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lodecoen-renaissance · 6 months ago
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Espace Vision'Art shows a special diptych I created for the Carrousel du LOUVRE 18 thru 20 October. Liberté - 'Liberty Guiding the People' and 'Fraternité - Brotherhood Guiding the People.' Inspired by Delacroix's famous painting in the LOUVRE. Save the date, see you in Paris, at the booth of Galerie Espace Vision'Art.
It's a gallery specializing in digital art and photography, in the heart of Paris, near the Sorbonne and Musée de Cluny. Uncensored versions of Liberté and Fraternité are available in beautiful soft touch A6 and A5 size art postcards with real signature on the back. Email me at lodecoen@gmail.com if you want them.
 This art is to honor the people who fought for our 'liberty', but also the rainbow flag representing brother- and sisterhood, diversity and inclusion. Make Love Not War.
I hope to see you at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, 18 - 20 October 2024.
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sacrificial1-lamb · 1 year ago
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“𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒖𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆”
- personal collage made by me at the San Francisco art Institute.
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you2human · 1 year ago
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How will I face the day? What do I communicate with my open arms?
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catiafcneves · 1 year ago
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Noite de Halloween ou das Bruxas.
Entre muitas tradições que se foram misturando, festivais de equinócio, véspera de celebração de santos e outros, uma coisa é certa - é por norma um momento de enfrentar monstros e criaturas assustadoras, mais por brincadeira do que outra coisa.
Como qualquer criança, celebrei e "enfrentei" esses monstros. Hoje, acho que o mais assustador é mesmo a capacidade do ser humano se desumanizar. Crescemos a ler as atrocidades nos livros de história e a pensar que somos, enquanto Humanidade, capazes de fazer melhor. E crescemos para vermos os mesmos erros serem repetidos, as guerras continuarem, a violência nascer em atos inomináveis.
Os nossos monstros são guerras, violência, ódio, terror. Estes monstros são fomentados muitas vezes por poderes políticos, interesses económicos, fanatismos religiosos, formas incontáveis de atentado à vida humana e incapacidade de ser verdadeiros e empáticos para com o próximo. E milhões de pessoas, milhões de crianças sobrevivem para, em vez de enfrentarem monstros inventados uma noite ao ano por brincadeira, enfrentarem monstros reais todos os dias da sua vida. Como se não houvessem coisas naturais suficientes para enfrentar.
#halloween#war#drawing#illustration#illustratorsoninstagram#lovenotwar#digitalart Desenho a lápis e marcador preto, coloração em Adobe Photoshop Drawing by hand (pencil and pen), painting in Adobe Photoshop
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jasonstuart · 1 year ago
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Whats happening is Horrific #SupportIsrael #peace #lovenotwar
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dieversa · 3 years ago
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I took this picture on 24 August 2021, on the Independence Day of Ukraine🇺🇦.
As 2021 was a very stressful year for my whole family (my father was bravely fighting the terminal cancer stage), I had little energy and no desire to take photo walks.
But on the 24th of August I made a home-made two-color (blue and yellow) scotch filter and went on a photo walk to the Sea, as my personal Power Place.
Looking at the world through the colors of the flag, that'd become so dear over the past years, strength came out of nowhere. Watching children frolicking in the fountains Faith and Hope were born.
Today I'm returning to this photo to experience feelings of Faith, Hope, Love and Strength again.
I want Peace, I want this vile war on my Land to be finished, I want to see the children of Ukraine frolicking in the fountains again, not frightened hiding in bomb shelters.
Despite anger and anger, my heart is overflowing with Love and Gratitude. I've received and keep getting so many words of support, offers of help with immigration, that it tears my heart apart.
Thank you all so much for helping me live in the days of Darkness. There is a Light and it never goes out.💙💛
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sidonius5 · 3 years ago
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-𝙆𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙮𝙖 𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣
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thetattooblogger · 3 years ago
BULLYING! It needs to stop!
I have to say being a mom isn't easy all the time. I love being a mom, but sometimes I wanna just scream. My youngest is getting bullied in the school he's in on and off since he's been in it. I have to say I am getting highly upset. I have called the school and talked to the principal in the past and talked to the assistant principal and told them what is going on. It isn't even kids in the same grade as him, their younger than him. I have told him to not do anything back but then nothing gets settled. I have always said fighting violence with violence doesn't work. But I have gone through proper channels with no solution to him not getting bullied, I'm not sure what's the punishment for these children cause of laws, but it seems like once they fix one incident another one happens. It isn't just one kid either, it has been a bit of kids from his bus. I'm getting beyond mad that my kid is being targeted and bullied for what, I have no clue. It doesn't matter at this point what matters is that he should feel safe in the school he is at. So I told him to fight back, I've always told my kids I don't beat them at home. I do not expect my kids to go to school and not feel safe and get hurt at school by other students. My child has been choked which good thing didn't cause bruising most likely cause it was a younger kid who did it. He has been punched, slapped, called nasty nasty names I would never call someone. They have made fun of his hair when it was longer, they make fun of his weight which come on, do better. They have made fun of his sexuality, calling him gay. Which I have told him what that is and he has expressed he isn't. Which even if he was I would totally support him. LOVE IS LOVE. I've always been a big supporter of LOVE IS LOVE and people should be able to love whoever they love. I have gay/lesbian/BI friends. I don't know how children can be so hateful. I have told my children never to put their hands on anyone unless someone hurts them first, Even then sometimes I'm not too sure. But it has happened numerous times and I finally told them do what they have to, cause if it isn't gonna stop why shouldn't they be able to defend themselves. Parents need to teach their children to be better. That regardless what they shouldn't hate/hurt other children. That their words and their fist hurt and they shouldn't do to others what they don't want happening to themselves. Hate is awful and we should all treat others the way we want to be treated. I have always expressed this to my children and I will always enforce it, it is so important to treat others with love, respect and just how you would want to be treated. We all must do better to help shape our children into people that would help the world be a better place. I love my children yes I ain't the perfect parent, but I always am there for my child when they are getting hurt and I refuse to see my children so sad. Lets end bullying! LETS do BETTER!
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big-gay-evie · 3 years ago
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Get it up you Vladimir! yasssss 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💕💕💕💕
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wilabesworld · 3 years ago
🇺🇦 #UnitedWeStandWithUkrainians 💙💛 #loveislove
WeSeeYou! WeHearYou! WeFeelYou!
#worldwide 🌐 #now2022
#SeedsOfHope 👣🌱🐾 #PeaceNotWar
#ukraine 💧 #russia
Like A Sunflower! 🌻🕊 Pray For Life!
#GOD willing #LoveDNA #iam #wilabedna
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frida-ganja · 6 months ago
I hate that you go thru so much stuff before you get to that one person that changes life in every way for you; it ruins you. The best versions of you get taken away, and all the trauma and angst catches you at your worst times. Before you know it the one person that you have least deserves the treatment that they get. You run them off with your emotional and mental BS. You start off this amazing person. These relationships get thrown at you. Then you end up being the worst to someone who doesn’t even deserve it. Start changing your ways. Notice what you do. Don’t blind yourself with your own emotions. Because before you know it, you end up with the person you most wished for, and you end up losing them.
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wildlifeyetpeacefullife · 4 years ago
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Highly recommend getting out of your home state and seeing sites like this 🤩
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scriptedmink · 3 years ago
I know it seems I have a lot of fight
Some days it’s true, I really might
Though each day that I must battle
The soul I am, tangibly rattles
I wear my armour tough but worn
When evening visits, I stoop and mourn
Curl up into a softened ball
Snuff out the candle in the morn I lit
When asked to play a binary script
The spirit isn’t that simple you see
As you must be you, I must be me
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samsar-uh · 3 years ago
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seizureart · 4 years ago
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Avatar Kyoshi is one of my favourite Avatars. Using fans as a weapon is just so cool. #avatarkyoshi #avatar #avatarthelastairbender #studiomir #2danimation #lessweforget #alm #stopracism #peace #love #lovenotwar #heal #asianlivesmatter #stopoppression #stophating #people #6fanarts #art #drawing #draw #instaartist #instapeople #instalives #helpingothers #life #trumpsucks #asianpride #animestyle #lovefromaustralia #clipstudiopaint https://www.instagram.com/p/CO88kUnD2Cz/?igshid=1spqnxsvdh9c4
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prblmsss · 4 years ago
Armenia needs your prayers and support right now through this tough time. Azerbejian has started war on our land. Our soliders are out there risking their lives, innocent civilians in Artsakh are dying, and yet the country I live in does not want to recognize this. Please help spread awareness. God protect our soldiers.
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