#lower decks t’lyn
kbgw1234 · 9 months
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You are Vulcan as a mother fucker!
I love those two dog damn much
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potionflavored · 1 year
I like how new trek is desperately trying to dispel the fan assumption that shaking hands is kissing for Vulcans by having Vulcans shake hands aggressively with every human they meet for the first time. and instead everyone’s just like oh so Vulcans are sluts? Vulcans are huge sluts for humans all the time? Vulcans give it up on first contact?
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bogwarg · 2 months
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T’lyn and Mariner!
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I absolutely love the way T’lyn speaks. Her enunciation is so crisp and precise and yes I know that’s a Vulcan trait, but she takes it to a whole new level. She’s not just brisk, she’s methodical. And I think it perfectly fits her character as a Vulcan struggling more with emotions than her peers. It indicates she’s locked down in superficial ways to make up for the ways she’s lacking control. I love her so much
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lostyesterday · 4 months
Something I like about both T’Lyn in Lower Decks and T’Rina in Discovery is that they feel distinctly Vulcan, but in a different way than a lot of other Vulcans shown previously. T’Lyn is somewhat classically Vulcan in her mannerisms, but not in her actual behavior which is frequently impulsive and based on intuition. Not that no other Vulcan characters have had their impulsive moments, but T’Lyn as a character feels more strongly defined by them, and I like how this is shown to be a strength as often as it is a flaw. T’Rina has a subtly different demeanor from a lot of Vulcans portrayed previously that I think indicates a deep sense of compassion intertwined with logic that is reflected in her actions as well. She is open-minded about other ideas and philosophies in a way that has rarely been portrayed in other major Vulcan characters. Not to say that other Vulcan characters aren’t compassionate or open-minded, but I personally feel that T’Rina embodies these ideas more fully without it ever feeling like she’s less logic-oriented. These two characters are nothing like each other, but they both feel like new and fresh characters without being completely unrecognizable from Vulcans in older series.
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thesockdrawersblog · 1 month
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Watched a ton of clips of Lower Decks and I found another Vulcan to crush on
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noratheelk · 11 months
spoilers for the badgey directive (the lower decks mobile game) ARE WE GONNA TALK ABOUT THIS?!!?
Where are my Mari'Lyn girlies at!!??!!!
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This is all official content by the way, I’m not sure if it’s canon but it’s 100% official
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danshive · 9 months
Towels Are Illogical
A Star Trek: Lower Decks fan fiction inspired by speculation about the lack of shame and modesty in the lower deck bunk corridors.
This story is tame, does not include detailed physical descriptions, and, with creative directing, could even be in an episode of Lower Decks.
Nonetheless, it has characters in casual states of total undress, and some suggestive moments.
Therefore, reader discretion is advised. Story after the “Keep Reading”.
Towels Are Illogical
By Dan Shive
Boimler’s troubles (or, at least, these specific troubles), began with the arrival of provisional officer T’Lyn.
As Boimler understood it, T’Lyn had transferred from a Vulcan vessel, and was Tendi’s “bestest science buddy”. T’Lyn didn’t look to Boimler as though she returned Tendi’s enthusiasm, but it was hard to tell with Vulcans. Boimler took Tendi’s word for it.
All of which was fine. Boimler was always happy to meet a new crewmate. He welcomed T’Lyn with open arms kept at a respectable distance.
No, the problem for Boimler was that T’Lyn turned out to be a trendsetter.
Naturally, not long after T’Lyn’s arrival, she made use of the sonic showers. As she set out to do so, however, she didn’t wrap herself in a towel. She simply undressed, stored her uniform, and started walking.
Changing clothes out in the open wasn’t unusual in the bunk corridors of the lower decks, nor was it that strange to not be in a hurry to get dressed again. 
It was not uncommon, for example, for Tendi and Rutherford to get distracted in the middle of changing, and to have lengthy conversations while remaining in various states of undress.
It was, however, unusual to leave one’s bunk while still undressed as T’Lyn had done.
Mariner, with her usual lack of a filter, caught up to T’Lyn, and walked along next to her while wearing a towel. “Whoa, whoa, T’Lyn! You’re really going decloaked?”
T’Lyn raised an eyebrow. “Why would I have a cloak?”
“Sorry, sorry, turn of phrase,” While still outgoing and assertive, Mariner was a little awkward around T’Lyn. “A towel. I meant a towel.”
“Are these not sonic showers?”
“Well, yeah, they are, but…”
“To dry oneself off is unnecessary after a sonic shower, and it is illogical for me to cover myself. I feel no physical shame. Even if I did, we are about to shower together.” With what might have been a smile, T’Lyn said “decloaking is an inevitability.”
“Yeah… Yeah! You’re right!” Mariner declared. “I don’t need this!” She boldly whipped off her towel, and flung it over her shoulder. “I mean, I’ll hang on to it for now, don’t want to leave towels lying around the corridor, but yeah!”
Aside from a distracted ensign walking into a wall, this moment had little-to-no impact on others in the lower decks. It was later, after Tendi loudly expressed agreement with T’Lyn, and declared them to be “no-towel buddies,” that the idea started to spread.
As though it were the latest fashion, lower decker after lower decker stopped bothering with towels when walking to and from the sonic showers.
Even “towel guy” was now just “guy,” though he was still referred to as “towel guy.”
Tradition is a powerful thing.
Only one ensign, Ensign Boimler, was sticking to last season’s fashion. With a towel wrapped around his waist, he meant to go to the sonic showers, but was hesitant.
Everyone else not wearing towels bothered Boimler, but not for the reasons one might expect. Boimler was not, for example, overwhelmed by the sight of his exposed crewmates.
Back at his family’s raisin vineyard, Boimler was the most eligible bachelor around. Absurdly attractive women, often in states of partial, if not total, undress, threw themselves at him.
Boimler, hyper-focused on his future in Starfleet, and lacking patience in any failure to properly raise the raisins to be, remained completely oblivious. Without even meaning to, he had formed a callous around being affected by the nudity of others.
Tendi, Mariner, Rutherford, T’Lyn, or anyone else walking around in their birthday suits wasn’t going to power Boimler’s lust above impulse.
No, what bothered Boimler was he was the only one keeping himself covered at all times.
He’d mastered changing clothes without dropping his cloak.
His towel shields were up well before the eyes of others could impact his hull.
Not even Section 31 could know the secrets of Boimler’s hips.
But now, Boimler was the only one staying covered. He felt like a coward, and cowards had no place in the captain’s chair.
“A captain wouldn’t be afraid to drop the towel,” Boimler thought to himself. “A captain wouldn’t even bring a towel! They’d sit in the captain’s chair, naked as the day they were born, and do! Their! Duty!”
Unbidden, an imagined scene of Captain Freeman bravely commanding the Cerritos in such a manner played out in Boimler’s mind.
Boimler, his face red, quickly sat down. He hurriedly thought of other things, like the Niners playing baseball in a holosuite.
As it turned out, nudity combined with competent Starfleet officers on missions actually could awaken something in Boimler.
“Bases loaded, Rom bunts…” Boimler whispered, casting away the sexy demons.
Boimler, deliberately lost in thoughts of the Niners losing at baseball, and trying to remember how baseball was played, failed to notice T’Lyn.
T’Lyn was fresh from the sonic showers, and, as per usual, not wearing a thing.
She observed Boimler. His discomfort about the towel situation had not escaped her notice. While she felt her actions logical, she knew it was her influence that had resulted in his current dilemma.
T’Lyn felt… Found it logical to help Boimler.
“May I join you, Mister Boimler?”
“EZRI ON FIRST!” Boimler blurted, bumping his head on the ceiling of his bunk as he sat up straight.
T’Lyn raised her eyebrows, her expression otherwise unchanged. “My apologies. Are you injured?”
“No, no, I’m fine! Sit, sit! What’s up?”
T’Lyn sat on the end of Boimler’s bunk closest to the viewport.
“You are uncomfortable with the idea of not covering yourself.”
“Whaaat? Why would you… Why would you think? That?” Boimler’s smile would have earned him an invite to many a Ferengi’s poker table.
T’Lyn said nothing.
“Okay, fine, yes,” Boimler admitted. “I know it’s the 24th century, and it’s illogical, but—“ T’Lyn calmly interrupted with a raised hand.
“It is logical for me to not cover myself because I do not feel discomfort in this situation. Context, however, is relevant.” In a shocking display of expressiveness, T’Lyn gestured with one arm, indicating the bunks of the lower decks.
T’Lyn then used both hands to draw attention to her own torso. “Were I in this state of undress at a meeting with the senior staff, and they were fully dressed, I would find it…”
Almost imperceptibly, T’Lyn’s head tilted, and her face scrunched the tiniest of bits. To Boimler, this somehow conveyed a shudder.
“Illogical,” T’Lyn finished. She rested her hands in her lap, their shameless, illogical gesturing for emphasis complete.
Boimler imagined himself in T’Lyn’s place in that hypothetical situation, followed by Worf catching a flying ball.
“You, Mister Boimler, are not me. You should do what is right for you,” she said, imperceptibly gentle. “Discarding your towel as an act of conformity is illogical. It is only logical if you truly wish to do so, and only if you are comfortable being uncovered.”
Boimler smiled genuinely this time. “Thank you, T’Lyn. You’re right. I think I really needed to hear that.”
T’Lyn smiled. It was barely perceptible, but it happened. “You are welcome, Mister Boimler.”
“And you know what?” Boimler said, quickly standing, “I shouldn’t be ashamed! I’m not doing this for peer pressure! I’m doing this for me! Bold Boimler!”
Boimler triumphantly cast aside his towel, standing fully exposed in the lower decks corridor, hands on his hips.
Right as Beckett Mariner, fully dressed, had turned the corner.
“NOPE,” Mariner loudly declared. Turning around, her hands raised, she quickly departed the way she came. “Nope. Nuh-uh. No way.”
Boimler felt a bit less triumphant. “Well, that was…” his hands fell from his hips as his posture slumped. “Discouraging.”
T’Lyn looked towards the parting Mariner.
“I believe she does not wish to think of you in certain ways, but does so under certain circumstances,” T’Lyn dryly hypothesized, a hint of jealously in her voice that only a Vulcan could detect.
“And what does that mean?” Boimler asked, not getting any of it.
T’Lyn stood. “Take it as a compliment, Mister Boimler.” With images dancing in her mind of a cute, flustered Mariner reacting to T’Lyn’s state of undress instead of Boimler’s, T’Lyn left to get dressed.
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evann-escence · 6 months
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A T’Lyn for your troubles.
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trashmancer · 5 months
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Sketched the Star Trek: Lower Decks characters in my style because I binged the series this week.
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writebackatya · 1 year
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Thank you Star Trek Lower Decks for putting these three together
The running gag with Mariner was so damn funny btw
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Mike McMahan wants Lower Decks back just as much as us! Why not help this become a reality?
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The fight to save the show is only starting!
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thelowerdecker · 2 months
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This is crazy! ♥️♥️=🖖
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bogwarg · 15 days
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asyncamestel · 8 months
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thinking about t’lyn with long hair
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
God forbid they make a Vulcan and a southerner kiss. I’m talking about Enterprise.
And they really can’t make the Science officer and CMO gay! What? Yeah, Discovery is bad at it.
And OH LORD they made a command officer, a science officer, and a medical officer have hot vibes together??? What the heck Lower Decks!
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