#lovers lane. dead end.
insomnya777 · 5 months
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boat boys coded
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piglinmyfeet · 6 months
For the fic ask game, I've only read Lovers Lane Is A Dead Lane and I feel like you have a lot of world building for that world.
Yeah the biggest world building piece I really enjoy is the magic system
The two types of magic users are Fae and Witches (gender neutral) and they are essentially able to do the same stuff but the biggest difference is the cost
Witches magic is learned and is shared with the things around them (that's one of my favourite parts of the story but it's totally unrelated to that a-plot with Joel and Grian so I plan to make a spin-off based on it), whereas Fae magic is innate and has a much bigger personal cost, however while Witches can share magic, Fae can take magic and while it can be technically taken from anyone, it's much more substantial when taken from another Fae (maybe we'll see both in the story 🤫 (i hate that emoji the eyes look stupid))
I don't know if I was supposed to answer this much or just say "yeah there's a lot of world building" tbh sorry if I did it wrong :(
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f1-stuff · 2 years
thank you @achraf-hakimi for tagging me! 😊
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tag game rules: go on pinterest and type in "[your name] core aesthetic" and create a moodboard using the first nine images. you don't have to reveal what your name actually is!
tagging @c2-eh @unabashedlycasualangel @sainztander @nottiinrosso with absolutely no clue if you have already done it or want to do it! 😘
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bennitastisch · 2 years
when i dont watch the last episode of a show i like its not ending…. right? right?!?
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slitheringghost · 4 months
Voldemort Fic Recs
I meant to post this for hprecfest over four months ago, but uh... I didn't. More fic recs in Part 2 here.
The Limits Of Perception by deslea (800 words, G)
Rec: A truly fantastic character study in few words.
He meets a different kind of falsehood at school. The Pure prize the collective. They put aside their individual interests and feelings, follow codes of honour designed to protect family and name. It is still lying, but at least it is lying for something better than one's own ends. This is a kind of hypocrisy that he can tolerate, he decides.
of all my demon spirits by slashmarks (Tom & Ginny, 1.7k, T)
Rec: Ginny writes to Tom after the events of CoS. Paints a detailed picture of Tom and Ginny's relationship, and it's a great character study of Tom in addition to Ginny.
But I think maybe you were lying when you said that I was boring and stupid after all. Do you remember when we talked about the last war and I didn’t understand how anybody could think muggles were animals, because even if I don’t really know any muggles we go into the village to get groceries and stuff all the time and Mrs. Hoof keeps sweets by the counter just to give them to kids like me? You teased me about being bought with candy, but then you said the Death Eaters had to decide muggles weren’t people in order to kill them, and that really most people do that all of the time, like with house elves and stuff. You said that it was because most people are hypocrites and can’t face their real choices, but I think maybe it’s something you do, too, Tom. Maybe I had to be a boring and stupid little girl because you were about to kill me.
a shade amidst the shadowy dead by slashmarks (Tom & Cassiopeia Black, 2.4k, T)
Rec: THE Voldemort backstory of all time - Bellatrix's great-aunt Cassiopeia Black, a lesbian Dark Lord with a Muggle lover, and Tom Riddle and Bellatrix's mutual teacher and Mother Figure (TM) who they're both grieving when they meet. AKA Bellamort's very own Bathilda Bagshot.
Circling around to the potions shelving, she stopped halfway, a small twitch of a half-smile disturbing her serene face. Tom had fallen asleep with his face in a book in the armchair between bookshelves. In a moment he would wake, hearing her move. He would politely pretend he had lost track of time, and she would politely pretend to believe him. Of course, she knew perfectly well he was sleeping in the lab all the time for the summer, and she knew why. The school-leaving age in muggle Britain was fourteen, and Tom had therefore been expected to leave the orphanage two years ago.
The Shack at the End of the Lane by Asenora (Tom & Merope, 4k, G)
Rec: Voldemort’s victims meet Merope in the afterlife. A wonderful concept.
One day, a second bedroom materialised in the shack. It had white-washed walls and a black-and-white tiled floor, and contained no furniture other than a rickety iron bedstead, a wardrobe, and a hard wooden chair. She opened the wardrobe, and found nothing in it except an empty shoebox. 'This place needs some cheer,' she thought, and was unsurprised when a set of paint pots appeared in front of her.
the serpent's tale has come undone by slashmarks (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 6.2k, E)
Rec: Fantastic Voldemort POV in a Bellamort getting together fic. Slashmarks' ability to write both Voldemort's hunger for connection and intimacy and his cruelty is so impressive.
Orion Black's idiocy would be his prize, in this case. He understood what he was seeing when he looked into Bellatrix Black's cool gray eyes and the mind beyond them. He would gratefully use what Orion Black had discarded or overlooked as essentially worthless; or at least, not worthy of his attention and maintenance. He knew that pureblood men were often idiots about women, but sometimes the boundless capacity for it in otherwise intelligent ones surprised him. - Moreover... He had wanted family as a student, he remembered that; something to replace the loss that had occurred at and before his birth, someone to claim him, someone who would defend his interests and give him something to defend. He had the Death Eaters as the closest possible thing now. The demands marriage would have made on him would not be... tenable.
endless nights took on my whole life by slashmarks (Bellatrix/Voldemort, Voldemort & Rodolphus, Bellatrix & Rodolphus, Sirius & Bellatrix, 12.4k, M)
Rec: My absolute favorite Tom Riddle POV. A HILARIOUS Voldemort and Rodolphus dynamic in addition to a wonderful Bellamort.
Bellatrix was a new experience for Tom, as something of a kindred spirit. Abraxas might be the closest thing Tom would admit to a brother, but he had no real patience for magical theory or interest in it beyond utilitarian concerns, and Reinhard was simply too nice a person, deep down, a condition even the Lestranges had never cured him of. Bellatrix, though, was capable of sharing everything for the first time: she could keep up with him intellectually, she was as fascinated by magic as him, and any squeamish bone had long ago been extracted. Best of all, she shared Tom Riddle's fervent loathing for every aspect of magical Britain's society and his desire to personally torture to death most of the Wizengamot, which Tom had always known better than to fully express even to Abraxas.
The Edge of Reality by deslea (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 4k, E)
Rec: Fascinating exploration of the Death Eater cult and initiation.
To ensure their continued loyalty, they must be given a new family and future, better than the one they have agreed to cast away. When this is achieved, in his experience, they will do virtually anything in his service. Their loyalty to old laws and values and connections is either severed, or so conditional as to be irrelevant. It is a delicate exercise, carried out with an intricate blend of Legilimency and plain old-fashioned manipulation. It is magic at its finest.
'The son and heir of nothing in particular by @artemisia-black (2.6k, M)
Rec: Beautifully written, and I love Tom's musings on London in this fic.
But unlike the damp which pervaded the orphanage in the depths of winter, this scent did not evoke desperation and destitution. It did not remind him of scratchy government-issued pinafores and the flavourless soups that the matron insisted warded off the flu.  No, this damp smelled different. It smelled of ancient, untapped magic. But most importantly, it smelled like home.
The Velveteen Rabbit by Asenora (Tom & Mrs. Cole, Tom & Merope, 3k, G)
Rec: A unique take on Mrs. Cole and Tom's relationship, and a heartbreaking young Tom.
It’s just about pride - when he’s hurt, when one of the bigger lads punches him in the face, he won’t give anyone the satisfaction of knowing. He just watches, his face completely unmoving, staring whoever's attacked him down until they're the one that's frightened, and then whirling off triumphantly, with his chin in the air. But, if you know where to look, you can find him a wee while later curled up in a corner of the orphanage where nobody usually goes, running his fingers over his black eye or bruised jaw like he could cure the injury by magic, muttering words of comfort to himself, telling himself he’s all he needs, and he’ll be alright, and he will always, always manage to survive.
My True Family: Voldemort and Family Connections by slashmarks (Meta, 3k)
Rec: Cheating ‘cause this isn’t a fic, but a must-read essay that challenges the idea of an inhuman Voldemort who can’t love.
Voldemort immediately knows how to lure Harry to the Department of Mysteries when curiosity isn't enough: a threat to Sirius Black will be enough, and it is. Sirius is not only Harry's only remaining magical family, but he represents a hope Tom Riddle once shared, and once was equally disappointed in: a magical guardian who would take either boy away from the muggle world and status as a friendless orphan.
In Place And Blood. by Lanna Michaels (Tom & Merope, 2.3k, G)
Rec: Tom raised by Merope still becomes Voldemort and this time his motivation is solely revenge on purebloods for his mother.
That night, for the first time, he shares a room with six other boys, five of them purebloods, and he wants to murder them where they sleep. He doesn't know how to do it, but he has ideas. They all deserve it. They deserve it for what they did to his mother. Purebloods had left his mother friendless, a disgrace, had thrown her out and left her to die and her son with her. Tom is going to make sure they live to regret it. Tom is going to make every one of them regret it.
if the sea were sand alone by Anonymous (Tom & Dumbledore, 12.8k, G)
Rec: A gorgeous and heartbreaking what-could-have-been for the Dumbledore and Tom relationship, the starting point being Slughorn comes to the orphanage to introduce the magical world to Tom instead of Dumbledore.
"I wanted to kill them," he said. "They left me there. All those years, and my father, and my grandparents, they left me there. The last thing my mother said to him was, 'What about the baby?' and the last thing he said to her--" He cut himself off. There was so much pain etched into his face that Albus shuffled off the bed, and, standing over him, pulled his head to his chest like he was still a small child. He had felt abandoned, once. It was a wound that had never truly healed, and it had taken him years to realize the extent of the damage.
More fic recs are in Part 2 of rec list here.
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softpascalito · 3 months
I To Dig a Grave I Chapter 4 I
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Summary: Twenty-one years after the outbreak, you come to Wyoming looking for something and end up in Jackson after a stranger saves your life.
But he doesn't stay a stranger.
Turns out Joel Miller is looking for something too. It feels like a fresh start. But when bad luck seems to follow you, Joel is the only one to turn to, forcing both of you to confront your feelings about your pasts- and each other.
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader Rating: Explicit / MDNI Word count: 16k+ Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Age Difference, Smut, Explicit Content, Grief/Mourning, Mental Health Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, Chose not to use Archive Warnings, Tags to be added
AO3 LINK // Series Masterlist // Playlist
notes: thank you guys so much for all the love on the last chapter, sending all of you forehead smooches <3
this fic will deal with heavy topics. please note that it doesn't use archive warnings and tags will be added as we go in order to avoid spoilers. each chapter will have detailed warnings in the end notes on ao3.
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Chapter 4 – The Note
‘I wish you goodness but I can’t be around to see it.’ — Unknown
You can't say if you've slept at all. Everything seems not inherently wrong, but unimportant. Your body keeps functioning on its own accord, no doubt using up all the reserves it can. But it functions surprisingly well, given the circumstances. You’re not throwing up anymore. Still, a trashcan is placed next to the bed. A glass of water and some tissues occupy the nightstand that usually sits empty, Joel only using the one on his side of the bed.
It’s a bittersweet reminder that you don’t belong here. It’s not your bed or your house, Joel is not yours. The things that are yours are undoubtedly being inspected by whoever Maria has tasked with investigating the situation. Kitchen drawers being rummaged through, notebooks for your classes being picked apart. Looking at a room and weighing whether or not it could’ve belonged to someone who wanted to leave.
You wonder whether or not they’ve found the letter yet. Considering where Lane could’ve placed it so that you wouldn’t see. It suddenly strikes you that she must have been gone when you woke up. That while you were tiptoeing around the bathroom and kitchen, trying to make no noise that could wake her, her bed was empty.
You avoid going further down that road. You don’t think you could stand it if she’d already been dead while you drank your coffee and pulled on your winter coat and flipped through books without a care in the world.
Life pretending that it was still as it had been the day before.
Joel got up a while ago, far too early if the darkness outside the windows is anything to go by. You felt the mattress dip and then rise as he disentangled himself from the sheets while you were giving no sign that you were awake and listened to the floorboards creak as he headed through the room and escaped into the hallway.
It takes you a solid ten minutes to convince your body to crawl out from under the warm covers, still radiating the smell you’ve come to associate with Joel, and pad over to the bathroom. You try hard not to look into the mirror. Of course, just like with everything else, you fail.
The face staring back at you carries dark circles, glassy eyes. The corners of your mouth are slightly cracked, no doubt from last night's intense heaving. But what strikes you most is that every part of your face seems rid of any emotion. There is no light in your eyes. They look just as dead as you imagine Lane’s to be.
You stare at your reflection until your eyes begin to burn. You try to remember to blink. To take a breath and then another and another. Nothing seems to work like it should.
Joel is in the kitchen when your feet carry you downstairs a few minutes later. He pretends to be very busy with the dishes, but you know he’s been waiting for you to wake up. He reaches for the checkered dish towel to wipe his hands before turning his full attention to you. He doesn’t look like he has slept much either. His salt-and-pepper hair is a tad messier than usual. It suddenly strikes you how much lighter it has become since you first met him.
“Hey,” he mumbles, standing in front of you a bit sheepishly. He doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands. “Do you want to have breakfast?”
“Did they bring her letter yet?” You both speak at the same time and then fall quiet.
You can see his shoulders sinking a bit as he takes in your words and his tone sounds careful when he shakes his head. “Not yet. I'm sure they will, in a bit.”
His eyes are trained on your expression and you're close enough that you are certain he is seeing you the same way you saw the person in the mirror. Empty, lifeless. Dead.
“Do you want to go back to bed?” he asks tentatively but you immediately shake your head. 
“No, I won't be able to sleep anyway.”
Joel gives a small grumble at that, deep in his throat. It almost sounds like disappointment. “You didn't sleep?” 
You sigh a little, again shaking your head. “Maybe a bit. I'm not sure.” After a moment, you add, “My brain feels all weird today.”
He nods, slowly taking a step forward and wrapping an arm around you. “Your brain is allowed to feel a bit weird today, all things considered.” For a few moments, you both just stay like that, his hand trailing over your back, rubbing circles into the fabric of your shirt. His eyes fall to your legs, both noticeably banged up from your fall yesterday.
“Does it still hurt?” he mutters, tilting his head to get a better look. 
“It's just a scratch.” When Joel reaches out to touch the small band-aid he insisted on putting onto your knee last night, you take a step back, causing him to freeze in his tracks.
“I’m fine. I'll go and read.”
Joel gives you a few minutes by yourself before he follows you into the living room, placing two mugs of coffee and some crackers on the table before sitting down on the couch. You're curled up on the armchair, only a few steps away from the front door, occasionally casting a glance out of the window to your right. The darkness is slowly fading, dawn ruthlessly drawing closer.
You've picked up a book without really bothering to check what it is. The cover is made of cloth, the color slightly faded, but the texture feels intact. It's a comforting weight in your lap and an even better excuse to keep your eyes off Joel, hyperaware that he is still watching your every move.
You feel like you're back to square one, to the first time you stepped foot into his house. Being taken in and assessed, like a wounded animal. Checking the damage, weighing the options. Deciding whether or not it should be put out of its misery.
Joel leans forward a bit, reaching for a small piece of wood that sits among a few others on the table. Then, he gets out the whittling knife that he keeps in the pocket of his jeans and begins to chip away. 
Even with his eyes focused on the work in front of him, he can tell you're not really reading, your gaze unmoving. You haven't turned the page in at least ten minutes. But he knows not to push. He's content to sit here and wait by your side.
The silence during the next hours is only broken by the small sounds coming from Joel whittling. The small piece of wood he fetched before dawn has turned into the shape of an animal, continuously getting more clear as he works on it. You've put the book down an hour ago, giving up on pretending to read and instead just switching between staring at Joel's hands or into space.
You're certain it's the worst you've ever felt. Sitting and waiting, with the prospect of the letter of a dead girl being delivered today. The impatience drives you out of your seat, makes you pace, first in front of the fireplace, then behind the couch. Back and forth. You try counting the floorboards below you. There are twenty-seven, spanning through the entire room. You step on each one, avoiding the cracks in between. You sit back down. You curl up deeper into your armchair, staring out of the window.
You see him coming down the street before he sees you. When Tommy steps onto the porch, the door is already ajar, your form half hiding behind it. You don't notice the sad smile he sends you. Instead, your eyes are glued to the small paper envelope in his hand.
“Why don’t you come inside?” Joel says quietly from behind you, gently moving you to the side in order to let his brother enter. 
Tommy awkwardly stands in the small hallway for a moment before holding out the envelope. He clears his throat. “Reckon you’ve been waiting for this.” 
You nod automatically, taking the piece of paper from him with a gentle motion and then immediately clutching it to your chest. Tommy’s eyes fly from you to Joel, his eyebrow raising just a tiny bit. 
“Right,” Joel mutters, nodding into the direction of the kitchen. “Why don’t you grab some coffee?” You hear Tommy move further into the house while your fingers are caressing the envelope, staring at the letters on it that form your name.
“Do you want me to stay with you while you—” Joel gestures towards the letter. He watches your face closely as you shake your head. 
“No. I need to do this alone I think.”
“Okay. We’ll be right here if you need anything,” Joel mumbles quietly and reassuringly pats your back before he follows Tommy into the kitchen, leaving you standing in the hallway with a heavy feeling in your chest and the words of a dead girl in your hands.
You sit down on the bed, your entire body seemingly numb as you open the envelope and stare at the paper in your hands, filled with the smooth and playful handwriting you've come to recognize so easily.
I know you will not understand this,
You take a deep breath, trying to keep your hands from shaking so much that you can’t make out the words on the page. You already know what's coming and still you dread hearing the words in your head.
but I have decided to end my own life.
You stare at them for a moment. Trying to take them in, weighing them in your mind, trying to understand. But there is no understanding inside of you. Not for this.
I love you so incredibly much. I loved living with you and our time in Jackson was among the best I've had. I’m sorry to be the one to cut it short.
A dull pain throbs in your chest. You ignore it.
You deserve good things. But I know not many have been handed to you so far. I wish I could've been the one to give them to you.
Please do not blame yourself. This was my decision. I promise I’m at peace now.
Her words make you want to scream and cry and curl up into a ball and never speak to anyone ever again and do nothing but wait for Lane to come back. 
Instead, you just quietly hold the letter a little higher to avoid your tears staining the paper.
I know you came to Jackson looking for something. I really do hope you find it.
I wish you the most wonderful life.
I love you, forever.
“I don’t like this,” Joel mutters, his fingers anxiously tapping the counter he’s leaning on. His glance keeps wandering to the doorway, half expecting you to come running in at any moment and bury yourself in his arms. But there is no noise from upstairs, the only sounds in the old house being those of the clock on his kitchen wall and Tommy’s occasional small sighs.
“She shouldn't be alone,” he insists, unsure if he's actually talking to his brother or to himself.
“She's not alone, in a way,” Tommy says quietly. He's staring into his mug, clearly deep in thought as well. “In a way—” He shakes his head. “She's having her last moments with Lane.”
“Oh, gimme a break.” Joel groans, his right hand flying up to pinch his nose. “Do you realize how messed up that is? Leaving her a letter, with no chance to ever reply? The poor girl can’t sleep, she’s not eating—I ain’t trying to talk badly about Lane, god knows she was a sweet girl and I’m sure she had her issues—but she shouldn’t be putting ‘em on someone else just cause she feels like she can.”
At that, Tommy looks up, surveying his brother. All the softness has left his tone, replaced by a harshness that carries a tinge of accusation.
“Are you really the one to judge this?”
“Tommy-” Joel's voice has dropped a good bit too, making him sound like a growling dog. For a split moment, it feels like they’re back to their time before the QZ, back to the fights and the constant tension.
Joel drops his arm, waving his hand slightly. “This ain’t like that.”
“Bullshit.” Tommy gets up so suddenly that Joel startles slightly, but the younger Miller brother just gives a dry laugh and reaches to pour himself more coffee. “Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna hit you, old man.”
The quiet is broken by the small trickle of the coffee. Tommy glances towards Joel's mug to find it empty. “You want another cup?”
“Yes, please,” Joel mumbles, watching as Tommy pours the rest of the brown liquid into his mug. He places the kettle back on the stove before pausing.
“It is exactly like that, Joel. Now I ain’t saying I agree with what she did. But ‘t was her choice. Ain’t nothing we—” He nods towards the ceiling. “—or her can do about that.”
A small groan escapes Tommy’s lips as he sits back down at the kitchen table, stretching his legs. “Talking about it. How’s she been?”
Joel considers his words for a moment. “Bad. I don't know.” His gaze flies to the doorway again, each minute ticking by making him more restless.
“I talked to Maria this morning. Word should’ve reached everyone by now. The whole town is- they're in shock. Everyone’s devastated.” Tommy keeps his eyes on Joel as he takes a sip of his coffee, taking in his brother's silence.
“D’you think she knew? That Lane was gonna—” 
“No.” The answer shoots out of Joel's mouth before he can even consider it. Did you know? Or at least had an idea that something was happening under the surface? He hasn't even thought to ask, not with everything that's been going on.
“It’s just that, with this sort of thing, folks will ask questions—”
“Yeah, well, they won't be asking her any.” Joel suddenly feels like the room is much too small for him and Tommy. He’s dimly aware that this is technically not his job—that you're an adult and not his responsibility, that he should leave the decisions to you—but then he remembers the way you looked on his bathroom floor last night, dry heaving and sobbing so hard he was sure you were gonna pass out from the lack of oxygen.
“She ain’t ready for that.”
Tommy nods, finally averting his gaze. He knows this tone, the slight edge in it. It means there will be no further discussion and he's not keen to push for a fight in the current situation. He finishes his mug, draining it of the last drops.
“There's one more thing. Lane’s mother wants a proper burial. We've been talking to Eugene about it and—” He clicks his tongue a little as he shakes his head. “With the ground frozen over like that, there's no way to dig a grave.”
It's something Joel already should’ve considered. He's been around long enough to know these things, having dug more than enough graves himself. It was hard labor under the best of conditions. But plainy impossible during the Wyoming winter. 
He's not sure why, when he knows all this, Tommy’s words strike him so hard. The girl who hasn’t made it to twenty-six is not even gonna get a grave.
You probably should be breaking down. Screaming or sobbing, hell, maybe throwing up again. Surely your body shouldn’t be so still, quiet, small breaths entering your lungs. Surely you should've stopped breathing by now.
But the body is relentless. It will keep you alive as long as it can, despite the thoughts in your head and the grief that seems to spin a cocoon around you, cutting you off from the things that are right in front of you, making them seem miles and miles away.
You have no idea how long you’ve been sitting there when you stand up abruptly. You avoid reading the words again as you slip the letter back into its envelope and place it in the drawer of the nightstand Joel doesn't use.
You don't remember leaving the bedroom or walking down the wooden stairs. But somehow you're standing in the kitchen, with Joel kneeling in front of you. His right hand is intertwined with yours, his calloused fingers brushing past your knuckles and over the soft skin on the back of your hand. His thumb is gently massaging your palm, rubbing small circles into it.
You flinch a bit and, immediately, his features soften. “There you are. Can you hear me?” You manage a shaky nod.
“Good,” Joel praises quietly, still keeping up the circular motions on your skin. “You doin’ real good, darlin’. Now, do you know where you are?”
Your eyes leave him and fly around the room. Joel's kitchen looks exactly how you remember it, with the addition of two empty mugs standing next to the sink. You recognize the one with the owl painted on it as his. Maybe the other is yours, but you can’t recall drinking anything.
“Hm?” Joel hums quietly.
“We’re in your kitchen.” Relief floods Joel's face at that and he nods a little more eagerly. “That’s right. Think you can help me and sit down right there?” He jerks his head into the direction of the small table below the window and begins to move, very slowly pulling you along by your hand.
You pause just as you reach the table. “What time is it?”
Joel turns his head, squinting at the clock at the opposite wall. “Half past ten.” He tugs on your hand again. “Come on, sit down.”
But you are moving in the opposite direction, taking a step back. “I have to go and teach.”
Joel sighs but his voice stays patient. “Honey, you’re on leave, okay? You’re in no state to be teaching. Now come here.”
It’s the quiet, added “Please.” that makes you do as told.
A steaming mug is placed in front of you shortly after. “Made you some tea. Just be careful, ‘t’s still hot.” Your hands are close enough to feel the heat radiating off it and, slowly, you think you are coming back to yourself. Or rather, to the house you’re sitting in.
The cocoon is still there, so is the faulty wire. But they seem to hit you in waves rather than a constant state of anxiety. Somehow, that is worse. You could get used to a metaphorical limp, one that is a constant. But the waves make you feel like you’re drowning in them. If you could only take a deep breath before they come, fill your lungs with the air you need so urgently. But they hit you out of nowhere. You never see them coming.
Joel sighs a little, nudging the mug towards you. “Come on, at least try it.”
“I still have a mug of coffee in the living room,” you suddenly remember. You can’t recall whether or not you drank any of it.
“Honey, that was cold hours ago,” Joel says carefully. “The tea is still warm. Much better, right?”
You find that you can’t argue with that so you take a few, hesitant sips. The heat settles in your stomach. The tide is retreating. Breathing comes a little easier.
Maybe Joel feels the same or maybe he can just tell, somehow. But he too seems to relax a bit more as he watches you drink.
“It’s good,” you press out, craving words to fill the silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Not those words.
You shake your head and are incredibly thankful when Joel doesn’t push it this time. Still, you can tell that he looks troubled. “Want me to do some talking instead?”
“Okay,” you mumble, carefully taking another sip of your tea as you wait for him to speak.
“I talked to Tommy earlier, ‘bout some stuff regarding her—‘nd the next few days. Everyone’s been real sad. We thought it may be—” He cringes at the next word. “Nice to have a wake. Give people a chance to say goodbye and grieve before we bury her.” “Okay.”
He sighs, his eyes searching yours. He considers for a moment whether or not he should go on, explain that the burial can’t happen for a while, at least not with a body being put into the ground. Joel opens his mouth—and sees how much you seem to have aged in just a day.
He stays quiet.
Somehow, he gets you through the day. It’s late afternoon when a groan escapes Joel as he sits down on the couch. His back hurts and his head hurts and he is so goddamn tired. He hasn’t slept a second, having been too worried that you could wake up before him and sneak off.
He leans back into the soft fabric, stretching his legs slightly. You’re upstairs, taking a shower. Surely, it won’t hurt if he closes his eyes for just a minute.
It’s dark in the living room when Joel wakes again. The light that was streaming in through the windows earlier is gone and his heart rate instantly shoots up, the organ pumping wildly in his chest. He’s on his feet before his brain fully registers the situation. He moves quietly through the dark house, finding the kitchen and dining room empty.
He’s lucky that his left ear is turned towards the hallway when a small noise travels down the stairs. Joel reaches the landing of the upper floor with his revolver drawn. A trail of dim light falls through a crack in the door to his workshop.
Without making a noise, he pushes it open—and all tension immediately leaves his body. You’re perched on the stool he usually occupies, on the far corner of the tables that are arranged below the windows in an L-shape. The typewriter he’s been meaning to fix sits in front of you.
Joel tucks the gun back into his jeans as he opens the door further. The small creak, combined with the noise of footsteps, catches your attention and suddenly, Joel finds you turning towards him. He raises his hands slightly as he crosses the room. “Sorry. I fell asleep.”
“I know. I didn't want to wake you. You seemed really tired.” Joel stops right behind you, a small grumble escaping his throat as he strains his neck to see what you’re working on.
“You should wake me up,” he says quietly, his eyes wandering over the stack of paper and the tools scattered around the typewriter. “What are you doing?”
It's your turn to sigh, raising your shoulders a bit and letting them fall again after a moment. “I wanted to write a speech. For the service.” You can hear Joel swallow behind you.
“That's a nice idea. You sure you're up for it though?”
“Yeah, I’m—It’s okay. Or it would be, if this thing worked,” you groan, reaching for the screwdriver you’d put down when he joined you.
“Been meaning to fix it for a while. I can do it tomorrow if you like. Or now, if it’s urgent,” Joel mutters, taking another small step towards you, one hand placed on your back. He’s close enough that you can smell his body wash. His free hand, the one that had been closed around a gun less than a minute ago, moves over your shoulder and carefully pries the tool out of your hand.
“It’s late. You should get some sleep, at least.” It’s so caring that, again, you don’t find it in you to protest.
A small, sad smile plays around Joel’s lips at that. He puts the screwdriver down, his form hovering above yours a split moment longer than necessary. Then, he leans forward and places a small kiss on the crown of your head.
“Come on. Off to bed.”
“Can I have a drink before we go?” If the question startles him, he doesn’t let it show.
“Yeah. Sure,” he says quietly. “Believe it or not, I was about to suggest that myself. You like whiskey, right?”
You’re content to find, half an hour later, that with your throat and belly warmed by the alcohol and the rest of your body warmed by Joel's form next to you, an arm draped around your shoulder as he pulls you into his chest, the waves that you could feel crashing in on you earlier seem to stay away. At least for the night.
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if you enjoyed the chapter, please consider reblogging/sharing or commenting, i promise it will be the highlight of my day <3
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in March 2024 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Shift: A Memoir of Identity and Other Illusions - Penny Guisinger 🧡 Tempting Olivia - Clare Ashton 💛 Monilinia - Free Mints 💚 Guillaume - Aurora Dimitre 💙 The Marble Queen - Anna Kopp & Gabrielle Kari 💜 The Baker & the Bard - Fern Haught ❤️ Rainbow! - Sunny & Gloom 🧡 The Safe Zone - Amy Marsden 💛 The Weavers of Alamaxa - Hadeer Elsbai 💙 The No-Girlfriend Rule - Christen Randall 💜 A Different Kind of Brave by Lee Wind 🌈 Cirque du Slay - Rob Osler ❤️ Wizard’s Debt - Niranjan 🧡 One Last Breath - Ginny Myers Sain 💛 Nothing Special - Katie Cook 💚 I Feel Awful, Thanks - Lara Pickle 💙 The Tower - Flora Carr 💜 Be the Sea - Clara Ward ❤️ What Grows in the Dark - Jaq Evans 🧡 Heirs of Bone and Sea - Kay Adams 💛 The Haunting of Velkwood - Gwendolyn Kiste 💙 Thunder Song - Sasha taqwšəblu LaPointe ���� Mona of the Manor - Armistead Maupin 🌈 Like Happiness - Ursula Villarreal-Moura
❤️ Ellipses - Vanessa Lawrence 🧡 Saint, Sorrow, Sinner - Freydís Moon 💛 Blood & Brujas - Mikayla D. Hornedo 💚 Infinity Kings - Adam Silvera 💙 Really Cute People - Markus Harwood-Jones 💜 How You Were Born - Kate Cayley ❤️ These Bodies Between Us - Sarah Van Name 🧡 Icarus - K. Ancrum 💛 The Emperor and the Endless Palace - Justinian Huang 💙 How Not to Date an Angel - Lana Kole 💜 Enemy Colours - R.M. Olson 🌈 Broken Parts Included - Alyson Root
❤️ Who's Afraid of Gender? - Judith Butler 🧡 The Duke’s Cowboy - Andrew Grey 💛 The Secret Something - Emily Wright 💚 Colstead & Andie - Olivia Janae 💙 Play It Again, Ma’am - Sienna Waters 💜 Love Is…? - K.J. Wrights ❤️ Welcome to Forever - Nathan Tavares 🧡 Just Another Epic Love Poem - Parisa Akhbari 💛 The Phoenix Bride - Natasha Siegel 💙 These Letters End in Tears - Musih Tedji Xaviere 💜 Truly Home - J.J. Hale 🌈 Monster Mixer - Robin Jo Margaret
❤️ The House of Hidden Meanings - RuPaul 🧡 Promised to the Queen - Barbara Winkes 💛 A Conclave of Crimson - Nicole Eigener & Beverley Lee 💚 A Hunt of Blood and Iron - Cara Nox 💙 The Fealty of Monsters - Ladz 💜 Ariel Crashes a Train - Olivia A. Cole ❤️ Those Beyond the Wall - Micaiah Johnson 🧡 Dancing Toward Stardust - Julia Underwood 💛 Heir to Dreams & Darkness - Ben Alderson 💙 Comet Cruise - Niska Morrow 💜 Dead Girls Walking - Sami Ellis 🌈 Blackout - Carlos E. Rivera
❤️ Monster Crush - Erin Ellie Franey 🧡 Blessed Water - Margot Douaihy 💛 These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart - Izzy Wasserstein 💚 Kiss of Seduction - Rawnie Sabor 💙 Sunbringer - Hannah Kaner 💜 Evacuation to Love - C.A. Popovich ❤️ Sin - Brooke Matthews 🧡 Falls from Grace - Ruby Landers 💛 Lean in to Love - Catherine Lane 💙 A Small Apocalypse - Laura Chow Reeve 💜 Cascade Failure - L.M. Sagas 🌈 The Mars House - Natasha Pulley
❤️ All This Time - Sage Donnell 🧡 The Romance Lovers Book Club - MA Binfield 💛 View from the Top - Morgan Adams 💚 Number Call - Nagisa Furuya 💙 Crossing Bridges - Chelsey Lynford 💜 The Boyfriend Subscription - Steven Salvatore ❤️ Love the World or Get Killed Trying - Alvina Chamberland 🧡 Synthetic Sea - Franklyn S. Newton 💛 The Prince & His Stolen Groom - J.E. Ridge 💙 Chrysalis and Requiem - Quinton Li 💜 Where Sleeping Girls Lie - Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé 🌈 A Botanical Daughter - Noah Medlock
❤️ Wednesday Nights - by Donna Jay 🧡 The Woods All Black - Lee Mandelo 💛 Song of the Huntress - Lucy Holland 💚 Rainbow Black - Maggie Thrash 💙 Spirits & Sunflowers - A.D. Armistead & Austin Daniel 💜 Floating Hotel - Grace Curtis ❤️ Far From Camelot - Rylee Hale 🧡 This Way to Change - Jezz Chung 💛 Mexican Bird - Luis Lopez-Maldonado 💙 Android Affection: Unveiling - Beau Van Dalen 💜 Welcome to the Damned - Astraea Long 🌈 She Came for Blood - Darva Green
❤️ Cover Story - Rachel Lacey 🧡 The Poisons We Drink - Bethany Baptiste 💛 The Perfect Guy Doesn't Exist - Sophie Gonzales 💚 In Walked Trouble - Dana Hawkins 💙 Never Leave, Never Lie - Thea Verdone 💜 Guardian: Zhen Hun - Priest ❤️ All the World Beside - Garrard Conley 🧡 Rainbows, Unicorns, and Triangles - Jessica Kingsley Publishers 💛 The Feast Makers - H.A. Clarke 💙 Synthetic Sea - Franklyn S. Newton 💜 All the Painted Stars - Emma Denny 🌈 A Hard Sell - Jennifer Moffatt
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kanatamour · 9 months
hi tora!! another blog, another request from me~ today im hoping for headcanons "how do they act when they have a crush and how would they manage to confess" with nayuta, kanata, reo & hajun!! i don't know how many characters you do at the time, so if that's too much just nayuta & kanata are nice!! thank you so much hehe <3
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Because ‘I love you’ is written in every single one of his actions, but he needs to tell you properly.
ft. Yatonokami Nayuta, Yatonokami Kanata, Maruyama Reo, Hajun Yeon x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, love confessions, some angst.
Hello, Jules, dear and thank you so much for sending in another request here ! I’m sorry this took a while, but I still hope you enjoy it and that it can make you smile <3 I ended up making it in time before the year ends, so happy new year !
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“You came along, and my heart smiled. So, get rid of those doubts, my love, I’ve been waiting for you.”
— With Nayuta, you realize he’s in love because of his smile.
— His usually apathetic, even melancholy expression, is replaced by an upwards curve to his lips, brimming in a sweetness that is hard to place.
— To anyone who deigns to observe where his iridescent eyes keep looking, they’d find you at the end of the lane.
— It is easy to see, when you two are together. His gaze is a little brighter, that difference that makes you discern dusk from dawn; he seems more energized, the lilt to his voice a tad more upbeat, particles of sundust shining in the words he addresses to you.
— And perhaps everyone notices, and Nayuta hopes you do too.
— And maybe you already have, but alas, fear seems to follow humans in crucial moments, confusing the heart, leading it through twisting alleys that echo the unsavory sounds of ‘what if’.
— What is it’s just all in your head. What if you’re overthinking and reading the signs the wrong way.
— The sighs he lets out, alone, in the dead on night are the unheard confirmation that his feelings for you are real.
— And yet, miles separate you, each of you lying on your side in the blue light of a faded moon.
— But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.
— Nayuta just will have to tell you directly, then.
— Or rather, show you.
— You find yourselves on the topmost floor of his secret hideout, the sun casting in coppery hues the thousands of piled up buildings below; a beautiful contradiction, how the slums had a beauty to them at golden hour.
— But so did your moments with Nayuta.
— You found him, the one you hold most dear. It didn’t matter if it was in a place this world had forgotten.
— Because you could never forget Yatonokami Nayuta.
— Nor the kiss he gives you when you turn towards him at the call of your name.
— You can taste the remaining sweetness of the popsicle he was just eating as his hands land on either side of you, stabilizing himself when he leans in further.
— And because there is no way your mind is making up the cool softness of his lips on yours, you kiss him back, hands cradling his cheeks, strands of silken moonshine reflected on puddles after the rain tickling your fingers.
— “Is it clear now, that I like you, my cute [Y/n]?” Nayuta utters, in the sunset lit instants between his kiss and the second one you initiate as an answer.
— You don’t trust your voice right now, so you’ll speak in the language lovers do when words are superfluous.
— And you can be sure, he’ll be asking for more.
“Your petals were bloodied amidst the storm and you still shined. When I next realized, I was the thorns, and you, the only rose.”
— Kanata doesn’t know what is it he feels for you.
— And what’s more, he doesn’t know why.
— Weren’t you another one of those rich brats to begin with? It was your fault that day you were in trouble in the rain, being robbed by some troublemakers.
— And yet, the moment you resisted to give them your pocket money and one of the attacker’s hands closed around your wrist, something in Kanata snapped.
— He doesn’t know how, or the reason behind which he found himself throwing punches until those bastards were running away.
— But he knew he didn’t like the sight of the cut they somehow managed to land on your cheek.
— “Thank you for that, but are you okay?” You asked him, checking for bruises on your nameless savior.
— You are the one bleeding and yet, you ask him that.
— “You shouldn’t be here.” Kanata spats, turning away.
— “Wait! What’s your name?” You asked, running to catch up with him.
— He ‘tsks’. Why can’t he leave you alone in the rain? Why does the sight of blood running down a stranger’s face sit so wrong with him?
— Annoyed, he drapes his jacket over your head.
— “You don’t want to know.” Are the last words he tells you, before running off.
— You stand there, dumfounded, the boy’s hoodie shielding you from the rain.
— You’ll be back here tomorrow.
— The sky dyes in shades of peach and lavender, reminding you of the sweet scent of spring. Ironic, in such a cold evening, and even more so in this district.
— You have a feeling you’ll find him again, so you wait. His jacket is neatly folded over your lap, as a stray kitten rubs itself against your leg.
— Then you spot him. Short sleeved t-shirt on, hands buried deep in the pockets of his pants.
— “Put this on, at least!” You call, throwing him his jacket. “Catch!”
— Eyes not unlike the color of the sky widen at the sight of you again.
— “Thank you for yesterday, whatever your name is.” You softly tell the young man, reaching where he stands with the small cat in your arms.
— It meows at him. Extending one of its paws.
— “See? He wants to know your name too!” You pout, holding one of the kitten’s white paws in your hand.
— “Ugh fine! It’s Kanata, okay?”
— “Nice to meet you, Kanata.” You giggle, as the cat paws at your hero’s face.
— And somehow, the way you call his name… It’s pleasant, a sweet melody shining in a world of gray.
— He wants to see you again.
— So, next time, he’s the one to seek you out.
— You always meet at the same place; the street where the white kitten lives. Sometimes it goes home with Kanata, though, and others you bring him to your apartment.
— Time is fleeting, and days become months, with December snow fading to rays of February sun, auguring an early spring.
— And then one day, Kanata isn’t there.
— You wait, with your cat friend, who meows sadly at you, climbing on your lap when the first tears begin to fall.
— That evening you leave, matching cups of ramen left to the freeze of a lonely night.
— However, someone saw this hurtful scene.
— “Care to explain yourself?” Nayuta asks his brother, slamming the door behind him.
— Kanata turns slightly around. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
— “Oh, you… You know very well. Why didn’t you go today?”
— To which Kanata shrugs.
— “Fine. I hope you know they left crying.” His younger twin points out. “Will you just face your feelings and accept you’re in love and that they love you?”
— “That’s…” Kanata’s shoulders slump. “They deserve better…”
— “Silly!” His brother intercepts, with a soft flick to his forehead. “And what? They want you. So you better get it together and go find them now!”
— And well, for some reason, Kanata doesn’t need to be told twice.
— Luckily for him, a small friend is there to help.
— Following the kitty, they both manage to locate you.
— “[Y/n]! Wait!” The boy who saved you that night calls, putting a hand on your shoulder.
— “What do you want, Yatonokami?” You ask, tone cold, without turning around.
— It hurts him. The way he’s hurt you, the way you won’t face him, the way you use his last name instead.
— “I’m sorry. I just… I’m stupid, okay? I couldn’t come to terms with- the thing is- I… I… Oh, to hell with it! I like you, okay? And I just didn’t know how to act around you or what to do and I thought you deserved better and so I just stood you up and I messed up.”
— A chuckle is definitely not the answer he was expecting.
— “You are cute when you blush, Kanata.” You murmur, wiping away a stray tear, smiling sweetly at him.
— “I’m not-“ He starts, cheeks blooming in crimson roses.
— “I said it’s cute. You are cute.”
— Droplets of thin rain begin to fall.
— “I like you too, if that wasn’t obvious.” You softly say, with a kiss to his cheeks.
— Much like the night you met, rain surrounds you. This time, it’s his cheek that burns, not because an open wound, but because of the searing sensation of a kiss he won’t forget.
“What is the point for a rainbow to hide? Let’s write our love in the sky.”
— Reo is a cutie and he definitely has a way with flirting.
— So that’s exactly what he does.
— He is not shy about it in the slightest, often complimenting you on your new clothes, telling how sweet you are or giving you hugs out of nowhere.
— Of course, all of the above, always that you are comfortable; Reo is very cheerful, but he knows how to read your emotions and pick up what you like and dislike.
— And at first, you didn’t think much of it. Sure, he is very affectionate with you, but he is with everyone else too, right? It’s not like you are receiving special treatment.
— Which, in turn, frustrates Reo more.
— Is he doing something wrong? He’s being pretty obvious, right?
— Or maybe… you don’t feel the same way?
— No, no, no, he can’t fall into negativity.
— He has to take you to a nice date and tell you how he feels directly.
— So, he puts together some money he’s been saving and chooses his cutest outfit. This is a special occasion and he wants to make you happy.
— When you arrive at the accorded spot, Reo is already waiting for you.
— Sure, he is a sunshine, but you didn’t expect an amusement park date, seeming how he and his gang usually preferred to hang out at the ramen place.
— “Hello, [Y/n]!” He greets you, those eyes of his mirroring the sunset clouds lining the horizon. “I got cotton candy hehe. One for you and one for me!”
— You take the sweet treat from him, eyes sparkly at the delicious sugary scent wafting around you.
— “Woaah! It looks so tasty! You’re the best Reo…” You thank him.
— And maybe, just maybe, because this is a date, you leave a cotton candy kiss on his cheek, giggling at the pink remnants left behind.
— To which the boy grins mischievously, bringing his fingers to it and tasting the sugary treat.
— “Hmm… Your kiss was sweeter…” He ponders, as your cheeks heat up. “What if we repeat it, properly this time?”
— And at that moment, beneath the lighting of dusk and attractions, your lips touch for the first time; a memory written over cottony clouds in rosey glaze.
— “I love you, pretty.” Reo utters, nose brushing against yours, when he parts.
— “I love you too, Reo.” Are your words, before you initiate a second kiss.
— Little did you two know, Iori and the rest of the gang are looking from afar, proud of his youngest member (Suiseki is a little jealous, but that’s another story).
“I’ll erase the piercing words that were etched into your soul that day.”
— This man’s way of flirting is teasing you (change my mind).
— With his fans, he is all smiles and charming phrases, but when he really loves you, you get to see a more… naughty side of him.
— When he teases you, he doesn’t do it out of malice, no.
— He’s been hurt in the past, and even if his infatuation with you grows by the day, a part of him is still afraid he’ll be discarded again.
— The words ‘you are not needed anymore’ still resound inside his mind, no matter how much he smiles or tries to look perfect on the outside.
— So he’s wary of diving into a new relationship.
— But at the same time, you are so lovely… The way you pout when he’s teasing you, or how you call him and wave at him whenever you see him at uni…
— Hajun would really like to spend more time with you.
— “You should.” Anne tells him, when they finally get Hajun to spill the beans. “I know you’re afraid to trust but… Isn’t it lonely, to keep the one you love at a distance?”
— It is, yes.
— It’s painful if he stays away. And the variant of getting hurt hangs in the air if he tries to get closer.
— But, as they say, ships were not made to stay at harbor.
— So he’ll take this chance and hope for the best.
— And for that, you know he’ll use his charm.
— A cute cafe date here; dinner at his place that he cooked himself using organic ingredients there; and of course, the occasional expensive gift you had been eyeing, mysteriously arriving at your doorstep.
— You like all of this, and especially, you like him.
— However, a part of you can’t help but wonder: what does he want with me? What does he get out of all of this?
— With those thoughts, you lie in bed, listening to his music in the new noise canceling headphones you’re sure he’s bought for you.
— You’re so not sleeping tonight. Maybe tomorrow you’ll ask him about what ‘ulterior’ motives he has.
— The model’s vibrant eyes widen slightly behind his glasses when you utter the question.
— “Why me, Hajun? What are you planning?”
— It hurts him. How it seems he’s not the only one with trust issues here.
— So that’s how you think of it. Some kind of twisted game he’s playing to get something out of you.
— “I’m serious here, Hajun.” You insist, tone stern, when all the answer he gives you are the subtle expressions of his face.
— And for once, he decides to be honest. No mask of perfection obscuring the words he next speaks.
— “Because I’ve fallen in love with you, [Y/n]. Because I was afraid to trust, to be left behind, thrown away. But then you came around. And I wanted to spend more time with you. This is no game, not one that I plan on ending anyway.” He whispers that last part to your ear, a knowing smile on his lips as he feels the heat on your cheeks.
— “Hajun… You… You mean that?”
— “More than anything.” He vows, placing a kiss to the back of your hand, the one adorned with the set of silver rings he gifted you, never once breaking eye contact.
— Your fingers slot in between his. You suppose it’s alright to let your heart take command and test the waters.
— After all, you can’t keep denying you’ve been in love with him since the beginning, too. You just never thought he’d end up reciprocating.
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archivist-crow · 8 months
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On this day:
On January 19, 1909, New Jersey and Pennsylvania were terrorized by a creature with glowing eyes, a ram's head, curled horns, an elongated neck, short front legs, hind legs like a crane's ending in horse's hoofs, and batlike wings. Bloodcurdling cries came out of its mouth. At 2:30 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Evans, awakened by a strange noise, looked out their window and watched the beast on their shed rooftop for ten minutes before Mr. Evans bravely chased it away.
During the week of January 16-23, over a thousand people in thirty different towns witnessed the Jersey Devil prowling down alleys, racing through yards, and flying through the sky. It was shot at by the police, doused with water by firemen, almost hit by a trolley car, and beaten with a broom by a woman who caught the monster with her dog in its grip. Hoof prints were found in many yards, on roofs, and up trees. Hunters organized a posse to track it, but the dogs refused to follow the scent. Farmers throughout the Delaware Valley found their chickens dead, but unmarked.
The Jersey Devil was supposedly born to a New Jersey woman in the mid-1700s. During the 1800s, naval hero Commodore Decatur was test firing cannon balls when the Jersey Devil flew across the sky. In 1927, a cab driver with a flat tire saw the devil land on the roof of his car. In 1953 a man saw it walking down the street, and in 1961 two couples in a lover's lane saw the beast smash in their car roof before it flew away along the treetops.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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nowgiveusakiss · 1 year
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eddie munson rec masterlist - november 2022
“kiss of the knife” by @indouloureux 18+
“the pirate and the princess” by @mypoisonedvine 18+
jealous!eddie by @corrodedcorpses 18+
“i know you want to be a good boy” by @/corrodedcorpses 18+
“twilight zone” by @havecourage-darling
stealing eddie’s clothes by @sweetpeapod
“can’t you tell?” by @writingdumpster
“be a good girl and spread your legs” by @corrodedhawkins 18+
eddie keeps a photo of you in his van by @harrywavycurly
eddie’s nose scrunch by @ddejavvu
cowboy!eddie by @usedtobecooler 18+
“don’t you want be baby” by @/usedtobecooler 18+
period sex with eddie by @/usedtobecooler 18+
“domestic bliss” by @/ddejavvu
roan gets jealous of eddie by @luveline
halloween with roan and eddie by @/luveline
shy!reader x rockstar!eddie by @/luveline
vampire!eddie saying i love you by @/luveline
vampire!eddie startles you by @/luveline
“love bites” by @/luveline 18+
giving eddie a handjob by @wroteclassicaly 18+
“more than a friend” by @strangermarvelss 18+
professor!reader by @/mypoisonedvine 18+
helping eddie word his campaigns by @quinnsmunson
giving eddie a sloppy blowjob by @/indouloureux 18+
“the pain of letting you go” by @/strangermarvelss 18+
“would you kiss me in a crowded room?” by @robiin-buckley
wayne raising eddie by @munson-blurbs
eddie is a smoocher by @/ddejavvu
“easily” by @roanniom 18+
cockwarming eddie by @mantorokk-writes 18+
“simple rules” by @userquinn 18+
jealous!eddie by @littledemondani 18+
“one last time” by @/littledemondani 18+
“how the tables have turned” by @/littledemondani 18+
“hush, baby” by @/littledemondani 18+
making you recite his lyrics by @/littledemondani 18+
“say yes to heaven” by @lilacletter 18+
“hoping i’ll find (a glimpse of us)” by @inknopewetrust
“love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you” by @punk-in-docs
just the tip with perv!eddie by @/quinnsmunson 18+
perv!eddie steals your panties by @/quinnsmunson 18+
“it’s your party and i’ll cry if i want to” by @carolmunson 18+
“potty training” by @queenimmadolla
“life’s no fun without a good scare” by @nyxoz 18+
eddie tries to make you squirt by @/usedtobecooler 18+
“love like blood” by @/punk-in-docs 18+
“rumour | part 2” by @msgexymunson 18+
“safe word” by @munsonsbaby 18+
“dirty dreaming” by @eddiethefreakkmunson 18+
“dead lover’s lane” by @chainsawmunson 18+
line cook eddie by @bewilderedbunny
eddie makes you squirt for the first time by @/userquinn 18+
insecure!reader sits on eddie’s face by @/ddejavvu 18+
“never kissed” by @forourmoons
“hold on” by @myobmaya
“your web, i’m caught” by @/punk-in-docs
“is it my body” by @/punk-in-docs
“power of suggestion” by @/punk-in-docs
“head over heels” by @/punk-in-docs
perv!eddie watching steve fuck you by @/usedtobecooler 18+
rockstar!eddie fingers you by @newlips 18+
“was it love or nicotine?” by @/punk-in-docs
“wolf men & secret heists” by @/punk-in-docs 18+
“don’t need telling twice” by @/punk-in-docs
“this is how it starts” by @/chainsawmunson 18+
“the yes policy” by @pinkrelish 18+
“boys on film” by @/corrodedcorpses 18+
daddy and princess masterlist by @/quinnsmunson 18+
“the end is near” by @pullhisteeth-archive 18+
sucking eddie’s balls for the first time by @sunflowersteves 18+
eddie solo session by @eddiemunsonsmum 18+
“love bites” by @loveshotzz 18+
“panda eyes” by @pullhisteeth-archive 18+
single parent!reader meets single parent!eddie by @/sweetpeapod
sound sensitive reader x rockstar!eddie by @/luveline
junie puts on a show by @/luveline
“alone, in my mind” by @/userquinn 18+
shower with eddie by @/userquinn 18+
lovesick!eddie by @/userquinn
spitting with eddie by @/userquinn 18+
bestfriend!eddie gives you a massage by @/userquinn 18+
“take it slow” by @/userquinn 18+
you catch eddie moaning your name by @/userquinn 18+
eddie knows you like him by @/userquinn 18+
brat!reader tries to get eddie’s attention by @/userquinn 18+
edging eddie by @/userquinn 18+
“dirty little secret” by @/userquinn 18+
dacryphilia with eddie by @/userquinn 18+
dad!eddie x babysitter!reader by @/userquinn 18+
older rockstar!eddie by @/userquinn 18+
how eddie is in bed by @/userquinn 18+
hatefucking eddie by @/userquinn 18+
calling eddie baby cow eyes by @/userquinn 18+
giving gifts to eddie by @/userquinn 18+
“don’t hang up | part 2” by @/userquinn 18+
*all recs will be tagged under eddie munson x reader*
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piglinmyfeet · 6 months
Chapter 3 of Lovers Lane is a Dead End
I think this fic is becoming my official history procrastination work
(also thanks @/dayables for the ask about this fic, you really motivated me to finish off this chapter :D)
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onstrangerthighs · 1 year
👑 After Billy encounters a demodog while on his way to pick up Max from a sleepover, Steve takes a walk to Cherry Lane with a flashlight to check on him, and it soon becomes an unintentional routine. Billy has yet to call him out on it, so Steve isn't sure if he knows (he does). Steve doesn't know how to bring up what he's seen through Billy's window. He's starting to understand what Billy meant when he said that he's no stranger to monsters. He also starts leaving a light on in his house to let Billy know he's always welcome. Steve may be facing a different kind of monster, but they're all the same in the end. They thrive in the dark and prey on the lonely. Billy won't be lonely anymore; he'll make sure of it.
📸Jonathan sees the bruises that Billy's jacket can't hide. He follows Billy whenever he can, like a friendly shadow. If Billy notices, he doesn't say anything. He does, however, walk around with a small smile and a pep in his step. He's a walking masterpiece that sticks out from the drab background plaguing everyone else in Hawkins.
🤝No one understands Billy better than Patrick and Jonathan when it comes to his life at Cherry Lane. They just get it. Patrick has a curfew, so he can't stay up late, and both Jonathan and Billy have work, but they find a way to meet up whenever they can. Patrick and Billy are partners in lab and in pranks. Patrick calls Neil regularly, pretending to be a scorned ex-lover. Billy calls Patrick Senior at his job (accountant) just to annoy him. They're also on the basketball team together. Patrick secretly enjoys watching Billy get under Jason's skin. Jonathan occasionally stops by to watch them. Billy asks him if he wants to join the team. Jonathan looks at he and Patrick, all sweaty, and goes right back to his sketchbook.
📔Nancy meets Billy at the library every night at a certain time, so if he doesn't show then she'll know something is wrong. She also gives him Murray's address just in case he needs a place to go. She and Billy have a book club with Patrick and Eden, where they suggest different books to read every Wednesday. Sometimes they read to the little kids.
📢Heather covers for Billy at work if he can't come in. She'll stay with him at the pool after closing times. She helps him with his injuries and doesn't ask questions. When he's ready to talk, she'll be there. She switches shifts with him so he won't have to deal with Karen and the other creepy mothers.
🍍Argyle is always up for talking with Billy. Most of the time, it's just Argyle going on about the first thing that pops into his head. Billy chimes in whenever he feels like it. Argyle always has a story about annoying customers, and of course, everything is funnier when they're both high as hell.
🫧Carol lets Billy borrow her makeup. She takes him to the mall and they try on clothes together. Sometimes, they sit in his car, and she tells him he can let it all out.
🥋Tommy takes him to their favorite diner. Whenever Billy is filled with extra energy, Tommy lets him use his punching bag. They watch cartoons and throw chips at each other.
📣Chrissy fixes his hair into braids and ponytails. Billy reminds her that Neil doesn't like that, and she replies, "You want it. Do you really care what he wants? I don't." If he wants a hug, then she's more than happy to give him one (or three). Chrissy is also kind of a cuddle bug, and Billy is her favorite person to cuddle with because he's warm. They both talk shit about their parents. "Neil's mustache looks fake," or "Are you sure your mother's hair isn't a dead skunk?".
She drives Billy to her safe place, a hill under the stars. She says they can share it. She tries teaching him cheer routines and even gets out a uniform for him whenever they sneak into the gym. Patrick occasionally joins them to practice his free throws.
🍨Robin lets Billy into Scoops Ahoy, and they eat ice cream. They talk about crushes. They have inside jokes about their fellow classmates. Sometimes, Robin brings alcohol from her mother's stash and puts some in the ice cream for them to enjoy.
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utbcficrecs · 2 years
E D D I E M U N S O N x R E A D E R - smut one shots
one shots will be in alphabetical order by writer blog name, all of their works will be linked under their user.
these one shots all contain sexual scenes - viewer discretion is advised, please read all warnings on the links before proceeding. minors do not interact, 18+ only.
dead lovers lane
summary: weirdos in love! you and eddie go exploring and, even though the setting is less than ideal, you can't keep your hands off each other.
the moon knows we're in love
summary: you and eddie were best friends until you weren't. years pass, but the ache of his absence never does. and then he's back in your life, like nothing ever changed.
i know you want to be a good boy
summary: eddie has been pissing you off all day and watching him flirt with another girl is what sends you over the edge. oh well, guess you’ll just have to remind him how to be a good boy.
summary: eddie gets a taste of what it's like to be dominated.
summary: the songbird slasher has been making his way throughout indiana and surrounding states, kidnapping victims and leaving songs next to their dead bodies.
safe word
summary: after a long day at work you just want to relax but the night has something else in store for you.
scream for me
summary: an unknown caller leaves you scared and horny.
summary: your best-friend’s pretty. really fucking pretty. especially when he’s got his eyeliner smudged all over his eyes from crying too much, or when he’s got scratch marks over his inked skin, or when his begging moans make him hotter than hellfire
kiss of the knife
summary:  in frenzied expeditions, eddie lets his anger snap and indulges in something... new.
perv!eddie and perv!reader part one // part two
summary: eddie loses his favourite shirt, reader loses her panties. where they end up leads to smutty encounters.
love bites
summary: eddie hooks you up with an eighth after showing up at his place strapped for cash.
camera shy part one // part two
summary: eddie’s a popular camboy, along with your best friend steve. one lucky introduction manages to turn your life upside down, arguably, for the better.
dirty little secret
summary: eddie’s used to being everyone’s dirty little secret; quick hookups spur rumors spread around school that have you more than curious and eddie has to admit, he’s just as curious about you.
double trouble
summary: growing up together was hard enough, it didn’t help that you were hopelessly trapped by both of them, wondering which one would win you over in the end—because honestly, why couldn’t you have both?
get your fix
summary: adventures in your shared obsessions of each other and your bodies—and eddie was insatiable when it came to you.
scream my name
summary: summer of 96’, fresh off the anniversary of the tragedy that took place on year ago—you and your friend are ready to enjoy your last few days of freedom and fun, but someone has other plans in mind and everyone is fair game.
red handed
summary: the polaroids had started out as just a joke, until you realised how much it turned you on taking them
rumour part one // part two
summary:  you share with Eddie, your older neighbour, the rumours you've heard about him. They might not be all fictitious...
the pirate and the princess
summary: halloween is that special night where you can be anything you want to be... maybe more than the labels everyone else gives you. maybe even more than 'just friends'. (aka, reader has a reputation, eddie's still a virgin, filth ensues)
life's no fun without a good scare
summary: ghostface / scream!eddie
goth girl!reader part one // part two
summary: goth reader blows eddie's mind.
good boy
summary: your first time pegging eddie, and you provide him with plenty of praise.
kinktober day 16 - intercrural sex
summary: eddie wants to fuck readers thighs
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revelisms · 1 year
Silco, Sevika and Jinx Headcanons (music ver 🎵)
Since my playlists are running rampant (and they're largely how I get a sense for writing character voices/actions/etc.), I thought it'd be fun to share a few HC tidbits via some tunes :-)
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Silco — aka the Bloodshark, the Eye, Mr. Crime Boss himself; the man, the myth, the slippery bastard. Also clocking in with nearly 8+ hours worth of songs for this sack of bones...I am...side-eyeing myself. Anyway.
Foundation — Sunlit Grave, Saint Mesa
This basically kickstarted the playlist earworm, for him. At a high-level, this is the song I think of anytime I write him: it's dark, eerie, regal, persevering. I always get an image of someone sinking beneath the depths at the beginning, and clawing out of a deathly cage/prowling to a bloody pinnacle by the end. The lyrics themselves also capture a flavor of his character, as a dead man speaking to someone (potentially his killer and/or lover) who knew him before; who must choose to let go of their knowledge of who that dead man used to be. He is gone, irreparably changed, and he's not coming back—and he'll drag a kingdom to its knees, by the end. (Maybe it's what landed him in that grave, in the first place.)
Inner Voice — The Wondersmith and His Sons, Astronautalis
This gives a sense of past and present: a glimpse into the hard-cracked persona he'd built in the mines (which I associate with folksongs, especially of an English or Gaelic nature), twisted up into the sly, scheming charisma he harnessed as co-founder of the Lanes. For me, the song paints a potential tale of childhood (the lyrics tell of a family of swindlers, from which the narrator is the cleverest son) and a foreboding hint into the future (too much grease can break down a machine; for all their success, a brutal end is eminent). It also just feels like him—it's growly, arrogant, and jovial; drawling in some moments, and spit-fired in others.
On The Record — Time & Place, Queens of the Stone Age
In terms of what he'd actually listen to (of which I think he'd have a extensive range, to the point of his tastes skewing past eclectic into downright bizarre), this would fit easily between a swath of blaring industrial rock, crooning big band classics, jazz, folk-tunes, experimental funk, r&b, etc. It's got that flavor of 80s post-punk vocals that would be a staple in his sets, with a snappy flare in the instrumentals (something he'd nod his head or tap his pen to)—and, funnily enough, has a slight echo to Snakes (Vi's and Jayce's fightsong), which...oddly fits, given I see him and Vi as actually very similar, at their cores.
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Sevika — aka the Lioness, the Teeth, "step on me and I'll thank you for it" Miss King. She's badassery in a gilded package, baby—but there's a tender spot under it all, if you squint.
Foundation — Little Girl Gone, CHINCHILLA
Another song that kickstarted the playlist earworm. This is a baseball bat to the gut with prowess, swagger and Try That Again energy—and the transition of the whisper to the drop just hhh. Gets me every time. This song is the battle anthem from a woman who's earned her armor (fittingly, working under a gangster)—test her patience, and she'll be wearing red on her sleeve; dare to cross her in a fight, and she'll drink you down like liquor. I can visualize a snappy two-punch brawl every time I hear this.
Inner Voice — Milk, BONES UK
Dipping into that tenderness here, with a stark note of ceaseless ambition, we've got this song—a reflection, a demand, a love letter, a hunger. There's so many layers folded into this: the desires of a self-made life to be everything and more their host yearns for it to be, even if, underneath it all, what they truly yearn for is belonging. This feels like a young, angry, cropped-hair and bloody-fisted Sevika fighting down the world—and an older self looking fondly, if a touch melancholically, back on it all.
On The Record — Know Better, Janelle Monáe
Put her on the aux, and she'll have the dancefloor congealing into a neon haze of sweat and glitter. The mix of the sax and the bassline here just thrums with her energy, to me: self-assured, watchful, slow-smirking. It's often the kind of tracks she reaches for, especially for a crowd; she's got a bold streak in her, and it doesn't take much to stir it to full display (come here now, stranger; gimme that sense of danger).
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Jinx — aka the Loose Cannon, the Bombshell, everyone's favorite lil' gremlin. I tend to interpret her character in distinct "phases"—i.e., Powder, Jinx, and Jinx post-shimmer. These also factor into what I musically associate with her; each piece of her character feels very distinct.
Foundation — BLOODMONEY, Poppy
This is like...the Jinx song, to me. It's about distrust, sacrifice, self-identity, denial, rage, all wrapped up in a spiteful bow of religious allegories—a flash-cycle of whose opinion she worships, at any given moment (when nobody is watching, what do you believe?). It's also just a sensory meal with the sound design, and could even match up with soundbites of her voice so easily.
Inner Voice — Crimson, Skott
Take a stroll into Powder building Jinx's persona from the ashes. This is a haunting, beautiful song, with an undercurrent of something fight-eager, spiteful, and hopeful brewing beneath the surface. In the wake of tragedy, there's still a thread of strength; someone picking up the pieces while trying to find a path back to their own mind. I almost hear this as an apology and declaration of war, in turns, from Jinx to Vi.
On The Record — BOOM, Cassyette.
You know this little metalhead is listening to any splitzy mechanical tracks she can get her hands on (fuels the inventor muse, y'know?)—and I think she'd love this. I mean, c'mon. It's a song about explosions, told through a narrator saying how slipping into different mental spaces feels like a bomb waiting to blow. I could see her jamming to this on loop in her workshop while tinkering with a new flare gun. (Also, as a close runner up, I associate anything Djerv with her, given they were the artist for Get Jinxed—she'd probably have things like (We Don't) Hang No More always on the gramophone, singing to it word for word.)
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@the-gentile-folklorist @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @bixiebeet @spengnitzed @inevitablemoment @grimoireoffolkloreandfairytales @softlytowardthesun @adarkrainbow @professorlehnsherr-almashy @amalthea9 @faintingheroine @thealmightyemprex @lord-antihero
@janeb984 @natache @tamisdava2
(A Czech Jewish Tale)
Long ago, in the city of Prague, not far from the river Moldau, there lived a wealthy merchant whose name was Kalman. He had but a single child, a daughter, whose name was Haminah. She was so beautiful that many thought she resembled a princess. Her adoring father had betrothed her to a young man who was a fine match, except that she could not bear the thought of marrying him. For if she did, she would lose forever her true love, the one who came to her every night. But no one knew of this, for she had kept it secret.
Every evening at twilight the maiden Haminah would go down to the bank of the river Moldau in Prague, unobserved by anyone. There she would wait in a ramshackle hut until it grew dark. Then she would go outside to the old dock and peer out over the river. At last the boat she was waiting for would come into view, and a young man of striking appearance would step out of the shore. 
They would embrace for a long time, and before parting he would always say, “Let us leave together tonight.” And as hard as it was for her to say, she would always reply, “Not yet.”
Now as the time of the wedding approached, the secret lovers began to grow desperate. When only a few days remained, and Haminah had replied “Not yet” still another time, the young man rowed away in silence, and beneath the light of the full moon Haminah saw his boat stop, as if it had dropped anchor. Then the young man stood up in the boat and cried out, “If you truly love me, follow me!” and he dived into the waters and disappeared.
When Haminah did not return home that evening at the usual time, her father and her fiancée went out looking for her. They found her standing on the muddy riverbank, staring out over the waters, as if in a trance. They called out her name, and at that moment she made her decision. They saw her run into the river, where she soon vanished, carried off by the currents. Her father ran into the waters after her, but it was too late.
Nothing was to be seen on the surface of the water except for the reflection of the moon. 
In the days that followed, fishermen searched for the body of the young girl, but in vain. And every day the broken hearted Kalman sat at home, waiting for the news that she had been found. Only when the time of mourning came to an end did Kalman resign himself to the fact that he would never see his daughter again, dead or alive. And after that he became a different man, losing all interest in his possessions. He became known for his generosity to the poor, but it gave him no pleasure, for he was walking toward the grave without offspring.
Now Kalman had a sister, whose name was Shifra. She lived in a narrow lane of Prague with her husband. Although she had no children of her own, she had brought many into the world in her role as midwife. She would often visit her brother Kalman, who seldom left home, preferring to remain in isolation with his grief.
One day when she was visiting him, her brother stood at the window and stared out at the river. He was thinking of Haminah, and he relived for the hundred thousandth time how his beloved daughter had run out into the water and had been carried off by the currents. So too did he know again the bitterness of his loss. Then he turned to his sister and said, “How long has Haminah been gone?”
And she replied, “Soon it will be a year.”
Just then Frau Shifra became aware of a black cat sitting on the wall outside the window. It stared at her with green eyes full of sadness and wisdom and looked as if it were trying to speak to her, to beg her for something. 
“Look at that cat,” she said to Kalman, hoping to distract him from his grief. He looked down at the wall and at the same time the cat looked up at him, and for a long time they stared at each other. And it seemed to him that he recognized the cat from somewhere, but he couldn’t remember where. Then the cat suddenly jumped down from the wall and disappeared.
During the night a sharp wind blew from the direction of the Moldau, and all the weather vanes and merchants’ signs were creaking. Frau Shifra was unable to sleep. The wind howled through the narrow lane, and the raindrops clattered as they fell in the chimney. Once she raised her head and peered out the window, and she saw that same black cat sitting outside, looking as if it wanted to come in. When Frau Shifra finally fell asleep she dreamed that she opened the window, called the cat, and it was about to enter. Just then Shifra was awakened by the sound of knocking at the door. It was the middle of the night, but such things were not unusual for her, because she was a midwife.
Already exhausted from her lack of sleep, she got out of bed, walked to the door, and looked out the peephole. 
“Who is there?” She asked.
“Someone who needs your help,” came the reply. So she opened the door.
There stood a servant, elegantly dressed. Frau Shifra was very surprised, for she assumed that he served a nobleman, and those who came to her were all Jews. She tried to elicit some information, but he was in a great hurry, so she dressed quickly and left with him. He led her through the rain to the Moldau, where he had fastened a boat to the dock. As soon as Frau Shifra realized that she was expected to cross the river on such a stormy night, she wanted to turn back.
The servant turned to her and said, “What are you afraid of?”
And she replied, “The wind and the waves.”
But no sooner had she spoken than the wind calmed down and the water became smooth. Much amazed, Frau Shifra sighed and entered the boat, and the servant began rowing. Soon the bank receded into the distance, and Frau Shifra again became fearful. She closed her eyes and decided not to open them until she reached land once more. 
When the boat finally bumped into another dock, she opened her eyes. To her great astonishment she saw before her a palace more splendid than that of the emperor. Its spires and curving walls were green and blue and glistened like a waterfall. All things around her glowed with a soft light, that of neither night nor day, and she did not know whence it came. Strange plants grew in the palace garden, and it appeared that a faint breeze was constantly fanning them.
Frau Shifra finally took heart and climbed out of the boat. That was when she discovered that she did not walk in that place, but floated, as if lifted by an invisible power at every step. In her confusion she looked up, and above her she saw schools of fish swimming about, and she realized, with great amazement, that she must be beneath the river. She was breathing, but how was that possible? She did not have long for such musings, however, because the servant hurried off, and she followed as quickly as she could. 
The servant knocked on the palace door, and a splendidly dressed young man opened it, who Frau Shifra knew at once must be a prince or a king. He was dressed in a green coat and green pants, and his buttons, rings and buckles were all made of gold. The young man smiled at her and said, “We have been expecting you, good woman. Please follow me.”
Then he turned to go and she hastened after him, floating through the halls, which were illuminated by a mysterious light the color of pearls. 
At last they arrived at a glowing green door, and when the prince opened it, Frau Shifra had the shock of her life. For there, lying on the bed inside, was none other than Haminah, holding out her hand to greet her aunt. The room glittered with gold, pearls, and diamonds, and the curtains that floated behind the bed had been embroidered with the colors of the rainbow. When Frau Shifra saw the miracle of Haminah, who was not only alive, but ready to give birth, she began to feel faint. But she pulled herself together, for she knew that she must not fail her niece. Haminah said, “Will you stay and help me?” And Frau Shifra said, “Of course.”
Frau Shifra wished to ask questions but there was no time, for Haminah was well advanced in her labor. And before long a fine infant was born, a son. 
Frau Shifra gave the news to the young man, who was filled with joy, and happiness radiated from all corners of the palace. 
Before long, lovely singing and harp playing were heard, although the musicians kept themselves hidden. Frau Shifra listened with pleasure to this supernatural music, then turned to Haminah.
“Tell me, my child, how did you come to be here? For your father thought you were drowned on that terrible night, and he has never stopped mourning.”
Haminah held her baby close and said:
“I had a secret love whom no one knew. We met at night on the bank of the Moldau. When I refused to elope with him he dived into the waters and I thought that his life was lost. At the time my father reached the river I decided to follow my love into the grave. I descended farther and farther into the depths, certain that my life was lost, when I saw a green light glowing from the river bottom. Suddenly I was embraced, and I knew that I had been reunited with my loved one at last. He brought me to this water palace, for it is from here that he rules the river. And it was here that we celebrated our wedding.”
Frau Shifra heard this explanation, but if she had not been in that very palace, she would not have believed it. And for the first time in her life, Frau Shifra found herself speechless. 
Haminah continued: 
“You must know that my husband is not a human being. He is the ruler of the river Moldau, but the king of all waters cursed him and condemned him to live on the land. He had to wander throughout the world until he found someone who loved him so much that she would be willing to sacrifice her life. Only then would the spell be broken. Throughout the ages he was engaged to many maidens, but none were willing to follow him into the realm of the deep. Only I did and thus redeemed him from that terrible curse. Now he once more reigns over the river, and our love for each other is strong. Yet, there is pain in my heart for causing grief to my father, and I long for him and the rest of my family, including you, my dear aunt. And when this longing begins to overwhelm me, my husband permits me to take the shape of a black cat and to visit the world above.”
And suddenly Frau Shifra realized that Haminah had been the black cat outside her brother’s house and the one of which she had been dreaming when the knock had come on her door.
And she said:
“Your father felt there was something familiar about that cat, and I did too. Wait until I tell him!”
But Haminah grew pale.
“No, my aunt, you must not, for if those in the world above should learn of this kingdom, our existence would be endangered. As much as I would like to let my father know, I cannot.”
Frau Shifra understood, and she vowed to keep all she had learned secret. But she also became afraid that she would not be trusted to remain silent.
“Will your husband let me go back?”
She asked, and Haminah replied:
“As long as you do not eat or drink anything here, or accept any of the rewards that are offered to you, you will be free to leave. But if you do accept anything, you will be forced to remain here for the rest of your life. All that you may safely accept are some pieces of coal you will find lying outside the door of the palace. Take a handful of these with you, and be careful not to lose them.”
At that very moment the ruler of that kingdom entered the room and beckoned for Frau Shifra to follow him. She said a fond farewell to Haminah, knowing that she might never see her again, at least not in human form.
As they floated down the, the ruler told her that she was welcome to dine with them, but she replied that it was still the middle of the night for her, and she was not hungry. Then he led her into the treasure room, where she saw great heaps of gold, silver, pearls and jewels.
“Take whatever you like.”
Said the ruler. But Frau Shifra replied:
“No, thank you, what my husband and I possess is sufficient for us. And I have been rewarded enough to learn that Haminah lives and that her life here is a happy one. My only desire now is to return home.”
Then the ruler thanked her for all her help, and he called the servant who had brought her there. As she left the palace, Frau Shifra noticed pieces of coal sprinkled on the ground, and she bent down and picked up a handful, wrapping them in her apron. Then she climbed into the boat and closed her eyes once more, in order to forget just how far beneath the surface she really was.
Some time later the servant informed her that they had arrived at the riverbank. Frau Shifra opened her eyes and gave thanks when she saw the familiar shoreline of Prague before her. She climbed out of the boat and took leave of the servant. And when she turned around to watch him go, she saw that the boat had already disappeared, and there was nothing to be seen except circles on the surface of the water, as if someone had thrown a stone into it.
As she walked along, yawning, Frau Shifra began to realize just how exhausted she was. And she held her apron carelessly, not even thinking about the pieces of coal she carried in it. When she reached her home, she crawled into bed beside her husband and was sound asleep in no time.
In the morning she was awakened suddenly. Her husband was holding a large lump of gold in his hand, and he was jumping for joy.
“Look,” he shouted, “at what I found at the foot of the bed!”
Frau Shifra rubbed her eyes. Was the visit to the underwater palace not a dream after all?
A moment later a great commotion was outside the house. Frau Shifra and her husband ran to the window, and they saw that people were streaming from all directions along the path to their house. Some of them were running around, scuffling and chasing each other, and others were hiding something in clenched fists. 
“They must have found gold too,” 
Her husband said.
“Let’s go outside and search with them. Perhaps gold has rained from the heavens instead of manna.”
“We shall do no such thing,”
Said Frau Shifra. But suddenly she thought of the apron, with the pieces of coal, and when she untied the knot she found a heap of gold glittering there. Her husband danced around the room and gave thanks, for never again would he have to worry about making a living.
Frau Shifra smiled but she remained silent. She knew that the gold on the path had fallen from her apron as she had returned from the river. And she thought of her niece Haminah with gratitude, and she recalled her promise not to reveal what had happened. So too did she keep that promise until the day she stood by the deathbed of Kalman, Haminah’s father, and then she whispered the truth to him about his beloved daughter, so that he departed from this world with a smile on his face.
In the days that followed, the narrow lane outside Frau Shifra’s house became known as Gold Lane, because of all the gold that had been found there. And from time to time a black cat would walk down it to sit outside the midwife’s window. It was said that Frau Shifra always let it in so that it could hear all that was said inside. And the eyes of the cat were always melancholy, as if there were something it wanted to say. And there are those who insist that the same cat can still be seen wandering the streets of Prague.
Eastern Europe: Nineteenth Century.
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lou-iz-stat · 5 months
4 more weeks or 1 month left until the new season starts and I feel like we are currently in the calm before the storm and I am definitely nervous. 😬
This is my rewatch for episode 4 of season 1 and I absolutely adore this episode as shit pretty much hits the fan after this relatively sweet episode. I have a feeling that we won’t have an episode as happy as this one in season 2 so it’s best to enjoy it as much as possible. 😭
Also spoilers for everything!
IWTV S1 E4: The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood With All a Child’s Demanding
This episode starts out with Daniel talking on his phone to I assume his agent for the book he is going to write about this messy vamps. I wonder if this will be important later?
And of course the sleep paralysis demon that is Armand/ Rashid is just standing there.
Some of the lines he says to Daniel are so archaic it’s crazy people didn’t think he was Armand.
But he has the important job of bringing Daniel to Claudia’s old diaries.
Daniel makes a remark about the tree and Armand says something about an architect which I wonder if that will also be someone from the book that we did not know yet.
And he tells Daniel where to start with the dairies but of course he doesn’t listen and starts reading one towards the end. 😂
Now we are finally starting Claudia’s pov
“You were ready to abandon our home. Now you want a third” Lestat was so hurt by Louis leaving :(
In this version it’s Louis that wants Lestat to turn Claudia instead of Lestat just out right baby trapping him. But that doesn’t mean that Lestat turned Claudia without selfish intentions. He knows if he does this for Louis that he will no longer want to abandon him.
God that look on Lestat’s face when he thinks he’s getting a family. ☺️
Also! No secrets my ass!!!
“A funny way of being nice to each other.” They’re gay dear.
When I first watched the pleated skirt line it took me out! They are everything!!! 🤣
Claudia is Lestat’s daughter alright. Claudia said ACAB and that is why she is an icon.
This episode is comedic genius!
I LOVE when Lestat sneaks in Louis’s coffin. It’s so sweet and since it’s from Claudia’s pov we can more objectively see the good parts of their relationship. I’m sure if Louis was telling this part of the story that he might have not mentioned their coffin-sharing almost every night.
I also really adore the scene with Louis and Claudia in the boat. In the book Claudia doesn’t actually know why or how she was made but in the show Louis tells her the truth that it was because of him that she was hurt so bad in the fire. I like that he just tells her outright for how she was made. I also really love that when Claudia asks Louis how love works between two men and Louis makes that adorable face. It gives me butterflies!
After that scene, Daniel takes a break and walks in on Rashid/ Armand praying and he notes that he spoke a language that is from the Crimea which is a call back to the book since Armand’s character is originally from that area in Europe. So I think that they will still incorporate that part of Armand’s background in the show too.
This makes Daniel sorta suspicious of Rashid also because of him referring to Dubai as a ‘child’ Also Daniel’s notes on ‘Rashid’ is so funny.
We go back to the unholy family and they are just having a grand old time just being hella cute~
I wonder if the marquis Lestat mentions at Claudia’s birthday is his dad or his oldest brother? It sucks either way because they got guillotined during the revolution.
Loustat dancing is so sweet~
Movie theatre scene 🥰
Oh shit Mama Du Lac is dead
They look so good in their formation as the leave the wake.
Lestat bringing Claudia to the lovers lane for some dinner isn’t… the best but he is trying to bond with her and he does treat her so sweetly in the scene.
This does awaken something inside her like her sudden need to grow up.
And in her need to grow up she finally meets Charlie as her first love.
In classic vampire fashion Claudia accidentally kills Charlie
And though I hate to admit it Lestat is right when tells his fledglings to stay out of human goings on. He should have just been more sensitive about it when she brought Charlie’s body home.
Louis finally shows back up in the interview! I wonder what was doing other than ‘resting’
Louis so sad about Claudia. 😢
This episode ends so sad and miserable… Poor Claudia 😔
Okay with that ends my s1 episode 4 rewatch.
I am definitely not looking forward to episode 5…. It’s a tough watch but I’ll try to do it next time.
Thanks for reading this! We have only a month left and between this show and another show that is coming out around the same time I am losing my mind but I would have it no other way.
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