mwgaybachelor · 6 years
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NICO- “Thymian? Is that really you?”
THYMIAN- “Of course, who else would be here to welcome you?”
NICO- “You are so beautiful. I want to come, but----
THYMIAN- “I know Daddy, you don’t want to leave Lennon and your boys, but they are going to be fine.  And you can watch over them.”
NICO- “Yes....we can together, right?”
THYMIAN- “You know it. Take my hand daddy...are you ready?”
Nico hears Lennon’s voice.... “It’s okay Nico, you can go. Go with her.  She is here for you.....”
NICO- “Okay, I’m ready.”
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mwgaybachelor · 6 years
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And like that, he was gone.
Lennon sobbed but he knew he wasn’t alone, that he with his daughter, and all those that came before him.  And someday he would be there with him as well.
It still didn’t help the hurt and the loss.
Now to go tell Abraham, and Ezil....on this the day of their sons birth.....
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mwgaybachelor · 6 years
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When they got back to their room, Lennon could tell that Nico was happy, but also very weak....
NURSE- “You need something for pain, Mr. Boedell?”
NICO- “No sweetheart, nothing more. I am content. Lennon, come closer...”
Lennon moves in closer and put his arms around him...
NICO- “Thank you for a great life, Lennon.  You brought such joy to me.  You were an amazing partner, and fantastic father to our daughter.  I owe you so much, and I feel terrible that I have to leave you alone.  I want you to be happy. Find someone to share your last days with like we planned....”
LENNON- “I won’t need to, Nico. I can be at peace and happy  knowing what we have is real.  It will last me until I go.”
NICO- “No...find someone.  I don’t want you to be alone.  Someone good, like yourself. You deserve it.”
LENNON- “What I have with you Nico was more than I ever could have imagined.”
NURSE- “Mr. Goth, I am going to step out....if you need me, ring, okay?”
LENNON- “Yes, thank you miss.”
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mwgaybachelor · 6 years
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Once the nurse left the room, Lennon climbed into the bed with Nico to hold him and be close to him.  Letting him know he could go, but he wasn’t alone...
LENNON- “I love you Nico Cruz Boedell, you have shared your heart and your life with me, and I will be forever grateful....Close your eyes, and rest.”
NICO- “I love you Lennon. Truly there has not been a greater love than what we have. Remember that day when I brought you to the old Goth house and told you it was ours and I wanted to marry you?”
LENNON- “The happiest day of my life, Nico.”
NICO- “Lennon?”
LENNON- “Yes?”
NICO- “I see her.”
LENNON- “See who, Nico?”
NICO- “Thymian, our girl...she is here....She is so beautiful....”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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The next evening, Willow Creek Counsel met to name a new coven master...Thymian Boedell. Nico invited Jonas Jones and his son Michael to the meeting.
NICO- “Effective tomorrow, on her sixteenth birthday, Thymian will begin her service to the Willow Creek Coven, as their Coven Master.”
THYMIAN- “I am honored to serve this coven, and continue it’s long history of honorable witchcraft, and service to the community.  One of the things that I think we need to do immediately is to contact the Realm Counsel and have them seat a new coven master for Oasis Springs.  We will work with them to restore that community and it’s people.”
JONAS- “Mistress Boedell, this is a wonderful honor to know that Oasis Springs Coven will once again serve it’s people. My son Michael has requested the Coven of the Realm to appoint him as thier new coven Master.”
THYMIAN- “This is a great news, Willow Creek Coven will send it’s approval and vote for Michael to be named as well.”
(post #6,700)
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Suddenly the room filled with smoke and clouds, and Elliana began to spin around the room, as did Jamison....and once the clouds and smoke dissipated it was evident what had taken place....
THYMIAN- “Because I am not Elliana, I am Thymian Boedell. And this is not Jamison, but my father, Nico.”
LUCIA- “Lucian...quick run, I can handle them!!”
LUCIAN- “What?? How??”
THYMIAN- “We took their form to deceive you so you would let us in here, where is Laurel?”
LUCIA- “It’s too late for her. And will soon be too late for you!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Just one week after Nico and his family left, Noah was found by Ava, gone.  He had died in his sleep….
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NOAH BOEDELL - Gen. Five Heir - RIP
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Lucia breaks out in maniacal laughter again...
LUCIA- “Lucian, your mother doesn’t know her own strength...go ahead and call 911, tell them a man has died out here of an apparent stroke.  Then once that is dealt with, Laurel will HAVE to talk to us....
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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JONAS- “I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of your future.  My son Michael would make a perfect life partner for you Thymian, and I offer you his hand...
MICHAEL- “FATHER!!  What the...
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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THYMIAN- (talking to herself, out loud) “Thanks Dad...I don’t think I will ever have any problems spelling my name.  Seriously, could you have made those letters any bigger??”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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THYMIAN- “Elliana, you will remain here, with Savon...for your protection, as once your sister realizes you are no longer of use to her, she will destroy you. That I will NOT allow.  Jamison, you too will remain here with Savon, until this mess is resolved.  Now I have other matters I need to attend to.
“Fathers, please take me to where my mother died.  I must see it. I will once and for all, know without a doubt who took her life.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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THYMIAN- “You had doubts, Dad? Not to sound cliche’ or over confident, but I was born for this.  From the moment I was conceived....even before then, this was my destiny...or at least part of it.  And this is just the beginning!”
LENNON- “No doubts, Ty, just fatherly concern.”
TYHMIAN- “I understand...but I need to get this done. I have a Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party to plan with my Grandmother Ava.  So let’s quit talking and go to work!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Lucian get’s up from his chair and goes to Laurel, who now realizes that it wasn’t Elliana that killed her mother and Theron...but Lucia. She has been defeated before it even starts...
LUCIAN- “It will be painless, Laurel, I promise.  I am a gentle lover. Unless you don’t come willingly, then I may need to get a little rough.”
LAUREL- “If you kill any more people, you know that this will bring Nico back here, right?”
LUCIA- “We have that under control as well. Just go with us, and prevent anymore deaths, Laurel.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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LENNON- “What are you going to do with it once it is cleared, Thymian?”
THYMIAN- “A memorial.  A tribute to not just my mother, and my grandfather, that surely saved my life that day, and a memorial to Bella Goth and her descendants. It will be a lasting reminder to every witch that is born from this day on of their responsibility to be honorable, and willing to sacrifice for the good of the world, and not their own devices. My mother sacrificed her life and I want our people to know why...”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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ABRAHAM- “I have spoken to Thymian.  But since I spoke to you last night, there has been more developments....I received a call a little more than an hour ago form Savon.”
NICO- “What has happened?”
ABRAHAM- “Your uncle...Theron.  He suffered a stroke outside of the coven house. He was protecting Laurel, as Lucia and her son arrived there this morning demanding to see Laurel. He is dead, Nico.”
NICO- “Did Savon say if Jamison Goth had been detained?”
ABRAHAM- “He has him, yes. He had Elliana put a binding spell on him.  He can not leave Savon’s.  Elliana is there with Savon, she is working with us to stop her sister..”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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ELLIANA- “Oh trust me Thymian, I am here because I want this madness to end as well...and the only way to end it,  is to stop my sister.”
THYMIAN- “I and the counsel here in Willow Creek will deal with your sister, when it is time.  And I will not be as kind as my father, and the past Coven Masters.  She murdered my mother and grandfather, along with at least three more members of our counsel and possibly our current coven master. I will not be as diplomatic with her, as I intend to be with you and one of our own here, that decided to be beguiled by Lucia Bautista!”
JAMISON- “Oh, no you have it all wrong, Thymian, Lucia threatened more of my family!  She already had killed my father and threatened to kill more if I did not do as she said.”
THYMIAN- “So instead of coming to your counsel, and your own coven master...and FAMILY, you felt the best thing would be would be to work with her!?  You are a very foolish witch Jamison. But, your lack of loyalty is what disgusts me most.  And trust me Elliana, you do not need to tell me what you want, or why you are here.  I know your mind, both past and present. The only way to stop this, is to END the darkness and those that propitiate it.”
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