#love u king <3
lyrker · 2 years
More of the guys because i was thinking sbt them sm last night,,,<3
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Johns dialogue is a bit hard to read, it says “Parker has just signed the word “HATE”…”
Ben (Black figure on left outlined in red) is made by @devilswalkingstick !!!!!!!
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monogramsalarm · 3 months
once again, zac oyama king of very specific bits that Everyone Knows Too Well
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buglizard · 10 months
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they're worsties <3
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kingzombear · 5 months
zombear can we have more infected (or non) ponies from you
Embarrassed to say even tho I promised I'd do a follow-up to my og MLP Infection AU I was like
"What If My Old Cringe Pony Ocs Were A Zombie Survival Team"
Sooo oops this is all I've got rn lol
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Prism Leech is an escaped doctor from the Rainbow Factory - the origin point of the outbreak in this AU. (Rainbow Dash isn't affiliated with the Factory in this one, don't worry)
The Spectra Mutagen was originally synthesized in an attempt by the Factory's medical team to maximize harvested Spectra (the raw pigment in ponies) due to a steady decline in Flight School failures over the years.
This mutagen instead, upon infection, overloads the body with Spectra. This induces fever, hallucinations, madness, then finally death and reanimation.
Infected of most stages are easily spotted by the bright over-saturation of their coats, manes, and eyes; along with rainbow blood and bile.
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Prism's the team leader and healer, although her bedside manner sucks, as she's thoroughly desensitized to tragedy and gore - a result of her Factory upbringing.
She escaped during a riot by infected prisoner test subjects and plucked her own feathers to ensure she could never return to the sky.
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radiolore · 3 months
lego monkie kid reboot in roblox when
also follow me on yikyok
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i KEEP seeing the take that the ending of the owl house turned luz into "god's specialist boy/chosen one" and that took away from her arc but!! gotta disagree bros. The final three episodes of The Owl House leaned into the parallels between Luz and Belos, and Luz's own awareness of them. And she's terrified that she's going to share in his arrogance, or his disregard for others, or that she'll continue to aid his destruction of the isles. But she didn't end up like him, and it's not because of random chance. She chose not to end up like him.
Belos thought he was chosen by god because he ended up in the demon realm, surrounded by witches that he decided he had to eradicate. Luz spent a few episodes thinking she had been chosen because she ended up in the demon realm, before realizing that no world works that way, and that she'll have to carve out her own place here. And then she spends 2 seasons doing just that! Making friends, connecting with the natural world, learning the language of the Titan.
Luz was only chosen by the Titan because *she* chose the Titan first. She devoted herself to learning from him, and respecting him, and spreading that knowledge to help other people connect with the isles and with magic. Which sounds a lot more religious, written out like that, than it was. Belos tried to make it look religious, to make it seem like the Titan was an old god, in order to manipulate people. But the Titan is not a god, he's just a huge kind of alive corpse with magic, which witches also have, but Luz doesn't. Luz has been borrowing his magic, just like Belos has. But Belos was using it to destroy the Titan and the life that depended on him, and Luz wanted to keep it alive. So! The Titan helped her! She earned that! She forged that connection with him over months and months of hard work and self-reflection and compassion. Before the Titan died, they had a reciprocal relationship, so of course the Titan wanted to meet her, and use the last of his magic to help her finish what she started.
She was not Chosen (capital C) she was just chosen. As a friend, a human, and a witch, because she chose to be those things herself.
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gayestcowboy · 7 months
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wikitpowers · 1 month
imagine ty kissing kit’s neck and whispering “you’re so pretty” against it… just saying i would die
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sophiethewitch1 · 5 months
Say Girl failure finally marks Tim up, after much begging and pleading. No way he's hiding them. Any and every excuse to flaunt them in his brother's faces. Poor girl doesn't know she's just started an all out war of who can get the most visible marks from her.
Two words: Pandora's Box. There is no going back once you bite one of these idiots it IS an all out war anon. damian manages to piss you off so hard you give him a black eye and he preens like a peacock. if you indulge in any anger releasing behaviors (boxing, vigilantism, just pure feral rage) they will use it to get a leg up. once again i am advising you stay away from these freaks. no matter how good it feels to totally beat tim into the floor it is the WRONG decision!!!!!
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duskerot · 7 months
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i disappear inside myself / my friends don't know it can't be helped
[Pure You - Nothing But Thieves]
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ghoulspaw · 1 month
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Jiro is so real
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suntails · 9 months
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so like @memoryoflife gave me quite possibly the best comm ever
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avalaryx · 10 months
the jaw
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based on a 2016 shin godzilla poster!
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veryaren · 4 months
FINALLY drew this outfit. WHOOORE
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backfliips · 2 months
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Dark Lucas and his eye candy
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laesas · 1 year
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RamKing + Venus Flytrap || by kinnbig
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