#lost days au
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tiredofsatansbullshit · 11 months ago
do u think jason todd would be a good teacher and follow up question, what do you think bruce's reaction would be if he learned jason was actually alive and an english teacher in park row (au where jay became a teacher instead of red hood)
OOOH, OKAY (thank you for this ask, it's given me so many ideas)
Jason gets his GED, enlists in a university at 17 and gets his qualification to teach at 20 and so by 21 he's a teacher at Park Row High. He primarily teaches English but is also the cool teacher that students go to for anything an everything, especially because of how young he is. He occasionally helps out with gym class and takes part in a lot of school events.
Jason enjoys teaching so much and has gotten so many compliments on his teaching style and how it helps students and so he decides to offer tutoring on the side, both for high school and university students.
Stephanie Brown, recently enrolled at Gotham University has been struggling with an English essay (a course she took because she thought it would be fun) and decides to contact the English teacher from Park Row High for tutoring that everyone has been talking about. This leads to them becoming friends and Tim, the stalker that he is, gets suspicious of this tutor Stephanie has befriended, and immediately digs into the guys background, leading to a big reveal eventually that Jason Todd is alive, and a teacher.
Bruce would be so happy and proud. There probably would be a part of him that's relieved that at least one of his children is not a crime fighting vigilante anymore. Bruce would be fully supportive of Jason's career and would probably get a copy of Jason's teaching certification framed and put up in his study
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kindlingkeen · 1 year ago
A deleted scene from The People We Choose, part 1 my Choices ‘verse, a Jason-centric Lost Days AU. Warnings for references to temporary character death and canon typical violence.
Takes place circa chapter 1. I took this scene out fairly early on while drafting, so the characterization and continuity are a bit off. In other words, don’t take it as canon for TPWC. I may clean it up at some point and post it on ao3, but for now it’s going to live here.
“You’re just a pathetic gutter rat. Loyal to nothing and no one.”
One of the League’s pet assassins spits the words in Jason’s face, and they manage to hit with more than just saliva. Jason is holding the woman at knifepoint, so clearly the assassin is a biased source. But, still. 
Loyal to nothing and no one.
Is he? Is there no one he’s loyal to, nothing he believes in, Jason wonders. But, really, why should he be loyal to anyone in the first place when no one has ever been loyal to him.
It was the story of Jason’s miserable life (ugh, lives) - he’s never mattered enough. Not when it counted, not when it meant something. Willis chose an easy life of crime. Catherine chose the oblivion of drugs. Sheila chose her greed. 
And Bruce, Bruce chose the fucking mission. And he would keep choosing it.
And then there was Alfred. Jason had mattered to Alfred. Jason was sure of it. Alfred had loved him independently of the suit he wore, the criminals he did or did not hit, the person he was or the person he was trying to be.
For that, Jason thinks that he will probably always love Alfred. 
But, for Alfred, Bruce always came first.
Bruce chose to take Robin away. Bruce chose not to avenge Jason. Bruce chose to keep putting kids in the suit that Jason died in. 
And Alfred chose to stand by Bruce and allow it.
So, Jason thinks that he will probably always love Alfred. In a way. But it’s not enough.
Loyal to nothing and no one.
Jason remembers suddenly, something Talia said to him early on in his training at Tadrib Almawt as he lay nearly unconscious, bleeding heavily from a poisoned knife wound.
You made your own magic, Jason.
Jason used to think that being Robin gave him magic. What he could never really put a voice to, could barely admit to himself, was that it was that Bruce wanted him, that he thought Jason was special—that was where the magic came from.
When Robin was beaten and broken in a warehouse and Jason lay alone watching a timer count its way down to zero - he knew, he knew Bruce was coming. He wrapped that knowledge around himself like a fire blanket for his soul and held onto it with all his heart when the moment came - when he knew that no one was going to make it in time.
When Jason woke up in his coffin, he woke up crying out for Batman. When he dug his way out of his grave, he crawled out screaming for Bruce. Alone in a hospital, lost and confused, as his mind splintered apart, he pleaded for his dad. 
But when Jason woke up again, this time for good, drowning in green and pain and rage, he found himself in a world where his murderer was still bathing the city he called home with blood, while a black-haired, blue-eyed boy in Jason’s colors chased after him, a dark shadow following close behind. 
After that, when Jason woke up screaming from nightmares of dying, of choking to death as the world burned around him, he woke up with wordless shouts caught in his throat and cold, hard truth beating in his ears.
He never really had magic at all.
Delirious from blood loss and rambling with fever dreams, he’d blurted out the whole pathetic mess to Talia. He remembers with perfect clarity how she stood silently near the head of his cot watching one of Tadrib Almawt’s medics stitch him up, her face as hard as granite.
At first she’d said nothing at all, lips tight and grim, until the medic finished the bandages and bustled out of the room.
Then she sat abruptly on the side of his cot and looked him in the eye, her firm hand on his chin anchoring his head in place. 
“Jason, it’s unclear to me how exactly this could have escaped your notice,” she said, her tone drier than the desert around them, “but you were dead, and now you are not. You are magic.” 
Her hand reached down and wrapped briefly around his. When she spoke again, the Arabic words came out soft and liquid, like a dream. 
"لقد صنعت سحرك الخاص يا جيسون."
Talia was out the door and gone before he’d even realized she’d moved. Her words echoed around Jason as he shifted restlessly, trying to find sleep. 
You made your own magic, Jason.
Jason focuses again on the assassin dangling limply in his grip, the memory fading away.
I’m loyal to what matters, Jason thinks, his hand reaching out to wrap around the assassin’s sword. 
“I’m loyal to myself,” Jason whispers in the assassin’s ear, as he runs the sword through their gut.
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plotbunny-bundle · 11 months ago
I really want aus where Lost Days Jason interacts with the batfamily. Or Bruce.
Jason was quite fucked up then. He’d probably try to kill Bruce. And if Bruce is fucked up enough he might let Jason. So Jay will have to stop himself. Or we can give Tim or Dick more trauma.
Indomitable Will by storytellerontheside and butcherbird, fly away home by e_va are very good but I want more.
Jason getting deaged with memory loss to 17 ish and it’s all “aww baby Jason” angst that he never got to be a teen. Until Jason is trying to kill Bruce and talking about his first kill.
Batfamily meeting a Jason on the edge. Right before he kills Egon but hasn’t come up with the idea yet. Jason who’s angry enough at Bruce to try to kill him and hates him. But desperate enough to ask him for help after he’s restrained. Only for Bruce to try and follow his lead and realize Egon has been dead for 5 years.
I have an au idea where catatonic Jason was found by Bruce and the family had been taking care of him. Ra’s Al Ghul kidnaps him to use as bait during the Tower of Babel arc. And Talia shove Jason in the pit despite Bruce refusing to take Ras al Ghul’s deal and claims it’s the best for Bruce and Jason. And then Bruce sends Jason home and it’s very awkward for a while as Jason tries to figure out his place and his shit. Jason fluctuating between trying to look after Bruce and Tim, being very anti social, trying to be his old self and a few murder attempts. At least one on Bruce. It is a bad time for everyone but at least Jason can talk again.
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trust-and-jump · 2 years ago
Talia and Jason before the Pit
I warn you: Bad English!!!!! Bat English...
Okay, this might not look like it to you, but the piece is in my Reverse Robins AU, which includes The Thing where Jason Todd is Kind Of immortal:
But this definitely can be read as non-RR!AU thing.
So. Bad translation; I feel like everything I write in English is funny or irritating bc of all my mistakes and typos and poor word choosing.
also despite long warning it's short lol. just wanted to post it because I like to torture myself and turn my good enough (for me) Russian texts into super-bad English ones.
Hope someone will like Talia in this.
But nevermind, read it if you want:
takes place when Jay is healthy enough and fed already; I think maybe he is with al Ghuls for six months at least; I feel like I should say eight months.
She worried about him when she was away - constantly, relentlessly. First she saw him as a connection with Bruce. Then as someone in a snake pit who can't take care of himself. Later… as a child in her care. In any case, he was her responsibility; Jason. And that, somehow, was a worse burden to bear than it was with Damian.
Of course, it didn't help her newfound horror that it seemed like something terrible had happened every time Talia wasn't around. A failed "test", a punishment without her knowledge and permission, some glimpse of his wounded mind… and much more. It seemed like she couldn't leave Jason alone even for a day. Although.. that was the problem, wasn't it? Jason, as a rule, was not alone. As far as Talia knew, it was because of others that all the incidents arose — no fault of Jason at all.
Maybe she was biased. So what?
In any case, nothing — and no one —could have prepared her for the day when Jason died. When Jason died and she only found out about it a couple of hours later.
Her first thoughts were a special kind of mess, when she was only able to move, but not to think.
Looking back, Talia could admit that she handled the situation much less gracefully than she should have. However, the incident forced her to admit to herself that Jason had become dear to her. Much more than planned. The insignificant life of that fool who was too careless and decided that an ugly fight with a teenager who could not answer for himself... the fool that attacked Jason with a sword, who won dishonorably and meanly— who thought that all those training sessions (where they - ordinary trainees - attacked him in droves) meant killing "dead bird" was a success and lead to a reward - when the opposite was directly said to all of them… that fool's miserable life wasn't worth the mercy Talia had shown him. And she gave this mercy only because she was too distracted by the sudden (and, oh God, so familiar) sound of the boy's breathing. She twitched her bloody fingers uselessly, and then rushed to him.
For the first time since fate had brought him to the abode of evil, to the net that she had selfishly set, Talia did not think about Bruce looking at Jason. The boy clung to her, shuddering, but he did it cautiously, timidly, and she could not stop herself as she stretched out her hand in response, gripped his shoulder and pulled him closer, tighter, almost hugging. She couldn't stop herself from kissing the top of his head, running fingers through his hair, feeling the edges of the scars with her fingertips.
What am I doing, Talia thought suddenly. Why is he here.
Why weren't they in some place where the sun goes down.
Where the shadows don't fall.
Where it's never hot.
Where there were no green eyes and rotten waters and captivity and prison.
Then Talia thought about those terrifying moments before Jason - miraculously - breathed again. And remembered how she felt— in her mind, she was standing on the edge of a cliff in front of a black abyss, and the wind was blowing in her back.
No, she thought furiously. It won't happen.
It was convenient enough that in the last couple of months, Jason's affairs have been addressed first to her and only then to her father.
No one could find out about Jason's second death. The Demon was kind enough not to test the boy's mortality, but if it turns out that Jason had this gift — or a curse — nothing would deter his tests and inquiries.
And, if today's terrible day had shown something, Talia would never be ready to agree to it without a fight. Without a lost already battle.
And therefore, the Demon's Daughter decided, muttering into the hair of her ward everything's alright's and you'll be okay's in her own language, I will keep it a secret.
Jason was gradually relaxing. He was strong, a fighter from the start, but the whole misfortune took a lot of energy from him; he fell asleep, feeling safe with Talia. And her heart sank. She wasn't sure she deserved that trust. She could only hope that she wouldn't lose it.
that's all, look at my food now. I ate a lot and I am happy for a few hours. Because I love to eat, it's literally my favourite thing to do. food is life. if I'm full I'm happy. delicious. I love cooking too.
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the screenshot is from Batman (1966).
Now look at this:
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but hey, I don't mind Talia/Jason thing in Lost Days. because it wasn't meant to be liked by people. I just wanted to clearify that in my AU it didn't happen.
Okay, if you read here, just PLEASE tell me if you see any mistake!!!! or poor word choosing!!!!! or typo!!!! I'm bad with English, help me 😭😭😭
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little bee and ratchet from 10 years ago,...
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I cannot wait for this Stan to reconnect with his Ford.
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I still haven't figured out HOW exactly they'll meet yet, but I do think that Ford would ATTACH himself to Stanley and talk his ears off forever when they eventually get comfortable :] and Stanley would listen because HOLY SHIT, THAT'S HIS BRO HE HASN'T SEEN FOR 40-ISH YEARS, HE MISSED HIS VOICE. Nonstop certified Yapper & Listener relationship <3
Stanley looks dead faced because of his ingrained poker face, but he's thouroughly enjoying it, even if sometimes he has no idea what the fuck Ford is saying. He never interrupts him though, since he knows people usually ignore or interrupt him mid-talk already. So sometimes Stan gets stuck in awkward situations where he has to leave or do stuff, but also doesn't have it in his heart to stop Ford and extract himself out of a (one-sided) conversation.
#Stanley: that motherfucker just ignored you completely- would you like me to kill him.#Stanford: Who? What are you talking about? Anyways. Have you ever seen gnomes before? Because just yesterday I-#I imagine conversations with Stanford to be very stitled and all over the place.#Since his thoughts are quite literally scattered- he can never really process them fast enough to actually verbalize them.#Or even understand them.#So he often only catch the tail ends of a thought- or cutoff half formed thoughts- or only the beginning half of an idea- memory- or opinio#And when he talks- you can really tell with the amount of tangents he goes off into and how everything he says#are completely disconnected and unrelated from one another.#I think the reason he talks so much is because it's his way of desperately trying to get himself understood by someone- including himself.#He's hoping that maybe- by verbalizing EVERYTHING in his mind all at once into some incomprehensible word vomit- that someday-#those senseless- useless words will one day magically order themselves into the right sentence for him to be finally be able to say what#he actually MEANS.#But because he's ''that crazy Town Kook Ford'' he just never really gets the chance to talk to anyone.#People in town baby him- treat him like a child.#And I mean- it must really hurt. For someone of his former intellect to have lost all ability to express himself eloquently#Not because he's any less smart- but because he just can't talk anymore. At least- not in any way that matters#I think Stanley understands him though. I think Stanley would understand his struggle to not be labeled as just stupid by others#Anyways- that was my ramble <3#my post#asks#sput chatters#stanford pines#ford pines#stanley pines#stan pines#gravity falls#gravity falls au#Town Kook Ford AU#my art
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shrimperini · 6 months ago
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shut him up 😮‍💨
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aucrowne · 4 months ago
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11.11 🌸
Pocky Day! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
⬅ Windbreaker Silly little sketches ➡
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cubbihue · 5 months ago
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A common misconception about Fairy Crowns is that it indicates the emotions a Fairy has. This is not true. A Fairy's Crown is purely an indication of their magical energy, as magic is directly connected to their health.
A crown losing its form is an indication that the flow of their magic is fluctuating, which humans often mistaken it as high emotions. Humans should be wary of Fairies with visible fluctuating magic, as it can mean that they are about to impulsively use magic in an erratic or dangerous manner.
Thankfully, crowns cannot do direct harm to others, and Fairies cannot do magic without a wand! Take their wand, and they won't do you harm!!
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
Instability: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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swedenis-h · 2 years ago
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This an old au idea I had with my friend keylime about Luke and Leia going to ✨political parties✨ to gain allies for the New Republic! Of course dinluke shenanigans occur, we can’t have politics and daddy issues the WHOLE time 🙄✋
June 11th prompt: The Senate Deals with DinLuke Shenanigans (@dinlukeweek)
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kindlingkeen · 1 year ago
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Chapter 6: Set me free
Jason resettles his grip on his sniper rifle and exhales deliberately while counting to four. He’s stretched out on his stomach on the roof of a high rise in the business district of Kuala Lumpur. The three highest-ranking members of the Jalur Gelap Triad are meeting tonight in a building down the street.
He can see all three of them through the scope of his rifle.
Chapters: 6/7 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Red Hood: Lost Days Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Characters: Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul, Bruce Wayne, Joker (DCU) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Temporary Character Death, Jason Todd-centric, Lost Days-Era Jason Todd, Unreliable Narrator, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Manipulation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Dissociation, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, Minor Character Death Series: Part 1 of Choices Summary:
Do not seek him out. You remain unavenged.
In the beginning, Jason viewed Talia’s words as the fire that forged the knife point of his rage and shaped a quest for revenge.
With time and space, and after a lot of bruises, he came to appreciate Talia’s words for the warning they truly were. An attempt to impart insight that while Jason was alive, his life, his old life, was still over. That he’d changed so much, he no longer fit into the place he used to fill. And that the safety he used to find there had never been real.
But that understanding came later, after time, and space, and a lot of bruises.
A Lost Days AU in which Talia makes different choices. Some things change, some things stay the same.
Read the fully story on ao3
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dragonpyre · 2 years ago
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Secret Robin au
Yes, Talia was microdosing Jason with Lazarus water so he could grow big and strong while at the LoA. No son of hers will stay shrimpy if she can help it
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undertheredhood · 2 days ago
AU where jason todd never becomes the red hood because talia told dick that jason was alive immediately after learning what he was planning to do when he returned to gotham.
and now jason has to deal with his clingy older brother and his equally clingy group of friends who keep sobbing over him.
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kittykatninja321 · 1 year ago
Any au that has Jason willingly working for the government even if it’s as a social worker has automatically kinda lost me because we’re talking about someone who distrusts the system so much that as a child he chose the streets over going into custody of social services. Jason’s lack of faith in institutions continues into adulthood (but also through his original Robin tenure low key), one of the most substantial differences between his and Bruce’s philosophy is the fact that Bruce puts his faith in the law and the criminal justice system while Jason decidedly does not in the slightest
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turrondeluxe · 2 years ago
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necrotic-nephilim · 8 months ago
I think what I love the most about Reverse Robin AU TimJay is the absolute potential for hero worship with Jason toward Tim. In canon we often forget that Tim didn't really care for Jason as Robin, meanwhile as I never shut up about, Jason has been weirdly respecting and obsessed with Tim since finding out about Tim's existence. So if you flip their order, make Tim Red Hood and make Jason Red Robin, there's so much room for hero worship from Jason.
As Robin, Jason has always teetered that edge of being pro-murder or not. Whether you believe he killed Felipe or not, even in his Post-Crisis introduction as Robin, he almost kills Two Face. Those concepts of lethal justice have always been brewing inside him, just reigned in by Bruce. So if you have Robin!Jason witnessing Red Hood!Tim start killing people and quickly making noticeable change in the landscape of gangs in Gotham, Jason would take quick notice. I think Tim as Red Hood would still be lethal, but there'd be a different application than Jason's Red Hood. Heads in duffle bags isn't Tim's style, even if he kills. I think you'd see something much more akin to that time Tim almost killed Boomerang, where it's such an elaborately thought out set up, it realistically doesn't even look like Tim killed anyone. It'd take months for Bruce to connect this string of deaths as anything other than coincidental, let alone link them to Red Hood. And Jason is wickedly smart, even as Robin. Jason, putting those pieces together before Bruce does and witnessing the undeniable positive change for Gotham it's enacting? Robin!Jason would be incredibly drawn in by that, and then even more-so, a Red Robin!Jason who has to grapple with being replaced to make room for the next Robin would I think, in anger, turn to Red Hood. And Tim would push him away at first, his plans don't have room for a scorned teenager who's trying to get back at Bruce and Nightwing!Damian like this- but I think Jason would wear him down. Prove to Tim that Jason can think on his wavelength.
Slightly related, what interests me about Red Hood!Tim is how it'd implicate his closeness to Ra's. Jason is taken into the League by Talia in Lost Days and Ra's doesn't necessarily approve of Jason's presence, especially not of Talia dunking him in the Pit, but Ra's has always canonically been A Little Weird about Tim. I think in a world Tim dies as the second Robin, it would be Ra's who dunks Tim to preserve his mind that Ra's thinks shouldn't be wasted, and you have the potential for 'apprentice of Ra's' Tim wrapped up in it all, even without him experience the Red Robin arc. So when it's Jason as Red Robin, instead of him going to Ra's when he's scorned by the Batfamily, he goes to Tim. The person he once idolized, because I think Tim would've been Jason's Robin. Smart, competent, a strong legacy to live up to. And now he's back, and he's pro-killing, an edge that Jason has always teetered on and would feel even closer to when he's replaced by a young Dick. I think Tim wouldn't ever be able to get rid of Jason.
Then on Tim's side, I think his reaction to being replaced after his death would be a complicated one. Objectively, being the Robin who believes Batman needs a Robin, he'd respect the logic and know Bruce was always going to replace him eventually. But still, there's always going to be that instinctual emotional reaction of betrayal and replacement. I think he'd view Jason at first with anger and distance, but then, seeing Jason as this street kid with begrudging potential, I could see Red Hood!Tim testing Jason. Constantly throwing things at Jason, seeing how he reacts, if he lives up to being Robin. Tim has a need for analyzing people, understanding their strengths and weaknesses. And he seems the Robin mantle very uniquely, he'd need to have it proven to him that Jason can handle it.
So you would have this dynamic of Jason hero worshipping Tim, slowly believing in Tim's methodology. While Tim is at first dismissive of him, but then starts to test him, see what makes this kid tick. And I think the TimJay potential of Jason trying to prove himself to Tim could be Neat.
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