kamiyugure · 19 days
I just let it sort by default after adding some tags, and stuff like language (I can only read english), etc. I've found that trying to make it sort by other stuff often ended up giving me the same results for almost every different thing. Fics that are REALLY POPULAR tend to top almost EVERY LIST, whether that's number of kudos, number of hits, number of comments; At the end of the day, they're all just sorting by how popular the fic is. And especially if you've been reading in a fandom or tag for a while, you've probably already read all the most popular fics whose descriptions interest you, so that's the worst way to find new things to read imo. And in the end I've found that no matter how you sort, it's a crap shoot. I still gotta go through and read most of the tags and all the descriptions and even if it checks every box AND people like it, I still may open it, read half a chapter and hate it, and have to go back to the search and keep looking. there was a plugin I tried for a while that made it so you could order it by kudos proportional to hits but that's just the same popularity thing and I think an even worse way to find beloved long fics in particular. Like if a fic has 30 chapters, any person that liked it enough to read the whole thing and leave a kudos has tanked that proportional relationship to be AT LEAST, 30 hits to 1 kudo so it might look like it's performing pretty bad. Then you get into people that save stuff and reread it. Now there's a 1 to 60+ kudo to view ratio at minimum; like if the fic has a high reread rate at all, it makes it look worse to that sort of system so that's totally useless for finding stuff that's really well written. But even with a system that's out of proportion like that, I've still read most of the fics in the fandoms and pairings I like that would top those lists... I dunno... I feel like it's just one of those things, man... you gotta read and search yourself no matter how you sort stuff.
anyway pls reblog for sample size 👀
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kamiyugure · 5 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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kamiyugure · 5 months
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kamiyugure · 5 months
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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kamiyugure · 5 months
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kamiyugure · 5 months
Huge respect to all the disabled archers out there- this is HARD!
Please check out Patreon to support these videos- I have art references in the shop!
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kamiyugure · 5 months
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this is going to have me on my hands and knees dry heaving
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kamiyugure · 5 months
love characters who are like "this is how the world works. this is how it has to be (because if i'm wrong i have to face what i've done // if i'm wrong i have to face whats been done to me) "
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kamiyugure · 5 months
Unmute !
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kamiyugure · 5 months
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kamiyugure · 5 months
PSA: Don't use Open Office
I keep seeing people recommending Open Office as an alternative to Word, and uh... look, it is, technically, an open source alternative to Word. And it can do a lot of what Word can, genuinely! But it is also an abandoned project that hasn't been updated in nine years, and there's an active fork of it which is still receiving updates, and that fork is called LibreOffice, and it's fantastic.
Seriously, if you think that your choices are either "grit your teeth and pay Microsoft for a subscription" or "support free software but have a kind of subpar office suite experience", I guarantee that it's because you're working with outdated information, or outdated software. Most people I know who have used the latest version of LibreOffice prefer it to Word. I even know a handful of people who prefer it to Scrivener.
Open Office was the original project, and so it has the most name recognition, and as far as I can tell, that's really the only reason people are still recommending it. It's kind of like if people were saying "hey, the iPhone 14 isn't your only smart phone option!" but then were only ever recommending the Samsung Galaxy S5 as an alternative. LibreOffice is literally a version of the same exact program as Open Office that's just newer and better – please don't get locked into using a worse tool just because the updated version of the program has a different name!
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kamiyugure · 5 months
tiktok is such an awful app, it's almost designed to feed you misinformation and expose you to insane discourse. unlike beloved tumblr, the app that feeds me misinformation and exposes me to insane discourse
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kamiyugure · 5 months
never let anyone tell you that trawling through mediocre victorian poetry isn't worth it. we just happened upon an absolute BANGER of a worm poem. go read it or else 🪱🪱🪱
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kamiyugure · 5 months
Weird peeve time. Calling lab grown gemstones “fake” is stupid because it’s the same shit just not formed naturally. An artificially grown diamond is the same shit as a natural diamond it is the exact same material bro it’s all fuckign carbon
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kamiyugure · 5 months
Social Media Notifications Are Out of Control
I LOVE that in order to get something like facebook to STOP spamming my email, it's now a huge long series of settings I have to go through one-by-one. At what point can my email box just call these apps' content what it is? Spam. It shouldn't be assumed that I want to be updated about everyone and everything tangentially related to anyone and anything I've ever looked at on these websites. Can't even go to a person's profile page with NOTHING on it, without it trying to infinite scroll. Even when the ONLY THING it has to scroll through is the one time they added a profile picture 2 days ago because it's a BRAND NEW MALICIOUS SCAM BOT ACCOUNT FLOODING POSTS WITH BS trying to trick people in bad situations into getting tangled up with their friends trying to sell them an absurd system to track down their missing pets that would and could never fucking work. The apps themselves are just as complicit because they want you to always have a notification even if it's nothing to do with you and doesn't involve anyone you actually know. Jimbob dumbfuck posted a comment on a post you haven't seen in a joke group you joined 5 years ago? PING MOTHERFUCKER Good god. Wish scam and spam filters would start hyper targetting these social media apps because nothing in the world has more bullshit than facebook and instagram and nextdoor etc. Hell even LinkedIn - there's like 500 settings to turn off on fucking LINKEDIN. Bitch almost nobody is on LinkedIn for anything other than when they gotta find their next job. We're not trying to get that toxic work culture seeping into our everyday lives so no, I don't want to know about random guy 37 posting his daily inspirational, only-people-willing-to-sell-their-souls-to-capitalism-deserve-to-eat spiel, to his fellow recruiters that have to live on LinkedIn. I cannot imagine something I want to see less besides like I dunno, gore. That's how much I hate this stuff.
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kamiyugure · 11 months
Returning to Tumblr?
Something something I'm back and not 24 anymore!
It's been a while since I was really active on tumblr... well since I was active on like any site at all.
I've been sorta in limbo for a looooong time. Trying to figure out my life, trying to figure out work and money and mostly miserably failing at all of it. (I am hyper sensitive in a way that I've never really accepted until the like 3rd time I sank into a month-long depressive episode that lost me ANOTHER job... oops) Lately I've been trying to work at convincing myself to just say eff it and work on stuff that's mattered to me, like writing stories. My siblings are active on tumblr and one of them suggested that this is like... the SM to be active on and stuff because like... there's not as much horrible people as on other social media, or at least the general atmosphere on tumblr is generally LGBT+ positive and generally progressive. I've also been thinking about starting a blog or something that's oriented towards my whole trying to figure out what to do with my life. It's not just been money that's been leading me down upsetting paths, but also my mixture of feelings and plethora of interests. Making up fantasy stories is something that I just remember being a part of my life when I was a kid but I also just love a lot of different sorts of creative and/or problem solving things. There's a version of me inside that refuses to give up on the idea that there's a path where I don't have to abandon all these interests just to focus on one for the rest of my life. Like I think I've figured out that being a purely tech person might not work for me but I don't think I'd enjoy trying to go the opposite extreme. I just sorta wanna be creative and problem-solve-y and focus on making things that I wanna make... However selfish saying that sort of thing makes me feel. But also so much of the political, economic and ecological landscape right now angers me and a lot of my mental energy is spent trying to understand what I should or could do about any of it. Sometimes my mind can't STOP circling around "Everything is ruled by rich evil white supremacist idiots hellbent on creating huge swaths of mass human suffering and destroying the planet while they're at it." Look I'm rambling already! Anyway... I do figure that my siblings are right about Tumblr being one of the safer Social Media options for those who are more left leaning (and maybe particularly sensitive about certain things) so I'm thinking I might start getting a little more active again. BUT - I want to actually be a kind of creator, now. I think the tumblr I maintained during college was largely me just reblogging other posts and I dunno... kinda wanna make my own stuff more. I also still have side blogs that I don't know what to do with. One is body positivity focused, another was art focused (with 3 whole posts! woo!) and then there was like one that I made that was going to be focused on tabletop gaming but... I don't think I ever did anything for it besides make it.
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kamiyugure · 7 years
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(via theonicole)
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