#lottie matthews x van palmer x reader
lotties-ashwagandha · 6 months
lottie matthews x gn!reader x van palmer, 971 words
you finally decide it's time to move in with them, and relish in the newfound domesticity blessing your relationship.
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When you agreed to move in with Lottie and Van, you hadn’t anticipated how strenuous of a process it would be. It had all seemed so straightforward in your mind, but as you stood in front of half a dozen boxes strewn across the floor, you realized how exhausting it was. 
You had just finished with the bedroom closet. You smiled softly as you looked over your work – it had taken forever, but you had managed to find a balance of the closet space between the three of you. It helped that you had a walk-in closet, that you lived in a house that was suitable for the three of you to live comfortably together – your good fortune in that did not go unnoticed. 
You began to stack the empty boxes on top of those you had yet to unpack. It was getting late, the rest could wait until morning. You had spent the entire day anyway even getting your things from your apartment to your girlfriends’ residence within Lottie’s wellness center, which was so far removed from the rest of society that the trip had accounted for much of the day. You were indescribably exhausted. 
“You need any help with that?” Van asked, approaching you. She had been in the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom, reorganizing to make room for everyone’s things – skincare products, toothbrushes, shampoo. Everything in the house was being reordered for your shared comfort. 
You shook your head in decline. Van ignored you, taking the box you were holding and stacking it on top of the others. She knew you were capable yourself, but above all she wanted to make you feel at home – as if you hadn’t spent so much time here anyway before moving in. It was part of why you had all decided that this be your permanent residence, that since the house was so far from your old apartment you would stay with your girlfriends for days or weeks at a time before going home, and it had always led to the most pleasant memories for the three of you. 
Van surveyed the boxes for a second before leaning into the closet to examine your work. 
“It looks nice,” she smiled, and you could see that she was as joyful as you were that you were in the process of moving in. “Lottie still has half the closet space, but I think we expected that.” 
“She has so much shit, it makes you and I look like we own one shirt each,” you agreed, resisting a laugh. “Where is she, anyway?” 
“Lottie? She’s in the kitchen. She wanted to try to make you dinner for your first official night here.” 
“God save us all,” you joked. “We should call the fire department, have them here just in case she almost burns the house down again.” 
She laughed. “I don’t think the authorities would approve of anything she does here, fire or no fire. We’re in league with a walking safety hazard.” 
You agreed, and the two of you decided to go check on her. 
When you found Lottie in the kitchen, she had just started pasta noodles on the stove. She was trying at the creation of a sauce, various random ingredients littering the countertops as she began to meticulously dice a tomato. You came up behind her, looping your arms around her waist and looking over her shoulder to watch her work. 
“Van says you’re a safety hazard in the kitchen,” you said with a teasing smile, which grew when Lottie shook her head in annoyance. 
“She’s just saying that because she’s disappointed no restaurants deliver this far out, and I wouldn’t have let her call for delivery anyway,” Lottie said. She put down her knife, wiped her hands on a nearby kitchen towel, and turned around to face you. Her expression was loving, filled with a peacefulness that spread to you instantly. “I want this to be special for you. I know you used to stay with us a lot before you moved in, but this is still big.”
“This is special,” you assured her. “Just getting to be here with the two of you is special enough.” 
In response she kissed you softly, and a sense of home rushed over you – this was where you were meant to be. This was where you were safe, where you would always be welcomed, loved, cared for. 
Van’s voice filled the kitchen – she shouted that the pot on the stove was boiling over, and you and Lottie pulled away from each other instantly, startled. 
You looked to the stove in terror, but the pot was fine. The water wasn’t even boiling yet. 
“That’s not fucking funny,” Lottie snapped at her, and sighed as she leaned against the kitchen counter to sulk. She turned away when Van tried to kiss her, but after a second try from her Lottie relented, and afterwards seemed consoled. 
You watched the exchange contentedly. You craved this domesticity with them, and at last you were able to be a part of it long-term. 
You and Van began to help Lottie with the pasta. The two of them attempted to banish you from the kitchen at first, claiming that this was their treat to you, but when you kept pestering them about it they finally allowed you to help with menial tasks like retrieving ingredients, throwing things away, and whatever else you could occupy yourself with doing that they deemed small enough for the meal to still be a sort of welcoming gift from them. 
When it was at last finished, the three of you sat down at the dining table, and life became complete in your togetherness. The end had come of your aloneness, and in its wake you were blessed in the abundance of their love. 
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denwritesandcries · 7 months
The Wilderness Wants Us To (Kiss) – YJS
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Pairing: poly!yellowjackets x fem!reader
Summary: You have experienced all kinds of weirdness ever since the plane crashed months ago, so why the weirdest thing so far is it seems like all the girls are suddenly courting you? 
Or, a series of kisses between you and your dear football team.
Word count: 4,6k.
Content: cursing, kisses, fluff, suggestive, angst if you blink, slightly dark, intoxication, the doomcoming, the wilderness but nobody has been eaten (yet).
Note: They’re all weirdos in a romantic, toxic and codependent way.
English is not my first language.
Your life has stagnated into a familiar routine since the plane crash. To clean. Hunt. Eat. Exist. Survive. Doing the same chores in the cabin, the usual hunting trip, seeing the same faces every day, not dying of hunger.  Not dying of boredom.
Nothing really seems to change other than the cultish trends that your friends seem to be slowly embracing, so if something different happens, you notice it immediately.
Once is an incidence.
Two, it could be a coincidence, but there are no coincidences in the wilderness.
Three is a pattern. That exists in the wilderness.
And the fourth is proof that there is definitely something weird going on – if you even have a sense of what is normal or not –, something that you have no idea what it is, but you know it’s there.
There's something wrong with your teammates. I mean, there's something wrong with all of you, but that's different even for them.
The thing is that you, thinking that maybe it was just in your head, only realized that you weren't imagining anything after the fifth time it happened and now that you know you can't stop thinking about it. Events keep coming back to you from times when this has happened before and you never connected the pieces.
You didn't notice at first, of course you didn't. Physical affection was becoming more common and normal between all of you every day and also because it was Jackie, the captain of your team, and physical affection on Jackie's part was already completely normal even before the plane crashed. She liked to pat you on the shoulder and hug you goodbye after classes and parties – as if she hadn't spent the day barking orders at everyone during practice, but it's Jackie and you really like her a lot, so it's okay –, you could always see her clinging to Shauna's arm, if not hers, then whoever was closest to replace her for a few minutes. Jackie likes to touch and you know it.
Receiving affection from her is like second nature, so you don't even blink when, on yet another boring and lazy afternoon, you give Jackie her old walkman, now repaired and working, and get a kiss as a thank you.
It was a silly treat to make her smile, just because she seemed so sad lately that it made you sad too. She squeals loudly and excitedly, before wrapping her arms around your neck and placing a kiss on your cheek.
She immediately runs off somewhere saying she was going to test it and show it to Shauna, completely abandoning the task of pretending to chop wood so you can complete it.
You only process what just happened when you hear a giggling coming from nearby, because of course Jackie would kiss you in front of your younger colleagues.  One of them points at your cheek provocatively and you lift a hand to your face to feel the texture of pink and shiny lipstick marking your skin. Of course, silly you not to assume that Jackie Taylor wouldn't stop wearing makeup just because of some plane crash.
Whatever, you thought, not bothering to clean the mark. Jackie is sweet. She does things like that all the time, obviously you wouldn't think there's anything weird about it. It wasn't even the first time she kissed you. Kisses on the cheek were a thing long before you left civilization.
You only wipe the stain from your face, in a short and hasty gesture, when you return to the cabin and Mari makes one of her smart comments about it, because there really was no big deal, but the provocation still makes you a little nervous.
(Jackie wears lipstick a lot more often after that, even though she's quickly running out of the only one she has left, but you don't say anything. It would be really weird to imply that you noticed her lips that much. Which you didn't do, no way.)
The second time it happens shouldn't have left you as perplexed as it did, after all everyone knew that Shauna Shipman was never far behind Jackie in the things she did, but it didn't pass through your head that she would kiss you. It was Shauna. Even though she was never rude, you weren't really close and it was embarrassing to admit that you found her a little intimidating. She had a tendency to stare in silence for a long time, which made you avoid conversations whenever you could.
Well, it wasn't a kiss-kiss since it wasn't actually on the mouth, but seeing as you weren't expecting it at all, it could have been. You're learning that reading Shauna is much more complicated than it seems, making it difficult to know if what awaits you is a punch, a bite, or – the most recent discovery – a kiss.
It happened because of the thing that seemed to drive your little society: meat. Because the food was almost running out and no matter what you and Natalie brought, it seemed like there would never be enough. And Shauna was hungry. Painfully hungry.
She always seemed to get hungry more quickly than the others, craving meat with an almost drunken need and you didn't quite understand why, even though you had noticed this detail some time ago. So when you and Nat are seen arriving back at the cabin carrying a deer, a big deer, Shauna practically runs up to the two of you, basically ripping the antler out of the blonde's hands and making you stumble to follow her back to the meat house.
You offer to help her just out of politeness and how rushed she seems, without expecting a positive response since it was common knowledge that Shauna preferred to work alone.
However, she nods her head enthusiastically as she hands you a knife and you swear you've never seen someone look so happy to slit an animal's throat alongside someone else.
When the task is done, you end up at the door with a full tray ready to be prepared for dinner back and Shauna is right behind you, with that same enthusiasm and silent yearning. It's a little unnerving, but at least she's not staring at the back of your head like she's trying to burn you like she usually does. You guessed any progress was welcome.
You just didn't expect it to progress to Shauna pulling you by the elbow to face her and tilting your face towards hers. You're so startled by the sudden touch that you only feel your face heat up as hot, wet lips meet the corner of your mouth when Shauna pulls away, taking the tray from your hands as if it weighed nothing and continuing on her way, muttering a quiet and embarrassed “thank you” over her shoulder.
You stood there like an idiot, feeling your bottom lip and part of your cheek tingle where she touched you just a moment before.
So Shauna kissed you. Okay. Nice. Maybe she was just very grateful and very hungry. Twice, coincidence. Nothing more than that.
(Shauna looks away from you when she's caught staring at that night, which never had happened, but you attribute her red face to the fact that you're sitting by the fire.)
The third time is the one that makes you go “okay, maybe that's a thing now,” because apparently the kisses have nothing to do with Jackie-Shauna or simply gratitude – at least not entirely – and much more to do with the fact that it's you.
Which actually doesn't make much sense. Van and Taissa are together, why would either of them feel the need to kiss someone else? Why would they both feel?  And why you? It's true they haven't told anyone yet, but you know. It's a little hard not to notice when they both disappear at the same time into the forest or behind the cabin so often, but still. You don't kiss other people when you're committed. It's a principle, damn it.
Anyway, it's starting to get cold, you think there's just over two months left until winter arrives, maybe less, which makes tasks much more complicated and annoying to do. Especially when it comes to washing clothes.
Luck – Mari's damn shuffle – decided that you, Tai and Van would be the ones to do the laundry this time and the three of you dragged yourselfs grumbling and complaining to the lake, carrying piles of clothes in your arms.
Now, of all the things you have to do around the cabin, scrubbing clothes in cold running water is probably the one you hate the most. Cold, wrinkled hands, chills running down your spine, ew. The fact that Van and Tai went with you makes things at least a little less boring, with the redhead happily filling the silence, her silly jokes making the task almost bearable to accomplish. Almost.
“Ugh,” You groan for what feels like the thousandth time in the last hour, “We’re gonna end up catching a cold like this.”
“You definitely will, if you keep annoying me like this,” Tai replies, swinging her arm towards you, cold water splashing in your arms, “I'm gonna push your dramatic ass into the river, I'm warning you.”
The drops make another chill run through your body, so just for the audacity, you straighten up and let your body fall against hers with the most done expression you can muster in a few seconds.
Tai screams your name indignantly when a wet t-shirt slips out of her hands and falls straight to the ground, but you don't pay much attention when lets out a loud and exaggeratedly long sigh, hearing Van’s laugh as she watches the scene.
And Van, wonderful, too sweet for her own good, Van, decides to finally take pity on your little show – maybe you really were spending too much time with Jackie – and finish what you had left of your part of the pile and you would definitely have jumped in her arms and kissed her for it, if you weren't, you know, in front of her girlfriend.
It turns out that blinking your eyes and sighing doesn't work as well for you as it does for Jackie, because as soon as you get ready to go back, bending down to pick up the heavy basket full of clothes, a familiar hand pushes your chest.
“Shit, Taissa!”
“I said I would do it, didn’t I?” She stands in front of you, hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised as she watches your form lying, shaking and soaking wet at the river's edge.
Van's laugh doesn't bring you that rush of happiness from moments before, since now you're sure that she only decided to help you because she knew what Tai was going to do anyway. That little shit.
You walk past them with the basket in your hands, a trail of water in your wake and a frown on your face.
The way back is completely silent, except for the sound of your fast breathing in your rush to get there and warm up and the girls' requests for you not to get upset over a silly joke. Whatever. You won't say a word to them no matter what they do.
“Oh, come on,” Van wraps an arm around your neck, “We didn’t want to make you so upset, right Tai?”
Tai moves closer, her shoulder brushing against yours, but you remain quiet regardless, even if your willpower to remain upset wanes a little.
“Right” she agrees, sounding very unconvincing, “What can we do to make it up to you?”
“We are so sorry,” Van reiterates, blinking innocently.
Your only response is a noise from your throat that sounds a lot like a petulant mumble and you feel the look they exchange over your shoulder.
And then Van's arm brings you closer and there are lips on either side of your neck. You freeze, breath hitches.
It's not fast like the other ones, but long and drawn out as if it's trying to prove you. A shiver runs down your spine and the baby hairs on the back of your neck stand up, even though you swear it's just because your skin is still damp from the fall. You can feel Van's hair tickling your face and Tai's breath is warm against your chin.
You blink and Van is walking away with a wolfish smile on her lips, whistling absentmindedly and Taissa has the basket you were carrying in her own arms.
“Aren’t you coming?” Van turns when she notices you still standing and Tai arches an eyebrow, as if to say 'so?' and you stumble after them.
“...Sure, whatever!” You stutter, face as red as your goalie’s hair, “But if I get sick, that’s on you!”
“You won’t!”
You return to the cabin with your head down, but for a completely different reason this time. You feel weird, embarrassed, even with your friends walking calmly beside you. It feels weird to just call them friends too.
(Three times – or was it four? It's a pattern. Definitely a pattern.)
You do, in fact, get sick and the fifth time feels more like a fever dream than anything.
Seriously. You survive a plane crash without any serious injuries, but a flu is what knocks you out. You end up in the attic, with a heavy chest, incessant sneezing and a high fever that won't let you sleep.
And of course, Misty Quigley hovering over you like a hawk.
In fact, all your friends seem to be hovering over you in an overprotective way these days, which might not be strange considering the situation, but other people in the group have gotten sick before, including the younger ones, and none of them have reacted like this.
Van and Tai spent the entire time staring like kicked puppies from across the room until Misty kicked them both downstairs so you could try to get some sleep. It wasn't doing much good, but the momentary tranquility was really appreciated.
Misty has been with you the whole time since your fever started and you let her ramble happily while she plays nurse, putting damp cloths on your forehead and helping you drink hot tea, even though you insist you're well enough to do so. She seems very happy to be helpful, so you let her spoil you as much as she wants.
You turn over on the cold floor, wrapping the blankets tighter around you as you sneeze again and Misty sits next to you, but there's nothing she can do at the moment to make you better, so she stays still, looking nervous and pushing her glasses on the tip of the nose with her fingers.
You think about how she seemed to have looked with longing and something that might have been envy when Jackie ran her hand through your hair in the morning before going outside with Shauna after leaving you another blanket. She looked the same when Lottie rubbed your shoulder gently and spent time by your side throughout the afternoon, leaving what appeared to be a half-cut crystal near where your head rested. It's just like she wanted something, but didn't know what or if she could do it. You don't know exactly what too.
Your ears ring and you think about your teammates, your friends and kisses. Four kisses on three occasions. Things that didn't happen before, but apparently happen now and that follow a strange pattern. You wonder who will be next to follow it.
You do what you do next in the fog of sleep and fever, because you'll never be able to actually sleep if you don't have a proper place to rest your head. It has nothing to do with the possibility opened in your last thought.
Her legs are soft under the blue and yellow shorts she wears when you crawl around and rest your head on them and it's certainly much more comfortable than the floor.
“Talk,” You mumble, clearing your throat at the hoarse voice.
“What?” She squeaks and you can tell it caught her in surprise by the way her eyes roam over your form, unsure of what she just heard and what's going on.
Misty is clearly alarmed, arms raised above her body as if she's afraid to touch you, her glasses falling onto the tip of her nose again as she looks down to face you, blonde curls falling across her face.
“What– What are you doing?” She asks.
“Weren’t you saying something about Plato?” You hold back a yawn as you fix yourself on her lap, ignoring her question completely, “Come on, keep going.”
She seems to ponder for a second, jaw dropped in confusion, but you don't move, so she picks up where you assume she left off. After a few minutes listening with your eyes closed, you feel her soft hand rest hesitantly on your back, running her fingers up and down when you don't protest.
You let out a sigh when you finally manage to relax, her voice calming the ringing in your ears a little and when you squint your eyes, Misty seems perfectly satisfied.
That's it, you think, that's what she wanted then.
Your body still has sporadic chills, but you feel like falling asleep, having lost track of how much time has passed with Misty talking to the walls about whoever the philosopher of the moment is. Your head feels heavy, you can barely keep your eyes open. It's good not to be alone when you're like this.
You're not sure whether or not you imagine the cold lips against your warm forehead when you sleep, but it counts as success for your little test. Five.
(You only wake up the next morning, feeling much better and more energetic, even without remembering a single word you said to Misty, just having fallen asleep on her lap for a while. The way she blushes and laughs after that, staring and following you around whenever she can, says that she remembers it very well. Coach Ben gives you a look full of sympathy when he sees her clinging to your arm, which you don't quite understand.)
The sixth time happens in the middle of the forest. It's windy, sun almost down, with Natalie walking beside you. It's the most peaceful moment you've had in your life in weeks, and it's also the moment you realize that maybe there's something wrong with you as much as the rest of the team.
Nat is talking, complaining about how Travis – the closest thing she'll have to a boyfriend in this place – is mad at her. He won't hunt or talk to her, much less touch her.
That's why you're following her, actually, the hunting part. You don't have much sense of your place in the group compared to the others, doing a little bit of everything when necessary, but Natalie seems to enjoy your company on these occasions, even if your aim with the rifle isn't as good as hers.
You spend so much time listening to her complain about mundane things like condoms and the flask of old booze she found in dead-mummified-guy's stuff that you feel the absurd urge to laugh. It's so strangely normal – except for the mummy part, but still.
Maybe that was what made you open your mouth after minutes of silence and broken snorts:
“So he can't get it up once and now he's mad at you? Damn Nat, if you need someone to make out that badly then I could help you with that.”
It comes out half as a mockery, half as truth, because that's what you do. Help people, fix things. But it's sarcastic, because it's just a stupid idea for Natalie to even consider.
Except she suddenly goes quiet and when you turn your head, she's looking at you. Eyes half-closed, mouth open, wanting.
When she kisses you, you're already waiting, longing for it, arms wrapping around you and pressing your body against the nearest tree. You think about how she was the only one who had the courage to chase your lips, to take what she really wanted.
The only thing you can feel is the weight of Nat's hands – cold, always so cold, even though winter is still a while away – on your hips, one sliding up your back to grasp the hair at the back of your neck, lips parting and tongue finding yours almost desperately and then you can't think about anything else but her. Natalie, who is much stronger than she looks and who also holds her own to stay sane in this place much better than anyone could imagine. Natalie, the bane of your existence and also your best friend. Natalie, who kisses like she hunts: with all the confidence her reputation demands.
If you close your eyes tightly and try hard, you can almost pretend you're at one of Lottie or Jeff's parties, listening to your friend complain about a stupid boyfriend, getting euphoric because she likes you better than the said stupid boyfriend.
And then she's pulling away, mouth swollen and hair completely messed up from where your hands had been placed. The moment ends and you come back to reality, picking up the rifle from where it was lying on the grass and looking around uncertainly. You guys didn't catch anything today. Food is running out.
You return to the cabin in complete silence.
(You don't see Natalie trying to talk to Travis after this, nor him with her, but you don't think she cares.)
You stopped counting after that, kisses and touches becoming a blur in your mind as the days pass and your worry increases. Whatever this is seems less important than what's happening at the moment: little food, few coats, winter approaching, a fucking baby coming.
However, it all comes back to them anyway, when you finally realize that you were right all along, that there really was something wrong with all of you and everything goes south quickly when someone decides to put mushrooms in the food.
It was an unspoken knowledge between you that the Yellowjackets would never be able to have a proper homecoming, so when the idea of a ​​doomcoming came up in the conversation, even as a bad joke, you were one of the first to agree to it. A bittersweet goodbye sounded better than nothing.
You just didn't expect everyone to end up on drugs and acting like they were in some kind of cult. What did you miss that got you all to this point?
There is someone howling in the forest. Someone, not an animal. Or maybe they really were animals, given the way they're all chasing you now.
Just a moment ago you were genuinely enjoying the night, dancing with Ravi to Lottie's humming music and drinking fermented punch for who knows how long, even with a small feeling of being watched sent shivers down your spine at times. Then there was no sign of Ravi or Travis – nor Coach Ben, but he escaped somewhere in the woods with Natalie's canteen in his hand the second Misty's back was turned – and things started to get... confusing after everyone helped themselves to some stew.
Now there's someone howling in the forest and your head is spinning, hurried footsteps sound behind you as you end up back in front of the cabin after running in circles, a rabbit cornered by an entire pack.
Leaves are stuck in your hair, the hem of your dress is torn and covered in dirt, and you're sure you scraped one of your knees while running. There are also a bunch of dilated pupils focused on you.
Shauna is the first to approach, which surprises you so much that it gives the others time to do the same, big, sad, hazy brown eyes seeming to see deep into your soul.
“Why do you keep running away from us?” she asks, a pout that you can't tell if it's fake or not formed on her face, sliding a hand gently up your arm to your waist pulling you close and keeping her grip tight.
Jackie has her head cocked to the side and a smile painted red rather than pale pink like the first. She looks a little more composed than you'd expect, standing next to Shauna and bouncing in her step expectantly.
That was all it took to realize that you couldn't pull away even if you wanted to, melting against the scalding skin as if you had no problem getting burned.
“I'm not. I just… I don’t know what’s going on.”
The words came out slow and slurred on your tongue as if you didn't know exactly what you were referring to.  This whole crazy night? Absolutely, but there are also so many other moments not recognized before.
You find yourself guided back to the cabin when you hear Lottie's voice in the background and Misty taking your hand to guide you. It all ends up there anyway.
You're unsure when you're placed in the pile of blankets and sheets on the floor, the lit fireplace warms the room like never before and there seem to be hands everywhere when Natalie enters your field of vision.
“I think you're a little too high right now, hun,” Nat scoffs, as if she's amused by your slowness.
You feel a laugh grow in your chest though you don't mean to, “You– you think so?”
“Yep,” she clicks her tongue, “The mushrooms hit hard.”
“Mushrooms!?” You let out a squeak of surprise when you're suddenly pulled back against someone's front, recognizing Taissa's nails scratching your back through your dress.
“'M sorry." Misty mutters disjointedly, tracing the lines of your palm like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
You stop mid-sentence when you make a sound in the back of your throat as you feel Van's teeth graze the junction of your shoulder and neck, bright green eyes and a wolfish smile on her recently healed face. You knew right away who the hell was howling.
“Oh, come on,” Van echoes with the same provocation from the day in the lake, “Don't tell me you're afraid of It.”
“It?” Your breath hitches when a hand guides your head up and there she is.
Lottie Matthews looking down at you, an antler crown on her head that makes you slack-jawed and hazy looking, looking completely divine and you hesitate when you realize that the entire team has gathered around you, as if they were waiting for something. What the fuck is going on?
Lottie leans down to your level, face dangerously close to you, and you swallow hard when your eyes settle on her lips. She never kissed you, not like the others, something that always left a doubt in your head; an almost embarrassing curiosity to know what it would be like.
She meets your eyes with a malicious gleam, like she knows exactly what you're thinking and leans in a little more and just as you close your eyes to meet hers, hunger lips stray to your jaw.
“Lottie–” you squirm and the hands on your hips hold you tighter.
Nat silences you, running her fingers through your face provocatively while Lottie trails kisses down your neck, working her way down. Everything seems too stuffy, like you're melting at their touch.
“It's okay.” She reassures, cold, chapped lips finding your chest, teeth scraping the skin, “It wants us to, can't you feel It?”
You can't feel it, not really, you never understood this strange connection everyone seemed to feel with the wilderness that you didn't, but there are gentle hands caressing you, making you sink deeper and deeper and Lottie is finally kissing you, just like you wanted; lips stopping right over your heart, as if she wanted to devour it.
“Yeah." You say, “I feel it.”
You're sure the cabin is on fire, but you're the only one who's burning.
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hansslut · 8 months
precrash gf lottie headcanons ⋆🪽
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҂ warnings: a lil bit of nsfw at the end + lottie w a breeding kink sorry not sorry :3
we already know lottie cares and loves too much about everyone already, so with you, her partner? OH GODDDD this girl would move mountains for you
whenever you say smth n some of your teammates disagree she'd IMMEDIATELY get those eyes of a neglected poo and go "yeah but think about their point too why are you only focusing on what you want for this team" or just yapping abt how she wants equality for everyone in the team
always towering over you and looking down at you with that cute lil :] smile
can sense instantly how you feel by the look in your eyes and how you act and she always runs after you to help you :( ( whether it's by giving you a blowjob/eating you out or cuddles )
spoils you SO FUCKING MUCHHHH you could hum a song and her alarms would go 🚨🚨🚨
"that's duran duran,their new album got released a few days ago do you want me to buy you a cd?a vinyl?a personal duran duran concert?" AND YOU'RE ALL LIKE "baby....personal duran duran concert?..."
doesn't let you spend even one dollar, buys you food, clothes, LITERALLY WHATEVER YOU WANT
quite literally treats you like a queen/king/monarch ( LMAOOO )
LOOOOVES hugs kissies holding hands anything you give her
begging u to get matching outfits 🥹
your own bodyguard !!!!! if she sees anyone flirting w you at a party SHE SQUARES UP AND GETS ALL MEAN AND SCARY
onto the NSFW now...cough cough
buys toys to use on you <33
going together to buy toys and she shows you a pink sparkly dildo ( that can obv be attached to a harness ) and you're all like "you...you wanna buy that?" "yeah??do u not want me to fuck you with a pink dildo:( it's cute! see, it even has fake cum :3"
but oh boy when you get back home and she's pounding into you with that cocky smile....
pressing down on your stomach so you can feel how deep inside u she is 0_0
"gonna cum in there,hm? gonna take all of mommy's cum inside you?" and you're just nodding and moaning cuz how could u even give her an actual answer
CONCLUSION, i need her and who doesn't.
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zombieunicorngamerzu · 10 months
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(Yandere Yellowjackets/Reader)
[Warnings - yandere behavior, Van, Lottie, and Natalie have girlcocks, CNC, penetration, anal, oral, fingering, orgy, creampies, smut]
Ever since the crash, you felt like things changed between you and the team. It was like a switch was flipped and the other girls just went full on Mama bear mode, and not just the Overprotectiveness, but the Clinginess, it got bad. You were the youngest on the Yellowjackets College Soccer Team, only eighteen while the others were either nineteen or twenty with The oldest being Lottie, Natalie, and Taissa, the three of them were twenty.
You knew you were young, you thought Mabye that’s why the team was so overprotective over you, but it got to the point where they babied you. Way too much. Lottie was the most overbearing, well besides Misty, Misty was another level. Both Misty and Lottie insisted on doing everything with you, to bathing you, feeding you, going with you to use the restroom, all you wanted was a ounce of private time, but when you finally got away from one girl, there another was. You felt like they were suffocating you.
“Look, guys I just need to be left alone, please.” You pleaded with Van, Lottie, Taissa, Natalie, Shauna, and Misty, all of them sitting in their spots looking at you so hurt. Lottie stood up first, speaking softly, “Look, baby, we know you want to do things on your own, but we have to keep you safe.” You just shook your head, “No! You won’t even let me go outside alone, your driving me crazy.” Your words really stung everyone, all they tried to do was protect and love you, but all they felt was rejection. Lottie just stepped closer, her arms outstretched, “Baby… just- just let us show you how much we care about you…”
You just shook your head with a hateful glare, you couldn’t stay cooped up in the cabin being babied any longer. You were an adult, so you did what you wanted, you stormed out the door. You didn’t get far at all, Van immediately rushing after you and picking you up by your waist as you flailed, she just grunted and brought you back inside, “Yup, sorry babygirl, but no.” You we’re throwing a fit by the time Van placed you back in front of Lottie who stood with her arms crossed and a scary stern look across her face, “Better after your little fit, baby?”
You just glared and did the only thing you thought, you spit on her. It shocked everyone. You regretted it immediately as soon as you saw Lotties eyes darken and her jaw clench, the others looking scared for you as Lottie shot forward, grabbing you by your neck and forcing you into submission in front of her, her face looming over yours as she spoke in a growl, “I have been nothing but kind and loving and supportive ever since we crashed, I’ve been here for you, taken care of you, and you spit it my face?!”
You couldn’t stop but whimper in fear and regret now, “Lottie I’m sorry-“ She cut you off with a shake or her head, “No, your gonna be a good girl now, you fucking understand?” She growled out as she kicked the back of your knees, forcing you to kneel as she pulled your chin up, “Your gonna take everything we fucking give you without a fucking fight and your gonna fix this goddamn bratty attitude or I swear to god… “ she knelt down to your level, “I will fuck you for days until your a sobbing begging mess for the “nice me” back.”
You just nodded with a whimper, your breathes quick, you’d never seen Lottie so pissed before, it scared you shitless, so you just nodded, watching as she undid her pants, pulling out her cock which was already hard for you while the others watched. “Open your mouth.” She ordered a little softer, cupping your chin while you nodded and parted your lips for her to nudge her cock inside, feeling her length immediately slid to the back of your throat as she moaned, “There’s the good girl I want…” Lottie sighed out as she threaded her fingers in your hair to soothe you while pumping her cock inside your mouth, drool spilling down your chin as you took her down your throat. It didn’t take Lottie long before she was cumming down your throat, her grip on your hair tight before she pulled you off her cock.
She stepped back to let you catch your breath while she undressed, speaking out to everyone, “Everyone strip, we’re gonna show our babygirl why she needs us… and what she gets when she decides to be such a fucking brat.” There was immediate movement as soon as she spoke, everyone listening as Lottie knelt down and helped you undress, kissing your head to calm you as she spoke, “Shh baby, I promise we won’t hurt you,” she caresses your cheek, “We’re just gonna take care of you like we should have a long time ago.”
You just swallowed out of anxiety as you looked over at the others, Taissa already jerking Van off as they kissed, occupied with one another while Shauna was sitting with Nat, the two of them watching you like hawks and Misty who looked elated to just look at you, her hand already in her pants, biting her lip with a blush. Lottie just smirked at Misty, nodding her over which she gladly did, coming over and immediately straddling you, kissing you quick and fiery, making you Yelp at how rushed she was.
Misty was quick, passionate, she was so excited just to touch you as she ground down on your thigh, she was wet and she just wanted to touch you, “Fuck, oh my god, your so pretty, don’t worry, I’ll be gentle… I’ll get you ready for the others.” She smiled before pushing you to lay down, kneeling down between your thighs quickly, spreading your thighs open to bury her face between your thighs, she moaned, getting her first taste of you and she was lost, eating you out like she was starving before her fingers were pushing inside you to find your gspot, she sucked on your clit roughly while curling her finger against your gspot quickly, Misty was surprisingly just a fiery bundle of excitement and pleasured, she focused on you until you came and you swore Misty came in her panties just from getting to make you cum.
You were almost sad when she pulled away but you didn’t get much time to be sad before you were roughly manhandled by Natalie, feeling her hands rolling you onto your tummy and her breasts on your back as she husked in your ear, “Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna fuck you so good your gonna scream.” She just chuckled with a smirk before shoving her cock inside you, making you scream out, you were wet, but she just shoved it in, being rough to the point Lottie voiced out, “Gentle… Natalie, don’t break her.” Nat just chuckled as she dug her nails into your hips, jackhammering her hips into your ass harder, pinning you down, “What if I wanna break her?” Lottie glared at her immediately from her spot which made Natalie roll her eyes, but she did slow down, you were whining and crying already from how sensitive you felt.
Natalie just smiled and slapped your ass, making you squeal and clench around her cock, causing her to groan, her voice husky, “That’s a good fucking girl, taking my cock like this…” she just grunted before reaching down to rub your clit, quickening her thrust as she moaned out, “Now cum on my cock so I can fill you up.” Her words made your eyes widen, groaning out louder at how rough she was fucking you, you could feel her cock slamming deeper inside you, her fingers rubbing your clit rougher which made you build up your orgasm quickly, screaming out as you came around her cock which made her cry out as she slammed into you, spurting hot heavy loads of cum inside you with a groan before slapping your ass and pulling out, leaving you trembling as she ruffled your hair and walked off.
“Christ Nat, how about manners? Some fucking decency?” Taissa spoke out, practically appalled with Natalie just leaving you trembling on the cold floor, you felt Taissa’s hands as she helped you up, pulling you to her chest as she kissed your head, “Van, get some pillows and blankets.” Was all you heard before feeling yourself being laid on a much more comfortable surface, Taissas hands rubbing your tummy and thighs gently while Van just crawled over with a kiss to your knee, “Hey babygirl.” Van smiled as she sat next to you, Taissa putting a pillow under your head as she nodded at Van who settled between your thighs, “Go slow, Van.”
Van just nodded at Taissa’s order, moaning softly as she pressed the head of her cock slowly inside you while rubbing your thighs to help you relax. Both Taissa and Van just seemed more focused on your comfort, they weren’t rushed or rough, they were patient and gentle, focusing on you as Van slowly worked her cock into you, making you moan softly, your eyes fluttering at the feeling, her slow movements felt so much better and Van smiled with pride at the pleasured softer moans you let out, leaning down to kiss your nose as she slowly sped up, making you let out the cutest whine, causing Taissa to shiver, biting her lip as she touched herself and used her free hand to keep your hair out of your eyes. It was a slower buildup to your orgasms, the three of you, but when Van finally got to the point of speeding up her thrusts, breathes shaky as she held your thighs to your chest, sinking her cock in deep as she held your thighs, groaning out loudly, she came inside you, her cock twitching as she made sure to pump in deep so you took every drop.
“God, she’s so perfect.” Van husked out breathlessly as she slowly pulled out, being careful not to hurt you before she leaned down to give you a tender kiss, “Your doing so good baby… so good.” She praised you and it made your heart sing, you really didn’t want Van and Taissa to be done, but they got up, making you whimper before Shauna made her way over, shushing you, “Shh baby, I promise I’m not that scary.” She just gave you a reassuring smile, leaning down to kiss down your stomach before settling between your thighs which made you squirm, you felt too sensitive, it felt like torture when she flicked her tongue over your clit, making her giggle as your hips bucked, “Thats it baby, take what I give you.” She just smiled before attaching her lips to your clit. Gods… Shauna must have known you we’re spent from everyone else, so she just cleaned you up with her tongue mostly, her hands gently rubbing your shaking thighs as she slurped at your pussy, working you to another exhausting but enjoyable orgasm as you came on her tongue.
Shauna carefully let you go after feeling you cum, tasting you was enough for her right now, sitting back to get up and watch as Lottie made her way back over again, you hoped she was the last one. Lottie must have seen how exhausted you were because she just crawled over you, kissing you sweetly with a soft shush, “Shh baby, I know… you did so well, just have to take me now baby, then your done.” She husked out before grabbing your thighs, her hands on the backs of your knees as she pushed them up to your chest, angling her cock at your entrance before pushing in with a deep moan, making your thighs tremble as you moaned brokenly, your poor little hole felt used and sensitive, aching around her cock as she started to thrust.
“Good girl baby, god you look so pretty…” Lottie moaned out as she kissed you harder, groaning and panting against your lips before she pulled out quickly, pining your legs higher before jerking her cock off at your tighter hole below, making you wriggle, “L-Lottie, no please- wait-“ Lottie cut you off by pressing the head of her cock into your tight ass, making you scream out as you felt the stretch, gasping so loud as you felt her thick cock pop into your ass, filling you up so much as she slowly started pumping inside you with such eager moans and growls, “Fuck… yes… this fucking ass- yes baby! Oh god- I’m gonna cum!” Lottie whimpered out as she shoved in deeper, her cock twitching as she groaned out, her voice cracking as her eyes squeezed closed, letting out a cry as she shot her load into your tight little hole, moaning sinfully as she felt your tightness around her cock.
You groaned at the feeling, you felt so full and used at this point, whimpering as Lottie slowly pulled out, her tip popping out of your ass as she let your thighs go, letting you relax as you felt her cum dribble out of your ass. Immediately after Lottie helped sit you up, speaking softly to you, “Baby… your ours now, okay? We love you so much babygirl…” All you could do was nod with a soft whimper as Lottie kissed your forehead before everyone was fussing over you yet again, fighting over who would get to help you bathe next.
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braidlottie · 3 months
the yellowjackets taking care of you after your wisdom teeth removal
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im getting my wisdom teeth out in 2 weeks but i am experiencing the teeniest amount of pain so im taking my mind off of it by writing this (^^)
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whether you’re emotional or just a straight up yapper, she’s always engaged in your conversation and trying to cheer you up/calm you down
you pass by a chick-fil-a on the way home and you beg lottie for a milkshake, but she tells you the doctor said you can’t have it immediately after surgery
and you’re very upset at this, probably ending up in another crying fit
“my sweet baby, i’ll get you a milkshake tomorrow, mkay? we don’t want to hurt your mouth even more.”
literally spoon feeds you soup at home because it’s the only thing you can eat 😭
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she leaves you in the bedroom to rest for a little bit, but you keep leaving to come and find her in the kitchen :(
holding you in her lap to ice your mouth because she knows you hate and you try to take the ice pack off any chance you get
she changes your gauze eventually and you make it SO hard for her 😭😭😭😭
“hey, hey. hold still. and stop touching your mouth, honey. i know you can’t feel your lips, honey- no, they’re not gone-”
she’s literally bribing you with treats and cuddles to behave
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he would actually film you LMAO and send it to the yj gc when you’re conscious
he’s feeding into the silly things that you tell the doctor because you’re high as a kite 😭
forgot how to change your gauze the minute you got to the motel and had to call your doctor for a over the phone tutorial
“nooo, you can’t be eating from the vending machine right now. you want some ice cream from the corner store?”
scared to leave you unattended for so long so he runs down the street and buys the ice cream and by the time he comes back, you’re sprawled out sleeping on the bed 😭
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she’s so bossy when it comes to your health and you actually kinda like it…
when she changes your gauze, you try to whine and pull away from her but she sit sits you right back up in her lap
sends you upstairs because she can tell the meds are making you sleepy
“you’re gonna go to sleep and rest, okay? take a little nap.”
she takes your phone because she doesn’t want you to be distracted or trying to fight sleep, but you ask her to stay with you until you fall asleep and of course she says yes :( she gives into you begging for her to turn on your favorite show too :3
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van is the complete opposite of taissa here LMAO
making dad jokes and telling you about the strange plots of his favorite sandra bullock movies just to get your mind off the pain
chuckling at your groan when he tells you all his shitty jokes
“yeah, i was watching the news this morning, and you know the energizer bunny, right? well, he got arrested for battery…”
cooks you up a fresh can of campbells soup (he can’t cook it from scratch to save his life)
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she's there for you on hand and foot, getting you painkillers, more blankets, whatever you needed
you get so surprised when she brings in your favorite movies and makes your (she remembers all of your personal interests, even if they’re minor)
she will talk your ear off while you’re trying to rest from the anesthesia, but you don’t know how to ask her to stop 😭😭
“but caligula refrused to leave his cage today. but i think he’s just getting older and moodier- oh you’re trying to sleep? ᵃᵐ ᶦ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒᵒ ˡᵒᵘᵈ?”
she starts whispering instead, petting your head until you fall asleep in her lap
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shipmansflannels · 4 months
the yellowjackets with a younger s/o...
hey, I'm back! it didn't take me long, right? it must be because I have too many things to write on this blog, finally (and I have relatively enough time to organize my ideas for now). so I thought, I made a headcannon of the young yellowjackets, but I might as well make the adult survivors, right? anyway, maybe this is also a sign to say that I will "moderately" write stories with the adult versions, too. who cheered? anyway, without further ado, let's go! thanks for the likes on the first post, I'm glad you liked it! enjoy! sorry for any grammatical or coherence errors, english is not my first language and I'm trying to improve!
dating a younger person with the yellowjackets women...
shauna shipman.
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okay, it's canonical that shauna would have no problem being in a relationship with someone younger.
I mean, even after adam, I think she would be willing to try.
it would be a lot easier in her mind, because dating someone younger means being able to reconnect with callie more easily too.
in shauna's mind, the two of you would be best friends based on your approximate age, regardless of how old you were.
now in terms of dating shauna, i think she would inevitably be an easy going person, to a certain extent.
overprotective as hell, of course, because she's lost so many people she loves over time (and it's become an incurable trauma in her life), that she can't bear to lose you.
she would also cook for you (rabbit meat inserted) all the time, especially if you felt like eating something special.
oh yes, the weekends would have to include callie with you, which is actually not a problem. at least not for you.
I feel like shauna hasn't been, since she was a teenager, someone who would be involved in loud parties or anything like that, so probably the perfect date for her would be watching a movie at home, wrapped in blankets with you, popcorn and soda and a solitude considerable enough for you to kiss, exchange affection and even make out (or have sex) without anyone to get in the way.
natalie scatorccio.
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natalie, like shauna, would also have no problem dating someone younger.
since her life has always been full of risks and she was never very afraid of taking most of them, I honestly think that age never made much of a difference to her, at least not after middle age.
but to be honest, dating natalie comes with a combo of even bigger problems and risks that you wouldn't be able to deal with if you didn't love her so much.
I see natalie completely using her s/o as an outlet, or a shield. after rehab, you would be like a kind of warning for her to control herself.
not that it wouldn't also include (if you're a smoker) the two of you smoking in your spare time when you're bored.
natalie would be the kind of girlfriend you could have any conversation in the world with, sober or not. she probably has and gained enough empathy to listen to you and give you accurate advice on how to live your life.
making out a lot and having sex in unusual places also counts.
in my head, despite everything, natalie is the master of serving affection. spooning with her is the best whenever you need it.
she would do anything for you. everything really. anything.
she would be able to get into a fight for you. and risking her own life as well.
lottie matthews.
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number one defender of the thesis: "age is just a number".
lottie is literally the personification of quality time and acts of service.
much because of her lonely life, her traumatic and confusing teenage years and the relationships she maintained with people over time, lottie would probably never want you to lack for anything, so any opportunity she has to be with you, she will be, even on her worst days.
arts and crafts dates with her when she is not taking care of camp green pine. you spend hours enjoying each other's company, and the whole world falls silent.
extremely overprotective of you too. just the thought of losing you because of her own insecurities leaves lottie haunted for weeks if she stops to think about it.
she is the ideal companion for anxiety and panic attacks.
she will most likely use the techniques she learned over time with you. if they work, that's another matter. (they always work because in the end it was never about lottie's gift, it was about her company).
a little submissive, a little dominant during sex. lottie is probably the typical "am I hurting you?" at the right time and even if you insist no, she will ask again just to be sure.
she's also the master spooner (I literally see you two fighting over who's going to be the big spoon every night).
taissa turner.
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ok, public life has always been a problem for taissa.
but when she's with you, she's able to forget about it for a few minutes.
despite all this freedom, taissa never lets you go out unaccompanied (without a bodyguard) or lets you read the headlines or see the commercials about her first, for fear of any criticism about your age difference.
but more than anything, it's you she turns to when the stress finally gets to her on the worst days.
I see her making any effort for you, and I see her trying to keep a fine line between you and her old life too.
this includes your relationship with sammy, which, in fact, has always been the best possible, and her friendly relationship with simone as well. taissa knows that she cannot take her son out of her ex-wife's life and, even so, she makes a point of including you in family programs with him.
she will literally spend it all on you. anything you ask for, even with a high amount of money, she will buy.
it's probably a way of apologizing about her sleepwalking and her traumas making her even remotely distant from you for some time.
like I said, you're the one she looks for when crises end up attacking her mental health. she won't sleep if you're not safe in bed with her and she makes a point of being snuggled in her arms so she doesn't have any sleepwalking attacks in the middle of the night.
dates with her are always in fancy places, but taissa doesn't care about them that much.
anniversaries, yes, she always takes you to dinner at a fancy restaurant.
but, on her days off, she would easily choose to just spend time with you watching a stupid series or a cliché movie while you sleep cuddling in the middle of it.
sex always, sex anywhere, sex on any occasion. you will never miss this, you can be sure.
van palmer.
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this nerdy woman deserves the world and a significant other who doesn't know half of her references.
you two are a match made in heaven, for sure.
van wouldn't waste time trying to get you to watch all the movies that were popular in her time. and she would use your ability to tinker with technology for the video store whenever necessary.
this woman is literally the embodiment of girlfriend material.
quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation, she has mastered every love language in existence, you bet.
van will always cook for you. there are rare nights when she lets you make dinner or even order any junk food.
she would also stop whatever she was doing so she could cuddle with you whenever you needed her.
dates with van are always at the cinema, or at an amusement park, or, when she is a little less in debt, at a tourist spot around the world that you would mention that you want to see.
she has good enough memory to remember them all.
the sex is always good, always affectionate, and every now and then, when she's not tired, you'd try a quickie in the bedroom for just a little while, until you feel satisfied.
hopeless romantic until the end of time.
misty quigley.
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a walking red flag, misty would probably treat a relationship with someone younger as if it were a great adventure.
well, if you like crazy women, misty is your ideal partner.
she has a bit of a misconception about taking care of you and keeping you safe, so every now and then she'll make a point of checking your calendar and trying to monitor meetings with people in your circle, just to make sure there's no problem.
but this is also a good thing because, if there is a specific date or specific problem, she will remember it and make everyone special, in her own way.
anyway, but she's a good girlfriend too, aside from the weirdness. she has everything under control, she is attentive to you and makes a point of making your day better if it is bad.
dates with her don't need much. If it's in a cafe relaxing and talking about her day, if it's watching crime series or chatting with her about citizen detectives, she'll be happy.
sex is also good, to be honest. I see misty as the roleplay girl, so if she's in the mood to roleplay with you, you can be sure she'll do it. from weirdest to sexiest, it also depends on her day.
she achieved the feat of making a young person like a bird and want to have a bird at home. she is, at the moment, the only one of them to be able to do this masterfully.
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vanswolfbitez · 9 days
Whoever the fuck bullied deerlottie off of his platform I hope you fucking cunts die a horrible death and I curse it onto your future generations too!!
Transphobia is not okay and just because you don’t agree with trans headcannons doesn’t validate your shitty behaviour and mindset, and I’m literally disgusted by the idea that people in the Yellowjackets community genuinely think that they can behave this way to someone who was literally just having fun on his own page.
He wasn’t forcing his views onto anyone, and he wasn’t causing any harm. Assholes need to learn to leave people alone.
I never really interacted with Josh through my actual accounts, but I was an anon of his for a while and really enjoyed talking to him through those means, and I hope he will one day be comfortable enough to come back on to the platform so I can ask him what he thinks of random UK sweets again.
Cause yeah, we didn’t know each other, and we didn’t talk much, but his blog was very important to me to help me go through my own bout of gender identity issues and I know it helped so many others too. So fuck anyone who ever hurt deerlottie’s feelings, or diminished him, or targeted him in any way.
And if you see this by some random miracle Josh, I hope you’re doing okay, and that you are happier without the pressure of asshole transphobes. Sincerely, your biggest fan.
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sawyerconfort · 1 year
the yellowjackets when you wear their shirts would include...
Hi, I promised I would come back and I just disappeared, I'm really sorry! As I mentioned before, my computer has been having huge problems, and I've tried to fix it before, but it looks like I'm going to have to format it after all.
In the meantime, I've got a laptop abandoned at home and I'm trying to write on it. Half the delay was because I was trying to adjust to the new method and the other half because I really had no idea for these requests and giving you shitty stuff would not be fair at all.
Ok, so here we go, probably for a wave of headcannons with other fandoms (AHS fans, I promise I'll answer all of your asks, don't worry!
Requests will be a little closed for a while just until I get my act together! Sorry for the delay and closing!
If you can also let me know in the replies if you want more prompts and headcannons with the yellowjackets, I would appreciate it! And let me know if you want me to include Travis or\and Coach Ben on it too...
Jackie Taylor
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I don't think Jackie would make a fuzz about it. Alright, she would probably be surprised on the first day. But because she's supposedly the most popular girl in school, she's even happy that you're being influenced by her style, after all, that's what popular girls are for, right?
It will also depend a lot on your relationship. If you are friends, for example, Jackie will insist on letting you take some clothes that no longer fit her. And if you're dating, she'll make sure to tease you as much as she can until you express the reaction that pleases her the most.
"You look beautiful, (Y\N), my style really suits you, like I always said."
Shauna Shipman
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Shauna wouldn't mind too much about you wearing her clothes either, but unlike Jackie, I think she'd be pretty insecure about commenting on it, kind of afraid that it would make you stop wearing it, and also, of course, due to her internal issues with herself.
But Shauna would find it incredibly adorable, though, and would give you some signs that she liked the offbeat idea, her way. This includes not-so-subtle glances while you're wearing the fabric, or some clothes, which are her favorites as well, laid out on the bed when you come to visit… Little details that let you know that Shauna isn't bothered at all therefore.
I mean, unless it's her flannels, these inseparable fucking flannels… Those no one can take, not even a significant other.
"Uh… You look cute, (Y\N), in my outfit… I like it."
Natalie Scatorccio
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I don't think Natalie would mind you wearing her clothes. In fact, I think it would be a good opportunity for her to take advantage of this and tease you as much as she can. She will do anything to make you self-conscious and blush, but not in a bad way. Like, that's just her love language.
And, let's face it, Natalie is needy enough not to let her scent wash off her clothes when you take them off. On nights when she needs to sleep alone, if you're dating, she'll purposefully grab one of her pieces of clothing and smell in the scent to keep you close.
"Hey, sweetie, lookin' pretty, huh? Is this outfit mine by any chance?"
Taissa Turner
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I'm a hundred percent sure that Tai would be one of those people who abominate clichés, unless she's doing it herself. So, at first, this idea of sharing clothes with her significant other is something she would find completely silly. The first time, she would just kindly tell you to stop it, in a way that doesn't hurt your feelings (I love a soft-hearted Tai, don't judge me!).
But then, as time goes on, I'm also one hundred percent sure that Tai would buy clothes in her style that exclusively fit you. It's kind of her guilty pleasure, since spoiling you is one of her most practiced love languages. And well, considering the tantrum she threw the first few times, how much you've evolved is impressive.
"Okay honey, which one do you want to wear today?"
Lottie Matthews
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Okay, get ready for the biggest love bomb you've ever received in your life. Lottie would be completely adorable about your wearing her clothes, and not only would she not mind at all, she would make a point of convincing you that you are one of the lost paintings by one of the famous artists of past centuries, or something like that.
In fact, it's kind of a headcannon on my part that Lottie doesn't have her own style and that she's always looking for something that makes her belong somewhere (some clothes in her teens she wore because of her mother's influence, just because it would please her, you know? )
So, seeing you wearing the dresses that she finds extremely over the top, or the blouses that have too much detail and too little simplicity, is like one of the greatest achievements of her life, if not the greatest. I don't think Lottie ever liked that flashy style more than when you started stealing it from her.
"Wow, wow, wait a minute! Wow, (Y\N), I think you wearing this made me a hundred times more in love with you! Wear it more, babe. You can wear my clothes as much as you like."
Van Palmer
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(Okay, since Liv identifies as they\them, I'm going to change the pronouns for this one, hope you don't mind!)
Van and Natalie would have the same approach when it comes to stealing their clothes. But, I think, as an honest opinion, Van would turn this more into a flirting game than anything else. They are simply obsessed (it reads turned on) when you wear something of theirs.
And of course, this opens the door for some good teasing that will inevitably end in making out. Like, how would you handle it, with Van looking you up and down and smirking with that smile you're completely drawn to every time? It's almost impossible for nothing to happen.
I'm also pretty sure that if you were dating, they wouldn't let you have only your clothes in your closet or in your bags. There would always have to be three or more pieces of them that you could use as much or as little as you wanted.
"Wow! Watch out, everyone! There's an extremely hot living being crossing the room, and look what a coincidence, they're wearing my clothes!"
Misty Quigley
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Misty would probably have the best reaction ever. Then she, who was always ridiculed for her attitudes and style, having someone who was able to wear her clothes as if they were completely ordinary. Are you kidding? You'll practically make her day if you do something like that!
Obviously, she would be embarrassed and reluctant to ask you the first time why you were doing it, but Misty Quigley has two sides to the coin, and one of them being the impulsive side, I think that would be the one that would beat her to the courage. And your response of the type "because I love your style" would simply keep her up all night.
By the next morning, her entire circle of potential friends would have known about it…
"OH MY GOD! Are these… are these my clothes? Okay, now you really need to let me do your makeup, (Y\N)!"
Laura Lee
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(Same thing as Liv\Van, but I don't really know if Laura Lee would use neutral pronuns... It's all because of Jane Widdop, our baby!)
Laura Lee would be pretty surprised if you showed up wearing their clothes, and honestly, I don't think there would be any malice on their part when you did. More than a possible sign that they could be more than friends to you, this would mean that you could, above all, be friends.
They would find it extremely sweet, actually, the effort and dedication you put into choosing an item of clothing that they loved, but was also comfortable for you. In short, Laura Lee would just adore you even more, if that were even possible!
"Oh! Oh! I can't believe it! You look beautiful wearing this, (Y\N). In God's eyes and mine mostly."
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jollyreginaldrancher · 6 months
More realistic Yellowjackets hcs
•Van is squeamish af. She nearly threw up when just talking about Allie's leg in the pilot, and she almost throws up everytime you finally get to pick a movie and you go for a horror thing.
• Shauna would be one of those girls that could never pick what to eat. She would drag you to hell and back before she'd finally just go with one of the same three restaurants she always chooses. Even though she always picks the same she still wants you to suggest every place in town before she reaches a conclusion.
• Nat and Van overshare with each other. If you're with either one of them you will get smug looks from the other.
• Nat and Van also share their porn stash. Van has the decency to hide it but Nat just leaves her magazines on her night stand. You only ever knew she shared them with Van because you saw one of their trades. Nat tucked a folded up mag into the back of her pants. Van hid hers in the bottom of her schoolbag. You cringed so hard when you realised that's what they were doing. Nat stole them during a house party and Van let curiosity get the better of her and long story short they'd been trading them all year until you found out and used the rolled up magazine to beat Natalie over the head with.
• Van absolutely tries to build a house out of breadsticks every time you take her out to a restaurant for dinner.
• She tries to make an igloo out of waffles.
• You're on the team, on Away games and you share a room with Nat. She climbs on the bed and rocks it back and forth making it squeak and makes moaning sounds when you're on the phone with your mom. If Van is there she will join in but she will be blushing the whole time.
• Trying to get closer to Taissa involves being forced to take part in her morning constitutionals. Only her morning constitutionals involve 45 minute morning runs. And her legs are so long you are constantly trailing behind, and with her, everything is a competition so she straight up leaves you in the dust. You've gotten lost in her neighbourhood multiple times when she's left you behind to run ahead.
• Jackie's inviting you to weeknight dinners with her parents and expecting you to sit idly by while they passive aggressively destroy your confidence. She gives you yours back though after dinner when she lets you top her on her frilly bedsheets.
• Jackie makes you leave her house after dinner, get in your car, drive to the house next door, out of sight, then sneak back and climb up to her window to hit it.
• Sitting in a pew in the back of Laura Lee's church, your hand resting on the stretch of wood between you. You scratch your chin and return it absentmindedly only to find her hand is also resting between you...her pinkie is close enough to touch. You breathe heavily as you ghost your finger against it only for her to react by parting her fingers. Not a lot, but just enough to interlink your pinkies. Your heart is thumping so loud you swear the whole congregation is aware of it. You stare forward, your eyes glazed over as the priest chants Κύριε Ελέησον.
• After church one day, you hang back with Laura Lee as your parents all mingle with other members of the church. The two of you climb to the second floor, way in the back, and lie down on one of the pews, head to head. You look up at her, and she looks up at you and smiles. It's the same pious smile she always gives you but this time you swear her gaze fixes on your lips a moment.
Her parents call her over to go home and she sits up abruptly and waves at you as she bounces nervously away.
• Akilah spends most of her free time with family. Her older sister and her husband both work, so she and her mom get saddled with babysitting her nephew a lot. She sits around the house watching tv and doing homework with a baby on her lap most days. She's supposed to put him down but he's sooooo cute she just can't bring herself to.
When he's a little older, you two sneak him his first bit of chocolate. Well, less sneak, more he reaches over and shoves your entire ice cream down his throat at six months. He doesn't get to the cone before Akilah pulls him away but half your scoop is gone with him. Akilah apologises profusely but you just laugh. She offers to buy you another ice cream and you suggest a rain check. Your first date is an ice cream date when she's no longer grounded for letting him have ice cream at six months. He was fine though.
• Mari doesn't have nieces or nephews yet but she has so many cousins and they all get together and play soccer at family get-togethers. She is not the only one in that family who's on a soccer team but she's the only one who's going to nationals so the competition is stiff with all her cousins competing against her to prove they're all just as good. You may not be the best but she starts dragging you to all of these get togethers so the two of you can ratio her entire family together.
She normally wears jumpers and ties her hair up and stuff but her family notices that she dresses in way more form-fitting clothes and lets her hair down when you start coming to these things and ALL make fun of her for it. I'm talking little baby cousins who look up at her and make kissy faces behind your back and you feel a breeze when you turn your head, and hear the thud of a couch cushion hitting a seven year old at full force.
Oh no, her cousin spilled some juice on you now. Guess she has to bring you to her room, alone, and give you something to change into. You hear another Thwack behind your back as she ushers you down this hallway to the back.
A few cousins grin at you both through the window so she rushes to shut the blinds... She's red as fuck at this point. You're in her room and it's the designated coat room so she pushes a big pile of coats off to the side so you can sit down. She rummages through her closet and finds something that's lowkey a little revealing but she realises her whole family will see you in this so she reaches for a turtleneck instead. It's way too hot though so she just grabs a yellowjackets tee and hands you that and pretends to look around her own room while you change.
• She sniffs it when she gets it back.
• Melissa wears her hat backwards so she can be more easily identifiable as a skater. She's the only girl skater in the school but she doesn't get that much shit for it because she's also a jock on the soccer team that's going to nationals.
• She absolutely tries to rizz you up while skating around you.
• She absolutely loses her focus and eats shit while trying to hit on you.
• You give her your number out of pity.
• She writes your number down on her arm and then uses that part of her arm to wipe the sweat off her brow.
• You realise she's not playing dumb for the bit but you give her a shot anyway. You spend a disproportionate amount of time applying bandages on her and talking her off dumb stunts.
• Had there been any flat surfaces in the wilderness she could have used to skate on, she would have been the first to die.
• Gen...fuck it I don't know shit about Gen. Maybe she's a ninja. Yeah.
• latchkey kid with one of those dogs that's small enough to fit in a bag. It's fluffy and smol. She brings it on dates and feeds it breadsticks when her date isn't looking.
• Gen likes to dress that dog up in funky little outfits. Sometimes she matches it. Has a box full of pictures of her dressing her dog up.
• Misty can and will drag you into the equipment room for some alone time at school.
• Still plays doctor. Doesn't realise that the objective is not to heal the patient but to get close to the patient and feel them up. On the upside she has a full nurse costume. Not a sexy nurse costume, an accurate replica of a nurse costume. So accurate she's banned from wearing it at the local free clinic. Because 12 year old Misty tried to wear it to the clinic the way kids wear princess costumes to Disneyland.
• Van and Natalie subscribe to the sniff test. These jeans Nat's wearing were at the bottom of her used clothes pile but it doesn't matter because they passed the sniff test. Can Van pull off wearing that hoodie for a third day in a row? Yes, because it passed the sniff test. Sniff test.
• Van and Nat have burping contests outside Denny's at 3 am.
• Misty goes to sleep at 8pm every night. Even Laura Lee thinks that's way too early and she has a strict self-imposed bedtime at 10:30.
• Jackie's skincare routine takes the better part of the night.
• Shauna makes you sleep on the floor because she kicks in her sleep and it's her bed so...
• Lottie can come up with an excuse for shit at the drop of a hat. Usually it's excuses for why you shouldn't leave her house and why you should stay over. Lately she's been using excuses to get away from you though and it's worrying you. Nevermind she just wanted space to throw you a surprise party. Wholesome ass.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
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lotties-ashwagandha · 5 months
how the yellowjackets would react to you being sick (headcanons)
i wrote these forever ago when i had the flu and they got lost in my drafts enjoyyyy gender neutral reader i think but taissa does reference her partner as her wife. also if the pics on this don’t format right (theyre supposed to be 3 in a row and then the header) pls tell me sometimes it fucks up :(
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sees you sneeze once and runs to the store for cold medicine with the fervor of middle aged preppers fist fighting for toilet paper in 2020
she would do or get absolutely anything you wanted, would go and buy takeout food from your favorite restaurants or make sure you’re comfortable wherever you’re situated
will make sure you’re taking whatever medicine you need, whether it’s just over the counter cough medicine or it’s something prescribed by a doctor. you can’t put up a fight with her about it bc you’ll never win. she gets so intense about it but it’s ultimately for your good and you know that
also just likes to hold you. she cancels whatever plans she has and you lay and watch movies together — she might not like everything you pick to watch but she’ll put up with anything to make you feel a bit better. as for the close proximity of holding you, she doesn’t care if she gets sick because she knows you’ll take care of her once you’re better in the same way she cared for you. plus i’d imagine her immune system is of fucking steel after having a baby in the wilderness???? no germs are getting on this woman ok and ykw that probs goes for all of them they probably have some fucked up forest girl immunity or smthn idk im not a doctor don’t come at me
she’ll never admit it ever but at first she gets kind of excited because she’s been waiting for someone to fall ill so she can try out a new herbal remedy
but then she sees how upset you are and how much discomfort you’re in and feels guilty
anyway rich girl lottie is averse to germs and when you first get sick she handles you a bit like you’re a giant jellyfish someone’s trying to throw at her , she wants to help you but girl has a whole wellness center to run she is not getting sick
until she caves and you’re cuddled in bed together watching movies because she can’t keep away from you
she lets you watch whatever you want while you’re sick , but she does get a bit bored sometimes when you’re asleep so she flips the channel to nature documentaries. she’ll flip it back to whatever you were watching immediately after you wake up tho, and yes of course she was watching your horror movies instead of bird watching shows go back to sleep
she also cooks for you while you’re sick — probably not very well, but she won’t allow anyone else cooking for you because she wants to make sure you’re eating quality food that will help you get better and not just anything you could pick up
she gets very protective over you and over your health in general and won’t allow anyone to come bother you, if you work outside the wellness center she makes sure your bosses aren’t being bitches about you being sick and she ensures everything’s in order to her standards
panics because she has absolutely no idea what to do when you get sick, probably googles “what to do when your wife is sick” and follows the wikihow
she’ll take a few days off work for once to look after you, it doesn’t seem like a big deal but it is to you because she hardly ever takes time off from the campaign
she’s very stereotypical in the way she takes care of you — she’ll make you chicken noodle soup, get you blankets, everything she knows is the “standard” of taking care of someone with a cold but she works so hard to make sure everything’s perfect for you
she knows you’re miserable so she’ll try to make you laugh when you’re sick. telling you stupid jokes, funny stories from work, anything she can think of. your body is down but she won’t let your mental health go down with it especially if you already struggle with mental health
might offer you some dirt and a spot in her tree if you’re lucky
knows you’re sick before you do it’s some psychic ass shit she just KNOWS
you sneeze once and she’s like “oh I bought you some cold medicine earlier” like ??? girl ok whatever
she usually loves to make you watch her old dvds and tapes but when you’re feeling bad she puts on a marathon of your favorite movies
she buys you a lot of sweets. she’d be one of those “chocolate fixes everything” girls and whenever she would go out to buy you something she would come back with some sort of treat for you
she lets your rant about being sick if you’re one of those people who get grumpy when you get sick, she wants you to trust her and feel safe enough to express your distress
i think we all know natalie isn’t the best person in health and wellness situations but she does make it fun to be sick at least !
raids the vending machine for you
will probably google how to take care of you like taissa , but thinks the instructions are too long and gives up
will probably call misty and make her bring over whatever medicine you’d need because she knows she’ll fuck it up picking it out herself
she’s silent on the bed for an hour and then announces “i made you a spotify playlist” out of the blue. it has like 5 songs on it but they’re all very very very meticulously selected and she’s so proud of it, she knows it cant help you get better physically but hopes it will make you happy
warns you not to get her sick as if it’s something you can control. looks at you so sternly and goes “don’t. don’t get me sick.” it makes you roll your eyes
she’s been waiting for this day her whole life tbh not in a creepy way but in a loving “i want to take care of you” way
will do absolutely everything to make sure you’re comfortable when you’re sick, she would kill for you (she would anyway but especially when you’re not feeling well)
knows a bunch of get better health hacks from all the reddit forums she’s stalked over the years and only half of them work but it shows that she cares
tries to search amazon to see if there’s a little covid mask she can get caligula “just in case”
she makes you watch true crime documentaries with her and narrates every episode and then gives you all her hot takes afterwards. you can’t escape and she takes advantage of it
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denwritesandcries · 10 months
YJS HCs – body types
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Pairings: Yellowjackets x fem!reader
Summary: Okay so, I was thinking about body types so I could add details to my Shauna fic, really small things like skin marks and other stuff and that made me think about the other yjs too. I'm not used to writing headcanons, but here are a few that I couldn't get out of my head.
Word count: 1,9k.
Content: my personal headcanons, cursing, suggestive, fluff, insecurities, hurt/comfort, recent pop culture references so i guess modern!AU??
Note: This is so random and specific I don't think anyone will read it but I wanted to write it so badly.
English is not my first language.
shauna shipman
- I think Shauna is the most athletic of the girls, since in the first episode it’s said that she is the fastest on the team. Not necessarily thin; she is solid. Solid and warm. A warm wall seeking your touch all the time.
- She would always try to keep one hand on you and every time she touched you, her skin would be scalding hot, as if she barely needed gloves in the winter and only wore them because you told her to.
- Big spoon! She likes to wrap her arms around you and let her body wrap you completely when you cuddle or sleep together, her weight relaxing against you.
- Shauna is strong, like really strong and she knows it, her arms and legs are toned from training and she takes advantage of this to tease you at any opportunity, carrying things for you willingly (your backpack, shopping, whatever, she would be exactly like the *aggressively moves all groceries to one hand to hold yours* meme), rolling up the sleeves of her flannels ‘cause the muscles stand out, pressing you against walls/counters or simply carrying you during makeout sessions and nothing you do will take away the smug smile on her lips – well, barely nothing.
- She would also wear tank tops and shorts frequently just to make you nervous and receive compliments. It's ridiculous ‘cause she really thinks she's being subtle (she isn't).
“Shaunie, you sure you don’t want a jacket?”
“No, I’m good like that.” She's not, but she won't admit it.
“It’s raining.” You insist.
“The cold doesn't bother me anyway.” She shrugs, but leans back against you, placing her chin on your shoulder.
You snort, “Sure thing then, Elsa.”
- Shauna has a happy trail! Little baby hairs going up to her navel where she melts into a puddle when you caress her, goosebumps covering her skin in the same second.
van palmer
- I believe Van has rough hands from her goalie gloves! They're always warm even if the rest of her body isn't ‘cause of the constant movement – she expresses herself a lot with her hands too. She likes to run them down your sides just to see how your skin crawls, sometimes she does it out of nowhere just to scare you because she thinks it's funny.
- I think her skin is very sensitive, the kind that's full of moles and burns easily in the sun – you're constantly reminding her to put on sunscreen, but it's no use – she loves it when you trace patterns on her spots before bed or when you're bored somewhere.
- Her skin being so sensitive also means that hickeys and scratches are really hard to hide on her. She doesn't mind, in fact she seems to enjoy it a lot, you catch her a lot of times watching the marks spread across her shoulders and neck as they take days to disappear. That doesn't stop her from teasing you tho.
“It's been a week and there's still a purple mark on my neck. What are you, a damn vampire?” She mocks.
“Nah, you act like you wouldn't love me to be your Edward Cullen.”
She lifts her chin at you, “A leech then.”
- She has a belly and is very proud of it! She says it's the best for defending the goal and that it makes her fall to catch the ball less painful; She'll flex her muscles like a gym athlete when she's changing playfully just to seduce you (it works every time). She loves it when she lies in your arms after a bad day and you squish her tightly, it helps her calm down.
- She also has a happy trail, but she is too ticklish, like really ticklish. Many of your makeout sessions end up interrupted by her giggling when you drag your hands too softly under her shirt, she prefers firm touches.
- Van definitely has lots of small scars spread across her body from accidents over the years, that little weirdo (affectionate).
nat scatorccio
- Nat is as pale as a ghost, it would be impossible not to notice when you made her blush for any reason. She would try to distract you so you don't pay attention to it, but it wouldn't put off anything.
- The dark circles under her eyes are extremely pronounced, both due to her paleness and the heavy makeup she wears, so you always know when she's had a bad day or simply hasn't slept enough. She will complain incessantly about you making her stop and rest, but she will always do what you ask.
- I truly believe that she has lots and lots of moles all over her body, especially on her back.
- Some are bigger than others, large spots on the skin and she pretends that her heart doesn't warm with the fascination you have for them, but the prominent red face says everything you need to know.
“They look like small constellations, Nat," you sigh dreamily, hands soft on her naked skin, “Man, I wish I knew a single shit about stars so I could name them.”
“I’m shirtless in front of you and that’s what you’re thinking about?”
- I think she would have a lot of acne, especially on her face from sleeping and forgetting to take off her cheap makeup often, you would have to do a skin care routine together for her to really start taking care of it.
- She definitely has a tattoo scar that she got from one of those shady professionals before she was eighteen and didn't take care of it properly. You almost freaked out when she showed it to you out of fear that it would get infected. In the end she ended up with a weird drawing and a skin failure, but for Nat it was totally worth it, she says it makes her look like a badass (it's definitely not just because you kiss the mark every time you see it).
lottie matthews
- Alright then, let me tell you, this girl is FREEZING from head to toe. No matter how well she dresses up, her whole body will remain strangely cold, which worries you at a certain point, so what better way to keep her warm than to have her glued to you like a koala all day?
- She would place her cold hands on your neck just to bother you and then smile innocently when you took them in yours to rub them and blow warm air on them. That smartass.
- Lottie is tall (at least a lot taller than me) and I think she would have a lot of growth marks, you don't grow like that as a teenager without some.
- Light streaks on the back, hips, legs and thighs that would vary in tone over time. I think she would have the habit of hiding them so that people wouldn't comment, wearing long stockings with her skirts at school parties.
- She would be so flustreaded if you showed that you liked them by running your hands up her inner thighs, scratching her back gently to feel the smooth texture of the taut skin. It makes her feel so loved.
- She has sun spots on her face, around her eyes and cheeks. You think it's so beautiful that you could admire it for hours, anywhere, but you usually do it in bed in the morning.
“Are you watching me sleep, dear?” Lottie mumbles as she wakes to find you giving her a love gauze.
“Hm-hm,” you deny quietly, “‘Not watching you sleep. I’m watching you.”
jackie taylor
- Now, Jackie would have stretch marks and be completely insecure about them. The girl needs constant validation about everything that concerns her and you better give it to her, she just wants to feel loved.
- Marks on her hips and chest that most of the time wouldn't even be visible, but she would still remember they were there. You run your hands down her sides as gently as possible and she will have tears in her eyes as you snuggle, heart warm.
- Your support helps her feel more comfortable with her own body over time, but she still wants compliments every day and will give you hints ‘til you comply with her requests.
- Jackie has freckles! This is actually one of the things she likes most about her face, the trail of dots around her nose and eyes. She’ll melt into a puddle on the floor if you start to kiss them one by one, but will lose patience if you decide to count them and stop the act of leaving wet kisses on them. She's not very good at waiting.
“Babe!” She whimpers.
“Just a second, sweetie, I’m almost finishing.” You continue, a look of pure concentration on your face, muttering “35, 36, 37…”
“No.” She says, hand grabbing the collar of your t-shirt and pulling you against her, “Come back now.”
- Jackie isn't necessarily icy, but she gets cold very easily and isn't shy about asking for your coat or jacket when you're together. Your girlfriend is a princess, better treat her like one. She'll squeeze her body against yours in bed and steal the blankets to stay warm.
- She has spots on her arms! Hundreds of light spots on the outside of the wrists to the shoulders, it's almost imperceptible, but so cute. Make sure to always let her know how beautiful she is.
misty quigley
- I think Misty has acne scars on her shoulders and cheeks, little red dots spreaded. She don't mind it most of time, but can be very insecure about it.
- She would be really suspicious if you just showered her with compliments out of nowhere just ‘cause you think she’s upset, so acting is better. Actions speak more to her.
- Place soft kisses on her shoulders, gently bite her cheek so she rolls her eyes in that nervous way she does. Make her feel beautiful as she is – because she is.
- She would be so pleased with you spoiling her that she would pretend to be sad about it a lot of times just to get your attention, she is an evil little genius. It’s captivating.
- She has freckles too! Little dots on her face so lightly that you only see them when she takes off her glasses, but they are there.
“I kiss you everyday, how did I never notice your freckles before?”
“Oh, I don't know.” She shrugs innocently, “Maybe you should take a closer look, baby.”
- She thinks she's so smooth but in reality she's a mess, the girl can't pick up social cues to save her life.
tai turner
- Okay so, Tai is the type who takes the football really seriously and works hard to win and to do that she would try to stay in shape as much as possible. I can easily imagine her doing extra training sessions and her friends teasing her about it, ‘cause Tai, it's a high school team.
- Because of this, I think she would have stretch marks on her back and calves, light fine lines that stand out against her dark skin. These are marks of her effort, so she shows them with great pride.
- She gets very smug and her skin crawls when you run your nails over the marks on her back.
- Tai is strong, strong enough to break someones leg on the field (sorry not sorry allie) and will show off for it whenever she gets the chance. She likes to wrap her arms around you from behind and lift you off the ground when she's passing by.
- She has sun spots on her face and arms! You think it's so cute, but if you say something silly and cheesy about it she'll roll her eyes and tell you to stop embarrassing her.
You sigh, “You are so, so pretty, Tai.”
“And you are so, so lame.” She echos, “...Come here, let me kiss you.”
- Happy wife, happy life. Always make her feel appreciated, she deserves it.
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hansslut · 5 months
smoking weed with nat for the first time 🍃҂𑁯࣭࣭
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summary ❚ you go to your best friend's trailer to ask for the notes she took for you in class, but you get carried away and soon, she offers you to take a drag from her blunt.
warnings ❚ aged up!nat, gn!goody 2 shoes!reader, weed use, use of nicknames, reader is inexperienced, mentions of lottie, nat is flirty as hell, not proofread
sighing as you walked towards your best friend's trailer, you picked the skin off your nails while looking at the ground. you were mad at yourself for skipping school for a week straight because you were sick, and it was safe to say you were beyond stressed, dissapointed at yourself as you had never missed school before or any assignments.
as you reached nat's trailer, you went to knock at the door but you were greeted immediately by her lanky figure scrambling to open the door with a big, almost boyish grin playing on her lips.
“notes?” she asked while opening the door wider, and you nodded right after, stepping foot into her trailer and closing the door behind you as you sat down on her couch, your hands on your knees as you waited for her to return with your notes.
5 minutes had passed and she still hadn't come back yet, you raised an eyebrow and went to go look for her before she came in running and accidentally bumping on you. “woah— sorry” she chuckled before biting her lip and avoiding to meet your gaze, making you rub your temple with your fingers as you sighed again.
“forgot to take notes?” you asked and crossed your arms under your chest while tapping your foor impatiently. “listen— i may have forgotten, but heyhey! listen it's the thought that counts!” she said quickly as she saw you walking towards the door to leave, her hand grasping the door handle to prevent you from leaving.
“nat i don't have time for your games now, we have an exam tomorrow” you whined, on the verge of tears as you bit your lip anxiously, making nat frown, a comforting hand pulling you into a hug. “okay so listen, how about you relax a bit here and then we can call lottie so you can get the notes and ace the test?” she spoke softly in your ear while rubbing your back.
nodding to her question, a smile found it's way on her face again as she dragged you by the hand towards her room that you knew all too well, yet always fascinated you.
as you were busy looking at all the colourful posters of david bowie, nirvana, guns and roses, you felt her moving her hand in front of your face to wake you up from your thoughts. “yeah sorry” you sat down and looked at blunt between her plump lips while rolling her eyes.
“told you it's bad for you” you said while trying to snatch the blunt away from her and throw it out, but instead she just laughed, placing a hand on your hip and leaning her head back with the blunt still between her lips so you don't get it from her. “yeah, but you're not my parent, are you?” she smirked while saying that, knowing that it'd make you mad, and when you went to open your mouth, she spoke again.
“besides, why don't you try some? you're really stressed, hm? might help you” she rubbed your hip with her thumb while looking at you through the smoke, the joint hanging from her lips.
thinking about it, you shifted a bit and looked down before just nodding. “fine, whatever” nat laughed at your response and leaned over towards you, putting the blunt between your lips, looking at your reaction carefully.
not long after, you started coughing and nat chuckled, rubbing your back again. “easy there buddy” she teased “just take a small drag of it and relax, i'm right here babe, you're okay” she gave you the joint this time, showing you how to hold it properly, and when you took a drag successfully without coughing, nat smirked and twirled a strand of your hair around her finger. “good job doll” she laughed when you leaned your head back on the wall, the weed finally kicking in.
all thoughts of the exam and taking the notes from lottie were soon slipped out of your mind as you were at your highest with nat, laughing at every word she said, both of your eyes were red and hazy.
the next day when you saw lottie waving at you, you ignored her, mad at her for not giving you the notes. you saw her approaching you but turned the other way. “hey, did i do something? why aren't you talking to me?"
as soon as she said that, you looked at her while scoffing and pouting angrily. “yeah, you did do something! you didn't give me the notes yesterday when i called you to ask for them!” you replied annoyed, and saw lottie raise an eyebrow in confusion. “but... you never called?” she said confused, looking between you and nat, you had a defeated face while nat was trying not to laugh, biting her lip to hold back a laugh as she looked at you, the memories of you and nat in her trailer all coming back.
“oh...” you bit your lip too awkwardly before looking around. “w-well, i gotta go! see you at lunch” you smiled at lottie before grabbing nat's hand and running away. “that was so embarrassing oh my god” you whisper yelled into nat's ear, shoving her softly, erupting into laughter later on.
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jesterofcringe · 13 days
Haunted House Yellowjackets x Reader featuring [in order of appearance] : Shauna Shipman, Taissa Turner, Jackie Taylor, Natalie Scatorccio, Lottie Matthews, and Van Palmer
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★ You find yourself working as a scare actor for the weekend, what happens when your partner walks through the haunted house and you accidentally scare the daylights out of them? ★ [modern au by proxy because of mention of cell phone usage lmao] ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Shauna Shipman
★ You manage to scare her pretty good- in return you're gifted a bloody nose.
★ She's speed walking through the haunted house, just trying to walk through it as fast as possible so she can get out without being too spooked- she turns a corner and there you are.
★ You jump out of her and it's absolutely her last straw. She screams bloody murder and punches the ever loving shit out of you. She's all frazzled and breathing heavily while you stand there holding your nose like :0
★ Before you can say anything, she huffs and stomps down the hallway, walking through the rest of the house with a scowl on her face and blood on her knuckles. You don't hear from her until you call her after your shift.
"You shouldn't have scared me like that."
"It's a goddamn haunted house what were you expecting??"
Taissa Turner
★ Tai is 100% unamused.
★ You jump out of her and she does get a bit startled, but she immediately deadpans after the momentary scare. There's an awkward couple of seconds where you're just standing there with zombie arms and she's staring at you like 🤨
"Was that scary? Like even remotely?"
"Not really."
★ In an attempt to make the situation less awkward, you swing a fake axe and lightly tap her in the stomach. She doesn't budge and rolls her eyes. Later that night as you're getting out of costume she proceeds to point out all the little things she thinks your group could've done better.
"Dude it was a haunted house put on by college kids of course it was gonna look corny."
"I'm just saying the blood was way too fake, it looked like water."
"Probably because we made it with water-"
Jackie Taylor
★ Jackie actually doesn't walk through the haunted house. She straight up refuses.
★ She claims it's because she won't have the time, but you know it's because she's too scared.
[you assure her that there's nothing wrong with being scared, but she refuses to admit it]
★ Even though your costume calls for you to be wearing a mask, she does your makeup for you. Very 2020 clowncore type of makeup- and it comes out pretty cool! Except, you do still need to wear your mask and she's pretty upset about it.
"You don't think my makeup looks good? :("
"I think it looks awesome but the mask is part of my costume!"
Natalie Scatorccio
★ Nat has this whole "Tough Guy" facade going on, but you can still tell you were able to scare her, even if just a little bit.
★ She goes through the majority of the haunted house with a complete straight face, but she admitted later that she was internally freaking out.
★ When she gets to your hallway, she's supposed to walk through while you appear out of seemingly nowhere [a well placed hole in the wall] and follow her down the hallway. For the most part, it was a great way to get guests to run into the next room for another big scare, but Natalie doesn't make it easy for you. She stands there and watches you slowly lumber over to her, a smile threatening to cross her face once she realized it was you.
"What are you suppose to be?"
"A zombie."
"I'm trying to stay in character but you're making it incredibly difficult-"
Lottie Matthews
★ You scare the shit out of Lottie before she even makes it to the haunted house.
★ Despite the fact that she loves Halloween, she isn't huge on feeling scared. Even with this in mind, she still wants to support you and show up. As soon as she texts you that she's there, you're bolting out to her car- you forgot an important part of your costume in her backseat, and decide to grab it while you still have the time.
★ All she sees is what looks like an axe murderer, sprinting full speed towards her car.
★ Her windows are up all the way but you can still hear her scream her lungs out. You remind her its you and comfort her to the best of your ability through the window on the drivers side while she white knuckles the steering wheel.
"Oh my gods I'm so sorry!"
"... you're costume is great..."
"Are you ok?"
"...I just need a minute-"
Van Palmer
★ Van straight up laughs at you.
★ You were stationed in front of the ticket booth, tasked with giving the guests a little scare before they got to the actual attraction. You'd snarl at some, grab at others, and you even followed after one guy after he called your costume lame [his friends gladly recorded his reaction when he finally turned around and damn near passed out.]
★ You're quite confident in your scaring abilities... up until Van walks past.
★ Initially she completely walks past you, but then she proceeds to do a double take and immediately starts giggling.
"What, is it bad?"
"No it's..." to her credit, she's trying very hard not to laugh at you, but she really can't help it, "...Yeah it's pretty fucking bad."
★ You pout at her, and it only makes it worse. She bursts out laughing before apologizing and hugging you as best as she can without getting your makeup on her clothes.
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ [i wanted to include more people but i ran out of colors so might write a part two for the rest of em, idk yet]
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braidlottie · 2 months
the yellowjackets + movie night
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this was an anon request!
/implied younger reader
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- enjoys mostly fantasy/animated movies
- has every streaming service known to man
- “oh this one looks cute!!”
- she ends up crying at the end
- the only movies she will never touch are dog movies
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- has always been a romance/shitty comedy girl
- she has an entire dvd collection that she’s very proud of
- does not own a bluray player, but decides to stick with the dvd player she’s had since 2009 (she has to manually open the disc plate)
- “we’re just like them, aren’t we?” she’s sobbing, pointing to the couple onscreen and holding you
- definitely a cryer when it comes to romances
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- anything horror, gorey, bloody, give it to this guy
- always tells you about the s/o he had in college and how he broke up with them because they didn’t like horror movies 😭
- has to have microwave popcorn and a beer every movie night
- “this is the cheesiest way to die, are you kidding?” and it’s some guy getting his limbs ripped off 😭😭😭
- has always wanted to go to horror conventions his entire life
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- believe it or not, i think she’s an action girl
- like a good fight sequence would really suck her in
- if you’re into marvel/dc, she would think it’s too corny but only stick around for the fighting
- “i love to see a women kicking ass. everyone should love that.”
- rip taissa turner u would’ve loved monica rambeau
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- we all know van is a movie freak. he’ll watch anything with you just so we can rate it on letterboxd after
- all of the movies he owns are on vhs and you think it’s pretty funny that he doesn’t know how to work a dvd/bluray player
- one of those guys that never rates any movie five stars,,, except the sandra bullock ones
- “aye, aye. be careful with that, that one’s a rental.” he snatches it from your hand and puts the tape in himself 😭
- has a detailed talk about the movie while cuddling on the couch with you
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- definitely prefers corny romances and maybe a little bit of sci-fi
- really likes natural disaster movies 😭 like i know her copy of 2012 (2009) hates to see her…
- doesn’t have a problem with horror, unless nat is picking the movie bc she know he’s gonna pick something nasty
- “natalie, the farthest i’ll go is a head coming off.”
- he makes you two watch it anyway, and she’s up all night 😭😭
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shipmansflannels · 4 months
"who asked first" with the yellowjackets
yay! I'm back! the decision to open a new blog just for yellowjackets wasn't easy at all, but since it's been a year since this obsession has barely gone away and I already had an extremely confusing blog with layouts and the like, I wanted to start over with this one. hope you like it. I'll make a very simple and small prompt first, and then I'll make the masterlist and the oneshots/fanfics. stay tuned! sorry for any grammatical or coherence errors, english is not my first language and I'm trying to improve!
who asked first with the yellowjackets girls...
jackie taylor.
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well, if we're going to be honest here, you definitely asked first.
of course, jackie had already been rehearsing for weeks how he would ask you out. but she's obviously a girlfaillure, so you definitely asked first.
it was probably when she least expected it. it could be at soccer practice, or when you were coming home from school together and you had the audacity to ask her to go out with her to some hypothetical and boring place in the middle of the street… whatever.
all I know is that this little loser was eager for you to ask, and she definitely rolled out the classic, "took you too long…"
shauna shipman.
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again, you asked first.
shauna doesn't have the social tact to ask you out (she's just like me), and drunk is even worse, so you actually had to make the first move most of the time.
just like jackie, it could have been when she was at soccer practice, or when she was alone enough to vent to her journal and you were able to get close to her without scaring her. anyway, the thing is, shauna was already secretly expecting this to happen (a lot of her journal pages were about you btw), so it wasn't a surprise either when you asked her out.
despite everything, you didn't have any difficulties on your first date. she's pleasant company, I suppose.
natalie scatorccio.
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one of the rare exceptions where she asked first.
okay, don't be fooled, either. natalie is very cocky from time to time, but asking to go out with you is definitely one of the times she tends to weaken. so, kevyn probably dared her to do it and she just took advantage of her cooler personality to use it on you.
but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. in fact, it's kind of a good thing (and probably depressing for her) because she only felt like herself when she asked you. I see in nat a huge tendency to ignore some of her feelings, especially when it comes to people she likes.
the invitation was probably also full of teasing on her part, from body language to the words used for it. and somehow she made it look cool and convinced you to accept it.
things that only natalie scatorccio could do.
lottie matthews.
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for some reason, I'm 100% sure you asked first.
I know many of us think of lottie as a completely carefree, liberal and often bitchy enough person to ask someone out on a date. but, if we count the pre-crash, I think she was a very insecure person and uncertain of her feelings, more due to the influence of the pills.
so, as incredible as it sounds, you asked first. it was in an extremely relaxed conversation between you that the invitation ended up unintentionally, and she was visibly panicked when she agreed.
lottie is probably the type of person who has a rehearsed speech in front of the mirror while getting ready, and with her enviable style and expensive clothes (some stolen), she would do anything to make your date the perfect date.
taissa turner.
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she asked first.
taissa is confident enough to ask you out, I have no doubt about that. but she definitely spent weeks planning the perfect invitation, just in case everything went wrong and she needed to run (just like what happened when she thought about breaking allie's leg before nationals).
anyway, taissa would certainly ask first and it would be quite a surprise for you. taking into account that, from the moment you accepted, you would discover that van also knew about her friend's ideas, and later that half of the team also knew. it would be a shock because you wouldn't understand tai's intentions at first.
but none of them are necessarily bad. one, is that tai was really excited if you accepted, and her anxiety couldn't stop her from wanting to tell the world. two, because she was overly excited that you had agreed to go out with her, and wanted the world to know it as well.
van palmer.
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as much as I would really like to prove otherwise, you asked first.
van has the same problem as lottie, but in her case, it's excessively because of the sarcasm jokes and high charisma. she thinks she's being too much for you and that asking for something like that on this level would end up scaring you away.
in the end, it's totally the opposite, but it's going to take van a long time to figure that out, specifically. the invitation would happen when she least expected it, probably when you were feeling confident enough to pass notes to her during classes.
it's a cute invitation, and one that van would hold in question for a long, long time.
misty quigley.
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there would be no other answer. she asked first.
misty has no shame in admitting that she has a crush on you. and of course, to ask you out on a date, this shame decreases even more. she doesn't even care if she will be made fun of by her colleagues, what really matters is that she planned everything for you to accept.
and when I say everything, it really means everything.
from the moment she will slide up to your table and quietly ask if you accept, to the tone of voice she will use to persuade your brain to accept, to the place she will take you hand in hand and then let it slide. … she literally thought of every detail.
and, well, knowing misty quigley's ability to create plans, the whole thing worked out… until you figured it all out and admitted that you liked it even more, much to her surprise.
laura lee.
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you asked first, of course. there would be no other answer either.
of course, not ruling out the possibility of laura lee asking first, given her hidden impulsive personality, but, in this case, taking the obviousness into account, you asked, and had to be careful with every line said in the invitation.
of course, it needed to be at a time when you were alone, because you were afraid that pressure from other people would make you feel suffocated. this, of course, did not happen. she thought it was a classic weekend outing, like you guys usually did, until she realized your real intentions.
and, truly, at no point did it make her feel restrained or scared. she was ready to be vulnerable and be herself around you, no matter what.
(but, if you casually ask lottie at some point, she will definitely claim that she saw laura lee rehearsing some speeches and compliments for you in the locker room mirror…)
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