#I am once again asking
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dreamsteddie · 1 month ago
After the events of season four in a world where Vecna dies a minute earlier, Eddie lives, and Max gets away with a broken arm and some vision loss, Nancy and Steve start spending a lot of time together.
Everyone assumes that since Nancy and Johnathan broke it off not long after they reunited, having found themselves on different paths, the two of them were naturally drifting back together. Some of the kids are even betting among themselves on whether or not they're actually already back together and trying to keep in on the down low while everyone heals.
What really happened was that Nancy showed up on Steve's doorstep one day and asked if she could come in. She was nervous and it showed in the way she pinched her brow and rubbed her intex finger over her thumb nail but still made direct, almost aggressive eye contact with the man in front of her. Steve was worried that she was, indeed, here to confess which...wouldn't have been the worst thing, just not the right thing.
Instead what she says, directly and to the point despite her nerves, is that she's sorry if she led him on during their last time in the Upsidedown. She tells him that while she did feel a remnant of that old flame between them, it was ultimately a flicker in comparison to the forest fire of complicated emotions building up inside her for someone completely new. Someone completely unexpected. She looks genuinely mournful for having to tell him this, but all Steve can really feel is relief.
Steve had felt it too, and for a moment there it had really felt like their time had finally come. It felt like all the hurting and the fighting and the miscommunications and the missed chances were all leading them to this climactic moment during their last stand where they could begin their epic love story all over again. But then suddenly all he could think about between the blood and fear was eyes deep and dark like the forest floor after a long rain and the fleeting feeling of cool silver on his sore shoulders. He tells her that it's ok because he found someone new and unexpected too.
After that night they find a new kind of kinship that they always reached for but never could attain with all the history between them. They start meeting up as often as they can for late-night talks. Once Steve returns from his work at the shelter and visiting Eddie in the hospital and Nancy's parents come back to relieve her of babysitting duties while they help rebuild the town they meet at Steve's house. They avoid the back patio at all costs, instead deciding to set up lawn chairs out front to face the empty street, all of Steve's neighbors having fled with the first tremors.
They drink and talk for hours about all the mistakes they made, apologizing for all the ways they hurt each other in their youth in the days when they knew how to hurt but not how to heal. They talk about the life they could have had if things had been different. They talk about jobs and white picket fences and children and all the ways they would have been happy but not content. It should be awkward, and sad, and uncomfortable. And it is. But more than that it's cathartic, and by the end they are closer than they've ever been and fully ready to move onto the next phases of their lives as close friends.
They also spend quite a bit of time after the heaviest topics have run their course trying to help each other woo their respective crushes. Robin came out to the group not long after Will returned. She decided that it was time for her to claim the "most coveted of all Queer positions, Steve. The Queer Mentor!" and that being in the closet with their friends was antithetical to her cause. Steve argued that he was her first pupil already, but she claimed that his gay crisis was so minuscule that it hardly deserved the name. He came out a fully formed bisexual man. Steve wasn't 100% sure about Eddie, but there were enough rumors about him that he felt comfortable at least shooting his shot. Eddie was a good guy and he was so happy when Robin came to his room to share her coming out with him since he'd missed the bigger announcement.
All that is to say that they were both ready and willing to start pursuing their respective targets. They made game plans and tried to come up with date-but-not-really-a-date ideas for them to test the waters.
Meanwhile, Eddie and Robin both separately decide that they need to help push Nancy and Steve into the relationship everyone sees on the horizon. Steve is and always will be Robin's number one and she knows better than anybody how hung up he was on Nancy for literal years. She knows they hang out just the two of them and despite Steve dodging her attempts to figure out what it is they meet up about if they're not already together, she's pretty sure they're just taking things slow. The fact that her tummy feels all warm whenever Nancy Wheeler walks into the room is inconsequential to her far greater goal of Make Steve Happy. It sure would help if she would stop looking up at Robin from beneath her lashes like that though. Those eyes are killer.
Eddie, on the other hand, has felt some kind of way about Steve for the entirety of their not-quite acquaintance. It began with a sweet crush in grade school that developed into spiteful teenage lust and then back into a less sweet but much more robust crush following the not-so-end of the world. But all of those feelings are null and void in the face of the rapidly approaching epilogue of Steve and Nancy's epic si-fy/fantasy romance. He saw the way they looked at each other on their journey and he meant it when he said what Nancy had done jumping in that lake was a show of love. It feels almost poetic that he ended up doing the same thing, just a little too late to really matter. But despite the way Steve's visits seem to soothe the ache in his bones better than any opioid or cold compress, Eddie is going to do his damnedest to lead those two sheep in the right direction. It would be a heck of a lot easier if Steve could pick a shirt to wear in his own damn size, though. Those arms really were begging for release.
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holyblanchett · 3 months ago
Save me cowboy Kathryn Hahn
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satansfavoritestripper · 2 years ago
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moonferry · 1 month ago
i miss my wife (sam sdv) i miss him a lot.
having to scroll for hours just to find a small sliver of sam fanart ... such is the life of a sam romancer...
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robot-carl · 9 months ago
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I took a nap today and had a vision. This was that vision. Scarecrow posed as mittens Bernie Sanders. He is once again asking you to donate your body for his experiments.
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babyjaans · 19 days ago
Is there a ‘and they were roommates’ fic about destiel?? Where they live together and are fully in a relationship, but everyone thinks they are just roommates? Or they tell everyone they are jusy roomates? Or anything along these lines
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soulpunchftw · 7 months ago
I spent twenty fucking minutes trying to figure out how to edit this from my iPhone in order to convince the group chat to watch Planet of the Apes
You deserve to see it
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freneticfloetry · 3 months ago
Okay, in all seriousness… that graveside scene was a doozy.
I expected the rundown, and a few fill-in-the-blanks, and even the “I hope I make you proud” angle. But watching Carlos realize that he’s spent the past year being able to put his grief to action, and now that it’s done, all he can do is actively grieve… gah. I was not prepared.
He’s gotten closure. Now comes healing, and not just from the gunshot.
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they have a lot of questions [insp]
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spiritusfabellas · 8 months ago
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sp00nc4t · 6 months ago
i just realized i never posted some of thwse help
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icemankazansky86 · 2 months ago
I realize this is an extremely niche meme but—
Legend says that Han is still mad about his plane
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yantao-enthusiast · 9 months ago
there should be more platonic rpf. like can i please get smosh chanse and angela working at Burger King or something. or like shayne and trevor working at opposing sports stores and getting way too into the rivalry. like idk i think that’d be really funny and also a lot less weird than The Alternative
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saturngelato · 8 months ago
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thicc-mintz · 3 months ago
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unacuentasecreta · 6 months ago
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⟡ ┊Kimi ni Todoke - Chapter 26; Birthday
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