#lout promotions
zharaely · 5 months
Clopeh Sekka went up my favorite character rankings so fast in the recent chapters to the point he's already in my Top 3. 💀 I was really excited for a Clopeh vs. Choi Han fight, and I was about to be disappointed that it doesn't end up happing in the end, BUT THEN THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM WAS EVEN BETTER?! When Clopeh asked that question to Choi Han it had me completely SPEECHLESS (just like Choi Han). Clopeh being the one who would choose to save Cale over anyone else, and Choi Han not being able to answer him. I don't think of Choi Han in a bad light because of that though, because if you think about it Choi Han hesitating to answer is also caused by his deep care and understanding of Cale, so I hope he doesn't feel bad about this later on. Choi Han and Clopeh are also complete opposites but it's the reason why they fit as Cale's knights so well, and I'm very glad that Clopeh passed the test. (But they should seriously fight each other sometime, even just a spar. I'm kind of desperate, author.)
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clara-licht · 2 years
a former classmate asked in our group for a novel recommendation and I, ofc, said TCF 😏
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odaclan · 5 months
The true origin of the sandal warming story??
I'm going to start by quoting a story to you. It can be found in "Tales of the Samurai", which was translated by Miyamori Asatarou. You can read the entire text in this link here, but here's the relevant segment (I apologize for length):
While his lordship thus soliloquized, Heishiro, the sandal-bearer—Makabé Heishiro as he was called from his birthplace, Makabé in Hitachi, a surname being a luxury unknown to the third estate—waited without. Having adjusted his master’s footgear there was nothing more to do till he should come out again. But presently Heishiro observed that the snowflakes fell and lay somewhat thick on his valuable charge. He hastened to brush them off with his sleeve, but more flakes fell, and again the geta (clogs) were covered with icy particles. “This will never do,” he said to himself. “His lordship disdains to wear tabi (socks) even in the coldest weather, deeming it a mark of effeminacy; should he place his bare feet on these damp geta he will assuredly catch cold. I must keep them warm and dry for him.” So the good fellow in the kindness of his simple heart took up the heavy wooden clogs, and putting them in the bosom of his garment next to his skin, continued his patient waiting. [...] Heishiro had just time to put the geta straight on the large stone step at the entrance before the double doors slid open fight and left and Masamuné appeared, young, imperious. He slipped his feet on to the geta. How was this? They felt warm to his touch! How could that be in such freezing weather? There could be but one explanation. That lazy lout of a sandal-bearer had been using them as a seat—sitting on the honourable footgear of his august master! The insufferable insolence, of the fellow! In a passion at the supposed insult he caught the offender by the nape of his neck, and shook him violently, exclaiming between his set teeth, “You scoundrel! How dared you defile my geta by sitting on them! You have grossly insulted me behind my back! Villain, take that....” Catching up one of the clogs which he had kicked off, he struck the poor servitor a heavy blow between the eyes, which caused him to reel stunned and bleeding to the ground.
Does this story sound familiar?
If you know about Nobunaga well enough to have heard of the sandal story, you might already noticed this is a little weird.
If you are not familiar with it, I tell you here that this is a standard narrative commonly associated with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. Barring the oddly specific detail about not wearing socks for it being "effeminate" (it's a first for me), just swap out the name of "Masamune" for Nobunaga and the sandal bearer with Hideyoshi and you get the gist of it.
In the above story, Masamune's anger could not be calmed and the sandal bearer left his service. However, the sandal bearer then eventually became such a celebrated monk of high standing. Masamune ended up inviting him to be the abbot of Zuigan-ji, the temple he had recently restored, without knowing that the master was the same sandal bearer he got angry at.
In the Nobunaga version, Hideyoshi was able to prove his innocence, which led to Nobunaga gaining appreciation of his efforts and promoting him.
Once I did a little investigation on the story of Hideyoshi warming Nobunaga's sandals. In the oldest source I was able to discover, the story was originally nothing at all. Hideyoshi kept the sandals warm, yes, but it was very likely what sandal bearers were just supposed to do and no big fuss was made about it. Nobunaga had appreciated Hideyoshi's care for horses, not what he did with the sandals.
The sandals that Hideyoshi warmed in the source I found were zouri, straw woven sandals. The story I quoted above talked about a geta, which are wooden platformed sandals (sometimes translated as "clogs"). The Nobunaga and Hideyoshi story that were in fictional adaptations or websites indeed flip flop between the sandals in question being zouri or geta. Clearly there is a problem here somewhere.
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I believe I have finally found the actual origin of the sandals story, the dramatic one that includes an angry master being angry and accusing the sandal bearer of having sat on the sandals.
The story is narrated in the official website of Engaku-ji, an affiliate Rinzai Zen temple. It was actually the story of a revered Zen master, whose name was Houshin Shousai (or Shouzai) 法身性西.
Master Houshin was born in Makabe 真壁 district in the year 1189, and his name was originally Heishirou 平四郎. The lord he served was one Makabe Tokimoto 真壁時幹. You see now why the sandal-bearer in the above story was named the way that he was?
The narrative was similar to the one from Professor Miyamori's story. Heishirou warmed his lord's sandals, but Tokimoto accused him of having sat on the sandals and threw it at his head (as seen in the "Masamune" story above). Disheartened by this, Heishirou then quit his service and became a monk. He left for China to study Zen, and when he returned to Japan, he became the abbot of Enpuku-ji 円福寺. It wasn't until centuries later that Date Masamune restored Enpuku-ji, and it's now better known as Zuigan-ji 瑞巌寺 (the temple actually kept both names, and its official full name is Shoutou Seiryuuzan Zuigan Enpuku-ji 松島青龍山瑞巌円福禅寺).
Supposing this story was true, then it would appear that people down history just "stole" it and reapplied it to whomever they please. It's actually not about Masamune or Nobunaga or some other iconic Sengoku bushou (who are presumably "more interesting"). The "good ending" of the Nobunaga story had been apparently stolen from another narrative about the shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu and Sakai Tadakatsu (I talked about it in my post).
Once again, this is why I always try to be careful with "just so" stories from the internet. It's fine to use them in fiction, as these has become "established tropes" by now and nobody would be mad if you use them when writing novels or fanfiction.
However, in terms of actual historical truth, I don't take them as fact unless I can verify it in reasonably reliable sources.
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Httyd AU exchanges #022
[After rescuing Jack, Snotlout nudges him teasingly...]
Snotlout: I was right. Jack: 'You' and 'right' should never be in one sentence. Fishlegs: Technically, he said 'I'. Jack: Way to miss the point, Legs. Snotlout: Shepherd boy has now been promoted to a beauty-in-distress princess. Jack: Hiccup: Astrid: Jamie: Fishlegs: Tuffnut: Ruffnut: Snotlout: Uh, why is no one laughing at the joke? Snotlout: This would be that time. Jamie: Did you just call Jack beautiful? Snotlout, realizing what he said: NO! Tuffnut: Uh, no, you totally did. Fishlegs: Actually, he didn't. But it was implied. Jack: Riiiiight, okay, I'm going to hit my head on an anvil right now and hope I forget about this. Hiccup: No, you're not. Hiccup: And Lout, you're on stable duty.
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rnadett · 2 years
Okay. Now I think a lot of people gonna hate me for this, but I'm full with this bllshit and I need to say out lout what I think. Someone has to....
and I think there are serious problems in the community. Before I start explaining the problems, I want to clarify a few things - It's not against any ships, you can like whatever you want the problem itself is NOT this.
My problem is that the lesbian community and not just them but the mediums sometimes more focused for the queerbait than an ACTUAL series that really have a queer representation.. especially a GOOD representation. I see this on many gay news blog, social media ect. To be clear I have an actual example. I think this was the last before I lost my mind and decided to write this.
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The Diva magazine for example. The cancellation of The Warrior Nun has been in the news for a couple of days now. Not just in the LGBTQ media but lot of elsewhere. And what a Lesbian focused magazine doing for example? Not giving an actual living sht about it... But Promoting a show that has no evidence of queer content other than interviews with the actress and we don't even know what season 2 will bring. and this is why I said that I need to clarify a few things. I don't have a problem with Jenna Ortega or her statement- I think she is brilliant and talented and I also enjoyed Wednesday as a show and I even think Wenclair is a cute ship, BUT.. Warrior nun have an actual pair which is officially proven not to be Queerbait and also a Netflix's show with talented actresses and crew. A series that needs to be saved, and where the lgbtq content not just a subtext. So why is it that especially some Queer content media completely ignores the cries for help from their own community? In such cases, shouldn't they be the first to stand up for good representation? Especially in times where openly lesbian-centered series are canceled one after another? When will be enough and the community will stand up for each other? I'd like to think we can really make a difference and save Warrior Nun together. Thank you coming for my ted talk.
(also sorry for any grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.)
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white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
The disorderly louts and their fearless leader, Jennyanydots.
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Also fearless is Jellylorum.
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Nagoya, Japan (Photo from November 2022, but used in promotion yesterday).
Masaru Kitamura as Munkustrap, Misaki Ono as Jellylorum, Namiko Hanada as Jennyanydots, Naomi Takada as Tantomile, So Yokoi as Mistoffelees, and Tsukushi Maruno as Jemima.
Beetles: Ayu Shimizu, Haruna Sasaki, Hiroki Terunuma, Kaisaer Tatike, Kazuyuki Mandokoro, Maaya Tahara, Mitsuha Kojima, Ryujiro Isshiki, Shunsuke Ito, TaeSun Kang, Yuma Ishida, and Yuuma Tanabe.
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rumalumasuns · 4 months
Lout of the Count's Family Zine - Sample #2: Lost in a Child's Paradise
Hope everyone's doing well! This post is to promote a pay-what-you-want charity zine related to Team One from the webnovel/manhwa Lout of the Count's Family I had the pleasure to write some pieces for. Please check it out!
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“Team Leader! You can’t just run off like that!” said a panicked company worker. Roksu ignored him, storming off from the meeting room he just came from, his pursed lips and crossed brows showing his great ire.
The worker, apprehensive of what the heads of the company would say, tried to chase after Roksu, widening his steps for a chance to catch up, but to no avail.
“Too bad. Tell the higher-ups that today is my day off. If they don’t let me have it properly, I’ll quit,” said Roksu as he walked out of the organization’s building, his long tan coat flowing behind him.
He couldn’t believe he was called in for an “urgent task” that could’ve been easily handled by any other team at a lower level than his own. It was his day off, for goodness sake! He was supposed to be picking up his niece from daycare, not dilly-dallying with any sort of menial task, especially on this important day.
Once he reached his company building’s parking lot, Roksu got into his car, closed the driver’s door with a loud SLAM, and secured his seat belt. His phone connected to the Blacktooth speaker of the car, starting to blast an old movie soundtrack he found in the MeTube playlist of the original Kim Roksu. 
Although the music somewhat calmed him, Roksu was still annoyed by the earlier encounter with the company worker, so he aggressively drove out of the lot, his brows furrowed and his grip on the wheel tight.
While driving to the daycare, he received a call from Sohoon.
“Team Leader, did you just leave the building?”
Roksu groaned. He knew that concerned tone meant Sohoon was going to nag at him for being rude to that random worker. So, he used his secret weapon.
“Please, dongsaeng-ah. I’m kind of busy at the moment. Can I call you back later?”
There was a long pause on the call before Roksu heard a flustered huff from Suhyeok’s end.
“Heh heh… d-dongsaeng?… Jeez, Team Leader. You… Seriously, you have to tell me more about this later, okay? Minah sunbae is also gone... Why am I the only one working today? :(”
“Thanks, dongsaeng-ah. See you later,” replied Roksu, smiling amusedly at his subordinate’s whining.
With another huff, Sohoon ended the call.
Even though that short call lifted Roksu’s spirits a little because he got to tease Sohoon, Roksu was still a little bitter and quietly complained to himself about how he was going to be late as he drove faster to his destination.
Eventually, a one-story pale yellow building came into Roksu’s view. In the space in front of the building was a large yard with patches of grass surrounded by a painted white fence. From the yard, high-pitched shrieks of laughter were heard as little children were playing games like soccer and hopscotch. Outside the gate, other guardians were also picking up their children, walking hand in hand with them to get to their cars and go home or another destination.
Roksu double-checked his bag to make sure that he brought his wallet and ID. Having one annoying inconvenience was enough for the day. He didn’t want another problem at the daycare with some random daycare worker thinking he was a threat or kidnapper. It wasn’t his fault that his dark clothes and height made him look scary to the children. Though, that was a story for another day.
After parking safely in front of the daycare, Roksu slowly got out of the car.
“Uncle Roksu!!” shouted an excited high-pitched voice.
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Did you enjoy it? If you want to read the rest, please check out this link here if you haven't already! For more details, please check out @passingrecords
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uncleasad · 6 months
Oh! That last gifset made me realize something that I guess is pretty obvious but I’ve never thought about in that way before… In 1x10, Lizzie is trying to “fix” her life by wishing her “nemesis” (whom she blames for all of her problems) out of it. In her first wish, she wishes Hope had never come to the Salvatore School, which becomes a run-down, barely-hanging-on institution without that Mikaelson money Klaus sent. Lizzie, Josie, and Alaric track down Hope, who is a vampire (presumably a full Tribrid) who looks to have just massacred every one of the patrons in Rousseau’s. (But there’s a glint of something in Josie’s eyes, and it’s not fear or revulsion.) They take Hope back to the school, where she once again becomes Alaric’s focus… So in the second wish, Lizzie wishes there never was a Salvatore School. Lizzie is a downtrodden, unhappy, unloved sister while Josie is queen bee at MFHS. Lizzie’s efforts to protect Josie from her lout of a boyfriend (Connor! 😳) lead to the exposure of magic, so the Mikaelsons swoop in to contain the situation. Josie is very taken with Hope, and Hope’s interested in Josie, too (even Alaric gets promoted from long-suffering history teacher to headmaster of the Mikaelson Academy? Institute? I forget the nomenclature…) Everyone else being happy (and, worse, Hope and Josie already an item an hour after meeting!) doesn’t do it for Lizzie, so wish #3 is that Hope Mikaelson was never born. It’s an apocalyptic world, with Klaus and Caroline (!) tearing the world apart and Triad trying to eliminate every last supernatural…and Alaric and the Squad members trying to stay under the radar in hovels and basements and whatnot. Oh, and in this reality, Lizzie had killed Josie 😳 In other words, in a world without Hope, there is no Josie. 🤯 I’d never really thought about the implications of that, how Hope’s existence is also essential for Josie’s. Without Hope, without that inspiration or place to put her feelings, or, shall we say, that hope, Josie’s never able to become strong enough to “manage” Lizzie’s erratic behaviors and magical outbursts. (Perhaps, without Hope as a “counterexample,” a person she wants to be better than, Lizzie’s never able to build the level of strength and control she has in the main reality.) Hope is central to Josie’s happiness (but also, I think you can argue—which the show often forgot—that the trio together are necessary for any one, and all, of them to function), and in a world where Hope doesn’t exist, Josie’s not just unhappy, she can’t exist at all…
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o0katiekins0o · 1 year
Having your strict parents become grandparents is freaking wild.
My dad freaks out about casual cussing in front of my kids.
But one time when I was the same age my oldest is now, he was mad at me for taking a promotional Star wars prize out of a bag of Doritos and called me a "Lout".
And I didn't even know what it meant and had to look it up.
Honestly I wish he'd just saved me some time and called me an asshole.
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cleopatrachampagne · 1 year
honestly, traditional rural americana gothic horror stories have in only two or three years time turned into dated period pieces. 2020’s era small town gothic culture almost always boils down to standing in line between a ‘mysterious drifter’ who has an imdb page, a reservation at the generic gentrification brewery downtown and a bad case of mountain dew mouth as well as a known member of the witch dancer society which has a prominent instagram presence, a dedication to the disney corporation bordering on creepy and zero mystical blood sacrifices while the weird old dude who works as a cashier at the old feed store next to the head shop and always overshares but at least usually in a grimly charming way tells me he’s pissed his daughter won’t homeschool his grandkids bc nowadays the schools are full of ‘gay groomers’ just… turning the children gay or something and i force my lesbian ass to reply in a neutral manner cuz i’m just tryna purchase a bucket of grain since chloe escaped the paddock today and ruined the whole old batch with her equine gluttony and i mind my manners like a reasonable human but want to grab his face firmly in my hands and remind him that back in the 70’s they happily welcomed the tobacco clown to visit my mom’s elementary school class and brazenly promote the tobacco industry to little kids and it seems kinda odd that he had no problem with a strange clown giving his kids cigarettes but the ragebait article about ‘gay groomers’ that the overly political local freelance horse grave digger shared on his fb page suddenly has this ordinarily friendly man in a huff airing his dirty laundry in confusing, b-movie horror exposition format that feels not unlike a teaser trailer for the hills have eyes 2: homophobic boogaloo to any distant acquaintances in earshot. and the spirit of jesus beating the sh!t out of money lenders with braided leather has me shaking like my skeleton is ready to hatch bc i want to demand this dude earn that gold cross on his neck by removing the lout from his eye before pointing out the speck in his brother’s, and perhaps i could summon the spirit of the tobacco clown himself with an overpriced hunk of pink hasbro plastic ouija board, while the dead, dark eldritch anger that lurks beneath the abandoned logging mill that upon closing thrust the whole region from paradise to well past east of eden claws at my throat in melodramatic slow-mo as my eyes glaze over and i give another politely disinterested response while vacantly offering a purely plastic fully fake totally emotionless smile and the sands of time slip through the hourglass in this fluorescent lighting soaked snapshot of what once was raw gothic intrigue tainted by the poisoned well of social media, wealth disparity, inflammatory internet bigotry insidiously seeping into the real fucking world and i realize if anyone were to accurately write modern gothic rural americana it would be not unlike remaking citizen kane as a shaky-cam found footage tiktok thread.
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stellariders · 4 months
thanks to boens on insta for the content! He always promotes thr show as well as jake lockett. The one chicago marketing really needs to step it up. Loved seeing Joe taylor and miranda laughing in the bts video
with lout lullo and jake, we’d never get any bts content😭 one chicago marketing is absolutely trash. i’m literally willing to pay for a flight to chicago just to promote the shows for them and i’ll do it for free!
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zot3-flopped · 1 year
I’ve been trying to write down how I feel about Harry’s act vs Louis’ act, and I was so interested in your anon’s post about how shipping must affect people.
Louis’ career seems to be one long punishment for the Larries. It’s like he’s saying, ‘you want me to be gay and pretty and camp and intense and nurturing? well you can fuck that sky high.’ But also, Louis is currently sexless. He displays no sexuality. It’s like he’s neutered himself. (The girls who rip his shirt off at the barricade are hyping each other up, it’s not a reaction to anything Louis does.)
Yes he dresses like a boring straight man, yes he behaves like a lout and a bully, so obviously he is male, but you couldn’t accuse him of using sex or even masculinity to actually promote himself. Which is strange for pop. Sex sells, identification with an artist sells. He has nothing to sell to them.
I wonder if this is damage from being shipped as a gay man by a female audience that he visibly hates? Or is it a reaction, deep down, to Harry’s complete acceptance of anything and everything female or feminine, and how he displays ourselves back to us, his female audience (and his career flourishes!). I don’t think, realistically, Louis is looking at Harry with anything other than mild contempt and maybe a little jealousy, but I would love to know his rationale for presenting this dowdy, uninterested, low-quality, aggressive, sexless version of himself.
His songs reflect this too. His fans were desperate for sex mentions but they got nothing, just weak lyrics about beer and feeling nostalgic.
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pendwelling · 3 years
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“Come on! How old are you? Are you just not telling us because you’re now really a grumpy old man?” Choi Jung Soo teased.
Older Rok Soo sighed. “36.”
“WHOA!!! That’s like ten years into the future!!” Choi Jung Soo shouted in awe.
Snippet and scene from "Ten Years Later, Ten Years before" written by @sudenishindeiru! Please go give a read TvT🙏
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Imagine King learning that you won't take an insult lying down
Kaido: King, you get to take (y/n) on your mission, they need more field experience.
King: (y/n) is not a combatant, they're a secretary, and would just get in the way on this mission.
You: hey! I know how to fight, I'm a gunner! *shakes your fist at him*
Kaido: they're just to shadow you, to see how it's done.
King: I see, fine
While on the mission
King: stay here, and watch
You: but I
King: *interrupts* no, you stay here while I deal with this inconvenience hindering Kaido's expansion west.
You: King! I can fight! If I stick close to you there shouldn't be any problems.
King: Stay. Here. And. Watch
You: *huffs and flops down on a log*
King: now there's a good pet *stalks off towards the battle field*
An hour later
King: *in an intense battle and doesn't notice two men sneaking up on him with sea stone cuffs*
You: *pulls out your rifle and shoots both men*
King: *kills the man he's fighting and whips around to see the dead men and to see you glaring at him in irritation on the other side of the barrel of your smoking gun*
Back at Onigashima
Kaido: how did it go? Did (y/n) prove useful or at least learn something.
You: *straightens up, ready to hear him tell how you had his back*
King: nothing substantial to report
You: *slow blinks at him in disbelief*
Kaido: huh, do better (y/n)
You: ... Yes sir *watches Kaido leave* King
King: yes?
You: why didn't you tell him I killed those men that were trying to put sea stone shackles on you?
King: I didn't and don't need your help to do anything
You: I see *storms off*
At the dock
You: *fuming and pacing by the waters edge*
Sasaki: you idiot! You ordered ten more barrels of industrial lube than we needed! This stuff will go bad before we can use it!
Goon: I'm sorry sir
You: *comes up with an idea* Sasaki, wait I have a use for the extra lube
Sasaki: and what would King's lapdog use it for?
You: annoying King
Sasaki: I'm listening
Two days later
King: It seems we'll need to send more recruits to the Eastern factories.
Kaido: what keeps happening to the ones we send?
King: Queen apparently uses a lot of them for testing his viruses. (Y/n), do you have the paperwork for the western factory staff?
You: yes sir, here it is sir
King: *takes the paperwork and grunts in thanks*
Queen: hey no I don't! ... Well only a few, so like four or five.
Goon: King-sama you have a delivery
King: *sifting through paperwork* bring it in
Several goons: *roll in all ten barrels of lube*
Kaido: what's this? *Picks one up and reads the label* who would send you ten barrels of industrial strength lubricant?
Queen: you really are a pervert
King: who sent me these?
Goon: I don't know, there's only a note attached sir *hands him the note and makes a run for it*
King: ...it's for...*reads the note out loud* to help me get my head out of my ass.
Queen: you're gonna need more lube to do that *laughing*
King: shut the fuck up, you useless lout!
You: *keeping a straight face*
Kaido: wohororororo, who'd you piss off?
Jack: *restraining his laughter*
King: *incredibly embarrassed because he's being laughed at*
The next morning at the all-stars' breakfast
King: I want you to find who sent these *points at the torched and melted barrels of lube*
You: that isn't necessary, I sent it
King: ...you sent them? You got me laughed at
You: really? Because from where I was standing at the time you didn't look like you needed my help getting laughed at, and you yourself said you don't need my help to do anything.
Queen: oh hoho! So (y/n) does have a back bone
Kaido: you did it? What did he do to earn that?
You: during the mission I prevented King from being put in sea stone cuffs by killing two men
Kaido: only two?
You: King made me sit on top of the hill away from the fight
Kaido: this true?
King: ... Yes sir
Kaido: I'm giving (y/n) a promotion and a raise.
King: What!
Kaido: they saved your ass, and had the audacity to call you on it in front of me while simultaneously making you look like an idiot and being tactful. That's a skill and tenacity that needs to be rewarded and kept close.
You: *sticks your tongue out at him when he looks from Kaido to you*
King: ... *Admits that if you had done that to anyone but him he would have also given you a raise and promotion* that's fair
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blueteller · 2 years
Yet another TCF fanfic, this time a one-shot crack with the concept of:
"After Cale and his friends defeated the Sealed God, apparently they all get to have a reward for it... Godhood, to be exact. Yes, ALL of them. Clopeh included. He's the only one who's excited about this development."
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miaclemeverett · 2 years
how do people figure out what bands are lovejoy w a fake name?? cos there was asbo bbq and now oijuaboard madness, and people somehow figured out they're lovejoy.
this one was easy, lampwith sock followed the lout promotions account and then lout promotions tweeted the ouijaboard madness show. lampwith sock already had the ouija/death theme so i knew right away
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