#love for you and blah blah blah blah
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“Are you here?" Ava barely breathes it, there's a tension in the air that she can't recognize, an energy that squashes her. Her throat feels scratchy and she can feel the Halo slotted between her shoulders. Ava's flat on her back head turned to look over at Beatrice. She feels wimpy like a stomped flower, her left arm dangles dangerously close to Beatrice-territory. She wants to reach out, to touch Beatrice to confirm that she's here but something stops her. She feels so silly, she could easily shift over to touch Beatrice, shake her gently and -
Beatrice slides over, a firm sleepy sister warrior knife wielding badass with frumpy hair poofing from what remains of her low bun. She moves towards Ava, inches away from her but moves to answer her. It’s rare for Ava to see her like this. Beatrice is clearly fighting sleep, rubbing her eyes and doing her best to move in hopes that it’ll shake the sleepy spell.
She’s dressed in one of Ava’s ugly loose white shirts, a huge bass clashing with faded big blocky lettering that just reads “FISH”. Beatrice had looked at her weirdly when Ava had dug it out of the bins at a thrift store disheveled and ecstatic.
Ava had spent hours coaxing her into it doing her damn best to hide Beatrice’s laundry when she wasn’t looking. It fills a warm feeling in her chest and Ava wants to burrow further into it. It was a fool proof plan.
Ava found her shortness made it exhausting to reach up towards the Beatrice-level-cabinets. The halo pulls at her pinching and knotting up the muscles in her back after a long day of training. She feels it alive within her, an uncomfortable reminder sealed inside her back.
At the end of the day Ava settled on hinging at the waist. She had slowly started integrating Beatrice’s sleep shirts in cabinets that Beatrice had to bend down to reach. Ava always tried to situate herself at the scene of the crime doing her best to seem inconspicuous while she leaned over hungry for Beatrice’s reaction. Ava thumbed her findings down in the recess of her mind, her finger tracing over it in a hurried desperation. The time would pass and she did not want to forget.
(It helped, the imagery of Bea’s furrow when she would find her sleepwear underneath the sink when Ava would have to tuck her spine into the halo as she placed the shirt somewhere clean.)
Thanks to her genius planning Beatrice had finally caved and worn Ava’s huge “FISH” t-shirt after weeks of her persistence. She looked adorable, she was drowning in it and constantly tugging at it. She had found Beatrice loved to tuck it into the band of her sleep shorts creating puffy funny creases distorting the text even further to say “FSH”. It looked so ugly and old and endearing.
She looked out of her depth and it made Ava’s heart thump funny. Beatrice with her weird posh mannerisms combined with the peaceful unguarded look when she slumbered made her feel hot all over.
It was the prospect of the future, a glimpse into her life with Beatrice, of when they would grow old together. It shakes her, the idea that Beatrice will get wrinkles with her. She takes it seriously, a study that she isn’t well versed in but preparing for. It is a long hard internal debate flipping between what wrinkles will show first. Ava selfishly hopes it’s smile lines, that Beatrice will smile at her as much as she does in secret. She’s happy to be wrong, Beatrice’s forehead crinkles have always been cute. She hopes that Beatrice never stops looking at her, thinking of her. She wants to spend a long time being the source of her wrinkles. And just for right now she can handle the role of being just her friend.
Beatrice blinks one eye open, the other pressed against the pillow as she stifles a yawn. Her hand blocks her mouth in a delicate way and Ava can see her nails are short and uneven in places. Ava wishes she could touch them, study them in a way no one has done before. She wants to press against Beatrice hard enough to watch her skin fold around hers. Some sort of truth that she was here, that she is here.
Beatrice scoots over slowly, her elbow tucked under the pillow. She stops inches away from Ava, a frown set in her jaw. Ava mirrors her position albeit more awkwardly and more wiggling than Beatrice’s but she finds a place where the Halo won’t bite her back.
“I’m here,” Beatrice murmurs it, a quiet thing between them.
Ava closes her eyes hoping Beatrice won’t notice her shakiness. She blinks a few times before she presses closer, the arm she’s laying on moving to support her head underneath the pillow.
There’s so much to tell her, anything and nothing at all and Ava doesn’t know where to start. It constricts her throat, the constant stream of consciousness from inside of her heart. It’s horrible and she can’t stop it as the feeling balloons inside of her lungs. Ava wants help, she so desperately wants to feel okay again, to feel anything other than the stupid fucking halo. It grates on her nerves and muscles, a burning hot metal ring poking and prodding at the entirety of her upper torso. It leaves her reeling, a sort of anger that beckons for her to hurt (hurt something, hurt someone, hurt), disregarding the aftermath of tears and shame.
Ava is sure she’s shaking, a layer of sweat gathers between the space of her shoulder blades as the Halo lights up with her inner turmoil. It’s a faint pitiful thing that Ava would be ashamed of if not for the bone aching tiredness.
She wants to say she’s sorry the words clawing their way up her throat and it feels wrong to feel anything but that. There’s a sort of unspoken shame that haunts her with the Halo. It’s a thing she’s known long before any of this.
Beatrice drags her out of her turmoil with her hand hovering near Ava’s pinky. She has a gracefulness to it, like she has practiced it a hundred times over. It’s weird, to be in a bed, a soft and lumpy bed looking at Beatrice. Beatrice with such plain features and subtle cheekbones that Ava can’t stop looking. It pays off, watching Beatrice, Ava knows it when Bea smiles a grin too wide for polite acknowledgement and Ava can see her dimples pronounced.
“Can I?” Beatrice’s finger lingers near her hand, a hovering itch that Ava needs scratched. It’s so wholeheartedly Beatrice that Ava can do nothing but nod. Something inside of Ava aches harder than the rest of the organs inside of her. It’s the unwavering crushing thumping feeling that squeezes around her heart. The sincerity of Beatrice.
She places her hand over Ava’s and squeezes her gently. Beatrice’s hands are firm and soft. She can feel the callouses on her palms prodding at the back of her hand and wonders if Beatrice has ever had them fade away. If she’s had the pleasure of unscathed palms. Her hands are warm but not sweaty, not like Ava’s.
Ava can’t feel Beatrice’s pulse but she tries her best to match it. She imagines it would be a slow melody playing a duet with a classical track. Some sort of tune that spurs comfort or a feeling of nostalgia. She briefly wonders if Beatrice listens to music, if she seeks out music that has spoken to her. If there was a song that shook her to her core so deeply she had to sit down and digest it. There’s so much she still needs to know and so little time.
“I admit I’m not sure what you need from me.” Beatrice whispers it quietly, she’s hunched awkwardly, hovering close in Ava’s space but too far away for her own comfort.
Ava clamps her mouth shut, sure that “come closer” will betray her. That she will reach too far into Beatrice and take far too much.
Beatrice pays no mind to Ava’s silence and slowly caresses her hand, it’s a small little gesture that seems to have no set course. Ava briefly wonders if it’s the start of a massage or if Beatrice is looking for her joints underneath her skin and touching her tendons in apology.
It should be awkward, Beatrice and Ava orbiting each other in a lopsided manner. A rotational tilt that is unfamiliar to both of them and yet feels intimate. An unknown dance with their eyes closed and their breaths mingling. (It’s easy to follow Beatrice’s lead, Ava knows love.)
There’s nothing Ava can say to her, she chokes up at the prospect and they both blink at each other. She’s not sure what she needs, only that it’s nice having someone here.
Beatrice drowsily blinks rapidly and slowly at the same time as Ava watches swallowing the bits of her smile. Her hand has slowed its pathing, opting to curl on the inside of Ava’s fingers. It’s endearing watching one of her favorite bad ass sister warriors lose against sleep. It softens the edges of Beatrice who is always carrying some unseen obligation. (Here it is only the two of them free of their past and future burdens, just two girls sprawled thinly on hopes and dreams).
She can feel Beatrice’s grip loosen, she’s going to fall back asleep any minute now but Ava doesn’t have the heart to keep her up. Beatrice is no doubt tired, powered by her own sleeping and eating habits unlike Ava who has the artifact to juice her up.
She isn’t quite unwound but she feels manageable now. It’s weird to be within reach of Beatrice, someone who cares about her. To be in proximity of someone who will look for her, be in step with her, maybe it’s duty but Ava holds it close to her heart regardless. (It’s all the same to her, devotion, loyalty, love).
She clings to Beatrice afraid to let the moment go, she had called and someone had answered, Bea had answered. Ava can feel her eyes watering, it almost feels like a distant dream. She tucks her chin closer to chest and thinks, how awful to be loved.
She can feel her throat closing up and she squeezes Bea’s hand just a tiny bit harder. (She answers in the twitch of her hand, clearly on the cusp of sleep). The Halo still thunders in her back throbbing some fatal fate but here in the hush of night grounded by the touch of Beatrice she has some reprieve. (Part 1)
#tko_writes#oh how awful it is to be loved#had that revelation when my sister kept texting me if I was alive and ok oh boy that fucked me up#hello dytik installment#it's probably gonna run as a 5 times __ and the 1 time __ but that's if i can pull 3 more things out of my ass#hahahah#ooops#there's like no structure here#I think i did too much trying to jampack everything#but we'll see#closing my eyes and hitting post#cuz we r writing ugly and scared#zzzzzz#THAT'S NOT MY PROBLEM#I JUST WRITE AND MAKE MISTAKES AND LEARN FROM IT#so many good ideas here but sometimes they don't all fit together and that's what i think what happened#Offtopic I read a fic from Arcane and it was like CaitVi but from the perspective of Cait's mom (n cait was transfem WOOOOOOOOOOOOO)#and that shook me and I briefly fantasized about Avatrice but through Bea's parents#Somethign something i think it would nice to see complex characters come to life instead of writing it off as#homophobia n typical strict asian parents#and instead as sometimes you venture into the unknown unsure whether you will be whole on the other side and it is the only way you know ho#to live and you must make sure that your child knows the same feels the same lives the same way you only know how because there is no optio#for failure and ur just so scared by that failure that you don't want your child to go through it and having to learn and adapt to the new#future of hey it doesn't have to be this way anymore. TLDR IS THERE ANYTHING MORE UNDOING THAN A DAUGHTER#it all boils down to having a CHILD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but like i get it#it's just the complexity of hating your parents but understanding why they are the way they are and how could you fault them when this is#all they've ever known#and it's fucked up but it's still love#love for you and blah blah blah blah#anyway enough yapping for a diff story
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TW: Mentions of dub con/non consensual intimacy or coercion. (From his past lovers, not reader) (A/N this is my favorite thing I've ever writtenreader
TW: NSFW content.
2.5k word count
Okay, this could be a bit of a hot take, but I am a firm believer in soft Jason Todd during sex.
Especially at the beginning of a relationship. He died young and his only sexual experiences were with Talia, who groomed him, Essence, who he believed betrayed him for the longest time and maybe Artemis, (Idk if that's canon? Can someone confirm or deny?) who was probably pretty rough given her arrogant, abrasive, and violent personality.
So, when he dates you, he's more than just hesitant. He's pretty much terrified. But he's used to hiding his feelings because they make him feel vulnerable and weak, which he hates. When you start tearing down his walls, he starts to panic. He likes spending time with you, thinking about you, kissing you. Especially that last part.
But it never goes very far because he always pulls away when things get more heated. Like, you in his lap, him nearly fully hard before quickly picking you up by your hips and moving you to the other side of the couch before standing up, clearing his throat and leaving.
It takes over two months before he feels comfortable enough to even tell you the reason he doesn't want to be intimate and the only reason he did is because you started to feel like he wasn't attracted to you or you had something wrong.
He rushed to reassure you that wasn't the case and finally told you the —partial— truth. He had scars he didn't want you seeing, he had bad prior experiences, he felt like he was being used almost every time he slept with someone and couldn't stand that feeling because it made him physically ill.
It took several weeks after that to slowly adapt to that realization and discuss how to make that feeling go away. Taking things slow, making it last, keeping it gentle, seemed to be the best way. And it was somehow perfect and tortuous all at once. He let you ride his thigh, at first. That was the first time he'd ever allowed any form of intimacy between you too. Partially because you looked desperate and he felt bad and partially because he genuinely wanted to see what you looked like while doing that.
Not to mention, he was still too afraid to be the one doing anything. So, it was best if he just helped.
His grip was firm, his eyes glued to you. You whispered more praise in those few minutes than he had heard from anyone in months all together, maybe even the year. He felt good. He was helping you. You appreciated it. You appreciated him. He was attractive. You were thanking him for giving this to you. Practically begging for his help.
And it made his heart clench, not to mention his teeth. There were other forms of physical intimacy after that, still only to you, because he didn't want to risk showing his scars or get that nausea in his stomach again during sex. You'd allow him pretty much anything and everything, if it meant he was more comfortable with you and your body. Sliding his hand under your shirt while you slept over (quite literally just falling asleep after eating dinner together) brushing his knuckles against your breasts, hesitant to touch them, but finding comfort in it all at once.
You assured him three different times—before he did it, when his hand was just barely under your shirt, and when his fingers first tugged at your nipples. It's when he's finally a bit more comfortable, pressing his lips to your shoulder blade that you hum and roll over. Your hair finds his hair, stroking it and he presses his lips to your neck, almost on instinct. You let him kiss lower and lower, gently guiding his head towards your breasts, all while repeating more and more praise, reminding him he's under no obligation to do anything, ever, if he doesn't feel comfortable.
But he does. With you, he does.
It leads to him kissing and sucking at your chest until he loses track of time and you're painfully wet. That was plenty, you promised. He doesn't need to do anymore than that. But he does, because he doesn't want to take his hands off your soft skin. So you gently drag his hand down, keeping the other firmly on his shoulder while you stare into his eyes, as his fingers slide through your slick. A sharp inhale makes him hold his breath. The other women he'd been with only ever wanted the most physical part of sex, never to do something like this. You were so soft and warm, assuring him he was doing fine while guiding his hand until you eventually couldn't keep looking at him and had to close your eyes. He liked that. A lot.
The way your hand moved, letting him do what he wanted while you gripped the sheets. He listened so well, trying to make you happy or just keep making those sounds—his name falling from your lips. If you wanted his fingers to move faster, they would. If you said deeper, they were. If you said to curl them, they'd curl. You were so... captivating, he had found. Usually, he was too in his head, so focused on how long until it was over that he never even considered being able to enjoy it.
But he wasn't rushing with you. He didn't want you to stop saying his name. When you finally came down from the high he'd brought you, your first words were a question, asking if he was alright. When he nodded, you started telling him how perfect he was, how good that felt. He liked that almost as much as your moans.
Yet, you felt guilty, never taking care of him. He never asked. In fact he repeatedly denied the offer until you chose to stop asking rather than upset him.
Until one day, when you were on the couch, leaning against him as he read, your hand perched on his thigh. He didn't know if it was the fact that you were wearing such a low cut tank top or how you'd been absent mindedly rubbing circles around his sweatpants while reading over his shoulder, but he was worked up. It took twice as long to finish a page with your motion making his mind go to places it shouldn't.
He was worried, about you rejecting his desires, or something like that. Something mocking or doing something that was uncomfortable. People had done that before, eliciting physical reactions he didn't want to feel. But he wanted to try, to feel you on him the way he'd felt you.
His hands grabbed yours and when you looked up in confusion, he just gently and silently slid your hand a bit further on his leg, towards his erection. He'd absolutely taken care of himself, and often, because it was a quick stress relief that left him tired before bed. But lately, the more he did it, the more his mind wandered to you and that, for some reason, made him finish a lot harder than usual.
Your hand brushed against it and you asked if he was sure before pressing a kiss to the side of his shoulder and sinking down to the carpet below, on your knees in between his legs. Running your hands up and down his thighs in a soothing sort of gesture both calmed him and felt like torture all at once. But it only lasted a little bit, while you promised him he was in control, because that's what he needed to hear.
That he could say no at any time if he was even the slightest bit uncomfortable. When you slid his boxers down, his heart jumped in panic. Of course you noticed the scars on his thighs instantly. But ignored them, because he still hardly ever showed them aside for occasionally wearing short sleeves. You were silent and he was scared but all you'd said at last, was that he was pretty.
That word had never been used to describe him. Not before his death and certainly not after. Even the feeling of your gentle kiss on his skin and your thumb swiping over the top had him gripping the pillows, still stressed. Your hand took his, squeezing it when your lips finally enveloped him, his length disappearing into your mouth. His breaths were shaky, his hold on your hand getting painfully tight.
He felt like he was in pure bliss, his mouth falling open to pant as his head fell back against the couch practically begging you to keep going. The feeling of your hums had done him in. And his moans, loud and tough, getting whiny towards the end as the euphoria wore off assured you he was fine. He slid his boxers and sweats up quickly, his cheeks red, from the act not embarrassment (he'd say and lie) but you just laid your head on his knee, staring at him, asking how he was.
Good was an understatement. Great, too. Incredible. Amazing. None of those compliments came out. He couldn't speak, just looked back up at the ceiling as his breathing came back under control.
All you'd done in response was tell him he didn't have to say anything if he didn't want to, climbing back into the couch and wrapping your arms around his midsection, resting your head against him. You stayed like that—silent. The only question you dared to ask was if he'd want that again and his response was a kiss.
He realized after that, how truly deeply he loved you.
A feeling he was so unused to, he couldn't pinpoint it for the longest time. You felt safe. Maybe that's what made him want to finally seal the deal with you. Or maybe it was the way his body physically ached in a way that no amount of help from his own hand or your mouth could fix.
Something about it was missing.
He wanted the lights off. You had accepted that, but told him you'd really rather see him. He caved almost instantly, because as afraid he was of you seeing him, he wanted to see you too bad to care enough. You were undressed first, naturally. He'd seen that before, in bed while touching you, or just as you changed it got in the shower. He wasn't any less smitten, still obsessed with every inch of exposed skin. It took a few deep breaths and reassuring words before he was willing to unbutton his shirt.
In fact, he couldn't. He'd asked you to do it.
That felt oddly more intimate to him. Your fingers moved slowly, undoing them one by one, a bit more of his chest exposed with each button undone. You had seen a lot of his scars, after he got more comfortable wearing shorts or shirts that showed his arms. He still never revealed his chest and when you did, he looked away, his teeth sinking into the inside of his cheek to keep from tears brimming in his eyes as he heard the small gasp leave your lips.
He almost jumped when you touched one, your fingertips feeling light as a feather. Tears kept pricking but he refused to let them fall. He was being vulnerable but he couldn't allow himself to be that weak. Your other hand found his cheek, pulling his face to look at your face, brushing your thumb over his bottom lip as you pursed your own, tightly to keep from any strangled sounds escaping.
Your voice was equally as emotional when you eventually spoke, telling him in a shaky voice that he was still pretty. Those words or perhaps how your voice cracked when you said them, broke him. A tear slipped down his cheek and you were quick to brush it away with your thumb and kissed his cheek softly, confessing that you loved him.
He couldn't stand it anymore.
He wrapped his arms tightly around you, burying his face in your neck letting himself breathe for what felt like the first time all over again. A real breath. One without any heaviness attached to it because you'd stolen all the stones from his walls one by one. You repeated it, so he knew it wasn't a mistake or accident and he started peppering short kisses to your neck, all the way to your lips, which he kissed deeply, his bare chest pressed entirely around your own.
Your arms were around his neck, in his hair, pulling him closer and his hands started to wander, desperately craving to have you without any barriers anymore. He stared at you, or at least tried to, when he felt your velvety walls surround him, clenching tightly when his hips were finally flushed with yours. His jaw was locked tightly until you started running your hand up and down his spine, telling him he could take a moment, if he needed it.
He did.
Not because he was nervous, since for once, he wasn't, but because he wanted to stare at you in this state and revel in your feeling for a moment more. He did, until it became painful for both of you and every thrust he made was slow and deep, staring into each other's eyes, taking full breaths in at the same time for several moments until his pace was quick, along with your breathing.
Your praise never stopped, even when it wasn't fully coherent and ended in a moan or whine. His own praise for you wasn't lacking either, telling you how perfect you felt, how badly he wanted you, how much he appreciated you waiting on him because he really was enjoying it, probably more than he'd enjoyed anything in his entire life.
When you're both a mess, panting and quiet from the feelings that washed over you both, his body goes limp, laying on top of you. Your hands rub his shoulders reassuringly, although slowly and his hands hold either side of your head, fingers threaded into your hair as he pressed his forehead against yours, feeling your breath on him. It was silent, until he eventually lifted his head to admire you, your stray hairs sticking to your face, your puffy lips, your blown pupils.
He said it back, at that moment.
He loved you too and couldn't stand letting you think anything else for a single moment more.
You didn't respond, but your lips curled into a grin and a heavy sigh left your chest, your hands moving from his shoulders to cup his face and lean up to kiss him.
He rolled you over, causing a slight squeal from you, letting you lay on him so he wasn't crushing you any longer. You rested your head against his chest, silently tracing his scars as he messed with your hair, the moonlight streaming in through the window.
His voice eventually broke the comfortable silence when he whispered to you, asking you to "Say it again."
You didn't hesitate to tell him you'd "Say it as many times as he wanted to hear it."
With his lips twitching, the slight wit he always possessed came back, questioning what you'd do if he "Wanted to hear it forever."
Like before, your response was immediate when you replied, telling him you'd "Say it forever, then."
#x reader#headcanon#jason todd#jason todd x reader#jason todd imagine#batboys#jason todd x you#dc comics#plethorawrites#jason todd imagines#jason todd angst#jason todd needs a hug#jason todd smut#jason todd i love you#soft jason todd#emotions#blah blah blah#okay byyyyye
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YOUR ART *grovelling om the floor like a dog.* May we see your interpretation of the RED Spy? 👉👈
so in my mind spy is of mixed spanish-filipino heritage n went to europe for his studies, a place that presented ample opportunity for him to become who he is today. he eventually followed scout's ma (whom a buddy n i have named sherry) back to america before ditching her and scout entirely
he's never gone back home to manila and has no interest in doing so; a city can change in forty years. anyhow, mann.co and red team keep him plenty occupied as it is.
more headcanons under the cut!
he and blu share a hair pattern, being counterparts, but red spy's pattern is less obvious as he is more self conscious of his appearance and personal grooming than blu is
he knows quite a lot of languages, spanish, german, and french being the top three, and a little knowledge of tagalog
still practices some filipino customs, esp concerning funerals (a common occurrence in his line of work, both for colleagues and as set-ups for a hit)
you will not catch his ass going straight back to whatever "home" he's gotten himself after a funeral. he is loitering elsewhere until the spirits skidaddle
he is still catholic. sorry, spy. it had to happen. does he still believe in god? hard to say!
despises his clone and the other scout. really, he envies their relationship because they've succeeded where he has failed, but he's decided hating them is an easier thing to feel
team leader; he wasn't voted in, but everyone just kinda put him up to it, even if some of them (scout) refuse to acknowledge it
best friends with miss pauling, who is also--to me--a first generation filipino immigrant, so they talk a lot about home
she tells him what he's missed.
all this means scout is also some parts spanish and filipino on top of being american
is genderfluid and aromantic. doesnt care for romance when it pertains to him being in a relationship with someone else (evidently) but he enjoys the game and all its secret rules
#tf2#team fortress 2#tf2 spy#spy tf2#illustration#digital art#artists on tumblr#vintage#mine#my art#asks#BLAH!!!!!!!!!! A THOUSAND SPIES UPON YOU#finally presenting my spy is filipino propaganda to the world. as well as miss pauling filipino propaganda.#i love making characters catholic as a shorthand for making them suffer
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"Do not enter" is written on the doorway
Why can't everyone just go away?
Except you, you can stay
#abstragedy#tadc#tadc gangle#tadc zooble#gags gags gags#guys i might have yuri disease and its terminal#anyway something something the only thing that matters in this moment is You#vibrant glorious wonderful you#lights up the night blah blah blah. looks at vaguely written note. something something love and gross mushy#i hate drawing scenery but ill be damned if i dont get it outta my head so enjoy
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I know this is so crazy obvious but I just LOVE comparing the pilot to the newest episodes… the designs… the improvements.. the changes
Mostly with blitz


This bird and his dramatic draping himself upon couches
#I JUST LOVE LOOKING AT THE DIFFERENCES#WATCHING THE PILOT IS SO SURREAL#THE DESIGN THE ANIMATION THE VOICE ACTING#so good#the fact that Stolas was supposed to be a villian#everytime I watch the pilot#and Stolas is like#I have a political candidate and blah blah blah convincing everyone global warming exists blah blah blah#it makes me laugh SO MUCH#BC LIKE BABYGIRL WHAT ARE YOU SAYING#anyway#helluva boss#stolitz#blitzo#stolas#hellaverse#helluva boss blitz#blitzo x stolas#hazbin hotel
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I love you fics that are people clearly just projecting their thoughts about being arospec onto a character.
#just blahs#shout out to the one aro jon fic that i bookmarked 3 years ago when i first realized I was aro that i reread every few months#just reread it again and left another comment on it#and aromantics this is your sign to go write that rambly aromantic projection fic because i promise you someone out there will love it#and someone will read that and see thoughts that theyve had and know that they arent the only one#and maybe someone will comment on that and you'll know that you arent alone either#i just really love messy rambling projection fics#theyre so important to me#aromantic#arospec#aspec#aro
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The way this outfit is so "Dragonkeepers" leaning is everything.
She was in a Valyrian-inspired aesthetic before we even strictly-speaking knew what that was. We have the angular lines of the jacket, sharp shoulders, we have the kimono-like neckline!

It's obviously not as blatant as the S2 costumes, where we really lean into the silhouette that's sort of established by the robes that Rhaenyra and Daemon wear at their wedding but no one else wears a neckline like Rhaenys has on her blouse. No one else has a garment like she does with that jacket.
And the pattern has scales. So it's rich, it's got Westerosi influence as well, it's by no means a robe at all, but it clearly leans more towards the silhouette that visually speaks of a Valyrian heritage and specifically to do with dragons.

And just as a bonus, we got the triangular shape around her neck and the sharp shoulders in the first dress we see her in, after the Great Council.

Rhaenys's costumes are so contextualised. Colour, shape, length, whatever. It's contextual. Whether she's twinning with her husband, leaning into her Targaryen roots, repping a house or her own independence, or a mixture, it's there.
#I just made this post BC I love that first outfit tbh#rhaenys targaryen#house of the dragon#but Rhaenys's episode 08/09/10 black outfit is meant to emulate the masculine skirt silhouette#Rhaenys is ALWAYS meant to look ready to ride her dragon in S2 - something that's then put onto Rhaenyra's character after her death#She sometimes matches with her husband and sometimes she doesn't#They DON'T match in S2 except potentially at Lucerys's funeral (why oh why hbo do you not have a good pic of that dress)#And blah blah blah I'll shut up now#But yeah 😍 she was the first to lean into this established Targ aesthetic#beating out Daemon and Rhaenyra by 2 episodes 🫣
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I was saving up to send her to the conservatory
#myart#limbus company#gregor samsa lcb#gregor lcb#yuri lcb#i loved when kafka added a red haired girl named yuri to his book#metamorphosis lore.. yes#grete/yuri you will always be famous#also hermann is there too#i want to draw more baroque things but blah
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After the events of season four in a world where Vecna dies a minute earlier, Eddie lives, and Max gets away with a broken arm and some vision loss, Nancy and Steve start spending a lot of time together.
Everyone assumes that since Nancy and Johnathan broke it off not long after they reunited, having found themselves on different paths, the two of them were naturally drifting back together. Some of the kids are even betting among themselves on whether or not they're actually already back together and trying to keep in on the down low while everyone heals.
What really happened was that Nancy showed up on Steve's doorstep one day and asked if she could come in. She was nervous and it showed in the way she pinched her brow and rubbed her intex finger over her thumb nail but still made direct, almost aggressive eye contact with the man in front of her. Steve was worried that she was, indeed, here to confess which...wouldn't have been the worst thing, just not the right thing.
Instead what she says, directly and to the point despite her nerves, is that she's sorry if she led him on during their last time in the Upsidedown. She tells him that while she did feel a remnant of that old flame between them, it was ultimately a flicker in comparison to the forest fire of complicated emotions building up inside her for someone completely new. Someone completely unexpected. She looks genuinely mournful for having to tell him this, but all Steve can really feel is relief.
Steve had felt it too, and for a moment there it had really felt like their time had finally come. It felt like all the hurting and the fighting and the miscommunications and the missed chances were all leading them to this climactic moment during their last stand where they could begin their epic love story all over again. But then suddenly all he could think about between the blood and fear was eyes deep and dark like the forest floor after a long rain and the fleeting feeling of cool silver on his sore shoulders. He tells her that it's ok because he found someone new and unexpected too.
After that night they find a new kind of kinship that they always reached for but never could attain with all the history between them. They start meeting up as often as they can for late-night talks. Once Steve returns from his work at the shelter and visiting Eddie in the hospital and Nancy's parents come back to relieve her of babysitting duties while they help rebuild the town they meet at Steve's house. They avoid the back patio at all costs, instead deciding to set up lawn chairs out front to face the empty street, all of Steve's neighbors having fled with the first tremors.
They drink and talk for hours about all the mistakes they made, apologizing for all the ways they hurt each other in their youth in the days when they knew how to hurt but not how to heal. They talk about the life they could have had if things had been different. They talk about jobs and white picket fences and children and all the ways they would have been happy but not content. It should be awkward, and sad, and uncomfortable. And it is. But more than that it's cathartic, and by the end they are closer than they've ever been and fully ready to move onto the next phases of their lives as close friends.
They also spend quite a bit of time after the heaviest topics have run their course trying to help each other woo their respective crushes. Robin came out to the group not long after Will returned. She decided that it was time for her to claim the "most coveted of all Queer positions, Steve. The Queer Mentor!" and that being in the closet with their friends was antithetical to her cause. Steve argued that he was her first pupil already, but she claimed that his gay crisis was so minuscule that it hardly deserved the name. He came out a fully formed bisexual man. Steve wasn't 100% sure about Eddie, but there were enough rumors about him that he felt comfortable at least shooting his shot. Eddie was a good guy and he was so happy when Robin came to his room to share her coming out with him since he'd missed the bigger announcement.
All that is to say that they were both ready and willing to start pursuing their respective targets. They made game plans and tried to come up with date-but-not-really-a-date ideas for them to test the waters.
Meanwhile, Eddie and Robin both separately decide that they need to help push Nancy and Steve into the relationship everyone sees on the horizon. Steve is and always will be Robin's number one and she knows better than anybody how hung up he was on Nancy for literal years. She knows they hang out just the two of them and despite Steve dodging her attempts to figure out what it is they meet up about if they're not already together, she's pretty sure they're just taking things slow. The fact that her tummy feels all warm whenever Nancy Wheeler walks into the room is inconsequential to her far greater goal of Make Steve Happy. It sure would help if she would stop looking up at Robin from beneath her lashes like that though. Those eyes are killer.
Eddie, on the other hand, has felt some kind of way about Steve for the entirety of their not-quite acquaintance. It began with a sweet crush in grade school that developed into spiteful teenage lust and then back into a less sweet but much more robust crush following the not-so-end of the world. But all of those feelings are null and void in the face of the rapidly approaching epilogue of Steve and Nancy's epic si-fy/fantasy romance. He saw the way they looked at each other on their journey and he meant it when he said what Nancy had done jumping in that lake was a show of love. It feels almost poetic that he ended up doing the same thing, just a little too late to really matter. But despite the way Steve's visits seem to soothe the ache in his bones better than any opioid or cold compress, Eddie is going to do his damnedest to lead those two sheep in the right direction. It would be a heck of a lot easier if Steve could pick a shirt to wear in his own damn size, though. Those arms really were begging for release.
#blah blah blah#you know how it goes#I am once again asking#is this anything?#Thinking about Steve and Nancy hours#will I ever ship stancy?#no#but i love their story#and I think they deserve to let it go#steddie#ronance#robin buckley#steve harrington#eddie munson#dreamer speaks#fanfiction#plot bunny#left out the funny part of this#where eddie is pushing nancy toward Steve#and Robin is pushing Steve toward Nancy#and Nancy isn't telling Steve what Eddie is doing#because she doesn't want to discourage him#and Steve isn't telling Nancy what Robin is doing#for the same reason#and Robin and Eddie are talking a lot#just never about their crushes#and it's all one big funny mess
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"Heheh I'm gonna put you into a meatgrinder"
AU'S BY @sm-baby and @hootbon GRHAHHHHH explodes
Please god have mercy drawing this felt like the rolling a ball uphill meme
Love them tho
#tadc#the amazing digital circus#tadc fanart#tadc pomni#not my oc#pomni#tadc caine#tadc freakshow au#freakshow au#the amazing digital carnival#i love them#legit my fav aus#i will cry#i will shit#dont eat my art please ill die#but thank you#erm#tags#blah blah yap yap#pls dont flop
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Batgirl, the World’s Prettiest Princess™️🫶🏼✨

#Bing’s doodles#cassandra cain#dc comics#batgirl#dc#batman#batfam#batfamily#dc orphan#black bat#cassandra wayne#art#my art#artists on tumblr#dc fanart#hi I’m back from the trenches#with more cutesy spooky batgirl art#did I mention I love her#‘what’s with the Ty tag?’#blah blah blah symbolism for lost childhood innocence and reclaiming what was stolen from you except I read too much into everything ever#the pink bat is also both a real bat and the beanie baby which she would definitely have because#someone gave it to her as a gift#anyway the point is she deserves Beanie Babies
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aka a valentine for the lovely @itsnotmystic / @corvids-calling - fanart for stars fic of the same name, which you can read here !!! i really enjoyed this concept and wanted to do some art for it :3 hope you like it because i REALLY loved your work & i hope this shows that !!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!
this is also a loose love-letter to the wonderful @arginnit 's crazy background-drawing-ability and style/skill at portraying environments . wadds your stuff is insane and i love it
happy @mcyt-valentines exchange !!!!
#mcyt-valentines#things i make#c!wilbur#wilbur soot#wilbur soot fanart#dsmp wilbur#blah blah blah WHO CARES. I LOVE YOUR WRITING#i read your little um um superhero slash las nevadas Theft fic as well it was so fun :3#AND I okay maybe this is creepy idk i backscrolled ur blog to hell and back lmfao#UR PAINTING OF TECHNOS CABIN IS SO SWEET AND CALM AND PRETTY i was originally going to do something with ctechno but the art just wouldnt c#come to me#i did get one (1) ctechno design/doodle out of it though its my most recent post before this one in my things i make tag#idk i hope youre having a good day you seem super cool and. ya#AND TO WADDS. idk i love your art so much . i think about some of your pieces literally all the time#your um. backrooms drawing with tommy & charlie & ranboo i love the warped perspective i tried to reflect that in this#your painting style anddddd yeah. your composition your everything its so good#happy valentines dayyyy
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gay people can never say “i love you” it’s always some incoherent shit like “you idiot. we could’ve been… us”.
#‘you can’t leave this bookshop’#‘you’d be my second in command’#blah blah blah#IT’S THREE WORDS#I AND LOVE AND YOU#end of story!!#good omens#good omens season 2#good omens spoilers#good omens s2ep6#good ineffable omens#ineffable fandom#ineffable idiots#ineffable divorce#ineffable wives#ineffable spouses#ineffable husbands#ineffable partners#ineffable lovers#aziraphale#crowley#crowly x aziraphale#aziracrow#michael sheen#david tennant#americanbi’s posts
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Get Booped Idiots (lovingly) - with some Team Fortress 2 arts!
My Main Fellas Scout n' Solly + some doodles as I work to figure out how to draw these dudes simply.
#Im trying so hard to get better with demo cause I love him but it hasn't clicked yet#Scout's stupid dialogue:#DIDJA SEE THAT? A COURSE YA DID THAT WAS FRIKIN AMAZIN' I JUST CAME UP AND BOOM BLEW HIS FACE OFF - I'M A FRIKIN' FORCE-A-NATURE YOU GUYS S#BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH#god bless whatever the hell soldier has going on#I am the most obnoxious scout so sorry if you play with me#tf2#team fortress 2#tf2 scout#tf2 soldier#tf2 spy#tf2 demoman#tf2 pyro#tf2 sniper#tf2 medic#tf2 heavy#tf2 engineer#weevmo
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Wanted to practice side profiles a bit more and go into more detail w how I interpret the season two gang 😋😋

#minecraft story mode#mcsm#Mcsm fanart#Mcsm Jesse#mcsm petra#mcsm jack#mcsm nurm#Mcsm radar#nurm mcsm#jack mcsm#Radar mcsm#jesse mcsm#petra mcsm#Gang lower the pitchforks y'all are looking a lil feral about headcannons recently#If I see any “erm.. character a is wrong because blah blah blah 🤓☝️” I will end up on the news don't try me#I LOVE DRAWING SIDE PROFILES ITS SO FUN OMG#OUGH#clemont_ine#Oh em gee age headcannons time!!#I think in season two Jesse and Petra are early thirties#Jack and Nurm are in their fifties ofc. Early to mid#And radar like. 25?#Hehe!!#Now to wait until I draw everyone enough for them to all go through sudden cuntification like Nurm did#Can you tell I hate drawing hair?
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Catching Him in His Celebrity Disguise

♡ Genre: Fluff ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader ♡ Tags: Aged up

There were only a handful of people walking around the park, even though it was such a lovely day outside. You had a small lunch packed in your bag and you headed over to your favorite bench to eat when you realized a certain man was already occupying the space.
He wore a baseball cap that couldn't fully flatten his blonde spikes that poked out from all sides. His face mask obscured his expression and his tight black shirt showed off his fit body quite well. He briefly whipped off his sunglasses to see his phone better. You approached him and sat down, and when you caught his red eyes, that's when you knew you were in the presence of the Pro Hero, Dynamight.
He caught the flicker of realization on your face. He silently panicked for two reasons. One, you recognized him. Two, you were the most gorgeous person he'd ever seen.
"...Dynamight?" You must've looked like a deer in the headlights.
"...Hi?" You could tell he was shocked too.
"Oh, you're much more awkward in person! Haha! That's so cute! I'm such a big fan!"
"Lower your voice!" Dynamight said through gritted teeth, pulling off his mask to reveal his slightly pink face. "I just wanted some peace and quiet out here, don't announce my presence to the world!"
"Sorry!" Your hands flew up to your mouth. "Is it okay if I sit here? I really love how secluded this spot is. Though, I don't really mind if you're here."
"You're already sitting," he said, furrowing his brows. "Keep sitting if you want, I ain't gonna stop ya..." He glanced at you, nervously. "Do ya come here all the time?"
"Yes! But I have never seen you here before." You dug out your small lunch box from your bag. Most of your food was homecooked, sweet to the taste, and pink. Bakugou wrinkled his nose at the sight. "I didn't think you liked this city. You're always complaining about it on the news, which makes me kinda sad since it's my hometown."
"I didn't mean that shit!" Bakugou cried, putting his phone away. "I say bad things about everyone, everywhere. Don't take it personally."
"Well it's very nice of you to clarify that!" You started munching on one of your pink macaroons.
"Do you like it here?" he asked. "You think I do a good job of protecting your hometown?"
"Yeah, obviously! You saved my favorite bakery last week!"
Bakugou looked thoughtfully into the distance of the park, recalling the scene. "I remember that shit. The owner gave me such a big hassle for not defeating the villain before they wrecked the front entrance."
"Well they were able to recover anyways. I swear their food is really good, you should really go sometime!"
"You wanna go with me?" he asked, his head turning a little too quickly.
You gulped down your macaroon. "...As a date?"
"No! I--I don't fucking know! You wanna go or not?"
"Calm down. I'm only teasing you, hero. I'll go with you, okay?"
"You could've just said that from the start!"
A few nearby civilians peeked at your increasingly loud conversation and Bakugou shut up immediately, keeping his head down. You giggled.
Bakugou didn't speak until they fully passed by. "Can't believe you're laughing at me. I'm one of the top Pro Heroes of the damn country, and you're laughing at me!"
"You're not a top Pro Hero right now, are you?" You poked his cheek. "You're just an ordinary, aggressive guy hiding in plain sight."
"I am anything but ordinary."
Bakugou's stomach growled loudly. He grasped the offending thing like he could hide the noise.
"Poor hero! You must be so hungry. Here, I have some grapes you can eat!" You took out a grape from your lunch box, offering it to him. He popped it into his mouth.
"Thanks," he said between chews. "You sure you don't mind sharing?"
"I would never mind sharing with you," you said, handing him another grape. He gratefully accepted it. "You're the hero this country needs. Your face is all over our TVs when you come here to save us. And... well... you're even prettier in-person to boot."
You hid your face a little when saying that, but you wanted to take a chance to say it to his face while he was still here. He averted his eyes too. You hoped you didn't make him uncomfortable, or maybe just the right kind of uncomfortable in a good way.
You took out another grape. "Besides, you can make it up to me on our next date, alright?" You held out the grape for him.
Instead of taking it with his hands, Bakugou took the grape with his teeth from your fingers. You almost gasped.
"Tasty," he said, chewing with a smug grin. Your mouth was still agape. "Do you hand-feed all the other Pro Heroes you meet?"
You couldn't believe he just did that. He was so bold. But you wanted to be bolder.
"...No, just you," you said, your heart racing. You took out another grape. "Want some more?"
Despite his smugness, his voice was a little wobbly when he said, "Keep 'em coming."
On that day, Bakugou got to meet his belated first love.

Years later, you and Bakugou happened to pass by the same park bench in the same lonely park. You clung to Bakugou's arm, holding his hand as he strut around in public like he was on top of the world. He always felt like that when he had you around.
You pointed at the bench and elbowed Bakugou. "Look! This is where we met, right?"
"That's why I fucking brought ya here," he said, kissing your temple. "Was wondering if you'd recognize the damn old thing.
"You're such a romantic," you said.
Bakugou led you over to the bench and sat down, with you cuddling up beside him.
"You never visit this park even though we live close enough," you murmured.
"That's 'cause I wanted to take you back here with me," Bakugou said. "I've always made sure the city kept this place nice though. After all, this is our spot."
"Yeah, our spot."

#bakugou x reader#katsuki x you#reader insert#fanfiction#fanfic#bakugo x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugo katsuki x reader#bakugou katsuki x reader#bakugou katuski x reader#bakugou x you#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugo x you#katsuki x reader#x reader#bakugou x y/n#katsuki bakugo x y/n#katsuki x y/n#x you#bnha fanfiction#bnha#bnha x reader#mha fanfiction#mha x reader#mha bakugou#mha#my hero academia x reader#boku no hero academia#i had to add the epilogue because it didnt feel right ending it on “and so bakugou met his belated first love blah blah blah”#i needed an explicitly romantic ending for the sake of my mental health
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