mwgaybachelor · 6 years
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ABRA- “And this was the bridge we crossed over to get to where the temple ruins were.”
AVA- “Good Lordy be, son. That looks too scary for me!  But the views are better than any movie set I’ve ever been on..”
ABRA- “You said you wanted to see the plane, are you sure?”
AVA- “Yes, I am sure, now that my baby is at peace....Oh dear, that is so sad...”
ABRA- “I’m sorry Gran...”
AVA- “It’s okay sweetheart, in life you have to accept the bad as well as the good.  But I think it’s time for this old lady to settle down for the night, let me show you your room while you are here.”
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mwgaybachelor · 6 years
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AVA- Those stairs really take it out of me.  I have wanted your grandfather to put in one of those chair rides for the stairs, but he said no, it was good exercise for me!  I think I will just move my room out in the guest house, that will fix him.  Okay here you go, this room will be yours as long as you want it, and when you are home from school. Your great uncle Griffin had this room last. So I had it painted for you.”
ABRA- “IN RED!!  My favorite color!  How did you know...oh yeah I forgot all my family are witches...”
AVA- “Not me honey, it skipped my generation.  No gifts of magic here. And Thank Goodness, I don’t think I could have handled all that in my life!!”
ABRA- “I don’t think I want anymore in mine either...”
AVA- “It’s a gift, but a very powerful one that is for sure. Just as long as you use it for the good. Your mother was special in that way.  She was a true white witch, one of the best of any generation.”
ABRA- “I wish I could have known her. I know I would probably feel different about the gifts I have if I had that opportunity.”
AVA- “Oh sweetie, she is still here, she lives in you.  Just listen for her.  She will guide you.  Well you make yourself at home here, move in whatever you want to make it yours.  Just no smoking in the house...if you do that, and that’s about the only rule I have.”
ABRA- No worries there Gran.  Goodnight, and thanks for everything!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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AVA- “But what if he isn’t dead, what if some jungle dweller stole him, some kind of wild jungle family....like Tarzan...maybe chimps took him off.....??!!’
LENNON- “Ava, please. we can not do this. They are gone.  All of them are gone.”
AVA- “I can’t beleive this.  It just can’t be!!  Thymian was just so young, her life was just beginning....and to be taken from us so soon, and that sweet sweet baby boy...”
NICO- “Mother...please we have to accept the fact. Please. Doing this, is doing no one any good....”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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AVA- “So how much longer before I am a great grandmother, Nico?”
NICO- “Well, this pregnancy sure has flown by that is for sure.  She is due any day, now.”
AVA- “So hard to believe that my son is going to be a grandfather!!
NICO- You’re telling me!!”
AVA- “So they are still not telling anyone if its a boy or girl?”
NICO- “No, they don’t even know, they want it to be surprise. But I do know that if it is a girl, she will be Ava Rose....
AVA- “Ahhhh, Ava Rose, how beautiful. And is it’s a boy?”
NICO- “Abraham Nicholas. I know my name is not Nicholas, but Abraham Nico just doesn’t sound the same.
Spencer comes into the room....
SPENCER- “Some one say Abraham Lincoln???”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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LENNON- “So Ava, what have you all been up too, and all the other kids and grandkids!?”
AVA- “Well,  I am not sure you knew, but Louis married your brother Lachlan’s ex-wife. Rachel. Quite funny as they went to that dance together in High School, where she met Lachlan, and got pregnant that night with Lachlan’s baby, Jamison...and now they are married.  It was horrible about your brother though, so sad...”
LENNON- “Yes, we were all shocked and even more shocked to find out that he had a son by Lucia Bautista!”
AVA- “Yes, we heard about that...anyway, Sarah and her husband still live in San Myshuno, they have three boys now. The oldest just turned 18.  Griffin lives in France with his husband Rousseau, they have a daughter, Emma.”
LENNON- “And I heard you came out of retirement?”
AVA- “Yes... I am doing a TV Show now...a sitcom. Called “Sims Wives”, it is about these group of men that decide instead of having real wives, they create computer simulated wives, that accidentally become human...it’s quite funny.”
LENNON- “Sounds like it!!”
SPENCER- “Maybe I should have had a computer simulated wife...”
AVA- “Your not funny Spencer...”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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They all sat and visited for sometime.  Sharing what had transpired over the last few days, and the last eleven years.
THYMIAN- “So where is Devin, away at school?”
SPENCER- “Actually he is on break, and he just happened to....
DEVIN- “Ty!?”
(Devin Zhang is the result of DNA from @bottsbotts creation, Ezra Zhang and Lily Feng. He was adopted by Ava Boedell and Spencer Browne when his father died in a plane crash. His mother had died previously.  He now is one of the richest men in Sims County, as he was Lily Feng’s only child)
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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AVA- “Nico this is wonderful!! So glad you are back..This is almost as good as the day you came back home, all those years ago! Hopefully for good this time!”
NICO- “Yes, mother, for good. We are not leaving Willow Creek again, as long as I can help it!”
LENNON- “We bought the old Bachelor house, it was pretty run-down, but Abraham had contractors work overtime to get it move in ready for us.  You need to come over and see it, it is really nice. Looks like it did years ago, at least on the outside.”
SPENCER- “You took my suggestion...just a few years late, but I am glad.  That home is a landmark in this town.  Glad to know it now is restored and has life in it again!”
LENNON- “Yes, and Thymian has requested that we renovate the old Goth Manor lot into a park and memorial for her mother and grandfather, and the Willow Creek coven.”
SPENCER- “What a great idea!!!  It will be nice to drive by and see a beautiful park instead of what was left of the old house.  The entire street will come back to life!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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A week later, was Thymian’s birthday.  She was no longer a little toddler, but soon becoming a young girl. The family celebrated her 5th birthday, but also knew that after the party She and her fathers would be leaving.
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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NICO- “Mom are you okay?  You look a little weird...”
AVA- “I am trying to keep from crying Nico, I just feel so...so guilty...”
NICO- “Guilty?  What on earth for?, you have NOTHING to feel guilty about.”
AVA- “For all those years you were gone, and now you are leaving again. Who knows when I will see you again?  It just all seems so unfair. And I just feel responsible for it all...”
NICO- “Mother, please. None of what happened when I was a kid was your fault, and this is certainly not of any fault to you. And it’s not like we are not going to talk. I will contact you every week.  Give you updates on us, and you keep us updated on things here.  You are going to be my eyes and ears...”
AVA- “Nico, I know this is the only way to make sure everyone stays safe...You are right for doing it this way.  I do love you son....
NICO- “I love you more than you know...and now I am trying not to cry...we really need to get going.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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THYMIAN- “Thanks for what Grams?”
AVA- “For only sharing the good things the future shows you.”
THYMIAN- “Oh, I have to....the bad things hurt enough when they are happening, no reason to know when they are going to happen, right?”
AVA- “Yes, dear, no reason to worry ourselves on what we can not control.  You are going to be a very good leader someday.”
THYMIAN- “Yes....I know. But you are a great Grams!!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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LENNON- “Why can’t you tell us Thymian?”
THYMIAN- “I can’t see, but Devin can now.”
AVA- “Okay, Devin what do you see?”
DEVIN- “There was a woman, dressed all in black at the back of the house. When Willow and Thymian went back inside, Willow smelled smoke and she told Ty to stay at the door. The kitchen was in flames, and the woman outside was casting the fire upon the house.”
LENNON- “Can you see who it was, Devin?”
DEVIN- “She had all black on.  With a hood over her head. It’s hard to make out a face, but her hair was long. Everything is dark under the hood. I can’t see her face, but it definitely was a woman. Her lips were red, with lipstick.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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THYMIAN- “Well this is it, Grams and Pop...I guess we are going.”
AVA- “Thymian, we are so going to miss you....”
SPENCER- “Your grandmother is right Thymian, we will certainly miss you.”
THYMIAN- “It’s okay Grams, we will see each other again, and even though it won’t be for a long time, it will seem like days.”
AVA- “That is so good to know, Thymian, thank you....
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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AVA- “This one is a very gifted little girl...if she can move her memories into Devin’s mind...She truly is magical.”
THYMIAN- “Did I do good Dada??”
LENNON- “Yes, you did very well, sweetie.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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It has been a few days since the fire, and the funerals...Nico and his family have moved back in with Ava, Spencer and Devin at the Old Crumplebottom House.
NICO- “Mother thank you so much for everything. As soon as all this is over and the investigation is complete, I will start looking for a place.”
AVA- “Nico, you can stay as long as you want, this is your home.”
NICO- “I know, thanks, but I was hoping to be closer to the coven...”
SPENCER- “You know the old Bachelor Mansion is going to be torn down.  Maybe you could save it from that, and refurbish? Bella Goth grew up there as a child.”
NICO- “Great idea, I will look into it!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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THYMIAN- “Tell them Devin, tell!...”
LENNON- “Tell us what, Devin, what did she tell you.”
DEVIN- “She saw something, the day of the fire...I am not sure what she did, but I have her memories.”
AVA- “Tell us what you see, Devin!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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CHAR- “I am so sorry, I am going to leave today.  Mother is in the car actually. I can’t say goodbye to her, not today.  I will visit, and I want her to know I love her...but I just can’t do this.  And now I betrayed Willow...but...”
AVA- “But by telling us, you may very well save Thymian.”
Char breaks down in sobs.
LENNON- “Thymian needs you Char...”
CHAR- “No, she needs her fathers...they are witches, they can help her. I am confused and scared of all of it...I can’t....”
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