#love is a choice poem
divorcedwife · 5 months
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Come to my arms, cruel and sullen thing; Indolent beast, come to my arms again
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angadgautama · 1 month
In my childhood I did not want to go to school, education was boring for me, in my early youth I wanted girlfriends, however I did not have time because I was addicted to studying too much. but my financial conditions never be good and remains same till now but i never feel bad about it. Now at my mature youth age I just want peace of mind, no studies, no girlfriend.
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historical-kitten · 6 months
Ancient Roman Poets on a Modern Date
Catullus (Gaius Valerius Catullus)
If you meet him before Lesbia, he will be charming, eloquent, and happy to go wherever you like, although his funds could be limited. Even so, he'll make sure you both enjoy yourselves. Theater or concert tickets in the plebian--nosebleed--section, for instance. If you meet him after Lesbia, there is a possibility he will spend the entire time trauma-dumping about his ex. If you also have one to complain about, this could be cathartic.
Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro)
He takes you out to his beehive dressed in full bee-keeping gear to introduce you to his bees and then goes inside, where you sample different varieties of honey drizzled over fruit. He is sweet, but does talk about fields and bees a lot.
Ovid (Gaius Valerius Catullus)
Let's be honest. This might be more of a Tinder or Grindr hookup than a date. However, it's possible you met at a theater, race track, parade, or seaside resort. If you are aro/ace, run away. If you aren't and you are interested in seeing if he truly is proficient as a teacher of love, stick around. Don't expect him to be faithful, however. And although his manners are perfect, remember that it's an art and a game to him, so guard your heart.
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
He'll take you out for a night of expensive dining and pay for it solely because the friend of a friend that owns the place owes him. He is charming company and can get you into any exclusive club or private experience you want to go to, but will expect reciprocated favors. Also, he turns on the charm, but absolutely expects to be complimented in return.
She plays hard to get initially, not wanting to be too obvious with her affection. The first date will be YOUR choice. Pick well and she'll follow that with a candlelit dinner and eternal devotion. She does have expensive taste, however, and she would absolutely report you to her scary uncle if you break her heart.
Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis)
He takes you on a picnic. Despite this being in the country, he'll opt for fine wine and gourmet food. He's easy to talk to, funny, and catty with his gossip. However, he'll also go on about his childhood in the country and how he went hunting and fishing and how he misses the simple country life. (All while sipping from an expensive goblet.)
Livy (Titus Livius)
He takes you to a museum and acts as your tour guide throughout the entire thing. Who knew that your date would double as a living and breathing audio tour? You're supposed to eat at the museum cafe, but you may not make it there before it closes... If you're a fan of history, you're in for a treat.
Iullus Antonius
Iullus is a huge romantic and just as charming as his famous father. He will show up with flowers and take you on a date in a small, undiscovered restaurant and to a lot of cute places that are off the beaten path. Whether you hit it off romantically or not, he's the kind of guy who could be your ride or die. (Spoiler alert, when he says he's your ride or die, he's extremely serious. 💀)
Albius Tibullus
When he falls, he falls hard. He takes you on a date in an orchard. This includes picking grapes and then tasting wines. If the date is before he was entranced with one of the lovers he wrote about, all is well. If not, he might get a little teary eyed about his past love(s). He is polite, sweet, attentive, and apologetic though.
Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)
He takes you to an expensive restaurant and makes it clear he is only paying for HIS meal. The entire time he criticizes everyone else in the restaurant for being posers and judges them based upon appearance, status, and gender. His date is not a safe place for anyone who doesn't fit his definition of traditional values. Definitely talks about kids these days and the degradation of society.
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thedeadpoetshadow · 4 months
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You DESERVES to be someone's FIRST choice not a REALIZATIONS
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trinalwilliams · 5 months
 I choose wisely which thoughts I’m going to entertain, I and I alone have this power.
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chaosincalmness · 1 year
“Second choice”
I have been second choice my whole life,
A constant struggle, a never-ending strife.
Always an option, never a priority,
A feeling of neglect, of ambiguity.
I wonder how it would feel to be first,
To be the one that they choose, not coerced.
To be the center of their world, their heart,
To be loved and cherished, from the very start.
But maybe being second choice is a gift,
For it helps us to see, to sift,
Through the ones who truly care,
And those who only want to share.
So let us embrace our place in life,
And let our hearts be free from strife.
For we are worthy, no matter what they say,
And we will find our way, come what may.
-chaos in calmness.
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ashiqui · 2 years
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for @declanphobe​ — i love you on purpose.
welcome to night vale, ep 100: toast / sleeping at last, two / i am not okay with this, 1x03 / kiersten white, the chaos of stars / the good place, 4x09 / taylor jenkins reid, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo / jenny slate (x) / casey mcquiston, red, white & royal blue / extraordinary attorney woo, 1x10 / leslie becker-phelps / portrait of a lady on fire (2019) / jodi picoult, the book of two ways / euripides, orestes (trans. anne carson) / vance joy, mess is mine / sade andria zabala, coffee and cigarettes (x)
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irradiantflux · 5 months
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achlyx · 2 months
"The most important thing is you do what makes you happy. Your happiness is your choice and responsibility alone."
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vulpinesaint · 1 month
i had a final to get done this weekend too but i think that venom 2016 pet names compilation was a valuable use of my time as well
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northern-passage · 1 year
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i wrote a 500 word dynamic poem for neo-twiny jam :-)
i rewrote this in a few different ways with a handful of different drafts before settling on just doing a poem; this originally came from a full branching narrative i've had stewing for a while, and i might come back to it one day. but for now i enjoyed channeling that into this poem, which has also been very influenced by the fact that i've been writing hungry vampires for almost 2 months now.... it was also my first time messing with audio in twine, which ended up being way easier than i expected (i'm sure it helped that i only used one audio sample tho)
faith does contain sexual content, and while not super explicit, it is the main theme of the poem.
anyways hope you enjoy and check out the other entries here!
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soloisfine · 5 days
A Fish and Its Wish
My wishful dreams have long been washed ashore,
Under the blazing sun their demise was fast.
I fear not what future has in store
For history is just my tragic past.
Another life unlived, I stand before my heart.
I wish I had it back (I wish I had you back),
I wish this was a game where I could hit restart
And gather the resolve I desperately lack.
You call me childish, greedy little fish —
All that I am, for I was born to take.
But when you offer me to grant my greedy wish,
This time, again, I'll make the same mistake.
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trinalwilliams · 1 month
"Eternal Essence"
Beyond the veil of mortal sight,
Lies the realm of eternity's light.
Thin skin, a temporary disguise,
Concealing the timeless, infinite surprise.
Creators within, crafting reality's tapestry,
Weaving experiences, wild and free.
Grace unfolds, a gentle, guiding breeze,
As we navigate life's illusory seas.
Time, a human construct, a fleeting dream,
Ephemeral moments, like autumn leaves' scheme.
Yet, in the now, eternity resides,
A boundless expanse, where love abides.
No beginning, no end, just eternal flow,
A seamless dance, where moments grow.
One in the same, the universe entwines,
Eternal beings, infinite designs.
In this realm, we're free to roam,
Unshackled from time's linear home.
Embrace the journey, wild and vast,
Eternity's essence, forever to last.
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ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
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musings-of-the-void · 3 months
People say they “fall” in love
But what happens when they get back up again?
When it stops being magical
When it stops being easy
When it just is
When it’s a choice they have to make
Instead of a force that bowled them over
When they don’t “feel it” anymore
When it’s normal instead of new
Love bowled me over and I got back up
I walked towards you with careful steps
I walked towards you on purpose
I chose you
I chose to love you
This is how I always want to be
My love for you is an action, a choice
You are worth loving on purpose
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privit3 · 10 months
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