#love that freeze response
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jadetheblueartist Ā· 8 months ago
RAHHHHHHHHHH I AM AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE!!!! šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā—ļøāš ļøāš ļøāš ļøšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø I CANNOT BE CONTAINED!!!!!!
(I managed to tell a family member ā€œI donā€™t like being touchedā€ at the family function)
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untangling-my-headphones Ā· 9 months ago
It's so insane that the interaction in episode one goes Charles bringing up how Death would separate them if she caught them and Edwin is the one to say he would never let them happen as if he doesn't passenger princess his way through every vaguely tense interaction or moment of conflict they get into
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flicklikesstuff Ā· 4 months ago
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ā€œMaybe the flash was to blame. Or maybe itā€™s his shrunken state that gave the looming witch the illusion of being exactly 10 feet tall.
Whatever it was, it had flicked something within. Suddenly, he was no longer a lizard. Nor a great, powerful wizard. Not even ā€œRick Shades.ā€
He was a little Gourami.
Only 12 years old. Eyes wide and unobscured. Skin smooth from the lack of scars. But most of all, untainted by the horrors.
And unlike that little Gourami, he was entirely aware of whatā€™s coming for them. He could warn the 12 year old. Maybe save them even. Tell her that continuing this approach is a bad, BAD, VERY TERRIBLY BAD IDEA!!
But he couldnā€™t.ā€
My inspiration pieces: :)
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i3utterflyeffect Ā· 8 days ago
Alan might try to hide when King isn't looking at him. King closes a window and sees his desktop pet huddled on the ground. Picks him up and shakes him a few times, but he doesn't respond. Time to just send him back to the storage chest for now.
Years later he sees Alan freeze with fear and realizes "oh. that's what he was doing..."
Yeaaah. Feels pretty terrible when he realizes that was a fear response! Doesn't really know how to respond to it as a stick though... usually avoids it! he usually avoids his problems if it's not something he's really angry about (or if he's confronted with an issue post-avm s3 that he's concerned he'll get really angry about)
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lmelodie Ā· 1 month ago
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Toxic old man yaoi is one thing sure, but toxic milf yuri??? Let's GOOO
I saw redraws of that one Archie comic panel and because its February I wanted to do it with my GIRLS (because switching the genders fit better to me lol. Excuse to draw more Milf!Jackie YES PLEASE)
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thatswhatsushesaid Ā· 6 months ago
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it is a crime against me personally that i have to leave this place, every year
clings to the dock šŸ˜­ donā€™t make me go back, i donā€™t wanna
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sskk-manifesto Ā· 8 months ago
#Fifteen episode 2. Mmmmmmhhhhhh#The animation quality DOES get worse. This episode shows it lol#So many static frames stretching for so long... I feel so sorry for the animators.#I still stand by the fact that if studios can't provide enough budget or time to their animators seasons simply shouldn't be released.#But after all who am I to talk...#The scene of Dazai shooting at the soldier makes my blood freeze. Rimbaud throwing books in the fire is equally upsetting#Like I /know/ it's an anime about literature with constant metafiction referencesā€“#and that this too has a symbolic meaning and is *supposed* to be upsetting but that said.#Seeing whole books being thrown in the fire is such a disturbing sight that calls for such a visceral response in me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#The amv opening is nice! Makes me even more bitter about season 5 one lmao. Of the kind#ā€œnot only we had to get a amv opening (((while we deserved a wholly ss/kk focused opening)))ā€š we even got a bad amv ending at thatā€#Mmmmhhhh I hateeeeeee how they handled the Sheep šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Seriously this is just another bug instance of#ā€œme and the author have WHOLLY different views of what human nature is likeā€#I just... Don't think... Children joining together in an hostile environment would act like that. I'm so much more of a t/pn kind of guy.#Children who come together to survive would protect each other and especially would trust each other. Why is there such a big lack of trust#Why doesn't Shirase trust Chuuya? Why doesn't Chuuya trust Shirase (with handling more information)? It's just dumb#It's dumb. It sounds stupid from the very plot aspect that Chuuya would act so shady and suspicious with the Sheep instead of being openā€“#about what his course of action is. It's like he was trying to have them turn on him. It's stupid of Shirase to mistrust Chuuyaā€“#when in eight years he never gave them any reason to doubt of him.#And I know right as I'm writing this that someone is going to read it and think ā€œyou're completely missing on the unbalance of power thatā€“#creates these dynamics of lack of trustā€ but the thing is exactly that I don't see why that unbalance of power would ever come to be!#They're all just kids. They're aware of that. If Chuuya never had malicious intentions towards Shiraseā€š I don't see why he would ever fearā€“#his betrayal. Likewiseā€š I don't see why Shirase and the other Sheep members would ever be so manipulative and disrespectful towardsā€“#Chuuya if he's been nothing but kind to them (and we have no reason to think otherwise)?#It all comes down to: I think people are inherently good and willing to help each other. The author thinks not lmao. It is what it is#But I wish you could see t/pn. Where kids are constantly trying to outwit each other in order to OUT-SACRIFICE THEMSELVES for the others lo#I love t/pn it's my life... I miss it#random rambles#And if anyone would like to argue that Dazai specifically set them off to betray each other... Yes I DO understand that's what the storyā€“#is suggesting. I just don't think Dazai - for how good. and infallible he is - is enough to scrape long-term relationships of trust.
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lith-myathar Ā· 6 months ago
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lumioluna Ā· 2 months ago
sometimes i really get caught into thinking "oh if i had a partner life wouldn't be this hard, i would have someone to count on, someone to share my burdens with" and as much as this is partially true when you have a serious committed relationship, i also think i need to remember (more like engrave in my brain) that no matter how loving of a partner i can be lucky enough to find, if i don't stop running away from my own life, i'll never start living it. like, letting myself be consumed by the thought of love and a relationship is sometimes really a desperate attempt to find a way out of difficult things that feels "safe" enough to look innocent: of course a loving partner would want to protect you, that's not a bad thing. but a partner must not be a refuge from life, that would be of no good, no help. that would be detrimental to both my own life and my partner's. a supportive partner would be one to propel me towards life, to help me come out of the impenetrable protective shell i built around myself, to be able to work through my fears with the idea that I'm not alone and especially not helpless. a healthy and supportive partner would be empathetic and tender with me but would help me stand on my own two feet, would see the obstinate resilience and strength in me especially when I can only see fragility and defencelessness.
I feel like sometimes I want someone big and protective to shield me from everything sharp and harsh and difficult, but instead I need someone who will take my hand and say "hey, things will be alright, let's just move towards life together, one little step at a time"
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satanic-foxhole-court Ā· 2 years ago
I often think of Andrewā€™s lows in the way dissociation, or more accurately derealisation and depersonalisation, can be. For some itā€™s not retreating into the mind but feeling like your sense of the world go numb, as if everything is covered in cotton and your sense of self leaking away to an empty dead state. Thatā€™s how I see Andrew for some aspects of his depression. Being so out of it that itā€™s hard for him to properly grip something with his hands, so out of it he canā€™t even feel the panic that would normally cause because he couldnā€™t defend himself like that. Just laying to rot in bed barely able to move.
Dissociation for some isnā€™t being able to escape the situation thatā€™s caused it, itā€™s distancing everything in the moment and then for some forgetting later. With Andrewā€™s memory I doubt heā€™d forget, I think heā€™d hate how defenceless it makes him and in some ways thatā€™s already represented in how he does what you might consider grounding techniques (smoking mostly).
Depersonalisation and derealisation is an experience folks with complex PTSD can have, for me that aligns a lot with how I see Andrew and how he works (of course bipolar too but thatā€™s not my area). Iā€™m soft with the HC of Andrew learning to be more grounded with the world, feel safe to not shut everything down and have things with Neil to help him ground
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lapdogchase Ā· 1 year ago
almost got hit by a car tonight šŸ¤© /srs
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mars-ipan Ā· 4 months ago
i keep wondering why iā€™ve been feeling mildly nauseous when i get tired lately . and then remembered that that nausea is common symptom of anxiety attacks for me. and that i have been trying to determine if iā€™m having an anxiety attack for the past few days
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habitual-creatures Ā· 6 months ago
Do you know about Halloween horror nights and any of the icons/lore, Evan/Habit?
Well, a little... not as much as I'd like. Haha...
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mutalune Ā· 2 years ago
Iā€™m not a fan of ā€œwell this character had it worse actually :/ā€œ opinions tbh, esp when youā€™re lowkey making that judgment call based on what you personally think would be worse rather than by any objective measure (as there is no objective measure of suffering nor can there ever be if u ask me)
also b/c it ainā€™t gotta be the suffering Olympics babes itā€™s 2023 everyoneā€™s out here suffering and itā€™s all valid and even little-t-trauma can fuck some ppl up whereas Big-T-Trauma can be brushed off by some ppl, itā€™s really up to the individualā€™s perception of ā€œhow badā€ something was and their own responses and resiliency.
if u ask me it really doesnā€™t benefit anyone to belittle other peopleā€™s suffering (Aziraphaleā€™s) just b/c you think another person (Crowley) had it worse, ESPECIALLY when that Another Person (Crowley) would probs be the first to comfort the first personā€™s (Aziraphaleā€™s) suffering and give them a big cup of cocoa and a soft blanket ā˜•ļø
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cxldtyrant Ā· 1 year ago
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@saiyanandproud asked: "Lord Cooler, pardon the... uh, grim question, but I was going through some old history notes from home and got curious. Do Arcosians have royal funerals or stuff like that?"
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          The Emperor paused from his research at the Earthlingā€™s inquiry, raising his scarlet gaze to see Marikoā€™s inquisitive expression from the reflective screen with a raised brow. Of all the questions she could have asked (whether sensible or outlandish, it was always a gamble whenever it came to Mariko), one regarding Arcos funerary practices had never crossed his mind. Nonetheless, he didnā€™t mind indulging her curiosity in his culture, and with Isa away on reconnaissance duty with Salza, he understood he was the only other Arcosian on the shuttle she could approach in regard to her interest.
         Cooler closed the system screen temporarily, turning in his seat to face the young woman as he acknowledged the question. ā€œIt is unexpected, but not necessarily grim. Death is a natural part of life, and every living creature must confront it in one way or another. Arcos is no different,ā€ he remarked a matter-of-factly, straightening his posture as he placed his arms over the armrests. ā€œHowever, we do not necessarily view death as being the end. Our lives may eventually be gone, but the essence of our existence will remain, and our legacy will live on throughout our bloodline. As such, we choose to venerate those who have died rather than mourn.ā€
          ā€œWhen an Arcosian passes away, a funeral is held to commemorate their life. Funerals are often private affairs, and each are handled differently. Some will choose to simply have a quiet congregation with close-knit kin, while others choose a more lavish celebration with a larger gathering. When it comes to my family, we usually fall along the latter, as my father often chooses to host grand festivities with the nobility to celebrate the life of the deceased. And occasionally, he may also grant our subjects a day off to join us in remembrance.ā€
          And by occasionally, Cooler meant that it was entirely dependent upon his fatherā€™s mood, which he personally believed was ridiculous but unsurprising in the least. His father often thought very little of the subjects he was meant to rule and care for, especially the lower classes. The Prince fought the urge to scoff at that as he continued.
          ā€œOnce the funeral ends, we will then commence the burial. For the Cold Clan in particular, we choose to entomb their remains in ice and place them beneath our family catacombs. The freezing temperature on Arcos will allow the ice to remain frozen, preventing the decay of their corpse and providing a permanent display their image for their descendants to admire. Their tombs will also have a decorative altar for worship, allowing our family to pray for guidance or leave an offering for good fortune.ā€
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          ā€œMost noble families usually choose this method of burial. And from what I understand, as the lower classes usually donā€™t have their own family mausoleums, they will have their kin buried in public gravesitesā€”though for home worship, I believe they can request the skull or horns of their kin for their household altar. It is incredibly important that an altar has something of the deceased upon it, otherwise they cannot be properly revered by their descendants. Which is why burial methods on other planets, such as cremation, is considered taboo by my people...with certain exceptions, of course.ā€
          Cremation was a fate that only the most shameful deserved. That those who besmirched their bloodline and shamed their family name were to be condemned. To have no remains for burial was considered a fate worse than death itself for the deceased. By lacking the body, or even just the bones, their link to the living was thought to be severed forever, and they were damned to be eventually forgotten by all as their names were scrubbed from the lineage they disgraced. A death beyond death. True oblivion.
          Hm. Perhaps the topic was slightly grim on that account.
          The tyrant gave a little chortle, before he regarded Mariko with a small smirk. ā€œThere is certainly more to our funerary rites and rituals, but I would be going on forever if I continued to discuss them,ā€ he remarked, his inflection reflecting mild amusement. ā€œIf you are still curious, I recommend waiting for Isaā€™s return. Perhaps she will lend you a book on Arcos history and its customs. I guarantee you will find it an enlightening, if peculiar, read.ā€
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nonuggetshere Ā· 2 years ago
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