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acekindaneat · 2 months ago
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supportive bf during Seri's finals week 🫶
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zuzusexytiems · 9 months ago
man I love jeanpiku so much it's not even funny
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seung-mong · 8 months ago
everyone adores you (i hate that i do too) - kim seungmin
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includes: seungmin x reader, friends to enemies to strangers to friends to lovers?? (kinda academic rivals vibe) college au, soft dom! seungie, everyone knows they r in love except them, kinda slow burn? idk, fluff, angst, quick vanilla smut scene at the end, unprotected sex, possessive seungmin, creampie oopsie woopsie, felix is lowk seungmin's downfall lmao
a/n: the people have chosen, thank u for those who voted on the poll!! i know this is so ridiculously late but ive been in a writer's funk lately and ive just been so unmotivated #rant anyway i hope you guys like this one:') chan x hybrid felix x reader up next?? :00
wc: 12k YAPPING ofc my longest fic is of my husband #seungminlover #myMan
"there's nothing i can do for you, mr. kim. you failed to submit the third reflection essay. i have been considerate with your other late submissions..." the middle aged professor sighs, bringing a hand to his forehead and massaging his temples in frustration.
seungmin's hands wrap tighter around the strap of his bag, nylon almost burning against his palm due to the friction. "mr. park," he almost whines, leaning forward in his chair.
seungmin's desperate. he needs to pass this class, a prerequisite to all of his majors. he'll be damned if he takes his classes later than everyone else. "please, there must be something i can do. anything for extra credit. i really really need to pass this class." his voice slightly breaks, so close to tears. he can feel the red hot embarrassment that washes over him at the thought of having to explain why he cant enlist in the same classes as his friends.
he's never gonna hear the end of it when he tells his parents, always hard on his ass about biting off more than he can chew and he's always shrugged them off. how is everything so different now? in highschool he was juggling acads, being president of the student council, being in choir, dance, band, and the debate team. and now? four classes and a stupid glee club and hes falling behind.
his worst fear.
the older man swallows thickly, obviously uncomfortable at his student's sudden show of vulnerability. "mr. kim, i really want to help you. but im afraid there's no extra work i can give you to help you raise your grade.
seungmin shakes his head, slumping deep in his seat.
"normally i'd offer that you could check some papers and-"
"i'll do it!" seungmin yells, almost jumping out of his seat.
"but another student has already offered to be my teaching assistant for this term for extra credit as well.... unless you could convince them to split the workload... id consider raising your grade."
"sir, anything! who do i have to convince?" seungmin lets out a sigh of relief. and he thought all hope was lost.
"miss y/l/n. do you know her?"
fuck. all hope is lost.
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you huff as you push open the heavy metal doors to your apartment building, canvas bag filled to the brim with papers you're supposed to check. the weight is heavy on your shoulder, strap digging uncomfortably into your skin. the sting lingers as you waddle over to your apartment locker, dropping the bag as you dig into your coat pocket for your keys.
"oh, y/n! im glad i caught you." you turn around to see a kind face smiling at you from the foot of the stairs, long blonde hair tied somewhat neatly to keep strands away from his neck. stubborn clumps of hair fall over his forehead, sticking to the skin in a thin sheen of sweat.
"hyunjin?" you squeal, leaving all your bags right there on the floor as you run towards your childhood friend. your arms wrap around his neck as he laughs, arms coming up to wrap around your waist. you nearly knock him off his feet from the force that you throw yourself at him, but he cant blame you. it has been way too long.
"but... what are you doing here? i thought you were still in paris?" you chuckle, breathless as you pull apart from him.
"non!," he teases, but his smile quickly shifts. "due to some, ah- unfortunate circumstances, i had to return home a little earlier than i had planned," he shrugs, grabbing your arm and hooking it with his.
"oh cut the bullshit, hwang." you laugh, pulling him towards your locker. "tell me what happened," you groan, bending down to pick up your bag. hyunjin, ever the gentleman, quickly reacts from beside you, taking it away from you before slinging it over his own shoulder. "tell me what really happened, hm? it's me." you huff, punching him lightly on the shoulder.
he smiles sadly at you, shaking his head. he knows he cant lie to you. "how about we catch up over a cup of coffee, huh? my, ive been looking all over campus for you and when we finally meet after three years you dont even invite me in?" he pouts at you.
you roll your eyes at his dramatics. nice to know he hasnt changed that about himself. dare you say paris has only fed his dramatic flare? "let's go have some coffee somewhere else then, my apartment's kinda messy right now. oh! have you told felix you're back? you guys are... okay now, right?" you're careful to watch his expression at the mention of his past lover.
"no, he doesnt know im home. it kinda defeats the whole purpose of the surprise, you know?" he retorts, watching you with a fond smile as you shove your phone and keys back into your pockets. "and yes. felix and i are alright, thank you for asking."
"well, i'm sure he'd love to see you again. i know where he's working. maybe we could drop by for some drinks?"
hyunjin hums thoughtfully at that, chuckling a bit once you push open the damned metal door. "i guess it wouldnt hurt to say hello? besides. we have been... talking again."
"oh is that so?" you feign disinterest, eyes trained on the leaves that crunch under your feet.
he hums once more, squinting when he looks up, the sun beaming against his face. how he's missed its' warmth. paris was often gloomy. "we discussed possibly trying again." he says calmly, sighing with content.
you falter, "that might be good. ive always known you guys still loved each other! besides, you guys were young and stupid."
"that we were." hyunjin laughs. "well how about you and... ah- he who must not be named?"
you tense a little at that, opting to play it off with a shrug. "havent seen him around much, actually."
"well that's odd. you three were the only ones from our highschool to pass SNU and you guys dont keep in touch?"
"well i dont keep in touch with people from highschool much." you bite back.
"well how about me and felix?" he challenges.
"yea. just you two."
"arent you two in the same major?"
"we have different schedules. never aligns."
"but yuna and lia said-"
"i just dont see seungmin much, alright? that's that!" you groan, shoving your hands into your pockets.
"oh my dear y/n, nothing has changed! have you tried to patch things up with him? after all we were, hm what did you say, ah- young and stupid?"
"well he certainly was." you mumble, and hyunjin bursts out laughing. he throws an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer against his side. "god, i've missed you."
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felix absolutely adores his job. he gets to help bake in the kitchens in the morning, and then he gets to make such fun little drinks while listening to music he chooses. he loves his coworkers, and his schedule is flexible, what with the manager knowing how most of his staff are all college students. the one thing he hates though? dealing with rude customers.
"i apologize, sir. our drinks are served in plastic cups as most of our customers dont finish their drink here, it's easier to take out in case you need to leave in a hurry." felix can feel the sweat start to form at his hairline, trickling slowly down his forehead as his cheeks twitch in a forced smile.
"well if i knew you served it in plastic cups, i never would have ordered!" the middle-aged man in front of him yells, eyebrows raised. students in the cafe have started to look over, trying hard to be discreet. some look annoyed, others clearly show how they feel sorry for felix.
felix tries his best to keep his smile, but he can feel anger and annoyance rise in him like hot water boiling deep in his gut.
"what the fuck is the difference??" he wants to scream, grab the stupid plastic cup from his stupid chubby fingers and throw it right in his stupid ugly face.
"im sorry sir, is there some kind of problem here?" a calm voice calls from behind the man, who turns around in surprise.
seungmin stands with his hands in his pockets, a small smile on his lips. he's dressed in nothing fancy, a university hoodie and some sweatpants. he's only supposed to catch up with felix as he busies himself around the cafe after all. his hair is tucked neatly in his cap, the perfect image of your average college student.
felix swears he's an angel sent from the heavens.
"this is none of your business, kid." the man snorts disgustingly, waving a chubby finger in seungmin's face.
"well, actually this is a public space and you're holding up the line. so yea, it kinda is my business. besides, you're on university grounds, i have every right to be here as a student." seungmin says coolly, taking a step towards the counter so he's able to somewhat position himself in between felix and this gross ugly man.
"listen, i'm a paying customer, so-"
"and the staff has the right to refuse service to anyone unless on the basis of race, religion, or ethnicity- isn't that right, felix?"
and its like suddenly felix has found his voice. he stands a little taller, leaning forward to get closer to the man's face. "that's right."
"and you're not refusing to serve this man because hes white or anything, right?" seungmin eggs him on, throwing the man a somewhat bored look.
"no. its because hes an asshole."
"hey-" the man steps forward, hands raised.
"well you heard him!" seungmin cuts the man off before he can continue, fully stepping in front of felix now. "if you dont leave within the next ten seconds, i'm calling security. they take peace and order on school grounds very seriously, you know?"
the man huffs, turning around and slamming the door behind him so hard that the little bell that jingles near the doorframe rattles wildly seconds after he's left.
"i dont know how you deal with assholes like that, felix. id probably lose my mind." seungmin sighs, throwing his friend a tight lipped smile.
"you kinda get used to it. but i've just been so tired this finals week that i dont even have the energy to stand up for myself anymore." felix shakes his head while he wipes the counter down.
seungmin nods understandingly, lunging for the man's untouched drink before felix can throw it. "this is paid, isn't it?"
"well, yes but-"
"alright, felix look. i have a problem." seungmin slides easily into one of the stools by the counter, taking a deep sip of the man's mystery drink.
felix nods in understanding, rearranging trays and cleaning up as much as he can.
"well actually, it's more of a favor? i dont know."
felix only hums, used to seungmin's rambling by now. seungmin's just like that, needs to talk to himself aloud a little before getting straight to the point.
"im actually screwed and there's no one else i can talk to because well, there's no more shame between us, yea? we've seen each other naked and ive seen you at your lowest low and youve been there for me and-"
"wow, this is pretty serious, huh?" felix jokes, pulling up a stool so he can sit in front of his friend.
"i think i'm gonna fail a class." seungmin spits out, holding his breath immediately after as he gauges his friend's reaction.
felix's smile slowly disappears. his mouth opens and closes like a fish as he tries to figure out what to say, in a state of total shock. this goes on for about five minutes before seungmin finally whines, head dropping to his hands.
"will you say something i can actually understand, felix?"
"i'm sorry i just- i dont understand. you're.... failing? you? kim seungmin? the kim seungmin?"
"wow you really know how to comfort a guy, huh?"
"i'm sorry!" felix jumps up to pull seungmin in for a half-hug, awkwardly wrapping his arms around seungmin's chest over the counter. "i just... how? why? what subject? are you sure?"
"yes, im sure. i missed a stupid submission. a major subject. look, thats not the worst part-"
"omigod you're dying. thats the only explanation-"
"no!" seungmin whines, pushing his friend off him. "the professor said he could give me extra credit-"
"but thats good news!"
"-if im able to convince... someone.... to split the task given to them with me."
"o...kay? just turn on your puppydog charm and you're good to go."
seungmin shakes his head, as if he's about to deliver such solemn news to felix that he has to pause for dramatic effect. felix rolls his eyes.
"it's... well the person is y/n."
felix stares at his friend with wide eyes, unblinking. then he tilts his head back and lets out the most obnoxious laugh, losing his breath as his neck turns a deep shade of red, the tint spreading across his cheeks all the way to the tips of his ears.
"you're joking! oh this is just too- oh, i cant breathe, ITS KARMA!" he suddenly yells, fighting for his life to breathe in as much air as possible, wiping the tears from his eyes.
seungmin winces, but deep down he knows this reaction is deserved.
his relationship with you is... a little complicated.
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you met seungmin in your freshman year of highschool. you'd just moved to seoul, the New Girl. as batch rep, he was tasked with showing you around on your first day, teaching you the ropes and making you feel welcomed.
"well yea, thats basically it!" seungmin finishes, pace slowing down as he directs you to the bench just opposite the school clinic. "do you have any questions for me?" he asks with a slight tilt of his head.
your eyes stay trained on the floor, as they have been the past 30 minutes that this strange boy has toured you around the school. you shake your head. seungmin doesnt fully understand it yet, but somewhere deep down, he feels bad for you. you seem like the shy type, and he knows how hard it is to adjust and make new friends. god knows how he would have survived middle school if it weren't for his friends.
"hey, what do you say you come meet my friends tomorrow during lunch break?" he suddenly asks. for the first time since his homeroom teacher introduced you, you look up at him.
he's taken aback by how pretty your eyes are.
"oh, really?" you ask timidly, voice small.
"i- i mean yea! we're in the same homeroom anyway, right? plus i think it'll help you adjust a little better if you had people you could talk to and hang out with." seungmin shrugs.
"yea. i'd really like that. thank you, seungmin." your voice is so low its almost like you're mumbling.
before you know it, you're spending your lunch breaks laughing along with felix as he embarrasses all of seungmin's friends one by one, wincing away from changbin as he threatens to lunge across the table to shut the younger boy up, hyunjin clinging dramatically onto his boyfriend's side instead of defending him.
you're spending your weekends at seungmin's house as chan makes you all listen to his new demo, han turning red in the face when his verse comes on. you're walking to school with jeongin- arms full of convenience store goodies as you make fun of your grumpy old maths teacher, leeknow following quietly behind you both, scolding you when you get too close to the road.
before you know it, you've found yourself a group of friends who makes highschool just that much bearable.
seungmin's completely enamored by you, coming to learn that you're at the top of every class that you have (except the ones you have with him, of course). you're just as ambitious as he is, joining the debate team and the mock un club, quickly joining the officers despite being a new student.
he's somewhat threatened by you, though he'd never admit it to himself, or to anyone else for that matter. you score higher than him in statistics, and he cant help the ugly feeling that settles in his chest when you show your paper to him, a bright blue 100 circled at the top.
he tries not to let it get to him, changing his mindset into seeing it as a healthy competition, a way for him to challenge himself even more in to doing better than you. it feeds his competitive side, staying longer than you in the library, sleeping later than you, reading more books.
this one sided competition makes him feel conflicted. he's out for your blood, and yet you're the same sweet, shy girl he's always been close to. you spend most of your time with seungmin, studying with him at his house, sleeping over when you've realized its way past ten in the evening, sneaking out of his house for a quick convenience store run.
"min, i'm hungry! lets go down to the store." you'd whine, voice slightly muffled against his soft sheets, tucked nice and warm under his blankets.
"go home, you've finished all the food here." he'd tease, not even bothering to look away from his homework.
"cant. you'd miss me after an hour." you'd retort, reaching blindly behind you for a plushie to throw at the back of his head.
"suppose that's true. can't help but be used to your presence when you're here nearly every day," he'd feign annoyance, exhaling loudly through his nose.
you'd pout at him when he'd finally turn in his chair to look over at you, already so at home, snuggling even deeper into his bed.
you really do have such pretty eyes.
"fine. grab your coat." and he'd try hard to fight his smile at the sound of your delighted squeals.
you found a way to break through his walls, chip away at the cement and reduce it to a fine dust which you've blown away. but he stands unguarded all the same, not even bothering to put up a fight when you wrestle your way into his heart.
he'd like to keep you there, he thinks.
sometimes he'd lie to himself and say that he tried. by your senior year, he managed to ruin the one good thing in his life.
how stupid was he?
amazing, really. how he was able to throw away three years of friendship for fifteen minutes of fame.
"how could you do this to me?" you hiss, dropping your backpack onto the floor of seungmin's bedroom. his back is faced towards you, gently shutting his door before he leans his forehead on it. he takes a deep breath, gathering enough courage to face you.
"y/n, i-"
"you embarrassed me in front of everyone. you told them everything, things i told you in confidence because i fucking trusted you. how could you do this to me, seungmin? how could you fucking do this to me?" your tears are hot, angry against your cheeks as you pace around his room. your voice grows louder with every word, reaching a scream when you stand in front of him.
"i wasn't thinking, y/n. i-"
"and for what? to make me look bad?" you laugh hollowly, hands flying to your hair in disbelief. "to make me look like some poor, fucking loser who's so mentally unstable she can't possibly become president of student council? was that your angle?"
there's a lump in seungmin's throat and no matter how hard he swallows, it just wont go down. he opens his mouth to speak, to defend himself, but his mouth has gone dry and his tongue tastes like sand.
"what the fuck is wrong with you? i thought we were friends? i thought we were best friends, seungmin? how could you air out all my shit like that? for a couple of votes? do you know how pathetic you are? is that how bad you want to be president? you're willing to throw me under the bus to make yourself look good?" you can taste the salty tears pooling in your mouth, snot slowly dripping down and creating a sticky mess on your face.
but you're too angry to care.
your chest hurts, like someone's kicked you to the ground and continuously stomped right in between your ribcage in an attempt to squash your heart. your head hurts from dehydration, and your neck is starting to feel sticky from the sweat that's pooled at the collar of your uniform.
"was this your master plan? you found out i was running against you so you sucked up to me, kept me close so you could get all the dirt? you fucking traitor, i cant believe i actually trusted you." your throat has gone raw from all the yelling, can feel the way your voice starts to come out hoarse.
"y/n, please. i'm so sorry i dont know what i was thinking. i just... when they asked me why they should vote for me my mind blanked and i-" he tries to get everything out as fast as he can, terrified you'll cut him off and start yelling again. but he can't continue because, holy shit, even he doesn't know why the fuck he did what he did.
"and you what? made me look fucking stupid so you rambled on for fifteen minutes about how much of a horrible person i am. god, if thats what you thought of me you shouldve let me know, seungmin! i couldve walked out of your life if i made you that miserable." you're starting to heave, all the air in the room suddenly disappearing.
"no, dont say that y/n. you're the best thing about me, you're my best fr-"
seungmin feels dizzy when your palm lands on his right cheek.
you cant stop sobbing, hands clutching at your chest as you shake your head. "fuck you," you whisper.
seungmin is stunned, frozen in the middle of his room with his mouth slightly open. he says nothing, does nothing as he watches you bend down weakly to grab your bag, sobbing through the motions of slinging it over your shoulders.
but then the panic starts to kick in when you push past him, your fingers reaching for his doorknob. his instincts kick in and hes wrapping his hand around your wrist.
"please don't go, please let's talk about this." his voice cracks. when did he start crying?"
you pause, and for a moment seungmin can feel the weight on his shoulder lift, all hope is not lost.
"its good to know where your priorities lie, seungmin. now i know you'll do anything to get ahead. even if that means hurting me." you tried to sound strong, but your voice comes out broken, a whimper.
"dont speak to me ever again."
you pull your hand away from him.
the weight on his shoulders is suddenly crushing.
and when he gave his acceptance speech in front of the entire student body, he frantically searched for your face. his heart dropped when his eyes locked with yours. eyes that once looked at him with so much warmth, care, and love- stared soullessly back at him.
he knew he fucked up the best thing in his life.
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by the time you reach felix's cafe, hyunjin's whining had started to get on your nerves.
"i didn't ask you to carry it," you remind him, reaching for the strap.
he turns his body away from you, clutching your tote tighter against his side. "as if i'd let you carry this!"
yes, he was a gentleman. but a dramatic ass one.
"id honestly rather carry my bag than have to listen to you whine about how heavy it is."
"but it is so heavy! what the fuck did you put in here, rocks?"
you only roll your eyes, pushing open the glass door to the establishment. the tiny bell above the doorframe rings, announcing your arrival to the blonde boy behind the counter.
"oh my god, its soobin." you whisper under your breath, elbowing hyunjin in the ribs. he only looks at you puzzled, an eyebrow raised.
"he's so cute, ohmygod." you roll your eyes, quickly checking your blurry reflection on the glass door.
"not my type," hyunjin shrugs. you ignore him, walking straight to the counter.
"oh, hey soob!" you greet him, quickly shushing hyunjin when he starts to mock your airy tone. "is felix here?" you smile sweetly, trying to tame your hair from the mess caused by the strong winds outside.
"oh yea, he's over there in the booth by the window. he's not alone though," he says, wiping down the counter after spilling a few shaves of ice.
"oh, who's he with?" you ask, already making your way down the counter.
"dunno, the dude looks kinda stressed, to be honest." he shrugs, turning away from you when the bell lets him know he's got another customer to serve.
he's with a guy? he's not on a date is he? no- he wouldve told you. besides, he wouldnt have led hyunjin on either.
hyunjin follows behind you as you make your way towards the booth, heaving dramatically as he swings your tote bag off his shoulders. he crouches behind you, snickering to himself as you both slowly walk to the table, strands of felix's hair peeking out from the opposite bench.
"surprise!" hyunjin jumps from behind you, smile swiftly morphing into a face of shock, his mouth forming a small 'o'.
"holy shit, hyune! what are you doing here?"
your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. that voice-
"s-seungmin, i didnt know you were with felix."
you freeze, jaw dropped as seungmin stands. he clearly hasn't seen you yet, back facing you as he pulls hyunjin in for a hug, squeezing him tightly.
"i thought you were in paris?" felix squeals, sliding out of the booth and joining the three for a big bear hug. he's the one who finally notices you a few feet away, his smile dropping.
"y/n." he breathes, eyes wide.
when seungmin turns around, its almost as if in its slow motion.
he looks almost exactly the same, his hair a little longer, shaggier. his eyes look more tired, little bags under his eyes give away the sleepless nights he's become familiar with. his cheeks slowly turn a light pink, dusting across his nose all the way to the tip of his ears. he's dressed the way you remember him, loose comfy clothes.
he looks good, you think. you shake the thought away.
"oh, y/n." seungmin's voice is small as he locks eyes with you.
fuck, your eyes.
his first time seeing you in three years and he hates how you manage to steal his breath away. you've changed your hair, cut it a little shorter and dyed it lighter. you've pierced your ears, little sunflower earrings peaking from beneath your hair. you look so much more mature, your style has definitely changed.
but your eyes, they shine just as bright as he remembers. good to know his memory hasnt failed him yet.
"i didn't know you were coming, y/n." felix shoots you an apologetic glance, lips pursed and eyes wide.
"but i always come visit you on thursdays." you say flatly.
"yea but-"
"awh look! it's been a while since we've all seen each other, huh?" hyunjin cuts in, trying desperately to ease the tension. seungmin stays standing still, gawking stupidly at you. you try your best to pretend like you cant feel his gaze.
"yea, some of us made that decision on purpose." you mutter under your breath, but you don't miss the way seungmin's eye twitch.
felix smiles, lacing his hand with hyunjin's. "it's really been too long," he whispers, as if only meant for his lover.
"i'd really love if we could all spend some time together." hyunjin's eyes find yours, wide and pleading. "please?"
you offer him a tight lipped smile.
its already so awkward, the way felix and hyunjin slide naturally into the booth, beginning to chatter away. it leaves you and seungmin standing, stubbornly avoiding eye contact.
"do you- do you want to sit near the window, or?" seungmin's voice is small, eyes glued to the floor.
you shrug.
he nods, climbing in anyway. you take a deep breath before you move, reluctantly climbing onto the booth after him. you leave a considerable amount of space between the two of you, and seungmin can't help but roll his eyes.
it's been nearly three years, he thinks. how are you still holding a grudge against him? he clears his throat, about to start some small talk, but something stops him. maybe its the way you deliberately angle your body away from him, or the way you pull your phone out to scroll aimlessly, almost as if you were anticipating his move.
"so, how was paris?" seungmin asks hyunjin instead, shifting his body away from you. fine, be like that. at least hes not immature enough to make things awkward on purpose.
"oh, it was so romantic!" hyunjin exclaims, throwing his arm over felix's shoulder and resting it on the back of their booth. "it was a little depressing, actually. being in such a beautiful place all alone."
"well yea, but it was worth it right? who wouldve thought your one true love was right here all along." you tease, wiggling your eyebrows up and down.
"yea so is yours!" hyunjin teases you back. you only stick your tongue out.
beside you, seungmin tenses. surely, hyunjin isnt implying that he could be your true love, could he? the thought makes chest ache, an odd yearning to move closer to you, to let his fingers "accidentally" brush against yours-
"oh, soobin!" felix giggles, catching on.
seungmin's always hated that guy. from the moment he met soobin thirty minutes ago, he knew something was off. you can't date soobin, he wouldnt know how to take care of you. with his stupid blonde hair, his stupid bunny smile, his stupidly large eyes.
he bets soobin doesnt even know what your favorite type of ramen is, what your go-to snacks are, what your favorite flavor of ice cream is. important things that a lover should know.
things he knows.
oh, where'd that thought come from?
"shut up, you guys!" you hiss, checking to see if soobin is within earshot. you frown at felix, swatting across the table at his chest.
"what do you mean? you guys would look so cute together." hyunjin argues, quickly turning to catch a glimpse of soobin. you hide your face in your hands, profusely shaking your head as you sink deeper into the booth.
seungmin cant help the feeling of jealousy that bubbles deep in his gut. hes half scared hes going to projectile vomit all over the table when you straighten yourself out, sneaking a peek at the blonde boy who busies himself with creating a customer's drink.
"im probably not his type." you mumble.
"you're not." seungmin's shocked at the word that's slipped, hand quickly coming up to cover his mouth in shock.
all eyes are on him, and he can see the way you look at him, with your empty eyes staring right at his face. he hates it when you look at him like that, misses the way your eyes used to shine just for him.
"actually you know what, im getting kinda tired, i think im gonna go home instead." you blurt out, already reaching for your bag.
hyunjin's hand finds yours on the table, and he squeezes gently. "really?"
you swiftly pull your hand away. "yes. really."
"you know what, it doesnt matter. i actually made a reservation for us lixie. wasn't planning on staying long anyways. just wanted to surprise you." hyunjin sings sweetly, brushing away a stand of hair that had fallen on felix's cheek.
"yea, i think i'm gonna head home too." seungmin clears his throat.
just then, the sound of thunder roars outside, clouds a dark grey as they hang low.
fuck. just when you decided not to bring an umbrella.
"yea, i think we better get going. dont wanna get caught in the rain." felix sighs, gathering his stuff and offering hyunjin his hand.
"dont you have spare umbrellas here, lix? maybe we could borrow them. you know, just in case." as if on cue, the rain starts to come down heavily, droplets splattering against the window.
"yea, but there's only two." felix mutters, quickly slipping behind the counter to grab two black umbrellas leaning against the wall. "hyunjin and i can share, and maybe you and y/n-"
"i'm fine." you say stubbornly, arms crossed in front of your chest.
you'd rather die than spend two seconds alone with kim seungmin.
"oh dont say that, you'll get drenched and catch a cold." hyunjin sighs, grabbing one of the umbrellas from felix's hand and offering it to you.
"i'd actually prefer that, thanks." you snap, swatting his hand away.
hyunjin opens his mouth to berate you, but seungmin quickly steps in, reaching for the umbrella. "i'll handle this guys, you go enjoy your dinner."
you fume at that. 'oh he'll handle it? who the fuck does this guy think he is?'
you roll your eyes, pushing past your friends and heading for the door. you stand under the roof, crossing your arms in front of your chest as a cold chill blows past you. hyunjin and felix soon exit as well, wrapped tightly in their coats, hands entwined.
hyunjin steps towards you, pulling you in for a hug despite your protests. "be nice," he whispers, before planting a kiss on your cheek. you make a move to wipe it away, but hesitate when you see hyunjin pout.
"have a nice date." you mumble, watching as the pair huddles close under the umbrella, making their way to felix's car.
you hear the door open, and you hold your breath.
"let me walk you home." seungmin offers, his tone stern. this only ticks you off, wanting nothing more than to defy him despite his offer being in your best interest. your apartment is a good walk away, and the papers in your tote bag risk the chance of getting wet.
"i mean you- you live near my building, right?" he pleads, clicking his umbrella open. he waits patiently for you to respond, standing awkwardly by the sidewalk as you fight with your pride.
you nod, and thats all seungmin needs. he's by your side in an instant, holding the umbrella nearer to your side to ensure that not even an inch of you gets wet from the rain. his left side is already completely soaked, cringing at the feel of his cold hoodie sticking to his skin, but he ignores it. you set a fast pace, and his heart hurts at the though that it's probably because you can't stand to spend more time with him than you need to.
he notices you wince from the weight of your bag, taking a deep breath as you readjust the strap from falling off your shoulder.
"let me carry it," he's being bold, already reaching for the damn thing before you can say anything.
"i dont need any more favors." you snap, the first words you've directly said to him in nearly three years. he's glad you've at least acknowledged his existence now, but your words are sharp.
he lets it go, humming to let you know that he heard you. your pace quickens just a bit, eager to get home, out of the rain, and away from seungmin. your tote swings from the movement, getting caught on a nearby bush and very nearly pulling you back.
you lose your balance and slip, falling flat on your butt on the wet pavement. you try to brake your fall, scratching your palms in the process.
"oh my god, are you okay?" seungmin rushes down, still holding the umbrella over your head. he offers his hand to help you up, but you swat it away.
"i'm fine, alright? god, stop hovering!" you yell, pushing down on your scratched palms to help yourself up. you wince at the pain, brushing off tiny pebbles and bits of gravel from your open wound.
"y/n, you're bleeding." seungmin gawks, hand reaching out to touch yours. you quickly yank it out of his reach, almost as if you were hiding your palm from him.
"yea, thanks for the info." you mumble, trying your best to wipe away the mud that's splattered all over your jeans. seungmin moves quickly while you're preoccupied, crouching down to grab at your tote bag. he ignores your whines of protest, slinging it over his shoulder.
you let out a groan when he refuses to hand it back to you. "fine, whatever. suffer." you grumble, crossing your arms before walking away. seungmin quickly catches up to you, shielding you from the rain.
the walk home is painfully quiet. you're hyperaware of every movement he makes, every time he inhales, the way he clears his throat, as if he's about to say something before he changes his mind. all these emotions swirl angirly inside of you, most of them you cant even begin to comprehend.
because for some reason, you miss him. and it hits you like a truck when the sleeve of his hoodie grazes your elbow, the soft cloth reaching for you. it takes everything in you not to break down and grab for him, to hold him close and strangle him, to wrap your arms around him and hug him so tight he loses breath and dies of suffocation.
he smells the same, like the seungmin you remember who used to walk you home after band practice. the seungmin who held your hand in secret as you walked through the haunted house that one halloween. the seungmin who'd sing to you, alone in his room with his guitar on his lap.
your seungmin.
how could this stranger beside you be your seungmin?
how is it possible that the very same person who knows your deepest darkest secrets, your most embarrassing moments, your dreams and fears- is someone who doesn't know you at all?
seungmin stands stiff beside you as you reach the lobby of your apartment, shaking the little droplets of rain off the umbrella. he opens the door for you, urging you to enter before him.
"i'll have my bag back now, thanks." you say in monotone, eyes not even meeting his.
"let me carry it up." a bold request.
"i'm fine now, you know? im not some damsel in distress in need of saving." you mumble, standing your ground.
seungmin ignores you, already walking towards the elevator. he leaves it on hold, waiting a few seconds before you enter as well, grumbling under your breath.
once you reach your floor, you lead the way to your room, with seungmin trailing slowly behind you. he's shivering a little from the cold, the wet of his jacket only making the draft on the floor feel like ice against his skin. you notice, the little devil on your shoulder pleased at his suffering.
but there's another side of you that softens when you notice the way his teeth chatter, a shudder going down his whole body. god, you're gonna regret even opening your mouth-
"you can come in to warm up a little." you mumble, reaching into your coat pocket to fetch your keys.
seungmin merely blinks at you, unsure if he heard you correctly, or if his imagination was so strong that he managed to picture you saying the thing he so desperately wanted to hear.
but then you walk in, and you leave your door open. for him.
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"oh, thanks." seungmin mutters awkwardly, reaching for the cup of tea you offer him. the warmth spreads from his fingertips to his palms, and he's genuinely grateful for the heat it provides. you only hum, grabbing your tote bag from the floor and setting it on the couch.
you pour yourself a cup, sitting directly opposite of the strange boy in your apartment. you blow away some of the steam that rises from the cup, eyes trained on the way the liquid ripples from the force of your breath.
seungmin opens his mouth to speak, but he cant seem to find the words to say what he wants to say. i'm sorry? no thats too lame. i miss you? fuck no, way too forward. how about-
"you're shivering." you point out, staring directly into seungmin's eyes.
his breath hitches. you're looking at him.
actually looking at him.
"oh, i- i didn't even notice." he lies. despite the fact that you turned your heater on, he's fucking freezing. his hoodie is heavy with rain and damp against his skin, sending shivers all the way up his arm and down his spine.
suddenly you stand, retreating into your room without a word. seungmin's confused, unsure if that's his cue that he's overstayed his welcome. but then you come back into the kitchen after a few seconds, holding a large blue hoodie in your arms.
his heart clenches when you unfurl it, revealing the old hoodie he'd given you a month before your graduation. he didnt even know you got it in the mail when he sent it. you werent even talking to him at that point. does that mean you'd gotten his letter too?
"well, i didnt wanna get rid of it, you know? would be a waste." you mumble. you toss it over to him, the cloth landing on his lap with a soft thud. he looks stupidly down at it, brain malfunctioning.
"you should change out of your sweater. you're wet. dripping all over my floor." you grumble, snatching seungmin's empty cup and setting it down on the counter behind him.
"you kept it?" seungmin whispers.
"like i said. didnt want it-"
"you kept it." seungmin turns to look at you.
his deep brown eyes are hopeful, crease in his brows giving away the myriad of emotions swirling deep in his stomach.
you stay silent, back turned towards him. you can feel the tears that pool behind your eyelids, threatening to fall as you hold yourself over the sink, turning your head completely away from seungmin. you hear the sound of fabric rustling, and your cheeks warm at the thought of him undressing in the middle of your kitchen.
the sound of wood scratching against your kitchen tiles is loud, the abruptness of seungmin standing up nearly sending the chair backwards.
"smells like you." he whispers. he cant trust his voice.
he takes a step towards you, your back still towards him.
"i think its time for you to go." you hiccup, a steady stream of tears flowing down your cheeks.
"look at me." seungmin begs, taking another step.
"you should go now, seungmin."
"look me in the eye when you tell me. then i will."
he's getting bold, standing right behind you, his chest pressing the back of your head. you whirl around, ready to yell at him, to scream at him, to slap him, to furl your hands into fists and beat against his chest.
but he's quicker, wrapping both his arms around your shoulders and pressing you close to him, tucking your head under his chin. he holds you like this for so long you figure its been hours. you stain the front of his chest with your tears, hands weakly wrapping around him, fingers curling into the fabric.
he still feels like seungmin.
your seungmin.
"you kept it. you got my letter too, didn't you sweetheart?" he whispers, as if afraid raising his voice would ruin the spell.
you sob violently against his chest, holding him tighter against you.
"i meant every single word," he squeezes you tightly, "i'm so sorry."
"you're an asshole, kim seungmin." you sob, shaking your head.
"i know, i know. i'm so sorry." he shushes you, smoothing down your hair, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head.
"do you know how much it hurts?" you sob, pulling away from him. "i see you almost everyday. you have the face of someone who knows every single thing about me, but you're a complete stranger to me." you sob into your hands, pouring your heart out to him.
"i know," he sniffles, wiping away the snot under your nose with his free hand.
"no, you dont. stop fucking saying that." you pull your face away from him, pushing his hand down. "you were my best friend and you- now its like i dont know you and-" you're hiccuping, heaving, out of breath as you break down.
"i'm sorry, sweetheart, okay? i'm so so sorry. i was so stupid,"
"well yea!" you yell, falling into him when he opens his arms up to you.
he chuckles dryly at that, holding you tightly against him, as if terrified you'd change your mind and kick him out of your home. and he cant bear to see it, the way you look up at him with tears in your eyes, bloodshot red and full of resentment. he wants to fix it so bad, misses the way you'd hold softness in your eyes reserved especially for him.
"i'll make it right," he promises, nuzzling his cheek against the top of your head. "i'll prove it to you, okay? i promise."
you sniffle, shaking your head. "i- i dont know,"
"hey, look at me." seungmin pulls you away from him, bending slightly so you're eye to eye. "i promise, i'll do everything i can to gain back your trust. i just miss you so much, y/n. i- i really fucked up and to this day it remains my greatest regret."
you stay quiet, eyes flickering between either of his. "even more than when you shaved your head that one summer?" you joke weakly.
seungmin can feel his heart pounding at the sight of your small smile. he thinks he sees your eyes twinkle. "yes, sweetheart. even more than that. i just... please. give me another chance. give me a chance to make it right with you, y/n."
you take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. seungmin's steadily crying, wiping the tears away with the back of his hand as he looks at you, expectantly. you stay quiet for so long seungmin can hear the blood rushing all the way to his head, going dizzy with anticipation and fear.
"you'll have to buy me lots of gummies, you know?" you mumble, looking up at him.
fuck. he'd buy you all the gummies in the world if it meant you'd keep looking at him with those eyes.
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the words on your screen have started to blur altogether, vision hazy as you mindlessly scroll through the hundreds of pages of readings and notes youve been reviewing for the past...... god, was there even a time you weren't studying? even the music playing through your headphones have lost its appeal, sounding more and more like radio static.
you jolt out of your trance at the sound of books slamming against the surface of your table, which shakes under the weight. you quickly pull your headphones off and look up at the intruder, who smiles sheepishly at you.
"sorry, did i wake you?" seungmin asks, pulling up a chair beside you.
"no, you saved me." you groan, stretching your whole body until your limbs start to vibrate.
seungmin only laughs, sinking deep into his chair. he takes his cap off and runs his fingers through his hair. he scoots a little closer to you, then bends the other way to retrieve a little brown paper bag.
"i brought you breakfast." he says, rolling his eyes at the way you pout at him.
"seungmin, you didnt!" you gasp, receiving the tall cup of iced coffee with eager hands.
"i did this for myself, actually." he claims, pulling out some warm bread to share with you. "dont want you grumpy all morning. what time did you come in? you look like shit. no offense."
you shrug, taking a long sip of the cold drink.
"wait, weren't you wearing that last night when i left? y/n.. dont- oh my god, dont tell me you spent the whole night here?"
you stare blankly back at him. "our final exam is in three days."
"do you plan on staying awake until then?" seungmin bites sarcastically, and you kick his chair.
"i have to atleast get a 97 on his exam or else i wont finish his class with high honors." you whine, running your fingers through your hair in frustration.
you're so much like him, seungmin thinks. he, too, is familiar with sacrificing his happiness for a perfect grade. except now he has to work just as hard as you just to pass. the thought leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.
"you have to get some sleep or you wont finish his class at all." he threatens, staring down at you.
you only frown, but you dont need that much convincing, as you're already closing your laptop shut, scooting your chair just that much closer to seungmin's so your arm grazes his.
"wake me up in thirty minutes." you grumble, linking your arm with his and resting your head on his shoulder. he raises it a little to grant you comfort, unbothered by the fact that his arm will inevitably start to tense and ache.
"sweet dreams," he hums, discreetly kissing the top of your head as he pretends to look at the empty chair next to you.
ten minutes pass, and you're already snoring. your fair falls in a mess in front of your face, and seungmin has to hold back from sweeping your hair away in fear that he'd accidentally wake you up. he cant help but feel his chest swell at the feeling of you leaning on him, he feels like a highschooler high with giddiness, trying hard not to vibrate in his seat.
screw the readings, he can barely keep you out of his head. this past month has been an absolute dream to him, spending every waking moment by your side. treating you to almost every single meal, keeping you company as you run your errands, crashing at yours to study and just goof around.
this is how he remembers you- full of life, playful, just a little mischievous. so positively alluring that seungmin feels himself falling in love with you. it hit him like a brick that night you passed out with papers strewn across your bed, your limbs tangling with his. he didnt sleep a wink that night, too busy studying your face. you looked so peaceful, he remembers, burying your face in the crook of his neck and holding him tightly in your sleep.
he looks down at you now, cant stop the smile from spreading across his face. he'll let you sleep for a little longer, he decides. he doesnt care if you get upset with him (you will), you deserve the rest. seungmin's about to finally clear his head of you and actually get some studying done when he locks eyes with a tall blonde from across the room.
god, of all the people.
"oh, hey! seungmin, right? felix's friend?" soobin says in a low voice as he approaches the table.
"yea, soobin right?" stupid fucking name.
"yea. hey- is that y/n?" he nods towards your sleeping figure.
ew. stop looking at her. "oh, yea. she passed out."
"damn, she's really studious, huh? ran into her late last night when she was here all alone." soobin sighs, frowning at you.
seungmin wants to puke at the thought of you spending time alone with soobin. he wants to ask him so many questions like- how long did you talk to her for? what did you guys talk about? how much can i pay you to leave her alone?
"yea, shes hardworking. i admire her for that." seungmin smiles fondly.
"oh... wait- are.. are you guys, like, a thing? or something?" soobin takes a step back and seungmin's breath hitches in his throat.
"cuz if you guys are, i can totally back off, you know?"
seungmin stays silent, weighing his options. he could lie and say you guys were dating, but if you found out, you'd probably hate him and ignore him for the rest of his life and he'd rather die than let that happen. on the other hand, if he tells the truth, soobin would obviously try to pursure you. and he knows you have a little crush on him too.
seungmin bites his lower lip, then shakes his head. "nah, we're just friends." seungmin can feel some bile rise in his throat. not for long, he thinks cockily.
"oh, cool cool. uhm, if you could do me a favor, man? just... i dunno ask her to go to the cafe again this week? maybe i'll work up the courage to ask her out or something." soobin chuckles, cheeks turning a deep red.
seungmin can only nod. finally soobin offers him a small smile and leaves. there's a heavy feeling in seungmin's stomach, almost as if he'd been punched in the gut. he cant even begin to imagine you dating someone else, in fear that he'd just break down right then and there.
its kinda pathetic, really. you're not even his yet and he's already thinking of all the ways he can get soobin to leave you alone. he wants to print a large sign that says "do not approach, angry guard dog will bite" over your head, just to keep everyone else away from you.
god, since when was he this possessive?
he spends the next forty minutes thinking of ways to get you to be his. and when you finally stir awake, the first thing that seungmin says is-
"we should stop going to felix's cafe."
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obviously, you dont listen.
you go to felix's cafe anyways, except you're always alone. seungmin doesn't need to know where you go every thursday afternoon while he's in class, anyways. he never told you why he wanted you to stop coming here, but you have a hunch. a tall, blonde, stupidly handsome hunch.
"y/n!" soobin greets you warmly, leaning over the counter to get a better look at your face.
"hey, soob." your cheeks warm.
you know that nothing is going on between you and seungmin, but you can't help but feel guilty doing exactly the opposite of what he asked of you. but something's shifted the past few days you've been spending with seungmin, almost as if you're seeing each other in this new light. you push this thought to the back of your head like you always do, telling soobin your order and waiting for felix at your booth.
by the time soobin brings the food to you, your phone rings.
fuck. its seungmin.
"hey, my classes ended a little early today. where are you?"
"oh, uhm im-"
oh my god lie faster.
"yea?" you can hear him huffing, obviously walking around campus, probably looking for you.
"at the library." you spit, looking outside the window, frozen with paranoia. lying to him feels so so wrong.
"its wednesday, y/n. library's closed."
oh my fucking god, lie better.
"i went to meet felix." you finally admit, shrinking into your seat.
you hear seungmin sigh. "is he out already?"
"no," you mumble.
"so you're alone?"
you hum.
"im on my way."
he hangs up, and you let out a sigh.
finally, felix barges out from the kitchens and quickly clocks out, throwing his apron over his head and hanging it on the hook by the door. he smiles when he sees you, nearly leaping over the counter to get to you.
"hello, my dear y/n." felix hums, kissing you quickly on the cheek and settling on the booth opposite from you.
"hello, my dear lixie." you hum, pushing a plate of waffles in front of him. "for you, your usual."
felix groans with hunger, fixing his plate with a heavy load of syrup and a huge dollop of butter. "so, how are things? any important new updates this week?"
you shrug, taking a sip of your iced coffee. "nothing new, really..... except, i guess...."
felix hums, urging you to continue.
you let out a deep breath, shaking your head. "i think... i think something's going on between seungmin and i."
you bite the inside of your cheek at felix's reaction, mouth agape as he stares blankly at you. it takes him a moment to process before he finally swallows the food in his mouth and he lets out an evil giggle. "oh, this is... oh, hyunjin owes me so much money!"
"you prick!" you gasp, swatting at felix's arm. "you guys bet on us?"
"well, i mean, come on! it was sooo obvious, i mean, it was only a matter of time, you know?" felix shrugs, cutting up another piece of his waffle.
"no, i do not know!" you squeal, piercing the piece with your fork and stuffing it into your mouth, ignoring your friend's whines of protest. "you guys thought seungmin and i would end up together?"
"well yea, everyone with eyes thought so! come on, y/n. he's looked at you like a lovesick puppy since highschool." felix rolls his eyes. "you guys were always together, and he knew you better than all of us combined. not to mention how lifeless you both were the two years you werent talking. i mean seriously, it was like hanging out with a couple of zombies."
your cheeks warm. "but- im still not even sure of how he feels about me."
"wow. love does make you oblivious as fuck, or whatever they say." felix shakes his head, chugging down his vanilla milkshake before he suddenly remembers something.
"does that mean you're gonna let him help you grade the papers for extra credit?"
you freeze. "what?"
"yea, seungmin said he needs to convince you or else he'd fail, or something. you guys talked about it already, or?"
your breath falters, and your brows furrow. "seungmin's failing a class?"
felix swallows. he cant shake off the feeling that he said something he shouldnt have. but he could never keep a secret from you.
"well- yes. his prof said he needed to convince you to help him get extra credit."
"wait, when was this?" you ask, voice stern.
oh, felix is soooo in deep shit. "uhm, like the day you guys started talking again."
your heart drops to your ass. surely, thats not the whole reason why he was so desperate to talk to you again, right? but you cant shake away the feeling, remembering back to highschool when he'd done almost the exact same thing.
but he promised. he promised it'd be different this time, right?
"seungmin told you that he needed to convince me to let him grade some papers?" you clarify.
"and what did you say?"
"i uhm- i told him to like, turn on his charm or something along those lines."
you scoff in disbelief.
felix is going to hell. "but, that was my advice before i knew it was you! i just... i know seungmin needed some help and he'd do anything to get a good grade so i figured he was extra desperate because he was borderline failing and i was just so shocked and-"
"felix, just stop talking." you mumble, leaning back against the booth.
felix only nods, wringing his hands in nervousness. he opens his mouth to speak, but you shoot him a glare. he falls silent again, nervously gnawing on his bottom lip.
your mind's racing, going 100 miles an hour as you go through every moment youve had with seungmin this past month. obviously, this favor is not the only reason he tried hard to convince you to talk to him again, right?
but theres a small voice inside of you, the one who remembers the harsh pain seungmin caused that's screaming, telling you to cut him off, shut him out before he can hurt you all over again.
by the time seungmin pulls open the glass door, you've made up your mind.
"this is the last time i let you break my heart, kim seungmin." you say firmly, brushing past him.
seungmin can only stand, frozen. his heart drops to his stomach, head going fuzzy as his gaze lands on felix. he opens his mouth to say something, but he cant find the words.
"what did you say?" seungmin asks.
"im sorry, i didnt know, i thought-"
seungmin's rushing out, throwing the door wide open as he runs out into the street. he can feel his heart pumping as he pushes through crowds of people, racing towards you. he can hear his blood rushing, catching sight of your yellow sundress as you're pushing open your apartment building. seungmin's never been a runner, hell, he nearly failed PE in highschool when he was forced to run laps a whole semester. but right now? he feels like the fucking flash.
he yells for you, ignoring the stitch in his side as he manages to somewhat catch up to you. by the time he throws open the heavy metal door to your apartment complex, the elevator doors are closing, your eyes locking with his.
"fuck." seungmin heaves, bending down to rest his hands on his knees. he needs to reach you before you lock him out of your room. he knows how stubborn you can be, you could probably ignore his pleas and incessant knocking for days if you had to.
seungmin gags, shaking his limbs before he bolts up the stairs, taking two steps at a time, pushing his legs to work faster. the backpack on his shoulders is heavy but he could care less. he cant risk losing you again.
sweat flows freely from his forehead by the time he reaches your floor, and by some miracle, he catches you walking down the hall.
"y/n!" he heaves, sliding his bag off his shoulders and leaving it right there in the hall. "please-"
"go away, seungmin." your voice cracks, digging for your keys in your bag.
he shakes his head, jogging up to you before you can close the door in his face. he sticks his shoe in the closing gap, groaning when it gets stuck between your door and the frame.
"what the fuck?" you yell, backing up as seungmin forces his way into your apartment, closing the door behind him.
"no you- you have to hear me out." he's panting, vision going blurry. jesus christ, he was out of shape.
"you want to talk about it?" you challenge, shrugging your coat off and throwing it on the floor.
"yes." he heaves, leaning against the wall.
"okay, lets talk about it. is it true that you wanted to convince me to help you get extra credit?" your hands are crossed in front of you. seungmin's admittedly a little scared.
"yes, but-"
"but what? i wasnt supposed to find out?"
"no! that was before-"
"before what?" you take a step closer, crowding him in.
"before i realized i was in love with you!" seungmin yells, hiding his face in his hands.
you're silent, expression stoic. "you're sick." you whisper, unsure of yourself. your heart is racing, and you take a step back. "dont... dont say that."
"but its the truth!" seungmin's desperate know, tears welling in his eyes. it wasnt supposed to happen like this. he was supposed to take you out, confess his feelings for you properly, but now its all ruined and rushed and- oh, when he gets his hands on lee felix-
"the truth?" you scoff, shaking your head at him. "how am i supposed to believe you? with everything that... that's happened?"
"you're going to have to trust me." seungmin steps forward, hesitant. he can see the doubt in your eyes and it makes him sick. he'd run up 10 flights of stairs if it meant you'd never look at him like that again.
"trust me when i say that i was a fucking fool in highschool for hurting you, and i spend every day thinking about how if i could, i would go back in time to change everything." he takes another step forward, backing you against the door to your bedroom.
"that i wasted two and a half years of my life by not spending them with you, knowing that you were so near me, that i could easily walk up to you but i was too embarrassed, too scared you'd shut me out." seungmin's baring his soul out, but its too late to stop.
"that i thought about you every single day, thought about what could have been if i wasnt so stupid. that ive spent the last few months doing everything i can to prove to you that i would never ever hurt you like that ever again. but with you im just so stupid, i feel like im always doing the wrong things because youre all up in my head taking up all the space and i fucking love that i cant think about anything but you."
you can only stare up at him. you can see the way his gaze flickers away from you, too nervous to maintain eye contact. he reaches out to you, fingers hesitantly brushing against the back of your hand. testing. you pull away from his touch to wipe away the tear that's managed to slip away, clearing your throat. he tilts his head, hands settling firmly on your waist.
"i love you, y/n. please, you have to believe me."
he's waiting for you to say something, anything. he's never poured his heart out like that before, the silence eating away at him as he slowly spirals, overthinking every word he's said.
but then you relax in his hold, pressing your chest subtly against his. and he knows there's hope.
"are you really failing a class?" you whisper, and seungmin can only laugh.
"that's your concern?" he leans down, dragging the tip of his nose against your cheek. he inhales deeply, nuzzling against you.
"well, yes." you gently push him away by the shoulder, looking up at him. "i cant have my boyfriend failing any of his classes."
seungmin smiles, absolutely melting when you wrap your arms around his neck. "oh yea? does that mean you'll let me in on the extra credit?"
"you are on thin, thin ice, seungmin." you warn, reaching up to finally press your lips against his. seungmin absolutely melts, letting out a low groan at your taste. one hand on your waist, seungmin leans into you, reaching behind you to open your bedroom door. you gasp when you lose balance, recovering quickly when seungmin walks you backwards, never once pulling away from you until the back of your knees hit your bed.
you let out a squeal when you fall back, seungmin expertly finding his way in between your legs. "tell me you want me," seungmin commands in between kisses, hands roaming up and down your sides.
"i do. i want you." you breathe, pushing off seungmin's jacket.
"yea?" seungmin hums, pulling back to bunch up your dress until it sits just below your ribcage. he leans back, simply staring down at you with stars in his eyes.
"stop staring at me." you mumble shyly, turning your head to the side.
"dont want to," seungmin hums, quickly throwing his shirt off into a random corner of your room. "ill look at my girl as long as i like." he leans down, capturing your lips with his.
"your girl, hmm?" you hum, smiling as he kisses his way up your stomach, fingers gripping onto the hem of your dress. your breath hitches when his fingers brush against your under boob. he smiles against your skin, looking up at you.
"aren't- arent you going to take my dress off?" you whisper into the air, and seungmin stops his teasing kisses against your hip.
"well, i was going to but then.." he kisses over the fabric, planting a wet kiss in between your breasts before latching onto your neck for a playful bite. "then i thought about how i want to fuck you in it and then take you out to dinner after."
your cheeks grow red, lightly slapping his arm at his vulgarity. "doesnt that sound better, baby?" seungmin hums, playing with the hem of your underwear.
your breath goes shaky as seungmin continues to toy with you, pads of his fingers lightly pressing against your clit from over your underwear, providing the littlest bit of friction, but enough to drive you crazy.
"seungmin, please-"
"please, what?" he teases, hips pressing into your thigh. you can feel him through his sweats, hard and aching against you. he begins to grind against you, gentle enough to tease you and get him off at the same time.
"need you to touch me." you huff, frustrated.
"i am, baby." seungmin chuckles, pads of his fingers pressing against you firmly, trailing down until he teases your entrance, soiling the fabric of your underwear with how wet you are.
"you know what i mean," you whine.
seungmin only hums, lowering his sweats just enough to free his cock. he pulls your underwear to the side, exposing your cunt to the cold air of the room, making you shiver.
"you're so wet, baby. bet i could slide right in, huh?" seungmin teases you with his tip, tapping it firmly against your clit and trailing down to coat himself in you.
"god, just put it in, minnie." you sigh, grabbing at his shoulders.
"minnie?" seungmin smirks, nosing against your jaw. "i like that."
he finally presses in, slowly making sure you feel every inch of him. you wince a bit at the pain, and seungmin notices with a coo. he pulls your hands away from his shoulders to hold against your bed, fingers intertwining with yours.
"i'm sorry, does it hurt?" he coos, slowly pulling out to thrust back in.
"a little, its okay. kiss me."
seungmin obeys, leaning down to kiss you sweetly as he starts at an even pace. he's slow with it, stroking so deep you can feel him in your throat. it feels intimate this way, with his hands in yours, his chest pressed firmly against you. he pants into your mouth, kissing you when you start to moan too loudly.
"tell me you love me." seungmin sighs, resting his forehead against yours.
you nod, "i love you. love you minnie."
seungmin lets out a groan at that, pulling one hand away to sneak in between your bodies, tips of his fingers finding your clit. he starts to move them in circles, your high fast approaching.
"i'm gonna cum," you whine, squeezing his hand.
"cum with me, baby. please," he begs, holding you so tight against him you feel the air knocked out of you with every thrust. you cum with a whine of his name, fingers digging into the back of his hand. his hips stutter before he presses as deep as he can into you, groaning loudly as he mouths at your neck.
you're both sweaty and sticky, but seungmin pays no mind as he collapses completely on top of you, wrapping his limbs around you. he looks up at you when his breathing starts to even, a cheeky grin on his face.
"what," you laugh, pushing him away by the shoulder when he leans in to kiss you.
he loves the sound of your happiness, basking in it as he shifts closer to pull you into his side. you happily comply, ignoring the mess in between your legs in favor of cuddling up to your lover.
"i really do love you." seungmin reassures, and you roll your eyes.
"i love you too. really." you hum, kissing his shoulder. "now clean me up, and dont even think about falling asleep."
seungmin groans, rolling off your bed to reach for a towel to wet. "but we have plenty of time before dinner. we can nap!"
"no, i will nap." seungmin frowns, walking into your bathroom and turning the faucet on.
"and what do you expect me to do?" seungmin says once he returns to the room, eyebrows raised.
"you, will check all the papers left in my bag." seungmin only laughs, leaning down to wipe in between your thighs, careful to get every drop.
"then can we get dinner?" he asks, pout on his lips.
"yes. your treat."
"well, duh."
as you close your eyes and start to drift off to sleep, seungmin only watches, hunched over on your bedroom floor, hundreds of papers scattered in front of him. he prays he'll be able to get it together and pry his eyes away from you to actually get some work done.
he seriously doubts it.
taglist: comment if you want to be added or removed!
@pochamin22 @bee123sthings @ohnocent @hyunchannie017 @r1n4 @heluvschibi @kpop-obsessed-all-the-time @elizalabs3 @uknowme-not @bee123sthings @n034sy
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stvnszlr · 1 year ago
HI! Here to beg u for Steven adhd headcanons
Pls i promise i'll be good this year.
oh my goodness … so um this is something i am like way too passionate about !! im going to seem like the craziest crazy person EVER by sharing this cuz i wrote .… a lot but u guys gotta stick with me okay you’ll see the vision
THANK YOU for asking this btw ! this is one of the things that makes me relate to steven the most ,,>_<,, and i will literally talk abt it anytime
☆ steven adhd hc’s / reasons why i think it’s possible he has adhd ! ☆ ( coming from someone who has a severe combined type adhd diagnosis )
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please note this is all just speculation !! i’ve noticed some connections between his behavior / things he’s spoken about and adhd symptoms , but i am certainly no doctor and the only one who can truly determine any of this is steven himself . these observations are mostly just for my comfort as a neurodivergent person :)
ohhh stevie is a BIG stimmer :) he taps on everything in sight , he also hums a lot and likes to move his body ! bouncing , jumping , flapping , shaking , jiggling , playing with his hair ( i have video evidence sue me >:( )
people often describe him as “twitchy” , randomly making odd movements or sounds that can surprise and confuse those around him
vocal stims , dude . like my man is a parrot he’ll repeat random phrases over and over without thinking about it , just going about his day mumbling the most obscure sentences without even realizing
i’ve also noticed from watching videos he has a big BIG tendency to repeat things other people say !! i think that’s a combo of vocal stimming and also struggling to fit in when making conversation
he has literally confessed to having sensory issues related to taste and texture ??!?!? so i imagine he has them with other things too it’s mostly touch or sound related things that really get to him and can cause overwhelm but honestly anything that catches him at the right time will have him retreating inside himself and blocking everything out , unable to respond cuz he can’t think or listen
also seems to struggle with clothes touching his body ! he is always in loose tank tops and wears a lot of cropped pants / shorts , and has never really worn a lot of accessories unlike his bandmates . this could definitely be attributed to sensory issues , especially hating the feeling of wearing jewelry ( rings especially ) and also makeup on his face
drums !!! poppy loves drumming , it is SUCH a good stimulant for his brain cuz it works muscle memory , gives a dopamine rush , and combines both creative thought with an athletic activity
hyperfixations oh my god he is so bad . so so bad . he’ll pick up something for like a few weeks and dedicate EVERYTHING to it just to never pick it up again
very typical hyperactive type adhd , trouble focusing and sitting still OH MY GOD this man cannot sit normally for the life of him
um hyperfocus also !! drums is prolly his biggest one but if it’s something he’s super tuned into he can just . sit there and mindlessly work on it for HOURS before someone notices and is like hello take a break ??
didn’t like school cuz he always felt like he wasn’t smart , he was actually really interested by some subjects but just couldn’t keep up as a student :/ he also started getting into skating and music which were much better dopamine activities than school so he kinda just . quit ?
part of why his mom kicked him out so young , he was impulsive and reckless and very VERY high energy , easily irritated and his emotions had no filter / couldn’t control them or his actions based on them
this poor kid is so forgetful . he really cannot remember shit and it gets him in trouble a lot ! he’s gotta be reminded by the guys about EVERYTHING and it annoys them to no end , and steven always feels bad cause he wishes he could remember , but for some reason he forgets every time !
it’s where his irritability comes from too , he sometimes flips like a switch and can get really defensive and aggressive . he’ll lash out and turn really angry — not in a super serious way , but it’s the reason he gets in so many little fights with all the other guys , especially axl .
this is also tied in with the rlly strong sense of justice that neurodivergent people feel !! the reason he’d stand up and talk back when everyone else could just let it go
easier to fall into addiction and harder to get out of it . places a vice on his brain , trapping him in dependency on the drugs and making it so much more difficult to quit — why it took him so much longer to get sober than any of the others , even after all his health scares
drugs are also a coping mechanism for sensory issues and that awful , isolating feeling of being built just slightly different than everyone else
UM ???? LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT STEVEN POST GNR + LEAVING THE BAND IS JUST SCREAMING RSD ??? like the abandonment issues built up from his childhood ON TOP of being insanely sensitive to disappointing others / feeling unwanted ?? yeah i fucking understand why he couldn’t let go of it for almost twenty years of his life that’s like the worst possible thing to go through as someone hypersensitive to feelings of rejection bro . oh my god .
rsd also attributes to him being really eager to please especially with friends , and trying to talk himself up and seem cool and on their level and worth keeping around :(
i do also think it is likely that he learned to mask a LOT of his symptoms , of course not all of them ( as we can pretty obviously see in like . any video ever taken of him ) but a lot of the less socially acceptable ones he naturally forced himself to hide :( 
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kaminocasey · 2 years ago
1,2, and/or 11 with Hunter please! Congrats on 700! That's amazing!
Hello, my friend!!! Sorry it took me so damn long!!! I hope this is alright! <3 Thanks for sticking around with me for so long! <3 A/N: This is the LAST of my 700 follower requests haha. I'm literally at 1.3K followers now, if that tells you how behind I am. I'll be posting the masterlist for all of them soon! Thanks to everyone who sent in requests! I appreciate all of you so much!!!
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Angst-ish? Slightly suggestive language. WC: 1K 1. “I’m not going anywhere.” 2. “I think I’m in love with you.” 11. “Keep your eyes on me.”
“Is Omega still over at Lyana’s?” You ask Hunter as you come into the living room. 
“Yeah, she is- Oh. You look nice.” Hunter smiles at you softly, making you go warm all over. “Where are you headed?” 
“I’m just going for a walk.” You shrug, nonchalantly.
“Why do you look so dolled up?” Echo’s voice cuts through the room as he walks in. 
“I’m not dolled up.” You turn to look at him. 
“She’s probably got a date with Yuno.” Wrecker teases.
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes, going warm in the face. “We’re just going down to the beach.” 
Your whole body floods with warmth again as you notice Hunter taking in your sundress, his eyes traveling down your entire body. Why does he have this effect on you? 
“Just don’t get sand in unmentionable places. Believe me, it sucks.” Echo pats you on your shoulder.
“I don’t even want to know how you know that.” You laugh. 
Echo throws you a wink and goes into the kitchen. When you turn around to face Hunter, he looks up from clearly having been looking at your legs. It makes you burn in all the right places. But… Hunter is your sergeant… You’ve been trying to put those feelings aside for a couple years now. Unfortunately, they always seem to creep back up. 
“Alright. I’ll see you guys later.” You start to head to the door, needing to clear your head before you start to dwell on those thoughts.
“Is he here?” Hunter stands up and everyone gives him a weird look.
What is with him tonight? Normally, he’s not so in your business. 
“No, I’m meeting him down at the beach?” You look at Hunter, confused.
Hunter lets out a humorless snort. “He can’t even pick you up? Some guy.”
Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair all look at each other and then exit the room. “What’s your problem?” You ask him, putting your hands on your hips. 
“I just think you could do better than Yuno, is all.” Hunter shrugs. 
Your eyebrows furrow. “You do know it’s none of your business who I spend time with, right?” 
“I… I know that.” Hunter sighs. “I’ve just heard the way Yuno talks about women…”
The realization that he really is just looking out for you hits and you feel the tension drain from your body, unable to be mad at him anymore. You see his shoulders relax as well. 
“You’re sweet to care.” You smile, softly. “Thank you. But… We’re just hanging out. Okay?” 
“Alright.” Hunter sighs. 
You give him one last smile and then head out, making your way down the cobbled stone streets of Pabu, toward the beach. But as you walk, you can’t help but wonder about Hunter. About what was really bothering him. Why the sudden interest in your whereabouts or who you’re hanging out with. Since you’d all found peace after getting Omega, Tech, and Crosshair back, Hunter seemed more relaxed. But now… well. Who knows? 
When you get down to the dock, you don’t see Yuno yet so you sit on the edge and wait, patiently. 
After about forty minutes, you realize Yuno isn’t coming. Which is fine, honestly. Whatever. You didn’t like Yuno that much anyway. But now, you’re embarrassed. Because if Hunter finds out, he’ll probably never let you hear the end of it. 
As if on time, you hear a throat clearing. Turning around, you’re expecting to find Yuno finally showing up, but instead find Hunter. With a sigh, you turn back toward the ocean. 
“He didn’t show. You were right.” You chuckle. 
He quietly sits next to you.
“If you’ve come to say ‘I told you so’, I understand…” You murmur, leaning against the wooden dock post. 
Hunter puts a hand on your shoulder and you look at him, softly. His hands are always so warm and so careful. You’ve lost track of the amount of times you’ve gotten lost in thought over those hands.
“I’m not here to say ‘I told you so’. I’m here because I care about you.” He smiles ever so slightly.
“You care about me…” You look down at your feet dangling over the water. 
“Of course I do.” His hand falls from your shoulder to your own hand that rests between you.
Your chest tightens slightly at his admission.
“I… I more than care about you…” He whispers. 
You look up at him. “What do you mean?” 
He couldn’t mean… There’s no way.
“I think… no… I am… I’m in love with you.” Hunter confesses, taking your hand and holding it.
“You are?” 
“I am. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to tell you… and I completely understand if you don’t feel the same way-” He starts to ramble but you cut him off by quickly capturing his lips with yours, unable to hold back any longer. 
His lips are so soft and feel like home to you, like everything that has happened to you has led right up to this moment. This perfect moment. 
“Does that mean you feel the same?” He chuckles, brushing his thumb across your cheek. 
You laugh. “Yes. Very much so.” 
“Thank the Maker. I was so nervous.” He lets out a soft breathy laugh and you can’t help but grin at him, not minding the continuous fluttering in your stomach. 
“Let’s go home so I can properly cook for you and treat you how you deserve to be treated.” He stands up, offering his hand.
You take it and as you walk back toward home, he doesn’t let go. And as you walk past Yuno and his latest conquest who he seemed to have blown you off for, Hunter tilts your chin up toward him. 
“Hey, keep your eyes on me.” He grins down at you as you continue walking.
“I have no reason to look anywhere else.” You promise him, getting lost in the brown eyes that have been your favorite since the moment they looked your way. 
The moment that you approach the house, your lips are on his again and dinner is momentarily forgotten as he pushes you up against the siding, not ready to let Echo, Crosshair, Tech, or Wrecker ruin the moment yet. 
“I’m never letting you go.” Hunter whispers against your lips.
“Somehow, I’m okay with that.” You laugh softly as your lips find each other again.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @brownstalebread @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms
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mickmundy · 2 years ago
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spy headcanon thread! just some of my personal thoughts and musings about his character :-) enjoy!
starting off by saying that spy is Absolutely Everything to me.. i've put his thread off for so long because i have SO much to say and im afraid i'll leave stuff out BUT we're going to take a Stab at it (😏) and i guess i'll just add more stuff later if i need! As Usual this is just pasted from my twitter so i'm sorry for any wonky formatting issues!
the most important thing to me about spy's character is that it is Varied and can be Contradictory. i say this about all of the mercs tbh but spy is among the Most important given his role/occupation as a spy. he IS A Spy, but he's also Just Some Guy (gender neutral).
spy is a bit dry; very sarcastic, a bit stoic, but he's definitely not heartless. i think he's very "emotionally in-tune" to those around him and prides himself on being able to read a room exceptionally well!
... but just because he knows what people might be thinking doesn't mean he's going to do anything about it! he likes being in the know but seldom ever enjoys interfering; it's best if he keeps out of the fray, or so he tells himself!
that being said, i Do think spy makes exceptions to this rule (which To Me is what makes his character Interesting!).... as we see in expiration date! he spends his "last living days" helping scout become a worthy date for miss pauling!
if he sees someone Floundering or really stuck in some kind of emotional squander, he'll pass by with a hand on the shoulder and a concise, discreet, kind word of advice in their ear and move on. no need for thanks, he's just Sharing an Observation! if you try to thank him, he'll give you a coy look and be like "for what?" but he knows. he's just letting you know you don't need to thank him <3
loves breaking balls. he'll help you if you ask him, but not before he gives you a LOT of shit for it. he'll volunteer himself to help you (even if you tell him you need his Stinking Help!) and he'll roll his eyes and say "ha! you are So helpless! i know you're glad i'm here to see this through with you uUu" LOL
but he will give you genuine insight and Surprisingly Good advice. huh, you didn't know he knew you so well! despite his job as a spy, he'll tell you to be authentic and will encourage you to listen to your instincts.
is an Observer First and an Action-taker second. prioritizes being in the know and likes being in the background (despite how good he is at being in the spotlight!). always thinks before he speaks, very calculated in everything he does!
got wiser with age. when he was younger i think he was quick to save his own skin and thought only about himself. among his first "selfless" acts were running out on scout and his mom to "protect" them, but with the wisdom of hindsight, that wasn't the smartest idea!
firmly believes in the power of respect. seems to have a positive relationship with all of his teammates (yes, even sniper, engineer and pyro lol) and scout's mom, too (regardless of how u see their relationship). tells scout that he has to earn pauling's respect to be worthy of her!
won't hesitate to stick his neck out for/work with people he appreciates. in the comics, he works with (and even prioritizes the safety of) miss pauling, helps sniper, and obviously comforts scout when he's dying in the way that Scout would want to be comforted. good job pops!
which brings me to dadspy... how i love you... i could make an entire other thread about my dadspy thoughts BUT i'll keep it "brief" here. i don't think he ever "treated scout like shit" nor do i think he was abusive to scout's mom or scout. he's just the world's most mediocre absent father to me... KDSKF
i think scout's mom knew What Spy Was and knew that at some point, he'd have to leave her. i think she's a perfectly capable woman who spy is genuinely still in love with (they have an open, long-distance relationship!) and is quite the deadly catch herself! perhaps i'll make a thread on her if that's something people would want....
i don't think she resents spy for running out and i think spy has complicated feelings about running out. he's convinced himself he did it for everyone involved's safety but in hindsight he Does feel a Bit (emphasis on Bit. it's not Earth Shatteringly Dramatic, just a little demon that sneaks up on him now and then...) guilty and tries to "make up for it" by Trying to get along with scout even if it's... not easy LOL. him turning into tom jones when scout died was to comfort scout the way Scout would want, which i think says a lot about spy's character.
however, once scout finds out the truth, i think he tells spy that he shouldn't have lied to him about it ("what kind of dumbass lies to their son on his deathbed! 🧍") and spy's like "ah... i suppose that... was also a mistake." and they smirk/smile at each other.. Road To Forgiveness begins..
also i personally love the running gag that everyone knows that spy is scout's dad (except for scout), not because i think spy would tell all/even some of the mercs but because it's SO obvious that all of them are like "i mean yeah.. doy". extra points if their knowledge Also surprises spy. "WHO TOLD YOU? HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" and the mercs are like ??? "erm... we have eyes...?" LOL
DESPITE being Stoic and Unknowable and Mysterious, he is also Quite the Doofus. one of my favorite and most important thoughts on his character. i think his authentic laugh is his snort laugh and i think that's what made scout's mom fall in love with him... :') has a great sense of humor.
loves playing pranks, causing mischief and being a Smug Cunt. will hide behind his Carefully Crafted Facade, but those who really know him (heavy, scout's mom) can see right through it! teaches scout some of his "best ones" (though not before pranking HIM with them first! it's okay though. scout's a good sport and gives him props LMAO)
a short list of spy's "best ones":
cleaning a glass door REALLY well and tricking the mercs to run into it at full force
oil on the kitchen floor so that anyone who comes running in will slam into the oven that engineer Just Fixed God Dammit! and destroy it
mentos in soda
scout and spy have the "same laugh" when they REALLY start howling. snorting, wheezing.... they sound almost identical. usually if they're laughing THAT hard, the rest of the mercs are looking at them like this >__> (covered in soda, can't get up from the ground because oil, etc)
obviously enjoys literature! language is one of his favorite things, though. loves learning about different dialects, slang, accents and learning the intricacies of grammar, too! likes studying the other mercs for this reason. the base is a fun, mixed bag for him!
the best secret keeper. contrary to popular belief, spy will NOT air your business if it's Serious. he might "let it slip" to medic that sniper sleeps with a stuffed animal, but he won't let anyone know that heavy has ptsd. he likes giving people shit, but not genuinely causing harm!
ah.. breaking balls as a love language.. this is something that i think is shared between spy, scout, and scout's mom. they LOOOOVE to give you shit, but it comes from a loving place. i think a lot of scout and spy's banter in exp date is like this:
it's not actually Insulting to either of them (spy calling scout a failure, scout telling spy to go to hell, etc) and is in fact more like a thing of Endearment. if you know people like this then you know what i'm talking about. idk how else to describe it KSDFKS
he is very girlfailure that thinks he's a girlboss but is actually a girlfailure and is coming to terms with his girlfailing. as i've said, spy isn't heartless. he knows he's made mistakes and knows his job has costed him a lot and now he's trying to reconcile with it. sometimes it's funny, sometimes its angsty!
is a total foodie and has a LOT of opinions about all kinds of cuisine! loves cooking with engineer and pyro (YES i think pyro is an INCREDIBLE chef. they only burn things because it's fun/funny! for the bit. you understand), and heavy has a perfect palette (just a personal hc of mine heh) so he always gets to tag along and taste test! <3
if spy is involved with any of the other mercs, scout's mom knows about it. they're in an open relationship and spy values her just like he'd value any of the mercs in a romantic relationship. she knows all of them and they're all very polite to her (ala like they are with miss pauling), but she quickly surprises them by being snarky and playful like spy and scout! she also doesn't hesitate to begin telling the mercs the most Humiliating Dirt on spy AND scout! HEHEHE
i don't think he'd cheat on her nor do i think he'd bother cheating on any of his partners. he's very open with communication when it comes to his interpersonal relationships (this is ironic to everyone but him because his relationship with his son is currently in shambles). he's good at it when it comes to romantic relationships though!
his love languages are, well, any and all of them! he loves being in love, he's a huge romantic and is not shy about showing it. will absolutely DROWN his partner in gifts and pretty words (that he really does mean!) and so on... perhaps to the point of it being a little overwhelming! at his partner's request, he'll dial it back... but he still loves to spoil his lovers, and THAT is something he WON'T apologize for! >:)
as i touched on earlier, has a good rapport with all of the mercs and pauling. he's patient with soldier and the other mercs hear him out about the bucket list idea (and are all Quietly Amused by how scout promptly ruins that for him. team dynamic ykwim). i think he's the closest with heavy (i'm a spoovy enjoyer), engineer, pyro, and sniper (BUT in kind of a "unique" way. perhaps i'll elaborate) but he enjoys the company of all of the other mercs as well!
is Informed about engineer's, demoman's and medic's research (though not on the levels they are of course) and likes being in the know about things going on around the base. he mostly shares enemy intelligence with these three over anyone else. they talk frequently and Love to gossip (engineer SWEARS its not gossiping but demo and medic are like "no. its gossip!" SKDFKSDF)!
will absolutely always enable you to treat yourself. scout, spy, medic and demo are the KINGS of "go on!! treat yourself!! :D" no matter what it is. if spy sees you really struggling about whether to get something, he'll slip it in with his own purchases and gift it to you later. "this one is from me, so you don't need to worry about compromise. <3"
in battle, he's a bit more sadistic than his teammates; likes making people squirm and is more than capable of getting under your skin. information extraction is part of his job and he treats it as such: Part Of The Job. he doesn't get a LOT of pleasure from hurting others, but he Does enjoy starring in a good revenge tale!
no, i do NOT think the world's most absent father cares about his 30 year old son's sex life nor do i think he's even "fiercely overprotective" of scout just in general. i think he knows scout is a grown man who has to make (and account for) any failures and fumbles he makes in his life. he'll be there with a kind word (and a few snarky ones!) when shit hits the fan, but he's not running around fighting scout's battles for him. scout loves battling too much to let him anyway! LOL
he teaches him things that Spy Himself values (like respect) because he... values it and since spy IS trying to be a bit more of a Dad to scout, it's also a reflection on him (to spy. scout doesn't care or think of it that way). insists on the value of self improvement! (something he himself didn't learn until he was Much Older... but scout doesn't need to know that!)
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twoa-plus · 2 years ago
i mentioned a while ago making a rotai au but i haven’t read rotai in like forever and the idea is still half baked so i’m just gonna throw out everything i have so far and either come up with more ideas bit by bit or take suggestions if u guys have any !! sorry for inactivity in the mc/mcd community btw social anxiety’s been beating my ass lmao
SO. au time. everything in the very beginning of the book is the same, but when archie gets to the top of that weird mountain and finds the orb he’s like “oh those are terrible vibes no thanks” and just Leaves (once the spiders are gone ofc). yes i did just make up this whole au bc i thought it would be funny how can u tell. anyways, no longer having a tribe, he just kinda runs off into the woods and does his own thing. we love a foraging king. also strong independent archie supremacy (i’ve always headcanoned him as an adult and a pretty competent one at that, just wanna play around w/ the idea of him being left alone for once). does he have funky animal friends? what weapons does he use? has he figured out agriculture? who knows! certainly not i
someone else gets the orb. is it thord, is a walda, is it goddamn karl, i have no idea. either way bad things happen and must be stopped but archie doesn’t really care he’s just chilling
at some point this random hero comes across him and, being the weirdo she is, is like “oh look. a lone illager. youre my friend now :)”. if anyone remembers me posting violet in the discord server this is her BUT i wanna change her name bc there’s already a lot of cool canon and fanon characters w/ v names and i don’t wanna like. copy anyone lmao. anyways she’s like “surely u have to be lonely out here :(“ and he’s like “no actually i’m pretty alright” and she’s like “nah. we’re leaving :)” and that’s that. he does go back to his weird little treehouse or whatever eventually i just like the idea of him getting dragged around against his will to help fight against evil or whatever LMAO. definitely the most helpful of the protags here in terms of combat skills (again. competent archie supremacy. they never said he was bad at fighting he just didn’t like it), but the whole time he’s just like “yes i am going to teach you how to use a sword and yes i am going to hate every second of it. die” (they are besties)
third protag is yumi bc i like her. hero drags archie to the closest village she can find, archie nearly gets sent into the stratosphere by an iron golem, and yumi comes out like “sorry broski my bad lol”. somehow she ends up agreeing to help them idk why i haven’t thought abt it that much (she is insanely difficult for me to write i still do not even have a consistent design for her). “isn’t violence against, like, villager code or whatever?” “well, technically, I’M not the one doing the violence-” *gestures vaguely to army of iron golems*
anyways that’s pretty much it. world’s bravest villager, illager who Does Not Want To Be Here, and a hero who has no clue what she’s doing, bless her soul
if anyone has suggestions lemme know lol. also i wanna make it more fantasy-ish bc i love fantasy so dw abt sticking to canon worldbuilding. this is all for funsies i have zero prior storytelling experience lmao
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lqfiles · 1 year ago
heyy uhm thjs is my first time sending these kind of things and i js wanted to say that i really really reallyyyyy love stg, i've been reading it since chapter 10ish? but started following at about 20ish (srry abt that) and ik it doesn't mean much coming from an anonymous person but it makes me very happy (and PROUD) to see how many people are reading it now and how many asks you get :) overall im js immensely proud of you and your work
again ik it does not mean much coming from an anon but still you have no idea how great my days get when i get notis from your acc replying to questions or anons (cause i've figured it usually mean that you'll upload another chapter) ANYWAYS i've been struggling a LOT these few months, and one of the only things I seriously look up to is stg, so again, thank you SO so much :(
you don't even have to reply to this or anything (bc tbh i wouldn't know what to say either lol) but i would appreciate it if you could at least read it and know just how much power your ideas and writing actually have <3
also not sure if 50 was the last chapter (?) i was planning on writing smth like this when the smau ended BUT ITS WHATEVER RLLY !! anyways i will never be able to thank u enough for taking your time in this and genuinely putting effort and feelings on it, you are amazing !!
also im from Chile so idk if i made any mistakes while typing this… whatever i'll make sure to support you through each and every work of yours from now on ! take care <333
(god this was a little long IM SORRY again you don't have to reply to this i js hope u read it and know just how capable and dedicated you are and how happy you can make other people iwnsnsks <3)
anon you actually made me tear up wthh :(( LONG ANSWER INCOMING……
i think this is the best thing i could’ve been told and hear, and the fact that it’s anonymous doesn’t change how much your words mean to me trust me. i honestly wasn’t sure how commited i’d be to this smau since i never have managed to finish a slow burn ideas because of the lack of creativity. but i think the fact that you still kept up from such an early chapter (when i remember pointing out that i’m really just writing this without a full plot yet multiple times) is endearing and don’t worry, i don’t take it to heart that you didn’t follow me immediately loll, for all you knew this could’ve been the shittiest piece of writing and then you’d have to just unfollow lmaooo. also i think it’s cute that those who have kept up from early on until now have witnessed with me the growth of this series and the support on it 😭 i remember when 70 notes in day alone excited me and would get giddy by getting a SINGLE ask hsjdjdjd and now i’ve had chapters with 400 notes and get 10+ asks ??? i didn’t even really dwell on it that you guys who have been ogs too have seen the growth too :(( i think it’s quite funny, because last year, i rarely got any asks and barely checked on this account except for posting some drabbles here and there, and didn’t even speak to any mutuals, i remember i told myself i’d keep this a writing blog only without interacting much at all but ever since stg i’m surprised by the amount of mutuals i’ve made and how many people are really perceiving my account AND how interactive i’ve been even tho i’d usually log out immediately after posting something lmaoo! it’s cute and i appreciate you for sticking around and being proud of me !!! it honestly catches me off guard when some of you say that stg is the highlight of your day or how much you love it or how it has inspired you to start writing yourself, because i can’t comprehend myself being influential like that at ALL 😭😭 but at the same time it warms my heart every time because it makes me feel useful…? i like seeing people happy and feel inspired by something i did so seeing people be so happy of a mere chapter really does make me smile :) i’m sorry to hear that life is hard on you, but again it means a lot to me knowing stg DOES affect your day positively (can’t believe we’ll be reaching the end tho..)
this wasn’t the last chapter, i got two more and then some bonus chapters so i hope you’ll enjoy them and my future work as well anon <33 i’ll continue to pour my effort and feelings into my writing love you and thank you for making time to write this !!!
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dollfaceksj · 1 year ago
Clover, I just wanna say that out of all the authors whose fics i read on this app and those that I follow, you are one of the very few who actually takes the time to reply to almost all your feedback and asks.
You are also the only one who tries their best to update regularly and still give us the best quality work. No hate to any other authors (life does get in the way and can be very difficult), but some of them leave their fics unattended with no update for months and even years, while you are here always trying your best to give us so many updates every week. So people on this app calling you rude for no reason is absolutely unreasonable and pathetic of them.
Just thought I should tell you this :) I'm also so glad that you said you won't let this get to you because you really shouldn't ❤️ Just remember that you have so many of us who love your work and never feel pressurized by these people who clearly have no life.
Love you<3💜
You are the best ✨️
thank u so much.
i think unless you actually start writing stories and posting them, you won’t really understand what it’s like. there are times where you actively want to work on your stories and you write thousands and thousands of words in one sitting but there are times when you open up the document containing a wip and just close it immediately after and you do so for months.
we’re humans. it happens.
i do try to post regularly because i really do enjoy sharing my ideas and stories with you guys and i love to see the reactions and feedback from you guys but there are times when even logging on is hard to do.
i really appreciate you guys sticking around and wanting more, trust me, it’s flattering! but at the same time, constantly asking for an update is just not the way to go about it. i’d rather you tell me your thoughts, predictions, theories to make the time pass faster than just dropping by to ask me when i’m gonna post an update.
reading about your thoughts and predictions and theories motivates me to write more! being constantly asked when i’m gonna update (especially when the last update was barely a week ago) can be exhausting.
thank you for taking the time to tell me these things, anon! so sweet of you <3
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incendiobrock · 4 years ago
The Witches Forest
Request: heyy idk if u do requests but if u aree then can you do one where the reader is a witch and is dating colby so she goes on one of the haunted trips w them and does some reading idkk you can end it however you like <33 tyy! 
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this! I loosely based this imagine off the witches forest video on the Sam and Colby channel but instead of the witch from the video giving the reading it was y/n, and instead of Colby getting lost in the forest it was y/n. Hope you enjoy! Also this was loosely inspired by an imagine I read by @annab-nana you can read it here!
Warnings: sexual joke (I think that’s it)
It was a typical day with the trap boys. Your boyfriend Colby had finally convinced you to go on a haunted trip with them. The only reason you had agreed was because he had promised you, and Corey, that there wouldn’t be any seances. You would all be going to just spend the night there, not summon anything.
In fact, Sam was planning on doing a cleansing ritual that he had done some research on. So, you agreed. You were always super worried about the boys and the trouble that they would find themselves in, especially with demonic entities and spirits. 
One of the other reasons you had agreed to do the video with them was because you knew that the fans have been begging for you to make an appearance. Colby got tweets and comments daily about his “witchy girlfriend” joining in on a haunted overnight video. All the fans knew that you were super into crystals, and tarot cards, and different herbs, and just about anything that you believed would help protect you and connect you to the world of spirituality.
So here you were, sitting in front of the camera, Colby right by your side, his ring clad hand holding onto your thigh, as the rest of the guys surrounded the table. “Okay, who’s ready for the reading?” You questioned, looking around the table. Everyone nodded and agreed to begin. You passed the tarot deck to each of the boys, instructing them to shuffle the deck while thinking of their intention for the trip to The Witches Forest. Everyone did as told and passed the deck back to you, you were the last to shuffle.
“Alright, so I’m going to pick the top three cards and then we can go over what they each mean for us, and for the trip we are about to go on.” You stated, gently flipping over the top three cards, The Tower, The Nine of Swords, and the card of Death.
You felt the room tense as they all read the cards chosen. “It’s not bad.” You said, trying to calm everyone’s nerves. “Uh- I don’t know about you but a card that says death seems pretty bad to me.” Corey said, laughing out of fear.
“Yeah babe, what does that mean besides ‘we are going to die?’” Colby air quoted the last part. “Will you guys just give me a minute to explain it?” You laughed at your boyfriends face as his eyebrows remained scrunched on his forehead, looking desperately at you for answers. You went on to explain that death could signify the “death” of an era and the beginning of something new. The Nine of Swords means that their own thoughts can weigh them down, or cause a feeling of darkness, and The Tower means danger, chaos, but also liberation. 
“See, so nothing is necessarily bad. It actually seems like this might be good for you guys, especially since we are planning on doing the fire ritual too. That way you can begin a new journey and have a nice cleansed path before the next moon cycle begins.” You stated, leaning your head on Colby’s shoulder and cuddling into his side. He placed a short kiss onto your forehead taking hold of your hand, “Alright so let’s get on the road we don’t want it to get too dark before we set up the tent, plus it’s about an hour drive.” Colby said to the group, still holding your hand as you both stood up to go get into the car.
About an hour later you had all arrived at the forest. Colby had parked the car a little off the dirt path in a small clearing between the trees. You were happy to get out of the car to stretch after having to sit between Jake and Corey in the backseat. You brought along a small backpack of stuff like a water, first aid kit, a flashlight, and most importantly some crystals that offer protection. You took out the small ziploc with the crystal and began to give one to each of the boys, telling them to keep their crystal in their pockets for protection. 
Sam had asked you to explain to the camera what all you had brought so you showed him the black tourmaline, amethyst, and the obsidian, saying that they each offered protection and grounding properties. “Alright, now that we got our protection rocks let’s go pitch the tent we will be staying in all night.” Sam said, shutting off the camera. You all stood around trying to help as Colby did most of the work putting the tent together. You were impressed with his skills, never knowing that he could set up a tent with little to no instruction.
“Dang brother, those Cub Scout skills are really showing right now.” Jake joked, sticking the last spoke into the dirt. “Thanks brother, you know I’m skilled with these hands.” Colby responded, sending a wink in your direction. Your cheeks heated up as a small laugh escaped from your mouth. Leave it to Colby to make a sexual joke that makes the guys cringe. 
After a little exploring all together, and almost losing the location of the tent, you had all decided it was time to start the fire ritual. You were glued closely to Colby’s side, hearing a lot of motion within the trees. “Once we get the fire going maybe we will feel better, the light and heat should scare off any animals that are near.” Sam said grabbing the fire bucket that he had brought for this ritual.
Colby lit the fire and you all sat around in camping chairs. “We should’ve brought s’mores bro.” Corey said, trying to alleviate some of his fear. You agreed with him because you knew you felt the same fear as him at the moment. Sam explained what was going to happen with the fire ritual and passed out the objects that everyone was going to be throwing into the fire, in hopes to release any possible spirits that were attached to them. As soon as you guys started to watch the stuff burn Colby flew back, falling with his camping chair.
“Did you guys see that! Right there! Right behind Jake! Sam? Did you see it, it was like a shadow and it moved super fast right behind Jake’s head.” Colby yelled, standing quickly off the ground and shining a flashlight in that direction. “I saw that too!” You said, abandoning your camping chair as well. Colby took hold of the camera and began walking away from the fire and towards the trail. “Colby! Wait for us bro you can’t go alone!” Sam yelled out, chasing after him. “I have to go, I know I saw something I need to see where it’s going before it gets away, I wanna capture it on camera!” Colby said.
“Someone has to stay by the fire we can’t all leave! Jake you stay here with Corey and we will go investigate.” Sam instructed, but Jake hesitated wanting to go too. Corey ended up agreeing on staying by the fire so you three could keep up with Colby who was still walking quickly away from the group. You thanked Corey, worried that your boyfriend would get too far ahead of everyone. You began to jog to the path, already extremely behind the others because of the sudden panic. 
You turned onto the dirt path and didn’t see any of the three boys, but could barely make out their voices in the distance. You began to jog down the path, heading to the left. You had felt like you were getting closer to them but their voices still remained faint and incoherent. You knew that Sam had yelled for everyone to stay on the path in order to avoid getting lost so you kept jogging further and further into the forest, away from the fire where Corey sat.
You slowed to a walk, shining your flashlight all around, hearing tons of branches snapping and rustling. You suddenly felt very alert, almost as if something was watching you. You felt the panic really set in as it became harder and harder for you to catch your breath. “Colby!” You yelled. “Colby! Sam! Jake! Corey!”  You knew you had made a mistake going this far down the path. “Hello?! Can anyone hear me!” You heard a scream off in the distance making your eyes basically bulge out of your head. You turned sharply towards the direction of the noise, shining your flashlight out in front of your face. Your hands were trembling, shaking the light violently. Not only was it freezing out, but you were terrified of what was out there.
You began running back the opposite direction of the trail, your breath almost nonexistent at this point, but you were determined to make it back to the tent. You heaved, feet stomping away at the dirt path beneath. After what felt like a century, you saw the distant glow of the fire. You ran, the victory of reuniting with the boys fueling your return. The fire was now in clear sight as well as the figures of the four boys you were so anxious to see. The noise of you approaching causing them all to turn and look at you. 
You practically leapt into Colby’s arms, tears pouring down your face as you wrapped tightly around his torso. His hand found its way straight to your hair, pulling you as close as he could to his body, swaying you side to side. “Oh my god, baby. Where were you? I was so worried! I thought I had lost you.” He said quietly, running his fingers through your hair trying to soothe your crying. “I-I was running after you a-and then I got lost. I heard a s-scream, I’m so scared.” You sobbed, never wanting Colby to let go of you.
“We looked all over, we were calling your name like crazy but Jake said we should come and wait by the fire incase you came back. We didn’t want to keep moving further away from you on accident.” Sam said, standing closely near you and Colby. 
“Can we please go? I don’t think I want to be here anymore.” You pleaded, looking into Colby’s eyes as his delicate fingers helped to wipe away your tears. “Yes, of course. I love you, I’m so glad you’re safe. Let’s head to the back up plan, the cabin.” Colby said, directing the last sentence to the boys. You nodded gratefully, making your way into Colby’s car while Jake, Corey, and Sam packed up the mess. 
The night was getting foggier as you pulled into the driveway of Jenna’s cabin. You felt relief rush over you, knowing that you wouldn’t have to spend another second in the Witches Forest. You all got out of the car and huddled by the front door, rain beginning to pour down. Sam took off his backpack digging through it to find the spare key Jenna had lent him. “Uh, Colby did I give you the key earlier?” Sam asked. Colby let go of your hand and patted his pockets down, “No I don’t think I have it. Is it in your pockets?” He responded, recapturing your hand in his, knowing that you were still shaken up about getting lost. Sam flipped his jean pockets inside out, no key to be found. He began pulling everything out of his backpack, searching deep into the bag for the key.
“Let’s go back into the car maybe I left it in there.” Sam said, heading straight back to Colby’s car. You all got back in as the rain continued to pour, Sam searching every inch of the vehicle. “I can’t believe you lost the key Sam, first Y/n goes missing and now this?” Jake says from the backseat, obviously frustrated. “It’s not all my fault okay? You think I meant to lose the key?” Sam snapped back, the tension in the car rising. 
After a lot of searching, the key was no where to be found. Much to your dismay, you had to go back to the tent in the depths of the forest. You all huddle into the blue tent, slipping into your sleeping bags. It was only a few more hours until daylight, a few more hours before the suffering would end.
“I’m not going to let anything hurt you. I lost you once tonight and it was the scariest moment of my life. It’s not going to happen again, I promise.” Colby vowed, pulling you into his chest. You smiled at his kind words, despite how scared you were he always knew how to make you feel safe. “Thank you Colby, I love you so much.” You responded, nuzzling further into his chest. “I love you, to new beginnings.” He chuckled, referencing the tarot reading from earlier. “To new beginnings.” You agreed, sealing the deal with a kiss on the lips.
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tulsa-trash · 4 years ago
I usually don’t read the outsiders fanfiction but yours is so good that I can’t resist! just dropping by to say that + I hope you’re doing well and may I request a Dallas Winston fluffy headcanon/imagine? thank u so so much
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I’m doing great! Hope you’re doing good as well :D thanks for reading!
WARNING(S): Mentions of violence, swearing
Most teenagers would be thrilled if they got their house all to themselves for a weekend, but not you. Being alone in your big, empty house frightened you quite a bit. Especially when you were curled up on your couch watching a scary movie with all of the lights off. 
You found yourself cowering deeper into the blanket you had covering your body, the movie was now at a very intense scene. The killer was slowly sneaking behind his victim, the music getting louder and louder with every step he took. He grabbed the women and stabbed her in the chest, a shrill cry erupted from the TV just as you heard a loud bang come from your front door. 
"AHH!" You cried out. 
"Y/N?" A muffled voice called for you.
With shaking legs you got up off the couch and turned the lights back on, you sent the black and white television a dirty look.
"Ugh, why did I even watch that in the first place." You scolded yourself. 
More banging came from the front door, you glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. Who could possibly be knocking at your door this late at night? You grabbed the fire poker from near the fireplace and tiptoed to the front hallway. 
"W-Who is it?" You asked while readying your weapon by holding it up above your shoulder.
"For cryin' out loud, its Dallas! Open the door!"
You sighed in relief and unlocked the door for your boyfriend. You could barely make out his tall silhouette, it was too dark. He quickly brushed past you without saying a word. You rolled your eyes and closed the door behind him, locking it in the process. When you turned, Dallas was no where in sight.
You walked up to your bathroom door and waited for him to get out. 
"The hell is all the screamin' about? I could hear you wailin' all the way from down the street." He said from the other side of the door.
"Yeah... About that..." You face palmed yourself and shook your head. "I was just watchin' a scary movie. The girl was yellin' a lot."
His signature, taunting laugh sounded out, "Yeah babe, sure it was the TV."
You lightly kicked the door, "Well it is really scary, Dal. Now would ya come out already? You haven’t even told me why you’re here."
The door swung open, revealing the smug and cocky Dallas Winston you've come to know so well. Only he had a fresh busted lip, a swelling black eye, and a unlit cigarette dangling from his lips.
"What the hell happened to you?" You asked him worriedly. 
“Since when do I need a reason to come see my girl?” He ignored your question and lit his cigarette.
“Dallas.” You whined. 
"The other guy looks worse, trust me... why do you have a fire poker?"
You groaned loudly and decided not to answer that question. You grabbed his hand and lead him to the living room, forcing him to sit on the couch.
 "That desperate to start foolin' around, huh Y/N?" He teased suggestively whilst grabbing your hips.
You aggressively pushed his hands away before returning the fire poker to it's stand. You then rushed to the bathroom to get your first aid kit from under the sink. Upon your return he was casually leaned back on the couch, exhaling a big cloud of smoke. 
"No smoking in the house." You scolded before snatching the cancer stick out of his mouth. You crossed the room to your father’s ash tray and put it out. 
"Why are you still actin' like a goody two shoes? Your parents ain't even around." He huffed.
"Well maybe I don't want them to come back to the house smellin' like smoke!" You sassed. “They’ll think it was me and they’ll skin me alive.”
You made your way back to him and handed him his half-smoked weed, he took it and placed it back in his carton. As you cleaned his wounds, Dallas went on and on about how good the fight was and how he beat the guy senseless. Once you got to cleaning up his knuckles he was going into detail about how messed up the guys face was, which made you sick to your stomach.
"Dal." You finally cut him off. "All of these details yet you still failed to tell me why you even got into a fight in the first place."
"Ah, that ain't important." He shrugged. 
"Yes it is." You insisted. "I know you love fightin' but I highly doubt you almost killed this guy just for the hell of it."
There was a moment of silence that fell between the two of you, you glanced up from his hands to look at him. He was blankly staring at the wall, expressionless. He was good at that, hiding everything he was thinking or feeling. But you knew better.
"Dallas." You said his name softly, making him turn back to you. "Why?"
"The guy was talkin' about ya." He confessed. "There. You happy now?"
"What do you mean he was talkin' about me?"
"I'm not gonna tell you every f*cking thing he said, man. I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him get away with it." He spat.
"Were you jealous or somethin'?" You asked. 
He rolled his eyes, "The guy was disrespectin' ya, babe. Obviously I wasn't gonna sit there and listen to it."
You placed the first aid kit on the end table then climbed up onto his lap, straddling his waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a light kiss on his bruised cheek.
"You're not mad?" Confusion was laced into his deep voice.
You leaned your head on his shoulder, "No, I'm not."
You felt his hands rest on the small of your back, making goosebumps flood over your entire body.That was always your natural reaction to any of his soft gestures, you cherished these moments as if it would be the last time he'd do it.
"Thank you."
"Thank you, Dal. I don't know what those boys were saying about me but I'm glad you stuck up for me." You told him sincerely.
"Jeez, kid. Don't get all sappy on me now." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
You lifted your head up from his shoulder to look at him, raising one eyebrow. "Sappy? Let's not forget you were the one that got into fist fight over me."
Dallas snickered, "Gettin' all cocky now, huh?"
You nodded your head, "What can I say, its not everyday a girl got the ‘Big ‘Ol Bad’ Dallas Winston wrapped around her finger."
"Oh really?" He raised his thick eyebrows.
"Yeah, really!" 
He swiftly threw you off of his lap, making you land on your back beside him on the couch. You began to laugh hysterically, one hand holding your stomach while the other tried to cover the loud guffaws leaving your mouth. Dallas got on top of you and pinned both of your arms on either side of your head.
"Y-You were jealous!" You sputtered.
"Was not." He grumbled.
"Were too!" 
He sighed and let go of your arms, you giggled as you looked up into his dark brown eyes. "Don't tell the gang."
"No promises."
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finelinevogue · 4 years ago
hii im so sorry to bother, i’m trying to find a fic where harry and reader are best friends and its about how he wrote fine line for her and they listen to it together for the first time?? sorry again it’s ok if u don’t want to answer!!
hi i’m really bad at finding fics for people but maybe ask like a fic rec account idk?? i decided to write my own for you, though, in case you never find the others again!! i’m not sure whether it’ll be as good as the others but i enjoyed writing it;
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Harry was really fucking nervous.
You were currently setting yourself up on the couch, along with Mitch, Jeff, Tyler and Kid, about to listen to Harry’s album for the first time. You were tucked on an arm chair by yourself and had a blanket draped over your body to keep you warm. The rest of the guys were on the L-shaped sofa, passing out beers between them. This was such a big day for Harry, because he would get to see you listen to his heart and soul through Fine Line.
This past year had been really hard for him, what with losing a relationship with Camille Rowe. Despite what had gone down between the two of them you thought that she hadn’t been a good person for Harry to be around, but that might be your jealous-ego speaking a bit too loudly. Jealous, because he had given his heart to someone that wasn’t you when your heart was waiting for him. Jealous, because you loved him so much and yet you were his best friend. You knew exactly who and what this album was going to be about, and it pained you that you’d have to lie about whether you were okay listening to it.
You weren’t, but you were his best friend so you had to be.
“Corona or San Miguel H?” Mitch asked Harry, from where he was setting up the audio features in his house so he could bluetooth his phone to the ceiling speakers. He was going to put those bloomin’ speakers to use since he paid a legs worth to install them.
“Don’t mind, Mitchy.” He shouted back and you smiled at the simpleness of this whole situation.
You loved getting to see Harry in his real life. He was so soft and comfortable with the people around him and you were honoured that you got to be one of the people to see him like this. You were his best friend after-all, so he’d want no one else by his side but you. You calmed him and grounded him when he needed it most and he owed a lot of his success to you, that’s why he was letting you listen to the first run-through of the final product. That, and he wanted his inspiration to hear how’d you’d impacted him.
“Y/N?” Mitch held up both bottles of beer and was silently asking you to choose.
“I’ll just stick to my cuppa tea, thanks Itch.” Don’t ask why you called him ‘Itch’, but you just did and it had stuck. He liked that he’d been given a nickname though - one different from anyone else.
Harry came into the room, beaming with happiness. He was wearing cream coloured pants with a blue and white striped shirt, an added bandana around his neck for good measure. He wore bright pink socks on his feet and had his sunglasses tucked into his hair as always. He looked just like your Harry from 18 years ago, but just with a beard, a tan and tattoos. He was still yours, even if he didn’t quite see that.
He walked past Mitch to claim his beer and thanked him along the way. You thought he was going to sit with his buddies, but he came over to sit with his best buddy instead.
“Up.” He demanded of you, making a grabby hand as if that was miraculously going to make you get up. You didn’t question him and just did as you were told, gripping the blanket still around you. Harry tucked himself onto the chair that you’d just been sat on and then pulled at your waist for you to sit back down, on his lap this time.
This, right here in this moment, is the reason why people often mistook you for being a couple. Not that you complained or corrected when they did.
“I’m not squishing you am I?” You asked, tilting your head to the side to catch his pretty face.
“No, not at all love.” He smiled at you, before turning back to the rest of the room - no matter how hard that might’ve been for him. He’d pick looking at you all day, every day, over anything, but he was so oblivious to you feeling exactly the same way that he didn’t want to seem like a creep - you, likewise.
“Ready for this H?” Tyler asked, his long jesus-hair reminding you of what Mitch’s used to be - what Harry’s used to be.
“Wonder what the trumpets on Watermelon Sugar are gonna sound like?” Kid asked, knowing how badly Harry had wanted to add trumpets to the song but had never stayed around long enough to actually hear them be added. He was in for a treat.
“You named a song Watermelon Sugar?” You chuckled at him and Harry frowned at how you were so quick to tease him, before even listening to the song.
He poked your side with his free hand - you knew this was a bad idea sitting in his lap.
“Oi no more spoilers, otherwise this one is never gonna want to make me play it out loud.” He spoke to the wider group, still tickling his fingers into your side like the wanker that he was.
You huffed and grabbed his sunglasses off his head and placing them on your face, covering your eyes over. They had an orange tint to them and it was trippy to see the world a little more burnt. Harry was quick to whip them back off your face, nearly poking out your eye in the process, and putting them bad on his messy head of hair.
“Woah! I looked good in them too, dickhead.” You scoffed at him, bringing your mug of tea up to drink.
“Yeah, but I wanna see your face when you listen to m’songs.” He replied, the tea steaming up your face a bit - or was it him?
“God, that’s a lot of pressure.”
“Only 12 songs.”
“I don’t have enough facial expressions to get me through 12 songs.” You tried to joke, putting him at ease because you could tell that he was becoming very nervous over the fact that he was showing you his most treasured baby.
“Just promise me you’ll tell me if y’hate something.” Harry made it clear that your opinion was his most important from the start of this project, and he needed it now more than ever. You’d only been let in the studio to head clips of some of the melodies and Harry would sometimes ask you for words that rhymed with other words, but you hadn’t fully heard any songs and you certainly hadn’t heard the album in full. It was both exciting and terrifying.
“Could never hate anything you produce, sunshine.” You turned to smile at him, tuning out the conversations that the other lads were having in the room.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Harry spoke sincerely, looking deep into your eyes to convey that he really meant it.
“For what?”
“For just being here. For supporting me. I feel like I don’t thank you enough for everything you do for me and have done for me, so thank you.” You choked up a bit over his words, finding your heart tighten and expand at how precious he was. He always managed to find ways to make your heart take more of him.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything.” You shook your head at him like he was being silly.
“I do, so will you just humour me and take the gesture?”
You had to turn away from him, otherwise he would see your tears in your eyes and you didn’t want him to see them. At least not yet. You didn’t want him to think you were so overly emotional just because of some little words he said to you, however much they weren’t just little words to you.
“Ready?” Jeff asked, before he could press play on the phone that held the album on. A phone that had been purchased specifically for the album and had no trace to Harrys phone or anything, for the protection against it being hacked.
There were a few nods of heads and a couple of yes’, but you just focused on Harry’s words; “This is for you.”
You couldn’t get any words in before the introduction to the first started playing. It started off as some sort of piano and cymbal playing that made you almost want to get out of chair an start tapping your foot. You jolted back as the prime of the song started, making Harry chuckle at your reaction. The song made your feel so happy and all you’d heard was melodies.
“Oh I loved making this one!” Mitch exclaimed, shooting back a sip of his drink. Everyone looked really happy over this song and so you couldn’t help but smile too.
“Let me guess, Golden?” You asked.
“Mhm.” Harry nodded, proud of you for guessing right.
The lyrics were so well written and they fit the melody so well. It was such a happy and upbeat song, but you could hear the sadness behind the lyrics. His pitch was perfect and the way he complimented his own voice was beautiful. The bridge sounded like a little fairy dance and it made you dance a bit - it was just so catchy.
“Damn that guitar though Mitch!” Tyler shouted above the noise, praising Mitch’s skill on the guitar. He was a beast.
“Oh man this song is just so good!” Kid exclaimed, tapping his hands away on his leg to the song.
When you felt the song come to an end, the lyrics fading out and the tinkering of the cymbal continuing you felt so elated. That was such a go-happy song and if that was only the start of the album, you couldn’t wait to hear what else was to come. You felt Harry’s gaze on you and you just had to look at him. He was looking at you with nervous anticipation.
“Put me outta my misery already.” He said and bit his lip, waiting to hear what you had to say.
“I think that you’re so golden.” You smiled and he knew, no matter how cornily, that you had loved the song.
“Hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
No, he didn’t.
You looked at him again, knowing what he was thinking and feeling so engaged by his love in that moment. You wanted to learn the meaning behind the song and all the rest you’d get to hear. You were desperate to understand the way he felt whilst writing the songs and listen to the story that went along with the lyrics. He was a very private man, but for you he was so open. It made you think about the lyric in Golden; ‘I know that you’re scared because i’m so open’ and how it fitted perfectly to your relationship with him, which got you thinking more about the lyrics and what the song meant to him.
“Fuck, Harry, that was such a buzz!” Jeff shouted, breaking the moment between you and Harry. You looked away from him, after scrutinising every minute detail on his face, and coughed under your breath ready to listen to the next song.
“Yeah, thanks man.” Harry chuckled, only thinking about the last minute he’d spent looking into your eyes and your beauty and how much you truly meant to him. It was like he needed listening to his new music, which some was written about you, with you to make him understand the importance and significance of you in his life - to him.
He needed you more than a best friend. Want wasn’t a part of it anymore.
“Watermelon Sugar?” Jeff teased.
“Let’s have it!” Tyler replied.
“So excited to hear this trumpets, bro.” Kid spoke quieter now as the song began to play. It was so magical getting to see people so infatuated with music, like it was a passion within their soul. It made you want to learn and understand it all more. You wanted to under Harry’s world that bit more.
Another happy-feels kind of song.
“This is cute.” You told him.
“Cute, yet highly erotic.” He corrected you, making you shoot your head to watch him drink a sip of his beer.
“What?” You laughed.
“Just listen, y’pest.”
And you did. Fuck, he was right. This song was more than the strawberry picnic it sounded like it should be about. It wasn’t talking about the strawberries on the summer evening, it was about what pussy tasted like on a summer evening and how it tasted like strawberries. Watermelons too. It was about the euphoric pleasures of giving head and receiving it too. Harry’s lyrics sounded like he was starved for this kind of pleasure. He’d never wanted to taste something so badly.
It reminded you of the picnic you’d had with him. It had been around the end of june, beginning of July, and you were back in Holmes Chapel to see friends and family. He’d taken a picnic for you both and you’d gone to sit by a stream to eat it. It had been such a beautiful day. Full of laughter, watermelon and strawberries— My god. He was painting a picture of this exact evening through music. You wiggled in your posture, trying to ignore the feeling of your pussy heating up at the thought of Harry having such erotic thoughts over you. Had he really thought about what you tasted like? And wrote it in a fucking song to tell the whole world?
“Is this…” You couldn’t even finish the question. Hell, you didn’t even know what the question really was.
“You’re pretty darn good for inspiration Y/N.” He whispered in your ear, trying to make sure you didn’t run your arse over the stiffie he was now sporting in his trousers.
“Guess I can’t tease the song anymore.” You whispered back, earning a private low chuckle from the boy you were dying to make yours behind you. You were only two songs into listening to his album, yet you felt like the dynamic between the two of you was shifting - had shifted. You felt like he was becoming yours as he opened himself up through the art of his music.
“Keep teasing me though, sunflower. Get my inspiration from you, remember?” And there it was again - the butterflies in your stomach from your best friend. Should you really be thinking these things about your best friend? Then again, he was clearly thinking these things about you.
“Those trumpets, man!” Kid wolf-whistled and stomped his feet on the ground in love of the song.
“Oh shut up about y’bloody trumpets!” Harry laughed, making everyone else laugh.
“Sounded good H.” Mitch added, smiling at his best friend in pride.
“All you Mitchy.” Harry said, knowing Mitch had done a great deal of the melody writing on that particular track.
“Can’t take all the credit.” Mitch winked over in your direction and you thought he’d been winking at Harry, but when Harrys hand came and rested on your thigh - squeezing it slightly - you second guessed that maybe he had been winking at you. You cleared your throat and waited for the next song.
The next two songs were perfect; Adore You and Lights Up. Both were as good as each, which were equally as good as the two before that. Harry hadn’t written a bad song - not that you were expecting him to. It was clear that his musical talent had gotten better and he was a lot more open with this album than his previous. He was a lot more accepting in himself with this album and you didn’t miss the opportunity to tell him how you felt about all of this.
“Proud of you.” You told him, as the album had been paused so Mitch could go grab another crate of beers from his car. They’d been through enough beers for a family reunion of 108 between the 5 of them, leaving you to quietly sip on your tea. The other guys had gotten up to stretch and go for a wee, but Harry had said he was perfect with sitting rest with you.
“Means so much t’hear you say that, sunflower.” He smiled at you, you twisting yourself so you sat perpendicular to him - laying across the width of the chair and his lap. He placed his hands over your legs, cupping your kneecaps for extra warmth.
“Means so much that you trust me to listen to the album.” You cupped your hand over his and he twisted his fingers so your fingers intertwined with his. He loved the feeling of your soft and warm hands coat his, and he never wanted you to let go. Ever.
“You’re one of few people I trust, Y/N, so thanks for being one of them.” He was using every and any opportunity to say thanks to you and he was completely open about it. You appreciated his thanks, but he didn’t have to give it to you.
You squeezed his hand, suppressing a smile when he squeezed back. You didn’t want to look like a love-sick puppy today.
“Enjoying it so far Y/N?” Tyler asked you, the boys falling back into the room and back to the sofas. Mitch had a crate of beers and passed Harry another one, earning a thanks from him in response.
“So much, yeah. You’re all so talented.” You shared the praise, not being oblivious to the fact it didn’t take just Harry to create this album.
“Even me?” Jeff asked, making the guys chuckle.
“Yeah, even you Jeff. You’re the one who has to kick this ones backside half the time!” You laughed, Harry whining in response because he thought he was delightful - well he would!
“Pretty sure that’s your job, sunflower.” Harry added, earning a quick slap to his arm from you.
“Knobhead.” You argued.
“Oi big mouth, shut it.” Harry flicked your arm in return and earning an ouch from you to signal that that’d actually hurt.
“Ow, y’prick.”
“M’sorry.” He rubbed over your arm where he had caused you pain, hating to think that a bit of playful banter had actually ended up in him hurting you - that was the last thing he ever wanted to do.
“Know you are, y’knob.”
“Should write a song about all the lovely and colourful things y’call me.” Harry joked, wanting nothing more than to put a smile on your golden face again.
“Oh yeah? And call it what?” You asked, playing along.
“Probably something really crap like ‘Tainted Tongue’, or… oh I don’t know.” Harry rolled his eyes, but you had to gulp down the words that were on the tip of your tainted tongue. You wanted to tease him, but you just couldn’t because you could tell that he was genuinely considering his words.
Considering your tainted tongue, even.
“Sounds Grammy award-winning.” You told him, squeezing his hand again before returning your attention to the rest of the room. Everyones conversations were coming to a unified end and Jeff asked whether everyone was ready again. It was yes’ all around.
“Okay, here’s Cherry.” Jeff announced, making Harrys grip on your knee tighten for some reason.
The intro started with a woman’s voice cooing and then straight into some ethereal guitar playing. It was so pretty and you closed your eyes to picture yourself on a bike ride through some flower fields. Harry’s words were so mellow and soft, it ran chills through your body. You listened to the lyrics carefully and tried to match it up with his real life, piecing together his story.
As the song progresses you could start to understand what, or more who, it was about. It was the lyrics such as “I just miss your accent.” and “don’t you call him baby.” that gave it away. That and the expressive voicemail that perched on the end of the song so beautifully. It was about Camille, or more for Camille. It was amazing and you were so proud of Harry for being so open. Camille’s and Harry’s relationship had become very toxic, so for Harry to be open about how she still held a place in his heart was something you were very proud of him for. He was being true to himself and was being vulnerable.
“Take risks, Harry. Be vulnerable, that’s what people want.” You had told him before he started writing the album and he’d done just that.
You slowly opened your eyes as the song ended, tears in your eyes for some unbeknownst reason. Harry chuckled at you. “Oh you big softie!” He brought the blanket up to wipe the corners of your eyes. “Y’crying ‘cause you hate it or because it was just that awesome?” He asked.
“I’m crying, y’tool, because you actually listened to me.” Knowing he would know what you meant.
“‘Course I did. Take y’advice above anyone else’s.” He was clear about that, you thought.
“Camille will love it.” You spoke softly, knowing it was important to him that the person he wrote the song about was okay with a song being written about them.
“Thank you.” He replied, bringing your hand up he could leave a simple kiss to the back of it.
“What did you think of the guitar playing H?” Tyler asked, opening another beer with a poof.
“Loved it man. Sounds better toned down a bit.” He answered.
“Happy with the voicemail too?” Tyler asked again, wanting Harry to understand it was no big deal if he wanted it out.
“No. I want to be take risks and be vulnerable.” Harry admitted proudly, and you shuffled your body around to curl into him and rest your head upon his shoulder. You could smell the Tom Ford perfume he loved so much in its’ strength against his neck and you loved it just ad much. It smelt familiar and warm. It smelt like home.
The group of you continued to play the songs, running through Falling, To Be So Lonely and She fairly quickly. Falling had, obviously, brought you to more tears and it had nearly brought Harry to tears too. You knew it was about Camille again and were so proud of him for being so open about his wrong-doings. He’d cheated and painted himself as the bad guy, but people didn’t know that she had too. He was too good to write that part in though. His ‘wandering hands’ portrayed such a powerful image and you got choked up on the power of it all. To Be So Lonely had made you tell him off for calling his mum a bitch, to which he groaned for missing the genuine meaning behind the phrase.
She. Well what a fucking song she was.
You wanted to turn the lights red and slide down a pole and into Harry’s lap. You had to adjust yourself in Harry’s lap, feeling uncomfortable with the way you were becoming a bit too wet down there. The sonf brought out you inner-stripper-ego and you wanted to just put on a tight leather dress and work your way across a guys lap, until you had him writhing underneath you - specifically Harry’s lap.
“Well that was fucking hot.” You chuckled to the group, knowing that Harry would sense the tension between you two and know your words meant more than just the song. It meant how hot it would be to get fucked to that song. How slow and passionate getting fucked so deep would feel so euphoric whilst ‘She’ played in the background. How empowering for a woman it would be to listen to that fire of a song.
“Told you the album was for you.” Harry whispered against your ear and you had to bring your mind to think of old people dying alone, before you jumped Harry right here and right now whilst forcing She to play all over again.
“That was the only song that Harry wouldn’t tell us the meaning behind.” Mitch told you, making you inwardly smug at the thought that you already knew what it was about.
You felt like that song was yours and Harrys dirty little secret and you were about to get high off the thought of that.
“Next we have Sunflower. Vol, 6.” Jeff announced before pressing play.
That made you sit up.
“Did he say Sunflower?” You asked, smiling so brightly at Harry whom was smiling just as brightly back. He loved you at your happiest. He loved that it was him who had put that happiness there.
“I don’t know? Did he?” Harry teased you and you playfully punched his arm, but you looked off to find a nearby wall really interesting as you took in the first bit of the song.
Now this was a vibe.
You felt like you were in some alternate 70s universe, where everything was happy and yellow. The lyrics were so happy and reminded you of yourself. Every time he said the word sunflower, you couldn’t help but let your heart flutter at the thought of him talking about you. You were his sunflower. ‘My sunflower’ he repeated and you wanted to kiss him for it. You couldn’t sit here and listen to this without dancing, so you didn’t.
You stood up quickly, pushing the blanket off of you, and holding out your hands for Harry. “C’mon then.” You spoke urgently, not knowing how much was left of the song and wanting to feel the rhythm of this song with him before it ended.
“Things I bloody do for you, aye?” He laughed, but took your hands anyway to pull himself up. His old knees cracked as he did so and the others laughed at him - calling him ‘cripplez’, and yes with a ‘z’.
You took one of your hands in his, planting the other behind his neck whilst his order went on your waist. Your body was set alight by his touch. You began to dance like you were the only people in the room, getting lost in other’s presence and happiness. You swayed to the beat and Harry twisted you around a few times when it felt right to. He brought you close back to his chest, holding you close as you swayed together, for the end of the song. When the little boops played you were so confused.
“What the fuck is going on?” You laughed as everyone else laughed too. Mitch and Kid followed along with the boops and sang them too, whilst Harry’s head was tilted back in laughter over seeing your reaction to them. “Seriously?”
“He was high on shrooms Y/N, so fuck knows.” Tyler laughed and you shook your head at the silly man in front of you.
“What the fuck Harry?” You laughed, letting him sit back on the chair first before he assisted you in sitting back on top of him.
“So…” He waited for your response, feeling somewhat nervous about this one.
You kissed his cheek, letting your lips linger there for longer than one Mississippi. “My sunshine, I loved it.”
At the tip of Harry’s tongue he wanted to say ‘I love you’ back, but he didn’t want to ruin the happy high you were on. Little did he know that you thought that the moment would be complete if he spoke the three words that held you back from becoming completely his. You loved that song so much and would be playing every day of your life to remind you how lucky you were to have someone so special in your life.
“Think that one was a hit, H.” Jeff laughed, others following with their own chuckles.
“Too right.” You answered for Harry and breathed out a sigh of joy as you relaxed into Harry’s warmth again.
“Ready for the next one?” Harry asked you, not wanting to cut you shirt from the high you were feeling. You hadn’t even focused on the lyrics you were so caught up in dancing with your favourite person.
“Yeah, let’s do it.” And so you did.
First, came Canyon Moon. What a beauty she was. It reminded you of sunsets and ice cream and cacti and long-drives. It was a summer song and it was a forever-love song too. It sounded like a reminder that whatever happened, Harry would always be coming home to where he belonged. God, you only hoped that was you - but you’d be narcissistic to ask that aloud. Secondly, and penultimately to the whole album, came Treat People With Kindness. You thought it was a genius of a song and something the fans would really love. You pitched the idea of maybe even creating a dance routine to it, but Jeff joked how a piece of wood had more hip movement than Harry. Both songs were fabulous and really made the album into something fun and refreshing.
Tyler cleared his throat, making you stop laughing at something Harry had just said and focus your attention on him. When you did you noticed how Mitch and Kid were stood up, looking like they were ready to leave. Jeff was handing Harry the phone and Tyler then stood up to.
“Where… Wait, I thought you said there were 12 songs? We’ve only listened to 11.” You sat up more, wondering why the guys were leaving now.
“There are 12.” Harry stated, making your eyebrows furrow in even more confusion.
“We’ve just listened to this last one more times than we have fingers and toes so…” Kid explained, but not really. Why are they passing the opportunity to listen to this song again? For the final first time too?
“You can stay though, for one more time.” You offered, but kept still in Harry’s lap.
“We’re going to get some food and bring it back instead.” Mitch smiled, smirking when his eyes caught Harry like they were having some telepathic conversation. Were you missing something? You felt like there was a big red flag somewhere within all of this and yet you were too stupid blind to see it.
“Want anything in particular?” Jeff asked, rustling around in his pockets to find his keys.
“I’m fine with whatever.” Harry answered vaguely, bur you were more definitive.
“Um i’ll have a Subway please. Just build it however I don’t really care. I’ll eat anything.”
“H, Subway?” Mitch checked with Harry, incase he was fancying something else.
“Yeah, sounds good to me. I’ll have the same as Y/N.”
You didn’t miss the way Mitch mumbled ‘course y’will’ under his breathe, but they were all out of the door before you could say anything.
“Ready for this last one then, m’sunflower?” Harry asked, returning and devoting his entire attention to you.
“Why do I get the feeling that you sent them away so we could listen to this one alone together?” You knew Harry, for Gods sake. He couldn’t be this smooth with someone who was his best fucking friend. This song obviously meant a lot to him and would maybe mean a lot to you too, so that’s why, you think, he wanted you to be alone for it. You liked that, though. You liked that he’d written something so personal that he wanted to listen to it with solely you. It made you feel purposeful and special - like you were his.
“Just shut up.” He rolled his eyes and smiled, clearly catching him in the act of his plan.
“I’m going to cry, aren’t I?” You rhetorically asked already knowing the answer.
“Maybe, I don’t know. No pressure.”
“Ohh, so you’re going to cry, that’s it isn’t?”
“Y’such a wanker, you know that?” He teased you before bringing the phone to hold in his hand and switching it on.
“You and your Tainted Tongue.” You teased him back and he looked up at you, but did nothing. Just looked at you and held your gaze. You felt powerless under his gaze because for once, you didn’t know what he was thinking. You both loved and hated the feeling.
“The honours are all yours.” Harry passed the phone to you, the giant ‘play’ button waiting to be pressed. You looked at Harry again to see he was looking at you still - oh so this is how it’s going to be, huh? A good old staring match to see who’s emotions would crack through first. Game on, Harry.
“Okay. Let’s play.” Harry didn’t miss the double meaning behind your words.
If there was ever a turning point in your life it was the next 6:18 minutes of you life.
The song started off really quiet and you thought that it might turn into some bashful tune to exit the album with a bang. You did not expect the mellow guitar to start playing. Looking up from the phone you met Harry’s gaze and caught him looking back at you, smiling softly because he knew that you knew this song was going to change things. Change you. Change your heart. Change the relationship between you two, forever. If you’d let it - him.
The lyrics were so delicate and his voice was high pitched. Your eyes started watering when you listened to the lyrics, instantly being able to pinpoint the memory Harry attached to each line. It hurt to think that this was your, plural, song. The meanings behind the lyrics were memories where you and Harry had gotten into rows and fallen out so hard that you thought you might lose each other. Your tears were flowing down your face, Harry’s eyes matching yours with his own tears.
Harry reached his hand up to your cheek, pausing for a second but not stopping until he’d touched skin with skin. You flinched a little but your tears also became heavier.
“Love, don’t.” Harry spoke softly, leaving his hand on your cheek and pulling you forward so you’d come closer towards him.
“I’m so-sorry.” You chuckled, but Harry just shook his head.
“Stop. Nothing to be sorry for.” Harry’s tears ran silently whilst yours were a lot more laboured, your chest hiccuping under the touch of how close he was to you.
“No I do. I hear you Harry. I do.” Referring to all the shit that Harry was referencing in his beautiful ballad.
“Yeah and do you hear that i’m telling you we’ll be alright, hey?” He chuckled, making you sob.
“I… I..” You struggled to get out your words, keeping your face close to his and looking deep into the emotions behind his eyes. There was love and sadness, but there was hope. Hope for you. For you together.
“It’s okay. You’re alright, love. Can tell me anything, I swear.” He made clear, caressing your cheek like it was the easiest job in the universe - yet his trembling thumb made it clear it was hard for him.
You wanted him to know how you feel for him. You wanted him to know that your heart was completely and forever his. He could have it all. You loved him more than anyone else in this fucking universe and he would always be your person. You saw in his eyes that he was waiting for you to tell him all of this. For the longest time all you wanted to yell your strongest feelings for him, but now you were frozen. Paralysed by fear that was becoming so real. He could be yours, but it was so devastating to think that it could all be broken years down the line.
“Stop thinking and just talk to me sunflower.” He softly spoke and you dropped your head to his chest, resting your forehead on his heart.
“I love you!” You shouted and then repeated more quietly, “I love you, Harry. I love you.”
“I know, I know.” Harry kissed the back of your head. “I love you too.”
Your head moved up and you looked at him deep in his eyes. You were both crying and the song was coming to an end now. It felt like such a powerful moment and you never wanted it to end. You felt strong. You felt loved, safe and happy.
“You know i’m going to have to kiss you now?” Harry chuckled, moving his face closer to yours so you could taste his minty breathe on yours.
“At least wait until the song’s over.” You smiled at his eagerness, but not meaning a word of what you just spoke. Harry knew that too.
“Oh fuck the chuffing song, c’mere.”
His lips sealed upon yours and fit together as perfect as Cinderellas foot and her glass slipper. Your stomach felt like it had been set alight by a match and your heart beat faster than you thought possible. You cared for nothing but his lips and the man behind them. Your heart felt so full and your lungs so empty. Harry had stole the air right from you and given life to himself, and you were so okay with it. Harry, less so.
“Y/N baby, y’gotta breathe sunflower.” He mumbled against your lips, but you only whined and pressed yourself more against him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and one of his hands came to steady you at your waist. God, he couldn’t get enough of you. “Hey, no, no.” You pouted when he pulled away. “Don’t look at me like that.”
You took in a deep breathe, not realising how little air you had in your lungs. You were silently thanking him in your head, but would never actually say it to him out loud. He gave you a look though that told you he knew you knew he was right. Fucker.
“Enough with the pleasantries, you already have me under your spell woman.” He teased you as if your crude language was getting him off.
“Yes, keep them coming.”
“Baby, oh ye—”
“We brought subs… Okay yeah we’re going to come back later.” Mitch started and walked through the door at the same time you and Harry were doing whatever the fuck you were doing. You buried your head against Harrys chest to hide both your embarrassment and your tears from earlier. You did really want your sub, but Harry you wanted so much more.
“Thank you, bro!” Harry called back.
“Yeah, just keep whatever is happening between you and your girlfriend down. Some of want to eat their salad in peace.” And with the sound of the door shutting you knew you were alone again.
You looked up at Harry to see that he wanted to burst out laughing and as if by rehearsal you both started laughing at the same time. You were in hysterics, not understanding what was even so funny in the first place. All that was understandable was how much you loved this man and craved the thought of officially being his forever.
“Sounded pretty good didn’t it?” Harry asked, coming to a natural pause in his laughing fest causing you to stop too.
“The album? Yeah I told you it—”
“No not the album,” You looked at him in confusion, straightening the sunglasses on the top of his head, “Mitch calling you my girlfriend.” You pursed your lips and kept your eyes down, fiddling with the bandana around his neck now to keep you busy.
“Yeah.” You said shyly.
“Yeah? Did you like it?” Harry asked, pulling up your chin to meet your beautiful eyes - his favourite feature of yours.
“I did yeah.”
“Wanna be my girlfriend?”
“Are you asking nicely or?” You messed with him, but also feeling like you deserved a bit more of a proper ask - you’d not waited all this time for a little half-arsed question, but neither did you want the full shebang.
“Y/N L/N? My sunflower? The absolute biggest pain in my arse and most hugest tit on this planet?” You couldn’t help but belly laugh as he incorporated your longest running joke with each other, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Hmm…” You pretended to think on it and Harry’s eyes turned to worry for a second.
“Please?” He softly asked. “Say something.”
“I say yes to you and that Tainted Tongue.” You kissed him again and you felt his smile against your lips. He was happy. You were happy. You both knew this was the kind of happiness that would last forever.
You gasped against his lips as he picked you up and held you against his waist, carrying you like a koala bear clutching a tree. You felt his hands grasp your ass and they felt so good situated there.
“Let me show you exactly how tainted this tongue is baby.”
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oneofhisfrenchgirls · 3 years ago
the reason why I love louies and  louis.
this is no shade to any other artist/singer because im a multi stan as well but nobody stands out to me like louis. because to love louis, u gotta dig deep. even during the old band days, louis was surely everyone’s favourite but he was still ‘the one in a relationship’ ‘the cute one’ ‘the one with the girlfriend’ ‘he’s taken there’s no use crushing on him’ type. he was always pushed aside but we still loved him. but none of us were blind to the way everything was unfair to him. i agree it was hard for the others as well. every other day i woke up with the news of harry dating a new girl. liam with his own personal issues, niall with the lack of freedom and zayn with his health issues. but ill stick to louis here. those of us who are old hardcore 1d stans, always knew that he was never with el (no disrespect to her, its just the way things were sadly) but we couldn’t make it easier for him. he was never the ‘star singer’ like harry was shown off to be or the ‘crowd pleaser’ like liam. he just sat at the side with zayn joking around (you’re allowed to cry at this part) because as he once said they both weren’t that confident. and during that time: when everyone’s favourite was harry (like most people rn) or niall (goofy) or liam (puppy dog) or zayn (greek god), my heart always went out to people who had louis as their favourite. cause they didnt love him for any ‘omg hes so hot what if he dates me’ reasons, you loved him for being himself. as imperfect as he was. and that’s really something coming from a teenage girl. you loved him everytime management let him down. everytime he was playing someone he heard he was supposed to be but you always saw right through him and thats all he really wanted. you saw who he really was. you fell for his smile, his jokes, his lyrics, his voice, how caring and sweet and kind he is despite the rude image management always tried to put out. how he always supported shy little 16 year old harry and helped him become who he is today when he himself was just 18 (’painted nails make harry beautiful’ makes me tear up still like boy, do u have any idea how much that meant to him right then), how he was a true friend to liam (just lilo being the softest friendship), how he was a brother to niall and made him go HAAHAHAHAH and well there’s zayn- i dont even need to say anything cause we all scream zouis supremacy practically every 2 days. he was the guy who was always there for his friends, for his band, for his family and never bragged about it. the countless stunts were probably hard but i just know that deep inside he knew that we would see through the fake forced smiles and we did. and that’s what’s so special about us. we dont completely know him obviously, but we try to understand him and thats why he goes out of his way to thank us. and everytime he thanks us, its so obvious that he isnt just talking about supporting his music, hes talking about all those hard years and the fake stunts, he thanks us for never believing the media image of him, for always understanding that we only get half of the story. i love louies because you choose to stick by his side and to ignore everything else even when sometimes it gets hard to do so. i love louies because we’re strong. just like him. its not surface level attraction. we didnt watch reels and cute fan interactions (thats how we started yes) but we fell in love with him because of his lyrics that speak volumes (alexa play Only The Brave), his unspoken words, the devotion and love that he feels towards his AHEM significant other (even when its been ages, different stages they’ve come so far from princess park) and how he put it into the most beautiful and romantic album I’ve ever heard: Walls (crying because ‘we made it underestimated and always underrated now we’re saying goodbye waving to the hard times never coming down with your hand in mine’ but lets move on shall we), his hints (mf puts out so many hints i hate him), the way he cant openly show his support for the lgbtq+ community like he wants to but that never stops him from trying and making his fans feel valid and loved (i sobbed into my mom’s shoulder when he pointed to the pride flag while singing OTB during the AFH festival), his music videos deserve a whole other post tbh and the Just Like You lyrics video deserves a whole book and basically just the way he was and is. and I think that’s what makes us the most beautiful fandom out there. while the rest of the world is busy falling in love with well known popstars and famous artists, we’re still in louis’ lane first and foremost, cause its physically hard, and may i add impossible, to love somebody else the way you love Louis William Tomlinson. and we’ll continue to support and to be there for him- idc how hard it gets, cause thats what we do guys. and then yall wonder why he loves us so much that he organised a free festival? why he checks in on us every few weeks with the ‘hope everyone’s doing alright’? why so many news outlets and articles call louies the ‘most devoted fandom’? why he treats us like friends and flips us off? like homie, these are all the reasons why: we’re his chosen family.
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shadow--writer · 3 years ago
Hello, good morning, afternoon or night! If you're not too busy, can I request Lucio, Julian and Muriel reacting to their kid's first steps? They're just playing with them when the kid gets up and tries to hug them aaaa ive been with the cast as parents plaguing my mind lately hah
This is my first request in here, so I apologise if my typing is sorta nervous hehe ;^-^
Awww welcome in! Thank you for this adorable request and feel free to stick around! Don’t be shy, inbox is open for those who follow the rules :D. This was quite fun! 
Julian, Muriel and Lucio x MC baby's first steps
He's,,,,he's like so cute when he plays with y'alls kid like
Makes silly faces and even sings, your kid trying to sing back through giggles
Ahem excuse me fictional character babies getting to me
So,,,imagine his surprise when he moves away to grab something, and your kid gets up on their two littl shaky legs
Stumbling their way across the floor to give him a hug, falling over on his legs while giggling
Julian, in all of his glory, would fuckin break for like a minute and a half 
Then he would slowly turn to the giggling baby still hugging his leg and burst into tears
Gets up to set them on his lap, cooing at them through sobs about how wonderful and proud of them he is 
Would see if they would do it again 
And yes, your kid does, in fact, walk again to give this bumbling mess of a man another hug 
When he sees you again he will go ON about it, holding your child up all the while (with them giggling and waving their tiny littl baby arms)
Think Rafiki holding Simba up only it’s Julian putting ur child in ur face 
mhmmm yeah he flips out but he’s so thrilled about it 
He’s so sweet when playing with your kid, even made toys for them (just for fun, it helps him relax)
He would be in shock for a moment when your child got up on their legs and tried to toddle over to him
Scoops them up when the topple over a little, but he’s laughing 
Rests his forehead against theirs with the biggest grin on his face as they wave their arms and try to hug his face 
Lotsa giggling as he tries to get them to walk to him again
Right after would let them hold his fingers as he moves around with them slowly 
Feels like he’s dreaming but he’s NOT and he’s so HAPPY about THIS ACK
Catches your kid every time they stumble but he’s just 
about how they’re walking. He watched his kid take their first steps and it was to hug him
Would be in tears but smiling and laughing as he continues to play with them
So gentle with your kid as they get up and fall over to hug him over and over again :,3
He’s v proud and v tender 
IMMEDIATELY grabs your kid, running to get you 
He’s very playful with your kid, dangling toys in front of them to try and grab, scooping them up and bouncing with them
He loves hearing them giggle 
So when they get up on their itty bitty legs to stumble over to him to grab their stuffed animal he nearly FLIPS OUT
Would cry 10/10 good full on sobbing cry as your guys’s kid baps his face
Then he’d place your kid away from him, holding the stuffed toy or just his arms open to see if they’ll do it again
They do
To give him a hug this time and phew the damn breaks 
They stumble into him, babbling on and he just hugs them :,V before picking them up and spinning them around again 
Would proceed to freak out and call out to you so you can see the PERFECTION that is your CHILD WALKING 
annnnnnnnnnd he’s too busy crying and pointing at the baby chewing on their knuckles to get a coherent word out
You get the gist lmao you’ve been with this dumbass long enough 
He’s so thrilled about it he won’t s H U T U P for D A Y S
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cryonme · 4 years ago
𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐕
PART FIVE- “Just Because They’re Not Here Doesn’t Mean They Stopped Being Wonderful.”
part one here
part two here
part three here
part four here
short series- jj maybank x kook!reader
word count- 4.3k
tw- guns, knives, mentions of weed, stabbing, swearing, mentions of death, fluff 😊, angst 👿, mentions of murder, fighting, drinking, mentions of stitches and hospitals. lmk if I missed anything
a/n- don’t u all love how I said this was gonna be a “short” series and now we’re at 19.2k words total and five parts? and not even done yet? lol. anyway, this chapter is a fucking rollercoaster of emotions and shit gets really real really fast so hold onto your hats, grab some popcorn, and happy reading!
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“Wait, what the fuck?”
Your friends all stared at you with wide eyes, mouths agape. JJ’s grip tightened on your thigh, you winced a little but he didn’t let up, which you were glad he didn’t.
“Wait, your mom is dead?” John B asked, earning a smack on the back of the head from Sarah.
“You had a sister?!” Pope explained, confusion plastered on his face. “I thought that was just a ru- OW!” A smack from Kiara.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Yeah.”
“You think you know a person then all of the sudden she has a dead mom and sister who were killed by her step brother that you didn’t know about.” John B said, a hint of humor in his voice.
“This isn’t funny, John B.” Sarah scolded.
“It’s fine, Sarah.” You assured your friend. “Look, I know I’m a shit friend for not telling you guys things about my life. Tyler, the abortion, my mom and sister. And I’ll work on getting better at it but all of that isn’t important right now, okay?” You looked between John B and Pope, waiting expectedly before they both nodded and backed off.
“What makes you say that, (Y/n)?” Kie asked you, fully turning her attention to you.
“Well when- um, when Tyler showed up at my house that day,” You swallowed your fear, sitting up straight and taking a deep breath. “When Tyler showed up at my house that day, he said ‘I did everything I could to get my mom to marry your dad. My mom doesn’t know, but what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, and now you’re ruining everything with your fat fucking mouth.’”
The room was silent. Nobody really knew what to make out of all of this, all this time you had come off so unbothered, like your life was picture perfect and there was never a dark cloud in your sky. Everything that had happened the past couple of weeks came out of nowhere for the group of friends, especially JJ, John B and Pope, who didn’t even know you had a step brother. But when the three thought back on it, they never really asked.
After about a minute of everyone sitting in shock, Sarah spoke up, “Well, we need to tell your dad and Christine, right?’
You shook your head, “Not until I have enough proof. The entire island’s eyes are on me right now and if I’m wrong I make a fool of myself. I know this is gonna sound really stupid but, I need to find Tyler.”
“No.” JJ protested, his voice sharp.
“You’re right, (Y/n). That does sound stupid.” Pope agreed.
“Super stupid.” John B chimed in.
“I love you, but I have never heard more stupid words leave your mouth.” Kiara said.
“Guys, maybe hear her out.” Sarah said.
Kie whipped her head to the side, looking at the blonde girl in bewilderment. “Seriously? I’m not listening to you when all you seem to do is put (Y/n) in more danger.”
“I didn’t mean to! I didn’t know what the fuck to do!” “You tell someone, dumbass!”
“Jesus, you two! Shut the fuck up!” You interjected, standing up and stomping your foot, ignoring the shooting pain going up your leg.
“I came here because I need help, not to sit here and be judged and have you two fight with each other. Kie, lay off. I begged Sarah not to say anything until I was ready, and promised not to go home until I said something, okay? And you two.” You gestured to John B and Pope, “Telling me I’m stupid for something that I haven’t even explained yet is a little premature. Can we all fucking focus?” You had your time to cry and allow yourself to be broken, but now it was time to get shit done.
Kie shrunk in her seat, muttering a half assed “Sorry” under her breath and crossing her arms. John B and Pope nodded, both boys looking down at their shoes. You sat back down and JJ’s hand returned to its rightful spot on your thigh.
“Now, just, listen to me for a second. We,” You put the emphasis on that word so everyone would be a little bit more open to the idea, “Need to find Tyler so we can somehow record a confession from him. I’ll rile him up, and once I get the confession we get the fuck out. Got it?”
“How the fuck are you gonna find him? Even the Sheriff's department can’t find him.” Sarah said.
“Right,” You responded, “First thing to consider, the police are incompetent, especially here. They probably looked at my house and his job before giving up.”
JJ chuckled, shaking his head as he listened to you talk in awe.
“Second thing to consider, I have his number. I can ask him to meet up and talk it out.”
“The more you talk, the more I really don’t like this plan.” JJ muttered, raking his fingers through his hair.
“The more you talk, the more I wanna kick your teeth in.” You smiled sweetly, “This is the only way.” You tried pulling a joke, but JJ’s face remained concerned, so your face fell and you leaned into him. “I’ll be okay, JJ. I’ve been dealing with Tyler for years, okay?”
JJ nodded, taking a deep breath before pulling away from you.
“So what can we do?”
“Wherever I meet up with Tyler, I need you all to be on standby. Someone on lookout, someone hiding near me just in case things go south, and someone waiting in the vam.”
Everyone agreed in unison, nodding their heads. “Anything we can to get this asshole put away.” John B said, giving you an encouraging smile.
After going over a few details, and finally sending the text to Tyler that you wanted to meet up, the pogues dispersed around the chateau. Pope was talking Sarah’s ear off about the latest book he had just finished while she politely listened and even threw in a couple of her own thoughts, John B and Kie playfully jabbed long sticks at each other, and JJ stood on the porch, watching you swing by yourself on the hammock, lost in thought. He was trying to decide if he should approach you, or give you space. Just then you turned your head and made eye contact with the blond boy, a soft smile on your face, your signature red lipstick back where it belongs.
Fuck space.
He bounded down the stairs and made his way over to you on the hammock, plopping down next to you. Neither of you said anything for a couple minutes, there wasn’t much to say.
“I was 14.” You said, breaking the silence, causing JJ’s head to turn towards you. He stayed silent as you continued.
“Hit and run.” You laughed bitterly. “My little sister was 12. We were finally getting to the point where we didn’t fight everyday, we were becoming friends. She had just started asking me for advice about boys and was always asking to have sleepovers.” You smiled, remembering your little sister fondly. “It still hurts. It’ll always hurt, I think. But, I’ve learned I can’t change what happened, and I try to be thankful for the time I had with her. I would say she probably wouldn’t want me to be sad, but that’s not true, she loved attention.” JJ laughed with you this time.
“What’s her name?” JJ asked.
“Layla.” You responded, her name feeling weird on your tongue. You hadn’t said her name in years. “And my mom, gosh there was no one like my mom.” JJ wasn’t asking, but you were telling.
“She just always understood, you know? She’d let me stay home if my mind was taking over, she continued to buy the ice cream I told her was my favorite when I was 7, I didn’t have the heart to tell her I didn’t like it anymore.” You frowned, staring at your hands. “Christine is great, I love her with everything in me. But sometimes I wish she was in my life under different circumstances.”
JJ nodded in understanding, taking his hand in yours and pressing a lingering kiss to it. “They sound wonderful.”
“They are- were.”
JJ shook his head, “Just because they’re not here doesn’t mean they stopped being wonderful.”
You yanked JJ’s hand so his arm wrapped around your shoulder and you leaned into him, earning a sweet kiss on the top of your head.
“You’re sweet, princess.” You teased, using the nickname that you would use when the two of you fought.
“Tell anyone and you’re dead meat, baby.”
You laughed, resting your head on his chest. “What changed your mind about me?” You asked, biting your bottom lip.
JJ thought for a moment, mulling over his words to avoid saying the wrong thing.
“I never changed my mind.”
Your heart dropped as you began to pull away, feeling embarrassed.
“Uh uh uh, let me finish.” JJ pulled you back against him and you huffed. “I never changed my mind because I’ve felt this way about you all along. I’ve never had such strong feelings for a person before, so when you came along I mistook all of the signs as hatred. My mom left and my dad…” JJ trailed off for a moment, trying to put together his words in the least concerning way possible, “My dad takes his anger out on me. And I just never really learned how to receive love, or how to understand it.”
Your heart sank at JJ’s words. All those times he’d show up to the Chateau with bruises and scrapes, telling everyone to fuck off instead of boasting about how he “totally kicked that kooks ass”, it was his dad.
“Mmm, let’s not do that now, yeah? Just know I’ve adored you this whole time, I was just too stupid to see it.”
“When did you change your mind about me?” JJ asked.
You pondered for a moment, thinking back on when you first started thinking of JJ differently.
“That night at the Boneyard, when Tyler showed up. I was dancing with Pope and all I could think was, ‘I need JJ’, and then there you were. I didn’t want you to ever leave my side again. When you took me back to the Chateau and sat me down on the couch, I was confused because I felt so safe and loved, more than I ever have. It was so out of the blue. Hours before we had just been screaming at each other and then I never wanted you to let me go.”
“You’re making this really hard, Red.” JJ huffed, running a hand over his face.
“What?” You asked craning your neck to look up at him.
“Not kissing you.”
You sat up from your position on his chest, turning your body so you were facing each other, your legs hanging off one side of the hammock and his off the other.
“Then kiss me.”
“What, scared?”
JJ didn’t say anything, he just looked at you. You had that striking red grin, and your eyes held that glint of mischief and joy.
“You were just inconsolable like, an hour ago.”
“But I’m not now.”
“Please, JJ.” You pouted, your eyes big and your frown deep as you slowly reached for him.
And he couldn’t say no to that face.
He slowly brought his hand up to cradle the side of your neck, his thumb resting on your cheek as his face slowly leaned into yours, his hand softly pulling you closer by the neck. You brought one hand up to the back of his neck, burying your fingers in his hair as his other hand found its place on your waist. You stared at each other for a moment, noses barely touching. Your heart was beating so fast you felt like it was about to crawl out of your throat, the anticipation was driving you crazy but you were also cherishing every second of it, just being so close to him, knowing what’s about to happen.
His lips just barely brushed over yours and your entire body erupted in butterflies, goosebumps dancing all up and down your arms and legs.
“You fucker.” You teased and JJ giggled before fully planting his lips on yours. You felt like you had been on fire and had been dumped into an ice bath. The relief that covered your entire body and soul was something you had never felt before. You had kissed plenty of people in your lifetime, and nothing had ever compared to the feeling you had kissing JJ.
You pulled away for a moment to catch your breath, but JJ whined and pulled you back into him, bringing you to sit on his lap as he continued to kiss you. You both giggled and broke apart when you nearly toppled out of the hammock, JJ’s hands immediately steadying you. He looked up at you while stroking your cheekbone with his thumb before planting soft kisses to your arm, trailing his lips up to your shoulder, neck, cheek and finally one last sweet kiss on your lips.
“Well it’s about goddamn time!” John B yelled as the rest of the pogues whooped and hollered, jumping up and down. Both of you flipped off your friends and JJ kissed you once more, your middle fingers still in the air.
“You’re fucking incredible.” JJ muttered once you broke yet another kiss.
“I know.” You smirked.
Once JJ helped you off the hammock, with a lot of wincing and you telling him his kissing made your bruised lip hurt, you made your way back over to your friends, an unmistakable feeling of joy filling everyone’s hearts.
John B handed you and JJ a beer, which you had to decline because of your concussion, much to your dismay, but you gladly took the joint that Kie offered you, blowing out the smoke into JJ’s mouth before taking the hit for yourself. The sun started to set on the Chateau, so Pope and John B set up a fire and Kie brought out her ukulele, her and Sarah singing in harmony to Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. Your heart swelled in your chest listening to JJ quietly singing along with his arm slung around your shoulders, his face was tinted the slightest shade of pink from being in the sun all day, making his eyes look impossibly more blue. You knew tomorrow brought troubles and anxiety, but you pushed them to the back of your mind, enjoying this beautiful moment with your friends. You rested your head on JJ’s shoulder, your hand coming up to hold his that was around your shoulder, placing a gentle kiss on his hand. JJ blushed and squeezed you just a little bit tighter.
“(Y/n), you staying the night?”
You smiled and nodded, your eyes a bit droopy from the weed. You had texted Christine already, telling her you were staying the night and assuring her that everyone was staying the night and you were safe.
“Yes!” Sarah exclaimed, getting up from her spot next to John B. “More beer?” Everyone apart from you nodded as Sarah made her way inside the house to grab more cold beer.
“Aw, well if it isn’t the goonies.”​​
That voice.
Tyler approached the Chateau, Topper, Kelce and Rafe hot on his heels.
Everyone stood up immediately, JJ pushed you behind him without a second thought.
“Heard my baby sister wanted to meet up tonight, thought I’d come to her, spare her the trouble.” Tyler said, shoving his hands in his pockets.
You were appreciative of JJ’s protectiveness over you, but this was your fight. “I know what you did, Tyler.” You said, trying your hardest to hide the shakiness in your voice as you pushed JJ out of your way, taking a couple steps forward.
“There she is!” Tyler exclaimed, gesturing his arms to you. “You don’t know shit, dumbass.”
“You killed my mom and sister.”
“Me?” Tyler raised a hand to his chest in shock and turned to his friends, who all shook their heads like you were crazy. “I would never do such a thing.” “You said-”
“Did you hit your head too hard the other day? Sounds to me like you’re making things up.”
He was trying to make you feel crazy, and you weren’t putting up with it.
“What was your plan, huh?” You asked, standing your ground. “Hit my mom and my little sister with your car, devastating my family so my dad could go running into your unknowing mother’s arms. Were you gonna kill all of us next so you could get the money? How exactly did you plan on doing that?”
Tyler’s chest was heaving up and down, sharp breaths coming in and out of his nose.
“Layla was 12 years old, you psychopath.”
“I never meant to kill your fucking sister!”
And there it was. Eerie silence fell over the Chateau like a heavy blanket.
“You motherfucker.” You shrieked, stomping forward and sending your hand flying across his cheek. Before you could even blink, Tyler had his hand around your throat and the barrel of a gun pressed to your jaw. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. You could see the pogues, Kiara with a hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes, hugging Sarah close to her, John B and Pope holding JJ back, his eyes wild with anger and fear. You could see Topper and Kelce with wide eyes, obviously unaware of the gun in your step brother's possession. You could see Rafe with a knowing grin on his face. Bastard.
You were terrified, panic surging through your body as you tried to stay still so you wouldn’t anger him with any sudden movements.
“Any of you even think about moving and I kill her!” He screamed.
“Tyler, put the gun down man, what the fuck?” Topper said, his voice calm, trying to talk him down.
“Fuck you!”
And suddenly Tyler was on the ground, the gun flying into the darkness. JJ wasted no time running to your step brother, grabbing him by his shirt collar and beating his face with his fists. You and Rafe made eye contact before both of you made a break for the gun, scrambling through the darkness. Rafe tackled you down and tried to reach for it, but you kneed him in the crotch, hoping to buy you a couple seconds. The Cameron boy groaned and held his area, toppling over and whining in a fetal position.
“Pussy boy.” You rolled your eyes and crawled toward the gun, smiling once it was in your grip before Rafe pulled you back by your ankle. You flipped over onto your back and pointed the gun at him.
“You don’t have the guts.”
“Self defense, bitch. Now get off of me.”
Rafe backed up with his hands in the air and you made your way back to the group, gun in hand, still pointed at Rafe. Tyler and JJ were going at it, both throwing punches and kicks, the rest of the group fighting off Topper and Kelce.
“Back off my friends or I'll shoot!” You yelled, and everyone stopped and turned to you with your gun pointed at Rafe. The three kooks backed off with their hands up in surrender.
“You won’t shoot me, Little Red.” Tyler said, walking closer to you.
“I will if you try anything.” You responded, taking the gun off of Rafe and shoving him forward so he was still in your eyesight, now pointing it at Tyler.  
“You stay away from her!” JJ yelled, charging towards Tyler but quickly being held back by Rafe and Topper.
Tyler got so close to you that the gun was touching his t-shirt.
Why was he testing you? He had to have something up his sleeve.
The motherfucker literally had something up his sleeve.
Tyler tore a switchblade out of his jacket sleeve and jabbed it into your collarbone, and in the same second you fired the gun.
Your brain felt fuzzy, you couldn’t even feel the knife in your collarbone, the only way you knew it was there was because you could see it sticking out of the corner of your eye.
You heard screams, multiple screams.
Footsteps running away.
Was someone crying?
Were you crying?
Everyone ran to you, JJ leading the group, so he got to you first. He immediately put his hands on your face, frantically searching your eyes before you dropped to your knees, JJ following suit.
“Baby, look at me.” He said firmly. Someone gently took the gun from your hands, why were you still holding it? You brought your hand up to touch the knife, crying out in pain from the smallest touch.
“No, don’t touch it, okay? Leave it alone, paramedics are on their way okay?”
You still didn’t look at him, your eyes were wide as you stared at everyone around you, their faces full of concern.
“She’s in shock.” Pope stated. He was crouched in front of you, next to JJ. “Try to bring her back to reality.”
“How the fuck do I do that?” JJ snapped.
“Chill, JJ! Talk to her, touch her, anything!”
JJ’s left hand continued to cradle your face and you leaned into his touch as his right hand threaded through your hair. “You’re okay, okay? Can you talk to me?” His voice broke, tears beginning to fill his blue eyes.
Your eyes wandered away from the group and landed on Tyler’s body, lifeless. You let out a gasp as if all of the wind had been knocked out of your body.
“I killed him.” You rasped.
JJ quickly moved in front of the body, blocking your view of him. Your breathing was shallow as you brought your hands up to your neck, trying to claw at the skin to make way for you to breathe. Pope’s hands gently grabbed yours, moving them away from your neck and holding them in your lap. JJ gave him a thankful nod and he situated himself in front of you.
“Christine-” Your body flooded with guilt and sadness for your stepmom, that was her son. He may have done unspeakable things to you and her family but that was her son. And you killed him.
“Hey, hey, hey. Shhh,” JJ was quick to stop the terrible thought. “You had to, okay? She’ll understand. Just focus on me, baby.”
You nodded and squeezed Pope’s hands, focusing your eyes on JJ’s.
“You’re doing so good, pretty girl. Just a couple more minutes, okay?”
You nodded again. The pain in your collarbone was beginning to worsen as your shock wore off and you whimpered.
Great, you thought, another fucking injury to make my life even better.
Really your whole body hurt, your concussion and bruises worsening and stitches ripping open from Rafe tackling you to the ground.
“It hurts.” You whine, a single tear escaping from your eye, JJ wiped it before it could run down your face. “I know.” He whispered. “I know, my love, I’m so sorry.” He rested his forehead on yours, trying his best to give you as much comfort as he could without pulling you against him and driving the blade further in.
“Fuck, you guys. We didn’t get a recording.” Kie said, slapping her palm against her forehead. You removed one hand from Pope’s and worked through your pain and brought your phone out of your back pocket, tossing it on the ground, not having enough strength to hand it to her.
John B picked it up and smiled, your phone had been recording the entire time, starting just a minute after Tyler made himself known at the Chateau.
“(Y/n), you magnificent kook.” John B said, giving your arm a squeeze. You had moved your forehead to rest on JJ’s shoulder, your body posed awkwardly to avoid the knife being touched, one hand still in Pope’s.
Everyone was relieved, but the dead body in their presence and the knife in your body made it hard to be completely relieved. Once the paramedics and police arrived, JJ had to release you from his hold, watching the paramedics put you on the gurney and load you in the back of the ambulance, by yourself, for the second time.
Kiara and Pope were talking to the police, showing them the proof on your phone and the gun and walking them through everything that happened while JJ watched the ambulance drive away, as soon as it was out of sight he broke down, John B quick to pull his friend into his arms, Sarah gently leaned her head on his back, her hand coming up to stroke his back
“She doesn’t deserve any of this.” JJ cried, holding onto his best friend. He knew you were gonna be okay, the paramedics said the knife would be easy to remove and they could stitch up the wound easily, but he was worried about you. You would never be the same.
“She doesn’t.” John B agreed.
“I just want her to be okay.”
“I know, bubba, me too.” John B replied, his own tears brimming in his eyes, “She will be.”
JJ could feel Sarah shaking against him, her tears wetting his shirt and he unravelved in arm from John B to bring her into the hug. “Get in here, kook princess.” JJ teased through his tears. Pope and Kiara soon joined the group hug, comforting their friends through touch.
“What did Shoupe say?” JJ asked once they all pulled away, wiping at his tears.
“They said (Y/n)’s okay, a very obvious case of self defense, but they’re still going to ask her a couple questions once she’s of sound mind.” Pope answered and Kiara nodded.
“Thank God.” Sarah breathed out and JJ’s shoulders relaxed in relief, one less thing to worry about.
“Well why are we all just standing here?” John B asked after a couple moments of silence. “Let’s go see our girl.”
“I am still meeeeee you are still youuuuu” I couldn’t get that damn song out of my head while I was writing this
my masterlist 
taglist: @avatarastra @rowanwashere @luniibin @imjustanothernerd @maddyasleson @vntgkenz @ponyboys-sunsets @imawhoreforu @maybvnks @tpwkcth @steves-cake-face @ellavalentine1844 @aleksanderwh0r3 @sunsetloveblvd @fallingfavourites @ajxlawley @sarahcameronswhore @24kkenn @perfectnouis @heartbeats-wildly @fandoms039 @gopromises @xxxlaura @6r4cie @mendesmaybank @moonysluvr @kiwi5335 @jjs-pope @aliyahsomerhalder @parkershoco @abm111815 @allaloneisokay @father-violet @yourbloodyqueen @sweetpeterparker @holachicos @llilacwine wine @wishpretty @welcome2-theshitshow @nope-thanks @sarahs-bitch @oopsiedoopsie23 @kexrtiz @chenlemure @sarahxcameron @yoongitoo @gloryekaterina @caseysalvatore @moniamaybank @futur3milf @matbarzalschain @americaarse @stilynskii @iamthatbitchhh @rmvb24
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griffintail · 4 years ago
The First Day
Summary: Your first day on the server.
Pairing: Wilbur Soot x F! Reader
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This is a story I was working on in my free time for like the longest time and it's still not finished and it's so long. God knows how many parts this will be. I need a title for this story too. I'll think of one separately and it will have it's own masterlist if people like it. 
SO! Without further ado, here you are because I was bored!
Oh and (Y/U/N) means YOUR USERNAME.
        Wilbur logged on to the Dream SMP. He didn’t have anything to do there, it was just a place to run around and build for him at the moment.
        He had built his “ball” not far from Tommy’s base, maybe he could build something else…He wasn’t quite sure yet. Just as before, Tommy begged for his attention and chuckled at the boy’s antics quietly. As he was going to find a space to build a new name joined the server.
        (Y/U/N) joined the game
        He frowned. He’s never heard that name before. Someone must have though because Dream didn’t let just anyone on the server. He’d look into them later.
        He was once more about to go to work when there was a new message in chat.
        <(Y/U/N)> There are new people on today. \o/ Hello, Mr. Soot and Mr. Innit.
        He chuckled as he read the message deciding to give them a response, smirking at Tommy’s probably rage.
        <WilburSoot> Hello there! :)
        <(Y/U/N)> May I know your coords?
        <WilburSoot> You may
        He gave the newcomer he coordinates, deciding to stick around the ball as he had as Tommy messaged him with renewed hope. A figure that wasn’t Tommy climbed up to Wilbur. The character was a female skin in a plaid jacket that was open with a plaid shirt and blue jeans to match, wearing a gray beanie on blonde hair.
        <(Y/U/N)> Hi! I’m new and wanted to give you a gift.
        She threw a flower, a poppy specifically, at him and when he picked it up, he noticed it was named.
        From (Y/U/N) to WilburSoot
        <WilburSoot> Why thank you Ms. (Y/U/N).
        <Tommyinnit> WOMAN!?
        <(Y/U/N)> No problem good day!
        <(Y/U/N)> Mr. Innit! May I have your coords?
        <Tommyinnit> No I will not give a woman my coordinates!!
        <(Y/U/N)> :(
        And now was the time to respond to Tommy. Wilbur logged onto the discord and joined Tommy in his call.
        “Now Tommy, that’s not how you talk to a lady.” Wilbur jokingly scolded him. “Apologize to her.”
        “I am not going to apologize to a woman!”
        “Tommy,” Wilbur warned. “Don’t make me block you.”
        He heard Tommy sigh exasperated and typed in chat.
        <Tommyinnit> I’m sorry
        <(Y/U/N)> :) It’s ok. I wish to give you a gift! Coords pls?
        <WilburSoot> He lives in those fences right across from here
        “Good, thank you, Tommy.”
        “Will you talk to me now?” Tommy asked with a huff.
        He first went into his ball as the girl sprinted over to Tommy’s place. He put the flower in a chest before following after her as he listened to Tommy talk.
        “Why the hell did she give me a flower?” Tommy questioned as Wilbur was halfway to Tommy’s.
        <Tommyinnit> Why the hell did you give me a flower?
        <(Y/U/N)> I’m new and I just want to give you a welcome gift!
        <(Y/U/N)> I need to work on my house. Good day, Mr. Soot and Mr. Innit!
        She sprinted away towards the community house. Wilbur stopped next to Tommy as he was holding a red tulip.
        “Wha…What was that?” Tommy asked Wilbur.
        “She told you, now what do you want to do?”
        The new girl had left before Tommy’s stream ended and after Tommy’s stream and he left, Wilbur decided to look up who the new person was. Looking up the name, he got a Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch account. On her Twitch there was a new video streamed today titled “Let’s not be homeless! (DreamSMP)”. She had a decent amount of followers on her Twitch and her YouTube channel, she had half a million subscribers. On her Twitter, there was a picture of a dog with its face pressed against the camera that had taken it. There was a tweet from not long ago with a full picture of the same dog next to a desk.
        (Y/U/N) @(Y/U/N)
        He wouldn’t leave me alone all stream! I love my good boy but a girl needs her space!
        Wilbur gave a quiet chuckle before liking the post and giving her a follow. Maybe he’d meet more of her…
        Wilbur logged into the server once more to work on his project to come with Tommy. There were a few people online, Tubbo, Ponk, and Fundy. He didn’t bother them though, giving greetings back when given before getting to work. As he did, he got a notification from his phone that someone was live and glanced over. (Y/U/N) was live.
        Curious, he pulled up her stream and decided to leave it on in the background.
        “Hello, magical people! We’re going to be jumping back onto the SMP! My house looks so dull and I wanna find wolves.”
        Wilbur caught her accent immediately, American, definitely.
        “What do you mean there’s three people I haven’t met! I don’t have experience chat! Don’t say that!”
        (Y/U/N) joined the game
        “Fudge there’s three people I haven’t met. Firetrucks, uhhhh, I need to give them their flowers but I can’t name them!”
        <(Y/U/N)> Hello new fellows! \o/
        <Tubbo_> Hello! o/
        “I like that one.” She laughed. “He definitely deserves a flower. Oh, Mr. Soot’s online. Maybe he can help…”
        Wilbur looked over to see her typing a message in chat to him and as he looked over, he realized there was no webcam. She must not like to show her face.
        (Y/U/N) whispers to WilburSoot: Hi Mr. Soot! I’m in a predicament. May I ask for some of your EXP levels to name three flowers?
        He chuckled as he typed back to her.
        WilburSoot whispers to (Y/U/N): I have a few I can spare. I’ll be heading over to the ball to meet you. Just bring the anvil and flowers.
        “He’s a lifesaver chat!” She cheered. “We found a good one!”
        He laughed as he made his way over to his ball.
        (Y/U/N) whispers to WilburSoot: You’re a lifesaver! I and the chat thank you!
        She came sprinting over a few moments after he got there and she placed the anvil down and threw to him a dandelion, an orange tulip, and an allium.
        (Y/U/N) whispers to WilburSoot: The dandelion for Tubbo, the tulip for Fundy, and allium for Ponk.
        WilburSoot whispers to (Y/U/N): Ok :)
        He named the flowers the same as she had named his as she took the chance of waiting to read out her subs and donations. As he named the last flower, he saw he had a spare daisy in his inventory. She was giving them flowers; he should give one back.
        To (Y/U/N) From WilburSoot
        He threw all the flowers back over as she was reading a donation.
        “Ah! Flowers! Time to hunt down the people!”
        (Y/U/N) whispers to WilburSoot: Thank you! I owe you one!
        WilburSoot whispers to (Y/U/N): Any time!
        She picked up the anvil before sprinting off into the distance and he went back towards his build.
        <(Y/U/N)> Mr. Tubbo! Hello! I’m new and wish to give you a present!
        <Tubbo_> Thank you!!
        It was a moment before a new message popped up in chat.
        <(Y/U/N)> Hello Mr. Fundy! I have a gift for you!
        <ItsFundy> Ah thank you very much!
        Wilbur found it rather interesting as he watched the chat about how she used titles to talk to others. It was rather formal.
        “What do you mean there’s an extra flower? I only gave Mr. Soot three. Ok, ok, I’ll look.” She told her chat. “I thought I taught you guys better.” He looked over as she looked through her inventory, hovering over the extra flower he had given her. “Oh! He gave me a flower back! No one’s ever given me a flower back! Two years of giving flowers to people on servers and Mr. Soot beats them all!”
        So, this was a regular bit she did. He was surprised though to hear that he was the only one to give her a flower back, blushing lightly at her off-hand compliment.
        <(Y/U/N)> Mr. Soot! Thank you for MY gift! :)
        <WilburSoot> It was no problem. :)
        “Now back on track! To Ponk’s!”
        Wilbur tuned out the in-game chat as he worked, looking towards his phone though when he heard his name.
        “Do I watch Mr. Soot? Well yes, I’ve watched a few of his videos with Jschlatt and I’ve listened to his music video, uh…The Internet Ruined Me! That’s the one.”
        Wilbur blushed lightly once more. She had watched some of his videos and his music?
        “Do you watch anyone else on the server? Yeah, I watch a few of the guys like Sir Dream, George, and Sapnap. I watched one or two videos of Mr. Innit’s and Tubbo’s creation. But I have to be here with you too chat! I don’t have time to watch everyone!”
        Wilbur finished building, about to log off for the day but stopped and opened in-game chat.
        <WilburSoot> Good bye Ms. (Y/U/N)!
        “And he’s saying bye to me! Why didn’t we meet him sooner chat?!”
        <(Y/U/N)> Goodbye Mr. Soot! :)
        “I am not simping chat! I thought I taught all of you better!”
        Wilbur laughed as he turned off the stream. She was certainly a character.
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