#love this wacky and chaotic family
d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 5 months
undoubtedly one of my favorite things about LMK is that MK is out here collecting family like pokémon cards
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we got his canon adoptive dads
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his divorced dads who are still fighting for legal custody
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his favorite (and now only) uncle
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his big sister
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and big brother
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sophieswundergarten · 11 months
Had a ✨SpOoKy HaLlOwEeN tHeMeD✨ AU thought that is basically Nicholas Benedict being the polar opposite of Book Victor Frankenstein
He has ALL the degrees and education, and only does extremely ethical science. But, he also adopts/befriends/houses every escaped experiment or person who has been been created/messed up by more careless mad science
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cuppajj · 4 months
Neo Beast Head cannons?
✨Saint Vanilla Cookie
He’s the only one who goes wherever he wants. The other beasts are pretty stationary for the time being, but Saint’s on a mission and he will show up literally anywhere
Still loves animals and thinks they’re incapable of sinning, so they don’t get the purifying touch. It’s why raisin’s crows are still alive
Speaking of raisin, he does miss her but he thinks she’s in a better place. Calls her his martyr and talks about her like she’s still alive
He has tea every morning
It’s unknown where he sleeps when he’s traveling the world
He keeps Crepe’s headset extra clean for the day they meet each other again
❤️‍🔥Dragonberry Cookie
She is still the same old Hollyberry who loves drinking berry juice like there’s no tomorrow. She even brings pints to Neo beast meetings
Even though her pride has given her a massive superiority complex, she still views her family and even Pitaya rather fondly, though it doesn’t prevent the latter from being spared any sort of pain. She sees everything as playful until it’s not
Does frankly miss Tarte Tatin and Royal Margarine even though one or both of them has Snapdragon, who she’s trying to get her hands on
❄️Frigid Cacao Cookie
Rarely speaks but when he does it’s usually to give orders, and half of that time he asks for food
His incense always remains lit
Alongside the cookies left, sometimes the licorice sea monsters that now roam his halls act as his servants. He can also use the licorice ooze to do wacky things like teleport from one place to another
Sometimes he appears in the fog of the snow like an apparition, something you can barely see but know he’s there. It’s one of the rare sightings of him outside
Another thing he does when outside is stare at a frozen Cacaoian. Sometimes he touches the icy surface, maybe kneels. Who knows what he’s thinking?
☀️Celestial Cheese Cookie
A lot of her mannerisms are akin to white diamond from steven universe, she was actually one of the main references I used for her design
She can summon as many golden arms as she wants and they operate on hydra properties. Cutting one will grow two
Despite this, she doesn’t have the legit Midas touch where everything she touches turns to gold, she can be selective. Which is good when she wants to pet jackals
Her growing kingdom is full of converted desert inhabitants and travelers, maybe a handful of townships, and it’s remarkable how she’s been able to grow a lot from nothing. She does get a bit of an inferiority complex when comparing herself to the likes of Dragonberry, but it motivates her to conquer more
🥀Midnight Lily Cookie
She picked up playing the harp after she became queen, and she plays often. The silver fae like to gather around to listen to their queen perform, and her harp can be heard across the kingdom
She’s grown more accustomed to speaking like the silver fae as well at times, her voice songlike despite how neutral it sounds. She’ll sing as she plays the harp as well
Despite being a beast, she’s the least accepting of that name for lack of a better word. She doesn’t see herself as being corrupt, only staying true to her decisions and her sovereignty, what she believes is right for herself and everyone. It just so happens that it enables the bad to do worse, but it’s not her problem anyway.
Her kingdom is still strict to outsiders, probably on the same level as cacao. You might need an invitation inside or risk the silver fae being free to do whatever they wish with you
As I mentioned previously they operate similar to the fae (unseelie in aesthetic) so you don’t want to bother chaotic neutral creatures
The only one allowed without invitation is Saint Vanilla, who has a habit of showing up in her garden to lay among the flowers. Lily can only imagine what he thinks of when he sees her
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Bachelors and Having a Baby
I saw another hc blog do this and I wanna do my own take~
Sebastian --
Extremely shocked when you tell him you're pregnant, but would react with a blank face and "oh, huh. Interesting." It does not sink in for a few minutes to an hour, and then he's losing his fucking mind.
Never thought he would be a dad, and convinced himself he would be a bad one. Even if him and the farmer weren't using protection, it still blindsides him
He cuts back on freelance work to help more around the farm, especially in the last trimester. The farmer is NOT allowed to do anything more strenuous than play video games. He will prob call on Abigail and Sam to help, he's not exactly the most athletic guy in the world.
Despite his fears that he wouldn't do a good job, he certainly works to make sure they won't come true. Reads a lot of parenting books and talks to Robin a lot. Those talks heal a bit of the rift between them.
Robin jokes that she's too young to be a grandma, but Demetrius cries when he's given a World's Best Grandpa mug. Maru happily steps up as an aunt and will spoil the baby with custom made toys and a ton of STEM for baby books.
Abigail and Sam are the chaotic aunt and uncle I imagine Shane was to Jas. They will babysit (mostly Sam) but expect funny pictures and wacky situations.
Elliott --
He is overjoyed when you tell him the news. He's going to be a papa! Lots of hugs and swinging you around. He doesn't strike me as the type to seek parenthood, but would lovingly embrace it once given to him.
It doesn't hit him for a while that a baby is going to mean changing his lifestyle quite a bit. No more all nighters, he won't be able to write for hours and hours at a time anymore. He finds it worth changing that aspect of his life to adjust to this new addition, a physical manifestation of your love.
Starts to change his habits early on so he'll be better suited after the baby arrives. Fully supports when you go nest mode and will move the furniture around as much as you want.
Has had a list of names for years before you even meet him. And all of them are beautiful
Leah takes on an aunt type roll, and loves teaching the baby about art and colors.
Sam --
Panics hard at the announcement. It doesn't matter that you're married, he still feels like he's sixteen sometimes, and he's worried about getting in trouble
Jodi and Kent are overjoyed at becoming grandparents, and Vincent thinks it's cool he's going to be an uncle.
Abigail and Sebastian make fun of him for being so worried about it, and help him get ready mentally to be a dad. They may need to remind him how much he helped with Vincent.
Once he calms down and realizes his family isn't going to be mad and his friends will stick around, he's extremely excited. He helped make an entirely new person! Someone he can teach music to! Can you skateboard with a baby?
Happily becomes the stay at home dad and handles a lot of the childcare.
Absolutely writes banger after banger of goofy songs for his kid
Alex --
I think he would be the type that always wanted to be a dad, just to spite how bad his was. When you tell him he's going to be one, he's over the moon. One of the few times you ever see him cry is when you tell him about the pregnancy, and again when the baby arrives.
Immediately befriends all the moms in Pelican Town and joins their gossip groups so he can get their advice and help as you prep for the baby. They adore him. He's like their pet.
Gets into what-to-expect books and takes over farm chores basically as soon as you tell him. No, you don't need to be doing all of that. He's got it. Which, I do think he would be pretty involved on the farm. I don't think he's the type to slouch while his spouse does everything. You can trust that he'll do well.
Evelyn and George are shocked by the news. George especially didn't think they'd live long enough to see it. They both love the little one quite a bit, and despite George's general attitude, he only speaks sweetly to the baby.
Haley will absolutely bury you in baby outfits as gifts.
Harvey --
Probably the most panicked on the list. He's not an ob/gyn but he IS medically trained and knows how easily everything can go wrong.
This doesn't mean he isn't thrilled and amazed in equal measure. Sure, you knew it was a possibility, but... He's so happy. He always wanted to be a dad, and now it's happening! He gets very misty-eyed.
He starts taking over cooking to be sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. You will find snacks in your bag, all healthy.
He also wants you to cut back on the farmwork, maybe hire someone for a season or two to hold it down. He would take over if he could, but being the town's only doctor keeps him too occupied.
He will absolutely do every type of birthing partner class.
He also helps set up the birth plan. He handles your medical needs until the birth. The plan is to go to Zuzu City about when the baby is due, deliver in the big hospital where he can be by your side and let someone else be the doctor. This plan fails when you deliver early and he has to step up. Everything goes well.
Shane --
He never thought he would be a dad. He didn't think he was good enough to take in Jas, and for the longest time, he didn't think he was good enough to be involved enough to have a kid.
He's come so far since when you first met. He's still got his issues, but he has a healthy grasp on them anymore. He isn't filled with loathing when you tell him, but tears up and holds you close. He feels incredibly lucky to have someone that loves him enough to welcome a child from him.
He is excited to prep for the kid. He was around when Jas was born, so he still remembers a fair bit about the baby years.
Jas can't wait to be a big sister. She likes playing with Vincent, but it would be even better to have a brother or sister. Marnie tears up when you both tell her the news. She's already a great-aunt to Jas, but looks forward to welcoming your baby as well. If you call her Grannie she will melt.
Shane absolutely faints in the delivery room. Man thought he could handle it. He cannot.
He's a very attentive dad. He never, ever wants this part of him to feel like it's not loved or good enough.
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anamoon63 · 19 days
RL and Sims update post + a thank you note
(Warning: long post ahead, read at your own risk).
I wrote this post to thank you guys for all the likes and comments you keep leaving on my posts, even though, as you may have noticed, I can't be here as often as I used to. Real life has taken over almost completely, as I think it should. There are too many things going on, with me, my family, my country, even my sims and other games, lol.
I'm not going to bore you with daily life problems, much less with sad and depressive stuff, or with previews of a story I don't know when/if I'll ever finish, the only thing I can tell you is that I'm still busy with a lot of work, (fortunately) and family stuff; plus, I (finally) started going to therapy (yes, at my age). So right now, I'm juggling even more things than I already was.
And so I wanted to thank you for sticking with me, for continuing to read the chaotic stories of my wacky characters without judging them; thank you as well for each and every message you have sent to my inbox, be it questions, or flowers and love; and to all of you who continue to tag me both on sims stuff and cute games, knowing that I most likely won't be able to answer you, really, thank you for continuing to think of me. Your messages soothe my heart in difficult moments, and I wish to answer them all, I just don't know when I will be able to do that, hopefully someday.
Now, my sims story. For those of you who might remotely still be interested, I'm currently revising the next few episodes of Time Traveler which I wrote earlier this year. To be honest, I don't know when they will be ready, I just know the story goes on and as soon as I have reviewed these episodes, I'll start taking the pictures. When will they be published? Frankly, I don't know. It could be early 2025, but no promises, as I don't have much free time on my hands now. I manage to write in the evenings, but in-game photo shoots are quite time consuming and have to be done in peace and privacy, of which I don't have much at the moment. So, if I do decide to publish these episodes, it will likely be early next year, and at a rather slow pace.
About my gameplay, in Sims 4 we will continue with the Wilsons until the end of the season (coming soon), and then we will take a small break. As for The Sims 3, we just finished Patrick's story in Bridgeport, so now we'll go back with The Cho Brothers. First, we'll take a brief trip to Lucky Palms with Terence and Cynthia Cho; then we'll spend a rather long time in Hidden Springs and Starlight Shores, to see what has happened with Tyron, the eldest of the Cho brothers. And last but not least, we'll go back to Uni with Dale and Kelly, who I hope will FINALLY graduate this year, hahaha.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I am not gone (yet), that if one day I decide to retire I will make a special post about it, I won't leave without saying goodbye, but that day seems far away at least for the moment. 
Now, regarding Inzoi…
I admit Inzoi has captured my interest. As usual, I'm late to the comment party, but I still want to put my two cents about this amazing game. Seeing the trailers and all those beautiful Inzois created by other simmers got me so excited, and at the same time, terribly frustrated to see that the demo didn't contain any gameplay. I need to actually play the game to give an opinion on it! So far it looks beautiful, though I must say that the character creator disappointed me because the sliders are Sims 4 style, which I've always found a bit complicated, I'll forever prefer the Sims 3 sliders, but hey, I had a lot of fun creating my own Inzois.
Hopefully the graphics and gameplay are as good as seen in the previews and its developers won't “break” it into multiple or turn the into a malfunctioning cash cow like EA did with The Sims 4, and to a certain extent, also with the Sims 3 in its time. I hope with Inzoi they'll go for a complete game, no matter if it's expensive, if I consider it is worth it, I'll give them my money as soon as it comes out.
That being said, it is important for me to clarify that I will not abandon The Sims 3 (or even Sims 4 though I don't play it much) for Inzoi. Ever. Neither do I plan to recreate my sims OCs/games in it, because my sims are exactly that, sims. If I ever get to play Inzoi it will be with entirely new characters, although I confess, I did try to reproduce two of my most beloved sims (a boy from the future and a college girl who is a model *wink*) and they turned out pretty well, but nowhere near as adorable as they look in The Sims 3. Plus, the environments in which those two OCs currently move could not be reproduced in Inzoi, at least as far as I know.
Okay, enough of Inzoi. In short: I'm not gone, I'm still here, I'm still reading all your stories, only at a much slower pace, two or 3 simblrs per day at the most. I'm going to read them all, just bear with me, and forgive me again if I don't always comment. Sometimes I don't even have the time or the energy for that. Believe me, 2024 has been an intense year in every possible way, sometimes I really need a break, but I try to be around and will always find a way to keep in touch, even if at times it seems like I'm nowhere to be found, I'll get back to you at some point.
That's all, thanks for reading this far! Have a nice and beautiful start of the week. 💗
P.S. I wrote this post three days ago, wish I had published it earlier, that way I probably wouldn't have gotten a notification that some Simblrs Community 'removed my membership'. When I clicked in said Simblrs Community icon, it said the community was 'private'. I don't know if that's some kind of automatic Tumblr thing, if there's a committee that decides about this, or if it was just a glitch in the matrix; whatever it was, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be here to keep said membership. I didn't even know Simblr was a private membership. For what it's worth, it wasn't neglect or lack of interest for my part, just lack of time. I hope one day to be able to qualify again and be worthy of this membership. At any rate, I thank you for thinking of me and admitting me in your community in the first place.
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animeredhead101 · 3 months
Dick Grayson / Danny Fenton Masterlist
Holding Me Now in Hand by DisillusionedDanny :
After Tim Drake tells his family about his new insane chemistry teacher, Dick Grayson decides to do some investigation himself. What he wasn't expecting was to instantly fall in love with the chaotic science teacher. Danny had managed to make a new life for himself in this new dimension as a science teacher at Gotham Academy. He had a fulfilling life, teaching the kids of Gotham how to survive on the streets and then at night protecting the bats who roamed the streets. Now, to make things even better, he had somehow caught the attention of Dick Grayson. If Danny had to be honest, his life was going pretty great for him. Now he just needed the other shoe to drop. Word Count: 67,299
Emergency Contact by DisillusionedDanny :
Bruce Wayne is shocked to find out that he is not his son's emergency contact after Dick is involved in a standoff.
Color him surprised when he learns that his son has been keeping secrets from him.
Word Count: 2,423
Enchanted to Meet You by DisillusionedDanny :
Danny finally sees his soulmate outside of his dreams and it's everything he wanted and more. Word Count: 2,114
weary soldier, welcome home by halfgone (milkywxy) :
Dick misses his boyfriend. He waxes poetic about this, to himself that is. Then, inevitably, he gets to go home.
Word Count: 2,870
Constantine Bingo by EKat18
Danny turns Constantine selling his soul into a game. Word Count: 1,132
Danny Kidnaps Damian (not actually) by thebritishspider :
Danny doesn't like being summoned. He really doesn't like being summoned. Especially by the league of assassins. Those guys suck. If you're going to summon an all powerful entity at least do it right. A sandwich or something would be nice. He still wouldn't do their bidding anyway but it's the thought that counts. The one time he mentioned this to the league they offered him a child. Well. If they're offering Danny's gonna get the kid out of there. I mean really. Who in their right mind would offer him a child without laying out parameters. It was insulting really.
Or The League summons Danny, offer Damien as a sacrifice, Danny goes "All right then" and takes Damian. "Do you got another place to go kid?" "My father is Bruce Wayne" "Lol, wacky. I'll drop you off with him then." Danny sticks around because the Waynes are pretty cool, and Damian is very clingy.
Word Count: 32,492
Rings of Power by docmartins :
One moment Danny was chilling in space the next he was thrown into a world of heroes. A world that brought him family and friends and siblings and love. or Danny Phantom unexpectedly finds himself becoming the protégé of certain greenclad, ring-weilding heroes. Word Count: 123,437
I’m Falling for you (Now we’re both Falling) by Milaley,zizippy5379 :
Danny Fenton is just your average big city paramedic living in one of the most dangerous cities there is: Gotham. Or is he? What most people don't know is he is a retired superhero from the small town of Amity Park known as Phantom. After the burn out that comes from being a lone teenage hero and a difficult reveal to his parents he decides he needs to get away. And what better city than Gotham for a man who loves to help in medical crises.
Dick Grayson: detective by day, superhero by night. Well that's what he was until the reality of working for the Bludhaven police department set in and his depression took over. Now he's quit his day job and works for his adoptive father's charitable organization. But that doesn't stop him from continuing his superhero work as the one and only Nightwing.
But when these two soulmates meet on a rooftop at night and their timers run out, happily ever after isn’t as easily achieved as one might think.
Word Count: 75,437
Falling for you, again and again (adventures in getting kidnapped and meeting your soulmate) by ziazippy5379 :
Danny gets dragged to some event in Gotham and meets his soulmate. The first meeting goes great. The rest of the night not so much. Word Count: 32,352
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tabl3 · 2 months
Headcanons or ideas of Bree and Skylar being aunties or Adam and Leo being uncles OR (and I love this even more) Tasha being a grandma! I think she'd be the type of grandma to spoil her grandkids from the divorce money lol
Adam - Adam is the #1 babysitter of all time. he loves spending his free days with his nieces and nephews, and loves his siblings too so is more than willing. he's also SUPER protective of the kids. he was always protective of his parents/siblings, so that more than doubles with the kids. he's a staple around Chase and Kaz's home specifically, both to take care of the kids when they can't and because he just likes hanging out there lols. he also brings Otis III to play with the kids. when Chase or Kaz comes home during the afternoon, there's a good chance they'll find him sprawled on the living room floor playing with the babies without Adam telling them he was coming over. when Amelie was a kid, she'd always come excitedly screaming toward the door if the bell rang because she thought it was him (traumatizing several mailmen). he's a great uncle in summary
Bree - Bree isn't inherently good with kids, but she adores her nieces and nephews and spoils them completely rotten. she's the definition of the rich wine auntie who's super cool in their eyes and gives them whatever they want. even though Kaz and Chase were trying to teach Amelie to be gentle with her when she was pregnant, she shooed them off to cuddle her lmao - in essence, she's the cool wine aunt
Leo - Leo lives a little further away than Adam (who's like 30 minutes away) and Bree (who lives in the manor when she's pregnant and not far after) so he doesn't get to hang out with the kids as much, but when he does he brings out the chaos (that often leaves all of them being lectured by Chase lol) when he isn't encouraging their chaotic impulses, he (along with Logan) takes them to comic shops, swimming pools, anywhere he loved when he was a kid. despite costing Chase several gray hairs, he too is a great uncle
Skylar - the kids absolutely love her. she's great with them. and the one Chase specifically trusts the most to not wreak havoc with while he's not supervising, pretty high compliment. Skylar is a natural with kids, and gives Bree hope back when she's pregnant that they can actually be parents (whole thing there) Skylar is absolutely the one the kids would call to drive them home if they're drunk at a party too
Oliver - even though he isn't related to the Davenports at all, he's not only family with Kaz and Skylar by the end, but also Chase and Bree, so they absolutely consider him an uncle and invite him to be in their kids' lives. Oliver has adamantly stated that he doesn't like kids, but that rule doesn't apply to theirs (even though he acts like it does to the parents to save his dignity) they often catch him cuddling with the kids on "Uncle Oli's couch". he spends a lot of time at the mansion as well, and allows the kids to play around the new Philidelphia Mighty Med lobby, which they love bc they get to see heroes flying around and doing wacky stuff
Kaz/Chase - when Bree is pregnant Chase heavily "suggests" that she stay with them because Skylar was gone on missions and her bionics automatically made it high risk. he wanted his sister to be in a place where there was an ex-doctor and sometimes a current doctor at all times, even when Skylar took a leave from hero work to stay with Bree. they converted one spare room for the two of them on the bottom floor and a nursery right next to it for the baby. when he was born both of them took off work to take care of him with Skylar so Skylar didn't get overwhelmed (it was a very hard birth) and Bree could heal. they took care of the baby for a month until Bree was back to full strength, then offered them to stay longer. they moved out a little later anyway, but bring their son by to play with specifically Anisa all the time. now that they've gotten older, the nursery was made into a kid's room for sleepovers, which are common
extra - Oliver, Adam, and Leo have all argued to no end about who's the favorite uncle (Logan abstained out of fear), as well as have blubbered and sobbed meeting every single kid (7 total lol) they love those kids and would die or kill for them
also yes Grandma Tasha would absolutely spoil the hell out of them with her divorce money lmao
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fig and kristen are literally opposites omfg
Kristen was deeply traumatized by her religious cult upbringing and the expectations put on her as the Chosen of Helio.
Meanwhile Fig was able to fully embrace her fiendish blood and make it work for her.
Fig during her Junior year is unable to commit to anything for more than five minutes, jumping from Barbarian auditing, To trying and disliking Bard, to Loving Warlock classes, to being a Barbarian/Paladin thing? She's finally getting A's but she's abandoning her career as a Bard/Musician to pursue whatever current fleeting interest she has. She's supposed to be a Pit Fiend but she's really not like doing anything at all about that because she forgot about it. Everything in her life is made by her/somewhat innate to her and she doesn't really feel a sense of duty that truly compels her to any one thing. This girl feels that if she is not the adventurer who can do literally anything, then she is might as well be nothing. On another note, it kinda seems like nothing she does is genuine because she's not really able to commit to anything.
On the other hand, Kristen has other interests like the presidency getting fucking yolked. However, she is so traumatized by the burden of her duties as the chosen of Helio, that having to do anything for any one god (let alone like four deities?) is completely overwhelming to her. Kristen is terrified of commitment because what if it's the wrong choice? In Sophomore Year, we saw a Kristen who was willing to go back to Helio just to have a sense of certainty. Kristen made Cassandra into the godess of doubt, not because she's a doubtful person, but because she's convinced that only a god can give her the ability to be okay with uncertainty.
And It's pretty clear that Kristen desperately needs like a long term break from being an adventurer because you can tell she so badly just wants to NOT be the center of the universe for like five seconds. However, she knows that if she's not an adventurer she might lose the most important friends she's ever had.
Also I'm wondering if Kristen actually appreciates Fig's worship of Cassandra or not, because it seems like Kristen is in this really tough spot of "oh you're just gonna make me do more work? that i never asked to do? because you just need to satisfy another wacky impulse?"
And the worst part is Fig is impulsive but she's managed to control her impulses so that they either don't affect her friends and family, or so that they're directly beneficial. And so I'm wondering that if Kristen does resent Fig for imposing something on her, that Fig is similarly resentful of Kristen that she doesn't appreciate the work that she's trying to put into at least making her chaotic nature work for her friends.
GOD I am normal about characters.
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I have so many thoughts and feelings about Josh/Annaleigh leaving Sweeney today, so I’m going to do my best to get them all down without becoming a ball of emotions (which is too late bc I watched their closing speeches 😭)
I’ve been a big fan of Josh since late 2020—though I was always aware of who he was, the pandemic was a chaotic time where his music really spoke to me and helped me through a lot of wild times, and I’ve been such a fan of the passion and care he puts into his artistry.
fast forward to late 2022 and he announces he’ll be starring in Sweeney, and I KNEW I would do whatever it took to get there. after a couple of failed attempts trying to plan the trip with others, my mom finally agreed to go with me.
I couldn’t have known then that March 2023, right before we were set to go, was going to be one of the worst months in my life for a long while. between late night bad news phone calls, family emergencies, hospital visits, and funerals, it was a season filled with anxiety and dread about what would go wrong next. it sounds silly now, but it was almost as if I was scared to even go on the trip because it was just one more thing that would go wrong, one more plan that would fall through where I’d have to chin up and tell myself it didn’t really matter to me, even though it did.
and then, none of my worst fears happened. and for a brief 3 hours seeing Sweeney Todd on stage, everything was pure magic.
it’s silly that a musical about vengeance and murder and bloodshed would be the thing to bring light into my life during such a rough period, but it did. I remember the house lights coming up at intermission after Priest and turning to my mom and saying “I’m so happy right now.”
You could tell the absolute passion these two put into these iconic roles, the way they poured everything into making what could be single-note villains into characters that, at their core, are desperately, relatably human, which is where the real tragedy and horror of Sweeney lies. Josh made Sweeney broken, human, full of tension and the push and pull of good and evil, while Annaleigh created a wacky, zany version of a Lovett who truly just wanted to be loved by the one she loved, and would do anything to get that love.
aside from the show experience itself, this revival reignited this blog and connected me with so many people who have united around this incredible show. from the silly memes to the heartbreaking analysis, it’s been SO much fun to dive deeper into this show with everyone, and I can’t wait to keep doing that.
anyways. I know this isn’t the end of the show and that we’ll hopefully have many exciting future iterations of Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett in this current revival. But today marks the end of an era I’m eternally grateful for, and it all began with these two incredible performers who made such an impact on me during such a chaotic time in my life.
happy trails, Josh and Annaleigh 🔪🥧💈
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grismavessel · 1 year
You know what, it's father's day (pretends like I'm not a whole day late), why not some dad! Ingo and Gris ramblings because I said so!
Soccer dad basically. Has snacks hidden in his coat and has a time table of all the things his kids need to be at, where and when and with who. Being on time is being ten minutes early and proper nutrition is the utmost priority for healthy minds!
Overprotective, just a tad. A scrape or bruise? He's in tears as he applies one of everything the first aid kit has to offer. A rude child is bullying them, Ingo places a lifetime ban on the kid's family from the subway lines. (lawful evil)
Chef dad! Teaches them how to make pancakes and basic easy meals for when they wanna make a snack. Unfortunately, they have Gris's awful cooking talent so it's a 50/50 chance their cooking attends end up good or bad.
Spare the rod, spoil the kid type dad. The kids want a little bit of ice cream before dinner? Done. Ten more minutes to play before they go to bed? Done. Sneaking them pokeballs before their ten to catch and train pokemon? Done and Done! (Ingo slightly encouraged the last part)
Overprotective, but in a fight another parent type way. Some brat's being mean to their kids? That kid's up in a tree now like a scared cat. A karen mom is hogging the playground? Hope she likes a keyed mini van. Will commit arson in the name of their kids. (totally not a bad influence at all.) (chaotic good)
Street smart dad. Teach the kids how to hop fences just in case they need to run from a pokemon or something. Teaches them competitive strategies to make them the overlordes of the local pokemon battles. Teaching them the ways of team skull that were actually beneficial and none of the law breaking ones mostly >:)
Stylish Dad. Pulling up to the parent teacher conferences in the most punk spikes and studs and liberty spikes.
Those lovey dovey parents you see in movies where they'll kiss and their kids get grossed out because ew they're in love yuck
Very responsible! Despite each other's messes and flaws together they make a good team. Ingo is slightly strict and a little straight arrow, Gris is more relaxed and bends the rules a bit. Gris knows priorities but doesn't know the best execution but Ingo knows how to organize best. Two wacky braincells working together to be a high function single brain cell!
Very caring and unconditionally loving. Gris had a hard time growing up and Ingo didn't fit in quite either due to his mannerisms so they know the struggles of a kid who's a little different than the rest. They know when to give space and when the kids need attention, and how to make them feel wanted and loved.
Bonus: Uncle Emmet and Aunty Elesa
Emmet heavily encourages the kids pursuit in pokemon train and handle and also reinforces the idea of 'fuck around and find out' mentality when it comes to rule following and ruler breakers.
Elesa spoils the kids like no other. #1 gift giver for Christmas and birthdays. They're getting the newest model trains, the best shoes, they most favorite and expensive snacks! Ingo and Gris can't keep up but if it saves them a little bit of money?
Emmet will inpersinate Ingo when needed. The kids accidental got detention, Emmet calls them out of school to avoid it. They need a forged signature, Emmet's on the job. Need to go watch an R-Rated movie? Hell no Emmet's taking them to the newest pg thomas the train movie isntead.
Elesa babysits with the help of Skyla and it's a total spa day.
Emmet babysits and the kids run a battle tournament in their living for the whole neighborhood.
Bonus bonus:
Imagine it's bring-your-parents-to-school-day and the twins bring in the son of Alola's toughest formerly evil organization who's armored up in a battle jacket and platform docs and also one half of the formidable subway bosses that dresses like an office worker but will mop the floor with you if need be.
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littlepatchalchemist · 2 months
My family plays a lot of Dominion, and I play a lot of Vampire the Masquerade, so I decided to try building a Vampire the Masquerade inspired Dominion game!
This Vampire the Masquerade Dominion game uses the Intrigue and Nocturne expansions (chosen because they have the cards Masquerade and Vampire respectively) and then I built out around that, sometimes because of card names and sometimes because of card dynamics — most of the time a bit of both. (Mining Village might seem out of left field but in my VTM game one of the vampires used to be a miner so it makes sense for me specifically.)
My family played it and gave it an 8.5 out of 10 rating. It’s very chaotic. Crypt didn’t get used a lot, hence the note that it could be switched out. I really do like Crypt as a card and how it fits into the vampire vibe though.
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Even though the photos include a card list and photo of the cards, I’m going to list them and what they do here (sorry for the terrible formatting):
From Intrigue:
- Swindler [action attack] (+2 money; each other player trashes the top card of his deck and gains a card with the same cost that you choose)
- Saboteur [action attack] (Each other player reveals the top card of his deck until revealing one costing 3 or more. He trashes that card and may gain a card costing at most 2 less than it. He discards the other revealed cards)
- Mining Village [action] (+1 card +2 Actions; you may trash this immediately. If you do, +2 money)
- Secret Chamber [action reaction] (Discard any number of cards. +1 money per card discarded; When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, +2 cards then out 2 cards from your hand on top of your deck)
- Masquerade [action] (+2 cards; each player passes a card from his hand to the left at once. Then you may trash a card from your hand)
From Nocturne:
- Necromancer [action] (Play a face-up, non-duration action card from the trash, leaving it there and turning it face down for the turn; setup: put the 3 zombies into the trash)
- Vampire [night attack doom] (each other player gains the next hex. Gain a card costing up to 5 other than a vampire. Exchange this for a bat) - Bat [night] (trash up to 2 cards from your hand. If you trashed at least one, exchange this for a vampire)
- Cemetery [victory] (worth 2 victory points; when you gain this, trash up to four cards from your hand) — this card also brings the haunted mirror and ghost into the game. Haunted Mirror [treasure heirloom] (worth 1 money; when you trash this, you may discard an action card, to gain a ghost from its pile) - Ghost [night duration spirit] (reveal cards from your deck until you reveal an action. Discard the other cards and set aside the action. At the start of your next turn, play it twice)
- Crypt [night duration] (Set aside any number of treasures you have in play face down (under this). While any remain, at the start of each of your turns, put one of them into your hand)
- Cursed Village [action doom] (+2 actions; draw until you have 6 cards in hand; when you gain this, receive the next hex)
I’d love to know if you try playing this wacky set list I created!
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c0pper0tter · 1 year
Hi my brain has been rotting over the idea of Midnight adopting Kaminari Denki and being the best mother ever but I couldn't find any fanfic for this silly little idea or any other content in general so I'm making it by spewing word vomit about my headcanons.
This is all my headcanons, if you dont like it shut up and go find something you do like leave me to my thoughts so I can ignore canon
Anyway this all spawned because this scene obviously
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So my brain thought of multiple different scenarios of how she ended up adopting him and a bunch of wacky situations but that don't matter what matters is I think Midnight is a great mom.
She is the mom who is actually friends with her kid. They have a similar sense of humor and enjoy doing stuff together. She is the most supportive and is always hyping kaminari up and boosting his confidence. But she also doesn't sugarcoat things or lie to him. She tells it to him straight.
This isn't important really but it's very important to me. I think they would bond over watching trashy TV and laughing at how horrible it is while getting deeply invested.
Kaminari loves his mom she's just great. She is his biggest supporter. Not only does she encourage him to be his best and validate his interests but she calls him out when he needs it. She also helps him whenever he needs her without being a helicopter parent. Her motto is go be independent but if you get hurt call me and tell me who's ass I need to beat up including if its your's. She gives good life lessons.
I also think it would be funny if both kaminari and midnight just tend to not tell people they are mother and son just to see how long it takes for people to figure it out. Aizawa finds out immediately, the bakusquad take a really long time.
Kaminari is a mama's boy and he is proud of it. "You have mommy issues? What's that like can't relate".
They have mother son shopping trips where they just try to find the weirdest shit they can and buy it. Don't tell me they wouldn't midnight has mop slippers and have you seen kaminari's room!
I don't know why but they give eachother annoying yet endearing nicknames. Im tired of people giving their children adorable nicknames, give your kid something weird out of context.
Midnight: "Wall Socket can you check if the dryer turned off"
Denki: "on it Nightey Night"
They are the type of family where to everyone else they always seem like they are bullying eachother but this is just how they vibe. Kaminari calls his mom a bitch and she responds by calling him a mistake with a smile, they laugh about it after they proceed to call eachother a bunch of crude or mean names.
Also I Headcanon that Kaminari short circuiting actually frightens him alot and can be painful. Midnight is always there to comfort him through it.
They both also have a love for old or classical literature and art and can go on for hours on the weird history and conspiracies about classical novels and Renaissance paintings.
Midnight goes mama bear anytime anyone dares hurt her baby. She gets teasing and jokes but when she gets the vibe someone is being genuinely mean it's on sight. Same goes with kaminari, if anyone says something disrespectful to his mama it's drained batteries and extreme static shock for a year.
I just want them both to be a happy chaotic Lil found family man is that too much to ask, apparently yes.
*cries over headcanons*
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ghostat7am · 4 months
1 & 3 (Opening the floor for a ramble ‼️)
3. Do you make any fanworks for WarioWare or its characters? (Or how else do you generally show that you like the series?)
I knew you were going to make me do this- OKAY LETS TALK ABOUT DIVERGED MORE!!! This time, more in depth ;]
Diverged is a retelling of the WarioWare series, but also the Mario series. It is a storyline of Wario's life as the greedy villain, into the caring yet crude man we love. It is also a story of two brothers, who become estranged from their own villainy creating a rapture between them - a wound almost too deep to fix.
Wario and Waluigi are the main protagonists of the story, and Diverged delves into their dysfunctional family, warped self of identity and the destruction that refusing to face your mistakes can create.
While the secondary protagonists are Dr. Crygor and Orbulon, which explore the themes of isolation, outcasting, generational trauma, loss of identity and societal expectations.
It's about the character's desires, their failures, their hopes and their humanity. The messiness and hardships of being alive.
But it's also supposed to be about the good things in life - finding the light at the end of the tunnel. Healing from trauma, spending time with the ones you love, being yourself, expressing yourself, the simple pleasures, the fun nights out with your friends, exciting adventures and relaxing days in.
Each of the characters suffer in their own way, have troubles they're constantly fighting and pains that linger. But they find ease in each other, they heal and find peace at WarioWare Inc. and become who they want to be, with the ones they love. They're a found family, chaotic and bombastic - but loving and supportive.
The wacky shenanigans are still there, but there's a side dish of depth and reality to flesh out the characters further. And to help represent people, and to give them comfort - either through understanding, or the comedic craziness of the gang's adventures.
The series is intended to reach out to people and give them a safe space that perhaps has been missing, or was lost. Or is just something fun for people to indulge in, some silly guys that can give us a smile and I hope that Diverged does that.
Diverged will tackle some heavier topics however, but that will always have a content warning - and it only applies to character backstories. I am perfectly happy for people to only indulge in the lighthearted and goofy things, there's no correct way to consume Diverged!! Do whatever feels safest for you!!!
This story will be depicted through illustrations, but also mini comics, animatics and fanfictions!!
(Also to answer the second part, I love collecting the games and sharing them with my friends to show my appreciation to the series, but also my loved ones. It's a part of my love language!)
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laufire · 2 months
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july reading meme!
Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces by Angela Carter. TBC is more ~My Thing~, but I nonetheless enjoyed this other anthology. It felt more experimental, in terms of language and structure. The stories I found most memorable were "The Executioner's Beautiful Daughter" and, especially, "The Loves of Lady Purple."
The Bloody Chamber and other adult tales by Angela Carter. I skipped the ones I'd already read ("The Bloody Chamber," "The Courtship of Mr Lyon" and "The Tiger's Bride"). The titular story will always be my favourite, but I found "The Lady of the House of Love" particularly inspiring. "The Snow Child" and "The Erl-King" caught my eye to, for the way the played around with tenses and pov.
Batman Annual #14 "The Eye of the Beholder." One of those tragic Harvey Dent tales, and probably the most emblematic one about them (I'm pretty sure this one inspired The Long Halloween). As I've recently watched the new animated show, Caped Crusader, it offers an interesting point of comparison with that new Harvey. The original version, who wanted to do his job and do it well, and fixated on it as a copying mechanism, and who wasn't interesting in climbing the ladder beyond his chosen profession, is a more interesting character, though there are parts of the new one's narrative I enjoyed.
The Invincible Iron Man (2022). A GOOD RUN??? IN MY IRON MAN COMICS??? I'm going to miss it :))). Fail marriage of convenience with Emma Frost! Tony writing a book and its launch going terribly wrong! Lots of Tony fighting to keep his head above water! And maaaaaybe a new West Coast Avengers team with him and Rhodey in the future? We'll see.
Birth of the Demon trilogy. Calling it a trilogy is a stretch; the first and second one are easily connected (Bride of the Demon obliquely references Talia's "miscarriage), but the third one is on its own. For example, in Son of the Demon, Talia witnesses her mother's murder, like Bruce did, but in Birth of the Demon, we're told she died of an overdose (and that Ra's didn't choose to use the pit on her). Sidenote, as a Jason-centric person, I side-eyed when Bruce, faced with a grieving father who wanted Ra's help to resurrect his son, thinks of his parents instead of thinking of Jason, so shortly after his death xD (Tim was around but not yet Robin, officially). It is quite an interesting saga for the al Ghuls, Talia above all (though, Ra's origin story is fucking horrifying!! Love it). Son of the Demon remains my favourite, but each of them are going to be good sources of inspiration in future stories.
Titans: Titans Forever. Four wacky adventures of a Titans team that includes Jason for some reason LOL. Mixed characterisation on him, but it was fun. Nothing much to say, other than that. Other than Donna having some pseudo-twincest kink xDD (said Jason and Dick looked identical and wanted them to kiss and make up xD).
Batman: Family. I love it when Martha Wayne gets even a little bit of focus, and other than The Ultimate Evil, this run (only 8 issues long) remains the one story I've read that's actually interested in saying anything about her. It was really good; I liked the narration style, with each issue told from the POV of one of the bad guys, and it really showed off a lot of the bat characters at the time (Helena my beloved), and the villain, as well as her connection with Bruce, was quite interesting. It's a pity this story is basically Athena's only appearance, but I'm definitely keeping her character in my back pocket.
Wonder Woman (various comics from John Byrne). I wanted to read Cassie's appearances as I go through YJ98. A+ choice, I really enjoyed a lot of what this quite chaotic run had to offer LOL. Everything regarding Hyppolita, Diana, Cassie, Artemis... but most of all, Donna. Her origin here is the one I already knew from reading Titans99, which starts shortly after this, and it's absolutely mind-blowing. I also liked Hyppolita's time travelling shenanigans being used to explain away continuity issues lol.
Suicide Squad: Get Joker! Eh. I definitely know how I interpret the ending. Sns, but I just don't buy such a lame form of manipulation working on Jason. All that aside, the only part of this comic worth noting is Harley and Jason's dynamic. It caught my eye.
Batman: Three Jokers. There's a scene early on where Barbara runs sooooo hard on a treadmill, she breaks it. It's not the first time she's done it, as proven by this one very impressed guy in the gym. The moment I read that, I knew this comic was going to be absolutely worthless. And I was right! Jason looks quite good in it, though. I'm going to start mentally replacing his modern suits with this one (no bat!!).
Red Hood: The Hill. Things happened. I didn't care for them. The art wasn't even cute. And somehow, not only is this a Red Hood story with next to no Red Hood; not only did it end up being more about Batman than about Jason; but it's, quite literally, not going to amount to anything, story-wise, continuity-wise, you name it. I agree with people that say it's not so bad, that it's not hateful or meanspirited the way other modern Jason stories have been... but that's just not enough for me. And whatever else those other stories do with Jason, at least there's something about them worth discussing.
Batman Chronicles #8 "The Prison". There were other two stories with this one (one about the origin of the cave's dinosaur, another about Gordon and Two-Face), but they're unimportant lol. A story about Ra's ordering Talia to kill Bruce!!! About the struggle between duty and a yearning for freedom (the source of her love for Bruce) in Talia!! If you like it, and you like Brutalia, do yourself a favour and pick it up.
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☕Phineas and Ferb
i just. absolutely adore phineas and ferb with every fibre of my being
the concept is so simple in theory: two brothers and their best friends making the most of summer and meanwhile their pet platypus fights an evil scientist and always wins! their older sister tries to bust them but always fails as a result of aforementioned b-plot! it's so so so crazy to me that even though phineas and ferb followed this same pattern in every single episode it managed to take in this entire life of its own with so much magic. like how do you do that. how did dan and swampy and the animators and writers and entire crew do that. how much creative power and sorcery do you need to have in order to make a cartoon that follows the same pattern in every episode so compelling and ahhhsmfblsngmksnfkdk
and even more than that it's so enjoyable to watch because of it's incredible characters. phineas and ferb are creative to a beyond astronomical point and chaotic and brave and optimistic and friendly. they work so well together and they love and support each other endlessly. candace may try to bust them all the time, but she also loves them and cares about them endlessly, and beyond that she's also incredibly chaotic and funny. and isabella and buford and baljeet my beloveds they're such great friends and they're courageous and funny and talented and loyal and random and chaotic (everyone in this show is chaotic EVERYONE) and doof is The Character Ever as is perry and everyone's characterization in this show is just all so incredible. they're all so loveable all the characters even the ones that aren't necessarily core characters and they're so precious and make me laugh out loud until my stomach hurts and my face hurts and I'm crying from laughing too hard.
the songs in the show too!!!!!!!!! they're beyond iconic. there is not a word in existence that can describe the impact the music has had. if the entire fandom could agree on one thing it is definitely the fact that the song are top notch and creative beyond belief. and even if you've never watched phineas and ferb you're bound to know that 'gitchee gitchee gitchee goo' exists. you're mostly likely going to recognize the theme song within the first few seconds. look if you can successfully teach about half the world what the tip of a shoelace is called through one song... that's some good music.
and the relationships in this show!!!!! I'm. I just.
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I CANT. the friendship portrayal in this show is top notch for starters. they're all ride-or-die for each other. they stay with each other through thick and thin, help each other in any way that they can. they all go on wacky and wild and crazy adventures together because they know they'll all have fun together, regardless of what happens in the end. they spend all summer doing things with each other and for each other, helping each other out, and just spending as much time as they can with each other and not worrying about anything else. most of the friendships if not all of them (summer vacation gang, candace and stacy, etc) are all "I'm going to do this for you right now and we're going to do it together no matter how weird or chaotic it becomes and I'm not going to think about the consequences until later because if it happens it happens but we'll always be friends" kind of mentality and it's so precious to see a dynamic like that being shown all the time. it's friends being friends and wanting to be with each other in this carefree, wholesome way and it's so refreshing to see that without any of the unnecessary conflict.
family portrayal is also very superior. the unconditional love and support!!! even when candace is salty that she couldn't bust her brothers it's still so clear that she'd do anything for them! even when linda is annoyed at candace she still loves her chaotic kid endlessly!!! phineas and ferb may not be brothers by blood but they are brothers by soul and have the unbreakable bond ever. they love candace and lawrence and linda endlessly and always try to make them happy. they all even shower perry with so much love that it makes me shed a tear. the family relationships are just so "I'm always here for you!" and I love that so much.
and ohmygod I just need to ramble about the romantic aspect for a bit. I love how in this show friendship isn't characterized as anything less than romance. yes, isabella gets annoyed when phineas doesn't notice her obvious attempts at making things more than friendly, but the thought of her not being friends with phineas or resenting him for his obliviousness has never come into the equation at all. never. because he's her best friend and she's his best friend and she cares much more about his happiness than a loss of a romantic moment (SUMMER BELONGS TO YOU!! "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL SUNSET"). and the romances aren't portrayed as perfect scenarios where the characters somehow know exactly what to do and exactly what to say and everything is all romantic all the time without being awkward or confusing at all. CANDEREMY FOR INSTANCE. CANDEREMY MY BELOVED. one of the reasons I love canderemy so much is because it's portrayed as the exact opposite. candace freaks out about jeremy all the time. she freaks out about sweet gestures to do for him and sweet gestures she receives from him and she does get awkward and insecure at times. but she does the best she can and she does it pretty well!! and furthermore jeremy never judges her for it. we've all seen the typical "you're kinda awkward and weird so I'm just gonna leave" thing going on in media but it never happens here. jeremy likes candace because she's candace, regardless of how she reacts sometimes and how awkward they can both be at times. it's so aHHHHHH-
and as mentioned before it's so crazy to me that despite following the same sequence of events in almost every episode that the show still managed to be so interesting. all the randomness and craziness and chaos in the daily inventions in the friendships in the way perry would defeat doof in the way the inventions would ultimately disappear every time came together so perfectly and it's so mind-blowing to watch honestly. even so many years later a huge fandom is still appreciating the show and this buildup. it's just that legendary.
basically phineas and ferb is The Show Ever and it makes me go feral I am the epitome of the picture below every time I even do as much as think about this goddamn cartoon
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thank you for attending my ted talk
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noperopesaredope · 1 year
A Post-Series Collector AU
So, over the past few days, due to my Collector brainrot and new AU, I ended up creating a concept for a show idea based very loosely on my Servitude Collector AU. I actually kinda wanna make into an actual show now, and I’ve actually put it in my folder of “Ideas That I Legitimately Want to Pitch to a Network”, which only has, like, three or so things in it. 
I wasn’t going to talk about any of it on Tumblr (since I’m a bit paranoid about someone stealing my ideas or networks thinking that I had stolen my own ideas), but recently, after having finished the finale for TOH, I realized that this concept was exactly what the Collector fandom needed. So I changed some stuff up a bit (both for the show concept and for the AU), and have decided to put it out there as its own little AU thing. You’re welcome.
Spoilers for TOH finale:
As some of you may know, at the end of the finale, the Collector decided to leave the Boiling Isles and explore the universe to figure themselves out. This may have been unsatisfying to many, as the kid is in desperate need of proper friends and a good family, and they honestly shouldn’t just go off completely alone.
I felt the same way, and decided that they probably spent some time exploring the universe and making friends all over the place, each of whom taught him important life lessons.
I thought that that sounded like a fun idea, and whilst thinking a bit about it, I remembered that show concept I was working on. I realized that the basics of it worked way too well, because it is very much a found family story that takes place in space, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was exactly what the Collector needed.
It would definitely involve them going around the universe and making new friends whilst learning life lessons that they really need, but it would also make sure they weren’t alone whilst doing it. They could grow alongside someone, and that person could learn from him.
So I quickly wrote down the basics for this AU idea, and I’m pretty proud of it. But first, before I explain it, I need to explain one important thing.
Okay, so I didn’t want to talk too much about my original show concept, and it will go in a pretty different direction in comparison to this AU, but I will tell you one thing about it. By the way, I actually wrote my show concept’s main character long before I thought up this AU as a whole. The reason I say that is because you may think that because it will sound ridiculous, but trust me, this was actually my plan for my original story and OC. Okay, here it is:
The main character for my original story is a 30 y/o conspiracy theorist with a degree in astrophysics who is determined to prove that there are aliens on the moon (among other conspiracy theories). I’m not kidding. I was trying to think of a backstory for my human MC, and I thought to myself: “wouldn’t it be funny if he was a comedically paranoid conspiracy theorist who flipped between playing the straight man and the wacky one? Wouldn’t it be wild?”
I had everything for him planned out, from his personality to his motives to how he met the show’s version of the Collector (all the characters in my show are very different from the ones I’ll be using in this AU, and many elements of the plot will be different too). I love him so much. He’s so smart and normal and yet so stupid and chaotic and possibly has psychosis (that will be portrayed sympathetically).
Whilst turning this into an AU type thing, I considered making an OC for this AU, since we don’t really have any characters in the Human Realm who would fit his role and other important elements of his characters, such as stuff related to his character arc.
Then I remembered.
There is a character who fills all the criteria I need for this AU, possibly even more than I could possibly think of.
A character who has some pretty significant similarities to my Human OC (though not the same personality).
A character who doesn’t have any real attachments on Earth, and whom I can do whatever I want with.
A character who didn’t need a character arc, but could suddenly get one in my AU.
A character who I hate, but can work and even have fun with.
A character who could bounce of the Collector so well in terms of banter.
A character who could honestly fit amazingly with the kind of story I want to tell.
You know who he is.
I know who he is.
It’s a character that nobody expected me to use for anything!
Jacob Hopkins, the conspiracy theorist who kidnapped Vee that one time
.............................................ok hear me out-
Let me just explain my basic idea. It will all make sense.
The AU’s Plot:
So, the AU starts out after the Collector has been bopping around through space for a few weeks after leaving in the finale. He wants to make friends, but isn’t sure how to make the first step, and he’s afraid of messing it up somehow. They tried going around to different planets, but kept chickening out in fear of rejection. They eventually land on an abandoned planet and sit next to a mysterious structure. This is important.
But not right now.
Now, let’s go look at Earth for a bit. Specifically, one particular human: Jacob Hopkins.
Jacob is, to be frank, a fucking loser. He’s a conspiracy theorist with no job and very few friends and has been deemed the “town crazy guy” that nobody really likes all that much. In order to prove that there are 100% extraterrestrials on Mars, he decided to secretly build a spaceship that would launch him into outer space and all the way to the planet, where he would finally find aliens and take pictures of them to bring back to Earth with him.
He has finally finished building it (as well as bought an actual space suit), and we see him open a package he got from the darkweb with a mysterious crystal inside it. The seller told Jacob that it’s basically a special type of rocket fuel, though we the audience know that something is definitely up. He puts the thing in his ship, gets on his spacesuit, gathers his supplies, and finally gets ready to launch.
He finally launches his ship into the sky, and part way up, it seems like it’s obviously not gonna make it. Jacob quickly realizes that this is a terrible idea, but it’s too late, as he’s already thousands of feet in the air. He closes his eyes, ready to accept his fate, but suddenly, the crystal inside the fuel tank starts glowing, and, in a really cool looking bit of animation, a wormhole appears in front of the spaceship. The ship flies straight through it and out a familiar looking structure: the structure which the Collector was sitting next to.
Meanwhile, the Collector, startled by the spaceship which just crashed next to them, hides behind a rock, and chooses to simply observe for now. Jacob finally opens his eyes, and realizes he is still alive, and on a totally different planet. He puts on his helmet and gets out, amazed at it. The Collector, seeing this slightly confused but harmless looking human, decides to finally introduce themselves. He walks up behind Jacob and simply says hi.
Jacob is at first horribly startled, then amazed. A real life alien. He starts basically fangirling and takes multiple pictures of the Collector, who is very confused. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to explain some of this next part, but Jacob eventually realizes that they aren’t on Mars and the Collector isn’t a Martian or even from that planet. He is disappointed, but then gets curious about the Collector’s deal.
The Collector explains that they’re traveling the universe to find friends, but even though they’ve seen so many different beings, they aren’t really having any luck with making friends yet. Jacob sees an opening, and says that if he could come along with the Collector, they could be friends. The Collector gets excited at this, then suspicious, and asks if Jacob is trying to manipulate them or something. Jacob, who currently has no morals, chooses lying. Even though he is kinda bad at it, he manages to convince the star child, because this kid is really desperate and bad at telling when people are lying to him. The Collector agrees, and they pinky promise, before the Collector asks if they can use Jacob’s ship to travel.
Blah blah blah, stuff about wormholes, blah blah blah, Collector improves the ship and suit a bit, blah blah blah, other plot stuff. Then they both get in the ship and start heading off. Whilst getting ready to wormhole jump, Jacob says that he never got the Collector’s name.
The Collector almost introduces themselves as The Collector, but then hesitates for reasons that will be revealed later. He finally decides to introduce himself as “Coco”. Jacob introduces himself, and they wormhole jump.
Most of the story (until it gets a bit more plot heavy) involves the pair traveling from planet to planet and helping people out whilst learning important life lessons that will be important to both of their arcs. I decided to not make any original worlds (didn’t want this particular AU to be too OC heavy), and instead decided to do something a bit more fun and easy with it. Basically, every new planet will basically be a crossover with something else, like an Amphibia crossover (though it’s implied that Amphibia and TOH both take place in the same world, so…) and a Gravity Falls crossover and a ton of other increasingly bizarre crossovers. While this is happening, there is a mysterious pair of bounty hunter type people who are tracing the Collector down, and the duo needs to keep escaping and outsmarting them, which is one of the reasons they keep going to different planets. The plot (which involves the Collector’s siblings) will pick up later, but I will write it all out in another post.
For now, that’s the basic premise!
There are a few major differences between my OCs and Coco/Jacob that will significantly change the story and vibes.
First off, my space child OC is very morbid, but much more self aware than the Collector, and also a bit younger. The two are both similar and very different, and that will heavily affect their respective character arcs.
There’s also my MC and Jacob, who are both very similar and very different. They may both be slightly unhinged conspiracy theorists, but their personalities are very different, and my MC is a bit more chill than Jacob.
On top of that, in my original story, I am relatively nice to my conspiracy theorist man, as he does mean well, he’s just…….himself. However, I refuse to be nice to Jacob. I will stop being mean to him once he gets far enough into his character arc and starts actually seeing the error of his ways and begins becoming a better person. That will take a bit, as I don’t want his change to be too immediate or seem OOC, but I will have him change and eventually become more likable, but in an earned way.
There is another major difference between the two stories. In my original story, the two main characters (basically the Collector and Jacob) develop a bit of a parent-child relationship, and it mainly starts out with the human guy feeling awkward and anxious whilst the star child is simply amazed by and affectionate towards him. That is not the case here. At the beginning of the AU, “Coco” and Jacob start out willing to give each other a chance, but their main dynamic is a bit less wholesome and a bit more “being annoyed with each other”. Overtime, however, they gain an almost sibling(?)-like relationship, and still banter a lot, but it becomes more friendly. This is honestly more of a story about the pair learning to become better and less self centered people through each other.
Most of the plot and many of the characters will be incredibly different from my show concept (most of my OCs won’t even appear in this AU), but I will also be using many types of ideas from it. I want my personal project to be unique and its own thing, but I also think some of it would work and could satisfy the Collector fanbase without battling canon. It could give the Collector a happy ending, and, fuck, it could even give my least favorite character a happy ending of sorts.
It will also follow some of the same themes as my show idea, but not all of them, and it will bring some new ideas into the mix. Its main themes (both shared and not shared with my story) are found family, friendship, kindness, redemption, purpose, responsibility, mortality, forgiveness, trauma, change, and probably some other stuff that will pop up as I go along.
I’m probably gonna call this: “Jacob & Coco Across the Universe”
Hopefully ya’ll think it sounds cool. I’m still gonna be putting out stuff for my Servitude Collector AU (since I still love it), but I’m also gonna focus a bit on this little AU and make it a fun thing to feed the fandom with.
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