal development within your work life and your social life. You may have a lot of hope for the future and you are thinking a lot about your long term goals. This could be a financial opportunity or networking. Perhaps you have already made a strong start and layed the foundations for future success.
However, you could face some challenges this month. You might procrastinate and struggle to follow through with your goals. You are being asked to seize your opportunities while you can and to remove any distractions that might be holding you back.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
The Sun Horizontal
Keywords & Signs: Light, 19, training, void of course moon, north node, rahu, libra, 8th house, scorpio, pluto, debt, beams, swing, trangle, pyramid, moon
Messages: 'Nothing will come of this situation' 'You have been training for this for lifetimes'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: secure, consistant, loyal, feminine, domestic, nurturing, glowing complextion, dimples, symmetrical face, cupids bow Negative: emotional, sensitive, dramatic
If you are in a relationship you might be feeling insecure about your connection. At times, it could feel like you're on a rollarcoaster where one minute you feel like everything is absolutely great and then the next, you feel left out in the cold by your partner. You can't seem to tell whether the relationship has lost is spark or not and you might start to think you should rethink marriage arrangements. There could be some hidden issues in the relationship that will be surfacing soon regarding, inheritance, change, pregnancy, jealousy or money. You are being asked to spend quality time together and remind eachother of why you got together in the beginning and to have trust that these problems can be resolved. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
If you are not in a relationship, you could be feeling content and you're enjoying the aspects of being single but you're also open to future romantic opportunities. This month, it seems like there is a relationship coming your way! However, you might struggle to find your footing. You could be coming across as egotistical and it might seem like you are bragging a lot which could put off potential partners. You're being asked to try not to focus too much on impressing them and to just be yourself. Just dial it back a bit and you'll do just fine.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
The Magician Upright
Keywords & Signs: Purple, cat, 1, transformation, waxing moon, magic, performance, infinity, cancer, venus, 6th house, virgo, mercury, service, throne, healing
Messages: 'The energy is gaining momentum' 'Things are changing at a cellular level'
This month it looks like your finances are heading in a positive direction! You could be thinking about partnering up with a business or merging accounts with somebody or perhaps you want to open a new bank account. You will also be presented with new financial opportunities such as a promotion or an offer to make extra money. It could even be an opportunity to mentor someone or be mentored by someone. You are being asked to put your original ideas into practice and to be smart with how you play your cards with certain people.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
Four of Coins Upright
Keywords & Signs: 4, full moon in aries, storm, lightning, snowstorm, north node, rahu, pause, orange, scorpio, 8th house, pluto, debt
Messages: 'A fiery climax approaches' 'Say no. Now is not a good time'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your genitals, reproductive system and your rectum. Some of you are very prone to pregancy the month of July and if that is not something you want then you are being asked to be especially cautious this month. For others, you may be suffering from constipation or water retention. You might find it helpful to pay attention to your salt and fibre intake.
You also could be holding on to some old emotional or psychological baggage. You might find it helpful to talk about it with a friend or a professional to release some of these issues.
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♥Thank you for your support!♥
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the-littlest-lily · 9 months
30 Days of G/t Self Care
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I'm not fully sure where this idea came from, but here we go! I do enjoy a fun little daily challenge, and like most things my mind went to “but how can I make it G/t?” And here we are! Just in time for the new year, a 30 day self care challenge but… sizey. I wanted to make an actual calendar thing, just in time for the new year (though it can be started at any time, it's not specific to January). Check the days off, spread them out over a longer time, pick out just the ones that speak to you, whatever you want to do 😊 Here's the guide to go with it.
Day 1. Set aside a few minutes to take some deep breaths and focus on the present moment. To help ground yourself, perhaps wrap yourself in a blanket and imagine you are in a large, lovingly grasping hand, or hold a small item and imagine it's a tiny friend.
Day 2. Revisit some nostalgic G/t media. What first got you into this? Let yourself reminisce and remember why you love this in the first place.
Day 3. Make G/t art. It can be anything! Drawing, writing, crochet, pottery, you name it. No need to hold yourself to a certain standard or show anyone else, just take some time to be creative. Even if you don't deem yourself an artist, give it a shot and see if you enjoy it!
Day 4. Relax with a word search puzzle. I made a G/t themed one for you right here!
Day 5. Try out this journal prompt. If you could be tiny/big at will, what types of things would you do to relax? How might you extrapolate from this and apply it to your real life?
Day 6. Stretch your body today. What imaginary setting could you give yourself to make it G/t? Are you surrounded by gigantic furniture in your mind’s eye? Perhaps the yoga video on your phone helps you pretend you have a tiny instructor?
Day 7. Listen to some G/t music. This could be anything, from sizey music videos to songs with sizey lyrics to the Arietty soundtrack.
Day 8. Practice gratitude by listing out all the little things you're thankful for. (See what I did there?) Add some big things to the list for good measure.
Day 9. Practice stepping out of your comfort zone a little bit by talking about G/t, out loud if you’re able. Whether it's discussing with a friend (you brave soul), recording yourself on your phone (you can immediately delete it), or just mumbling to yourself in the shower. Maybe you’ll realize you want to make a G/t podcast and we all win!
Day 10. Here's a little creative prompt. Arrange everyday items to make a G/t scene (use toys, miniatures, or even fashion a tiny person out of paperclips or paper). Take a picture, share it if you like!
Day 11. Create a cozier space today to enjoy your G/t content. Grab some blankets, make yourself a snack or some tea, light some candles, whatever sounds nice to you. Sometimes it's making a mundane moment special!
Day 12. Make yourself something healthy to eat. While you prepare it, imagine how different the task might be to carry out if you were very big or very small. Maybe even have some fun making your snack in miniature too.
Day 13. Try out some affirmations today and see if you can make them both sizey and relevant to your life. Ideas of mantras could be “I am allowed to take up space,” “I choose to appreciate the little things today,” “I will achieve great things through small steps.”
Day 14. Go out into nature for some fresh air. Lean in close and pay attention to the small details, perhaps imagining a shrunken version of yourself or a small friend exploring.
Day 15. Challenge yourself to learn a new skill today to bring your Gt ideas to life. Maybe it's learning how to code, or making your own VR avatar, or learning a new art tool or technique. It's finally time to watch that tutorial you've been saving! 
Day 16. Pull out your dream journal, or start up a new one! Maybe we’ll figure out the whole lucid dreaming thing and come close to experiencing Gt, wouldn't that be the dream~ If this doesn't resonate with you, maybe start a journal to jot down your Gt daydreams instead!
Day 17. Relax with a crossword puzzle. I made a G/t themed one for you right here!
Day 18. Try to cross a few to dos off your to do list someday. Make it more fun by adding in some joke tasks in there, like “leave out a snack for the fairies” or “prep for borrowing trip tonight” or “meet with giant friend for coffee.” Maybe even schedule some real life Gt tasks - such as “work on chapter 2 of (Gt story you're writing)” or “plan a VRC hangout”.
Day 19. It's time to dress the part! Is there any way you can dress up or accessorize yourself in a sizey way? Maybe you have an oversized hoodie, or a necklace of a tiny Eiffel tower, or an old shirt with Tinkerbell on it. Did you know you can actually buy Arietty’s giant hair clip thing? Or if this better scratches your creative itch, maybe your objective is to make tiny accessories for a toy or figurine.
Day 20. Take some time to rest. Just allow yourself to lay down in a quiet, cozy setting for at least a few minutes and have some dedicated G/t daydreaming. 
Day 21. Try out a new exercise routine and use your G/t imaginings to make it more fun. Watching a new workout video? You’re a giant visiting the gym and that's your human instructor on the screen. Spontaneous dance session in your room? You're a fairy frolicking in a field of enormous wildflowers. Going for a swim? You're actually crossing a vast ocean, or maybe a small glass of water.
Day 22. Check out a new G/t story. Not a big reader normally? Just give it a shot!
Day 23. Give yourself a pamper night, whatever that means for you - face masks, cucumber water, a warm drink, candles, the works. Pamper night (face masks and stuff)
Day 24. Make or buy something for your G/t interests (miniatures or toys, “max”iature like a giant flower pillow, fairy-themed stationary, make a giant paper mache strawberry, etc)
Day 25. Relax with a coloring page. You can use any of your favorite artist’s lineart (just make sure to get permission and/or proper attribution if you want to post it). Here's an example option from me.
Day 26. Make a list of all the things you love about G/t. It's always nice to remember the various ways this interest might benefit our lives.
Day 27. Motivate yourself to try out a new hobby by making it G/t. Take that pottery class you've been meaning to take and make a giant acorn-shaped mug. Get into cosplay so you can dress up as a borrower. Dabble with watercolors and you may end up becoming a G/t artist. Study a new language and enjoy new sizey media you couldn't understand before. Whatever speaks to you! 
Day 28. Do a favor for your future self and make a self care kit for when you're having a hard time. This could include a journal or affirmation cards, or perhaps some grounding items like fidget toys, stress balls and mints. Add a little something G/t in there too. Perhaps some kind of miniature with an interesting texture, or a fidget toy in the shape of a person, or a stuffed animal of a giant ladybug to hug. 
Day 29. An act of kindness can do wonders for our mental health. Send someone in the G/t community a kind comment today, whether it's a long-time friend, someone you just met in a Discord group, or a comment to your favorite G/t artist. 
Day 30. Reflect on all the activities you’ve tried during this self care challenge and journal about it. What have you learned about yourself? What might you incorporate more into your self care routines going forward? Pat yourself on the back for investing some time and attention into yourself - you deserve it!
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ttlurking · 18 days
While I keep working on the design for the Cipher twins AU here's some more things i thought to add!
They both have Ford's 6 fingers hands, since they're mostly made of his genetic material it was a high probsbilty that it'd be passed down.
I'm not sure about Canon but in this au the twins are partially responsible for their parents divorce, not for a fault of their own but because their parents think they're too freaky and contributed greatly to the cracks already existing in their marriage. So they've been sent to who they think is their actual father/creator, not knowing its Stanley.
They have shared dreams/dreamscape (this is actually inspired by real life because when me and my brother slept in the same room as kids we'd sometimes have conjoined dreams? It's a story for another time anyways) plus the fact that Bill is technically on of their fathers means they can always lucid dream and have a pretty good control on their dreams. They have their own separate dream areas, almost like they "split" their rooms, especially as they grew. This is to give eachother privacy in their dreams and also because their tastes in dreams are vastly different.
They can talk telepathically, being linked through the dreamscape has their consciousnesses closely linked. They keep it as radio sort of situation, as neither is keen to look in the other's thoughts. It could be a completely open channel. It used to be when they were younger, which greatly contributed to their freakishness as they used to talk together, as if they were one being.
Dipper and Mabel have personalities that stick pretty close to canon, with Dipper taking more after Ford and Mabel after Stan. Tho as they're Ford's kids I'd say they've both inherited his genius in different ways, Dipper is smart and logical, a bit too calculating and probably on the spectrum. He likes to study things because he wants to know more and likes feeling in control. He has a quick mind, good for puzzles, equations and observation. Very fast learner. Mabel is creative and a tinkerer, while she still loves to make sweaters (and bedazzled eyepatches) her inventiveness is cranked up. She's made some pretty complex sweaters, some that could light up, so it's not even too much of a reach. She likes to make useful machines to help around the house, and while they do work, they're usually weird looking and usually made for unnecessary tasks: like glitter dispensers, disco toilets, rainbow colored shower water etc.. although she's good at making things on request, like Stan's beloved automatic backscratcher.
Stan started wearing the eyepatch as his Man of Mystery persona to make the kids feel more welcomed. He says that it's so they can sell the while "Mystery Family" deal and make more money but he always thinks of his brother and how it was for him as a child to be a "freak"
Dipper's constellation glows when he's sleeping.
The twins don't know they're not completely human. They just think they've inherited the "Family weirdness" that they've heard about.
They still think Stan is their Grunkle. Things start to click after they first meet Bill. They have an easier time in this Au, since they're used to their own dreamscape, they're much more of a threat to Bill, who retreats after he realises just what the twins are.
Their realisation about Bill is complex, along the lines of "We're connected but I don't know how."
They have heavily suspected that the author is related to them since the first season because what are the chances of a 6 fingers handprint on a diary.
When they meet Ford they're like "oh ok- Stan has a twin? So we have two great uncles, makes sense, we must have the 6 fingers mutation in our genetic makeup, a family thing. He's our dad. He's our dad???"
Granda and Candy are still awesome best friends and they never make Mabel feel bad for being different. To them, she's just as weird as they are.
Dipper doesn't have a crush on Wendy. He thinks he does, because he has no experience with this sort of things, but it's actually a mix of admiration and envy, he'd like to be more like her.
And that's it for now cause I'm really sleepy, sorry for the rant~
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thesiltverses · 4 months
Hi! Big fan. Wanted to ask-- how did yall develop the structure/audio style of the Silt Verses? Where did yall draw from? I love the show because it's one of the first really fresh, creative takes on the audio drama medium I've seen since Nightvale--your blending of diagetic & nondiagetic sound and dialog is very lucid and flowing; it's vivid and easy to follow *because* it's not so hung up on an in-universe explanation for why the audience can hear the characters and action. The montages especially are just exceptional.
Hi and thank you so much! The mix of diagetic sound, dialogue, narration, etc, has honestly been an evolving and organic aspect of the show rather than something that was drawn from a master-plan. We knew we wanted to do a full-cast audiodrama, but we'd never worked with actual sound design before, directly or indirectly (and we wanted to establish an intimate, confessional aspect to the storytelling that contrasted with the secrecy, lying, and spitefulness in Carpenter and Faulkner's initial exchanges) - hence the narrated segments, and we've dialled them up and down for various purposes as we've gone on.
The montages this season are, I think, more obviously and directly drawn from television; I'm a massive fan of the four-minute montage that closes out The Wire's season finale, which manages to cram in final glimpses of 15-20 protagonists and antagonists across a dozen different locations, demonstrating in a heartbeat who's managed to change their life for the better and who's repeating the same old cycles - while also underlining the fact that there's an entire vast world beyond the central cast, and life goes on there as well.
This is the kind of broad-scope, location-and-POV-jumping storytelling and worldbuilding that as far as I'm aware, we don't see very much of in audiodrama (I'd guess partly because audiodramas tend to focus in tightly on a few close characters, partly because creators understandably fear that the work will become incoherent or impossible to follow.)
But what's really interesting to me about that sequence is that while the montage is geared towards its own medium (including the very deliberate contrast between the silent conspiracies of the drug dealers and the noisy applause that greets the white-collar criminals and establishment figures), The Wire has previously worked to develop such a rich audio vocabulary that with a few tweaks, you really could make this scene work entirely without visuals.
We can already recognise the sounds of police brutality, corner boys yelling out the latest product, the horns of the cargo ships down at the docks, the smash of vials and the sound of running footsteps, we can hear the environmental shifts from a prison yard to a sterile office to the projects - and we can understand that these simple repeating SFX are conveying the central theme that nothing has changed in Baltimore but the players.
In other words, there's no reason you can't accomplish something as absurdly ambitious as that sequence in an audiodrama, so long as you've already done a good job of conveying the thematic and emotional significance of a few individual sounds to the audience - and I think that's really, really exciting for audio storytelling.
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
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ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𖤐 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐀 ?!!
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glad to meetcha. my name's chai and I'm just your friendly, yet angry, neighborhood homie. my pronouns are it/that, I am an experience. I'm forever 23 until I decide it's my time to age up. I've been manifestin' my whole life, but have consciously been manifestin' for a good few years now, and only recently have i decided to get serious about it and live life in creative mode as intended. i am a law of assumption fiend and stand by that. also, i'm a major nerd when it comes to anime, cartoons, and anything animated in general. no, i promise i'm not a disney adult.
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𖤐 𝐘𝐀 𝐃𖤐 ?!!
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i make shit posts, post about ways to interact with yourself on a subconscious level, post about my own personal void journey, and sometimes like to rant. i am not a strictly void based blog. before anyone sends me asks about what they can and cannot manifest— imma answer ya right now, the answer is yes ya can have whatever ya want, even the unbelievable shit like magical powers and monster sps (don't judge me). if ya can think about it, then ya can literally have it. there's no limitations, for real.
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐆𖤐𝐈𝐍' 𖤐𝐍 ?!!
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currently, I've been on a new void journey using psych-k consistently, as well as using psych-k to change my own limitin' beliefs about myself and my perceived limitations that should have never existed in the first place but were put in place by society and those around me. i want nothin' more than to help others become the best they can be. however, i am exceedingly blunt and can be mean on accident or on purpose, sugarcoatin' shit is just not my thing. you've been warned if ya choose to interact with me.
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ ) 𝐖.𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐀 𝐏𖤐𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 ?!!
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psych-k, affirming on a deeper level
muscle testing yourself & others
dear subconscious...
got questions about psych-k? read this before sending in an ask.
did your ask not get answered? this might be the reason why.
building a manifestation foundation
using code words for manifestation
more posts to come!
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ ) 𝐖.𝐇𖤐'𝐒 𝐆𖤐𝐓 𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 ?!!
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void 'n victory
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𖤐'𝐒 𝐆𖤐𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 ?!!
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how do i know if i have resistance?
explaining psych-k in portuguese.
when did i first learn about psych-k?
are we supposed to put our strong side over our weak side?
what was the very first thing i manifested?
how long should i do psych-k?
what i can look up to better understand the whole brain state // psych-k?
how i do psych-k to the uptomst efficiency, when in doubt, cover all your bases.
psych-k for appearance change??? :O success!!!
trust your instincts
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𖤐 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𖤐𝐍𝐒 ?!!
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🐇 ,,, 🐠 ,,, 🎀 ,,, 👛 ,,, 🍓 ,,, 💌 ,,, 🦦 ,,, 🫀 ,,, 🍫 ,,, 🫶🏻 ,,, 📼 ,,, 🍵,,, 💫 ,,, 👙 ,,, 🌷,,, 🧝🏿‍♀️ ,,, 🌼 ,,, 🍞 ,,, 🐧 ,,, 🎀🧸 ,,, 🦁🐻🦒 ,,,
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐃 ?!!
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appearance change shifting success
lucid dreaming void success
void success (2) exam success
longer lashes void success (charlie)
void success (charlie) shifting & wands
void success void concept success
ideal sp scenario time traveling
lucid dreaming void success
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙡𝙧 2023
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
my favourite blogs!
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hello friends! i wanted to make a little post about the people who have inspired my journey in conscious creation and spirituality this past year. there have been so many wonderful people who have assisted me in my journey, but i am keeping this list small to encourage mindful consumption and to highlight the reasons why i love these blogs. i hope you give these folks a follow and are inspired by their creativity, kindness, and wisdom like i have been inspired!
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ella's blog is like a law of assumption dreamland. if you are wanting an abundance of incredibly insightful, creative, and informative posts on law of assumption, there is no other blog you need to turn to than hers. not only does she write her posts in the most incredibly aesthetically-pleasing, easy to understand, and well-organized way, but she is also just the sweetest person on planet earth! please consider following her blog if you want amazing information and insights as well as wonderful kindness along your journey!
maya is legit the reason i started my own manifestation blog! not only are her resources for manifesting, shifting, and lucid dreaming incredible, but she has made a point of exploring and sharing spirituality in her own way that resonates with her, which i think is an essential part of conscious creation and being the god of your own reality. she's also hilarious and her replies to rude anons have absolutely sent me over the past year lol. please consider following her blog if you are feeling stuck in your journey, her posts will re-spark the inspiration and excitement that you had when you first learned about the law and realized how limitless you were!
bry's blog is my absolute favourite non-dualism blog, and i highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for brilliant and creative explanations of the concept! she has been the most patient and caring person in my personal ND journey, and the stories she has shared about abandoning societal-conditioning to live a truly limitless life are so inspiring. she is the master at using metaphors to break down egoic confusion and frustration and provides us with so many wonderful ways of explaining non-dualism. please go give her a follow if you're interesting in learning about ND, she is THE blog for it! (please remember that her blog is a ND blog, and that law of assumption and non-dualism are two different concepts despite the similar teachings - please do not bombard her with "how to manifest" questions because that is not the place to do that!)
ali's blog is one that i have found only recently, but the impact her posts have had on my heart and mind have quickly made her one of my biggest inspirations and comforts in the community. she has tapped into the very heart of the law of assumption with her teachings of unconditional love and belief in oneself, and whenever i am down i can turn to her creative and caring posts to remember my power as a conscious creator. i also really like her use of the word "god" and "prayer" in her posts, as it is very akin to the way neville uses it and reminds me of when i first began reading his work. if you are looking for a blog of pure patience, kindness, and care and someone who gets to the very core of loa teachings, please considering giving ali a follow!
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bitchy-craft · 2 years
Normal PAP's and Affirmations
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Affirmation Series:
Abundance Affirmations
Beauty Affirmations
Big And Lucious Lips Affirmations
Confidence Affirmations
Courage Affirmations
Creativity Affirmations
Dream Body Affirmations
Good Luck Affirmations
Health Affirmations
Inner Peace Affirmations
Lucid Dreaming Affirmations
Money Affirmations
Motivation Affirmations
Personal Growth Affirmations
Self-Love Affirmations
Self-Love Affirmations pt. 2 [NEW]
Strong And Beautiful Nail Growth
Success Affirmations
Spiritual Animals:
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Time Related | Pick A Piles:
How January Will Go For You
How February Will Go For You
How March Will Go For You
How April Will Go For You
How May Will Go For You
How June Will Go For You
How August Will Go For You
How September Will Go For You
How October Will Go For You
How November Will Go For You
How Your Summer Will Go
What You Should Focus On Next Week
What You’ll Learn in 2023
What You'll Learn In 2024
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Spirit Team Messages | Pick A Piles:
Your Next Shadow Work Prompt
Messages For You
Messages From Your Desires
Messages From Your Inner Child
Messages From Your Pet
Supportive Messages For You
What You Need To Look Out For
What You Need To Hear Right Now
What You Need To Work On *HARSH*
What Your Higher Self Wants To Tell You
What Your Spirit Guides Want To Tell You
Who Your Spirit Animal Is
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About You | Pick A Piles:
How People Feel In Your Presence
How To Get To Your Fullest Potential
Let's Get You Hyped Up
Let's Give You A Confidence Boost
Messages From Your Future Self
Ten Facts About Your Future Carreer
Ten Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself
What Carreer Field You'll Pursue
What Direction Your Life Is Headed In
What Is Unique About You
What Kind Of Beauty You Possess
What Kind Of Self Care You Need
What Love Will Come Your Way
What Makes You Addictive
What Makes You Beautiful
What People Admire About You
What People Envy About You
What Skill Can Make You Famous
What You Should Manifest
Who Is Thinking About You
Your Next Glow Up
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Just For Fun | Pick A Piles:
Are You On Santa's Naughty List
What Alice In Wonderland Character You Are
What Barbie You Are
What Bridgerton Character You Are
What Crystal Best Describes You
What Disney Princess You Are
What Planet You Are Associated With
What Mythological Creature You Are
What Stranger Things Character You Are
Which Princess and the Frog Song You Should Listen To
Yes or No
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Full Moon July 21, 2024 – Healing Extreme Polarization
Full Moon July 2024 Astrology
Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.
The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts climax with the July 2024 full moon. So, use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an honest and balanced look at your relationships. You will see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.
Pluto Power
Moon conjunct Pluto brings such deep feelings that they can be overwhelmed. Personal interactions become intense and revealing. They help you access your true feelings and discover someone else’s feelings about you. Memories, emotions and compulsions buried deeply in your subconscious may be exposed. You can even become obsessed with your feelings and have trouble focusing on anything else.
Dreams, visions, psychic impressions, and intuitive insights may intensify and profoundly affect your mood. Take care not to react too strongly to overpowering feelings. In relationships, you may encounter power struggles and controlling and manipulative behaviors like jealousy, guilt-tripping, threats and intimidation. However, you can transform, transcend or eliminate destructive influences, feelings, behaviors and habits.
Sun opposite Pluto makes people more intense, extreme, assertive and egotistic. It increases the risk of power struggles, conflicts and crises. Compulsive and destructive character traits become harder to control. This may include addiction, spying, stubbornness, manipulation, jealousy, or domination.
Powerful hidden forces and fated events are out of your control. However, they help you realize that you don’t need power over others or your environment. There is great potential for positive transformation and the evolution of your soul.
Mars Passion
Moon trine Mars positively influences the full moon in July 2024 astrology. It gives courage and initiative and makes you more daring, charismatic and passionate. You can trust your instincts and intuitively know what you want and how to get it.
You can be direct and assertive without looking bossy or rude and will be admired for your honesty and sincerity. If you are shy, this full moon helps you connect with your sexuality and share your passionate desires. You can feel comfortable sharing your strong, sad, or happy feelings without restraint.
Mars trine Pluto brings fearlessness, penetrating insights and psychic power. You will feel things more powerfully and be transformed by your intense emotional reactions. Profound emotional experiences will enrich intimate relationships. A karmic encounter with an intense emotional connection may result in a new, life-changing relationship.
You can rely on a strong inner sense of balance, plus enjoy a greater sense of belonging with your partner, family, friends, and the wider community. This aspect also helps you eliminate destructive habits, obsessions, and compulsions.
Neptune Spirituality
Moon sextile Neptune makes you more sensitive, compassionate and sympathetic. You will be more in touch with other people’s feelings and can connect more deeply with loved ones. Intimate relationships become more tender and spiritual. Your imagination and creative talents will be heightened.
This aspect further enhances your intuition and psychic perception. Your imagination and creative talents will be heightened. This July 2024 full moon is ideal for meditation, lucid dreaming, and other spiritual or occult activities because you will enjoy spiritual or psychic protection.
Mars sextile Neptune sharpens your senses and intuition. You can assert your spiritual energy decisively to defend the mistreated or fight for a just cause. Your morals and ethics will guide you in your actions. You will be more sensitive to the desires of others and enjoy being of service to them.
An increase in sensual desire and magnetic attraction is ideal for passionate romance. You will attract people more in tune with your level of spiritual development, and you may even find your soul mate. Soothing and healing energy can also benefit relationships. This full moon is ideal for following your creative passions.
Neptune sextile Pluto gives a pioneering spirit, making you unafraid to challenge the accepted way of thinking and doing things. You can deconstruct any system, belief or procedure, remove political, religious, cultural, and gender bias, and then reconstruct it in a more advanced and unadulterated state. Obsessions are possible, but your higher thought processes seek order in chaos and simplicity in complexity.
You can tap into the mass subconscious and gauge the prevailing thoughts of humanity. Your input to the mass consciousness transforms how we communicate and live with each other through political, religious, and cultural renewal. Old systems and beliefs based on empire and superiority are disintegrating. In their place, you are dreaming up, or imagineering, a more humanitarian approach and shared responsibility for the welfare of everyone and everything, the collective dream.
The Cradle
The Cradle aspect pattern has five blue aspects, compared to only one red aspect, giving a desire for pleasure and harmony. Yet the opposition promotes focus and self-discipline to avoid excessive sensual pleasure-seeking.
The opposition also divides the July 2024 full moon horoscope into two halves, like an energy barrier. The other half remains unexplored, unknown territory. If something unpleasant approaches, you can switch over and suddenly be protected by an invisible wall from criticism or attack. It reflects others’ opinions or intentions like a mirror and appears untouched by them.
The symmetry of the Cradle suggests a desire for security and protection in a stable life situation. It makes you anxiously concerned about protecting what you have achieved against intruders. However, the opposition represents the development task of leaving the security of the Cradle and going out into the world, or going into the empty space of the horoscope, to become independent.
The opposition of the full moon also acts like an interface between life and death or a mirror reflecting what lies in the soul. So, the Cradle gives an interest in sleep, dreams and death in order to learn about the transition from one dimension to another.
Two Minor Grand Trines bridge the polarity of the opposition. They give two possible middle paths or ways out of conflicts to bring new meaning and opportunities. A feeling of invulnerability comes from always having an escape route open into your creativity, where no more conflicts exist.
The Cradle also encourages receptiveness, devotion, perfectionism, sympathy, an open heart and optimism. It helps you live in harmony with the environment, adapt yourself and deal with its demands.
Full Moon July 2024 Meaning
The July 21 full moon, aligned with Pluto, brings powerful feelings and intense relationships. The Sun opposite Moon-Pluto has the potential for conflict, crises and more extreme polarization. However, the harmonious Mars and Neptune aspects create positive, creative, passionate and healing energy.
The Cradle aspect pattern provides security and protection that allow the pursuit of pleasure and harmony. It also resolves the conflicts and extreme polarities of the opposition, bringing new meaning and opportunities.
The influence of the July 21 Full Moon lasts two weeks until the August 4 New Moon. Astrologically, a Full Moon is influenced by the preceding New Moon. The July 5 New Moon aligned with fixed star Sirius to bring immense energy and power, faithfulness, devotion and passion. It also brings the courage, determination and self-discipline to resolve relationship imbalances, especially regarding the role of nurturing. -Astrology King Full Moon in Capricorn 🌕 Talon Abraxas
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