#they take care of each other :((
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 years ago
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Were we gonna talk about this? :3
I mean, it feels like we already knew they did this, but the fact that Sonic and Tails are constantly making sure the other has eaten, in a subtle way of showing love 🥹
And they "cover each other's blind spots." Where Tails is worrisome, Sonic is confident. Where Sonic is reckless, Tails is careful. There's so many other, smaller ways these brothers take care of each other. 💙💛
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lilislegacy · 11 months ago
unplanned part 2: annabeth’s version
(here’s percy’s version)
annabeth is the type of girlfriend who can tell when percy is getting angry/upset and is trying not to lose control, so silently, and without saying anything like “you need to calm down”, she’ll gently rub the small of his back where his mark of achilles was, because she knows it soothes him and calms him down when she touches him there
annabeth is also the type of girlfriend who will subtly build him back up when someone else tears him down. for instance if someone calls him an idiot, she’ll make a comment not long after about how intelligent he is. if someone insults his appearance, like his untidy hair, later in the day she’ll run her hands through it and tell him how much she loves his soft messy hair
and unlike most aspects of her life, she doesn’t even need to think about these things.
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steviewashere · 6 months ago
Had an idea, half-wrote a fic. (as I do) CW ahead: Negative Stimming, Self-harm via Stimming, Mild Disassociation, Meltdown
Autistic Steve Harrington who hates horror movies because they're so loud and so unexpected and all it does for him is trigger a meltdown rather than any sort of pleasure. He hates loud noises, hates being startled, hates things being unexpected. Finds it hard to listen to Eddie's music sometimes, just solely based on how loud it is.
He can't take terribly long drives in traffic because of the intensity of all the sounds: birds above, cars ahead, honking and tires squealing, people yelling out their windows. Hates having his radio on louder than like volume level 5.
And one day, after forcing himself through a horror movie at the theater with Eddie (because Eddie loves them), he's driving them back. But there's long lines of traffic that make his car feel claustrophobic and his chest heavy. The radio is only a tad louder than normal, playing some Metallica tape—one that he enthused about because Eddie made him believe it was good, and it is, it is it is it is—
But it's all too much.
Cut to him weaving dangerously through traffic, wholly unlike him, heart racing so hard he thinks he can feel his blood traveling through his arteries, his veins. The car is swerving and his foot is on the pedal, no real destination in mind other than out and away. He's cutting in and out of his own body, trying to just slither away from the way his skin is riddled with goosebumps and trying to shed in huge flakes around him. He's tired and he's drawn and he's trying, damnit he's trying to hold himself together.
He pulls to the side of the road, into some half-full parking lot, away from other customers. And slams on the brakes so hard that Eddie flings forward a little in the passenger seat, almost collides with the dashboard. But Steve is so out of it he doesn't even realize, doesn't even recognize the recklessness he just put his boyfriend through. And when he can calm his breaths a bit, not very much but just enough, he finally looks to Eddie.
Eddie, who's looking at him a little like Steve's some wild animal, but so overcome with concern, it draws his features tight. "Steve?" Eddie calls out softly, too soft in comparison to himself, "you okay, baby?"
And Steve just bursts into tears, unwinding. His hands are shaking and he feels the innate urge to hurt to make the roaring inside him dwindle. And he does the only thing he knows how—emotions irregular and having been punished for it before—he cranes his neck in a nearly unnatural way, head digging into his headrest, eyes away from Eddie because he can't stomach the thought of Eddie seeing him this way, and he just bruises his own thighs with his tightly wound fists.
Eddie just does his best. He reaches over and turns the ignition off. Silences the whole car. Winds his window up, worms around to do the same to Steve's. And then he gently, still unknowing of what to do, slides his palms underneath Steve's fists. So that the next time they come down, they hit Eddie's hands instead. His face flinches minutely and his eyes begin to sting. It hurts, of course it fucking does, but he braves through it. Until Steve tires himself out, fists getting sloppy and his tears have dried. And Eddie doesn't let Steve see what he'd actually been hitting—he just curls his hands around Steve's fists, thumbs tracing over his knuckles.
"It's loud," Steve chokes out, "hate that movie."
"Okay," Eddie murmurs, taking this in stride, unquestioning. Because...well, he knows what it's like to feel singled out, unnatural about one's self. He won't make Steve feel like that, too. Won't even question what just happened. A conversation for a different time.
"Okay, that's okay."
Steve's fingers tighten for a moment before his hands uncurl. Gently, shakily, they take Eddie's own. His eyes are still on the ceiling of his car. Sniffles. "Freak?" he questions aloud.
"Never," Eddie swears, "that's my title and you come nowhere near it. Don't even think of touching it." He brushes his thumbs on the back of Steve's twitching hands, working their way through the aftershocks. "Let me take us home, okay?"
A moment passes. Then two. Then three.
Steve's breath shutters. He exhales easily, though. "Your bed," he says, "that's home."
And Eddie brings Steve's hands to his mouth, leaves small pecks on the backs of them. "We'll go there, baby. In your time, Steve. We'll go in your time."
Eddie nods, even when he isn't seen. Because Steve will know. They'll always know each other. "Okay."
I know I half-wrote this, but I will return to this eventually. I want to fully expand upon this idea. Just give me a minute because there's like three other fic ideas I want to do that I've posted about. My brain is endless steddie and I am soup.
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maybe-im-dark · 5 months ago
Many people say Wade has a lot of issues with certain foods due to ARFID caused by his ADHD and autism. Yes, I agree but i also think it has to do with his cancer. He may have a healing factor that stops the cancer cells from growing further, but it's still there raging a war inside him.
Symptoms of cancer can be:
- pain
- sickness (vomiting and diarrhea)
- poor digestion
So i think Wade has a lot of problems with greasy or spicy foods, limiting his safe food options even further. He always talks about chimichangas, but that's more because he thinks the word is funny. He doesn't actually eat it a lot because he can't. Cancer can also prevent him from getting the nutritions he needs. Sometimes he might even be forced to use a feeding tube to get anything inside him, when the pain and the sickness is too much. So not only does Wade take care of Logan, but Logan takes care of Wade. Making sure he eats enough and gets enough vitamins and all.
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breannasfluff · 4 months ago
Bruce doesn’t run with the track lights on. Well, he does gallop better than during the day, but the breathless speed and trust are gone. He lags when he should pick up the pace and Dick keeps having to nudge him with his heels. 
Racing in the dark is something special for the stallion and his rider. Well, what if the darkness is artificial?
Blindfolding a horse is stupid and counterproductive. Dick relies on Bruce’s trust as he ties fabric over the bay’s eyes and gives an experimental nudge of his heels.
Motion explodes between his legs. Bruce pounds down the dirt of the track, in tune and listening to the slightest of commands from Dick. It doesn’t matter that the track lights are on because the blindfold blocks it out. 
Dick laughs as they take the first curve, curling into Bruce’s neck. Muscles contract and extend as he runs, breath snorting from his nostrils. He rains the bay in as they hit the first lap, trotting Bruce in a circle and then giving the signal for one of his fancy dressage side steps. Bruce does it all.
There’s a clapping from the rail and Dick twists to see Johnny watching. “I’ve never seen a horse run like that,” he says. “Like a bat out of hell. Shame no one else can get near him.”
“Yeah, he hates being around other horses.” Bruce is better about it, actually, but Dick is nervous enough to lie. Johnny’s a pretty good guy, but it doesn’t hurt to keep Bruce’s talents under wraps. No need for it to get back to Tony. 
“You’ve got a way with Brucephalus,” Johnny says, stepping away from the rail. “You’re both crazy in the same way.” He waves and heads back toward the barn.
Dick canters the stallion around the track, blindfold still on, then slows to a trot and then a walk to cool down. Bruce can run with a blindfold on. He can run around other horses. He’ll run with Dick on his back. All of this needs to be kept a secret. 
When Dick falls into bed that night, it’s with visions of races in his head. But how to keep the bay from being recognized?
Read the rest here
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tarte-tropezienne · 3 months ago
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Whenever Glass Joe is depressed or really missing his maman, he snuggles up with his swan plushie (a gift from his maman before she passed away), and Von Kaiser sits up with him to make sure he's OK.
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thingsphoenix21 · 2 years ago
Ares: So who takes care of you auntie?
Hestia: I do. Huh.
Ares: Oh.. Anybody else?
Hestia: Zeus... It's sounds crazy but he does.
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igotsnothing · 2 years ago
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Morgyn: I'm exhausted. What a long-ass day.
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Morgyn: Hello? Are you listening?
Caleb: Huh?
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Morgyn: Move over.
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Morgyn: (Yawns loudly)
Caleb: What’s with you tonight?
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Morgyn: I hate that stupid book!
Caleb: What? What's going on with you?
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Morgyn: You are devoting all your attention to it and none to me!
Caleb: Oh. I see. Did you have a tough day?
Morgyn: It was very, very long and tiring.
Caleb: I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm sorry I didn't notice you were not feeling well.
Morgyn: (Sigh) I know I'm being difficult. I guess I am feeling a little bit needy tonight.
Caleb: Well, I am right here. What can I do to cheer you up?
Morgyn: You know, this is nice, actually. Don't worry about me. Go ahead and read your book.
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Caleb: Why don't I read out loud, that way we can enjoy the story together?
Morgyn: I’d like that.
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Caleb: (Reading a passage from the novel)
Morgyn, sleepily: Your voice is very soothing…
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asiogie · 2 years ago
Remember the one Karl? stream where Dream kept leaving vc to check up on George because he was in a vc alone vs to the irl stream of him whispering to check up on George as he's leaving
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mandms-blog-of-silly · 2 years ago
Trauma regressor! Toki and Trauma regressor! Infinity bestfriend duo <3
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overly-friendly-cryptid · 1 year ago
Counterpoint: Percy gets incredibly anxious when he realizes he can drown and has a panic attack the first time he does. Annabeth helps him get his things and then writes a mod that gives him permanent water breathing and night vision when he’s underwater.
imagine percy and annabeth playing minecraft together. annabeth has built the most amazing builds youve ever seen, im talking those hyper realistic ones. percy has drowned 15 times trying to collect all the fish for the aquarium annabeth built him
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archi-pelago · 5 months ago
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maybe never forgive. but things are different now. so we'll use maybe.
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inland--empire · 10 months ago
Also i think Marceline is a flip (Yes, the one from Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake)-Bibi
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teamdarkdaily · 5 months ago
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day 309: if the world chooses to become our enemy, we will fight like we always have
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willabee · 5 months ago
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hired this thing to stare at you
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wewontbesleeping · 1 year ago
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the weirdest fucking thing to me is how men will be like "it's so hard being a man. no one cares that i'm sad. the loneliness we experience could NEVER be understood by a woman" and then also be like "btw i never talk to my friends and i don't know their names and i love hanging out with men because they don't talk about their stupid emotions all the time. women could never understand a bond like this." like ???
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