#love is stored in the mayor
mayordeas-clone · 1 year
hmm thinking about making a dedicated robin tag for this page with how much they make me go crazy every time i see them
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bleghxy · 10 months
More GL manga recs:
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Summary: Aya is a high school student who is captivated by the mysterious "Onii-san" who works at a CD store. The real "Onii-san" is actually Mitsuki, a girl in her class with whom she had never spoken to before.
Review: This is a very cute read!!! The story doesn't drag out any drama. When I first started reading this, I was afraid it'd drag the secret of Mitsuki being the "Onii-san" but it doesn't. It's very well paced while also being a slow burn. They're both very well written.
Status: Ongoing
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Summary: Bubbly, energetic first-year high school student Himari falls head over heels for her senpai Yori after hearing her band perform on the first day of school. Himari tells Yori she just loves her, and to Himari's surprise, Yori says she loves Himari back! But when Himari realizes that she and her senpai are feeling two different kinds of love, she begins to ask herself what "love" really means...
Summary: They're both so adorable!!! I love their relationship sm. There's a lot of other wlw relationships in this manga so that's a plus point. There's also some angst here and there. It also has an anime adaptation coming out next year!
Status: Ongoing
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Summary: England, the early 1900s. Alice, a young noblewoman, has a Japanese maid named Hanako working in her household. The two have a fairly typical relationship…until the day Alice begs Hanako to kill her. As Hanako tries to figure out why her mistress would make such a terrible request, she and Alice grow closer until an entirely new feeling begins to blossom between them.
Review: The summary doesn't really do justice to the manga's plot but I don't want to say much because I'll mistakenly give out spoilers so I'll just say it's angsty so prepare yourself for that. Both of the characters and the relationship between them are very well written.
Status: Completed
Okay this isn't a manga, it's a manhua(chinese comic). I haven't read enough GL manhua to make a list about it so I'm putting it here. This manhua is called Tamen de Gushi. I think the English translation of the story name is called "Their Story"/ "SQ begin w/your name"
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Summary: The funny romantic story of how Qiu Tong and Sun Jing met and fell in love.
Review: It was one of my first GLs so it has a very special place in my heart. I laughed a lot while reading this. It's mostly on the comedy side. Qiu Tong and Sun Jing's relationship is so so adorable. The side characters in this story are also lovable. The characters in this feel very relatable. Unfortunately due to censorship in China the author had been told to remove the confession scene of the main characters in the physical copies and the author rejected to do that. Because of this, the manhua doesn't have proper chapters anymore but the author still does post little snippets of their life together on weibo and twitter. However there's still 200+ chapters of wholesomeness so please do give it a read!
If you want more GL recs:
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dredgesnails · 5 months
stardew valley au where joel and skizz are new residents to pelican town (hermit town?). joel just inherited a large farm from his late grandfather and skizz is moving in with his old friend after reconnecting with him and wanting a fresh start. and the townspeople are like, kinda weird.
bdubs is fine enough - he’s a sweet man with a fun personality and he’s the local builder, but it’s almost frightening how fast he constructs new buildings when joel needs them. pearl, their resident postmaster, is also pretty normal other than the fact that skizz never seems to be awake early enough to catch her delivering mail. scar is lovely but he’s never available when joel wants another chicken. the mayor, xisuma, is pleasant too, if a little eccentric at times, but he doesn’t really seem to do much in town.
for the most part, skizz is settling in well. he’s moved in with impulse, who runs the local blacksmith in town, and he gets along well with most of the local townspeople. he’s started spending his evenings at the local saloon listening to ren regale the patrons with fantastical tales while he and stress serve up food and drinks, and he finds himself growing close with cleo, the local sculptor. he even gets a new wardrobe from hypno free of charge, and sometimes helps cub out with his totally scientific studies and creations.
skizz also joins forces with beef (who helps to supply the local general store that xb and keralis run) in terrorising the local manager of the corporate chain grocery store that no one likes. doc is a terrible manager but would make a fun supervillain (according to joe hills, the bookseller who appears once in a blue moon but seems to know doc more than anyone in town).
joel, on the other hand, seems to only be interacting with the strangest residents in town. he discovers the adventurer’s guild after only a couple weeks, and is only somewhat irritated by iskall’s refusal to pronounce his name correctly. false promises to give him prizes if he can kill enough monsters, which is not something joel had expected to be doing when he pictured farm life, but here he is. he stumbles upon a travelling cart one day, and the man inside insists he’s a knight from a faraway land, that he risked his life to make it all the way here to sell his wares. it’s all stuff joel can get cheaper elsewhere.
he’s pretty sure the local doctor has no real medical training, but then he passes out while fighting monsters and he wakes up completely fine, so zedaph probably knows what he’s doing. maybe. when joel isn’t passing out he sometimes makes trips to the library-slash-museum, which is probably almost completely empty because mumbo, who begs joel for anything to display, looks like he’s never fought a duggie in his life. eventually mumbo gives joel a key to the sewers, which are way cooler than they have any right to be, and that’s where he finds jevin’s secret sewer shop. jevin lives in town. he just also has a shop hidden underground. joel has stopped asking questions by now.
and then there are the three who live by the beach. etho spends most of his time tinkering around the fishing hut or hovering around bdubs, but sometimes he drives the bus to the desert. only sometimes. there might be something under his mask. no one knows for sure. gem runs the fish shop most days and she claims she’s a sailor, but joel has never seen a single working boat around despite all the ocean. she can also hold her breath underwater for an uncannily long amount of time, like, scarily so, and will sometimes disappear for a few days and return with an abundance of treasures. joel has never seen her leave by boat. grian fishes a lot and runs the shop when gem can’t, and he sometimes talks as though the sea can speak to him. skizz has caught him staring into space for extended periods of time. one time he waded into the water and just stood there, head down, muttering to himself.
apparently there used to be a lighthouse but “it’s gone now”. gem says if they ask bdubs nicely enough maybe they can build another one, but she and grian are banned from build requests after the last incident with their pet snails (joel has never seen the snails, but scar complains about them enough to convince him they’re real).
there also might be some kind of wizard who lives in the creepy tower in the woods. skizz has heard he’s the one who helps maintain the power in the valley, and joel’s convinced he hallucinated seeing him once until he recieves a letter from the wizard himself, and visits him only to find that the strange fire-creature he saw that one time was, in fact, tango, who is human for the most part, he just sets himself on fire sometimes.
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tasty-arsenic · 5 months
hermits as stardew valley??? 2/4
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heres the second batch of some lovely hermits
i kinda realised that the last batch were just Magical Mountain so i decided to do the neighbourhood this time
i think i actually improved which is nice
the first part, the third part, the fourth part
roles below
Bdubs: Carpenter
Cub: Scientist
Doc: Doctor
Etho: Electrician
False: adventurers guild shopkeep
Gem: gardener
Grian: fishermen
Hypno: idk man
Impulse: blacksmith
Iskall: local menace
Jevin: mines shopkeep
Joe: book seller
Keralis: Museum guy
Mumbo: Wizard
Pearl: Postal
Ren: saloon owner
Scar: travelling cart
Skizz: new farmer
Joel: bus driver/new guy
Stress: also works at the saloon
Tango: sewer creature
Beef: rancher
Wels: adventurers guild other guy
Xb: general store shopkeep
Xisuma: mayor
Zedaph: Scientist
Cleo: seamstress
extra little guy for people who read all of this <3
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seat-safety-switch · 8 months
One of my more accomplished friends is an MRI operator. When we first got talking about what we did for a living, I didn't get very interested. Now, don't think I'm some kind of elitist snob. My career (freelance journalist/greasy dirtbag) is a laugh-a-minute thrill ride, where you're as likely to get hunted down by friends of corrupt small government as you are to throw up in the back of a diesel-swapped Geo Metro being used to chase cows back into the paddock. It's set the bar very, very high.
By comparison, MRIs are boring healthcare stuff, meant for taking extremely high-quality pictures of people's junk all day long. Those pictures are then viewed by doctors, who will sneer at those people for not eating enough cauliflower. Just an absolute snore, which although involving a cool machine that's very loud, didn't fascinate me in the least.
That is, until they mentioned The Quench. In case you're unfamiliar, MRI machines operate on the principles of magnetism (that's the "M.") Big-ass magnets are used to send pulses throughout the machine, and those pulses are inconveniently blocked by chunks of your body standing in the way. By recording how irritated those magnets are, we can figure out what's going on inside your shit. Of course, you need big, big magnets for this, you're not running down to the grocery store and diagnosing a brain misfire using that cute little toddler-art-retainer shaped like a frog.
Sometimes, when shit really goes wrong, you need to stop the magnetism in a hurry. Maybe a patient walked in with a fully loaded firearm, and the magnets are now using it to shoot the inside of the machine. Perhaps you just decided that you would like to end your career. Either way, hitting the "quench" button douses those magnets with several hundred thousand dollars' worth of liquid helium, which makes them stop doing magnet-y things and start racking up billable hours for the MRI maintenance guy. This kind of highly expensive mechanical failure is my jam, and I asked immediately where I could get me some of those quenched-up magnets. Surely, they wouldn't reuse anything they've beaten up in this way?
My so-called friend figured out what I was up to, and clammed up almost immediately. Almost. He gave me just enough information for my inquisitive journalistic mind to figure out that they just chuck these big-ass magnets into the dumpster out back of the hospital, and someone with an enterprising enough mindset could then un-chuck them into the back of, say, a U-Haul van with the license plate removed after being careful to avoid all the security cameras along the way. Not that I would do such a thing, especially because it involves driving through a particularly weak chain-link fence near the seniors' centre.
Coincidentally, are you coming to my unveiling of my new magnetic-levitation Volare-launching system this weekend? I promise to listen very intently to whatever bullshit you say about your boring job, you'll love it. The Mayor is gonna be there, cut the ribbon and everything. Shit. Siri, remind me to get plastic scissors for The Mayor.
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coryosmin · 5 months
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Personal Secretary -
Young President Snow x Secretary Reader
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About: President Snow is someone that prides himself on being a loyal husband and amazing President to the country of Panem. However, he does have quite the sweet spot for his secretary.
word count: 2,300
Warnings: NSFW Content, MDNI, cheating (not on you), unprotected sex, p in v sex, praise, quickie, etc.
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“Gem of Panem,
Mighty City,
Through the ages you shine anew.”
You stood at your desk with a hand on your heart as the sound of the Capitol’s anthem played over the speakers. It was eight o’clock in the morning, the time the President had arrived at his office. This was a routine that happened each and every morning, to show one’s respect for their country and the mighty city of the Capitol.
“We humbly kneel,
To your ideal,
And pledge our love to you!”
Everyone was facing the flag of Panem, speaking the words to the anthem in unison as it played across the building. A few years back, barely anyone knew the anthem. It was a song made during the dark ages and only recently had it been brought back when Coriolanus Snow came into power. Something about showing pride for one’s home.
“Gem of Panem,
Heart of Justice,
Wisdom Crowns your marble brow.
You give us light,
You reunite,
To you we make our vow.”
You had always felt prideful for your city. Having been born and raised in the Capitol, gone to the Academy, gone to the University, you had been a star pupil in the eyes of your educators. Your family had been quite prominent but it was your skill set that really made you become the right hand woman to the President of the whole nation of Panem.
“Gem of Panem,
Seat of power,
Strength in Peacetime, shield in strife,”
You had gone to school with Coriolanus Snow, though you were a year behind him. You worked hard to make something of yourself outside of your family’s affiliations. Your family was known for investing in high fashion items, owning many of the high end fashion stores in the Capitol itself. And while your father had wanted that life for you as well, you wanted to become something else. And you did.
“Protect our land,
With armored hand,
Our Capitol,
Our life.”
When the anthem ended, you all went back to your work. It wasn’t easy being the secretary of the President. His schedule was quite tiresome most days. And today most certainly was one of those days. You focused on the papers set in front of you, sorting through them and seeing which ones were important enough for President Snow to take a look at. By ten in the morning, you knocked on his office door to give him his schedule.
“Come in,” came the authoritative voice that was Coriolanus Snow. The President of Panem had been elected about a year ago when he was just twenty-four years old and recently married to Livia Cardew, a woman he simply married for convenience and nothing more. In fact, he hated Livia Cardew quite a bit. Though she doesn’t know that and the nation doesn’t need to know that. And now, here he was, twenty-five years old and working hard to ensure that the country is running smoothly. And you? You were very patriotic towards your President.
“I have your schedule for the rest of the day, sir,” You said as you walked into the office, closing the door gently behind you and walking over to his desk. President Snow was sat at his desk, dressed in a navy blue suit with a red rose in the pocket. His hair was slicked back, making him look even more handsome than usual. Your heels clicked with each step you took and Coriolanus was very obviously staring you up and down. “And a list of messages to give you,” You added.
Coriolanus licked his lips before looking at your face. “Go on,” he said, using a hand to signal you to speak.
“You have lunch today with the new Head Gamemaster to discuss ideas for eighteenth annual Hunger Games at twelve p.m, a meeting with the mayor of District One at one p.m, a phone call with the Head General at two p.m, and an address to the nation at three p.m about the sewage system,” You explained, looking down at your notes before looking back up at Coriolanus. “After that, you have a Gala to attend tonight at eight o’clock with your wife who is wondering if you will be coming home for dinner.”
Coriolanus sighed, running a hand over his face as he thought over everything. “That’s quite a lot for today,” He exclaimed. “Tell Livia I will not be having dinner with her tonight.”
You nodded your head. “Right away, sir,” you said, giving him a polite smile.
“You’ll be attending the Gala as well, correct?” Coriolanus asked.
You nodded your head in confirmation. “That’s correct, sir,” You replied. “My whole family will be attending.”
“Good,” Coriolanus smirked at you. “I’ll see you later then, Miss L/N.”
“I’ll see you later, President Snow,” And with that, you left his office to get back to work.
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When you arrived at the Gala dressed in a ravishing black dress that accentuates your curves, you knew that you were officially the best dressed at the event. Your hair was down and styled to perfection. Your makeup was done elegantly with a red lip. You walked into the event, immediately greeted by other prominent families within the Capitol. You greeted each and every one of them with a smile and a kind greeting. Only the best from a high member of society.
You looked around the room, noticing President Snow across the room with his wife standing next to him. His eyes were immediately on you. You gave him a smirk as he did a slight tilt of his head, signaling to follow him. He excused himself from Livia before walking towards the bathrooms. After a moment, you followed.
Your relationship with Coriolanus Snow is a bit of a complicated one that had begun when he was voted in as President. Being a year below him during school, the two of you interacted only briefly. But he hired you based on your family’s name and your high grades from the University. After your hiring, it was safe to assume that there was more to it. He would always look you up and down, taking in your beautiful form. And you didn’t hate it one bit. Coriolanus was an attractive man. And you were very patriotic.
About two months into his presidency, the two of you stayed late to work on an address that was going to be given the next day. A late night with your boss with dinner had led to the two of you talking about anything and everything unrelated to work. And that night, he fucked you on his desk without any regrets. That was the start of an affair that neither of you wanted to end.
You made your way to the bathroom, knocking on the door. You heard the faint “come in” of Coriolanus’s voice. Before walking in, you looked around to ensure no one else was looking. You opened the door, walking into the room before quickly closing it behind you and locking the door. As soon as you did so, Coriolanus was pinning you to the wall, his lips immediately on yours.
You let out a soft sound, kissing Coriolanus back with the same hunger and passion he was giving you. You brought your arms up around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “You look so beautiful tonight,” he murmured softly, pulling away to look into your eyes.
You gave him a soft smile. “Thank you,” You said, kissing his lips. “You look quite handsome yourself,” You added, looking at Coriolanus’s dark green suit.
Coriolanus sighed. “Livia wanted me to wear it,” He said, slightly annoyed, “I think it looks horrendous. But I must be a supportive husband and follow through with my wife’s wishes.” Coriolanus dipped his head to kiss your neck, using his hands to explore your body.
You laughed, nodding your head. “What a wonderful husband you are,” you said a bit sarcastically.
Coriolanus hummed against your skin. “The best, really,” he said just as sarcastically. He lifted your dress over your hips. You chose not to wear anything underneath the dress which Coriolanus believed to be an excellent decision. “This is quite helpful,” he murmured softly. “Makes things easier.”
“Did it just for you,” You murmured back.
“You’re so good to me,” Coriolanus said. He pressed himself against you, letting you feel his hard on through his trousers. “We have to be quick,” he said a bit unhappily. Coriolanus didn’t like to do quickies as much as he loved taking his time with you. He adores making you feel just as good as you make him feel. “But I promise tomorrow evening will be ours,” he added.
“I’ll hold you to that promise,” You smiled. “How do you want me?”
Coriolanus unbuttoned his pants enough to reveal his hard cock. He too wasn’t wearing any underwear. He licked his lips as he thought about your cunt. “Turn around for me.”
You obliged, turning around with a hand on the door of the bathroom. Coriolanus wrapped an arm around you, dipping his head to kiss your neck as he guided his cock to your entrance. He eased himself inside of you, causing the both of you to let out shaky breaths. You put a hand over your mouth to avoid moaning. “You’re so wet for me,” Coriolanus whispered into your ear, moving his hips slowly at first. “Wish I could take my time with you.”
“Always ready for your cock,” You whispered back, licking your lips.
“Mmm, yes you are,” Coriolanus replied, snapping his hips faster.
You gasped, trying to keep yourself from moaning like a slut. There were people just outside the door and it would be an all-time scandal if the people of Panem found out that the President was having an affair with his secretary.
“Gotta stay quiet for me, baby,” Coriolanus said shakily, thrusting his cock in and out of you tight cunt at a relentless pace. “Ah—fuck, you feel so good,” he almost whined in your ear.
You didn’t reply, not trusting yourself to not moan loudly if you uncover your mouth. Instead you met his thrusts with your own movements, his cock hitting your g-spot perfectly. Coriolanus was moving hard and fast, burying his cock inside of you so good. You threw your head back, closing your eyes in the process.
Coriolanus began kissing your neck, sucking on your pulse point. “Gonna cum inside your tight pussy,” he whispered against your skin, thrusting his hips frantically. You could tell that Coriolanus was very close with how breathless he sounded and how he was holding back his own moans. You felt yourself getting closer, the repetitive thrusting into your g-spot sending you close to the edge.
“Gonna cum, oh my god—“ Coriolanus whispered harshly, close to just moaning out loud as he started spilling inside of you.
With a gasp, you clench around Coriolanus’s cock, gushing as you come. You felt the liquid dripping down your leg as you arched your back against Coriolanus. He fucked you through your orgasm, rocking his hips to milk the both of you. And when you both finished, he pulled out, immediately stuffing his cock back into his pants and zippering them. You were both breathing heavily as you took a moment to just lean your head against the bathroom door. Coriolanus, oh-so-kindly put your dress back down perfectly before turning you around and wrapped his arms around you.
“I needed that,” he murmured into your ear as he pulled you close to him, kissing the top of your head.
You smiled lazily, leaning against Coriolanus as you hugged him back. “Me too,” you replied. “They’re probably wondering where you are,” you sighed.
“Mmm,” Coriolanus made a noise of acknowledgment. “I wish I could just take you home,” he said, breathing in deeply.
It was always moments like this that made you wonder if Coriolanus Snow, the President of Panem, loved you. He always treated you like he had the utmost feelings for you. He would take you out for dinners, buy you gifts, care for you in such a way that only a lover would. But ultimately, you knew that wasn’t the case. Because Coriolanus Snow was incapable of loving another person. That’s what he told you, at least. Regardless, you didn’t mind it whatsoever. Because you’re his secretary, his true right hand woman. And that’s all that mattered, right?
After a few moments, the two of you pulled away and gathered yourselves. You cleaned yourself up, making sure nothing was on your legs while Coriolanus fixed his hair. He gave you one soft kiss. “I’ll see you,” he murmured against your lips.
You smiled, kissing him back. “See you, sir,” you replied.
Coriolanus smirked before walking out of the bathroom. You stayed back for a moment, fixing your lipstick and your hair in front of the mirror. And after a minute, you walked out and back into the party as though nothing happened. You glanced at Coriolanus, who was talking to some military official, and then looked at his wife, who was looking at you.
That’s when you knew Livia Cardew wasn’t as oblivious as she made herself out to be. And you? You simply winked at her and smirked before turning your attention to a random Capitol citizen.
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speaknow-sw · 1 month
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𝓘𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽 𝓐𝒇𝒇𝓪𝓲𝓻
HEADCANONS FORM! Summary : in which you move in your new house in front of a very hot, very dad and very married man. But Anakin Skywalker is a gentle and caring neighbor. Gardenias appear in your garden and you befriended his wife. Soon enough you fit in this neighborhood though a little crush linger…
Content: mdni, dad! Anakin Skywalker, older married man, reader is 25 and Anakin’s 33, mentions of vaginal fingering, pining, cheating ?
AN : GUYS FIRST WORK !!! Okay actually very stressed to post this but I’m sure you’ll be indulgent. Please ? It’s just a part 1 tho idk when I’ll post part 2. Again I’m not fluent in English but please feel free to correct any error. The real stuff happens in part 2 cuz it’s just a plot installation. Hope y’all like my silly little idea.
You and Anakin met when you moved across the street. As a gentleman, he welcomed you and helped with all your boxes. One look and you both knew you were spiraling down an unforgivable path. 
« Excuse me Miss. Do you need help ? » Anakin asked gently. 
« Oh yes, thank you so much » you replied, blushing.
« Just moved in ? It’s a nice neighborhood. The name’s Anakin Skywalker. I live just across the street. » he pointed the white house with blue shutters in front of yours. 
« Well, yes I’m moving in. I hope we’ll become good neighbors. » you smiled  brightly. 
« Don’t doubt it. You seem a lot nicer than old Palps who lived here before you, » he laughed placing a boxes on your counter. « He died of cardiac arrest in his daughter’s house. But around here we say he died strangled in his bitterness. » he joked.
« Seems like a lovely man. » you chuckled.
When he finished helping you he invited you over at his house where you met his lovely…wife, Padmé. As you talked with them a pair of toddlers ran down the stairs. Anakin presented them as Luke and Leia his kids. Adorable, you thought. 
After that first day you crossed Anakin path a numerous time. Every morning you would leave for work around the same time giving each other a light « Hello » and a meaningful gaz, like electricity sparkling between you.
After some months like this, you strangely begun to see gardenias appearing in the back of your garden. 
Sundays barbecue were a common gathering for your neighborhood. Mr. Kenobi, the barbecue king for the five previous years hosting every one of them. Him and his wife Satine were the sweetest people you’ve ever met. Like a good neighbor you attented every barbecues and gained a little group of friends consisting of Padmé, Satine and Breha Organa, the mayor wife’s. 
You couldn’t help but stare at Anakin back as he was talking with the other dads. His broad shoulders draped in an olive t-shirt and his nice butt constricted in a cream pant. Ovulation cravings were getting out of hands. God…this man sense of fashion could kill you on the spot with how effortlessly handsome he was. A married man, older than you, with kids…but so sweet and manly… Only when you turned to help Breha you missed Anakin gazing at you from afar. 
Soon enough, Satine ran out of sodas for the kids. The Skywalker twins, Elledi and Fiari Organa, Cal Kenobi and many more kids were running in the gardens like crazy little gremlins. Tired of hearing their little voices complaining about having a glass of Fanta you took the matter in your hands and said you could go to the store. Suddenly a voice echoed.
« I got packs of Fanta in the closet at home. » proposed softly Anakin. 
« Wonderful, my dear why won’t you accompany Anakin in his house to retrieve the sodas instead of taking the car ? » said a cheerful Satine. 
« Oh…hm…yes, yes I can do that… » you stuttered a bit shy. 
« You’re coming ? » Anakin called, his keys tingling gently in his right hand.
Your gaze fixated on his veiny hands and his long fingers. Your mind went wild with how good his fingers would be buried inside your clenching pussy. Maybe they could even reach that little area deep into you where you see stars. Your arousal grew and soon you felt your cunt being wetter than ten minutes ago. Fantasizing about him as you walked behind him silently, you didn’t saw he stopped in front of you and crashed against his back. 
« Hey, hey, hey, I gotcha. » you heard before feeling strong arms wrapping against your stumbling form. You blinked at him shocked by the whole situation directly from a bad Christmas rom-com. 
« You okay, kid ? » asked Anakin his beautiful face ruined by a frown. 
« Uh…yeah, m’great thanks to you… » you muttered as you felt heat crawling on your cheeks. 
« Alright, here, the sodas are in this closet. » he pointed an open door under his stairs. You nodded looking right in his eyes as your breath hitched. Your gaze lowered at your joined chest as your breasts were pressed against his muscular pecs with how tight he was holding you. You felt his breath on your forehead and raised your head to look at him not without checking his lips. His hold on you tightened slightly and you flushed. 
You darted your eyes around the house unable to held the eye contact and as you wandered through the furniture of the closet your eyes widened.
On the shelf beside a toolbox was placed a white gardenia similar at the ones which appeared on your gardens…
To be continued….
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yyokkki · 2 months
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Life as a corporate slave has you worked to the bone. Burdened with expectations from your boss, coworkers and family, you recall a faint childhood memory lost to years of data entry and drafting.
You remember the three weird uncles who'd hang out in your attic everyday at 3AM. How they'd left you an envelope before disappearing, telling you to open it up if a time ever came that you felt lost.
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And so, deed in hand, you booked the next bus available and made your way over to Night Raven Valley with nothing but yourself and the clothes on your back.
What adventures await you as you farm, mine, fight and acquaint yourself with the eccentric yet strangely endearing inhabitants of the valley?
Riddle Rosehearts as the Posh Lawyer
Pixel Art by multifandomlazywriter!
Trey Clover as the Homely Baker
Pixel Art by multifandomlazywriter!
Cater Diamond as the Bubbly Magicam Influencer
Clothing Ask
Art by sheepwater!
Ace Trappola as the Troublemaking Carpenter
Deuce Spade as the Trying-His-Best Mechanic
Leona Kingscholar as the Grumpy Unemployed But Rich Guy
Ruggie Bucchi as the Sneaky Odd Job Runner
Jack Howl as the Prickly Botanist
Azul Ashengrotto as the Shady Saloon Owner
Jade Leech as the Shady Secretary
Floyd Leech as the Shady Security Guard
Kalim Al-Asim as the Cheerful Ranch Owner
Jamil Viper as the Dead-Inside Caretaker
Vil Schoenheit as the Pompous Boutique Owner
Rook Hunt as the Scary Hunter
Epel Felmier as the Feral Apple Farmer
Idia Shroud as the Vitamin D Deficient Game Developer
Ortho Shroud as the Local Sunshine Child
Malleus Draconia as the Misunderstood Wizard
Lilia Vanrouge as the Adventurer's Guild Owner
Silver Vanrouge as the Sleepy Knight In Training
Sebek Zigvolt as the Overexcited Wizard Apprentice
Dire Crowley as the Scummy Town Mayor
Divus Crewel as the Dog Loving Scientist
Mozus Trein as the Cat Loving Librarian
Ashton Vargas as the Macho Guy Who Acts Like A Gym Trainer But Is Actually the Town Blacksmith
Sam as the Playful General Store Owner
Grim as the Weird Sewer Raccoon
The Ramshackle Ghosts as the Uncles Who Haunted Your Attic
I don't think I'm the first one to come up with this AU but this is just my spin on it cuz I'm totally so normal about sdv and twst
I will be updating each character's general info/ headcanons slowly then maybe I'll move on to heart events for the datables (NRC students except Ortho)
All posts related to this au will be tagged #night raven valley
Asks/Requests are open for this AU
And do any of y'all have suggestions for loved/hated gifts for some of the characters? Some are obvious but I'm actually blank for some like damn I know their entire trauma but idk if they'd like malachite or not what am i supposed to do
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mochinek0 · 9 months
Daminette December 2023: 18-Hiding in the Shadows
Marinette looked around her pent house in Paris. She had everything she wanted as a teenager. Well, almost everything. She was a well-known fashion designer, to the people that were aware of her. She kept her business a secret and used an alias. Her clients all came from judgement on her other clients. Others designers knew her as 'Passion' after her store's brand. Very few knew her as Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Gabriel Agreste, Audrey Bourgeois, and Jagged Stone.
Marinette had enough money to pay her rent, her fabric, all of her equipment, anything a business woman could need. Marinette herself, not so much. She missed being able to walk out and go sit at a café for a bit. When she saw Wayne Enterprise opened a section in Paris, she came up with an idea.
'Wayne Enterprises is a place that usually pays big. Even a part time job should be fine. A little play money couldn't hurt. A few extra euros so I could eat out, get some comfy clothes so I'm not rushing between orders and messing up wouldn't hurt.'
Damian Wayne sat at his desk, looking through potential applicants. Many of them were attached to big names or had one of their own. As he rang background checks, he could see they were all connected to each other in one way or another. He smirked at his idea.
'Let's put on a show. I want to see what kind of people these applicants are around each other. Would they out themselves?'
Mari was escorted to a waiting room as Damian Wayne got through other interviews. When the door opened, the last thing she expected was to see some familiar faces: Chloe, Adrien, and Lila.
"I don't know why you're even here, Dupain-Cheng." Chloe snarled, after the door was closed, "This is a big company that would love to work with our families. You have nothing going for you."
Marinette sat down and smiled, "Is that right? I guess I must have sent the wrong order to your mother and that's why she wore my design down the red carpet at the MET Gala."
Chloe tensed up and refused to meet her gaze. She could tell Adrien and Lila were surprised as well.
Chloe cleared her throat, "You're lying."
"Call your mother and ask." Marinette shrugged, "Oh, that's right! She doesn't like you; she prefers your half sister, who can actually work and living on her own, instead of leeching off of her Daddy."
"This isn't you, Dupain-Cheng." Chloe declared.
"No. This is me." Marinette shrugged off the concerned looks, "I'm just not being forced to coddle you to make Caline Bustier's life easier. 'Oh, just show Chloe some love, so she'll know what it's like and she'll get better eventually. You'll see.' Even she knew you were a horrible person. She basically thought you were The Grinch. That with enough love, your heart would grow three sizes and you wouldn't be such a bitch anymore."
Everyone was speechless at Marinette's attitude. This wasn't the Marinette that they grew up with.
"Chloe Bourgeois." a security voice called.
Chloe held her head high as she walked into the office.
"Damian Wayne." Chloe stated.
"Sit!" he demanded.
Chloe was shocked by his attitude.
'Doesn't he know who I am?'
"Do you know who I am?" she shouted.
"A spoiled brat; Ive read the articles on the internet." Damian stated, "You are known for crying for your father when you don't get what you want. Even though you are the oldest, your half-sister is who your mother relies on to bring customers for Style Queen in New York."
"My father-" Chloe snarled.
"Isn't the mayor anymore. He hasn't been the mayor in three years." the Wayne heir spoke, "If you're thinking of blackmailing me, you chose the wrong person. Spread whatever lies you want or cry to your father, the hotel owner. I could make one post about how horrid his hotel is and he would go out of business. Could you live with that?"
Chloe stood there, speechless. The only person who talked to her like this was her mother.
"I'm in charge, here, and if it came down to it, your job would be scrubbing toilets all day." Damian declared.
Tears formed in Chloe's eyes.
'He's glaring at me, just like Mommy. He doesn't look happy. He looks at me like he wishes I was gone or someone else.'
"We're done here." Damian stated.
Chloe quickly rushed out of the office. The three saw her rushing away, crying.
'I knew she wouldn't last.'
"Marinette, I can't understand why you're like this." Lila spoke, as she took her seat.
'He made that Daddy's Girl cry. I better go at this carefully.'
"Oh, shove it, Lila." Marinette sighed, "All three of us, here, know you're a lying manipulative bitch. You don't have to fake it."
"I don't know-" Lila continued.
"Adrien already told me years ago that he made a deal with you. He made one with me, too. Did he ever tell you that?" Mari questioned.
Lila glanced towards Adrien, who kept his head down.
"Oh, he didn't." she giggled, "You see, I was already designing for Jagged Stone when you arrived to our school. Adrien even had me autograph things I designed for him."
The model had turned towards Adrien and was now glaring at him.
"I could have made your whole 'tinnitus-kitten bullshit' story go up in flames since day one." Mari smiled, "I could have video called him and you would have been labeled as delusional."
"I took all our friends away!" Lila cried out, in victory.
"No." Mari answered, "You took away people, who were finally talking to me. Chleo ensured that for seven years, I had no friends. Those 'friends' just went back to not talking to me. You didn't actually do anything. If anything, you helped me. You took away the class president duties from me and I had more free time. You turned Alya and Nino away, so I couldn't babysit. I designed more clothes and got more clients. You didn't make my life worse, Lila, you made it better."
Lila fumed. Adrien had played peace maker between the both of them. From what Marinette was saying, she could have won the war in an instant! She thought she had chased Marinette Duapin-Cheng out of school all those years ago and here she was smiling, practially laughing at her, saying it wasn't true. She had thanked her and said she made her life better.
'I need this job so I can rub it in her face! I need to win against her!'
"I do hope you at least did some research into Damian Wayne." Marinette stated.
"I've known Damian Wayne since we were children!" Lila announced.
"Is that what it told you, you should say when you looked up how rich his family is?" Mari inquired.
Lila stood up, in rage.
'How dare she!'
"Lila Rossi." security called out.
Lila smirked, "I'm coming."
"She really should have done her research." Marinette spoke out loud.
"Why do you say that?" Adrine asked.
"Lila likes to play off her tears and looks." Mari declared, "Damian Wayne hates going to galas because of girls that try to attach themselves to him."
"And?" Adrien questioned.
"He broke an Italian model's arm two months ago, for lying to him." the designer stated.
Adrien paled at her words. Marinette merely smiled and pulled out her phone and dialed emergency services.
"Hello, what is your emergency?" the voice asked.
"I think we need an ambulance at Wayne Enterprise." Marinette stated, "I think someone's arm is broken."
"Are you with this person?" the voice questioned.
"No." the designer answered.
"I have sent medical to your location." the voice declared, before hanging up.
"That was pretty extreme, Marinette. I have faith in Lila!" Adrien shouted, "I don't think he would do that! The Waynes have an imagine to uphold!"
"Maybe, you should have done your research." Mari shrugged, "You still have time. Maybe five minutes."
Lila sauntered her way into the office.
"Hello, Mr. Wayne." She spoke, calmly.
"Sit." He demanded, not looking up.
Lila waved off his decleration. She moved past the chair in front of his desk and walked her way to his side.
"Can I sit on your lap?" She asked, "You see, I have tinnitus and-"
"There is nothing in here that would activate your tinnitus. Tinnitus is when you can't here anything for a brief amount of time, but a loud ringing. It's usually followed after hearing an extremely loud sound. I should know; I went to medical school." Damian stated.
'Shit. My usual tactics won't work here.'
Lila nodded and made her way back to the seat.
"Why shoud I hire you?" The Wayne heir questioned.
Lila fluttered her lashes, "I'm a model for Gabriel Agreste."
"Former model." Damian interjected, "You now model on Instagram and Only Fans."
Lila turned red. She didn't expect them to aware of her new lifestyle.
"Now, Miss Lerouch-" he continued.
Lila paled, "Wh-What did you call me?"
"Cerise Lerouch." Damian stated, "Did you think I would not delve into your background? I have to know who I am working with."
Cerise quickly leaped up from her seat and rushed around the desk.
"Don't touch me." Damian demanded.
"I'll do anything." Cerise cried out, grabbing onto his arm.
The Wayne heir growled, "Let go."
"I can help you relieve stress in other ways, you know." Cerise pleaded.
Damian grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back, harshly. Cerise screamed in pain.
"I have no need for whores." Damian spoke.
He grabbed the back of her shirt, arm still twisted, and walked her to his office door. He grabbed the knob and threw her out, in front of his security team.
"Drag this whore out by the hair, if you have too, but I want her off Wayne Enterprise grounds and blacklisted!" Damian shouted.
"Yes, Mr. Wayne." they spoke simultaneously, as he slammed his door shut.
"Shit, I think her arm is broken." the one on the left declared.
"She would call an ambulance?" the one on the right asked.
"Please, help me! It hurts so much!" Cerise begged, cradling her arm.
"You shouldn't have pissed him off." the one on the right declared, "Damian Wayne isn't one to mess around."
A man rushed towards them with medical workers.
"Did you guys call for an ambulance and someone with a broken arm?" the new guy asked.
"No, but perfect timing." the one on the left stated, "Girl with broken arm right here."
Cerise was walked by the waiting room. Inside, she could see Adrien looked horrified before turning to Marinette. She was smiling at her. Then, the baker's daughter flipped her off.
'She knew! That bitch knew how this would end!'
Cerise burst into tears as she was carted off.
"I guess that just leaves you and me, Agreste." Marinette stated.
Adrien began to feel uncomfortable.
"I do hope you do better than they did." She spoke, "For your Father's sake."
"Huh?" Adrien asked, confused.
"Damian Wayne isn't one to back down, not even to his father. He can make his father bow down to him. You have no idea how......attractive that is to a woman, Adrien." Mari smiled, "A man with a spine."
The model gulped, watching Marinette lick her lips.
"You should grow a spine." she declared, "Maybe then your father won't force you to model for him. I' sure that's why Kagami chose Felix over you. Your cousin has a spine. It looks good on him. Maybe, that's why Kagami didn't take my advice on how to get back with you after the break up."
Adrien only looked at her in shocked.
"Alya told me you broke up and I went to see her." Marinette continued, "I tried to help, but she didn't want to. She said it was better that way and well, Felix and you did look alike as teens. The same face with a spine; kind of hard to resist. They're so happy and their twins are adorable."
"Adrien Agreste, Mr. Wayne will see you now." the voice spoke over the intercom.
The model looked over at the designer. She waved at him, but said nothing. Adrien stood up and stood tall.
Adrien walked into Damian's office. It was intimidating; Marinette was right. He was scarier than his father.
"Why should I hire you, Adrien Agreste?" Damian questioned.
"I hate modeling. I prefer computers and science. I want to break free of Gabriel." Adiren admitted, "You don't have to worry about me telling him anything because I never learned anything about fashion. I couldn't even tell you the names of two different shades of fabric. If anyting, you should hire Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette has always been an amazing designer. She was recognized by Father and Style Queen when she was only thirteen. She's the one who would know everything about fashion."
Damian hid his smirk behind his hand and looked down at the papers about Adrien again.
'What a miracle worker you are, Miss Dupain-Cheng. Agreste grew a spine.'
"We may have an internship available in our science department." Damian spoke, "Do you still live with your father?"
"Yes." Adrien spoke.
"We have a company home we prefer our interns reside in." Damian continued.
He noticed Adrien seemed relieved about that.
"The internship isn't a guarantee." The Wayne heir continued, "We need to see you commitment and dedication first hand. If you can't keep up, we'll put you in a different department. If you keep failing to meet our expectations, you'll have no choice but to keep modeling for your father."
"Tell him we'll work with him for one year, as a test." Damian continued, "You have one year to get your affairs in order. You'll need to move in one month from now and if not, consider the contract cancelled. I will inform them you are expected."
"Thank you." Adrien smiled.
Damian waved him off and Adrine walked out of the office, happy.
Marinette stood up when her name was called. As she walked towards the office, she saw Adrien smiling at a paper. She entered the office and closed the door.
"Please sit Miss Dupain-Cheng." Damian ordered.
Marinette immediately took a seat in front of him.
"Why should I hire you?" He questioned.
Mari shrugged, "You don't really have to."
"Oh?" Damian pushed.
"I'm only here for a part time job." the designer answered, "You know, helping out on the floor, coffee grabber, secretary gig. That sort of thing."
"Excuse me?" he asked, shocked, " Aren't you a fashion designer."
"With my own clients and I can pay for my own things." She smiled.
"Then why are you here?" Damian questioned.
Marinette sat back further in the chair and got comfortable, "Play money. I spend my own on my deisgns, fabrics, equipment, rent. Why not have a little extra to treat myself to a night out or a night in, for once?"
That was not the answer he had been expecting.
Damian laughed, "What if I decide to keep you?"
"Keep me as in?" Marinette pushed.
"I decide I want to become one of your clients." he offered.
"Are you offering?" the designer asked, "I've seen some of those suits you wear to galas and it doesn't bring you out to your full potential."
"And that would be?" he asked.
"You're outshined by your father, your older brothers, and the company." She spoke, "You can stand out, but maybe you want to fade into the back, less people to grope you."
Damian chuckled and stood up from his seat. He made his way around the desk and rested on it.
"What would you dress me in, right now?" Damian questioned.
"Depends." Marinette smiled, "Do you always wear a suit to work or are you interested in a change?"
"Tell me about this hypothetical change." He demanded.
"Ever heard of quick change wear?" She asked.
"No." he replied.
"It mainly takes woman into factor. Clothes that can go from working at the office to going out on a date or partying." Mari answered, "Just a few adjustments and possibly a new shade of makeup and usually people tend to think they took all day to get ready."
Damian took what she said into account, "And for men?"
"Most don't really have the option." Marinette shrugged, "Shame, but on you.....your figure. Well, there's nothing sluttier than a man wearing a sleeveless turtleneck."
The Wayne heir couldn't help but think of his old League of Assassin's outfits.
"No one at work would know if you have a blazer on and buttoned." She continued, "It is your office so you can always install a closet here and keep an extra pair of clothes. Jeans, if you prefer. Who is to say that this whole time, you weren't wearing sweatpants and just dressed from the waist up."
He chuckled ather way of thinking.
'Effective, but true not the less. I could kick out anyone who entered my office, should I choose to dress comfortably, and there was a closet hidden behind the cabinets.'
"Another thing most people tend to do is incorporate their culture into their clothing, as well." Marinette spoke, "Personally, I use apple blossoms in most of my designs for myself."
"Miss Dupain-Cheng, you are not what I was expecting." Damian declared, "I like to expect everything."
Mari smiled, "I've been known to be...unpredictable."
"You want to work part time in the fashion section." The Wayne heir stated, "Even if it's just grabbing coffee or lunch for others."
"Correct." she answered.
"Fine." Damian spoke, "You can work here, part time, at least three days a week. I f you have a big comission, I want to know about it. You can keep the details to yourself, but I want a time frame."
Marinette nodded, happily.
"I also want you to make me something to relax in the office that could pass for office wear." he suggested, "I'll pay for fabric of course. I can send you the details of my heritage via email, later."
Marinette stood up, "I'll start on that and bring it by Friday."
Damian grabbed her hand and kissed it, "I'll see you Monday morning, at 9AM, for work. We can go over your schedule then."
Marinette felt her face flush as his lips connected with her hand. His gaze was piercing.
"Yes, Mr. Wayne." She answered, flustered.
Damian waved his hand, dismissing her, but he still followed her to the door.
"You know, Miss Dupain-Cheng." He whispered, pressing himself to her back, "They may not be able to see it, but I see what lurks in the shadows. I can see what you hide there. I can wait a bit longer for the side of you that wants to come out and play."
"Is that so?" Marinette whispered back.
"I'll enjoy getting to know you, in the future." Damian spoke, before opening the door.
Marinette took a breath before she walked out the door.
"Marinette, did you get the job?" Adrien asked.
"Yes." she answered.
The model sighed in relief, "I told him you were good. I told him about Father and Audrey."
"Did you think I wouldn't be able to get it on my own?" Mari questioned.
"That's not what I meant!" Adrien cried, surprised at the question.
"Then, don't belittle me and my work." Marinette declared, "He already knew who I was. The Wayne keep a check on everyone and everything. Did you seriously not expect him to know about our families? He was probably listening to us in the waiting room."
Adrien gulped in response.
"Besides, I wasn't apart of whatever you three were fighting over." Marinette smiled, walking away.
'What did she mean by that?'
Adrien turned to see Damian Wayne leaning against the door, wearing a smirk on his face. Damian took notice of the model and hardened his gaze. Adrien gulped as Damian stood tall and closed his door again.
'What was he staring at?'
Adrien turned his head back down the corridor and saw Marinette speaking to the receptionist.
'He was after Marinette the whole time!'
'He already knew who I was.'
'He was probably listening to us in the waiting room.'
'Besides, I wasn't apart of whatever you three were fighting over.'
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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0what-a-guy0 · 5 months
Are you Sure?- Harvey x Reader (tried to keep it gender neutral) (also on AO3)
You couldn’t help but to think yourself lucky. You watched through the window of the mayor's truck as trees whizzed past. 
“I am so happy you asked me to help you out hun.” Marnie chirped from behind the wheel. Her hair was braided, rather roughly as Jas had only recently started learning how to make the intricate twists. 
You sat, butterflies in your stomach as she drove you both into town. “I really appreciate you taking me..” You chuckled, placing one hand to your face. The older woman leaned over and patted one hand to your knee. “I’m just so thrilled you’re going to ask him!” Your stomach flipped as she spoke. All sorts of uncertainties going through your mind as she spoke. 
“I just know the good doctor will be so tickled.” She giggled giving your knee a squeeze. The pendant sat at home in a chest, you had been so confident when you bought it but as time went on you were beginning to lose your nerve. You heard Marnie laugh, “Don’t worry dearie, he’ll say yes.” She takes your hand in hers, giving it a squeeze, 
The shops in pelican town have enough for day to day needs, and you loved Emily, but for tonight you had wanted something that made you look like the partner of a well respected doctor. 
You wanted something refined, dignified, while modest. You tug at your overalls, feeling as nerves settle in. The shop was nice. Nice dark wood floors, tall windows, stocked with clothes that could make anyone look like a Harvard graduate. 
“Hello, can I help you?” A woman approached, hands clasped behind her back, Marnie beamed at her, stepping between you both, a bounce in her step, “This one is popping the question!” She squealed. Your face flushed as the woman looked between you both. Her eyes went wide and mouth was shaped like an ‘o’. “Do you need an outfit then?” You nod your head fiddling with your hands. “Then come this way.”
You must have tried on outfits for hours in the one store alone. After what felt like outfit one-thousand, Marnie had decided to try another store. Then another. Then another. 
It wasn’t until the final store you had found something you felt worked. Marnie clapped her hands when you stepped out of the dressing room. She squealed in delight as you spun around in the look. “Oh dear he’ll be just smitten!” She said pushing  you back into the stall. “Now get out of it so we can pay for it!”  
On your way back into town the sun had already set. Stars peered down at you both as Marnie pulled into the farm. “Now remember to be careful washing the top darling!” She called as you climbed out of the passenger seat. You waved as she drove back. 
Once inside the house you placed the bag on your kitchen table laying out each piece of the outfit. You looked it over once more satisfied with each detail. You began to walk away. You peered over your shoulder again. Slowly making your way back to the set. You looked it over once more. Then again. 
What were you thinking? This outfit, as nice as it was, was nothing like you. It very much suited Harvey’s aesthetic, but- 
No. You had already bought the outfit. You had already made the plans. Everything had lined up too perfectly. 
Both you and Harvey were incredibly busy people, as the town’s only doctor, there was always someone in need of his attention. Yours was always divided between crops, animals, and other adventures. Since starting a relationship you hadn’t gone into the mines nearly as often as you once had. You still made the occasional venture there when a request was made by Clint or Marlon, but for the most part you had been fairly good about keeping out of trouble. 
That wasn’t to say that you weren’t still incredibly busy. The farm, the town and the mayor made sure of that (less so now that the community center had been completed). Still you and Harvey had agreed quality time with one another was incredibly important. So every Friday night every two weeks you’d have a date night. You’d been good about holding yourselves to that for the better part of two years. It wasn’t perfect. Sometimes you couldn’t make it, sometimes he couldn’t make it. Oftentimes your dates were interrupted by something or someone. 
There were nights however, when you were left alone with each other. 
Nights when you sat across the table from the doctor. Conversation a murmur in the quiet of night. Candles lighting his features. A meal you had cooked him steaming on the table. His skin flushed and curly hair a mess. Those nights when, unintentionally, you moved your chairs from across the table to next to one another when you would lean against him and his arm would wrap around you. His hand resting at your hip fingers splayed gently over your hip holding you to him like if he didn’t you would leave. 
You didn’t know just how right you were in that assessment. 
That his firm hold was grounding for you both. That when you were so close, he felt like he could finally rest. Those loud busy days that left him spinning became quiet, became slow, when he was with you. The smell of your shampoo when he laid his head over yours, the way you fit so perfectly into the crook of his neck, the way your sighs filled the room brought him a sense of peace that he craved like a man starved. He held you not just to be in your company, but to soak himself in it, afraid to let you go and return to a life without you. 
For now you would pace your kitchen in anguish the Thursday night before, going in circles. You moved over to the small chest on your counter. Opening the capsule, fingers brushing over the shell as you took a deep breath. This was getting you nowhere. The only thing that would bring you any peace was asking him. 
“How was your trip into town?”. 
You peaked into the laundry room, the pieces of your outfit spinning in the washing machine. “It went well!” You responded proud of the way you were able to keep your nerves from showing in your voice. The silence was long, it wasn’t often that silence with Harvey was uncomfortable, right now however, it stretched out, it smothered you. “Did you get anything?” He asked after a moment, there were rustling sounds as his voice came closer. 
‘It’s a surprise?” You said sitting on your bed leaning back. His chuckle resonated through your entire body. Low, warm, comforting. “A good one right?” 
“I’d hope so.”
The next morning you sprung right up at…
You groaned pulling the covers over yourself trying in vain to squeeze that last hour of sleep in. You rolled back over at five thirty deciding to just get an early start. 
Chores which normally took hours only took a single hour this morning. You stared at the field in disbelief. There was no way you had moved through it all that quickly…
You went back through, double checking everything as you did. You flopped back into a chair at your kitchen table somewhat dumbfounded. Rolling your shoulders you decide to cook breakfast, which you often skipped in favor of work. 
You were mid bite of an egg when your phone rang. 
“Morning Ma-”
“Tell ‘em we are gonna be there at 1 to help them get ready!” You heard Haley’s voice ring out on the other end. You quirked a brow. Maru sighed, “we will-”
“I heard her.” You chuckle glancing at the clock on your wall. It was only nine. “Maru..” You sigh through the phone. Her affirmative hum from the other side pushes you to keep going, “Can you be here a little earlier?” Your voice sounds more broken than you intended for it too. There was a pause over the phone. 
“What time?”
You gathered flowers from your fields waiting for the two girls to arrive. A basket of dandelions and daffodils in your hand. It was almost overflowing with all the things you foraged. 
You could hear them before you saw them, “I’m just saying!” Haley laughed, hands raised defensively as they made their way onto the property.  They looked over to you, Maru smiled one hand raised in greeting while Haley’s arm raised in the air waving back and forth. 
When you first came to town the two seemed an unlikely pair, you figured opposites attract. They had done a world of good for one another. It was fun to see the way they worked. Haley would watch Maru work, asking questions left and right as the tech genius tinkered with her machines, happy to answer any questions thrown her way. 
“Ok so..” The blonde said, stretching her arms across your table. You turned towards her humming as you poured yourself a cup of tea. “Can we see it?” She asked, grin splitting her cheeks. 
Your heart stuttered for a minute. You clasp the box gently showing the two women the pendant. Haley’s eyes grew wide as she looked at it. Maru nodded approvingly. “He’ll say yes.” The scientist said. You groaned, “Everyone is saying that but how do you know that..” Maru laughed two hands settling on each of your shoulders. 
“Trust me.”
You stared at your reflection. You had to admit the both of them had done good work. You came back into your room, Maru held up your outfit, head tilted. “This looks like..” she trailed. 
“Like Harvey.” Haley said, mirroring Maru. You felt your stomach flip once again. That had been the goal. Right?
You thought it over staring at the clinic door, pendant (and a few other gifts) tucked into your bag. Harvey never made you wait long. You checked your phone’s clock, 5:59. You were here a minute early. That was ok. That was normal. Considerate, even. 
You might throw up. 
The clinic’s door swung open. You craned your neck to see him. His curly hair was tamed only minutely by a little gel. His regular suit was replaced with a forest green jacket over a black turtleneck. He paired it with dark gray slacks and a black leather belt. His regular frames still sat on his nose. You felt a blush rise up your neck to your cheeks. He looked at you surprised.
“Is that new?” He asked, gesturing to your outfit. You nod, turning from side to side. “Yeah! Uh, surprise?” You chuckle nervously. He cups the back of your head pulling you to him as he places a soft kiss to the crown of your head. “You look nice.” 
The saloon is almost empty when you take your seat. There was a booth in the corner that had been dubbed ‘your booth’ by other members of the town. Gus had even left a candle for you both. When Harvey returned from the jukebox Gus brought over your meals, extra carefully he sat down your bowl of parsnip soup and Harvey’s plate of vegetables. 
“Harvey dear.” He looked up from his meal to look at you, “I’m afraid there are rumors circulating.” he tilted his head, mouth full of food, “everyone is starting to think I’m dating a rabbit.” He rolled his eyes, swallowing the food. “Har.. har..” 
“Maybe..” You sipped on the soup as he responded, “maybe I just want to live a little longer.. Have more time with you.” You splutter just a little in surprise. Soup dribbling down your chin. You grab at a napkin swiping at your face. 
“Was it that bad?” He asks, laughing slightly. “No No!” You exclaim choking on the soup, “it was sweet, very sweet!” You glance down, your shirt was covered in little chunks of vegetables. You groan dejected as Harvey laughs. 
He links his arm with yours as you leave the saloon, guiding you back to his apartment. The space is cozy and warm, filled with his personality, “Did you have any new models?” You ask settling your bag onto the table closest to the door. 
“Not recently. I’ve been saving money..” he responds. He blushes ever so slightly coughing into his fist when you both make eye contact. “Is everything ok at the clinic?” You ask and he nods slowly. “Yes, of course, you just never can be too careful.” His back was turned to you, something in his hands.
Harvey always acted a little strange but now? It made your stomach twist. “Alright…”
You looked over to your bag, hopping just a little on your way to it, “I brought you a gift.” 
He turns back to you sliding his hands into his pockets. You pull the bottle of wine from your bag, followed by the bag of leeks and spring onions. He took both chuckling, when he realized what was in the bag, “I thought you didn’t like that I was eating so many vegetables.” You shrug, “I guess it does keep me in business.” 
He places the bag and wine on the table behind you, leaning down, pressing a kiss to your lips. You smile, hands cupping his cheek. His hands rest at your waist. Innocent pecks sweet presses, harder and harder to maintain as you both smile. Your hands tangle into his curls twining in them as the rumble in his chest reverberates through you. He leans further and you place a hand to the table trying to steady yourself. 
Your palm brushes against your bag which slides to the floor. 
You freeze when you hear an audible crunch. He pulls back from you, “What was that?”
You can already feel the sting in your eyes, you move to the bag digging through the contents hoping against all hope…
There in the bottom were the shattered remains of the shell. You don’t even realize that tears are rolling down your face as you gather the pieces in your hands. Harvey rushes to your side on his knees before you can register that he was there. 
You turn to face him, lip wobbling, “I’m sorry..” You squeak, extending the shards to him. He looks at your palm lips parted before his eyes search yours.
You crumble then into him. He grabs you wrapping his arms around you, “I wanted to surprise you tonight but, then I spilled food all over the outfit I’d bought just for this...then broke the pendant-” He shushes you pulling back to look you in your eyes, “The clothes don’t matter to me. I would have said yes if you came in your overalls.” You wipe your eyes furiously, “Now there is nothing to say yes too!” You cry squeezing your eyes together.
“I wouldn’t say that..” He mutters. 
“But Harvey it’s bro-” Your voice dies out as he fishes through his pocket. A blue pendant and chain dangling from his hand. 
“I guess we had similar plans..” He chuckles bashfully. 
Looking back on it you consider killing Maru for not telling you why everyone in town would be so certain Harvey would say yes.
But when you think about the way he held you whispering, “Will you marry me?” As he wiped tears from your cheeks, you realize that maybe it had been perfect in a way that no perfect plan could compete with.
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ranchstoryblog · 17 days
Bokujou Monogatari: Life & Love Screenshot Translations
The once-lost release of a Story of Seasons game from the flip-phone era is releasing on Steam and Switch tomorrow! It's still Japanese-only though. Fortunately, @regularcelery has given us a glimpse into this forgotten world and provided us some translations for the official screenshots:
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Go to farm Go to ranch Go to garden Go to mine
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Go outside Go to village Sleep Shipping box Status Talk to Mom Save
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Village Square
Go to Market Go to General Store Go to Animal Store Go to Library Go to Blacksmith Go to Mayor's house
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Forge tools Process ore Talk
Want to forge something?
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Oh, and you can even ask them out on a date now!
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Ranch work seems super tough~. I see you every day, you know♪
This is nothing! I just love to work!
Yeah! When you love your work, you can give it your best!
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Village Square
Thanks for inviting me today! Let's both do our best tomorrow, too!
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Romance advice Ask for food
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Everyone's feelings Everyone's likes and dislikes About presents About dating About proposing
Monica (Market) Prim (General Store) Palty (Animal Store) Sofia (Library) Myula (Blacksmith)
Her affection level is on the high side. It looks like Monica is conscious of you!
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General Store
I'm Viola! I hope we can get along!
Thank you for your hard work...
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trancylovecraft · 6 months
Yandere clay vs bloberta puppington who share the same s/o?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
Ooh, This is gonna be a tough time for you.
Bloberta for a start is an obsessive, Absolutely desperate to the core yandere. She's focused on keeping you with her, Bloberta trying to be a sort of picturesque housewife to try to make you love her.
Clay on the other hand is a manipulative monster, Equally as delusional as his wife but in the worst way. Completely expecting you
These two sharing is kind of like tug of war.
On one side is Bloberta who becomes generally clinically insane when it comes to you, Genuinely unfazed if she has to kill in your name while being lovestruck all the same. She's delusional big time.
Clay on the other is still delusional, But instead of changing himself to fit his delusion like Bloberta, He's forcing you to fit his delusion instead. He's a manipulative monster who would kill for you if needed.
So in some ways, I suppose they're just two sides of the same coin.
At the beginning when they first meet you, I'd assume you'd be just moving into Moralton. Maybe next door or somewhere else in the neighbourhood.
They come over as a welcome party of sorts, Bloberta holding a casserole and Clay with his usual suburban-man smile. Both Orel and Shapey following close with them.
And of course you greet them with a smile and welcome them into your home, Both instantly become rather attracted to you. Maybe it was because of your kind smile, Your warm attitude that most in Moralton seemed to lack.
Bloberta loves you for your kind and demure nature, The one that welcomes her in and makes her feel included in your home. She falls first, Head over heels for sure.
Clay on the other hand falls for the way you play off of him, Your conversation has chemistry refined to the highest degree. Clay sure does fall, But just a little bit slower than Bloberta does.
It would probably go down the same route it would in my previous scenarios, That is if it was only one of them that fell. With how barren communication is in their marriage, None of them know the other's feelings.
Until they find out, That is.
It will NOT turn out well, I'll say that much. Both of them are rather possessive and sharing you isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind once they get into the world's quietest screaming match.
Even though their beds are separated: Clay sleeps on the couch tonight, And probably for the rest of his life if Bloberta has anything to say about it. Both of them instantly trying to scheme their own ways of getting you over on their side.
Clay himself is a manipulative yandere to the core, Using his influence as Mayor to pull your strings. He's definetly gonna be difficult to manage
Bloberta isn't stupid, Though she may get rather reckless and short-sighted when it comes to you, She knows what she's doing and can get serious when it comes down to it.
Clay would definetly be subtle in getting you to like him, Going for the more long-game approach.
He'd also try to get you drunk and see if any mistakes happen between you and him after that. Of course they're just mistakes, Nothing more! (Do anything shitty and he'll archive it for blackmail)
Clay may also happen to run into you while you're out in the town, Often stopping to make conversation with you. Sometimes he even joins you out on your trips!
When you're in stores, He often offers to pay for whatever you're particularly interested in. You try to decline but he's rather insistent, Clay mostly using this as a chance to make you feel indebt to him.
When you ask about Bloberta, Clay often just brushes past her with a smile. Some people who are visiting/or are unfamiliar with Clay may ask if you two are married, Which you vehemently deny while Clay just stands there with a smug smile.
Bloberta? Subtle? Not compatible. I feel like she would definetly give much bolder hints than Clay would, When you're walking out from church she may or may not leave a lingering hand on your shoulder, One that almost refuses to let go.
She comes over to your house every other day with a tray of baked goods, One's that she's made sure that you'd love (Most definetly by stalking). Bloberta stays over as long as possible, Gossiping about townspeople and most especially Clay!
She's definetly giving off-hand comments about him, Remarking how lacklustre he is in bed, How he has just a tad bit of a drinking problem. Wink wink.
She definetly also insists that you do your shopping together, You know, Girl's day outs and such. Sometimes you even have evening drinks together, Bloberta becoming much more open on her affections with you.
Would also be a victory for her when you off-handedly admit that you like women as well as men. You'd definetly panic afterwards while Bloberta promises that she'll keep it a secret (Inside she's feeling victorious and has something to hold over you if need be.)
Between the two, Bloberta would DEFINETLY use Clay and Stopframe's affair against him. She knows it's happening and she has evidence to prove it.
Clay on the other hand will use Bloberta's attempts at infidelity against her. Both have evidence against each other
Unfortunately they stay together for the sake of appearances and somewhat the kids. While both would rather.. Let the other go, They have no choice but to stay "happily" married.
Imagine their fighting to get much more prominent, Maybe even coming up in public. All in that passive-aggressive tone that they're use to, Just a little more on the latter side.
You are none the wiser, You're just happy with your new house and town that you live in. Everyone is so welcoming here! Ignore the people that may or may not go missing if they slight you, They don't really matter right now.
You ever get into a semi-working, Somewhat willing relationship?
You all being a polyamorous couple has to be kept on the downlow in Moralton, Considering the religious stigma and all. You being mostly introduced as a close family friend when out in public (If you're allowed out, That is.)
You'll be treated very well but will be tossed about like a frisbee. I wouldn't put it past them to make a schedule for you, Like maybe some hours you get Bloberta and others you get Clay.
The two beds that they have? GONE. Get's turned into one big bed so they don't need to schedule what bed you go to every night. Though you will ALWAYS be in the middle, Both of them staring intensely at each other from each side as you as you sleep.
Orel will be need to be told some fake bible teaching by Clay so he won't go telling people he has two mothers. You'll probably be introduced to him as an Aunt, The kind that are really good friends with one of the parents, Not the related kind.
INSANELY POSSESSIVE. Like both of them will be threatened if you even try to leave without a good enough cause. I'd expect Bloberta to guilt trip you while Clay would certainly try to go complete whatever errands you need himself (Or god forbid, Send OREL out to do it.)
Bloberta definetly feels the need to be perfect for you, Her hygiene and fashion skyrocketing. She likes to assist you, Doing whatever she believes a good housewife would do. Your happiness is her utmost importance.
Clay definetly urges you to wear more feminine clothes, Also expecting you to make him a drink when he gets home from his stinkin'-dead-end-job. Though it would be much more toned-down I think, Since Bloberta would always be on your side if he complains.
The only time I ever see them working together would be if there was a threat towards you and their relationship. In this aspect they compliment each other and work with each other's flaws.
Bloberta's general recklessness when it comes to murder is held back by Clay's more logical thought process. And Clay has someone that is willing to get down and dirty, As I'd imagine him to be rather iffy when cleaning bodies.
Either that or if you try to run away, Both Bloberta and clay would be working together like clockwork to get you back. Clay using his influence to fabricate a story while Bloberta would use her social skills to convince the rest of the town of said story.
You could probably get away, That is if you change your name, Do what Veronica should've done and drive up to Seattle. But apart from that it's gonna be real difficult if you stay in Moralton.
Everyone in town would be hounding you about what happened, Either for gossip or general concern for your wellbeing. It'd be hard, The peer pressure would be enough to make anyone crack.
And if you don't relent? Good luck with all that blackmail they collected being let out into the wild. Your reputation
But I'm sure they could make it seem like simple rumours if you come back, Play your part and stay nice. Clay and Bloberta promise that at the very least!
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bleghxy · 10 months
GL manga recs:
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Summary: Maki's first love was her high school classmate, a girl named Midori. But Midori broke up with Maki at graduation, saying they were now "too old to be fooling around dating girls." Ten years later, Maki still can’t get Midori off her mind, and when the two women reconnect after a chance encounter, Maki realizes that, while her feelings haven’t changed, Midori has long moved on—in fact, she's engaged. Yet the more Maki hears Midori talk about her soon-to-be-husband, the more red flags she notices. And Midori has another secret, one she hasn’t yet shared with Maki. Will it be the last blow to Maki's hopes that their romance might be rekindled? Or will it be the push that sets them on a new path—one they'll travel together?
There's so much depth to this. At a glance it looks like a simple story. You read the summary and think oh well it's the same old plot of getting back with your ex but it's not. It deals with heavy topics like abusive relationships, comphet and the fear of being alone. It's very realistic in its portrayal. Both of the women are very well written especially Midori.
Status: Completed
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Summary: Cooking is how Nomoto de-stresses, but one day, she makes way more than she can eat by herself. And so she invites her neighbor Kasuga, who also lives alone. What will come out of this dinner invitation?
Review: This manga is such an excellent read. There's so much that I love about this manga. I don't wanna spoil it so I'm gonna let you find out on your own. It points out the troubles women face due to the stereotypical portrayal of them in society. There's a good amount of discussion on lgbt especially on Nomoto's end. I won't say much about Kasuga because I don't wanna mistakenly spoil her past. There are also new characters in vol 3 who are as well written as the main characters. The women in this story are very well written! I really recommend this one! Also trigger warnings are given before anything heavy or disturbing is mentioned in this manga.
Status: Ongoing
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Summary: Dani's promising future as an elite athlete is cut short when, during the middle of the television broadcast competition, her heart collapses. This ordeal will not only affect her health, but also destroy her relationship with her mother and skip her tennis career. In order to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and all its problems, she decides to go with her cousin to the small coastal town Levant and it is there where she will meet Blanca, a girl full of life and love for astronomy who will remind her that life can be beautiful and that Dani can shine again as the stars do.
Review: This is very short but still a good read. Even though I wished it were longer, it still managed to carry out the development between the two main characters. The only issue I had with this is, since the manga is very short, it fails to properly carry out the development between Dani and her mom.
Status: Completed
If you want more GL recs:
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jayisgayandtrans · 2 months
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It's simple not too much detail... But look into it.
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A Sahara coin. (Grian) Mumbo for mayor. (Grian)
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Ticket no 24.... Who is hermit number 24? Grian.
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Who uploaded on the 15th of December 2022? Grian
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Need I explain anymore.
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This one is a throwback to his ODEA store from S7 (?) where he sold redstone. It took me a while but possibly the 83 Stands for HC (how far in the alphabet they are) and lagringsilo translates to storage silo in Swedish
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My favourite one if all is this. This reads "I MISS MY DADS" 3 times in binary code. And who are grumbits dads... MUMBO AND GRIAN.
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Only thi g I don't know is what this is. What is horse
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aloeverified · 1 month
au where marinette's parents own a small, struggling, but community-loved bakery outside of paris. she works after school and on weekends since her parents can't currently afford to hire any other employees, but she enjoys getting to know everyone in her neighborhood and uses her tip money to fund her sewing projects.
as the end of her junior high days approach, marinette is encouraged by her parents to apply to her dream high school, françoise dupont lycée of the arts, as a fashion student. she doesn't expect to actually get accepted, but knows her parents are right when they say there's no hurt in trying. after submitting her online store portfolio, where she does commissions and launches small projects like accessories, she receives feedback that the school board was beyond impressed with her work and would like to offer her a full-ride scholarship.
although it's hard for her to part from her parents for the first time in her life, they refuse to let her turn down the opportunity and practically pack her bags for her. after a very long and painful goodbye with lots of promises to call every single day, marinette leaves for paris.
she meets alya, her roommate and first friend at her new school. she's the daughter of a successful chef and is a promising journalist and creative writing student, she and marinette share many of their core subjects not relating to their majors.
marinette also meets chloé, the daughter of the mayor of france and alya's life-long enemy. the two go way back, with alya's mother being an old friend of chloe's father and having worked at his hotel restaurant before. the hate each other, and by association, chloé hates marinette — especially after finding out marinette is a fellow fashion major whose work scored much higher than her own.
then she meets adrien. adrien is a fellow fashion and modeling student who was eagerly accepted into the school despite his very late application. however, the principal was thrilled at the idea of having such a beloved model joining the student body, and didn't want to deal with chloé's threats of action if adrien was denied, so he was accepted with open arms.
adrien didn't exactly choose his majors, but rather just went along with what was expected of him. he already had a successful modeling career, so he took the classes despite there being little he didn't already know and have mastered. he was encouraged to join fashion classes as well, both by adults who assumed he was going to take after his father and by his best friend who wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.
adrien is easily impressed with just about every design marinette crafts and marinette admits it's a bit endearing the way adrien struggles to figure out where the sewing machine's on switch is. his father is equally impressed, if not even more so, and marinette is asked to become a paid intern upon winning a contest judged by gabriel agreste.
not to mention the kind old man she befriends, an older chinese man who owns a tea shop in petite asie. marinette admits to feeling a bit alienated without her mother, worried her classmates will look at her funny for cooking guangxi rice in the dorm kitchen or having late night gossip sessions on the phone in mandarin. he tells marinette she will always have a friend while in paris and that she's more connected to the city than she thinks.
eventually, marinette even finds herself befriending almost all of her classmates, and even one of her classmate's brothers. juleka couffaine is a modeling major and a fellow scholarship student, something she and marinette bond over. luka is just as sweet as his sister, and almost as quiet if you ignore his constant humming and guitar strumming.
he also applied to be a music major at françoise dupont, but was rejected. after a year of struggling and being bullied in public school, he dropped out to focus on working and supporting his family — taking some of the burden away from his single mother and making sure juleka never has to go without. throughout the course of their relationship, marinette is eventually able to discover the ridiculous reasons why luka wasn't accepted and encourages him to go back to school, as well as accept that he can't support his family if he doesn't let them support him as well (a lesson she also had to learn).
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hlficlibrary · 8 months
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HL Fic Library 🩷 Meet Cute Fics
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
🩷 You Make Lovin' Fun by @homosociallyyours {E, 109k}
Harry is a 28 year old travel writer at a gay magazine who gets the assignment to go a lesbian cruise. She figures it's a nice chance to have some fun in the sun, but she's not expecting much else-- even if her partner and best friend are both encouraging her to hook up with someone while she's there.
When she locks eyes with a gorgeous silver fox from across the room, she starts to think she could've been wrong. There are lots of things standing in the way of anything real happening with her and Louis, but that doesn't stop them from falling for one another. True love isn't always easy, but they do make lovin' fun.
🩷 Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds by @2tiedships2 {M, 38k}
Broadway shows were one of the few things that could keep Louis’ attention for a full two hours without needing to move about. But not tonight.
The alpha next to him was both infuriating him and practically turning him on at the same time. He needed to leave. The alpha, that is. Louis was staying.
Or the one where Louis is a nonverbal omega who has accepted the fact that he will never find an alpha that will treat him as an equal. On the other hand, he’s never met anyone like Harry.
🩷  hymns for restless stars by @turnyourankle {E, 37k}
Every Holiday season Louis has his pupils write down their Christmas wishes for class. He's read almost every wish under the sun, but one girl's wish takes him by surprise. It's for her uncle not to be alone anymore. It's not a wild wish by any means, but Louis had no idea that former teen idol Harry Styles was lonely in the first place.
🩷 From the Start by @allwaswell16 {E, 32k}
Louis has no idea that one act of kindness will cause his life to spiral out of control. But that's what happens when his new friend fake proposes to him and a video of it goes viral.
🩷 On This Winter's Night by @reminiscingintherain {T, 27k}
When a random bloke offers his lap for a seat on a busy bus in December, Louis' Christmas ends up being much different, and far less lonely than he was expecting.
🩷 What Side Of Love Are You On? by @fallinglikethis {T, 25k}
Ever since Harry finally made the decision to come out to his mother as bisexual, she’s been foisting women on him left and right, determined it’s just a phase. But when she puts out a personal ad to find the perfect partner for her son, things really get complicated. Suddenly, Harry’s heart is being pulled in two very different directions. On one side is the sweet, caring woman he has fun with, but doesn’t know his mother chose for him. On the other is a man who seems to be his mother’s worst nightmare, but makes Harry’s heart flutter in ways he’s never felt before. When all is said and done, maybe they’ll all learn that when there is no clear path to go down, the best option is to follow your heart.
A Because I Said So Au with a bisexual twist.
🩷 A Road To Something Better by @taggiecb {E, 25k}
Louis Tomlinson, famous romance novelist, has just had the rug pulled out from under his feet when his boyfriend leaves him without notice. What's the most appropriate response to this? Move a thousand miles away and seclude himself in a tiny lake town, of course. But nothing is as he expects it to be in the very best way, especially not the handsome mayor of McAll, Idaho.
🩷 Naked & Proud by kiwikero / @icanhazzalou {E, 18k}
The town itself is tiny, as evidenced by the ten minutes it’s taken Louis to drive the entire thing. There’s not a single recognisable brand in sight—no Tesco or McDonald’s or even a bloody Starbucks. Lining the streets instead are mom and pop stores with names like ‘Jerry’s Burgers’ and ‘The Market Basket’ and…
“'Naked & Proud?'” Louis almost slams on the brakes at the outlandish sign, the name written in a seemingly innocent font, words curved around a large cartoon peach. He can’t help turning into the carpark, easing the car into a spot next to a beat up truck.
He isn’t sure what to make of it. Surely it isn’t a strip joint or sex shop, not with the families and little old ladies going in and out of the establishment. Some kind of nudist hangout, perhaps?
And, oh, God. Did Louis’ mother accidentally send him to live in a nudist colony?
In which Harry runs an organic store, not a nudist colony, and Louis doesn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed.
🩷 Single Bells Ring by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense {M, 16k}
A holiday singles event is not where Louis wants to be tonight, but there he is, helping his best friend find love. Just as Louis is settling in, ready to have a terrible time, he meets the fittest alpha he’s ever come across.
🩷 love so soft, you ain’t had nothing softer (series) by @neondiamond {E, 15k}
Louis is an Alpha with an odd obsession for gummy bears. Harry is an Omega who makes friends a little too easily. They meet on the bus.
🩷 Breathe me in, breathe me out by @lunarheslwt {G, 14k}
Louis was just passing the autumn collection, when an unfamiliar but addicting scent tickled his nose. Cinnamon. He turned as he realised something. He felt calm. Relaxed. The permanent agitation that he carried was melting away the more he breathed in the scent, as faint as it was. Consumed by the crazed desire to seek out the specific candle, Louis began picking up candles and sniffing them madly, when a deep voice piped up, startling him. “Uh, sir, we don’t allow candle fetishists in here.” Louis froze mid sniff in mortification. Willing himself to not blush, he turned, a retort at the tip of his tongue. Except, it died in his throat as he took in the man before him. “I uh,” Louis blurted out accidentally, temporarily rendered speechless by the frankly unfairly beautiful man before him. Only at the man’s grin widening did he regain his wits. “You’re gonna kink shame me?”
Or, Louis is drawn into a quaint candle shop in his desire to find ways to soothe himself while struggling with touch depri. It takes him two more run-ins and with the lovely alpha sales assistant, and a drop, to figure out the source of the scent that imprints upon him and calms his omega. Idiots to lovers
🩷 Far Afield by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird {T, 11k}
Harry Styles is a witch who owns the best flower shop in Manchester. Lottie Tomlinson is planning her wedding, and brings her brother along to her first appointment. Both men have been having a bad day and sparks fly.
🩷 The Art of the Giants by asphodelknox / @iamasphodelknox {G, 10k}
Louis is dancing away from an old relationship when he meets Harry at a bookstore in the busy streets of Seattle. Harry is just a bookstore owner hoping his handsome weekly visitor could become something more.
🩷 All Shook Up by @littleroverlouis {T, 9k}
Memphis, Tennessee is looking to crown the Ultimate Elvis Tribute artist. A majority of the contestants are content to shake their hips on stage, but singer-songwriter Harry is taking it more seriously. He is confident his voice and charisma will send him straight through to the finals.
He is already polishing his crown before even setting foot on stage, until he meets a fellow competitor. Louis is talented, charming, and a natural born performer. He commands the stage— and Harry's attention.
Harry has his eye on the prize and the Ultimate title, but what happens when someone becomes the ultimate prize?
🩷 The Way to My Heart by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 {T, 6k}
Louis' having a bit of a dry spell, until he bumps into an attractive alpha in the supermarket and leaves with his number. It was a hard bump. Very... muscular.
The only problem is, said alpha asks Louis to cook for him - which is not exactly his skill set.
🩷 Only Reason by @letsjustsee {NR, 5k}
“We are so lucky to have with us one of the leading experts on beekeeping in the modern age, Dr. Louis Draper.” No. No, no, no… “I know I speak for many of us when I say that this man’s books have guided our practice, or helped us get started,” Harry continued, and Louis watched as the crowd nodded their heads in agreement. Oh shit. No. What? No. But then Harry was gesturing towards him, saying “Dr. Draper?” into the microphone, the crowd was applauding, and Louis found himself walking up the stairs to the stage.
Or, Louis is most definitely smitten with Harry from the second he sees him, but he is also most definitely not the world's foremost expert on beekeeping. He decides to roll with it anyway.
🩷 Unplant by @hellolovers13 {M, 4k}
Please do not disturb my plant She needs 2 hours of sunlight a day and I live in a sunless flat I’ll be back to collect her soon Thank you and stay well.
or Louis should've looked where he was going, then he wouldn't have to desperately try to save a little flower now.
🩷 Validation by @lululawrence {NR, 3k}
“Hey, how are you?” Harry asked. He’d found that sometimes just a smile and a kind face was all that was needed to brighten someone’s day.
“Oh, uhm. I’m alright. Can you validate me?”
Harry chuckled inwardly, but decided to go ahead and take him literally.
Or the one where Harry worked in a parking garage and he totally didn’t mean for this, the whole validation of people as well as their parking tickets, to become a thing. It just kinda...did.
🩷 more than that by @nouies {NR, 3k}
Harry looks for the best bread in France. He finds Louis.
🩷 an honest mistake by @disgruntledkittenface {NR, 2k}
“You look different when you’re not covered in come,” he blurts out, immediately regretting each and every life choice that has led to this exact moment. Elevator Guy is going to hate him.
Louis has ridden the elevator with his neighbor all week. The first time they speak, there’s a misunderstanding.
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