#love getting hate comments on nextdoor
quaalussy · 1 year
events of today so far
got woken up by my mom saying there was a stray dog on our porch and i needed to search around online to find the owner
posted on nextdoor, found the person who lost him (a dog sitter)
fed the dog, tried to get him to stay in one place, but he was skittish and terrified and wouldnt let anyone near him
the dog sitter showed up and immediately started yelling at me for not having him on a leash (i've never had a dog and dont fucking own a dog leash)
dog was still terrified from the whole thing and ran into the alley away from the sitter, sitter yelled at me cause its my fault i guess
strangers on nextdoor now responding to my original post saying its my fault and that i let the dog loose
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kamiyugure · 5 months
Social Media Notifications Are Out of Control
I LOVE that in order to get something like facebook to STOP spamming my email, it's now a huge long series of settings I have to go through one-by-one. At what point can my email box just call these apps' content what it is? Spam. It shouldn't be assumed that I want to be updated about everyone and everything tangentially related to anyone and anything I've ever looked at on these websites. Can't even go to a person's profile page with NOTHING on it, without it trying to infinite scroll. Even when the ONLY THING it has to scroll through is the one time they added a profile picture 2 days ago because it's a BRAND NEW MALICIOUS SCAM BOT ACCOUNT FLOODING POSTS WITH BS trying to trick people in bad situations into getting tangled up with their friends trying to sell them an absurd system to track down their missing pets that would and could never fucking work. The apps themselves are just as complicit because they want you to always have a notification even if it's nothing to do with you and doesn't involve anyone you actually know. Jimbob dumbfuck posted a comment on a post you haven't seen in a joke group you joined 5 years ago? PING MOTHERFUCKER Good god. Wish scam and spam filters would start hyper targetting these social media apps because nothing in the world has more bullshit than facebook and instagram and nextdoor etc. Hell even LinkedIn - there's like 500 settings to turn off on fucking LINKEDIN. Bitch almost nobody is on LinkedIn for anything other than when they gotta find their next job. We're not trying to get that toxic work culture seeping into our everyday lives so no, I don't want to know about random guy 37 posting his daily inspirational, only-people-willing-to-sell-their-souls-to-capitalism-deserve-to-eat spiel, to his fellow recruiters that have to live on LinkedIn. I cannot imagine something I want to see less besides like I dunno, gore. That's how much I hate this stuff.
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Wow the world really is nicer when I take ALL my meds lmao
For context my dr forgot to call in a refill and I didnt notice for two weeks straight lmao
Like I was walking yesterday and pointing out how cute everyone's yards looked sggdgdgd like "oh they have little flower boxes in the windows and hanging baskets. That's so cute" "aww I really like that pink house (which people on nextdoor HATE bc its salmon pink) I think it would be really cute with white shutters and flower boxes. I'd get those big stickers you can put on walls of like flowers or paint big flowers on the sides. So cute."
Then admiring our own yard agdgdggdgd like we have two MASSIVE like 8ft tall no joke rose bushes and people either LOVE LOVE LOVE them and stop to comment when we're out, or haaaaaaate them and will bring it up multiple times in conversation sgdggdgdgd like "doesnt that bother you?? That it's overgrown inside the fence?" Like no lmao I did that on purpose when it was small I weave the branches in and out for support and aesthetic
Anyway I knew I liked gardening a lot but the past few days I've genuinely felt so happy doing it. Like I stopped and made myself acknowledge that I'm feeling JOY bc you tend to gloss over the moments of happiness with severe depression
Anyways my garden looks great and I cant wait to see it flourish 🥰
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eijaksa · 2 years
hanging out with friends makes me wish I had the time and energy to write fics. like. you just come up with the best (crack) concepts.
like Arcane AU idea!
- Wander and Silco are an ex couple (rather than having been like brothers and all that). they can't really stand each other but they live in the same cul de sack as nextdoor neighbors
- they both belong to the HOA and are constantly at odds with each other about how the neighborhood should be maintained
- they are both adoptive fathers and their kids ll play soccer in the same group
- Grayson coaches the team, until she retires. Marcus takes her place as the coach, but neither Wander nor Silco are happy with his coaching and they have no choice but to team up to find a better coach for their soccer loving kids.
- Wander and Silco frequent the same gay bar. The rest of the main cast are other people who frequent the same bar. There are trivia nights on Thursdays and both Wander and Silco *must* attend the trivia nights.
- Sevika hates trivia nights. For that reason (and that reason alone) she's the baby sitter for all the adopted kids when everyone else is busy competing to see who's the best at remembering useless facts.
- Sevika doesn't particularly like kids. She's there to see they don't burn the house down or get themselves killed. She sits on the same chair the whole time, smoking (one of the kids points out smoking indoors isn't allowed in the house, Sevika responds by taking a long drag, lungs full, and letting it out slowly. "so?" "dad's gonna blame me" another long drag) and finding it annoying that the kids some times want her attention. don't they have toys to play with???
- usually the kids want her to play Twister with them. It's a well known fact that she's an excellent Twister player. You see, the kids got Twister as a present some year and there was a big ass party. Sevika was maybe more than a little drunk and ended up being like. Let me show y'all how it's done. Grayson ended playing with her and the whole game ended up with Sevika throwing suggestive comments at her, despite neither of them liking the other.
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darnittumbleweed · 4 years
Learning to Love the Snow: Spencer Reid
It was snowing quite heavily and it had been doing so through out most of the night. It was a miracle they hadn’t wrecked on their way here given the state of the road.
It was kind of funny he’d never liked snow before now. He could distinctly remember how he’d felt about the snow a few years ago on a night much like this one.
He allowed his mind to sink into the memory it so fresh just as every memory was to him.
Reid groaned as he struggled to move across the slick sidewalk and keep up the pace. How could she be so quick on the ice?
He scoffed as she glanced back at him an amused giggle escaping her as she called out to him. “Speed up the pace slow-poke. My grandfather moves faster than you.”
“I don’t think that’s an accurate comparison.” Reid groaned scrambling as he walked across a particularly icy patch.
How could she be enjoying this weather? It was unbearably cold. The streets were frozen and the chill in the air was brutal. Despite the fact that Reid had piled the layers on it felt as though the cold air went right through him. His converse didn’t seem strong enough to keep the cool out his socks feeling a bit damp and icy. He shivered as he moved silently cursing his lean body. His skinny frame didn’t seem to do him any favors when it came to keeping warm. 
Thankfully he managed to steady himself by grasping onto a near by car. Y/N made her way to him shaking her head as she spoke. “It’s not that icy.”
“Says you.” Reid remarked though he didn’t resist the offer of her arm to steady himself against.
He let go of the car she thankfully moving steady and slow as they began their trek forward. He spoke a small sigh leaving him. “It’s way too cold. Did we really need to go out to dinner?”
“Yes we did. You told me it was my turn to choose where we ate. I’m craving Indian food and they always screw up our order when we call in for take out.” Y/N pointed out Reid shaking his head regretting even mentioning Butter Chicken for dinner. He wasn’t sure any food was worth this mess.
She spoke again ignoring his shiver as an icy breeze blew past. “It’ll be worth it trust me.”
“I’m not sure I agree.” He remarked a chuckle leaving her.
“How can you be so grouchy when it’s so beautiful outside?” She asked not helping but to look up her eyes closing as snowflakes fell upon them.
Reid stared down at her getting lost in the sight for a moment. The snowflakes landed upon her a serene smile crossing her lips as she closed her eyes and soaked in the moment. 
She spoke not opening her eyes a dreamy sigh leaving her. “It’s like being trapped in a snowglobe.”
Reid didn’t manage to stop the small smile from crossing his lips. He wanted to comment that she was far prettier than the snow, but he kept his lips sealed knowing that this wasn’t an appropriate comment to make to someone who was only his friend.
He wanted so badly to be far more than her friend.
They’d met a year ago when she’d moved into the apartment nextdoor to his. She’d been quite hard to miss with freshly dyed pink hair that he was sure his coworker Penelope Garcia would gush over. 
He’d only admired his pretty new neighbor from afar. She seemed a little bit too cool to ever even look twice at someone like him. That hadn’t stopped him from admiring her though.
It wasn’t until she’d shown up on his front step one night her cheeks flushed as she spoke. “I know this is such a weird question but my washer is on the fritz and the landlord won’t fix it till next week...I really really really need to wash a load of laundry and I’m desperate...I hate to ask but.”
He didn’t give her a chance to continue as he spoke rather frantically. “You can use my washer and dryer.”
She’d gazed up at him his heart swooning at the look of relief that crossed her face. “Thank you so much, you’re my hero.”
He liked being her hero.
When she’d entered his apartment a basket in her hands he’d scrambled around his living area cleaning the space of old coffee mugs and clutter.
She’d paused her eyes spotting the keyboard he’d rested against the wall, brand new unopened. “You play?”
“No, I mean yes...I’m learning.” Reid explained unsure he should explain that most instruments were basically manageable if you had a good concept of mathematics. It was all math really.
She spoke nodding her head her words making him smile. “Oh, cool. I’ve always wanted to learn to play. I played the piano when I was a kid, but no room for a piano in my apartment. So I thought a keyboard might be a good compromise.”
“You could play this one...I mean if you wanted to test it out before you buy one.” Reid replied wanting to kick himself for sounding so eager. Why couldn't he be smooth with women like Derek Morgan?
She gave him a small smile that adoring look returning to her eyes much like the look she’d given him when he told her she could borrow his washer and dryer. “Really? You wouldn’t mind?”
Reid had nodded his head eagerly the words leaving him. “I don’t mind at all.”
Reid had found he couldn’t say no to her. He’d probably agree to anything she asked of him. He just wished she’d ask for more than friendship.
He sighed as she opened her eyes glancing up at him as she began to move forward again. “I will make you see how great the snow is. One day I’ll do it.”
Reid chuckled shaking his head. “I’m from Vegas. I’m not made for the snow.”
“You’ll change your mind. You’ll see Vegas. One day you’re gonna love the snow.” She insisted.
Little did she know she was right. It would just take some time.
His mind was pulled from his memories as the door to the little hospital room they were nestled in swung open the nurse rolling in a clear little bassinet.
The woman spoke nodding to Reid her voice soft so not to wake the sleeping woman in the bed beside Reid. “I’ll let Mommy sleep a little longer and then we’ll try nursing.”
Reid nodded his head in thanks standing as the bassinet was left at the foot of the bed.
He didn’t approach it until the nurse left leaving the three of them alone.
He reached down still feeling a bit hesitant despite the fact that he’d held both his godsons a thousand times now.
He took the infant into his arms nestling her close and gently as he gazed down upon her. Madeline Diana Reid born at midnight the day before weighing in at seven pounds and eleven ounces. 
Reid almost found it impossible to believe. He’d spent so many long months waiting to finally meet her and now she was here and he knew nothing would ever be the same again. He found that he didn’t quite mind this fact.
He spoke his voice soft and sweet. “Hello my love. I’m sorry I’m not Mom, but she needs some rest. You took over eight hours to get here...Mom was so amazing though and it’s okay that you took your time. We just wanted you to enter the world as safely as possible.”
He rocked in place thankful that she settled into his arms so easily. He spoke again unable to stop himself from pouring his heart out to her. “I will be honest with you sweet baby. I didn’t have a good dad...I was really scared when your mom and me found out about you. I thought that I was just going to ruin everything...I was so afraid, I didn’t know how to be a dad. Your mom though, she made everything feel so much less scary. She was so brave and she made me want to brave for her. That’s one thing you’re going to learn about your mom, she’s so brave. She insists I’m the brave one because of my job...but she’s got way more courage than me. I know I may not always be as brave as your Mom, but I promise I’m going to try my best. I might not be as brave as mom, but there’s lots of other things I can teach you and I swear to you that I love you so much. I love both your mom and you so so so much.”
He paused his eyes growing damp as she gazed up at him. Everyone had told him that it would feel like this. There was no love greater than the love one felt when they gazed upon their child for the first time. It was true.
He only tore his eyes from her as a familiar voice sounded out drowsy. “I love you too.”
He gazed upon the sleeping woman in the bed his heart overflowing with more love. Though Y/N’s hair was no longer pink having faded back to its natural color during her pregnancy, Reid was still convinced she was by far the most stunning woman he’d ever laid eyes upon.
She was now so much more than his friend. She was his other half, his soulmate, his wife and the mother to his newborn daughter.
He made his way over to her gently placing their daughter in her arms she chuckling as Madeline began to root around.
Y/N spoke a drowsy laugh leaving her. “Yes I know your food source is finally awake.”
Reid chuckled reaching out to help Y/N with her hospital gown Madeline wasting no time to latch on and begin nursing. 
Reid couldn’t take his eyes off of them both. They were so beautiful. They were his girls. They were his life. 
Y/N spoke her voice still so sleepy. “Is it still snowing?”
“Yes, it doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime soon.” Reid replied.
He paused unable to stop himself from asking that memory he’d been lost in earlier flashing through his brain again. “Do you feel like we’re trapped in a snowglobe?”
She laughed at the question sometimes still so amazed by his memory. It was a blessing and a curse. 
Though his eidetic memory allowed him to remember every disgusting case file he’d read at work, that same memory also allowed him to remember every single love letter she’d ever written him. 
She was sure she’d made the snowglobe comment in a few of those letters. It was their inside joke each time there was a fleck of snow in the air.
“I feel like we’re in something much better than a snowglobe.” She remarked the comment causing Reid to reach down and caress their daughter’s chubby little cheek. He couldn’t help but to agree.
Y/N gazed up at him unable to stop herself from saying it. “I can remember a time when you hated the snow Vegas.”
Reid chuckled at the silly pet-name. He spoke up, nodding his head the words leaving him without hesitation. “I did. I thought you had to be out of your mind to love the snow as much as you did.”
She replied to the comment with a question. “So, did I finally do it? Do you finally love the snow?”
Reid couldn’t wipe the smile from his lips, the answer so obvious. “I love you...and yes, I think I have a pretty good reason to love the snow now.”
She smiled up at him, the words leaving her without any hesitation. “I love you too. We both do.”
He continued to caress his daughter’s cheek, his eyes not leaving Y/N’s. 
He wasn’t lying. Y/N really had changed his mind about the snow, though probably not in the way she had expected.
As they sat cuddled up in a warm tiny hospital room though they gazing upon their daughter, both Reid and Y/N had to think that they had a very special little reason to love the snow now.
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scseason7 · 4 years
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Episode 7x11 Prompts
Continuing our lists of prompts by episode...
If anything sparks your interest, be sure to head over to AO3 and claim it!
Even though Patrick and Stevie are good friends and have been since they first met, Patrick finds himself jealous as her trips in and out of town for the motels cause her to completely take up all their time whenever she is in town. He know David misses her, and he misses her too, but he'd like to have a little time alone with his husband when his best friend is in town. Of course he gets a little resentful and a little passive aggressive until it turns into much more of a thing than it needs to be. How do they work it out? How does David help Patrick feel less pushed aside? How does Patrick remind himself how much he likes spending time with Stevie? How do the three of them rebalance an unbalanced social dynamic? (no David/Stevie/Patrick, please)
David has always been a bit of a mummy's boy, but when they have an argument worse than ever before how will they, and their husbands, cope?
It started small. Just an off-handed comment David made. But it wasn’t that to Patrick. Instead of talking about it, Patrick Brewer, reigning king of avoidance, shoves it to the back of his mind. Over the next few months, though, it festers and causes him to lash out in various verbal and non-verbal ways. David, Over It, forces Patrick to sit down and talk.
Food discourse. Does someone hate ketchup? Does someone think eggs are the worst food on the planet? Pick a food, pick a fighter, let them get into it over something utterly ridiculous and benign. Maybe Schitt's Creek is even on Nextdoor or something like that, and the whole town gets in on the argument...
David is very vocal about his distaste for the new town sign Roland "gifted" to his parents when they left. But when Patrick goes to council (or maybe he's even on council?) about having it removed/changed without talking to David about it first, David is not happy about his husband's efforts to erase one of the only physical ties his family still has to the town.
Sometimes it helps to talk to someone. At a crossroads, Patrick and David decide to try marriage counseling. Happy ending appreciated.
David and Stevie have a blowout fight about... something. They don't see each other for ages. They aren't even really speaking. David hates it. He misses his best friend. But he also doesn't know how to fix it because he's never had a friend worth fighting for before.
Patrick and David have a fight a day before Patrick needs to leave town for some business conference or something. But cue Patrick making sure he still makes breakfast for David, orders lunch from Twyla to be delivered at the store, and pizza for dinner and whatever else just to assure David he's still loved and they're gonna talk about if when he returns. :)
Ronnie and Patrick find a common enemy.  Maybe someone starts a new baseball team in Schitt's Creek and is poaching players from Ronnie and Patrick's teams? Maybe a new business owner isn't playing nice with the already-established businesses? Maybe Patrick has joined town council and a big box store is trying to convince council to let them set up shop in Schitt's Creek? This request is partially about a new conflict, but mostly about Patrick and Ronnie resolving theirs.
There’s also a generic, catch-all prompt for each episode, so if you have ideas about disagreements or other fights that don’t fit here, you can claim the generic prompt and get creating!
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lifeinpoetry · 4 years
Do you ever feel shame at not being capable of living as others live, of not being able to be in life and participate in it? I am housebound and severely mentally ill and I see myself as nothing but a parasite and shame, pure shame. The fact that no matter what I do or suffer others won't see me as someone who is ill and truly cannot do this or that but simply as someone who is 'a mess, not trying, etc.' just makes it worse. I relate a lot to your struggles because I experience them too.
I’ve felt shame, yes, but it’s tempered by the fact that strangers in public AKA voices/auditory hallucinations will straight up tell me I don’t deserve to live because of how I present myself or because of my current situation. If I don’t fight for myself against internalized self-hatred who will? I’ve just gotten tired of adding to the fire of what was once complete self-hatred. 
A friend I once had used to tell me America’s/the West’s notion of defining its adults by their jobs and by the capital they produce is very cruel. I’m unsure of the exact wording or her exact points, this was 10+ years back but I remember it completely changing my mind on how I felt about it all as the idea cemented. 
Really need to really phone in ----- right now.
There will be some people who will never see the great strides I’ve made in some areas even as I falter in others. ___ & ++++ will likely never acknowledge it on their own and, really, they’re the only naysayers who I will forever love. Everyone else is, bye.  
My life may not be people’s idea of normal but I reject the idea that I deserve to be hated for it, that I deserve to be killed or kill myself.
Same goes for people who say I’m not trying or who sit in judgement.
I made my first comment on Nextdoor because someone was trying to get the entire area to turn against one man who had an abominable lawn. This person who reported was not a neighbor and rejected the idea of helping out. It seemed very specific and potentially targeting a person with an undisclosed disability or mental illness. There was a whole history of unpaid fines and a vague reference to prison for the fines (the grammar was unclear). I was instantly horrified. I saw future me (if I ever had the money to own a house which lol) with a truly terrible lawn and having strangers report me on Nextdoor. & believe me, everyone on my street is a stranger and I’ve been here 9+ years, but someone not even in my neighborhood seems next level.  
The post seemed to be quickly deleted after that without comment. 
Certain things will get me to check in, like someone coming to my room with garbage bags and say it’s time to put cans in them. That works more than any admonitions or judgement. 
It’s not anyone’s job to help but kindness, empathy, and (okayed) direct action can go a long way. Everyone’s level of how ‘okay’ the method my family uses varies and they probably have their own preferred method(s). 
People who want to help need to check in, and listen. People in your life who can’t do that need to butt out but I know how that goes. It’s a struggle but I’m finally done with letting family/friends/voices/”strangers” take that struggle and twist it to define my self worth.
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transorze123 · 4 years
Alternative Social Media Platforms.
MeWe One look at MeWe’s homepage and you’ll immediately think, “This is the opposite of the social media platforms I know.” And it is! MeWe prides itself on having an honorable business model that treats people as customers, not data. (We’re looking at you, Facebook!) Here are five things you’ll love about it: There are zero ads. No annoying sponsored content, either. Your newsfeed is yours to control. It won’t be manipulated in any way to sell you anything. You get a texting app just like Messenger. You don’t need to worry about your personal data being sold to big businesses. It’s as fun and uplifting as other social media platforms, but this time built on trust and love.
2. Ello Ello started out as a social media platform just like Facebook, but without the ads, the infamous “like” button, and the threats to security and privacy. However, it has since pivoted into a Pinterest-like platform for creators and fans interested in art, fashion, photography, and web culture. Joining the platform is easy. Simply sign up with your name and email address, and you’re good to go. When you join, you’re asked a series of questions that are used to customize your feed. For instance, here’s a feed based on an interest in photography. What you’ll love about Ello: Zero ads and zero privacy threats. You can collaborate with, work with, or even hire other creators. You don’t have to give your real name (a username will do). There’s a ton of surprising, raw, unique creations from people all over the world.
3. BitChute BitChute’s promise is to “put creators first and provide them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely.” Put simply, it’s a video-based social media platform just like YouTube… …but without the filters. You can say anything on BitChute without getting banned. Since its creation in 2017, BitChute has seen its share of criticism. Because without the rules, it’s naturally packed with extremists and hate comments. But ignoring these, you can easily find a ton of interesting content on the platform. There’s news, current events, and a host of topics such as animation, business, education, gardening, health, and more. Here is BitChute’s invitation to join its growing social platform.
4. EyeEm EyeEm is a royalty-free photography site that’s also a social media platform.If you’re a photographer looking to get exposure and market your services, it’s a great place to be. But EyeEm isn’t only for professional photographers. It’s also a platform where you can create events with friends, network with content creators, and gain exposure for your brand. 5. Nextdoor One thing we love about social networking is that it allows us to connect with people from anywhere in the world.But to be honest, it can get exhausting. With almost eight billion people on the planet, there’s just so much going on with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This is where Nextdoor comes in. Nextdoor is a social media platform where you can get to know your neighbors. You’ll get to connect with users who live just around the block whether they’re private users, local businesses, nonprofits, or public agencies. If you’re a business owner, joining Nextdoor is a great way to bring foot traffic to your store. As soon as you sign up and verify your address, you’ll instantly be connected to people in your neighborhood. All you need to do is check out their profiles and talk to them on chat!
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chisslady · 7 years
Al’fyo’sabosen/Fyo’s sassy rant about...Stuff.
*Transmission starts*
*Looks in the background a bit* Why did I choose to do this at this hour again? Ooooh I forgot I’m pissed...At 2 in the kriffing morning.... *Narrows lips*
Hey guys, so I’m just gonna jump right into it and just say that this is all my personal opinion on...Stuff, but there’s some kriffing shit I need to address. As most of the holonet doesn’t know that I’m a full blood Chiss, and yeah there have been accounts of Chiss being half human, but it’s rare.
Another is that, I get a ton of comments around my office of my small business practices. As many of you don’t know, I’m a professionally trained businessman. I’ve started studying math and government since I was six, and I’m hear to clear some of the bullshit that was goin’ around. A lot of these misconceptions have come from humans. So Imma education you all.
One question I get a lot is, is your age really real?
I think this is something I don’t really talk about, BUT. I’m sixteen years old, shocker, but I do have the mindset of a human adult. We start to go through puberty at the age of 8 for female chiss and 9 for male chiss. As we get older, the more our brains grow. Chiss have much larger brains than humans, I know...Super obvious. It’s mostly at this age where our careers are already successful. By 14 years old, we’re pretty much adults hehe. A 14 year old chiss can appear like that of a 21 year old and this is true. Aging as well is also something that is lost and I LUV IT! I need to keep my beautiful face. *Feels it and sasses a bit*
K the next is, why you have three names?
*Takes a quick exhale through the nose*
Let ol’ Fyo explain to you how Chiss society works. Once you are born, you are given up for adoption. After that, you are given to your main clan, my main clan is Al but my house name is Sabosen. Reason being, I’ll get to that in a minute. You're now placed in a school where you have to now know where your career is going to start. After a few years, you are now given the Ryan exam and Oh MA STARS It’s hard as balls. This exam is pretty much hell for us young Chiss HAHA! I remember crying like a little bitch cause I thought I was gonna fail. Then my ass got a perfect score as I thought I would. *Wiggle dances and puts his hands behind his head* After that, you're now pretty much a shadow child for the ruling family that you’re in. There are four main houses you can be in. 
One is my Family Sabosen. We control all the social issues like Justice, Health, and Education. Now you know why Fyo’s super smarts but I no longers is aparts of this families.... *Derp face*
Next is Ironiki. They control Industry and Science. I wanted to be adopted into the Ironiki family cause I love math, BUT! *Clapped hands* Ya boi Fyo had to land himself in the Sabosen family.
House Csapla; They manage Colonial Affairs, Agriculture, and Redistribution of Resources. Many of them are a bunch of self centered assholes but some of them are cool. 
Finally House Nuruodo is Military and Foreign Affairs. You can imagine the cute soldiers. I mean most of them are super cute and awkward cause we’re all disciplined. 
I mean I was disciplined to the core. If your ass gets grounded. Don’t expect the sun to be a dwarf star anytime soon. Making a mistake and being in the ruling families is tough...Like really tough. You're expected to make an example of yourself. If you slip up, that like goes on your permanent record. That kriffing shit like goes in the archives!
‘Nother is that. You can be adopted as a meir adoptive in the families like, Chaf, Mitth and Sev. Those are the families that wanted their smart kids to grow up in. Not me, but some of my friends where; I know two of them are adopted sisters, and they get along just fine. Another is, I know very few who were in the Mitth family due to the family being old AF! Cause they are old af! HAHA. Okay what was I saying?
Right adoptive families. 
We are also forced to add more to our native language of Cheunh, which was already hard enough. I mean, I learned basic in like five weeks. That’s really how smart we are haha. *Slumps in his chair*
Another I get asked a ton is that, how is it that you can say your friends full names? And I facepalm more and more at this question.
Look. We’re Chiss. We’re disciplined to the core. We’re not allowed to show emotions. We’re not allowed to show off our hobbies and we’re not allowed to have frivolous desires. So yeah, being here on Coruscant is a great place. There will be a point in time where someone looks at me on the transporter like. What are you speaking? HAHAAAAAAA! I just keep on speaking it to fuck with people. I love seeing protocol droids try their best to translate what I say. One of them I think had a malfunction and the driver had to kick the owner and the droid if it blew up. 
We do have core names, if you were wondering. My full name is Al’fyo’sabosen. My Core name is Fyo. Some Chiss like to give their names a twist and that’s fine. We have some weird names for some and I thought I was alone HAHA!
OH OHHH! Here’s another. 
We hardly use droids in the Chiss Ascendancy. *Pauses* That’s the big reveal. Go home now! Transmissions over! *Playfully walks away*
*Back to sitting* Another question I hate is, can Chiss like...Get out of isolation.
*Bangs head on table*
It’s not that simple. We’ve been in isolation for thousands of years. Before then, the rumor goes is that we as a species evolved from humans. I pretty much take that as a complement than scientific. 
And that we’ve remained on a world that was nice and shit, before an ice age plunged us and we’ve become whatcha see here. *Gives a handsome face gesture and flips his hair.*
I mean. We’re a pretty species. Most of the Chiss that I know from the core worlds are super nice, they’re respectful, and they wanna live amongst humans. Back on Csilla uhhhh bitch how’d you get there?!
Chiss on Csilla will turn your ass around once you enter Chiss space. We got no businesses nor bullshit from outsiders. We’ve remained so much in isolation that we’ve forgotten that there’s different colonies that want to learn more about us, and there’s still some misinformation that needs to be updated. So me and my friends are wanted to change that shit up, pronto. Okay? Okay.
*Mumbles something in Cheunh in the background* 
I think the last one that needs to be said is, why are Chiss...Super horny?
*Snorts* Yeeeeaaaah um. We blame our hormones. We grow way too fast, yo dick hurts when you turn 11. So naturally, we’re going to be horny muther fuckers. That and being gay just means to us is that, we have different sexualities that we do accept in our society. Some of us may be bi, gay straight asexual whatever. That’s just what we lived by. A lot of the times, we’re mostly masturbating too much when we get to that age, and yeah...It still hurts. Especially Chiss reproductive organs. 
Now it’s time for the Chiss birds and the bees. *Sings a choir chorus*
I should probably add an age restricted mode to this recording, that way I don’t get flagged and removed because I’m a Chiss talking about sex.
So! *Claps hand* Chiss sex.
Chiss sex is fairly different than to what humans have. Hormonally, we have the usual male and female. No intersex, we’re super humans remember. We believe that gender isn’t a social construct and that we’re made to evolve with the Chiss we evolve from and that we as a species have very pragmatic minds. We don’t have time to dress a certain way, but unlike me. I dress in whatever the kriff I want. Another is that female and male Chiss have the same brain size and the same level of IQs. No sex is the weakest, we’re all the same except for genitalia and hormones. As stated before that our hormones play a big part of growing up. Males penis sizes grow...Pretty large. *Winks* And female breasts also expand more. 
That comes with muscles hurting and our minds trying to not go and fuck the Chiss nextdoor. We try to keep our composure when it comes to sex. It is believed that by evolution, we as a species mostly had sex at the age of 12. It wasn’t that simple for us now since we have to try and keep it in our pants. So we end up with tons of sexual frustration. By 14...It’s pretty much gone, but that doesn’t mean we’re guilty of having sex. Most of us lose our virginity by the age of 12 or 13 and finding a mate that will be with us is very hard. Marriages are hardly a thing in the Ascendancy cause we’ll fuck the next person and that’s that. 
This goes the same for me. I’m a homosexual. Easy and simple. We do in fact sleep with different species. We do sleep around with humans. I of course am not guilty of it. Sex is fun. So...*Wiggles around again* If you wanna come over, you could say hi.
A bonus is that I do have rules in my bar. Yes it is a gay bar.
The LGBT Community here has a lot of hypocrisies concerning alien LGBT people. Most of the ones that I’ve been in kicked me out simply because I was a Chiss. Since I own a gay bar, I have a set of rules that makes sure that all patrons are treated equally. In other bars, you can be gay but you can’t be with an alien...*flails hands* I know...Bullshit.
Other systems that I’ve been on are much more harsher. One time I went to Corellia and I got kicked out of a bar because I was flirting with some girls man. Like I understand being with someone, but your ass gotta kick me out cause I’m Chiss is still bullshit.
*Slumps in chair and wines.*
I think I’m done. I really am. Addressing these rumors will help you the viewer understand us Chiss. We’re a very unknown species due to our isolation. We’re not all what we seem. Most of it was just stereotypes and stuff that I get a lot. The other is that I don’t get tons of hate for my work, but humans hate me because I’m a Chiss. *Crosses his eyes together* Like that’ll ever stop.
So I hope this transmission to the holonets social system media gets to some systems here in the core worlds. I know this transmission was long as hell, but I did clear a ton of misconceptions, rumors, and Chiss...Stuff.
I guess I should end this now. So byeeee~ *Blows a kiss and the transmission stops and goes to another holonet sight*
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hey - Pat from StarterStory.com here with another interview.Today's interview is with Sam Evans (u/haulincubes) of You Call We Haul Junk Removal, a brand that makes junk removal servicesSome stats:Product: Junk Removal ServicesRevenue/mo: $18,000Started: May 2016Location: Central PennsylvaniaFounders: 1Employees: 3Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?My name is Sam Evans. I am 23 years old and a recent graduate from Penn State Altoona. I am the founder of You Call We Haul Junk Removal, a junk removal company that removes anything from single items to hoarder home cleanouts. We’re located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and have been in business (part-time) since May of 2016.We service any and everyone who may have unneeded items they are looking to get rid of. People often ask what items we consider junk, to us junk is anything you no longer need or want.Our main customers are middle-aged and up adults, typically with a higher income that do not want to or are unable to do the work themselves. We complete over 75 jobs per month, bring in about $20,000 in revenue per month profiting about 65% per job.imageWhat's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?When I was ending my freshman year of college, I was sitting in my dorm room one day when I got a call from my cousin. Both of us had been flipping items on eBay since we were 14 and always loved to find ways to make some extra money. He told me about a book called Effortless Entrepreneur, written by the founders of College Hunks Hauling Junk which is currently the world’s second-largest junk removal franchise.I ordered the book on eBay for $4 and as soon as it came to my dorm, I immediately started reading. About 20 pages into it, I called my Dad who is a used car salesman. I told him that I was going to start a junk removal company and that I needed his help finding a truck. After nearly a week of calling him telling him every reason I could come up with as to why I needed to start this company, he was finally in. He helped me find a $1,000 truck on Craigslist, a 1991 Ford F-150. imageI bought the truck, printed out some flyers at my school’s library, ordered a few hundred horrible business cards, and was officially in business.I had zero validation for the idea other than that big companies were making a killing doing it and I figured I could as well, after all, who doesn’t have some extra items lying around that they’re dying to get rid of? I minimized the risk as much as I possibly could because the truck that I bought was worth a lot more than the thousand dollars I paid for it. I knew that even if I failed, I would be able to resell the truck and make some money. Starting with a beater truck was my way of putting out a minimum viable product.I had zero expertise and am still learning every single day that I work on my business. The only business experience I had before this was flipping items on eBay and running Facebook pages while I was in middle and high school. When I was 14 I built, grew, and sold a network of Facebook pages with over 5 million daily active users that were based on different teenage jokes and issues at the time. The biggest page had over 3 million likes and was called I HATE WHEN MY PARENTS ASK WHO I’M TEXTING, if you were active on Facebook in 2010 and were in high school at the time, I bet you like the page - go check and let me know. My financial situation at this time was a few thousand dollars that I had in my bank account from these previous businesses. Knowing absolutely nothing ended up being an advantage. I failed a ton in the first few summers of running the business but learned more than I ever did in the classroom. Everything takes time and effort, if you put in the effort you will be successful in the long run in whatever business you decide to start.Take us through the process of designing, prototyping, and manufacturing your first product.There was no design process when I started out. I put out the most minimal viable product I could. The truck was cheap but luckily it did not have any rust so it had a tiny bit of curb appeal if you appreciate old Ford trucks. My flyers and free craigslist posts were really the reason I started to get business.In my area, saying you are a Penn State student or graduate holds a lot of weight and people love to support a fellow Penn Stater. On these flyers and posts, I really honed in on the fact that I was a current PSU student home for summer vacation, looking for a way to make some extra money. The original flyer had a picture of a roommate of mine holding up a random couch that we found sitting in a field by campus.I did not do anything legally for almost two years after starting this business, as I ran it only in the summer while home from school and on breaks when I could actually find some work. My first summer in business in 2016, we did barely $3,000 in sales. Once I took the business legal 2 years later before my senior year of college, I had about $1,200 in total legal and insurance costs to turn into a legitimate business. Upon graduation and taking the business full-time, the costs of insurance ramped up having employees and a much larger truck.Describe the process of launching the business.When we first started we did not have a website, Facebook page, or Instagram account. We spread the word by taping flyers to mailboxes, free Craigslist posts, and sharing screenshots of our flyers in local Facebook groups which were our biggest source of customers.It took us about a week to get our first customers and we were profitable by the end of month one in which we did about $2,000 in sales. Starting with very humble beginnings in a beat-up old Ford truck and no advertising budget taught me that just getting started and taking action is the most important step. When it comes to service businesses that are already a proven model, I always think about the line from Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come.” Whether it is junk removal, landscaping, garage door repair, or any other home service business, proven models like that work.I also learned that even having a small web presence like a Wix website or a Facebook page can do wonders. Showing people what you do rather than telling them is key to any business becoming successful.Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?Since launch, the only paid advertising we have done is Facebook ads. We are starting to roll out Google ads this month but Facebook has done wonders for our business thus far. If I were to restart, I wouldn’t put as much faith in Facebook ads as I did though because the costs have nearly doubled in the past year.We typically spend less than $600 a month on ads but really need to up the ad spend to reach our current goals. We do a ton of grassroots marketing. Bandit signs, stickers, signs in customer’s yards, door hangers, giving out t-shirts, etc.image imageOur biggest successes from organic marketing have come from midnight bandit sign drops. Going out in the middle of the night allows us to put out 50-60 signs in high traffic areas in under three hours. We map out where to put them based on incomes in various local zip codes. Zip code incomes can be found through USPS Every Door Direct Mail tool. We’ve also been utilizing the Nextdoor app which is tremendous for home services. If you are recommended on that app, customers treat it like the bible. They will hire you blindly and agree to any price you say.We also post on social 2-4x per day, every single day. It is a great way to gain customers organically and get a lot of exposure for the company. Videos work great for home services because as I’ve said before, people want to see who they’re hiring to come into their homes, especially women hiring men. They want to be able to trust a brand and social media is a great way to build that trust for free.https://www.instagram.com/p/B4prmVJHDvC/How are you doing today and what does the future look like?Today, we are growing every single month. We are doing about a 75% profit margin on each job but expect that to go down over time as we hire more employees and acquire more trucks. We are going to start investing a lot more heavily in PPC ads and SEO to gain more exposure in our area. Right now we have about 1,200 facebook likes and a little over 700 Instagram followers. We typically have about 400 people visiting our site each month. Short term we want to reach 100 jobs completed in one month and hit $30,000 in monthly revenue. We believe we can do that with the one dump truck we currently have as long as we up our ad spend.Long term, we want to franchise the business. Junk removal is growing at an extremely fast pace as we live in a society that thrives on convenience and wants to show off to their peers, so people are buying more items than ever before. Studies have shown that less than 2% of people know how to get rid of unneeded items so the industry is really just getting started.We’re confident that through the culture we are building we can get our employees on board to start their own locations. We will give them the choice of where they want to start because we believe the model we’re perfecting will work in any location. Junk removal is an extremely fun business because no two days are the same, you meet very interesting people, and you never ever know what you are going to find.Employees love it because they can keep some of the stuff they find too which makes it all that much more enjoyable. It really is the perfect, simple business model that anyone who is willing to hustle can start and succeed in.Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?Since I’ve started this business I have really learned to appreciate services. The home services industry in particular is only going to grow in the next 5-10 years. We’re moving away from the times of people wanting to do everything on their own. Our society is starting to value time over money and that means paying people to do the things they do not want to do, like removing the broken freezer from their basement.I was very lucky to start my business during college when I really could not fail. Being able to work on it for three summers and research it not stop during the school year set me up to succeed post-graduation. I didn’t have to jump in blindly and hope it would work, I had already proven the model and created a solid base of customers that were constantly referring me business.One of the best decisions I made was joining a junk removal mastermind group. It taught me more in 3 months than I learned in 4 years of college studying business. I highly recommend that people try to find Facebook groups or subreddits where they can share ideas with other owners in their industries and if there aren’t any, start one.What platform/tools do you use for your business?Platforms I use are: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube for learning, Housecall Pro, Quickbooks Online, Nicejob.What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?Books:The Power of BrokeEverything by Malcolm Gladwell to challenge how I thinkEverything by Dale Carnegieto challenge how I interact with otherLiving With a SealThe Last LecturePodcasts:How I built this with Guy RazThe Home Service ExpertHumans 2.0Business WarsApps:Alarmy- I used to hit the snooze button multiple times, every single morning. This app allows you to find a barcode in your home or elsewhere and scan it, you then have to scan the barcode to shut off your alarm. There’s no other way to get it to stop other than to scan that barcode. It’s a blessing and a curse, trust me.Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?Start. Just start. If everyone waited for the right time to start, we wouldn’t have any entrepreneurs. Don’t think you need to know everything, no one knows everything. Take a ton of risks, every successful person ever credits their risk-taking ability with them becoming successful. Don’t try to build the next Facebook or Instagram, you do not need to reinvent the wheel. I bought a thousand-dollar pick-up truck and got started.If you over-think things it just makes it harder for you. Put out a minimum viable product and hustle, the results will come if you do not stop.Most people think they’ll make a ton of money and their business will boom from the beginning. Rarely is that ever the case. Give it time, lots of it, and do everything in your power to grow your business. Everything takes time and effort, if you put in the effort you will be successful in the long run in whatever business you decide to start.Where can we go to learn more?WebsiteFacebookInstagramLinkedinIf you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!Liked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.For more interviews, check out r/starter_story - I post new stories there daily.Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM
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matildazq · 6 years
Minnesota Fringe Festival 2018
This always falls around the time of my BFF’s birthday, and we’ve been attending for at least 9 years. We think this might be the 10th anniversary of ever attending? We are old and have bad memories. Also we are old and blindsided by Beyoncé/Jay-Z concerts. Plus there is a lot of day drinking, but I am pretty sure it’s the “old” part that is playing with our timeline.  In many ways, the festival itself has gotten better and better each year we’ve been going. The move from button and punchcard to day passes and tokens has made queueing up a lot more efficient, and it COULD promote taking more chances on more things, except that the website has gotten steadily more terrible since the halcyon days of the Kitty rating system.  
In years past, we could look up our old reviews to refresh our memories about companies, writers, and performers we’d enjoyed. That went by the wayside a couple of years ago. This year, in addition to the site being INCREDIBLY slow and having a bad interface (the slider rating system, which defaults to “5,” which translates into 2.5 stars out of 5 is just . . . Inner Stage Manager will never be over how terrible that is), the ability to click on an actor/writer/performer’s name to see what else they were in disappeared and we had to recreate accounts from scratch. As a result, we stuck almost entirely to our known quantities and didn’t do a lot of exploring, which is a bit of a bummer. The slider rating system
We’re also mourning the loss of the encore performances in favor of the confusing new “Golden Lanyard “ awards. I assume there’s some kind of reasoning behind the elimination of the last-night encores (maybe all shows get an extra scheduled performance?), but on the surface, it seems like a loss. 
Anyway, here are the 10 plays we ere able to hit this year. 
We were shut out of one we really wanted to see, Not Fair, My Lady, which was not only sad because it meant we didn’t see something Shanan Custer was involved with (and we ALWAYS see ALL the things Shanan Custer is involved with), but they were also selling buttons to benefit the League of Professional Theatre Women, so I just tossed a donation their way. 
Our first play was one of my choices. I have unholy love for Winnie the Pooh: 
Company: Fearless Comedy Productions
Show: Deep in The 100 Acre Woods: A "Pooh"-dunnit?
Venue: Minnsky Theatre
Reviewed Aug 05, 2018
I gave this three stars
Side note: This was a new (to us, anyway) venue. Beautiful lobby. The space is a brick-walled, very deep black box theater. Quite flexible for performance, probably, but the acoustics are a challenge. 
Loving, twisted homage There’s a lot of obvious love here from the creators, and much of the cast is quite good. The play itself has a lot of lag in places, and not everyone has a feel for the rapid-fire noir dialogue. But the But the costumes are great, and the genre mash-up works surprisingly well.
Second up was this year’s iteration of something we always see, and it’s always a highlight. This year, I think, was the best we’ve seen. 
Company: Weggel-Reed Productions
Show: Couple Fight: The Musical!
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust
Reviewed Aug 05, 2018
This was, no brainer, 5 stars, though I had my first panic attack that I’d accidentally given it 2.5 stars. 
Although one should love all one’s theater bebes equally, we first saw Allison Witham in this, and OMG, Michael Rogers and Alex Van Loh.  I SO wish we’d had a chance to catch their other show https://www.minnesotafringe.org/2018-show-information/now-we-see-it
The Battle Over The Bulge. Couple fight is always a Fringe Highlight, but they’ve outdone themselves this year. The diversity of styles, fights, and couples keeps the show fresh and interesting from start to finish. ‘Rinth 4-Evah.
Third (I think) was a Shanan Custer show that was supposed to be a two-woman show. 
Company: Custer & Schmidt 
Show: Our Best Life
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust
Reviewed Aug 05, 2018
Four and a half stars for this one. 
Shanan’s partner in crime had to bow out very shortly before Fringe. Although I’m sure she had no desire to test the theory, this demonstrates that an hour of Shanan flies by. I also wonder if she even remembers her turn on @josephscrimshaw‘s Obsessed Podcast as Special Agent Nancy Anderson, or if our occasional references to it make her worry about stalkers. (Don’t NextDoor us, Shanan.) 
Special Agent Nancy Anderson’s one-woman show. I am always carrying a watermelon to any Shanan Custer show, so although a surprise solo show was surely a nightmare for her, it was a decided delight for me. Thanks for not making it weird when the four of us in the back row gasped with fannish glee at the big finish. I’d only heard about it from friends and never dreamed I’d live it!
Fourth (or maybe third), was a Special Request from the Menfolk. 
Company: Grand Island Theatre Show: Hamlet, but Hamlet's a Chicken Venue: Minnsky Theatre
Reviewed Aug 05, 2018
Four and a half stars for this. 
I can’t stress how good this was. It obviously could have been a one-joke Fringe nightmare that never advanced its original, absurd concept, but far from it, this is one of the smartest versions of Hamlet itself that I’ve ever seen. 
No fowl puns here. This is wonderfully done on a number of levels. The handful of experimental misses are more than made up for by excellent “straight” performances that let the absurdity speak for itself.
Fifth was another from our “must-see” stable, coming as it does from Ghoulish Delights. 
Company: Ghoulish Delights, LLC
Show: The Screaming Skull
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust
Reviewed Aug 06, 2018
Four stars for this. 
Very interesting to see Eric Webster crush it in a spooky dramatic role! 
Good spookening. The staging (sound effects and lighting) are great (though a downstage cover on the “fireplace” would have minimized its tendency to distract). Webster’s performance is excellent, though as others have commented, it might’ve needed a bit of trimming.
Sixth, another must-see for us. (I have these out of order now, but I’m too lazy to change—this one came AFTER Blood Nocturne and A Justice League of Their Own)
Company: Comedy Suitcase
Show: Slapdash Panic: Comedy Suitcase ended up in the Fringe Festival with 3 weeks notice and no show!
Venue: Strike Theater
Reviewed Aug 07, 2018
Four stars for this. 
What would Fringe be without Joshua English Scrimshaw giving Inner Stage Manager a heart attack? NOTHING, that’s what. 
Why do they hate inner stage manager? Patchwork, as promised, but they, of course, do a lot with a little. Enjoyed the creative recycling (that sounds Minnesota nice, but I mean it), and the peek behind the curtain of their process. The radio play was especially good (sorry/not sorry, Levi). Inner Stage Manager remains deeply skeptical of these two and their dangerous antics. 
Seventh—This was, I think, a rare “cold pick,” but boy howdy are we lucky we did pick it! 
Company: The Winding Sheet Outfit
Show: Blood Nocturne
Venue: Southern Theater
Reviewed Aug 07, 2018
Five stars. I needed more stars for this one. So. many. more. stars. 
The staging of this was just incredible, on top of the content being superb. I would see anything else from this company in a heartbeat. 
Masterfully done. This is a show that’s fantastic in the short format, yet still makes one wish to see it in long form. The performers were amazing, the writing was excellent (and beautifully paced), the mix of narrative, playing with narrative devices, and music was just perfect. A definite must see.
Eighth—again from the stable! Gotta see the Josh Carson stuff. 
Company: Mainly Me Productions
Show: A Justice League of Their Own
Venue: Theatre in the Round
Reviewed Aug 07, 2018
Four and a half stars. 
This show needed many Amens in addition to stars. AMEN. A treat to see Allison Witham here, too! 
Persist! The expected laugh riot from Josh Carson, though this one is a standout, with a concept that holds up well all the way through the end. The cast is great here, too. The only issue is the vocal challenges of Theater in the Round, especially with a joke-packed script and an enthusiastic audience.
Ninth—Old Timey Radio Drama with our favorites? Yes, please. 
Company: Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society
Show: The Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society Versus the Nazis
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust
Reviewed Aug 08, 2018
Four and a half stars. 
Nazi punching: Necessary and cathartic. 
My Bad Guy Has a First Name . . .Two deep-dive gems, executed deftly by an accomplished cast. I love these shows, as a rule, and I particularly liked these two Nazi-smashing pieces for our times. I especially appreciate the inclusion of contextualizing material, even in the short Fringe format.
Tenth—A content-based gamble. 
Company: FredPictures
Show: The Breakfast Club: The Musical!
Venue: Southern Theater
Reviewed Aug 08, 2018
Three stars here. 
This was an endeavor that just kind of flopped for us. I think I probably liked it best out of our group, but that was mostly based on its ambition, rather than its execution.��
Homage bleeding into imitation. There’s obviously a lot of love poured into this, and the cast does a great job of encapsulating their characters. However, this is rather stylistically off-putting. The piped in music just barely supports the singing (and again, the cast deserves a lot of credit for executing as well as they did); the highly repetitive lyrics get into almost baroque opera territory, making for a very odd combination. Although this advertises itself in the program and pre-show as “parody,” it’s more of an abridged version of the screenplay set to some questionable music. What’s enjoyable about it stems from the affection from both the adaptor and the cast.
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