#harry styles sunflower
1d1195 · 3 months
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~7.2 k words
From Me: Requested by my 🍓-anon. Sorry it took some time. I took a couple liberties (mostly because I love food a lot so I couldn't make it taste bad hahahaha) I hope you like it! I'm going to post your ask with the request tomorrow. 💕 Right now it's just the one part (but I feel like some may want a second).
Warnings: fluffy and a bit of jealous Harry. Nothing too angsty though this time around.
Summary: Harry has a high paying job that allows him to eat at some of the finest restaurants in the city. But the little bistro that has good drinks and a great staff is by far his favorite. Or maybe it's the waitress he can't get out of his head that has him coming back so often.
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“Are you sure this is the place?” Sarah looked skeptical.
“I swear,” Mitch smiled. “I know it doesn’t look like much, but the drinks are good and so are the apps.”
Harry watched the banter of his two best friends. “How did you even come across this place?” Sarah asked as Mitch held the door open for her to enter. Harry took hold of it so Mitch could follow after her. There were no more than fifteen tables and a bar. It was fairly dark but in a good way.
If anything, it contrasted sharply with the sunflowers at nearly every turn. There was a mural painted on the back wall of bright flowers against the dark paint. Each table had a bright blue glass vase with a single sunflower stem in the middle of the table. The aprons the staff wore were covered in a floral print of a garden of sunflowers. It was stunning. Bright and beautiful.
“Aptly named,” Sarah smirked.
Harry chuckled. “S’nice,” he agreed.
Harry and Sarah continued their observation while Mitch waited patiently at the host stand. “I came here for lunch with a client,” he said answering Sarah’s earlier question. “Their friend owns it.” After another moment they were brought to a table. There weren’t many people there; given they were there at two in the afternoon on a Saturday it wasn’t so surprising. The bar was nearly filled, several patrons seemed to be regulars as they got a say in what sporting event got to be on the TV. Only two other tables were filled and there was no need for a bustling staff. “I came for dinner, and it was full capacity with a line. But when you know the owner, you get a table early. They have a little outdoor patio around back too but it’s seasonal.”
The three of them looked over the menu in silence. Until Sarah broached the subject of getting one of every type of appetizer and then there was their daily debate of which appetizer was best and maybe they would have to do one of each since they wouldn’t be able to decide which was best.
Their debate was interrupted by the waitress coming over to introduce herself.
“Hi everyone, welcome to The Sunflower Bistro, have you been here before?”
“I have,” Mitch smiled. “We’re arguing over an appetizer, what do you think?”
Without pausing, she didn’t help the debate. “Oh, one of each,” she giggled.
“See! I told you!” Sarah lightly smacked Mitch’s arm.
This only made her smile grow. “Can I take your drink order while you narrow your choices?” She asked.
There was an exchange of words. Words Harry didn’t hear. But then Sarah and Mitch were looking at him expectantly.
“Harry?” Mitch asked.
“A drink, hello?” Sarah laughed.
Quickly he shook his head. “Sorry,” he cleared his throat, his eyes glancing down at the menu but unable to read anything. “Just water for now,” he murmured unable to make eye contact with her.
“I’ll be right back,” her voice was sweet and pretty.
“Are you alright?” Mitch asked.
“She’s beautiful,” Harry mumbled. “I can’t even look at her.”
When he saw her approach, he was immediately tongue-tied. Overwhelmed. It was like seeing the ocean for the first time. Or a garden. Or a painting in a museum. There wasn’t a way to pinpoint what made her so beautiful. It seemed to be everything. The way her hair was clipped behind her head and just a few soft pieces framed her cheeks. Her bright smile. Her sparkling eyes. The way the sunflower apron cinched her hips. All of it. Or none of it. She was beautiful. Overwhelmingly so. Harry swore he forgot how to breathe. He had been in love before—at least he thought he had been. This wasn’t comparable.
So he couldn’t even look at her.
Sarah giggled. Enjoying the way her friend’s face turned pink at the admission. Mitch smiled. “Aw Harry’s got a crush!”
“Shut up, she’ll hear!” Harry snapped and put the menu in front of his face, hiding from the rest of the restaurant.
“Oh my God,” Sarah laughed. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“I could not look at her,” Harry mumbled putting the menu over his face.
“She’s very pretty,” Sarah agreed and reached out to squeeze Harry’s arm. “But you have to look at her.”
Harry’s heart was racing. Like he was sprinting on the treadmill or in the middle of a phone call with an important client. Harry had been nervous before. The exams in college, his first interview, on-boarding new clients. This wasn’t comparable either. “I really don’t think I can, Sarah.”
“Did we make any decisions?” Her kind voice returned, and Harry scanned the menu eagerly, his cheeks still flushed, he was sure.
“Honestly, no,” Sarah laughed. “We’ve been admiring how beautiful this place is.”
And you, Harry thought.
“Oh, I know, it’s practically dreamy working here. The sunflowers are the perfect flower. It’s so sunny and fun,” she explained.
“Have you worked here long?” Mitch asked.
“Yes, since it opened. My friend owns it. It’s like a family kind of thing around here. It’s so nice,” she looked so happy to talk about this place. Passionate. “Niall’s really nice about me going to school and getting me the shifts I want.”
“Oh, that’s so nice! What are you studying?”
Harry wanted to involve himself in the conversation, but he was so speechless by her kind sweet presence, it was impossible to think of a word to say to her. He was grateful his two friends were there to carry the flow of dialogue because it was apparent Harry was going to be useless in that regard.
“Harry also went for a degree in finance,” Sarah segued to look at Harry. He missed her response. That was evident. He would ask when she went back to place their orders what was said specifically.
He looked at her, fully. He hoped he wasn’t staring at her to the point that she wanted to hide and run away from him because he was being a creep. After a pause that was a brief longer than he would have liked, he cleared his throat. “I graduated a couple years ago. I work for a large accounting firm,” it was a miracle he didn’t stutter from how nervous he was. He was holding the menu still to keep his hands from shaking.
Her smile brightened. She looked genuinely happy for Harry. He imagined she was anything but disingenuous, but still. For a complete stranger, who could barely utter two sentences to her, she bubbled with excitement at this knowledge of getting to know him. “Oh! That’s amazing! Nice to meet you, Harry. I’m graduating this spring,” she explained. “I’m super nervous about the whole internship process...I feel like it’s super difficult and overwhelming.”
“Harry’s still in touch with the person he did his internship with,” Mitch volunteered.
He wasn’t. At least...not to the degree that Mitch was suggesting. “Well, I’ll have to give you my card,” she winked at him. “I’ll give you a few more minutes to decide on appetizers.”
Harry felt some kind of crushing relief to watch her walk away. Which was ridiculous because the moment she was gone, he realized how badly and stupidly he wanted her to come back. He could barely even talk to her, but her presence made him happy. Deliriously so.
Sighing, he turned to Sarah. “Am I ruining m’first impression?” He asked.
Sarah smiled and shook her head. “Not at all.”
Harry really hoped not. “I’ve never felt like this,” he mumbled and decided bare minimum, he needed to pick something to eat. At least he could repeat it in his head a few times before she returned and not embarrass himself while ordering.
Like the perfect waitress, she came back to check their food was good and their drinks were refilled. Mitch was right. The drinks were good and so was the food. “Can I get you guys anything else?” She asked sweetly. Fortunately, Harry managed to order his own food without Sarah or Mitch’s help. He didn’t stammer and didn’t make a fool of himself in front of her.
“No thank you,” Sarah turned to Harry. “Did you want to give her your card as well?” She asked. Harry felt like he was having an allergic reaction. His skin felt hot, and he thought that his throat was closing. Part of him wanted to kick Sarah beneath the table but a small piece of him was grateful for her direction and encouragement because it was evident he couldn’t do this on his own. He was prepared to give her his whole wallet. Credit cards, cash, anything in there was hers.
“Er...right,” Harry fumbled, his hands shaking as he opened it.
Harry tried to keep his breath under control as their fingers brushed when she took the card from him. His heart was working triple the beating time it was supposed to from the soft touch that couldn’t have lasted more than a second. “Oh goodness, my card doesn’t look anything like this,” she frowned. “Please don’t judge how ridiculous it is, I thought it was cute and memorable,” she pulled a few cards from her apron pocket.
It was cute and memorable. He didn’t want her to change a thing. The top corners were webbed with a little sunflower vine. Otherwise, the card was white with a half-print, half-cursive font covered in blue. “Well, aren’t you a Jane-of-all-trades,” Sarah laughed. She had listed tutoring, babysitting, painting, lawn-mowing, cleaning, etc.
“Gotta pay the bills somehow,” she admitted. She sighed. “I’m grateful to Niall as I’ve steered away from most of those odd jobs that my dad taught me,” she laughed again. “Waitressing, despite everything, is a lot more stable while I’m still in school. I made that when I was fresh out of high school. It needs a serious update.”
“Harry, where did you make your business cards?” Mitch asked.
If this were a regular day and Harry wasn’t so tongue-tied and nervous, he probably would have thanked his friends for their effort to support him in being his wingman and wingwoman. But he was so out of sorts, so unbelievably captivated and captured by her, he couldn’t fully use his brain. It was embarrassing. If she had even an inkling that he liked her, she probably wasn’t going to reciprocate merely because he was so embarrassing to listen to. There was no way someone so pretty would like him and his inability to speak.
What would their dates even look like? Her voice was so nice, like a song he hadn’t heard since he was young. The kind of song that made him believe in love even though he was young. Her laugh was probably adorable. Her smile was adorable so it could only be so. But she would want conversation. Right? Was she just to chat about her day and her feelings and Harry wouldn’t be able to do anything but stare at her? Admiring how pretty she was?
Actually, that sounded like a pretty decent plan for Harry. But she deserved more.
So instead, he cleared his throat once more. “S’online. I’d have t’look up the website. But yours is memorable,” he assured her. “I like the colors.”
“Thanks, Harry,” God he loved the sound of her voice saying his name. Her adorable smile was so sweet he felt his heart melting. “It definitely needs an update now that I’m about to graduate though, please let me know if you find the website.”
Harry wanted to tell her that he would give her whatever she wanted for as long as they lived and then in their next life too. But instead, he simply nodded and tucked her card safely into his wallet.
“This is insane,” he mumbled to himself as he pulled the door out of the way. It had been two days since he left The Sunflower Bistro and the pretty, sunflowery girl he was completely enamored with after hardly speaking to her. While her phone number weighed heavily in his wallet, he couldn’t bring himself to call her. Worried he wouldn’t be able to get a word out when she answered.
How he thought he was going to talk to her without Sarah and Mitch as a buffer was beyond him, but he couldn’t walk past this place either knowing he could see her and try to make up for his tragic first impression. “Hey Harry!” She said walking by the hostess stand. “Nice to see you again! Niall, can you put him in my section?” She asked.
Harry felt the words die in his throat, so he was glad he didn’t have to speak to Niall.
“A regular, hmm? Took you long enough,” Niall called after her.
“Had to hold out for a good one!” She shouted back and disappeared behind a door.
Harry wondered if all those times he had been in love before were real. His chest was fluttering with some emotion he hadn’t felt before then. It was a longing that filled every ounce of his lungs, every cell of his blood. Every inch of him. Like some kind of homing sound was coming from her and echoing in his body. He felt so unbelievably whole when he looked at her. Like he was seen.
Niall brought Harry to a table and smiled at him as he left.
“Hey! I was hoping you’d text or call, I figured it was my crummy card that deterred you. Or maybe it was unreadable,” that laugh of hers was a melody Harry wasn’t going to forget for the rest of his life. She leaned on the opposite side of the booth looking at him. Her hair was pulled back the same way as it was the other night. Silky and pretty. Harry wanted to slide his fingers through it more than anything. Her smile that had haunted all his thoughts at work and made him grin at his computer screen like a lunatic was also still just as earth shatteringly beautiful as last time. Made him tongue-tied just as he was last time.
“Um...yeah, no...,” he managed to smile at her joke. “M’jus’...” he shook his head trying to think of a reasonable excuse that would make any sense as to why he hadn’t called the pretty girl yet.
“Hey, no worries; I’m sure work keeps you busy!” Her voice was cheerful. “I’m glad to see you, is all. Are your friends coming?” His heart nearly stopped that she was glad to see him.
“Not this time,” he hoped that wouldn’t disappoint her because then he would call Mitch and Sarah and order them over. He still had a right mind to do so. Seemed to be the only way he would be able to talk to her more than a few mumbled words.
“Alright, well I’ll let you mull over the menu while I grab you a water. Unless you want something else?”
Drinking alcohol around her might make him fully mute. Or make him spill every thought he had. Without his friends as a buffer, both seemed heinous. “Water’s good.”
“I’ll be right back,” she flitted off like she was floating. Harry believed she was an angel so that made sense.
“C’mon Harry,” he mumbled to himself looking over the menu deciding what he would try today. He was fortunate the food was so good, and it would give him an excuse to come back more times than probably necessary so he could see her again.
“Here you are!” She practically chirped, setting his glass of water in front of him. She leaned against the opposite side of the booth again. “Anything look good?” She asked.
“Um...m’a fan of street corn,” he scanned the menu again.
“That’s probably my favorite app on there—or the pretzel bites with queso. It shouldn’t work but it does. The veggie soup here is criminally underrated but it’s not really soup season so no fault there. I’ll give you a couple more minutes,” she sauntered off again with her kind smile.
Harry wondered what her favorite song was and why she got into finance. He wanted to ask her what her least favorite subject was in school and what kind of music she listened to while she was cooking. Knowing her favorite candle and what kind of shampoo she used seemed like critical information he needed to know. He wanted to know how many siblings she had and whether or not she would want two kids or three.
All of which was ridiculous.
And further proof Harry had never been in love with anyone before he saw her.
Harry visited on Mondays and Fridays. It was a good way to start his week and a great way to end his week. Seeing her bookended by the workweek was nothing short of perfect.
He did this for three weeks. Niall merely smiled, as if he knew why he was there. Harry could feel his cheeks turn pink each time the staff gave him a knowing smile. It was obvious he was there to see her. To be placed in her section. “Hey Harry!” She chirped when he sat at his regular table.
Mitch and Sarah joined him twice more since the day they brought him. He was less tongue-tied but nearly just as shy. They gave him an immense amount of shit for being so smitten. But Sarah thought it was adorable. “You could just ask her out.”
“S’creepy,” he grumbled. “I doubt a waitress wants t’be hit on by their customer.”
“Right, coming twice a week just to see her isn’t creepy,” Mitch eyed him suspiciously as he sipped his drink.
Harry sighed in frustration and rubbed the heel of his hand into his eye. “I jus’—”
“Hey guys,” she nearly cooed so sweetly. Her cheeks turned pink. “I’m running a little behind today. I’m really sorry. This has been the longest double in the world,” her smile was still adorable. But she did look tired. Poor thing. “We’re down a server. And a line cook,” the exhaustion she felt was palpable.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Sarah cooed. “Harry, scoot over, let her sit,” she ordered.
Harry did immediately. Simultaneously terrified and excited to be so close to her. “Oh, it’s alright. I just—”
“Seriously, darling,” Mitch smiled. “Sit,” he encouraged.
She did.
The warmth of her body rolled off her and wafted over Harry in waves. It was like a gentle hug. His heart was rapidly beating, as it always did but somehow even faster now that she was so close to him. “Thank you, my feet are killing me,” she sighed. “I need new shoes, but my car just ate up a big chunk of my paycheck,” she frowned. “When it rains it pours right?”
Harry was trying to figure out the best course of action to help her on every front. He already imagined her tip was going to be exorbitant and he hoped she wouldn’t be upset by that—because he truly wanted to help her. “Have y’eaten yet?” He asked softly.
She bit the inside of her cheek. “No, I have been running around like crazy. Totally missed my chance at lunch.”
“S’not good, love,” Harry frowned. He wanted to call her Miss Sunflower or something similar, but he had one neuron still keeping him sane and decided ‘love’ was more neutral than not.
She nodded in agreement. “I know, I shouldn’t even be sitting. I’m sorry to lay all that on you guys. You’re just the first nice group I’ve had all day. It’s like a break in itself—not that I won’t do what you need and—”
“Oh please,” Sarah rolled her eyes. “We can just fill this table for you if that will make your life easier. Don’t worry about us,” she assured her.
The relief on her face was so sweet. Harry struggled to not wrap her in a hug beside him. “Thank you guys. It’s so nice to see you. I’ve never had my own regulars before,” her smile was so cute Harry wanted to kiss every inch of her face. His skin felt warm sitting so close to her. Snaking his arm around her waist would be so easy, so effortless. “I’ll get you a round of drinks?” She asked as she stood from her seat beside Harry. “Anything to start with today?”
“Pretzel bites,” Harry blurted quickly. “Please.”
He hoped he could convince her to sit and have a few when they came to the table. “My favorite,” she grinned knowingly.
When Harry sat in her section, she knew it was going to be a good day. His sweet smile, his easy-going nature, and just his kind presence made her shift immensely better. “He’s here again,” Niall sang as he headed to the kitchen where she was putting together a to-go order for one of her tables.
Her cheeks warmed under Niall’s sing-song tone. “If your food wasn’t so good he wouldn’t be here.”
“Darling, he’s not here for the food,” Niall sounded the slightest bit exasperated. He had repeated himself of the same notion since the second time Harry showed up to be seated in her section. “If he was truly here for the food, would he have left you a massive tip like that to get new shoes?”
The implication was there, and maybe she was having a little more trouble ignoring it after getting way more money from him and his friends than she had ever gotten while waitressing. Her achy feet felt so much better with new shoes too. So, part of her struggled to ignore the fact that Harry was maybe, possibly, there because she was.
Harry never made her feel uncomfortable. In fact, she felt nothing but comfort by seeing him. He was quiet, sweet, and very easy to look at. It took considerable strength for her to not stand at his table forthe entire time he was seated in her section. Mondays and Fridays were her favorite days of the week. Chatting with him (even if he seemed a little shy at times) was the best part of her shifts. His smile was so charming. She wanted to tell him everything about her reflexively. It was completely disarming. Or maybe it was how green and deep his eyes were that nearly made her voice die in her throat. It took a lot of effort to remember her job was to go get drinks and food for him at regular intervals.
She really thought he wanted no part of her when she didn’t even get a text message from him after procuring one of her lame cards. Certainly, with silly little flowers and dumb odd jobs listed, he wanted to steer clear of her. But instead, he showed up a few days later in her section. It made her stomach twist with nervous butterflies flitting inside. There were a thousand thoughts running through her head as she admired her handsome customer from afar.
“Hi Harry,” she smiled sweetly as she approached his table. “How are you?” She asked politely.
“Good, how are you?” He answered.
“Good,” she responded. “I got new shoes,” she pointed a toe toward him for him to look at the new sneakers she chose. “That was extremely kind and overwhelming. You didn’t need to do that,” she bit the inside of her lip. “I tried to stop you guys from leaving once I realized, but Niall—”
“S’nothing, love,” his cheeks turned the lightest shade of pink at the compliment. Her heart skipped a beat at how adorable he was and looked. “Was a long day for you. I jus’ wanted t’help a little.”
She nodded feeling gratitude overwhelm her—it was thick in her throat. “Seriously, thank you,” she hoped he understood how appreciative she was. “No one’s ever done something like that for me before.”
“S’really no trouble,” he assured her with a smile that melted each of her organs to a puddle. She was lucky she stayed upright.
“I’ll...I’ll be right back,” she turned and bumped into the table that was behind her causing the chair to scrape across the floor.
“Are y’okay, love?” Harry asked suddenly behind her. He gently touched the back of her arm creating a plethora of fireworks on her skin and in her heart. She shook her head and blushed nervously.
“I’m good. Clumsy me. I’ll get you your drink,” she nearly sprinted toward the bar so as not to embarrass herself further.
She was chatting with Harry, leaning against the booth. It was easy. Harry wasn’t a man of many words, but he was a great listener and when he did talk, everything he said was so kind and genuine. It was like talking to an old friend. Someone who just knew what she was thinking without her having to say much. There was this familiarity that was so warm it wrapped around her like a blanket. It made her feel so comfortable in his presence.
She never wanted to stop talking to him. Which was probably why she didn’t. Poor Harry listened to her chat his ear off for hours during the time he came to visit over the couple months of the semester. His quiet, “what’s that like?” Or, “do you enjoy this class?” And, “do you have a recommendation?” just kept her talking and talking.
It was hard for her to fathom Harry was there for her. Harry was graduated, had a real job, and made a ton of money it seemed if he was willing to tip a poor waitress an obscene amount of money for new sneakers. His clothes were nice, and his hair was perfectly styled. He always looked like he was ready for a business call.
His friends were extremely nice and friendly. They were also put together in a way that she never dreamed she could be so it was hard to imagine a situation in which Harry might possibly, kind of, have a crush on her the way she had one on him.
She was mid conversation with Harry. The fall semester had end and she was going to pick up more shifts somehow but was definitely going to catch up on sleep as well. She was praying that Harry would put her out of her pining misery and tell her he had a girlfriend one of these days. “You have to try this new dish! It has the brussels sprouts you like and—”
She was swept directly off the floor mid-sentence and was wrapped in a hug. It was familiar in a way that was different than the familiarity of Harry. Because she was used to this kind of hug. “Hey beautiful,” he cooed in her ear.
She smiled excitedly. “Hi, Jake! I thought you weren’t starting till this weekend!”
“I’m not, but I was nearby and thought I could use a dose of pretty,” he winked and headed toward the kitchen without another word.
She blushed and shook her head. “Sorry,” she murmured and turned to look at Harry again and finish the sentence she had started. “Anyway, the brussels spr—”
Harry had come to the restaurant in a lot of moods over the last few months. Tired, frustrated, happy, stressed, excited...she was pretty good at reading his expression and deciding what he needed or wanted to make his day better. This expression was unreadable. His jaw was tensed creating a sharp angle at his jawline she was sure it could have cut glass. His eyes were blank but watching her intensely. All of his muscles appeared taut—his posture ramrod straight. It almost looked uncomfortable. “Are you okay?” She asked softly.
Harry blinked, shook his head quickly, and cleared his throat. “Uh...yeah. Sorry,” he reached for his glass of water and took a large gulp. “Y’were saying something ‘bout brussels sprouts,” he reminded her.
She bit the inside of her lip feeling a shift in the air around them. Something she couldn’t quite pinpoint. “Oh, right...just...I think you’ll like the special.”
He nodded. Still completely unreadable. “I’ll try it, thank you.”
“I’ll go...put that in,” she murmured and headed toward the kitchen.
The kitchen was still greeting Jake when she entered. Everyone was listening to him recount his semester abroad. “Whoa, did you see a ghost?” Niall asked, doing a double take when she entered.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “No, it’s nothing,” she punched her code into the computer and tapped the meal for Harry.
“Did Harry tell you he has a girlfriend?” Niall pressed.
“No,” she muttered, her cheeks burning red. She grabbed a plate off the shelf for the other table she was waiting on and made sure it had all the extra sides and things. She grabbed the second dish and placed it on her arm.
“Who’s Harry?” Jake asked.
“The love of her life,” Niall told him.
“Shut up, Niall.”
He chuckled. “Oh? Were you going to tell me about him?”
“I’m a bit busy right now.”
“You couldn’t text me?” Jake asked. Jake had been her best friend on the job since Niall opened the sunflowery place. They were a great dynamic duo. But Jake was into dating a lot of different women and that was totally fine and his prerogative. She didn’t judge him at all for being young and doing what he wanted. But she wanted no part of his love life. So they remained friends and it was truly better that way. He would bail her out if a customer was being rude or coming on too strong. She helped him with his math homework and made sure he remembered to drink something other than protein shakes and alcohol on the weekend.
“There’s nothing to write home about,” she mumbled, lying through her teeth and feeling devastated that something in the air shifted between them in a matter of seconds.
Niall snorted in disbelief. She glared at him. Jake smiled impishly while she gathered the final fixings for the table. “Where is he?” He asked as she pushed on the door.
“Jake,” she choked nearly losing the plate in her left hand.
“Niall, do you know him?” He looked expectantly at him. He smirked, opening his mouth to give him the details.
“Niall!” She snapped. Niall closed his mouth immediately and shrugged at Jake.
She sighed with relief and pushed through to the restaurant floor. “Table thirty-four!” he shouted, muffled by the closed door. She glanced back to see him hovering over the computer.
It took every ounce of self-control to hold onto the dishes in her arms. She wanted to scream. She hurried to her table to deliver the food, prayed they wouldn’t ask for anything additionally, and then she nearly took out another waiter while running for Harry’s table on the other side of the restaurant.
Jake was letting go of Harry’s hand as she approached, and she shoved Jake out of the way. “I don’t know what he said but it’s not true.”
Harry smirked, a good sign of his normal smile and demeanor. “Y’not friends?” He questioned.
She punched Jake in the arm who barely registered the motion other than lightly rubbing his arm without breaking eye contact with Harry. “Not anymore,” she grumbled.
“She’s my work wife,” Jake said wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “Can’t get her to commit to being my actual wife.”
“Don’t want any diseases,” she muttered. The blank, cold stare in Harry’s eyes returned and she felt so warm she tried to push against Jake but was unsuccessful. “Harry is also in finance,” she explained. “He offered to help me make a new business card—”
“Thank God,” Jake interrupted.
“—and he might know someone for an internship.”
Harry’s answer was gentle even though the cold stare didn’t waver. “Don’t think y’need t’change the business card all that much, love. S’sweet.”
“Childish and unprofessional,” she said pointedly.
“Agreed,” Jake squeezed her to his side. “Thanks for keeping her company while I was gone,” he said. Harry wasn’t a man of many words. But his facial expressions made up for it. He smiled politely, nodded, and glanced at his phone ringing.
“I have t’take this,” his voice was tight, apologetic.
“Of course, let’s go,” she yanked on Jake and headed toward the kitchen again.
“Not sure why you like him, he’s pretty cold,” Jake taunted as they returned to the kitchen.
“Cold?” Niall asked. “Harry makes her feel all warm and fuzzy,” he teased. She wrinkled her nose and definitely felt warm at the insinuation.
“He’s... not himself today,” she admitted. “I don’t know why,” she frowned and turned to Niall. “It’s weird.”
“Darling, you can’t be this brilliant and that stupid at the same time,” Niall pinched the bridge of his nose.
Her frowned deepened and she felt resentment for the notion of being stupid. “What are you—”
“He’s jealous.”
“Of what?”
“Of Jake,” Niall rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
She snorted. “Why?” She blinked.
“Look at me,” Jake smiled proudly and gestured toward himself self-assuredly.
She eyed him briefly up and down. “What? You look like a tool who’s been abroad,” she remarked.
Jake shook his head, unaffected by her insult. “Think Harry might think I’m competition.”
“Why would he think that?”
“I mean, I did call you my wife.”
Niall laughed. “Oh God, poor Harry.”
Her face flamed. “I said we were friends!” She pouted. “Oh my God. Go back abroad,” she shoved him toward the door. “You are the worst.”
“Easy, love,” Jake continued to taunt, this time in Harry’s accent. “I can fix it,” he offered and headed back for Harry’s table quicker than she could catch him. But when they got there, his table was empty. A note scribbled on a napkin in Harry’s writing. Family emergency. Sorry :( Was looking forward to the brussels sprouts. You can have it on me. Next time. He left cash for the food and a tip anyway. Even though he never got his meal.
She pocketed the money and punched Jake in the arm one more time for good measure.
“You’re being ridiculous, you know that, right?” Sarah asked. “I know we aren’t best friends with her or anything, but she’s really nice. She wouldn’t lead you on like that.”
Harry knew that. Really, he did. But the emotion he was feeling wasn’t rational. Jake called her his wife and had his arm around her. He hugged her like he loved her. Harry was certain Jake loved her. Even in a way that wasn’t necessarily romantic, but it was...unfair. Unfair that Harry hadn’t told her he liked her. Nervous that he would make her uncomfortable by hitting on her while she was working.
“She wasn’t leading me on at all,” Harry murmured.
“All the more of a reason to not be ridiculous,” Sarah and Mitch had taken turns telling him it was childish to ignore her after all those months of chatting with her and entrenching himself as a regular and then to just not because he was jealous.
“Just because you’re jealous—”
“M’not jealous,” he grumbled.
“Right, because someone who’s not jealous would leave before he got his food because her friend called her his work wife. Someone who’s not jealous would suddenly stop being her regular after months.”
Like clockwork.
Harry was lying on the couch at Sarah and Mitch’s place face down trying to ignore the feeling of his heart breaking. No one said anything for several minutes. Sarah was working on cleaning the kitchen when Harry arrived, and Mitch suggested getting pizza. Harry wasn’t even hungry. Well, he was, but he wanted brussels sprouts.
“I might be jealous,” he admitted.
“Hallelujah,” Sarah sighed. “Talk to her.”
“Don’t y’think she’ll be grossed out that ‘ve basically been...stalking her because I like her?”
“Hello!” Sarah nearly shouted. “She likes you too!”
Harry was flooded with warmth at the idea. “She’s never said anything,” he mumbled.
“You’re her customer,” Mitch rolled his eyes. “As worried you’ve been about flirting with her while she’s working. She’s probably just as worried.”
It couldn’t have been that easy or simple.
Could it?
Harry was reading his schedule for the day on his computer. They were regular appointments with clients that he had in on a regular basis. He had just returned from the breakroom after an hour-long meeting and was seeing what was next or if he would have some downtime for paperwork in before his next client. The schedule looked normal. Except for the one meeting blocked off for ten-thirty. “Hey, Kate,” he called to his secretary outside his office. “Do y’know who scheduled—”
But Harry wasn’t paying attention to the time, and it was already ten-twenty-five and she walked into his office.
He dropped the pen he was holding above the calendar. His lips parted as she entered.
“Your ten-thirty is here!” Kate called.
Harry was going to fire her.
It had been two weeks since he had seen her. He wasn’t sure how it was possible, but she looked more beautiful. Or maybe it was because his office was light, mostly the sun coming through the windows and made her practically glow. Like she really was a sunflower. “Hi,” he murmured.
She wasn’t in her typical waitressing uniform. Her hair wasn’t pulled back. Harry didn’t know she could be more beautiful than when she was waitressing, but she was wearing regular clothes, a blue dress that fell to her knees and she seriously took on the beauty of a sunflower, it was astounding. “Hi,” she said.
“Y’can close the door,” he offered. “D’you want something t’drink?” He turned away from her and heard the door click shut. He went to the mini fridge on the back windowsill in the corner of his office holding a few small bottles of water. “Y’can sit,” he gestured to the chair. She did. He placed the bottle in front of her and sat across from her behind his desk. They were both silent for a moment. Harry took a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“Harry, I have this absurd love for numbers. People have looked at me funny since I was young. It’s like this really complicated puzzle in my head and I just want to solve it. None of the little parts make sense together until they do. The answer is so beautiful when all those pieces click, and the flow of your logic comes down to this one singular answer and it’s just perfect.”
Harry wondered if there had ever been a poem written about numbers. Or if what she said was the very first one. Harry was pretty passionate about his work, and he was glad he made pretty good money. But he didn’t think he could ever chat about numbers the way she did.
“I feel that way when I’m around you. That all this logic just beautifully clicks into place. You make me feel normal for liking numbers. You’re extremely kind and you don’t...” she bit the inside of her lip and looked at her hands in her lap. “I don’t know why I feel this way but you...you stopped coming to eat, I don’t know why, and I don’t know what I did. I want to fix it because I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and I thought we were friends. Then we weren’t. I liked picking out which special of the week you would enjoy. Maybe I’m too young or something to be friends? I can’t help that. Maybe it was because Jake called me child—”
“Don’t,” he shook his head unable to hear the name.
“So it is about him,” she frowned. “I don’t...Harry, it’s not fair to keep me out of the loop about what you’re feeling! I can’t fix whatever I did—”
“You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why did you stop coming to eat?” her voice cracked.
Harry wanted to jump out a window for making her feel insecure and nervous. If she cried he was done for. He sighed exasperated with his own miscommunication. His cheeks felt warm as they always did when he embarrassed himself around her. “Y’not too young,” he looked at her, but it felt like he was looking right through her. Like he could see right into her brain and read every word that was waiting to exit her mouth. “You’re not childish,” he affirmed. “You are...” He shook his head. “You are perfect,” he assured her. “I didn’t want t’ask y’out while y’were working. S’kinda rude. Then Jake called you his wife—”
“I’m gonna kill him,” she whispered.
Harry ignored her comment (even though it made his heart feel the slightest bit better). “—I really like you. I think you’re way too smart for me. Way too kind. And y’work in a place surrounded with beautiful sunflowers and I can’t stop looking at you,” his heart felt heavy, the butterflies in his stomach were trying to escape. He used every ounce of his effort to read her unreadable expression as he watched her process everything he said.
“You think I’m beautiful?” She whispered.
He snorted. Of all the things she could focus on at a moment like that. “Love, y’have t’know you are.”
She shook her head. “I’m always sweaty and working when you see me.”
“Well seems y’had some proper prep time today,” he looked at her with a soft gaze that he hoped didn’t seem too excessive. “Y’look more beautiful.”
Her eyes seemed to melt with relief. “You were jealous?” She asked.
“Course I was,” he nodded easily. Like it made the most sense in the world.
“But... you never said anything.”
“I didn’t want t’make you uncomfortable,” he repeated. “I can’t imagine how many people hit on you while you’re working.”
She frowned. “Naturally not the person I want,” she grumbled cutely. Harry felt lighter. He smiled.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
She shifted awkwardly in her seat but smiled. “I uh...I came here to tell you off.”
He chuckled. “I would deserve that,” he agreed. “I... I have something for you,” he opened the top right drawer to his desk. “Saw it, and...it's not much, but it reminded me of you," his eyes were so gentle it made her heart skip a beat. He held out the little cardboard rectangle. It might not have "been much" but it was everything. A thin gold chain, a sunflower crystal pendant the lightest shade of yellow. "Love?" he asked quietly after a moment of her staring at the most thoughtful gift she had ever received. For another moment they just gazed at one another. Unmoving. Harry was wearing a button down, rolled up to his elbows. He looked at ease, finally. His cheeks flushed. His eyes so green and beautiful. She could barely breathe.
Then finally, Harry spoke again.
"Would you like t'go out with me?"
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larriescompass · 5 months
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sunflower, my eyes want you more than a melody.
389 notes · View notes
foxes-that-run · 3 months
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I love the theme of flowers, which died of thirst in Clean, grew back as thorns in Call it What You Want, in Sunflower Harry said to plant new seeds in the melody (!!) and Taylor wanted to kill her muses wife for watering flowers in Fortnight, which would avoid that story.
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The TTPD Spotify room included dried flowers, because their flowers died of thirst, but her muses partner watered them:
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45 notes · View notes
babyhoneyheslt · 8 months
Sunflower 🌻
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I am starting to learn how to make manips🥰 I think for a fourth go I am doing okay🥰
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whatharrysang · 3 months
Harry Styles & flower gardens
Harry Styles
Sweet Creature - Running through the garden, oh, where nothing bothered us
Woman - You flower, you feast
Fine Line
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Sunflowers
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - My sunflower (sunflower, sunflower)
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Out of this shade (sunflower, sunflower)
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Your flowers just died
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Sunflowers just died
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Sunflower, sunflower
Harry's House
Grapejuice - I was on my way to buy some flowers for you (ooh)
Grapejuice - Sittin' in the garden, I'm a couple glasses in
Songs Harry wrote for other artists
One Direction Songs Harry wrote on
Perfect - And I might never be the one who brings you flowers
Unreleased Songs
Guess I'm alright  -  I planted sunflowers, but they're not growing in
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rachthepoet · 4 months
Sunflower, Vol. 6 Analysis
My baby, my darling, my decadent Sunflower, Vol. 6. Is this post just an excuse for me to gush my heart out over it? To write a self-indulgent love letter to my favorite song? Absolutely. But won't you entertain me with your time? Sunflower Vol. 6 holds genius on all levels the mind can conceive, lyrical, musical, and not to mention how it induces a flush to my cheeks in its romanticism! Ahhh. Yet it still remains the most underrated piece of art. Harry's use of extended metaphor here is something I'll forever love, for he knows how to execute it well, and this song feels like a masterclass in the technique. Oh, my bad. Am I getting too ahead of myself again? If it wasn't clear, the sunflower is our metaphor here, with many layers to unravel from it, petal by petal.
Here's a deep dive into Harry Styles' Sunflower, Vol. 6, from a poet. And a self-proclaimed resident sunflower connoisseur.
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The Song Title 🌻
First, let's talk floriography, a grand love of mine.
Floriography is the language of flowers. Every flower out there holds different meanings, often based on the species, variant, color, characteristics, or all of the above in combination. Floriography then, also, is the art of communicating through flowers. It was popularized during the Victorian Era, though it's been around before then. A way to communicate without saying much at all. People would carefully select and organize flowers in a bouquet/floral arrangement to convey a specific sentiment to the recipient. The choice between a single flower and a bouquet also held significance and could convey very different messages, adding more nuance to this subtle means of communication.
Sunflowers in floriography will be our focus, though. Sunflowers symbolize loyalty, love of life, adoration, and devotion. The symbolism derives from the knowledge that sunflowers are heliotropic -- the flower's tendency to follow the sun across the sky as a natural part of its growth cycle. And, this leads perfectly to my first theory about the addition of the Vol. 6 in the song's title.
According to the National Sunflower Association & seen in the official sunflower production handbook, a sunflower has 9 stages of reproductive growth (R-1 to R-9). But, for the sake of time, let's skip ahead to stage R-6, or, if you will, the sixth volume of a sunflower.
"Flowering is complete and the ray flowers are wilting"
This is the peak of the sunflower's reproductive growth, as its seeds begin to ripen, signifying the sunflower reaching maturity. R-1 to R-5 is from seedling to fully formed. R-5 is the stage where you can cut the flowers down, arrange them in a pretty vase, and display them on your windowsill or as a centerpiece at your dining table. Which is beautiful, for a time. But, the flower cut will never progress to R-6, and will never complete the full cycle. It's the catalyst for the seeds to be harvested and replanted for one of nature's circles to continue.
Now, let's use this knowledge of the sunflower cycle to translate it into a metaphor for a growing relationship! Within said metaphor, stage R-6 would be the height of the relationship -- a time filled with ecstasy, admiration, and realization. And, pulling from our now shared knowledge of floriography, where sunflowers communicate loyalty, love of life, adoration, and devotion ... a theorization is that the relationship at the song's heart was one that he thought could last and sustain. It's in this stage R-6, the sixth volume, of the relationship where it peaked, maybe one of many peaks. But also has the possibility of going downward, as it parallels how the sunflower's seeds will soon be ready to fall. But in this cascading, there can be rebirth (as in, letting the natural cycle continue). The 6th stage is the catalyst for the cycle's fate. He could've chosen to let this person go, to cut the quote-en-quote "sunflower" down and put them in a vase to only fondly look upon, as his past. Rather, he wants them to make it to the next stage, and want to try and complete the cycle to continue to come back renewed. Ok, deep breath now, Rach.
Though the growth stage theory is the one I'm most fond of, I do have other thoughts and theories about that pesky Vol. 6 addition that never fails to leave my mind. Because, well, it's always good to have your backups! So let's run through them, shall we?
Numerology: The number 6 is considered the most harmonious of the numbers, holding close to representation of home, harmony, nurturing, and idealism. It's an embodiment of the heart & can represent unconditional love. Don't know if Harry has ever read up on numerology, but! I still feel as if it's a possibility of one of those odd things he'd pick a book up on. If we look at the number 6 in love, the numerology personality is a devoted lover, which ties back to sunflowers symbolizing devotion. And, I'll end this bit off by quoting a paragraph from Astrotalk:
Erik Erikson: Erikson's theory of Psychosocial Development has a total of eight stages -- and stage 6 is the psychosocial crisis of intimacy vs isolation, with the developed virtue being love. Those who chose intimacy foster deep meaningful connection, which is something that's been explored as an aching desire within Harry's songs previously. Within this 6th stage, the core question asks: "WILL I BE LOVED, OR WILL I BE ALONE?". This leads the path to an enriched life if intimacy is chosen. And, if this stage is ignored, it can manifest into a fear of rejection, and can detrimentally impact the other stages. Frankly, I could even stretch to think that this core question can be applied to the song itself.
The 6th Song About This Person in FINE LINE's Musical Repertoire / Continuation Chapter: A shorter one, and a more personal theorization that I have already convinced myself people might not see, but that's totally okay! The structure of Vol. 6 led me to a mindset of books. Not a very hard mindset to get me to, but I digress. Which, then, made me consider it being a continuing chapter or the next book in a series. Golden, Watermelon Sugar, Cherry, Falling, To Be So Lonely, and then Sunflower, Vol. 6. In my head, when I listen to the album, these all have this connecting red string to them. And that's all I'm going to say for now, for an elaboration would be a whole new dissertation here.
Just Five Other Volumes Exist: Admittedly the most mundane and easy explanation out of the many, but there could very well be just five previous versions of the song in his personal vault. Because, sometimes, you have to go through many versions before arriving at a final version you like. As a poet, I get you, Harry, and I feel you in that respect.
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Lyric Pull Apart 🌻
[INTRO] Sunflower
Though sounding like gibberish at the top, this intro sets the foundation for all the genius to bloom. It's Harry saying the word sunflower, but reversed, which sets us up for a cyclical experience -- much like the natural growth cycle of our beloved little flower. Or, the cycle of the rising & falling of the sun. Or, the flower looking & the flower following. The relationship behind the song will circle back around, never truly wilting or fading away. Embedded in the stylistic choice of the circular structure, this love transcends the standard timeline, moving beyond chronological order. For it's always circling back around to its heart, to its peak. To its sixth volume. [Hint: listen later for the tense changes.]
We've already solidified the sunflower's meaning through floriography, yes? Devotion? Now, I'm going to offer you another perspective on the saccharine symbolism of Harry's sunflower, a comforting nickname for the person he's addressing throughout the song. And, I'm going to bring in some poetry. Oh boy, am I. Sunflower Sutra is a poem by Beat poet Allen Ginsberg that I can vividly imagine Harry reading & stashing away to his inspiration bank. Ginsberg right beside Brautigan. There's always been a fond love inside me for the Beat Generation, how their writing is dirty, down-to-earth, and weird in the best ways you could fathom. How the only right way to read their work is to rant it out. It's always about being alive, every part of it -- and, truly, I see FINE LINE the same, a celebration of being alive, every part of it. And my baby Sunflower, Vol. 6? You're a part of it.
"A perfect beauty of a sunflower! a perfect excellent lovely sunflower existence! a sweet natural eye to / the new hip moon, woke up alive and excited grasping in the sunset shadow sunrise golden / monthly breeze!"
In my interpretation (to which you are free to disagree or add to), Ginsberg's sunflower represents something that's been tarnished and battered, but can be redeemed and grow in beauty again -- all this he ponders alongside Kerouac. An anti-industrialization poem at its core, I think it could've inspired Harry in some ways for this piece.
I believe Sunflower, Vol. 6 can be heard as a romantic reassurance hymn when studied through the lens of Ginsberg's poem. Something, or rather someone, beaten down but with the potential to bloom out of hardships. I see this narrative & nuance running rampant through the song and its core relationship. And, I believe we again find ourselves back at the circle concept (wow). The relationship at the forefront of Sunflower, Vol. 6 continues to come back around to domestic comfort, a stabilizer despite their hardships, and I believe this to be a more fleshed-out reason behind the tense shifts we'll see soon. Though we've been beaten down by these outside forces, we will rise again -- with the lesson of not letting our circumstances make us believe we're something we're not.
"Poor dead flower? when did you forget you were a flower? when did you look at your skin and / decide you were an impotent dirty old locomotive? the ghost of a locomotive? the specter and / shade of a once powerful mad American locomotive? / You were never no locomotive, Sunflower, you were a sunflower!" 
The natural vs. the unnatural. The natural here is Harry and his sunflower, of course. The unnatural being encompassing of whoever and whatever that is a negative outside force impacting the health of the relationship. Think of infected soil. Sunflower, Vol. 6 invokes such joy when listening, and that's because it's supposed to! It's a happy reassurance of love. Harry reassures his sunflower that there will always be this sense of devotion, even when things fall. It circles. Like the sun. Like the flower.
"So I grabbed up the skeleton thick sunflower and stuck it at my side like a scepter, / and deliver my sermon to my soul, and Jack’s soul too, and anyone who’ll listen,"
[VERSE 1] Sunflower, my eyes want you more than a melody
Once you realize how much of a music nerd Harry can be, you'll come around to see just how fucking adorable this line is. He wants to see his sunflower in person more than he wants to write a song or discover a new melody. His life's passion. Like?? Oh, he's so loverboy for that. (HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE.)
[VERSE 1] Let me inside, wish I could get to know you
Get out of your dirty mind now! Urban Dictionary has rotted too many brains. He harbors this desire to get to know his sunflower on a deeper level. Wants to be let inside their head and thoughts (like they're already in his?), their heart (because the sunflower is afraid of love?), and their world (desire to be invested in all that is them, all-consuming type of infatuation). But, it's the phrasing that piques my interest. Wish I could get to know you. Saying wish implies hope, something hard to obtain, a dream almost. It gives off the notion there's some distance -- maybe physical, maybe emotional -- like there's a reason behind him not being able to fulfill this desire for transparency (something he consistently asks for in his music, despite his own character flaw of miscommunication)? And, that's exactly what this is to me, another yearning for transparency, trust, and open communication (themes in the sophomore album). Maybe, just maybe, this is something they're still working on, a hardship they're still trudging through. Maybe Harry doesn't feel as if he has that agency yet, still working on peeling back his sunflower's leaves.
[VERSE 1] Sunflowers sometimes keep it sweet in your memory
He holds onto the good of the relationship rather than focusing on the pitfalls. The growth over the destruction. His memories of his sunflower remain sweet and sunny by his conscious design. However... there's always been a way I've heard this line and I'm here shamelessly wondering if anybody else has heard it in this way, too.
I hear this lyric in two separate intervals: "SUNFLOWERS SOMETIMES" and "KEEP IT SWEET IN YOUR MEMORY", as if they're both interrupting the other. Has he gone tongue-tied, like he's just about to admit himself to? Almost as if he's going to say something negative, but stops himself with reassurance instead. The reassurance in question is how he'll keep it sweet in his head, in the melody, in a means of preservation, rather than dwell on the bad. This, then, ties back to the discussion of Ginsberg's poem leading us to believe it's a song of reassurance, one where he keeps getting oh so tongue-tied...
[VERSE 1] I was just tongue-tied
And speaking of getting tongue-tied! This term is used when people can't find the words to communicate and struggle with communication is a common plight scattered all across Harry's oeuvre. Also, this could be an allusion to kissing. Tongues intertwined with each other in passion. And, we adore that, too!
[PRE-CHORUS] I don't wanna make you feel bad But I've been trying hard not to talk to you
In what I believe to be a continuation of the line before, we witness more struggles with communication. We love an artist with a common theme. Harry makes it clear that it's not his sunflower's fault, yet feels some intimidation knowing that he won't be able to stop himself from falling like a little boy (TBSL CONNECT / HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE). Maybe he's had moments where he's tried to disengage out of bad habits but doesn't want his sunflower to ever feel guilt around his actions. Sometimes he pulls back because of his feelings of embarrassment from being so tongue-tied, sometimes he pulls back because he has moments of fear. Just as his sunflower does, as well.
[PRE-CHORUS] Sunflower (Sunflower, Sunflower!)
A return back a comforting nickname to soothe them, which brings us further into the Ginsberg-influenced perspective that this is a song of reassurance in romanticisms.
[CHORUS] I couldn't want you anymore
Don't know about you, but I think this is such a beautiful way to say I love you. And, there's such a giddiness about it, such joy in this part, in the choruses. As mentioned before, he keeps returning himself to domestic sweetness, these sunny memories, and you can feel the shift, even as the rest of the song rings joyfully. It's just a different kind of joy here, indicated by different instrumentals, by the way.
We also have found ourselves sinking into another moment of reassurance, reminding his sunflower how much he desires. And, once more, more signs of devotion.
[CHORUS] Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor
Oh, this line. How I love it so! Kissing in the kitchen is a very sweet and domestic imagery that emphasizes a commitment to building up a long-term relationship. Which is, you guessed it, another example of devotion! The added implication is that he wants to move forward, continuing this growth cycle with his sunflower.
This could be a reach of connection, but it reminds me of Two Ghosts from Harry's eponymous debut, specifically the lyric: THE FRIDGE LIGHT WASHES THIS ROOM WHITE / THE MOON DANCES OVER YOUR GOOD SIDE. Revisiting an older song, reflecting on past relationships, and reflecting on past emotions, then proceeding to flip it on its head. Feeling the improvement and the more healthy situation he's in now.
[CHORUS] I couldn't want you anymore Tonight (Tonight, Tonight, Tonight)
Then, we repeat the signal of devotion, this desire that can be both physical and emotional. Devotion also can lend itself to reassurance, as I believe both of those are interwoven with one another. And, can't not give a shoutout to the Queen vibes I get from the echoing repetition of "tonight"!
[VERSE 2] Wondering, headshake Tired eyes are the death of me
Wondering, still getting to know things about one another often, there are still things left to mystery in regards to his sunflower. Headshake, a moment of disbelief. He can't believe his eyes, his luck, shaking his head to make sure it's not a dream or hallucinatory. Then, his sunflower's tired eyes are the death of him, he swoons as they wake up together, in a moment where both are unguarded. Implications lead us to assume that they've spent nights over at other's abodes, painting intimacy. Domestic intimacy, specifically, is what we return to. Sleeping next to one another, waking up next to each other, ending & starting the day together. The rising and falling of the sun. A cycle, perhaps?
[VERSE 2] Mouthful of toothpaste before I got to know you
A further continuation of the domestic intimacy laid out before, as we remain in the same scene I believe. I adore the visual I get from this -- honeymoon phase, where he sneaks out of bed to brush his teeth before his sunflower wakes up. And, with the line, BEFORE I GOT TO KNOW YOU, it does seem to be an earlier stage. Much like the honeymoon phase. Yeah?
[VERSE 2] I've got your face hung up high in the gallery
We revisit adoration, found representation back in the flower itself (floriography), alongside devotion, etcetera. His sunflower's face is hung up high (GOLDEN CONNECT), in a gallery where he's studying them, in a gallery like they are precious art to be looked upon in wonder. Up high with implications of importance. In this, I believe, he's saying that he'll never forget his sunflower's face, almost memorializing them and their relationship. The sixth volume of the sunflower is the catalyst for determining the fate of the cycle. Will the flowers be cut down and preserved in a vase temporarily? Or, will the flowers continue with the natural cycle, in a consistent death and rebirth? He reassures that he'll never forget them, and finds himself putting his sunflower on a pedestal -- but not having himself hung up high beside them, for he's the one in constant admiration (HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE.). A manifestation of his appreciation for his sunflower's beauty & sublimity. From the gallery, Harry can admire them, like one admires & studies a piece of fine art for hours and hours on end. Harry holds such great adoration for them, yet they still manage to mystify him.
And, we can't ignore the echo back to Cherry, and how these two songs contrast in both meaning and context -- so, to include a line that connects them to one another is a clever move on Harry's part to highlight the stark differences intentionally. As we move step-by-step through the stages of grieving set up for us through the structure of the album's tracklist, but I digress, for that's a whole other discussion to be had.
[VERSE 2] I love this shade, sunflower, sunflower
Continuing on from the gallery visual, this cute little line... hmm. I have to admit that it's stumped me for quite a significant portion of time, trying to draw out any hidden coding. But, this is what I've concluded for myself. Referencing the shade cast on him from their face hanging in the gallery, he doesn't mind being the one looking up in admiration. In fact, he loves it and relishes it. Much mirroring the nature of the sunflower following the sun up in the sky. Then, we turn back to this comforting nickname, sunflower, the soothing and reassurance that comes along in tow with it.
[VERSE 2] Your flowers just died, plant new seeds in the melody
Let's bring our minds back to the chat about the sunflower's growth cycle for a moment, yeah? Remember how we talked about the significance of being in stage R-6? Flowering is complete? What comes after is the beginning of the seeds ripening to be harvested, for which the flower has to die to make it so. Even in a sunflower's death, they are still celebrated and cherished as new life & new possibilities are found in the seeds that fall. And now, remember. How the sunflower's growth cycle metaphorize the circle Harry and his sunflower are in? Oh yeah!
YOUR FLOWERS JUST DIED is the first half we're going to focus on. What do the flowers represent? Hopes? Dreams? Something beautiful? Something that couldn't grow or bloom anymore? Possibly representing the ups & downs of life, but the two will find a way through it. The flowers died, but the plant is alive. And still the same kind of flower. Not losing sight (GINSBERG PARALLEL).
PLANT NEW SEEDS IN THE MELODY is the second half, and then we'll piece them together. In what melody? Well, in this melody, silly goose! He's using this melody, this song for his sunflower, as a reassurance (!!!) that they will both get through the hardships because his devotion and adoration runs deep. And, put these together now. When you plant the seeds gathered from the wilted sunflower and plant them into the ground, you bring up a new flower that'll run through the cycle anew.
[VERSE 2] Let me inside, I wanna get to know you
There's no more wishing, and, now, a bit more agency is gained on Harry's part. No more wishing, no more hoping, he is here and wants this. He's begging his sunflower to let him inside, then mirroring how earlier in the same verse he said BEFORE I GOT TO KNOW YOU. It's all a circle, a cycle, that goes around and around.
[PRE-CHORUS] I don't wanna make you feel bad But I've been trying hard not to act a fool
Can I just say that I love this depiction of him? HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE. Present eloquently in this song and others. He reiterates how he doesn't want his sunflower to take on the guilt for anything. He doesn't want to get it wrong, he doesn't want to say something foolish, but, shit, they are really making him lose his mind.
[PRE-CHORUS] Sunflower (Sunflower, Sunflower!)
To be expected, we come back around to the comforting nickname for the song's subject, his sunflower. We see reassurance each time this is brought back into the melody, with new seeds planted for hope each time. And this repetition in itself creates a cyclical effect, which, if you hadn't noticed, we always return to for this song.
[CHORUS] I couldn't want you anymore Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor I couldn't want you anymore Tonight (Tonight, Tonight, Tonight)
More repetition, in specifics the repetition from the chorus before. Proclaiming love, domestic intimacy in the visuals, proclaiming love again. Repetition is to circling, and circling is to a cycle.
[CHORUS] Kids in the kitchen listen to dancehall
Is this a look into the future, the hope for the future he planted before? Or is it a reference to Harry and his sunflower themselves? As well as being a continuation of domestic visuals from the sweet kitchen we got, either interpretation has a lovey connotation to it.
Picturing kids in the future: He's planted the seeds for a future together, returning to the feeling that Harry believes that what's between the two is something that could last. So much so that he's picturing settling down with them, with dance parties in the kitchen to joyous music he introduced them all to.
The two as children: This could be a proper extension of the other visual in the other variation of the chorus, where Harry's referring to himself and his sunflower as the kids in question. Kids in love, fools in love (HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE.). He just keeps picturing domestic bliss for the two of them, kissing & dancing in the kitchen together as he shares parts of himself, what he loves, with them.
[BRIDGE] Sunflowers just died, keep it sweet in your memory
Even when something in life has come to a close doesn't mean it isn't something you can look upon fondly, and even in death doesn't mean there can't be rebirth. With the shift from YOUR FLOWERS to SUNFLOWERS, it's like he's directly addressing his own metaphor, his own symbolism. A return to the core's devotion, the romanticism of the circle of the sunflower, and the parallel circle of the relationship. Sunflowers represent spectrums of the life cycle (youth, vitality, hopefulness, etc). Even in their death, they are celebrated as their seeds promise new life.
Through this song, Harry is celebrating the beginning, the middle, and even the possibility of an end to his relationship with his sunflower. He's cherishing when they were blooming with love, immortalizing that vibrant time in these melodies we can listen to in this moment as the audience. When they were growing, blooming, flowering with idyllic dreams of domesticity, but simultaneously memorializing when they hit moments of ruin.
[BRIDGE] I'm still tongue-tied
This purposefully mirrors the line I WAS JUST TONGUE-TIED, furthermore completing that cycle that I know I'm getting repetitive reminding you of. But it's important, ok? He still can't find the words, he feels he still can't express his devotion to its fullness, and this entire song was him trying to explain it all! And, even in the song, he finds himself stumbling. No matter how long or how short this relationship lasts with his sunflower, he will always be tongue-tied, baffled, and utterly lovestruck. His adoration for and his devotion to this person take away all his self-control, wondering, headshake in constant disbelief.
[OUTRO] Sunflower, sunflower Sunflower, sunflower Ayy, woo, ow Woo-woo, woo-woo (x3) Yeah! Ooh, woo, ooh Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Oh, the outro! How it fills me with such joy! The outro mirrors the intro with the last (full) words he says being SUNFLOWER, SUNFLOWER before we lean into the random noises that further show HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE. And, it's so fun to try and sing along to, and we become a fool in love right beside him. This non-verbal section, raw emotion bursting through the seams, closes off the song with a moment of euphoria. Dipping down to go into WOO-WOO or BOOP-BOOP ... which is us listening as he plants the seeds to nurture the flower (the relationship) as we continue to spin in this cycle of love and hardship. With added reassurance. And added devotion.
We, again, oh I'm getting annoying, return to our knowledge about sunflowers, and how they're celebrated in their vitality, but also in their death because of the seeds they provide, even as they wilt. Harry is planting the seeds in the melody, in Sunflower, Vol. 6, to grow more, to bloom more, to maybe start anew with a perspective more rounded out than previous.
The sunflower that has fallen can rise again, celebrated in death as much as in life. Even if this ends, Harry is left with seeds of knowledge -- of love, affection, and devotion -- that he can plant to start a rebirth and rejuvenation in himself and even further, whether it's both theirs or not. The sunflower, his sunflower, has taught him a lot about how vibrant things can be, and how much of a fool in love he can be, even after all the moments of heartbreak and grieving. I stand behind my claim that Sunflower, Vol. 6 is one of Harry's most romantic and most genius songs. I mean, you can't even deny it -- this is a boy who loves love. A fucking fool in love. And I adore him and his romanticism of devotion so badly. Told through the subtle messaging of a flower metaphor? Oh my goodness.
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Thank you for reading, you're absolutely incredible!
If there are any songs you'd like me to make an analysis of, please send your request to my inbox! Along with any questions or insights you might have yourself!
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... morning music ....
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1d1195 · 8 days
Sunflower - Extra I
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Read Sunflower here | ~2.3k words
From Me: This is mostly dialogue. I thought it was cute 🤷‍♀️
Warnings: fluffy and maybe a tiny bit of angst.
Summary: Harry reminisces on their first date. How badly he wanted to kiss her and know everything about her.
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He smiled. One question answered.
Only a thousand or so more to go.
His head rested on her stomach, nestled against her soft shirt. Harry loved looking at her, but it was good he was tucked into her embrace because she was so gorgeous it still made him tongue tied sometimes. “Why?”
“I loved the content, I just sucked at remembering the details. I never remembered names or countries that were involved in a conflict. It’s all just vague ideas and things. Dates, though. I was good at memorizing dates. Probably because it was numbers. Battles and locations? Not a clue. I sucked.”
He chuckled. “What’s your favorite candle scent?”
If anyone had told her that Harry enjoyed being snuggly and being the little spoon months ago while he was visiting the bistro, she wouldn’t have believed you. But here he was. His ear pressed to her tummy, his hands wrapped under her back, and her fingers combing through his hair. He was making her body about a thousand degrees warmer, but she didn’t care. It was nice. Like a blanket. Having Harry so close was a dream come true. “The candles they put out for fall in stores. Anything that smells like a campfire or apples. Or both.”
He closed his eyes unable to believe how lucky he was to hold her like this. His legs dangled off the side of her couch and he nodded tiredly against her. He had a tremendously long day at the office. They were supposed to leave in a few minutes to go get dinner—one of their only date nights, but he didn’t want to move. The way her fingers touched his scalp lightly scratching and massaging an itch he didn’t even know existed. Staying in seemed better. But she was all dressed up. Her makeup so pretty and flawless amplifying how beautiful she looked.
He couldn’t not show her off. Even if she was all his anyway.
Her stomach grumbled beneath his ear. “Gotta feed you, hmm?”
“It’s okay,” she mumbled softly. “We can stay in,” she suggested, nudged her feet until he heard one of her shoes fall to the floor and then the other.
He shook his head sitting up. His face was instantly colder than he wanted it to be. His arms ached to hold her close again even though they had been snuggled up for hours. She smiled that beautiful smile that made him so happy he could have stared at her for ages.
How lucky was he that he got to be so close to her.
Their first date, Harry showed up an hour early because he was so anxious and excited. He apologized profusely, but she didn't mind. "You'll just have to watch me get ready," she warned him. So he did. He watched her curl her hair and put on makeup in awe. But most importantly, she really didn’t mind in the slightest. She simply directed him to sit on the toilet seat lid and told him to be patient while she got even prettier (his words not hers).
Of course, he was in awe because watching her was his favorite movie. It was like watching an artist painting the next Sistine Chapel. Her smile met his eyes no less than twenty times in the mirror as she worked and while they chatted.
He didn’t need to ask what kind of shampoo she used because he could see it through the glass enclosure around her shower. Something floral and light that permeated when he got close to her. When her curling iron released steam from the product she used in tandem with the sweet-smelling scent. It made him feel completely relaxed even though he was still so nervous.
“What’s your favorite song?” He asked while she did her mascara. She grinned again, shyly.
“I’m more of a favorite of a week kind of song lover.”
“This week?” He wondered.
She tilted her head. “State Lines by Novo Amor.”
“Pretty,” he nodded. “Sad, no?”
She shrugged. “I think it’s hopeful.”
“Hopeful?” he repeated. “They’re in love but they’re in a long-distance relationship and s’literally creating distance between them emotionally,” he frowned. It was a sad song for her to love so much. It was pretty, probably good to listen to if she was feeling down or needed a nap. She turned around to look at him head on, with a smirk, without the mirror to play the go between. It was full eye contact. Her pretty, stunning eyes that made him tongue tied. The smile that made his heart skip a beat. Her entire presence the reason he had spent hundreds maybe thousands of dollars at the bistro over the last four months with the prettiest, brightest flower known to man on every surface of the place.
“The ending,” she said simply. “Extremely hopeful. He wants it to work.”
Harry knew the feeling. Suddenly it was his favorite song too.
“Why did y’pick finance?” He asked. They were at dinner when he asked. Not The Sunflower Bistro. Harry did suggest eating there. It was an important place to him after all. But she insisted elsewhere. Mainly for fear that Niall or Jake would make her crazy or embarrassed. It wouldn’t be good for her mental sanity for a first date. Plus, if he was honest, Harry was still a bit jealous of Jake even though he knew he didn’t need to be. But he didn’t want to test his own luck with his emotions. Nor did he want to share his very sweet date with anyone. Even if it was only due to her politeness that would keep them talking to her as they served them.
“I love numbers, and I liked economics in high school and found something so fascinating about the ebb and flow of money. I know that makes me sound money hungry but it’s not. I’ve been applying to a ton of nonprofit organizations. I want to work for a company that wants to help people. I want to make sure kids have school lunches and that elderly people have a place to live that won’t cost an arm and a leg.”
Tongue-tied. So completely, totally, tongue-tied. There was no way anyone this sweet would want to be with Harry. He worked for a big scary corporate job and was probably the exact opposite of what she wanted. “Are you okay?” She asked.
He nodded, then shook his head while clearing his throat. How embarrassing would it be if he couldn’t talk to her on their first date because he was so goddamn in love with her? “How many siblings do y’have?” He needed a safer topic. One that wasn’t going to make him fall in love with her so readily.
“Just one. We’re not very close, but I wish we were. I’d still kill for him. But he’s still in high school and I’m finishing college. I’m hoping when we’re older we’ll get closer.”
“My sister and I are closer now that we’re older. I imagine I was a pain in her butt when we were younger. When she was a teen, and I was an annoying little kid.”
“I bet she loved you still. There’s six years between us, I loved the crap out of him even when I wanted to tear his head off.”
He chuckled. “I think you’re nicer than Gemma.”
She smiled and sipped her drink. Harry wanted to know everything about her. Every seemingly trivial piece of information there was to know. It felt like if he didn’t know he would explode. It was like he was studying for an exam, and she was every answer. All the months he spent in his regular booth twice a week, he felt like he learned nothing. Now he was trying to cram for some made up test and nothing about his line of questions made sense.
“What kind of music do y’listen t’when you’re cooking?”
“Like this classic rock radio station that my dad listened to my entire childhood. It’s super nostalgic but it’s like a hug when I’m alone cooking for myself,” she wrinkled her nose. “It’s kind of lame, isn’t it?”
He shook his head. “No, s’nice,” he smiled. “Send me the station so I can listen too,” he suggested.
Her head tilted; her eyes thoughtful as she grinned back at him. As much as he wanted to know everything about her, he would have loved to stare at her just as much. He opened his mouth to ask another question but fortunately the waiter interrupted.
It probably wasn’t appropriate to ask her how many kids she wanted on a first date.
Harry walked her to the door feeling more anxious than when he came to pick her up. He was supposed to kiss her. Supposed to. But how could he? How could he do that if he was worried he would drool in her mouth or if he would do it wrong and ruin it? If he ruined it, she would never go on another date with him. After all that, all the stuff he learned about her, it seemed cruel for his anxiety to ruin the end of the night.
“I had a really nice time,” her voice was soft as they shared the top step of the stoop outside her apartment. A one bedroom in a small duplex house. Her friend lived on the other side, and she was glad there wasn’t a car in her driveway to make her feel exposed.
“Good,” he bit his lip. “I... I guess I’ll let y’go. I know y’work a double tomorrow.”
Was that disappointment in her eyes? “Oh... yeah. Yeah, I do,” Her face fell ever so slightly. If Harry wasn’t so entranced he would have missed it for sure. Leaning in he pressed his lips to her cheek. Her skin was so soft and he was so nervous he was going to linger and act like a creep.
“Good night,” he murmured.
“Good night,” Harry turned the second the word left her mouth. He walked to his car feeling like an idiot. He closed his eyes as he touched the car handle and then there was a touch on his back. “I’m sorry!” She blurted then looked up at the sky and winced. “Jesus, I’m so sorry,” she croaked.
Harry blinked. “Sorry?” He questioned.
“Yes, so sorry. I feel like I ruined our first date. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I lost an hour of prep time and I’m not blaming you. I was so happy to have you around for an extra hour but I didn’t get to think about what I wanted to ask or say. Then you just asked all these really sweet and thoughtful questions. I didn’t ask you one question about yourself, Harry. Not one I don’t know why you even stayed the whole time, I feel so terrible. I don’t know what happened and I’m sad you didn’t want to kiss me because of it—”
Harry was in awe, but he wasn’t someone that liked to inflict pain on others. So he cupped either side of her jaw and kissed her. Just pressed his lips to hers and ran his thumb along her cheek as he did. She grabbed one of his elbows and sank into the kiss as well. Her lips returning the pressure perfectly. There wasn’t too much drool and he didn’t ruin it. He pulled back and her eyelids fluttered open. Her cheek was warm beneath his thumb. If it was a bit lighter out, he imagined a pretty blush bloomed across her cheeks.
“I really wanted t’kiss you,” he murmured. “Can I kiss y’again?”
She nodded mutely, her eyes fluttering closed as he pressed his mouth back to hers, one hand moving from her jaw to the back of her neck before it smoothed down her spine and he pulled her closer to him by pressing against the small of her back. He kissed her softly again restraining the moan that begged to come from his throat. When he pulled away again, he swallowed.
“Y’didn’t do anything wrong. M’so... tongue tied over you. I want t’know everything ‘bout you. I was trying so hard not t’let the conversation die because I didn’t want you t’think I was stupid. Or boyish and only obsessed with how pretty y’looked—which y’did, by the way. You look stunning,” her smile looked equal parts relieved and adorable. “I didn’t even notice y’didn’t ask a question.”
“We talked all the time at Sunflower.”
“I think it was different when I was jus’ a customer, kitten,” he shrugged. “Y’flitted about and chatted so easily because it was your job. M’glad y’were nervous. Means it wasn’t a chore for you t’go out with me.”
She giggled and Harry wondered if he could record the sound, and have it play in his headphones while he fell asleep. “I want to know everything about you, Harry. I’m sorry I didn’t ask more questions.”
“You don’t have t’be sorry, love,” he assured her, kissed the top of her head and pulled her into his embrace and leaned against his car as he held her. “You could ask them on the next date?” He offered as a question.
“Yes,” she nodded against his body. “A next date for sure.”
“What are you thinking about?” She whispered. “You’ve got this dreamy look in your eye.”
Did he? How long had he been staring off thinking about their first date. Poor thing had to be starving, and he was just lying there, keeping her trapped in his arms while he pictured their first two kisses. “Nothing,” he shook his head.
“Thinking of your other girlfriend?” She wrinkled her nose. Harry snorted.
“Don’t be ridiculous, kitten,” he rolled his eyes and kissed her forehead before he sat up shifting to hold her on his lap as if she weighed no more than a basket of laundry. “You’re the only girl for me.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
@straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals
@angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams
@summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland
@lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles
@tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter
@kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @indierockgirrl @michellekstyles
@just-another-reader1098 @hermionelove @tiredinwinter @whimsy-willows @hannah9921
@fangirl7060 @triski73 @vikiii07 @prettygurl-2009 @madstyles3204
@angeldavis777 @tchlamqtsgf @lizsogolden @me-undiscovered @you-sunshine
@rose-girls-world @claimingharrystigertattoo
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist here
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larriescompass · 10 months
(reblog to reach more people💝)
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yeahimwiththeband · 2 years
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whenever i play sunflower,  i feel like this
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canyonmooningg · 2 years
kiss in the kitchen
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pairing: best friend! harry x reader
summary: your typical new years eve fic. all fluff no smut (word count: 1,444 words)
“Never have I ever…”
Y/N paused, thinking about what Harry had done that she hadn’t.
“Okay I got it: Never have I ever said the wrong name in bed,” she asked with a mischievous look in her eyes and a playful smirk forming.
Harry’s face flushed with embarrassment. I can’t believe she remembered that, he thought to himself. He sighed and took a swig of the vodka cranberry he had been nursing all night. Y/N threw her head back in a fit of giggles and attempted to cover her mouth with her hand. Though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, Harry thought that the sound of Y/N’s laughter was one of the best sounds in the world.
“Not funny,” he said with a straight face, the corner of his lip upturned in a half-grin. Whose stupid idea was it to play Never Have I Ever on New Year’s Eve?
“Alright, alright. Your turn, hit me with your best shot,” she challenged.
Harry observed Y/N sitting across from him on the couch in her apartment. She sat with her legs crossed, anxiously awaiting his reply as her eyes twinkled in amusement. Harry noticed her fingers toying with a loose thread on the end of the shirt she was wearing–his shirt–the one he loaned her one time after a long night (after hers got stained from one of their many bar hopping excursions). To an outsider, she would have looked disheveled and, frankly, a whole mess, but to him? She was perfect, and always had been.
“Okay Big Shot, let’s see…never have I ever…kissed someone at midnight on New Year’s Eve”
Harry saw her cheeks pinken, and her eyes darted away from him and landed in her lap. The room suddenly got quiet; the only thing Harry could hear was the Times Square Ball Drop playing quietly in the background. She answered finally, “That’s the best you could think of?” she scoffed. But it was evident in her reluctance to answer that she was nervous.
Harry feigned a dramatic gasp. “You have kissed someone at New Year’s…right?”
Y/N picked at the threads of his shirt again, this time with more fervor—evidently a nervous tick in reaction to his questioning. Her gaze lifted from her lap and looked at Harry through her eyelashes.
“I mean,” she began as she stumbled through her words, “it’s hard to have kissed someone on New Year’s when you’ve never kissed anyone at all.”
Harry’s eyes widened in disbelief. He could have sworn…
“Wait, didn’t you date Jackson last summer? You never kissed him?”
She had to have kissed somebody, he thought. No way that she has never kissed anyone.
“Well we were never that serious and, I don’t know…” she hesitated.
Harry looked expectantly at her as he waited for her response. She began again, “I think he tried to once? But it didn’t feel right so I stepped back and I think he got the hint I wasn’t into it and we broke up soon after that so…I guess I’ve never had the opportunity.”
Harry racked his brain trying to make sense of her admission. How could no one have wanted to kiss her for this long?! She’s so beautiful, if I was her boyfriend—
His internal thoughts came to a screeching halt. Her boyfriend? Of course, he had thought about the idea as a fleeting notion that he never really took seriously. Y/N and him had been friends for years with no romantic feelings between them…right? Sure, Y/N was insanely attractive (objectively of course) and had the cutest laugh and the prettiest eyes, and—
His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the shifting weight of the couch caused by Y/N getting up to grab the vodka bottle from the counter to make another drink. As she walked towards the kitchen he heard her say quietly, almost to herself, “Forget it, Harry, let’s just do something else, I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.” He could hear the heartbreak in her voice as she poured a fresh drink into her cup.
“Sorry, I didn't know,” he rushed out, feeling embarrassed, even though he had no way of knowing what her answer would be. He got off the couch and moved towards her. Her back was turned to him and after a beat he tentatively asked,
She turned around and Harry noticed how close they suddenly were to each other. Her eyes flicked to his in confusion.
“Why what?”
“Why didn’t you feel like kissing him? I thought…I thought you liked him? What was the problem? Did he do something to you?”
That last thought made him feel uneasy, could it be that this guy mistreated her and he didn’t even notice?
“What? No, he didn’t do anything to me, he was perfect. At least, I thought he was perfect… But I don’t know, there just was a disconnect for me. I didn’t really like him as much as he liked me.”
She paused in contemplation, then continued.
“I guess I want to be able to look back on my first kiss and know that I had it with someone special and that it meant something.”
Y/N’s normally confident demeanor had been reduced to the shy, insecure girl standing in front of Harry. Harry pressed on.
“But how will you know they are the one? Like will you meet them and just know? Or…” he began when he noticed a look in her eyes that, if he had blinked, he would have missed it.
“Or, have you already met them?”
She froze, thrown off by his sudden line of questioning.
“W-what would make you think I’ve already met them?”
Harry stepped closer to her, feeling a slight buzz from the vodka cranberry he had drank earlier, giving him liquid courage.
“Well,” he questioned, “have you?”
He had stepped close enough to her that he was able to feel the warmth radiating off her body as she faltered in answering him. He could hardly think being this close to her, his heart was leaping out of his chest thinking about who she could possibly have met that she’d kiss. Why won’t she just tell me who it is? We tell each other everything, so why won’t she just tell me? Unless–
“Y/N, who is it? You can tell me, I wouldn’t tell anyone”
She looked away in embarrassment and in a barely audible whisper, he heard a soft “I can’t”, followed by a sniffle as her eyes met his, tears beginning to gather in the corner of her eyes.
Before they could say anything else, they heard the television cheering at the beginning of the countdown to the new year.
Harry saw a tear slip down her cheek, and he brought a hand to cup her face, wiping the stray tear away with his thumb.
“Why not?” he asked gently, eyes dancing across her face searching for some sort of reason as to why she would be hesitant to tell him.
She leaned into his hand as she reached for his wrist and held his hand there.
“I don’t want to ruin things,” she whispered.
Harry’s mind started to race with what she could possibly mean by “ruin things.” It would only ruin things if the person was someone close and important to her, and someone she wouldn’t want to lose by admitting romantic feelings.
Harry whispered, “You don’t know that for sure, Y/N”
He hesitated for a moment before he breathed out, “Can I kiss you?”
Her eyes widened in surprise and she hesitated for a moment. He noticed her eyes dart down to his lips for a split second before he returned her gaze to his own.
“Fuck it,” he rushed out as he reached up to cup her other cheek into his hand and leaned in, now so close he could feel her soft exhales on his lips.
His lips crashed into hers as she let out a surprised whimper before melting into the kiss. Her hands came up and pulled at the curls at the nape of his neck as he brought his hands down to her waist to pull her against him.
The cheering on the TV signaling the beginning of the new year was loud enough that it momentarily broke their concentration and they pulled away, foreheads touching as they regained their breath.
“Happy New Year, Harry,” Y/N breathed against his lips. Harry smiled, and before he leaned in for another kiss, whispered, “Here’s to the new year, love.”
This is our first fic, enjoy and let us know what you think :)
K + S
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27 notes · View notes
regular-another · 2 years
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The Seasons, inspired by Harry Styles songs :)
Printable available here
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foxes-that-run · 3 months
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Message in a Bottle | Over Again | Two Ghosts | Sunflower vol 6
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sunflowermeadowsfarm · 2 months
Meet Our Bunnies All images from Pinterest and belong to their relevant owners
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Cloud (Left) and Frolic (Right)
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Caramel (Left) and Sage (Right)
About Cloud:
Cloud is a cuddly little bunny who adores naps in the sun. When she's not chilling, you can find her exploring her home and playing with her bunny friends.
About Frolic:
Frolic is the shy bunny of the group, often preferring to chill in the corner or under a bush where she can be alone. Out of all the humans working on the farm, she is especially attached to Niall.
About Caramel:
Caramel is our resident bunny mischief-maker. She is often found attempting to chew (bunny friendly) things she really shouldn't chew. When the humans had their backs turned for minute or two, she managed to chew through one of Niall's favourite shirts within minutes, and is now never left with any of the humans' belongings.
About Sage:
Sage is our friendly little fella. He's often begging for attention from our humans or off playing with one of the rabbit toys. Out of all of our bunnies, he's the quickest to warm up to strangers, whether that be strange people or strange bunnies!
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whatharrysang · 1 month
Harry Styles & sunshine
Harry Styles 
Fine Line
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - My sunflower (sunflower, sunflower)
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Out of this shade (sunflower, sunflower)
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Sunflowers just died
Fine Line - You sunshine, you temptress
Harry's House
Grapejuice - Yesterday, it finally came, a sunny afternoon
Matilda - You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days
Keep Driving - Yellow sunglasses
Love of My Life - Take a walk on Sunday through the afternoon
Songs Harry wrote for other artists
I love you - I fell in love in the morning sun, while the hours slipped away
One Direction Songs Harry wrote on
Unreleased Songs
Guess I'm alright - I planted sunflowers, but they're not growing in
Part of Me - The way that dress adores you, sunshine
Pop Tart - With your gold sunglasses and a big old fur
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