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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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After breakfast, everyone began to mingle, waiting on Noah and Etta to arrive...
LOUIS- “Hi Paul, we didn’t really actually meet earlier. Nico has a tendency to take over situations...I am Louis.”
SARAH- “If it is a girl, I think we are going to name her Lauren Darby, after mom’s mother. And if it is a boy, We are going to name him Antonio Spencer, after daddy. He is such a great guy, and going to be such a great dad...”
NICO- “So what does he do for a living, or is he still in school?”
SARAH- “He graduated this year. He is older than you, by just a year. He works in his fathers business.  They are in commodity trading...something like that. I don’t understand all of it. But we are going to be moving to San Myshuno in a few weeks as Paul is going to take a bigger part of the business.”
AVA- “Oh, Sarah, that sounds exciting!  I am happy for you.”
NICO- “Yeah, real exciting...”
Nico didn’t sound excited, as he knew what Paul’s family business was. The moment he shook his hand, he learnt everything there was to know about Paul Salvatore and his family.
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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AVA- “SARAH!!  Oh my goodness look at you, glowing and showing!!”
SARAH- “Hi mom...hey everyone, this is Paul...my husband!”
PAUL “Hello Mrs. Browne...”
AVA- “It’s Boedell, I didn’t take my husbands name, but you, Paul can call me mom!  I mean you are family now!”
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NICO- “Hi Paul, I am Nico. Sarah’s half brother. Nice to meet you. And the guy back there is Sarah’s twin, Louis. Welcome to the family.”
PAUL- “Thank you... Sarah has told me so much about all of you. I too come from a large family. I have seven siblings, but we are not as close as what you all seem to be.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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Everyone goes out on the dance floor and dances, well except for Rachel. Louis is still trying to persuade her to come and dance with him.
Lachlan and Sarah are on complete different sides of the dance floor.  And Lennon and Nico decide to use the dance floor to make out.
Oh being a teenager!!!
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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NICO- “So where is Louis? Griffin said he came in yesterday as well... OH THERE YOU ARE!!”
LOUIS- “As always standing in the shadows...”
NICO- “What do you mean by that...?”
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LOUIS- “It meant nothing...why are you always trying to read things into what people say...just come here and give me a damn hug brother!”
SPENCER- “We are certainly lucky Ava. We have some amazing children.”
LOUIS- “Yes, we do. And here comes the princess of them all....”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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RACHEL- “Your sister is psycho!!  Did you hear her attack me out there??”
LOUIS- “Well, you did hit on her date.”
RACHEL- OMG!!  I wasn’t hitting on anyone. I was introducing myself.  Forget it.  I am outta here!!
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LOUIS- “Thanks for bailing on me. See ya around Rachel...(to himself- Now I know why Nico dates guys!)
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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LOUIS- “Thank you accepting my invitation to the dance, Rachel.  You look quite stunning tonight.”
RACHEL- “Oh, how sweet of you to say so, Louis.  We match...”
LOUIS- “Yes, that is why I asked what color your dress was.  Mother said it is customary for dates to match one another.”
RACHEL- “So, this is your first school dance, I take it?”
LOUIS- “Yes. But so far, I am not really impressed, no one seems to be dancing.”
RACHEL- “No one dances at school dances...it’s all about who looks better than who, and making out.  So who is your sister dating?”
LOUIS- “Oh, they are not dating...Sarah wishes they were, but that is Lachlan Goth.  We have known him and his brother since we were little.”
RACHEL- “And you brother dates his brother?”
LOUIS- “Yeah, they started dating like the first day of school.”
RACHEL- “They really look good together.  So this Lachlan is single?”
LOUIS- “As far as I know, yeah.  Look, everyone is going out on the dance floor we should go.”
RACHEL- “Oh...I really don’t like dancing...”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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NICO- “Wow, this really is good pizza! Good choice Griff.”
GRIFFIN- “Griff?  Cool, I like that.”
NICO- “So what’s next on the agenda?”
LOUIS- “Well, here comes mom and the girls, so I suppose it’s going to be listening to them go on about those dresses they bought.”
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AVA- “Okay, guys, I think we are finally ready to head back home.  We have a lot to prepare for.”
LOUIS- “Why, what’s going on?”
AVA- “Your grandparents are coming over for dinner tonight, and possibly your uncle Theron and the girls.”
LOUIS- “You think that is a good idea? That’s a lot of people coming at Nico all at once.”
NICO- “No, I will be fine.  Right now having people around me is a good thing.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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NICO- “Oh, wow that is way too expensive.  The jacket alone is 150 simoleons.”
LOUIS- “It’s okay, money isn’t an issue, Nico. I mean Dad is a heart surgeon, and mother...well the Boedell family has always had money, but mom is, or was one of the biggest movie stars around. Trust me, money is not a problem.”
NICO- “Just because you are rich doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be somewhat frugal.”
LOUIS- “Frugal?”
NICO- “You know, watchful of your spending. Buying responsibly.”
LOUIS- “Oh...I suppose, I just never thought about it. But if you want it, go ahead let’s tell the cashier to put it back. Mother has to make the final decision anyway.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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Nico felt embarrassed as well as sad, as that Lachlan guy really did remind him of Shane. He waled away from Louis and the girls and went and sat on a park bench.
IZZY- “What is up with him? He is weird.”
SARAH- “Yeah, who is Shane and why did he call Lachlan that?”
LOUIS- :You two are so self-absorbed, you have no idea what Nico has been through. He knows no one here and he has been thrown into a world he has no clue how to navigate. He has no friends here, and he has lost someone very dear to him. So just back off.”
SARAH- “But who is Shane?”
LOUIS- “Dad told us, Sarah, you don’t remember or you weren’t listening. Shane was his boyfriend that was killed in the car accident.”
IZZY- “Oh dear....”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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NICO- “okay, go ahead and have him hold it. I am going to get some air, it’s a little stuffy in here...”
LOUIS- “Okay, I will meet you outside.”
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As Nico turned around to go out the door into the square, he stopped in his tracks. He was standing there for almost a full minute looking at him.  It was him. Shane was standing right there!...
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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LOUIS- “You are going to love living here, Nico. Our parents, are great....Mom said you play the guitar?!”
NICO- “Yeah, a little....Shane said....well I guess I need to practice more, though, She said you played piano?”
LOUIS- “Yeah, I am not that good though. There is a music club I am in, maybe you could join. We hang out and play music together and just hang out.  I mean it mostly younger guys, but you are not too much older than me.”
SARAH- (not paying any attention to her brothers conversation) “Mother, we NEED to go school shopping!!  We can not wait any longer. I need new clothes, and I want to get my hair cut before school starts. I mean I am going into eighth grade, I have to be prepared....and I will need a dress for the homecoming dance.”
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AVA- “I thought tomorrow morning we could all go...make it a family trip. Nico will need new clothes as well.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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NICO- “So Griffin, where is the best pizza place here?”
GRIFFIN- “Papa Pasquales, it’s better than anywhere!”
NICO- “Okay kiddo, show us the way!”
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LOUIS- “So I was thinking maybe when we get home we can play some music. I really would like to hear you on the guitar.”
NICO- “Sure, I need to play, it’s been a while.”
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GRIFFIN- “I can play the xylophone! I am the best in my class!”
NICO- “Is that right!? Okay then I think the three of us can all practice our music together, what do you think Louis?“
LOUIS- “Yeah, every good band needs a good xylophone player!”
GRIFFIN- “I know you are just patronizing me...but I am really good.”
NICO- “Do you even know what that means?”
GRIFFIN- “Of course I do!  I’m the youngest, I always get patronized...But I’m used to it. But I really am good.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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LOUIS- “So, we just look around for something we like, and tag it with the cashier, and then mother comes back, okays it and then we buy it.”
NICO- “So anything we like?”
LOUIS- “Yeah, but mother has to approve it.”
NICO- “So you like that outfit?”
LOUIS- YEAH!, I really do, but mother wouldn’t approve it. It’s too old for me.”
NICO- “No, you would look great in it.”
LOUIS- “I think you would pull it off better, you are older.  It’s more appropriate for you.”
NICO- “Okay then we can tag it, and once she approves it for me, then we can share it.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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NICO- “I am really glad we are not stuck with those two for the entire day!”
LOUIS- “You’re telling me. I can only take Sarah in small doses, and then add Izzy to the mix and it is more than I can handle!! Thank the creator you are here now!!”
NICO- “So show me how this school shopping goes.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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Early the next morning the entire family was up by 7AM and had breakfast and were out the door after Spencer left for the hospital (Remember he is a doctor).
Today was the annual Boedell family Shopping for School Day...
NICO- “What is Shopping for School Day?”
AVA- “It’s something we do every year before school starts. We get up bright and early and go shopping for new clothes and school supplies. Get haircuts and get ready for the new school year.”
NICO- “Wow, like Christmas in September!  I have never been school shopping, Gran just went to the second hand store and got me a couple pairs of jeans and hand me down shoes.”
SARAH- “Never been school shopping, and wearing second hand clothes!?? How dreadful!”
GRIFFIN- “Hey, there is nothing wrong with hand me downs, I have all of Louis’s!”
SARAH- “Well Izzy is meeting me here, we want to see if the dress I want for the dance is still here..”
NICO- “What’s an Izzy?”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years ago
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SARAH- “Yeah, and thankfully, I look like neither one of you...”
LOUIS- “That’s not very nice Sarah.”
NICO- “She is just jealous that she is not as good looking as we are Louis!”
SPENCER- “Nico!!  I like you already!  Great sense of humor.”
SARAH- “Really dad?  You are embarrassing.”
NICO- “She does look a lot like you, Spencer.”
SARAH- “Really?? EWWWWW!!”
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