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thedollarstoresatan · 5 years ago
Hello! I'm the Creator of "The Truth Betold" (a fanfic on Ikemen Revolution), and I'm currently redoing the chapters at the moment. (The style isn't consistent, and while I like the fact it shows me improving, I need it to run smoothly.) I'm also working on making it more inticing to read and showing a more definite personality in the characters, so, I promise to upload the redone chapters as soon as I can, have a good day (or night)!
The First Chapter is out now, and it's serverly different from the original.
The Second chapter is out now!
3rd is out!
4th is out!
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ciscostestimony · 3 years ago
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⚜️ The more you are in the state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for. - W. Disney I decided to use this image in order to feel just a tiny bit closer to my son and share something inspiring. I’d like to take the time to wish all those whom I love and the rest of the world the best and most healthiest new year filled with as much love & happiness as possible. Originally, the thought came to mind decades ago as I ran aimlessly down the railroad tracks In the middle of the night. I had no idea at the time as to what I’d eventually write about, but I knew my life would forever be significantly affected by my actions that night and recent others. It’s been a long time since then and here I am. I was always certain the time would come where I could not afford to procrastinate any longer and now is that time. I’m going to use this major transitional time in all of our lives to crack the whip on myself and convert this thought into a living reality now This being said, I’d like to thank any and all of you who have “been there for me” at one time or another throughout this brief journey of ours. My heart and mind are saturated with so much I’m am beyond eager to share all of you and I look forward to being able to do just that. ☯️ #happynewyear2022 #liveyourlife #livetolearn #learntolive #thebestwaytolearnistoteach #learnfortyourself #teachyourself #learneveryday #learneverywhere #learnasmuchasyoucan #teachothers #tellyourstory #tellyourfriends #tellyourtruth #speakyourtruth #speakyourmind #thetruthbetold #sharethetruth #feedyourmind #foodforthought #aprendealgonuevo #learnsomethingnew #learningiskey #teachingkids #teachyourkids #teachyourheartout #lovetoteach https://www.instagram.com/p/CYNWohdMKbf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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johnson1983 · 7 years ago
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Missing words.... would not be good for business! #true #thetruthbetold #life #wisewords #behappywithyourlife #behappy #besmart
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globobro · 4 years ago
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Supreme Court Ends Emoluments Battle Against Trump
#T_Rump's #SupremeCourt's Majority of Running Dog #Lackeys are doing that which they were put in place to do; protect #TRump and excuse the #Behavior of his #Cohorts of #OrganizedCriminals + #CoConspirators. #political #causeforconcern #thetruthbetold #bidenharris #Vote2022
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realeltrymecyojgsc · 7 years ago
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Agreed. #thetruthbetold
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gyrlversion · 7 years ago
THE ULTIMATE WAIST SLIMMER ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ This #waisttrainer is a whole game changer #thetruthbetold is that even fair 😂😂 Maybe! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Via @pegasusmilk92 #gyrlversion #waisttraining #slimmer #bossy
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set-sights-2-north · 12 years ago
I hate to say I told you so...
But, yeahhh. I told you he was a piece of shit. A lot of us did. But you ignored us. And you're still stuck doing his fucking online class. If you hate him so much, tell him to go fuck himself and make him fail it. I'm sorry, but you never should have done it in the first place. Yet you tell me you offered and insisted on doing it anyways because you actually thought something would come from it. So much for that, huh? But here's the thing! You say you're not good enough. But you are, if you start holding yourself up like you are. It's possible, you just have to want it bad enough. Because by the rate your going, by you saying that's what you deserve all the fucking time, people are gonna start to believe it. Hence why some have stopped talking to you because they don't want to hear it anymore. I feel really bad for you. So I pray for you, I really do. I believe one day you'll be the person you want to be. But changes must be made on your end. God be with you.
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