#loz pirate au
mistresslrigtar · 8 months
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It's finally here! The first chapter of this beast. I hope you enjoy! Many thanks to @zeldaelmo for encouraging me to complete this and being my beta!
“Marin! Open this door!” Pounding rattles the door in its frame.
“Shit!” Link jumps out of bed to hop on one foot, his other tangled in the pants leg. Marin rushes to the window and throws the shutters wide, urging him to hurry. 
“I am hurrying!” Foot finally emerging victorious with the knotted pants leg, Link pulls his threadbare linen shirt over his tousled blond head and shrugs into his forest green overcoat. 
Splintering wood sends Link strapping on his sword belt as he bolts to the corner where his boots had been errantly tossed during the throes of passion the previous night. 
The door slams against the wall, sending a framed landscape crashing to the floor. Byrne bursts in, top-knot quivering, fists clenched. One, a deadly metallic claw, clicks menacingly. Narrow, angry black eyes sweep the room. When he spies Link, his face darkens, harkening a coming shit storm. Link gulps.
“You!” Byrne growls, gnashing his teeth, spittle flying. Who needs a shower with this guy around?
“Hiya, Byrne. I was just stopping by to offer my good wishes for your happy nuptials,” Link tosses over his shoulder, collecting his boots and wondering if he should pull his cutlass now or wait to see how things play out. 
“He ravished me, Byrne,” Marin weeps, throwing herself into Bryne’s arms. 
Well, that played out faster than Link expected. Ravished? No, it was more like pleasured thoroughly, and she’d enjoyed every minute of it. Marin had left Link out to dry to save her own skin.
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echoes-of-courage · 24 days
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I hear that Shadow gives off pirate-y vibes. I was going for a roguish look, but he’d like the pirate vibe too. He’d be a fan of Pirate, I think.
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kheprriverse · 6 months
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Hero of Winds, Delta.
Finally got myself to restart on my redesign of WW Link. She's been on my mind for so long now and I can't wait to draw her more!
-> Support me on ko-fi!
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onefey · 10 months
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howdy! today is the two year anniversary of my au! to celebrate, here's various Stuff and Things, plus a design for the phantom cutlass :)
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cerame · 1 year
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So what if the hero's spirit is a little bit of a show-off or competitive or, in some cases, stupid?
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huh-1260 · 9 days
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Gave Spirit Tracks Link a pirate esthetic. This is totally not going to tie in into my Old man Wind propaganda I have written in my drafts where both teenager Wars and 30 fourty something Wind gets their ages fucked because Old man Wind took Wars with him after the War of Eras with Tetra's help. No I did not write this just because I wanted write a fic where Wars goes with Wind instead of baby Time.
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plaguelily-art · 10 months
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So uh, fun fact I've had this finished for well over a month now and just kept forgetting to share it...
Anyhow! I finally got a design for Ganondorf figure out for my Sky Pirates story...maybe. I redesigned Nabooru in the process of designing Ganondorf, so I'm very sure I'll probably redesign him several more times before I make any meaningful progress on like, comic pages (and I still need to finish writing the story, rip, I swear this project will become a thing eventually). Three designs because parts of Ganondorf's story arc take place about 20 years in his past, so we have from left to right, his design for ages 22, 24ish, and 42.
2023, Fall Digital (Adobe Photoshop) Redesign and concept for this story and its character iterations belongs to me. Ganondorf is a character from the Legend of Zelda series, and belongs to Nintendo. Artwork belongs to me.
This image (published by the artist to deviantart.com/plaguelily, plaguelily-art.tumblr.com) may not be reproduced, copied, edited, republished, reuploaded, distributed, or redistributed in any way, and I do not give permission for the creation of any sort of derivatives of my work including the use of the work in datasets used for generation of AI art or any other sort of procedurally generated image program or software. Thank you.
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veid49 · 5 months
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Probably gonna get the toon squads designs out of the way first
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piratesofhyrule · 9 months
The Story That Will Never Be Told 2: Midzel (For Realsies)
Don't worry, this is legit XD
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This was planned from the start, simply a matter of getting to that point was always the REAL question. I saw the concept of "BOTW Midzel, but it's the same Midna from TP that's lived to this day and age due to time-shenanigans" kicking around, it springboarded what I devised.
Midna was rather easy to write concerning her heart as the core of this matter is she has had to live so long without the one she loved most, an agony I am most familiar with. The Zelda she knew may have been cut from the same cloth as the current one, but there's marked differences between the two. Twilight Zelda's stoic and outwardly cold to hide her softness, my Barbarian Zelda meanwhile is a carnivorous and brutish wastelander with the biggest heart you've ever seen. This is then juxtaposed further with how she's also a closeted nerd, the savagery of her upbringing stifling that part of her, but it's something Midna recognizes from the Zelda she originally knew. She wanted to befriend Zelda again, to truly learn of her without any sort of preconceptions or romantic expectations because while Zelda is clearly enamoured with her, Midna would never take the freedom of choice from her. She wanted Zelda to learn the sad truth of their shared past because the secrets and loss of choice that Midna suffered thanks to her curse were deeply engraved into her soul. She would never inflict that on her Zelda and that's why she strove to let Zelda initiate it all.
Although Zelda's initial attraction was rooted in "tall lady sexy lemme smash", I did want her to grow beyond base horniness into something much more profound and deeper. Choosing the whole "she has no clue about her royal heritage" was made quite early in pre-production, but it indirectly played into this as it's Midna that guides her along this learning curve. Thus Zelda's attraction stalls a bit in the face of their shared pasts, but such sudden curveballs in life can be the greatest of teaching moments and this helped develop Zelda more. When the two finially get together, she makes that decision with both eyes on Midna as she walks towards her, not falling in love but purposefully seeking her out.
Was thinking of posting the Midzel smuttery, but I'm not so certain about that these days.
The Gerudo Arc was meant to deepen their relationship, assorted terrors and battles only further entwining them. Deeper their love grows, it's tempered by the two low-key panicking about the other in any degree of mortal peril, which only worsens during Zelda's pilgrimmage up Mt Lanayru where she awakens the Queen's Ghost as she nearly freezes to death along the way. Midna meanwhile takes a serious hit from King Dedede during the Colossium Battle, Zelda entering a raging berserker state that allows her to take on Dedede on equal terms.
This has both of them conflicted over the same matter "I'm not the boss of her but I cannot stand seeing her get hurt." Some tension between the two over this, but they resolve it and that's when Midna proposes to Zelda during the Last Voyage (she wanted to earlier, but Zelda reuniting the wayward provinces and Fortunate Gents under her flag along with Kade's death took precedence). Given that everyone's sailing to the apocalypse, the wedding is pretty improvised and takes place on the deck of Wolf of the Seas. Linkle officiates as she's now captain of the ship, Ganondorf's on the organ for the Bridal March, Link and Sheik are the best men, Skull Kid's the ringbearer and Saria called dibs on being the flower girl. During the kiss, that's when Zelda takes the spark of the Night Father's divinity into herself, thus preserving the cosmic balance between both worlds.
This is a momentous occasion in the whole book because first, it's the formal union of Hyrule and the Twilight Realm. But more importantly, the chapter right after this is when the final battle begins and the fate of the world is determined not by gods, but by the mortals who make up the entireity of the world. During the climax when Link dies, Zelda sees the gamble she must make in his stead, Midna tearfully begs her to reconsider, even reciting their wedding vows. Much as Zelda doesn't want to, she knows and accepts that she must make this choice as that is the price of the Triforce.
And so Zelda becomes something more then human, beyond anything on the mortal plane in a last ditch effort to stop the Blood Moon's cataclsymic descent from the sky and Midna can only watch in horror, hoping that she has not lost her beloved again.
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mistresslrigtar · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday! And Captain Link is back!
Sneak Peek
As they move deeper into the forest, the buzzing turns into an insistent hum. Link shakes his head and tugs on his ears. “Does anyone else hear that?”
“Hear what, boss?” Groose lifts the lantern higher, revealing a tall wrought iron fence. Lanterns on each side of the gates flare to life as Gustaf approaches.
Nobody can hear the humming? Now that he is standing in front of the graveyard, Link swears it is actually a woman’s voice, and she is calling to him with a song. This place is haunted, for sure. Or it is a siren. Sirens lured unsuspecting sailors to their deaths with their beautiful songs. Of course, he isn���t on a ship, so could the same be applied here? It’s not like he will be smashed against a rock…Ghost, then. Has to be a ghost.
Link sees a large mausoleum in the center of the graveyard, and beyond it, a broken path snakes up a hill leading to a temple. She’s in there, in the temple; he can sense it. Her voice floats down the hill from the crumbling facade of the building. He steps backward, hesitating to enter the graveyard as a shiver runs down his spine. The temptation to follow the pull of the song to its source is strong. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea, after all.
Many thanks to my beta @zeldaelmo who told me I had to write this chapter. She was right.
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echoes-of-courage · 10 months
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Winter shenanigans
(Higher res cropped images because tumblr messed with the resolution a bit)
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You know a fun Wind Waker au would be Sinbad (Maybe mix a little bit of LU in there for fun maybe). The characters being.
Tetra-Sinbad Link-Marina Medli-Proteus Makar-Spike Linebeck-Kale Quill-Dymas Niko-Rat Tetra's Crew-The Crew Ghirahim-Eris
The Au would follow a lot of the main story, main difference is we would see a bit more of Link and his family (Cough Lu bros Cough) and Aryll.
Also Link would be under the sirens call with Tetra having to save them. However Link would have Tetra from the ice bird. Anyways hope you enjoy.
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onefey · 11 months
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linktober 2023, day 26 - overgrown
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socialc1imb · 9 months
hii! i’m nervous to send this but love your aus and i’m so curious do you have any trans headcanons? i love seeing who of hms people headcanon as trans and in your aus especially i think it’d be really cool :)
Not in my hms aus, no, sorry ,:3 mainly bc the jash aus are based off of a real guy who has made it clear that he isnt trans. That being said, my aus are generally up to interpretation, so headcanon away anyways!
Other aus though, definitely! Especially my LOZ aus! I always loved to headcanon that various Link Legend of Zeldas were trans :)
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cerame · 1 year
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This is a difficult question because, I mean, they're all Links. They're all incredibly charming in their own ways, intentionally or not, so I had to make charts to explain. The first describes their flavor of rizz, and the second describes how much they have.
Quick answer: Artisan
Longer answer:
Artisan has the most raw charisma. His games circle around interpersonal relationships, and that extends to him. He's effortlessly charming, both roguish and noble in attitude and appearance, and that plus his positive attitude makes him appealing to interact with. Commander is close behind, but he had to build up his actual charisma, apart from just being attractive, and he knows how to actually utilize his charm. His entire game... I'll let it speak for itself.
As for Mask, he's in his edgy emo teen phase, and he sometimes references an apocalypse that never happened in a land that may or may not exist. He's uncanny and unwilling to open up to most, so most people aren't really willing to spend a ton of time with him. This does not keep girls his age from finding him attractive, though. What teenager girl doesn't find the mysterious angsty boy a bit charming??
The rest: Archer is seen as pretty much universally attractive in his games, and he also forges several decent relations with the individuals of his era. He's awkward at times, but it's part of his charm. Pirate is just hot. Every person I've shown him to starts acting disrespectfully. That's all I'm going to say on that. He's also just a nice guy to hang around. Cloudy and Farmer are pretty much on the same level. They're both wholesome community boys who like to help. They look trustworthy and capable :)) Despite his disposition, Collector is unfailingly kind and willing to help anyone he comes across. He has an aura about himself that people like and trust. Forge is quite similar to Cloudy and Farmer, in that he's got a heart of gold and is always happy to help, but he's a bit more mischievous, a bit more chaotic, and he keeps his secrets close to his chest. Piper is babey, your honor. He gets anxious and quiet sometimes, and he lacks the confidence of his fellow heroes, but he's adorable and I want to squish his cheeks Scout is a bit standoffish, but apart from the usual hero stuff, he's got his moments of goofiness to contrast with his serious attitude. He's considerate, always fighting for the people, and because of that, he's trusted by the people.
In the end, how much rizz each boy has really depends on your personal tastes, but this is my estimation the general consensus.
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plaguelily-art · 1 year
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Still trying to get back into the swing of art, decided to finally sit down and draw myself some references for my variation of Zelda in the Sky Pirates story. I redesigned her armor...again (I think I'm up to three redesigns now?), although I'm probably happiest with this set of color palettes (special thanks to @kelseymichikoart for helping with the palettes). If nothing else, I'm glad that her core design, especially the face and hair, is easy enough to draw that I don't feel like I'm fighting it every time I draw her.
The project itself has been at a bit of a standstill because I ran into a block midway through the outline, but after playing TotK and thinking about the lore updates I need to change in the story, I went over some of the details and I think with a few key changes I can get both the story to flow more smoothly and find a way past the block so I can finish the outline and start on the script. Haven't made much progress this year because life things keep happening, but I'm not giving up.
2023, Summer Digital (Adobe Photoshop) Redesign and concept for this story and its character iterations belongs to me. Zelda is a character from the Legend of Zelda series, and belongs to Nintendo. Artwork belongs to me.
This image (published by the artist to deviantart.com/plaguelily, plaguelily-art.tumblr.com) may not be reproduced, copied, edited, republished, reuploaded, distributed, or redistributed in any way, and I do not give permission for the creation of any sort of derivatives of my work including the use of the work in datasets used for generation of AI art or any other sort of procedurally generated image program or software. Thank you.
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