#love me to death la sombra
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Round 1 Part 1 Poll 4

La Sombra is badass and beautiful and might be a necromancer or at the very least fond of them.
Jacky is from a book series I read as a kid. she dresses up as a boy, makes other boys think they're gay, kisses girls, becomes a pirate, starts a theater, has adventures, becomes a consort to Zheng Yi Sao. I love her.
#battle of the captains#tournament polls#round 1#la sombra#love me to death#love me to death la sombra#webcomics#webtoon#comicblr#jacky faber#bloody jack series#bloody jack#bookblr
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Love Me to Death Season 1 Finale Reactions:
La Sombra: ur back in san guadario
#after all he did to get them out of this place#he’s right back where he started#love me to death#love me to death reactions#enrique#la sombra
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Lost In Translation | Pt1

The JYPE cafeteria was buzzing with the usual midday rush. Groups of idols from various departments mingled, chatting and laughing, their voices creating a lively hum that filled the room.
You, soon to be known to the public as Dulce, walked into in the midst of this lively atmosphere with your soon to debut group, Sol y Sombra.
There was only four of you, two guys and two girls, which made you slightly uneasy; as you guys would be setting a new precedent in the company as not only a co-ed group; but as a completely foreign group; and as JYPE's first fully Latin American group.
What had started out with the intent to make a fully Latin girl group had become a co-ed venture. One that the company hoped would gain a lot of attention and positive traction; and based on the reaction during and even after the survival show- it was.
As you walked in beside your group members the conversations nearest to you died down slightly.
You looked up at your older members, but they continued to chat animatedly, not noticing the quieted conversations or the wide-eyed lingering stares.
You figured if your members weren't bothered, you wouldn't be either.
The array of colors from the different foods to the colors of the walls and clothes made it feel like a vibrant kaleidoscope of activity. And for a second it reminded you of home.
Your leader - Marz - led you to a long table by a window; where the sun was beating down the brightest. You watched as the other girl in the group, Vega, who you had already latched on to and deemed your older sister - (to which she gladly held that title) - sat down next to him and smiled outside at the sun.
"Mm. I miss the sun." She murmured her eyes shut, and her glossed lips upturned. "I miss the beach too."
"There are beaches here, no?" The last member, Jax, your lead dancer asked as he sat down next to you, slinging his arm over your chair lazily as he bit into an apple with a slight face at the sourness.
"Si, pero no es el mismo." She quipped sticking her tongue out. (Yes, but it's not the same)
The conversation soon switched to Vega was animatedly discussing the latest drama series she’d been watching while Marz chimed in with his own thoughts on the plot twists.
"I wasn't expecting him to wake up from the coma. I was sad when it first happened, pero, then I was like 'esto está bien'! Like she could end up with that other guy, pero, then he woke up and didn't remember shit, yet she still was like 'oh I love you'." Vega angrily stabbed a piece of sald onto her fork. "I was rooting for the other guy! And this all happened in the first three episodes! There are thirteen left what am I supposed to expect!"
"Expect her to end up with the first male lead after four miscommunications, seven almost confessions, three breakups, and like two or more almost near-death experiences, one revealing of some like conglomerate royalty and some salty bitch who is in it to ruin everything. If you're lucky maybe you got one of the dramas with like a time rewind." Marz said as he shoved an entire sandwich into his mouth. "K-Dramas are all like that. Kinda like Telenovelas, but not-" He said around his mouth full of food.
"Oye, estamos bajo la mirada pública, no seas un cerdo." You watched (aye, we're under the public gaze, don't be a pig.) as Marz slunk away from the older girl's slap.
"No uses, Vega, él nació y creció siendo uno." You commented. (No use Vega, he was born and raised one)
Marz pouted and stole a piece of melon off your plate. "Oye, soy tu superior, ¿no deberías darme un poco de respeto?" (Hey, I'm your senior shouldn't you give me a little respect?)
You giggled as he stole another piece of melon off your plate and popped it into your mouth.
"Hey!" You said reaching over the table to steal something off of his plate.
That started a small food war between you and Marz, with Vega trying to calm you guys down due to the increase of onlookers, and Jax just sat back and picked off of your plate as well, stealing the bottle of Tajin you had snuck in from your pocket and using it to sprinkle it across the fruit array.
You didn't notice the plethora of eyes on you guys, as Vega conceded and started join in on the fun.
A pair of narrow fox like eyes narrowed in one your group, then trailed towards the reddish sprinkles he had witnessed one of the guys sprinkle on his fruits like some sort of drug.
By the time you sat down, and the conversation ebbed back to something calmer, you felt the stare.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed a guy standing by the entrance of the cafeteria, where your table was somewhat close to, his gaze fixed on you guys. He looked a bit unsure, shifting from foot to foot as he watched you and your group. You could tell he was intrigued, possibly even a little intimidated by the vibrant energy and the rapid switch between languages.
You recognized him as the maknae of Stray Kids, Yang Jeongin.
You're cheeks flamed and you turned towards your friends.
"¿Qué pasa? You look feverish." Marz said, a hint of concern coating his voice. He was almost five years older than you, and even though he teased you he loved and cared for you deeply as if you were his biological little sister.
Vega's eyes widened and turned to you and Jax placed the back of his hand on your forehead then cheeks.
"I'm not sick!" You whined pulling away from him. "It's just that the Yang Jeongin- like from my absolute favorite group every was looking over here."
"That's incorrect he is actually walking over here-"
"¿¡QUÉ?!?!" You squealed and turned around just to be met with a sheepish smile.
Jeongin took a step closer but hesitated, not sure if your guys cultural norms were extremley different; he didn't want to do anything to offend you. You noticed his uncertainty and gave a friendly wave.
“¡Hola, Jeongin! ¿Te gustaría venir a sentarte con nosotros?”
Jax pinched your side, subtly warning you about the way you addressed your superiors.
"I don't think you're supposed to use first names, idiot". He whispered under his breath.
"It's not like he understood." You whispered back.
Jeongin blinked, momentarily caught off guard. And not understanding any of what you had just said.
"She's asking if you'd like to sit with us." Marz corrected, giving a friendly head nod.
As Jeongin made his way over, he couldn’t help but glance around, noting how the members of your group interacted. Vega, Marz, and Jax were all welcoming, but there was an evident shift in the atmosphere when Jeongin approached. The chatter dipped slightly, and you could sense the curiosity and the subtle tension in the air.
But you all seemed extremely friendly, inviting and warm, nonetheless.
He bowed slightly, as you got up and pulled out the chair next to you.
“¡Claro!” you exclaimed with a bright smile. “¡Ven, siéntate!”
Jeongin took the seat trying to appear casual despite his evident nervousness.
"U-Um, h-hi! I'm I.N... or uh...me-me lla...llam..."
"Me llamo?" Jax asked with a bored expression.
"Uh, we speak English, if that helps!" Vega said warmly, shooting a eyes and lip look at Jax which instantly made him fix his face.
“Oh, um, if it’s okay…” He said shyly. He then continued. “I saw you guys when I walked in...and I don't know if it's rude in your culture but I thought I would come say hello and welcome.” he rubbed the back of his neck.
You shook your head. "No! It's not rude at all! We love meeting new people! Especially people who we will be seeing around, pero, I didn't expect the first person I met at JYP to be you! Es literalmente un sueño hecho realidad. My heart nearly stopped cuando te vi por primera vez pero dios mio in person you're..." You shook your head. "Incredible!"
Jeongin's eyes were wide, but he was smiling. "You switch between languages so quickly, haha." He said gesturing his hands slightly. "I don't know if I could do the same, haha."
"It's not that hard, especially when you've grown up speaking both, preo, it's probably going to be difficult to learn Korean. Vega wants us all to learn even though we don't have to."
Marz tilted his head. "It's beneficial, tonta." You stuck your tongue out.
"Yeah, well it's still hard."
"Just like me-"
"Aye, Jax, para, para." Vega said cutting him off. She turned to Jeongin. "Lo sient- Sorry. They're all kids." She said through her teeth. "But it really is a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure you're aware of the impact your group has on trainees and the like." Her words came out extremley fast, to anyone who wasn't used to a rapid manner of speech; it would almost seem as if she was saying gibberish.
Jeongin smiled and laughed nervously, taking a minute to process. "Ah, yeah yeah!" He said giving two thumbs up. "Yes, yes, Chan-Hyung loves Spanish!"
You smiled, appreciating his attempt to connect. “Sí, Chan siempre ha estado interesado en la cultura española. Es un gran admirador.” (Yes, Chan has always been interested in Spanish culture. He’s a big fan.) You clapped once excitedly. "Maybe we can do a collab one day!" You smiled again, and Jeongin felt a warmth rise in his chest and couldn't help but smile back.
She's like Felix-hyung. Pure sunshine-
Marz reached to grab another piece of fruit off your plate and you quickly slapped his hand, uttering a stream of sharp and grumpy sounding words that Jeongin didn't grasp in the slightest bit.
Ah. Feisty like Seungmin-Hyung as well.
Jax, who had been quietly observing, leaned in slightly. “We’re pretty used to switching between languages; and it's not that we intend to leave people out it's just habitual for us- so don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything translated.” He said gripping and leaning around your chair to Jeongin.
Jeongin chuckled awkwardly. “Thanks. I don’t know much Spanish, so that would be really helpful. By the way, what are your names. And positions?”
Marz spoke up first. "I'm Matthew Hernandez, but my stage name is Marz. I'm the leader of Sol y Sombra." Jeongin's eyebrows raised out how fluidly the accented words flew off of his tongue. "I am also the main rapper."
"I'm Annaliz Vega. But I just go by Vega. I'm the visual and main vocalist, and Mom of the group." She gave a dazzling smile and waved happily.
"Jackson Ximenez. Or Jax. Main dancer and Sub-vocalist."
Jeongin's eyes light up. "Ah, vocals?"
Jax nods. "Yeah, I can rap but this one right here is better." He flicked your head and you questioned him with a look.
You nodded enthusiastically. "Sí, pero, you didn't need to flick my head." You turned back to the Stray Kids maknae. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, but you'll probably just hear me called Dulce. Which is candy, or sweet, depends on dialect." You rambled. "But I'm the lead rapper and maknae." You smiled putting up a finger. "But I'm feisty so, don't let my name fool you completely- ¡Aye! ¡Jackson Joaquin Garcia Ximenez e juro por Jesús, María y José que si no dejas de pincharme, te voy a reordenar los dedos en una obra de arte moderno!" (Hey! Jackson Joaquin Garcia Ximeneze I swear to Jesus, Mary and Joseph if you do not stop poking me I'll rearrange your fingers into a work of modern art!)
Jeongin laughed and then spoke. “Yeah, I’m the youngest in our group too,” Jeongin said, his voice lightening with the shared experience.
You nodded as you turned back to your plate of fruit, frowning when you realized it was almost gone, but hadn't noticed Marz had slipped away to grab you some more, placing it down in front of you with a light head pat.
"Comer." He said, as you were already sprinkling Tajin all over it.
"It’s interesting, though. We usually hear a lot about other groups, but not so much about you guys. It’s a bit intimidating now." He let out another nervous chuckle.
You tilted your head, curious. "Intimidating?" You forked a piece of fruit into your mouth and looked at him as you chewed.
His eyes trailed down to the fruit.
What is that...it looks good...is it rude if I ask for some?
He scratched his head, trying to find the right words and rid the thought of asking a stranger to try some of their food. "Well, yeah. You guys are very beautiful people, and it’s… it’s kind of intimidating because you’re so different from what we’re used to seeing." He paused and then got flustered. "I don't mean that in a mean way- it's just different! We don't get many foreigners here. Now that sounds bad- again you guys don't look weird you're just very different from what we are used to! It's nice though! You are all very very pretty!" He laughed nervously and mumbled what you figured was a curse in Korean.
He was kind of cute when he was embarrassed.
"It's okay you don't have to apologize." Vega assured. "We know what you mean. And there isn't anything wrong! It's made sense even though it's hard to translate that into words pero you did a great job!"
Jeongin shook his head. "Sorry, it came out weird. It's just cool to meet new people we may get to work with and become friends with. I'm sure my other members want to meet you as well! To be honest, I came to the cafeteria cause I heard Channie-Hyung say the new group was here. Some of our songs have a little Spanish in them, but he wanted to wait and ask if maybe you guys would work with us in the future. But he got busy so I thought I'd spy."
You guys all laughed, his face growing more red. "But now I sound stupid. And I'm still intimidated."
Marz laughed softly, breaking the ice. "Oh, don’t worry, Jeongin." We’re really friendly once you get to know us. He paused. "Although, we aren't very in tune with honorifics...is there something we should be calling you?"
He shook his head. "No, no, I think you might be older than me so I should be showing you respect. Not that I'm calling you old- I mean I just figure you seem older than me but not by a lot maybe a year or two-"
"I'm 25, so yes. You're okay though no pressure."
Jeongin nodded, though he still looked slightly unsure. “I hope so. I didn’t mean to make it sound like…”
"No offense taken!" you interjected, your tone warm and reassuring. "We know it’s a bit of a cultural shift for both parties. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."
Jax, sensing Jeongin’s discomfort, gave him a friendly smile. "You’re doing great. Just relax, and we’ll all get along just fine, Nerviosito."
Jeongin tilted his head.
"Yay! You got your nickname!" You giggled, turning back to your snack. "It's because you've been getting flustered and are a nervous wreck. We tend to give nicknames like that. But it's okay because it is all in endearment." You said holding your hand over your heart like it was an oath.
Jeongin nodded, and as you had subtly noticed before, his gaze had drifted towards the sprinkled fruit.
You giggled. "Would you like to try some? You've been eyeing it, pero, you never asked so I didn't know if it was in distaste or curiosity."
"What is it?"
"Tajin." You said pushing the plate towards him and nodding at him encouragingly. He hesistated but then grabbed a piece, and popping the entire thing in his mouth. He chewed for a second and his eyes widened and he chewed faster, already reaching for another.
"Es bueno, ¿verdad?" You chuckled. Jeongin understood the word bueno and nodded happily.
The conversation shifted to more simple territory as you and Jeongin and your group members started discussing common interests. Jeongin mentioned how he was fascinated by different cultures and how he enjoyed learning new things from his international colleagues, and was exited to see more joining. You all shared some anecdotes about life in back at your homes and how it contrasted with your new experiences in Korea.
Throughout the conversation, you couldn’t help but notice the way Jeongin’s awkwardness gradually melted away. He was genuinely interested and made an effort to engage with each of you. It was clear that he was trying his best to navigate this new environment, and his sincerity was endearing, and you hoped this was the start of an amazing friendship.
As the meal progressed, you continued to switch between English and Spanish, with Jeongin listening intently, and Jax providing translation when you didn't catch yourself switching and failed to translate. Vega and Marz kept the conversation lively, occasionally throwing in their own comments in Spanish, which you would then translate for Jeongin if Jax didn't beat you to it.
Towards the end of the break, Jeongin seemed much more at ease. He had become more engaged in the conversation and even started to make jokes, his initial awkwardness replaced by a genuine interest and enjoyment of the company. You could tell that he had begun to see past the initial intimidation and was starting to appreciate the unique dynamics of your group, and was even talking to you as if you had known each other for longer than an hour.
"At this rate you guys are gonna be the most loved friendship in the industry." Vega joked as she started to rid up her plate.
"MaknaeS on top." Jeongin said, causing everyone to break out into laughter.
"Ah, Jeongin-Ah we were looking all over for you." You look up to see Bangchan standing behind Jeongin. He then noticed just with who Jeongin was sitting and conversing with.
"Oh, oh! Hola!" Chan said bowing slightly. "Um, me llamo es Chris-"
"Hyung, they speak English." Jeongin said with the bored expression he had already mastered from Jax, slinging his arm over your chair now that Jax's vacated it.
"Oh, well. Hello, I'm Chris. Or Chan. Or Bangchan." He "hehe"ed and squeezed I.N.'s shoulders lovingly. "Its an absolute pleasure to meet you."
Marz stood up and held his hand out to shake. "The pleasure is ours." They shook their hands firmly.
"So, I see Innie has made some new friends then."
You all nodded. And Jeongin introduced everyone.
"That's Marz. Their leader and main rapper. Vega, visual and vocalist. Jax, main dancer and sub-vocalist, and Dulce the maknae-" You gave each toher a fist bump and salute, Chan chuckling at the secret handshake and friendship you guys had formed so quickly. "And the lead rapper."
Chan's eyebrows raised. "I'd love to hear you rap sometime! It would be so cool if we could have a collab and like a rap verse in Spanish-"
"CHAN-HYUNG!" A loud booming voice was heard, and you turned to see another member of Stray Kids making their way towards his leader. "Seungmin and Felix blew a fuse during their cooking live and now theres a mess because the blender-" He stopped when he noticed it wasn't just him and Chan and Jeongin.
You smiled and waved, and Changbin felt his heart thump wildly at the moment.
He looked around the table to all the ranges of smiles, more closed lipped smiles from Jax and Marz, and wide ones from you and Vega.
His eyes made there way back to you though, the one he had saw first.
She's beautiful...
Chan sighed. "Next time, can you or Minho supervise them during their cooking. I don't trust Hyunjin or Jisung, I feel like for some reason that would be even worse than just leaving Lix and Seungmin alone together." He nodded his head at your group. "Sorry for the early exit, it was lovely meeting you. I do hope you'll come stop by so we can talk more?" He inquired.
Marz nodded. "Yeah, most defintley. We'll be dropping our official debut soon, so it'd be nice to have some Tiktok or Instagram collaborations if it's alright with you and your members."
Chan nodded. "For sure, if your group is anything like what the survival show was like, or what has been going around the company you'll be having people queued up for collabs. Just as long as we're first." He hehe'ed again. "I'm sure Minho is itchy for some more dance inspiration and all the Latin types of dance are beautiful."
Jeongin got up reluctanlty but handed you his phone. "Your number."
"Oh, for sure!" You typed in your number and handed it back to Jeongin; he quickly changed your contact name.
Favorite Maknae 😤🌮❣️
You laughed a breathy laugh. "Gracias, Nerviosito. Tu es mi favorita maknae tambien." (Thank you, [little nervous one]. You are my favorite maknae too.)
Changbin watched quietly, zoning in on the sound of your light laughter. He could already tell that was only one of the laughs your body held, and felt the desire to know what all the other ones sounded like as well.
She's...different. There is something different about her.
Marz sighed and stood up. "C'mon we gotta go into another meeting," he said grabbing your trash and waving bye to Chan, Changbin and Jeongin as you guys started to walk away.
"Otra vez, this is so stupid." You whined, as Marzpushed your head lightly, causing Vega to scold him for "touching her precious baby", and Jax to say something to Vega about you being a literal troll.
Chan, Jeongin and Changbin headed back to where they were working for the day.
"Are those the new trainees?" Changbin inquired, keeping his voice even.
Bangchan nodded. "Yes, I'm surprised they're only just now moving into the company training areas though. I would have figured they'd allow them to meet everyone soon after the surival show while they were training further for debut. But according the management they're set to debut within less than a month, they're pretty talented and I'm guessing the company doesn't want to waste anytime and want to start profiting as soon as possible."
Jeongin nodded. "They showed me their training videos in the studios they were working at. They're really good. But Dulce told me that they were training somewhere else due to language barriers as well. Or at least thats what they were told. I don't know JYP is weird- Dulce thinks he's weird too. She'll get along with Seungmin-Hyung. I mean she even said she aspires to be that blatant with her distaste as Seungmin. Dulce is really funny."
Changbin spoke up. "Dulce?" It felt kind of funny for him to say that.
"Ah. We forgot to do introductions. Sorry, Changbin I got distracted with the blender situation."
"Dulce is the maknae! She was the pretty one-well..."
"They're all pretty, Innie." Chan stated.
"Um...she was the one in white. Sitting next to me."
Changbin made a noncomittal sound of acknowledgement.
Pretty is an understatement... He thought to himself.
"When we get back and clean up I'll ask the guys if they want to work on a few collabs. There is four of them so we could do groups of three, two of us to one of them." Chan nodded in thought. "And then I'll meet up with you and Jisung later becuase I already have some ideas running through my mind about a song collaboration." He aimed towards the other 3Racha member.
"Dulce is a rapper too! So maybe you and her could rap or something!" Jeongin said enthusiastically. "She's super cool I bet you'll love her!"
Changbin hmmed as they opened the door into the studio.
She sounds cool...
"Ah, Felix, Sungmin." Chan groaned, a bright purple liquid sprayed across the walls and over the younger members.
"How the hell does this even happen?"
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
@iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric
@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
@minsungsthirdwheel @everlastingspring143 @joyofbebbanburg
#skz imagines#skz x reader#skz stay#stray kids#skz fluff#stray kids reactions#skz reactions#skz changbin#skz#changbin#stray kids reaction#christopher bang#skz x female reader#skz fic#stray kids chris#stray kids fics#yang jeongin#seo changbin
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You already know that I only upload little things, illustrations about Charles II of Spain here. That's why I take so long to upload content.
Ya saben que sólo subo cosillas, ilustraciones a cerca de Carlos II de España por aquí. Por eso tardo en subir contenido.
El destino de Marie Louise d’Orléans quedó entrelazado con el de España en el tablero de la política europea, donde reyes y princesas eran piezas sacrificadas por la estabilidad de los imperios. La Paz de Nimega, firmada en 1678, puso fin a la guerra entre Francia y la monarquía hispánica, pero Luis XIV, el Rey Sol, supo que la verdadera garantía de su influencia sobre Madrid no sería un tratado, sino la sangre. Así, dispuso que su sobrina, la vivaz y encantadora Marie Louise, se desposara con Carlos II, el rey enfermizo y atormentado, cuyo trono se tambaleaba sobre la decadencia de su propia estirpe.
El 19 de noviembre de 1679, entre los murmullos de la corte y las expectativas de dos reinos, la joven princesa atravesó el umbral de su nueva vida. La España que la recibió no era la dorada visión de sus trovadores, sino una corte sombría, dominada por el luto, la severidad y las intrigas. Sin embargo, Carlos II la amó desde el primer instante con una pasión que ningún rey de su linaje había demostrado antes. Rompiendo siglos de protocolo, almorzaba, cenaba y dormía junto a ella cada día, como si en su presencia encontrara el único refugio contra las sombras de su vida. La idolatraba con una devoción casi infantil, confiando en ella más que en nadie, tratándola no solo como esposa, sino como única amiga en un mundo de desconfianza y complots.
Pero la alegría le estaba vedada. La falta de un heredero se convirtió en un tormento constante para Marie Louise, que soportaba la presión de una corte hostil y la nostalgia de su patria. Su muerte prematura en 1689 dejó a Carlos devastado, un espectro más en su propio reino. Nunca dejó de llorarla, murmurando su nombre entre sollozos, mientras España, como él, seguía desmoronándose en el crepúsculo de su grandeza.
The fate of Marie Louise d’Orléans became intertwined with that of Spain on the chessboard of European politics, where kings and princesses were pieces sacrificed for the stability of empires. The Peace of Nijmegen, signed in 1678, put an end to the war between France and the Spanish monarchy, but Louis XIV, the Sun King, knew that the true guarantee of his influence over Madrid would not be a treaty, but blood. Thus, he arranged for his niece, the lively and charming Marie Louise, to marry Charles II, the sickly and tormented king, whose throne was tottering over the decline of his own lineage.
On November 19, 1679, amidst the murmurs of the court and the expectations of two kingdoms, the young princess crossed the threshold of her new life. The Spain that welcomed her was not the golden vision of its troubadours, but a sombre court, dominated by mourning, severity and intrigue. However, Charles II loved her from the first moment with a passion that no king of his lineage had ever shown before. Breaking centuries of protocol, he had lunch, dinner and sleep next to her every day, as if in her presence he found the only refuge from the shadows of his life. He idolised her with an almost childlike devotion, trusting her more than anyone else, treating her not only as a wife, but as his only friend in a world of mistrust and plots.
But joy was forbidden to her. The lack of an heir became a constant torment for Marie Louise, who endured the pressure of a hostile court and nostalgia for her homeland. Her premature death in 1689 left Charles devastated, one more spectre in his own kingdom. He never stopped crying for her, murmuring her name between sobs, while Spain, like him, continued to crumble in the twilight of its greatness.
By the way, this was one of the songs that accompanied me the most when drawing. LINK
#comics#charles ii of spain#art#digital art#history#historic fashion#habsburgo#maria luisa de orleans#historia de españa
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alejandra pizarnik's árbol de diana [completa]
1. He dado el salto de mí al alba, he dejado mi cuerpo junto a la luz y he cantado la tristeza de lo que nace.
I have leaped from myself into the dawn, I have left my body next to the light and sung the sadness of what is born.
2. Éstas son las versiones que nos propone: un agujero, una pared que tiembla …
These are the versions proposed: a hole, a shaking wall …
3. sólo la sed el silencio ningún encuentro cuídate de mí amor mío cuídate de la silenciosa en el desierto de la viajera con el vaso vacío y de la sombra de su sombra
only thirst silence no chance encounter be careful of me, my love be careful of the silent one in the desert of the traveler with the empty glass and the shadow of her shadow
4. AHORA BIEN: Quién dejará de hundir su mano en busca delbvtributo para la pequeña olvidada. El frío pagará. Pagará el viento. La lluvia pagará. Pagará el trueno.
WELL NOW: Who will stop plunging her hand in searching for the tributes for the forgotten girl? The cold will pay. The wind will pay. As will the rain. And the thunder.
5. por un minuto de vida breve única de ojos abiertos por un minuto de ver en el cerebro flores pequeñas danzando como palabras en la boca de un mundo
just for a moment in this short life to be the one with open eyes for just a minute to witness small flowers in the brain dancing like words in the mouth of a world
6. ella se desnuda en el paraíso de su memoria ella desconoce el feroz destino de sus visiones ella tiene miedo de no saber nombrar lo que no existe
she strips naked in the paradise of her memory she does not know the cruel destiny of her visions she is afraid of not knowing how to name what does not exist
7. Salta con la camisa en llamas De estrella a estrella. De sombra en sombra. Muere de muerte lejana La que ama al viento.
She jumps with her shirt on fire From star to star. From shadow to shadow. She dies a distant death She who loves the wind.
8. Memoria iluminada, galería donde vaga la sombra de lo que espero. No es verdad que vendrá. No es verdad que no vendrá.
Illuminated memory, gallery where the shadow of what I wait for wanders. It's not true that it'll come. It is not true that it won't.
9. Estos huesos brillando en la noche, estas palabras como piedras preciosas en la garganta viva de un pájaro petrificado, este verde muy amado, esta lila caliente, este corazón sólo misterioso.
These bones glowing in the night, these words like precious stones in the living throat of a petrified bird, this beloved green, this hot lilac, this mysterious heart.
10. un viento débil lleno de rostros doblados que recorto en forma de objetos que amar
a weak wind full of bent faces that I slice into objects to love
11. ahora en esta hora inocente yo y la que fui nos sentamos en el umbral de mi mirada
now in this innocent hour the one I once was sits with me on the threshold of my gaze
12. no más las dulces metamorfosis de una niña de seda sonámbula en la cornisa de niebla su despertar de mano respirando de flor que se abre al viento
no more the sweet metamorphoses of a silk girl sleepwalker on the edge of fog her breathing hand awakening like a flower that blooms in the wind
13. explicar con palabras de este mundo que partió de mí un barco llevándome
explain with words from this world that a boat left my self carrying me away
14. El poema que no digo, el que no merezco. Miedo de ser dos camino del espejo: alguien en mí dormido me come y me bebe
The poem that I do not say, the one that I do not deserve. Fear of being two the way of the mirror: someone asleep inside me she eats me and drinks me
15. Extraño desacostumbrarme de la hora en que nací. Extraño no ejercer más oficio de recién llegada.
I miss getting used to to the time when I was born. I miss not having to work anymore as a new arrival.
16. has construido tu casa has emplumado tus pájaros has golpeado al viento con tus propios huesos has terminado sola lo que nadie comenzó
you have built your house you have feathered your birds you've hit the wind with your own bones alone you finished what no one began
17. Días en que una palabra lejana se apodera de mí. Voy por esos días sonámbula y transparente. La hermosa autómata se canta, se encanta, se cuenta casos y cosas: nido de hilos rígidos donde me danzo y me lloro en mis numerosos funerales. (Ella es su espejo incendiado, su espera en hogueras frías, su elemento místico, su fornicación de nombres creciendo solos en la noche pálida.)
Days when a distant word seizes me. I pass through those days sleepwalking and transparent. The beautiful automaton sings to herself, it is loved, tells herself things and stories: a nest of rigid threads where I dance and cry in my numerous funerals. (She is her own burning mirror, she wait for cold fires, her mystical element, she fucks with the names that grow alone in the pale night.)
18. como un poema enterado del silencio de las cosas hablas para no verme
like a poem aware of the silence of things you talk so as not to see me
19. cuando vea los ojos que tengo en los míos tatuados
when you see the eyes I've tattooed on mine
20. dice que no sabe del miedo de la muerte del amor dice que tiene miedo de la muerte del amor dice que el amor es muerte es miedo dice que la muerte es miedo es amor dice que no sabe
she says she doesn't know about fear of death of love says she is afraid of death of love says that love is death is fear says that death is fear is love she says that she does not know
21. he nacido tanto y doblemente sufrido en la memoria de aquí y allá
I've been born so often and doubly suffering in the memory of here and there
22. en la noche un espejo para la pequeña muerta un espejo de cenizas
at night a mirror for the little dead girl a mirror of ashes
23. una mirada desde la alcantarilla puede ser la visión del mundo la rebelión consiste en mirar una rosa hasta pulverizarse los ojos
a view from the gutter a vision of the world resistance consists of looking at a rose until your eyes become dust
24. (un dibujo de Wols) estos hilos aprisionan a las sombras y las obligan a rendir cuentas del silencio estos hilos unen la mirada al sollozo
(a drawing by Wols) these threads imprison the shadows and force them to account for silence these threads unite your gaze with their sob
25. (exposición Goya) un agujero en la noche súbitamente invadido por un ángel
(Goya exhibition) a hole in the night suddenly invaded by an angel
26. (un dibujo de Klee) cuando el palacio de la noche encienda su hermosura pulsaremos los espejos hasta que nuestros rostros canten como ídolos
(a drawing by Klee) when the night palace blazes with beauty we'll bring together the mirrors until our faces sing like idols
27. un golpe del alba en las flores me abandona ebria de nada y de luz lila ebria de inmovilidad y de certeza
dawn ricocheting off flowers leaving me drunk on nothing and on violet drunk with languor and certainty
28. te alejas de los nombres que hilan el silencio de las cosas
you flee from the names that spin the silence of things
29 Aquí vivimos con una mano en la garganta. Que nada es posible ya lo sabían los que inventaban lluvias y tejían palabras con el tormento de la ausencia. Por eso en sus plegarias había un sonido de manos enamoradas de la niebla.
Here we live with a hand to our throat. That nothing is possible the inventors of rain knew this and wove their words into the torment of absence. This is why in her prayers sound like hands in love with the fog.
30 en el invierno fabuloso la endecha de las alas en la lluvia en la memoria del agua dedos de niebla
in the fabulous winter the lament of the wings in the rain in the memory of water in fingers of fog
31 Es un cerrar de ojos y jurar no abrirlos. En tanto afuera se alimenten de relojes y de flores nacidas de la astucia. Pero con los ojos cerrados de un sufrimiento en verdad demasiado grande pulsamos los espejos hasta que las palabras olvidadas suenan mágicamente.
It means close your eyes and swear not to open them as strangers outside feed on the watches and flowers born from your cunning. But with the closed eyes, with vast suffering, we must tempt the mirrors until all their forgotten words sound magical.
32 Zona de plagas donde la dormida come lentamente su corazón de medianoche.
Plague zone where a sleeping woman slowly eats her midnight heart.
33 alguna vez alguna vez tal vez me iré sin quedarme me iré como quien se va
one day someday maybe I will go without staying I'll go like one who's leaving
34 la pequeña viajera moría explicando su muerte sabios animales nostálgicos visitaban su cuerpo caliente
the little traveler died explaining her death while wise nostalgic animals visited her body, still warm
35 Vida, mi vida, déjate caer, déjate doler, mi vida, déjate enlazar de fuego, de silencio ingenuo, de piedras verdes en la casa de la noche, déjate caer y doler, mi vida.
Life, my life, let yourself fall, let yourself hurt, my life, let yourself bond with fire, with naive silence, with green stones in the house of the night, let yourself fall and hurt, my life.
36 en la jaula del tiempo la dormida mira sus ojos solos el viento le trae la tenue respuesta de las hojas
in the time cage the sleeping woman looks at her lonely eyes the wind brings the leave's distant answer
37 más allá de cualquier zona prohibida hay un es pejo para nuestra triste transparencia
beyond every forbidden area lies a mirror for our sad transparency
38 Este canto arrepentido, vigía detrás de mis poemas: este canto me desmiente, me amordaza.
This repentant song, peering out from behind my poems: this song negates me, it silences me.
#alejandra pizarnik#spanish translation#poem#árbol de diana#poetry#quote unquote#conversations with imaginary sisters
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Querida Amalia - Bruses
I've been totally obsessed with this song lately, I highly recommend you go listen to the KEXP live concert. Querida Amalia & Full Concert
Spanish Lyrics (found here)
Hola, ¿ya no me escuchas? Soy esa voz que vive en tu cabeza ¿Por qué me temes? ¿Por qué me ignoras? Por más pastillas que tomes oyes
Que te controla, te tengo presa Ven hazme caso, soy peligrosa Sé que te encanta que te hable así, si no fuera por mi no estarías aquí
Tu padre es un alcohólico, tu madre es narcisista Así que ponte el cinturón, mi niña, y disfruta la vista Que con que no sea bonita como un cuento de hadas No le creas al mickey mouse que no más te dice mamadas
Lo que te voy a contar es muy difícil de escuchar En tu cumple de los 7 la vecina va a tocar Pa' decirte como siempre que si sales a jugar, pero ahora es diferente porque hoy te va a violar
¿Qué fue lo que hice mal? Ya no sirve gritar Este es mi funeral, soy un fantasma, tengo arañas en la panza
(Nadie te puede salvar) oh oh (Nadie te puede salvar) oh oh (Nadie te puede salvar) oh oh
Tus sueños ya no existen, ahora solo hay pesadillas Ya no te asusta la muerte pero te aterra la vida
Los niños de tu edad van a ser unos malditos porque actúan como sicarios con caritas de angelitos
Y perdón que diga esto pero se pone peor Vas a ver a la huesuda cuando cumplas 22, y después de ese suceso te recetará el doctor unas pastillitas blancas Pa' que ya no haya dolor
Y ya no sientes nada, perdóname que no pude hacer nada Nunca pudiste estar enamorada Querida amalia, esta es la última llamada
¿Qué fue lo que hice mal? (¿Qué fue lo que hice mal?) (¿Qué fue lo que hice mal?) (¿qué fue lo que hice mal?) Soy un fantasma, tengo arañas en la panza (¿Qué fue lo que hice mal? Ya no sirve gritar, este es mi funeral, soy un fantasma, tengo arañas en la panza)
Ahora te escribo desde el coma para ver si me escuchas Ando con una pistola Que hermosa, a mí me apunta
Quiero ver a mi abuela ahora que estamos difuntas La tienen en la esquina, dizque por mala conducta
Creo que no aprobé el examen para ser adulta Todos me ven y dicen que soy una puta La vida me folló y yo pedí solo la punta Todas estas sombras me quieren vender mi mood, baby
Perdón que ya no te perdí, perdón que ya no te escribí
Porque me voa' quedar aquí
English Translation
Hey, can't hear me anymore? I am that voice that lives in your head Why do you fear me? Why do you ignore me? No matter how many pills you take, you hear
That it controls you, I have you in prison Come, pay me attention, I'm dangerous I know you love that I talk to you like this. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here
Your father’s an alcoholic, your mother’s a narcissist So put on your seat belt, my girl, and enjoy the view Although it's not pretty like a fairy tale Don't believe in Mickey Mouse cause he only tells you bullshit
What I am going to tell you is hard to hear On the birthday of your 7th the neighbor will ring the door To tell you, like always, if you’ll come out to play But today is different because she will violate you
What did I do wrong? It's no use to scream This is my funeral, I'm a ghost, I have spiders in my stomach
(No one can save you) oh oh (No one can save you) oh oh (No one can save you) oh oh
Your dreams exist no more, now there’s only nightmares Death no longer scares you, but life, it terrifies you
The kids your age will become cunts cause they act like hitmen with the faces of angels
And I’m sorry to tell you this but it gets worse You'll meet Death on your 22nd birthday, and after that the doctor will prescribe you little white pills So there won't be pain anymore
And you won't feel anything. Forgive me, for I could do nothing You could never be in love Beloved Amalia, this is the last call
What did I do wrong? (What did I do wrong?) What did I do wrong? (What did I do wrong?) I'm a ghost, I have spiders in my stomach (What did I do wrong? There's no use in screaming, this is my funeral, I'm a ghost, I have spiders in my stomach)
Now I write you from the coma to see if you will listen I walk around with a gun How beautiful, it points at me
I want to see my grandma now that we have passed They have her in the corner, they say for bad behaviour
I think I didn’t pass the test to be adult Everyone sees me and calls me a slut Life fucked me over and I only asked for the tip All these fans want to sell my mood, baby
I'm sorry I didn't lose you, I'm sorry I didn't write you
(Unintelligible) Because I'm stayin' here
Translator's Note:
This is a literal translation because I don't have a poetic bone in my body and because I want to share Bru's vision not my interpretation
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb:
A delicious and dark gothic romance from bestselling author Romina Garber!
After a mysterious attack claims the lives of her parents, all Estela has left is her determination to solve the case. Suffering from survivor’s guilt so intense that she might be losing her grip on reality, she accepts an invitation to live overseas with an estranged aunt at their ancestral Spanish castle, la Sombra.
Beneath its gothic façade, la Sombra harbors a trove of family secrets, and Estela begins to suspect her parents’ deaths may be linked to their past. Her investigation takes a supernatural turn when she crosses paths with a silver-eyed boy only she can see. Estela worries Sebastián is a hallucination, but he claims he’s been trapped in the castle. They grudgingly team up to find answers and as their investigation ignites, so does a romance, mistrust twined with every caress.
As the mysteries pile up, it feels to Estela like everyone in the tiny town of Oscuro is lying and that whoever was behind the attack has followed her to Spain. The deeper she ventures into la Sombra’s secrets, the more certain she becomes that the suspect she’s chasing has already found her . . . and they’re closer than she ever realized.
Vampires, gothic romance, evil twins, and a haunted house. Estela's life is forever changed when a mysterious incident kills both her parents and 23 other individuals on a train... leaving Estela the sole survivor of the event. Estela has no idea what happened or why she is the only one to make it out alive. She is determined to find out why and when a mysterious invitation from an estranged aunt arrives asking her to come live with her overseas in their ancestral Spanish Castle, la Sombra, Estela agrees. The castle is a gothic, haunted, and mysterious place made only more mysterious when Estela's investigation into her parent's death becomes linked to their past... and a mysterious silver-eyed boy who drinks blood and talks about being trapped in the castle appears. His name is Sebastian and he cannot appear during the day. Sebastian first assumes that Estela is the witch who trapped him but when he realizes she has no idea what he is talking about they reluctantly agree to work together to find the answers into why they are both connected to the house. Yet as they spend more time together a romance begins to bloom... but Estela's family has many more dark secrets than she could have ever imagined and finding the answers to her parents death as well as other family members relationship to her will lead her into a world she never knew... and will ask her if she even wants to know the answers. This was definitely a fun dark gothic romance to read with a touch of haunted house/vampire romance. I love the constant twist and turns in the story and no matter what happened Estela kept digging and trying to find out what happened. Estela was a strong protagonist to read about and she never gave up. I also enjoyed the romance between Sebastian and Estela and how she brought out the best in him while also understood that he would kill for her and that he would do anything to be with her and protect her. It's a great read and one I'd highly recommend for spooky season!
Release Date: July 30,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and St. Martin's Press | Wednesday Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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¿Qué puedo darte? Soy el inasible mar añil vagabundo. Yo doy música no amor, frías y atroces intemperies que en tu pecho se arrumen como albatros que oscurece de un ala el agua lúcida.
Calla. Eres hermoso; sólo escucho rumorar el verano en la ribera.
¿Qué puedo darte? Soy el árbol grande, verde penumbra de olvidados sueños. Libro sólo el saludo de una hoja; mis ramas rumba el viento de la muerte.
Quieto... del viento el amagar no escucho; es mío el árbol, y en mi pecho medra.
Soy el viento. Te tengo. Ido soy, ¿qué es lo que tienes? Sombra sin sustancia. Mas yo te amo, sombra. Libérame. Soy muerte.
What can I give you? I am the unseizable indigo and wandering sea. I give no love but music, cold and terrible airs to darken on your heart as albatross obscures the gleaming water with a wing.
Be silent. You are beautiful; I hear only the summer whisper on the shore.
What can I give you? I am that great tree, the green penumbra of forgotten dreams. I send a leaf to greet you, but no more; my branches rustle in the wind of death.
Be still; I hear no menace in the wind; the tree is mine, and grows about my heart.
I am the wind. I hold you. Iam gone, shade of no substance. What is it you hold? Shadow, I love you. Free me. I am death.
Denise Levertov
#Denise Levertov#literatura estadounidense#poesía contemporánea#diálogo#deseo#sustancia#sombra#inasible#muerte#di-versiones©ochoislas
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'This Ken is the bomb. This Ken is explosive. This Ken is atomic. This Ken is to die for. No, it wasn't that complicated to deactivate the biggest promotional artifact of the year. It was enough to infiltrate enemy territory and make that campaign/marketing strategy that has broken the internet to the greatest glory of Barbie in his race against Oppenheimer his own. his own .
The sociocultural polarization of our days, which makes everything go viral, fully reached the films of Greta Gerwig and Christopher Nolan at the very moment that it was learned of the coincidence in the release date of the adventures of the fantastic plastic doll made flesh and the misadventures of the tragic nuclear anti-hero (in Spain brought forward to Thursday July 20, one day before the rest of the world, it is not going to be that the proximity to the election day of the 23rd discourages them from dropping by the movie theaters).
It is the sixth time that he has been under the command of Christopher Nolan
Since then, the fight for the summer blockbuster – there Tom Cruise leads his true mission impossible – has been intensifying with hilarious memes and increasingly witty comments, depth charges on social networks that do not escape rigorous political reading right now : the question is no longer one of comedy or drama, lightness or intensity, but of a commercial product willing to be exploited as a franchise or auteur cinema with unwavering principles, of woke narrative versus lordly discourse. What a mania with having to choose, with how easy it is to embrace the Barbenheimer.
“I can't wait to see Barbie . I love Margot Robbie, I love Ryan Gosling, I want to see them now!” admits Cillian Murphy. “I don't know what the debate is about, the political turra, although it's not that I have an overwhelming opinion about it either. My advice would be for people to go see both, on the same day. If they are good films, that is what the cinema wins”.
nuclear antihero This antii-Ken is fuming. J.Robert Oppenheimer The New York physicist, engineer and philosopher (1904-1967) was one of the great scientists recruited by the US Army for the Manhattan Project, a weapons program developed between 1942 and 1946 from which the atomic bomb would emerge. Oppenheimer has the dubious honor of having been its ideologue. An unfortunate find that he would end up denying. "I have become death, the destroyer of worlds," he would say in 1965.
The Irish actor (Cork, 1976) does not dodge the bulge, or not at all, when questioned about the controversy. And that he has to defend the rival, as the headliner of Oppenheimer . It is the sixth time that he has placed himself under the command of Christopher Nolan, but the first as the absolute protagonist after a string of brilliant supporting roles, from the psychotic Scarecrow of the Dark Knight trilogy (2005-2012) to the anonymous traumatized soldier of Dunkirk (2017). , going through the heir trapped in a dream that is not his from Origin (2010).
“It took me by surprise. Although I suppose that I always wanted to have the main role in one of his films, what actor would not want to work with Chris, especially if he is such a complex, contradictory and, on top of that, iconic character. He is outrageous, ”he says.
"I spent six months preparing myself, which is a long time for a role"
Accustomed to playing complicated personality types ("I'm not interested in heroes or villains, but those who walk the shades of gray that mediate between the two," he says), Murphy seems to have gotten into the skin of Julius Robert Oppenheimer as the one who put a glove The very father of the atomic bomb, watch out there. “I spent six months preparing, which is a long time for a role. He did extensive research, but in the end, the script is the best source, because it all comes out of Chris's head. I know him very well and I trust him, ”he explains.
And then he reveals his method: “The trick is not to get too academic, because it limits you. My job is not to intellectualize the character, but to explore the humanity of him. On the set you are, the director and the actors with whom you have to interact and what counts is the emotional component”.
Well, Nolan, no matter how cerebral it is…
Well, that's your opinion [laughs]. No, seriously, I think he knows how to reflect humanity very, very well. Insterstellar is one of the most emotional movies I've ever seen, tears came to my eyes at the theater.
Did you like 'Tenet'?
Of course.
Did you get it?
No! I'm not that smart [laughter]. There are still people who ask me to explain Origin , and I can't.
This screenplay adapts the book American Prometheus: Triumph and Tragedy by J. Robert Oppenheimer , the 2006 Pulitzer-winning biography of Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin. Knowing how Nolan spends them, it can be assumed that we are not talking about a biopic to use...
Well, not the same, although you will have to wait for the movie to find out.
"This film is going to provoke a lot of questions from the public”
The secrecy that surrounds the film is manual in these times of confidentiality clauses, to be signed at the same time as the contracts. Of course, its director does not miss the opportunity to score goals either, such as those who have already had the opportunity to see it have left the projection "devastated", that the end is going to leave the viewer's head as blown away as in Origin or that it is a horror movie".
With a budget of 100 million dollars, the blockbuster (distributed by Universal after the disagreement between Nolan and Warner Bros., who wanted to release it almost simultaneously in theaters and on the HBO Max streaming platform), was shot shortly after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.
“The plot takes place especially during the Second World War and it was very strange to turn on the television and watch the news of the invasion, but there comes a time when it is necessary to shake off that burden and stick to what you are going to tell”, Murphy refers. “What makes Chris such a good writer is that this movie is going to raise a lot of questions from the audience, it's going to make them think about history and what's going on in the world today. Or so I hope." Filmed in IMAX, Oppenheimer has managed a lot of theaters that operate with this projection system as a claim for the maximum immersive experience.
Is there still room for films like this among so many franchises, so many saga and so many reboots ?
The way things are, it's inevitable. Large corporations have taken control of the entertainment industry. Capitalism, you know. However, I believe that there are still great storytellers, filmmakers who tell challenging stories, far from the franchise material. Scorsese has just presented new work in Cannes. Tarantino and Paul Thomas Anderson have amazing voices of their own. Let's see, this industry is both art and business, a paradox that makes for strange bedfellows. For my part, I try to align myself with original storytellers who are before the artistic than the commercial.
A quick look at Murphy's career since 1996 will confirm his penchant for independent productions ( The Trench , Disco Pigs , 28 Days Later , Intermission , The Party , the award-winning The Wind That Shakes the Barley and Breakfast on Pluto ), which he deftly combines with pull titles ( Night Flight , Sunshine , In Time , the second installment of A Quiet Place ), not always with a response at the box office, but enough to place it in a privileged position.
He, who was actually going to be a rock star: as a teenager he formed a band with his little brother, Páidi, and they were tempted by Eddie Piller for his then popular Acid Jazz label, although the record contract did not materialize. The Sons of Mr. Green Genes, they were called, like the Frank Zappa song. “Music was my first love. It didn't work out for me as a profession, but it continues to obsess me, it's what gives me the greatest pleasure: playing, going to concerts, clubs… I even listen to Spotify, which is evil and annoys artists, but it's great for discovering things”, he says.
He also supports the underprivileged, especially young people from his native Ireland. Last year she embarked on the Ionbhá project, empathy in Irish, an initiative that aims to promote the so-called wisdom of the soul among students. “It's just something I believe in and I'm very proud of. It has been shown that including empathy in the academic curriculum improves performance, ”he says of this program that seeks international reach hand in hand with Unesco, of which he is a patron.
"The less people know about you, the more believable you are on screen. Maybe it's selfish, but I think I'm a better actor that way."
“If I have also gotten involved, it is because I have two children and I know how difficult it is to be a teenager today. To me it makes perfect sense to support him, but that doesn't mean he's going to wave any flag either. I'm a fucking actor, not a politician. The last thing I want is to blurt out or show what a good person I am, ”tercia.
Oppenheimer, who was a student of religions and was crazy about Hinduism, would surely tell you that this is Dharma, righteousness in the way of life...
Oh thanks. The important thing is to be kind and decent, which is not very fashionable in our society. Look at the policy. Or social networks. Everyone is pushy and rude and makes comments that they shouldn't. That's why I try to keep my kids away from them. But, again, I'm not preaching to anyone, how complicated people's lives are already. I'm lucky, I don't want to be that kind of irritating celebrity, you know.
In case it wasn't already clear, Cillian Murphy hates fame. Complicated for an actor with global star status, a position earned with the Peaky Blinders series for almost a decade. “Their success of him was gradual, quite slow. Hence my life did not undergo a radical change. Luckily, his fans are great. They know I don't like taking selfies and they respect that. Man, if I could, I would make my films and then I would go home, but I understand that this is a business, that you have to talk to journalists and make your work known", concedes the actor, who in 2015 changed the London noise. through the most peaceful Dublin suburbs.
In Monkstown, to the south of the Irish capital, the sea in sight, you can pass, more or less, for any countryman with his wife, the visual artist Yvonne McGuiness (whom he married in 2004), and their children , Malachy (17 years old) and Aran (15). “It is what suits me. One has to be true to oneself, otherwise one is an impostor. And I want to be as honest as he can, ”he says. “The less people know about you, the more willing they are to believe you on screen. I'm still being selfish, but I think I can be a much better actor that way."'
#Cillian Murphy#Oppenheimer#Christopher Nolan#Barbie#Margot Robbie#Peaky Blinders#The Trench#Disco Pigs#28 Days Later#Tenet#Interstellar#Intermission#The Party#The Wind That Shakes The Barley#The Dark Knight Trilogy#Dunkirk#Ryan Gosling#Breakfast on Pluto#Red Eye#Sunshine#In Time#A Quiet Place II
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7, 16, 19, 23, 26, 32
oof vin thank you so much <3333333 mwah
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
finding the perfect word or turn of phrase. i love editing i think more than "writing" itself (i dont see them as necessarily different processes), nothing excites me as much as writing and rewriting a passage until i read it and think Yes I Really Pulled This Off, maybe even "damn did EYE write this?". i love words and am eternally fascinated by how they mix and match and create image and sound and emotion.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
honestly since theres always some paper lying around i havent had to resort to many weird things but i did once have to momentarily use things like knives or uh a package of sliced ham. hehe.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
i started writing as a small child, my parents made me love books from very young, everyone in my family would take turns reading to me 😭 i have very fond childhood memories of that. when i was very small before i knew how to write i would tell my grampa stories and dreams and hed write them down for me. then when i was a bit older i would make little booklets with mostly spy stories which was what i loved lmao. And then when i was around 10 i began drafting novels (and not finishing them)... HAVE i ever finished something longer than a short story. well no. thanks for asking. those are the bumps along the way i am more or less a slow writer and that means i end up getting really frustrated with long projects. ive been writing lh spn au for like 8 years now (DON'T TALK TO ME). i participate in various writing events to try and fight that lol. i dont know if this answers the question. maybe.
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
I don't have A Place in which i write but! for the sake of giving an answer. The room is big but untidy, books, paper, folded lawn chairs, a big collection of backpacks filled to the brim with paper. The computer is at the corner, between the foot of the bed and the window, and the window is open, and through the open window the cool night air flows. A cup of coffee on the black desk, to the left, a blunt to the right, no ashtray. The computer is a lot higher than the chair, so I sit with my legs under me so I can see the screen.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
I'm a method actor when it comes to writing 😭 i think about the situation i focus on the feelings i try and relate to those same feelings in different ways, i experience them almost physically and then i try my best to put that physical emotion to the page. I'm not very cerebral when it comes to it, unlike with other things? I don't really regret it, i like experiencing a wide range of things even if those things are unseemly, i find great satisfaction in exploring those states of mind. cathartic!
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
I assume this means from someone else's writing. This line from Los días de la sombra is literally always on my mind. Death is a kindness, i suppose.
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Poll I

#tournament polls#battle of the captains#prelims#elizabeth swann#the captain of the demeter#the demeter#dracula#bill seacaster#d20#dimension 20#tress of the emerald sea#captain crow#finnegrin#the dragon prince#jacky faber#bloody jack series#la sombra#love me to death#sakamoto tatsuma#tatsuma sakamoto#gintama#irresponsible captain tylor#justy ueki tylor#bookblr
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Love Me to Death Chapter 62 Reactions:
La Sombra: catches the captain
Also La sombra: drops him

#la sombra#is a true fem fatale#catch and release#i ship it#love me to death#love me to death reactions#lmtd 62#lmtd
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“MidnightRose serves as a vibrant platform that highlights the diverse voices of multigenerational and multicultural writers from the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. This initiative is brought to life by Esther Productions Inc., in collaboration with The Institute for African American Writing and The Black Student Fund. The series aims to celebrate the literary talents within the community, showcasing a variety of poetic and prose works that reflect the rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives that define the region.
Attendees of MidnightRose can expect to engage with a dynamic array of award-winning poets and authors, each bringing their unique narratives and artistic expressions to the forefront. The event not only serves as a performance space but also as a gathering that fosters dialogue and connection among writers and audiences alike. By immersing oneself in the powerful words and stories shared during the series, participants are invited to explore themes of identity, culture, and resilience, all of which resonate deeply within the community.
The essence of MidnightRose lies in its ability to inspire and empower individuals through the art of storytelling. As the series unfolds, it creates an atmosphere where creativity flourishes, and the voices of underrepresented writers are amplified. This initiative not only enriches the cultural landscape of the Washington Metropolitan Region but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the literary arts, inviting everyone to partake in the transformative power of poetry and prose.” Sep 14, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA
About the event
MidnightRose is a showcase of the multigenerational, multicultural writers in the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. Experience the richness of the community through the presentations of award-winning poets and authors. Come allow the words to inspire and empower you.
E. ETHELBERT MILLER is a literary activist and author of two memoirs and several poetry collections including his baseball trilogy: If God Invented Baseball, When Your Wife Has Tommy John Surgery and How I Found Love Behind the Catcher’s Mask published by City Point Press. He hosts the WPFW morning radio show On the Margin with E. Ethelbert Miller and hosts and produces The Scholars on UDC-TV which received a 2020 Telly Award. He is Associate Editor and a columnist for The American Book Review. He was given a 2020 congressional award from Congressman Jamie Raskin in recognition of his literary activism, awarded the 2022 Howard Zinn Lifetime Achievement Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association, and named a 2023 Grammy Nominee Finalist for Best Spoken Word Poetry Album. On March 2, 2024, Miller received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to African American Literature and DC’s literary community from Esther Productions Inc. On September 18, 2024, he will receive the Furious Flower Lifetime Achievement Award.
NAOMI AYALA is a Puerto Rican poet, educator, and translator who’s published three poetry collections—Wild Animals on the Moon (Curbstone Press, 1997); This Side of Early (Curbstone Imprint, Northwestern University Press, 2008); and Calling Home: Praise Songs & Incantations (Bilingual Press, 2013). She’s the translator of La sombra de la Muerte/Death’s Shadow, a novel by His Excellency José Tomás Pérez, the Dominican Republic’s Ambassador to the U.S., and of Luis Alberto Ambroggio’s poetry collection La arqueología del viento/The Wind’s Archeology. She’s the proud recipient of artist fellowships from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities as well as Special Recognition for Community Service from the U.S. Congress.
BRIAN GILMORE is a native of Washington DC. Bard and Barrister, he is the author of four collections of poetry, including come see about me marvin (Wayne State University Press), a 2020 Michigan Notable Book Award recipient. Gilmore is also the author of the forthcoming cultural history, No More Worlds To Conquer: The Black Poet in Washington DC Since Dunbar, to be published in 2025 by Georgetown University Press. He practiced public interest law for 28 years in Washington DC and Michigan and served as a Clinical Law Professor at Howard University School of Law and Michigan State University College of Law. Presently, he is Senior Lecturer at the University of Maryland - College Park in the Law and Society Program (MLAW).
For those interested in learning more about this literary event, please feel free to reach out via email at midnightrosereadingseries@gmail.com.
Additional details can also be found on the official website of Esther Productions, Inc. at the provided link - https://www.estherproductionsinc.com/events-1/midnightrose-a-reading-series-of-poetry-prose.
Esther Productions Inc. is supported by generous contributions—past and present--from Kerry S. Pearson LLC, Emmanuel Bailey, Veterans Services Corp, Pepco, an Exelon Company, A.Scott Bolden, David Jannarone, HumanitiesDC, Lesa Warrick, Rosalind Blunt, Betty Nyangoni and Esther’s Friends.
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Everyone changes their hyperfixation at some point, but not me—I always stay with Charles.
Carlos II de España ha sido injustamente recordado bajo la sombra de su enfermedad y de la propaganda de su tiempo, pero quienes lo estudian en profundidad saben que fue mucho más que la caricatura del "Rey Hechizado". Su historia es trágica y fascinante, y aquellos que realmente lo aprecian no lo hacen desde el consumo irónico, sino desde una genuina admiración por su figura, su resiliencia y su ternura.
No era un tonto, como han intentado pintarlo algunos historiadores. Al contrario, su situación fue resultado de generaciones de endogamia y de un contexto político adverso. Sin embargo, su inteligencia emocional y su deseo genuino de gobernar bien fueron reales. Fue un rey profundamente religioso y con una sensibilidad que lo hacía preocuparse sinceramente por su pueblo. Su gobierno, aunque marcado por crisis, no fue el de un hombre incapaz, sino el de alguien que tuvo que enfrentarse a enormes dificultades sin recibir el apoyo adecuado.
Además, su relación con María Luisa de Orleans es una de las historias más conmovedoras de la realeza española. Ella no solo lo respetó, sino que lo amó genuinamente. No fue un matrimonio de indiferencia ni de conveniencia fría, sino una unión en la que hubo cariño real. María Luisa comprendió la fragilidad de Carlos y fue su mayor apoyo, y él, por su parte, la adoraba. Su muerte fue un golpe terrible para él, lo que demuestra cuán profunda era su conexión.
Lejos de ser un objeto de burla o un simple personaje trágico, Carlos II merece ser recordado con afecto y respeto. Su historia no es una broma, y quienes lo ven con admiración lo hacen con un sentimiento genuino, no con sarcasmo ni con ironía. Su humanidad, su lucha y su amor por María Luisa lo convierten en una figura digna de ser apreciada y querida.
Charles II of Spain has been unfairly remembered under the shadow of his illness and the propaganda of his time, but those who study him in depth know that he was much more than the caricature of the "Bewitched King." His story is both tragic and fascinating, and those who truly appreciate him do so not out of ironic consumption but from a genuine admiration for his character, his resilience, and his tenderness.
He was not a fool, as some historians have tried to portray him. On the contrary, his situation was the result of generations of inbreeding and an adverse political context. However, his emotional intelligence and his genuine desire to govern well were real. He was a deeply religious king with a sensitivity that made him sincerely care for his people. His reign, though marked by crises, was not that of an incapable man, but of someone who had to face enormous difficulties without receiving the proper support.
Furthermore, his relationship with Maria Luisa of Orleans is one of the most touching stories of Spanish royalty. She not only respected him, but truly loved him. Theirs was not a marriage of indifference or cold convenience, but a union in which there was real affection. Maria Luisa understood Charles's fragility and was his greatest support, and he, in turn, adored her. Her death was a devastating blow to him, showing how deep their bond was.
Far from being an object of ridicule or a merely tragic figure, Charles II deserves to be remembered with affection and respect. His story is no joke, and those who admire him do so with genuine feeling, not sarcasm or irony. His humanity, his struggle, and his love for Maria Luisa make him a figure worthy of appreciation and devotion.
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Sept. 14, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA
About the event
MidnightRose is a showcase of the multigenerational, multicultural writers in the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. Experience the richness of the community through the presentations of award-winning poets and authors. Come allow the words to inspire and empower you.
E. ETHELBERT MILLER is a literary activist and author of two memoirs and several poetry collections including his baseball trilogy: If God Invented Baseball, When Your Wife Has Tommy John Surgery and How I Found Love Behind the Catcher’s Mask published by City Point Press. He hosts the WPFW morning radio show On the Margin with E. Ethelbert Miller and hosts and produces The Scholars on UDC-TV which received a 2020 Telly Award. He is Associate Editor and a columnist for The American Book Review. He was given a 2020 congressional award from Congressman Jamie Raskin in recognition of his literary activism, awarded the 2022 Howard Zinn Lifetime Achievement Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association, and named a 2023 Grammy Nominee Finalist for Best Spoken Word Poetry Album. On March 2, 2024, Miller received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to African American Literature and DC’s literary community from Esther Productions Inc. On September 18, 2024, he will receive the Furious Flower Lifetime Achievement Award.
NAOMI AYALA is a Puerto Rican poet, educator, and translator who’s published three poetry collections—Wild Animals on the Moon (Curbstone Press, 1997); This Side of Early (Curbstone Imprint, Northwestern University Press, 2008); and Calling Home: Praise Songs & Incantations (Bilingual Press, 2013). She’s the translator of La sombra de la Muerte/Death’s Shadow, a novel by His Excellency José Tomás Pérez, the Dominican Republic’s Ambassador to the U.S., and of Luis Alberto Ambroggio’s poetry collection La arqueología del viento/The Wind’s Archeology. She’s the proud recipient of artist fellowships from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities as well as Special Recognition for Community Service from the U.S. Congress.
BRIAN GILMORE is a native of Washington DC. Bard and Barrister, he is the author of four collections of poetry, including come see about me marvin (Wayne State University Press), a 2020 Michigan Notable Book Award recipient. Gilmore is also the author of the forthcoming cultural history, No More Worlds To Conquer: The Black Poet in Washington DC Since Dunbar, to be published in 2025 by Georgetown University Press. He practiced public interest law for 28 years in Washington DC and Michigan and served as a Clinical Law Professor at Howard University School of Law and Michigan State University College of Law. Presently, he is Senior Lecturer at the University of Maryland - College Park in the Law and Society Program (MLAW).
IT'S ALL FREE. REGISTER NOW at estherproductionsinc.com/events
For more information: midnightrosereadingseries@gmail.com
Esther Productions Inc. is supported by generous contributions—past and present--from Kerry S. Pearson LLC, Emmanuel Bailey, Veterans Services Corp, Pepco, an Exelon Company, A.Scott Bolden, David Jannarone, HumanitiesDC, Lesa Warrick, Rosalind Blunt, Betty Nyangoni and Esther’s Friends.
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Sept. 14, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA
About the event
MidnightRose is a showcase of the multigenerational, multicultural writers in the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. Experience the richness of the community through the presentations of award-winning poets and authors. Come allow the words to inspire and empower you.
E. ETHELBERT MILLER is a literary activist and author of two memoirs and several poetry collections including his baseball trilogy: If God Invented Baseball, When Your Wife Has Tommy John Surgery and How I Found Love Behind the Catcher’s Mask published by City Point Press. He hosts the WPFW morning radio show On the Margin with E. Ethelbert Miller and hosts and produces The Scholars on UDC-TV which received a 2020 Telly Award. He is Associate Editor and a columnist for The American Book Review. He was given a 2020 congressional award from Congressman Jamie Raskin in recognition of his literary activism, awarded the 2022 Howard Zinn Lifetime Achievement Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association, and named a 2023 Grammy Nominee Finalist for Best Spoken Word Poetry Album. On March 2, 2024, Miller received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to African American Literature and DC’s literary community from Esther Productions Inc. On September 18, 2024, he will receive the Furious Flower Lifetime Achievement Award.
NAOMI AYALA is a Puerto Rican poet, educator, and translator who’s published three poetry collections—Wild Animals on the Moon (Curbstone Press, 1997); This Side of Early (Curbstone Imprint, Northwestern University Press, 2008); and Calling Home: Praise Songs & Incantations (Bilingual Press, 2013). She’s the translator of La sombra de la Muerte/Death’s Shadow, a novel by His Excellency José Tomás Pérez, the Dominican Republic’s Ambassador to the U.S., and of Luis Alberto Ambroggio’s poetry collection La arqueología del viento/The Wind’s Archeology. She’s the proud recipient of artist fellowships from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities as well as Special Recognition for Community Service from the U.S. Congress.
BRIAN GILMORE is a native of Washington DC. Bard and Barrister, he is the author of four collections of poetry, including come see about me marvin (Wayne State University Press), a 2020 Michigan Notable Book Award recipient. Gilmore is also the author of the forthcoming cultural history, No More Worlds To Conquer: The Black Poet in Washington DC Since Dunbar, to be published in 2025 by Georgetown University Press. He practiced public interest law for 28 years in Washington DC and Michigan and served as a Clinical Law Professor at Howard University School of Law and Michigan State University College of Law. Presently, he is Senior Lecturer at the University of Maryland - College Park in the Law and Society Program (MLAW).
IT'S ALL FREE. REGISTER NOW at estherproductionsinc.com/events
For more information: midnightrosereadingseries@gmail.com
Esther Productions Inc. is supported by generous contributions—past and present--from Kerry S. Pearson LLC, Emmanuel Bailey, Veterans Services Corp, Pepco, an Exelon Company, A.Scott Bolden, David Jannarone, HumanitiesDC, Lesa Warrick, Rosalind Blunt, Betty Nyangoni and Esther’s Friends.
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