#finelinevogue blurbs
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finelinevogue · 8 months ago
something in the orange
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summary - you are harry’s ex and you happen to rekindle at his sisters wedding
word count - ~2k
pairing - ex-boyfriend!harry x reader
It wasn’t a complete surprise that your ex-boyfriend was at his sisters wedding, but nonetheless you were still shocked to see him.
You had been friends with Gemma, your exes sister, way before you were dating her brother, Harry, which is probably the main and only reason you had been invited to her wedding.
Gemma and her family were still very nice towards you, even though you broke their Harry’s heart.
Well for the most part.
You had been sat on a table at the back of the reception room for the evening meal, with a couple of distant friends of the groom. You had been trying to make small talk as best you could, but your little introverted heart could only try so hard.
“Are you staying in Italy after the wedding?” You asked a man called Gordon who was sat next to you, with his girlfriend.
He then went back to talking to his girlfriend.
You took a sip of your mocktail, glancing around the room to enjoy the happiness of others.
Gemma was happily chatting with Michal, her now husband, whilst Anne, Gemma’s mum, was arguing with one of the chefs that the cake had to be ready in ten minutes. It was quite funny to watch Anne get angry, considering she’s the loveliest person on the planet.
You noticed Harry, of course you did.
He hadn’t looked your way once, or if he had he’d been so discreet about it that he was making you feel invisible.
You didn’t blame him for keeping his distance, after all you had broken his heart. It was a surprise you had even been invited, but friends first and all that.
He looked good.
He looked better than good, he looked ridiculously pretty.
Harry was dressed in a black tuxedo with a bow tie that had now been untucked and was loosely hanging around his neck. He looked tanned and well. He looked happy, you thought.
You turned to a girl next to you and tried to start conversation with her.
“How are you enjoying the Amalfi Coast?” You smiled.
“It’s nice.” She smiled back before turning to speak to whoever was next you.
It wasn’t particularly nice having the people on your table kind of ignore you, but then again they didn’t know you and had no reason to get to know you.
You ate your meal in silence as you simple people watched.
It was nice seeing familiar faces, even if yours was one they’d rather not see.
Once you had finished, people had started to get up to go and dance on the little dance floor on the terrace. It was laden with fairy lights strung high above, along with an abundance of citronella candles that casted a warm orange glow over the area.
You watched as some couples slow danced. A little girl had a dance competition with her dad. Gemma and Michal busted whatever shapes they were doing.
“Have you finished, ma’am?” A waiter asked you, breaking you away from watching the evening continue without you.
“Oh yes. Thank you, it was really lovely.”
“Our pleasure.” They smiled at you, before cleaning up.
You fiddled with your fingers as you watched more and more people get up on the dance floor to enjoy their evening.
You pushed your chair back then, deciding to go to the toilet before you made the decision whether or not to join people out on the terrace.
The wedding location was gorgeous.
A beautiful historical hotel, overrun with flowers cascading down the stone walls, that was built into the cliffside along the Amalfi Coast.
It was no surprise that the wedding was here, considering Gemma and Harry called Southern Italy their second home. Harry had taken you to his house in Maiori multiple times when you had been together and you completely understood why he loved this area.
You missed going to that house. The crazy adventures you’d get up to.
You missed Harry.
You locked yourself in a cubicle before you could make yourself upset over it.
You’d just finished up when you heard some people walk in.
“Did you see Y/Ns here?” They said, but you couldn’t work out who they were - at least it wasn’t someone you recognised.
“Yeah. Wonder why.” You didn’t recognise the second persons voice either.
“Fucking ballsy if you ask me.” They both laughed. “If I’d cheated on my best-friends brother and still been invited to her wedding, I wouldn’t go.”
“Did Y/N cheat on Harry? I heard that she had a mental breakdown when he stopped buying stuff for her and stopped taking her on expensive holidays.”
You sat down on the toilet lid, not finding the courage to go out there and speak up for yourself.
“No. Pretty sure she cheated. Doesn’t surprise me though, she always was a little bit… different.”
“You mean, not model worthy?!” They both laughed again.
You carefully and silently ripped off some toilet paper before using it to dab the tears that were falling from your eyes and down your cheeks.
It was tough, trying to not take things to heart but you were a sensitive person. This didn’t make you a bad person, in fact it just meant that you carried extra love around with you.
It hurt when other people couldn’t see that when you tried to live with your heart on your sleeve as much as you could.
“God… Wonder why she came?”
“Probably to prove that she’s not the bitch everyone thinks she is.”
“Harry hasn’t even spoken to her.”
“Weren’t they together for like five years.”
6 years and 3 months, you thought to yourself.
Best 6 years and 3 months of your life.
“Something like that.”
“Poor Harry.”
“Yeah. Must’ve been rough for him.”
“Means he is single though.”
“Wonder whether he’s ready to mingle.” They both laughed again, before leaving the toilets discussing their plan to make Harry see them.
You finished dabbing your eyes free of tears, breathing out a heavy breath before standing up and heading to the sinks to freshen up.
You patted your cheeks with water to cool you down and looked at yourself in the mirror with a smile.
You are okay. You thought to yourself. You know what they said isn’t true. You are a good person.
Once you’d collected yourself, you left the bathroom.
If you headed right you would find yourself back in the main room heading towards the terrace, but it you went left it would lead you to some stone steps carved into the cliff wall that lead down to a private beach.
Of course you headed left.
The night sky was burning a deep orange from where the sun was setting. You couldn’t wait for the stars. Stargazing had always been yours and Harry’s favourite pastime - it grounded you whilst simultaneously reminding you how grateful that you’d found each other in all of this.
The stairs were easy to walk down, even in wedge sandals.
It took you a good fifteen minutes to climb down, but the second your toes felt the cooling sand you knew it had been worth it. Would it be worth the climb back up? Hmm…
You crossed the beach, smiling when you realised you were the only one down here in this small alcove of a beach.
The waves moved in slowly, making that euphoric crashing sound as they folded over and onto the sand.
The water was turning a darker blue under the setting sun, but you knew in the daytime it would be a crystal clear blue - perfect for swimming or snorkelling.
You sat on the beach, toeing off your sandals and resting them beside you.
You pulled your knees up to your chin, hugging your arms around your legs as you sat and watched the waves crash again and again. There was something so therapeutic about it.
As you watched on you couldn’t help but think back to the conversation those girls were having in the toilet.
You didn’t realise what people thought about you being your back. It stung to think people were thinking such horrible things.
The moment your eyes started watering again you knew that what they’d been saying about you hadn’t really registered until now - in the quiet on your own. It hadn’t fully clicked that everyone now perceived you as this horrible, bitch of a woman that broke the heart of a man who is loved by millions.
You sniffled, looking up at the sky to hold back the onrush of any more tears.
“Holy fucking….” You scrambled from where you were sitting and jumped up to find Harry standing beside you, “Harry… My…”
You put your hand over your heart, having been scared shitless from him unintentionally creeping up on you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump.”
You then realised he was still holding out his handkerchief for you - the one you thought had been pretend from his suit pocket.
“It’s okay, thank you.” You took this handkerchief and wiped under your eyes with it, dabbing your nose too. “I didn’t realise you were down here, sorry. I’ll leave.”
You bent down to pick up your shoes, but were stopped when Harry gently bent his wrist around yours.
“Please don’t.”
You felt like you had stopped breathing.
Harry’s soft touch against your skin nearly made your heart cave inside your chest. You felt like time had stopped, but you wouldn’t care if you only ever got to see Harry in this moment, in this frame, for ever and ever.
The way the setting sun casted a golden hew against his skin made him prettier than anyone Michelangelo could sculpt. His eyes were just as green and perfect as always, if only with a little extra sadness spreading at the corners.
And those lips.
Well you only wished they were still yours to kiss.
“I don’t…” You started, not moving your hand away from his. “You don’t want me here.” You whispered, tucking your head down.
You missed the way he shook his head softly, furrowing his eyebrows with frustration.
Harry stepped closer to you, making you apprehensively look up again. He was so pretty.
“Stop what?”
“Stop thinking I don’t want you around. Stop thinking that I never want to see you again. Stop believing that you have done something wrong. Stop thinking that you aren’t still the most important person in my life.” Harry’s eyes were now tearing up.
You shook your head, pulling your hand from his carefully.
“I.. I can’t.. sorry.”
You were about to run across the beach, away from Harry when his call stopped you.
“Y/N, no.”
Your feet froze and you turned around slowly to see him standing in place, ever so slightly shaking his head.
“Just no.” He said.
“I… I don’t understand.” You said.
“The last time you ran away, I let you.” Harry said, as you tried to refrain from thinking back to the last time it had been like this.
“I know.”
“Well, I’m not about to make that mistake again.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at that, bottom lip pouting which Harry always used to tease you about.
You stood still, your breath catching when he started moving towards you. You couldn’t move. You were frozen to the spot, like some force of nature wasn’t allowing you to move.
“The last time I let you walk out of my life was the biggest mistake I ever made. I should’ve tried harder - I should’ve begged you to stay, God knows I wanted you to.”
“Harry, please don’t say things you don’t mean…”
“What don’t you get, Y/N/N?” Harry stopped short of you, confused about how you couldn’t quite grasp what he was trying to tell you.
“You don’t want me to stay.”
“You don’t need me to stay.”
“No, H, listen to me.” You confidently took a step forwards towards him, still leaving a good enough space between you. “I can’t put you through another breakup like that again.. I… I don’t even think either of us have properly gotten over the last one. I meant what I said and did last time and I still mean it now.”
“Well fuck that. You don’t get to say things like that.”
“No. Fuck!” Harry shouted, combing a hand through his hair like he did when he was stressed. “Do you understand how much you hurt me?”
You weren’t expecting him to ask you that, so you took a tiny step back in shock. You bravely answered, “Yes.”
“And do you know why?” His eyes were watering now.
“So tell me.”
“Just.. humour me and tell me.”
“You were hurt because I broke up with you. You were hurt because I gave up on over six years. You were hurt because I was cruel.”
Your voice was shaky but you stood strong, not wanting to guilt trip Harry into feeling sorry for you.
“No.” He replied. “No. I was hurt because the woman I love, the woman I was only weeks away from getting down on one knee for, broke up with me because she decided she wasn’t worth me loving. Not that she didn’t love me anymore, no, but because she felt unworthy of my love.”
Your eyes started free flowing with tears then as you stood and listened to him speak. Everything he was saying was true but it didn’t make it any more comfortable to hear back.
“I was hurt because I thought we could talk about things like that before the progressed into something we could never come back from. I was hurt because you chose to listen to all the sick and twisted voiced in your head, rather than the one voice that actually mattered; mine. I was hurt because you didn’t communicate. I had to find out from my sister that you were being abused online by, not only my fans, but close girl friends of mine over their jealousy. And I had to find out from my mum that yours had passed away a few weeks before you broke up with me.”
You let out a sob then, everything crashing around in your mind. Too many thoughts and too little left of you to put them all back together.
“Y/N, love, I was hurt because I was there for you when you didn’t believe I could be.”
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed out before your knees gave way and you dropped onto the beach beneath you, crying your what was left of your heart out.
Everything from your breakup, to the hate and losing your mum, the grief had all been collecting inside of your head and it was only now that you felt safe enough to let it all go.
You caved in on yourself, cupping your hands over your face.
It only took a couple of seconds for Harry to collapse onto the floor beside you, scooping your body up in his arms so he could pull you close into his chest. Your chest heaved as you cried, and you could only just hear Harry calming you down with a few ‘sshh’ and the occasional kiss to your forehead.
You kept repeating ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again, not really knowing who you were apologising to.
Harry? Your mum? Yourself?
“Sshh. You’re okay. I’ve got you. You’re safe.” Harry kept repeating in between your apologies.
You let Harry hold you for what felt like hours, but was actually only five minutes, before you had calmed yourself down and you could breathe again.
You emerged from Harry’s hold and gave him a weak smile.
“Probably look like a right state after crying.” You laughed at yourself.
Harry cupped your cheek with his hand and softly ran his thumb there. “Still as pretty as the day I met you.”
“H, you met me when we were less than a year old. You don’t remember that.” You stifled a laugh.
“I don’t remember much, but I remember you.”
You dipped your head with a blush as he said that, his words still having that charming effect on you.
Harry dropped his hand from your cheek, but you were quick to hold it again with yours. You threaded your fingers through his and gave a tight squeeze. He squeezed back.
“I am really sorry, Harry.”
“I know.”
“I have a lot to be sorry for and I’ll find the strength to write you a list of them all one day.” You promised.
“Maybe we can write them together? Perhaps in a couples therapy?”
Your head shot up to meet his at the hearing of the word ‘couples’.
“You want…”
“I want you to be mine again. I may be selfish but screw it, I’m taking this chance to ask you whether, with the right help maybe, we could become us again?”
“Are you sure?” You moved closer to him, knees touching knees.
Here on this little beach, tucked away from the crowds of the party and the rest of the world you felt everything was right again. Almost like a haze had been lifted and you could see clearer now more than even what you wanted - who you wanted.
“Trust me.”
“I do. I promise, I do.”
“Maybe it’ll take some time, but I promise to be there for you, always, and take care of you like I promised your mum all those years ago.”
“You’ve always taken care of me, H. My mum would be proud of you.”
“Like she’s proud of you, too.”
“Don’t make me cry again.” You whispered, eyes locked on his so you could focus on something else other than the tears that wanted to spill.
“So was that a yes? Do you want to try again?”
“Ask me properly.” You leaned closer.
“Y/N L/N.” He said with a smirk.
“Will you be my girlfriend… again?”
You burst out laughing over that, dropping your head onto his shoulder to hide your blushing face from his.
You smiled to yourself before answering.
“Yes,” You kissed his neck before sitting back up again, “Yes, yes, yes.”
And with the smile on Harry’s face as you gave him your answer you knew that you would be alright this time.
There was just something in the orange of that burning Italian sunset that told you, you and Harry were far from done. In fact, you’d only just started.
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finelinevogue · 2 years ago
i’ve been waiting for a fic like this 🫡🫡🫡
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i’m actually sat here like damn…. this whole fic took me on a journey and i LOVED it <33
It would be so cute if you could write about harry and yn being together since highschool and they were each others first everything and they got married very early and just their live together now yk
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From Here To Eternity.
a/n: thank you to the very kind anon that requested this blurb, it was definitely a fun one to write and i’m sorry it took so long to post! fyi i’m absolutely terrible at writing smut so please don’t come at me🫶
masterlist || ask me anything <3
likes and re-blogs are very much appreciated!!
word count - 9.8k
in which, harry and you first met on your first day of secondary school, and since then your lives have always revolved around each other. she’s been there through everything, his x-factor audition, when the band first rose to fame, when they went on a hiatus and when he made it big as a solo star. they were each others first everything’s, and that made the whole ordeal just that more special.
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September 4th, 2009 — the first meeting.
On the first day of secondary school, your nerves were through the roof. The fact that your hands were shaking was not helping the factor that you knew absolutely no one in this school.
You were absolutely terrified of being late to your classes and having to do the walk of shame towards your desk as everyone stared at you.
Walking down the hallway, you happened to spot a boy with brown curly hair, he was putting something away in his locker and a focused look on his face.
“Excuse me,” You gained his attention as you walked over to him, his snapping over to me. “I was wondering if you happened to know where room 102 was?”
He closed his locker behind him and stood up straighter. “— yeah I do, I’m heading there myself in a minute, what’s your name? M’Harry?”
Relief showered your body knowing that you had found someone to talk to and someone you could walk into class with. “My names (Y/N)”
“So are you new here?”he asked, gripping a hold of his backpack that was over his shoulder, it blended in with your school uniform.
You nodded your head. “—yeah we moved from Liverpool, today's my first day.”
“So what classes do you have today?” Harry asked as you tried not to bump into students in your way.
You glanced down at the timetable that was in your hands and let out a small groan. “I’ve got Math, English, Religious Studies and then Science”
Harry let out a small laugh. “— I’ve got the same, looks like we’re going to be in the same classes”
Thank god.
At least you would know someone in your classes through the day and wouldn’t have to feel like a loner.
“Maths is definitely my favourite subject,”Harry continued on smiling at the thought of his favourite subject. “What’s yours?”
“Oh I’m absolutely terrible at maths,”You shook your head before pondering an answer to his previous question. “— I think my favourite subject may be pe.”
As the two of you walked towards the class (more like you following behind him like a little bit of a lost puppy) you continued to chet about your favourite hobbies.
You found out that he was part of a music group named ‘White Eskimo’ and he had even invited you to rage along to one of their practices when you had time.
You found yourself laughing at the little jokes that he seemed to slip into the conversation and you felt a lot more at ease about the school day ahead.
By the time you both arrived at the door of the classroom, you felt your throat go dry upon seeing your Maths teacher Mr.Jones already reaching the class.
Not only had you made yourself late, you had now dragged your new friend down to your depths.
Harry tried to quietly open the door, hoping not to disturb the class but the teacher had already snapped their head over to see the two of you entering the room.
Mr.Jones raised an eyebrow at Harry. “Late on the first day back?”
Your new friend looked down at the ground slightly. “—M’sorry,Sir.”
The teacher let out a sigh before turning their attention over to you and eyeing you up carefully. “Who's your friend?”
“My names (Y/N), I’m new here and Harry helped me get here, it’s my fault we’re late.”I tried to explain to the teacher who just pushed there glasses further up the bridge of there nose.
“Well (Y/N) and Harry, go ahead and take the seats at the back of the class for me.”Mr.Jones nodded there head over to the two empty seats you were expected to occupy.
As the two of you sat down in the seats, you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and felt your face flush a soft shade of pink.
Being late on your first day wasn’t so teething you expected to do. But they couldn’t really blame you.
You just didn’t want to make a bad first impression.
“I’m sorry about making you late.”You apologised to Harry, as you grabbed a pencil from your pencil case.
Harry waved you off with a reassuring smile. “— it’s all good.”
As the lesson progressed on you and Harry shared notes about the syllabus you were learning, helping each other with the work as much as you could without the teacher calling you out for speaking.
“Thanks for letting me sit next to you, you didn’t have to.” you muttered to Harry who was flicking through the textbook.
He smiled at you. “— honestly, it’s been my pleasure, and can’t wait to see where this friendship goes.”
April 2nd, 2010 — Prom.
When Harry had invited you round his house on Saturday, you thought absolutely nothing of it.
Since you first started year eleven, you and Harry were quick to become best friends and would often go round each other's houses on the weekend and have a sleepover until Sunday.
When he opened the door after hearing you knock on it, you could instantly pick up on how nervous he was due to the fact his fingers were curled up into a fist.
“Hi, H!”you greeted him, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
There was no doubt that over the course of your friendship that you hadn’t thought about him in another way.
You spent every school day together since you started and most weekends together as well unless you were doing something with your families.
Harry opened the door a bit more. “— hey, come on in.”
Once inside, Harry led you out to the back garden seeing as it was a warm summer's day, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Until your eyes landed on the set up.
A picnic had been set up and a red and white chequered blanket was laid out on the greenery. A bowl of fruit in the middle with some sandwiches laid out as well.
“Wow..Harry,”you breathed out. “— what’s all this for?”
“I was thinking about Prom and how we weren’t too sure about if we should go,”he explained, sitting down on the blanket with you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “— I wanted to ask if you would be my Prom date? I wanted it to be special.”
Did you hear him right?
He wants you to be his prom date?
“Really?”was all I managed to speak, still trying to wrap my head around his question.
He nodded his head. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I can’t deny that I like you, we’re friends and going to prom together would be the first step into getting something more.”
Was this way of him saying he liked you?
Holy fucking moly.
“You like me?”
He smirked at you. “— isn’t that obvious?”
He took a sip of strawberry water from his cup. “So what do you say? Will you be my prom date?”
You flushed a shade of red making him let out a small laugh. “I would love to be your prom date!”
When Prom night finally came around, your nerves were skyrocketing.
You stood at the top of the stairs after hearing from your mum who was peering out the windows that your prom date had arrived and was eagerly awaiting for your prom dress to get revealed, so that he could like you even more.
You took in a small inhale of air before your heel clad feet started making their way down the stairs, hand holding onto the railing so that you didn’t fall and trip, and that was when you saw him.
He was wearing a grey suit, with a white crisp shirt underneath as well as a matching grey suit vest and a black bow tie to compliment the outfit even more, his hair was styled the exact same with his unruly curls framing his face and had some black shoes on his feet.
“Wow,”Harry’s mouth gaped as he stared at you, “— you look beautiful!”
You had no idea that you would be matching colours seeing as you hadn’t even known what each other was going to wear.
This was complete coincidence.
Your dress was a light grey strapless dress with a long skirt that was layered. There was a sprinkling of light pink flowers embroidered onto the torso of the dress to add the slightest pop of colour.
Your cheeks flushed. “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.”
Your mother was standing next to your father at the bottom of the stairs as well, a camera was in her hands as Harry came and stood next to you, placing a hand on your hip and bringing you in closer to him.
“The two of you look lovely.”Your mother complimented as she continued to take photos.
“Thanks mom.”You let out a small groan of embarrassment as Harry let out a small laugh.
Your father clapped Harry on the back as the two of you made your way towards the front door, he was grinning at him. “— take care of my daughter tonight, Harry.”
“I will Mr. (Y/L/N)”Harry let out a nervous chuckle.
After the two of you had said your goodbyes to your parents, Harry who had just passed his drivers test grabbed his keys out of his pocket and opened your car door for you like a true gentleman.
Once the both of you were in the seats, Harry turned to look at you with a look of fondness. “You really do look beautiful by the way.”
“And you really do look handsome.”You told him in truth, tucking a curl out of his eyes.
The drive to the venue was one filled with laughter and comfortableness when the two of you arrived at the venue, strobe lights were lining up the exterior as a red carpet was rolled out.
Throughout the entire night, you and Harry continued to dance, moving your bodies and that was when you realised just how charming and considerate Harry really was.
All in all you had a great time together.
As the night drew to a close and prom king and queen was announced, Harry placed a hand on the small of your back as the final slow dance of the evening took place.
“How would you feel if I took you on a real date sometime?”
Your heart skipped a beat and your stomach felt as if butterflies had taken home there. “— I would feel privileged.”
What a great way to end the night.
June 17th, 2010 — the first time.
“If you're not ready to do this…''Harry panted out as you wrapped your arms around his neck from where you were laying underneath him, both of you in nothing but your knickers. “…then we don’t have to, I’m not pressuring you into doing anything.”
“I really want to do this,”you whispered, pressing a kiss to his nose. “— there’s no one else I would rather be doing this with, I trust you Harry, baby.”
After your first date, you and Harry had been on five more before he asked you to be his girlfriend and after dating for two months you finally figured out that you were both ready to take the next big step in your relationship.
Harry nodded his head and started leaving kisses down her jaw, and lower down her neck, making you squirm slightly in his grip.
He slowly pulled the waistband of your knickers down from your hips and gradually down your leg making you wish he would simply hurry up.
“God, you're making me melt over here, babe.” Harry complimented as he took sight of your bare core, glistening and all for him.
He was a virgin also, so that factor made this even more special.
“Please..please har..Harry.”you whined, head thrown back as his hand teased at your bud of nerves, he tried not to whine as well at seeing you like this.
Your first time was together.
He was getting you ready for him and that made you even more nervous.
The condom was on his length before you even got a chance to blink.
His length was bulky and there was a large vein leading up to the top of his penis, where a drop of pre cum was starting to form.
Harry laced your fingers together as he slowly entered your soaking core.
It wasn’t as painful as you had imagined but it was definitely uncomfortable.
It would take a lot of getting used to.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head at the feeling and knowing that the moisture was all because of him and no one else.
“You feel so good (Y/N).”Harry groaned as he thrusted in and out of you at a gentle pace.
You reached your hand up and pulled at his curls as moans and groans fell from both of your lips and filled his bedroom.
He kissed you with everything he had, and that was what solidified the deal for you.
You loved him.
Your legs tightened and your stomach copied.
“Let go, sweet girl,”Harry spoke softly, making a tear fall down your cheek at the pleasure you were currently facing. “— come for me, babe.”
“Let go, let go for me, sweet girl.” A wave of ecstasy rolled over your body as you came undone and felt his lips against your feverish skin.
Harry pressed a kiss to your lips. “— I love you (Y/N) I love you so much.”
Your pants made it hard to figure things out around you but you had definitely heard what he had said.
He loves you?
Harry Edward Styles really said he loved you.
You let out a small breath. “I love you Harry, I really do.”
There’s definitely a right place to say things like this and this was definitely the place.
August 6th, 2010 — the news.
“I’ve got some news.”
You tilted your head to the side as you laid down next to Harry on the hammock in his garden, your legs entwined and your head rested on his chest.
You lifted your head up slightly. “What’s the news?”
“You know how you and mum are always saying that I’ve got a good voice?” He asked, running a hand up and down your arm.
You nodded at him as an answer, you did really think that he had a good voice, you would often hear him singing to himself getting changed in the mornings you would sleep over, you would hear him singing you to sleep at night when you were a little bit restless.
He was even part of ‘White Eskimo’ so if he was the frontman of a band then he obviously had a good voice.
“Well I think I’m going to audition for X-factor.”
You sat up completely, eyes wide as his words registered in your brain.
“You're going to audition for X-factor?”You exclaimed, “— as in the show with Louis Walsh and Dermot O Leary?”
He nodded his head. “I’ve been practising non stop, you hear me singing all the time, so it only seems like the right thing to do.”
“I’m really excited for you!” You leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his cheek out of pure affection.
“Do you have an idea about what you're going to sing?” You mused, staring at him softly.
“Yeah, I want to sing something that really showcases my voice so I’ve been thinking ‘Hey Soul Sister’.”
One of your favourite songs.
“That’s a really good song, H.” you informed him, lacing your fingers together. “— you're going to do absolutely amazing.”
He hummed. “You really think so?”
“I know so,” You assured him, the sun shining down on your skin to give it a nice sun kissed glow. “— and I’m always here if you ever want help practising.”
He laughed, throwing his head back slightly at your words, you both knew that you were a very bad singer so just the thought of you helping him out seemed funny.
“I’ll definitely consider that.”
Over the next few weeks leading up to the audition, you would hear Harry singing every chance he got.
Whether that be in the shower, in the car on the way to school, and sometimes when you stayed over you could swear that you heard him singing in his sleep.
But that only showed his dedication to impress the judges.
And that hard work definitely paid off.
February 19th, 2013 — gaining permission.
It was a warm summer’s evening when Harry approached the front door of your childhood home.
His nerves were high as he raised his fist to knock against the wood, his mind still rehearsing everything that he was about to say to him.
After hearing someone knock against the front door, your father raised his eyebrows and went ahead towards it, opening it up and coming face to face with your boyfriend of nearly three years.
“Hello Mr. (Y/L/N)”Harry greeted the man he called a second father and offered him a grin.
Your father and Harry shook hands. “— Afternoon, Harry.”
You had absolutely no idea that Harry was going round to speak to your father tonight seeing as you were on a girls weekend with a few friends from school, and so Harry thought this would be the best time to speak to him, without you wondering where he was.
The timing was perfect really.
“I came to talk to you about something really important, if that’s alright with you.”Harry explained, his palms suddenly becoming slightly sweaty.
Your father invited him into the home and they both settled down on the sofas in the living room, Harry began speaking seeing as he couldn’t hold it off anymore.
"Mr. (Y/L/N), I know we're young, but I can't imagine my future without your daughter," Harry stated as he sat across from your dad.
"I appreciate your honesty, Harry. But marriage is a big commitment. Are you sure you're ready for that?" Your dad replied, folding his arms.
When Harry was placed as a member of One Direction, he didn’t think that his life would change drastically, he had heard stories of boy bands and their girlfriends always having a hard time, but you and Harry were beating all the odds.
The two of you were stronger than ever.
"Yes, sir," Harry answered confidently. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I love her so much and I want to spend the rest of my life making her happy."
Your dad leaned back in his chair, contemplating Harry’s words. "Well, I have to say, I'm impressed with your sincerity. It's not often you see such devotion in young people these days. Alright, I'll give you my blessing."
The singer let out a sigh of relief and a smile spread across his face. "Thank you, sir! I'll do my best to make her happy every day."
As Harry stood up to leave, your dad stopped him. "One more thing, James. Promise me that you'll take care of her. She's my little girl and I love her more than anything in this world."
"I promise, sir," Harry replied, nodding his head earnestly. "I'll always be there for her and do whatever it takes to make her happy."
As Harry left, your dad couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy. He knew that his daughter was in good hands with a man who loved her so deeply.
March 1st, 2013 — the pier.
Coming to the pier was a bit of a last time for you and Harry.
It held a lot of memories for the two of you.
When you would spend the nights round his house on the weekends, you would sneak out of the house and go and spend some time at the arcades at the end of the pier, he even won you a stuffed unicorn once.
You had gone there after prom when he asked you out on a proper date to stare at the stars as they rested in the sky,
After your fifth date, Harry had brought you to the pier and asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend.
You had been on the pier when he told you that he was put in One Direction, you weren’t allowed to be at that audition because your parents said that school was more important, you were there when he told you that his life was about to change drastically.
As you and Harry walked along the pier, he held your manicured hand tightly.
“So how was your day, baby?” You quizzed him, swinging your hands back and forth slightly.
“It was good,”Harry replied, “— busy with getting things ready for the tour, but it was good overall.”
You knew how hard he and the rest of the boys were working so that they could get everything ready for the tour they were about to embark on, you were tagging along as well so that you could spend as much time with Harry as possible.
“I can imagine,”you offered him a small smile. “How’s all that going?”
“I think it’s going well, to be honest.”he squeezed your hand as you continued walking down the pier. “— we’re just working on nailing the set list and then everything should be ready to go.”
As the two of you walked, the topic of conversation shifted from work to your family and then to finally what you both wanted your future to look like.
Over the years you had learned to feel comfortable with speaking to Harry about everything and anything.
“Speaking of the future,” He spoke, making you glance over at him, your eyes locking. “— what do you see in our future?”
You had thought about an answer to this question for a while now and contemplated telling him, but now seemed like the appropriate time to say it.
“I definitely see us having a happy, loving life together,”you began to answer, breathing softly. “Maybe a house, marriage and definitely some kids, you’d be a great dad.”
Harry’s heart swelled after hearing your words. “That sounds absolutely perfect.”
The two of you gazed out at the moonlit waves crashing below the wooden slats that were holding the pier up.
Finally, you reached the end of the pier where Harry stopped and turned to face you.
"(Y/N), I know we're only young," he began, "but I love you more than anything in this world. These past three years have been the happiest of my life and I can't imagine spending my future with anyone else."
Your heart was pounding as she stared into Harry’s forest green orbs that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.
"H, I love you too," you replied, your voice shaking slightly.
“Sweetheart, you're my best friend, actually your more than that, your my whole world, my absolute reason to wake up every morning, you’ve been by my side through all the hardships and to say you’ve made me a better man would one hundred percent be the understatement of the century.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, trying to regulate your breathing as your ears started ringing as you stared at the man you adored.
Your eyes widened as you watched Harry kneel down on one knee and pull out a small velvet box from his pocket. "(Y/N), will you marry me?"
Harry wanted you to be his wife.
You could barely see him through the tears that were falling from your eyes, but you could make out that he was crying as well.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you nodded vigorously.
“Yes, yes, of course, I will!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around Harry’s neck.
Once the two of you broke away from the hug, he slipped the ring from the box onto your finger, both hands shaking from the adrenaline currently coursing through their body.
The two of you embraced tightly, feeling each other's heartbeat as the gentle breeze swirled around you. For you and Harry, this moment felt like the beginning of forever.
August, 2014 — I do.
You took in a deep breath as you stood at the end of the altar next to your father, your arm linked with his as your other hand held a bouquet of flowers.
When the familiar chords of one of your and Harry’s favourite songs rang out throughout the small registery office that the two of you had decided to get wed at, that was when you realised that this was really happening.
You were getting married.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” Your father asked you, head tilted to the side.
You took in a hesitant small breath as you nodded at the words your father had just spoken. “Honestly, this is as ready as I’ll ever be.”
He nodded his head at your words before opening the doors to the side of the room, your breath hitched in your throat.
Your groom lifted his head when he heard whispers filling up the room and that was all the clarification he needed to know that you were present.
He hesitantly lifted his head and salt water instantly filled his orbs.
You looked astonishing.
It felt as if it was just the two of you in the room, your eyes remained locked on each other as you got closer and closer, the moment was pure and heartwarming.
Harry’s curls had grown out since your engagement on the pier so they were pushed back by a simple headband, so they didn’t block his view of you and he was adorning a suit of black colour, a white frilled shirt underneath as a thin silk black tie hung around his neck.
Your wedding dress was what you had always dreamed your dress would look like on your special day. It was Lacey and hung loosely to your figure in certain areas, flowers embroidered the sleeves and around your collar.
As your heel clad feet came to a stop by your soon to be husband, your father left a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, before taking a seat at the front two next to your mother as well as Harry’s parents and sister.
Your hand slipped into Harry’s and he rubbed soft circles on the back of it to reassure you that everything was going to be okay.
“You look beautiful, m’love.”Harry whispered as his own eyes filled with more tears.
The officiant glanced around at the people around you that were gathered in the small room before clearing his throat and beginning to speak.
“(Y/N) and Harry have decided to write their own vows as a declaration of there love for one another as well as there marriage,” the man began, looking down at the notes in his hands.
You and Harry locked gazes with each other and both offered each other a small smile, this was really happening.
“God, Harry I don’t even know where to begin,”you looked down at the piece of paper in your hand that was filled with your handwriting.
“— just for this day, I had to Google what the definition of a soulmate was but then I realised I didn’t have to. You were the definition. Plain and Simple. When we first met our first conversation was me asking you for directions, but over the past three years of getting to know you and fall continuously in love with you, I have come to known that you have showed me new directions of life, directions I didn’t think I would see unless I hadn’t of met you. You continue to make me proud and that’s one of the main reasons I love you.”
You glanced up at him when you had finished reading your vows and watched as a single tear rolled down his cheek.
Harry turned to look at the small gathering of people you had invited to be here for this special moment, and a wet chuckle fell from his lips. “How on earth am I supposed to beat that?”
He turned back to look at you, unfolding a piece of paper from his shit pocket and starting to read aloud. “— My sweet girl, m’love, when we first started dating, straight from the get go I had promised to cherish you from then on out, from our first meeting you instantly captured my heart, you’ve made me a better person, and for that I simply can’t thank you enough, your all I ever want and more, I love you and will continue to love you as long as my heart remains beating.”
There was definitely not a dry eye in sight when Harry had finished reading.
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), do you take Harry Edward Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward?”
“I do.”
“And do you Harry Edward Styles take (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward?”
“Of course I bloody do!”
Harry’s best man, his stepfather Robin Twist steps forward from where he’s sat next to Anne, offering both of you the rings.
The ring slipped onto Harry’s finger effortlessly.
His hands worked delicately to slip yours on.
The officiant smiled adoringly. “— with the power invested in me, I now declare you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!”
Harry didn’t waste a second in bringing his lip balmed lips down against yours, as the taste of strawberry filled your senses, the kiss was one full of tenderness and love.
It was all official.
You were now Mrs. (Y/N) Styles.
June 18th, 2015 — the delivery.
"I'm here!"
You looked up from the hospital bed you were currently laying on to see your husband run into the room, his eyes wide as he assessed the situation.
You were laid on the hospital bed, tears falling freely down your cheeks as your mother crouched at your bed side holding your hand and soothing you.
"H..Harry…"You spoke, voice coming out dry and hoarse.
The man rushed to your side, taking a hold of your hand and pushing some of the hair that had dried around your forehead out of your face. "— it's okay sweet girl, it's all okay. I'm here now"
Your mother gulped and looked down at the two of you. "I'll wait outside, give the two of you some space"the older women turned to look at her daughter. "You've got this (Y/N)"
Got what exactly?
Let’s answer that question.
You and Harry never really got to have a proper honeymoon after your wedding, due to the fact he was touring and didn’t have enough time to change the plans when they surrounded the band and management.
So almost six months ago, the band had decided to go on a little break near Christmas time so that they could spend the new years at home with their families and so you and Harry went back to holmes chapel.
And on Christmas Eve, the two of you christened the night and an explosion of love was formed.
You got pregnant.
And now, not even near the full term of pregnancy, your waters had broken when you were on a coffee date with your mother, your nerves were heightened especially when you had four months left in your pregnancy.
Once your mother had left the room, you turned to look at your husband, swallowing roughly. "I can't do it Harry..it's too early..they're not gonna make it!"
"Don't think like that, everything's going to be fine, I promise.” and with that he pressed a kiss to your damp cheek, grabbing ahold of your hand and rubbing the back of it softly.
Suddenly, you pinched her eyes shut and let out one of the most ear piercing painful cries Harry had ever heard, his heart beating erratically against his rib cage.
He stood up. "— I'm going to go and get some help alright..i'll be back as soon as possible"
He ran out of the room his wife was in and towards the reception area, his eyes landing on nurses who were sat there talking away. "— I need some help..my wife's having our baby"
You were clutching your stomach when Harry sprinted back into the room and resumed his position next to you, the nurses coming in followed by a doctor all smiling at you in the bed.
"Hi Mrs Styles, my names Dr Armstrong and I'll be helping you deliver your baby today, to make this experience as calm as possible, I'm going to need you to lift up your legs for me so I can check how dilated you are"
"You've got this"Harry whispered, his lips pressed against the shell of your ear.
You hesitated for a few seconds due to the fact the only person that had ever looked between your legs was harry, and the thought of any other man seemed daunting, but after Harry gave you a gentle look you slowly raised your legs up so they were bent on the bed and watched with watery eyes as the doctor slipped some latex gloves on his hand before slowly placing his hands between your legs.
The doctor then pulled his hands back, Harry letting his eyes fall on the blood on the top of the gloves, the doctor muttering a few things to the nurses, who then walked over to the other side of the room and started picking up blankets and towels.
What was happening?
"Mrs Styles, Mr Styles"the doctor cleared his throat. "— this probably isn't what the two of you were expecting but this baby is coming rather fast, and when I say fast I mean very, very fast"
Harry gulped and shook his head. "But she's only five months, surely that's not right"
The doctor smiled at the soon to be father. "That is very soon yes sir, but I have delivered babies much sooner than five months, and if we do everything right and take our time everything should be fine, I assure you"
The words just made your throat go even more dry, like sandpaper upon hearing that you were ten centimetres dilated and was soon going to be having the baby which just sent a sense
of dread to vibrate throughout your body.
"I don't want to do this Harry," You cried. "I don't want to do this..I can't"
Harry stroked a hand through your hair that was sticking to your forehead. "— you can do this sweet girl, I know you can, wouldn't have put our sweet baby in you if I didn't"
You nodded your head with all the energy that you could muster up and sat up a little bit further in the bed, your tight grip on Harry’s hand only getting tighter.
"Okay Mrs Styles, give me a nice gentle push."the doctor instructed, the nurses coming over to be on standby.
The next contraction hits your body and you ground your teeth together as you push, putting all the counter pressure in your hips.
Pushing kind of felt like when you were going to the toilet, only this was much more painful.
Tears continued to slide down your cheeks, Harry’s slightly calloused hands rubbing across her own as his own eyes welled with tears seeing the girl he loved and adored in so much pain.
"That was so good Mrs Styles,"the doctor complimented. "You're doing so well, repeat what you just did for me when your next contraction occurs, okay?"
Harry kissed your temple, just as another contraction ripped through your body, making it feel as though you were on fire.
"I can see the head."
The voices were numb to your ears, seeing as you were too busy focusing on pushing, your teeth were gritted together as your head was tucked down to your chest.
"We're so close to meeting them Sweet girl, so close,"Harry encouraged, looking in the eyes of his wife whose eyes were black.
The usual colour were filled with a pain filled black.
"The next push and you should have your baby, give me a big push Mrs Styles."
You pushed, this one feeling much longer than the others, keeping a white knuckle grip on Harry’s hand.
And that's when you heard it.
A cry filled the room, a literal babies cry.
Your and Harry’s babies cry.
"Is everything okay?"Harry quizzed, not removing his hand from your sweaty grasp.
You watched as the doctor nodded his head, letting his eyes flicker from between the two. "— congratulations Mr and Mrs Styles, you have a beautiful baby boy."
A boy.
You had a son.
A beautiful baby boy who was your’s forever.
"Would you like some skin to skin contact with your son, Mrs Styles?"Dr Armstrong asked, holding the baby in his arms.
"Yes please."You answered, perhaps a bit too quickly.
The doctor walked forward and gently laid the baby against your bare chest, moving the hospital gown out of the way.
The second your sweet baby boy was placed against your chest, you couldn't help but loud out a few cries.
Sobs even.
It may have been a bit earlier than the two of you expected, but now you simply wouldn't change it for the world.
The Styles were complete.
Harry couldn't help but let a tear fall down his cheeks, not bothering to wipe it away.
This is all he had worked for, and now it was finally here he couldn't be happier.
"Do we have a name?"one of the nurses asked, smiling at the sight of the mother holding the baby.
You locked eyes with Harry. "You tell them sweet boy"
Harry swallowed and nodded his head, not letting his eyes falter from the baby boy attached to his wife's bare chest.
"August,"he spoke. "— August Harry Styles."
July 2nd, 2015 — the announcement.
As Harry Styles sat down for his interview, his long hair cascaded down his shoulders as he sat with the rest of the boys on the James Corden Show, a striped shirt hugging his body made of different shades of blue silk, with some black skinny jeans and a pair of chelsea boots.
He greeted James with a warm smile and sat down in the middle of Niall and Louis, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. It had been a while since he had spoken to the press, and he knew that they would have a lot of questions for him.
The first few questions were easy enough - how was his music career going? What were his plans for the future? But then, James asked him the question he had been dreading.
A question regarding his son.
Harry couldn’t be mad at James, it was his job after all and he knew for a fact that it was bound to come up one day, James was his friends, he wasn’t alone in the interview seeing as he was surrounded by his band mates, so he didn’t really have a factor to worry about.
"Harry, there have been rumours circulating that you have a son. Can you confirm or deny these rumours?"
Harry took a deep breath and looked directly into the camera. "I can confirm that the rumours are true," he said, his voice steady.
The host raised an eyebrow. "Can you tell us more about your son? How old is he?"
"He's just a baby," Harry replied, not wanting to really give away much about him. "I don't want to get into too many details, but he's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me."
And it was true.
Just over three weeks ago, little Auggie flew into there lives and made them just that much better than they already were.
The sleepless nights brought the two of you closer,
Nappy changes brought the two of you closer,
And baby sick made the two of you closer.
The interview continued, but Harry's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had just revealed a major secret. What would people think of him now that they knew he was a father?
But when Harry left the studio and checked his phone, he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from his fans.
They sent him messages telling him how happy they were for him and how much they respected him for being honest.
In the end, Harry realised that being a dad was nothing to be ashamed of - it was something to be proud of. And with his fans by his side, he knew he could handle anything that came his way.
25th May, 2023 — tour life.
Touring with your husband whilst he completed his last leg of tour was something you would never get over.
Especially now that you had two little munchkins touring with you, it made you think of all the different places the two of them would get to visit at such young ages.
Your little August was weeks away from turning seven and recently you had welcomed a little girl into the family, well not really recently.
A little girl named Margot.
Margot ‘gigi’ Anne Styles.
Touring was amazing, you got to spend all day surrounded by the people you adored to the end of the earths.
You were currently in Edinburgh.
And the two of you had woken up early due to your teething newborn and decided to head down to the hotel gym whilst it wasn’t busy and get in a little workout alongside your husband to try and get your body back to its pre baby shape.
Whilst you got ready and pumped some milk that Margot would be eating later, Harry had taken the kids down to the gym with him and told you to meet him there as that would be easier.
It really was.
As you walked into the gym, your eyes instantly landed on your husband Harry who was on a treadmill, already working up a sweat.
Seeing him working out always seemed to do something to you, and you have no idea why.
Maybe it was because you liked the look of the way the sweat would be rolling down his skin and making it sticky.
Or the way his hair stuck to his temple making him even look more delicious.
Almost ten years of marriage and you still got fireworks erupting your body whenever you were in his presence.
You smiled to yourself as you made your way over to him.
"Hey there good looking," You greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, making him freeze slightly before registering that it was you and smiling softly to himself.
"Hey m’love," he replied, slowing down the treadmill to join you, he leant over the handles of the machine and leaned down so that you were the same height.
"How's it going?"
"It's good. I’m knackered, but it’s good,Just trying to keep in shape for our little ones," he said, pointing to your son August, who was playing in the corner and drawing in his notebook, whilst your eight-month-old daughter Margot, who was asleep in her stroller, thumb in her mouth and head pulled to the side.
"I know what you mean. It's crazy how much our lives have changed since we got married," You answered, wiping down the machine before hopping on and starting up on the treadmill with a brisk walk.
"Yeah, it's wild to think about. But I wouldn't change a thing. We have a beautiful family and I'm so proud of everything we've accomplished," he said, glancing over at the kids, a smile involuntarily making its way onto his face.
"Me too," You agreed, adjusting my speed so that you were now in a slow jog. "Sometimes I can't believe we went from being just two kids in love to parents of two."
It really did blow your mind sometimes.
You remember the first time that you met Harry and your nerves skyrocketed. You were new to the school and knew absolutely no one, so when you and him became friends, it was like the two of you were meant to be.
But now, through all the good and the bad, the two of you had made it out on top, through all the hate from his fans, and all the hardships you now had the most perfect family, one that you would be able to cherish for the rest of your life.
"I know, right? But we make it work and we make each other better. And that's all that matters," Harry leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your cheek before hopping back into his workout mode, matching your pace on the machine.
The two of you continued to work out, talking about the things you normally would, like what dreams you had during the night and what you wanted to do the day before his tour.
“I was thinking we could take the kids to a cafe for lunch today,” You suggested, taking a break on the machine to take a sip out of your water bottle. “— I was thinking it would be something different, I don’t want the kids to get bored, y’know?”
Harry pondered the idea for a second before nodding his head. “Yeah, sounds like a good idea.”
It wasn’t long before you were all heading out for cafe.
It was a warm and sunny afternoon when you l, Harry and the kids approached the cosy little cafe in the heart of the Scottish city.
After your little gym session this morning, you and Harry had both gone back to the hotel room, had some showers and then got yourselves and the kids ready.
Harry was wearing a dark grey t-shirt with some pastel coloured designs on the front of it, blue ripped jeans hugging his legs accessorised with a pair of blue and white chequered vans, a blue cap and his iconic white bug eyed sunglasses over his face.
Harry had gotten Margot ready this morning, as you were in the shower. She was wearing a dark green romper, with a nice white bow headband pushing her curls out of her face, some knee high white socks adorning her feet.
After making sure that August was ready, his outfit consisted of a beige coloured oversized shirt, a cap on his hat so that he could match his daddy and a cap so he could match his daddy, and a pair of black shorts on his legs.
Once all of the kids were ready, it was then your time to get ready for the day. You shifted through the suitcase containing your clothes and decided on a simple outfit. It consisted of a pink oversized jumper paired with a matching pink pair of cycling shorts, some sunglasses and a pair of trainers on your feet.
It seemed like forever until you were all ready to leave the room.
As you made your way inside the cafe, you could see August's eyes light up with excitement as he eyed the pastry display case.
A worker greeted the four of you as you approached the counter, pulling your sunglasses up so that they were resting on the top of your head.
Your little boy turned to look at you with puppy dog eyes. "Mommy, can I have a chocolate croissant?"
"Sure, sweetie,” You nodded your head, adjusting your hands that were resting on the stroller handles as they were getting a bit sweaty. “— But just one, okay?"
You really didn’t want to deal with him having a stomach ache if he ate too many Pan Au Chocolates.
All the food sounded so good.
"I think I'm going to get a sandwich,” Your Husband spoke.
“What about you, baby?" Your husband spoke up, looking at the menu that was hung above your heads.
"I'll have a panini, I think,” You told him, turning to look at him and offering him a small smile. “And Margot is just going to have some pureed veggies."
You placed our order and then proceeded to sit down at a cosy table by the window, the sun beating through the windows. Little Margot comfortably nestled in her stroller beside you and Harry whilst August sat on the other side of the round table so that he was also next to both of you.
It was filled with small talk whilst you waited for your order to arrive at the table, the Scottish weather really was amazing this time of year.
"Daddy, did you know that I spelt a really big word with Mrs. Addams today?" August piped up, leaning forward in his seat eagerly.
August was coming up to seven so that meant that he would have already started school, but due to the fact you and the kids were touring the world with Harry that means he wasn’t able to go to school as much as he would have liked.
So in order for him to continue his studies, you and Harry both agreed that a teacher coming on tour with the two of you would be what’s best, and so far it’s been really good.
There’s been times where August’s kicked off about being too tired to learn but Harry being his father just learns that he inherited his stubbornness.
August was definitely a daddy’s boy through and through, in personality and appearance, he definitely had a little bit of separation anxiety when it came to Harry, but that was totally plausible due to the fact he was away for work quite a lot.
When Margot came into the world, she completed your family, she filled a void that the three of you didn’t know were missing and made your hearts just that much fuller.
Both children were spitting images of their father, you wouldn’t think that you were the one that carried them at all.
They both had his iconic brown curls (Auggie’s were a bit more longer due to the fact he had seen a photo of Harry with long hair and insisted he grow it out.) they had his green eyes that you fell in love with, and had his dimples and bunny teeth.
“Really? That's amazing!” Your husband gushed, reaching forward to fist bump his son with a proud smile on his face. “— What word did you spell?"
"Wow, that's quite a mouthful,”Harry leaned forward to press a kiss against his mini me’s forehead. “I'm proud of you, buddy."
August smiled at his fathers words before you all began to chat about something else.
As the four of you chatted and waited for your food to arrive, Margot began to fuss and squirm in her stroller.
"Looks like someone's getting hungry,” You went to stand up and go to her aid, her veggie purée that was in the baby bag under the stroller. “Let me get her a bottle."
"I can do it, love,” Harry grabbed a hold of your wrist softly, and stood himself up to approach the stroller “You stay here and eat. I'll take care of Gigi."
You smiled gratefully at your husband as he took Margot out of her stroller and sat her down on his lap as he started feeding her the purée you had made this morning in the hotel room while August and you chatted about what he wanted to do for the rest of the day.
As you finished your lunch, Harry chuckled and began to speak, "I don't think I've ever been surrounded by this much cuteness before."
That was true, your kids were the absolute cutest and the two of you weren’t biassed at all.
“And we wouldn't have it any other way." You sighed contentedly, they were your entire world, without the kids and Harry you're not sure what you would be doing right now.
With full bellies and happy hearts, you gathered your things and headed back out into the bustling city, ready to take on the rest of the day together as a family.
As you left the cafe in Edinburgh, you watched as Harry pushed Margot’s stroller, and held August’s hand so that he was close to you. You could see the fans waiting outside, and knew that you had to be careful.
As you made your way to the car, the fans started to call out your husband's name. "We love you, Harry!" they would shout.
You could feel August's grip on your hand tightening. He was scared, and you didn't blame him. You had been going out with Harry for thirteen years and still his fans didn’t cease to make you anxious. But you knew that you had to keep moving, to show that August couldn’t be scared because he would be scared if you were.
You reached the car, and Harry quickly put Margot in her car seat. August climbed into the back, and I got into the passenger seat, whilst Harry got in the driver's seat. As you drove away, you could see the fans in the rearview mirror, still calling out your husband's name.
"Mommy, why do they want to see daddy?" August asked, you could hear a slight quiver in his voice.
You offered him a gentle smile as you turned back to look at him in the backseat, his hand was holding onto his Sister’s,"Because he's a very talented singer, Auggie. A lot of people love his music."
August nodded, and you could see that he was starting to relax. You knew that it was going to be a long tour, but you were determined to keep your family safe and happy.
As Harry drove through the streets of Paris, you could feel the excitement building in the air. Harry’s husband's tour was going to be huge, and you
Knew that he was going to be amazing. But you also knew that it was going to be hard on all of you.
"Mommy, can we listen to daddy’s music?" August asked from the backseat.
"Of course, sweet boy," Harry enthusiastically reached forward, turning on the radio. Adore You came on, and I could see August's face light up.
"Your so good," August exclaimed, “— your the bestest singer in the whole wide world!” He was tapping his foot to the beat.
You and Harry both smiled, You were feeling proud of your husband and his talent. But also knew that being a pop star wasn't easy. There were always fans waiting outside, always paparazzi trying to get a photo.
You and your family arrived back at the hotel, and you quickly got Margot out of her car seat whilst Harry picked August up, although he was almost seven years old almost, he still like a cuddle.
May 26th, 2023 — late night talking.
“Can you believe it's been almost ten years since we got married?" You asked Harry as you lifted up his hand to play with the wedding band sitting around his ring finger.
You laid in bed with Harry in Edinburgh, after his show and the two of you were absolutely knackered.
His show was incredible like it always was, he got the crowd going like always and brought a smile on not just your face and the children’s faces but every fan's face in the stadium.
He was in everybody's safe space.
You had put the kids to bed earlier and had both shared a shower together before crawling into bed and snuggling up against one another like always.
Harry chuckled and replied, "I know, it feels like yesterday. We were so young and naive back then."
You smiled up at him, shifting on your side and placing a hand on his naked torso (he liked to sleep in just his boxers), "But look at us now, we have a beautiful family and a great life."
Harry nodded his head. "Yeah, we've come a long way. I'm proud of us."
You looked at Harry, "Remember when we used to talk about having kids? We were so scared."
Harry laughed, "Yeah, we were clueless. But now we have August and Margot, and I’d like to say we're doing just fine."
Parenting was definitely hard at times, but you and Harry always worked together to make sure that everything was going smoothly at all times, you both agreed you didn’t want your kids growing up in a household where there was animosity.
You grinned,pecking a kiss to his chest, "August is growing up so fast. He's already six years old."
Where had the time gone?
Where was your itty bitty five pound baby?
"I know, it's crazy,” Harry nodded, rubbing a hand up and down your back in a soft manner. “—And Margot is already eight months old. Time really does fly."
You sighed contentedly, "I'm so grateful for you and our family. We've been through so much, but we always come out stronger."
Harry smiled lovingly at you, pressing a soft kiss to your nose, "That's what love does. It makes us stronger."
It was true.
You and Harry always came out stronger when the two of you had a little disagreement, and that’s what made your relationship worth while.
You and Harry continued talking, reminiscing on your lives, feeling grateful for their life together. You knew that you had both come a long way, but if there was one thing you were looking forward too, it was to see what the future for their family.
"Are you okay?" You asked Harry as you noticed him struggling to keep his eyes open.
Harry shook his head, "I'm just feeling a bit tired today. I didn't get much sleep last night due to Gigi teething and the routings just started to get to me, nothing that a good nights sleep can’t fix.”
Yoy looked at Harry with concern, "Why didn't you tell me? Tonight, when the baby monitor goes off, I’m going to get Margot, I don’t care if you insist I sleep, I’m going, you need to be well rested.”
Harry smiled at you once again, yawning shortly before. "Thank you. But I wanted you to get some rest too. You've been working so hard lately."
You felt touched by Harry's words.
You knew that he was always looking out for you, even when he was struggling himself.
“Let’s try and get some shut eye.” You turned to the left and switched off your lamp on the bedside table before turning back around and snuggling into your husband's chest once again.
This was definitely your favourite sleeping position. His arms made you feel safe, as if no harm could ever come to you or the kids.
“I love you.” Harry spoke, looking down at you and puckering his lips slightly.
“And I love you, darling,” You replied, pressing one last goodnight kiss to his lips. “— from here to eternity?”
“From here to eternity.”
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outoftheseine · 1 month ago
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my cutie pie | note: please be aware of the authors’ warnings before reading. fics include canon tw’s like: violence, death, blood. some fics have 18+ content so minors please DNI.
part one | main masterlist
the night we met | part two • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @bau-drabbles
any other world • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @greg-montgomery
you're losing me | how you get the girl • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @14buddy22
we can’t be friends (wait for your love) | part two | part three | part four • aaron hotchner x fem!rossi!reader
↳ by @cerisereids
so long, london | all my ghosts | i miss you, i am sorry • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @navia3000
sleeping arrangements • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @boldlyvoid (pregnant!reader, comfort)
unconditional • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @ssahotchnerr (girldad!aaron, fluff)
soak it in • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @ssahotchnerr (girldad!aaron, very fluffy)
while i breathe, i hope • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @confused-pyramid (age-gap, angst, yearning, smut)
the great war • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @sprinkler-ashes (angst with happy ending)
guilty as sin • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @sprinkler-ashes (a little angst, pining, longing)
warmth • aaron hotchner x gn!reader
↳ by @strawbeerossi (fluff, mutual pining)
wound • aaron hotchner x bau!reader
↳ by @wyniepooh (flirty!reader, hurt/comfort)
if things go bad • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @luveline (home invasion, angst, comfort, tw: sa)
get a grip • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @nincompoopydoo (comfort)
coffee, black, two sugars • aaron hotchner x bau!reader
↳ by @erwinsvow (very fluffy)
something more • aaron hotchner x bau!fem!reader
↳ by @headkiss (friends to lovers, pining, 5+1, very fluffy)
a pleasant surprise • aaron hotchner x pregnant!reader
↳ by @hotchshands (fluff)
you are losing me • aaron hotchner x bau!fem!reader
↳ by @natashasfilms (lovers to exes to lovers, fluff angst but happy ending)
steady hand • aaron hotchner x bau!reader
↳ by @headkiss (shy!reader, fluff, yearning, 4+1)
everything has changed • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @gilmore-angel (fluff)
warm feelings • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @hardlyinteresting (fluff)
it had to be you • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @lilacwants (soo fluffy)
protector • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @elliewithcellie (slowburn, age-gap, boss/employee, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, smut)
overprotective • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @januaryembrs (angst, fluff)
ten’s a good number • aaron hotchner x psychiatrist!reader
↳ by @mrs-weasley-reid (enemies to lovers, angst, little fluff)
power struggle • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @hotchscoffeecup (angst, hurt/comfort, tw: sa)
dance until we’re bones • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @atlabeth (a lot of angst with hopeful ending)
tell your baby that i am your baby • aaron hotchner x bau!fem!reader
↳ by @em-prentiss (angst)
breakup • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @hazelhearts (angst, heartbreak)
killshot, baby • aaron hotchner x doctor!fem!reader
↳ by @cupidkenji (fluff, yearning)
long time coming • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @uranometrias (angst, fluff)
the riper the fruit • aaron hotchner x bau!fem!reader
↳ by @therightbeaches (hurt/comfort, fluff)
a better father • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @softtdaisy (insecurity, pregnancy complications, angst, fluff)
victim • aaron hotchner x bau!gf!reader
↳ by @finelinevogue (angst, comfort)
undercover • aaron hotchner x afab!reader
↳ by @luvvyouforever (fluff)
don’t call me kid • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @cxrrodedcoffin (angst, age-gap)
i know who you are! • aaron hotchner x reader
↳ by @cognitiveoverload (fluff)
annoyingly yours • aaron hotchner x fem!bau!reader
↳ by @ssa-dado (fluff, kind of angsty)
stir crazy • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @chithereader (fluff, slightly angsty)
always come home • aaron hotchner x bau!reader
↳ by @stardusksx (fluff, angst but happy ending)
fireworks • aaron hotchner x fem!bau!reader
↳ by @writtenbysprout (very fluffy, angst, pining)
daddy’s pancakes • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @thewulf (fluff)
let me hand you my love • aaron hotchner x fem!reader
↳ by @kiwriteswords (affectionate!reader, fluff)
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stylessbean · 1 year ago
Harry Styles Fic Recs: One Shots
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Friends to Lovers:
Best Friends My Ass by @theonewiththefanfics
the edge of all we've ever known by @stylesharrys
overprotective by @satanhalsey
The one where Y/N is terribly oblivious and Harry is in love with his best friend - H.S by (unknown)
Like You Mean It* - @gucciforasushirestaurant
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Famous! Reader:
POUR IT OUT by @watchmegetobsessed
Never Have I Ever by @watchmegetobsessed
goodbye by @peleksstuff
this blurb by @anettesblogs
late late show by @let-me-write-shit
celebrity crush by @inkslingerharry
a talk show and a surprise by @gucciwins
the instagram poll by @ifancyharry
i love you, i'm sorry - @sweetcherryharry
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Assistant! Reader:
Tomato - Tomato by @theonewiththefanfics
in which you’re harry’s assistant and harry needs to open his eyes by @havethetimeofyourstyles
shy by @moonchildstyles
ever since new york by @ifancyharry
two for the show by @nationalharryleague
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sweet nothings by @pancakes4two
Update (2 parts) by @watchmegetobsessed
love her stupid by @finelinevogue
love me like you do by @stylesharrys
vogue beauty secrets by @avatar-anna
Wishing you were here tonight is like holding on. (CEO!H)** by @guardarecheluna
look into his angel eyes by @thestoryofusstan
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can't be with you anymore by @lovebittenbyevans
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Smut: (click here for my smut masterlist)
trust by @daisyblog
BMWB by @cinemastyles-backup
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houseofccardsficrecs · 12 days ago
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spencer reid
note: none of these fics are mine, i am merely compiling my fav fics and supporting my fav writers! fics marked by * contain 18+ content
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ʚɞ puzzling by @pathologicalreid ⤷ where reader tries to use a crossword to tell spencer something important
ʚɞ no sign of danger by @pathologicalreid ⤷ where reader gets hurt when the swat team makes a mistake
ʚɞ a little timid by @enderlovez ⤷ where reader visits the bau to bring spencer dinner
ʚɞ unrequited love by @mggslover * ⤷ where reader is haunted by unrequited love her whole life
ʚɞ exile by @reidrum ⤷ where reader and jj are held hostage during truth or dare
ʚɞ close to home by @reidrum ⤷ where reader gets attacked by an unsub
ʚɞ pretty boy by @finelinevogue ⤷ where reader is jealous when spencer gets hit on
ʚɞ cradle song by @certaimromance ⤷ where spencer calls reader on a mission to talk to her and their baby
ʚɞ was i stupid to love you? by @incognit0slut ⤷ where a lingering look at rossi’s wedding threatens your engagement
ʚɞ hard times by @parfaitblogs ⤷ where spencer forgets about a date
ʚɞ boy dad blurb by @luveline ⤷ where reader and spencer’s son likes to hide
ʚɞ slip up by @reiding-writing ⤷ where reader and spencer slip up at work
ʚɞ tomorrow never came by @darkmatilda ⤷ where reader experiences what she thinks is unrequited love with spencer
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finelinevogue · 2 years ago
i am living for all this quality italy yacht summer vacation romance writing🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Harry styles x actress!reader
Summary: Harry worries something is wrong during a family trip to Italy, turns out your just horny
Warning: sex to get pregnant lol
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Italy, it was always Italy.
As two high profile A-listers, Harry Styles and Y/n Y/L/N-Styles could never go anywhere without being caught. Once in the car, another in the street, and of course at concerts and premieres.
Vacation was another highly intense time for the couple, but it was only amped up to the max because of the Love on Tour's ending.
The night of the final show, Harry had his wife, mum, and sister in his dressing room. As the tour has lasted literal years, he figured he owed everyone some sort of gift: gift giving was his love language. He got the lovely couple of the band, Sarah and Mitch, and the little love-bug, a couple of odd-ball things he knew they would all like. He got similar items for the rest of the crew, personalizing them for the recipient.
His wife though, along with his mum and sister, he believed were owed some time with him. Call him selfish but Harry really did miss being with his family, and it was clear from the thousands of messages and voicemails that they all missed him deeply too. So he figured, why not Italy?
Italy is his go to place for relaxing, despite the constant paparazzi, it was quite peaceful when out in the water or in his shared home. Not only that, but his mother truly adores the country and the history; he feels he owes it to her for putting up with all of his shenanigans when he was younger, he knows he wasn't as easy as Gemma was, and stardom really did exacerbate it. But he's better now--Y/n has whipped him into shape--and he's wealthy enough to go to Italy as much as Anne wants.
Gemma just loves the opportunity to gossip with Y/n, along with the chance to sun bathe on the yacht. She was a simple person to please, and would be appreciative for a coffee and croissant.
Y/n, though, his love, isn't one that can be shown love to through gifts, at least expensive gifts. Her net worth is the same as his, but beside all of that, she is extermly picky about what she wants. All of her brithday gifts are something she specifically told Harry, from brand to color, nothing was left for interpretation.
He thought the vaction would be good though. Y/n likes the quality time between them, how they could just be themselves with nothing stopping them.
The yacht was a perfect hit though. Anne and Gemma both loved the salty breeze of the mederterain sea, but he didn't think it was enough for Y/n. He needed something that was more of a wow factor.
Harry was nervous, biting his nails as he took Y/n down to the docks for a midnight boat outing. He planned this a bit ago, but now was second guessing the whole ordeal.
"I love the smell of Italy." Harry said, holding his hand with his wife. "Something about it...just isn’t it perfect?"
"Is it the cigarette smoke?" Y/n joked, sneaking a quick peak at the corner of Harry's mouth. "Why are you taking me to the docks?"
Harry cleared his throat. "A midnight trip since I wanted some one on one time with you."
They had reached the docks by now, and were slowly getting on. He felt Y/n's hands get tighter around his hand, squeezing every now and then while the life guard was untying the rope connecting the yacht.
Harry looked over to his wife, watching her to make sure she was enjoying herself. She was looking beautiful, hair down while her face was pointed up, looking at the night sky's stars. Her outfit was loose, a simple dress that she threw on after showering to get the sea off of her. It was one he picked out long ago, around their 6 month anniversary, and it was still beautiful.
Her wedding ring completed the look though.
A beautiful antique ring, one that looked as though it was carefully preserved throughout history, looked ethereal on her.
"Hey H?"
Her voice was beautiful too. It was no kidding she was a movie star, her voice draws you in and cages you so you could never leave--not that Harry would want to.
"Yes, Love?"
"You're staring."
Harry blinked, not what he was hoping she would say. He hates to be called out.
"Just wanting to make sure you're happy." He shrugged. "I love you s'much, and I want to give you the perfect gift."
Y/n smiled, a warming one that made Harry's legs feel like jelly. She could never get over the love she felt from Harry, his passtion ratiating from him at all times was truly sickening to the loveless.
"Harry, I love this trip." She brushed her hand through his hair. "Everything you do makes me happy."
"But, earlier, on the yacht you seemed...off."
Y/n bit her lip, looking down to the sea beside them. She didn't mean for Harry to feel disappointed in himself, but she knew exactly what caused it.
"I just had a lot on my mind..." She said, not giving much up which Harry was not happy with.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
"I ran out of my birth control about a couple weeks ago, and my hormones are really messing with me." She said, hoping he would get the hint.
"So you're horny?" Harry laughed, a boy-ish grin forming on his face. "I can deal with that."
Y/n laughed and pushed his kissing face away from her neck. "Yes, but since I haven't been on birth control in a few weeks, my doctor thinks I could get pregnant."
Harry's jaw dropped, which then formed into another smile, this time one of excitement and hornieness. "So, you mean...we could start trying for a baby?"
Y/n just nodded. Harry put his hands on her face and kissed her. Her hands moved from his hair down his arms then under his shirt. Harry, bless his soul, was a little nervous to move his hand down, but when Y/n broke apart this kiss so she could strip out of her dress he had no problems.
Harry followed and took off the white shirt he was wearing before, alog with his pants. He got pushed down to a long cooler seat. Y/n strattled his hips and startedkissing him more. Harry started to trickle down to her neck, leaving a hicky closer to her boobs so no one could see. He loved the moans coming out of his love, the way he knew she was feeling good was getting himjust as turned on.
"You were horny." Harry snickered, getting back to work soon after. “Sitting on the yacht; you knew I’d fuck you if you asked.”
"I would've done something about it if my in laws weren't in the vicinity."
"My bad." Harry said, but it was half hearted as now he just really didn’t care.
The conversation didn't last long, soon enough Harry's boxers were off and Y/n bra and panties were somewhere else on the boat. "You sure? I got a condom somewhere."
"If I wasn't sure I wouldn't be off the pill." She reminded him. "What about you?"
"I've wanted a kid ever since you said 'I do'." They kissed, softly now, but Y/n soon sat on Harry's hard cock and they both moaned in ecstasy.
Harry was a little shocked to be honest, rarly they have sex without any foreplay or lube, and he doesn't think he's ever felt her so wet--he had to make sure not to cum too prematurely.
Y/n was focused on Harry and her breathing. Sex felt different now knowing they are activly trying for a child, she knows Harry's dick is the same, but something about it just made it better.
She begain to bounce, Harry's arms coming up to squeeze her boob while the other grabbed her ass. He positioned his legs and pushed up into her, again, again, and again. The repative motion was made all the diffference by one of his hands coming down to her clit to make her feelmore pleasure. She gapsed when he pintched her clit, mouth then forming a smile as he looked down to Harry's.
"Babe, I think-I think I'm gonna come." Harry groaned. "I wanna get you pregnant and it so fuckin' hot--come with me. Are you close?"
His voice was fast passed, he rushed through his words as he tried to hold off from coming. Y/n was feeling the same way though; the love, the passtion, and the idea of being pregnant was too much.
"Har, I'm about to." She groaned as Harry's hips shot up in a more paniced order. He felt crazy, moaning and looking just at her made him want to exploed. "Come with me."
Her voice trailed off and turned into a moan as Harry came inside her, no protection. It felt like heaven to the both of them, forgetting the sweat that clang to their bodies.
"I love you." Harry whispered. She was still on his dick, just collasped over him now, but she knew he said it out of love. Sex changed after marriage or after any new step within a marriage; after marriage was so loving, and they had a sense of understanding that truly could be sourced from empaths.
"I love you too." She whispered back. Giving one small kiss to his lips.
"If you get pregnant, I don't know how I'm going to top that gift." Harry jokingly sighed.
"Hm, you could give me another one." She chided. "I want a bunch of Styles babies."
"I'll love any amount of kids you want." Harry decided. "Even if its twenty."
She laughed. "No way am I going to carry twenty, maybe we'll just get some pets."
"What happened to a whole bunch?"
"Only if they're just like their daddy."
"Damn, I only wanted them if they're just like their mummy." Harry joked being distrought, groaing with faux aggrivation.
"Maybe they'll have the best of us."
"My beauty, and your personality." Harry joked, which Y/n didn't like so she jokingly shuved him. "Maybe not your personality."
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helladirections · 8 months ago
June Fic List
Everyone seemed to enjoy this in May, so I figured I'd give it another go. Remember that reblogging is how writers get readers
Below are all the fics I reblogged for the month of June. They aren't necessarily written in June, and are listed in the order I read them.
I read whatever comes across my dash and looks good. I like to add to my reading list, and then reblog only after reading, I like it, and only if there is a Read More link. (And it's always helpful to put a word count on your fics)
Also my regular tag for fics is /rec and my own masterlist
Likes To Watch 4k @didhewinkback
Make Her Regret It 4.1k @watchmegetobsessed
To New Beginnings 1k Hot Stuff 1k @finelinevogue
Harry's Got A Crush On A Pretty Bartender (Blurb) 600 @stylesharrys
Lapse 2.5k @1d1195
When In Italy 2.3k @harrysfolklore
Knots / Shibari Man 2.4k Trivia!Harry and Inspections Drabble @1800titz
Drive Me Wild (series) Part 1 9.8k Part 2 9.5k Part 3 7.8k I've Got You 10.7k @finelinenina
BF!Harry gets hard in public Blurb Nerdrry Overstimulation Blurb Size Kink Blurb The Favor Masterlist Part 8 7.8k @jarofstyles
How's Your Head? 3.8k I Wanna Kiss Your Neck 4k (part 2) Part 3 5k+ You're Too Sweet For Me Part 1 700 Part 2 4k Ex Marks The Spot 5k I Don't Want Anyone Else Blurb You Want Me, Don't You? Blurb @babyyhoneyyy
Insecure Reader Because Fine Line is About Camille Blurb It's Hot As Shit Blurb @avatar-anna
Harry Is Obsessed With Y/N/s Clit Blurb @pleasingforharry
Pretty Like Yours 7.5k @fkinavocado
Academic Rivals A/O/B Part 1 22k+ Part 2 20k+ @jawllines
One Day 5.4k an extra for 404 Jack Shit 1.6k @freedomfireflies
You're So Golden 1.5k @midnightloversmusic
The Silent Type 5k @purplecoffee13
Fixating 2.2k @harryhitties
Blindfolded 10k Tension 6k @heartateasee
The Trio 3k @gurugirl
All or Nothing 2.5k @justmystyles
A Wet Dream, Just Dangling 1.8k @swiftmendeshoran
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dreamer-grl · 2 years ago
i need more love island themed stories… like LI!Harry @finelinevogue edition… STELLAR. I just saw a drabble with the footballers @boyfriendfc … I need more of this. Can more writers please crank these out. I’m talking series, blurbs, drabbles, one shots… i’m talking it all… Please!!!!
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finelinevogue · 2 years ago
this. this is my favourite thing in a long time.
and we’re going to talk about it. right now.
details: holyyyy molyyyyy! this was the perfect example of why details are important. the characters personalities came across so well because there was descriptive details. i can’t even explain how excited i became with all the lounge chair details and the way the two interacted with each other. brilliant.
plot: absolutely yes. what a genius idea that i wish i could come up with something half as decent ahaha! oh it was just perfect. the whole marriage thing, but it was subtly from harry’s pov. and then encouragement from friends detail and the bit of italian at the end. genius!
and then their dialogue was just perfect. couldn’t have been written better 😌 I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH OMG <3333 anyways.
this is now my favourite fic ever.
dolce vita
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something old blurb (not the one yet) i just couldnt resist these pics
word count: 2k, warnings: bad italian translations
The lads make their way back into the villa, the loud laughter from the walk having petered out into a comfortable silence as they take in the sounds of the house, vegetables sautéing in the kitchen, conversations from the backyard carrying through the open windows. Harry smiles to himself as he toes his shoes off. A house filled with all the people he loves, how nice is that.  He salutes the lads as they all taper off, tripping over his feet as he heads down the hallway too quickly, already on his way to find you. 
He feels buoyant, light, free, the day with his mates and the bottles of vino they shared has him feeling warm all over. Conversation flowed amongst the group, reminiscing about their messier days when they were younger and celebrating where they are now, with all the highs and lows that come with it. Being able to be vulnerable with each other, openly expressing their emotions with no judgment and not just having lighthearted conversation for the bants…he can’t really explain what that means to him. It’s something he’s sought out in his male friendships all his life and to finally have it will make him cry if he thinks about it for too long. 
He loves his life, he muses, as he ducks his head into random rooms before deciding to check the far office on the right, the Italian wine giving him a nice buzz, giving everything a rose colored hue, softening all its edges, smoothing its curves. He loves Italy, he loves wine, he loves sunshine and heat and - oh.
He stops in the doorway, staring at you lounging out on the office terrace, watching the way you’re hyper focused on your laptop, a furrow between your brows as you rest your knuckles against your lip, eyes moving rapidly on the screen. 
He loves you. 
He thinks about how earlier the lads were ragging on him, begging him to propose while everyone was still here so they could celebrate the one good decision he ever made. Their words, not his, but he’s inclined to agree. He’ll never know what he did to deserve you, thanking his lucky stars and the fates and all who are listening for whatever compelled him to walk onto the courtyard that night. But he had to respectfully decline his friends’ pleas, refusing to succumb to their peer pressure, needing that moment in a few weeks to be for the two of you and the two of you alone. 
He slips into the room and quietly closes the door behind him, feeling like he’s walking on air as he makes his way over to you, leaning against the open terrace doors when he does. He softly clears his throat, a sound that makes your head pop up, eyes lighting up when they lock with his, a smile growing across your face, and his heart skips a beat. He can’t believe you’re looking at him like that. He’s the luckiest bastard alive. 
“Good day?” you ask and he nods, taking a few steps towards you and lightly tapping you on the back, and you instantly slide forward on the lounge chair to make space for him, this silent shorthand you have communicated in all your lives, always somehow knowing what the other is thinking, something that just has grown stronger these last few years. He slides in behind you and pulls you back into him, his back against the chair with your back against his chest, his thighs bracketing yours. He leans back a bit, sliding his palms up your back to massage the tension in your shoulders as you type, the groan of appreciation you make causing goosebumps to erupt across his skin. 
“That’s nice,” you say softly and he stays right where he is, his thumbs digging into your muscles, reveling in how they start to loosen under his touch, as he listens to your fingers against the keyboard, the sounds of your friends’ laughter out back, but out here, off to the side of the house, it’s just the two of you and the birds chirping in the nearby trees, the crickets starting to make their voices known in the late afternoon heat. 
He squeezes your shoulders once more, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his head into your neck, breathing you in, your combination of sunscreen and sweat and peaches, always a hint of peaches though you swear you never use anything scented and he swears it’s how you’ve always smelled, a reason the peach tree in the backyard thrilled him when he first purchased this house. A little piece of you wherever he is, something he knew he needed before he really understood how he felt about you. 
“How’s it going?” he mumbles into your skin, planting a kiss on your neck, living for the way your breath catches.  
“It’s alright. Had some bullshit to figure out because Suzanne got some deadlines mixed up and was blaming me for reading the applications wrong -”
“Fuck Suzanne.” he says, stomach swooping when you honk out a laugh. He’s always proud when he nails a good line delivery, but never more when he gets you to laugh like that. 
“Exactly,” you say with a laugh. “But I think I solved it and I’m almost done.”
“Like the sound of that. My girl needs a break.” 
“Well, someone in this house has to put food on the table,” you say and he snorts, quietly watching as you finish sending an email. “This lazy lot.”
“Heeey,” he says, laughing when he hears your giggle. “Y’ know what? For that -” 
He leans over, using his free hand to start shutting your laptop before quickly stopping himself. 
“Am I going to fuck everything up if I close this?” he asks.
You shake your head. “You may proceed.”
He snaps the laptop shut, waiting for you to place it on the table next to you before leaning back and pulling you with him. 
“That’s more like it,” he murmurs into your hair as you relax back into him. He stays quiet after that, letting your work day wash over you as he presses a kiss to your head before settling back against the chair, looking up at the sky. 
He slides one hand around your body and down to the hem of your shirt, snaking his palm underneath to lay on your skin, needing to feel you, your warmth, your softness, your smoothness, the feeling of your stomach rising and falling with each breath, feeling the most relaxed and settled that he has in ages. 
He tilts his head slightly to look at you, getting mostly a view of your profile from this angle, watching you stare up at the clouds with a soft smile on your face. He could stay here forever, he thinks, your face his favorite thing he’s ever laid his eyes on. The face he always sought out at break when you weren’t put in the same class in year four, the face he turned to right before he got pulled towards the stage with Dermot when he was sixteen, the face he searched for that weekend three years ago, feeling off kilter and on edge, not fully understanding why until he found you. The first face he sees in the morning and the last one he sees before he closes his eyes, the greatest gift he’s ever been given, the greatest friend he’s ever had, the greatest love he’s ever known. 
“You’re staring,” you murmur, a knowing smile tugging at your lips.
“Just taking in my favorite view,” he says, snorting when you roll your eyes. You twist in his hold so you're face to face, chest to chest, your hand sliding up his neck and into his hair, his arms wrapping around your waist. 
He stares at you for a moment, lips quirking up as he takes you in, the soft smile on your lips, the way you’re looking back at him with such open affection it feels like his heart’s cracked open.
“‘M being serious, you know. I love this face.” he says, his hands coming up to frame your face, thumb slowly rubbing your cheekbone as he takes a deep breath. “‘nd these eyes, the way your right one crinkles more than the left when you’re laughing really hard. ‘nd this smile…’s my favorite smile, feels like it’s just for me.”
“It is,” you say softly and time freezes for a moment, butterflies flying in his stomach because he can wax poetic about you and his feelings for you for days, weeks, years and it still won’t feel like enough and you somehow manage to capture it in a few simple words, words that make him feel like he’s flying, the reminders that you love him, that you’ve always loved him for far longer than he ever deserved. 
He knows he’s not subtle about his plans, as secret as he’s trying to keep them, knows you’re starting to see through his pattern of being unable to do anything but tell you things he loves about you whenever you’re alone, tongue practically tripping over his words as he tries to get them out, needs you to know, needs you to understand how much he’s going to mean it when he gets down on one knee, that there will never be anyone else for him, that there never was. 
He leans in, nudging his nose against yours  before kissing you, slowly, thoroughly, like he’s got all the time in the world, trying to express himself in every way possible. He revels in the way you sigh into his mouth when you open up for him, goosebumps on his neck when he gets a taste of your tongue, sweeter than all the wine he had before, his favorite taste, his favorite kiss, his favorite, his favorite, his favorite. 
He slides his hand down your body, refusing to pull his lips from yours for even a second, one hand squeezing the back of your neck before sliding down your back, grabbing a handful of your arse before sliding back up, pushing up the hem of your t shirt to rest there, his other hand rubbing mindless patterns up and down your side, squeezing every so often to get a new sound out of you. He feels drunk on this day and this moment and you, caught up in how good you feel in his hands, how good you taste on his lips, he can’t help it when Italian starts flowing from his lips. 
“Mi tesoro”, he mutters against your jaw, pressing kisses in a slow line down your neck, his tongue darting out to taste the skin, feeling you try to catch your breath against him. “Sono pazza di te.”
He hears your light gasp, knows those are phrases you understand, knows you both feel on the precipice of something more, the conversations you had around this time last year soon coming to fruition. He can’t stop mumbling against your skin, spurred on by the way you're squeezing his shoulder, your hand sliding down to rest on his chest, nails digging in when he bites down on your neck. 
He makes his way back up your neck, pressing a lingering kiss to your jaw before pulling back to look at you, the two of you catching your breath as you smile at each other. He’ll never get tired of seeing the effect he has on you, your slightly swollen lips, your cupid’s bow rubbed raw from his mustache, the way you’re looking back at him, something he wishes he could bottle up forever.  He drags his knuckle down the side of your face, heart clenching when your eyes flutter shut at the touch, sliding his finger under your chin to tilt your mouth towards his once again, humming into the kiss. Your hand slides up to hold his face, your thumb occasionally dragging along his cheekbone, holding him so gently he just might melt.
He pulls away slowly, pressing a line of kisses up your cheek before pausing at your temple, arms tightening around you, holding you impossibly closer. 
“Mi rendi felice, molto felice. Ti adoro.” he murmurs against your skin, throat clogging with emotion when he says: “Sei l’amore della mia vita.” 
He can feel all the air leave you in a rush before you wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him close, his hand rubbing up and down your back, breathing each other in. You tilt your head to kiss slowly along his jawline, before you whisper in his ear: “And you’re mine.” 
Your lips find each other’s once more, holding tight as your lips meet over and over, like you’ve got all the time in the world, the sweep of your tongue making him moan into your mouth, content to stay here forever, on this chair, wrapped up in you, snogging the life out of each other. He’s unable to stop himself from muttering against your mouth, a phrase he knows you won’t know, at least not yet. 
“Ti voglio sposare, amore mio. Ti voglio sposare. Amore mio. Amore mio. Amore mio.”
rough italian translations:
mi tesoro - my treasure, Sono pazza di te - i'm crazy about you, Mi rendi felice, molto felice. Ti adoro - you make me happy, so happy. I adore you, Sei l’amore della mia vita - you are the love of my life, Ti voglio sposare, amore mio. Ti voglio sposare. Amore mio. Amore mio. Amore mio - i'm going to marry you, my love. I'm going to marry you. My love. My love. my love.
taglist:@tobesolovelysstuff, @louyoursins, @daydreamingofmatilda, @jojo-blog53, @marzhshaim, @devilsqueen722, @just-happiness-only,@lomlhstyles, @feestyles, @spock4presidnet, @sunshinemoonsposts, @indierockgirrl, @jerseygirlinca, @kissitnhekitchen, @goldnrry,
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gumballavocadoharry · 2 years ago
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Could've been you:
Inspiration from @finelinevogue brother Harry and his gold digging girlfriend Natalia
Link to the blurb right here
Harry was smitten with her. Aria. She was very pretty; her long thick dark brown hair that bounced a few extra curls in it, her olive skin that shimmered in sunlight and her brimming heart shaped lips that were painted in cherry pink. Her salient grey eyes that were underlined in modest black eyeliner, scanned the room that had turned perturb the second she made her debut.
Despite her beauty, she was venomous. Poisonous, cold to touch and it didn't faze her not one bit. You as Harry's sister saw the monster that hid in those designer shoes and quintessential face. She was angelic to Harry, your older brother who was your best friend in the entire world. Nothing came before you and it was the same with him. But Aria hated that. So in retaliation she treated you with deep contempt. She was atrocious in her words and impish with her attacks.
You didn't know why you tolerated it, but you knew that if you told Harry, he wouldn't believe you. He was too head over heels for her and wasn't ready to hear anything bad about the woman he seemed to lavish so much of his attention for.
"I'll be right back," He said kissing her cheek soundly and practically skipping upstairs to his room for his wallet. Harry had planned to take his two special girls out for ice cream, so while he was upstairs, you were now sitting across from Satan yourself. You swore you could make out the goat skull shape on her face with her irate eyes boring deep into you.
"Nice shirt," She said, revealing a cruel smirk stretching across her face. "Really covers up the stretch marks." That was always a sensitive subject for you. You hated your stretch marks and always felt insecure about them. So for Aria to poke at your weakest spot burned inside....but nonetheless, you decided not responding would make it go away....hopefully. Before she could say anything else, Harry came downstairs.
"Ready to go?" Aria swung her arms Harry's neck innocently, pressing kisses to his cheeks sweetly. You shuffled yourself to the car, gulping down the bittersweet tension that Aria invariably produces with you. She gave you a solid shove when it looked like you were heading towards the passenger seat. Harry didn't even notice it but instead smiled at Aria as she joined in next to him in the car.
At the ice cream place, Harry ordered while you and Aria stood aside. "That blue moon flavor sure looks delicious," You pondered out loud. Aria glanced at you with a disgusted look. "Piggy. Probably shouldn't order a large." That comment got to you more than it should have.
"Hey guys what would you like?" "A medium chocolate sundae." Aria said with sham charm. "Yn?"
"Uh a small blue moon cone." Harry looked confound as you usually ordered a large or medium cone. "Trying to watch my figure." You said with a chuckle to Harry to reassure him. "Well that's a joke." Aria snorted. You rolled your eyes and hushed any sign of sniffles trying to erupt from your bruised feelings.
Harry spent most of his time talking to Aria and completely leaving you out of the conversation per usual whenever Aria's in the room. She lights up his world and nothing else matters. Not even you. It broke your heart but you figured there was nothing you could do about it.
"Oh yn you got a little ice cream on your shirt," Harry said grabbing a couple napkins from the counter. "Like a baby." Aria chirped in which made Harry laugh like it was the funniest thing. He thought she meant it as a joke, but with the orney way she it, and the churlish attitude she presented, there was no doubt that it wasn't a joke.
"Gotta laugh at yourself ya know." She hissed in a patronizing way when she realized you weren't laughing. Probably thought you were making her look bad. Like you could do that to already antipathy persona she already had. She said this in front of Harry who not once stood up for you. When everyone's back was turned, you chucked the rest of your cone into the trash can. It wasn't appetizing anymore.
A lump in your throat kept threatening to overturn itself and you would be full on sobbing on the car ride home. You turned to stare out the window while Harry and Aria were invested deeply into their conversation. "Jenelle looked so fat in that dress, it was like a sweaty pig wearing a red sequin dress, hilarious!"
Your stomach was grotessed by Aria's speech of her supposed 'friend'. Harry hung on every word yet didn't comment.
Later on in the evening, you and Harry were washing dinner dishes that had piled up over time mostly due to the both of you being rather lazy and relied on Anne or Gemma to finally get so sick of it that they would cave in. But Anne expected you and Harry to be responsible in your household assignments.
"Aria sure is sweet isn't she?" Harry dunked a plate into the sudsy hot water. "Yeah I guess." Harry furrowed his eyebrows and turned to you briefly before turning his attention back to the plate again.
"What's wrong?" You shrugged but then made a quick decision to be honest with your brother about his savage girlfriend. "She doesn't like me very much. I know it's only been 2 months since you started dating her, but...I just don't really care for her."
Harry was in flummox about your answer. This was the first time you had ever spoken about Aria like this to Harry. "She seems nice though. Could you give her another chance?" Your breath grew hot. How much more of this beast would you be able to tolerate. You swallowed your meekness and told Harry everything Aria had said to you.
"If this is about the ice cream earlier, it was just a joke! I think maybe you're being a little too sensitive,"
"Good. My sensitivity keeps me on my toes." Spoke vapored into your tone. "Yn, she makes me happy," Harry said getting defensive, "You're being spoiled. I'm allowed to have other people in my life besides you."
Harry scrubbed more harshly with the dishes signifying his annoyance towards you. You knew Harry wouldn't have believed you, but it still didn't take the sting out from being completely cast aside for Aria like you were some bug that was kept buzzing around; working on Harry's last nerve and who kept trying to swat at you to leave him alone. Well now you were alone.
With Anne and Gemma being gone at a concert, no one was there to come to your defense. "You finish up, I'm going to bed." Harry practically threw the sponge at you when it soaked the top part of your shirt. Tear dropped in the sink as you finished up the last dish and cleaned up before retiring to bed yourself.
"Yn, come on let's go!" Harry huffed as he tapped his chelsea boot against the carpeted floor impatiently, "Aria's waiting!" With the truth out, Harry had thought you were deliberately taking your time just because you didn't like her. You hurried downstairs, barely getting your jacket on and followed Harry out the door.
"Be nice," Harry parked the car into a spacy parking space. You rolled your eyes and clicked your tongue. "Right, I'll be a sweet little angel." You scoffed sarcastically. "I mean it yn. Don't be a baby." Harry said with more repugnance in his voice than yesterday. it shook you enough to drop any hint of causality from your tone and inherit regard instead.
You both entered the restaurant side by side, immediately eyeing the devil in a sequin gray blouse. "Hey babe." Aria greeted with Harry kissing and hugging her like he hadn't seen her in ages despite yesterday's trip to the ice cream shop. She bestired herself to not even say so much as a hello to you, while you stood there dumbfounded but perplexed as to why it was you felt that way.
You took a seat next Harry knowing there would be no way in hell you could ever sit next to sequen obsessed demon, and picked up the menu and ordered what you thought looked good.
The waiter came over and took the menus and placed your order. "I'll have a cheese burger with fries and a water please." You requested. Aria gave a small internal chuckle loud enough for you to hear.
"I'll have the parmesan salad with no tomato, cheese or onions."
You chuckled silently realizing that she pretty much ordered lettuce with parmesan on it. "Same." Your eyes darted to Harry as he would never order such a thing. Aria placed her hand on top of Harry's in agreement with his order. It was like he was under her mind control.
Your table's food came and everyone started munching away on their food. Harry would always occasionally glance at your food anguished to trade his flagrant salad for a bit of your delicious meal. "Wanna bite?" You offered once you realized him staring. But before Harry could say anything, Aria spoke for the both of them. "We're fine thanks." She sassed in curt way. You looked over to Harry who gave a small smile and nodded before turning back to his meal.
Aria and Harry's conversation once again excluded you as were expected to just sit back and scoff down your meal. Once your tummy was full and your plate was as empty as Harry's stomach, the waiter came over and collected your plates.
"How was everything?" He asked. "Delicious."
"Mine was dry and tasted shredded." Aria's attitude was an embarrassment to you. You just couldn't understand how Harry could tolerate another human being treating someone this way. You sent apologetic eyes to the waiter who smiled at you and completely brisked past Aria....And Harry. "I've got to use the restroom, I'll be back." Harry left, leaving you and Aria at the table alone.
"I-I like your top," You were trying to be nice and kind. But Aria didn't respond at instead focused more on her texting than on your effort to be civil. "This was supposed to be a date with just me and Harry you know." She hissed.
"I know, but Harry really wanted me to come and so I did. To support him,"
"Ha, support him? We both know the only reason you tag along with Harry is because you're a lonely little piggy that no one wants to be bothered with-"
"I'm not a lonely piggy," You whisper yelled. "Unlike you I care about my brother and don't use him to get money or compliments for the sake of my status!"
"Did you tell Harry that, Yn?" She sneered, acting like saying your name caused her to be poisoned. You sat back and didn't answer. "And did he believe you?" She said with the most condescending tone and batting of the eyes that would disgust even the most vile people. "Right. And do you know why......because no one wants you or the likes of you. I could name a list of reasons as to why but I think I'll just give you the one I've noticed the most.....you are nothing but a big FAT baby."
Tears welled in your eyes as Aria's words hit you harder than slash to your wrist....which you unfortunately knew what that felt like. She exposed the flesh of your insecurities and ripped them piece by piece just to make sure you knew just how much she hated you.
She sat back in her seat, giving a dirty smirk looking at you break down in front of her. Harry came from around the corner with a very disturbed and livid scowl. "Hey bab-"
"Don't you baby me Aria" He said with the same poison in his veins as Aria did to you. "I heard everything from around that corner." He sneered in such an angry tone, that it made you scared as to what he was going to do. "I don't know what she said to you bu-"
"It's not what she said, it's what you said. And I heard everything from around that corner."
"Harry you're not going to cause a scene like this in public." "Well then get away from me and my sister and there won't be one! We are through! Your salad tasted like crap and so you can pay for it!" Harry gently grabbed your arm and guided you out of the restaurant, leaving Aria dumbfounded.
"No one talks to my sister like that!" Harry finally let out an angry roar. You still looked down holding back tears from your eyes. "You say that now," You gulped down some sobs that wanted to erupt.
"Yn I-" "How could you?! You allowed all of that to happen before you stepped in. She tore me apart and...you didn't believe me the first time!"
You sped up and away from Harry to get away from him. You couldn't bear looking at him, mostly because tears were freely streaming through your face. "I'll find my own way back,"
"Yn, you know you can't walk home alone." Harry said with slight laughter. "Oh go ahead and patronize me, laugh it up since it's so hilarious. If I can tolerate Aria's abuse, and sucking in my extreme indignity in a public place....then I think I'm more than capable of finding my a way back home that doesn't include you. No need to spoil me!"
Just then, Aria came running out begging Harry for forgiveness. You rolled your eyes and walked to the end of the parking lot alone. "Aria what you did was unforgivable...I could never take you back after the way you treated yn." Harry walked away leaving Aria in despair.
He pulled his car up next to you and honked the horn. "Yn please get in. Aria's gone and it's just you and me," Harry pleaded. You thought for a while and then settled yourself into the passenger's seat. "I am so sorry yn....I was stupid to not believe you. You're my little sister and I could never want anything to happen to you. Please forgive me."
You looked to Harry; in his eyes pleaded for forgiveness and were those same puppy dog eyes that showed immense regret. "Oh...alright." Harry pulled you in for a tight hug and wiped your tears.
"How about some tacos? My treat?" Harry suggested. "Sounds great to me." You replied with a more causal tone. All was forgiven.
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finelinevogue · 1 month ago
lucky to have you
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summary - you and harry raise a glass on an italian beach to celebrate his birthday
word count - >1k
pairing - harry styles x wife!reader
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“To 31!”
You cheered your plastic cup, filled with beer, with Harry’s.
“And to many more.” Harry added, before you both swung back your beers.
Both of you were on the little beach you’d discovered in the years you had been coming back to Italy. It was a small beach, more like an alcove, but it felt like yours. No one had ever turned up when you’d visited and that’s what made it feel private.
You were sat cross legged on your beach towel and Harry was laid on his side, propped up by his arm, on his.
He looked a dream at 31.
You wrapped his cardigan around you a bit tighter as another breeze came across you both.
Harry put down his cup of beer and reached for another piece of cheese from the picnic.
It was only a small spread, but you’d wanted to create something fun and intimate to celebrate his birthday and a picnic was the perfect idea for it. There was cheese cubes, salami for you, a loaf of fresh bread and a selection of fruits for dessert.
Harry popped the slice of cheese in his mouth and you watched him whilst drinking more of your beer.
“What?” He asked whilst chewing.
“Ew. Eat with your mouth closed.” You giggled.
Harry rolled his eyes but he did have better manners than that, so he waited until he was finished before asking again.
“What are you looking at?”
“You.” You smiled.
You laughed at his ignorance. He really had no clue how good he looked it was infuriating. It was often a losing battle when you were out because everyone looked at him. Yet, he only ever looked at you.
You nodded with a dazed smile.
“You’re too handsome.”
Harry chuckled, tilting his head down to hide his blush. Even after all these years you could still cause him to flush over a silly comment.
“You’re so annoying.” He chuckled.
“You always know what to say to make me blush. Makes me feel like a high school teenager with a crush all over again.” He admitted, looking back at you so you could see the sincerity in his eyes.
“You know? My high school crush ditched me on valentine’s day.”
“Yeah. Supposedly was going to meet him at this local cafe for a coffee and then we were going to watch a movie, but he ditched last minute. He said something had come up.” You shook your head.
Harry tutted, glad that guys like that didn’t get to mistreat you anymore. He would never even question doing something like that to you.
He loved you too much.
“Well I don’t plan on ditching you this valentine’s day.”
“And that’s why I married you.” You made a pleased noise to yourself.
You had definitely married the right guy. There was no question about that. It wasn’t even a case of Harry being perfect, because he wasn’t always, but it’s just that he was perfect for you.
The way your similarities, dislikes and general personalities mesh together was just perfect. That’s why there was constantly so much love and affection between you too. There was so much of you within each other and it felt so natural to be together as a result of that.
“What should we do this year?” You asked, wiggling your toes into the sand.
“For valentines day?”
“What do you want to do? I’ll take you anywhere but that horrible restaurant we went to last year.” Harry laughed, taking a sip of his beer.
“Please. Never again.” You chuckled with him.
Both of you went quiet as you thought through various options.
“What if we stayed here?” You asked, bringing your knees up to your chest so you could rest a cheek on one of them. You looked at him hopefully.
“Exactly here? Or somewhere else in Italy?” Harry asked as he sat up.
“Right here. I like it here.”
“I know you do.” He smiled.
He knew you were thinking back to when he proposed to you right here on this very beach - hence why you had such a strong attachment to it. That’s why you pretended it was your private beach.
“So… Can we?”
“‘Course.” He nodded. “C’mere.”
You didn’t need to be told twice before you raced to sit on top of him straddling his waist as both of you sat up straight.
Harry’s hands tucked neatly around your back and held you tight against him, whilst yours winded up around his neck and messed with the growing hair there.
“Love you.” You whispered.
“Love you too.” He smiled a little, small, smile. One that you craved too much to leave alone which is why you leant in to kiss him.
His lips were soft from the warm weather. You pressed yourself into him as he took control of the kiss, leaning forwards when he leant back a bit. Neither of you minded how messy and awkward the kiss was, it was nice to just be like this in the open.
You tugged on his hair as he bit your lip, making you gasp and rock your body forwards slightly. His hands gripped your hips to keep you steady.
Harry broke away from you first, kissing you a couple times extra before moving his head a distance away from yours.
You pouted as he left you.
“Don’t give me that.” He chuckled at your pout, eyes not being able to choose between looking at your lips or eyes.
“It’s my birthday.” He argued.
You rolled your eyes with a smile, feeling ridiculously lucky to be loved by him.
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goldsainz · 2 years ago
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NOTE: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!!!! words can’t quite describe how i’m feeling rn, i’ve had this account for some time but a little over a year ago i started posting about my writing. having 2k of you here… following me… it’s everything and much more!! all of your support, comments, reblogs or even just likes, truly do make my day bc writing is something i enjoy and to have other enjoy it and follow me for it is just incredibly special. so to celebrate i made this celebration post bc why not 🫶 request as much as you’d like!!
from august 4th to aug 24th (closed)
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🧸 — ask me for media recs! (movies, music, fics, etc)
🎥 — ask me any question you want and i’ll answer truthfully! (be respectful about it) example.
💌 — send me a driver + a prompt/trope and i’ll make a short playlist with it!
📸 — i’ll make a moodboard based on how i view your blog!
🍾 — fmk, kmk, would you rather… send me any type of game you’d like!
✒️ — send me a prompt from one of these 1 (fluff) & 2 (angsty) and i’ll write a small blurb based on it!
📀 — send me a song + a driver and i’ll write a short insta au based on it!
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mutuals: @lorarri @ay7ton @colie-nne @curiousthyme @crueisummer @fxxkemall @fleetwooods @finelinevogue @ferrari-tears @f1version @fxllfaiiry @gucciwins @holllandtrash @i-care-4u @lewdopodium @londonharry @love-belle @myysaints @lxclerc @lecsainz @monzabee @monzamash @milaeth @norrisleclercf1 @percervall @remainofthesun @redclercs @silverstonesainz @starkwlkr @satanhalsey @supersainz @sue @saintslewis @thatsdemko @userlando @vamossainz55 @vanishingcherry
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lollypopsx · 3 years ago
gang!harry : "you could have died."
A/N: Warnings: mentions of guns, swearing
"What the hell were you playing at?! I told you to stay here!" Harry stormed through the bedroom door and chucked his gun on the white silk sheets.
"What you expected me just to fucking stay here once again?! I'm tired of staying here! I feel like a fricking prisoner Harry! I'm bored!" You groan, rolling your eyes and slumping onto the end on the bed.
"Y/N, do you understand there's a reason I want you to stay here?! Christ this isn't some jolly adventure to get Ice Cream and some snacks! This is some serious fucking stuff!" He yells, his eyes dark and angry.
And he rarely got angry with you like this. He was beyond angry.
You gulped nervously and began to drop your head, Harry pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath before kneeling in front of you.
"Hey...look at me" He whispers, tapping your chin gently as your guilty eyes lifted to meet his, his arms snaking round your waist.
"I'm sorry I yelled...I just...you're precious" He mutters quietly, his nose tickling against your cheek. "I just...you don't understand the kind of people we have to deal with sometimes...they don't reason with people and if you're in their way...if..." He frowns and pulls you closer to him. "They won't think twice. And I could never fucking live without you..."
"Harry, they don't know me. I'm sure they wouldn't of even minded that I-"
"Y/N. You could of died...I could never let anything happen to you. Please that's why I need you to understand when I say I need you to stay here..." He frowns sadly, his eyes glinting with guilt as you frowned.
"I'm sorry...I should have listened" You whisper burying your head into his neck.
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marvelous-harry · 3 years ago
okay my blurb request for you is for the flo x h x reader universe! i would love to see how y/n reacts when either one of flo or h drops into subspace. like would y/n be angry and upset, because they aren’t the only little one anymore, or would they be comforting??
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They were watching a movie when Florence noticed that Harry kept moving and closing his eyes before shaking his head. Frowning, she reached over and put her hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"
Harry tensed up and nodded quickly, grasping his hands together as he moved his gaze back to the TV.
I glanced over at them before looking back at the movie, Harry, Ron and Hermione were just about to head down to the chamber of secrets and I didn't want to miss anything.
Florence on the other hand was not happy with the response she had gotten and moved a little closer, squeezing Harry's shoulder. "Look at me," she said.
Harry turned his head and looked at her, squeezing his hands tightly as he held his breath.
Florence's gaze softened as she took in the sight of him. "Hi, darling. You got to breathe okay? You can do that right? Be a good boy for me?" she said quietly as she put her hand on his cheek, rubbing her thumb back and forth.
Harry took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"Flossie," I whimpered and tugged on her arm. "Shhh, watching the movie,"
"I'm talking to Harry, he's been sitting here dropping for a while without saying anything," Florence said.
I looked over and noticed how Harry was all tense and looking right at Florence. "Oh," I replied. "Should I pause the movie?" I asked and bit my lip, never really knowing what to do when he drops.
"No, it's okay. We're going to keep watching it together," Florence replied, giving me a smile.
"Okay," I replied and turned back to the movie - trying to pay attention to it but it there was no point and I found myself looking at them again.
"Can I go upstairs?" Harry whispered as looked down at his hands.
Florence shook her head. "No, you're going to stay here with us. Remember what we talked about?" she asked.
I watched as Harry nodded stiffly and I wondered what they had talked about. It was always so weird seeing Harry like this. He was so different from what he was like normally. I didn't get why he was scared of being in a drop. It was nice and you get to be taken care of extra.
"Good," Florence moved and brought her legs up so she could sit cross-legged. She patted her thigh. "Lie your head down here,"
Harry cleared his throat and gave her a pleading look.
"Darling, be a good girl and lie down with your head on my thigh," Florence said as she looked away from Harry and looked at me.
Shuffling around, I did as told. "Can you stroke my hair?" I asked as I got comfy.
"Of course. Harry, your turn. Be a good boy now," Florence said as she started stroking her hand over my hair while looking at Harry.
Harry lied down - his whole body tense.
"Good boy. Both so good for me," Florence murmured as she stroked our hair.
I grinned and snuggled closer, rolling over so I could look up at her. "Flossie?" I asked.
"Yes, darling?" she replied as she looked at me.
"I get first priority when it comes to eating you out or getting fucked by you when Harry is subbie too right?" I asked.
Florence chuckled. "What do you mean?"
"Well, I'm always subbie so I should get special privileges. Harry is a subbie only sometimes so he should be at the back of the line," I explained, even though it was quite obvious.
Harry rolled over too and looked at her, a little curious about the answer.
"But if Harry only subs sometimes don't that mean he should get to go first? Since he doesn't do it as often?" Florence replied amused.
I shook my head quickly. "No, Flossie!"
"How about you both just be good and you both get the be fucked and both get to eat me out?" Florence smirked.
Harry blushed and closed his eyes as he moved closer, hugging her as tightly as he could.
I huffed and rolled back over, turning my attention back on the movie. "I'll think about it,"
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harianaswhore · 3 years ago
quick question: should i make a masterlist with all my fav accs/masterlists/etc.??
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sunflowervolume66 · 4 years ago
I am currently working on Chapter 1 (on wattpad) of The Inevitable! whoop whoop!
I'm going to post the short stories when I get a bit later in the book just to get a better understanding of the characters BUT I will get my act together this week (stop being lazy) and will try to work on some Harry Styles blurbs just so that I have a few things on at least one of my masterlists.
Sending love,
M :)
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