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shoresdevelopment · 1 year ago
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How people learn best… https://shores.rocks/blog/pedagogy/how-people-learn-best/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year ago
High School Horror on Criterion which should I watch vote
Ginger Snaps -puberty werewolf
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Battle Royale-teens murdering the hell out of teachother
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Prom Night -Slasher
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@makingboneboy @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland @ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa
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theprayingteacher · 2 years ago
#Life #Lessons
https://www.facebook.com/lifeisliveyourbestlife?mibextid=LQQJ4d Life is filled with Life Lessons all around us. We are teachers for one another with every action and word. May we teach one another GOOD! LifeLessons #TeachOthers #Goodness #Patience #Kindness #Love
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amenakay · 6 years ago
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Make it your goal today to teach someone about something you know. ... In the past few days I have been chatting to all types of people here in Tucson. I love the diversity of people that visit and live here. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to talk to a lovely couple and told them all I learned about Tucson and the sights and trails here I have gotten to know over my time here. It was very gratifying that they got so excited about all there is to see. I am happy I gotten the chance 🍀 and took that first step and said : “Bonjour, Ça va?” - they were speaking French next to me, they where traveling throughout the US from Canada 🇨🇦 ... #lifeoutdoors #teachothers #inspireothers #goodmorning #dailyquote #advice #love #bekind #loveyourself #encourageothers #makeaplan #makeapath #beyourself #guideother #bealeader #naturephotography #tucsonarizona #trailrunner #fitmom https://www.instagram.com/p/ByfcelqBDGm/?igshid=1j4tzj6dh6sic
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0alwaysontherun0 · 6 years ago
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#read #learn #teachothers #grow #evolve https://www.instagram.com/p/BoLXcW0CxOA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u0ravjg15uui
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ciscostestimony · 3 years ago
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⚜️ The more you are in the state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for. - W. Disney I decided to use this image in order to feel just a tiny bit closer to my son and share something inspiring. I’d like to take the time to wish all those whom I love and the rest of the world the best and most healthiest new year filled with as much love & happiness as possible. Originally, the thought came to mind decades ago as I ran aimlessly down the railroad tracks In the middle of the night. I had no idea at the time as to what I’d eventually write about, but I knew my life would forever be significantly affected by my actions that night and recent others. It’s been a long time since then and here I am. I was always certain the time would come where I could not afford to procrastinate any longer and now is that time. I’m going to use this major transitional time in all of our lives to crack the whip on myself and convert this thought into a living reality now This being said, I’d like to thank any and all of you who have “been there for me” at one time or another throughout this brief journey of ours. My heart and mind are saturated with so much I’m am beyond eager to share all of you and I look forward to being able to do just that. ☯️ #happynewyear2022 #liveyourlife #livetolearn #learntolive #thebestwaytolearnistoteach #learnfortyourself #teachyourself #learneveryday #learneverywhere #learnasmuchasyoucan #teachothers #tellyourstory #tellyourfriends #tellyourtruth #speakyourtruth #speakyourmind #thetruthbetold #sharethetruth #feedyourmind #foodforthought #aprendealgonuevo #learnsomethingnew #learningiskey #teachingkids #teachyourkids #teachyourheartout #lovetoteach https://www.instagram.com/p/CYNWohdMKbf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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robynkeen-blog · 4 years ago
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Ansel Adams. . . Today I bumped into another photographer who took the time to teach me a few things (socially distanced). Was nice to talk to someone with a passion photography who was happy to share their wisdom. . . . . . #photography #photographer #anseladams #quote #shareknowledge #teachothers https://www.instagram.com/p/CK7XK9mnIVt/?igshid=aketl0i8yilq
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tamarahughes107 · 4 years ago
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💎Tips For Successful Entrepreneurs💎 💡Remember Your Purpose 💡Define Your Brand 💡Understand Your Audience 💡Just Go For It 💡Teach Others Why They Need You 💡Focus On Solutions 💡Design A Great Brand 💡To Win Big - Play Big 💡 Have A Support System 💡Continue Learning + Growing 💡Be Consistent Always 💡Share The Real You . . . . . . #successfulentrepreneur #successfulentrepreneurs #defineyourbrand #understandyourbrand #justgoforit #teachothers #focusonsolutions #designagreatbrand #winbig #winbigplaybig #playbig #haveasupportsystem #continuelearning #continuegrowing #beconsistent #beconsistentalways #sharetherealyou #therealyou #trueauthenticself #authentic #autheticself #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurship @skindeepformulations (at Sylvan Lake, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJUsjfjH9f/?igshid=16a9qb7apwscj
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victoriayoga · 7 years ago
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#freeyogaclasses all week long! Cause we love you! ❤️. . . Let our trainees share #yoga with you🙏. . . ➡️Thursday 11am or 3pm ➡️friday 11am or 4pm ➡️Saturday 11:30am and 3pm #yogaisforeveryone #yogamiami . #yogadaily #noexcuses . #proudmom . #sharethelove . #yogalife . #southbeachyoga . #yogateachertraining . #teachothers . #yogawisdom . #yogaeveryday . #yogisofig . #yogis . #firstclass . #doinggreat . #awesome (at Synergy Yoga Center)
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shoresdevelopment · 2 years ago
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How people learn best… https://shores.rocks/blog/pedagogy/how-people-learn-best/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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abstractconformity · 5 years ago
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𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. . It’s never too late in life to find fulfillment in a new avenue. . The other night, I had a captain who told me his story of going to sea late in life. Usually when people ask, I shy them away from this lifestyle as it’s tough to climb the ladder and find much value in a sea-going career. This Captain got a 3rds mate license 27 years AFTER attending a maritime academy, which he graduated from and never sailed due to a family business. With that dissolved and his kids out of the house, he set sail and climbed the ladder in an incredibly short time frame. . The story in itself was inspiring, but his confidence and joyful attitude set it apart. He embodied the work hard, play hard mentality while not venturing into the reckless path of spinning your wheels that I’ve seen far too often. To top it all off, teaching his junior officers was a point of focus, showing just how much he cared about his crew and their own careers. . Some captains and I hardly speak a word beyond requests of the ship during pilotage while others divulge a brilliant story. It’s powerfully engaging to hear their stories because humans like to socialize. We learn and grown from these exchanges. Don’t shy away from them. . Sailor 📝: Value your time. Also value the knowledge you’ve absorbed and remember how others instilled it in you. Use your time to pass that on to others. . : . . #Maritimesbest #captain #sevenseas #seafarer #humansatsea #mariner #seamanlife #coolmariners #nautical #ocean #ship #ships #motivation #sailornote #somegoodnews #teachothers #leadershipdevelopment #seeyououtthere @misterspoils #adeventure #adventureiscalling #adventure #adventureawaits (at Texas City, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAppswpHPuL/?igshid=58oqr4hauwpb
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cervaju · 5 years ago
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During this times we can learn so much!!! Then we can inspired others an teach them!!! #staypositive💯 #learn #newthinking #bepositivetoday #cervaju_oficial #teachothers #makeadifferencetoday #enjoylife #enjoytheprocces #mindsetchange https://www.instagram.com/p/CAeLZ3PgQmZ/?igshid=6qvvnwavdkvs
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emarv · 6 years ago
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#613 #TeachOthers One of the activities I enjoy most about my job is that I get to teach others. I travel to customer sites and teach them how to use our software.  It's fulfilling because I get to teach them something they don't know how to do. Rather than giving them the fish, I'm teaching them how to fish. They can apply what they learn and go on to do great things with our software.  Further, by teaching, I also get to learn more about our software and how it can be best used. As they say, the best way to learn is to teach.  For the reasons indicated above and more, it's valuable to teach others. You help others while also helping yourself.  If you are unsure that you can do it, start small. Teach an individual. Learn from them and expand from there.  It's worthwhile.  Teach others!  #bepositive #traindaily #eatwell #livewell #vegancoach Pics: #vegan food #upsidedownfood  20190625 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz8oBx5hNdU/?igshid=mz44er6hfuj9
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prefocus-blog · 8 years ago
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Just got done with a few live videos about #MarketingMix and targeting.. . . There are a number of things to consider before branding - then marketing. Follow the process.. . . . . . #targetaudience #personas #brandidentity #recordingvideo #videocontent #educational #inspirepeople #teachothers #shareknowledge #sharewhatyouknow #findyourpurpose #beintentional #intentionalliving #intentionallife #influencer #influencermarketing #influencial #inspireothers #videoideas #marketingplan #marketingblog #videosetup #homeoffice #remotework #corneroffice (at Surprise, Arizona)
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ttrulyliving · 6 years ago
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Until today she still holds the record for fastest #businessbuilder in Taiwan. Field Vice- President Beauty Chan shared the business overview last night and will be spending 1 full day today to teach us how she has succeeded in this business. Can't wait to hear from her! P.S next opportunity to learn how to succeed is 14 Sep 👍 IM @ssurprisess #surpiseshopcom #successstories #hustle #keeplearning ##keepgrowing #leadership #leverage #earlybird #teachothers #sharingiscaring #lifegetsbetter #businessgrowth #futuregoals #entrepreneurmindset #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/BybkRSgDP-y/?igshid=gdldo2xqlz8y
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ukulelewrap · 3 years ago
i notice that coiny and pin co opposites teachother in a way that they view bfdia and the future and past, coiny is so focused on clinging to past, while pin is focused looking towards the future, she doesn't want to go back to bfdi, she doesn't want to go back to cheating, she doesn't want to go back to that era of her life where she did BAD THINGS, pin is a better person now and a good person at heart, coiny is also a good person at heart but he has yet to realize pin is really different now, she's anxious, a leader, has integrity, and is a whole new person from what she was in the past, coiny still wants it to be all silly and "fun" from what it was in bfdia, and i think the reason he said "OH MY GOSH I KNOW THAT!" is because is KEEPS bringing up bfdia, he doesn't want to accept things are changing and people are growing, specifically pin, ofc they'll still be friends but he has to accept not everything stays the same and he has to change to in order to move on
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