#love you allllllll.
homiines · 11 months
i should come with a warning . . . caution: will ask if anyone wants a starter but will take 10 years to actually write them.
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Here she is... Mama Mochizuki (❁´◡`❁)
I'm still figuring out her clothing and stuff but here's a few doodles! I love her...
I'll add AU explanations and stuff below the cut (●'◡'●)
Her eyes are (normally) red to reflect her time as the moon! I'm thinking on giving her a Dark Hour alt, not sure what the specifics are for that yet though...
She chose to make her battle uniform (?) look like Nyx Avatar. Other times she wears normal clothing. The SEES armband was from Minako (who was #4 in this AU, Minato was #3). Ryoji will have Minato's armband. Here's context to why they have them!
She kept the chain around her neck from her time being sealed away, mostly as a reminder to herself of what she caused.
Nyx is definitely more aggressive than Ryoji (she's not the most hostile one in the group though- hi Yaldabaoth), and tends to jump into fights forgetting that she can't use her giant deity form to sweep the opponents. When she does have her awakening and is able to use her more powerful form, her face reflects Nyx Avatar's when using split-consciousness.
She will tell you allllllll about the arcana!
She gets along well enough with the rest of the group, in her down time she's usually hanging out with Izanami
Nyx is still learning how to care... especially about Ryoji. Of course, now she feels like she should be watching over him, but doesn't understand why. Ryoji knows what a parent is obviously, Nyx only recently learns how humans care for their children. She recognizes now that Ryoji is her son, and is making an effort to care for him. It takes a while for him to accept her efforts. All that being said! She's very talented at putting enemies to sleep. Forever.
She still has that massive sword
She may be old but that is not stopping her from flirting (with women)
She turned out more goth looking than I was intending but I kind of like the vibe
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pierrotgnome · 1 year
sorry 4 talking about how pregnant i was the other week i was having a manic episode
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ercticisms · 2 months
i actually don’t know why i don’t see anyone loving karen because i love her. because she’s special to me
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joonsmagicshop · 15 days
I can slowly feel Yoongi bias wrecking me... uh ohhhhh
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nihilismtrcit · 1 year
hi friends! i’ve got a few little day trips planned for the second half of my spring break week so pls excuse any lack of activity. i have a queue of other peoples posts that I love, and ill still post probably once or twice a day but I may inevitably fall behind on the dash, take a while to answer asks, miss replies…things like that.
gonna try to focus my attention on my vacay days with my bf who lets me play ts4 24/7 so I should probably unplug for a bit while we’re both off asjkjhgsk. so apologies if i miss stuff in the upcoming few days ❤️❤️❤️
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rosicheeks · 2 months
Some people just don’t have taste. They fell for the Hollywood standard and it shows they never cuddles a real woman.
Your very pretty rosi
Thank you 🥰
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shewantsitall · 10 months
I want to love my job. I want to love my job. These kids they make it rlly hard, but I want to love my job.
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way2gosuperrstarr · 3 months
i think i'll quit my job if my shift partners keep dipping out on me during weekend shifts and leaving me by myself. its getting very stressful. im scheduled almost every single weekend while my shift partner for the weekend keeps rotating each one, which is fine but i would also like to get rotated? especially considering im working every weekend and then my partner thats scheduled just keeps fucking dipping on me?? theres only TWO PEOPLE PER WEEKEND SHIFT let me HAVE A FUCKING BREAK we have enough evening shifters to go through that i dont have to work every single weekend! oh my god!! i even get switched to morning, admittedly quite rarely, on the weekend but they cant spare any morning people for weekend evenings ???
but at the same time i love love love love love most of the dogs that come in, little man mister is like my second heart i know it'd hurt to never see my lil work son again, and also i'd kill myself in retail/anything regularly interacting with people /half joke all things considered i know i am VERY lucky to have been able to get this job that caters to my specific anxieties but if its stressing me out this much i really have to consider how far im willing to push it just so i dont have to have a more social job
in other news, two pins i ordered came last night. very awesome, thank you postman 🫠
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toadsrbutch · 1 year
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my mom’s black cat victor, who vets adore (kitten vs adult babyness)
oh my god I’m so sorry @peonydarling for not seeing this but OHHHHH KITTY
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
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ummm WOW holyshit, this was a beautiful thing to wake up to! Thank you so much for 200 followers, it feels like just yesterday I hit 100, I love you all so so much thank you for supporting my work and continuing tho show me love I appreciate it so much ♡ I absolutely adore writing for Abby n Ellie and it makes me happy to see other people enjoy it too!!
my gift to you all that was posted yesterday is here
reminders that my asks are always open as well if you ever wanna just chat, give me headcanon ideas, drabbles, fic ideas or just be cute in there I don’t mind, I love communicating with you all it helps me to better grasp what I’m writing, where your enjoyment is at, BUT I LOVE YOU ALL STAY SWEET, HYDRATED AND HEALTHY
p.s I’ll make a specific post soon for a taglist soon so if any of you miss my work and wanna join and see fics I post, oneshots whatever I’ll be working on that, but thank you !!! this is the part where we party!!!!♡♡♡
- xoxo, Cher(*˙˘˙)♡
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nylwnder · 1 year
okay leafs lb, i’ll see you all on sunday where luke will most likely smudge sam bennet’s blood all over his own ice while telling him that if he fucks around again, he will find out 🫶
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fagdykebassboy · 7 months
my little sibling plays bass and i know virtually Nothing abt bass but uh. tell me some stuff abt the bass! like do you use petals or have any settings you love defaulting to?? whats ur favorite stuff to play?
ok so here she is and her pedals and cables and case <33333
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typically i keep the tone clean but i loveeeeee playing with distortion or theres one RATM (bulls on parade) where i use fuzz with all the pedal settings all the way down it just adds this soft punch i love it i loveeee pedals i wanna get an actual board and a whammy pedal next
anyways for my bass her name is Horrorshow she’s a Jackson X series concert she plays sooooo well in super low tuning the lows are super punchy and thick and the highs are super bright and clear i lovee her soo much <33333 (i technically got her for free cuz i had this squier jazz bass and its motherboard fucking broke and it was cheaper to just trade it in than get a new part. Anyways once i saw her i knew i had to have her and she was on sale for like 250 off (CRAZY.) and with the warranty money i got her basically for free and if anything ever happens to her i’ll kill myself)
as for settings i like to play with the gain turned alllllllll the way up (it gives it this really soft distortion feel while keeping the clean tone) and the highs/treble and mids relatively even with the lows/bass just a little bit lower. This bass really excels in lower tunings so ive set everything up with that in mind so that the highs stay bright and the bass/lows are still thick and loud without overpowering everything. And for the knob that controls the mix between the pickups (i have a jazz/precision setup basically the jazz is bright and buzzy and the precision is a little softer idk) i crank the jazz side alllll the way up
my favorite stuff to play is usually whatever rise against song im obsessed with at the moment (probably because their bass player is co-writes all the shit with the singer so their two parts kinda take the lead and keep everything together its really cool and makes for some really fun bass lines and fills that a lot of other bands dont have idk his bass lines are just Fun.) but i loveeeeee Savior, Prayer of the Refugee + Drones, and State of the Union (cuz i get to use distortion on that one and it sounds soooooooo good and loudddd). Other than that i love playing anything loud and fast or really anything in Eb or drop C# tuning (those and anything lower are my favorites) my favorite songs to play right now are probably Bulls on Parade and Midnight hands (and anesthesia by metallica its soooooo pretty its just a bass solo for literally the entire thing but FUCK is it hard like just go listen to it it makes me wanna kill myself)
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xbalayage · 9 months
Damn y'all it's not happening, I have so much more material to write. But I promise tomorrow <3
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darkkitty1208 · 9 months
All 100+ comments in my ao3 inbox with the exception of some very specific comments are replied to! \o/
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angelsdean · 10 months
sweet foods are not lunch foods sweet foods are not lunch foods sweet foods are not lunch foods (or dinner foods)
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