#lotr tFoTR
greenlaut · 19 days
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the four hunters 🗡🌿
extras + rambles below cut
yipeee i finally finished this illustration 🎉🎉
this is my personal take on the hunters gang (we will ignore that boromir died). honestly, i had a lot of fun thinking of the designs.
had to bring back my aragorn with his silly braid and blue hair ribbon. he's a ranger for most of his life, so he'd definitely go for practicality and what he's already familiar with—so no armour nor gambeson. he probably had a small fight with elrond before they left for the quest; where elrond tried to make him swap his gear for better, newer ones and aragorn just adamantly refusing because he's a lot more familiar (and more comfortable) with his own. which is why he's wearing tattered and worn rags. his red tunic is the only new thing he allowed elrond to swap to a new one. boromir definitely got exhasperated and somewhere down the line, he loaned aragorn his pair of arm bracers.
boromir (and faramir's (not featured here)) design changed a lot since the past years. it's a mash-up of both movie!boromir and lore accurate book!boromir. his hair is a lot darker and he has more of a storm blue-grey eyes as a nod towards his elendil ancestry. his clothing is heavily based off the movie. as for his cloak; since he's The son of gondor and denethor's favourite, i think he'd definitely get the fortune of wearing a fur cloak. the clasp has the white tree engraved on it.
gimli is by far my favourite. i always wanted to draw my take of gimli in his regalia. as a dwarven royalty, i think he'd groom his hair and beard really well, and he would've put on a lot of accessories to show his status. but since he's on a quest, he's not fully decked out in jewelries—wearing very practical clothing: gambeson with chainmail underneath. also, i like the dwarven fighting style they did in the hobbit movie where they go around and knock people off with melee. so gimli got hefty arm bracers and knuckle weights to really punch the shit out of some orcs.
for legolas; i think despite being an elf, he has the factors of being (1) mirkwood elf and (2) lowkey autistic coded. so he doesn't dress "like an elf"—not that the company would've known, with how limited their interactions with elves in general already. this meant that he dressed too casually despite going on a life-or-death quest. very light leather armour to support his speed and agility. he's not even wearing boots; just a pair of tree-climbing canvas shoes that he wrapped tightly. god knows how he survived this far. he's mostly a right handed archer—but since he lived for quite a long while, he taught himself to shoot with left hand too for emergencies. since his left hand isn't as stable as his right hand, he has a left-shoulder-pad.
THEY ALL HAVE SCARS because who doesn't get scars when you're literal warriors be fr. legolas' are more faded out though, because he's old as fuck.
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I just don't understand boromir haters. Most of them likely haven't even read the books and just because he made a few mistakes in his life he's now unforgivable? They don't even have good reasons, it's just things like "o he tried to kill frodo" or "he was being selfish and wanted the ring for himself" like what?
He did not want the ring for himself. He wanted it to protect his people who very likely had the most damage because they are so close to mordor. And in the books he only commented about it once (except for the end). I love movie boromir but I hate how they make it this huge thing where he just constantly is thinking about the ring. Not to mention he was around the ring for at least two months. There were so many others who gave into the ring after only just seeing it. I think the ring was trying to specifically get him to try and take the ring. Seeing as it probably knew he was the most vulnerable to it because of everything else going on in his life (e.g his people and cities dying, the pressure from his father, everything with faramir, ect,)
Boromir is not a bad person. Yes, he makes mistakes, yes he's prideful. But that doesn't mean you can't forgive him, he repented, and without him where would the fellowship be? Aragorn wouldn't have known what happened to the hobbits, therefore Merry and Pippin would probably be dead. There's just so much he did for the people he loves, and if you think otherwise then that's your loss.
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thekenobee · 4 months
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Can you put Eddie in the fellowship of the ring? c:
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"….and my dice" -eddie probably
(additional edit below bc i liked them both lmao)
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lacunases · 2 months
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Lord of the Rings- as ponies!! bc i am lowkey getting hyper fixated on My Little Pony (gen4/fim), and I AM hyper fixated on Lord of the Rings,,,, (mostly the Hobbit tho, so, yknow, watch out, probably more to come)
Gandalf is an alicorn- his wings are under his cloak (fact few know/care about). Very powerful
Frodo is a unicorn- very weak and limited magic though (levitation of smaller objects, little light- not much more, and it takes embarrassingly much focus and energy), because he grew up in the peaceful shire and deemed other things more important(he can easily write with a pen with his horn though!!)- he is part of the hobbit subspecies, hence the bigger hooves and extra fur near them :3
(same for Sam, Merry and Pippin, minus the unicorn part)
Aragorn “evolves” into an alicorn once he is crowned
Legolas is an alicorn, though not strong- the time of the elves (tall and slender) is nearing its end
Gimli is a super strong dwarf pony<3
Boromir is an earth pony :3
i was thinking that 25% (maybe less lmao) of Men get to be pegasi, but the people of Rohan are MAINLY pegasi- since horses can’t be their speciality anymore, rip
This was the result of me wanting to practice sketching ponies and also have fun😌 So it’s not a masterpiece lmao
I am far from happy with the Hobbits’ cutie marks but😭 ain’t that just the way😔
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Here’s the solo jpegs<3
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morganhopesmith1996 · 3 months
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My LOTR Scrunchies & My New AirPods Case 💕
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amnesiamilk · 10 months
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Sam gamgee
drawn in FlipaClip . Excuse the poor quality
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luvfangirling · 19 days
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The hold that the Lord of the rings world has on the people has to be studied.
My local theater is reshowing the movies. Yesterday the first one, the second one next week and the third one the week after that. I bought my ticket over a month ago and there over half of the tickets were already sold.
When I got to the theater yesterday the place was packed. So many people from 12-50+ years they were all there. They all came together so many people with so many differences to watch the movie.
For 3 1/2 hours I sat in a full theater room not a single seat not not taken and we all found one thing we all have in common: our love for these movies.
We laughed at the same time, we had Goosebumps, we enjoyed the movie at the same time.
So many people with so many differences came together and watched the one movie that connects us all.
(btw I have tickets for all the movies (yay))
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rosettyller · 5 months
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
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obrienpolycule · 1 year
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So I finished Fellowship
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stoat-party · 2 years
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Based off this meme
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toyboy-molloy · 6 months
you’re telling me thorin gave bilbo a set of mithril rings whose ‘value is greater than the whole of the shire’ and I’m supposed to just live with information
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omygoshhhhh pippin and merry are too much for this world
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chickentenderx · 5 months
one of the few things I remember about elementary school was that my 6th grade teacher had a life sized cardboard cutout of Legolas just chillin in the corner of the classroom… I feel like I didn’t appreciate that like I should’ve
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magdeleinas · 7 months
I don't know shit about the silmarillion or how accurate the rings of power show is to the Tolkien books in general but the choice that whoever made for Gandalf's backstory to be what it was in the show is so??? Incredibly on brand and so heartwarming? Like I too would be so profoundly fond and protective of hobbits if the first person that ever stood up for me in such a vulnerable state of my life was this teeny tiny big footed starry eyed brave hearted little person I too would have hope for the future of my entire world if I went through horrible hardships with some of the nicest most honorable people to grace this earth I too would get absolutely bing bang blasted with these plastered party animals and show up to every event with my magic fireworks the fact the Gandalf didn't give into his very clear grandfather instincts and stay in the shire full time and babysit everyone's little ones is a testament to how strong of a person he is
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frodo-cinnamonroll · 1 year
If the Fellowship Collected Things
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a/n: So making Fellowship headcanons has been my newest obsession as far as writing goes. It's so much fun! It's so cool how it just come to you. I was partially inspired by @wordbunch and those amazing ones. I'll be posting the plethora of ones I've written over time. Here's what the Fellowship would have collections of. Enjoy!
Sam: dried/pressed leaves and flowers. Dirt samples in little glass bottles with cork caps (he has a tiny spade too). Recipes and cookingware. 🍳
Frodo: maps and books. If a map is torn, he will cut it into small pieces and put it in a frame like a collage. Feathers he finds. 🪶Quilts and blankets.
Merry: he collects ale mugs and cloth napkins. Since hobbits have so many parties, his collection is always growing. Every now and then he'll snatch spoons or forks because he's always losing his silverware 🍽
Pippin: he collects poetry and songs, but no one knows how or where he gets so many. He has a wardrobe of just scarves. A bunch of cool rocks he finds that he thinks have gold in them, though Gimli tells him otherwise. 🪨
Aragorn: books... lots and lots of books 📚 He also has a collection of swords and daggers since he becomes attached to them. He has a secret collection of ribbons that Arwen wore in her hair that NO ONE touches 🎀
Boromir: he collects shields 🛡 Sometimes you'll find bones from who knows what. He has a wall of animal hides from hunting. He whittles little figurines a lot too.
Legolas: feathers and fern leaves 🍃 (ferns are the only plants he'll collect). And arrowheads also
Gimli: blades of axes and acorns 🌰 (he won't explain why). He always admires Sam's dirt collection and has a rock collection of his own for each important place he visits.
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