#clara rants
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clara-licht · 8 months ago
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I am SO READY to scream and cry my heart out
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clara-licht · 2 years ago
I think my most popular works are The Meaning of Roses (TCF, AlCale) and Just Out of Touch (MCU, Peter Parker x Stark!Reader)? JOOT more than TMOR bcs of the bigger fandom, of course. Although back then A World Without You (BTS, xReader) was somewhat out there but that was dropped.
Are they my best work? Hm.... they are some of my best works for sure, but I felt most inspired and creative while writing my Alberu x Reader x Cale series and my WMMAP fic. ESPECIALLY that one WMMAP fic where I tormented Claude for a bit (lol).
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daughter-of-poseidon8 · 2 months ago
yes, fated to love you has a bunch of questionable moments and lee geon is, especially during the second half, a walking red flag. but!!! I guess I'm colorblind because it's become my favorite k-drama! regardless of its flaws, it has so much heart, jang hyuk is ridiculously charismatic and a fantastic actor (jang nara too but I already loved her from previous works!) and I was hooked from beginning to end :)
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discombulatedwaffles · 2 years ago
Was bitching about this to a friend but uh I think more people need to hear this so your body needs sugar to function, your brain needs sugar to function
There is no such thing as a sugar addiction and anyone who says differently is trying to sell you something, usually an unhealthy and unsustainable diet and or life style
Can the case be made that natural sugars are better than artificial sugars? Yeah sure but like you still need sugar and it's better to have some "unhealthy" sugar than no "healthy" sugar and donkey kick anyone who says otherwise
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karkod · 8 months ago
Warning: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun chapter 352 spoilers (manga)
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Can we talk about this? There's so many things going on:
Iruma is given a "special item that can only be used once and can summon whatever you want". From other shounen manga you kinda assume that this item will be saved for later for the arc climax when the MC is in a tight spot, but no, he uses immediatly
Which bring us to the second thing and that is Iruma is becoming more a demon by the day. He is becoming greedy, impatient, while still being a cinnamon roll which is awesome since we see him change but at the same time stay his self which is a hard thing to write IMO
And the most wholesome thing, what does iruma summon??? AZZ and CLARIN askfjsjkasdhjkasdf. Do you see Iruma's face when he says "There's something I really, really want" and on the next panel you see Clara and Alice beaming I can't- My heart-
There's also the world building going on in this chapter with the many ears race and the previous conversation with Bachiko but then i'll never be done yapping
I can't stress enough how good this manga is
(Tho it plays with my feelings since it makes me thing it'll go on the trio rute but that's just wishful thinking... anyways let's not dampen the mood....)
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falindankovsky · 5 months ago
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Got possessed by the demons again
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itspeanutlove · 14 days ago
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they know her so well
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dandelionjack · 11 months ago
the main mistake that people who dislike s8 and put it low in their series rankings make is the belief that, like any other series (apart from s9), it’s a collection of standalone stories tied together by some vague throughline i.e. missy’s ‘heaven’. “oh, this episode’s mid, that episode’s bad��� meanwhile it’s not about individual episodes at all. i firmly believe that it should be viewed as a singular long serial.
so grateful that i was extremely late to the party and binged it all in a week instead of watching every episode as they were airing, because sometimes the plots barely matter at all. do you remember what the skovox blitzer actually looks like or what it wanted with coal hill in the first place? hardly. i had to google its name. but what you do remember from the caretaker is twelve acting like an antagonistic prick towards danny, and that’s what matters. almost every villainous entity is some kind of soldier, the contempt twelve shows to everybody but clara becomes the source of their toxicity… in the forest of the night is pretty obviously rubbish scifi, but it demonstrates danny’s fundamental incompatibility with clara, as well as the scene in which clara is ready to sacrifice herself and her students for the doctor’s sake, foreshadowing their reckless, almost suicidal codependency.
point is, but it really does work best as a tightly woven tapestry. sure, some episodes succeed individually, but most of the individual plots are mildly exciting only in a ‘this is fun to watch for kids’ way… UNLESS you approach them from the overarching perspective. i.e. mummy on the orient express has wonderful style, a thrilling mystery, creative concepts and interesting side characters, but its story appeal hinges on the twelveclara failed breakup. listen is frightening enough, but its entire story appeal hinges on just how much clara affects the doctor’s values past and present, and whether or not she has a future with danny (she doesn’t).
what i’m saying is, the narrative in s8 is a non-negotiable package deal. buy one, get them all. and it has no skips. i hate the idiotic pro-life message in kill the moon as much as the next sensible person, but what the episode does well is really hammer home how much of a sanctimonious asshole twelve initially is, which is crucial to his future character evolution.
tldr; the correct way to watch series 8 is all in one go. series 8 is great. more love for series 8
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sadbitchenjoysanime · 1 month ago
Love trio shippers this chapter:
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year ago
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Meeting Clara (but happy and cannon)
i had full intentions of coloring this. but that would take forever and i reached my limit as far as this comic goes a while ago. i have no idea what it was, but this comic fought me every step of the way. It didn't matter if i was having a good art day or not, as soon as i opened this document, i'd struggle.
But it's done now. so there's that
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theblueboxscholar · 2 months ago
People who think the Classic Doctor era Doctors don't fuck, have eyes clouded.
Like. I'm sorry. ONE had 13 children. Then collected son and granddaughter figures like crazy. Fell in love and got accidently engaged and was VERY OBVIOUSLY upset about having to leave her (Cameca), keeping the token of her affection.
TWO quite LITERALLY met Jamie, Polly said "can we keep him", Jamie said "ive got no better options. It's you or the south Americas." And TWO spent the better part of a season earning Jamie's loyalty. Jamie literally repeatedly fights off time lord mind wipes so he's more often than not plucked from time to do missions with Two whose also often out of time for Time Lord nonsense. Jamie is basically all TWO needed.
THREE (whooooo boy you guys are blind) literally was so smitten with Liz, but she was too smart to tolerate his nonsense, and he was SO grumpy about it. And then there's Ms. Josephine Grant. THEY LITERALLY MIRROR HIS MEETING HER WITH HER MEETING HER FUTURE HUSBAND. THEY ARE MIRROR IMAGES. JO LOVED THE DOCTOR AND HE LOVED HER! HE LITERALLY WENT AND STOLE THAT DAMN CRYSTAL, FOR HER! But too late, so it was a wedding present and he literally drove sadly off into the sunset.
Enter Sarah Jane who he also very quickly began "My dear"ing (something he does if you're special. Note two and three say this to the Brigadier as well 👀). They have such a short time together, but the amount of times he gently touches her face. They WHOLE fast cut away from Three nearly kissing her at one point (i believe it was Sarah not Jo, but that cut edit makes me so livid. Jon was going for the LIPS), and the way Sarah looks at Three. SHE WHOLE BREAKS DOWN when he's dying. And all he can do is touch her face and say "a tear for me Sarah?" He's so gentle and kind. She was so enamored with him. Very early Clara Twelve of her tbh.
FOUR and Sarah Jane are literally soul mates (my own preferences aside, I cannot deny them). Four is so into her. The way they act together is so Nine Rose, the way they behave. But then he runs away because damn those Time Lords again.
Enter Leela. Honestly. She's the first Classic Who lady (Vicki, Victoria, Polly, and Zoe don't count, they're too young) who's not romantically interested in the Doctor. And while he definitely loves her, it's more akin to platonic best friend soulmatism; Leela joins Barbara as a "Best Friend" of The Doctor. Aka both become Donna Nobles before Donna Noble. "I shall miss you too savage." Is a line that tears my heart out every time. He is so sad to leave her, but at least he knows where she is. (And whole rescues her from the time war during the day of the doctor event. What a man.)
Romana I. Now this one is tough. They're very obviously flirty, but there's a sort of school ground resistance about the attraction. She makes Four feel old because she thinks it's funny and he has to up his game to impress her cause she's not a backwaters human with no knowledge. (I'll be honest. She's my least favorite of the two so while I enjoy her and she's in great serials, I retain basically nothing. Will hopefully change with the next watch through.)
Romana II. She whole changes her face and body and shows it off like she's showing him new clothes. But she's also teasing him. They whole both fall into "well we have a son now... that's..fuckin great i guess" when they meet Adric. They both are such begrudgingly parental figures but they do it and they care about him so much. Romana's departure is lame. I said what I said. But it's fine. She eventually goes to do dubious lebianisms with Leela and her girlfriend and husband it's fine. Shhh.
Tegan. (This one might get me crucified ngl) Tegan and Five. I know. I hear you. But Tegan is bisexual. And she definitely had a developing thing for Five. The way they act together is so "we could probably be epic together, or at least satisfactory... if you'd just stop being an asshole for TWO SECONDS--!" They're the screaming cat kinda couple. That never manged to couple. Because there were kids (Adric, Nyssa.) And so much bullshit happening constantly. But also don't forget Five and his fling(s) with Harry Houdini. Harry definitely thought Five was pretty.
Five and Turlough. Did you even watch Five and Turlough? Are your eyes THAT clouded? That's a Doctor and his twink. And Turlough is a different brand of twink than Jamie, and he's not much of an attack dog. But Five quite literally knowingly and willingly rehabilitate and gives him more than a 2nd chance. He tends to Turlough. But also, like Sarah Jane, Turlough was 100% a writer getting back at BBC. "Oh you thought Jo Grant wasn't weak and feminine enough? You want us to make someone the opposite of her who will be a weak damsel? FUCK YOU! CURSES YOUR HOUSE WITH SARAH JANE SMITH! AN EVEN BIGGER BAD ASS THAN JO! HAH!", "you're homophonic? Fuck you, writes a literal faggy ass twink with long legs to fawn around with The Doctor, fuck you!" And best of all, it is canon that Turlough would have stayed forever if he wasn't trying to make The Doctor proud and tend his responsibilities. (You're a good boy T.)
PERI BROWN did not breast boobily throughout the Doctor Who backdrops (nearly catching her (the actress') death btw) for y'all to say The Doctor wasn't into her. FIVE was so into her. Sure it's a rebound so he tries to play it off, but Turlough sees it. Sees the "God i miss Tegan" vibes Five gives off. Peri Brown forcefully and loudly insinuated herself into the Doctods hearts. And good thung too, cause she is the ONLY companion who can handle the SIXTH Doctors nonsense. Only an American could tolerate his ass and still actually truly wholly love him. I'm sorry. Six whole would have murdered a man and changed so much history that earth would have been unrecognizable ALL because he thought Peri was dead. Like. Six would burn up a sun to bring Peri back to life. His only concern is "is Peri alive?!?" And relieved enough to see her alive and content (it's dumb) when the time lords lied and said he'd lead her to her death.
Mel. Oh sweet Mel. She joins the Pre-Donna Noble's gang (Barbara, Leela). But unlike the rest she is PLATONIC SOULMATE BEST FRIEND TO ALLLLLL THE DOCTOR, REGARDLESS THE FACE~ (bless her.)
Seven MAKES the CHOICE to be celebate Meaning, The Doctor's before him, FUCKED. SEVEN IS NOT ASEXUAL OR AROMATIC (you keep your headcanons going tho never stop ever ever ever youre doing amazing sweeties) and shows on a few occasions the desire to be close, but knows he's not worth it. (He's kinda right, but i still would REDACTED his REDACTED till the cats come home.)
Eight. ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHhHaha....
You think Eight doesn't fuck. Get the hell outta here man. Fuck haha. That's hilarious.
"The world doesn't end just because The Doctor dances." Did... did you miss that Dancing is a metaphor for sex? Oh... sweet innocent bean. Baby. Baby. Rose Tyler was talking about fucking. Jack Harkness was talking about fucking. The Doctor was embarrassed bevause he's rusty/he HIMSELF that version, had yet to fuck. And then they all three did. A lot. There was so much weird fucking and flirting between The Doctor Dances and Boom Town. It's not even subtle.
Ten. Rose is RIGHT there. You're an idiot. ♡ ilu tho.
Martha wishes, but she dodged a bullet.
Donna Noble is best friend shaped, they literally show no sexual chemistry. They are platonic best friend soulmates. They love each other, would die for each other, but fuck each other? No. Not even a little. Having to kiss even under duress might mean avtual death because neither of them could pull it off convincingly.
Eleven fucks way more than Nine OR Ten but it's so far and in-between he always feels kinda awkward about it. But also he's FAKING the hip with the youngins stuff. All of Eleven is an act. He admits it A LOT. And he showcases a few times he CAN turn on the sauve I know what I'm doing thing. Usually at the wrong times but still. He and River fuck. So much.
Clara and Eleven start off as awkwardly flirty, a sort of unintentional cat and mouse. I mean the whole "this isn't a ghost story, it's a love story" scene wasn't exactly subtle. Yes he's referencing Ten and Rose unintentionally most likely, but narratively it's telling us the audience that it's talking about 11 Clara. It's also the first on screen moment we see the light bulb go off for Clara. She KNOWS now that he likes her for sure for sure.
Oh Twelve Clara we're really in it now huh? Like Sarah Jane Smith before her, Clara Oswald wants to WRECK that old man. She has a whole tirade to madam Vastra about how she's always been into old dudes so The Doctor is TOTALLY still her type MORE so in fact now! (Look. She was unprepared for a traumatic regeneration event. She comes around, grow up. AS if Rose Tyler wasn't there sobbing like a baby about it.) And then she spends the rest of her run doing nastier shit than fucking with Twelve until it literally kills her. She fucks so much with The Doctor, matches his fucking freak in ways companions of the past (Jo Grant you are excluded from this) just haven't! She manages to make The Master (Missy) jealous! HA! YOU THOUGHT THE MASTER WAS JEALOUS BEFORE???? NOOOOoooOoooo hahahahahha. Not since Delgado!Master has The Master sort of had a situationship with the Companion. Clara matched Twelves freak so much it literally killed her, and then it didn't.
Bill is a lesbian and that's her grandad.
Again. River Song is right there, and Twelve spent 24 years fucking her. And probably crying after, because let's be real... we'd cry to if we got to fuck River Song.
Yasmine Kahn... you're kicking yourself for not fucking The Doctor. And she's definitely kicking herself to stop her from kicking you too for not fucking her! (From the show alone, there was definitely no fucking. At least not between Yas and Thirteen. Thirteen does fuck however.)
Fourteen. Personally, I think he fucks. I think companions will be calling him up, catching up, and they're definitely going to end up in bed together. Like, the ONLY reason he wouldn't fuck Tegan now is because she's married to Nyssa and that'd be weird cause she's a daughter figure. /he'd make that great grossed out face David does./ But you cannot tell me he doesn't invite Dan out to France and they end up getting down and dirty in a way that would have NEVER happened with Thirteen. It briefly makes Dan wonder if he's a lesbian now. Fourteen just says he doesn't think that's how it works.
But in all seriousness, Fourteen probably could, and probablt gets offers, but more often than not he probablt just wants to chill, share dinner, maybe watch telly nothing more.
Fifteen. /Will Smith gesturing meme/ LOOL AT HIM! YES OF COURSE HE FUCKS! (Begrudgingly I gesture to Rogue. If the night had been longer they definitely would have fucked. But we'll probably never see him again so I'm not holding my breath.)
Let the scales fall from your eyes! Go, rewatch, SEE.
(This message is NOT for repulsed asexuals. You just keep doing what you're doing~ 👍🏻)
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clara-licht · 10 months ago
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 months ago
as hyped as i am for P3, i’m so scared that the fandom will sideline and ignore Clara even more than she already has been
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luv-u-ary · 1 month ago
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This is a fun lil thing I wanted to do for the month of Feb. This is my first time so have fun yall <33
AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/WritingChallengeLuvuary
There arent much rules for this. Just have fun! There are no prizes, this is just something for writers.
All ratings are allowed but only sfw fics will be reblogged.
You ARE allowed to use many prompts for one day.
You do NOT have to write for every day to be part of this challenge
You can write as much as you want. From short drabbles to multi-chap fics
You dont need to write on AO3, posting on Tumblr is allowed!
You CAN combine challenges
NOTE: If you want your fic to be reblogged you MUST have these tags:
#Luvuary2025, #LuvuaryChallenge #sfw OR #nsfw (depending on ur story)
You also must mention me (@luv-u-ary) if you want your fic to be reblogged.
Feel free to ask me any questions if you would like <33 Happy writing <333
-Mod. Clara
Day 1:  Sexual Tension 
Day 2: Toxic Relationship 
Day 3:  Flirting
Day 4: Friends to Lovers
Day 5: Candlelight
Day 6: Rain/Thunderstorm
Day 7: Grief/Loss
Day 8: Forbidden Love
Day 9: Soulmates
Day 10: Love letter
Day 11: First Kiss
Day 12: Break-Up
Day 13: Secret Admirer
Day 14: Enemies to/and Lovers
Day 15: Love Affair
Day 16: Friendzoned
Day 17:  Second Chances
Day 18: First Love
Day 19: Healing/Recovery
Day 20: Confession of feelings 
Day 21: Goodbyes
Day 22: Coming Home
Day 23: Dancing together
Day 24: Snowed-In
Day 25: Unrequited Love
Day 26: Reunion
Day 27: Rebuilding Trust
Day 28: Love Triangle/Square
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concrete-3ater · 5 months ago
if I had a nickel for every time I was in a fandom and a child character had a breakdown and did something that accidentally hurt another character, and then the fandom all turned on the character and vilified them because they [the fandom] can’t understand that sometimes 14 year olds make mistakes when they’re going through something traumatic, I would have 2 nickels
not a lot but it really is weird it happened twice
#This is targeted at anyone who vilifies Gon from hxh or Homura from pmmm#”Gon was manipulative towards Killua and took advantage of him” shut up shut the fuck up#”Homura never actually cared about any of the other girls she only cared about Madoka” never touch the internet ever again you absolute idi#I’m sorry that some of you incells can’t understand moral complexity or that characters can’t always be 100% good all the time#they were kids#they were only 14#At the same time saying stuff like this is actively undermining both Gon and Homuras characters but also Killua and Madokas as well#Killua and Gons friendship was kinda toxic from the beginning. They were each others first ever friends#and they didn’t really know how to have any#Gon was literally having a mental breakdown confronting the person who killed the closest thing he had ever had to a father#can you really blame him for lashing out???#And Homura#don’t get me started on the amount of idiots in the pmmm fandom who think she’s evil because he did what she thought was best for Madoka#she heard Madoka say she was unhappy being a god and how lonely she was and she took action#if she didn’t care about the other girls then WHY DID THE CLARA DOLLA DRAG THEM INTO HER LABYRINTH???#WHY DID SHE MAKE SURE THEY WERE ALL HAPPY WHEN SHE REWROTE THE UNIVERSE??#she tried for years to save Madoka just to fail when she made her final wish to become a god#imagine how she felt when she realized she wasn’t happy with that outcome either#when she realized she was all alone#she just wanted for her to be happy.#i swear to god#if you think either Gon or Homura are evil you might as well just block me now#because I fully believe you should not be allowed internet access#rant#rant post#pmmm#madoka magica#homura akemi#puella magi madoka magica#madoka kamane
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Obsessing over this shot from heaven sent and I haven’t seen anyone talk about it and it’s reflection of the doctors grief. In front of him is this window, this light and these flowers, all these reflections of life and beauty right in front of him. This light is shining on the doctors face yet his face is also shrouded in darkness. There’s the contrast of light and dark on his face, the beauty of the world at the palm of his fingers but it’s tainted by loss, suffering, grief. Clara’s portrait in the background, he’s unable to look at it but the darkness is on the same side. The doctor is unable to look, unable to accept her death and he’ll spend four and a half billions years suffering to save her, he’ll burn worlds and universes in his denial to accept her death. Clara’s portrait itself has light shining upon it, reflecting all the happiness and joy she brought the doctor, the optimism she represents yet the tragedy is in their separation, a dark shadow separating them. The light and joy brought by Clara inaccessible to the doctor, he can’t bear to look. One of the only times he smiles in Heaven sent is looking at her portrait, a moment of forgotten grief. In his pain and torture chamber it is the image and memory of her that brings him joy, but as the paint flakes away so will she, the memories he loved so much to be forgotten in his desperate attempts to save her. This silly little sci-fi show can really break your heart.
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