#low reeds
zoxsansnc · 11 days
hello! i am here to hear all of your most GOD AWFUL stories from Marching Band or Color Guard
feel free to comment or reblog to tell me and i will put the post in a pin in my blog :)
Have a good day and may none of your performances be rained/lightninged out <3
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It’s sad but the best version of Peter Parker to me (probably because it’s the most relatable one) is when he’s broke as hell, but at a certain point it doesn’t make sense for him to be such a genius without running a tech company, so here’s the bs reasons he’s still broke in the au’s I imagine:
He can’t partner up with anyone because everyone knows what happened with Dr. Connors, Dr. Octavius, and, depending on the au, Norman Osborn, which no one thinks Norman was working with Peter, but he is another person who knew Peter and became a supervillain
Essentially, everyone thinks he’s cursed™️
And he can’t sell any of his inventions on his own to start funding his own company because S.H.I.E.L.D. keeps getting involved and stopping it, both because whatever he creates works way too well and they don’t want it to fall into the wrong hands, and also because they’re all pretty sure that Peter’s gonna turn into a supervillain and they’re trying to stop him from gaining any power to do so
Also, because of all the above reasons, and because the best Peter Parker in my opinion is one that’s tired, snarky, and has a bit of an anger problem, that along with his genius, accidentally has everyone convinced he’s a supervillain in the making, the very specific dynamic that I picture Reed Richards having with him before he finds out he’s Spiderman is:
Peter Parker reminds him of Dr. Doom, he’s got the smarts, the anger, he’s a loner, and the way he commiserates on everything stopping him from achieving his goals (that famous way he blames his Parker luck on everything), just all reminds him of Victor, back when they attended college together
So he doesn’t get Peter to work with him, although he’d make such a promising mentee, cause he doesn’t need to accidentally get another supervillain to declare war on him, but also because he reminds him of Victor he can’t stay away, wanting some version of him to “see the light”
So occasionally he’ll begrudgingly team up with Peter Parker and the entire time he’ll awkwardly preach the merits of using science for Good™️ and how following villainy will only leave a person feeling empty inside, as his way of having a second chance at reaching Victor before he becomes Dr. Doom
Peter, meanwhile, has no idea this is how Reed sees their interactions, he’s just so happy whenever he gets a chance to work with one of his science heroes (then his identity eventually gets revealed and Reed has no idea how to view Peter)
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gonchillunchis · 8 months
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enterprise doodles yes i love eating from the supermarket's trash containers no i won't stop
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murdockmeta · 1 year
thinking about moon knight having marc call steven the best superpower he's ever had during a really emotional moment and how that show handled DID better than just about any piece of media I've ever seen and. I'm sobbing actually. they equated his neurodivergence with being the greatest part of him after marc had spent so long trying to hide his DID out of shame. and maybe that sounds like bordering on glorification but it really wasn't. because they made it so obvious that what marc meant was that steven kept him ALIVE and that's the most he could ever ask for and anyway. whatever whatever it's fine
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smolmakerel · 10 months
Sam turned over on the couch, burying her face into the throw pillow beneath her head. She could faintly hear Danny speaking to her from the kitchen as he stumbled and hissed.
"Don't hurt yourself," Tara called out.
Danny didn't answer.
Sam was pissed, but any energy she had to put into being pissed off evaporated. Her exhaustion weighed on her shoulders like thousands of bricks.
Sam shook her head and sat up. Her arm cast shot out to catch herself when she wobbled and threatened to fall off the couch.
Tara watched her struggle with sad eyes. "Sam, you're not getting better."
"I don't need to get better," Sam whispered to her sister. "I have to take care of you. Don't you understand that?"
"By killing yourself in the process?" Tara stood up in anger. Her hands grasped at the air in frustration, face twisting. "You can't help me, Sam. Help yourself for once. Please."
Sam looked away with the clenching of her jaw showing her frustration.
"Help me help you. I love you! Te amo mucho, Sam, but you stopped going to therapy -"
"They never help," Sam weakly said.
"- and you're wallowing in guilt. It was an accident and there's nothing you can do about it now," Tara said. Her eyes closed, shoulders relaxed, and she sighed. "You promised me you'd keep going."
"B-But I can't - I'll stop -!"
Sam frantically stood up and ushered for Tara to return to her room. Danny watched the movement with sadness and didn't react to the slamming of Tara's door. He never reacted, not anymore. It was like Tara wasn't one of his priorities like she used to be.
He walked over and sat down on the couch, placing a fresh plate of eggs and toast on the coffee table.
"Sam... you should sit down," Danny told her and she hesitantly sat, hugging the throw pillow to her chest. "I know things haven't been the same since what happened, but you know I'm always here for you."
Sam huffed. "You don't have to be. You could leave, get out while you still can."
"And leave you all alone? Sometimes I think you want me to leave." Danny smiled without humor. When he noticed the blankness of Sam's face, he furrowed his eyebrows. "Have you been going to therapy?"
Shame lit a torch to Sam's face. Leave it to Tara to accidentally tell Danny about Sam's terrible adventures in therapy. And here she thought the two would never speak again.
She studied his face and saw nothing but concern for her. Her eyes drifted up to his hairline where the cut on his forehead was just beginning to heal. The stitches would dissolve soon. Her eyes drifted to the left where she was blinded.
Sam quickly snapped her vision back front and shuddered a sigh. Her thigh was gently grabbed for her own reassurance.
"No use for therapy," Sam spat. "I don't need licensed professionals telling me how I fucked up."
"Sam -"
"Can you just - Please leave."
"Sam, please, this isn't what -"
"Thanks for breakfast," Sam droned on, losing the spark of energy she once had, "but I want to be alone."
Danny nodded. He stood and left a thoughtful kiss to the top of Sam's head before leaving. The front door closed, and Sam slumped.
She stared down at the cast on her arm, tracing the words and the drawings of multiple cartoonish penises.
"You had to push him away, didn't you?"
Sam put her face in her hand. "You know I had to. He -"
"- was being too nice, but he's pushy sometimes about your health. I know, Sam, I know better than you think I do."
Sam twitched.
"Sam, come on! I know better than you think I do! Just once without a Ghostface threat, please!"
"Fine fine! Let me -"
"Don't tell me that. Don't you dare tell me that!" Sam yelled at Tara. The guilt immediately hit her in the chest, but Tara didn't appear fazed at all. She didn't react anymore. Both her and Danny have been acting weird.
"Go to therapy. You promised me that you'd keep going."
"That was before -"
"I know," Tara interrupted her again, voice soft. "I know."
Sam nodded and looked down. "I'll go. For you." Her stiff words did little to change Tara's facial expression. "I still have Wren's number, so I don't have to search for another therapist."
Tara nodded. "Good."
"And please change your clothes, you've been in that same outfit for days now," Sam teased her.
Tara only quirked her lip and began to go back to her room. Panic sparked in Sam's chest.
"Wait!" Tara stopped. She didn't turn around. "Can - Give me a hug first?"
Tara glanced back at Sam and smiled. Her eyes showed nothing. "Good night, Sam."
Sam breathed shakily as she plopped down so she was laying on the couch. She wiped at her wet eyes. It seemed like she wasn't ready to quit crying yet.
"Sam! Long time no see! Come in, come in!"
Sam shuffled into her therapist's office. She wished she could've taken Tara with her for support, but Tara never wanted to leave the apartment anymore.
"Sorry I haven't been by in a couple weeks," Sam apologized with a smile. It was crooked and awkward, but Wren wasn't disturbed by it. "Life, you know?"
Wren nodded. "I understand. Would you like to sit by the window today?"
Sam looked nervously at the window. The bright sun was shining through, but all Sam could see was -
"Sam, come on, open your eyes!"
She flinched.
Wren didn't comment when Sam took them to the seating away from the window. Usually Sam enjoyed the fresh rays of light warming her up, but now all it brought was dread.
"So," Wren started with a smile, "how's life been treating you?"
Sam shrugged. "I mean, it's been hard. I hit my head, broke my arm. You would've thought I was invincible with how many Ghostfaces I've dealt with."
"Five now, isn't it?"
"Yeah." Sam shifted in her seat. "Tara shouldn't have had to deal with either of them. I'll make sure she won't have to even hear about the next one."
"What makes you so sure there'll be a next Ghostface?" Wren asked to which Sam snorted.
"They always come back. I'm kind of used to it already."
Wren scribbled something down on his notepad while Sam drummed on her fingers on her leg. Words burned in her throat. This was for Tara. She had to do this for -
"I was in an accident a few weeks ago."
Wren looked up, surprise coloring his face. It was one of the first times Sam brought something up that didn't have anything to do with Woodsboro, Ghostface, or Tara.
"I um, I was driving us back to the apartment and we just. You know how accidents work."
"And did everyone get out okay?"
"Yeah. We're all fine." Sam picked at her cast.
We're all fine.
"Sam - Sam, stop, you're drunk."
Sam shook her head at Danny's words. She pushed him back to lay on his mattress and climbed on top of him.
"'M not drunk, jus' a lil tipsy," Sam slurred.
Danny sighed. "Sam -"
"Danny..." She grabbed his hand and dragged it to the hem of her shirt. His breath hitched at the way she easily guided his hand up to her bra. "You make me feel so good, I jus' wanna be happy."
"Sam, I want you too." He pulled his hand away and sat up, dragging Sam further onto his lap. "I want you so much, but you're drunk and I won't do that to you."
Sam's face twisted in anger. Her flushed cheeks became hotter from the embarrassing dismissal of her failed seduction attempt.
"But Wren told me - he told me to find a way to be happy! Sex makes me happy!" Sam's bottom lip wobbled. Her emotions switched from anger to immense sadness. "Do you not love me anymore, is that why you won't fuck me?"
Danny pressed a chaste kiss to her neck and hugged her. "I do love you, princess."
"Then why won't you make me happy..?"
"This isn't something sex can fix. You're hurting and looking for a way to fix it, but, Sam," Danny said, pulling back to stare into Sam's glossy eyes, "I promise this isn't the way to do it."
Sam began to cry. Loud and trembling sobs fell from her as Danny swept her up and wiped her tears away as best he could. She was apologizing, begging to be forgiven. She wasn't a monster, she wouldn't force Danny to have sex with her. Danny shushed her, he forgave her. He was the good one between the two of them. Sam didn't know why Danny was still there when all she did was destroy everything she loved.
"Te amo mucho... I'm sorry... I love you..."
"I love you, too. I forgive you, it's okay."
Sam wasn't talking to Danny.
Sam anxiously stared at Tara's closed door. It wasn't opening, Tara wasn't going to come out for game night. She even invited Kirby so the two of them could team up and pick on Gale who she also invited.
"Okay... Okay! 4 words!"
Sam drew her attention to Chad and Mindy who were continuing the game with the others. Mindy was holding up 4 fingers and shaking her head at Chad's words. She waved her hand and enunciated the 4.
Chad snapped his fingers. "Oh! Oh, I know!"
Mindy groaned.
"4 words!"
Gale gave Chad a look of disappointment. "Kids these days are unbelievably stupid."
Mindy nodded to Chad's dismay.
Danny noticed Sam's attention being drawn back to Tara's door. He leaned over and squeezed her knee. "You gonna join us?" Danny whispered in her ear.
"In a minute," she muttered. "Tara hasn't even come out to say hi."
"... Maybe she's tired. We should let her rest."
He was right - Sam knew he was right - but it was her protective instincts kicking into overdrive. Maybe she should just go check on her.
As she stood up, Mindy groaned. "Seriously, we only got one in a minute?!"
"It's not my fault you suck at the game, Minds."
"Chad, I swear I'll kick you from being my partner!"
"And replace me with who? Kirby?"
"Sorry, you two," Kirby said, relaxing into her arm chair with a smirk, "I'm already taken."
"You can have her." Gale eyed Kirby up and down with distaste. Kirby looked offended.
"Sam, maybe we should go next," Danny suggested as he stood up next to Sam. Sam worriedly eyed the door again, but Danny grabbed her uninjured hand and gave her a mischievous grin. "We can take the win easily. What do you say?"
Sam licked her lips. "I don't know how Tara would feel if we played without her."
Danny's grin shrunk to a soft lift of the corner of his mouth. "I won't tell her if you don't."
Sam's eyes slid to the door. She could sense Danny's concern for her, but all she could think about was how alone Tara must be. She could knock on the door and invite her, then she could linger in the room if Tara said no. Tara always laughed whenever Sam dramatically flopped next to her to cheer her up for game night.
But maybe she wanted to be alone. For now.
"Where have you been?!" Sam screamed at Tara when she finally appeared from her room for the first time in a week. She couldn't be guilty for screaming because she cared. "You haven't called, you haven't texted! What if you needed me and I wasn't there?!"
Tara watched Sam pace in front of her. She was still in that same outfit despite Sam asking her to change. Her eyes were still blank, and they made Sam slightly uncomfortable with how closely they followed her.
"You know I don't need you anymore," Tara claimed. "And you know it, too. Why do you keep doing this to yourself, Sam?"
Sam squeezed her eyes shut.
"I don't need you. You need me."
"Stop it. Tara, please -"
"It wasn't your fault. I know what you've been telling your therapist and even Danny - about what happened being because of what you did - but you need to stop. It's time."
Sam squeezed her hands into fists. Her fingers bunched awkwardly on her cast.
"I-I can't - stop -"
"You need to move on. You can't help me anymore."
"You want proof? I know where it is. You told nobody else where it was - nobody - but I want you to look under your bed."
Fear rose in Sam's chest. She knew what was under there. She tried to deny it.
"I-I can't! Tara, please, don't do this! Let me have this a little longer, please!"
Sam and Danny stared down at the box in silence. Sam's throat was thick, and her eyes were dead.
"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" Danny asked hesitantly.
Sam nodded. She didn't trust herself to speak.
Nodding to himself, Danny slowly reached into the box and pulled out the carefully tended to urn. He unwrapped it and gave it to Sam.
Sam stared at the urn in her hands. It was light. Sam knew it would be.
"I'm still not ready to say goodbye yet," Sam choked out.
Danny squatted down by the couch. He searched for the right words to say. "It doesn't have to be goodbye. It can be... see you later."
Sam passed her thumb over her favorite picture of Tara. It was one she took with her when she ran off after her 18th birthday. Tara was 10 in this picture and wearing Sam's old clothes. She was smiling, big and wide, and posing for the flash of the camera. She remembered this birthday as clear as day.
Tara had begged Sam to take her somewhere fun for her birthday - a happy birthday for once. Despite her angst, Sam couldn't say no. They had ice cream and went to the zoo. Tara bragged about how she wanted to go to a bigger zoo when she was older and work with the animals. She had a soft spot for snakes for whatever reason. Sam laughed it off and took her home so Sam could get high and spend the rest of Tara's birthday in bed.
She was ashamed that she did that for the last few birthdays Tara had.
"She was so young." Sam's throat was burning with held back emotion. The urn shook in her hands. "She didn't deserve that. I should've been more careful."
Danny shushed her. "Wasn't your fault, remember? That guy was drunk."
Sam growled as she remembered stumbling from the car. Danny had received the least injuries, only a small concussion and some bruising. He went to Tara first before immediately going to Sam to pull her away from the upside-down car.
Sam had a broken arm and a concussion. She was still healing in a cast, and her headache sometimes comes back in her grief. She had to lay down on the dirty New York street in shock as many different responders got the her.
Sam never actually saw what happened to Tara, but Danny said it was bad. She didn't suffer, that's what the doctors told her.
Sam stood. She walked around the coffee table and to the TV stand. She placed down the urn and turned it, deeming it the perfect spot.
Danny came up behind her and hugged her. All Sam could think of was Tara doing that with her.
But Tara was gone now.
Sam broke down and allowed herself to be put back together by Danny. Some of the pieces were missing, some she'd never get back, but she could find a way to fill the space.
That's what Tara would want.
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toastysol · 6 months
Is anyone else a little insane about how many times v tells songbird "this is the homestretch" in other words "just a couple more steps cmon"
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Ive been trying to collect my thoughts for like two weeks now on what sally reed’s real happy ending would look like and I have found absolutely no answer but it is I think helpful in understanding what’s going on with her last episode before she agrees to go with barry.
Because it’s an absolutely bonkers decision and we see absolutely none of her deliberation really - in fact she has a connection with an agent and might be able to get some minor roles! So it’s kind of surprising when you see her decide to go to her home where you both know he is. Like it’s weird! Until you remember Barry is about how the entire entertainment industry is inescapably exploitative especially towards women. The thing is that Sally wants to be famous but tied up in that is needing to feel safe and powerful. Its not worth disentangling the two theyre co-constitutive. And with Joplin? When she was her own boss with recognition and power? It was taken away from her in a heartbeat and there was no recourse. And she’s furious because she thinks if she’s just good enough and if she works hard she should be owed it. And if someone else like Natalie or Barry gets it she can’t handle it.
And so her entire subplot in episode 4 is in this frame the most concise perfect storytelling. She gets back and is so close to the Thing that will Make it Better, it’s the moving and fame and production and the lights flare. And then she meets a famous oscar-winning director who’s working on a project she hates, with actors cast to be conventionally beautiful and a nonsense plot and 90% green screen. And Sally acts for her, assuming that being good will actually get you something, and fails! (Don’t EVEN get me started on the gender politics here. the only man is the agent offering her a gig but it also doesn’t move the needle because women in barry do misogyny too)
So the realization that HAS to come is that this is futile. She will absolutely never be powerful without someone holding a trapdoor that can take it all away. You can direct CODA and you’ll still be stuck here. She will never be safe. And she can’t go home. So after that, well. Barry.
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goat-boy-sounds · 1 year
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vertigoartgore · 4 months
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According to IMDb, the 1994 Fantastic Four movie turns 30 today. Feel old yet ?
"United States : May 31 1994 (only known showing)"
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doomrichards · 9 months
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The Inventions of Reed Richards and Doctor Doom featured in Marvel Arms and Armor: The Mightiest Weapons and Technology in the Universe
Published October 10, 2023 I love that they're featured together!
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walnutcookie · 10 days
every day i wake up in a world where low reed instruments exist ..... what a wonderful world we live in
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playlist for the eleventh of april twenty twenty-four
Bruce Springsteen - Rosalita (Come Out And Play)
The Rolling Stones - Miss You
Dolly Parton - Wrecking Ball
Syd Barrett - Terrapin
David Bowie - The Jean Genie
T. Rex - Jeepster
Björk - Hyper-Ballad
John Lennon - Instant Karma
Shihad - Deb's Night Out
The Velvet Underground - New Age
Elton John - Honky Cat
David Bowie - Breaking Glass
The Rolling Stones - Faraway Eyes
The Smile - Open the Floodgates
Lou Reed & David Bowie - Hop Frog
Pink Floyd - The Show Must Go On
X-Ray Spex - Warrior In Woolworths
Nick Lowe - 36 Inches High
Staple Singers - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay
The Beths - I'm Not Getting Excited
Bob Dylan - The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo)
Boy George - My Sweet Lord
Teenage Fanclub - Personality Crisis
Meat Puppets - Unexplained
The Long, Strange Drive Home — East FM 88.1 107.1
@michaelatkinsprescott | Linktree
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dimalink · 5 months
Ducklings – grass, river n summer
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Three dimensional scene for today about theme of little ducklings. And summer field. Ducklings are very yellow. And they like a little sun. Because of they are themselves as yellow as a little sun. They are also like a little sun. They can run with a fun around the field. They are going though a grass like a young naturalists. Grass is so big. And with a beak they can pull grass a little. And they go forward.
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Somewhere this place there is river or lake. Waterlilies are here. Reed is here. And lots of grass. In a shadows of the trees it is more fresh. And it is excellent summer day. With a grasshoppers singing. Look, someone jump into the water. It is one more duckling. Ducklings like to jump into the water, and dive. Swim is good. Water is blue. And it flows somewhere far. Ducklings knows this place very good. It is their place. There are lots of ducklings here. They are running and swimming all the time.
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Duckling is swimming in the river. Another one is going though a grass. Sun is so big and yellow. And it is possible to be a friend of him! And it is so good! And sometimes it happens rain. But today it will be no raining. It will be warm and sunny. So, duckling is reaching a water. And he looks. It is a water so far. And water lilies and reed. And duckling has excellent paws. To walk. And even better for swimming. So, duckling bravely goes into the water. And he stands there.
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Around him, it is swimming another duckling. Duckling is busy with looking and observe a what is it underwater. A little diving into the depth. It is so good to be a duckling. You can swim. River - it is a whole world. Also including lots of interesting underwater. There is a fish there! Big and small. And do you know that?
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So, grasshoppers cannot swim. And they do not know! But it is not a problem! Duckling will swim and looks what is underwater. And tell to the grasshoppers. And those will compose a songs funny and good and kind! Maybe even about a fish! But it will be in the evening. And right now, it is begining of the day. And it is good to run in the water. And run in the grass!
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/
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saveraedae · 1 year
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"Stupid cat."
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sunset-peril · 2 months
I decided to be funny and make this
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Based on this, and also this
Also a good visual for Link and Reede's scene in the first link.
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seongxhyunwoo-archive · 6 months
WITH: @jamesxreed LOCATION: providence peak university
With a coffee in hand, Hyun Woo made his way towards the University, where he��d contacted one of the professors about a paper that he’d written that, Hyun Woo hoped, would help further some of the products they were focused on developing. Maybe he also just needed an excuse to speak with someone who wasn’t associated with their company about these issues. A riveting conversation, many notes, and an hour later, he excused himself and thanked Professor Schneider for his time. Without disclosing too much information as to what got him interested in the subject, he made his way through the campus, the faintest smile on his lips as he watched students, recalling his own university days. It had been one of the few periods of his life where he felt utterly free. There was a time that he loved Kaist so much that he considered pursuing a higher degree. Spending a few more years on campus sounded idealistic, but it did not align with the path that had been decided for him. So, upon graduating, Hyun Woo was working shoulder to shoulder with his brother.
Lost in thoughts of his own college experience, his shoulder collided with someone else’s. An apology immediately fell from his lips as he bent down to pick up the papers that had fallen onto the pavement. Luckily, the grass was dry and the papers were protected by a folder. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” he explained. And it was only upon looking up that Hyun Woo realized that the blonde was a familiar face. “James?!” A mix of confusion and surprise crossed his expression. For a second he was silent, trying to process running into the man so unexpectedly. Realizing the folder was still in his possession, he offered it to him coupled with another apology. “Sorry, sorry, here, your folder. Hopefully no damage.”
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