#lost 1x07
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resetme · 7 months ago
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Now, this is the second time you've asked me for your drugs back. Ask me again and it's yours.
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avasetocallmyown · 2 years ago
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 𝟭𝘅𝟬𝟳 || 𝟳𝘅𝟬𝟭
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year ago
mickey milkovich x nude, radiohead
i don’t think that anybody can disagree that 1x07 is the episode where we learn the most about mickey milkovich. no, i don’t mean he showed any development or anything like that, but we learned something about him that made him significant for the rest of the show. something that never leaves, something that is important to him. in 1x07, we learn that mickey milkovich is gay, and we learn that he is willing to sleep with ian gallagher (even when his father and sister are in the house).
in 1x06, mickey kind of has an interaction with ian that we later see and are like, “yeah, he’s totally gay”, but back then it wasn’t stated that mickey was gay. mickey steals shit from the kash and grab, and he tells ian, “you know where i live if you have a problem” kind of instigating that ian should come over.
but in 1x07, mickey has stolen the gun from the kash and grab, and ian goes to mickey’s house equipped with a tyre iron, ready to take it back.
the “i want the gun back, mickey” scene needs no introduction or explanation. we all know what happened. we all watched in awe as mickey stood over ian and both of their breaths evened out and they made contact and… bam! they’re getting undressed, just like that.
later on, we are no stranger to gallavich and fighting then fucking. it’s something many people know them for, the fact that they’ll literally beat the shit out of each other and then immediately get on each other. but here, it was supposed to be for shock value because shameless utilizes shock value. to those who didn’t know gallavich was going to happen, watching mickey, the thug who had literally just attempted murder on ian, undress and fuck ian was surprising. later on, we can understand why it happened, but we were supposed to be shocked.
so, here’s where nude by radiohead comes in.
terry wakes up from a nap and goes to take a piss in mickey’s room (there’s a bathroom in there, he isn’t just pissing in it, lol). in there, ian and mickey are naked under mickey’s covers. around them, we see a poster of a woman and we also see a drawing mickey made that says “fuck love”.
so when terry comes out of the bathroom and looks at them both, he doesn’t do what season 3 terry does, he simply says “put some clothes on, you two look like a couple of fags!” and it’s a comical scene because, what the fuck, terry, aren’t you a homophobic murderer? you woke up to grunts and crashes coming from mickey’s room, then when you came in he and another boy are naked in his bed… what do you think they were doing?
so when mickey does put some clothes on, he puts on a radiohead shirt.
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the shirt says “you’ll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking” and those are the last lyrics of the radiohead song “nude”.
so for those who haven’t listened to the song, here’s my analysis of why this song is associated with mickey milkovich and how it ends up foreshadowing his entire character for the next four seasons.
“don’t get any big ideas
they’re not gonna happen”
literally this scene. mickey caves and gives ian the gun back because lets be honest, it was really just bait. ian leans in to kiss him, and mickey has a look in his eyes where you can tell he wants to, but he can’t. he built this wall up years ago and he’s already cursing himself for letting it come down. terry instructed him to get dressed, and he puts on this shirt. and he’s trying to put this carefully constructed mask back on but he’s struggling. and so, he pushes ian away, “kiss me and i’ll cut your fucking tounge out”. there’s no malice in his tone, it’s a threat, but it isn’t threatening.
“you paint yourself white
and fill up with noise
but there'll be something missing”
mickey hiding in the closet, marrying svetlana, being a father to yevgeny, trying to act like the perfect son of terry. he still has this mask on and he tries to hide who he is but alas, he can’t. he loves ian too much and when he gets married and pushes him away, he’s still gay and in love.
“now that you found it
it’s gone”
upon being married, he tells ian that they can still bang. maybe being married to a woman makes him feel a bit more secure because although he despises it and it’s crushing him, he can keep his whole “king of the southside” thing. now that he’s married and unhappy, terry’s satisfied, and that’s all that matters- well, at one point it was. so he tells ian that they can still fuck, but suddenly, ian isn’t as eager and easy as he once was, and he leaves. he’s gone.
“now that you feel it
you don't
you’ve gone off the rails”
he’s out, he’s with ian, he has ian. things are supposed to be fine- but they’re not. ian’s unstable and has been hospitalized, and mickey breaks. he gets shitfaced and cuts his cheek and cries into ian’s jacket. that wall he once built up? the chest he puffed up, the posters he hung, the tattoos he got, they all mean nothing. it’s all gone. the wall and mask are gone, he’s more fragile than he once was. ian’s broken and it’s simultaneously breaking him too.
“so don't get any big ideas
they're not gonna happen”
this line is so mickey in s5, s6, s7, and s10. ian calling him and mickey running to see ian. he has hope. but no, ian breaks up with him, mickey is arrested, and when ian visits he desperately wants ian back. he tattoos ian’s name on his chest, specifically over his heart, and he practically pleads for ian to stay. then, mickey and ian are fleeing to mexico, and for a second, he has hope again. he fantasizes about he and ian at the beach, ian’s freckled skin being sunburnt, them swimming in the ocean together. for once, he can imagine his dreams being true. but they aren’t. he and ian are getting their marriage license, but ian’s hand wavers over the dotted line and he gives mickey that look and mickey breaks (…ian’s leg. lol). he keeps getting his hopes up and everytime he scolds himself for it because he just ends up hopeless.
then finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for,
“you'll go to hell
for what your dirty mind
is thinking”
it’s in the 1x07 scene i’m talking about. terry instructs mickey to get dressed, he does, and he puts on a shirt that says this. and in that shirt, he seems odd. the confidence we see him have in 1x03 is no longer there. he doesn’t necessarily look vulnerable, but he isn’t the mickey he pretends to be. he caves and returns the gun, which was just bait for ian to come anyway, and he refuses to make eye contact with ian, but when he does, it’s almost coy? he’s ashamed. he’s thinking of things he know would get him killed and he hates himself for it. terry will end him if he finds out, and yes, he has the posters, the reputation, the persona, the tattoos, the guns, etc. but in the end, it’s all an act, and we can see it. the way he licks his lips, the way his eyes won’t focus, his body language says so much.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 1 year ago
Askjhgddhj this SCENE from the end of ep 7
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Xiaoliu lets Ye Shiqi bring over nuts he’s peeled, but after hearing about Tushan Jing’s fiancée, starts lashing out, asking “ohhh what’s your name?? How do you write it?? How do you write your fiancée’s name?? Hey you lived in my house for SIX YEARS how about six years of no rent huh???” And Cang Xuan watches with the most DELIGHTED look on his face. The local doctor guy is mad at his boyfriend for having a fiancée and Cang Xuan is HERE FOR THE DRAMA
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Then he’s like “dude. You lived with him for SIX YEARS and never told him who you were or that you had a fiancée he’s GONNA be mad about it idk what to tell you.” This is the beginning of a long trend of Cang Xuan poking at Tushan Jing for the whole already-having-a-fiancée thing, which extends throughout the entire show. Even here, where Wen Xiaoliu is just his neighbor, he feels the need to be like “yeah man idk maybe he doesn’t want to be the other woman!!! Just a thought!!!!”
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kaftan · 2 years ago
cross-posting from twitter again but my favorite metaphor for tai and van’s relationship is a meticulously constructed cairn, like so:
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They’re gorgeous to look at, but it takes an unreal amount of effort and luck to get them that way, all of which falls away to the back of your mind if you get lost in the hold-your-breath moment of awe and stillness.
But the slightest movement or breeze could topple them over. Just like that.
And their most common purpose is to mark paths in the wilderness.
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movie-and-serias · 1 year ago
Saturday Night Live Season 46 Episode 2 | Bill Burr / Morgan Wallen |
Saturday Night Live Season 46 Episode 2 - you can watch online Saturday Night Live Season 46 Full Episodes Totally free and streaming another NBC series in HD quality
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lizardkingeliot · 4 months ago
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I'm rewatching 1x07 for the millionth time and losing my mind over this little moment where Lestat silently signals to Louis to turn the page, and for just a second when they cut to Louis he's totally lost in Lestat's gaze before he manages to snap himself out of it. He just immediately tumbled into that well with no bottom the instant their eyes locked together...
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alwaysalir · 5 months ago
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"In the dead center of the whispering gallery I lost the thread of my plotting and fell once more into the well with no bottom. I was his and he was mine."
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astral-herald · 4 months ago
arcane's depiction vs. endorsement and why it flopped
~ i think i'm finally ready to complain ~
My general opinion of season 2 is potential squandered. My recent post about Viktor's storyline as an intentional tragedy lets ya'll know that I did, for the most part, enjoy his arc (hot take, I know, and I know lots of people disagree with me, and I fully understand). If he'd gotten the screen time necessary to pull it off, it would have been legendary in my book. But the lack of screen time, even in the case of the season's eventual BBEG, speaks to my greatest issue with Arcane: no commitment.
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(Critical) Discussion of Jinx, Ekko, Sevika, Vi, and Viktor below!
Arcane, as a tragedy (I've said this word too many times to count smh), asks the plot, "what is the worst thing that could possibly happen to this character?" and answers in kind. This is why we get Viktor's lost agency until the very end (and like I've said in the past, I completely understand and hold space for those who dislike this route).
If we ask this same question of the following characters, the scope of loss and despair innate to Arcane's final narrative is made very clear:
Sevika: a revolutionary forever devoted to the cause, not the individual, is nominated as an individual to represent the masses in a governmental body that has no interest in her class-conscious ideal.
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Ekko: the people's hero in every sense of the word who never sees the fruits of his labor/sacrifice and who goes without the acknowledgement he deserves (more than any other Arcane character).
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Vi: the ultimate victim of Piltover police brutality coerced, through grief, trauma, and loss, into working for the system that oppressed her. Even Caitlyn, for all her good intentions, seems incapable of ever understanding this.
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Viktor: a genius hellbent on ending the same suffering he endured at the hands of Piltover's oppression has his agency revoked, driving him to inflict the same choicelessness he endured on Zaunite innocents.
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On paper, these arcs are devastatingly sensical. And we don't always need happy endings in our stories (I'd sure like them, more often than not, of course). We can and should witness the harsh realities of class oppression if we don't experience them ourselves. The writing team painstakingly crafted and foreshadowed these worst-case scenarios throughout season 1. For example, in 1x07, Ekko being immediately shot at by Marcus at the bridge confirms our suspicions that Piltover Enforcers are a lost cause, not just full of bad apples but internally broken beyond repair. It felt that, despite all the hope, this struggle was doomed, and we were careening toward something dark - "In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good."
Had these arcs been successful, audiences would be confronted with the systemic issues we see today that implicate the physical and mental health of downtrodden individuals on account of lazy, prejudiced leadership. This actively happens. It is actively happening, sans the fantasy of it all. This is where Arcane should have shined: they depict the tragedy of these characters, but DO NOT endorse it.
But Arcane chickens out and the entire thing fails. Here are the Flop Era Spark Notes:
Maddie is the egregious bad apple stereotype that absolves all other agents of the regime. She clearly is not a stand-in for Enforcers at large because, all of a sudden, they're capable of coordinated artillery strikes that are necessary to the defense of Piltover, which the viewer must suddenly and abundantly care about. So glad she died. Also, Arcane, you cannot introduce abject warfare in the last 30 minutes of your show successfully.
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Jinx's "revolutionary" plot was a red herring, and Sevika humbly vying for the spot was never delivered upon. They pay lip service to the Undercity organizing, but the scene is interrupted for larger (messier) plot concerns almost immediately. No commitment. No depiction to even refrain from endorsing.
Ekko and the Firelight Tree. Clearly this was set up as a means of showing how Piltover's mistakes were physically seeping into the only sanctuary left in Zaun. Yet this is just...never resolved? If someone has some insights into this, please let me know. No depiction. No discussion about endorsement.
What could Vi specifically gain by aligning with the Enforcers/Piltover? Human connection with Cait, sure, but why return to them in 2x06? Vi's character begged all season for development, but she kept returning to her nonsensical error of her ways (looking backwards) until the very end, and this is basically what "kills" Jinx. This is a nod to her lonesomeness post 1x03, sure, but to what end? Again, why the Enforcers?!? Oh, because now that Cait has been redeemed and Sevika is in Piltover to save the day, there are no systemic issues left to fix? Sure, Riot.
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I begged and pleaded for months for BBEG Viktor (I'm really proud of my predictions from October), but by introducing a villain/conflict beyond the Piltover/Zaun dichotomy, Riot severed all threads of class conflict that were so rife and exciting in season 1. The proletariat and the bourgeoise will never coalesce like they did by the end of 2x09 without systemic revolution. Sevika is just one individual. Ekko's people need him. Jinx and Viktor are gone. Vi is downtrodden, and we have SO LITTLE to show for it.
In summary, we just didn't get enough explicit explanation of any character development to make Arcane-As-Tragedy successful. They did not stick the landing. The finale leaves us all with various bad tastes in our mouth. Instead of lamenting the harsh reality of oppression, I'm confused about what Riot prioritizes and agrees with, what they aim to criticize, and what they condemn.
I'll die on the hill that revoking Viktor's agency has the potential to be one of the greatest tragic hero storylines I've ever seen, but it's a lonely hill because I'm fighting against the writing team's consistent flops. At least Balayage Viktor was so gorgeous.
shameless self plug for my earlier discussion about the innate political clashes in season 1 that were abandoned for flashy fantasy fights in season 2:
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will-grahams-glasses · 1 year ago
thinking about how wonderfully pathetic Hannibal is when Will doesn’t show up to his session in 1x07.
when Will doesn’t show up at 7:30 on the dot, Hannibal gets so flustered and fidgety, very out of character for him. He has to ball his hands into fists to stop himself from calling Will, he double checks the appointment time. He then drives for AN HOUR to find Will at FBI HQ.
apart from anything, Hannibal just looks lost.
also, this scene happens directly after Franklyn says that loneliness comes with a dull ache, and I love that we then get to see Hannibal experiencing the dull ache of loneliness for the first time in god knows how long, all because Will Graham missed one therapy session.
I wonder if Hannibal surprised himself with this sudden feeling of dependency on another human being, with it being enough to make the human veil slip, to unsettle him.
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chaneilkular · 1 month ago
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ANNA LAMBE as Siaja North of North 1x07 "Lost and Found"
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apoloadonisandnarcissus · 5 months ago
Of Sauron's Lust on Season 3
Now Sauron's lust and pride increased, until he knew no bounds, and he determined to make himself master of all things in Middle-earth, and to destroy the Elves, and to compass if he might, the downfall of Númenor. He brooked no freedom nor any rivalry, and he named himself Lord of the Earth. A mask he still could wear so that if he wished he might deceive the eyes of Men, seeming to them wise and fair. But he ruled rather by force and fear, if they might avail; and those who perceived his shadow spreading over the world called him the Dark Lord and named him the Enemy; and he gathered under his government all the evil things of the days of Morgoth that remained on earth or beneath it; and the Orcs were at his command and multiplied like flies. The Silmarillion
Oh boy, Sauron's lust will increase and know no bounds in Season 3; this is a description of the "War of the Elves and Sauron" from Tolkien.
What kind of mind palace shenanigans will happen in Season 3!? Now that Sauron has a open line of communication via bound, and has already “bore a hole” to “slither in”to Galadriel.
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Let’s see another example of when “evil lusts” in Tolkien lore: 
Then Morgoth looking upon her beauty [Lúthien] conceived in his thought an evil lust, and a design more dark than any that had yet come into his heart since he fled from Valinor. Thus he was beguiled by his own malice, for he watched her, leaving her free for a while, and taking secret pleasure in his thought. The Silmarillion [Lúthien dances for Morgoth on his Dark Throne, before she puts him and all the host of Angband to sleep with her magic singing]
Tolkien comes back to this "evil lust" Morgoth felt for Lúthien on several works:
…Yet I will give a respite brief, a while to live, a little while, though purchased dear, to Lúthien the fair and clear, a pretty toy for idle hour. In slothful garden many a flower like thee the amorous gods are used honey-sweet to kiss, and cast then bruised, their fragrance loosing, under feet. … A! curse the Gods! O hunger dire,O blinding thirst’s unending fire! One moment shall ye cease, and slake your sting with morsel I here take! In his eyes the fire to flame was fanned,and forth he stretched his brazen hand.Lúthien as shadow shrank aside. ‘Not thus, O King! Not thus!’ she cried. … …And her wings she caught then deftly up, and swift as thought slipped from his grasp, and wheeling round, fluttering before his eyes, she wound a mazy-wingéd dance… The Lay of Leithian, The Lost Road and Other Writings
"Nay," saith Melkor, "such things are little to my mind; but as thou hast come thus far to dance, dance, and after we will see," and with that he leered horribly, for his dark mind pondered some evil.  Book of Lost Tales vol.2
Then Morgoth laughed, but he was moved with suspicion, and said that her accursed race would get no soft words or favour in Angband. What could she do to give him pleasure, and save herself from the lowest dungeons? He reached out his mighty brazen hand but she shrank away. He is angry but she offers to dance. Commentary to the Lay of Leithian (The Lays of Beleriand)
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Celeborn was his name. We met in a glade of flowers. I was dancing and he saw me there. Rings of Power, "The Eye", 1x07
Wait, what? I’m not implying Sauron will impersonate Celeborn, mind you. Only that there is already a reference to Galadriel dancing in “Rings of Power”.
Celebrimbor’s father (who was the most evil among all sons of Fëanor) also lust after Lúthien (like Celebrimbor himself after Galadriel in Tolkien lore):
...why Curufin looked with hot desire on Lúthien [...] thereafter never near might win to Lúthien, nor touch that maid" Lay of Leithian
Apparently, Charlie is right. Sauron might ravish Galadriel, yet. Her mind, of course.
Dead dove enjoyers: come to collect your ship.
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avasetocallmyown · 2 years ago
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“On our wedding day, I swore to Claire she’d have the protection of my name, my clan, my family and the protection of my body as well. I will honor that promise.” - jamie :: outlander season seven
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goodwhump-temp · 8 months ago
Yuri Whump | Yuri!!! on ICE
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1x01 Easy as Pirozhki!! - Anxiety lore, meltdown, depression weight, 1x02 Two Yuris?! - Kicked, stepped on, jealous 1x03 I Am Eros, and Eros is me?! - Anxiety, 'passes' out (20:30) 1x04 Like Yourself… - Failed spin 1x05 Face Beet-Red!! - Nervous, paranoid, face slams into the fucking wall during a spin, nose bleed
1x07 Cup of China Free Skate - Visibly/physically tired, failed jump, very nervous, crying (failed motivation)
1x09 Rostelecom Cup, Free Skate - Overthinking, nervous, hug-zombie
1x10 Pre-Grand Prix Final Special - Insomnia, nervous (lost bag), drunk pictures (21:20) 1x11 Pre-Grand Prix Short Program - Collapses (06:00) 1x12 Pre-Grand Prix Free Skate - Crying
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 9 months ago
It has been less than 24 hrs since I re-entered the hotd tag after watching 2x01 and I already feel the need to rant. Because I'm sorry but lucerys velaryon was corlys and rhaenys' grandson, irregardless of whether they were related by blood or not. Corlys is allowed to grieve for his grandson, who he just lost. Rhaenys is allowed to grieve for the grandson she just lost. Like, do I really have to explain that it is possible and natural for someone to love a child and see them as their grandchild even if they don't share blood with them. I have nieces who are my nieces through marriage alone, not a drop of blood shared between us and I love them as much and equally as much as I do my nieces and nephews who I do share blood with.
I have seen one too many posts, tweets etc along the lines of well that wasn't even their real grandson anyway, and of course rhaenys isn't sad that luke is dead that wasn't her real grandson and good luke is dead he and corlys tried to steal baela's birthright to driftmark, like not to be rude but stfu, this isn't about the succession of driftmark, it's about a dead child and the grandparents and family who are grieving him.
So basically yes corlys is allowed to be sad and to grieve for lucerys who he saw and loved as is grandson. Of course rhaenys is grieving for luke, just because there wasn't a moment when she explicitly says she's sad, just because she has pointed out during a time when she was grieving her own child that they weren't related by blood, does not mean that she didn't care and love luke as a grandson. She protected him from alicent's attack at driftmark in 1x07, in 1x10 she points out that the boys are in danger as heirs to the throne, luke included, and encourages corlys to side with rhaenyra and help protect them. It just hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that people care more about driftmark and who should inherit it than they do a child dying and the family who are left behind to grieve. You really think anyone gives a crap about who is going to be heir to driftmark when they are grieving for their grandchild, really?
So anyway, I'm getting really tired of those who are trying to argue that because luke didn't have velaryon blood he wasn't a velaryon and seem to think he isn't worthy of being grieved or loved. There's more to being a velaryon than blood, catelyn identified as a stark but there wasn't a drop of actual stark blood in her, laenor claimed luke, he gave him his name, he called him son, so yes luke was a velaryon. Anyway I think I'm done ranting now.
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wistfulcynic · 11 months ago
just finished a full rewatch of OFMD season one, which i'd not done for a while, and am now deep in the shrimp emotions. Why is this show so good.
specifically i'm thinking about the beginning of 1x07 when Ed says he's thinking about leaving. On to the next adventure, etc. He says it so casually, like it's no thing at all, and it makes me wonder how that scenario might have played out.
There was a meta i read shortly after the season aired (sorry, can't remember who wrote it) which said basically the plan to leave is Ed's way of protecting himself. By that point Ed knows he's falling for Stede, they've had their almost-kiss in the moonlight, their tender bathtub moment. Ed knows, even if it's only subconsciously, that if he stays he'll just fall deeper and harder and that will leave him vulnerable in a way he's not quite ready for.
so i wonder what would've happened if he had left then. Not with Calico Jack in all the heat of fraught emotions but on his own terms before his feelings for Stede grew beyond his ability to control them. i wonder how he'd have coped with losing Stede then.
because at that point, he's got no real reason to think his feelings are reciprocated. Stede clearly likes him, says flat out that he's Ed's friend, but nothing he's said or done would lead Ed to believe it's anything more than that. And Ed, as we know, is convinced he's unlovable so of course in his mind Stede could never love him.
which means that if he'd left then he wouldn't actually have lost anything. Stede and the Revenge could be kept as a lovely memory of a brief good time in his life. He might pine a bit, maybe give himself the luxury now and then to think about what if, but i don't believe it would ever reach the point of painting cake toppers or even crying in a dressing gown. i think, honestly, that had he left then Ed would've been okay, or at least not significantly worse than he was before. Still bored, still wanting to get out of piracy, still feeling sad and lonely and unloved but at least he'd have the memory of his friend.
what eventually renders that scenario impossible--what makes him leaving on his own plausible while he could never truly have left with Calico Jack ("never left")--is that by the end of episode 7 Ed has started to have hope. He's started to think that maybe his feelings aren't one-sided. Maybe he can actually have Stede. Maybe he can actually be happy.
i've often thought (as ofc have others) that it wasn't the loss of Stede as such that brought on the kraken era. If OFMD had ended with a successful talent show and Ed and the crew deciding to be a sailing theatre troupe instead of pirates, even without Stede, Ed would've been okay. Broken hearts mend. What tipped Ed over the edge was the loss of his hope, and the better life he thought he'd found a way to have.
not quite sure where i'm going with this if i'm going anywhere, just... it's an interesting contrast and imo a quiet turning point that neatly underlines just how important this is happening really was.
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