#love these two with all my heart tbh they're two old men in love and i love it
tiramisusbakery · 5 months
The Auction pt. 1
Summary: Hidden Inventory Gojo and Geto play sorcerer save-a-ho {lol} a little too close to the sun and end up as love rivals to a girl from the Red Light. Leaving their little world of sorcery in the mountains, they sneak out to Tokyo, a city budding with a new thing called...quirks?
(no MHA characters btw just a slight universe clash)
So...the quirk thing is weird, but they're not asking questions, as long as they get in the club. Taking a dip into underworld affairs to test their luck, they are forced into a world of glitz, glam, and organized crime, sacrificing much more than money (but still a lot of fuckin money) to save the object of their affection from dire circumstances and win her love. MINORS DNI
#BLACKOC #jjk #Gojosatoru #Gojo #GetoSuguru #Geto #NSFW #MHAOC
Warnings: NSFW, Teens in adult situations (what else is new in jjk tbh), violence, cursing, underage alcohol consumption
OPTIONAL READ: Lore Recap for the world surrounding this fic; What started as a fun rebellious game of sneaking out from Jujutsu High to party (Gojo) and trying to do damage control as a result, only to get mixed up in the same world himself (Geto) turns into a sex addiction, a secret love affair, and a complicated set of Red Light District politics for our boys. On a night out meeting his favorite call girl, Tira, Gojo finds himself intrigued instead by her mentee, Angie, a mysterious escort with enormous wings (and something called a quirk?) Geto, looking for Gojo, found Angie first and shared a short...yet intimate...exchange with her before she sends him on his way back to JJH. Afterward, she shares a passionate night with her sensei and Geto's best friend, Gojo. Her first night as a fully fledged escort is a success! Yet, little does she know, she has become the object of the affection of the two strongest sorcerers alive.
"I think i'm in love" Angie whispered aloud, more to herself than Tira, her sensei, who sat across from her at the bright makeup table.
Tira flinched, missing her nail, and sticky bright- red polish from the set she'd been working on dribbled down her index finger, dolloping onto the glossy vanity instead.
"Oh, hun."
"Why do you sound like I just told you my nana died?" Angie blinked at her from the chaise sofa that she had strewn herself across since returning from the meet and greet. 
Tira heaved a sigh, throwing her head back and letting her hair tumble down her shoulders to dust the floorboards. She met the girl's wide-eyed stare through heavy lids.
"She might as well have, babes. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you need to prioritize."
Angie avoided her gaze, and Tira felt an uncomfortable twinge in her chest for all of a second. She had a feeling she knew who it was, but what if…?
"Okay, i'll bite. Who are you in love with?"
The younger woman puffed her cheeks, prodding her pointer fingers together in quiet apprehension. "Suguru"
Tira straightened, attending to her drying manicure as if the twinge had never occured. She tried to remain neutral as she thanked her lucky stars.
"Mhmmm, Suguru." She hummed. "You mean the hot best friend of heartthrob Gojo Satoru, whom you fucked last week?"
Angie waited a beat before nodding. Tira didn't even wait to meet her eyes in the mirror before continuing.
"Suguru, whom you've fucked a total of one and a half times, only seen at night under neon lamps, and don't even know what he does for a living?"
"What was that slime monster?"
"But they're just heroes! Really…weird heroes."
Tira tsked, and it was the first time Angie felt her age with the woman since they'd met. "What did I say about letting men play hero with you?"
"But he's not playing-"
"He's as serious as a 16 year old boy can be. Which, believe you me, is playing. Playing hero, noirette."
Tira felt as though she could hear Angie's heart break, and decided to change her approach.
"Little bird, when is he coming back?"
"Dunno." She muttered. Tira turned to find the girl's face in her hands, her newly defined curls curtaining her no doubt reddened complexion.
"Wanna see?"
Angie didn't react.
Whipping out her phone, Tira tapped a few keys. In just one ring came the bedroom voice of her favorite romp.
"Blue" she purred.
The phone went silent. Then a word, on a voice that wavered ever so slightly with boyish glee.
"Tira?" Satoru asked in disbelief.
"Its me. I need a favor."
"A-anything! Uh, well almost anything. Yes?"
"I need to know the next time you and your friend plan to come to the district together, a few days in advance. Is that alright?"
"Uh, sure. Why?"
"No questions. Just be sure to have some serious bread next time I see you. Tell your pal to empty his sock drawer. We're gonna play a little game."
Tira clapped the phone shut, and tossed it onto the counter.
Angie watched the device skitter until it stopped.
"Good. Now all we need is to choreograph"
"Choreograph? Wha-"
"Your mimic dance, of course. The one you'll do on Geto and Gojo when they bid on you."
"When they do WHAT?"
Tira was up from her chair in a moment, bouncing toward her charge with the glee of a girl half her age. 
"When they bid, my love! They're going to bid to claim you. Only one of them can, now, since they're best friends. The other will be forbidden from booking with you forever!” 
She paused.
“Or at least until you’re fully on the market and can choose your own clients, which won’t be for years. We'll see who is in love with who then~"
Angie's jaw dropped, her heart kicking in her chest at the sudden adrenaline that Tira had injected into her bloodstream.
"No. No! What if Geto can't out-bid Gojo?"
"He can and will."
"But Gojo has money. Like, old money. What if he screws him over?"
"He wouldn't do that if his friend was really in love with you"
"But what if he's not?"
"Aha! There it is."
Angie closed her wings around herself and hid in the bundle of feathers as if huddling against a strong wind. Her breathing softened to a light coo as she attempted to steady her anxious pulse.
Tira's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the scared girl. Hesitating, the woman dropped to her knees before her, and took her hands from beneath the plumage of her wings, massaging them in her own.
"Angie, baby?" She cocked her head to the side, her grin softening to one of sympathy. "You're scared, huh?"
"Yes." Her voice was muffled and small.
"Baby, this is an exercise in maturity. See this as a win win win. You get to find out if he shares your feelings without ever revealing your own, you get showered in cash, and you don't even have to show skin. Plus, nothing clears my head like a good auction."
Wait a minute, auction? Wasn't there a big one coming up? Screw the mimic dance, she might be able to make Angie a star. 
But was she ready?
"But if he loses he can't ever book with me again" the girl sniffled.
"If he loses, he'll just have to find a way to love you for free, Raven."
The girl parted her wings and a sliver of light danced in her wet, owlette-like eyes.
"You're so smart"
Tira rested her head in the girl's lap.
"I know."
For the next three weeks, Tira strictly forbade Angie from contacting her boo-thang, and put her under rigorous training for her one shining moment as a prize between the two boys.
According to Tira, this was her first test in distinguishing work from play, where she would need to be okay being an ultimatum, a genuine variable to someone's life and limb. It was the pride and joy of geishas to move their audience beyond recognition with their art, and she needed to be worthy of that.
And beyond anything else, it was her duty to make him suffer, Tira had said- especially since he'd had the audacity to make her fall in love with him.
"These boys are brothers in arms. Why should you be what comes between them?" Tira snapped, tapping a closed fan sharply to her student's protruding hip.
This time, Angie was balancing a short stack of books on her head, atop them a teacup filled with hot tea. The steam wafted from the cup as she watched it in the full length mirror before her, reminding her of the imminent danger of dropping it.
"Don't hesitate. Why would one of them choose you over the other?"
"Because I am not a want."
"What are you?"
"A need"
"Yes." Tira clapped her fan and Angela posed in the second formation that had been taught to her, where she popped her chest and tucked her stomach, her fingers pinched delicately above her head and the heels of her feet raised up from the ground. She met her own eyes in the mirror, not spilling a drop of tea.
"Why should they spend their life savings, their allowance, the very last penny of their piggy bank on you?"
"Because it was never theirs, it was mine from the day they met me."
"Good!" She clapped her fan once more, and Angie adjusted in time with her command.
Tira clapped her fan, posing, adjusting, and instructing Angie until she was exhausted, and even beyond. She made the girl go days in heels until the blisters became part of her feet, and spoke to her with the kind of instruction an old madame might have given a disobedient upstart. 
And then came the choreography. Angie had been bent, bounced, and broken until she could execute every move to perfection. She was up practicing at dawn, and didn't stop until her shift every night.
Angie didn't know if she regretted telling the girl about her feelings, but if this didn't end soon, she thought she would take them back.
Angela laid flat on her back on her Sensei's plush mattress, much softer than her own last-minute sleeping arrangements, and absentmindedly addressed the burn marks in the ceiling above her as they wound the periphery of the room, looking desperately for a distraction from the stinging in her feet. She wasn't sure if Tira would be back from her last call of the night soon, and was worried to be found slacking, but the worry didn't overpower the exhaustion. 
"Ooooh what am I gonna do~" she moaned.
Her breasts were swollen in her loose grasp, having been heavy and burdened ever since she'd begun to tighten up about weaning Miku. She didn't know why she couldn't just keep letting her baby nurse- it felt better for both of them, anyway.
Well, that was a lie. She knew why, it was so she could finally move up the ranks from a rookie geisha to a full performer by her next birthday. It would make her and Miku more money, and she'd finally be able to rent her own place in the Playground. Her baby couldn't be attached to her the way she was now, or she'd be stuck until her daughter could talk.
Prodding delicately at her puffy nipples, she closed her eyes and pictured first holding Miku to them to relieve the pain, and then Geto. 
Geto could…help instead…she thought blearily, her eyes fluttering a few times before she finally drifted.
She didn't know that she'd fallen asleep until a light tap on her nose pulled her out of her stupor. Peering up into the lamp-lit halo above her, she saw her instructor's pursed, plum colored lips and arresting brown eyes, appraising her as if she were a curator and her charge a work of art.
"You're ready."
Angie's mouth snapped open and she sat up in the lush bed, holding the sheets to her chin. "How can you tell?"
Tira shrugged. It was the most juvenile movement Angie had seen her make in weeks. "I just can. Look at how you sat up, no haste. How you woke from your sleep, so graceful. Stand for me."
Angie did as she was told without a second thought, as if her body moved on its own. She swept up from the bed lightly, her posture tall, and floated to the space before Tira as if she materialized there.
Her feet hurt but her discipline had taught her to stand tall anyway. Tira circled her once, stood back, and hummed in approval.
"Yeah" Tira smiled, her eyes crinkling in the corners with a surprising melancholy. Angie wondered how much sleep she'd gotten herself over the span of her student's training. If she'd been suffering too, she hadn't let on even once. "You can feel it, too, right?" She murmured, "You're more womanly."
"I don't believe that I have changed that quickly-"
"Listen to you! I don't believe~" she held a petite hand to her lips and laughed breathily. "You sound like you have tea with the Emperor at 2pm. What do you say, shall we check in on the boys?"
"No. We shouldn't."
Tira nodded. She'd passed the test.
"Mmm there's a hot spring nearby. Let's celebrate with a late night dip, hm?" 
Angie felt a twinge in her stomach, then again, lower. Tira's eyes sparkled like pools of honey in the golden light of her candelabra as she waited for her response.
Angie let her eyes search her instructor's, tapping her cheek to draw out the moment before finally agreeing. 
"Yes, let's."
The hot water felt like heaven on her weary limbs as she stretched her wings in the deep pool. She sank up to her shoulders in the delicious water, which had been mixed with a fragrant lavender oil at Tira's request. Her hair was free of her usual puffs, the coils tickling her shoulder blades as they soaked up the water.
She felt the urge to swim, but was scared to do anything that might make her seem juvenile enough to be put back in training. Instead, she dunked a cupped hand into the pool and ran it on her face and neck.
"Ahhhh~" she sighed, the last cool air of her lungs escaping into the humid room.
She was alone though, waiting anxiously for Tira to tie up her boundless hair in the changing room so that it wouldn't gain ten pounds in water weight the second she stepped into the pool. It made sense, but Angie watched the door for her anyway, trying her best to suppress the hammer in her chest when the woman finally revealed her naked form.
Her complexion like honey butter all the way down, with not a blemish to be seen, Angie watched Tira slink opposite her into the hottub, her supple curves slicing the water in two. Her large breasts buoyed themselves on the surface, and she stretched her arms above her head in languid yawn that was somehow both sensual and completely self indulgent.
Angie averted her gaze, realizing she'd been staring.
"So you do like women," Tira hummed.
Angie started.
"I love that you give me straight answers now," she smiled, and dimples pricked her cheeks. Did she always have dimples?
"Thank you, sensei"
"You're welcome, darling." The older woman leaned across the water, and her wet cleavage tilted toward her charge. "But I'm still just Tira. We're past all that, remember?"
Angie nodded and Tira slunk to her side, slinging an arm over her shoulder. 
"Although, I would like to call you imouto- chan, if that's okay?"
"It's okay," Angie was painfully aware of Tira's naked thigh pressing against her own under the water.
She refused to meet Tira's questioning gaze. A slow smile spread across the woman's lipstick- stained lips, a mischievous expression taking hold on her face.
"Or would you prefer something else?" 
Her arm dropped. A squeeze on Angie's upper thigh sent her heart racing. Her lungs tightened, and she couldn't breathe. None of it showed on her face.
Angie cut her eyes at the woman experimentally.
"Well, Onii- chan~" she paused, thinking. She took pleasure in Tira's widening eyes.
"Could you call me your pretty bird again?" She whispered after a beat, moving Tira's hand to her narrow waist. She couldn't believe her boldness, and couldn't believe how quickly she'd adapted either.
Tira faced her head on. 
Tira's heart shaped face was framed by long, silky tresses that stuck to her cheeks from the humidity, her large top bun crowning her head in its giant coil. Her long lashes were beaded with water, and her brown eyes glimmered like quartz. The whole image affirmed in Angie's head that her stage name "Empress" was no accident.
"Oh really, you want me to call you Pretty bird?" she sang. She leaned in, and when Angie didn't pull away, she placed a quick, wet kiss on Angie's lips. "Mmm" she licked her lips as if she'd tasted like candy. "Such a pretty bird, my imouto-chan is." She kissed her again. "My pretty, pretty…"
Another kiss, and this time Angie didn't let her pull away.
The women's bodies pressed together in the water, fitting together like the pieces of a puzzle. They drew together like magnets, their soft flesh spreading the oil along each other's skin in ferver as their tongues fought for control in each other's mouths. They haphazardly found their rhythm, Angie's core softening like molten lava at the feeling of Tira's slick treading her thigh.
"God yes~" Tira sighed against her ear as she massaged the girl's breasts on the pool's surface, taking special care around her sore nipples. "You've gotten so bold, noirette." She rubbed the mounds against her own.
Angie whimpered into the hollow of her neck as she licked and bit and kissed her as deep as she dared. She pressed the woman down onto her thigh and rocked, feeling her desire finally begin to flow.
"Onii-chan~" she whined at the feeling of Tira's fingers stroking the base of her wings. She arched her back in pleasure . "T-that feels so- ah!"
"Calling me that right now is dangerous, princess" the woman growled into her open mouth before assaulting it with her own, more hungry, more thirsty than before.
"Ah!" Angie gasped for air in the few gaps the kiss left her to breathe.
Tira ducked below the surface, slurping the girl's peaks into her mouth in one greedy gulp, never slowing her rhythm as she rode her thigh. Instead, she let her legs slide between her own, and let Angie borrow her friction. 
Angie cradled the woman's face in her hands as she suckled her, the pleasure sensors in her nipples sighing in sweet relief. She reached around to grab her ass, gripping the pillowy mounds against her as if for dear life. Tira watched her pupil's desperation build through lowered lashes.
"Hm?" Angie wondered if it was the water muffling Tira or her own thoughts.
Breaking the surface once more, she threw her arms around Angie's neck and pulled her close, letting the water help glide Tira back and forth against the girl's cunt.
"I said, do I feel like you imagined, sweetie?"
Tira peered into Angie's swimming gaze as the girl nodded dreamily. She giggled.
"I'm g-gonna-"
"Awe, already?" She slowed, rolling her hips with the water. "I'm flattered."
She felt the girl shudder from the pleasure. A string of light curses escaped her delicate lips as she pressed Angie against the tub for more pressure, watching closely as her face contorted in desire. She felt the girl trying her best to hold out as she stroked her, and couldn't help but find it adorable.
Angie watched her back in awe with heavy lids as her teacher floated in her vision. Tracing Tira's figure with painstaking adoration, she reached up, tiredly, and thumbed the woman's nipples, lapping them with her tongue as she maintained what she knew would look like doe-eyed wonder. 
Tira's breath hitched, and Angie knew it worked when the woman bit her lip and leaned in to kiss her, deep. She pulled back, looking as though she wanted to devour her.
"God, Angie, is this why those boys are so crazy about you?" She punctuated the question with peck to her nose. "No wonder all these grown men want you. To take good care of you like this."
Pouting, Angie leaned up to graze her jaw with her lips. 
"You're better than any man," she sighed, planting kisses down her neck. She felt, more than heard, Tira moan.
"Awe, sweet baby~"
Smiling, Tira twirled two fingers on the surface of the murky water before using them to gently nudge her thighs aside and access her trimmed pussy.
Teasing her lips apart, Tira inserted them inside, laughing throatily as Angie sucked them in with ease.
"Ngah!" Angie sank down on the digits, rutting against them as they beckoned her forward. She couldn't understand her own thoughts outside of the coil of her teacher's fingers. Dribble poured from her mouth as Tira switched positions, spreading her mount to entrap both of Angie's thighs. 
"This makes you tighter, noirette" she hummed, as if it were a simple lesson in mathematics.
"And this-"
She bounced as she fingered her, the water pressure popping against Angie's clit as it splashed her opening. She cried out at the dual sensations.
"-is how you take advantage of your environment." She nuzzled her cheek, and began sucking on her earlobe.
"H-how are you fucking me with the water?" She gasped, throwing her head back until she saw the steamy ceiling floating above their lustful bubble.
"There's lots of things I can fuck you with, imouto-Chan" she giggled.
The giggle was choked off when Angie dipped forward and forced entry into her mouth, swallowing her lips with a ferver Tira hadn't known she'd had. For a moment they were both under the water, unable to breathe and barely caring. When they broke the surface again, Tira forced Angie to face the wall as she pressed into her ample ass, rebounding off of its ripples until pleasure throbbed in her core.
"Fu-uck!" Angie wailed, gripping the wall. Tira gasped in time with the laps of the water.
"Ah, ah, fuck, little bird…damn you feel like dough…"
With one hand holding her waist in place against her, Tira worked her hand around to Angie's slit, working her fingers in and out of her tightening hole. Angie leaned into her, her hand finding Tira's between the folds of her thighs. She forced her teacher deeper, coaxing a ripple of pleasure through her core.
"Unh~ Tira! " She whined, her cheek pressed flat against the side of the hottub. 
"Yeah?" Tira bit into her neck as she ground herself into her prodigy's plump ass.
Angie surrendered to the feeling of Tira using her body for her own pleasure, doubling over when she felt her teacher take hold of her hips.
"Fuck me, sensei" she whined, "Please?"
"You want me to fuck you baby? You want me to show you how to fuck a woman?" 
"Y-yes," she pleaded.
Angie craned her neck so that she could taste her lips one more time, and found Tira's mouth waiting eagerly for just that. Her teacher slowed, riding her ass in languid strokes as their tongues coiled into each other's mouths. Angie couldn't hold on another moment. She squeezed her thighs together, trapping their fingers, and squirting against her sensei's insistent touch. She gasped into her open mouth, and Tira held her there until she finished.
"Finger me," she purred, licking Angie's essence from her manicure. Angie quickly obliged.
Backing Angie to the wall, Tira rode her pupil's fingers on her own, bobbing in the water as she played with her own stiff peaks. 
As she bobbed, the water lapped across the tub, creating ripples that made the low-lights dance. Angie could see nothing but Tira's slender back, but felt her pleasure in every cell of her form.
Angie felt her own pussy contract again as Tira finally made herself come on her flexing fingers, casting a glance over her shoulder at her student's awed expression.
Tira slowed, holding the digits to her stiff clit as she pursued an even higher peak, forcing Angie to watch her get her nut. Angie couldn't look away.
She wailed as she came again, and again, her eyes rolling as she pinned Angie to the wall. 
The woman heaved as she slid into the space between Angie's arms, finally resting in the crook of her neck as pleasure broke against their balmy skin. They let themselves stay there for a while, limbs tangled, before one of them finally spoke.
"Fuck." Angie murmured.
Tira pecked her cheek once, then twice. Lingering by her ear, she licked the crown playfully as if she was only getting started. That is, until she pulled away, and floated to the edge of the pool, giggling.
"Wow." Was all Angie could muster.
Tira smiled.
"Mmm. Indeed." 
The night finally arrived. 
Gojo and Geto stood across from one another on the train as it sped them toward their instructed destination, the Tokyo City Concert Hall. The car was full of salarymen, no doubt on their way home for the night, completely oblivious to the threat that either boy posed to them, or the protection they provided- but what else was new.
The pair found themselves huddled in the farthest alcoves of the rounded train they could get, away from the bustling crowd that would likely ignore them anyway, hoping the sway of the carriage muffled their words.
"I feel like something is up tonight." Geto muttered, half to himself.
"You, me, and the whole dorm. I mean,"  Gojo motioned to the suits the pair had donned in preparation for the night, "who wears these to a booty call?"
Gojo had dressed sharply in a three piece black and alabaster suit, pressed, tailored, and detailed for the night at Tira’s request. He wore a black button down and blazer jacket that matched his hair, the lapels held in place on either breast with blue sapphire pins that had been awarded to him by the Gojo clan at his 16th birthday ritual, marking his maturity and blood connection to the clan. The material of the suit emphasized the bulk he usually obscured in his dark, boxy school uniforms, his broad shoulders and trim waist making the suit look more as if it were wearing him than vice versa. 
Besides the suit, he’d hidden his eyes behind a pair of dark shades a grade nicer than his usual pair, their construction made from carved wood rather than metal, stenciled on the sides with his initials. His cufflinks caught the mechanical light of the train and winked every time he moved, their ore immutable genuine silver. The same was true of the small blue gem he wore in one ear, which Geto had never seen him wear before that night. The only thing about the boy that was recognizable was the tuft of tussled cloud-white hair that sat atop his head.
“When did you get your ear pierced?”
Gojo muttered. 
“...Mei said it would look good on me.”
Geto scoffed. “Well earrings are my thing so don’t you dare-”
“Dare what? Outdress you?”
The dark haired boy smirked. No way was Gojo outdressing him in that monkey suit.
Geto had cleaned up just as well, his own scarlet and charcoal suit ironed down to the creases the way his mother had shown him, crisped from the top collar to the cuffs of his sleeves. His red satin button down matched the pocket square (which he almost hadn’t found in time) in the lapel of his dark suit, and his black tie had been pinned into place beneath a gold clip with the emblem of a dragon- a gift from his grandfather, as if he’d known about his powers in advance. 
That night, he’d exchanged his usual metal ear gauges for a pair of onyx disks that he’d bought specially for the occasion, and they glinted from his ears with a subtle glossy depth that made him look mysterious. 
Rather than precious jewelry, he’d opted for a more down to earth vibe with black volcanic beads encircling either wrist, stacked around his favorite vintage watch. His black nails had been freshly cleaned, painted, and trimmed.
Finally, not knowing how he should do his hair, he’d opted for his usual clipped bun and bangs, sweeping them away from his face as neatly as he could muster.
“I’ll admit, you look clean, but you look like you’re going to prom.” Gojo shrugged, playfully.
“And you look like you're putting Nana Gojo to rest.”
This stop is Shinjuku City- I repeat, Shinjuku City. Please watch your step. 
The boys ducked under the low- hanging sign to the station’s entrance as they stepped onto the street. They looked left and right, trying their best to not look like fish out of water. 
“I don’t suppose you know how to get there?”
“You went on map quest, right?”
The boys blinked at each other, and face palmed.
This was gonna be a long night.
After a long trek through the darkening streets of Tokyo, as well as several sets of bad directions, Gojo and Geto finally found the grand old building that was to host the variety show that they'd anticipated since Tira's call. 
With the block out front as packed with tough customers as any club, the opera house stood to be used that evening as a cooperative territory for underworld-goers and their business. The boys watched the building light up just as the last light of the day fell, its red carpet unfurled in preparation for the guests that would be stepping through the door any minute.
The large windows of the modern relic stood tall and wide, propositioning onlookers to look into them as if they were the building's eyes. Beyond them was the shimmer of multiple chandeliers, golden wallpaper, and a ceiling painted to put the sistine chapel to shame.
Geto whistled in appreciation. This was where they were meeting them? His thoughts of the weeks before replayed in his mind, where he'd asked Angie on a date after they'd…. 
Well, if this was the first date, what would the second look like? Did this even count as a date?
"What exactly did your connection intend with us when she asked us to attend this event and- quote- 'bring all the cash in our sock drawer'? "
"Your guess is as good as mine."
"And why don't I get to meet her?"
"She said that she wasn't available to me tonight, but that she wanted to proposition me on something. I don't know. She plays games like this a lot, but this is the most elaborate one yet."
"And why was I involved?" Geto cocked his head, half concerned, half amused.
"Hm. Well she said something about a game that would take both of us? And she obviously knows who you are by name, although…not sure how…" he trailed off, realizing just how little he knew about what Tira had planned for them that night.
"Uhhhuh…and what's stopping me from getting back on the train, Satoru?"
"Because I know she'll be here tonight." Gojo smirked. 
Geto's face fell, and he rubbed the back of his neck. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, don't give me that,'' Gojo nudged him, "she hasn't responded for weeks again, but all of a sudden she did, right? And now you decide to step out with me, because you invited her, right? I'm not as stupid as my last final made me seem, Suguru."
"Well," the dark haired boy grimaced, rubbing his neck even more harshly as if trying to set it ablaze, "you're actually right, minus a few details…" 
Geto had stopped his 5am run to respond.
"Hello! Sorry, can't talk long, or ill get caught. I know this is odd, but will you come to see me dance?"
"Yes! Of course, why would that be weird?"
"Because your friend with the glasses will be there too. The one you were looking for when you…found me"
"...oh. uh, sorry. Why?"
"Because it turns out that I… service him too…and my mentor is putting my services up for auction. Please be sure to win me. See you soon."
The conversation had raised more questions than answers, but after speaking to them both, Suguru knew that whatever the game was, he needed to win.
Geto's jaw muscles worked as he watched Gojo talk absentmindedly about how tight his blazer was on his shoulders. He watched the white haired boy closely, as if seeing him again for the first time.
Woah. Where had that come from?
Gojo turned and was caught off guard by the look in Geto's dark eyes. 
"Woah, man, you okay?"
Suguru averted his gaze. "Yeah, just nervous about seeing her, like you said."
"Well she better get here soon, we're about to head in."
The boys had finally made it to the front of the line, and knew from the moment they'd made eye contact with the doorman that they weren't getting in without a fight.
"Card carriers only" he sneered at the boys down his long, slender nose. 
"That's funny, I believe I carry a card,"
Smiling warmly, Gojo slid his fingers into the folds of his wallet, and withdrew two things- his fake ID, and a black coated metal credit card that weighed far too much for its size. Geto had never seen him use it for anything more than a status symbol, but had a sneaking suspicion that its credit limit was as infinite as its owner's technique.
The Maitre D's eyes sparkled at the sight of the card, and after flicking his eyes between the small rectangle of privilege and the boy wielding it with bright blue eyes, he shifted his gaze to Suguru.
"And you, sir?"
Geto blushed.
Before Gojo could claim him as his companion, the sound of dozens of pairs of clicking heels echoed down the sidewalk, and the boys- along with the other sidewalk dwellers, party-goers, and opera house connoisseurs- turned to see where the sound was coming from.
The first impression of the performers was that of walking art. They moved as one in shimmering outfits, their various props bobbing on their swaying hips and in their slender hands. They looked neither left, nor right, but straight ahead as they bypassed the line of patrons that gawked at their enormous presence.
"Ah, here are the ladies of the auction now."
"Auction?" Gojo questioned, the boys' eyes never leaving the parade of forest nymphs, water lillied- fairies, and exotic looking interpretive dancers.
And among them, they spotted her at once.
Raven wore a black diamond mask, her high cheekbones and lips dusted in a purple-black shade that made her look fierce and siren-like in her expression. Her wings, sprayed in a glittery sheen that made them look like a night sky full of stars, were on full display behind her, catching the attention of every onlooker that had dared to watch her. However, it wasn't just her anthropomorphic traits that had arrested attention.
The girl wore a shortened kimono that had been modified to her shapely body, the hem likely only extending an inch beyond her finger tips.
The thin veil of fabric was imprinted with white cranes and flowers throughout its tight coverage of her rounded hips and bust, rippling with extra fabric in places only to mimic waves on pitch-black water.
Further accentuating her figure was a large black- satin ribbon, encircling her torso and exploding in a bow off of her perky ass, with several strings of tinsel and black coins that protruded from it creating music in time with her walk.
And her walk; she strutted in time with the other dancers on her long, shapely legs, her more-sheer-than-sheer stockings making it look as though her thick thighs had been stuck with precious gems, embedded into her smooth mocha skin as if by magic. 
Her black heels clicked as she marched forward, her hands hidden in the long sleeves of the kimono- the only thing about it that was modest. 
In all her glory, Raven looked like a cross between a porcelain doll and a fallen angel, one that had been brought to life to seek revenge on her maker.
As if feeling their eyes on her, Angie's gaze flitted to the boys at the front of the line, just as she was about to enter the venue. They'd been frozen to the spot by her entrance.
Feeling a swell of pride, she continued to strut and avoid drinking in their looks- there would be time for that later.
That is, until she saw that the bouncer had stopped them at the door.
The girls turned at once to face the crowd, immediately catching the interest of everyone in line.
The parade of women clapped rhythmically three times, before raising their hands, and bowing deeply.
They repeated themselves in several languages for their foreign guests.
"Bon appetit! Please enjoy!"
And with that, they filed into the venue as fluidly as swans.
"Sir, these are my personal guests." Angie broke from the line of girls and approached the man as the rest of the performers entered, applause at their backs from the line of patrons that had watched their entrance.
Taking the maitre d's elbow in her taloned forefinger and thumb, she stood until the man brought his ear to her lips.
"Empress' request."
"Ah," the man nodded, infinitely more agreeable with her than he'd been with the two boys.
"Follow me." He said, " I have special instructions for you two."
Geto and Gojo shared a look of ultimate confusion, but- to Gojo's disappointment and Geto's painful chagrin- Raven had left in a plume of black ribbon and glitter without sparing them a second glance.
When the boys entered the venue on the trail of yet another host, they couldn't focus their eyes on anything ahead of them; all their attention was reserved for the ceiling, walls, and extremely lively crowd.
The crowd was made up of men and women from several countries and nearly all walks of life- human, half human, or otherwise. The cursed energy they felt wafting from the party goers was almost enough to make them defensive, but was still jovial enough to make them feel at home.
Men in blazers stood in huddles, exchanged business cards, and even played miniature croquette in one corner of the room; their female counterparts floated about on their arms, nodding in time with conversation and punctuating sentences with light laughter.
Before they'd gotten their barings, the host turned to them abruptly at the center of the room.
"Which of you is Suguru?"
The dark haired boy raised two fingers in acknowledgement.
"Raven would like to see you in the hall. And you must be Satoru," the host half asked, half asserted.
Gojo raised his snowy brows expectantly.
"You will be helped shortly. Enjoy the refreshments."
Before Geto could exit, Gojo placed a hand on his chest to stop him.
"Raven?" He asked without facing his friend head on. "That's the name of the girl you're in love with?"
Geto worked to keep his expression neutral. "You know her?"
Gojo didn't respond.
"Be right back" Geto just short of spat.
Gojo watched him go from behind the sheen of his dark shades. He was unsure of just how much Geto knew, but was suddenly very sure that he wouldn't fail this intuition test, when it came to finding out.
A waitress stepped into his line of vision.
He hesitated before picking up a long-stemmed flute. He didn't usually need the courage, but he would tonight.
Geto exclaimed when he felt the girl's lips on his the second he stepped into the shadowy alcove off of the main hall.
Separating from his mouth with a small *pop* the girl dug around in her dress until she'd uncovered what she was looking for.
"Here, hurry, take this." Angie shoved a small note card into his hand, glossy and folded over so that he couldn't see what was in it until he opened it.
"I have to explain-"
"Yes. Please."
"Will you let me?"
Geto blinked, his dark eyes trained on nothing but her. His silent answer was loud and clear.
"Okay. Open the card."
He flipped it open. It was blank, save for one thing.
Taped inside the card was a small, black coin the size of a checkers piece. It was waxy and grooved, and opaque as far as he could tell.
"That is the Bidder's coin. Well, no one is supposed to know which of my coins are bidder's coins," she motioned to the remaining coins that encircled her waist and bow, "because not all of them are. There are only three."
Geto's brow crinkled.
"Not done. No time. As I was saying, this is a bidder's coin." She tapped the card.  "It means that when the time comes, at the end of the night, only those with coins like yours will be allowed to bid for me. It's supposed to be a game of chance, but I need you to win, so I delivered one straight to you."
"Because if you don't-" Angie's eyes were large, round, and wet- "you won't be allowed to see me again."
In the next room, Gojo had successfully downed two and a half flutes of champagne, and a shot of cognac that had been offered to him by a French sailor. Apparently the French had the best cognac.
"Vous aimez?" The sailor asked, winking.
Gojo shook his head and shrugged.
"I speak Japanese, sorry" he responded, half wondering if the man had really spoken another language, or if he'd already succumbed to the alcohol.
The sailor made an 'aha' nod of the head, and motioned as if taking a swig. He then put his thumbs up and raised his brows in a questioning sort of way.
"Ohh you asked if I like it. Yeah, thanks. I-its strong."
The sailor laughed, clapping a hand on his back. Gojo hoped he'd been understood, but when he was handed another shot, his shoulders sagged. He didn't know if he could handle any more. He was already breaking the rules of his clan- the very rules that had made him an unfortunate lightweight in the first place- and needed to figure out how to say 'no' in French.
The tinkling of a glass quieted the room, and all attention was drawn to a balcony that Gojo hadn't previously noticed was there. A suited man with a long lapel on his jacket, and a slicked ponytail with shaved sides, was clinking his glass with a fork.
"Ah, esteemed guests!"
Gojo scanned the room. All of the guests looked well dressed, but some of them were hardly esteemed by his standards. Some of them looked like bodybuilders that had been painted into suits. And was that the dragon gang in the corner-?
"It is a pleasure to see you all on this hallowed night. As we finish welcoming members from outside, I thought it would be an excellent time to make a toast!"
He raised his glass, and the crowd followed suit.
"To the owners of this opera hall, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to host our show- one of talent, valor, and prestige. 
To our girls, thank you for bringing us such a delectable assortment of entertainment to enjoy each year. You are truly the highlight of our dreary yearly toil. 
And to our donors, it is because of your generosity that we feast our eyes, stomachs, and souls on all that our little society offers.
Gojo's jaw dropped. He would need to take some pointers from this man for his next public speaking class. 
He took a sip from the glass of cognac that had warmed in his clammy hand. At least, he thought he would take a sip, but the glass he drew back was empty. 
Ugh. I need to slow down.
"Now, for the rules of the night!" The man continued, his smile broadening as if the bubbles of his champagne had buoyed his spirit even higher than before.
"So here are the rules" Angie's tearful gaze had Suguru pinned to the wall.
Suguru swallowed fearfully. 
"Go on."
Angie gingerly grabbed at the coins looping her waist.
"These black coins will be distributed to the players on the floor. They are made of plastic and a special kind of wax."
"As the night progresses," the slick haired man boomed, " the wax will melt from the coin, and only plastic will remain. In order for it to melt, you must keep it warm in the palm of your hand."
"When the wax is gone, the other coins will be blank, but yours- and two others- will have a four leaf clover in the center when you hold it to the light."
Suguru held the opaque coin up, picturing the clover as if it had already been revealed.
"And when it is revealed, at the appropriate time, you will ring a bell that will be stored beneath your seat. There will be three ringing bells tonight."
The man poured over the crowd with a sweeping gaze, languishing in the suspense.
"Then" he said finally, "and only then, will the bidding begin."
"And they will bid for me to serve them exclusively until the next game."
Geto felt like he was going to black out.
"Raven, what makes you think I can outbid anyone in there?"
"Because it's rigged. I'm not sure how besides this," she tapped the coin again, "but my sensei says that this is necessary for us to continue to see each other. I'm s-s-sorry-" Angie bit her lip.
"I promise it will be okay," she continued, "it's just that…well…I didn't know if you would do this for me."
Geto's stomach did a flip at the sight of the gorgeous girl on the verge of years.
"H-hey," he reached out a hand to sweep away one of her tears before it could streak her painstakingly applied makeup.
"Its gonna be okay. If this is what it takes, I'll do it. You did say that this was complicated for you, right? Let's make it uncomplicated."
He grabbed her hands in his and kissed them. 
"I'm gonna win. And when I do, you're gonna tell me your name, hm?"
The dark fae smiled.
Gojo's attention was drawn to the door as it swung open to reveal Raven, but not his best friend. Raising a brow, he scanned the crowd to see if he could pick up his cursed energy, but it was nowhere to be found.
His eyes returned to Raven as she mingled with the crowd, the patrons bombarding her for a closer look, and eventually, a coin from her dress. She giggled as she swam her way through the thickening attention.
"Let her breathe!" The man called playfully from the balcony. "She still has to dance!"
Should I ask her where he went?
Still searching, he didn't realize he'd lost sight of the girl until she was tapping his shoulder.
"Gojo! You made it!"
He turned and looked down into her face, smiling.
"Shhh! They can't know my real name here. Call me Raven."
Oh yeah, Raven.
"Want a coin?" She grinned, offering him a plastic disk from her dress.
"Uh, no, I don't think I'll be playing." He shook his head, making his vision blur for a moment. "I did want to ask you something though-"
“Are you Satoru?”
The pair turned to see yet another plain-vested host, this one with an odd birthmark in the middle of his forehead. 
“Uhh- why, yes, I am.”
“I have instructions to show you to your box ahead of the show.”
“Oh wow, box seats Gojo?” Raven’s eyes danced in delight. “You and your friend are gonna have some of the best seats in the house!”
Gojo’s brow furrowed, “Oh, wow. I didn’t even know I had those.”
The waiter shook his head. “Empress’ request.”
Damn, Tira, Gojo smirked, Little prince indeed.
“Oh, sure. Let me just get my friend-”
“Your friend has his own box.” The man quipped, matter-of-factly.
“Uh, oh, okay. Well, can I go find him anyway?”
“This will only take a moment, sir, then you can do as you wish.”
Raven nudged him. “I think Geto is in the alley just outside the back door, if you want to find him after. I have to go, but I really hope you guys enjoy!”
And with that, just like at the door, Raven disappeared with her ribbons streaming behind her.
Gojo grimaced. 
“Well, okay. Lead the way, my man.”
After several rounds of winding steps, Gojo was shown to a velvety box that already sat several other high-brow looking guests. Their chatter was light and stopped only when he entered. It was dark, so he couldn’t tell how many there were, but they all gawked at him as if he were the first entree of the night.
“Uh, hello.” He bowed.
He could tell by the chuckles that several of them weren’t japanese. A woman snapped open her fan and hid her face.
“Your seat, sir.” 
Gojo followed the tall, slender man to the banister that overlooked the venue, where a line of chairs waited. At the head of the line was a velvet chair, and on it sat an envelope with his name on it.
“Enjoy the show.” The host swept away.
Gojo scanned the chair before retrieving the card and turning it over. Attached to it was a small black coin, and a few words written in a gorgeous script that could only have been Tira’s.
“Fate finds those who do not choose their destiny, little prince.” he read aloud.
“Do with this what you will.”
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Hello!! Hope youre doing well <3 Do you have any kid fics u could recommend??? I'm mainly looking for crack fics but anything would do the job tbh :) Thank youu
Hi anon! I’m hanging in there, what about you? Kid fic is not my usual jam but I’ve read a few shorts and am sharing them below. Oh, and I’ve heard great things about The Lesson of You by thecouchsofa - you might want to check it out!
Blue Sky Is Living Here Today by ignatiustrout (G, 5k)
Draco's a father, Harry's in love with him, and it's really hard to take things slow.
A Hippogriff for Christmas by @xanthippe74 (G, 6.5k)
Draco is desperately trying to fulfill four-year-old Scorpius’ dearest wish for Christmas: a visit with a real Hippogriff. Harry is desperately trying to be left alone, safely tucked away from the attention of the wizarding world as Hogwarts’ Keeper of the Keys and Grounds.
Our Ordinary Days by Lomonaaeren (M, 8k)
Two men, both fathers of sons, meet in a bookshop. And the rest is the kind of history that doesn't make history.
Little Talks by Femme and noeon (E, 11k)
Draco's been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he's sure it's just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year…
The Strongest Affinity by @eidheann (T, 17k)
Trouble finding a wand for Scorpius leads Harry and Draco to something they never imagined.
DIY Messiah by scoradh (M, 26k)
Harry stopped hating Draco Malfoy on Bring Your Kids to Work Day. Cw: infidelity (Hinny)
And some recs with a side of humor:
Dad Says by GallaPlacidia - can be found HERE
The Whole Set by @dracogotgame (G, 2k)
Four times Harry and Draco just knew what House their kids would get sorted into...and what actually happened.
Dating Potters by GoldenTruth813, Mzuul (E, 8k) - Drarry, Scorbus, Jeddy
Scorpius and Albus have been together for awhile now and decide it's time to have a family dinner and come out to their fathers. What they're not counting on is the fact that they're not the only ones with secrets to share.
Dating for Dads in Denial by @aibidil (T, 25k)
In which one wizard designs and another reluctantly patronises a magical matchmaking service, amidst the chaos of children and parenting.
Desperately Seeking... by @maesterchill (E, 34k)
Harry Potter is NOT desperate for someone to love. He DOESN'T need anyone's help to find a date. And he CERTAINLY doesn't want to go on a dating show! Unfortunately for him, his teenage children have other ideas. After all, they know just how big and loving (and a little bit lonely) their dad's heart is.
There's a Pure-Blood Custom For That by Lomonaaeren (M, 106k)
The day that Harry stops Draco Malfoy and his son from being bothered in the middle of Diagon Alley starts a strange series of interactions between him and Malfoy. Who knew there was a pure-blood custom for every situation?
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lazzarella · 2 months
Well, here we are! My last post of rambly notes about Wandee Goodday. It's been fun, but I don't think I'll do this for another show XD
- Here we go!
- even Great and his magnificent bosom can't make me interested in boxing, alas
- Oh. Ter actually came. Okay!
- Lol, they really don't need to pair everyone off or redeem everyone, but I'm not bothered either? That’s just peripheral to me
- Ahhh, Dee's pep talk was so cheesy! I love it!
- Well, that was obvious! (That it was Yak under the Nazgûl getup. He's a living Kermit meme!)
- imagine being able to punch the manifestation of your grief and trauma in the face to be able to deal with it??? Sign me up!
- Stop boxing and start smooching already!!
- (Dee and Yak. Not Yak and Mason lmao)
- Heyyyyy! TKO!
- "When it comes to Yak, I've never felt tired" Awww! Yei! :')
- Yak saying Dee believes in him more than he believes in himself was also kinda cheesy, but like... I don't care. That was so lovely!
- "This belt is yours" ;__;
- Ahhhh!!!! Seeing them in the ring together with Yak twirling Dee around while everyone cheers made my little heart nearly pop! Two men in love in a boxing ring with everyone cheering for them???
- IDK why Ter is happy about this now lmao whatever! I'm here for ROMANCE and I'm getting oodles of it
- Ahhhhhh, they're ADORABLE!
- Talking about finding someone who understands you - yes! That's what it's about! That's what the whole show is about tbh
- lol, Dee wearing the belt! That's cute :3
- awww! Birthday cake! Dee's so cute and sweet <3
- "Who said I was playing?" SCREAMING!! My flirty Dee is back <333
- omg eating the cream off him fuuuuuudggggggge
- Oh! Now they're in bed lol
- how do they always end up on the floor after sex? What are they doing? Is this a normal thing to happen? (Seriously asking lmao)
- Dee has the sweetest smile omg
- "It feels like paradise to make love to the person I love" slfjsdkfjdsklfjsdlkfjdslkfjd
- "Let's celebrate" ... with soy milk! My favourite celebration drink!
- "I'm so proud that I get to take care of you" ahhhh! That's such a lovely thing to say!
- omg, Dee looked like he was going to cry about the necklace! D:
- Yak is so cute :3
- ahhh, another necklace kiss! God, I'm weak for those
- this is very asexuality 101 PSA but, like... How many shows even use the word asexual at all?? So, I don't care!
- ooh, I love the idea of Blue figuring himself out! That's cool to see too!
- (I'm honestly not mad that we didn't get more of Kao and Blue like I know a lot of others are, but I also wouldn't be mad to see their story in a spinoff. It won't happen, but I wouldn't be mad if it did)
- LMAOOOOO @ Golf banning Kao 🤣
- the whole montage with Dee talking to Gooddy about good days was nice! It's true, we can't have perfect days, but we can have good ones
- ahhh, Blue and Kao helping Golf do online dating!!
- "Good days are different for everyone" :D
- Ahhh! I love how Yak calls Dee's grandma his idol!!! Heeeee
- Aww, Inn is wearing his own clothing brand lol
- "You're an important person in my family" Ahhhh, yes!!!!
- Yak offering to smack Ter in the head lmaoooo good boy!
- ahhh! Yak asking if he and Dee will still be together and Dee saying yes or probably or whatever it was
- lol @ them arguing about who would turn whom over in bed if they're bedridden XD
- "Can we still have sex?" haha
- these hospital parties are always so sparse
- all of Dee's friends are wearing purple with him except Yak (nm, Yei was also wearing blue)
- this feels like a weird way to announce a scholarship to me but what do I know?
- the chanting feels unprofessional lmao I love it!
- and to no one's surprise, Dee won!
- omg! The other boxers are there too!!
- Is... Is it typical to crown scholarship winners in Thailand?
- and now Dee gets to give his thanks speech!
- this is longer than an Oscars speech XD
- oh, poor Yak! That's embarrassing but I saw that coming lol
- omg Dee's singing for Yak??? IDK if it's because I was so tired when watching this, or what, but it felt like a fever dream (in the best way possible)
- "Would you be my real boyfriend?" AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
- confetti! It's a parade!
- awww! They're ring bearers!
- Yak tearing up when Yei and Cher are exchanging rings ;__;
- legally married <3333
- ON HOLD?? What?? ...oh, phew, nm! That makes perfect sense and is totally IC for Dee, the silly boy!
- SEVERAL YEARS????? Damn. Okay, I can see why he'd think that was too long to wait for him tbh (I feel like we knew this but I forgot lol)
- "I love you, too" Wahhhhhh!!! Omg!!! I cried!!! YES!!!
- god this scene is GORGEOUS! The colours and their talk and the beach!!!! I always love a beach scene so I'm glad BLs have so many of them <333
- VANILLA? How very dare you, Yak :P
- time for sex on the beach!
- HAVE A GOOD DAY! Haha, love it!
- that's the perfect ending!!! What a lovely final image!!
- ...oh, I was waiting for a credits scene XD
- seriously, though, that last crane shot of them on the beach was truly the perfect image to end on <3333
What a lovely show this has been! It really brightened up my week, and I can't wait to watch it all over again! <333
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neaverse · 1 year
literally all of your wips have enticed me but please tell me about the curious mind of a killer and a love for the novels (the sun and the stars) !!
Oh my god, thank you🥺 The curious mind of a killer is a drarry fic that has been living rent-free in my mind for quite some time now. Draco works in the DMLE as a forensic pathologist and has a year of Auror theory (law) under his belt. A lot of mysterious deaths are happening and the killer is untraceable. Robards (the head Auror) asks— read demands— Draco to come work for him on the case. Help him track the bastard down.
Draco and Harry are already dating in this fic and they both work in the DMLE. Harry is an Auror (I usually don't like this occupation for Harry but it's needed for this fic) and he works with Draco on this case.
The worst part is that the killer doesn't seem to go for the same type of victim twice. They're all different ages, genders etc— so there seem to be no motives behind these murders. There are no magical traces, no fingerprints or footprints, no clues— nothing. This fic is gory, violent and it's fucking with my mind— I don't know what else to say about it.
On the morning of April 26th, two witches in their mid-twenties are found murdered in their home just outside of London, with string-like wounds around their necks and hearts on the floor beside them.
A week later, the body of a middle-aged wizard is found in an alley a few blocks away from the Leaky Cauldron with the exact same wounds.
Then, in late May, three young men are found dead in three separate rooms at the Three Broomsticks. With the same wounds.
“Another one,” Robards grumbles as he shoves a case file across the desk.
Draco looks down at the file in front of him, then he reaches for it. He skims through the case— they are all the same so far— and then he shuts it. “This is the sixth,” Draco notes, gaze landing on Robards. “How have you not caught this bastard yet?”
A love for the novels is a fic I started writing last year. Idk how to properly explain it tbh.
After taking the killing curse to his chest, James wakes up in a room and sees Regulus waiting for him. They walk through the halls, and get to see a glimpse of how their lives could've been, had they chosen differently. It's a lot of missed opportunities, both emotional and happy and just. Idk, a lot?
They see themselves getting married and have children in one. They see Regulus surviving and mourning James in another. They see themselves growing old, travel the world, James joining Voldemort for Regulus, Regulus joining the order etc.
Each life plays out and we see it exactly how it would've happened if they made different choices, however big or small. But no matter what they choose, Regulus and James happen. They always find each other. In every life, in every universe— it's them. Always them.
And most of the lives they see are very very lovely<3
Excerpt 1:
In a different lifetime, Regulus Black and James Potter might have made it. The poets would say it's a tragedy what happened to the two young lovers, one forced into the dark and the other fighting a battle that should not have happened. Perhaps their story will end up making it into romance novels; two star-crossed lovers and a hundred different lifetimes worth of disaster and deaths. Perhaps, in another lifetime– an alternate universe– they returned from Troy hand in hand. Or maybe, there was no war at all. Just life and a thousand little moments filled with love and chaos and joy. Perhaps it's just them, the way it all could've happened if they had chosen differently.
Excerpt 2:
There are pictures of him and all of his friends. His found family. James knows he's dead already, and he halts in front of the picture of Sirius and Remus, the two of them holding hands as Remus leans in to whisper something in Sirius’ ear, which makes Sirius go all red.
“I'm sorry,” James mumbles at the moving frame. “Take care of Harry and Lily for me, will you?”
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agonycrossbow · 7 months
I'm pretty confident in saying that anyone in my generation who slaps "siblings" on Leon and Ashley are probably people who have another ship and have had it for a while and don't want Ashley getting in the way of it, tbh LMAO
Like.... my generation has co-opted the current generation's vernacular, but make no mistake about the kind of bitches we are. We're ship war bitches. That's all we've ever been AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE OUR WAYS NOW fjdskfh
But if we're talking about the current generation...
Media illiteracy is a big factor in this. It's no secret to anyone that the US education system took a massive shit starting in the late aughts/early 2010s, and things like critical reading skills aren't being taught in schools anymore.
I graduated high school in 2007. Two years later, I went back to visit an old English teacher to get a letter of recommendation, and he was lamenting to me that he'd just given up. It wasn't worth trying to explain the deeper themes of Beowulf to kids who didn't care, because the only thing that mattered was getting them to pass standardized tests.
So, now, without an overt, explicit declaration of love or something visually concrete like a kiss, kids literally do not have the skills to parse through a text and pick out themes and tropes and use of symbolism and imagery. They were never taught how to do it.
But there's a more culture-based thing happening here, I think. It's this fucking mess of a cocktail of internalized misogyny paired with learned helplessness, social anxiety, intense sheltering possibly exacerbated by the pandemic shutdowns, peer pressure, and internet purity culture.
I think it's pretty safe to say that fandom is predominantly made up of women and teenage girls. That was true in the 60s in Star Trek fandom, it was true in my generation, and it's still true today. And what I've seen happening today is that young women are absolutely terrified of their own sexual agency -- because the internet keeps telling them that, if you're under 18, it is wrong and bad and unacceptable for you to engage with anything even remotely sexual and how dare you express your sexuality -- and you'd better not do it not just because it's wrong and bad, but also because you are GUARANTEED TO BE PREYED UPON IF YOU DO. SEX IS DANGEROUS ALL OF THE TIME AND YOU'RE LITERALLY TOO YOUNG AND TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND ANYTHING SO DON'T TRY TO EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Because if you're 17 and he's 18, he's a pedophile!!!!!!!!
I just.
So, we've now basically turned an entire generation of young women into the same type of young women who created the BL genre in Japan. These are women who were too afraid to explore their sexuality on their own, and it felt safer to do it with two male characters, because it was always more "okay" for men to be sexual. This is happening here in the West, now.
Slash ships have always been a thing in the West, but not to the degree that they are today. In today's fandom, if you have an M/F ship at all, you are outnumbered by at least 3:1 -- because M/M just "feels" safer for a lot of the current generation.
So, I think young women look at the Remake portrayal of Ashley Graham, and they identify with her. A lot. They're probably around her age, and her personality is very relatable to the kind of girls who play video games. Ashley's clearly introverted, but she's a fast learner who just wants to help, and she's got a good heart and a weird, kind of awkward sense of humor.
And, not only do these girls identify with Ashley, they're probably thirsty as fuck for Leon.
But that's terrifying to them.
Because they have been taught to fear their own sexual agency. The idea that an attractive, traditionally masculine, older man would be romantically or sexually interested in them is immediately categorized in their brains as wrong and bad -- and they don't want to think of Leon in that way.
So... for them, it can't be romantic. It can't be sexual. But there's clearly something there, but Leon would never abuse or prey on anyone so... that bond must be a perfectly innocent familial affection. That's what it is. That's what it has to be, because anything else forces them to face the uncomfortable reality even young women like them go on dates and have sex -- and sometimes, it's with men like Leon.
So, they thirst over Leon at a safe distance through Luis, primarily. Or they self-indulge on reader fic, because that's so much easier to write off as "just a fantasy" and not a statement on who Leon actually is as a character.
And it's just kind of sad, man. It sucks to see this happen to an entire generation of young women.
That's why I don't really get mad when I see the "siblings" shit out in the wild. I just feel sad for those people -- because they can't just say "I don't like the ship." They're so insecure and neurotic that they have to think of a reason why the ship is literally impossible to ever happen so that they don't have to be worried about it.
One day, they'll finally suck a dick for themselves and learn that it's not that serious. It's really fuckin not. Dicks are stupid, and the boys that are attached to them are even dumber.
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elcorhamletlive · 8 months
no one asked but here are some of my thoughts on the one piece live action show
the things I didn't like:
Nojiko not knowing about Nami's scheme and plan. I get that it was probably a way to raise the odds and emphasize Nami's loneliness, but to me it cheapened their relationship and took away one of the most touching moments in the manga, when the reason for Nojiko's tattoos is revealed.
humorless, stoic, sexy man Zoro. of all the characters it was the one adaptation that didn't work for me, and Zoro is one of my favorites so it was a bit frustrating. the actor gives a good performance, but whereas the rest of the crew is a perfect translation of their manga selves to the screen, Zoro feels like a fundamentally different character. which is unfortunately because the mix of goofiness and badassery is what makes Zoro so engaging. here's hoping that he's allowed to emote more in season two.
in a similar vein as the previous point, I wasn't a fan of all the "Zoro and Nami exhasperated over Luffy" scenes. imo making Zoro so mature changed the dynamic of the crew and made his relationship with Luffy ring a bit hollow, even when the show wanted me to be emotionally invested in their bond.
Mihawk's introduction makes him come across as way less of threat than in the manga. I get cutting Krieg because they had less time and ultimately I don't think it was a massive loss, but having Gin show up destroyed and hyping Mihawk up is sooo much more effective than just showing him in the middle of a battle.
Nami was also a bit too serious for my taste, but I'll chalk that up to East Blue being when she's still not fully comfortable with the crew yet.
this is the most nitpicky annoying thing but. Arlong was too small. like obviously realistically speaking the actor is jacked but he does not give off the same threatening air that he does in the manga when he's towering over everyone.
the things I liked (most of it!):
from a plot perspective I think they were very smart and strategic about what to cut, they managed to trim everything to make it fit in eight hours and it worked. having Koby and Helmeppo throughout the season was a great way to keep the story from feeling too episodic, and they're both really well cast and I loved watching them. They are in love
removing the jokes on Alvida's appearance: yes. Overall I think they did a good job translating the humor, keeping the absurdness and silliness while also removing what wouldn't fly very well in live action.
Luffy should have been Brazilian but Iñaki Godoy is truly a finding, his performance is top notch and I can't imagine anyone else playing the role. Also in the "might have been created in a lab specifically to play their role" category are: Jacob Romero (there was not a second Usopp was on screen that didn't fill my heart with joy), Craig Fairbrass, Peter Gadiot, Aidan Scott.
special bullet point for Buggy because yeah. you have already heard that but my god he is THAT GOOD. SO much fun to watch.
another special bullet point for Taz Skylar. I didn't mention him in the list above because I guess you can say that technically Sanji is significantly different in the LA than in the mange, but tbh the change was for the better. amping up his charm and giving him a wannabe womanizer vibe was the perfect choice. his chemistry with Zeff was amazing (that one second in which they're fighting and you can see Sanji mouthing along to what he's saying because they've had this fight so many times before? CINEMA). their goodbye broke my heart.
Baratie might have been my favorite arc. and it's a really good arc in the manga so I'm amazed by how much they got it right.
Usopp/Kaya kiss!!!
obsessed with the absolutely random flirting between Zeff and Garp. old men yaoi stays winning
Koby and Luffy's hug was everything I didn't know I needed. also Koby getting drunk. just... Koby.
usually I'd find "omg they did it exactly like the manga panels" kind of a meaningless compliment but the scene where Nami asks for Luffy's help hit me like a brick. it was perfect.
their vows at the ending of the season gave me chills. Watching this show was so much fun and made me relive the excitement this story gave me as a child; a lot is said about an adaption having to capture "the essence" of the original which is of course super vague, but however you interpret it, I think it happened here. This show has so much heart and passion and is just a joyful, fun thing to experience. I can't wait for next season
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
For the ask game A, C, F, H, U
ooh good ones! this one got a little long lmao whoops 😂
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
i'm obsessed with a mcshep queer platonic relationship (aroace!john and bisexual!rodney for the win tbh) and a ship i've been thinking about a LOT lately is ronon and woolsey idk why i just. idk that scene in the prodigal at the end where ronon is like 'i know it's not a mission but i made a report' and woolsey laughs at 'michael tried to invade the city. we stopped him. end report' BABES THEYRE SO CUTE
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
john/teyla. i just. i can't. the ONLY time i like it is ot4
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
19 years and counting babey!!!! i've been watching stargate since it came out (i was 6 years old!) and i've been a fan of it since i saw the first episode. fun fact i had a little "club house" in a small storage room in our basement when i was a kid and i PLASTERED the walls with art and posters that said "I LOVE _______" with all of the sga characters when i was like 7? 8? something like that?
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
i've been in fandoms for lots of different things but i think my favourite is probably tv shows/movies. i just love me some good cinema
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
absolute all time fav blorbo of forever is Doctor Rodney McKay PhD PhD he always has been he always will be forever and always he owns my heart. i love everything about him- he's smart, he's canadian, he's arrogant, he's hot, he's funny, he's competent, he's an asshole, he's selfless and heroic, he's literally everything. i'm actually genuinely in love with him i would give up my entire life if he asked me to zero hesitation no questions asked
i know it says three different fandoms but i'm also going with john sheppard even tho it's the same fandom bc those two are just so far above the rest in terms of being my fav characters that i can't not include him. john is a disaster human and i love him. i'm like, 95% sure my obsession with putting my friends first and making sure they're happy and comfortable (even at the detriment to my own happiness and comfort) above all else is because of john sheppard. he's selfless, he's reckless, he's charming, he's funny, he's smart, he's hot, he's perfect he's everything i'm obsessed.
and then last i'm gonna go with nick miller from new girl bc (no surprise) i have a Thing for grabage broken men. i fell in LOVE with nick when i was watching new girl for the first time he's such a fucking disaster he's a middle aged drunk who doesn't know what he's doing with his life for half the show and he's so FUCKING HOT IM OBSESSED god i just hnnnnng ugh he's everything honestly i love me a scruffy middle aged garbage man so good always
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mickmundy · 1 year
Vampire medic. how long has he been living where he does? does he like Any other vampires? If he does, how do they feel about his new... employee? friend? whatever sniper is before they give in to The Gay
does sniper have other hunter friends, or merc friends? how do They feel about medic?
How did Sniper get into this business, and all the way to (Germany?)
What weaknesses, strengths and powers do vampires in this world have?
OMG YEAS... takes out my quill.... LETS GOOOOOOOOO
Vampire medic:
how long has he been living where he does? for a long time! he's traveled the world and comes and goes as he pleases, but there's no place like home. he's shacked up in a very nice castle that he... commandeered hundreds of years ago. he loves it! does he like Any other vampires? hmmm.,., i'd say there's a few he... gets along with, but he doesn't particularly seek out their company. it's complicated! HEHE... If he does, how do they feel about his new... employee? friend? whatever sniper is before they give in to The Gay they aren't even remotely surprised that medic has hired someone to hunt and kill his enemies for him. medic loves getting his hands dirty but sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth if he carries it out himself ykwim! one of them is Very Amused by it though.., and the other is perhaps hoping his old flame has had a change of heart since they were together...! HEH.. sniper starts out as an employee, but they can't help but notice that perhaps medic has a bit of a crush on him and yet hasn't turned him, drained him or killed him yet! interesting! >:)
does sniper have other hunter friends, or merc friends? how do They feel about medic? sniper has a few other mercenary friends, but he's still very much a lone wolf. he travels alone and mostly communicates with his two other friends by telephone! that's just how he likes it though :)! and i'm not sure if they're going to meet medic, but if they do i think they'd trust sniper's judgement and would be happy for their friend! even if medic's Big Personality might put them off a little...!
how did sniper get into this business, and wind up in germany? tbh i think his backstory is pretty similar to "canon" sniper; grew up in the bush, loved big game hunting and sought bigger thrills so he became a mercenary! hunting men got a little boring after a while and he preferred his reclusive, non-committal lifestyle and retired from that to pursue hunting. as it turned out, he could combine mercenary work with his enjoyment of hunting by dabbling in the hunting of supernatural creatures! their existence is known to him and he's not surprised that vampires exist... but he is shocked at medic's employment offer! he winds up in germany after getting a call about some large, bloodthirsty wolves that have been plaguing a Certain Area (near medic's castle by a few miles) for a Very Long Time and nobody's been able to do anything about it. it's like they can't die and they just... keep coming! interesting... well, sniper's never backed down from a challenge (or the promise of a good paycheck)! >:) so off he goes!
What weaknesses, strengths and powers do vampires in this world have? hmm, so a lot of this is still being worked on in my mind BUT i think that older, more powerful vampires (like medic, for example) eventually develop a Signature Ability that might be relevant to their time as a human, their life as a vampire, or it could be completely random! i’m still heavily working on medic’s right now so i don’t want to say much, but it Does have something to do with his bond with wolves! Perhaps Hypothetically, another vampire’s ability could be to turn invisible, something that’s Very Rare and Unique, or just enhanced (on top of the Already Massive Amounts of) strength, speed, etc. not every vampire gets a Unique Gift and it’s usually only after they’ve been a vampire for a significant amount of time. this aspect is still heavily under development! and as it is only medic and two other vampires will have Set Unique Abilities! weaknesses are the sun, silver bullets and stakes! vampires are always very ready to combat such things though, so even weapons set to kill vampires will need to be wielded by an expert in order to stand a chance! vampires can feed off of any kind of blood, animal or human, but human is preferred. they have very keen senses of smell and hearing and possess super speed and strength! they can hear the heartbeats of those living folk around them and tend to run quite cold in terms of body temperature. it’s not unheard of for vampires and humans to get along, but for the most part, vampires prefer not having anything to do with humans unless they intend to make the human a vampire themselves! so it is Very Interesting to other vampires that medic is keeping a human vampire hunter around and does not seem to have any intention of turning him (despite sniper’s suspicions to the contrary)… hmm….!
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the great album odyssey continues with neil young's harvest, an album i kinda expected to be lukewarm on and that i ended up, uh, being lukewarm on
this is a deeply strange album in context. it was a smash hit, catapulting neil to stardom. it had heart of gold, smash hit single. and the critics, uh, didn't really like it, and even hardcore fans tend to put it somewhere around the middle of a vast catalogue. why did it sell so well? i'm not smart enough to tell you. maybe neil was right, and people do wanna hear about love. this is, after all, the album borne from his newfound romance with carrie snodgrass. except it's not, really. that's all isolated to the first few tracks, the rest are just about whatever, in typical neil fashion
truth be told, though there's nothing on here as good as, say, tell me why, i think this is rather lesser than the sum of its parts. there's only one outright bad track (there's a world, which might actually be the worst song of his i've yet heard, pure schlock), but other than the last three tracks it feels really monotonous, which is odd given that objectively speaking, there's a world, old man and are you ready for the country don't really sound anything like each other. maybe they're just all midtempo, not particularly varied; if any album needed a sedan delivery it's this one. weirdly enough it sounds more monotonous than the live versions from massey hall and young shakespeare, and those albums only have two instruments! it doesn't help that out on the weekend, heart of gold, old man and alabama all have the exact same drumbeat
i think the live performances are the killer tbh. maid/heart of gold on young shakespeare is stunning, these versions are... alright? actually, i do really like heart of gold, i always appreciate straightforward prayer in rock music (i'm not even religious so idk why), and ben keith's slide guitar (he's actually the mvp throughout, and the real step forward from gold rush) is lovely and plaintive.
maid... well. this is a controversial one, so i'll step carefully; the orchestra does sound ridiculous, i can't argue. i really rather like the horn melody after "when life and love turn strange and cold," but whoever thought it was a good idea to include fuckin tubular bells had clearly been too hard at the wacky baccy. i waver back and forth on whether it's as sexist as its reputation; i think he's pretty clearly not saying all men need maids or anything, but if he's implying he wants carrie to be his maid, so to speak, that's certainly eyebrow-raising. this isn't, like under my thumb levels of misogyny, at any rate. the actual tune is very nice though, and the stripped-back live medley is gorgeous
beyond that this album sort of dithers around for the rest of its runtime. the end stretch is notable, i guess; alabama's not great but it's a burst of energy, needle is haunting and words would be the clear best song on the album (i love the contrast between the grungy guitar and the delicate piano and neil's wavery vocal) if there wasn't like a full minute or two in the middle where nothing happened. at any rate, it's a totally unexpected question mark to end with, and the only thing really pointing to the ditch trilogy
everything else ranges from "good, but" (old man, which actually would be a great song if it had a good chorus) to "meh, but listenable" (the title track, with the silliest line on the record in "dream up, dream up, let me fill your cup with the promise of a man"). actually the real problem with this album is that it's his least interesting set of lyrics yet. it doesn't really pull of his typical wry esoteric metaphor or a more straightforward emotional spiel, it's just kind of lyrics for the sake of having lyrics, and neil's normally better than that
look i hate writing about music by just going track by track and saying "this is good, this is less good," but in all honesty, this just... didn't leave enough of an impression on me to do otherwise. i was hoping to be able to construct a narrative between this (the romance album) and zuma (the breakup album), but this isn't even that about the romance. or maybe it is, and i'm emotionally illiterate. or it's just 4 am. at any rate, it's better than hawks and stars/bars, but not by much. fortunately the two unlistened to neil albums i have in reserve are harvest moon and trans, which i hope present some better opportunity for analysis
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madanimalscientist · 2 years
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My two fluffy roommates! Both of them run on chaos and chutzpah, very Pinky and the Brain situation between the two of them.
Annie (aka Goblin Queen)
3.5 year old tortie tabby. Has random blotches of ginger, shades from silver/black tabby to brown/cream/orange tabby. Lanky and smol. Twenty kg of clever in a 4kg bag. The reason there are child-proof locks on the cabinets and stove.
Likes: Yelling at birds through the window, the fluffy bed on the left side of the couch, attempting to steal lemon yogurt, TUMMY RUBS, chikkin bikkit treats
Dislikes: vacuum, lawnmower, loud noises in general, when people come to visit and won't let her shed all over them, being held.
The Muppet/Rogue (she has two names and responds about as equally well to either of them)
2.5 year old medium hair void. Earned the nickname Muppet because she goes floppy and purrs when happy, especially when held. Seemingly boneless when happy. Not the sharpest potato in the drawer, even the vet admits it. Heart full of love, brain full of [DIAL TONE]. Big and fluffy and her fur is plush and dense. Originally named bc sneaky void, but tbh she also is not super wise though she is strong/hyper and sweet, and reminds me of the "REMY, WHAT'S A MANGA?" Rogue from X-Men ad from the Cerebro podcast.
Likes: Snuggling with her hind legs shoved into her human's armpit, the right side of the couch, yelling at birds through the window, attempting to steal bread, TUMMY RUBS, chikkin bikkit treats
Dislikes: new people, loud noises, being told "not for kitties", being thwarted, when Annie has claimed the fluffy bed and won't share.
They are both chirpy cats who don't necessarily meow normally. Annie started it and I think she taught Rogue her "dialect" as they're both from the local shelter and were adopted around 4-5 months old. They are squeaky chaos doofuses and I love them.
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nooskadraws · 7 years
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my warlock proposed to his gunslinger boyfriend and he said yes!!! 
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Nico and Mika are the ultimate corruption kink go brrr pairing! Something about your dad’s protégé turned your childhood hero reluctantly letting you seduce him with your pretty face and fluffy blonde hair (and amazing arse). The way he grimaces slightly when you flirt and giggle with him but really he wants nothing more than to ruin you, wreck your innocence. Yeah there’s so much more projection to pack in with those two than Michael and Nico
sometimes I get asks that make steam come out of my ears and this is one of those 😳😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 gonna add a read more tag for some age gap fuckery, be warned all ye who enter. also going to lore dump, if that is to your interests
it is absolutely bonkers corruption kink...... esp when you consider nico saying he doesn't remember when he met mika because he's known him his whole life (sideways glance at Mika, smile) maybe Mika remembers! like jdfhfjjfjdf keke being mika's manager; Mika an absolute 90's golden boy... and the Finnish world champion keke rosberg managing him so he in turned sponsored his son, Nico's karting career and then that kid not only made it to f1 but was your emotional support rival's teammate and was Regularly beating him....... and you were proud :)
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there's just no way Mika didn't do it for Nico....... cue every lana del rey song he fucked that old man
it's the way nico is a polyglot and mika is shy about his english and takes his time while speaking...... it's the way nico is so comfortable around him...
"My old hero" he is not beating the fucking old men allegations!!!
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they're in a Swiss gondola and Nico always teases Mika for caring about his hair :)
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once again... he is NOT beating the getting rawed by older men allegations!!!
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bless Nico's little influencer heart.
mika doing his best to be The Adult in the room while twink menace nico is trying to climb him...... I would like to see it. there's also the mirroring... blonde finn upstarts overshadowed by their greatest of all time rivals, beating Michael... and then the entirely forbidden but so easy to take, you don't even have to try when it's Offered in your lap but you shouldn't......😳🥵
I do love Michael x Nico but for entirely different reasons, there's so much ambition and cutthroat world of f1 and bitter bitter emotions and arrogance and god complexes...... entirely deserving of its own thread tbh...
as always... why not both 🥰
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lollytea · 2 years
4.) I'll never get over how much thought and care you've put into making Shagheera not just passable, but fantastic. Like you went from complaining about there being no good Shagheera fics in 2020 to being responsible for a bunch of Shagheera content in 2021. Magnificent. Hyperfixated Queen.
5.) It feels like a crime that I haven't read your Huntlow fics yet, I swear I'll fix what the moment I am able.
6.) The ending of A Little Change Chapter 21 is always gonna stick with me as like. Such a vibe. It paints the entire fic's vibes to me tbh. I think it's why it took me so long to really get into illustrating that moment. It just sticks. In a good way.
7.) Not entirely a fic (yet?) but I wasn't lying when I said the bit you wrote about Ty making peace with his bisexuality actually made me cry. Again why I was just so eager to illustrate it.
8.) PERSONALITY!!!! Oh my gods, like, your fics have SUCH personality. Whether it be through dialogue or narration or even dramatic irony, there's just like. So MUCH in your fics. So much you. And I love you. And so I love your writing ejhfkgjs. There are scenes I so desperately want to animate because the dialogues you write just FEEL like they have such good motion to them!!
12.) I... I re-read Penniless Promises and Undocumented Events so often it's almost embarrassing QwQ;;;
14.) I was extremely fresh off of catching up to the Owl House when I read Exercise in Understanding, so I wasn't expecting it to hit me as hard as it did (sometimes something has to sink in first before it can mean so much) but it DID and I'm so glad it did.
15.) I love hearing you talk about your writing process - Since Swindle is as much a visual piece as it is a written one, how much do you visualize as you're writing the script? You give so me many directions that I can't consider there's nothing happening, but I'm curious about just how much you write with visuals in mind!
I looooooooooooove youuuuuuuu 💕
4.) My Shagheera. My beloved. My beloathed. They are good for my mental health. They make it a billion times worse. Miserable horrible old kitty men that drive me fucking ballistic. Shagheera will ways be there for me to focus on if I run out of other hyperfixations. Who would I BE if I didn't have them?
5.) If it helps I can summarise my huntlow fics for you so it feels like you've read them. Okay so I've written two big ones. Sunshine and Atlas. In Sunshine, Hunter and Willow take turns having mental breakdowns while sitting in Willow's backyard. In Atlas, Hunter and Willow take turns having mental breakdowns but with a twist! They're in Luz's house this time!
Actually you need to read them to understand what I'm currently about. It's like me taking you by the hand and explaining my current brainrot step by step. I consider Sunshine to be like. My huntlow essay. Like how I made a shagheera essay to pitch why its Good, I actually made this essay into a fic. It is still entirely a pitch. Tryna get people on board with my agenda.
6.) It's been SO FUCKING LONG that I was wracking my brain trying to remember what in God's name happened in chapter 21. I had to check. I remember knowing that entire fic off by heart back then. Like if you dropped a chapter number, I'd immediately know what that chapter was about. Now it's all just a blur. A Little Change is nowhere close to my pride and joy anymore that I'm glad it's just a blur.
But ya okay 19 year old me really snapped with chapter 21. Can't believe she wrote that. I'm proud of her. Silly and cringy as it was I'm glad she had fun. Glad other people had fun too.
7.) *bonks my little OC on the head* this bad boy can fit so much of the bisexual experience in it*
8.) This is why I can only write anything once every thirty years or so. I put all my personality into it and then I am left without a personality for ten to twelve business days. Just a husk. But people are getting a giggle out of my silly little stories so who's the real winner here.
But God do I love making fics that are alive. Its like making my own little frankensteins monster. If its not breathing, I'm never satisfied.
12.) I appreciate that you reas Undocumented Events so much because that's my BABY. It's everything to me. I have no idea when I'm ever gonna touch it again but I love what it currently is. And nobody else reads it so LIKE. Thank you for keeping it in your memory.
I have no special attachment to Penniless Promises so it doesn't bother me that nobody ever reads it. But I'm always like "at least Artsy that wild son of a gun is having fun and milking it for everything it's worth." That's what it's all about.
14.) Excercise in Understanding how I love that little guy. Constant reminder that has me like "Look at me!! Writing short things!!! Look what I'm capable of!!!" Delighted that one of the first owl house fics was Hunter being gross and Darius being disgusted. What an excellent place to start.
15.) I visualise facial expressions and gestures and non vocal character interactions. I'm really bad at like painting pictures in my head of backgrounds and layouts and whatever but I'm always character oriented. I think there's a lot of writing between the lines when it comes to the little details of smiles and troubled looks and comfortable touching and flinching so my brain really zeros in on how they would look. But when it comes to whatever in God's name is going on around them. Settings and shit? Brain empty.
Thank you!!! You are my friend!!! I love you!!!!!
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rocketmuse · 3 years
I thought I'd share my playlist for the anniversary of the boathouse kiss. :)
Song translations, MANY thoughts, and timeline under the break.
Noise warning for song 19, Hinahanap-Hanap Kita. 4:23 to the end. Loud high pitched beeps.
YouTube music version to be made soon.
Translations for foreign songs:
Ewan [Dunno] — Apo Hiking Society — Filipino/Tagalog
Amour plastique [Plastic love] — Videoclub — French
Panalangin [Prayer] — Apo Hiking Society/Moonstar88 — Filipino/Tagalog
Hinahanap-Hanap Kita [I'm Looking For You] — Rivermaya — Filipino/Tagalog
This is a collaborative playlist made with my friend.
Thought Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy would be a good starter song. Something about the music. Represents a good start of Alec persuing Maurice, like, hey, I can be yours... Whatcha doin'?
I added Puppy Princess because of the chorus but I know some people don't like that song so... You can skip if you'd like. KISS MEEEEE KIISS ME WITH YIIR EYESSS CLOSED . ALL I WANT IS YOU YEAH YOU. TELL ME I'M NOT FUNNY TELL ME I'M LEGIIIIT
Ewan. OH MY GOD this song is so them. Alec cares for Maurice, and doesn't like not being taken seriously or being treated badly and brushed off.
"I don't know why you're like that, you're difficult to talk to and you're a snob" COME ON IS THAT NOT THEM — Just a smile from you, and I'll be in heaven. Please give me a response, anything but "No idea"... What a perfect representation of Alec's continuous persuit of Maurice, always talking, always trying...
I could go on with every lyric.
Edit: I just realised this song fits so well for Alec's letters and meeting at the museum. Must resist the urge to add the same exact track twice.
So about Touch Me... Some of the lyrics apply better in other versions. Spotify just has this version tho. Touch me, just like that.
All I've Ever Known. Maurice discovered so much that night about touch and sharing and being with someone. He wants to be with Alec. "All I've ever known is how to hold my own, but now I want to hold you too. [Hold you close, I don't wanna ever have to let you go. Hold you tight, I don't wanna to back to the lonely life.]" Alec opened up his eyes and he'll never be the same.
Can't Help Falling in Love With You. 'Did you ever dream you'd a friend, Alec? ... Someone to last your whole life...' 'Alec, you're a dear fellow and we've been very happy.'
I'd Like To Walk Around In Your Mind was added from Maurice's perspective. Perhaps it fits Alec too...
I think Love At First Sight has the double meaning of the literal title, as well as "wouldn't you like to kiss her" perhaps being... Something Maurice would hear.
I Don't Dance. Based on this post/edit. Please watch this video oh my God.
Pink in the Night. Alec yearns for Maurice in the boathouse. He hasn't come. He hears his heart breaking tonight.
Every lyric is perhaps pulled straight from Alec's brain, to be honest. I remember seeing a post with this song in other contexts with them too. So yes, a few meanings.
Amour plastique. Alec reminiscences on the night in the Russet room. Why hasn't he come?
In my mind, everything goes wild. I lose myself in your eyes. I drown myself in the vagueness of your loving gaze.
And at night I cry tears that stream down my cheeks. I think of you only when the days ends, only when my sad demons descend upon my mind, into the bottomless abyss.
Waiting in the boathouse at night, when the day ends.
I ring out in kisses all down your chest. Lost in the avalanche of my heart astray. Who are you? Where are you?
The moments of then repeat in his mind. Where is Maurice?
I suppose Hopelessly Devoted To You and I'm A Fool To Want You are self explanatory. Maurice should really come... Alec really toughed it out, 2 days he spent in the boathouse, really wanted to see Maurice, really knew they had something, and doesn't want to be treated like a dog. Generally, his 1st letter.
Moon Song. My friend said they added it as a general love song. — Why do you treat me like this? Why didn't you come to the boathouse? — Alec's 2nd letter as a whole. Plus bits of 1st.
And you pushed me in, and now my feet can't touch the bottom of you. ... So I will wait for the next time you want me, like a dog with a bird at your door.
Ewan would fit here tbh.
Panalangin. My only prayer in this lifetime: to be beside you, to be together with you, that's my prayer.
"I since cricket match do long to ... place both arms round you and share with you, the above now seems sweeter than words can say."
And this heart won't allow if you will be away from me, my love, please listen.
It also fits the end of museum.
I Want You. Maurice, can you come to the boathouse already? Alec has no power to teleport you there. I hold one card that I can't use.
I found you. I found the door, but when I stepped through, there was no floor. He found Maurice, bit he's not being here for Alec.
You're coming back And it's the end of the world We're starting over And I love you, darling And I am done, dear
Alec wishes this would happen. Also, he does come back later and they love again over, and "it is finished".
Credit for suggesting the next two songs goes to @beatle-capaldi!!! He also wrote was in quotations!
English Summer Rain
The Most Radical Thing To Do
Hinahanap-Hanap Kita. 1st letter, he's looking for Maurice. Thinking about them together.
In my thoughts and dreams, in every turn of destiny, I look for you. Also applies to that hotel/post-hotel feeling. I look for you, even if I try to forget you, saying goodbye, looking back...
Wildest Dreams. They think a lot of each other. They share once more. But they must say goodbye. Alec saw this coming. Maurice hopes that Alec will remember him like this.
I Hear a Symphony. Alec truly opened up Maurice's eyes. Maurice was meant to be with him. He helped Maurice, changed his life. But now Alec is leaving on ship... Or is he? The symphony leads into...
An orchestral sountrack. The Boathouse. Unfortunately the Maurice soundtrack is not on spotify. It's on my personal YouTube music version. I added it because it just captures the boathouse the only way the sountrack itself can.
The Word of Your Body (Reprise). MLM people have moment of romantic tension, which culminates in confessions of love. Just had to add it. "Haven't you heard the word of your body?" perfectly describes Alec gifting and showing Maurice the wonder of truest physical affection and love. He lets Maurice be okay with himself, and again, changes everything. Every lyric is perfect.
Also, sorry JBW, I like other versions more... Too bad Spotify is mean.
I See The Light. Yeah. Every lyric. Maurice is Rapunzel. Movie Blond too. Both the morning at Russet room and the museum. And the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything is different, now that I see you. "By now they were in love with each other consciously."...
Suddenly Seymour. Suddenly see more, yeah? Clive = ass and someone gives him affection for once, wow! Sidenote, I want to sing this with them and their accents... Suddenly SCUDDER...
Helpless. Musical theatre songs seem to be good retellings of their love story. It's why they belong in post boathouse. Summaries and retellings. They're also good at conveying love they'd feel for each other in general, all times ever. Like loving men, retelling a story.
I'll Cover You. Cute love song feat. gays. I like to imagine them dancing around, declaring their love and devotion for each other. Walking and dancing around like in the original scene, sometime post canon. In my own imagination, I thought of Alec as Angel and Maurice (Christopher) as Collins.
Video Games. They must love spending time together. I thought this to be Maurice POV. Only worth living if somebody is loving you I mean, come on.
It's you, it's you, it's all for you. Everything I do. I tell you all the time, heaven is a place on Earth with you.
Un sospiro. I headcanon that Maurice picks up the piano and plays for Alec. Perhaps he picked it up bc of/after Clive, but now can play it for someone who gives a shit.
Something about the melody reminds me of them. And then it gets more intense... A bit like the passions of love, showing up in sharing and touch and more, too.
Liebestraum. I mean, it means love dream/dream of love. I just had to. Also I just like Liszt.
Take Me Up With You, Dearie. This song is just so sweet... So soft... Edwardian to boot... I love how quintessentially 1909 it is. Discovered it in a YT video. The thought of them getting married makes me cry. This song in general makes me want to cry, it's so romantic, tender, and exudes my favourite era...
Let us float, float, float through the clouds, and just have a lot of fun. We'll go up, up, up as two and then come down as one.
Put Your Head on My Shoulder. We Belong Together. I always imagine Maurice and Alec slowdancing to songs that come on the radio together, when the 1950s hits... Alec probably rests his head on his shoulder as this plays and they dance...
I'm using a lot of ellipses, am I secretly Rupert Graves?
Welcome to the 70s and 80s. They love dancing together and being with each other. Now, Panalangin can be a happy song. My only prayer for this lifetime ... To be together with you. And this heart won't allow if you will be away from me.
Just the Two of Us. What a nice, vibey song. Great title, great scenario of them dancing to this...
Tiny Dancer. Your Song. MLM people in the 70s + Radio, being happy and in love with each other. — I just thought I should add some Elton. A different friend, and I, like him. Maurice sings to Alec, "And you can tell everybody this is your song." That I put down in words how wonderful life is with you in the world.
Electric Love. Fun fact: this song got me to share the playlist. Got me thinking about them and their anniversary again. The funky busy instrumental describes well their passionate love. The highs of electric LOOOOOOVE describe the intensity of them.
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Alt text continued: themselves together under and the love. And the love. The song has its own tension and it perfectly pictures their own tension. So yeah, this is THEIR song quite literally.
Sorry if my music taste is perhaps basic. I just made it for when I hear songs that are Them.
Falling for Ya. Alec falls for Maurice. "I saw you when you first drove up, Mr Hall..." Something about Maurice, right? Plus really nice vintage vibes with the music. The bit about Into your arms and it's a secure sure sounds like Maurice. Awh, they're falling for *each other*...
Rainbow Connections. Gay and bi people. Marriage. Everything that Maurice and Alec went through to get here, where they were meant to be. Clive. Working for Clive. Leading up to now.
All the things that had to go right, all the things that had to go wrong, that lead us to the place where we were going all along.
On the YT version there's a soft/jazzy cover of Panalangin here. Because they're old and spending time together and being happy. What a throwback, a defined meaning in their lives over time.
Still Into You. After all these decades... Old and grown, together... True soulmates... Two men can defy the world... Maurice and Alec still roam the greenwood. Imagine Maurice meeting Alec's mom in this context. If only.
Postmodern Jukebox cover, because they are a quintessentially 20th century couple. They exude vintage.
Some piano playing for Alec. Soft, tender, romantic, emotional, true. Feels like nighttime. Feels like Maurice and Alec. And a throwback to the pre 1914 world as well. Claire de Lune feels like... A credits of life piece. Time spent in the early 1980s. Nocturne feels like that too, but more romantic. Smidge less nighttime. Ah yes, Gymnopédies. The truest credits feel of them all. None of these actually are credits for Maurice and Alec, but I struggle to find the word for this feeling. But yeah. These all have Them vibes to me. Piano of the time just does I suppose. Glad to be reminded of them at any time.
What a long playlist. Like going through almost their whole lives together. 1:52 hrs. Almost like a movie. Imagine that. A full movie of THEIR lives... But leaving to the imagination was a good thing. Led to this such action. Thank you E.M. Forster.
1. Pendersleigh
4. & 5. Russet Room. Night, then Morning
9. Cricket
10. Boathouse Nights
18. The Museum
20. The Hotel
21. After
23. The Boathouse
24. They Still Roam the Greenwood
I just like to imagine them dancing to songs on the radio, for decades to come...
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pacifymebby · 3 years
What is your favourite novel/story of all time?
Like what’s your favourite book story?
Like give me a list of ur top five books
or like ur must reads.
And then like most heartbreaking reads?
Most exciting reads?
Most liberating read?
Couldn’t put it down read?
Idk just fucking tell me what u like to read just fucking fuck me already
Even better- what’s ur favourite lyrical story like a poem that’s a song ygm.
It's taken me so long to answer these but!!! My favourite ask omg!!!
My favourite novel? Oh god so hard!!
I think one of my favourite books ever is Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
There's going to be more than 5! Sorry!!
1. The Birds - Daphne Du Maurier its a short story and the collection of stories is ace but this is just haunting and uncanny and I really really want you to go and read it outside somewhere you can hear birds because Holy Shit does that really make it!!
2. Greif is the Thing With Feathers - Max Porter, it's his debut, its inspired by Ted Hughes Crow and its divine. Poetic and moving and just ugh. Its a sit down and read all in an hour book too it's just ugh ❤️
3. Communion - Bell Hooks, it's non fiction, every woman should read this, it will SPEAK to your soul and like the inner 17 year old who is lost and obsessed with needing to find someone who loves you/will look after you. It's just wonderful. It talked me out of a really subtly abusive relationship too it's great.
4. Self Help - Lorrie Moore. Again these short stories will just speak to you. They're clever they're sarcastic and they're just wonderful. It's feminism but subtle and not like, the point of the stories isn't inherently feminist, it's stories that you can tell we're written by a woman. They could only have been written by a woman.
5. The Waves - Virginia Woolf is just so melodically written. The rhythm is hypnotic I love it.
6. Despair - Nabakov IT'S SO CLEVER AND UNCANNY AND subtly horrifying? Love it!
7. Anna Karenina - Tolstoy, tbh I love Tolstoy and this and War and Peace are two of my absolute favourite books ever!!! They're incredible, he genuinely was a huge genius.
8. Idk whether u know this but I'm a massive trot and everything trotsky wrote about the October Revolution is a big rec from me.
9. My Brilliant Friend - Elena Ferante
I really love how she captures girlhood and the pains of growing up. The class themes too, the whole thing is great and I've seen a lot of hate for this book but it's totally undeserved!!
💔💔Most heartbreaking reads 💔💔
Grief is the Thing With Feathers - I kmow I've mentioned this but I cried and cried and cried.
I also found Jack Kerouacs On the Road to be heartbreaking in many ways, sorrow is the main theme which really runs through the work of the beats. Bohemia was a heartbreaking world to be a part of. The reality of the lives of the beats were bleak and aching and full of yearning. Women were carted off to asylums for expressing themselves! The men were drug and alcohol dependent. They were hopeless and the hope in their writing flows directly from this defeated, down an out, beat attitude.
Anyway it's very sad actually, on the road is a tragedy and a celebration of tragic lives, a weak attempt at preserving doomed young men.
It made me cry anyway, I'll shut up now.
White Nights - Fyodor Dostoevsky
It's just sad ya know, I'm a big simp for loneliness. Anything with a lonely feeling to it is good, those heartache sorrow pains you know. Love it.
Little Women killed me!! I love this book but oh man the pain the pain in my fragile heart
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo + the phantom of the opera - Gaston Leroux
Both of these are melancholic and dark in a very French way and I adore them both but God are they sad. Phantom is darker and more tense than the musical but i also find it more sad? It broke my heart anyway.
Les mis is obviously heartbreaking, no one is picking that up and expecting happy.
Most exciting Reads
Dark Materials!! Philip pullman. Read these as a kid when other kids were into Harry Potter and like, I think it's the reason am how I am. It's more violent and the symbolism is great but also enchanting. The idea of having your own daemon and an alithiometer to ask whatever question u like. Be amazing!! Also the shitting on the church, I enjoyed the massive conspiracy about the Catholic Church. Love it.
The Hobbit /Lord of the Rings
I guess I don't really need to sell these because everyone knows these books but they're just such wonderful stories. Again I read them as a child and I just adore them! I used to spend all my days as a child thinking these books over and over and just ugh <3
Good Omens - Terry Pratchet/Neil Gaimen.
I read this in two days its so so gripping and good and funny and entertaining has to be one of my favourite books ever!!! It's about an angel and a demon who have been on earth since the end of time and they are best friends (gay for eachother) and they have to save the world from the antichrist who is born in a little English village. It is wonderful.
So this is a Greek comedy, it's great. I read it for college and just loved it!! It's about a woman denying all the men sex in order to end a war. What more can you want.
The Secret History - Donna tart
This isnt so much exciting like a thriller but u do really get sucked in, I couldn't put it down once I got into it. Starts slow but the characters are brilliant wee antiheroes. You can't stand anyone but u really are invested and you need to know what happens. You get to the end of the book and they're still a little bit of a mystery. You wanna know them in depth but u can't possibly and I love that.
Most Liberating Reads
Communion Bell Hooks - this was liberating and beautiful it taught me so much about myself and about womanhood and the challenge of love in a modern world. Wanting love in a feminist world which teaches you love is about submission when it! Isn't! It was freeing to read.
Little Birds Anais Nin
It's a collection of erotic short stories, I just love that at the time if men like Henry Miller Anais nin was earning her money writing erotica and like, that's just cool ya know?
How to be an Other Woman - Lorrie Moore
Idk man there's just something about this short story it's just, men are trash but you will be fine. I think the way she describes how a man can ruin you but you can come out superior in a way, is just. There was something about it that was nice and freeing. I find freedom in knowing I'm not the only one going through heartache. Communion in ur suffering its a religious experience and its freeing as fuck.
Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn Henry Miller
The man was a cunt but, the thrill of bohemian Paris is just divine and I love how spirited a writer he is. I felt on top of the world and like I could go off and escape my misery after reading these!
The Second Sex - simone de beauvoir
I had read so many people who referenced this before I read it but God they were right, it's incredible. It's striking too.
Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch
This is sick, and I know I sound like a Red Scare hoe reccing this book but it says so much about modern society considering how it was written at the end of the 60s. It just spoke to me and it did feel freeing, I felt freed from the constrictive kind of culture we now live in. I love it. Some of it isn't great, some of it is dated and u think "shit Christopher be quiet!!" but the bits he gets right are incredible.
Confederacy of Dunces - Liberating because its just funny, spent the whole time reading it giggling.just daft 💖💖
Couldn't put it down read
I very recently read In the Miso Soup by Ryu Murakami and it was really really intriguing and horrifying and just wow. Could not put it down, dreamt about it. Was nuts.
The Shining - Stephen King again just gripping and haunting ya know. Couldn't stop reading it for even a second.
I actually also read Lolita in like two days because it was gripping and I was horrified but also captivated by the whole thing!
The Turn of the Screw - Henry James haunting, gripping. Anything haunting I tend to have to read all in one go tbh.
So poems and lyrics and stuff, this is gonna be tricky but, Pushkins poetry is very lyrical and song like and I am a sucker for that.
My favourite poets are Dylan Thomas and Seamus Heaney and Sylvia Plath though. I find Seamus Heaneys imagery and story telling is gorgeous and it really conjures an image and like communicates it beautifully.
Sylvia is emotive poetry hers are like chaotic little lyrics.
And a lot of Dylan Thomas poetry is lyrical and beautiful. Some of the lines in his are gorgeous.
Thank you for this ask I would love to talk to anyone and everyone about books this is my favourite subject!! ❤️❤️❤️
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ladyespera · 3 years
OBviously i'm sending you dmc for the blorbo ask game
you ask me about my favorite current interest even though it is not your own? you ask me like a good mutual? oh! oh! hearts for as-dreamers-do! hearts for as-dreamers-do for a thousand years!!!!!!! (jkjk obviously i'm still interested in all kinds of things but this week is dmc love)
ANYWAYS~ (this is gonna be a mess bc my brain is a tired distracted wreck)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) AGONY they're all my faves but if we're being 10000% honest based on my art/writing....vergil i guess. even though i love dante too with my whole heart and soul i PROMISE. vergil is just my mental health comfort character (though honestly if my day is getting too bad...nope time to resort to dante bc vergil isn't very healthy). also his sword is just SO COOL i want a katana that can cut space. and he wears old-fashioned clothes! and talks kinda formal! and has sorta skinny jeans legs! i am (mildly) represented.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) nero. perfect, precious, protect at all costs. foster dad loves girlfriend steady job somehow holding the single sparda braincell. setting standards for genuinely good men and tbh that's only a handful of characters for me. has done nothing wrong ever. got blue translucent wings thru the power of love. angry at all times. feral child. i love him (both dmc4&5 versions).
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) i feel like kyrie is underappreciated by capcom AND NEEDS MORE CONTENT ON SCREEN c'mon all our fanfics out here doing all the heavy lifting.
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(also someone please get her better outfits ASAP she looks like she can't decide whether she's going to a funeral as a 40 yr old widow or to a wedding 😩)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) I KNOW PATTY ISN'T AN OBSCURE FAVE IN CANON AS A WHOLE but in the videogames she's only there as a voice for like 10 seconds and i need more of her. also my non-dmc friends must be so confused whenever i talk about the weapons as if they were people. (oh look, yamato, rebellion, ebony and ivory, blue rose, beowulf...etc.)
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) he isn't problematic, unpopular, nor controversial, but he sure is pathetic...Vergil my beloved. sir ur comic literally saves me.
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) i think i do this to vergil. i'm sorry. we're in this together.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) mundus is already in hell and if i were to see him again i wouldn't send him to superhell i'd strangle him with my own two hands i would kill him i hate him so much if he ever lays a finger on any of my boys again it's on SIGHT. angus and sanctus and arkham can all go to superhell tho. plus sid and that random rapey prison guard in dmc anime and whatever that villain in dmc2 was called who was so boring i forgot his name.
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