#louis please tell me you bathed him first before giving him some face
crazykuroneko · 2 months
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I don't even think "pathetic" is enough to cover this omg
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Chapter Seven: Echoes in Rain Pt. 3
 “What? You didn’t know? We all started out as misshapen monsters after a failed human transmutation?” Envy had a smug smirk as they watched Dolly for her response. “No…I came from a pod…?” Dolly answered honestly, surprised as she’d figured Envy, Lust, and Gluttony came from a pod too. “That is very interesting to hear.” Lust said, hoping this gives Envy the much needed hint that Dolly wasn’t a homunculus.
 “You’re telling me that he had the option of having me be born from a pod!? HE HAD THAT OPTION THE WHOLE TIME!?” Envy’s smug face vanished to one of homicidal anger, Lust being amazed at the level of denial Envy was displaying.
 “So Dolly, do tell us a bit more about yourself. I have been curious about your background for a while.” Lust said in a smooth manner, attempting to both calm Envy down and hopefully get them out of the denial fog.
 “Sure, I’ve been with the Mancer Family for an extremely long time since I was small and have been passed along the family line for many generations. I guess at some point, I started to be viewed as a lucky charm of sorts and often I’d get sacrificial offerings if I had to ‘babysit’ a family member to keep them safe.” Dolly answered warmly, Lust and Envy giving Dolly a look upon hearing sacrificial offerings.
 “Could you explain better about these ‘Sacrificial offerings’?” Lust asked, having a strong feeling this would put Envy on the same page as her and Gluttony.
 “Sure, don’t know if you have a different word for this, but it's just a fancy way of being paid in goods like high quality alcohol or treats, sometimes hard to get craft items or nice bathing items in some cases for myself. I get items first before I do anything normally, what about you? Do you have a system like that too?” Dolly warmly answered as she looked at Lust and Envy. The two homunculi looked at one another and then right back at Dolly, not exactly sure how to respond to that arrangement she had described. Dante had never offered this sort of perk before and likely wouldn’t if asked about it. Dolly sat on the couch baffled by the silence before becoming concerned that they were pretty much unpaid workers. Clearing their throat, Envy broke the silence after a considerable amount of time to process.
 “You know what, I think this is a good time to check on the target.” Envy said to change the topic immediately, getting up and walking over to Lust.
 “We’re getting that sacrificial offering system.” Envy whispered to Lust, pretty determined to get set up on that.
 Lust had a relieved look on her face upon hearing that the sacrificial offerings will hopefully be a thing in one form or another. Picking up the phone from the receiver, Envy cleared their voice a bit getting higher and softer before fully mimicking Sloth’s voice. There was a wait on the line before the grandly bombastic voice of Major Armstrong resounded throughout the apartment. “ANSWERING THE PHONE HAS BEEN PAST DOWN THROUGH THE LONG LINE OF THE ARMSTRONG FAMILY! THIS IS ALEX LOUIS ARMSTRONG SPEAKING!” Boomed the majestic voice of the Major over the phone.
 “Yes, this is Juliet Douglas, I’m calling in for a routine check on Freiderick Mancer, could you please place him on the line?” Envy lied on the phone as they awaited for Freddy to come on the line.
 “Please tell me the lockdown is over, please!” The groaning voice of Freddy on the line came on as Envy gave a smirk at the suffering.
 “Aww but Freddy, it’s for your own safety since you made the little monster in the first place. So no, the lockdown isn’t over and this is your check in call from yours truly.” Envy snickered as they shifted their voice back.
 “You’re such a sadistic little monster! Put Dolly on the phone!” Freddy wailed on the line earning a feign hurt look on Envy’s face before laughing.
 “Well aren’t you just a rude little brat today, I might just hang up now and leave you back to the piano concert.” Envy said, a vicious grin spreading on their face as they heard the gasp. “Okay, OKAY! I’m sorry! Please just put Dolly on the line!” Freddy pleaded as Envy took some time to consider this. “My feelings were so hurt by being called a monster, but, I am such a kind benefactor, I’ll allow you to talk with Dolly. You have four minutes.” Envy said in a condescending fashion as they motioned for Dolly to take the phone to talk to Freddy. “What the hell? Why Four Minutes!?” Freddy asked, shocked at the allowed time. “Because I felt like it, now it's going to be three minutes.” Envy said. handing the phone to Dolly as Freddy could be heard making a pterodactyl-like screech on the line.
 “Freddy, what’s wrong? You’re staying over at a very nice place with an incredibly friendly family.” Dolly asked, amused that the pterodactyl screech had returned.
 “SHE HAULED A WHOLE ASS PIANO LIKE IT WAS A BOOK! PLEASE GET ME OUT!” Freddy shouted out from the whole experience, the Homunculi looking at the phone with how loud Freddy is.
 “She sounds like a rather lovely young woman, Freddy. Plus you’ve seen me lift things too beforehand, so why are you freaked out?” Dolly asked with a sigh, worried about Freddy’s behavior as a guest at this point.   “Because Dolly, THEY ALL SPARKLE…THE SPARKLE…And it's different with you! I’ve grown to expect you to lift things…NOT A HUMAN!” Freddy said, his voice starting to crack from the stress of it all. “Freiderick, your Ancestral Matriarch used to haul full grown bucks all the time after a hunt, took out a bear at one point, and she was considered one of the most coveted women in the village at the time. I think you’re acting rather silly right now about the Armstrong family, they just sound like really hard working and pleasant people to be around.” Dolly responded, keeping her patiences with Freddy as Gluttony in the background found the abhorrent flamingo umbrella and started playing with it. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed Dolly, but we don’t live in a hunter gatherer society anymore.” Freddy whisper-yelled on the phone, getting flustered at the fact no one was seeing his ‘plight’.
 “That wasn’t the point, the point is that  there are people who are going to be strong and lift things out there. You even have a lot of relatives in the past that were able to do that too. I’m going to cut this conversation short since this is just you wanting to whine, but, I want you to be a gracious guest at their household and you are representing the Mancer Family by being there. Be kind. Here Envy, you can talk to Freddy.” Dolly concluded as she handed the phone to Envy who was looking rather impressed with how much shorter the conversation was.
 “Well Freddy, you’ve managed to make your allowed amount of phone time shorter than normal. It is delightful though that you are suffering massively in the Armstrong household. I may have to extend your time there with how lovely this has come out.” Envy said with a bit of a cackle in their voice as Freddy made gasping fish sounds. 
  Before Freddy could say anything, Envy hung up the phone, a satisfied smirk on their face to have their daily amount of being an absolute monster fulfilled while being in a lockdown situation. Dolly had gone to the kitchenette to start up lunch as the storm continued outside. Lust’s eyes were on Dolly’s shadow the whole time and was desperately looking at Envy in hopes that they too noticed that the shadow doesn’t even match. The fates, as it would often seem, liked keeping Envy completely oblivious to the subtle and not so subtle hints. Deciding that it was now a lost cause to give Envy hints about Dolly, Lust sat at the table to make a mental list of what to request for as sacrificial offerings. Likewise, Envy was carefully thinking over how to implement a sacrificial offerings system since it was definitely not going to happen with Dante. There was a chance that Envy could manipulate Freddy once he’s back in the apartment to give them sacrificial offerings, but Freddy would likely throw a tantrum which would be a delight for Envy either way. For a time, it was quiet, saved for the opening and closing of the fluorescent umbrella and the sizzling of meat being cooked on the stovetop with the pounding of the rain outside. 
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bottomlouisficfest · 4 years
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Now that the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2020 has concluded, we know that a lot of readers will have more time to catch up on some of the amazing fics they may have missed over the past two months. We encourage everyone to check out the full collection and to scroll through this masterpost of the 70 incredible fics that were posted during this year’s fest.
Please be sure to give all of these fics love - offer kudos, leave comments, reblog their fic posts on Tumblr, and retweet the fic posts on Twitter to help spread the word about these fics. The fest ending does not mean that our appreciation and reading of these fics has to end too.
Thank you for following along with this fest! We appreciate every single one of you - and we’ll see you later this year for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2021. 😊💜
Rainbow Bloom
A fic by dandelionfairies on AO3 | @dandelionfairies on Tumblr | dandelionfairi1 on Twitter
22k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis is in denial. Louis has been in denial for far too long. Then Harry enters his life and everything changes.
Breakable Heaven
A fic by amomentoflove on AO3 | @daggerandrose on Tumblr | dagger_rosefics on Twitter
44k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“What do you think?” Louis gets captured by Harry’s green eyes, unable to look away or even take a breath.
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
“You must not have met many creatures then.”
Harry’s eyes glance downward to Louis’ lips and his tongue darts out to wet his own. “None like you.”
bang bang (my baby shot me down)
A fic by thepolourryexpress on AO3 | @thepolourryexpress on Tumblr | ZOUlSBUSONE on Twitter
16k | Not Rated | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I walked in on them having sex again,” Niall says after a beat of hesitation.
Liam still looks confused. “Why’s this different from every other time we’ve seen them having sex?” Liam asks, and oh, Harry knows Liam really doesn’t want to know the answer to this one.
Niall’s gone silent then, and Harry almost thinks they’re in the clear. Liam is back to scrolling through his phone, and Zayn is whispering something to Louis that makes the older boy giggle. They’re going to get through this car ride without a murder.
But then Niall’s covering his face with his sweatshirt, taking in a breath and on his exhale, Harry hears him mutter, “Louis was wearing knickers.”
Liam’s phone clatters to the floor of the car.
Don't You Know That I'm a Moon in Daylight?
A fic by wildholly on AO3 | @bottomlwt on Tumblr | bottomloulou on Twitter
58k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 79. Louis and Harry fell in love in the 18th century, Louis wanted Harry to convert him into a vampire, but he ended up resenting Harry for it. Fast forward to our modern days, they haven’t seen each other since then, but one day they meet again through a mutual friend. Harry was bitter for a long time, but he accepted that being angry wouldn't erase the fact that Louis was the love of his life. He wanted to court and spoil Louis like in their original time period, but Louis avoided him every time Harry tried to reconnect. Happy ending!
practice in pencil, seal it in pen
A fic by loubellies on AO3 | @loubellies on Tumblr | loubellies on Twitter
16k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 174: AU where drunk Harry lifts Louis up after someone says “bottoms up”. Louis blushes at Harry’s antics, flustered that his best friend knew him more than he thought. Friends to lovers with a happy ending please
or Harry is in love with Louis but he doesn't know.
tastes like summer, smiles like may
A fic by outropeace on AO3 | @outropeace on Tumblr | outropetals on Twitter
47k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Is this true?” Harry grabbed the beta by the shoulders. “Bryce, where did you hear that?”
“There’s rumors going around the castle,” he smirked. “stories about his beauty and his cold attitude. They know he is an omega only because of his scent, but he has never had a heat.”
“Do you know what this means?”
Bryce smirk grew into a big smile. “He can’t give you an heir.”
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
blinded by the sparks
A fic by wallstracktwo on AO3 | @wallstracktwo on Tumblr
22k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"You can’t even keep your lies straight. Mike has the memory of an elephant and can remember every single detail about every single person he’s ever met, so don’t stand there and tell me that he mixed you up with someone else.” He took back Harry’s cigarette. “I saw you exchanging lower chips for higher ones. I saw you counting the cards. There is no fucking way you won seven thousand dollars tonight honestly. And so I will repeat myself — I want in. Fifty-fifty.”
Harry was completely taken aback by the stunningly attractive man standing in front of him. He made several attempts to say something — opening and closing his mouth at least twice before he was finally able to string a few words together. “What? No. No way. No. Sorry, but I work alone.”
That was the truth too — he had never trusted anyone enough to let them get close, especially when it came to his scamming, so having a partner was completely, utterly out of the question.
“Don’t you think you need someone on the…” Louis’ tongue darted out, licking his lips as his eyes flickered to Harry’s mouth, one eyebrow cocking up. “...inside.”
Or - Harry is a scammer who drifts from casino to casino. Louis is the new waiter who wants in on the scam.
somewhere in between
A fic by soldouthaz on AO3 | @soldouthaz on Tumblr | soldouthaz on Twitter
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis wakes up early. He brushes his teeth and can only stomach a piece of toast for breakfast, dressing quickly and heading for the car. He pulls into the parking lot of the Department of Dominance and Submission just as they’re unlocking the doors. It takes him all of an hour in the uncomfortable chairs to fill out the paperwork to the best and most accurate of his ability, handing it over to the receptionist as soon as he’s finished and wiping his sweaty palms on his business trousers.
There’s a high chance that within ten to fifteen business days, Louis will be matched with a dominant.
On My Mind All The Time, Say You're Mine
A fic by Safetypinprince on AO3 | @roselouis on Tumblr | femboyIouis on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Dude, we’re inside, and it’s night time. Those don’t look as cool as you think they do.” Louis could kick himself, he sounded so stupid, but it certainly got the guy’s attention.
It was at that unfortunate moment that he noticed several other things about this hot asshole, that he hadn’t noticed just staring from afar. First, when Louis spoke to him, his gaze was kind of unfocused behind his sunglasses, and secondly, that he had a red and white cane folded up under his arm.
“I’m… Blind,” the man chuckled, awkwardly.  
Louis wanted to melt into a puddle out of pure embarrassment.
“I— am so sorry. I have to go.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” the man soothed, grabbing at Louis’ shoulders before he could get away.
“I’m sorry,” Louis repeated, looking down at his shoes.
“It’s alright,” He cackled. “I get it a lot. More than you know.”
Alternatively titled: and they were roommates.
A Silent Whisper (That's Left Unsaid)
A fic by MyEnglishRose on AO3 | @lwtisloved on Tumblr | darlinlou on Twitter
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“So… we’re doing this?”
Louis shrugs, suddenly acting disinterested.
“Your call, Curly.”
Instead of a verbal response, Harry suddenly takes Louis’ left hand in his. The black ring seems to nag him as the fire’s light reflects its polished edges. He ignores Louis’ curious gaze as he quickly takes off one of his own rings — the rose one —, sliding it on Louis’ middle finger. It is a little large and when he lets go of his hand, Louis has to curl it into a fist so the ring doesn’t immediately fall off.
“We’ll tell them it’s a promise ring, not an actual engagement,” Harry declares, trying to ignore how warm his cheeks feel. Hopefully, it can’t be seen as he is facing away from the fireplace.
“Right… could have gotten me a fitted ring though, my Harry ten years ago was more thoughtful.”
Louis’ tone is light and teasing again. It creates a small smile on Harry’s lips.
“Someday,” he whispers before he even registers it himself.
They both ignore it.
Or. A Fake Relationship & Exes to Lovers AU ft a failed proposal ten years ago, an oblivious Harry, an overworked Louis, Zayn as the protective best friend, a meddling aunt and a lot of talks about weddings and rings.
sweet like honey
A fic by falsegoodnight on AO3 | @falsegoodnight on Tumblr | falsegoodnight on Twitter
33k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Weeks of flat shopping with their limited budget with Louis as a librarian aid and Harry as a barista and arguments about whether a balcony or extended bathroom suite were more important (Harry wanted to be able to feel the crisp night’s air and watch the sun set and Louis just wanted to take long bubble baths) led to them stumbling across the perfect fit. A small flat only ten minutes from campus with a cramped but lovely balcony and an included bath.
It’s affordable too… well, sort of. But they always manage. Louis picks up more shifts as an aid, adapting a habit of bringing his Psych textbooks and homework with him to finish in between duties, and later his script so he can quietly practice lines with little distraction.
Harry also increases his number of shifts at the cafe and valiantly endures the nasty customers who for some reason flock to their establishment like moths to a flame.
For a while, it’s enough.
Or, Harry and Louis need money and they find an unconventional solution in the form of PornHub. It’s not supposed to be a big deal.
Spoonful of Sugar
A fic by zanni_scaramouche on AO3 | @zanniscaramouche on Tumblr
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry Styles.  
A name better suited for a myth than a man. Like the name of the devil, people either whisper it in fear or laugh it off as fable. Cut it open and this city’s heart doesn’t bleed red. It’s snowy white, and it pulses in the tight grip of Lucifer himself.
Louis Tomlinson cares for his family above all else, a fact that’s led him on a twisted path peddling drugs to support them. Just as he’s made the decision to jump ship, Louis gets snared between the two largest crime syndicates in the city. To keep his family safe he’s forced to trust the man that failed to keep his promise two years ago, the resident drug lord he’s unknowingly been working for, Harry Styles.
Let's Break the Internet
A fic by louizsv on AO3 | @ashleyjohnsonfanaccount on Tumblr | piccadillyplum on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I’ll tell you what,” Sam leans forward in his chair and steeples his fingers in front of his face, “If you actually make an account and sell nudie pics and porn for more than three months, I’ll believe you.”
Louis purses his lips, ignoring the returning blush on his cheeks at the thought of having to film himself in compromising positions or taking photos of himself without any clothes on. Raising his chin defiantly, Louis accepts the challenge.
“Fine,” he agrees, “But when I win, you have to make one too.”
Lips quirked, Sam nods and holds out a hand, “Deal.” -- Or, the one where Louis is an Only Fans baby.
in a sea of mist
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
126k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
A Greek Mythology/Camp Half-Blood AU where Harry is lost, the road to peace is a wretched one, and somehow, through a mist of confusion and regrets, Louis seems to be the only thing that makes sense and everything Harry needs.
Across the Grey, Salty Sea
A fic by thecheshirepussycat on AO3 | @the-cheshire-pussy-cat on Tumblr | Bee_With_Mee on Twitter
19k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 212: Alex from Dunkirk and French escort/prostitute Louis who ends up in Alex’s quarters more nights than not. Alex gives him his dog tag to wear maybe just a lot of smut and dirty talk with Louis being a pretty princess.
When Our Worlds They Fall Apart
A fic by edensrose on AO3 | @holdingthornsandroses on Tumblr | thetrashpigeon on Twitter
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry put his hand over his heart as if Louis had wounded him. “You’re so harsh, my liege! Perhaps you need to relieve some tension…” He let his voice trail off suggestively.
“The day I ask YOU to relieve tension is the day I lose all my wits and join the Imperials,” Louis said. “It will never happen.”
Written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2020- Prompt 325: Star Wars AU with Harry as Han Solo and Louis as Leia.
Thank you, five.
A fic by nouies on AO3 | @nouies on Tumblr | _nouies on Twitter
5k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Harry?” He says as soon as he recognises the other man.
“Louis? Wh-what are you doing here?” Harry asks with a frown.
“Well, I’m here for rehearsal,” Louis announces with a proud smile.
There’s a flash of confusion on Harry’s face. “What do you mean rehearsal? I got the part, you didn’t.”
Prompt 195: Hamilton AU
Know I Think You're Awesome, Right?
A fic by princesshalo on AO3 | @princesshalo on Tumblr | tpwkorra on Twitter
60k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Well, that’s not very Treat People With Kindness of you.”
“Neither is approaching someone with the sole intent of criticizing a cause they’re clearly passionate about, given the amount of time they’ve dedicated to advocating for it,” Louis snaps.
“Sure, but I’m not the one with the button,” Harry shrugs.
“So, is there actually something I can help you with, or did you just come to push me into pepper spraying you as well?” Louis is quickly growing impatient. Hell, he was impatient the moment that Harry made his grand entrance on campus yesterday.
“I’m just trying to assess the environment here,” Harry says, “Because if this is all you’ve got to offer trans people who just want to be able to use the bathroom in peace like the rest of us, then I’m not sure I fit in.”
“Allow me to save you the trouble, then: you don’t.”
Based on the prompt: a college AU where Louis is a hippie, very good vibes activist and Harry is a punk, anarchist that always gets involved in violent protests.
show you the stars in daylight
A fic by bruisedhoney on AO3 | @yvesaintlourent on Tumblr | bruisedhoney on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis laughed, the sound loud and borderline obnoxious. Harry winced. “Are you kidding, Haz? I wouldn’t even look twice at someone that couldn’t pick me up.”
And, well. That was new information to Harry. It’s not like Louis had ever mentioned to him that he was his type in any way, shape, or form.  Harry shifted closer into the space between Louis’s legs, even more intrigued than before. “Why not?” he asked curiously, all pink lips and big curls. Louis smiled.
“Tiny, innocent, little Harold. Need someone that can pick me up, don’t I? I like being tossed around a little. You know, pinned down and made to take it. Lifted up like I’m nothing,” Louis said it all with a confident smile, his sharp little teeth tugging at his bottom lip as he locked eyes with the jock across the kitchen. “Think he might come over here. Move over. I don’t want him to think we’re together.”
Or, the one where Louis has a type and at sixteen and scrawy, it's definitely not his best friend's little brother Harry...ten years later, he changes his mind.
Freeway of Love (In a Pink Cadillac)
A fic by MsHydeStylinson on AO3 | @mizzhydes on Tumblr | MsHydeStylinson on Twitter
33k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Did you like them?” Louis asked in a seductive tone, propping his elbow against the armrest, chin resting against his fingers.
“I’m not going to answer that,” Harry informed, lips pressed in a hard line.
“I don’t think you have to,” Louis smirked nodding slightly towards his telltale bulge and watched as Harry reddened from his neck to his forehead in a flash.
”Please, I beg you to put that phone away,” Harry pleaded with a suffering expression plastered on his face.
“Please…” Harry whined.
Louis was on his way to Miami to visit an old friend. Harry was going there for a little R&R and take in the sights and sounds.  A sudden upgrade in seating brought these polar opposites together. The universe works in mysterious ways and they are unknowingly about to embark on an adventure they will surely remember for a lifetime.
Prompt 107: Sugar daddy AU inspired by this tweet: “going to sit next to the richest looking middle aged man on my flight and scroll through my nudes for three hours straight” with rich daddy Harry and bratty baby Louis.
Won't Keep You My (Dirty Little) Secret
A fic by lovelykits on AO3 | @lovelykits on Tumblr
16k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I got asked out today,” Louis comments.
“Okay,” Harry shifts.
“Did you hear me? I said I got asked out.”
"You always get asked out.”
“Yeah well this time they didn’t believe I had a boyfriend!”
Or Louis and Harry have been together since the end of last year and somehow no one knows about it.
A Place With Skeletons
A fic by whoknows on AO3 | @crazyupsetter on Tumblr
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I would choose anyone other than you,” Louis says, picking up his train of thought again. He feels a lot more cornered and defensive when they’re in Harry’s house, for some reason. It doesn’t really make sense, considering that this time, Louis was the one who couldn’t hack it any longer. He broke first. There’s something about being in Harry’s space, though, the green and earthy feeling of it. It should feel like open space with all the plants, but Louis has never felt more claustrophobic than he does when he’s here.
Harry’s chest moves against his back, a sharp intake of air. Before he can open his mouth to defend himself, Louis keeps going, “If I had a choice in any of this, I would have been saved by that elderly security guard over you. I wouldn’t mind having to have the occasional cuddle with her.”
Pretty and Pink
A fic by LarryInPanties on AO3 | @larryinpantiess on Tumblr | babielouu on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis points a finger at the man’s pec, “I’ll have you know Harry, anyone would be lucky to have me as a hitchhiker buddy. I’m nice, I don’t take up too much space, and I’m pretty.”
He’s not lying.
“Let me get this straight,” Harry gives Louis a look when he lets out a tiny laugh. “Ya’ want to take a ride with me but you don’t even know where ya’ wanna go yet?”
Harry never lets anyone come on the road with him.
Then, a cute hitchhiker, Louis comes around.
Cold As Ice And Everything Nice
A fic by harriblou on AO3 | @harriblou on Tumblr | harriblou on Twitter
40k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
A young boy about Harry’s age was zoomed into the camera, blushing a bright red and breathing heavily and as he bowed. The crowd was cheering for him loudly and every movement he made was bashful and flustered. He had on a very nice skate dress that was purple. His name, hometown, skate scores, and all sorts of information was in a banner on the bottom half of the screen. He was really young, especially compared to all the other competitors, which was the second thing he noticed.
The first was that the boy was easily the prettiest in the entire world, the prettiest boy Harry’s ever seen. He felt his asthma squeeze his throat and his heart beat faster and his hands get a little more clammy.
or in which Louis is a professional ice-skater and he meets Harry, who offers to clean the ice for him.
You'll wait for me only.
A fic by signofthetmies on AO3 | @tired-eyes-lou on Tumblr
9k | Teen & Up | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry nips at the bondmark on Louis’ neck, Louis’ hands go to his hips, grounding him. He allows himself this, knowing that his Omega needs it too. Harry pulls back, “Go on a date with me.” He rushes out, looking at Louis’ eyes.
Louis laughs and shakes his head. “No, Louis, I’m serious. We’ve bonded for life anyway, might as well try.” Louis looks at him, “You’ve been thinking about this a lot.” Louis points out, Harry nods. “Okay.” Louis says and walks out leaving Harry. “Okay what?!”
Prompt 15: Omega Louis is a lawyer that worked on omega rights cases. Alpha Harry is a corporate lawyer. Louis and Harry used to be childhood archenemies, until Louis moved to another school and they never saw each other again. Now, they’re both adults that happen to work in the same place. They behave like children and still share a mutual dislike. Both travel to work together for a case. One night they both bond accidentally. Slowly but surely, they fall in love. Enemies to lovers!
through the wheatfields and the coastlines
A fic by thepolourryexpress on AO3 | @thepolourryexpress on Tumblr | ZOUlSBUSONE on Twitter
53k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“You’re not from around here, are ya?” Hot Cowboy asks, tracking his little lamb with his eyes. Louis frowns slightly, having thought he was doing pretty well at not sticking out like a sore thumb. It’s not like he’s not from around here — it’s not his first summer he’s spent at his grandparents'. But he supposes that the Manhattan city lifestyle that he’s used to is always going to shine through.
“I’m visiting family for the summer,” Louis explains, cheeks a little pink. “Trying to get some work done without distractions.”
Or, alternatively, the one where Louis needs inspiration, and a certain cowboy and his lamb are the perfect distraction.
The Boy with the Tin Chest and a Glass Heart
A fic by louloubaby92 on AO3 | @louloubabys1992 on Tumblr
18k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Alpha Harry Styles, world-renowned author of fairy-tales, is being persuaded by the Beta, Liam Payne to hire a new illustrator. Since Harry’s own illustrations are too graphic for what is supposed to be children’s stories, Liam feels the need is dire. Omega Louis does not agree with Liam since he believes that Harry’s stories are fine just the way they are. Of course this has nothing to do with Louis being totally biased or totally head over heels for Harry. It certainly has nothing to do with being jealous of the mysterious omega illustrator Liam has in mind to team Harry up with.
Seriously, it has nothing to do with that at all. Nothing, absolutely nothing, zilch, nada.
This Glass House
A fic by BabyPowderLou on AO3 | @compactblue on Tumblr | princessbluelou on Twitter
42k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
While deployed, Alpha Harry gets injured by an IED explosion, leaving him to deal with severe injuries in its devastating aftermath. During his road to acceptance and recovery he learns with the help of Louis and their children just how important family can be for the mind, body, and soul.
singing your praises
A fic by loubellies on AO3 | @loubellies on Tumblr | loubellies on Twitter
6k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 86: Louis rides Harry while wearing his packer’s jersey/sweater and gets his ass ate.
made for lovin' you
A fic by cuddlerlouis on AO3 | @cuddlerlouis on Tumblr | burntromances on Twitter
52k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I’m in,” is all Louis receives. He blinks a few times, making sure he’s reading this right.
“For real?” he asks, just to be a hundred percent sure.
“Yes,” pops up. “How do you wanna pursue?” The alpha adds, like he’s on a special mission or something.
“I’m gonna call us a cab to go to mine. Once I know it’s here, I’ll leave and join you there,” Louis explains. “I’ll text you to go around five minutes before it arrives, so it doesn’t look suspicious, and our friends don’t notice us leaving together.”
So Louis does, and ten minutes later, he’s sat in the backseat of a cab, next to Harry Styles, the person he hates the most but unfortunately still finds attractive. They’re on their way to fuck in Louis’ flat.
Or the one where a quick, horny decision ruins Louis’ summer plans, but may also lead to unexpected discoveries. Featuring the road trip of dreams, misunderstandings, and a bit of fate.
Stuck On You
A fic by WritewhatIwant on AO3
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ life revolves around his stickers. Harry’s life revolves around his job. The universe has decided their worlds should revolve around each other.
On the Edge
A fic by zanni_scaramouche on AO3 | @zanniscaramouche on Tumblr
47k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Figure skating is as vital to Louis’ identity as his DNA, so when his skates go missing right before the last Olympics of his career there may be a meltdown only vanilla bath salts can fix. Well, that and the stupidly charming hockey player he met on the plane.
Harry’s too old to be the wonder kid and too young to be taken seriously in the NHL. As an alternate thrown in at the last second, he fights to prove himself on the national team at the largest sporting event known to man. Or he will, once he gets off this flight and can focus on something other than the fussy figure skater and his stunningly blue eyes.
A baggage mix-up skews both of their perfectly laid plans for gold, forcing the two to work together as the clock clicks towards the minute they’re expected to shine on centre ice.
Be a Good Girl For Me
A fic by wannabebestseller on AO3 | @sincetheywere16and18 on Tumblr
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Based on this prompt: “AU where Harry is Louis’ older brother’s best friend. He catches Louis dancing around his room in panties and blackmails him, saying that Louis has to do anything he says or else he’ll tell Louis’ family that he wears girly underwear. Secretly soft for him, Harry gives him easy tasks and uses the whole thing to spend more time with Louis. Eventually, the orders begin to escalate and Harry teases Lou about his secret, making Louis shy and embarrassed. Louis loves the attention though, and forms a crush on his brother’s best friend. Lots of feminization, secret relationship, and enemies to lovers. Thank you!”
dripping like spider milk
A fic by raspberryoats on AO3 | @raspberryoatss on Tumblr | raspberryoatss on Twitter
64k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
When he sees the alpha, his brown hair curling around the top of his neck and his broad back that’s filled out over the past couple of years, Louis freezes for a moment. The alpha turns around, Louis’ surprised expression mirrored on his own for a fraction of a second before he schools it into a big, yet shy grin and a wave of his huge hand. With his nostrils flared, Louis knows that he can smell him, too.
They never hired alphas, except for—
or prompt 110: Louis is a retired porn star and he gets invited back to test a new line of sex products the company he worked for is releasing (would include photoshoots and videos of Louis sampling certain toys). Harry is there to photograph, film, and intimately help him along the way (preferably in a private setting).
But It's Useless
A fic by thinlines on AO3 | @thinlinez on Tumblr
26k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis was even hallucinating now. He closed his eyes.
“Hey, you.”
He chuckled wetly, head still leaning against the door.
“Can you get out of the way? You're blocking the door.”
He exhaled sharply before slowly turning around. His eyes fixed onto muddy Nike trainers before it traveled up to impossibly short jogging shorts. The yellow color was atrocious, simply ghastly.
“What happened to being polite, Harold?”
OR Omega Louis would never guess that he would be trying to hack into Alpha Harry's Wifi. That is until everything changes when he tries to get to know his enemy.
Yours To Lose
A fic by loulicate on AO3 | loulicaterecs on Twitter
26k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I think I know the person that matches your descriptions of your dream alpha.”
“Who? And oh not my dream alpha, god you’re making me sound like a teenage school girl. I’m a mum, H.” They laugh as they watch kids gather in front of the verandah, getting ready to go back to the orphanage.
“Well, you’re gonna have to find out.” Harry winks before standing up to start cleaning their spot.
Or Louis always gets distracted with his mummy duty and he eventually catches Harry's attention.
Sweet Scary Creatures
A fic by Specklesock on AO3 | @specklelouis on Tumblr | specklelouiie on Twitter
13k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
They stare into each other's eyes for a while until Louis remembers this is too intimate and looks at Harry’s hands on his thigh. It spans a big portion of his thigh and Louis has always been insecure about how thick he is, so he loves that Harry has huge, dustbin hands that hold him and makes him feel smaller, safer.
We Are But Dust and Shadows
A fic by louisbarnes on AO3 | @tomlinsonbarnes on Tumblr | dreamersdiving on Twitter
51k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Um, okay. I’m going to…” Harry gestured over his shoulder and gave the two of them an awkward smile.
“Wait! You got a letter.” Zayn held out the letter and Harry’s face dropped. He took the letter from Zayn, gaze locked on it like it was a bomb ready to explode. “What is it?”
“Probably just from the New York Institute,” Harry muttered. He hurried away, ripping the envelope open as he went.
“Remember when you said you didn’t want to fuck him?” Zayn broke the silence and Louis scoffed.
“Quite clearly, actually.”
Zayn grinned. “Your eye twitches when you lie.”
“Fuck off.”
Or: Louis is part of a well respected Shadowhunter family, and Harry is the Mundane turned Shadowhunter who just can’t seem to get it right.
it's hard to fight naked
A fic by bluestarwitch on AO3 | @loustarlight on Tumblr | IwtstarIight on Twitter
11k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 6: Louis and Harry are roommates, but they cannot stand each other. When Harry heard Louis moan his name while Louis was riding a dildo in Harry’s room (Louis thought he was alone at home), Harry couldn’t stop himself and so he ended up fucking Louis against the mattress. Happy ending!
or where Louis leaves dirty socks on the couch, Zayn does assignments while he's high, and Harry is hopelessly crushing on his roommate.
social cues
A fic by outropeace on AO3 | @outropeace on Tumblr | outropetals on Twitter
56k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
To Harry, Louis was becoming as tangible and essential as music in his life. He still was a mystery but at the same time, he was one of the most real things Harry had. He just hoped he could live up to the image Louis probably had in his mind of him.
He could play the part, after all, what was published of him wasn’t as detached from reality. He didn’t think of himself as a rockstar cliche, although he couldn't deny he did sleep around, partied a lot, and did some drugs. But then again, wasn’t that what the majority of his friends back in his hometown were doing at college?
Harry wanted to impress Louis, he didn’t want to disappoint or leave his expectations unfulfilled, so he’d give him the full rockstar experience.
It was a very simple plan, what could possibly go wrong?
A fic by larryent on AO3 | @larryent on Tumblr | oflarryent on Twitter
13k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"A legacy is every life you’ve touched. And you’ve touched mine twice."
On the coast of San Franciso in 2024 is when Harry falls in love all over again.
“This thing upon me is not death but it’s as real, .... this thing upon me like a flower a feast, believe me is not death and is not glory.” — Charles Bukowski, old man, dead in a room
smoke between your teeth
A fic by soldouthaz on AO3 | @soldouthaz on Tumblr | soldouthaz on Twitter
37k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Alright, fine. What is it, then?" Louis asks. "Give me the best you’ve got. What’s this big reason why I smoke?"
Harry’s head lolls backward on the back of the sofa, a dopey grin on his face even though his eyes are already halfway closed - that look he gives Louis when he’s about to spout some incoherent bout of psychological bullshit.
“Oral fixation,” Harry mutters as delightfully as he can muster, his tone suggesting that it should be obvious.
Louis tries to stop his addiction to cigarettes and discovers he's been addicted to Harry for much, much longer.
calm me down (before i sleep)
A fic by leeanndarling on AO3 | @erodiansunflower on Tumblr | leeann_darling on Twitter
6k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 24: Harry is a sex shop owner that has a crush on Louis, the shy customer who flirts with him while buying cute buttplugs, lace panties, and collars. One day, Louis asked Harry to help him put on a corset (they end up fucking in the dressing room). Things escalate quickly from there, so they start seeing each other seriously while trying other sex stuff.
This World’s Ashes
A fic by sunshineandthemoonlight on AO3 | @sunshineandthemoonlight on Tumblr
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The man stares at him, and all Harry can hear is his own heartbeat, racing.
Then the stranger turns away. He walks a few paces and bends down, picking up a large knife from the ground and shoving it into a pouch attached to his belt.
“I won’t hurt you, you know.”
Harry’s eyes snap up to the man’s face. He’s looking at Harry sincerely, palms held up as though in surrender. There’s still a knife in his right hand, though, so Harry is only slightly reassured.
Harry swallows to combat the dryness of his throat, and then says, “I won’t hurt you either.”
A post-apocalypse AU where Harry, battling his past as he survives in the woods, has learnt not to trust anyone except his dog. Then Louis crashes into his life, with his bright spirit and soft lips, pulling Harry from the depths of a loneliness he hadn’t realised he was drowning in. But there is danger lurking, and Harry’s not the only one wrestling with his past.
A Springtime's Wilt, an Autumn's Bloom
A fic by snowcaplou on AO3 | snowcaplou on Twitter
20k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“What about you Harry? Maybe you should apply for the position,” she teases.
“Oi! You better not be trying to get rid of my best driver-- I can’t go looking for a replacement, I’m too busy!” Louis says with a playful slap to Savannah’s shoulder. It's jestful, like the rest of their conversation, but there is a possessive bite to his words-- my best driver-- the words bounce through Harry’s ears until he can just hear the words my and mine. It falls deaf on Savannah’s beta senses, but for a minute Harry thinks he can sense the same words zooming through Louis’ thoughts.
My, mine.
My alpha.
And woah, Harry’s taking it too far. At least, he thinks he’s taking it too far, but when he looks back up from his plate, Louis’ eyes are heavy on his, and for a fleeting second, Harry can pretend he heard Louis say it.
Harry is Louis' personal chauffeur, and although he hides his feelings for his boss behind a wall of rigid professionalism, Louis still manages to squeeze through the cracks.
Starlight’s Crossing
A fic by smittenwithlouis on AO3 | @smittenwithlouis on Tumblr | smittenwlouis on Twitter
30k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
He can picture it so clearly, as he holds onto Louis’ sleeping body. How they’d go exploring every inch of the galaxy without a care in the world. He builds a fairytale future in his mind, one that includes marriage, kids, and growing old together. Even after such a short time together, Harry knows that he’d say yes to anything and everything this man ever asked for. He’d follow him to the ends of the galaxy if that’s what Louis wanted.
And that thought terrifies Harry.
Or: All it takes is one night for Harry and Louis' life to change forever. Fast-forward four years, and they embark on an adventure of a lifetime across the universe.
A fic by littleLouve on AO3 | @larents on Tumblr | louvees on Twitter
10k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The one where Louis has control over water in every form but he doesn't know what to do with it. Harry is here to guide him.
don't want no other shade of blue
A fic by padfootyoudog on AO3 | @louisisworthit on Tumblr
43k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I know you’re putting on an act,” says Harry after a moment, and Louis scowls when he realises the prince is actually amused.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” says Louis.
“All I’ve heard over the past couple of years are rumours of Prince Louis’ kindness, and generosity, and oh, he’s so handsome I can barely pour his tea without shaking!” says Harry, putting on a silly, high-pitched voice for the last bit. Louis’ scowl deepens. “I would already know if you were just another selfish, bratty omega prince. You can’t fool me, darling, but I admire your efforts.”
“As you said,” Louis grits out, “those are only rumours. I assure you, I’m a terrible person.”
prompt 339: it was foretold that Alpha Prince Harry would be mated to a beautiful male omega with eyes that could rival the stone amethyst, but Omega Prince Louis refuses to believe it.
Loving You's the Antidote
A fic by neverheartbroken on AO3 | @neverheartbroken on Tumblr
5k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 302: Alpha Harry & Omega Louis are divorced but still spend each other’s heat/rut together because they only really trust each other but things get complicated when Louis (or Harry, author’s choice) spend it with someone else. Cue angst with a happy ending. (Prompt Inspiration: Prompt 98 from the 2019 BLFF)
dirty laundry looks good on you
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
When Louis Tomlinson finds his clothes lying in a sad soapy mess on top of the washing machine in which they are supposed to be, he acts upon his anger and retaliates. What he doesn’t expect is having to deal with a six-feet tall, curly-haired and dimpled man in return, who seems to arouse confusing feelings within him and to make his life take an unexpected turn for the better (or worse?).
OR; the utility room is a great place to fall in love.
no good unless it's real
A fic by fackinglouis on AO3 | @fackinglouis on Tumblr
17k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Here,” Harry says, pulling a strap off his shoulder so he can dig his phone out of his bag. “We can get each other’s numbers.”
 Louis shakes his head. “I have the practice’s number already,” he tells him. “And my number is definitely on file somewhere.”
Harry pauses, smile quirking a bit as he stares at Louis. The sun is still in his eyes, though, with his sunglasses pushed up onto his head still, so Louis credits his funny face to that.
“I’m trying to give you my number, Louis,” Harry explains around a breathy laugh.
“Oh,” Louis blinks, processing that. He scratches his temple, moves a piece of longer fringe back behind his ear, and then nods. “Okay.”
Or: Louis is a very busy farmer who’s just trying to make it to his next nap and Harry’s the new hot vet that’s determined to infiltrate every area of his life.
Since the Future
A fic by bluestarwitch on AO3 | @loustarlight on Tumblr | IwtstarIight on Twitter
49k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"It's done."
The words were barely above a whisper when they left Harry's mouth, but they hit Louis with the force of a freight train. It was done. Holy fuck. They had created a time machine. And tomorrow, they were travelling to the future.
To Love without Reason
A fic by MuggleMirror on AO3 | @mugglemirror on Tumblr | mugglemirror on Twitter
8k | Not Rated | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Come on in, soldier,” Louis pats Harry’s chest and walks away, leaving Harry to follow behind.
Harry stands in the living room, looking around at Louis’ dwelling. Family pictures placed high on a shelf, certificates of Louis’ practice, and other trinkets that make Harry entirely too nostalgic.
“I have to warn you,” Louis says as he puts the kettle on, the water droplets from his hair trickling down the golden skin of his back. “The door jams if you lock it so you'll have to leave it ajar.”
Harry acknowledges with a soft hum, too entranced by Louis’ glistening skin to form a coherent reply.
Sedative Duty.
A fic by daddyharrie on AO3 | @daddyharrie on Tumblr | daddyharrie on Twitter
46k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Pop-star of the moment Louis Tomlinson is on his third-world tour. He decides to hire renowned professional dominant Harry Styles to unwind while on the road. In an effort not to raise suspicion by the crew, fans, and press,  Harry pretends to be his bodyguard. He ends up being far more than that.
You and I 'till the day we die
A fic by Allmylovelarrie on AO3 | flightlesslarri on Twitter
10k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 124: A fic inspired by Groupie Love by Lana Del  Rey, where Harry is a Rockstar and Louis is his cute little boyfriend  who tries to hide himself in the middle of the crowd. (Preferably set in  the 80s)
Give So Much (Not Enough)
A fic by skinsuk on AO3 | @wifeylouis on Tumblr
24k | Mature | Louis/Harry, Louis/Alex, Harry/Tess | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“For my little lion,” Louis slid the smoothie bowl in front of  Oscar, letting him dig in with his little hands. “And for daddy.”  
He didn’t process the bowl in front of him, the  push across the table causing a raspberry to roll off and fall on his  lap, because Louis calling himself mummy may make him feel all sorts of  mushy emotions, but Louis addressing Harry as daddy was suddenly having a  very different effect on him. Since when did Louis saying daddy out  loud render him speechless?
“Daddy’s still  sleepy, but we’re up bright and early right Ossie?” Louis’ cooing shook  him out of his daze. The man coughed, picking the raspberry off his lap  and swallowing it with unintentional, and very unnecessary, eye contact  with Louis. “Well, is it better than your protein smoothies and why?”
Harry chuckled, spooning another heap of the strawberry banana goodness into his mouth, “Way better sweetheart.”
A friends to lovers au with tons of mama Louis and domesticity.
New York's Beauty
A fic by nocontrol_lou on AO3 | @saxophone17 on Tumblr | nocontrol_louis on Twitter
5k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 104: AU where Harry is an alpha wolf and  Louis is a hybrid kitten. They were roommates. While they were arguing  about something stupid, Harry wanted to bend Louis over the kitchen  table and knot him right there. He slowly accepted his feelings and  extreme desire for Louis, so he started to tease the hybrid until he  would beg Harry to fuck him. They fall in love. Louis needs to feel comfortable with the camera so Harry fucks him until he is blushing and calm and gentle.
feeling borrowed, always blue
A fic by falsegoodnight on AO3 | @falsegoodnight on Tumblr | falsegoodnight on Twitter
67k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ own heartbeat picks up, eyes widening right as  Dr. Zoyansky hits a button and the unsteady pattern of thumps echoes  into the room. His breathing hitches, eyes watering as the rhythm seeps  into his insides and reverberates in his mind. A heartbeat.
He doesn’t register the tears at first, eyes fixed to the screen and vision blurring.
The  situation seems insane. Here he is, twenty-four years old, sitting in  the examination chair and listening to the heartbeat of his future  child, clutching the worn material of his changing gown with pale  fingers, one of which is weighed down by a gaudy engagement ring.
And  most noticeably - he’s entirely alone. It’s just him in the room with  his doctor, experiencing one of the most groundbreaking, life-changing moments of his entire life and he’s all alone.
Or, Louis has been dreaming of his wedding since he was young - he just never expected that it was going to happen like this.
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
66k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Eight years is a long time for Louis to mend his heart  back and erase every lingering, stubborn memory of his ex-lover, Harry  Styles. But when news of the war being over spreads across the world  like wildfire, and he stumbles upon the alpha he vowed himself to never  see ever again, he realises that not even a lifetime will be enough for  him to pick up the scattered, broken parts of his soul. He's far from expecting the alpha he loved to struggle the same way.
All the ointments in the world might never soothe the pain out, but it doesn't  take long for both of them to come to the conclusion that, maybe, the  only medicine to their heartbreaks are what caused them in the first  place.
moonlit sky over gentle waters
A fic by stardustx on AO3 | stardxstlwt on Twitter
11k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"The King of the Pirates! Captain Harry Styles! The one  who conquered the seven seas!" Louis boasts, sarcasm drips from his  tone, mocking him.
The bar is clean, but he still scrubs just as  fervently, his brows furrows and a small pout forms on those pink lips  Harry desperately wants to kiss. He looks down, dubiously, at the  address in his hand.
“Every lass and lad dreams of bedding a  pirate like you.” Louis huffs, gazes up at him with a despondant look  that reminds him of a grumpy kitten.
Silence fills the space as Harry mulls over his words. He finally looks up at Louis, blinking slowly. “Do they really?”
"You're an idiot."
OR Harry left his hometown to sail the seven seas and returns seven years later, yearning for something — or rather, someone  — that he isn't sure he can have.
Short and Sweet
A fic by 5ft9 on AO3 | cinnamouroll on Twitter
29k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis is a shy university student in a world scarce of  male omegas.  He's always dreamt of having an alpha despite his sheltered  upbringing,  fantasizing about being loved and cared for. He's  immediately smitten  by the mysterious alpha with curly hair, broad  shoulders, and the  addictive coffee scent.
under thorn and bramble
A fic by thedeathchamber on AO3 | @louehvolution on Tumblr
32k | Explicit | Louis/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 445: A historical AU where Louis is working as a  servant on a farm. The family that owns the farm is exceedingly cruel  to him and he is often exhausted and in pain from his work. A mysterious  stranger boards at the farm and is very intrigued by Louis, but Louis  doubts his interest in genuine. Any pairing fine.
Late night devil put your hands on me (and never, never, never ever let go)
A fic by summerandsunshine on AO3 | sunshine_Iou on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry is a demon that feeds off of people’s nightmares. He finds his next meal in Louis’ dreams where he changes and molds them to become scary nightmares. Soon harry learns Louis is a lucid dreamer- he can act on his own in his dreams. They interact in the real world and have sex in the dream world. when Louis catches feelings the devil, Harry promises to come back to earth once and for all.
No Easy Choice, But You’re Mine
A fic by alltheselights on AO3 | @alltheselights on Tumblr | alltheselightts on Twitter
45k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ feet pound on the pavement as he runs, and the echo reverberates through the alley behind him. He drops the gun near a trash bin as he passes, his gloved fingers ensuring that it will never be traced back to him.
He’s panting, his thighs ache, and there’s a cramp forming beneath his ribs on the right side, but all of that is nothing compared to the exhaustion clouding his brain.  
I can’t do this anymore, Louis thinks.
Or: Louis is an omega hitman with one last job that goes a little sideways. Harry is the alpha bartender that looks a little too closely and cares a little too much.
Joker Is Wild
A fic by Typosmyown on AO3 | @palosquared on Tumblr
19k | Explicit | Louis/Harry, Louis/Various | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 390: A reality show AU where Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall are selected to stay at confined in a luxury mansion for 1 month, where they are required to have explicit, graphic sex at all times, like a porn Big Brother kind of show. Every week there are several different sexual tasks and trials that they must overcome together, which all ends in orgasms for all of them. When the boys all discover Louis is strictly a bottom, and a slutty one at that, they all can’t wait to get their hands on him. Bonus if other hot celebs are there too, like Shawn Mendes, for example. Includes lots of hard gay sex, rimming, blowjobs, gang bangs, ass worshipping (Louis ass, of course) and double penetration.
The Pirate and The Piper
A fic by jacaranda_bloom on AO3 | @jacaranda-bloom on Tumblr | jacaranda_bloom on Twitter
38k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Banished from Neverland by Captain Hook and the evil Siren Minerva, Louis is forced to live in the Other World. He makes a life for himself, resigned to the fact he’s never going to see his beloved home and Lost Boys again. Five years later he’s kidnapped and returned to Neverland, only to discover a far worse fate awaits him. But with an unlikely ally by his side, can he overcome those who seek his demise and restore freedom to his homeland?
Or the one where Harry is Hook, Louis is Pan, and nothing is what it seems.
Coeur de Pirate
A fic by louizsv on AO3 | @ashleyjohnsonfanaccount on Tumblr | piccadillyplum on Twitter
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry, Louis/OMC, Louis/Harry/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
He tilts his chin up as the Captain strides across the deck, his footfalls falling loudly against the planks. The crew watches them from afar.
Stepping into his space, the Captain wraps an arm around Louis’ waist and pulls him in. He lowers his head to breathe his words against Louis’ cheeks. “I won,” he whispers, “I’ve come to claim my prize.”
if you're feeling lonely
A fic by ifthat on AO3 | @lovehl on Tumblr | omegalouis on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The guest list is on the desk. Louis runs through it and stops a third of the way down when a familiar name catches his breath.
Harry Styles.
All he has to do is verify whether Harry Styles is the same Alpha whose scent beckoned him closer.
it's a game we play in the sheets
A fic by loubabyworship on AO3 | @strawbabyloucake on Tumblr | pillouprincess on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Louis is… He’s a boy I’ve been talking to.” He bit his lip, grin evident. “After I watched one of his videos during a Harry Reacts a few weeks ago I messaged him and…”
His sentence was cut short by the sound of a timid little “Hi” being whispered into his ears.
Harry closed his eyes for a second, pausing to take in the online presence of the real-life fairy, before he opened them and smiled. “Hey Lou. Ready to play with me?”
Mind Over Matter (You Under Me)
A fic by youreyesonlarry on AO3 | @youreyesonlarry on Tumblr | youreyesonlarry on Twitter
73k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
It’s dark outside when Harry finishes practice for the day.
Prompt 21: Harry stopped playing hockey (after 10 years of a professional career) because of a severe injury. The dream he worked so hard for vanished in the blink of an eye. His family insisted that he had to go to physical therapy, even if it only helped his health. Cue to personal assistant Louis, the most efficient and kind PA one could hire.
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
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Auguste of Bavaria, vice-queen of Italy, and her two daughters, usually referred to as “mes petits choux” or “mes deux anges” by their father, Eugénie (7 months, sitting on Mama’s arm) and Joséphine (3, clearly not interested in the geography of Hungary that her mother is trying to teach her). Painting by Andrea Appiani
During the Austrian campaign of 1809, Eugène for the first time was separated from wife and children for a longer period of time. Perfect husband that he was (in Auguste’s eyes at least), he wrote to her at every occasion. Some excerpts:
July 18:
Good morning, my dear Auguste. My first thought, as every day, is for you and my beautiful children. [...] I know that the emperor was kind enough to announce the armistice to you through one of his squires; I only learned of it thirty-six hours later, and during this time I was fighting on the March, so that the last cannon shots were for me.
July 19:
[…] Last night, Tuesday, I was thinking about our little games and regretting them very much. I hear that in Eisenstadt I will be very well off; they say there is a superb park with plenty of game; I will hunt every morning, work afterwards and think of my little family all day.
July 22:
Here I am back from my journey, my dear Auguste, and I hasten to give you my news, which is very good. [...] I saw Louis [Ludwig, Auguste's brother] this morning; he has improved a great deal since I last saw him; we lunched together at the Emperor's; I hope we shall see each other often during the few days I shall be here; you can well imagine who we talked about. You have been the constant subject of our talks, as you are always the subject of my thoughts. The news of Eugenie's two teeth has given me great pleasure, and everything leads us to believe that she will also be able to get all her teeth. [...] Farewell, my dearest Auguste, I hope that we will no longer be absent for as long as we have been. I kiss you and my two little sweeties and love you with all my heart. Your faithful husband and friend.
Of course, whenever a writer all of a sudden calls himself “your faithful husband”, I wonder why he feels the need to do that ... but that’s just me.
July 26
I am sending you Bataille with this letter, my good and dearest Auguste. Your name day is coming up, and I hope it will arrive just in time. I am sending you a trifle from Vienna, which I thought was pretty; I wish it to seem so to you. I will not make any new declarations of tenderness and attachment to you for the 3rd of August: these feelings are the same, and will be for all days and all times. I am sending toys to my little angels; I hope that Joséphine will pay you her little compliment and I am sorry I am not there to teach it to her. I see Louis every day; I am even having dinner with him today; this morning I gave him your letter and urged him to answer you by Bataille; he promised me to do so.
July 28
Louis leaves today to visit our last battlefields; he will also go to Austerlitz and Raab. I dined yesterday with Duroc and Bessières; it had been five years since we had been able to reunite this trio. We then wanted to walk in frock-coats on the rampart, but as soon as we arrived a great crowd followed us, because we were recognised; I had already been there the two days before and I had enjoyed the greatest incognito, […]
I guess having such a nondescript face does have its advantages. But as soon as you’re out with Bessières and his hairdo from the last century, no way people won’t recognize you.
August 2
[…] They say that the plenipotentiaries will meet tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and we don't know any more than that, but what I do know is that I love you with all my heart.
August 3
Today, August 3rd, is your name day, my dearest Auguste, and I think with regret that I am not with you to talk to you about my feelings. How happy everything near you is at this moment! [...] I slept last night at Schœnbrunn, because the theatre play finished late, and this morning I went hunting with the Prince of Neufchatel. We returned for the parade and to lunch with the Emperor. I returned a few hours ago from Schœnbrunn, and I bathed, as it is very hot. Aubert has just told me that your foot is still hurting; why didn't you tell me about it? If you need Aubert, please let me know, I will send him to you immediately. Farewell, my dear Auguste, I like to think that in the midst of the pleasures of your name day, my regrets will have been thought of a little.
All quoted from A. DuCasse, “Memoires et correspondance ... du Prince Eugène”, Volume 6
As for the painting above, Auguste sent it to Eugène on his 28th birthday (September 3) which other than that apparently had gone pretty much unnoticed, even by himself. He writes to her the other day:
September 4
I thank you a thousand times, my dearest Auguste, I have seen Annoni yesterday. I came back here at eight o'clock in the evening tired from the heat of the day and the hours I had been out, not thinking at all that I was already twenty-eight, and as soon as I got down to my lodgings, Annoni was announced to me. You can't imagine how happy I was when he gave me your letter and your charming present; the idea is charming, the portraits are very similar, especially the one of Joséphine; in short, it's all admirable. I shall always carry this pretty picture with me everywhere, it will remind me, each time I look at it, of the happiness I enjoy with my little family. I am going to mount my horse shortly, the Emperor has asked me to pass some more reviews. I am sending Annoni to Vienna, where I shall be late this evening, and I shall keep him for a few days so that I can talk about you at my leisure.
Adieu, my good friend, I have no time to express to you how deeply touched I am by your attention, and how happy you make me. Farewell, my dear Auguste, you deserve and possess all the tenderness of your faithful husband and friend.
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Seven
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, and smut! 
a/n: not proofread fam, I didn’t have the strength.
It was Louis and El’s first real weekend without Eliza May. Eleanor was taking it much better than she thought, probably since she’d be able to drink alcohol, and then she could just pump and dump. Her and Louis were getting their costumes on while you and Harry were doing the same.
“Will people even know what who we are?” He asks.
“Of course! We looks so cute too.” You kiss his cheek. “Now hold still so I can put your makeup on.”
You both walk out of your bedroom and see Lou and El in the living area, hanging out with Buster. They were dressed like their favorite soccer players. You and Harry were dressed up like Max and Roxanne from a Goofy Movie.
“You two look so cute!”
“Thanks!” You beam. “It was so easy to put together too.”
“You both ready?” Harry asks.
They both nod. You and Harry say goodbye to Buster, and across the street you go. When you walk in you see Niall dressed as The Flash and Wonder Woman.
“Now these are costumes.” You say, hugging them both. “Well done.”
“Look at the two of you! Very creative.” Sarah says. “Go get a load of Rachel and Mariah, they’re Harley and Black Canary.”
“Why did we not get the super hero memo?” Harry asks.
“None of us discussed it I swear!” She says.
You got find the two of them and say hello. You take a ton of pictures with your friends, and they make sure to take plenty of you and Harry. You feel sad when you see your friends taking tequila shots. Even Harry and the guys were drinking heavily.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Eleanor asks you.
“Um…not really, no.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s a stupid thing to be upset over.”
“I’m sure it’s not.” She smiles.
“I’m…on a specific type of medication that I have to take every day, and I can’t drink alcohol while I’m on it. I haven’t really drank since my birthday, and this is the first time I feel sad about it. I’m having fun, but…” You both look over at everyone. “I’m not having that kind of fun.”
“Well, I haven’t started to drink yet, so I won’t.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I really don’t mind. I made it nine months, remember?”
Niall and Sarah’s place was packed with people, and your very drunk fiancé was grinding on you while you danced. You could feel him growing harder against your ass, and it was starting to annoy you rather than turn you on. You turn around to face him.
“I’ll be right back, I need to use the bathroom.”
You step away from him and go down to the hall bath. You take a deep breath as you look at yourself in the mirror. El grabs Harry’s wrist before he can follow you.
“I think you should start drinking some water.”
“Because…she told me she’s sad everyone’s having more fun than her.”
“She did?”
“Yeah…everyone’s pissed but her, Harry. Look around.” She gestures around to the people at the party. “She feels left out, H, and you’re not helpin’.”
Harry stumbles into the kitchen and gets some water. You find him in there.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothin’, just think I’ve had enough is all. I have a plan to catch tomorrow, no need in havin’ a hangover, right?”
“Y/N!” Sarah says. “Come do a shot with Rach and I.”
“I can’t, Sarah.” You mumble.
“Why not?” She pouts. “Oh! Are you still taking that medication?” Your eyes widen and you look up at Harry.
“Sarah.” Niall grabs her by the waist. “Leave her be, alright?”
“Yeah, leave it alone.” Rachel says.
“All I did was ask her a question.”
“An invasive one.” Niall says. “If she doesn’t want to drink she doesn’t have to.”
“Will you all please just stop?!” You had enough. “I’m not some child you have to overprotect! You wanna know why I can’t drink? I’m on a medication to make it so I don’t black out and hurt Harry again, okay? I had a really bad flash months ago and I slapped him! My therapist prescribed it for me, and I can’t have alcohol with it because it’s also an antidepressant. Are you happy now?! I’m so fucked up in the head that I need pills to keep myself from doing something stupid!” Your eyes were glossy, and you were filled with rage.
You brush past all of them and make your way to the front door.
“Fuck, Sarah, you can have a real big mouth sometimes.” Harry says. “You couldn’t have just listened to your boyfriend for once? You’re always doin’ that to him, as if he doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about.”
“He doesn’t know her better than I do.”
“No? I’m startin’ to think he’s the only real friend she has. Excuse me.”
Harry goes after you and leaves.
“Babe! Babe!” He runs down the hall and catches the elevator door. Your arms were crossed and you were crying.
“I feel like such an idiot. I ruined everyone’s good time.”
“No, honey, it’s okay.” He wraps his arms around you and pulls you to his chest.
“You were having fun though, and then I just blew up. I should go apologize.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “Maybe tomorrow when there isn’t a huge party happening you all can talk, but right now we should just go home.”
“What about Louis and Eleanor.”
“I gave Lou a key in case we left at different times, it’s all good.”
You and Harry get in the door, and you both say hello to Buster before going to wash all your makeup off. You hear Louis and Eleanor at one point, and Harry goes out to say goodnight to them. He kisses you to sleep. You would have let him love on you a little more, but you had your period. Not great timing before his trip to Wisconsin. He didn’t mind just holding you close to him though. It was what you needed more than anything.
“You’ve barely said anything to me since they left…” Sarah says as her and Niall get into their bed.
“I’m not quite what to say…”
“I’m going to apologize to her tomorrow, I know I was wrong.”
“Yeah, you were.” They both lay on their backs. Niall turns to look at her. “You really don’t listen to me often. You always think you know best…it bothers me. It’s like you don’t value what I have to say.”
“I’m sorry.” She turns to face him. “I don’t mean to make you feel that way.”
“I know you and Rachel are her best friends, and I know you both mean well and care about her…but Y/N and I got really close after everything happened. I’ve seen her in some different ways. I just wish you had let her tell you instead of making her so upset she blew up.” He sighs. “And now Harry’s goin’ away for a few days…you’ll need to fix this, Sarah.”
“I know, I know. I feel terrible okay? I got too drunk, and-“
“Yeah, but you should have known not to bring it up from when we went to Homecoming. That’s the annoying part. You were told to let it go, and you didn’t. It’s like you’re not used to bein’ told no.” He huffs.
“Well, to be fair, I’m not.”
“Oh come on, Niall. I was an only child, I was a rainbow baby…admittedly I was a little spoiled.”
“Yeah, well, you’re a fuckin’ adult now. You’re twenty-five years old, grow up.” He huffs and turns away from her, leaving her speechless.
She sighs and rolls to her other side. Niall rarely got mad at Sarah like this. She was his baby girl, and she knew she fucked up with you.
“Please call when you get there.” You tell Harry and Louis the next morning.
“We will, love.” Harry says, giving you another kiss goodbye. “I love you, be good.”
“You be good too.” You wink at him.
“My Lou.” Eleanor and Louis share a nice embrace, and just like that the boys are out the door. You sigh heavily. “They’ll be back before you know it.”
“I know. I’m more so sighing because Sarah will be here any minute.”
You and Sarah sit out on the balcony while El FaceTime’s with her mother and Eliza May.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N…I shouldn’t have pushed you like that.”
“I just wasn’t ready for you all to know. It’s embarrassing…”
“No! It’s not, it’s super normal to-“
“I know it’s normal, okay? I just feel like it’s another thing with me. I feel like there’s always something going on with me so I didn’t want everyone to know just yet.”
“I’m sorry. I think I got pushy because you didn’t tell us about what happened to you right away, so any time I feel like you’re keeping something I think it’s the worst possible thing and-“
“But that’s still something I needed time to tell you.”
“I know.” She looks down and then back to you. “I wasn’t a very good friend last night…I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay…you were drunk.”
“That’s not an excuse. I had no right.” You smile at her and give her hand a squeeze. “So…the meds…they help?”
“Mhm, a lot. I haven’t had a flash since I started them.”
“That’s great!”
“It wasn’t all on you last night either. I was jealous that you all were having fun. I was having fun too, but I do miss getting buzzed. And Harry was drunk, and I love him when he’s drunk, but I got annoyed, and-“
“It must be really hard…we can all try to stop.”
“No, I don’t want that. None of you need to change things up for me. Just stop asking me if I want a drink.” You smirk.
Louis taps on Harry’s shoulder to get his attention. He takes his earbuds out and pauses his movie.
“You know you don’t have to ask if you want to cuddle.” Harry smirks.
“Maybe later.” Louis laughs. “I thought since we’re up in the air now and you can’t escape, I could talk to you about somethin’.”
“Oh Christ, what is it?”
“Well…you know how mine and El’s wedding will be in the U.K.?”
“We won’t be comin’ back to the states after.”
“Yeah, you mentioned you might honeymoon in Spain, right?”
“Yes, but after that…we still won’t be comin’ back to the states, mate.” Harry’s face falls. “Her entire family is over there, we don’t have anyone here.”
“You have Niall and I…”
“You both are two hours away, you might as well be across the pond with her family. We both want Eliza May to grow up with family. I may not have a mum and sister anymore, but Eleanor does. This is important to both of us. I can freelance anywhere, that’s the beauty of it. And she’s already lookin’ for jobs in London. We’re hopin’ to live just outside the city near her family.”
“But…what about Freddie?”
“To be honest Bri was only stickin’ around here for me…she works remotely, and she said it would be easy for her to switch to London time. She’d move out there, I think she’s been wantin’ to go back too. It’s time, Harry.”
“Just think, when you take your long trips we’ll be able to see each other. I’ll be able to see Mitch and Sarah, and I can check in on your mum.”
“I guess that’s true.” He sighs. “I know this is somethin’ you have to do…but I’m not excited about it. I mean…”
“I know you’ll miss Fred and Eliza May, but we can keep FaceTiming like we do now. Not much will change, you’ll just need a plane when you want to come visit, and so will I.”
“Suppose I’m used to missin’ yeh already.” He shrugs. “Have you told Niall?”
“Yeah, he knows. Told him over the phone. I knew you’d need a bit more attention.” He smirks.
“Gee, thanks.” He rolls his eyes. “So…you’re not movin’ before the wedding?”
“No, El wants to make sure she has a job lined up and all that. I mean, we could, but we have an infant and it would just be a lot. She’ll be goin’ back to work soon…it just gives us more time.”
“Well, we better fuckin’ hang out a ton while we’re still in a close proximity to each other.”
After Sarah left, you and Eleanor went take Buster for a walk. The air was brisk, but it was nice. You loved the fall weather. She looks at her phone and sees a text from Louis.
“I have somethin’ to tell yeh, and Lou just texted sayin’ he told Harry, so I have the go ahead now.”
“After the wedding, we’re movin’ to the U.K.”
“Oh my!” You stop to look at her.
“My whole family is over there. Bri’s even been wantin’ to get back there too, so it just makes sense for everyone. I start work back up in a week or so, and I’m already lookin’ for jobs in London. We just don’t have anyone here. You guys are great and all, and I know Harry’s family to Lou, but-“
“I get it. I’d wanna be close to family too. It would kill me if I had a baby and my parents rarely got to see them. Louis told Harry on the plane?”
“Smart.” You chuckle. “Probably didn’t get too upset then.”
“I don’t think so. I’m sure he’ll call you later and blubber like a baby in true Harry fashion.”
“You’re probably right. I know it’ll suck, but you guys are doing what’s best for your family.”
“Exactly.” She sighs. “Plus, going back for the healthcare alone just made a lot of sense to us.”
“And Bri’s just able to move with Freddie?”
“I guess she’s been wantin’ to move back for quite some time, but she didn’t want to take Freddie away from Lou. She’s nice in that way. I think that’s what really started the entire conversation. We’re hoping to all live outside of London so we’re still in a close proximity. Fred should be with his family too, you know?” You nod and keep walking, Buster right at your side.
“You know, when I first really got close with Niall my biggest fear was that he was going to move back to Ireland, and he very well could do that someday. I couldn’t imagine always having to fly out to see your family, and only for special occasions.”
“At least video chattin’ is a thing. It helps you feel not so left out.”
“Right…now sometimes I get nervous that Harry might want the same thing…but at the same time it would be really silly. He’s made a life for himself here.”
“I don’t see Harry goin’ back. He loves London and his family, but he’s better here, from what I’ve been told. If he really wanted to move back there, he would have after grad school.”
“You’re right.” You smile as her words put you at ease. “Well, I’m happy for you guys. It’ll really be a fresh start to your lives as a married couple.”
“Exactly! A whole new adventure.”
Harry and Louis both call you and Eleanor once they’ve landed. They check into their hotel, and have fun eating and drinking at the bar downstairs. What they didn’t know was that you had arranged for some other things for them. The game was two days away, so you had arranged a stadium tour for the two of them tomorrow.
They were both in awe as they got to walk through and listen to the history. Harry bought a new sweatshirt, and some other memorabilia. He finds a Wisconsin key chain he thinks you might like.
“Just a key chain?”
“I think she’s kill me if I got something that had the Packers logo on it.”
“Oh right, she’s really into the Patriots.”
“You have no idea.”
That night, they check out the night life, and have a great time just getting to spend time together one on one. It was rare, and they both enjoyed it.
“So, you’ve set the date and all that. You must be really excited.”
“We’re thrilled, mate. With you, uh, movin’ back and all, will you still have time to be my best man?”
“Of course! I may not be able to fly back for every little thing, but you’ve got me in your pocket if you wanna FaceTime me in. I’ll of course come for the bachelor party, that’s a given.”
“You better.” He laughs.
“Have you two asked Niall about officiating yet?”
“Not yet, I think when we get back we’re gonna take him to dinner. It’s hard gettin’ him alone now that him and Sarah are livin’ together.”
“Has Y/N decided who she wants her maid of honor to be yet?”
“No, she said she wants to talk to Rachel and Sarah about it. She doesn’t their feelings to get hurt if she chooses one over the other.”
“They should just make it like a rotation, so when they all get married some day they can take turns. Like if say Rachel is Y/N’s maid of honor, then Y/N could be Sarah’s, and then Sarah could be Rachel’s.”
“That’s what I think the conversation is going to look like. We’re goin’ cake tasting soon, that’ll be fun.”
“You’ll love that. It was a lot of fun for El and I.”
“You must be getting excited to make things official soon.”
“We’re very excited. Fred’s gonna look so cute walkin’ down the aisle with the rings. He tells me all the time how he’s gonna do it, and then when it comes over he struts around.” He laughs. “Here look.” He takes his phone out to show Harry a video.
“Oh my god, he’s too cute. I know it’s a lot of work, but I can’t wait to have one of my own.”
“How soon after you get married do you think you’ll get to work on that?”
“Pretty soon since the wedding is nearly two years away. I’ll already be twenty-eight, and she’ll be turnin’ twenty-seven that summer. I was hoping to start havin’ ‘em sooner than that, but she said when we go on our honeymoon we could start trying.”
“There’s really no rush for it, Harry. I love Freddie, but if I could’ve waited longer to start havin’ kids, I would have. Enjoy the time that you have less responsibility, yeah?”
The boys cannot wait to get to the stadium again for the game. You had gotten them really good seats.
“She did a great job, if you weren’t already marrying her I’d say you’d need to wife her up immediately.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty amazing.” Harry sends you some pictures of them in front of the field, and it makes you smile.
This was the first trip where Harry wasn’t totally sad to be away from you, probably because he had his best friend with him. He missed you of course, but he was with the other person he liked spending his time with. You were having a great time with Eleanor too. She stayed home with Buster during the day while you were at work. You found her to be an incredible cook as well.
The Packers didn’t win their game, but it didn’t matter to Harry. He was just so thrilled that he finally got to see them play, and didn’t have to watch on the small screen of his phone. They had to catch their flight out almost immediately after the game ended. Harry and Louis couldn’t stop talking about the game almost the entire flight home. It was a great little trip. As they touched down in Boston, they couldn’t wait to get home to their girls.
“Night, El.” You yawn.
“You’re not waiting up for the boys?”
“It’s getting late, and I have to work tomorrow. Harry’ll come in when he gets home.” You smile.
Your period always exhausted you. You wanted to stay up a bit longer, but you knew you’d be a zombie tomorrow if you did. You were just about to fall into sleep when you heard the door creak open. Harry was tip toeing in, and you smile when you see him quietly go into the bathroom. He slips into bed with you and wraps himself around you. You sigh happily.
“You’re awake?” He whispers.
“Mhm. How was it?” You whisper.
“Amazing. I’ll come see yeh for lunch tomorrow to tell you all about it.”
“You and Louis had fun?”
“We had the best time, thank you so much.” He kisses your cheek and then your lips before settling back in to spoon you.
“You’re more than welcome.”
“The stadium tour was so cool. I can’t wait to show you the pictures I took.”
“I can’t wait either.” You adjust back against him, and you just feel so cozy. “Missed you, baby.”
“Missed you too, angel.”
It was a tough goodbye the next morning after breakfast, but so it goes. You let Buster go to work with Harry. He actually missed his daddy for a change.
“Hey, Harry’s having lunch with me today, just FYI.” You tell Niall once you’re at work.
“Alrighty.” He smiles. “They had a good time?”
“Mhm, I think they both really enjoyed it.”
“I knew they’d need the alone time. When Lou told me they were movin’ back home…well, I just knew they’d need to be together a bit. And now they have these nice memories.”
“Yup. So, what are you doing this weekend? Speaking of alone time, Harry and I have been craving some Niall time.”
“Just me?”
“Friday night is usually date night for Sarah and I, but I could probably do Saturday.”
“Great! We were thinking of just going out for a simple bite.”
“Cool, yeah, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind the alone time, or maybe her and Rachel could hang out.” He shrugs.
“Perfect! Just let me know once you confirm it.” You smile and leave his office.
Harry shows up at noon like he said he would, with Buster, and you two eat. He tells you all about the tour and shows you the pictures.
“Oh! And I got you a little key chain too.” He pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to you.
“Aw, thank you, sweetie.” You give him a peck on the lips and add the chain to your keys. “I love it.”
“I can’t thank you enough for putting all that together for us. It was a great few days.”
“It was my pleasure, Harry.” He stands up and puts his hands on your hips.
“You look really nice today.” You had a pencil skirt and a blouse on, nothing out of the ordinary.
“Thank you.” He kisses you and you kiss him back, but you press against his chest. “That’s enough of that.” You giggle.
“One of these days I’m gonna get you bent over this desk, just you wait and see.” He smirks.
“Mhm, sure. Niall said he might be able to go out with us Saturday night.
“Oh, great! I gotta go, I have a one o’clock. I’ll see you at home, love you.”
“Love you too.” You kiss one more time before he leaves with Buster.
Harry’s hands were on you the second he got through the door. He missed you so much, and your period was over, so you were game for whatever he wanted to do. He had you on top of the kitchen counter, your skirt bunched up at your hips, and was thrusting in and out of you. You hand one hand in his hair and one hand on his shoulder. Both gripping at him furiously.
“Feels so fuckin’ good.” He groans. You moan your response when you feel his fingers rub your clit. “Need you naked, now.” He pucks you up, staying inside you, and waddles down to your bedroom.
You can’t help but giggle, but you’re left whimpering when he pulls out to set you down. He unbuttons your blouse and gets everything off of you. He strips himself as well, and then he’s back inside of you, one of your legs over his shoulder to get in nice and deep.
“Oh fuck!” You cry out as he hits your g-spot.
“Right there, baby?”
“Yes! Right there! So good, Harry.”
He drives in deeper and faster, making your body start to shake. You moan out his name as you release around him. He drops your leg and gets closer to you. His chest flush with yours. Your nails run down his back as he rocks in and out of you. You wrap your legs around his waist, the two of you were as close as you possibly could be.
“Love you so much.” He says into your ear.
“Love you too.”
“Love you forever.” He groans. He was starting to come to his own release.
“Forever and ever, Harry.”
He loses it and grips one of your hands as he fills you up. Your fingers intertwine as you both catch your breaths. You move to cup his cheeks so you can kiss him. Your tongues mold together and you both just enjoy the taste of each other. He pulls out of you and lays next to you, his hand drawing shapes on your stomach.
“I mean it you know?” You look at him. “I’ll love you forever, Y/N.”
“Well I should hope so because I plan to do the same.” You lean down and kiss the tip of his nose.
He watches you get up and slip into the bathroom. He lays on his back with his arms behind his head. He had the life he always wanted and dreamed of. His career was a successful one, and he was going to marry the perfect woman. You were the person he had waited his whole life for. Every person he had been with prior was just his journey to you, and only you.
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 47
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: last filler chapter. the next 3 chapters are all planned. this is the end omg im so sad! i love you guys so much for sticking to this story! thank you so so much! the others chapters will be separated in two so i can write each POVs :)
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : this is, i believe, the last request i’ll add to this story. thank you times a million to all of you who sent some! I received over 200 requests just for YOU&ME! you guys are incredible and i hope youll want to participate to my next story as much as you did for this one! 
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Chapter 47 : His chapter
October 2018
Tour was finally over and we were back home. We had decided to get back to California for a while, if only to spend some time with friends and relax. I knew Olivia wanted to be around Louis and I just enjoyed being in LA for obvious reasons. Things had never been better between us but at least once a day, I could feel the ring I bought burning in my pocket or whispering to me from my underwear drawer. It always felt like the right time to get on one knee and ask her and at the same time, it also never felt like it was the perfect moment. I knew it was ridiculous because I was pretty sure she wanted to spend her life with me, but I was scared of being rejected, I was scared of what a 'no' would do to us and to our relationship. So many times, I had looked in her eyes and almost dropped down on one knee to ask her to be my wife, but I never did. I liked to believe I hadn't asked her yet because I knew she deserved something bigger than just me giving her a ring in a hotel room while we're waiting for our ride to the airport, but it was definitely not the biggest problem. I was just fucking scared and every time the words were about to come out of my mouth, I'd swallow them. I had no idea who I was trying to fool : Olivia was never the type to enjoy attention or extravagant things. She was reserved and private, pretty much like me, and I knew my proposal didn't have to be anything wild. It could be simple, and cheesy, and as long as I could find the right words, it would be perfect.
I heard the key in the lock and it took me out of my thoughts, pushing away my inner confusion. I waited until the door opened and she appeared, making my lips curl. She made a quick head movement but everything seemed to go on slow motion, like in a movie, and i watched her hair fly behind her shoulder. I was in it so deep I almost groaned and grimaced at how cheesy I was.
"Hey babe, what are you doing?"
I breathed in deeply, realizing I had completely stopped, and sent her a smile, licking my lips.
"Waiting for you like the loser I am." I half-joked before chuckling. "You were with Louis? How's he?"
She smiled at me and took a step closer, tilting her head. "First off, you're not a loser. You're cute. You're sweet. You're super endearing." she just said, staring at me fondly. Her expression changed and she glanced down, sucking on her bottom lip before putting her purse next to the couch. "I was not with... I didn't spend the night with Louis."
I frowned, waiting for her to continue and when her eyes met mine, I knew it was bad.
"I went to dinner with Dylan."
My lips parted and my heart jumped in my chest. I was never the jealous type and I was not about to start now, right? Then why did something seemed to stir in my stomach? Why was there a lump in my throat that had seemed to appear suddenly?
"No way, tell me you're kiddin'."
"Niall, please-"
"No, don't act like this is normal and that I'm stupid to be angry." i cut her, shaking my head. "I can't believe you spent all this time alone with Dylan."
She sighed again and sat on the couch, rubbing her hands on her eyes. I walked closer and dived my hands in my pockets, trying to remain calm but the truth was, I was hurt and I was not sure what all of this meant. All I knew was that I felt betrayed and I could barely believe we'd have to go through something like this again. This time, the roles seemed to be reversed but I didn't want this to break us.
"Obviously, you knew it was wrong since you purposely omitted to tell me." I continued, pressing my lips together to be sure I wouldn't let out a mean remark. "Why did you do that to me, Liv?"
It took her a few seconds but she finally got up very slowly, right in front of me. Her body was close, so close I could feel the warmth of it on my skin, but I just stared in her eyes, feeling my heart soften at the way she was looking at me.
"I don't love him, you know it." she expressed in a soft tone. "I don't love anyone but you. He's still my friend, and also my co-worker. I probably shouldn't have gone with him, especially not without telling you, but... I don't know, Niall."
I stared at her for what felt like an hour as I tried to calm the beatings of my heart and finally passed one of my hands in my hair and sat down on the couch. She turned around to face me but remained up as I shook my head.
"I'm not going to tell you who you can and can't be friends with, and I do trust you." I let out carefully. "But Olivia, how would you feel if i came back here one night and told you I spent the evening with Heidi?"
I could feel her body tense near mine but I didn't look up at her. I waited and eventually, she sat next to me and reached for my hand on my thigh, squeezing my fingers with both her hands.
"I'd feel betrayed, and sad, and... and hurt." she admitted. "I'm sorry Niall, it was wrong of me."
I brought my other hand and placed it over hers, squeezing her hand and brushing my thumb on the top of it.
"If it can reassure you though, Dylan is seeing someone." she added, making me look up in her eyes. "A pretty blonde. Actress too. Not your type, obviously, but I think they really fit."
"Not my type?" I repeated in an amused tone, raising my eyebrows. "Says who?"
"Your dating history." she explained with a chuckle. "She's a small cute blonde and you like tall and sexy brunettes."
I pressed my lips together again and shook my head. "Naa, that's not true anymore." I just shrugged, making her frown. "I just like one sexy brunette."
She laughed and tilted her head. "You're crazy, I'm not sex-"
I cut her by pressing my palm against her mouth and raising my eyebrows, moving slightly closer. My eyes roamed on her again as something jumped in my stomach. I wanted to ask her to marry me at this exact moment. I wanted to tell her she was everything I needed in this life and that my heart was aching for her to become my wife. Instead, I breathed in and finally swallowed.
"Don't argue with me. You're sexy." I whispered before moving my hand away very slowly. "And I love you."
She licked her lips and the left corner of her lips raised up. "Your love is blinding you." she whispered, moving closer to brush her lips against mine. "But I appreciate it. I love you too."
She kissed me so gently that if I had closed my eyes, it would have felt unreal, and when she pulled away, I saw her facial expression change.
"I'm sorry, Niall. That won't ever happen again." she apologized gently in a soft tone.
"I know." I whispered before suddenly realizing something. "Hey, does that mean he broke up with Heidi?"
Her lips curled and she shrugged. "Yea, that's what he told me tonight. I feel a bit sorry for her, she's been through a lot in the past few weeks."
I stared at her for a few seconds, surprised by her words but at the same time a bit impressed. The fact that she could be empathetic even to people who were mean to her was something I appreciated. Of course, we hadn't been too kind to Heidi either and Liv was not wrong, she had been through a lot, even if it was not all on us and that she had put us through a lot too. Still, I felt my lips curl and she tilted her head before sighing as she turned her upper body my way.
"It's horrible what we all did to each other, don't you think?"
My traits softened and I nodded. "It is." I admitted in a low tone. "Let's just use this so we never do that again."
Her lips curled a bit and she licked them slowly as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Her arms slithered around my neck and I sent her an amused smile.
"It won't ever happen again." she confessed, tilting her chin up. "I plan to spend the rest of my life with you, and only you."
Her words made me chuckle and I raised my eyebrows, still looking at her, "Oh what a coincidence, I plan the same with you."
I brought one of my hands to her cheek before pressing my forehead against hers. She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes. It made me smile and gently, I rubbed my nose against hers, making her chuckle low.
"Shower?" I proposed in a low tone.
"Mm no, a bath. Together."
I laughed a bit but we ended up in the bathroom together as she filled the tub with warm water. I let my eyes roam on her as she got undressed, leaving her clothes on the cold tiles, and when her eyes met mine, she raised her eyebrows. The left corner of my lips raised up into a cheeky smile and she just shook her head but I took a step closer, placing my hands on her waist and making her smile too.
"Fifteen minutes without thinking about sex. Please." she asked, tilting her head and making me laugh.
"But you're just standing naked in front of me I mean..."
"Niall James Horan, you're not sixteen anymore, you can be around a naked girl without feeling the need to shag her, i'm sure!"
"Around any other girl, yea, but when it's you..." I let out, half-joking and making her roll her eyes.
"Come on, get naked too." she let out as she started working on my pants. I helped her take them off and before she could do it, I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head, letting fall on the pile of her clothing on the floor. "Alright, seeing you in your usual white boxers does something to me." she admitted, bringing her hand to my cock over my boxers and biting her bottom lip.
"Look who's all horny now." I laughed as she got on her tiptoes to kiss my lips, letting go of me and smiling against my mouth. "Come on, get in the tub."
After a few minutes, I was sitting in the tub, legs spread, and she was sitting between them, her back leaned against my chest. I didn't remember us ever doing that before but I enjoyed it a lot more that I thought I would. We started talking and laughing together and it was exactly like when we were younger and we'd spend all night talking together. Well, almost : the younger versions of us were definitely not naked.
"I can't believe we're dating again." she let out after a while as her thumb brushed gently on my arm. "If someone had told me that a few months ago, I wouldn't have believed it. Who would have thought?"
"Me." I replied before she moved slightly to look at me. "I mean, I wrote 'you and me' about that. I knew we were meant to be, and I've always known I wanted to spend my life with you."
I knew this discussion could go wrong but I had to be honest about all of this.
"I could have refused, you know. I could have been over you by then." she argued calmly. "I thought I was. But then you appeared with that stupid gorgeous mug of yours, that fucking insane smile and those ridiculously incredible eyes..." She shook her head. "I had no chance to win that fight."
I let out a loud laugh and she tilted her head to reach my chin with her lips, leaving a small kiss on my skin.
"When I found out you were getting married... I started doubting everything." I admitted, looking down at my hand moving slowly to bring warm water on her skin after seeing her shiver. "I thought maybe it was too late. But I couldn't seem to give up."
We remained silent for a while until she grabbed my hand and squeezed my fingers tight. "I'm glad you didn't."
"Me too." I whispered. "And I feel so lucky that you gave me an other chance."
Once again, she turned around slightly but this time, I moved my chin down to kiss her lips.
"We don't even have an anniversary date." she pointed out, raising her eyebrows at me.
"Of course we do! It's April 16th of this year."
I felt my heart jump at my words and held my breath. April 16th was the day I bought that promise ring for her in Paris. It was when I decided that I wanted to marry her and that I would ask her to be my wife. Since that day, I had almost asked her so many times I couldn't count anymore. I hadn't dropped on one knee yet but I knew that I would at some point, and April 16th was the day I realized that. Some days I would bring the ring with me in my pocket, some other days it would stay in one of the drawers in our room, but it was always in the back of my mind. I obviously couldn't tell her that and when she turned around an other time to frown at me, I suddenly remembered something she had said.
"Y-Yea, I mean you don't remember?" I stammered. "There was an article about that earring you gave me and you said that you didn't care that people knew we were together."
We had also mentioned not being official the day after, I remembered that too. but I decided not to mention it. I was pretty sure she had mentioned that we were together but I was also aware it was probably just a bad choice of words. She was right, we didn't have an anniversary date, but I hoped that it would become that date if only because it was a big day for me and I hoped it would become a big day for her, too.
"I don't remember, but I trust you." she just shrugged before her lips curled. "Alright, April 16th, then."
I felt my heart jump in my chest and I kissed her gently but firmly again, making her chuckle against my mouth. I could have spent the whole night with her body pressed on me as we chilled in hot water but after a while, we got out, dried ourselves and got back to our room to put on pajamas.
"I'll make us some tea." she proposed as we walked back to the living room and she finally disappeared in the kitchen.
I sat on the couch and started looking for the remote on the coffee table. I was about to give up when something caught my eyes and I grabbed her notebook. It was similar to mine but of a different color and I knew she wrote ideas for her tv show or her future book in it. I was about to ignore it when I realized it was open and I could have sworn I had seen my surname. Without thinking, I grabbed it and a smile appeared quickly on my face when I saw 'Olivia Horan' scribbled everywhere on a page, surrounded by hearts and stars. It seemed like she had tried to create a signature with her future name and it made me think about the ring in my drawer. If I was scared she wouldn't accept, that notebook was a good clue that her answer would probably be positive. I put it away when I heard noise and leaned against the couch as I watched her walk slowly up to me to make sure she wouldn't spill our hot beverages and I thanked her as I grabbed a mug. She sat next to me and our eyes met before our lips curled. I couldn't believe how happy I was.
"I love you, Niall. I'm... I'm glad we're dating now." she admitted before taking a sip.
"Me too, petal. I'm happy you accepted to be my girlfriend again."
December 2018
When Liv told me she was spending the day with Julia, I was a bit surprised, but the truth was, I enjoyed the fact that these two got along so well. She said she wouldn't be home late but I knew how she could get and when Louis proposed that we grabbed a bite (and a few pints, of course)  together, I jumped on the occasion.
I knew Louis had become Olivia's best friend and even if we used to be very close, I was fine with that. Somehow, they had been through a lot together, and I knew it was partially my fault : they probably wouldn't be that close if I hadn't broken up with Liv. Of course, they'd still be friends, since they were before we broke up, but I knew their pain brought them closer and it was obvious that nothing could tear them apart now.
I was also slowly but surely getting over the fact that Louis and her had sex a few times. I was not sure how often but I was sure I didn't want to know and anyway, i couldn't blame her or him. It had happened and I had to live with that fact. Besides, I knew there was nothing between them anymore.
I smiled when I saw Louis walk in the restaurant and got up to hug him before we both sat back down. We ordered beer and when we got them, we clinked our glasses together and drank half of it. It was weird to think I was with Olivia's best friend and she was actually hanging out with mine, but the fact that we appreciated each other's entourage was perfect.
"So, Neil, how are things for you?" he asked, playing with his beer and turning it around in his hands. "Where's my queen tonight?"
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, amused. "Your queen is with Julia, but she's not supposed to come back home too late. She'll text me. Where's El?"
"Gone for a few days."
"Ah. That's why you called me." I pointed out before laughing when I saw his face. "It's ok Tommo, I get it."
"I'm thinking you're ding quite well these days." he pointed out, ignoring my last comment. "When are you gonna pop the question?"
I almost choked on my beer and wiped my mouth on my shoulder before swallowing hard and making Louis laugh.
"We've just been taking bets on that." he continued, shrugging a shoulder.
"We?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Liam and I. Trying to bring Harry in it but he says it's none of our business."
"I've always thought Harry was the smartest of my bandmates." I joked, making Louis laugh again.
"Oh yea, you definitely thought that when he was balls deep in your best friend's fanny right?"
"Shut up, Tommo!" I frowned as he laughed again. "He probably shagged her less times than you did."
Louis took an other big sip of his drink. "Touché." he shrugged again before chuckling. "Not sure what it says about the relationship they had, though."
I raised my nose up in a grimace and drank what was left of my beer. I didn't really want to have this discussion and I decided to change the subject.
"Well, I don't know which bet you took, but I hope you lose." I admitted as I looked through my pocket, taking out the ring and placing it right in the middle of the table.
Louis' eyes got bigger and he moved closer, bending down to look it it without daring to touch it. I stopped the waitress to order us two other beers and a few shots and when I turned back to my friend. he was still staring at the ring like he didn't know what it was. I snatched it quickly, taking him out of his thoughts, and put it in my little finger to stare at it.
"I've thought about asking her so many times." I confessed, my eyes still on the ring. "But it never feels like the right time."
"I know you're a romantic man, Niall but... will there ever be a right time?" Louis said gently, making me sigh. "Aren't you just a bit scared that she'll say no and leave?"
I groaned and closed my eyes before raising my nose up in a grimace again. "Maybe."
He was right, I knew it, but at the same time, i wanted to make it special for her. I wanted it to be something that she'd remember forever, something she couldn't forget even if she tried. I wanted to express my feelings to her and tell her everything she wanted and needed to hear, just to make her happy. I had tried to write down the right words but everything seemed cliché and cheesy.
"Do it. She's your soulmate. I can't make up a scenario in my head where she'd actually say 'no'." he continued. "I think deep down, you know I'm right."
I looked up and sighed again, putting the ring back in my pocket.
"I don't know anymore, I just don't want to take her for granted, you know?" I shrugged. "I've done that before and it messed up everything. Never again."
"That doesn't mean you can't be confident and believe in the love she has for you."
I frowned a bit as I stared at him. "Are you trying to win your bet against Liam by making me ask Olivia to marry me?"
"No." Louis chuckled, leaning against his chair. "I just think you've been hesitant for too long. When exactly did you buy this ring?"
"Mm, well, about, 8 months ago?"
Just saying it out loud sounded ridiculous. Had I been waiting that long? It was almost pathetic. How scared of rejection could a guy be? Seriously. I had never reacted like that in anything I did before, and I was always the confident type, but asking Olivia to marry me was something that made me so nervous I could feel my hands sweat and I passed one of them in my hair.
"8 months? Are you fucking insane? How did you manage to keep that secret?"
"I don't even know." I mumbled in a low tone, staring at my glass, not daring to check Louis' amused expression.
"Niall, we're talking about Olivia. The girl you've known all your life, the girl who's been in love with you since the very first day she found out what love was. Put your big boy pants on and pop the fucking question before that fucking ring starts to get rusty!"
"It's made of gold...."
He rolled his eyes and kicked me under the table, making me groan again as I moved my leg away. Damn, that kid could kick.
"Don't be a fookin' idiot, mate, and just ask her."
I finally looked up in his eyes and he raised his eyebrows at me. He was right but at the same time, I didn't know when I should do it. I wanted to do something special, or at least slightly romantic, but all I could think about were ugly clichés from movies. Nothing original came to mind and it was driving me insane.
"Alright. Soon." I gave in. "I'll do it soon."
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jobean12-blog · 5 years
Can I request a winter soldier x reader. reader is a house sitter for a politician and lives in the guest house. The WS is waiting in the main house for a politician.Reader sees WS sitting at the table but says nothing, smiles and give him a cup of water. 4 hours later after a blizzard WS is stuck with her and reader notices blood in WS hair and takes him to her house, washes his hair for him while talking to him even tho he doesn’t reply. Can it end with some slow dancing pls💜
Winter’s Ghost
Pairings: Winter Soldier x Reader
Word Count: 1,029
Summary: You meet the Winter Soldier on a very cold winter night.
Author’s Note: Thanks for this request! I love the WS. This was my first time writing for him and @jewelofwinter and Winter are always on my mind when I think of him, love them
Warnings: Softness and fluff
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The evening was bitter cold as you looked out the window; taking in the glittering blanket of snow covering the ground. Luckily, Mr. Pierce had made sure the guesthouse was well stocked with all the necessities for the winter weather and you felt more than prepared if you had to stay a couple of extra days. This wasn’t the first time you were house sitting for the politician and he always treated you kindly enough, however, something niggled at the back of your mind. Something you didn’t like, it left your stomach sour and you decided this was the last time you would work for him
You knew you should make the trek to his home and check on the heat and his two cats, but as the wind rattled the windows, you couldn’t muster the energy to move from the couch. That is, until you notice the faintest movement through one of his large living room windows and the light from the moon catches something shiny. Maybe you had better go make sure the cats were ok.
You throw on your heavy robe, pom pom beanie, scarf, and head out into the blustery cold. You quietly open the back door and head toward the kitchen, hearing the cats meowing. You walk in and immediately freeze on the spot. A man is sitting at the table, barely visible in the darkness except for the gleam of his eyes and the moonlight reflecting off his metal arm. You know who it is; you have seen the news reports and heard the stories. You are not afraid as you walk past him. You refill the cat’s water and food bowls and get a tall glass from the cabinet, fill it with cold water and move toward him. You can feel his eyes on you the whole time, you want to ask why he is here but you already have an idea. You start to piece things together in your mind and you know your bad feelings about the politician had to be grounded on some truth, and now that the Winter Soldier had come, you could only guess it was because Mr. Pierce had done something bad, very bad. It all started to make sense.
You slowly approach the table and place the glass down, “just in case you are thirsty,” you whisper, giving him a small smile and noting how beautiful his eyes are, the color a vibrant contrast to the darkness of the night, before grabbing a drink for yourself.
You decide it is safest to go back to the guesthouse so you don’t cause any distractions for the Soldier’s mission. You all but run through the yard, almost forgetting how cold it was and realizing that the storm had really picked up and it was snowing like crazy. You get inside and undress, thinking a warm bath would be perfect right now.
As you emerge from your room, warm, clean and cozy you notice a figure walking out of the house and through the yard. The wind is swirling the snow around and for a second you think you imagined it, the visibility is so bad, but then you catch it, that shiny glint in the moonlight and you rush to the door. “Wait, please! Come inside, it’s freezing and I think it’s only going to get worse. Please, come in,” you delicately whisper into the swirling darkness. There is a long pause and then you hear the crunch of the snow under his heavy boots and he appears through the whiteness, looking unsure. You smile and take his metal hand, carefully pulling him through the doorway and leading him to the couch. He hesitantly sits, all the while watching you intently but you show no signs of fear, only kindness.
The Soldier’s hair is wet and clinging to his face, his boots and jacket covered in snow and you guide him toward the couch. Without words, you ask for permission to help him remove the articles of clothing, receiving a slight nod in agreement. “I know you probably aren’t as cold as you look, but I’m sure getting out of these wet clothes would be nice,” you say quietly, not looking for conversation but rather trying to make him comfortable. Once his jacket and boots are off and hung to dry you notice there is some dried blood stuck in his hair and on his face so you take a warm washcloth and softly clean him up, taking note of the sharpness of his jawline and his handsome features.
Your heart breaks for him, for all that he has been through and the battles he still faces. “Can I get you something to drink or eat? I don’t mind at all and I have plenty of extra,” you tell him, motioning to the kitchen and pantry. He doesn’t say anything, just continues to stare, eyes soft and you decide to do something else for him. You walk to the record player, remembering how happy you were when you discovered Mr. Pierce had a love for vinyl’s and music from the past. You grab an all-time favorite of yours and place it on the turntable, gently setting the needle down and making your way back to the Winter Soldier. As the chords of Louis Armstrong’s ‘La Vie En Rose’ begin, you once again take his metal hand and coax him off the couch. His height towers over you but you feel safe, taking his other hand and placing it at your waist, leaning in and resting your head on his chest. You feel his breath hitch and look up into his wide blue eyes, filled with emotion and you smile, “please, dance with me?” His features soften as he relaxes; pulling you further into his embrace, letting the music guide him as he gracefully moves you around the small room.
The song ends and you stay in his arms, “thank you, you’re a wonderful dancer, stay with me tonight,” you whisper into his chest. He looks down at you and for the first time a smile graced his face. It’s the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.
@annavega333 @abovethesmokestacks @beckzorz @buckmesideways22 @buckysbrat @buckingmadness @book-dragon-13 @chuuulip @cchellacat @cametobuyplums @collinsstanharbour @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @jewels2876 @loricameback @lancetuckershairgel @littledarlinhavefaithinme @marvelgirl7 @marvelous-meggi @marvelandotherfandomimagines @randomfandompenguin @spacemansam @sallycanwait68 @stuck-y-together @southernbell91 @sebastiansloserclub @tranquil–heart
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barafishu · 4 years
Glorified Jail: Part 1
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Here it is, I finally posted something! I’ve had this in my drafts for so long that it feels good to finally put it out there for someone to read. Now, this is going to have parts to it (which I’m still polishing). But I’d like to thank everyone for being so kind and patient with me. So, without further ado, here you go! Enjoy!
Male Reader x Deer Minotaur (Nyx)
I was walking to my job, it just being another of work for me. I walked up some old, metal stairs to where all the workers go. When I walked in, I saw the costume designer with pins in his mouth. "Early as always, Jiàn," He spoke through clenched teeth. "Of course, gotta set an example for the other performers," I replied. "That's my boy!" I turned to see my boss, Catherine Valdez. "It's almost time for everybody else to start showing up, so go get ready." She said as she lovingly patted my shoulder. I hummed and left to go ready in the makeup room. I made a beeline for the clothesline and pulled out my outfit. I grinned in excitement as I began to strip.
After I was "suited" up, the next thing to do was apply makeup. I hardly need any because I have a wonderful complexion, but I do put on some concealer for some blemishes, do my brows, eyes, and put lip gloss on. When I'm ready to go on, Catherine came in to see if I was ready. I turned around to look at her. "You look sexy, as usual," She said and I smiled softly. "Thanks." I stood up and walked to stand in front of her. "Let's get going, hot stuff." She teased and I chuckled as I followed her out into the den. The place was bathed in red, as usual. Patrons were seated in their seats, drinking to their heart's content. Alistair's voice huskily spoke throughout the room through a speaker. 
"Hey everyone, and welcome to Red Horizons! Don't forget, tonight is guys night, so drinks for the men are all half price. And now, our next dancer is ready to come out for you! Someone better call a priest, cause it's gettin' sinful in here with this demon, Incubus!" I heard cheers and whistles from the crowd. "It's showtime Jiàn, give 'em a good show," Catherine said as she gave me a wink before she walked away. A promiscuous smile graced my features as I stepped out from behind the curtain and approached the pole in the middle of the room. The crowd erupted with cheers and whistles when I grabbed the pole, swinging myself skillfully around on it.
I moved with grace on the stage, gripping the pole as I spun myself around it. After a few minutes, I started unbuttoning my billowy, white shirt with my back to the pole. I slipped my shirt off as I moved down the pole to my knees before jumped back up and using my shirt now to swing around on the pole before tossing it aside. More whistling erupted from the crowd, and a handful of bills landed on the stage. I continued to tease the crowd, making sure to really show off my figure. "Let's hear it for Incubus! He'll be back later tonight to put on another show for you guys, so stick around! For now, sit back, grab a cool drink and relax. We'll have another show for you guys starting in just a bit!"
With another spin on the pole, I crouched down to father the bills on the stage. With my back to everyone. Several hands reached out to cop a feel of my butt, and when I wagged it around, those same hands slipped more bills under my strap. After collecting all my money, I disappeared into the back to put it away and touch up my makeup and to drink some water. It's my break now, but I wanted to check in with Louis at the bar. The rest of the night was filled with taking drink orders, dancing, and doing a couple of private shows. Soon it was 1am, ending my shift. After a long night of work, I was excited to be going home.
I changed into my day clothes and closed my locker, not forgetting to put on my combination lock. I got outside into the back alley that leads to the employee parking lot. I sigh, staring up at the sky and seeing that the moon is full. "Hello, excuse me?" A rumbling voice shakes me from my poetic thoughts. I jump, staring straight ahead at a broad figure. I reach into my pocket for my keys, which are adorned with pepper spray and a little keychain that looks like a cat, but can be used for stabbing. "Sorry. I, uh-" he holds his hand up defensively. His eyes looked almost empty, as if only filled with regret. His face is contorted into some form of distress, lips quivering as his eyes dart to and fro.
He puts a hand over each of his pockets, face still looking in fear, until his right hands falls over his breast pocket. He breathes a sigh of relief and looks at me. He starts talking, but not in a language I understand. But eventually he finds a thread I can follow. "I was a fool. I had settled down and yet I squandered my one chance at a proper life. Felt the road would always take me in." My brows knitted together, still being suspicious of this man. He took a hesitant breath as he released his clenched fist. "I ended up throwing away the one place I could call a home. It's been rotting for who knows how long and now I'm old. Always wondered if someone would ever take over and treat it right. Now, you do remind me of myself, but I wasn't a good man. Hopefully you don't have the mean streak I had."
He waits for me to confirm or deny if my character matched his own when he was my age. "Well... I'm far from perfect, but I do try my best," I reply casually. "Is that so? I suppose that's as good as it gets. At least nowadays you can try." He stops suddenly but continues nonetheless. "Back in my day my father treated me like dirt and no one batted an eye. I saw that happen a lot, too — I wasn't the only one. It made beasts out of my siblings and I, having a father like that. But don't you think i"m blaming him. You can only point the finger at your dad for so long, eh? At least eventually I found a way to make a living." The man rambles in the same language from before.
I've realized that it's Italian and perhaps I couldn't recognize it in the beginning was because of his drunken state slaughtered it. Sometimes he'll stop and stare at me, as if expecting a response. A nod or a grunt is enough to get him going again. His voice becomes graver and deeper as the night goes on. It is soothing, in a way, even if at times he'll again allude to having a rough, sorrowful past. Eventually, he stops and his gaze seems to shine with lucidity once more. "I must say I am terribly sorry. I'm afraid I never asked for your name." I immediately tell him that it's Jiàn. I don't mind telling him my actual name, since he's so out of it right now. "I'm glad I got to see you again, Jiàn."
I try to recall if I've met him before, but nothing comes up. Maybe his thoughts are too muddled perhaps due to alcohol that he thinks we've met before. The man's eyes become glazed again and his hand starts shaking. "You seem like an open minded man. Things have changed so much. I think it's the technology, spirits, and the arcane don't mix well with it. Or maybe... it's something in the eyes. The unknown is not as frightful either, so much mystery has been lost. and so the bridge with the fantastical broke down." The old man freezes for a moment, then looks back to me. "Oh, I was rambling again, was I? I'm sorry." I shake my head, offering a kind smile.
"Don't worry about it, that's interesting to hear... The world is a more mysterious place than we like to think. Perhaps fantastical things aren't as common, but they manage to slip by the cracks every once in a while. Or perhaps the supernatural is still out there, speaking in whispers instead of speaking plainly," I share my perspective. "Whispers... You are quite a sensitive young man. There's humility in sensing how much there is out there, yet to be learned. Perhaps... Yes, you seem to have turned out nicely. Special. Hum... perhaps you can do it. Here, I'd like you to have this. I'm sure you'll take better care of it than I did." The man takes an old piece of paper form his breast pocket and extends it to me.
"The deed for the place I told you about. The one I squandered. I'm old, tired. I would like you specifically to have it. I don't quite feel like I have any more time to waste." I stare at the folded piece of paper and he waits a moment before continuing. "Just take it. It's yours. A grandiose place, a palace. Time's taken a toll, but you will love it. Just, please, take care of it, be good. Give him a purpose." I raise an eyebrow at him. Did this old man try to give me a palace just like that? Now who would do that? His wandering gaze betrays his drunken state. At times he seems outright confused, as if he didn't know how he got here in the first place.
I can't take it. It wouldn't be right to take advantage of someone like him. And that's assuming that piece of paper is a deed. It might just be a used napkin with a nice seal. The old man's gaze wanders around. With his hand still extended he squints his eyes at me, then looks down to the paper. He struggles to put his thoughts together... but for a brief moment his expression grows firm and lucid. "You must think I'm crazy. But please understand, this is my last chance to do it right. Just... take the deed." I give in to the old man's pleas. I'm just accepting a piece of paper, after all. It's probably nothing, and if it indeed is something important I can try returning it.
The old piece of parchment looks unimaginably ancient — older than you, that's for sure. But the wax on it seems reasonably new, perhaps even fresh. I break open the seal and examine the paper's contents. It's gibberish, written in an alphabet I've ever seen before. Well, it would seem like this was all for nothing. I stick the paper in my jacket pocket. The corners of his mouth wrinkle, and he shakes ever so slightly. But his joy is short-lived. His gaze wanders once again. When his focus returns to you be furrows his brow, taking in each of my features one at a time. The man mumbles something to himself, takes a sip of his coffee, and smiles. "You are a very kind young man, Jiàn."
He does remember your name, at least. "I'm so sorry... I ran away and after a while, I never looked back at what I ran from. Please, forgive me..." I part my lips in confusion. "What do I have to forgive you for? Who are you?" I see the man hesitate and break into a nervous sweat. He then suddenly stops and seems to once again lose all sense. I say my farewell to the old man and thank him for the wonderful company. He subtly bows to me. "No, Jiàn. It is I who ought to be grateful. It was a pleasure meeting you." I leave him and start taking drink orders. The rest of the evening, all I could think about was that weird interaction I had with that old man. "Why talk to me like that? We're strangers... Ugh, I'm too tired for this." 
I now sat in my apartment on my bed. I check the deed again. I couldn't read it at first — maybe I was too tired. But now the once-gibberish characters make some sense to my brain. It's like reading a language that had branched off from my native tongue a few centuries prior. It is just alien enough to be unrecognizable at first. However, when I squint hard enough I find that the characters remind me of my alphabet. And then the words' meaning pops up in my mind. It's unsettling, in a way. It feels as if my brain is shifting from inside out the more I look into it. But try as I might, it's hard to even acknowledge this discomfort — it melts away at the blink of an eye. 
Maybe the old man really had give me something of value after all, not a worthless scrap of paper. I sigh as I settle in my bed, having already stripped myself of my day clothes. It was around noon and while most people would be working or doing another number of things, all I was going to do was sleep. I release a relaxed sigh, happy to just be home and especially, in a bed. However, I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned and was going from one side of my bed to the other. I huffed as I flopped onto my back and stared at my ceiling. In the corner of my eye, I could see the deed. I felt as if the old parchment was making fun of me.
I muttered a string of curse words as I sat up and harshly grabbed the paper. I narrowed my eyes at it. But as I continued to stare intensely at it, I realized that the words were starting to make sense. It hurt my eyes and I could feel a headache coming on, but I persevered. But I felt as if the paper was sucking in and now I didn't even have the choice to look away. It felt like my surroundings were starting to shift and warp, but I couldn't look to be sure. Suddenly, and to my amazement, the old writing began to glow, illuminating my face. "What the..." I breathed as I ultimately became lost in the scribbles. The last thing that I remember was that I felt extremely dizzy and sleepy... then darkness.
When I wake up, I slowly realize that I'm not being greeted by my bedroom ceiling. Instead, I only see the large leaves of tropical trees. I abruptly sit up and vigorously look around. I'm in a pocket of trees, I think. "What... What the hell is happening?" I breathe as I begin to panic. I stagger as I get up on my feet and continue to look around. It's then that I spot a giant structure to my right and I realize that it's a palace. Breathing hard I look to the infinite horizon behind me. I look back to the palace as I think about all those details. Something catches my eye, however; a porch overlooking the valley beneath the palace. The valley stretches to the cloudless horizon, framed to the right and left by more cliffs.
Looking down to the bottom I can just make out the outline of a flourishing riverbed stretching out. I notice there's a cave opening in the cliff wall, right below the palace. Its exit lined with statues, the details of which I can't make out at this distance. My thoughts are halted as a more pressing matter sneaks up on me: the heat. Regardless of the weirdness around me, there's no escaping the sweltering sun. I walk to the entrance. The doors are unlocked. It's hard to tell for how long this place has been abandoned. The building itself surely is old, the exterior is severely decayed. It wouldn't be surprising if the interior is teeming with wild animals, rotten walls, and fallen pieces of ceiling.
But instead it's just... dusty. Humid and stagnant too — the walls are water damaged and there's a lot of mold. However it's not as bad as one would think. I call out in the hopes someone, anyone, might be there. Maybe some squatters? But just like outside, there's no signs of human life at all in the palace. Up ahead is a tall spiral staircase going both up and down. No matter how many twists and turns I took, the hallway never wrapped back into itself. Backtracking all the way back to the parlor was the only option. The spiral staircase seemed much more inviting than wandering the seemingly endless hallways. The marble handrails were lined with burnt-out lamps.
It was impossible to see much in the darkness down below. The second floor was mostly bedrooms. But here, the outer hallways were lined with sprawling windows showing a courtyard behind the palace, close to the cliff's edge. I took the hallway leading further towards the palace's back, and a single turn to the right brought me to a vast room. Right beside its entrance was a bar and to the left was a medium sized table and two couches. Further left there was a tall window of stained glass, like the ones in a cathedral. And through a glass door beside this window was a garden. Behind the counter, the bottles of fine spirits are still half-filled. They glimmer in exquisite browns, reds, and blues.
I close my eyes, and imagine how this place was decades ago. The whistling wind shifts. It turns into the hum of human life, footsteps and breathing. Chairs being dragged, cutlery and plates clinking. Laughter, whispers, people talking to each other from one side of the room to the other. People dressed so nicely. A barman in front of me, serving the finest drinks I can imagine. He knows my name and how I like it. And eagerly listening to all my rants and complaints. I open my eyes. I'm back in the abandoned palace, majestic and destroyed. One can understand why the old man wished to pass it on to someone who would care for it. It's then that I remember the deed.
I pat all over my body until I feel something in my jacket's breast pocket. I tap my the pocket once more, making sure the crumpled parchment is still there. Even the yellowed, stained paper exudes warmth now. I stand up and walk out. As I do so, I notice a large purple stain on the floor behind the counter, and the glass shards of what used to be a wine bottle. I proceed further into the palace. There's a lot to see still. All the way down the hallway a set of sliding glass doors beckon me. But from afar the difference is clear. The wallpaper is ripped, and one of the doors is cracked. I step on something hard. A revolver bullet. I push the door to the side and am greeted by an even more chaotic sight. It's the palace's lounge.
The tables was overturned, and all the chairs and plates lay broken on the floor. There's a darkened stain in the middle of the room which trails into the kitchen. It leads me past the pantry and to the massive iron door of a cold room, which is locked from the outside and boarded up. All around the kitchen things are strewn about. There's even a pan on the stove with what must be fossilized food, and the sink is filled with dirty dishes. On a nearby counter is a revolver covered in thick dust, and I think back to the bullet in the hallway and the stain on the restaurant floor. The old man wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't a good person. I breathe in, preparing myself for a terrible sight.
The rusted door fights against my will, but stands no chance. Darkness pours out. The stench strikes first. It's the stagnant smell of blood and rot. It clings to my nose and mouth like a bitter oil. Before my eyes can adjust to the darkness a second wave of stench hits. It's like a farm, too — the scent of dusty fury, maybe even hay, but cooped up in a hot, humid room for decades. And, last but not least, stale shit and piss. This place has it all, the stench of a thousand different deaths. The light pouring into the cold room shines on the floor in front of the doorway. Empty cans of soup and glasses of jam are strewn about over the trail of old blood. Whoever was locked in here didn't die quickly.
The cold room extends into absolute darkness, a hallway in and of itself. I proceed, scraping my shoes on the floor so I don't trip over the refuse. The entire floor is covered with discarded glasses and cans. Whatever scraps were left in them has long rotted, dried and crumbled into dust. Both my footsteps and breathing echo. The overbearing humidity drapes across my back, and my breathing becomes agitated. The stench is stronger. My sight finally adapts to the dark. At what must be the cold room's far wall, I notice something. Whatever is it, it's slouched on the floor, motionless. As if it died where it stood after who knows how long locked here. My eyesight is used to the dark now.
The distant pillar of light bleeding from the doorway is enough to avoid tripping on the discarded glass. I crouch in front of the thing. It seems to have the head of a deer, but it's been mixed with other animals that I can quite place. It's covered in fur, aside from the patches of sickly, exposed skin. Instead of paws or hooves, it has taloned toes, along with a sickle claw. Half of its skull is exposed. The bone still has a smattering of blood dust near the remaining flesh. Its left eye socket is empty and I can't help but involuntarily gulp. And while it seems to have long hair that's in a lazy braid, it can't hide how deathly thin this stag was. It died from starvation, not from whatever destroyed its face.
That's enough. I stand up and turn back to leave. As I do so, my rustling clothes and echoing footsteps break the curtain of silence. That's when I heart it. Breathing as faint as a moth's wings flapping. I look back to the corpse. I realize that it's looking at me. Its chest expands and contracts. I take a step forward and it follows my movements. I stand my ground. The thing's eye remain locked on me, squinting slightly when a string of fresh air blows into the cold room. The exit is just five seconds away if I turn back and sprint. If push comes to shove, the gun is still outside. The thing remains on the floor, barely moving. The blinking of its eye is drawn-out and deliberate.
Its head droops down, as if it can barely hold itself awake. Its lips, or whatever remains of them, part. Its breathing becomes easier to hear. "I beg your forgiveness. I'm in such a sorry state." What an understatement. "What are you?" I ask as I continue to study the peculiar creature. I quickly realize that he's completely naked, not that that bothers me at all. "I am the Palace's Keeper and Prisoner of its walls." His voice is raspy, nearly a string of grunts booming through the room in contrast with his disheveled body. "And you're the Master now, which makes me your servant, bound to your will. I cannot disobey your orders." The thing cradles his head between his arms, his voice comes out muffled.
"If you wish to know what thing am I, I am a hybrid monster. About my sorry state, the previous Master did this to me. As your servant, I shall answer the Master's questions." He remains with his face hidden for awhile longer, he does look up, he stares at the exit and not at me. He squints his eye and raises a deathly thin forearm over it. He scuttles an inch to the side, so my shadow covers him. "You are a prisoner, but you are also the Palace's Keeper?" His eye narrows and ear droops. "Yes. I was sentenced by the High Council to spend eternity here. I am an abomination and failed the one task that was given to me. The High Council made this land to house me in my damnation."
I take a step forward, intrigued by this creature. "The Master is meant to be my torturer, and to the end is given control over the land. But there was a past Master, and with at his will I became the Keeper." He closes his eye for a moment, lost in a daydream. "Why were you locked here?" I ask before I looked around the disgusting room once more. What could possess somebody to lock someone up in here? "That is what the last Master saw fit. He shot me then commanded that I stay here, in this room. But as you can see, I am undying. It only hurt, I cannot be killed. He locked the door as well, but his command was enough. I cannot disobey, as I had no way out. I am a prisoner, after all." 
I shifted on my feet, feeling sorry for the broken creature in front of me. "Why did the previous Master do this to you?" The stag recoils, shrinking further into a fetal position. "Being a monster is reason enough for damnation, Master. He chose to return the Prison to its original purpose, I presume." His bony jaw opens and closes, chewing on nothing. "It hardly matters, regardless. I cannot die." His open wounds stand out as he speaks. "How can I help with your injuries?" He exhales sharply at my words. His face sinks again between his legs. "Master need not worry about me. I cannot die, and it stopped hurting a long time ago. A skull feels no pain." I pull the Palace's deed from my breast pocket.
"So it's this that makes me the new Master?" I ask as I hold up the parchment. "Correct. The ownership of Havena was transferred to you. I always know who the current Master is and his name." I've asked all my questions but another comes to mind now. "What's your name?" He hesitates before answering. His burning eye shifts ever so slightly. "The Master holds the right to pick my name. But if it is your wish to know, the one I was given at birth is Nyx." For a split second his remaining eye reflects a strand of light from outside. He realizes then how tired, thirsty, and hungry he is. But it doesn't matter. After all, he cannot die. As a servant his duty takes precedence.
The stag readjusts to a kneeling position. The cracking of his kneecaps bounces off the cold room's walls. He bows his head to me. "The bond between jailer and prisoner is born from the deed, while that between Master and Servant is willfully chosen. Will Master hear my oath of servitude?" I raise an eyebrow at the skeletal stag's gesture. I cannot muster a response. In my silence, the stag glances up to me. He starts shaking, barely able to hold his hands together. His lips tremble in anticipation. "Master, this land was designed to torture me." The stag's voice cracks. For the first time I notice a tail thrashing behind him. 
"The oath of servitude is what keeps it at bay. Please, Master, allow me to recite it and take me into your service." I can only nod in response. With my authorization he is able to proceed, after a minute to bring himself together again. "Prisoner Nyx pledges loyalty and servitude to the Prison's Master. The Prisoner is made Keeper of the Palace above the valley, and is bequeathed the power to realize the Master's will. The Master in turn binds Havena, forbidding it's malicious entities from leaving said valley. The realm was engineered to torture the Prisoner, and indeed its mission shall be accomplished. The Prisoner will carry the burden of servitude, but shall not suffer Havena's wrath within the Palace's territory. The Prisoner, shielded by his Master's will, is made safe as long as his duty is fulfilled."
Nyx dares not look up to me. Once he finishes his oath, his silence is broken only by the drops of sweat dripping from his trembling face. "This is a lot to take in, if I'm being honest. And this oath you were talking about, what does it mean?" I ask as I take in all of his injuries, counting them one by one. "It's what protects me, my lord. There are creatures in the valley, they cannot harm me inside the Palace as long as I am under the Master's service. The previous oath remained for as long as the Palace remained without a Master. With your arrival I am made vulnerable again." He pauses, his breathing becoming even more shaky. "Please, allow me into your service..." I bite my lips slightly, feeling a weight settle on me.
"Very well. Assuming you are speaking the truth... yes, I accept you as my servant." My words bounce off the walls and slither their way out of the cold room. The light dripping from the door behind me falters. My shadow, draped over the deer minotaur, flickers and shifts slightly. The world itself shudders under my words and responds by shifting into a new shape around me. Nyx still looks down, his frame now slouched further forwards and no longer shaking. "My gratefulness knows no bounds. I shall not disappoint. I may be in a sorry state now, but I'll be quick to recuperate. If Master so allows, I will take my leave. I need only take a trip to the infirmary to patch myself up."
He raises his head ever so slightly, glancing at the doorway. "...I am still unable to leave the room, until you command me otherwise." Undying as he may be, the stag's body is atrophied. He won't go far on his own. I kneel down to his level. Despite the darkness, I can make out his scapulae and sagging skin. "Can you walk on your own?" Nyx averts his eye by looking down to his legs. "Master ought not worry about me. I can make it to the infirmary on my own. I've been through worse." He won't look up to me. There's just a hint of pride in his voice. "Very well. You have my permission to leave the room." Without uttering a word the stag bows to me, then puts his hands on the ground to try and rise up.
He struggles, first in snapping his knees from this new position and then in finding his balance. He succeeds after holding on to one of the shelves. One step at a time he ambles towards the door, taking breaks to rest against a wall and adjust his eyesight to the light. It takes a long time, but he leaves the cold room and makes his way to the infirmary. I follow him closely, making sure he doesn't trip and get hurt. His back is covered in bed sores. Against all odds, Nyx can indeed make it on his own. The infirmary has layers upon layers of dust and rust. Squinting his eye, Nyx walks up to the drawers. He examines each on, silent, until one of them reveals shards of green glass and a purple, dried out stain.
The stag slouches forward and sighs. He scrapes a finger on the drawer, trying to gather some of the purple dust, but it's no use. He continues looking around and I do the same. All I find are dusty bandages, long rotted medications. I put it back when I notice Nyx's intense gaze on me. "What are we looking for exactly?" He takes a hesitant breath before cautiously answering my question. "The only thing that can heal me is... the Master's blood." My posture straightened at this and I repeated his words. The stag nods meekly, "The Master's blood heals me." This is a turn of events, which is a complete understatement if you ask me. "Uh, how much blood do you need?"
I'm certainly not out here giving out a whole blood donations worth of blood. "The severity of my wounds determines the amount needed. I estimate that it'd only take.... about a tablespoon. But it is your decision of how much to give me." I can't help but sigh in relief, saying that that's something I can sacrifice. "Past masters chose to make a small cut along the fleshy part of your thumb." I nod and look around for something sharp, preferably a clean scalpel. I soon found one and made sure it was clean before positioning it against the soft flesh at the base of my thumb. I suck in a deep breath and release it simultaneously when I cut. In the corner of my eye, I see Nyx flinch. 
A red line that's about a centimeter long begins to show. "Is that alright?" I ask as I look up at Nyx. "Yes... that's perfect." He looks longingly at my hand, as if he's been waiting for this this whole time. I hold out my hand to him and he licks his dry lips but I can still tell he doesn't trust me. He nears towards my hand similar to a wild animal. I wait patiently and soon, I feel him begin to lick up my blood. He breathes in deeply through his nose before he begins to hungrily suck on my hand. He grabs my hand and pulls it towards him, seemingly impatient at the pace he has been going. It's only been a few minutes, but I can already notice some of his wounds healing. The stag notices me watching.
He pulls back and his lips, or what remains of them, curl into a proud half-smile. "Yes. I can heal quite quickly, provided I have master's blood for it." With one hand, Nyx squeezes out more blood onto his fingers and reaches a hand to his back. His fingers seem to barely graze one of the bed sores. "Let me help you with that. You can't see it." He droops his ear in defeat, knowing full well I'm right. However, he turns his back to me with a speed betraying his eagerness. His tail flicks to and fro behind him. I take the scalpel into my hand once more and deepen the cut. I dab a piece of old gauze on the flowing blood and get to work. The stag's wounds have a black tinge to them.
A dark oil seems to have accumulated on them, oozing down his back in clearly defined rivers. He flinches when the fabric touches his damaged skin, but pushes back against me at the same time. His wounds close quickly — in an almost unsettling speed. ten minutes later my blood has clotted, but it was enough to rid Nyx of his most egregious bed sores. He lays a hand on his skull. "I'll need a lot more blood for this." I ask if I need to cut my other hand. Nyx has a shy curve on his lips when he looks up to me from the bed. His tail flicks to the left, to the right. He swings his taloned feet over the floor. When he speaks his voice is grave, however, rumbles with sobriety.
"You've been too kind already, Master. It would be terribly unfitting of a Keeper to impose a task upon his Master, let alone as many as you've aided me with so far." His one remaining eye is half-closed. "Please, worry not about me." He speaks then with a twinge of relief. "Unless Master has a task for me, I shall take some rest here and then wash myself. I am most unfitting now, for a Keeper of the Palace. Master need not worry." I frown at that. "Shouldn't you have some food first? What if you pass out in the bathroom?" I ask as I subconsciously count every one of his ribs.
"That shall not be an issue. I can obtain sustenance now that you've accepted me into your service. The Master commands Havena, and through the oath you have bequeathed me some of your power. I shall not go hungry again. There is much I can gladly teach you about the land, Master. It shall tend to  your needs, if you know how to lead it. Observe." For half a second it's as if the entire world blinks out around me, and my mind goes blank alongside it. Now Nyx had in his hands an overflowing bunch of grapes. "Do you like grapes? I hope these are to your liking." I hesitate before accepting food from him. Shouldn't he the one eating first?
"The Master eats first, only then may the Keeper feed. Regardless, Master has been kind to me, and I would be happy to share with thee." The stag seems eager to have me taste the grapes. They are impossibly sweet but I only take a few so he may start eating. He flicks his ears and tail at my enjoyments, then starts wolfing down the grapes. He barely looks up to me now. As soon as he's run out of grapes a new bunch appears in his hands, then a cup of water and more fruits still. When he does finally look up to me, he slows down and tried to clean his muzzle of all the juicy bits. His eyes betrays a tinge of self-consciousness.
"I am sorry. I am more a beast than I am man. Sometimes it gets the better of me. I should not be so brutish around Master. Although, in my defense, my table manners are excellent when I have the benefit of not being starved." He cracks a half smile. Even naked, with a disfigured muzzle covered with grape juice, Nyx looks up to me with a noble-like posture: his back is straight and his shoulders shift slightly to a broader stance. There's a tinge of pride in his barely noticeable smile — the small joy of having kept his dignity even in impossibly harsh circumstances. Perhaps this would be a good moment to let the stag have some privacy. But before I speak, I notice the change in his eyes as he stares at me.
He sucks in a quiet gasp as his eye almost pops out of his head. I'm startled by this and quickly ask what's wrong. "You... You have her eyes..." A bitter smile falls on my lips. "Her eyes, huh? Guess I still have girly eyes." Now it was Nyx's turn to be confused. I notice this and say, "Ah, I was born a girl but realized that I'm actually a guy. I started hormone treatment and had surgery to remove my breasts. Now I'm legally Jiàn Talisko." I can see so many questions swirling in his eyes. He opens his mouth but closes it immediately. "I'll let you have your rest. I'll come back to check up on you later." Nyx bows to me — dignified, despite the juices running down his mouth and chest.
"I shall be presentable after washing up, Master. Worry not about me." I smile and give him a nod. "Very well. If you do need help just... Yell, alright? I don't want you getting hurt. Even if you can't die, as you say." Nyx takes a good look at me. His dark eye glimmers softly under the infirmary's light. There's almost a wetness to them. He breaths so slowly as he gazes at me, tail flickering to and fro. He takes in every feature of my face, one at a time. "Thank you for releasing me, Master." His eye betrays his drowsiness. He bows to me and, in doing so, nearly falls asleep. I tell him to go get his rest. "I will." I let him have his privacy. Once Jiàn's gone, Nyx breathes in a shaky breath.
"It can't be... yet he has the same eyes as her and the same last name. It has to be her... but now she's a he. Maybe that would be a problem for others, but he's still has to be the same person I've grown to admire. He has to be..." Nyx thought before he succumbed to sleep. I'm back in the ruined hallway. It stretches into the eating hall and further into the Palace. Up ahead something catches my eye: a leather-bound volume. A cursory look reveals most of its pages have been torn out, but the covers back side contains something written in the same script from the deed. The glyphs shift and twist under my gaze, marching into place the harder I stare.
After a few minutes however it turns uncomfortable, as if my mind was being drilled by the paper. I take a seat at the bar, just a foot away from the green glass shards scattered about over the purple stain. I lose myself in deciphering this script. 
Nyx's Sentence
Hereby the High Council of Mer'elleth sentence the Prisoner Nyx to eternal damnation for his meekness and cowardice in disobeying his task. With this sentence his prison is created, the Land known as Havena, born out of the High Council's will. Havena shall serve as a kingdom to lost souls. Among the mortals of Earth, a Jailer will be picked to command and rewrite the realm. The Jailer and the Havena's mission is to secure the Prisoner's eternal torture. The Jailer shall enjoy power and freedom to rewrite Havena as to better enact his vision. Nyx of Khaen with every drop of his blasphemous blood is hereby sentenced to Havena. 
By this decree the High Council's will is done.
I'm pulled from my trance by the bang of a door closing down the hallway. The light around me has shifted. I look back to the garden and the sun is already setting. Time passed in a flash, and now the barely registered steps on marble floor reaches my ears. The stag enters the lounge, sees me, and bows. "Hello, Nyx. Did you sleep well?" I greet him. "I did, Master. I must thank you for allowing me rest." I smile and slid off my chair. "That's good to hear. I take it you have no issue with your bath?" I ask warmly, happy to not smell the decades of filth on his fur. "I did not." Nyx stand up and looks at me directly.
"I should ask for your forgiveness. I left you waiting without providing a tour of the Palace. That was awfully unfitting of my position as the Palace's Keeper. I am at your disposal now, however. There are a few questions eating away at me, if you don't mind. But we can leave them for later if you aren't feeling well," I say. "I am well enough to fulfill my duty. What is it Master wishes to know?" I give into his stubbornness, knowing that I've basically been ignoring his role. "Well, to start off... I'll admit I'm a little worried about you. How are you feeling? Was the shower enjoyable?" The stag shifts his gaze, trying to read my expression and tone. Looking for a tinge of irony, or perhaps malice.
"I — I am well. It was quite peculiar showering after all those years. I had forgotten what water felt like. It is fortunate that my — my wounds were closed. It could have been a painful affair otherwise. For quite a while I just stood there, under the water. Thinking and feeling. All of that is to say... Yes, I am doing well. It is kind of you to ask. Is that all you wished to know?" After being reassured that he's alright, I move onto my most wanted answered question. "How did I get here? I kinda just woke up nearby." Nyx averts his eyes before forcing himself to meet my gaze once more. "Well, the powers in the Deed had brought you to this plain of existence."
I tilt my head, silently asking him to elaborate. "You are still on Earth, just in a different dimension. This dimension was created by the High Council, and they are the ones who have granted you the power to bend the laws of this reality." I say that I understand, but this leads me to another question. "This place... it isn't normal. In other words... what kind of place is this?" The stag's gaze goes to the floor. His feet scrape against it. "This realm was created to imprison me, the jailer's mission is to keep watch. And for that purpose the High Council saw it fit that matter could be spontaneously created... So the jailer's job would not be interrupted by 'petty things' such as material limitations,"
He pauses to look up at me and I nod for him to continue. "It is, as well, the Master's compensation. Being able to create whatever your heart desires of thin air... that is quite a reward, wouldn't you say?" I chuckle and agree with him. "That's right. This is no small power, with some creativity anyone could make a fortune off this place." I say, knowing that I'm barely scraping the surface of attaining such wealth, not that that was a goal for me. I'm content with what I have right now, however; no one wants to say no to owning a few nice things.. "Well, there are a few limitations... The realm refuses to make gold and silver in large quantities. As keeper it is my duty to instruct you on this matter."
"I'd appreciate that a lot, but we can leave that for later if it's complicated," I say, to which he nods in understanding. "Does Master have more questions?" He asks. I quickly nod and ask, "Who is the High Council? You've mentioned them before and they're the ones who did all of this." Nyx nods and swallows thickly before answering, "The High Council can be described as Gods. They are a group of beings that have been here since the creation of the universe. All races have come from them and were allowed to choose where to live. Humans chose Earth." I absorb what he's telling me. "So there are others like you?" Nyx's shoulders sag, his eyes filled to the brim with loneliness.
"...No. I am the only one of my kind. I shouldn't even exist; an abomination is what I am." I frown at that and get up from my seat. "Why do you say that about yourself?" Nyx sighs, as if it's supposed to be obvious. "I am the product of a Council member and a lowly creature. My existence is a sick joke, Master..." I release a sigh, not knowing how to comfort him. "Why should it matter that you were an accident? You're still here. I myself wasn't planned to be born. But I guess our situations are polar opposites, so I shouldn't try to compare. I just don't like seeing you hurt like this..." Nyx stares at me with wide eyes, clearly surprised by my response. 
"Thanks for giving me some insight. Don't go overexerting yourself, I suppose this isn't a priority right now. Getting you patched up is more important. " "I think that's all I had in mind for now. This is a lot to take in. That gods and you exist, for starters, and that this place can just create matter out of thin air. Thanks for telling me all that. I'll just need some time to process it all," I say with a soft smile, unknowingly making the stag's heart beat faster. "It is a pleasure to serve. Could I provide Master with a drink? Would that please you?" He looks behind me, to the wall covered by dozens of bottles of liquor. "Well, I don't think those are safe. I checked a few of them, they weren't smelling right."
The corner of my lips upturned in humor. "That will not be an issue. I can muster more for Master," He insists. "Very well, go on." The stag walks behind the counter. The world blinks around me, and when I look again he holds a bottle of whisky. He walks with a spring in his step, but stops once he sees the purple stain on the floor. Whatever smidgeon of chirpiness was on his face is gone. He lowers himself to the floor and runs a hand over the dried-out wine. He tired scraping the dust off the ground, then rubbing his hand on it, to no avail. "What's on your mind?" I softly ask. The stag speaks without looking up to me. 
"He went all the way, the previous Master. Locking me away wasn't enough, he had to go as far as breaking everything." He pauses as he frowns, as if scolding himself. The stag rises and supports himself on the counter. He summons a rag and goes through the motions of dusting. "No matter. Now, what is Master's want? I should tell you upfront, the Palace's liquor is quite impressive." Nyx may be up and walking, but he's still far from being well. He can use the help. The spiral staircase remains as welcoming as before. "Here. This floor is dedicated to the Master and those he allows in. The Palace bends to the Master's will. My power is similar to yours, albeit much weaker. In due time, the Palace shall conform from the ground up to your vision."
We reach my room and Nyx opens the doors for me. The living room ahead of me seems to have resisted the damage of time better than the rest of the Palace. It is dusty, and some chunks of the wall show the beginnings of mold, but that is nothing compared to the devastation I saw in the kitchen. Nyx says nothing at first. His gaze seems to be lost in the distance as he walks around inspecting the room. There are lines of wooden carvings on shelves. During the stag's silence, I take the chance to explore it myself. The living room is a sprawling lounge made to receive guests, both in great number and for an intimate get-togethers.
Under the sunset's light the wooden floor colors the room with a soft, warm hue. There's a master bedroom with a vast closet still filled with clothes. It's a wardrobe pulled straight from a cosplay convention, robes and more robes organized with a tireless devotion. There's also a large office, the kind you'd expect from an important executive. Sitting on the desk is a selection of finely-decorated fountain pens and a stash of documents, for the most part written in delicate calligraphy. Most of the documents are signed by a "Master Bastien", Although a handful bear an illegible scribble for a signature. There's a finely furnished bathroom off in a tight hallway to the side of the living room.
At the end of the corridor, after a sharp turn, there's a cramped, windowless chamber. It has a handful of remnants of the living room's warmth, albeit muted. The wood's color is faded, the ceiling is a meter lower, there is a little to no furniture. There is, however, an austere bed that looks larger than your typical single. Beside it is a tiny chest of drawers, with a handful of dusty poetry books piled on top alongside more wooden carvings. This room affords privacy, but little else. Nyx is going over it when I arrive. He cradles every wooden carving in the room, examining them one-by-one. Many of the carvings depict great deer. He opens one of the books, and a page marker falls from it.
He looks down at it but doesn't bother picking it up. The stag opens a small closet off to the side, and takes out what seems to be a long piece of fabric. He smells it, or perhaps hugs it to his chest. His bony snout leaves a stain of blood dust on it. He sighs and shudders. The stag looks back to me, acknowledging my presence for the first time since arriving here. "I am frightfully sorry, I was lost in thought. This floor is the Master's quarters. It contains your bedroom, office, living room and any other installations you wish to add. This room we are in, this... was my bedroom. I serve the Palace, but above all else I serve the Master." He lays the fabric gently down on his bed.
"It is often considered convenient to have me around, as I can cook and help the Master however he sees fit. There were Masters who had children, for instance. I would assist in tending to them, providing entertainment and play while the Master rested. Master Bastien was a man of culture. He enjoyed having me play my lyre for him at night." The stag's gaze wander away again, his hands starting to caress a wooden carving. It's at this point that I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, to which he tells me where it is. While in there, I have to take a breather. Everything that's been happening shouldn't be happening at all. I sigh and finish up my business, later washing my hands out.
When I walk out, the setting sun's orange tones color the entire apartment. It turns the suspends dust in the air into thousands of sparkling diamonds. The previous Master's carvings stare at me, wide-eyed and beckoning me further into the Quarters. The smell of old dust seems so small compared to how sweetly the room welcomes me. If a place could ever be alive, and if it could ever be naked, this is it. The Palace itself embraces me, its intimacy laid bare. Nothing moves and Nyx is nowhere to be seen. Silence reigns, save for a faint hum of life. I leave the wine bottle on the living room table. I delve deeper into my quarters, and the hum grows louder and sharper.
It's like breathing, ragged and pained. The dust visible under the sunlight shudders. The sound is coming from the office. Nyx is standing over the desk, his back to me, sobbing. My footsteps are not enough to make him aware of my presence. The stag sobs again and again, each one coming from deeper inside of him. They begin meek, hardly more than a snort. But he lays his hands on the desk and curls forward. His vertebrae jut sharply from his deathly thin skin, made more obvious by how he hunches over. He spits out a sob from the depths of his lungs. The dam bursts, he breaks into wave after wave of grunts and half-muffled screams.
He presses his face against the desk and claws at it, leaving his marks in the pristine wood until he falls to the ground, curled up like a child. He sees me then with his tear-drenched eye and ignores my presence. Master or not, I am too small. He curls further into himself, mouth covered by his hands as he lets out another muffled yell. The stag's voice breaks midway through and he goes silent, even if his mouth is still locked in agony. But Nyx looks up to me, aware of my presence, and makes no effort to hide or cower. In fact, he tried to speak, but I can't understand his slurred words, only that his voice has a tone of welcoming. I cross the gap separating the two of us on step at a time.
Nyx's eye does not avert from me. I sit by his side, back to the desk, and only then his gaze drops down to the floor into further sobbing. I drape an arm over his shoulder and pull him to me. The stag doubles down his crying, now muffled by my shirt. His fingers dig into me — his claws digging into my skin and draw a slight amount of blood from his pressure, but I don't mind. I rub the back of his head and let the stag go at his own pace. As the sun sets further, darkening the room, his crying grows quieter and more discreet as well. When all is dark except for the stars shining beyond the window, Nyx's hands relax and he slouches fully onto my chest.
He almost seems to be asleep, but I catch his eye looking up at me. Nyx is pacified, but I give him a few more minutes to make sure. His fingers dig into me one last time right as he sighs. "I beg your forgiveness, Master. I let my emotions control my strength and have punctured your skin with my claws." I shake my head as I caress his head. "Not to steal your line, but I've been through worse, Nyx. I will survive. I'm just happy to be here for you." He breathes in shakily, to which I wrap my arms around him in a hug. I give him a quick squeeze and pat him on the back before I help him up. He says nothing about what just happened, but accepts my hand.
And when I leave the office, he stays close by my side. Back in the living room, I guide Nyx to the sofa. He sits without questioning, but accompanies me with his gaze as I take a seat facing him. Nyx leans back on the sofa, a weak smile painted on his face. "Thank you for being so kind to me, Master." I wave my hand, giving him a kind smile. "Don't mention it, it was nothing." This seems to set the stag on a new train of thought. "Is that so? Master, if it is not impertinent of me, would you answer a few questions?" I give him a big smile, happy that he's finally willing to look past his role. "Sure, I don't see how that could be a problem," I reply as I sit across from him.
"I wish to know about the War. How did it end?" I tilt my head slightly. "War? Which war?" I ask. "The Cold War. The conflict between the Americans and communists. How did it end? Did communism take over the world?" I stop myself from laughing at such an idea, but I know that he had no way of finding out until now. "Yes, the world is doing fine, the Americans won the war. A lot of stuff happened since then." I briefly tell him the world's history after the Cold War, especially the aftermath of the war. "Oh, I'm so relieved to hear that. I've spent all those years locked away thinking about it. Master Bastien talked so many times about America..." His eyes glaze over in recollection.
"The fields of sunflowers, the fragrances, the fields. He found his way to the Palace, a shell-shocked young man fresh off the battlefield. He inherited the deed from the previous Master, and his rule over the Palace was a sight to behold. He was very kind, had a preference for bring in victims of war. It wasn't easy caring for so many amputees and shell-shocked men, but it was worth it. He loved it here, but I suppose he loved America the most. I couldn't dissuade him from returning home, to help in the protests for civil rights. He died in 1962. I felt it right when it happened. Felt the bullet going through my head in the middle of the night. In 1969, the next Master arrived, Master Cassius." 
At the mention of Cassius' name, Nyx's gaze harshened and he became tense. "Cassius wasn't bad at first. He was very eager to please, to be of use to the guests. But there was something in him... A greed, I suppose. To merely be liked wasn't enough, you see. He and Master Bastien differed greatly. Bastien had a vision, to bring comfort to those affected by war. Cassius, on the other hand, didn't want to be liked, but worshipped." I bitter look washes over his features. "He had his eyes on a guest, a woman who held his mind in the palm of her hand. I can only believe it went badly. And so, he... well, you saw what he did to me. The guests are gone, and the Palace has been left to rot... I had glimpsed the beginnings of madness in his eyes. I am no fool. It was clear he was no sane man but I hoped he'd be harmless."
I immediately have the sense that I know said person personally. "I believe I met this Cassius you speak of. He gave me the Palace's deed. Talked a bit about himself, said he squandered his one chance at something good. He's a drunk now. Can barely talk right. He apparently was looking for me but I've never met him before." Thinking back to it, I relay what my past thoughts were. "When I checked the deed it all seemed like gibberish, too. I could only believe he wasn't thinking right and gave me some used napkin. He said he had done bad stuff during his life, but I never imagined it was bad as what I saw here." Nyx's brow is furrowed and his eyes wander.
He twiddles his thumbs while I speak. "He's still alive, then." He closes his eyes, wrinkling his visage in anger. Nyx looks up to the ceiling. His voice is relaxed now, almost soothing, but it carries a spike of sobriety. "Master, if you would once again permit it, may I speak freely? I may overstep my boundaries of being an outsider that has been looking into your life." I give him a curious look but slowly nod. He takes a deep breath before he begins. "If I'm not mistaken, your father left you when you were young, correct?" I narrow my eyes, wondering how he knew that. Even under my stare, Nyx wills himself to continue. "Did you ever learn the name of your father?" I have to hold myself back from scoffing.
"Of course, Mama had told me his name is Cass-" I choke on my words, realization slamming into me like a train. "N-no... no way," I say in shock as my posture dips forward slightly. "Cassius Talisko was my last Master. I remember him talking of his only child, a daughter named Ari..." Nyx gets up and retrieves something from the bookshelf. He looks at it for a moment before he returns to his seat. He slowly hands me the photo and I feel myself having to hold in a sob. It was a picture of me at one of my most memorable dance recitals. I was twelve in the picture. "Cassius had told me a lot about you, Master Jiàn..." I softly run my finger along the picture. "This is why you acted weird before...you had recognized me."
Nyx nods in affirmation. I sit back in my chair with a deep inhalation of air. Nyx silently watches me. "Master, if once again you would accept it, may I ask a question? This one however may be out of place for me as Keeper." I give him permission to tell me. "Havena was created to torture me as punishment for my crime. But over the years, the human Masters chose to impose a different will onto this realm. Each Master had a vision for it. We had a good run, a few good centuries ever since we started. Until, as you saw, Cassius came along. I wish to know your intentions. That is awfully out of place for me, as Prisoner. You are my captor, and I shall obey whatever your will may be." 
Even at his words, he seems to not care anymore. "Nonetheless, I wish to have my impertinent question answered, if it isn't much. I should let you know, before you answer, that I am used to suffering. I've been through a lot worse than what you saw today." He took a shaky breath before continuing, "If your will is to torture me, like Master Cassius did, then you need not pretend. However, you accepted my oath and took me into your service, and now you've treated me with kindness. I would believe, then that you are not like him. Be honest, if you will. My servitude to you remains regardless of your choice, as I have none myself." I feel for the stag sitting in front of me. Such despair and sorrow in his voice... 
I looked away from him, not being able to believe how cruel my father really was. Mama had told me that he wasn't a good man, that's why when she found out she ran away with me to protect me from him. "I didn't know what I was getting into when I accepted this deed. A lot has happened in a single day. Finding out I had met my dad at my work of all places, somehow being transported here, finding this place and meeting you, who knows more about me than most just from a picture. I couldn't have imagined any of this from his ramblings. But... yes. I intend to be a good Master, to the Palace and to you. I know you're feeling me out, trying to see if I am the same as my father. But I'm not trying to trick you. By what you've told me, I'd have no reason to. Maybe it's hard for you to believe me right now, but I mean it."
Nyx does not answer at first. Only his deep breathing cuts the room's silence. "It's been so long. I don't know for how many years I was locked away. I must admit, the mere thought of asking gives me chills. Master, can you... imagine? For centuries, I've been tending to this Palace. It was my mercy, what saved me from torture and gave me purpose. It was hard work, and not all Masters have been kind over the centuries. But it was wonderful nonetheless, I enjoyed every moment of it. And then... Master Bastien died. I could have done more to try and stop him. I should have. The he came, Cassius. I am used to pain, but I had grown accustomed to having a purpose." 
He looks up at me, into my eyes. "Today you freed me, took me into your service, and now you call tell me you wish to be a good Master. Allow me to speak frankly. I am afraid of you. Terribly so. You are my jailer." He lets out a sigh, as if confessing that had taken some weight off of him. "Over the centuries I grew comfortable with enjoying my Masters, but after Cassius it's all come back to me. I am so afraid of what you can do to me. There's no choice but to obey your every command. I am so sorry for saying this. It is profoundly out of place for the Keeper to address the Master in such a way. I suppose that, even if I'm afraid of you I've lost my fear of pain and overstepping boundaries. All of that said... Despite my fear, I find myself... wanting to believe you." Nyx gets up from the sofa and walked up to me.
He's clearly tipsy, stumbling about as he approaches. The stag kneels before me. "I wish dearly for your words to be true. I am not afforded choice on whether or not I shall obey you. I am a Prisoner. But if indeed your words are true, if your heart is truly set on being a good Master... Then I shall follow you. Not out of duty, but out of want — and were I ever allowed true freedom I would remain by your side. I swore to serve you, and now I swear to follow you — for as long as your word holds true." He looks up to me. The room is dark, lit only by moonlight coming through the window, but I can see a glimmer in the stag's eye. I pull him from his kneeling position into a hug.
He is light, barely heavier than a child. In my arms he is stiff and cold, but just as my hands stroke his back he returns the gesture and rests his muzzle on my shoulder. He sniffles once, twice, and presses his face into my neck. "Thank you, Master." He breathes in deeply, as if learning my scent. Night quickly settles. The Palace has no electricity, but I can do with candle. My shadow and Nyx's slither onto the walls, trembling alongside the flickering flames. The Master's quarters are filled with the velvety sounds of life — breathing, footsteps, furniture creaking under me. From outside, a passerby would see this ruined Palace with a single candle-lit window.
If he perchance tried exploring it, he'd only find unending hallways of black and white marble. He could seek out the comfort of this candle-lit room but would never find it, locked away as it is behind a doorless wall. Silence drips back over the two of us. More often than not Nyx is turned towards me, following with his gaze. Just when I realize how hungry I am, he summons a humble feast for me — fruit, cheese, water, even a regular bottle of wine. He turns his back to you to set the table. He stumbles a bit, and a few apples roll off to the ground. I catch him giving me a sideways glance. His nostrils flare under his nervous breathing. Nyx seizes.
His back broadens as he breathes in, and then his shoulders slouch forward with his exhale. He gazes back at me, as if trying to say something, and after a few seconds he returns to setting the table. His tail flicks behind him, perhaps even with some chirpiness. When dinner is ready, he presents it to me with a half-smile on his lips. My candle-lit dinner is simple and uneventful. Any offer to have Nyx eat alongside me is brushed off with a shake of his head. It's a long, deliberate movement. I then ask him if there's any way to restore the Palace's electricity. "There is, yes. We must perform the revival ritual, and for that we must use a special object. It is an obsidian dagger, and it will bring the entire Palace back to life." Shortly after, with nothing else to do for the night, the both of us find rest in our respective rooms.
The deer minotaur dreams. 
After another taxing day of being used and abused, Nyx sought comfort in his Master's quarters. Master Cassius was in the dining hall, holding a party that Nyx would rather not attend. Not that he was wanted, anyway. He planned on just going to his room, but something had caught his eye. He turned towards it and saw that it was the photograph of Ari, Cassius' daughter. He gingerly plucks it from the shelf and scans the image. He remembers what Cassius had said about her. How she was so smart and ambitious. That she was born to dance. Cassius had joked that she was dancing before she started to walk. While Cassius was never part of her life, he had made sure to keep tabs on her.
She's so full of life. Wherever she goes, happiness and kindness follow right behind her. Hearing more and more about the girl, he found himself wanting to know her personally. But what started as wanting to be her friend, slowly turned into a pining for her. He so desperately wanted to love her, give her every part of himself. He closes his eyes and hums but when he opens them, he finds himself in a field of white flowers that seemed to stretch forever.. Everything was glowing, especially a certain person. It's then that he realizes that it's Ari. But as he continues to stare, she morphs into a man. A man he knows is Jiàn... his new master. Jiàn was humming a sweet tune as he braided flowers together.
Jiàn smiled and looked up to meet his eyes. He suddenly jumped up and started laughing as he ran away, looking back at Nyx, beckoning him to chase after him. A playful smile found his lips as he started walking in the direction of where Jiàn was going. Jiàn glanced back, before laughing again and speeding up. The two ran through the field, the summer breeze playing with the Jiàn's hair. However, their little game ended when Nyx reached out and grabbed Jiàn, bringing him into his chest as they fell to the ground. Nyx now laid on his back, staring down at the heap of a man on top of him. Panting softly, Jiàn looked up at Nyx . He hummed softly as he pushed himself up, his face now level with Nyx's.
No words were spoken as the two got lost in each other's eyes. Jiàn smirked before a look of yearning filled his gaze as he leaned forward and captured Nyx's lips. Nyx hummed into the kiss, feeling that all too familiar warm feeling build up in his chest. As they parted, a string of saliva kept them connected before ultimately breaking. "Where are you today? On a distant planet? Or perhaps you're deep in the jungle." Jiàn laughs and pulls back to look into Nyx's eyes. He brings a hand up and lovingly strokes the deer's cheek. "It's such a shame that dreams don't last long, especially the good ones." With a final kiss, the serene field starts to crumble and so does Jiàn.
He jumps from dream to reflection. Master Bastien and Cassius. The cold room. The new Master. Freedom from the darkness. Food — and wine. Nyx grasps the dusty sheets. It's been decades since he slept on a bed. He feels no bedsores on his back. Instead of the cold room's stench there is only the slightly mold smell of his old room. His lips — half deer, half skeletal — threaten to curl into a smile. But doubt eats away at him, churns in his stomach. The stag unceremoniously rises from his bed. No matter what comes next he must work, work and then work some more. While he shuffles through the he mumbles an old poem from memory.
"You came. And you did well to come. I longed for you and you brought fire. To my heart, which burns high for you." A mirror makes it clear how much of a disgrace he is. The gaping, fleshless hole in his skull makes his ichor bubble and threaten to burst from his mouth. But... he's less of a disgrace than he was the day before. And for the last fifty years. There is some mercy in that. He forces a half-smile and goes out. As soon as he steps out, however, his ear flicks. He catches a distant tune — chirpy, once could say even joyous. It is faint but unmistakable.The smile disappears from his face and is replaced with a ghostly grim canvas.
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5 Times Richie Wouldn’t Let Eddie See Him and the 1 Time He Did
This is part 2 to this ask. Enjoy! Xx T
1. So eventually the losers are allowed to visit Richie. But the second Eddie steps into the room, sheepish and last, Richie is screaming at him to get out. He doesn’t listen to what anyone has to say about the situation. There’s not much small talk to be made, but if not before this, their bond is solidified and everyone gives him as best of a hug as they can and more or less, tell him that they’re happy he’s alive.
2. The next time he sees Eddie is when his nurse pokes her head in,
“Honey, your friend has been out here quite awhile.”
“I’m not up for company.”
He can feel Eddie’s brown eyes on him.
“Richie,” and there’s so much in that one word. In his name. There’s twenty seven years between them.
“Go home.”
Bev shows up with a store bought cake. She explained to him that she never could bake. It’s funny how it made sense, even though he hadn’t seen her in all of these years.
“Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?”
“The fact that I never sat around and talked boys with you?” He asks with a grin.
“No, you absolute idiot. Eddie? Our Eddie?”
“I just remembered five minutes ago.”
“What? It’s a non issue.”
“Non issue? He’s been out there everyday. All day.”
“How do you know Beverly? Oh yes, because you’re here every day too. Like a good old friend.”
She snorts,
“Friend? Richie,”
“Don’t. Please don’t.”
“I don’t know what type of repressed shit-“
“Bev,” Richie chokes, tears springing to his eyes, “please don’t.”
Bev pats his hand,
“Okay honey. Okay.”
3. The next time he sees Eddie is when he wakes up. It’s early. Too early. Probably around six. He’s switching out the flowers on Richie’s bedside table. He didn’t realize someone needed to do that. He didn’t realize the flowers were always fresh. Of course it would be Eddie.
Eddie’s standing there, sheepish, hair not even bothered to be slicked back, looking disheveled as all hell. His facial hair is growing and Richie doesn’t think he’d be able to handle him in a full beard. He’s wearing a sweatshirt and track pants. He looks incredibly guilty,
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have,” he starts but cuts himself off when he realizes that Richie isn’t shouting at him.
“It’s fine,” Richie grunts out.
“I’ll just,” he points to the door.
Richie hesitates. He wants Eddie to come closer. He wants to see him. He wants him to say something.
“Can you get me a glass of water?” Richie asks slowly.
He doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. Doesn’t know what he’s going to say when Eddie brings him his water. What he’s going to do. If he’s going to offer Eddie to sit or-
He’s pulled out of his obsessive thoughts,
“Of course. Of course let me just,” and Eddie rushes out of the room.
Richie hasn’t shut up in 42 years. He knows how to talk. He knows how to talk to Eddie too. Eddie was his best friend, for years. But now, Eddie knows he has a crush on him.
He wants to snort at the thought, a crush, yeah right. He may have had a crush on Eddie when they were ten. But now, now he’s a grown ass man with grown ass feelings about... well, another man.
If he wasn’t a pussy, if he, well if he’d thought about his feelings for Eddie. Processed them like an adult. But when was there time for that? Between near death situations?
By the time Eddie gets back with a glass of water, he’s worked himself into a panic. His hand is shaking when he reaches out to grab the glass and as the back of their hands slide together, he yelps,
“Get out. Get out.”
“Rich, man,”
“Get out!”
And Eddie just gives him a sad smile and walks out. Somehow the little paper hospital cup has a slice of lemon in it and Richie throws it against the wall. He’s fucked.
4. He can feel her presence before she even walks in the door. His sister Sarah is a force to be reckoned with. He hates her because she got all the attractive genes, leaving Richie with fuck all.
She sashays into the room. What are probably designer sunglasses on her head, holding back her wildly curly hair. She has piercing green eyes and she’s tall and thin with a Louis Vuitton bag over her shoulder and a basket of what looks like utter shit in her hands.
“Richie, you almost fucking died on me!” She shouts, throwing her stuff into the nearest arm chair. She’s wearing an olive green pea coat over a black sweater, jeans and a pair of high heeled gray booties.
Sarah is. What is Sarah. She’s a fashion designer. For lack of a better word. She’s not exactly sewing the clothes tooth and nail like high school anymore, nor has Richie seen her with a sketch book recently. The point is she’s rich, and fun and relatable and literally ended up on the Top Bachelors/Bachelorettes List of 2017. It drives Richie crazy. He’s the actually famous one dammit. And he hadn’t even made the cut. It kills him the way Sarah charms her way through interviews. Shit, she gets papped more than him it feels sometimes. Suddenly, all that charm is on him and she crosses the room to throw her arms around him.
She feels like home, and smells like Bath and Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar since she has since she was thirteen and Sarah. The Sarah Tozier is crying into his shoulder.
“I love you Richie. Stop trying to be a hero all the fucking time.”
“A hero?” He asks, slightly confused.
“Yes,” she hisses, “there’s no way you own anything valuable enough to fight off a mugger for.”
He splutters,
“Is this face not valuable Sarah?!” He asks dramatically.
She rolls her eyes,
“Shut up Rich. I’m serious. What the fuck were you thinking? Look at you!”
“What? I’ve never been better,” he grits out.
“Never been better?! Fuck off with the jokes, we’re not seventeen! Never better? Concussion, punctured lung, this fucking cut on your face! Broken ribs. Sprained ankle. Richie, you’re tore the fuck up.” She says, sliding next to him in the bed.
Richie sits in silence, feeling throughly scolded.
“They have coffee here?”
“It’s shitty.”
She nods,
“Aren’t you like some huge celebrity now? Couldn’t you have sprung for a nicer place?”
He knows she’s gotten it off her chest, is less mad now and more concerned, so he slides back into bickering with her,
“First of all, I’m pretty sure no hospital has a fucking Starbucks adjoining the lobby. And second, your taste is about as putrid as that color coat.”
Her jaw drops,
“Take that back!”
“I’m gonna beat your ass when you’re put back together. There’s no way you of all people are insulting the way I dress.”
“I did and I am my beautiful sister.”
“Alright, turn on this damn tv because I’ve heard enough of your mouth already.”
“Your words wound me.”
“They should. I’ve been here like ten minutes.”
There’s a lull in conversation as he turns easily to where he knows Dr.Phil will be on.
“Speaking of which-“
“Here we go.” He starts.
“I know that I did not see that little cutie Eddie fucking Kaspbrak outside!” She all but squeals.
Before Sarah ended up fucking hating them like older sister’s do, back in the day, she had fucking loved them. In fact, Sarah was a big reason that Richie even started thinking about Eddie that way. She was always pushing them together. Not even like that, but in a way that grouped them all up. Bill and Bev. Stan and Mike and Ben. And Eddie and Richie. Eddie and Richie.
“He’s not cute. He’s a grown ass man.”
“I didn’t ask you if he was cute.” She looks him over once. “So a reunion?” She asks. 
Very pointedly, Instead of asking “Is there something you need to tell me?”
“Um yeah. All of us losers were there.”
“Including Eddie fucking Kaspbrak.”
“Sarah.” He says. Daring her, almost.  
“You never settled down.”
“Neither did you,” he argues.
“I’m busy fucking my way through pre-Bachelorette contestants.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re what?!”
“And your gay.”
She glares at him. Daring him to challenge her.
“Tit for tat?”
She nods,
“Tit for tat.”
“Deadass. For Eddie, right?”
“Always for Eddie. Are you.. anything else? In a relationship perhaps?”
“Yeah. I’m.. it’s a something. Did you tell him?”
“He.. found out.” He grinds his teeth. Forgets to ask his question.
“Do you remember when you kissed him?”
“I what?!”
“You were five. I married you in the backyard. I omitted the kiss, but it was you who insisted.”
“I did not.”
“Did to.”
“Does he know?” Richie asks.
“Why is Eddie out there instead of in here?” She snaps back.
Richie can’t believe it. His own sister knew. And she’d, she probably hadn’t forgotten. There had been no reason for her to lose her memories. So this whole time she’d known about Richie’s feelings. She’d said nothing. She.. she treated him the same. She’d loved him anyway. And suddenly he’s crying.
She holds him, like she always does, and he very pointedly does not think about Eddie outside in the waiting room.
“I love you Richie.”
“I tolerate you.”
“That’s my cue to leave.”
It takes her awhile to get her things and get herself together, and suddenly Richie is at the door, hugging her again.
“You’ve gotta tell him.”
“You need to talk to Eddie.”
Richie grins,
“Tit for tat?”
She hesitates before nodding and opening the door,
“Tit for tat.”
He’s just shutting the door when she trills,
“Oh my god. Eddie, sweetie. I haven’t seen you in years! Do you want to go grab lunch or something? Richie’s just exhausted. So it will probably be a few hours before he’s recovered.”
Richie shuts the door and crawls into bed, mind reeling.
5. “Richie honey!” It’s Janice, his favorite nurse and her favorite patient.  
“Yes Janet?”
“You know I’m going on vacation tomorrow.”
“I know, you witch. What about it?”
“Well you haven’t talked to your gentleman friend yet and you’ll probably be discharged by the time I’m back so,”
“Janice, I’m really not.”
“Honey, he’s right here. “
Eddie pokes his head in and his hair is still a mess and he’s got a little bit more than a five o’clock shadow, which means he hasn’t left.
“Janet.” He says desperately. “I don’t feel well, I can’t.”
“Richie please,” Eddie says desperately.
“I said I don’t feel well. Please don’t,” he says weakly.
“Richie honey, sooner or later-“
“Oh shut up and get out, get the fuck out Janice!” He snaps.
He sees the hurt flash across her face and then the door shuts forcefully.
Richie’s being discharged. Sarah had to go back to New York, so Mike was bringing him to the airport. He’d left a card for Janice at the front desk with a promise to tickets to one of his shows, had his slides on, and was ready to go.
He’s not expecting Eddie to be in the waiting room. Still. He’s got his hair slicked back and he’s bare faced again. He must have a flight of his own to catch.
“Richie,” he says quietly.
Richie looks down, he doesn’t want to do this right now. He’s tired.
“Just, tell me if I’m wasting my time. It’s been ten days. I haven’t left your side. I. We need to talk about this. Can we please talk about this?”
“What’s there to talk about? You’re married. To a woman.”
“We’re separated. We’ve been separated. I didn’t like, leave her for you. You’re not that special,” he jokes.
“But you said-“
“Yeah, like I’m gonna show up and say I’m a failed divorcee.”
“Eddie I don’t have time-“
“Ask me.”
“Ask you what?”
“If I love you too.” He says quietly.
“I’m not gonna,” Richie’s stuck between wanting to collapse onto the ground and run away.
He tried to tell himself that it doesn’t matter if Eddie loves him, it doesn’t. They haven’t known each other for nearly thirty years. They each have their own respective lives. It doesn’t. This isn’t a fairytale. Richie has a life. Shows and obligations and he’s gonna be an uncle, holy shit. He has a girlfriend for Christ’s sake. So no, it doesn’t matter if Eddie loves him too. It’s too late for that. Life doesn’t work like that.
“Richie I,”
“Don’t!” He all but shouts, “I swear to fucking, don’t! It’s not fair.”
“Not fair? Richie what-“
“We can’t just be together. There’s, I have a life. You have a life. You have a job. You’re going through a divorce! No matter how we feel, it’s not, okay. It’s not, things aren’t just going to fit magically into place.”
“They can if we try.”
That sounds too much like the truth. Richie’s gut hurts. He doesn’t want to try. He doesn’t even want to start, because he knows he will not stop. No matter how things go. And if they ride hard, they’re going to crash and burn, fast. He’s lived his entire life in denial. He’d rather never know then to have things go south. And quickly.
He has to go, he has to get out of this situation.
“Can we try?” Eddie begs, “Give me a chance!”
“That’s the thing Eds. It wouldn’t be a  chance. It would be unlimited chances. And if things don’t work out, I can’t handle it.”
“So you’re counting us out before we’ve even tried?”
“Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
He tries to duck around Eddie, he’s got to get out of here.
“Richie, I love you. And I know it’s been like two weeks since our feelings came back but god they came back and I love you.  I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone before. I hadn’t realized that until now. What love actually felt like. Truly felt like. Please give me a chance. Let’s work this out, let’s.”
Richie looks up when he hears Eddie’s voice crack. There’s tears in his beautiful brown eyes and he has his own stitches in his face and he’s thought of about ten jokes about their matching scars if they do get together.  Get together.
“I don’t,”
“Dammit!” And Eddie is kissing him.
He’s soft but firm and his huge palm and resting on the back of Richie’s neck and his mouth is hot, and slick.  He finds himself standing completely still, just letting himself be kissed.
Richie breaks away panting,
“I can’t take anymore. I have to go.”
“Richie please.”
“Stop for gods sake. Mike is waiting for me.”
“I can drive you!” He says desperately.
Richie shakes his head,
“I’m okay.”
Eddie frowns in disappointment. Richie feels bad leaving, he does. But he’s scared, and it’s his first kiss with a guy and the guy is Eddie. But he can’t take it anymore. He’s anxious to get to the pharmacy to pick up his prescription because his ribs are killing him, and he’s nervous to return to an empty apartment.
Eddie’s still staring at him and Richie adjusts his backpack straps before leaning in to kiss Eddie’s cheek,
“I’ll text you when I’m on the plane.”
He starts walking away,
“Richie!” Eddie calls.
Richie turns around,
Richie shakes his head. Smiles a bit.
“I know.”
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tfiolarry · 4 years
tfiol chapter two: pretty
summary: simply, the girls meet their grandmas and make a friend.
[one] [three] 
give us feedback :) 
A/N: gif not ours creds to owner
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11:55 AM 
Louis and Harry already woke up, the girls fed them breakfast, gave them a bath. Now, they are getting them ready to meet their moms, Jay and Anne. 
HARRY: (putting Dani's hair in pigtails) Alright, so on the agenda for today is meeting with moms and then we’ll head to the park for a cute little picnic.
JORDYN: (Louis putting her hair in a pigtails also) What's genda? 
LOUIS: An agenda’s like a game plan, o’ tiny one. Like...all the fun stuff we wanna do with you guys today. (finishes her hair)
DANI: Fun stuff?
LOUIS: Yeah, like snacks and bubbles or...barbies, maybe chalk or coloring...but all that, plus picnic.
DANI: (tries to look up at Harry even though he’s doing her hair) For real?
HARRY: (nods and puts cute bows in her hair) Anything you guys wanna do, we will get it for you.
JORDYN: I like bubbles and grapes. (smiles)
DANI: Chalk too.
LOUIS: We can bring it all.
DANI: We can have grapes now?
LOUIS: (looks at Harry) Now?
HARRY: (looks at Louis and shrugs) I guess. But only a few, because we still have lunch later.
JORDYN: (claps her hands) Yay! 
HARRY: Alright Ms. Dani, you are all set.
DANI: (smiles a lot and touches it) Pretty. (gets down from her chair and hugs Harry) Thanks.
HARRY: (pouts and hugs her back) You’re so welcome.
JORDYN: (to Louis) I done too? 
LOUIS: Yes you are indeed, my little poppet. All done and just as pretty as Dani’s, I promise.
JORDYN: (smiles, turns to him and holds her pinky out) Pwomise? 
LOUIS: (smiles and pinky promises her) I promise, 100%. (boops her nose with his other hand) How about we get you guys those grapes now? Sound good?
JORDYN: (nods quickly and gets off the chair after letting go of Louis pinky)
They head to the kitchen with the girls and give them handfuls of grapes each. While they are eating the grapes there is a knock on the door. Wonder who it could be? 
HARRY: I got it. (goes to the door and opens it) Mothers! Hello! (hugs both at the same time) 
ANNE: (hugs him back and is a smiley woman) Hi lovebug.
JAY: (hugs back also) Hello indeed, darling, where are these adorable children of yours? 
HARRY: (lets go of them and opens the door more for them to come in) They’re in the kitchen eating grapes. Come in.
They join Harry and co. inside the house, making their way to the kitchen where Louis, Dani, and Jordyn are eating grapes - seedless green ones, red are for chumps. The girls are casually munching and Louis’ gonna get up.
LOUIS: Moms! How exciting is this? (goes to Jay first and gives her a big hug and then Anne) Lovely to see you guys, like always.
DANI: (while chewing) Who that?
JORDYN: (shrugs and eats more grapes) Moms?
HARRY: Dani, Jordyn, these are our moms who are now your grandmas.
JORDYN: (looks at Dani to let her know who they are) Grandmas. 
DANI: (smiles) Grandmas. (baby waves to them) Hiiii.
JAY: (waves back) Hello, you are so cute.
DANI: I know.
LOUIS: Dani…
DANI: (giggles) Thanks.
JORDYN: Hewwo (waves also) I Jordyn, (points to Dani) This Dani.
DANI: (nods and stuffs her mouth with grapes)
ANNE: (laughs a little) I’m Grandma Anne, nice to meet you both.
DANI: (tries to talk but she’s got grapes)
ANNE: (looks at Louis and Harry) I think...she’s got too many grapes. 
JAY: Yeah, I’ll second that.
LOUIS: Harry, it’s your turn to fix this. I fixed the plant situation the other day, so...
HARRY: (scoffs) How do I even fix this? (goes to Dani) Hey bub, you got too many grapes...one at a time, yeah?
DANI: (looks at him and then decides to fix this by spitting them out on a paper towel on the counter and looks at him) Okay. (gets a new grape now and does a little dance)
HARRY: Okay. (smiles at Louis, Anne and Jay) Parenting isn’t so hard after all. 
JORDYN: (drops a grape) No! (pouts and is almost about to cry because she was really excited for that grape)
JAY: Are you sure? 
LOUIS: Harry, it’s still your turn to be fixing this. 
HARRY: (is pouting but goes to Jordyn) Hey, hey. (grabs another grape and gives it to her) Look, don't be sad - there's more grapes.
JORDYN: But...(points to the one that fell)...I want that one. (pouts) 
LOUIS: That one is yucky, love, it’s on the floor. 
ANNE: (teasing) Thought it was Harry’s turn.
LOUIS: I’m...being a good person, sh.
DANI: No sad, just do like... (grabs a grape and wipes it off with her hands)... that.
HARRY: It’s still yucky, Dan.
JORDYN: (big baby sigh and grabs a new grape) 
HARRY: I’m sorry Jordyn, it’s just how life goes.
LOUIS: But it is, Jordy, it is how life goes, sometimes life gives you yucky grapes on the floor, and you just have to accept it, why? Because big girls accept those things. And you guys are big girls for real, so just say bye bye to it.
DANI: (pouts) Bye bye.
JAY: Kind of depressing to tell them that’s life, isn’t it?
DANI: Who is pressing?
HARRY: Don’t worry about that. The better question is who is ready for the park? 
JORDYN: (gasp and raises her hand) Me! 
DANI: Me too! And...chalk too.
LOUIS: Yes, Dani, the chalk is ready for the park as well.
DANI: Good. You too?
LOUIS: Yeah, me too.
DANI: And grandmas?
ANNE: Of course.
JAY: Always.
DANI: (to Harry) You too?
HARRY: (laughs) Yes me too. 
3:12 PM
Jay and Anne came over earlier in the day to meet the girls before Louis and Harry rounded them up and got them ready to go to the park. They requested chalk, granted they went shopping for toys the other day and picked some up, so they brought it with them. At the park, Dani and Jordyn walk ahead of the adults. Louis is holding a bag of snacks, Harry has a cooler bag for drinks and stuff, and Jay is holding a bin of chalks.
ANNE: (looking at Louis and Harry) They’re really lovely girls, you two.
LOUIS: Of course they are, they’re being raised by us. We’re the loveliest of the lovely.
JAY: Debatable, at least for you.
ANNE: For sure, I agree. 
LOUIS: Hey! Harry, back me up here!
HARRY: (looks around and points, ignoring him) Oh! We should sit there! 
ANNE: That’s an excellent choice, my darling boy.
LOUIS: Wow, I see how it is. I just get bullied around here and get no back up, just pointedly ignored. Just rude. 
DANI: (goes to Jay and taps her leg) Grandma? Chalk please?
JAY: (opens it and hands her the bin) Be careful, okay? Try not to drop them, they’ll break.
DANI: (gasps) Oh no. (looks at Jordy) We be careful, okay? They break.
JORDYN: (looks at her) Why? 
DANI: Dunno. (looks at Jay) Why break?
JAY: Science?
LOUIS: Mom. Science? Really?
JAY: It’s a good answer, hush, you.
DANI: (looks at Jordyn again) That.
JORDYN: (makes an unsure face and looks at Louis) Why? What’s a...(struggles to say science). 
LOUIS: Science is the reason why everything is everything. Like why are you guys the cutest? Science. Why is grass green? Science. (joking) Why is Harry goofy looking? Science. 
DANI: (looks at Harry) Goofy? 
HARRY: (does the goofy laugh) 
JORDYN: (laughs a lot) 
DANI: (also cracks up but is careful because the chalk)
LOUIS: See this? The man makes our children laugh, I knew I picked the right guy to fall in love with.
HARRY: (smiles) I also picked the right guy to fall in love with - who else would be so down to risk being mobbed to get their kids chalk and bubbles? 
LOUIS: Approximately zero people, you lucky son of a gun.
JORDYN: (stops laughing and wipes her face) That funny. 
LOUIS: He’s a comedian. I mean...he is very funny.
DANI: (she’s done laughing too and puts the chalk bin on the ground and starts drawing with a green one)
Anne and Jay go to sit in the spot that Harry pointed out, and Louis follows (hopefully Harry too). They sit and supervise the kiddos from...close enough.
HARRY: Girls, we’re going to be over there. (points again) If you need anything, yell, got it? 
JORDYN: (nods) Got it.
DANI: Yes, got it. For real.
HARRY: Alright, good. (leaves them) 
JORDYN: (sits with Dani) You like dem? 
DANI: (holds up her chalk) Chalks?
JORDYN: (rolls her eyes) No! Hawwy, Lou Lou, and Grandmas?
DANI: Ohhh, yeah. (continues drawing) They nice. And funny, like goofy. You too?
JORDYN: Yeah, (picks up chalk) I happy. (starts drawing too)
DANI: Me too. Happy. 
Dani and Jordyn continue to scribble on the pavement, creating some incomprehensible images that would only make sense to their young minds. They encourage the family to come see when they have a lot going on, and they appreciate their creative efforts in full. While the adults relax and talk, making sure to check on them every now and then, a small boy - Chase - is riding his scooter near them. He is going back and forth, being sure not to ride through their drawing. He makes his way over to them though and looks at their drawings. 
DANI: (looks up at him from her spot on the ground and smiles) Hiii.
JORDYN: (squints at him like “who are you”) Hey. 
CHASE: I’m Chase. You?
DANI: Dani. (points to Jordyn) Jordyn.
CHASE: Okay. What’s that? (points to their art on the pavement)
JORDYN: Flowers. (keeps drawing)
DANI: (asking him for an opinion) Pretty?
CHASE: (nods) Pretty. (fixes his elbow pads)
DANI: (smiles) Thanks. What that?
CHASE: These, I have ‘cause I felled.
DANI: (nods) Ouchies.
CHASE: (nods too) Lots of ouchies.
JORDYN: (looks up at him) You felled on that? (points to his scooter)
CHASE: Yeah. But not scary, just...ouchies. 
DANI: Just ouchies. I try?
CHASE: Dunno. Maybe.
DANI: (pouts) Okay.
CHASE: (sits with them and touches drawings they did already) 
JORDYN: (offers him blue chalk) Draw? 
CHASE: (takes it) Yes, I help?
JORDYN: Yeah. (point above their drawing) Do sky. 
DANI: Do sky pretty, okay?
CHASE: (nods and starts drawing) Pretty. Okay.
JORDYN: Like Dani.
DANI: Me? No… (bashful smile) you.
CHASE: Both pretty. 
JORDYN: Both? 
CHASE: Yeah. Like...you two. Mommy telled me.
JORDYN: Thanks. You pretty. (nods)
CHASE: (smiles) Thanks.
The children continue drawing, talking about their matching ages, favorite colors and toys, and how Chase got a baby sister in their own baby way. He claims he got up and “mommy wasn’t big anymore”. Interesting. Meanwhile, the family keeps watch on all three of them, especially when Chase does let Dani try his scooter. It’s a fun day, in summary.
A/N: Thanks for so many notes on the first fic it really means a lot 🥺
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thedollarstoresatan · 4 years
The Truth Betold
Chapter 4, ???, ???, 1883, May 27th, 9:16 P.M.
    Animals surrounding her, the woman floating above the earth. The cape hanging off a tree by her fluttered in the wind. The cold shiver of the forest did nothing to help her burning body. One of the rabbits came under her, sniffing the air around her before backing away again. A tiger stalked its way around her, herding off the other animals behind the nearby treeline. 
    It’s teeth gripping onto the cape, the tiger swiftly pulled it down in time for her to descend back into the earth. Lowering herself from her toes up, she let the tiger drop the cape back into her hand. A tattoo, of a moon with a shuriken standing upside in the middle, air-like movements behind them decorated her shoulder. 
    Turtleneck not covering her arms, with white pants with a holster holding a rod-shape, two black gems decorating the top and bottom, with a singular one in the middle. Her shoes were black with a corresponding design in the middle, flaps coming down on the sides, leading to a slim heel. Silver eyes looking at the now herded animals, her long black hair cascaded down her back. 
    “You do have a trick for scaring away other animals, Leona.” Petting the tigers head she smiled fondly. Hooking the tip of the hood under her finger and slinging it on her shoulder, she walked deeper into the forest. 
    Coming across a clearing, she smiled at the ‘empty’ space. Leona once again stalked up to her. “Enquêter.” Turning her back on the space, leaving the tiger to proll around, she walked back towards the shallower part of the forest. 
    “Ash! Sortir!” The woman looked at the man emerging from the brush beside her.
    “Bonjour, Mademoiselle.” 
    “Where’s Zen?” 
    “East side of the Red Territory, towards the Bright family home.”
    “Most likely trying to find Ezra, then.” 
    A strangled yell came from the opposite direction. Not towards where Leona was, not towards the central quarter, not towards anywhere besides the lake of tears. Soon following the Magic Tower. “Do you think they already know of us here?”
    “Yes. Leo made it impossible to miss. So did Louis.” Sighing while pinching the bridge of her nose, the hushed tone of her voice didn't go unnoticed by Ash. “We’ll be lucky if they dont get one of us. They still have plenty of magic left from others I assure you.”
    “Leo is the most important.” 
    “Yeah, yeah.” 
    Stealing a glance at the tattoo, she threw the cape over her shoulders, covering down to her wrists. “Let's go investigate that.” A fire emerged from her hand. 
    “Elizabeth, don't catch the forest on fire.”
    “Unlike some of you, I know how to control my powers.”
    The blue haired man scoffed at her, brown eyes narrowing. Stealing a glance at the distant lights, he continued after Elizabeth’s stead.
    Disguising themself farther into the darkness, the raven haired person stuck to the walls of the building, dodging the windows and prying eyes from anyone inside the estate. 
    Coming across the Library windows, they stole a glance inside. A middle-aged man sat on an armchair, pendulum ball hanging from his pointer finger as a woman looked at nearby books. 
    The man looked at the window, emerald meeting jade, before putting the pendulum ball down. 
    “Your friends here.” Claudius’s voice rang through the room. Turning her head in the direction Claudius was looking at, she saw them. 
    Ezra held up her hand, making a gesture to come in, and turned back to the book section. A quick flash of light brought another person in the room. “Never met him before.” Glancing back at Ezra’s discarded coat and walking stick, Zen looked back at the titles surrounding them. “Nor have I ever seen you take that coat off.”
    Plucking out a book from the shelf, Ezra promptly walked and sat leg-crossed on the couch opposite of the man. “You’re a mess right now, where have you been, hell?” 
    “I wish.” 
    Hair standing up in loose strands, dirt spread across their uniform, Zen looked like they had been dragged through a mud pit. Sitting down cautiously on the couch, Zen looked over Ezra’s shoulder, only to find scripted characters they couldn't even begin to understand. Symbols and pictures surrounded the pages.
    “You won’t be able to understand it.” A chime of a clock came from the hall. “It's in an old demon scripter.” 
    “Well… Isn't that a lovely thing to keep in your house.” Responding to Claudius’s statement with the most gracious voice he could muster, Zen cleared their throat before sitting up. 
    “Do you know what this might mean?”
    Holding the pendulum ball up once again, Claudius looked Zen dead in the eyes. Averting their gaze from the ball and back up into jade irises, Zen only cleared their throat again. “I can only roll out the possibility it's an old Eltrius scroll. They often resembled a ball. Most of them, if you used a certain combination of spells would unlock. Meaning it most likely came from Scarlet, if i'm right.” 
    “You are.” 
    Holding out her hand, Claudius dropped the small ball into her palm. “Do you know the combination to unlock it, then?” 
    “Sadly enough, no, but Emila or Leo might. They’re the closest to her.” 
    “Leo’s currently trying to avoid cradle, and Emila wouldn't dare to make any decisions leading to her exposure. I wouldn't be able to track them without magic, and considering how many people are currently around this area? Not a good idea.” 
    “Right, somebody with enough magical power could feel it. Got it.” 
    “Go take a bath. I’ll try and find clothes for you.”
    “Right, thanks.” 
    Once Zen left, Claudius turned back to Ezra. “I'm not sure I like him.”
    Closing the rather demonic book, Ezra stood up and strided towards the door. “You haven’t ever liked any of my friends, and he’s non-binary, so its ‘them’.”
    “Oh what a mess!” The pout that was put on Ash’s face didn’t meet his eyes. Hand on his hip, and the other pressed to his lips. Ash’s body was covered in blood. Bloodied hands, bloodied clothes. Not like it's Elizabeth’s first time seeing him like this. 
    “I have to erase her memory due to you killing them.” The scoff sounded Ash’s way didn't affect him. 
    Something was running towards them, at a rather fast pace, they could both feel it. Though, it was great at hiding its presence. “Leona.” Next thing Ash knew, Elizabeth’s Martilel was in her hand, spinning  a few times before stopping and extending. The tiger came sprinting out of the forest, white coat shining in the moonlight, golden eyes reflecting off of it. A man soon after. Silver eyes bore into his, holding the Martilel out. 
    “Now, now, girlie’s. I'm not here to hurt you. Hand over the tiger and we’ll leave you alone.”
    It was only then that Elizabeth noticed the bodies were gone. Most likely buried deep in the ground by now due to Ash’s power. 
    “Excuse me? “Girllie’s?” I am a man through and through you toddler!” The blue haired man’s eyes shone a dangerous light, brown eyes  lighting up and iris’s slimming into a diamond. 
    The male only scoffed. “Yeah right, you got all the curves in all the right places! Now give me the tiger!” The man growled, only making it a step before the ground caved in under him. 
    Nearly breaking his legs, the earth was unforgiving. Squeezing up to his waist. 
    “I'm a man.” 
    “Help me you fool!”  The man’s angered voice only made Ash’s cheshire smile widen. 
    Crouching down in front of the man, Ash put his elbows on his legs, hands on the side of his head, 
    “I-m a m-a-n. Say it with me now! I'm a man!”
    “Help me!” 
    The ground only tightened around him. 
    Getting up, Ash skipped in circle’s around the man, chanting ‘I'm a man’ over and over again, watching in delight as the man screamed towards Elizabeth’s direction, whose attention was brought back to the boy sitting unconscious against a tree. 
    The man, now neck-deep in the ground, shot daggers at ash. 
    “You crazy ass bitch! Let me go!”
    “What am I! I'm a man!”
    “And you sir.”
    Stopping in front of him, crouching again, coming up close to his face, Ash’s smile widened at his obvious struggle.
    “Are a man, with an idiotic mind."
    Before another word could be exchanged, the man let out a blood-curdling scream before getting engulfed by the ground completely. Bones audible cracked under the surface. 
    “The worms appreciate it.” 
    Smile not leaving his face, Ash turned around and sat by Elizabeth, who had the child sleeping on one shoulder, Leona on her lap, and was staring into the oblivion. “Now i'm happy I never got that surgery! Afterall, it means more people to kill!”
    His irises changing back to normal, and the soft glow of his brown eyes subsided, he clapped his hands out of sheer delight. “I wonder how an organ would taste?” Curiosity crossing his face, Ash put his finger on his mouth again, dried blood making its way into his mouth. 
    “If you find out, please to god don't tell me.” Delighted laughter erupted from Ash’s throat, as he looked at Elizabeth, happiness relevant in his eyes. Cheshire smile now gone and replaced with a real smile of genuine happiness. 
    “Thats a rare occurrence.” 
    “Awe! Don't say that! I smile plenty!”                                                     
    “Ouais, Ouais. Sure ya do.”
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toddysdiaries · 6 years
Sweet Boy - David Dobrik x Reader (SMUT)
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((GIF is not mine))
Pairing: David Dobrik x Reader
Requested: Yes, but not to me. @dd-imagines received this: 
‘okay okay okay, you know i love dom david, so this is out of character for me but consider this: sugar daddy david paying you to dom the fuck out of him🤥 the whole tying him up, orgasm denial, hickeys, etc etc. oops -🦴‘
So I spoke to her, and I have. 
Summary: You gain a new sugar daddy, David, but he isn’t the normal type of sugar daddy, he’s submissive.
Words: 6,111 (I really got carried away, okay, really)
Warnings: filthy smut, orgasm denial, orgasm ruining, tying up, sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship,
A/N: Requests are open! Feel free to request stuff, but not Jeff at the moment, because I have a handful just for Jeff and although he’s very pretty he’s not the only one.
You’d heard about being a sugar baby from Ellie, one of your best friends after you’d asked her where she’d gotten the money to afford the Louis Vuitton bag that she was sporting. Ellie had told you all about her sugar daddy Paul, a middle-aged owner of one of L.A.’s many law firms.
Paul was a daddy dom and liked to take care of Ellie, but mostly liked Ellie to be a brat so that he could punish her. They met once a week for sex, but sometimes he liked to take her out for dinner during the week, and he’d often sext her during the week.
You’d dabbled in BDSM before, mostly as a dominant rather than a submissive but you were sure that you could be a bratty sub if that was what was required. From what Ellie had told you it seemed like all sugar daddies were sexual doms.
When you showed interest in getting your own sugar daddy, Ellie directed you to a site called sugarbaby.com, and she’d told you to tell her when you were first going to meet the guy so she could be there just in case he was a murderer.
It took you a whole week to make an account on sugarbaby.com, it wasn’t that you were scared about actually being a sugar baby, it was more that you were scared about who was going to be on the other end of the phone/computer. You were also scared of one of your professors or close friends finding out about what you were up to.
You filled out your profile with a lingerie picture cut off at the neck to save your anonymity, a red lacy bodysuit that you’d bought for last valentine’s day, and a few basic details about yourself. It surprised you how many messages you got in the first day of your profile being up, but unfortunately, the majority of the first messages you received were overtly sexual and were from guys with pictures of their penis’ as their icons.
You were just about ready to give up on finding a sugar daddy as decent as Paul when you had received a message that had caught your eye. It was from a sugar daddy whose icon was of their lower face and a long expanse of a pale milky neck, a huge, perfect grin on his face and a very noticeable Adam's apple. You could just about see some wispy brown hair around his neck. He looked around the same age as you, so you were surprised he was on a site like that.
What caught your eye though was the respectful message that he had sent you and the submissive undertones that bled through the message.
‘Hi, you look lovely. I’d love to know what I can do for you’. What he could do for you, not what you could do for him. You were pretty sure that he wasn’t just talking about buying stuff for you either.
Clicking through to his profile you noticed a few more pictures there was a couple more pictures of the man’s neck, another face on, but his head tilted back meaning none of his face was exposed and the other was from the side, a strong jawline visible. From this angle you could see more of his messy hair, curling lightly around the man’s neck. This man definitely had somewhat of a neck kink. Perhaps he liked receiving hickeys or maybe even light choking.
There was also a full-length photo (cut off at the neck), showing an entirely black outfit. At a closer glance you noticed the sheer expense of what the man was wearing, a Balenciaga jacket covered most of his Gucci sweatshirt and he was wearing what looked like Calvin Klein jeans, he was wearing more than you’d spent on clothes for your whole life.
Finally, there was one more picture of the man in significantly less clothing, sat on a black leather chair in what looked like quite a luxurious bedroom. Clad in just a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers, the man’s hairy thighs were spread to reveal what looked like quite a big package. There was a light smattering of dark hair across a fairly toned stomach, and you could see a Cartier ring on his long fingers now.
You couldn’t help but imagine having the man tied up in his position, teasing him and bringing him to the edge, before pulling away again…
But you were getting ahead of yourself. You bit down on your lip as you went back to your inbox and clicked on the message again.
‘What did you have in mind, sweetheart?’ You hoped you were reading the subtle cues correctly from the man, as he seemed nice and you didn’t want to offend him by making out, he was submissive if he wasn’t. You figured it was a safe message to go for as you weren’t dominating him straight away.
To your surprise, a green dot appeared next to his icon and typing… appeared at the bottom of your chat. After a minute or so, a message popped up.
‘I’d love to buy you more pretty lingerie and have you suffocated me with those beautiful thighs and pussy. I’d love to make you cum over and over again, while you don’t let me cum at all.’
You were right, he wanted you to dominate him. This sounded like one sugar daddy you could definitely get behind.
‘You can buy me the lingerie, but you can’t touch darling, no. I’d have you tied on that leather chair of yours and be teasing you within an inch of your life.’ You got into the feel of things, letting yourself take control of the conversation.
You watched typing…appear on the screen again and disappear every few seconds until a new message popped on the screen.
‘Would you let me cum?’ You could tell he was asking hypothetically, as there definitely would’ve been a couple of pleases if he was attempting to sext you.
‘Would you like me to ruin it for you? ’You typed back. You’d dominated one man who liked to be teased within an inch of his life and then to have his orgasm completely ruined.
‘Please ruin my orgasm.’ Came almost immediately after the read receipt had popped up. And then another. ‘Please, can I take you out for dinner so that we can discuss boundaries and money?’
‘You can sweet boy. Where would you like to take me?’ The pair of you arranged a time and place to meet, and you excitedly told Ellie about the sugar daddy, who was really more like a baby himself. She told you to keep her updated when you met with him, so she knew you weren’t being murdered.
You kept in contact with your sugar daddy throughout the wait to meet him and a few days before the day you were to meet, he’d paypal’d you $500 to buy things for the date. On the day that you were to meet your sugar daddy, you treated yourself to a new set of fake nails and a facial, buying yourself a new dress before going back home for a soak in the bath.
Your sugar daddy told you that he had put the booking in the name of Vernon David, to avoid anyone recognising the booking name. This told you that your sugar daddy definitely wanted to keep this quiet and that he might have some kind of big social standing if someone might recognise his name.
After you finished soaking in the bath, you dried yourself off and put your hair into curlers while you did your makeup. You wanted to create the most powerful, dominant image of yourself that you could while remaining sexy, but not looking like a whore.
You settled on a light coverage foundation, a dark red, burgundy lip and burgundy eyeshadow, with a killer liner and wing. You filled your brows in to give them a better shape and then wrestled a pair of eyelashes onto your eyes before covering your face in setting spray. You slipped into a burgundy lacy thong and then into tight, black velvet bodycon dress that reached your knees and hung off your shoulders. Finally, you slipped into a pair of black high heels and pulled the curlers out of your hair to reveal perfect curls. You felt powerful.
You got an Uber to the restaurant so you could have a glass of wine and in case your sugar daddy wanted you to take him back to his. You went straight to the Maître D and told him the name Vernon David, he responded that your date was already there and lead you to a private room in the back of the restaurant.
Your sugar daddy was already there. He was cuter than you thought he would be and looking at him you could tell that he was definitely around your age. Big brown eyes stared up at you, and a pair of pouty lips dropped open in shock.
“You-you, you’re gorgeous.” The man stood up quickly, knocking his chair to the ground and fumbling adorably. Blushing, the man chuckled and picked his chair back up before stepping towards you. You took note of what he was wearing, a black dress shirt and trousers and a pair of black dress shoes, this man really had something against colour. “David Dobrik.” He offered a thin hand to you.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” You replied, pushing your hand into his. “But I doubt you’ll ever be using my name.”
David blushed again, rather adorably and moved round to the opposite side of the table that he’d been sat at just moments prior and moved your seat out, pushing it back in when you stood in front of it. He stumbled back to his own seat and sat down clumsily.
“Would you like some wine?” David asked as the Maître D stood by the table waiting.
“I’d love a glass of white, whatever you recommend.” This was one of the few decisions that you couldn’t make, you had no knowledge of expensive wines.
David rattled off an order for a bottle of wine that sounded expensive just by its name and the Maître D disappeared off to fulfil the order.
“So, I’m guessing you don’t recognise me?” David smiled, he didn’t seem angry or upset that you didn’t appear to know who he was, in fact, he seemed rather pleased that you weren’t aware of who he was.
You titled your head and cocked a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him. “Should I?”
David squirmed under your gaze, blushing again. “No, no, not at all. Basically, I’m a YouTuber, I have 11 million subscribers. I earn my money through ads, my merch and brand deals.”
“So, you have a lot of young girls running after you.” You didn’t pose it like a question, but David blushed and nodded anyway. “But they can’t give you what you want. Or at least not without possibly exposing you to the world.”
“Correct.” David’s voice was soft, and you could tell that he was definitely missing something in his life.
“Have you had a sugar baby before?” You decided to get straight into the conversation, to find out if you were compatible with each other before you got too invested in the cute, bumbling man in front of you.
“No, I haven’t,” David answered honestly.
“Have you ever subbed for anyone before?” You were pretty certain by the way that he knew how to act with a dominant that he had subbed for people before.
David’s adorable blush reappeared. “Yes, when I was 18, I went to a BDSM club as often as I could and subbed for anyone that I could. I also subbed for my ex-girlfriend, but it was something that she wasn’t really that into.”
“I have good experiencing being a dominant too, but I am new to being a sugar baby.”
David was about to reply when a knock came from the door. David called the waiter in, who was carrying a bottle of wine in a fancy looking ice bucket, as well as two menus.
“Thank you.” David sent the waiter on his way after he poured a glass of wine out for the pair of you.
“We’re both new to this, and I think we can work this out together.” David resumed speaking after the waiter had left the room again.
“I agree. My best friend has a sugar daddy, so we can always use her experiences to help us.” You take your menu and look over it.
David smiles back at you. “Could you ask your friend how much she gets paid? I feel like if I don’t have some kind of guide, then I’ll either be not paying you anywhere near enough or I’ll be giving you everything.”
You chuckle pulling your phone out of your bag and shoot off a text to your best friend, asking for the information and telling her about your sugar daddy. “I’ve asked her. I guess we should have a price for sex sessions, dinners and sexting. I know that’s what Ellie has.” You read over the menu in front of you. “And maybe certain prices for certain sex things that we wouldn’t usually do?”
“That sounds appropriate to me.” David murmured, he hadn’t made a move to pick up his menu yet, and you wondered if he wished for you to order for him or if he already knew what he wanted to eat.
“Now, you’re into orgasm denial and ruining.” David blushed darkly, choking on the sip of wine that he had taken. “And I’m guessing you’re into choking and being marked, maybe?  What about being tied up?”
David took a deep breath before answering. “Definitely the denial and ruining, and the choking. Tying up, yes, I’d like that. I’d like to be marked, but it can’t be anywhere that’s visible during day-to-day, like my neck, as much as I’d like it, because people on YouTube would notice and so would my friends.”
“So, marking anywhere that can easily be hidden.” You concluded, setting your menu down after settling on mozzarella carrozza and arrabbiata. “What else are you into?”
The two of you bartered back and forth about sexual likes and dislikes until the waiter came back into the room, you ordered your meal first.
“I’ll have what she’s having.” David handed his menu back to the waiter, who smiled at you both and left with a small bow. Ah, so he did want you to decide for him.
You sat back in your chair, a slight smirk on your face, and assessed the man in front of you. David squirmed slightly under your gaze. “So, how often are you wanting to see me, and for what? I’m in college, so I have classes during the day, but my whole day isn’t full.”
“I’d like to see you every Thursday night, it’s the only night that everyone has on their own. We’re with each other all the time, so we always have Thursday nights away from each other.” David mused.
You pulled out your phone to check on your class schedules for Thursday nights, you always tried not to pick late classes, but sometimes it happened. “Yep, I’m free every Thursday night at the moment, of course, it might change next semester, but at the moment it’s okay.” It then occurred to you that tonight was a Thursday night.
A huge grin appeared on David’s face for a few seconds before he schooled his face and tried not to show his blatant excitement.
“You really need this, huh?” You tilted your head again.
David blushed. “I just get so stressed out. My videos are known for being crazy, and it’s starting to get harder and harder to find footage and editing always takes so long and then my videos are late, and it’s just stressful.”
“Hey, breathe.” You smiled at the man, who blushed again.
“Sorry, it’s just, you’re right. I do need this.” David nodded slightly. “Everyone wants something from me, even my friends, they joke about it, but it’s true. So, I just want something for myself for once.”
“I understand David.” You smiled again.
The waiter came in with your food, and you fell into comfortable conversation about anything, and everything, the pair of you figured that since you were going to be seeing each other a fair amount you should be well acquainted with each other. Ellie had texted back too, so you had discussed the amounts that David would pay you for certain things, at least to start with.
As the meal drew to a close, David started to shuffle again. “Do you- would you- please will you maybe come back to mine?”
“Of course.” You smirked widely and looked over the blushing man.
David settled the bill and then led you out to his Tesla. Boy, this man obviously had more money than he knew what to do with.
“The only person that should is at my house right now is Natalie, she’s my assistant, but she knows what’s going on… she’s my best friend too, I tell her everything.” God, he had an assistant? How live in his house? You could barely afford your flat that you shared with two of your best friends. You wondered if Ellie felt this way when she started seeing Paul.
You lowered your voice slightly. “But she couldn’t give you what you need, huh?” You placed your hand on David’s thigh and squeezed it gently. In turn, David shivered slightly.
David didn’t live too far from the restaurant, so before you knew it, he was fumbling with his clicker, because apparently, he lived in a massive house that needed a gate. Then he was pulling you through the doorway and down the hall and into his room. He left you alone in his bedroom to go and speak to Natalie quickly.
You looked around David’s room, recognising small details from the photos on David’s profile. Your eyes fell on the leather chair from the picture with David in just his boxers and smirked. This would be perfect.
The door slammed shut, a little too hard, and David was stood there shuffling again. “What are your safe words?”
“Green for good, yellow for slow down and talk, red for stop.” David stumbled over the words slightly, trying to get them out quickly but correctly.
“Good boy. Get me your restraints.”
David’s eyes widened at being thrown into the scene so quickly but glinted with pleasure and scurried over to his bed, pulling back the covers and kneeling on the floor. David pulled out a large back box, locked with a combination lock, which you raised your eyebrow at. He entered the combination and pulled the lock away from the box. He flipped the lid and turned the box towards you.
“Strip and sit on the chair.” You pointed towards the leather chair. David scurried off the bed, and you could see him hurriedly stripping as you gazed at the box. There were two pairs of handcuffs and four soft restraints, which you plucked from the box, there was a paddle and a whip and a wand vibrator. The final item in the box was a plastic cock cage, the key in the lock so that it wouldn’t be lost. You picked up the wand vibrator as well and flipped the box shut.
You turned back to where David was sat naked on the chair, his cock slightly hard with anticipation between his thighs.
Leaving the vibrator on the bed for now, you took the soft restraints and made your way over to David. “I’m going to tie your arms and legs to the chair. Colour?”
“Green.” David’s voice was breathy with excitement, and you watched as his hands shook with anticipation.
Taking the restraints, you tied David’s hands and legs to the chair, noticing that David’s cock had perked up completely and was now stood up proudly between his legs.
Remaining fully dressed, you bent down and captured David’s lips in a biting kiss. David remained pliant and let you lead the short kiss. You trailed your right hand up David’s right arm and let it settle on his shoulder, your thumb coming out to rub against the base of his neck. At that, David whimpered slightly.
During this first session, you weren’t going to limit the sounds David was making, because you needed to know how much he actually liked certain things that you were doing.
You manoeuvred your hand, so it was wrapped loosely around David’s long neck. You gently rubbed your thumb over his Adam’s apple. “Colour?”
“Green. Please...” David whimpered, pushing at your hand slightly.
“Please what, sweetheart?” You made as if to remove your hand from his throat.
“Please choke me, miss,” David begged, a whine to his tone.
With a wide smirk, you tightened your grip around David’s neck, inciting a choked moan. “Green, green, green.” David murmured, throwing his head back and showing you more of his neck.
You tightened your grip slightly, but not to the extent that David clearly wanted. Your other hand trailed up David’s thigh and lightly brushed against his cock. David bucked his hips up, but you tutted and pulled away.
“No moving, sweetheart.” You hand loosened on his throat in warning.
With a whimper, David sat as still as he could, batting wide wanting eyes up at you. “Please, ma’am.”
You squeezed at his cock, his eyes widening further. “Thank you, miss.”
You smirked at him nastily and leisurely pumped up and down his cock, twisting your hand or squeezing every so often. Your other hand tightened again on his throat and leant down to nip at his chest. “You like that, sweet boy?”
David opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was a garbled moan, so he nodded slightly against your hand. Your submissive whimpered as he became overwhelmed with all the feelings.
“Colour?” You loosened your hold on David’s throat so he could speak clearly.
“Green, miss, please.” David’s voice was hoarse from the choking and breathy from his pleasure.
David’s breath got heavier, and his hips twitched more and more as he got closer and closer. Just as he was about to orgasm, you pulled away completely, causing David to whine loudly and his head to fall downwards to his chest.
You chuckle lowly. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Didn’t you get to cum?” You smile nastily and observe the young man in front of you. David’s hands are clenched, and his thighs are tensed, his breathing is haggard, and you notice there is sweat rolling off his forehead when his head snaps back up.
“No, miss, please, miss.” David whimpered, begging prettily with his eyes.
You scoff. “You really think I’ll let you come, sweet boy?”
David let out a loud whimper. “Colour?” You asked again.
“Good, I want you on the bed now.” You untied the restraints and took them off of David’s wrists and ankles.  
“There are restraints attached to the bed, miss, they’re hidden under the sheet,” David told you, and as you looked at the padded headboard you understood, you couldn’t tie restraints to a padded headboard.
“Good boy, thank you. Can you stand up for me, sweet boy?” David stood up shakily, and you wrapped an arm around his waist. “Good boy.” Together you made your way to the bed, and as David arranged himself on the bed you pulled out the restraints from under the sheet, and David pulled them out from his side.
“Thank you, sweet boy.” You attached the restraints to David’s wrists and ankles, leaving him spread eagle in the middle of the bed.
“You’re gorgeous, miss.” David licked his lips.
You tutted and sat on the bed and reached over to David’s cock, which was still hard and pointing towards the ceiling, squeezing it with a smirk. “You want to come, sweetheart?”
“Yes please, miss.” David whimpered, lifting his head to look at where your hand was rubbing over the head of his cock. Leaning over, you pushed another pillow under David’s head, so he could look at you without straining his neck, you were supposed to be relaxing him not making him hurt himself.
“Alright, let’s see what we can do.” You moved so you could straddle David’s lower thighs and then bent down to press a chaste kiss to David’s lips. Your left hand caressed David’s neck and then squeezed it gently, your other hand continued to pull at David’s cock, and you bent your head to bite at David’s nipples. “Let me know when you’re going to come, sweet boy.”
“Yes, miss, thank you miss.”
You grinned nastily at him, you weren’t going to let him cum that easily, and he knew it just as well as you did, more than that he didn’t want you to let him cum so easily.
You continued to pump at his cock, tightening and loosening your hold on his neck until he whined out “Gonna cum, gonna cum, miss.” And then you pulled away again, hands uncurling from his neck and cock respectively.
“No, no, no, please, miss.” A few tears ran down David’s face in pure frustration. His hands pulled at the restraints on his wrists as he pushed his body upwards.
“Colour?” You asked, gently kissing at his neck.
“Green, miss.” David’s voice had become so strained that it was barely audible.
“Good.” You wrapped your hands back around his neck and his cock and continued choking and working over respectively. This time you did intend to let him cum. David’s eyes scrunched shut, and a low moan escaped his throat, sounding slightly choked by your grip on his neck.
“How are you doing, sweet boy?” You whispered into the man’s ear. Brown eyes popped open looking up into your eyes. The occasional tear escaped his eyes from his frustration, but there was a definite glint to them. David nodded his head slightly in your hand, and the corner of his mouth turned up in a slight smile.
Because of all the teasing, David approached his orgasm much quicker this time. This time when he started to whine you carried on going.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” David whined. You carried on until his cock started to twitch and then moved your hand away, completely ruining his orgasm. You watched as David’s cock bobbed in the air, spurts of cum leaving his cock and splattering over his chest. David whined, crying quietly at the completely unsatisfying orgasm.
“Colour, sweet boy?” You rubbed at the man’s quivering thigh.
“Green.” David sobbed.
“Such a good boy, David, such a good boy.” You gently kissed his lips as his orgasm finished.
David let out a shuddering breath and closed his eyes. “Uh, uh.” You warned, swatting him on his thigh. “You have to pleasure me now, you naughty boy.” You ran a finger down his softening cock, making him flinch and snap his head towards you.
“Please miss, let me eat you out,” David begged.
“Okay, sweet boy, as you’ve been such a good boy.” You climbed off the bed and kicked your shoes off and pulled your dress off. David’s eyes widened as they flickered over your figure, your breasts were bare, but your most private place was still covered by your thong.
“You like the view, sweetheart?” David’s head bobbed up and down as he stared at your breasts. You chuckled and pushed your thong down your legs, revealing a well-groomed pussy.
You climbed back on the bed, straddling David’s upper chest and looked down at his face. “You want me to suffocate you with my thighs, sweet boy?” You stroked the side of his face, wet with tears of frustration and sweat.
“Yes please, miss,” David begged. “Please suffocate me with your thighs.”
You smiled at the man. “Colour, sweetheart?”
“I’m going to have to untie one of your hands, so you can pinch me if you need to safeword out, sweet boy.” You told him as you untied his left hand.
“Yes, miss.” David bobbed his head and watched as you rubbed at his wrist to restore the circulation to his hand.
You arranged yourself over David’s face and went for one last safe word check before you settled down. After all, the main thing about dominant/submissive relationships was that all the power was actually with the submissive, they had a chance to stop the activities at any time. “Colour?”
“Green, miss!” David pulled at your thigh with his free hand.
“Ah, ah, pushy! Keep that hand to yourself unless you need to safeword out.” You settled yourself down onto David’s face and felt a tongue immediately flick over your clit and then flatten over it, applying light pressure.
“Such a good boy.” You held onto the headboard with one hand and held your thigh with the other, for balance, so you didn’t end up literally sitting on David’s face and genuinely suffocating him.
You pushed a little bit more of your weight downwards and moaned as David wiggled his tongue into your opening and began to fuck in and out of it. “Good boy.” You cooed, hand trailing up to your breast and pinching at your nipple. “You’re making me feel so good, sweet boy.” Your praise made David double his efforts, and you mentally added ‘praise kink’ to your information stored away about David.
David began to spell his name out on your clit, and if you hadn’t have been so into what David was doing to you, then you would’ve spanked him for his cheekiness. You did not belong to him in this situation, he belonged to you.  
The pressure on your clit intensified and you began to throb as your climax came closer. “Such a good boy, you’re going to make me cum, sweet boy.” You murmured, throwing your head back with a groan. Your hips began to stutter as you reached your climax. “Gonna cum, sweet boy.” You came with a strangled moan and leant your weight on David’s hand, which had wrapped around your face.
When you regained your breath, you climbed off David’s face on shaky legs and reached up to let David’s other hand down. You gave his right wrist the same treatment you had given to his left, rubbing the joints back into circulation and let it rest on your thigh. Then you took the restraints off of David’s ankles and gave them the same treatment.
You looked up to see David not-so-subtly rubbing his hand across his face, to rid himself of your wetness. You giggled slightly. “Would you like a real orgasm, sweet boy?”
“Yes please, miss.” David’s eyes shone with excitement and then dulled slightly as he wondered if you would edge him or ruin it again. You knew he was at the end of his tether and would probably safeword out if you tried to do that again, but you were a good dom, and you knew that. You were genuinely offering him an orgasm.
“I’m being serious, sweet boy, a proper orgasm and then we’ll have some cuddles.” You reached out and stroked the side of his face. David was not the type of submissive that wanted to be humiliated and really hurt, he preferred light pain and to feel loved.
“Yes, please, miss. I’d love to cum.” David’s voice was still fairly hoarse, but it had warmed up again from proper use.
You gave David a genuine smile and straddled his waist again, wet pussy sliding over David’s cock, which was slowly perking up. You lent down and took David’s lips in a gentle kiss, nibbling at his lips whenever you pulled back.
David’s face warmed up with slight embarrassment at the attention he was receiving. He hummed with satisfaction when you pulled back, feeling his cock completely firm between your thighs. “Condom?” You asked, moving back slightly. David reached out to his drawer and pulled a shiny gold, foil packet from inside, passing it to you with a small smile.
With care, you ripped open the packet and pulled out the slippery latex. You pinched the tip of the condom and gripped David’s cock with your other hand. Aligning the condom with the head of David’s cock you pushed it downwards, smiling as David wriggled with the slight sensation on his cock.
You gave David’s cock a few experimental pumps to check that the condom was securely on. Then you sat up on your knees and took hold of David’s cock, lining it up with your entrance and pushing the head inside.
David’s hands settled on your hips and helped you push down, the pair of you moaning at the feeling. You trailed your hand up David’s chest and scratched at his pecks.
“Can you- will you-,” David stumbled over his words.
“You want me to choke you again, sweet boy?” You smiled at the man, he was apparently much more reserved in bed when he wasn’t fully in a scene.
“Yes please, miss.” David’s voice was much more unsure this time.
“Colour, sweet boy?” You asked, to check David was still with you.
Brown eyes looked up at you with slight confusion. “Green, miss!” David’s hands helped you up and down on his cock, faltering slightly as your hand tightened around his neck. Eyes rolling back, and squinting shut, David let out a loud whine and bucked his hips up desperately.
“Rub my clit, sweet boy.” You ordered, rubbing your thumb over your sub’s bruised lips. David extended his thumb to rub at your clit, rubbing in tight circles, at just the right pressure. “Such a good boy.” You tightened your hold on David’s neck again and bent down to bite at his lips, your hips beginning to stutter.
“I need to cum, miss.” David squeaked out, eyes shooting open again. “Can I come, miss?”
You hummed slightly. “Just wait a little bit longer, sweet boy. Rub my clit a little more, sweet boy.”
David whined, but doubled his efforts on your clit and started to buck up into you harder. You could feel the muscles of David’s thighs tense under your own as he tried to hold off his orgasm.
You felt the heat in the pit of your stomach as your orgasm approached quickly. “Just a little more, sweet boy, just a little more.” You groaned out, leaning back down to kiss David.
David whimpered as he tried to hold off his orgasm. “Please, miss, please. Gonna ‘splode.”
You felt your orgasm hit all at once and pulled back from David’s lips, giving David’s throat another squeezed. “Cum for me, sweet boy. Cum for me, it’s okay, sweet boy.” David groaned, and you felt the warmth as he shot into the condom, weakly thrusting up into you to work himself and you through your orgasms.
Pulling your hand off David’s throat, he spluttered out a couple of deep, haggard breaths, his hips stilling. You took a few deep breaths yourself and pulled yourself of David’s cock, reaching down to hold the condom on to avoid spillage.
David moved over slightly, and you collapsed next to him. You pulled the condom off David’s cock and tied it off, looking around the room for a bin and noticing one under his desk. You threw it haphazardly towards the bin, mentally reminding yourself to pick it up later and turned back to David’s drawer where you had noticed some baby wipes.
You pulled the package out of the drawer and pulled a couple of wipes out, passing one to David to fully clean his face and using the other to wipe up the drying cum from David’s ruined orgasm off of his stomach. You then delicately wiped at David’s cock, earning a light hiss from him. “Shh, it’s okay.”
Dropping the dirty wipe on the bed, you pulled out another and wiped yourself between your own legs and then throwing all three towards the bin. You laid back down again and opened your arms. “Come here, sweet boy.”
David shuffled down the bed again and curled into your arms, resting his head on your breasts. “How are you feeling, sweet boy?” You pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“So good, thank you so much,” David whispered into your chest, his hair tickling your skin.
You hummed lightly, a content smile on your face. You were pretty sure this arrangement was going to work out just fine.
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stylesgalaxy · 5 years
mastermind; chapter 6
turns out some of you actually enjoy this fic!! i didn't think anyone really liked it so here's chapter 6! ngl i kinda forgot about this bc i was working on something else, but i'm here now :)
"You didn't call," Harry says when I stumble home a few hours later. I was trying to be quiet but clearly it didn't work because Harry hears me and quietly slips out of Julia's room.
"I didn't need you," I respond. Which was true, I didn't. Zayn got an Uber and dropped me off here before going home himself.
"Your friend drop you off? He was drunk, Aria, you could have—"
"Relax he called an Uber," I say, taking my shoes off and hanging my jacket on the coat rack. "Zayn's not stupid."
"That was Zayn?" he says, appalled. "Hold on, I knew the name was familiar and he looks familiar... He's not the one who Julia..."
He trails off awkwardly.
"Yeah, he went home with Julia after a party in freshman year," I say rubbing my eyes. I was going to say "fucked" but I thought it was too insensitive considering he's in love with Julia. I sigh heavily when I remember being so hopeful that Julia would like Zayn long enough for me gather the courage to talk to Harry. But the universe was cruel, and I was too late.
Harry nods and I'm left wondering if he ever thinks about that night. Thinks about whether he saw Julia at the party they were both at, or thinks about how another guy went home with his future girlfriend, or thinks about the girl he made out with blindfolded. He obviously doesn't know it's me. But he never gave any indication on whether or not he even remembered kissing me.
Well, of course he wouldn't. We were acquainted through Julia, his girlfriend, he's not allowed to talk about those things. Just like how Julia didn't talk about how good Zayn was in front of Harry.
Harry remains silent so I start walking towards my room.
"I'm sorry," he says just as I pass him. "I shouldn't have interrupted you... o-or talked to you the way I did."
"Good," I deadpan. "You should be."
This makes his softened expression fall, and confusion spread.
"Aria, I was just looking out for you--"
"Harry, are you really going to defend your actions after you apologized for behaving that way? And besides, I don't need you to look out for me."
"Everyone needs someone to look out for them," he says quietly.
"Maybe," I answer, not trying to get deep or philosophical with him right now, "but you embarrassed me in front of Zayn and made me feel like a child."
"I thought he was—!"
"Whatever you thought was wrong," I counter, frustrated. "I'm an adult, I can take care of myself. Me and you, we're friends, Harry. That's all we are. Save this type of reaction for your girlfriend."
His eyebrows pinch and I am mortified by what I say.
"Goodnight," I squeak and all but run to my room, nearly slamming the door.
Could you not have made it anymore obvious, Aria?!
What the fuck was wrong with me?
The next day I wake up around noon. Normally I'd spend this day of relaxation watching something with Julia, but since Harry is here, I don't want to. I slip into the bathroom unnoticed and take a shower. I hope that if it's long enough Harry will realize that I'm awake and leave.
I dry off in the bathroom and change into fresh clothes before wrapping a towel around my hair. Upon leaving the bathroom, I find out Harry did not take the hint and he was still here.
He's sitting on the couch with his arm around Julia, fixated on the television in front of him. He's eyes snap to mine when he sees me exit the bathroom and he gets up and gathers his things. Julia watches him pack his things with a sad frown on her face.
"Must you leave so early? We're almost done season six," she says with puppy eyes. Seriously, how does she not get tired of always sitting on the same couch watching the same shows with him?
"Sorry, love, but I have to see my father," he kisses her forehead. He turns around and pins me with his gaze just before I can escape to my room. "Aria? Can you walk me out?"
I want to roll my eyes at him. He's closer to the door! Julia looks between us curiously.
"It's only a few steps, Harry, I'm sure you'll manage to find the door," I say, opening my door.
"Aria, please."
I sigh and look at Julia first. She's watching me questioningly as if to say, what's up with him? I give her a look back that says, I'll explain later.
Only then did I look at Harry's pleading expression and walk over to the door with him. I hand him his jacket and he says quietly, "I just want to make sure everything is okay between us."
The bitter and petty part of me wants to respond with, There is no 'us'. But I shut her up because last night's response kept me up.
"I really am sorry about how I acted," he continues with pleading eyes. "You're right. You're an adult and I shouldn't tell you what to do. Just please forgive me, I don't want you to go back to ignoring me. I promise I won't do it again."
My heart clenches at his words. He really likes being my friend?
"Of course, Harry, it's okay," I say softly. He looks relieved but his smile is still a little tense. To ease the mood, I say, "You're not gonna get rid of me that easily. I'll remain an annoying thorn at your side."
He chuckles.
"Are you sure I'm not the thorn?" he says.
"You are, actually, I was just trying to be nice. But thanks for realizing what you truly are," I chirp. I open the door for him and he steps out waving at me.
I'm almost about to shut it when Julia yells, "Bye, Harry!"
Harry quickly comes back, says goodbye to her too, then leaves.
"So what was that all about?" Julia sits up immediately after I lock the door.
I relay what happened last night at the party to her, deciding to keep out the conversation we had when I arrived.
"So he just wanted to make sure we were cool, and I told him we are."
Julia nods, "That's good."
I go to the kitchen to grab something to eat when she says, "Hey, you know what we should do? We should go shopping!"
Since Julia and I are at the mall, I make her do her Christmas shopping. She already knew what to get her mom--a Valentino bag--but I force her to look for something for her father too. It would make him happy that she thought about him. Julia whines and complains, but eventually we settle on a flask set and a fancy Montblanc pen for him. I leave her to look for a gift for Harry while I go to shop for my family.
In the cheaper side of the mall, I shop for my parents and my little brother. I go inside Barnes & Noble and buy a bunch of cute homey things I know my mom likes. My dad loves board games so I pick one up for him along with a puzzle. I get two books for my brother because I wish he read more, but I also sneak in a video game from another shop, because I want him to like his gift. My bags are getting heavy, but I'd really rather not come back another day since the mall will only get busier closer to Christmas, so I look for gifts for my friends too. Niall and Louis are easy, they'll like anything. I get a fancy jewelry box for Julia with fancy scented candles and fancy bath bombs that she likes.
I leave Harry last. This will be the first time I get him a gift from myself and I want to make it special since he bought that leather sketchbook for me but it was hard because I'd already gone over my budget. So, I get him a Gordon Ramsay cookbook, a trivia game, and chocolates. It's not until I go to Starbucks where Julia and I were supposed to meet, that I see a set of six reusable cups with cute sayings like "Live in the Wow" or "Be About Love". This was perfect. Smiling, I purchase it and add it to my bags.
I sit at a table with my bags around me and wait for Julia to show. She arrives, with way less bags because she was only shopping for three people. And her gifts were small but expensive. She joins me at the table and I ask her what she got for Harry.
"Socks," she says, pulling out a pair Christmas socks. I look at her, somewhat annoyed.
"That's it?!"
"And chocolate!" she says quickly, pulling out a Lindt chocolate bar.
"Julia!" I chastise.
"He's your boyfriend! You can't get him socks and chocolate!"
"I know," she whines, "but I looked and looked and I didn't know what else to get him!"
I sigh heavily and pin Julia with a glare.
"Let's go," I huff finally, "I'll help you find something for him but you're carrying half my bags."
She grabs my bags with great eager and sets out of Starbucks.
"Oh my God, you know what we should do now?" Julia says once we're done shopping. I'm about to roll my eyes because I can't imagine doing anything else except lying down or eating. "We should go to that Italian restaurant! The one I said I'd take you to for getting Harry a gift!"
That grabs my attention.
"Okay but where will we put our bags? We can't take them with us there's too many," I say.
"It's okay, I'll call Liam. He can take them to our place and drop us off, he wouldn't mind," she assures and pulls out her phone, searching for his number. "Hey, Liam? Yeah, yeah everything's okay! I was just wondering if you're busy right now? No? Well it's just that Aria and I have been shopping all day and we have so many bags, but we're really hungry and want to go for dinner, and--" she pauses for a moment. "Thank you so so so much! Okay... yeah... great, see you soon!"
She ends the call and smirks at me.
"I thought he was your father's personal assistant not yours," I comment.
"He is, but he told me that if I ever need anything to not hesitate to call him. He's really nice. I'm gonna tell my father. Hopefully Liam can get a raise."
Liam drops us off at the restaurant and then drives away with Julia's key to take our bags home. I watch him driving away and wonder if this is what it's like to be rich. Huh.
My mood is instantly brightened when our server places our food in front of us. Julia whips out her phone to take a Boomerang of our pizzas, I stick my tongue out when the camera reaches me. She puts that on her Instragram story and I guess she was really feeling the love for me because she asks to take a proper photo. She pushes her chair to sit beside me and asks our server to take a photo.
I shrug one shoulder and smile sweetly at the camera, while Julia rests her arm at the back of my chair and leans her head closer to mine.
"Adorable, fucking adorable," Julia says after she takes her phone back, typing away. I get a notification that Julia tagged me in a photo, but ignore it for now. I have more important things to focus on, like my pizza which I take a slice out of before shoving it into my mouth. Julia looks up right then and howls with laughter, snapping another photo.
"Julia, no!" I try to say but my mouth is full.
"You look so funny!"
"Don't post that one, okay?"
She promises she won't and we eat the rest of our dinner laughing and talking about random things.
"Hey," I say to Julia when the episode of Friends that we were watching ends.
"Hmm," she replies, looking up from her phone.
"I kinda... I kinda wanna try makeup," I hesitate. I'd seen a lot of girls with perfect makeup on their face and it made me want to give it a go. And today, at the mall I went inside Sephora and wanted to buy everything. Sephora was just a fancier, prettier art store.
"Oh my God!" Julia hollers. "Come, I'll teach you everything."
She drags me into her room and sits me in front of her vanity. I'm a little overwhelmed by all the products she throws at me, but I get the basics: primer, foundation, concealer, setting powder, brows, mascara. She says that the primer and foundation I use are the most important part, and then hands me some good ones to keep.
"You're about my colour," she says, dabbing some on my face to check. "You're a little darker, that's okay you can use bronzer to even it out."
Bronzer, blush, and highlighter: they were good but not always necessary, she says. She applies eyeshadow to my eyelids and then swipes a thin line of eyeliner over it. I curl my own lashes and apply mascara. My eyes instantly stand out so much more.
"Wow, this colour really enhances your eyes," Julia says. "I wouldn't even wear foundation if I was you, you have nice skin. Do your eyes, though, they make you look like a bad bitch."
I smirk and we start experimenting with lipstick, giggling and dabbing some on each other's faces.
"Okay, now I have to show you how to wash it off," Julia says half an hour later.
"What, you mean I can't just use water and soap?" I ask feeling stupid.
"No, silly, not all soap will wash off makeup. You'll be scrubbing at your skin harshly then breaking out." We go to the bathroom where she pulls out her makeup remover, gently wiping the makeup away from my face. "There, all clean."
"Thanks," I smile.
"Here, I'll give you the products I don't use that you can experiment with. I'll give you some brushes too, and I'll show you how to clean them."
Putting on makeup sounds like it's includes a lot of cleaning that I didn't anticipate. I take the items she gives and watch how she washes brushes and sets them upright to dry. I've never had to deal with germs when it came to art supplies, but it makes sense why you have to with makeup supplies.
I call it a night after I put away the makeup. Getting in bed, I start scrolling through my phone. I open my Instragram notifications and see the cute picture Julia posted of us with the caption: My ride or die, love you @aria_collins.
Smiling at my phone, I double tap the picture. I comment, love you too bitch <3 before scrolling through the other comments. Some are from her other friends, that I don't know that well, and one is from her mom. My heart jolts when I see Harry commented on it too.
harrystyles: Cute
It was just one word.
But it made butterflies erupt inside me. I shake my head at myself.
He was talking about his girlfriend, stupid.
Nonetheless, I fall asleep with a smile on my face.
The sound of my door opening wakes me up. I was never a heavy sleeper like Julia.
"Aria?" Julia whispers in the dark. I hum back in response. I'm awake now, might as well see what's up. "You're awake?" she says hopefully. I check the time and see I've only been asleep for half an hour.
"Yeah, what's up?" I turn fully towards Julia who looks wide awake, she hasn't even changed into her pyjamas yet.
"I really, really want to take a bath but Harry won't stop texting me," she says coming to lay down on my bed beside me.
"So tell him to shut up," I deadpan, letting my eyes shut in fatigue.
"I can't... he's like talking about serious things. And it's stressing me out and we had such a long day, I just want to take a bath and sleep. Can you just talk to him for a bit? It's way past his bedtime, I'm sure he'll fall asleep soon."
I want to ask her why she doesn't think I want to sleep, and why it makes sense to wake me up so I can talk to her boyfriend while she relaxes.
I grab her phone to see what he's even saying. Maybe I can tell her how to respond to end the conversation. But Julia takes this as me giving my consent and kisses my forehead before running out. I roll my eye before blinking to focus on the texts but they don't make sense so I scroll up to about half an hour ago, where he seems to be asking her a lot about her day. I skip through the parts where they talk about shopping and the restaurant we went to until I get to the serious part.
You're not busy are you? he wrote.
no, what's up? Julia responded.
I'm just a bit frustrated.
oh no baby, what's wrong?
So you know how I went to see my father today? It didn't really end well...
what happened?
He has a girlfriend
He wanted me to meet her because apparently they're "serious"
they've only been dating for four months
Not to mention, I'm JUST finding out? Four months later?
oh shit
Sorry, I know I'm just dumping all this on you. I tried to forget about it but it's been a few hours and I'm still kind of mad, to be honest.
I curse Julia for leaving him like this. Stumbling out of bed, I hurriedly knock on bathroom door.
"Julia!" I call.
"What?" she responds.
"This is serious stuff!"
"I know, that's why I was so freaked out."
"I can't pretend to be you! That's-thats... wrong."
"Well I can't get out now, I just applied this mask, it needs at least thirty more minutes to set! Fuck."
"Why would you leave him like this! He clearly needs someone to talk to, how can you even think about relaxing and taking a bath?"
"I'm sorry! But I freaked out and panicked so I came to you!"
"Well now he's panicking."
"I'm sorry, Aria, please don't yell at me, I don't know what to do in situations like this. He's never told me anything about his father before!"
I sigh deeply. That makes it worse!
"I'll talk to him, but you have to get out as soon as you can!"
"I will."
I go back to my room and sit on my bed. Harry hasn't sent anymore texts after that last one. I try to come up with something quick to excuse her absence.
hey sorry, aria nearly burnt the kitchen down i had to help her
I send the text with a terrible feeling growing in my chest.
Oh okay, that's ok. I thought you fell asleep.
I shake my head and glare at Julia through the wall for making me do this. I don't want to pretend to be Julia like this to Harry. I know I told Julia a lot of what to say or do in this relationship, but those were things I hoped she'd learn from.
Fuck that, right now Harry needs someone to talk to, and the he thinks the person he turned to abandoned him.
no, i wouldn't fall asleep on you, I continue.
why are you mad that your father has a girlfriend?
I dont know... I guess I'm just mad that he would even consider marrying someone else after my mother
My heart breaks a little for him.
but it's been a few years since your mother died
don't you think your father deserves to move on?
I guess. five years just seemed a little too soon
you can't decide how much time someone else needs to mourn and move on. that's up to them
you're right, but that doesn't mean he should have told me this late
Doesn't he care at all what I think?
he probably knew you wouldn't take it well. maybe that's why he waited until your exams were over
You're making it sound like he cares for me. he doesn't.
he does, harry. he's your father. of course he cares for you.
My father isn't like yours, Julia. He doesn't just call me up out of the blue and shower me with gifts to show his love. The only interaction i've had with him in months was the money he's been depositing in my account.
My heart aches for him. His father doesn't talk to him? I never knew that. Harry is always so positive and keen on keeping everyone happy that I never once thought he might have issues like this.
my father was the same. he didn't talk to me, only sent me money for months.
do you want to know what changed?
one day he wanted to have dinner with me and update me on his life, and ask about mine
after that, i visited him regularly even though i didn't really want to
and now we're actually getting somewhere in our relationship
He doesn't respond for a few minutes.
does that situation sound a little familiar?
I send the text hoping to get a text back from him. I dread that I may have overstepped and said too much.
You're right.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to undermine anything you're going through
it's alright, you didn't :)
i just don't want you to look at this negatively. i know you don't like him, or the fact that he's getting married
but you have to try to make the best out of it, right?
When did you get so wise?
I have the smartest girlfriend in the world
I nearly choke on my spit. I'm an awful, awful person. I hate this, I hate doing this.
Before I can type out another response, he says:
Thank you for letting me talk to you. I really needed to hear this
Sorry if I kept you up, love
You should go sleep now :)
it's okay, you didnt :)
text me if you ever need to talk again
I love you.
I stand up. Marching to the bathroom, I'm about to pound on the door when Julia opens it.
"There," I fume and shove her phone at her. "Now you need to get your shit together, and be a better girlfriend," I say. Julia nods, tears welling up in her eyes. "Get some sleep, I'm going back to bed."
*** Please let me know your thoughts!
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
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Wiping the sleep form my eyes, I am so tired. I am honestly more tired now than ever before and I get more sleep, I used to be be staying up all night and now I am like this. I expected Sofia to not be in bed, her friends are over, they arrived last night and I was asleep then, I can’t stop sleeping. Maybe it’s a sign of depression, I don’t know. Henry said that to me when I kept on staying in bed, he was a good guy. Pushing the covers off of me, getting up out of bed and sitting on the edge of the bed. Right on time, my phone rings. Well my burner phone that is, as long as it ain’t my dad. Looking at the caller I.D, it is Ethan “I just woke up my nigga” I answered the call “I sensed it, I have her here for you” I love that Ethan listens to everything I do “pass her the phone” clearing my throat, I can’t shake this off at all “sorry about your brother” Celine said down the phone “I was at the funeral and I saw what happened” I knew she would have “then you know, if you fuck on me you know what will happen. I have given you many chances and you know this” which I have “you still care” this is what I mean “no, I felt obliged because you took me in when I was on drugs, you did take care of me when you had the chance to kill me, I was vulnerable so that is why. But it’s the past now, I need you to get your son back. I want you to take him” the phone line went silent “how can I do that? That boy was taken from me, I have no right. Legally I can’t” that is true “fuck the law, I am the law. You take your son back, I will send you the hotel details. You good now, you want him don’t you?” is she crying on the phone, pulling a face “are you crying?” I questioned “I didn’t realise what I had until I lost him, I am right. I saw him at the funeral and he knows me, he does but I wasn’t allowed near him. Thank you Cassius” I am shocked she cried “you do right by my nephew, he need a lot of love Celine. I will be always watching, remember that” I will always know what Bryce is doing “how will I get him?” licking my top lip “it’s funny, I mean not funny but sad. Carnell sold him” it’s not funny but it’s laughable “erm, what do you mean sold him?” every time I speak on this I smoke a blunt “in exchange for some money he will give you Bryce, nothing will come of it. Trash people” lighting the blunt “you bought Bryce from your dad? I am trash, I know I am but that is real trash. You bought my son? I will change, I don’t do drugs. My home is not no drug place anymore. I sold it, I live with my mom now” blowing the smoke out from my lips “cool, Ethan will deal with it. Just know I will be watching you” disconnecting the call, placing the blunt between my lips thinking. I was just playing when I asked Carnell and he did it, I am not buying them any house, he took the money and is giving Bryce up.
Sofia will be so angry with me, so I opened the balcony doors and air this bitch out and sprayed a little something, I just need to have a blunt sometimes, I mean most of the time. Kyle is not here so I am dealing with a lot of it, not a problem though because I ain’t need to work any nights. Fixing my dick in my sweatpants as I made my way downstairs, looking down at my hand. Why do I have my lighter in my hand still, that weed hit differently this time. I am tired again, I need food and a nap. Placing my lighter in my sweatpants pocket and fixing my snapback on my head, I don’t even know the time. Hearing the girls giggle in the living area, walking into the room “I heard you wash hair” Mia said as soon I entered, not even a hello first “I don’t know what you mean?” Sofia slapped Mia “what? Honestly, do you?” Sofia is airing me out like this, looking over at Sofia “do I?” I asked, Sofia pressed her lips into a hard thin line “no” she said in a whisper “wow, daddy is here and now you back tracking. You little liar” Mia pointed, Sofia mouthed sorry. She better be sorry “y’all daddy is here, get it right. Why you boring Cartier with this mess, what is this?” walking over to them “wedding planning” rubbing my bare chest “right, how is that going?” Mia looked up at me “you had a blunt for breakfast?” I just smiled at her “look at him but why don’t you sit your ass down and participate, if Mitch didn’t I would be offended” I sniggered “I guess y’all going to be offended” walking off to get some cereal.
Drinking the OJ from the bottle “not heard of a cup?” Olivia said behind me “yeah” closing the fridge door “you’re such a nigga sometimes, why you playing? Sofia thinks I came to get a drink. She was raving on about you, she was like he really went all out, rose petals. Ran her a bath. You let her sleep in the mornings. She is so happy. Yes we know you washed her hair but she really wants you to help with the wedding. Some input would do nicely, you don’t need to act a certain way with us Cassius. That blunt got to your head, I just don’t like to see my friend sad, she values your opinion the most, you just don’t see it. I know you love her behind closed doors but just be more interested on a day she never thought she would get” I think Olivia and Mia would kill me if I ever did anything wrong by Sofia “and actually I did come for a drink. Get me a diet coke from the fridge thanks” opening the fridge door “she is so proud of you Cassius, she gushed about you for an hour on that couch. Don’t be annoyed with her” holding the can out to Olivia “I ain’t annoyed with her, ever” I simply said, I am not ever angry with Sofia. I may have been a little annoyed that she told but being really angry is a no, I have a lot on my mind.
With my bowl of cereal, I thought I would take myself into the living room and I guess be more interested in this wedding thing. It’s not that I don’t want to get married but I don’t do well with public events I guess, I am not sure “I would have made you something” Sofia said as I sat down across from them “it’s ok, it’s kind of late anyways. So what you doing now?” I will try this “thinking on what to do, should we do it overseas?” maybe I am harsh, maybe I don’t participate like Olivia says, I feel bad somewhat “why don’t we just stick with Hawaii, it will better for people to get there. Well the handful of people, it’s not far and it’s better. We can go away for the honeymoon” Sofia looked at her friends “this is y’all thing” Olivia said “if you think that is better” nodding my head “do it in Hawaii and then we can go away” best way “I will pay for the honeymoon, I want to go Bali” pulling a face “where the fuck is that?” I am confused, Sofia laughed “Indonesia” letting out an oh “I only know America, ok how about we go halves. You tell me how much it is and we can work that out. It sounds expensive. But keep it to Hawaii” looking down at my watch “shit, someone is going to come” getting up from the couch and placing the bowl on the coffee table in the middle “but you ain’t eat it?” Sofia said “I know, I got someone coming” I forgot all about this.
“Cassius! Someone is here for you!” Sofia spat, placing my shades over my eyes. Pressing my hair down, I miss my outgrown hair. Smiling in the mirror, I got a new gold cuban chain, new diamond Rolex and a new gold grill. Jogging down the steps “who is this guy?” Sofia asked with Cartier in her arms “he is a new friend, Nav. My man” dapping him “Cassius, good seeing my brother” Sofia is just staring at me up and down “show me, I am excited” I was upset that my new baby had to go into a garage already but that was because I wanted to change colour “you will be happy Cassius” stepping outside “I like the Bentley and Range, matching and all that” nodding my head laughing “the Range is my girl’ car so she drive that but I want to see the mean bitch” seeing my new Lamborghini being driven off of the back of the truck “ooohhh shiit, look at her!” jogging over to my car as a guy got out of the car “For you” he said “this is fucking dope, I wanted it black. I am sick of white, shit gets dirty too quick. The rims” leaning down and touching the rims “this is dope Nav, you know I got you. I think the neighbours think I am selling dope, ain’t nobody rattled their cage, I don’t think they like the engine noise” dapping Nav again “they just jealous, I thought I would come out for this” Louis is stood right behind Nav, they are so untrustworthy about people “don’t mind him, he is with me” Nav just stared up at Louis “he is scary, damn” he moved to the side of me “not to be messed with but thank you” I got my new car.
“I have never seen this like in person Cassius, what!?” Mia spat, touching my Lamborghini “beautiful ain’t it?” Mia walked over to my new car “wow, this is beautiful. Oh my god, can I sit inside!?” she asked, I nodded my head “you remind me of a light skinned rapper. Look at you” Olivia said, Sofia just stared at me confused “what is this?” she questioned “my new car, look at it” she doesn’t seem pleased with it “I mean nice but why?” I shrugged “treating myself I guess” picking Cartier out of Sofia’ arms “me and the boy riding in this, you know how we do big boy” kissing his cheek “this shit is so low down but wow, it’s beautiful Cassius. The car looks amazing” Mia complimented “appreciate it, don’t we dada? This is mine and yours” crouching down at the side of the car, placing him in the passenger seat sitting him back “me and you son, forever. We going to show niggas on these streets, ain’t nobody going to fuck with us” Cartier is just looking around his surroundings “who is this big guy?” Olivia asked “Cassius friend” Sofia said “you don’t need to ever dream of something, because I will make it a reality for you” I smiled at him “you have been busy, you can drop me off at work. I need to see Gio” Sofia walked off saying.
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I am going to kill him, I told him to not smoke in this room. He says it’s not Cartier’ room but he stays most of the time here, he is so annoying. Throwing the mess of blunt from the side if the bed table into the trash, he is draining at times. I understand he is having to do a lot, he is also getting a lot of money delivered to the home, he is up to something and now I know what. He has been spending, which I don’t mind. It’s his money but people are seeing these big guys outside, expensive cars and duffle bags coming here, he needs to be careful. He has been busy with whatever he is doing and I just feel like I am left with the wedding, he just wants to turn up. Like he doesn’t care and I don’t like that feeling, I want some sort of effort from him. I don’t understand why he is even getting duffle bags when the money should be filtered, I am learning these things. He is doing something more than spending and I don’t know what it is but I am waiting.
I will have a talk with him in the car, if I can because to be honest I think he will be too happy about his new car “do I look ok? I am not that dressed up but am I ok?” Cassius pulled a face “I mean you look good, no denying it but your legs are on show, you got nothing under that?” lifting up his hoodie “I got booty shorts on, you can’t really see anything. It’s a quick meeting. You just need to wait outside for me, thank you” Cassius doesn’t look pleased, I don’t know why and it’s not nice “why do you want me to go?” I just turned on my heels “girls, I will be back. Just need to do this” he will soon follow on, I don’t know what his issue is, there is something bugging him and I know him. Picking my bag up from the side, if I leave this house and he is not behind me I will be angry. Hearing Cassius clear his throat behind me “I will take the new car” he said behind me, I knew he would come up.
This car is so low down, it’s like it’s on the ground. Putting my belt on “do you like my car?” Cassius asked as he put the engine on, it roared as he did “that does sound nice actually” I smiled at him “better than hearing you moan” rolling my eyes at him “sure, I sound better than that” glaring over at him as he put his foot down “Cassius!” I spat, my body flew back into this seat “it’s good though, sexy ain’t it?” he’s only smiling because of this car “it’s just a car that makes a lot of noise, but it’s cute. You know, you have been a little off with me, I said I am here for you. I have told you this, I am here when you need me. Just I feel a little sad with the fact you distance yourself when it comes to the wedding. I don’t feel you are fully there with me, this is what makes me sad and hurt Cassius” I am going to express my feelings whether he likes it or not, he has been a little distant with me “I just have a lot going on, it’s nothing bad” it’s bad when he is not there for me “and you don’t smoke a blunt in the room. What I tell you about that, stop it” he is so aggy at times “it’s my room too, I ain’t do it when he is there. He has his own room Sofia” what don’t he get “I want you to stop having blunts, clearly you don’t know how to act” Cassius rolled his eyes and I saw him do it “I can act, you just fussing” he mumbled “fussing? Is that what you call it, just drive” I said shaking my head.
I hate this car, shit is too damn low and then pulling the stupid door down, I huffed out after just managing to do it “break the door, can’t you just close it like a normal person” he is so sensitive about this stupid car “you know what Cassius, go. Drive off, I don’t need you to drive me back but I mean what I say, stop having blunts” Cassius turned his head not saying a thing, walking towards the building and hearing the engine roar as he went. I rather catch a cab, you never know Gio may take me back home “hey” I said to the receptionist “welcome” she opened the gate for me, I have Cassius on my mind. I know he has so much on his mind but I am here for him. I want him to speak to me, why won’t he just talk to me. He just won’t speak to me, he stresses me out sometimes. I mean he has been the best but it’s like now he is just not letting me help him.
I do think sometimes if it’s good to work here at the building, it seems so nice and chilled. Smiling at this girl as she smiled at me “Sofia, you’re early. I will be with you, see me inside” smiling at him as I made me way to his office “missed your legs” I thought he would be gone “I thought you would be gone by now” sitting down on the chair “I am forever here, in all seriousness. It’s good to see you, how are you?” Jordan is so fake “I am fine” holding my hand up “engaged” smiling at him, he just smiled at me, a pained smile nodding his head “nice, it’s funny what money can buy a woman” I sniggered “buy me?” I pointed at myself “oh no hunny, you can’t afford me. It’s called being in love, I don’t think you have formally met him. If you want too, I will be happy to introduce you both. But I think you should ask your friend before that happens, I am sure he has told you to stay clear” he thinks he is fucking clever every time “Sofia! I am so glad you came” I winked at Jordan as I got up “you know me, I love seeing you” hugging him.
We never speak on work when I come here, I spend more time talking shit to him “sometimes I just want to turn lesbian, men can be so hormonal at times. But I am going to invite you to Hawaii, for our wedding. I mean it is happening, I know I complain but I love him” Gio cooed out “I know you won’t leave him, not because you can’t just meet any man but because you love him and that is sweet. Love is rare but I feel the same way about women, they be so bipolar at times, I am glad to be gay. Oh was you happy with your pay?” Gio asked “oh my god yes, I mean I know it pays well but that is good. Did they really like it? It’s funny because I had so much going on when I did it. But yes, I bought Cartier a little something with it. I was so happy, thank you” the door opened behind us “Gio, this guy jumped the barrier and is not-” the door flew open “you said quick” Cassius walked in “I also told you to go, me and Gio are talking” what is he even doing, Gio rushed around his desk “I know him, it’s ok. Cassius! Looking well, looking like those rich rappers” Gio hugged Cassius and I had to laugh, like this is so funny to me “y’all just drink wine? I thought this was work?” I shrugged “we gossip” turning around in the seat “mostly about how men can be trash, Cassius just go” I did say for him to go.
Cassius didn’t leave which cut the conversation short, Cassius is just sat here being awkward “so this needs to be complete in a month, so this needs to be in by the end of the week” Gio said, nodding my head “I guess so, shall we go?” getting up from the chair, he could have gone and then Gio and I could just talk but no “It was so nice seeing you Cassius, honestly” Gio opened the door for me, Jordan is stood right there and then stepped to the side “you two met before right?” Jordan looked at me like I wasn’t speaking to him “this is my fiancé, Jordan was telling me that you missed my what again?” Jordan froze “uh, I didn’t say such a thing” fuck him, I will snitch “aye!” Cassius said “aye, look at me. You got something to say?” Jordan shook his head “you seemed like a real dickhead in the car park that time, I remember shit like that. Did you say you missed her?” Jordan shook his head, he is such a liar “I will break your fingers and feed it to your dog, and let your dad watch while I do that. You will have no eyes if you look at her again” Jordan’ face dropped “how do you know I have a dog?” He said in disbelief “don’t fuck with what is mines, got it?” smiling at him as I walked off, I am sure he won’t look at me now or say a word.
I guess he did wait so I will go home with him, I slammed the car door shut “why do you do that!?” he spat “I am a little person, I can’t do it any other way” I barked back “I am sorry” he said to me “sorry doesn’t fix your attitude does it?” which it doesn’t “I have a lot going on right now, I have had some decisions I needed to make personally. I get stressed out, it’s hard to be normal and then doing something fucked up. I am not angry at you or anyone else, it’s just hard” turning in the seat to face him “tell me, I am here for you. I am your wife, a wife knows everything” Cassius shook his head “it’s over with” he is lying “but it’s not, talk to me Cassius” it ain’t over like he thinks because his mood is still shit “I got the insurance money from the fire at the house, I took the money and bought this, jewellery and then bought Bryce” blinking at Cassius several times before I could comprehend what he just said “you bought what? That last line needs repeating” I didn’t catch it right “I bought Bryce” he repeated “like you paid cash and got him? Did he get kidnapped? I mean is there something missing here?” I am confused “I contacted Carnell, I said for him to get out of my city and leave Bryce. He said no, then I gave him a price and he agreed. He is going back to his mother” my mouth hung open staring at Cassius “you did the opposite of what I said?” he really didn’t do anything I said “I kill people that betray me, they are alive. That is lucky for them” looking at Cassius in sadness.
This is hard to take in, he bought Bryce. I mean fuck the rest, Carnell sold a child for nothing “how do you know Celine wants him? She can’t be good for him” what if he she don’t want him “she cried on the phone, she wants him. I know” he looks so deflated “I don’t want you speaking to her Cassius, what the hell!? She is the same one making up shit in your mind, she likes you and you call her?” what is wrong with him “I wanted to know Bryce was ok, that is all I care for” nodding my head “ok so you took the insurance money, you bought this. Is there a reason why you wanted to buy?” He doesn’t really buy this much, it’s not him “because it’s mine Sofia, from all of the shit I been through. It’s mine, that home is mine. I was the dad, I ain’t giving shit to them now. I ain’t doing it, I am not their dad, I am not Monique’ husband. I am not doing it, ok?” Cassius voice broke saying that “I ain’t doing it because I am not nice anymore, I think what hurt me is that he took that money for Bryce. He sold me like that, to the streets he did that to me. Just that I made it work for me, but if I wasn’t strong I would be dead. I am not angry at you or anyone else but I have a lot on my mind, I don’t want to upset you. So I am sorry if I did” placing my hand on his arm “Cassius, I just want you to talk to me. I understand why you didn’t, I do. You’re not a bad guy so don’t think that of yourself. I just want you to talk to me about it. You’re a great guy and I love you. Your dad doesn’t scare you anymore, that respect left a while ago now. I support you Cassius, you ain’t done bad” Cassius smiled at me “I do care Sofia, you know me. I hope you do now, I just be trying to do a lot of things” I understand, he just never speaks to me like he should.
Cassius can be very ruthless when he wants to be, I don’t think I have seen that nice boss Cassius in a while now. I am sad for him but I can only support him and I do, reaching over and grabbing his hand that was on his lap “you’re the first girl to be in this car” frowning at him saying that “liar, Mia sat her fat ass in this” so that is bullshit “she don’t count, but yeah I am sorry. Olivia near bit my head off and was like you ain’t making no effort, you’re upsetting my friend. I took it, I ain’t want to upset you. I try and stay away from you with all of that but thank you for understanding, it’s probably annoying on your side” I shrugged “I just like you to talk to me, I like to feel involved. I mean my advice is just dumb anyways but I am always rooting for you, you scared Jordan anyways. Thanks” I am glad he did that, I don’t think he will look at me anymore “he saw me storm onto the floor, like he didn’t say shit. I was annoyed. Ethan called me, and told me that he saw my mom and she had a black eye but it ain’t my problem but I was still heated” my face softened “your mom is a grown woman, she should walk away. This is not on you at all” Cassius bought my hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to my hand “I got my own family now” it will bug him but Monique is a grown ass woman.
Cassius parked his new car on the drive “I think your car does make a nice addition to what we have, she is cute” let me compliment his car and mean it “why can’t you say sexy?” he turned the engine off “because I am the sexy one, that is why” I smiled “but I am saying sexy because you are here in the car with me, come on” I cooed out “thank you baby, you know Cassius with me. I just like to know, or I just think it’s something else” Cassius got his phone out “I know but sometimes I don’t want to drag you in with the bullshit, I find it hard sometimes” he likes to be secretive “I love you baby” leaning over the panel to kiss him “look at me” I whined out “taking a picture of us” Cassius said, looking over at him pointing his phone at us “no way, you’re taking a picture of us? You’re taking a picture of us!?” I repeated “you hate pictures” I am shocked “I am trying, I want to put you on Insta. Can I?” I cooed “yes baby you can, look at me” I said to him, he looked over at me. I pecked his lips “you can do what you like Cassius, just know that I see the changes with you. Just I want to help you” Cassius grinned at me “you mean a lot to me, I don’t know what person I would have been without you” he said, he means so much to me.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 years
Broken Like Me (Part 6) - Good Enough
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Summary: The reader and Dean end up having their first fight and it leads to an unfortunate situation...
Pairing: Model!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,500ish
Warnings: language
Tuesday Evening
“Hey, Dr. Bram,” you said, slipping into his office.
“Y/N. You look like you’re having a better day than last week,” he said.
“Well I haven’t spoken to my parents so I’m pretty great,” you said, taking a seat. He pursed his lips but didn’t say anything.
“So, how’d the essay go?” he asked.
Oh fuck.
“Y/N?” he asked.
“I may have...forgotten to do it,” you said, looking away. “Is that a new lamp? It looks great in here.”
“You didn’t do an assignment?” he asked.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“I give them to you for a reason, Y/N. Not as a punishment,” he said.
“I know. I was busy and forgot,” you said.
“You’ve never forgotten before, no matter how busy you are,” he said, standing up and walking over to his desk.
“Are you gonna make me quit seeing you?” you asked. He stopped and turned around, coming over to your couch and taking a seat.
“How long have you known me, Y/N?” he asked.
“Four years,” you said.
“In the four years you’ve known me, have I ever said I will no longer see you if you don’t do an assignment?” he asked.
“No. I overreacted,” you said.
“Why do think that?” he asked.
“Because I feel like I lost two of my very few long term relationships I had and I don’t want to screw up and lose another one with you,” you said.
“That’s probably the most straightforward answer you’ve ever given me,” he said, patting your leg as he went back to his desk. “Also from what we discussed last week, you didn’t screw up your relationship with your parents. You had a fight with them.”
“I’m tired of being the bigger person with them though. I asked for a little bit of help, on something I really want and they told me I’m being a child and that I’m ugly,” you said.
“Those are not the words you used last week. You have not seen your parents face to face in a long time and the last memories they have of you, you were not in a good place. They might be assuming that this accident isn’t bothering you as much as it does,” he said.
“They said go to therapy back then because we don’t want to deal with you and your shit,” you said. “You, my therapist, care more about me than they do and you get paid to talk to me.”
“I don’t want to talk about your parents anymore this session. You were happy when you came in here and I want us to get back to that,” he said, grabbing a notebook and pen from his desk.
“So what are we talking about?” you asked.
“I want to know what you were so busy with that you forgot you assignment,” he said.
“It was thanksgiving this week. Shopping, that kind of stuff,” you said.
“I know what you look like when you lie, Y/N,” he said, sitting down in his chair. “You were partially upset last week because you were missing another thanksgiving.”
“I went to a friend’s family’s thanksgiving,” you said with a shrug. Dr. Bram seemed surprised but he was all smiles.
“What was that like? You’ve never had a traditional thanksgiving before,” he said.
“It was...good. There was some family drama and...well Dean’s dad is actually the one that hit me in my accident,” you said. “But once we got over the awkwardness it was okay.”
“Tell me about the day,” he said. You told him what you could remember, Dr. Bram writing a few things down, something he hadn’t really done with you since your first few sessions. “Hm, it sounds like you enjoyed yourself.”
“I did,” you said.
“What else kept you busy? Thanksgiving was only one day after all,” he said.
“I did chores on Friday since my house hadn’t been cleaned in a long time and Saturday I went to St. Louis. Sunday I did a bit of online shopping and baked some. I worked yesterday and went out for dinner and I worked today,” you said. “I guess I should have carved out a few hours for the essay.”
“You have been busy,” he said, leaning back in his seat.
“Uh huh,” you said.
“So is there anything in particular you want to talk about?” he asked. You bit your bottom lip, thinking about it. “You’re wearing a hat again I see.”
“I like hats,” you said. “It is winter.”
“True. But you’re hiding your physical appearance which is why I wanted you to write that essay in the first place,” he said.
“I can do it this week,” you said, Dr. Bram’s head shaking.
“Tell me three things you like about your physical self and I’ll let you off the hook,” he said.
“Okay,” you said. You stared at him, Dr. Bram waving his hand. “You mean right now?”
“Yes…” he said. “Come on. Number one here we go.”
“I like…” you said, trying to think of something that would satisfy him. “Um. I like...can I do this next time? Give me some time to think about it?”
“No. You had time and now I want three things you like about yourself. Go,” he said.
“I don’t know,” you said. “You try thinking of three things on the spot.”
“My hair, my eyes and my smile. Your turn,” he said.
“My hair, my eyes and my smile,” you said.
“Y/N. Focus. What do you like about yourself?” he asked.
“Nothing,” you said.
“That’s not true,” he said.
“I like that I’m smart and creative and decently witty but that’s not physical,” you said. “I’m not pretty and you making me say something isn’t going to make me believe it.”
“One thing then. One thing you like about yourself,” he said. You groaned but he sighed. “For me, Y/N. Just try.”
“I like that I look good in hats so no one ever has to see my stupid forehead again,” you said.
“Y/N, stop kidding around,” he said.
“You don’t get it. You’re a good looking guy Dr. Bram. You’re in your fifties and you’re still a good looking guy. I bet you have always had a nice face and were athletic and were a popular guy. Girls chased you around and all that. Well I’m not pretty. I’m just not. I only ever had friends or boyfriends because my family had money and they’re all gone. I am not someone that anyone wants. How do you not understand that after four years?” you said.
“I want us to take a five minute break. Stay here please,” he said. He left his office, leaving you alone to grab one of the pillows from the couch and punch it. He returned with a bottle of water, setting it down in front of you. “That’s twice now I’ve upset you in the span of fifteen minutes. This is not normal behavior for you, Y/N.”
“You want me to say something I find attractive about myself but I can’t answer you unless I lie and I’m not supposed to lie to you so I don’t know what you want me to do,” you said.
“I want to forget about the assignment for the moment. Just tell me about your weekend.”
“Y/N,” said Dr. Bram, scratching his head at the end of the session. “I’m very confused and you typically don’t confuse me.”
“What’d I do?” you asked, staring at the clock again, Dr. Bram already calling you out on it twice and saying you could leave anytime you wanted.
“Earlier you said that you don’t find yourself pretty, that no one wants you apart from monetary reasons. Yet, you now have a boyfriend who makes you feel good and to quote you from three minutes ago, wanted. Do you see why I’m confused?” he asked.
“It’s different around Dean,” you said with a shrug.
“How so?” he asked.
“I was very rude to him on more than occasion, I’ve overreacted to something he’s said and I’ve tried to push him away. Yet he respects me and was always kind and doesn’t push me to show him my scars or...I guess a very, very small piece of me, when I’m with him and he looks at me like that, believes him when he says he thinks I’m beautiful,” you said.
“Why do you think you believe him of all people?” asked Dr. Bram.
“I think because he’s handsome and hot and he could date any girl he wanted without batting an eye. But he picked me. I thought it was pity or manipulation or him being cruel when he first wanted to be friends but he really just wanted a chance to know me because I’ve caught him staring a few times and I overheard a conversation I shouldn’t have but he cares about me and he doesn’t want anything back and I don’t…” you said, lowering your head. “I don’t know why he wants me. I don’t have anything to offer him.”
“Maybe he thinks you care about him too. Maybe he doesn’t need you to offer him anything but you’re giving him something regardless,” he said.
“But what am I giving him?” you asked.
“Who knows. Maybe you make him feel wanted too,” said Dr. Bram. You pursed your lips, giving him a look.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier,” you said.
“We’ve come a long way from your snapping days,” he said with a soft smile. “I’d still like to hear you tell me one thing you like about yourself before you go.”
“I like my eyes, the color I mean,” you said.
“That’s good enough for today,” he said, standing up. “I am giving you another assignment though and I would like you to actually do it this week, hm?”
“I’ll do it as soon as I get home tonight,” you said. “What’s the assignment?”
“I would like you to every day starting tomorrow, attempt to do something nice for someone else and something nice for yourself. Nothing big but holding a door open for someone, giving a compliment, that sort of thing,” he said.
“What’s being nice to myself?” you asked, realizing as soon as the words were out of your mouth how horrible that sounded. Dr. Bram gave you a smile though.
“Get enough sleep. Exercise. Eat healthy. Take a long bath. Take an hour everyday to focus on you for the next week. No work. No doing chores or stressing during that time. You got it?” he asked.
“I think I can manage that,” you said.
“Good,” he said. You got up, grabbing your coat from the back of the couch, Dr. Bram giving you another smile as you pulled it on. “Any plans for tonight?”
“I have a date,” you said, throwing your purse over your shoulder. “I-”
“Our session is over, Y/N. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to,” he said.
“Am I going too fast with him?” you asked.
“From what you’ve told me, not at all. It’s normal to want to spend time with your partner,” he said.
“We’ve been dating like four days,” you said.
“I’ve been married thirty years. I still look forward to spending time with her,” he said.
“You never talk about your wife,” you said. “I didn’t realize you’d been married that long.”
“It’s worked out so far,” he said with a smile. “Enjoy your date, Y/N.”
“Hi,” you said when you answered your door for Dean. He stepped inside, patiently waiting by the front door. “Oh, you’ve never been inside before. Uh, hall closet is right there.”
“So how was your day?” he asked as he took off his boots and coat, plopping his hat on your stair banister.
“Boring. A few meetings that could have been emails and some intern misplaced a decimal and freaked out the owner. I fixed it,” you said.
“Sounds thrilling,” he said with a chuckle.
“Therapy was the most exciting part of my day,” you said with a laugh. You didn’t frown for saying such a thing, reminding yourself that Dean wasn’t going to judge you for that. He’d gone to Dr. Bram himself when he was younger after all.
“Does Dr. Bram still take walk-ins?” asked Dean.
“Uh, I’m pretty sure he has an hour slot open every morning for it at 10,” you said. “You thinking about going?”
“Yeah. My dad and I got in a pretty big fight today,” said Dean, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I know you guys were starting to get along better.”
“You handle money and finances right?” he asked. You nodded, guiding him into the kitchen where he took a seat at the table. “He thinks I need to grow up and get a real job but this is a real job. I save my money and invest it and I know modeling isn’t a job I can do until I get into my sixties but if I’m smart now, I can take care of myself in the future, pretty well too.”
“Plenty of younger people nowadays focus on saving and retirement. A lot of us don’t want to have to be working until we’re eligible for social security. Saving and investing is a solid plan,” you said.
“That’s what I said but he doesn’t get it,” said Dean. “He’s never going to get it.”
“I don’t know your dad very well but he does love you. He’s worried about you and what’s going to happen to you. I know you’ll be okay but he’s scared you won’t be. You have to let him come to terms with that you are capable of providing for yourself,” you said. “You’ve done it for years. He’ll come around.”
“I know,” he said, leaning back in his seat, looking around the house. “This is very nice.”
“My parents bought it for me after college,” you said.
“Seriously? That’s pretty nice of them,” he said.
“Well, they sort of forgot to speak to me for like three years when they were on a stupid yacht traveling the world so they figured they’d try to buy me back with a fancy house,” you said.
“You’ve got more issues with your family than just missing thanksgivings I’m starting to see,” he said. “They never came to see you in the hospital either.”
“I don’t want to talk about them anymore,” you said, lifting the lid off a pot. You drained the water and were working on dishing up a few things when Dean started to laugh, walking towards your back window bench.
“You kept him,” said Dean, picking up a teddy bear and holding it up. “The one I gave you.”
“I had a couple of bad nights back then,” you said, carrying the plates over to the table.
“About?” he asked, setting the bear down and taking a seat.
“I had to have emergency surgery like three days in,” you said.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“Yeah. It was my appendix thankfully. It was damaged in the accident. They thought the swelling would go down but it turned into full on appendicitis and they had to remove it fast,” you said.
“Poor girl,” he said as you took a seat, running a hand over your head. “Can’t catch a break, can you?”
“Try some of the chicken. It’s good,” you said. Dean gave you a thumbs up after his first bite, asking for the recipe before he pulled out his phone.
“This tastes like it came from a restaurant,” he said, taking a picture of the meal in front of him. He played around on his phone for a moment, shoving it back in his pocket. Your own started to ring a few minutes later. You glanced at it, watching the name Mom pop up. Dean saw it but didn’t say anything and went back to quietly eating. You didn’t answer, another call coming in a moment later.
“Sorry,” you said, picking it up as Dean shook his head. “Hi mom.”
“What size are you? I found the cutest little dress that’d be perfect for a date,” she said.
“I don’t want a dress mom,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Well you’re on a date now and in a ratty flannel and those awful black legging things. Class it up a little sweetie. The boys like that,” she said.
“How the fuck do you know I’m on a date?” you asked. Dean winced. You pulled your phone away, Dean pulling out his phone. He showed you the picture he’d taken, a little caption on it and he’d tagged you in it too. Thankfully your face was cut out but you groaned at the fact that it took less than five minutes for your mom to see it which meant there was no stopping it now. “Mom, stop yelling at me.”
“Do not swear at me,” she said.
“Sorry. Forget about the dress,” you said, cutting her off. “I have to go.”
“Your mom stalks your instagram I’m guessing?” asked Dean with a smile that quickly faded away. “You’re pissed.”
“Remove the post,” you said. “Now.”
“Why?” he asked.
“I’m not ready to go public and you didn’t even ask if it was okay,” you said, stabbing into your dinner. Dean tapped away on his phone, deleting the post, stabbing into his own dinner when he finished. “What are you so mad about?”
“I wanted to show off a picture of the nice dinner my girlfriend made. I didn’t realize I started the apocalypse,” he said.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” you said.
“You’re the one being dramatic,” he said. “I tagged you in a picture. What’s the big deal?”
“You’re a model. I’m not,” you said. “I don’t want random strangers looking up crap about me.”
“You don’t want anyone knowing anything about you. You don’t even have friends,” he said. “You’re like a shut in and that’s before you even had your accident.”
“Because you’re so perfect,” you snapped back. He glared at you and stood up from the table. “Yeah, running away from conflict is definitely your thing, isn’t it?”
“Don’t worry about me posting another damn thing about you,” he said, going to the front hall. He hurriedly threw on his boots as you watched and grabbed his coat, storming out the front door and slamming it shut.
You sat back down at the table and finished your meal, tossing what he didn’t eat in the trash and saving the leftovers. He was just another stupid guy and who gave a fuck if you ever saw him again. You stormed upstairs and grabbed his sweatpants out of the laundry, taking the hat he left on the banister and ripping the one off your head and clumping them in one big pile. You tore open your front door to leave them on the porch.
And there he was, with a soft face and half parted lips and his gaze went straight to your forehead.
You shoved the clothes in his arms and practically ran inside, his hand on the door just catching it.
“Y/N, wait,” he said, pushing it open as you rushed upstairs. You heard the front door close behind you as you got to your bedroom and locked the door, finding a hat and shoving it over your head. You squeezed your eyes shut and sat on the bed, knees in your chest, hoping he left soon.
But the door handle turned and you forgot you hadn’t fixed the stupid thing. You buried your face to hide it away, a soft hand pushing your hat off, someone kneeling in front of you. You felt your face get hot, tears running freely no matter how hard you tried to force them to stop. Long fingers turned your chin up so you couldn’t hide but you wouldn’t open your eyes. He couldn’t force that.
“Shh,” said Dean gently. Lips pressed softly against your scar and you felt a sob wrack your whole body into a shudder, Dean getting onto the bed and pulling you into his lap. He shushed you and wrapped his arms around you, giving your forehead a few kisses.
It took a long time to stop crying, long after you knew you’d soaked his shirt, long after you stopped being embarrassed. You were too tired to care. He thought you were pathetic. That was the only reason he stayed.
You popped open an eye and then the other, pretty green eyes staring back, no sign of anything other than love in them.
And you started to cry all over for once again thinking so negatively about this man that you didn’t deserve.
“We had a fight. I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have talked to you about posting first. I’m sorry about what I said about you being a shut in and not having friends because that is not true at all. You’re my friend, the first best friend I’ve had in a long time and I don’t want to give you up. I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said.
“You saw,” you managed to get out before you were hiding your face in his chest again, hands fisting in his shirt.
“Saw what? Your scar?” he asked.
“S’ugly,” you said, Dean forcing you away from him. “I’m ugly.”
“Y/N,” he said, both hands on your cheeks so you’d look at him. “You’re the prettiest, most beautiful, gorgeous, downright hot, woman I’ve ever seen. I have never had this feeling I do when I’m with you. I feel like I’m going to explode and it’s home all at once. I so badly wanted you to show me because you felt comfortable with it. I didn’t want this to happen on accident but it did and all I can do is stay with you and try to prove to you that you are even more amazing now.”
“How can you say that,” you said, trying to pull his hands away from your face but failing. “I’m not pretty without the scar and with it I’m hideous.”
“Agree to disagree,” he said, sliding a hand up, tracing over the skin. “I know you hate this but I love it.”
“Why?” you asked, fighting back another round of sniffles.
“It means you’re alive. I got a chance to meet you and now I get to be with you,” he said. “I wish you could see that and it’s okay that you don’t. Maybe someday you will.”
“I wish I could too,” you said, Dean pulling you back into his chest. “I’m sorry.”
“We’re okay,” he said. “We’ll figure out what you’re comfortable with sharing and go from there, okay?”
“Okay,” you said, Dean running his hand up and down your back. He shushed you for a little while longer until he made you get up and told you to take a hot shower. You did what he asked, feeling a bit better when you made your way downstairs, Dean’s two hats and his sweatpants folded neatly on the bottom step. You rounded the corner to the kitchen, the pot you hadn’t washed out yet sitting there to dry, the kitchen a bit cleaner than you were used to seeing. Dean came in through the door to the garage, shivering.
“I emptied the garbage. Your garage is freezing by the way,” he said, shaking the cold off of him.
“You cleaned,” you said. He shrugged, taking a dish towel and going to the pot, wiping it down.
“I wanted to,” he said, looking you up and down. “How was your shower?”
“Good,” you said, tucking a strand of damp hair behind your ear. You hadn’t put a hat on, Dean cocking his head at you like he was so proud of you for not hiding again. “I have leftovers if you want. I sort of ruined dinner.”
“That’s okay. I’ll just have a snack at home,” he said.
“Oh, okay,” you said.
“Or I can stay here if you want,” he said.
“Would you mind?” you asked. He shook his head, giving your cheek a kiss as he walked passed.
“I think I will take you up on those leftovers though,” he said. He moved around the kitchen like he was a little familiar with it now, taking the container from the fridge and sticking it in the microwave. You made your way into your family room, settling onto the couch and turning on the TV. Dean came in a few minutes later, scooting you farther down the couch so he could lean back in the corner. He wrapped an arm around your waist, using the other to eat out of the container as you watched. He shuffled around once he stopped eating, throwing his legs up and maneuvering you so you sat with your back to his chest, both arms loosely around you.
“Dean,” you said.
“Hm?” he hummed.
“It’s okay if you post pictures of me,” you said. “Just not-”
“Not your scar, I know,” he said.
“Is it okay if I post them of you?” you asked. He nodded, kissing your temple.
“Your hair smells so pretty,” he said, digging into his pocket for his phone.
“I don’t have my hat,” you said.
“This one is just for me. If it’s okay,” he said.
“Yeah,” you said, giving him a smile. “Just you is okay.”
A/N: Read part 7 here!
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Thirty-Four
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You woke up a groggy mess the next morning. You weren’t sure how you were supposed to walk around all day shopping when your legs still felt like jello. He said that was him going on easy on you. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious as to how Harry usually fucked someone. You also wondered if he ever fucked someone he was in love with before. The way he grabbed your hand last night as he went deeper inside suggested that maybe he hadn’t. You looked over to the bathroom. A shower would surely bring you back from the dead. Your mind raced to fucking Harry in the shower, like full on. He’d probably lift you up and press you against the tile. You smiled at the thought of doing it all over your apartment when you got back.
When you were in college, you fucked all the time. You were constantly hooking up. Sometimes with the same guys, or maybe you’d meet someone new at a party. You liked having sex, it always made you feel powerful. You enjoyed being on top and doing the majority of the work, with college guys that was the only way to get what you were really after. The boys didn’t know what to do to make you feel good. You imagine once you gain your full confidence back, you and Harry would probably fight for dominance quite a bit. You welcomed the challenge.
Harry rolls over, almost crushing you. He places light kisses on your cheek, making you giggle. His eyes flutter open, and he smiles big at you.
“How’s my ba-“ You push on his chest to roll on top of him. You hide your face in the crook of his neck. “Feelin’ a little shy?” You nod your head yes. He chuckles. He really does think you’re the cutest thing in the world. “How ‘bout a bath this mornin’, hm?” You look up at him and smile. “Stay here, I’ll go set it up.” He kisses your hairline, and gets up.
You engulf yourself in the blankets, taking in his full scent. Nothing smelled better than Harry, absolutely nothing. He comes back several minutes later to let you know the bath was all set. You walk in with him and see he’s lit some candles. You take a minute to brush your teeth before you get in. You give him a fresh, minty kiss. He gets in first, and then you. You lean right up against him and sit in a comfortable silence as he holds you.
“How are you feelin’ this mornin’?” Someone had to break the silence.
“Alright.” You yawn, and press your head further into his shoulder.
“Just alright?”
“I feel like I’m floating.” You feel his smirk against your head.
“What was your favorite part?”
“Being as close as we possibly could be.” You turn to look at him and grin. “On a less sappy note, I think you’re the only guy ever to hit me like that, it felt incredible.” He tilts your head up to kiss you. “What was your favorite part?”
“Same as you, just really liked bein’ so close to you.” You raise an eyebrow at him. “A less sappy thing would definitely be finally feelin’ how tight you are around me.” You cheeks flush.
“Maybe it’s not that I’m tight, maybe it’s just that your dick is big. Ever think of that?” You giggle.
“Let’s go with both.”
After your bath, Harry makes you both some coffee while you put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. You opt for sneakers today to give your feat a rest. You put a braid in your hair and throw the rest of it up into a ponytail. Harry has a pair of loose fitting jeans on and a sweatshirt as well. He hands you the coffee.
“Mm, thank you.” You take a sip and smile at him. You think back to last night and blush.
“You excited to do some shoppin’?”
“Your hair looks nice like that by the way. Don’t think I’ve ever seen ya braid it like that.”
“Thanks babe.” You get up and kiss him on the cheek.
“You really like the earrings?” He twists one between his fingers lightly.
“I love them. Never taking them out.”
You and Harry set out to the shops. You start out at a few clothing stores. He takes note of the things that catch your eyes. You talk about wanting to get small things for the girls since they’re watching your place. You end up buying a few things here and there, and Harry helps you carry the bags.
“How ‘bout this place?” You look up and see it’s a jewelry store. “I’ve gotten some of m’rings here, I’d like to see if they have anythin’ new.”
“Sounds good to me.”
You both walk in, a man greets the both of you. Harry walks around. His eyebrows are furrowed until his entire face lights up.
“Babe, look at this one.” He waves you over. “It would look good on m’pinky, don’t you think?”
“Try it on, let’s see.” A man takes the ring out of the case for Harry to try on. He slides it onto his finger, and holds his hand out for you. “Oh, I like that on you. You should definitely get it.”
“You don’t think it clashes too much with the others?”
“Since when do you care about things clashing? It would look odd if it didn’t.”
“True.” He looks at the man behind the counter. “Alright, I’d like to get this please.”
As Harry goes over the paperwork for the ring with the man, you continue to browse. Everything was so beautiful. Every single price tag made you want to vomit, but it was still nice to look. You find yourself looking at diamond rings. You scrunch your face at some of them, thinking a few of the diamond shapes were ugly. You hated the way large diamonds looked on thin bands. You much preferred a thick band with a modest stone. You also preferred a square shape to a round or oval. Harry turns around to see what you’re up to while he waits for the man to return with his ring. He desperately wants to know which ring has made your face light up the way it has. He walks over to you.
“See anythin’ ya like?” He startles you.
“Hm? No, just looking over everything.” He watches your eyes carefully, and follows them to the ring with a thick band and square diamond. He makes a mental note. “What’s the status on your ring?”
“They’re just polishin’ it up f’me.”
“Was it expensive?”
“Sort of, but he cut me a deal since I shop here a lot. If there’s anythin’ that catches your eye don’t be afraid to tell me.”
“You are not buying me anymore jewelry.” You walk away from him, moving on to look at some of the necklaces.
“This one’s cool.” You scrunch your face.
“Too out there for me. I’m a little plainer when it comes to jewelry, I don’t like things that stand out too much, on me of course.” You see one that would almost look good on Harry. “This would look nice on you.” You show it to him.
“You know I used to wear necklaces all the time.”
“Yeah, I have a cross I used to wear a lot, stopped for some reason. I was afraid of it gettin’ dirty on my shoots. Or worse, losing it while I was travelin’. Might start wearin’ it again though.” Harry’s eyes scan over the various pearl necklaces. “Had a pearl necklace I absolutely adored, but I had to sell it a while back to buy some equipment. Broke my heart.” You make a mental note to buy him pearls for his birthday in a couple of months. “Is that weird?”
“Not at all! You know I love your style baby.”
“Sir?” The man says to Harry. “Your ring is ready.”
Harry smiles big and takes it out of the box to put it on his pinky. He takes your hand in his, and you leave the store.
You duck in and out of a few more stores, and decide to take a break at a café for lunch. You get your food to go so you can sit in a park to eat. It was cold out, but you wanted to stay outside.
“Where are we going tonight, Harry?”
“Mitch and Sarah have this club they like to go to. It’s nice.”
“Do people do cocaine there too?” You giggle.
“Love, any party after two in the mornin’, there’s gonna be cocaine.” He laughs.
“I can’t get over the architecture out here, it’s so cool.”
“I used to feel the same way when I first started exploring Boston.”
“Can I ask why you chose such a small city to stay in? Why not New York, or Chicago, or even somewhere out in California?”
“Don’t know.” He shrugs. “It mostly had to do with how expensive the schools I was lookin’ at were.”
“There weren’t any colleges here you wanted to go to?”
“There a few I applied to. But the more I looked into the various international programs other schools had I figured it would be cool to go somewhere I had never been before. I remember my mum was pissed because the first summer after my freshman year I didn’t come home until the middle of July.”
“Why’s that?”
“Niall, Louis, and I took a cross country road trip. We wanted to see it all. It was so much fun.” He smiles at the memory. “We all just really enjoyed Boston. I honestly think New York would’ve been too busy for me. I like how easily you can get to the suburbs, and even when the traffic’s bad, the drive to where you’re goin’ isn’t long.”
“It really is a great city. When I was a kid I always wondered what people did to be able to live there.”
“How come you stayed in Massachusetts? You didn’t want to explore?”
“I actually spent a semester abroad in L.A., it was incredible. I drove out the beach every weekend.”
“What year did you do that?”
“It was my second semester sophomore year. Rachel and I got accepted into the same program, so we went together.”
“I imagine there were many shenanigans.” You scoff.
“God, you have no idea.” You take a bite of your sandwich. “Since we all lived relatively close, over most winter breaks we would try to get together for a weekend trip to New York, or something fun like that. See a show and all that.” You take a sip of your drink. “I think same as you, those larger cities are just too busy. Plus, even though my family drives me nuts, it would be hard to be so far away. I don’t know how you do it.”
“It just makes the visits better. We hardly ever argue about anythin’ cause we don’t wanna waste the little time we have.” Harry sips on his drink. “My mum gets it, she raised Gem and I to be pretty independent spirits. She was understanding about us wanting to fly the coop, so to speak.”
“I had lived with my dad after my parents split, when I was home on breaks from school.” Harry raises an eyebrow at you. “I know, super confusing. But honestly, it was the best option for me at the time. My mom moved out my senior year of high school, and with so much change going on, I needed something to stay constant. I didn’t want to pack up my room or leave my side of town. Bridget moved in with my mom. She was only supposed to stay for six months.” You roll your eyes. “Anyways, I was so grateful that I started applying for jobs early, because I got an interview with where I work now at like the end of April. There was an alum that worked there at the time that I had connected with. He helped coach me through the interview process. After like three rounds of interviews, they took me on. I actually started out in their social media department, that’s how I met Niall because he was there too.” Harry nods along. “That’s a story for a different time.” You giggle. “Anyways, my dad was happy I had gotten such a great job, but he couldn’t wrap his had around the fact that I’d rather go live with Rachel and Sarah and pay rent, then live for free at home and commute.”
“Commuting from your dad’s house would’ve been so stressful.”
“No kidding! I would’ve had to get up even earlier to catch the T. He yelled at me almost every day for two weeks, and I had finally had enough. I was like if you think this is what’s going to keep me here, you’re crazy. I tried not to get too mad at him because I understood at the end of the day his youngest kid was moving out. I thought I did pretty well for myself.”
“You certainly do. You should be proud of how fast you’ve been able to move up.”
“I know you like the benefits your work has, but do you think you’ll ever run your own business full time at any point?”
“I don’t know, honestly. I like the idea of continuing to build my own brand, maybe even lease my own photo studio…but it’s such a difficult business. You’re either busy all the time or not at all, there’s little in between. At lease with the magazine, there’s always a steady paycheck comin’ in.”
“Well, if you do ever lease your own space I know someone in marketing that can really help you build your brand.” You wink at him. He puts his arm around you, and pulls you close to him.
“I hate to say this, but I think I could use a nap.”
“Yeah, pretty tired myself. Let’s head back.”
After a quick power nap, you and Harry get ready to meet Mitch and Sarah. You all decided to have dinner together before heading to the club. You were all having fun, drinking and dancing a bit. You didn’t want to go too crazy because you didn’t want to be hungover for your flight tomorrow afternoon.
“Harry?! Is that you?!” Harry’s face as pale as a ghost. And you swear you heard Mitch say oh fuck. Some random girl attached herself to Harry’s body, almost pushing you out of the way. “I told you girls it was ‘im!” A few more girls gather around. “How ya been Styles?” Her accent was thicker than his.
“Um…good.” He takes a step back from the girl.
“It’s been ages! How long ya in town for?”
“I, we leave tomorrow.” He hooks his arm around your waist and the girl shoots daggers at you. “Just home for Christmas.”
“Oh, I see. And who’s this then?” You go to speak, but Harry speaks before you.
“My girlfriend, obviously.” His grip on you tightens.
“She can’t be your girlfriend, you don’t do girlfriends remember?” She says laughing. “At least that’s what yeh told me, and every other girl you’ve fucked in London.”
“Alright, Melissa, that’s enough.” Sarah says stepping in. “What did you do, stalk us? I know you saw my Instagram story. I’m about ready to block you.”
“A girl can’t come to the club with her friends anymore?”
“Interesting how you made sure to be here when you knew Harry would be here.” Mitch says. She looks back at you.
“Fine, I’ll leave yeh all alone. He’s gonna break yeh heart honey, trust me. This man is incapable of anythin’ other than a good fuck.”
Melissa and her friends walk away. He waits until she’s completely out of view before letting go of you.
“I am so sorry about that.” He says to you.
“I’m blockin’ her right now. Didn’t think she still followed me. Sorry ‘bout that, H.” There’s that nickname again.
“You couldn’t have known.”
“So was that just like an ex-girlfriend or something?”
“Sort of. She was just a summer fling, nothin’ more, and I made that clear. It was years ago, but she stayed hung up on me. She’s text me all the time when she knew I’d be home.”
“And stupid you would continue to hook up with her.” Mitch says.
“I was like twenty-years old, fuck off.” He looks back at you. “I really am sorry, I-“
“Harry, it’s okay. It was before we knew each other. Your past is your past.” You shrug.
You genuinely weren’t mad. You have zero control over who Harry used to date or hook up with. And you could tell he was embarrassed by having one of his skeletons come out of the closet, you weren’t going to make him feel bad.
“Let’s not let it ruin our good time, hm?” You hug him and kiss him on the cheek.
The four of you spend the rest of the night uninterrupted, which everyone greatly appreciated.
“What time’s our flight tomorrow again?” You ask in the cab back to Harry’s flat.
“It’s late, like 11PM, I did that so by the time we get home it’ll be like we’re just goin’ t’bed early. Less jetlag.”
“Oh, so we have a whole ‘nother day to like explore?”
“Yeah.” He smiles. “Anythin’ in particular you feel like doin’?”
“Gosh, I don’t know. We went to all the big touristy sites. I wouldn’t mind going back to the London Eye, the view was just so spectacular.”
“We can do whatever you want, angel.” He leans closer to you and giggle.
You get up inside the flat, and get ready for bed. You each do your nightly routines, and get into bed. You had never felt closer to Harry. You snuggle up close to him. He takes his book and his glasses out.
“Know it’s late, but do you mind if I read for a bit?”
“Not at all! Do you wanna read to me?” He chuckles.
“You’d be thoroughly confused, I’m already halfway.”
“Don’t care.” You yawn. “I’ll end up falling asleep anyways. Just wanna listen to your voice.”
“Alright love.”
Harry reads out loud from his romance novel, and the sound of his voice is quite soothing. Your eyes feel droopy, and you soon drift off. He stops reading when he hears your light snores. He turns the light off, and slouches a bit to get comfortable, careful not to wake you.
The next morning you wake up on your back with Harry’s face against your chest. Your body was feeling much better, inside and out. You run your hand through his soft curls, and watch as his eyes flutter awake. He nuzzles into you, not quite ready to face the morning sun.
“Mornin’, love.”
“Good morning.” You bite your bottom lip. You had honestly forgotten how much you enjoyed morning sex. It was lazy and sloppy, and a perfect way to wake up. You just weren’t sure how to initiate since Harry was usually the one to suggest something. “Um…how’d you sleep?”
“Good. You?”
“Good.” You have a thought to maybe turn over so he’d be forced to spoon you, but when he was like this, you were trapped. He hears your heart start to beat faster, and leans his head up to look at you.
“You okay?”
“Mhm, yeah.” You smile at him. You knew he’d love to just hear you say it. But you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction. “Do you…um, you know, feel like giving it another go?” Both of his eyebrows raise.
“Feelin’ a bit puckish this mornin’ are we?” You nod your head yes. “Right, well, let’s just go ahead and take care of that shall we?” You giggle as he fully gets on top of you.
Harry’s hand dips down between your legs to rub lightly on your slit, teasing you only slightly to get you wet. You reach between the two of you to grip his hardening cock. You pump him slowly as he groans into your neck.
“Could I…get on top of you this time?” He props himself up to look at you.
“You don’t think that’ll hurt?”
“Not if you let me do it.” He knows you mean it won’t hurt if he just lets you do all the work.
He rolls over and waits for you to get on top of him. You grip him again, lining up your center with his tip. You slowly sink down on top of him. You both let out a moan. You sit there a moment, getting used to him.
“Mother of fuck.” You say under your breath. He was just so big.
You lean forward slightly to grip the headboard. Harry thought you looked heavenly from this angle. You slowly lift yourself up, and slide back down him. His hands grip your hips, fingers imprinting into your skin. You eventually find a rhythm, and bounce up and down slowly on his cock. It was killing him not to move, but he was so lost in the expression on your face; pure bliss. You were grinding against him in just the right spot. He takes one of his hands to rub your clit, causing you to throw your head back.
You continue to grind against him slowly, your hands drift down to his shoulders, and you sink your nails in. He could feel your body tensing up the way it always did when you were close. You were moaning, pretty loud. You wouldn’t tell him this, but an orgasm from this angle was like no other.
“Baby, can I please move a bit, you’re killin’ me.”
“Inna second, oh shiiiiiiiittt.” You have a tranquil release, and pause your movements to catch your breath. “Okay.” You lean down on him, and wrap your arms around his shoulders. His hands slide down to your ass to grip you. “Proceed, BUT be careful, please.”
“Don’t worry, I gotcha.”
Harry’s hips thrust up inside you, and it feels absolutely amazing. His pace isn’t quite as slow as the one you were taking, but it wasn’t crazy fast either. You could feel his nails digging into your butt, and just the intense need he has for you. You use your hands to push yourself up. A confidence takes over you since everything is feeling good. You bounce on him while he thrusts up into you, both getting in sync.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy like this.” One of his hands slides up your body, reaching your cheek. You turn your face to kiss his palm.
You take his hand in yours and raise his fingers to your mouth. You kiss his index and middle finger before taking them into your mouth. You close your eyes and suck on them. Harry’s eyes nearly pop out of his head and his jaw drops. Who were you right now? You take his fingers out of your mouth. He grips the back of your neck, and pulls you down to him. His tongue goes into your mouth as his hands grip your hips to rock you faster on him.
“Fuck, Harry.” His dick is hitting that special spot inside. You sink your teeth into his neck, causing a growl to come from his lips.
“M’gonna come babe.”
You both were panting. Your back arches as you feel his hot come shoot up inside you at the same time your release comes. You collapse on top of him, you were exhausted having not ridden a dick in quite some time. He moves the hair that’s plastered to your forehead away, and kisses your hairline. You slightly lift up so he slip out of you, and you feel his come leak out of you. You feel a slight embarrassment since you were resting on one of his thighs. He was bound to feel it.
“You’re incredible.” He says, almost breathless. You look up at him. “I mean, just watching you go to town like that…” He runs a hand through his hair and looks down at you. “And then when you su-“
“Harry.” You cover his mouth with your hand, and hide your face in his chest. “Please, it’s too embarrassing.” He chuckles and rubs your back.
“Nothin’ to be embarrassed about.”
“I don’t even know why I did that…” You groan.
“It really turned me on, so please don’t second guess yourself.” He kisses the top of your head. “Sometimes when you’re in the heat of the moment, you just do things. Happens to me too.” You lean up and kiss him. “You did really well, took all of me no problem.”
“Right.” You didn’t have the heart to tell him that your vagina was throbbing. It was going to take you a while to get used to his size. Length is one thing, but the girth Harry had was just so thick.
“Do you feel safer on top?”
“I don’t know exactly.”
“Well, you didn’t get triggered.”
“I think it’s sort of like when we were just touching each other. Some things trigger and others don’t. I just happened to be fine this morning, and I’m thankful. Felt so good.”
“I’d love to lay in bed with you all day, but I don’t wanna waste our last day…”
“Me either. Let’s go get cleaned up. Then we can pack up, and enjoy the rest of the day.”
You get off of Harry, and step to get off the bed. You catch the blankets the wrong way, and end up slipping, and falling to your hands and knees.
“Shit!” Harry starts laughing. “This isn’t because of you, I slipped.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, love.”
You and Harry did some more sightseeing, and took a ton more pictures. You were feeling really clingy to him, so your hand never left his. He liked that you were being so affectionate. You could be so reserved in public sometimes. He liked putting your relationship on display.
“Wanna drive us back to the flat?”
“Promised ya didn’t I?”
Harry hands you the keys, and you get it in. You drive slowly at first and laugh as you start to get the hang of it. He takes a video of you driving on your phone because he knows you’ll want to show everyone later.
“Expertly done.” He says as you pull into his flat.
You both feel sort of sad to be packing everything else up. But it’ll be nice to get home, and have a few more days off together. You and Harry plan to get him all moved in.
The ride to the airport is quiet, but comfortable. It was late, and you were both tired. Right now you were thankful your tickets were first class. You couldn’t wait to get cozy with Harry in the large seats. You drape your blankets over the both of you, and snuggle into his chest. This trip was better than you both ever could’ve expected.
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