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by Brainfreeze Press
#tentacles#fhtagn#brainfreezepress#octopus#screenprint#errands#cat#rain#creature#umbrella#lowbro art#illustration#yellow#fhtagnnn
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Listen to: Deal's Gone Bad by Raincheck
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Names generated from natural satellites and Pokemon
Abby Abuzz Aegaegene Aegaste Aege Aeon Aeone Aeonidgey Aeoteukey Aeow Aitmond Amakina Andabrill Ansea Archoe Areevenus Argarthe Ario Aros Arthelem Artis Artiso Artlyke Arvictros Ateuana Athea Aurn Autop...
Bebe Bele Belen Beriel Beritepix Besto Biand Bladugtri Blata Bulow Buto Buzz Calbio Calia Calick Calistori Careste Caros Cary Casto Cataltone Catlenchu Challde Chan Chanca Chauto Chautores Chea Choe Chos Clefar Clenus Clowbros Clowzee Coolterom Coom Cruee Cruelle Cubospora Curos Cyteptuno Deevenus Deidge Deime Deiphnida Deristeno Desdes Destorn Deus Diaq Digglyste Dikab Dilermian Ding Diso Doda Dodditer Dodran Doquir Dorapea Dorie Drill Drio Dros Duck Dysamp Dysnoebos Dystauto Dystonoe Eadeiande Eephanyte Ekadel Eladra Elas Elxi Enus Erow Ersey Euck Euckiviuq Euke Euponison Eupora Euran Euroke Eusa Exegae Exegaly Exegeone Fabuzz Fene Fenus Fersect Fetoreia Flatabby Flatis Forimela Forseter Frabrow Frantanda Fraxa Gaeggle Galth Garb Gase Gashry Gelxi Gentanymr Geonchu Golen Golimans Goly Gone Graq Gratite Grestorl Gria Grime Grizamp Gron Gyara Gyarme Gyarmede Gyarn Gyaropase Gyarqeq Gyarth Halakine Hamagne Hamas Hanus Hater Hatite Heelia Helasto Hele Helen Helengeot Hergel Hira Hita Hittois Horix Horthoe Hortiso Hyhobe Hyhoe Hyhone Hyhos Hyone Hypetto Hypnom Hypus Iaringall Iorbos Isona Iviuq Jare Jarion Jiggut Jirla Jirro Jolydode Julban Julbauto Jupidos Jupikad Kabrashea Kachd Kacorti Kados Kalemon Kanke Kankelene Kanker Karan Kargeler Karos Kazam Keristyx Kina Kinbe Kinse Koliteak Korax Koreste Korn Koryu Krash Ladra Ladros Lapinete Larp Laster Leevenus Lielemon Lirymr Logel Loometta Lowbros Lyke Lykey Mabby Macreothe Mactyx Magiry Magneta Magona Makades Malbio Maleptus Malyke Manonan Mantarp Manth Manus Mareedles Marp Marydus Mase Massan Mede Medra Melefabby Mell Meote Merie Meth Metorix Miaper Miara Miellspe Mimanus Miphnia Mita Moldeuryu Muke Mung Mungr Naia Nairan Narchu Naryu Nemote Nerdite Neteond Netete Nidori Ninair Ninoe Ninomew Nishemime Nistabuzz Niton Obokel Obos Odeip Odra Oduces Omedache Omis Omot Onanid Ondas Opher Ophok Oradra Orna Paalles Pale Palleezin Palyke Palyte Panish Para Paraia Parns Parthe Pasaury Phanytuff Phora Pidget Pidigglow Pidio Pidod Pidoquele Pidos Pielitmos Pinisong Pino Pite Pitne Pitoreon Plumede Pokivys Polde Poldela Pollde Polliwra Polte Pone Prable Prat Prio Prome Pros Prowzeene Psone Psycorth Puff Ranitab Rashry Rastledes Raven Raxa Rhel Rhobe Rhorinda Rhos Rhyduck Rhydus Rhyone Rhypnoryu Rhysippe Ronore Rowzeede Saltoner Salydokey Saut Saxidgeon Scyl Sectyll Siadab Sitaygeow Skoff Skoly Snomon Sporew Spro Squelenus Stachaerb Stan Stara Starchu Stela Stenetet Ster Suras Suryu Suto Sutonet Syco Sycors Syde Sydos Sydus Taclemerb Tadra Tadrinopa Taly Tancish Tandike Tapo Tapuffin Tauroter Taygey Teros Terp Tethe Teury Thea Theeven Thegglect Thellde Thellen Ther Therbonor There Therie Therion Theuke Theupix Thoryu Thyon Tictan Tinoe Tistyx Tita Trile Umbrax Vapero Vapine Vaporsie Veebelene Velect Vencubaur Vene Venoe Venthobos Vick Vicubosir Vilfary Viuq Vospria Vulo Vulowpo Wagmabby Wagmasta Waking Weebhimea Weephares Weepturn Zamanke Zaphe Zars Zubanair
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You're so right, why is SSR Lowain's weapon called that
i have so many question. Clearly it's about imposing dominance isn't it. Bro. Brofam Lowbro. what the fuck were you guys thinking.
Champeri Shower??? Let the Macho Flow???? "Rizz up a random ally"???????? "LET HIM COOK"????????????
i'm going to strangle them.
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Was the "Monster" manga changed during serialization?
So for "research" for the iceberg (and cause a friend watched it and wanted to talk about it so I said yeah why not, its supposedly a classic lol) I read the "Monster" manga.
I'll talk about what I found in the videos, but one thing that doesnt have anything to do with SE or the iceber what I wanted to put out somewhere cause couldnt find on google anybody saying it, is:
I think the story of it was written in chunks, that would often "retcon" or atleast significantly add to the direction that was intended.
Now I'll start with saying I dont mean this as some takedown or critique, just as an interesting theory about the production of the story.
I guess only with mysteries or detective storys, especially ones that are so interlinked, one kinda wishes that everything is neat and tidy - even if I doubt that is actually allways true.
So first some circumstantial evidence - it is a serialised story, meaning it is written and published as it goes along, with the threats of cancelation and possibility of being pressured to be extended.
This alone is not what I stake everything on, cause it is possible that somebody had it all figured out in advance and was steadfast that the vision will be written as it is, rejecting any pleas for bloat or fears of getting canceled before it is done.
One could say that it all is just part of the complex narrative web - but idk, to me its seems more needlesly complicated than complex, and thats what I mean with the feeling of the story being written in chunks, that would supperseed and rewrite some things that happened before:
But then we look at the story itself - at first everything seemed to lead to the evil orphanage, then it was supposedly some seminar in a reading group, then it was being held in a dark room Crona style (not getting into the twin swap thing, cause I think that was forshadowed, even if I had a resolution in mind that thankfully didnt come true cause it would have been to weird and stupid lol)
Think it is most obvious with little side storys and one of chapters that seem more like filler until the larger chunk gets figured out - while often very interesting and engading, they often did seem to get kinda forgoten, like the vietnamese unlicensed teenage doctor beauty (which idk felt kinda lowbro for the standards of the work, like atleast make her ugly, which would be understandable if she works non stop without caring for her health and doesnt feel so "mary sueish" for a lack of a better term lol)
Even some unanswered questions, like why Roberto tried to kill Nina at that sidestory in Italy, if he was totally loyal to Jonah - ofcourse one can suppose that with his obssession with him, he would want to eliminate someone standing in the way of single minded affection but still, weird to it not acknowledged in story.
Or on the other hand, lets look at the climax with the little town - I mean it is horrific to see that much death, but in the end it just a small town - like a nuke on Nagasaki killed prolly tons more, not counting radiation - what Im trying to say with the whole "he wants to be the last one stading when the world ends" it seems kinda small scale, like the dude was some wunderkind blackmarket banker at 15, with that one would suspect that he would try to start a nuclear war to tie back the whole theme of the cold war paranoia dehumanization and mysanthropie - the large scale massacacre of all against all in large scale.
But maybe Im starting to sound like those nitpick channels who go scene by scene of the newest superhero shlock and think they are smart for pointing out how space magic is not realistic.
So I'll end by saying that I quite enjoyed the story and think the fact the the author kept it together while adding new stuff on top at such a large scale is commendable on its own.
Lets see how 20th century boys will play out...
#monster#manga#monster manga#naoki urasawa#naoki urusawa's monster#retcon#theory#changed#made up as it went#not as planned#conspiracy#analysis#I guess#maybe Im just bullshiting lol#yeah...sorry
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Yeah, I was also curious about the narrator, especially if it is in a way Mann's own way to distinse himself from the "bad" of Germany, while it is clear there is no such thing - meaning Leverkühn and the narrator are the same (hell there is some youtube video game theory level proof of him knowing more than it is realistic of Leverkühn but I think thats maybe to lowbro to even use as "proof" lol)
But yeah, thanks for pointing out that literally comparison, I'm quite ignorant on books in general so I wouldnt have noticed it.
Anyways, it was an interesting book, sad that there isn't any discourse of it online, guess talking about if Spider Man is woke or not is more important🤷🏿♂️😂
You're welcome! I think the ambiguity of the narrator is Mann's way of being honest about the way Leverkühn's modernist ambitions can't just be dismissed as fascist but are actually attractive to creative temperaments, that they have to be dealt with somehow, not just denounced by bourgeois humanists. The only Spider-Man story that reminds me in any way, shape, or form of Doctor Faustus is Kraven's Last Hunt. Its writer has probably read Mann—he says, anyway, that the story was inspired by Dostoevsky! I don't know if it's woke or not, though.
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There are still some amazing works available in @darkartemporium's Tiny Terrors 4 group exhibition! With over 100 pieces of art, it's one of their BIGGEST SHOWS of the year! For additional information and purchase availability please contact [email protected] Artist shown: @lakincreative Andy Medium - Acrylic on Panel Size - 6" x 8" (Framed) posted on Instagram - https://instagr.am/p/CQq66MutHqT/
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#halloween#my art#ghosts#neon#lowbro#lowbrow pop surrealism#pop surrealism#ink#crayon#psychedelic aesthetic#drawtober
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By Oliver Pocsik @_olipoe⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #surrealportrait #surreal #surrealart #surrealism #surrealismartcommunity #popsurrealism #popsurreal #retroart #lowbrowart #lowbro #lowbrowartist #weird #weirdart #lowbrowpopsurrealists #surrealisme #surreal_art #surrealcollage #surrealismo #beautifulbizarre #darkart #darkartist #darksurrealism #gothicart #faceless #vagabondwho #marcopolorules #jesuislesurrealisme #welderwings #oliverpocsik https://www.instagram.com/p/CMNnm28HWuK/?igshid=1k8ope96iulho
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Yosuke Ueno http://www.spaceegg77.com/
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-TOGETHER WE WILL GROW- 31 hours and 288 sq ft later I finished my first large scale mural. Thanks to @kaligrey and @forestwolfkell for getting me set up with this opportunity. Huge thanks to my buds mike and cody for spending hours helping me touch up lines and fill in all that black.
This would not of happened if it wasn’t for those of you that reached out to help buy the paint and supplies I needed for this ❤️
This has been a fantastic opportunity for me and I have learned so much from this mural. I will always remember this thing no matter how temporary it may be.
#magical#mural#covidart#illustration#drawing#design#flowers#lowbro#lowbrow art#artist#pdx#portland#pdx art#portland art#portland artist#street art#lettering#sign painting#illustrator#graffiti#graff
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Operation date night: To 3rd base and beyond...
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I read that in this year of 2023, it will be the year of the rabbit, in the Chinese zodiac!!! My best wishes to all!! Happy start to the year!!
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classic #illustration #skull #bonehead #lowbro https://www.instagram.com/p/BmeNMspHoyl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11xbvf28m6na6
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Thoughts on Count Monte Cristo? Is it just a pulp lowbro adventure story or is that too reductive? I just find it funny how certain parts read like a proto version of these youtube shorts that put some phonk or other music popular on tiktok while playing a "badass" scene from a trash tv show like Breaking Bad, Peaky Blinders or even some super hero crap😂
Never read it, never felt called to read it except for mild social-political purposes (doesn't Gramsci trace the Nietzschean Übermensch concept, albeit with its political meaning inverted and its lowbrow source concealed behind a screen of "philosophy," back to Dumas and similar French post-revolutionary romances? I think I read that on a Marxist blog 20 years ago), which are not purposes enough to read a 1500-page or whatever pop novel. Why not One Piece? But if anyone would like to make a case for the Count, go for it.
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How is this piece still available?! Head over to the @darkartemporium and make it yours! For additional information and purchase availability please contact [email protected] Artist shown: @hugodvilla AMULETO Medium - Oil on Canvas Size - 5.5" x 5" posted on Instagram - https://instagr.am/p/CQ88c0dLSTF/
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