#loz hcs
Unnamed Heroes
💚❤️ Minish Cap and Four Swords Prologue Headcanons 💙💜
There are other heroes mentioned in the prologues of Minish Cap in Four Swords who remain unmentioned outside of these stories. I got to thinking about it and decided it would be fun to expand on them! So here they are, the Hero of Men and the First Hero of the Four Sword.
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The First Hero of the Four Sword is shrouded in mystery, which I decided I actually really like and wanted to maintain somewhat. All that is known is that when Vaati began causing trouble after being reborn in a monstrous form, he appeared from the woods and simply said he would defeat Vaati. Then, he split into four with the blade he somehow already was in possession of and sealed Vaati inside of it. Then, he disappeared. None of the people who he rescued had any idea how he did what he had, and many believed it didn't happen at all! I headcanon that he was born in the woods and lived there alone for most of his life. He never minded it, and he surely didn't want that peace disturbed. However, when his childhood friend Zelda- who met him when she snuck out of the palace when they were younger- became one of the people taken to Vaati's new palace, Link set out with the Four Sword Zelda had told him was hidden away (likely in the Castle) prior with only the goal of rescuing her in mind. He never took much recognition or credit, preferring to stay distant from things as before.
The Hero of Men, the first holder of the Picori Blade, is given slightly more depth than the first Hero of the Four Sword in the way that he is actually given a design. It is implied he is a knight of Hyrule, as he is seen among them in the stained glass depicting the rise of monsters. We also know he knew Zelda in some way, as he gave the Light Force to the princess of his time. I like to headcanon that he met her during the worst of the Era of Chaos, and in his quest to help her restore Hyrule was given the Picori Blade and Light Force by the otherworldly visitors. Like the Hero of the Minish, I imagine he's pretty short.
Time Elapsed (slightly less lazy doodle page): 2 hours, 54 minutes
Time Elapsed (old lazy doodle page): 1 hour, 20 minutes
Program: Ibis Paint X
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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The Golden Goddesses
The nature of the Golden Goddess remains mostly unknown. For this AU, however, I wanted to clear up just a little bit. Functionally, they will be very similar to the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece (in the way that sometimes they just do things because they feel like it and other times their actions will actually be for a grander impact on the world). I'll be covering their "personalities", their actions, the nature of their existence, and designs. Most of these are headcanons, but strongly based off of canon implications. Expand for more.
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The Creators of the Triforce
Because they no longer have the presence of the Goddess of Light & Time, Hylia, they have very limited influence over the flow of time (Nayru being the only one who can still do anything close to manipulating it). The three of them can witness the split of timelines and entire other realms and universes of Hyrule, but they can only interfere within their own powers. Not even they can prevent an artifact of Hylia's (such as the Ocarina of Time or Gate of Time) or Hylia herself from altering time. They have to work around it. They can, however, go back and "replay" hundreds of years if they so wish to witness events and try to learn from them and gain a deeper understanding of the mortal worlds.
Because of the issue stated above, they do what they can to have an iron grip on fate and destiny in Hyrule. It is very rarely that the mere possibility of things being different from how they wish is achievable, to the extent that their intervention has prevented the timeline from branching out far too much. (Although, time has in fact branched out more than may be initially thought. Their interference in this AU is the straw that breaks the camel's back; that being, time and space themselves).
The Triforce is made from their very essence. Some say this essence is functionally the same as a mortal's blood. This is what allows Hylia's descendants and the goddesses' chosen to possess the Triforce within their body at certain points in the timelines. Each of them left their piece for their own reasons, but as a whole made the decision to create the relic regardless.
They operate with their minds very closely knit. They can telepathically speak to each other, sense the state of one another, and the like.
Being incapable of experiencing human emotions, the Goddesses often act in a neutral manner. They reflect almost solely the ideals they embody. This is what allows them to be flawed but still revered as "good" by the people of Hyrule despite their grand mistakes, which is why they are not at the ranks of Demise in myth.
After Demise's curse was put in place, they were unsure of what to do other than watch it play out. When Ganondorf split the Triforce in OoT and it went to the three respective holders, they recognized the perfect vessels for each of their pieces and goals; thus decided the fate of the cycle shall rest on the Triforce's chosen and repeatedly granted it to them across lifetimes.
Because of their usual inability to agree upon courses of action, they typically have time compromise and resort to extreme solutions (which range from creating the Light Spirits to creating the Great Sea). Despite this, the three of them prevent each other's destruction at their own hands.
Although they seem to have reoccurring symbols and associations as individuals, these will cross over often (for example, the Rito as evolved Zora in the Adult Timeline are associated with Nayru: but they are also associated with the earth and air). The information below is from a general sense.
Din, Goddess of Power
Appearance Description:
Din appears to be made from golden fire but emits a red aura. She has golden stones along her back.
"Personality" & Nature:
Din has the least understanding of living creatures and their emotions (out of the three). She acts entirely out of her own instinct and impulse, Nayru being the only thing she has close to self-control.
Notable legends and deeds:
She left the Triforce of Power to test humanity.
Din is attributed to having helped create the Goron tribe when she and Farore's work clashed as she carved mountains. In the case of this AU, she is also the one who allowed negative forces to be given a living form as demons (although Demise would go on to create monsters himself).
Believed in New Hyrule to be the one who warned OoT Zelda in the Adult Timeline of the formation of the Great Sea. Mostly because she was the one to jump on the idea when Nayru even vaguely suggested it.
(I am attributing most timeline inconsistencies to her boredom. I'll probably update this with more detail on that later).
Associated forces and elements:
Fire & Earth
She is associated with the boar, hence why Ganondorf becomes one when consumed by his lust for power.
She is often associated with mountains; particularly volcanoes. She is also associated with the colors orange and red.
Historians in TP's era believe that she may be, contrary to previous beliefs, the same Goddess of Sands worshipped by the Gerudo Tribe during the Era of the Hero of Time. She is often depicted with a snake in this era.
Her blessing increases the strength one might already have tenfold.
Most songs written in her honor use percussive instruments.
Nayru, Goddess of Wisdom
Appearance Description:
Nayru appears to be made of golden ice but emits a blue aura.
"Personality" & Nature:
Nayru values order and balance above all else, thinking of what can be interpreted as the "greater good" first and foremost. This leads to her being the most "sensible" of the trio, and being the one to usually exhibit "tough love." She is calm, collected, and blunt.
Notable legends and deeds:
She left the Triforce of Wisdom to guide humanity.
She is believed to be the creator of order, magic, space, and the concept of time; but her power over time itself is limited with Hylia gone.
SS Zelda has vague memories of Nayru. She believes Nayru may have been the one to create Hylia in the first place, knowing that certainly someone would try to abuse the Triforce's wish-grantint abilities. It was in need of a guardian, so she left one behind. However, Nayru was not one who understood the concept of life as Farore did; leaving Hylia to be somewhere between human and goddess, an incomplete and imperfect guardian. She gave Hylia most of her time-bound abilities, and a part of this never came back to her.
In the Era of Hylia, she gifted Hylia's people with some of her own power (considered magic at its purest base form) through the runes that would later create the ancient technology used in the war against Demise and the battle against the Calamity 20,000 years later. The people who harnessed it directly are those who became warriors chosen by Hylia, the Sheikah (although it was not Nayru, but Hylia who gave them the symbol of a tear alongside that of a watchful eye like Nayru presented them with).
She is believed to have given Farore the idea of the Parella, who would later evolve into the Zora.
Associated forces and elements:
Water & Ice
She is associated with owls, hence notable sages such as Rauru being associated with the wise creature.
Although Hylians in most eras have forgotten that Hylia is no longer an immortal being, Nayru is the closest Hyrule has to a replacement for the Goddess of Time; she was the closest of the three to Hylia. Similarly, she and Hylia are both often associated with love (Nayru with parental love, Hylia with romantic love) despite both seeming initially distant in the average eye.
She is commonly associated with magic itself, being the one who created it. She is associated with order, as well, being credited for its existence in Hyrule.
Her blessing allows the mindfulness and wisdom of an individual to have much greater potential, as well as gives the holder a deeper understanding of magic.
Most songs written in her honor include strings.
Farore, Goddess of Courage
Appearance Description:
Farore appears to be made of golden leaves scattering along the wind, with arms and a face appearing to be made out of golden branches and bark. However, she emits a green sort of aura.
"Personality" & Nature:
▪︎ Farore is the most merciful and "good" out of the three of them. She is also the most idealistic, valuing life and hope more than anything else (to such an extent that it may put her at odds with her sisters). She is, unsurprisingly, just as headstrong as Din.
Notable legends and deeds:
She left the Triforce of Courage as a hope for humanity.
She is often accredited for the existence of mystical creatures in Hyrule as well as humanity.
At the end of the initial three timelines, Farore supposedly created the Zonai to protect the threshold between the mortal realm's skies and the heavens (the Sacred Realm). They were given the Secret Stones and ability to draconify as a means of accomplishing their roles as something functionally similar to angels or other spirits in the franchise, but when the Zonai descended to what was once the Old Hyrule (declined by then after the curse went on for so long) they forgot of their origins and began to become closer and closer to lower mortals. The presence of dragon bones throughout Hyrule in BotW's era is because of many Zonai draconifying when they were not as spiritually "ready" enough to complete the ritual properly and ended up perishing soon after taking dragon form. This is what left behind only a few Zonai and a handful of stones.
Associated forces and elements:
Forests & Storms (winds and lightning)
She is associated with dragons, hence the Zonai's draconfication ability and worship of dragons.
She is often associated with life itself. Hence why beings close to the life of the earth, such as the Kokiri, are so close to her and much more aware of the spirits she put in place to defend life.
Her blessing gives a pure heart boundless courage and the ability to ward off evil.
Most songs written in her honor include wind instruments.
Their Role in the AU
Although they will not be directly seen often, space and time cross paths because Nayru reluctantly thins this fabric of the order she created via summoning the Mirror of Worlds across space and time. This is done once the trio decides to create the ultimate test to decide the fate of Demise's Curse with as little direct intervention as possible.
Farore and Din have argued since Demise's Curse was set. Din has wanted to destroy Hyrule (including the demons) to start over, if Hyrule is not strong enough to outlast the curse. Farore, on the other hand, wants to eradicate only what she deems as evil and set their chosen above all else. Nayru comes between them time and time again to prevent their clash from causing any destruction, leaving things mostly in the hands of mortals: only interfering in the way she deems fate must play out.
(Everything above is subject to change).
Note: Hylia will be receiving her own respective post. When completed, I will link it here.
Primary AU Info Post.
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the-phantom-peach · 1 year
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🗣️ huh?? what do you mean I haven’t posted any Link signing propaganda yet??
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ophanim-vesper · 3 months
A short-ish fancomic poem thing about my hc for Zelda
(best read from left to right)
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sheikfangirl · 6 days
"I found you."
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After decades of regret and longing, Adult timeline Zelda broke the Ocarina of Time against the Master Sword to open a fissure in time and space and sneak in-between realities.
She found who she was looking for and they are stuck between realities, suspended in time. Forever. Together.
Note: I got no credit for the shots. It's another shameless Final Fantasy VIII redraw, i still had last week's vibe. My post OoT/TP happen to legit have Time Compression sequence imagery and I couldnt resist.
I also needed a break from my comic. Cleaning it takes way more time than anticipating. It will be done when it will be done i guess.
Have a great day, fellow Angst fans!
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phantom-peachie · 5 months
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hhhh,,, skyward sword,,
screams incoherently
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nell0-0 · 7 months
I was just having a bit of fun with incorrect quotes stuff and. well-
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Look, do I love Fi? Yes.
Do I think Mask would be a tad salty and sensitive about that specific subject? Also yes.
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kenneduck · 7 months
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Drew some Zelink based on my AOC/BOTW Sheik Zelda design!! 🌸💕
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verflares · 4 months
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as always, everybody should make sure to wish a big happy pride to whatever these two have going on 🎉
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LU Time in the Hades style
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Why so tense, young hero?
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Also, a painted over OoT doodle.
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shellshooked · 1 year
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the hyrule warriors design stays 🔛🔝
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lavb-b · 6 months
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More SS Link + Zelink <33
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chaosfantasmic · 3 months
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Happy pride everyone take a skyward sword for your troubles
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mosaixe · 1 month
I love the art you made of twilight princess link making bread and cheese.
What other food do you think he can cook? Fried fish, yeto's soup? Pumpkin bread, honey cakes, jam? Tamales?
yes, yes, yes and yes! (thank you!!)
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sheikfangirl · 4 months
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Post-TotK fluff ❤️
No more nightmares. Zelda is really back.
Link can sleep peacefully ❤️
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proudchimera · 1 month
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The Sacred Beasts
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