reallotionist · 7 years
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XXY Magazine “The Ralph Lauren of the streets”
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reallotionist · 7 years
If people don’t notice your effort there’s no way possible they could appreciate the effort you put in
Written by me for #loshhdiaries 
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reallotionist · 7 years
Two middle fingers as I make an exit, why these niggas always hating as I make my entrance.
Written by me for #loshhdiaries 
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reallotionist · 7 years
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My babyyyyy
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reallotionist · 7 years
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I Can, I Will, I Must. available now on amazon
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reallotionist · 7 years
Super Saiyan 1 on you niggas, no need for kama, hama haaaa on you niggas
Written by me for #loshhdiaries 
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reallotionist · 7 years
Baby girl you're too profound like the ocean, and your body smooth like lotion, I need a bit of that potion. Baby girl I wanna put my emotion, while you handle the motion.
Written by me for #loshhdiaries
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reallotionist · 7 years
As high as can be, looking into the blue blue sky. but I ain’t feeling blue, got my head on tight and I’m looking right!
Written by me for #loshhdiaries
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reallotionist · 7 years
They say it’s okay to cry but why am I still afraid to cry.
Written by me for #loshhdiaries 
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reallotionist · 7 years
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This could be us
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reallotionist · 7 years
Don’t let life happen to you. Make life happen for you. 2
I remember one time I was in a very sticky situation, I was accused of doing something I did not do. I was brought to court for this incident. It went on for a year and a half, whilst the court case was going on I was getting all sorts of negative vibe from people and I use to go from 0-100 real quick over little things. It put me in a bad state of mind because I use to think to myself this person is trying to ruin my life! I was still modeling and writing my book at the time and I thought to myself if I get incarcerated, all the opportunities that have come my way will be gone. Which made me angry the most. I decided to change my mindset from being negative about the situation and once I did that I felt great. The whole situation started to go in my favor, I provided evidence to back up my case and on the 2nd of June 2016, I won the case “I buss case” lol. What I’m trying to say is that if I didn’t have the right mindset I wouldn’t have been able to overcome the obstacle that presented itself, so just lotion up, enjoy life and overcome each and every obstacle because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Written by me for #loshhdiaries 
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reallotionist · 7 years
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reallotionist · 7 years
Let me be
I’ll be honest, I’ll be honest this generation is on a vibe I can’t fuck with. The morals, mindset & priorities are just fucked up!
Written by me for #loshhdiaries
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reallotionist · 7 years
Black Samurai
Sometimes I dream about my self in a forest in the big trees as a Samurai. Fighting against the enemy like my life depends on it.
Written by me for #loshhdiaries 
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reallotionist · 7 years
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reallotionist · 7 years
I just wanted to let all you beautiful people know that, we may be shot down and seriously wounded, but never broken nor astounded. We maybe bent ill-shaped and severely injured, but never battered out of shape nor disfigured. Despite these heartless pitfalls and disheartening downfalls; we shall not lose heart. Instead, work towards the mark of our higher calling; we shall exhort. No regressing; continuously pressing, until every fibre of our being victoriously stand in one accord. Think. That which seeks to dissect us to pieces; is the same thing that shall construct us to inner peace and beauty so let us all stay focused and determined. Have a blessed & phenomenal day everyone, loshh!
Written by me for #loshhdiaries 
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