#los camp approved (probably)
tonyjalapeno · 1 day
starting a collection of transmasc coded los campesinos! lyrics
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rpgchoices · 2 years
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Sometimes I really want to read a short summary of what to expect from a game with a very particular description that CATER to my OWN SPECIFIC interests, so here we go.
(click here for other videogames)
what to expect from ASH OF GODS
turn based fantasy (medieval-like) rpg with a lot of dialogue a la visual novel
you play as three characters (Thorn, Hopper, Lo Pheng) who lead their three parties around the map. Basically the gameplay is divided in: turn based fights, travelling the map (unlocking random encounters), dialogue choices
You can choose difficulty at the beginning of the game, can't change it during the game. Stoy mode is available
The curse/reaping can increase the strenght of the enemies... you can change this difficulty in the game if you want
based on your choices you have different outcomes, but four main endings in total
you cannot create your own character, you will be able to select among the recruited characters (mainly divided in warriors, archers, healers/monk and three special characters)
tw for sexism, some racism and violence (see more here)
the story is unnecessarily complex... I had to play twice to understand it and I still miss some parts. Still, if it helps, after you play you can check my summary, I wrote down all the lore and story (or the quick timeline here).
in the story: the reapings is a horrible event that happened twice in the story of Terminum. These Reapers (monster like creatures) seem to awaken and drive people into madness and killing, soaking the land with blood. You play as Hopper, who is an ex-Reaper who failed to stop the reapings, as Thorn, a soldier who is trying to save his daughter, and Lo Pheng, a bodyguard who has to warn his people that the reaping is happening
You will jump from character to character during the story, and sometimes the different parties will meet
Dialogue will help you understand the story and the background of the characters
You can miss/kill characters and killing characters does have consequences for the story if these are important ones
During travelling (in the map) you can also stop at camp to have dialogues with your companions
If you increase the loyalty (=approval) of your companions they will be more likely to open up to you and talk with you and you might get extra scenes
Lo Pheng's chapters were probably the best and the least confusing
Hopper is the only one who fights alone and you cannot talk with anyone during camp
Thorn's chapters feel the most canon - in line with the story
At the end, you can choose if you want to finish the story as Lo Pheng or Thorn. The Thorn ending definitely felt more canon. Some things change between the ending.
At the end, you do not get a slide of text that tells you what happened to everyone... sadly. You find out what happens only to a couple of characters
Some characters are introduced with some info and dialogue, but then become irrelevant (ex. Flitt). And for some other characters it almost feels like they are unfinished (ex. there is some drama happening around Lo Pheng's party... but nothing is resolved)
there is a hint of romance, as in it is clear that a character (or two) has feelings for Gleda (Thorn's daughter). You can also interpret romance in Lo Pheng's story, but I did not see it
Hopper's story is fundamental to get the good ending but very confusing - so much that it makes little sense sometimes (stuff is easy to miss or misinterpret) and I had to follow a guide to make sure I did not miss the stuff I needed.
Some story stuff is unknown even to the current active developer... I tried my best to imagine what it could mean in the timeline.
I wrote the pro and con of the game here
plot? The reaping, a curse that happened twice in the history of humanity, is back. The Reapers (human-like monsters) are leading people into madness. Thorn, a retired captain, finds himself in the middle of it when he escapes one of this madness attacks and finds out that his daughter Gleda seems to have a mytserious mark. Lo Pheng, a bodyguard, also ends up finding out that the reaping started and having to leave his post to warn his people. In the meantime, an ex-Reaper who failed to stop the Reapers in the past, investigate what is different in this third reaping. gameplay? visual novel, map travelling and turn based combat. Deaths and dialogue choices can change events. characters? Thorn, Hopper and Lo Pheng are main characters, with extensive backstories and interactions with their respective parties. There are then major characters within their parties (Gleda, Hode, Reet), and other minor ones (minor characters might have a couple of interaction or even more, but then no real close up/resolution). sadness level? medium, it prob. should be high but it is not, mainly because there is so much "suffering and torture" that it feels overdone death? SPOILERS for the ending and various choices
Some main characters end up dead (ex. Rask and Amma), and you can kill some of the characters (Reet, Hode, all the companions but Gleda, I think). I also know that there is an ending where Gleda or Reed kill themselves, but I am not sure.
Also the bad ending is one of them becoming an avatar of a god, so they are technically dead.
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imaginechb · 3 years
Hi ! Can i request a songfic with a femreader? The song is "déjà vu" by Olivia Rodrigo.
Calypso's pov
Where Leo and yn are dating and Calypso is like sweet/sour
Deja Vu
Synopsis: You and Leo are in a happy relationship, and Calypso is left to pick up the broken pieces of her heart.
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Calypso watched as he put his arm around you. She looked on with a bitter taste in her mouth because she used to be the one snuggling into his side at the campfire.
Leo helped you make a s'more and Calypso was unwillingly brought back to those summer nights when Leo would squish the marshmallow in between the graham crackers and feed it to her, or that one time she had leftover chocolate on her lip and he kissed it away.
She felt the bile rise in her throat as he kissed you in the same fashion, and she had to excuse herself from the festivities. Sneaking off toward the beach, she allowed herself to cry that first tear which brought many more.
Calypso didn't hate you. She hated that she couldn't, actually. She hated that you were sweet and adorable and so good to him. She hated that you loved him, and even more that he loved you. She hated that the two of you were a better couple than her and Leo had ever been.
He was her savior, her knight in shining suspenders, her supersized mcshizzle. She was supposed to have the happy ending, the one she had always dreamed of. The one she had envisioned having with him. He would rescue her from Ogygia, show her the world. They would get married and open a repair shop together. 'Leo and Calypso's Garage: Auto Repair and Mechanical Monsters'.
But alas, just because she was in love with him did not mean he was bound to love her. Much like how she had once loved Percy but his heart truly belonged to Annabeth, Leo's heart had always belonged to you. He may have kept his promise in rescuing her from her island, but he was forever yours.
Calypso wondered if Leo ever thought about her, and how the things he was doing with you were the things they had once done together. That though he loved you now, it was Calypso who had first taught him how to love.
She pitied you, honestly. You truly believed that all of this was for you. The dancing in bunker nine when the rest of the camp was asleep. The blanket sharing at the campfire while he fed you s'mores. The kissing in the strawberry fields and the rides on Festus. You thought it was so unique, so special, not realizing that he did those things with Calypso mere months ago.
But even she had to admit that he looked ten times more genuine with you than he did with her. With Calypso he had been tripping over himself trying to impress her, trying to win her approval. With you he did it purely out of love and joy. With you, he was happy.
Before she realized what she was doing, she let out a sob of despair. She let out another. And another. She let herself fall into the soft sand and cry. Leo hadn't done anything wrong, and neither had you, but that didn't stop her heart from hurting every time she saw the two of you. Yet again, she had been scorned by love and by men.
She turned when she heard footsteps approaching, praying to the gods it wasn't you or Leo. She was relieved when Percy sat down beside her.
She had been in love with Percy at one point (who hadn't?), but those feelings faded over time, and now she was just grateful to have him there as a friend. He didn't say anything, but just his presence was enough.
Together they stared into the nighttime waves. It would have been a beautiful sight to admire under happier circumstances.
As much as she hated it, she thought about what Leo was doing at that moment. Probably walking you back to your cabin, kissing you goodnight on the porch. Smiling like a fool as he walked back to his own. She started to cry again. Percy wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry it out.
He stroked her hair until eventually she calmed down. She stared at the ocean once more and knew that one day she would be okay again. One day, she would no longer envy you, and one day Leo Valdez would be a distant memory.
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The Great Outdoors
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Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader
Words: 1275
Summary: In an attempt to relax and leave the stress of your jobs behind, you convince your boyfriend to come with you to a cabin in the Black Hills. 
Notes: Okay, I spent a weekend in the Black Hills and I couldn’t resist. Since the last two were really dark, I thought this little bit of Spencer fluff would be fun. Plus, writing steamy Spence is really fun. (Ha, get it?)
Warnings: A whole lot of *suggestive* material and a sprinkle (more like a bucket full) of fluff. 
More Spencer: HERE
You held the two plane tickets up with a wicked grin on your face. You’d been waiting to surprise him all day, but he’d been filling out paperwork and you had to get the vacation days approved by Hotchner. His reaction wasn’t exactly what you’d expected. 
“South Dakota? Why would we go to South Dakota?” 
“I rented us a cabin up in the Black Hills. I already got Hotch to give us the vacation days, so don’t worry about that. I figured we could just get away for a while. Away from serial killers and D.C. and everything else. We can just be out in the woods and forget about everything but each other.” You draped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Spencer pushed back with a confused expression. 
“You want me to stay in a cabin for a whole weekend? Out in a forest?” 
“I’m not asking you to scale a mountain or anything Spence.” You laughed. “I just thought getting out into the great outdoors would be good for both of us.” Spencer just gave you an uncomfortable look. Morgan walked by with a stack of files he had to work on. 
“Why don’t you take Morgan?” Spencer blurted. He stopped walking, having no idea what he just got dragged into. “He likes mountains and camping and trees, right Morgan?” 
“Uhh, sure?” 
You put your hands on your hips. 
“Well I can’t have hot hot-tub sex with Morgan, now can I?” You snapped. Morgan smirked. 
“You can sure try, sweetheart.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you smacked his chest. He laughed and went back to his desk, eyeing the two of you with an amused smile. You turned back to your reluctant boyfriend. 
“Come on, Spence, please? I used to go up there all the time when I was a kid and I really need an escape right now.” You pouted your lips, imitating the puppy-dog look he was so good at. “Don’t make me go by myself.” You used the most powerful tool you had- guilt tripping. And it worked. 
“Okay, okay just stop doing the sad face with the eyes and the lips!” He surrendered. You squealed happily and threw your arms around him. You whispered in his ear. 
“I’ll make it worth your while, I promise, Dr. Reid.” Your voice was low and seductive and when you pulled away to finish up some last minute paperwork, his face was turning red. 
Spencer walked slowly to his desk, keeping a calm exterior when on the inside he was dying to grab you by the shoulders and kiss you in a way that would make even Morgan blush. Packing up his bag, he looked up to see his coworker shaking his head. 
“Man, that woman has got you eating out of the palm of her hand.” Morgan chuckled, making a whipping motion with his hands. 
“Very funny.” 
“I’m serious. If my girlfriend tried to drag my ass to a cold and dreary cabin, I would have made her work a little harder. Y/N barely even begged before you caved.” He teased. Reid knew exactly how to wipe that smirk off his face, even if it was a little out of character for him. 
“Don’t worry, Morgan.” He closed his bag and smiled. “This weekend, she’ll definitely be begging for something.” 
He walked away, leaving a flabbergasted Morgan gaping at his desk. You joined him at the elevator. 
“What was that about?” You snickered, lacing your fingers with his. While you hadn’t heard their conversation, the look on Derek’s face was a strange combination of proud and mortified.  Spencer just blew out a content breath and smirked. 
“Remind me to tell you at the cabin.” 
Spencer’s enthusiasm could not be more forced as you unlocked the door of the cabin. He rushed inside to escape the frigid air, trying to keep his teeth from chattering. How you were still so warm and chipper, he had no idea. His little Los Vegas body was extremely uncomfortable with this environment but you seemed to be thriving in it. The freezing wind made your cheeks and nose a reddish pink color and your bright smile only grew as you explored the inside of the cabin. 
“This place is so great!” You gushed. “The kitchen is amazing, there’s a huge fireplace, and the hot tub is just outside.” 
“Do you have any idea how many germs are in that thing?” Spencer shuttered. You just rolled your eyes.
“Buzzkill.” You shed your giant coat and plopped down on the sofa, watching snow outside the window. It was beautiful- the snow covered trees to the endless hilly horizon- it all made you forget the horror of your job. Spencer saw the way your eyes sparkled and couldn’t help but feel guilty about being such a downer about all of this. 
He sat down beside you, draping his arm around your shoulders. You cuddled up beside him and he lifted your lips to his. When you pulled back, you were grinning. 
“What was that for?” 
“I haven’t actually said thank you for doing all of this.” He said. Your grin spread wider. 
“Is this a good time to say ‘I told you so’?” You bragged. Spencer rolled his eyes and pulled you closer, deepening the kiss and slowly laying you back on the couch. You smirked against his lips and wiggled out of his grip. 
You backed away from the couch with a mischievous sparkle in your eyes. You motioned for him to follow you, slowly unbuttoning your blouse. 
“Where are you going?” Spencer gulped, his eyes following your fingers. You just giggled and took off down the stairs, leaving a trail of clothes in your wake. 
You winced, feeling the hot water against the cold skin of your feet. Taking a few seconds to adjust, you sank down into the jet-stream water, feeling all of the tension still trapped under your skin melt away. You ran your fingers through your hair, letting thoughts of serial killers and gruesome deaths vanish from your mind. 
“That’s so unsanitary.” Spencer complained, appearing in front of you. He was still fully dressed, but he was shivering in the below-zero weather. 
“You know you won’t be so cold if you just get in.” You crept towards him, the bubbling water concealing your body but still leaving little to the imagination. Spencer shook his head. 
“Do you know how many germs are probably-”
“Spence, I made sure that there’s plenty of chlorine and that the water was switched out before we got here, okay?” You started with the puppy dog face again. 
“That’s not going to work this time.” He crossed his arms defiantly, but you could tell you were wearing him down. He just needed a little push. 
You stood up, the freeze breeze contrasting with the hot water dripping down your bare skin. Spencer’s eyes widened. 
“I told you that I would make this trip worth your while, Dr. Reid.” You untucked his shirt from his dress pants and lifted it over his head. You watched his eyes darken as his long fingers traced up your sides and over your arms to tangle themselves in your hair. The sound of his shoes hitting the deck was lost under the sound of the jets. 
Spencer stepped into the hot tub, pants and all, sinking down into the water with you. The trees created a perfect wall around you, the snow silencing the world’s noise. With you in his arms and your lips against his, maybe he could get used to being an outdoors guy.
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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l-1-z-a · 2 years
This video about Sedona from Mod The Sims reminded me that I still haven't shared my thoughts about this scrapped neighborhood:
Little is known about it. Except for the mention in NeighborhoodManager.package:
...maps and flying camera over the neighborhood:
... no other information is available.
It would be logical to assume that the appearance of neighborhood should be based on the real city of Sedona, which is located on both sides of the border between Coconino and Yavapai counties in the northern Verde Valley of Arizona, USA. The city is located in the desert, but it is rich in greenery. Also this appearance of the area in the game is hinted at by the rocks in the city with their shape and red color, as the rocks on the map of the neighborhood in the game also have a red hue. If you plant the desert version of the Sedona map with trees and bushes, the result is very similar to the area where the real city is located.
Photo of the outskirts of the city:
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Also see its panorama on the English Wikipedia:
This is probably how the finished version of Sedona in The Sims 2 was supposed to look like.
So the plot and neighborhood residents on Mod The Sims are pure fiction modellers on this site.
Why is the real city of Sedona called that?
From a site about the city:
To get a better understanding, you need to read the beginning of the article on the website.
As the story of this community’s early history goes, T.C. and Sedona Schnebly were attracted to Upper Oak Creek or Camp Garden both names were being used at that time. Strangely, these names were totally appropriate because during the past 100 years, unnumbered families and individuals have been drawn here by the raving descriptions of friends and relatives. In the case of T.C. and Sedona, it was T.C’s brother, Dorsey Ellsworth Schnebly, who discovered Red Rock Country while seeking an ideal climate and atmosphere for his health. According to the recorded testimony of Ellsworth Schnebly, son of T.C. and Sedona, his uncle was inspired by the discovery of towering red rocks interfused with forested greenery, as well as vast acreage surrounded by meandering, clear Oak Creek.
Having purchased an 80-acre site from Frank Owenby after traveling from Kansas in late 1901, T.C. constructed a handsome house with two stone fireplaces near the location of present-day Los Abrigados Resort and Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village. And when residents of this small settlement complained to T.C. about slow and infrequent mail service, he immediately filed an application for the establishment of a post office.
Various reports indicate that T.C. suggested calling the post office Schnebly Station, then Red Rock Crossing and even Oak Creek Station and most of these reports state that the names were not accepted by the government because they were too long to fit on a cancellation stamp. Subsequently, T.C’s brother, Dorsey Ellsworth, thought of submitting the name of T.C’s wife, Sedona. And after telling T.C. that in the person there was a character that would stand well as a symbol for the community, he turned to Sedona and said, You’re going to have a town named after you.
Postal officials approved the name Sedona, and on June 26, 1902, the post office was in business in the back of the Schnebly home.
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wild-west-wind · 4 years
Hi AJ! I'm a (tentatively hopeful) student entering the wildlife biology field, and was wondering if I could ask what path you took to becoming a park ranger/nat. Science educator?
My path into this world was  unusual, in the sense that I was able to get in very young, and then completely crashed and burned and more-or-less restarted. As a result this is going to be long, rambling, and probably totally unhelpful.
So my first natural resources work was as a volunteer doing bird surveys and habitat restoration starting in I think 2005. I did 2-10 hours of restoration work per week on average from 2005 to 2011. Most of that work was small-scale, weeding, planting, removing some problematic trees, trail maintenance, but occasionally we did something bigger, including some work on a pretty damaged area that we totally cleared and began work on (it was a riparian area, we dug up a lot of car parts, weird [non human] bones, a gun, and more as we planted). During this time I met an Alligator, which is uncommon in Los Angeles.
In 2010 I had my first education job, though it was not in natural science. My first education job was teaching drawing at an arts focused summer camp. I was good with kids, and someone (without telling me) put in a good word, so I ended up getting offered the job when an adult real teacher had to drop out four weeks before camp started. I wrote my curriculum, got it approved, and taught two classes per day for six weeks (and also built sets and lights for a stage show, and assisted two other art classes, it was a busy summer. I was 17.)
Then I did absolutely nothing personally or professionally until I dropped out of college after the spring 2013 semester. I ended up taking 15 months off school, during which I got literally the only internship that would take me, a nonprofit nature group in my home town that I was connected to via my old habitat restoration contacts. I was brought in as an Assistant Naturalist, but I ended up doing a lot, especially because I could work 5 days per week.
During the Spring 2013 semester, I managed to pass only a single class, which was an intro geology class. Prior to that I had taken a few natural science classes, but I was still supposed to be a history or psych major. Or at least I was on paper.
After 4 months in my internship I decided to take a few community college classes. I ended up taking another geology course, an oceanography course, and a history course. During this time I decided I should probably go back to college, and applied to return to my previous school.
After spending 15 months working in public lands, I realized I really wanted to stay in that world, and when I applied to return to my university I did so as an environmental science major.
I went back to school, almost immediately switched to Geology, minored in Biology, did some volunteer stuff, working in outreach and event planning for my school’s sustainability department, TAed a tiny bit, left college and was unemployed for a while.
Then I worked as a paleontologist for several months.
And then was unemployed again.
But Then! I got hired by my local Zoo doing education work again! I was frustrated being back there at first, but it reminded me how much I loved being in the education world, and it provided a really great stepping stone into the Park Service, which was happy with my years of education experience and science background. I got passed up for maybe 10 Park Service jobs I interviewed for, then got the first one I applied to after starting at the Zoo. Then I turned it down and the second was the job I do summer seasons now!
Looking forward I’m three Park Service seasons away from being eligible for less competitive permanent positions through a majorly bogus act of congress, after which I’ll be three years away from getting another improved status that makes it so I’ll be easier to hire for any job in my grade. Right now I’m hoping to either work a winter NPS season over the 2021-2022 winter, or get a job doing outreach/education in a different environment (I’m only going back to the zoo if they can promote me, which is unfortunately unlikely). After that Grad School is a maybe, which would start Fall 2022 if I do it.
Overall there are dozens of paths to get into this field, and most of the interp/scicomm/science education people I know took weird routes into their jobs. Embrace the weird, work as much as you can without effecting your quality of life, if you can afford to,do internships over the summer, and if not look out for paid government work in land management (even if it isn’t what you want to do long term). Take some comm classes, get used to public speaking, and things will probably work out, whether you end up where you think you will or not.
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tryerofpods · 3 years
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I could have sworn I already did a review for, Elaine's Cooking for the Soul, but I didn't. Probably composed it in my mind, but never actually posted. 😅 Elaine's Cooking for the Soul ( @elainescooking ) written by Allison Schleisman @betweenbuildings , and brought to us by the @periodpodcastnetwork , is a post-apocalyptic podcast for the new age. Elaine Martinez is a dentist at the Los Angeles dental clinic, but she's also the host of Elaine Cooking for the Soul, a weekly podcast where she and a guest cook a (sometimes) tasty meal with government approved (and sometimes not) rations, on a camp stove with Elaine's one cook pot, balance on top of a dental chair in the clinic. In a world of nuclear war, where bread is illegal, curfews are in effect, and military thugs and "ad minister" robots patrol the streets, Elaine cooks up food fit to eat with available rations and reminds us of the importance of not eating expired dairy (no matter how much you miss cheese dip). Without internet access, and in a world of tight government control, the podcast is distributed by couriers leaving USB sticks ("wisdom teeth") in old boots throughout LA. I'm really getting a kick out of it, and am totally ready for season 2, which is in the works as we speak. If you like post-apocalyptic subversion, cooking, or Jasper Fforde vibes, than this show is for you. More immediately real world than The Bunker, less lovecraftian horror and comedy than The Last Show, Elaine's Cooking for the Soul is truly unique and does a lot of subtle world building per 18 minute episode. Slowly painting a picture as it goes. So until next review, I'm TryerofPods, "not crying, hugging you, good night."
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docholligay · 4 years
Follow Water Down
I have been wandering around in the woods since I was a small child. My family was not particularly well off, and from the ages of probably 3 to 16, the only vacations we ever took were camping trips. We left the house for the woods nearly every weekend. I live in Montana, and so when I say camping trips, I don’t mean we headed off to the KOA with a pool, I mean if I walked away from the campsite I was in the goddamn National Forest. I was genuinely happy with this arrangement, as I was a strange child who grew up to be a strange adult, and I enjoyed the quiet, the sense of exploration, the smell of the trees. 
I began leaving the campsite nearly from the word go, and by the time I was about 8 or so, I was very much off by myself in the woods for the majority of the day, which leads us to our post today. There are people who would call my mom grossly neglectful for having allowed me to do so much on my own at such a young age, and even she gets bashful when she talks about it, but I credit it with a lot of positives: 
I have an extremely good sense of direction
I have a strong core of self-sufficiency and am not easily overwhelmed by anxiety
I can be alone in the quiet with my thoughts
I am rough and tumble as HELL, owing to many many many falls down the sides of mountains, huge gashes in my legs, being stalked by a mountain lion, and one very memorable miscalculation that ended in me falling off a (small) waterfall
When I meet my fear, I can master it*
So what I am here to present to you today are very basic survival skills such as I would teach my own child, such as I was taught as a child. This is by no means comprehensive, and if you intend to get seriously into outdoor life, I recommend both doing far more research, and taking a a Wilderness First Aid class, which are frequently offered when it’s NOT Covid, and which I take about once every 3-5 years (I am due). This is a primer for those who are young, or new, or mostly want to experience the wilderness by reading about me doing it. 
Follow Water Down. 
I cannot remember how old I was when I learned this. It’s the sort of thing that is a part of my makeup, my mother must have told me when I was only a toddler and its stuck with me so hard that it’s one of the first things I tell people. 
If you are lost: 
Water will always lead you back to civilization eventually. Join up with the stream. See which way its going. Go that way. This is obviously not significantly helpful if you are lost in a flat desert plain but then again, I did start this by saying I was a child of the woods and not the desert. This seems like such an easy trick that people often ignore me when I say it, but it is the simplest thing for a child to remember. 
I can’t remember how old I was when I got lost in a tangle of hills and mountains in the Little Belts, where the trail faded but I kept going in my normal bullheaded way. But I was well and truly lost by the time it was about 3 pm, and in some ways I wish I had worn a step tracker back in those days because I am extremely certain I went miles and miles, as one does when they leave immediately after breakfast and don’t come back till dinner. I had no idea where I was, where the campsite was, or what direction I should be going. 
I was not thrilled. 
But I was not a kid who sat down and cried, in that I had smaller concerns before, and so could easily grow to meet the larger ones. I simply walked down the mountain, knowing a valley was more likely to have a stream I could easily join. Lo and behold, there in that little valley was a snowmelt creek, and I followed it downstream, knowing eventually there would be a house, or a campground, or something. In a twist of glorious good luck, it actually led me back toward where the campsite was, and as I began to recognize things, I easily clipped into our campsite long before any sign of trouble. 
Follow Water Down. If you aren’t near a stream, head for the nearest valley, and follow the valley. This will generally lead you to water. People will tell you to stay put and that is WAY smarter than wandering aimlessly in circles, which is why I say to follow something. You think you won’t go in circles, but you will. By following a streambed, not only are you doubtlessly heading back to civilization on a long enough timeline, but you keep yourself from doing that. 
Your Pack: 
Before you go out for the day, you should have a simple day pack. Mine is an Osprey Hikelite 18, but I hike all the time, and you don’t need something that technical. A plain ol Jansport will work as long as it fits you well. I do however, really approve of and recommend a waist clip. I also think a pocket for a water bottle on the outside is really useful, but you’re not going to fucking die if you have to take off your pack to get to your water bottle. I just find it takes up space I don’t want. 
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More important than your pack itself is what you have in it. Again, this is according to people named Doc, who are me. This is stuff I always take with me when I am by myself, on a trail where it would be realistic to assume I would not see someone else for hours. This is like 95% of Montana trails, or any time that I am off trail. 
Compass. You can get fancy, pretty compasses, but a lot of times they lack the actual essentials you need. I like this guy, which is well made, can be clipped to you backpack easily, and is inexpensive. I don’t have the time or space to really try to teach you how to use a compass, but here’s a really good simple primer from the American Hiking Society. 
Paper Map. I sometimes break this one, admittedly, but I shouldn’t. Having a paper map of the area is always a really smart practice, and used in combination with the compass, can help you get unlost quickly, or at the very least give you an idea of how close to any given outpost you are. 
Water Bottle. Please don’t tell me you were going to attempt to leave without this. I have no preferences on one, shockingly, and I’m being serious. I’ve been given to use an old disposable one, who gives a shit. 
Water Filter. Now THIS I did not have as a child, because my parents didn’t know any better, but if I follow in the grand tradition of my people and release my child into the mountains, I will give them one for certain. I knew what kind of water to look for if one was going to drink from a stream, and I did so, which probably explains why I am not susceptible to ~tummy upsets~ to this day. However, it would have been smarter for me to have one of these. I like LifeStraw but Sawyer makes a perfectly good one. Look for lightweight, it’s a day pack, kids. 
Knife. I have many many feelings about knives, which would require its own post, but this is fairly essential for being out and about. This is not a thing I would necessarily cheap out on, though there are fine options at most price points. This is my knife:
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The Gerber Propel AO. The serrated and straight blade edge means there’s a lot of options for use as a tool, I find the blade to be strong and hold an edge well. Most American-made Gerbers (be sure and check, as they have a much shittier Chinese-made division) are incredibly well made knives. Leatherman multi-tools and Swiss Army Knives are, if you ask people named Doc who are me, a waste of weight and size, but if I were to buy a Leatherman, it would be a Free K2X. I would not buy a Swiss Army Knife. 
A jacket/fleece/pullover. Listen, i am the last one who wants to carry this shit but if you get lost overnight (as has never happened to me, kinehara.) you are going to want it. Read up on what the lowest temperatures are, and rate it to that. Depending on what mountain you are in, this is going to vary widely. And for the love of god, wear pants. I know, I know, it’s in the 70s and you’re hoooooooot but seriously, you’ll be less likely to injure yourself and you won’t fucking freeze. 
There are fancy firestarters, but honestly I just throw in a bic. 
Food! Clif bars are great for this, lightweight, high calorie, keep well. this is in addition to your sandwich or whatever you’re packing for planned eating. 
Sunscreen/bug spray. Don’t be stupid. 
Whistle. Three sharp shot blasts is the easy and international sign for help. 
FIRST AID KIT this has its own thing. A first aid kit can be very basic to very intense. Our group first aid kit is more intense, but when I’m stuffing a day pack, I want stuff that’s light. 
wound wipes/antibac
Imodium, benedryl, caffeine
Oxycontin. This is leftover from long ago and basically exists in case I break my leg and have to drag myself out of there, or, as we like to say, a Worst Case Scenario. 
That’s it! It essentially fits in a bento box. 
You will want to be wearing a sunhat of some sort, sunglasses at hand, and a watch. Not a smart watch, a watch watch. It’s good to know what time it is, better to know that after your phone dies. Attach bear bells to your pack, or your shoe, or something. You do not want to surprise a bear, that is how people die. 
You may notice that I do not have a phone, external battery, GPS tracker or anything like that listed. GPS trackers are not a bad idea if you want to invest the money in backcountry--my wife has one--but I never have and I do not consider them essential. Phones and external batteries are not useful to me, and in the places I go there’s often not service. If there IS service, I find I’m more irritated than not by the people with me, who often can’t pull their faces out of telling their audience how much of a life they have to actually have one. Be alone with your fucking thoughts for once. 
Which leads me to my next thing: DO NOT WEAR HEADPHONES TO HIKE OH MY GOD. Being able to hear what’s going on around you is key to safety, and also to allowing you to get your bearings. If you are listening to music or something, you are far more likely to sneak up on something, or allow it to sneak up on you. Don’t do it. It’s a terrible idea. 
Should I bring bear spray? This is an excellent question! We have ample bear spray, and I often wear it but I just as often wear Montana Bear Spray (a gun). It’s easier to practice with a gun, I feel more sure of how to use it, and I’m comfortable around it. That being said, this is not the story for most of America, and I understand that. So make sure you are VERY familiar with how to use your bear spray. 
I suppose this went off the rails into supplies more than “tips for survival” but honestly I would rather help you all AVOID trouble than help you out of it. It’s easier to pack clif bars than set a rabbit snare, and its easier to not get lost than it is to build shelter. Also, this is already at 2,000 words, so if you have a SPECIFIC question, let me know! 
*Apologies to Phillip Pullman, but if I were going to get anything from HDM tattooed on me, this sentiment would be it, the only problem being the actual line is “You ent afraid are you?” “Not yet. When I am, I shall master the fear.” which doesn’t look as good but damn has that resonated with me since I read it.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
April 29, 1949
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“Vacation Time” (aka “Trailer Vacation to Goosegrease Lake”) is episode #41 of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on April 29, 1949 on the CBS radio network.
Synopsis ~ It's vacation time, and Liz and George have decidedly different plans. He wants to go camping with a trailer he borrowed from a friend, while she's set on a glamorous vacation at Moosehead Lodge.
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This episode later partly inspired the premise of “Liz Learns To Swim” aired on June 11, 1950. 
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benaderet was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Bea Benadaret (Iris Atterbury) and Gale Gordon (Rudolph Atterbury) do not appear in this episode. 
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz (above right), a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
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Frank Nelson (Policeman) was born on May 6, 1911 (three months before Lucille Ball) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He started working as a radio announcer at the age of 15. He later appeared on such popular radio shows as “The Great Gildersleeve,” “Burns and Allen,” and “Fibber McGee & Molly”. This is one of his 11 performances on “My Favorite Husband.”  On “I Love Lucy” he holds the distinction of being the only actor to play two recurring roles: Freddie Fillmore and Ralph Ramsey, as well as six one-off characters, including the frazzled train conductor in “The Great Train Robbery” (ILL S5;E5), a character he repeated on “The Lucy Show.”  Aside from Lucille Ball, Nelson is perhaps most associated with Jack Benny and was a fifteen-year regular on his radio and television programs.  
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Wally Maher (Joe Risley) was born on August 4, 1908 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was known for Mystery Street (1950), The Reformer and the Redhead (1950) and Hollywood Hotel (1937). He was heard with Lucille Ball in the Lux Radio Theatre version of “The Dark Corner” (1947), taking the role originated on film by William Bendix. He died on December 27, 1951.
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Milton Stark (Filling Station Attendant) was a theatre actor and director, who also appeared on radio and television, although usually in supporting roles.  He also worked as a dialogue coach and acting teacher. At UCLA a scholarship was established in his name. He lived to the age of 103. 
ANNOUNCER: “As we look in on the Coopers, it is a cold rainy afternoon, but Liz is in her bedroom standing in front of the mirror wearing a back-less, strapless sun dress.” 
Liz calls Katie in to show off her sun dress, but Katie is disapproving that is so revealing.  Liz has shopped for summer vacation clothes.  Liz’s bathing suit cost’s forty dollars. 
KATIE: “That’s a lot of money for two doilies and a diaper.” 
Liz says that husbands only approve of scanty swimsuits when they are on any woman but their wives. 
LIZ: “I want to look good for George. He’s going to see a lot of me this summer.” KATIE: “He’s not the only one!”  
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The topic of revealing bathing suits was later also mined for comedy on “I Love Lucy.”  In “Off To Florida” (ILL S6;E6) Ricky thinks Lucy’s new skimpy new swimsuit is for Little Ricky!  Lucy also buys a swimsuit that Ricky feels is too skimpy when shopping for their California trip in “Getting Ready” (ILL S4;E11)
Liz says they are going to Moosehead Lodge on Lake Okeechobee. Liz calls it a real swanky place.  Katie reminds Liz that George prefers more rugged vacations.  Liz says she will suggest it to George at dinner. 
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Lake Okeechobee is a real place, located in central Florida, although it is far more conducive to George’s type of vacation than Liz’s, highlighting nature through fishing and nature.  
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Although there are places called Moosehead Lodge in America, it unlikely that a moose would be associated with central Florida and that it would be an upscale resort of the type Liz is describing. 
At the bank, George talks to his co-worker Joe about scheduling vacations.  Joe says that his ideal vacation is in a trailer.  If George likes the idea, he will lend the Coopers his trailer.  George will suggest it to Liz at dinner. 
After dinner, both Liz and George get cozy with the idea of easing the other into going on their dream destination.  Liz ‘just happened’ to hear about a place that she vaguely remembers. 
LIZ: “I did hear of some place called Moosehead Lodge. It’s probably situated in groves of stately pines, on the shores of an emerald green lake, its rustic beauty enhanced by lawns and flower beds. Each luxurious room is furnished with clean, comfortable box spring beds, modern bathroom and shower. Ten dollars a day, American plan. Oh, George, let’s go there. We can relax and enjoy a continual round of  glorious entertainment, sports, good food, and true fellowship, see your travel agent for details.”
George realizes that Liz has been plotting a vacation.  George says he has a better idea - two weeks in a trailer.  Liz is less than keen. George says that they can borrow Joe Risley’s trailer!
LIZ: “Keen with mud on it.”
Liz is worried that nobody will see her new vacation wardrobe if they are cooped up in a trailer.  They are at an impasse.  Liz suggests they go on separate vacations.  When George reluctantly agrees, she breaks down in tears.  
Liz moans to Katie that she already misses George, and the vacation doesn’t begin for two months.  George phones from work to talk to Liz.  George offers a compromise.  They will take a trial weekend trip in the trailer, and if she doesn’t like it, he will go to Moosehead Lodge!
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Vacationing in a trailer was explored by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in their 1953 comedy MGM’s The Long Long Trailer.  The film mines a lot of physical comedy from the trailer’s unwieldy movement and how Lucy’s character Tacy Bolton copes with it. 
ANNOUNCER: “George is just driving up with the trailer hooked up to the back of the car.”
Liz remarks how small the trailer is.  
GEORGE: “Keep an open mind.” LIZ: “I’ll have to close it or it won’t fit in that trailer.” 
They tour the inside, which is smaller than Liz thought.  Just then, a knock at the trailer door and there’s a policeman (Frank Nelson) issuing them a parking ticket! Forty bucks for parking illegally!
The next morning George and Liz get an early start on their trial trailer trip.  Liz has brought along a little light reading for the trip: “Inside Moosehead Lodge” by Liz Gunther. 
Motoring along the highway, George is enjoying the drive. 
LIZ: “Travel is great. I wouldn’t go anywhere without it.”
George says it is so smooth, you wouldn’t even know the trailer is back there.  Liz notices that it isn’t!  George forgot to hook it on!   Finally, they are off (again) to Goosegrease Lake. Liz reads one of those sequential signs along the roadside: “If Your Whiskers...  Won’t Behave... Take a Tip Use....”  Liz goes silent. 
GEORGE: “Use what?”  LIZ: “The last sign’s torn down. Now we’ll never know.” 
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Almost everyone in the audience knew it was Burma-Shave.  From 1926 until 1963 the ‘brushless’ shaving cream company dotted the American highways with small red signs, each containing a line of a short rhyme that the driver could read without slowing down as they drove by.  At one time, there were over 600 different rhymes on signs!  
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The idea was given a nod on a 1955 “I Love Lucy” episode “First Stop” (ILL S4;E14) with the roadside signs for Aunt Polly’s Pecan Pralines. 
LUCY: Fifty miles to Aunt Sally’s Pecan Pralines. later... LUCY: 300 yards to Aunt Sally’s! ETHEL: 200 yards! FRED: 100 yards! RICKY: Just around the bend! LUCY: You have just passed Aunt Sally’s. 
Liz is quite sure that George’s shortcut has gotten them lost. They stop to ask directions from a laid back filling station attendant (Milton Stark) who tells them they don’t want to go to Goosegrease Lake.  He suggests they go to the hot springs, instead. 
Oops! Milton Stark has trouble pronouncing ‘Goosegrease’ and  the audience is aware of his flub. When he asks Lucille Ball “What ya gonna do there?” She deliberately says “We’re gonna goose a grease”, instead of “grease a goose”, which causes more giggles from the cast and gales of laughter from the audience. 
FILLING STATION ATTENDANT: “You can’t get there from here!”
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Next morning Liz wakes up and looks around.  She sees beautiful green grass and a little flag with the number 18 on it!  A golf ball comes crashing through the window. The policeman from who ticketed them earlier knocks on the trailer door. They have illegally camped out on the 18th green of the municipal golf course - only two miles from home!  Liz said they didn’t know where they were going. 
POLICEMAN: “Do you know where you’re going now?” LIZ: “Yes!  To Moosehead Lodge!” POLICEMAN: “No, to the city jail! Come on!”
End of Episode
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x06 - Sex and Candy
Maria’s (Heather Hemmens) investigation into her mother’s disappearance leads her and Alex (Tyler Blackburn) to the home of a mysterious boot maker named Travis (guest star David Anders). Meanwhile, on her journey of self-discovery, Isobel’s (Lily Cowles) night out leads her into the arms of someone unexpected. Finally, after making some major scientific strides, Liz (Jeanine Mason) is dealt a devastating blow. Geoff Shotz directed the episode written by Rick Montano & Vincent Ingrao (#206). Original airdate 4/20/2020.
Max and Isobel's fight:
Lights start flickering when Max starts getting aggressive and then get brighter as he gets more worked up.
The first attempt to expel it seemed like he was causing an earthquake.  He blew out all the windows in the gym, knocked Isobel down, and there was shaking.  But it didn't seem to go beyond that room - no damage is seen when Michael arrives or around town.
Note, after the earthquake thingie the lights go out 
His hands are doing the electric power thingie and THEN he also grabs the lightning.
I think Isobel used her telekinesis to stop it and then push it away, which seemed to work...but if so then why couldn't Noah do that last season? 
Was it the sheer volume of electricity? There was definitely MORE than with Noah.
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Michael uses his telekinesis to manually reset Max's heart.  This is very smart of him. Note that he's using his own heart/pulse to get it right.
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They are using the antidote to Liz's serum to try to heal Max's mind. 
Michael says that they've been giving him antidote injections for three days (time jump).
Three days of antidote and no new memories for Max.
Isobel remembered her blackouts within a few hours of getting injected with the antidote in 1x10.
Note: Liz hesitated using the antidote this way in 1x10 because Isobel could still be dangerous and they didn't know about the 4th Alien yet.  There doesn't seem to be a similar hesitation with Max. Because Liz trusts him more? Because him forgetting her is more personal? It's not like there isn't a chance that Max is still dangerous…
Maria arranged a Mexican market in the Pony parking lot to subsidize her income.
Buffy the Beagle is Forrest's dog!
Maria comments that the meteor shower makes animals act strange. And humans too.
Forrest and Maria are organizing an open night mic at the Wild Pony.  Free drinks for performers.
Maria clearly approves of Forrest and Alex getting to know each other.  She smacks Alex for his awkward flirting.
The bootmaker's farm is about an hour outside of town.
The Science:
Kyle and Steph are watching a "surgical separation of craniopagus twins".
Craniopagus Twins = twins attached at the cranium/head. (Aka not a heart surgery).
"Did you know, ever since 1947, twin births in Roswell are higher than the national average? Maybe it's aliens."
Speaking of awkward flirting…. "You're just my favorite person I can't stand."
The Spanish:
Le cambio una bolsa de chiles para mi papá...for the free fries next time you come to the Crashdown.
Liz is bartering.  She says basically, I'll trade you a bag of chiles for my papa for free fries next time you come to the Crashdown. 
Note, the captions for this are wrong and use the Spanish word for grasshoppers instead, but you can clearly hear Liz say chiles. Thanks to @rosaortecho for pointing that out to me.
Max says:
I'm trying to eat clean. Uh, tiene carne seca sin como se dice, preservativos.
He's trying to say, basically, does the jerky have preservatives. 
Quiere carne a sin preservativos?
Basically, you want meat without condoms?
Lo siento. Uh, no lo entiendo.
I'm sorry, I don't get it.
Él quiere decir conservantes.
He means preservatives.
Gracias. Estoy embarazado.
Thank you. I'm pregnant.
Michael asks Max who he's texting. Max says everyone has been messaging him but Cameron is the only one who hasn't responded, which isn't like her.
Wildly curious who he was texting though.  It's not like he's a social butterfly. His mom? The sheriff? Who? As I pointed out to some friends the other day, he spent his 21st birthday getting trashed with his SISTER. This is not a trait of a guy with lots of close friends.
Just as another note, Michael says he ghosted her. When exactly was that? Yes, Max ran out on her in the middle of a handy in 1x03, but they addressed that the next day.  She "broke up" with him in 1x07, but they were still good right up until she left town. 
"Does he seem different to you?"
Alex and Maria playing "Never have I Ever" in the car. Good way to do background on characters.
Maria has never cheated on a boyfriend
Alex has never been in a real relationship. Not even "Kellie Sommer-something".
Alex says that whenever he was with a woman he was trying to disappear.  Except for Sophomore year after Battle of the Bands. Seven Minutes in Heaven in Haley Moore's hall closet. Alex and Maria kissed and it was Maria's first kiss (and boob graze).  She always thought she'd marry Alex. Had to come up with a new plan after he came out. 
Alex says "I did too."
"Kissing you in that closet was the first time in my life that I enjoyed touching someone."
Max picks up Liz for their first date…
Just as a note, Save Tonight was the opening song in the pilot of OG Roswell. During the "oh, Max Evans is staring at you again." exchange between Liz and Maria.  So, it might go well with new beginnings or something ;-)
The Science:
"Psychogenic amnesia limits retrieval of stored memories, but if we light up your limbic system and gustatory cortex with some familiar signals…"
"Your milkshake might bring all my memories to the yard?"
**Note, second reference to this song in the context of Liz bringing Max milkshakes. First was in 1x06 by Isobel. Hmm. 1x06 and 2x06… maybe they should crack this joke in 3x06 too.
"Sometimes when people wake up from comas they have different personalities, different tastes even…"
Everything you ever wanted to know about psychogenic amnesia:
But, my main takeaway is that it's a specific type of amnesia where there's abnormal memory function but no brain damage or other clear cause of it.
Limbic system:
Basically the part of your brain that stores emotion, behavior, and long term memory.
Gustatory cortex:
Basically the part of your brain that processes taste.
Maria compares Michael to Chad because he starts fights and lies.  Alex disagrees and lists ways that he was doing good things:
He lied to protect his family from Alex's family.
He shouldered the burden of a murder he didn't commit for ten years so that Isobel didn't have to.
He pushed Maria away to protect her - which might be a good thing too because of all his baggage. 
First Date:
Max went to Ranch camp one summer and dislocated his shoulder while trying to read Lord of the Rings on horseback. #nerd. 
Liz references the gala as not their first date, but there was also the desert in high school.  I guess she doesn't count that either. 
Side note: Cam and Liz talked about him peacocking in 2x03, but that kinda felt out of character at the time to the Max we knew.  This Max DOES seem like he's peacocking a bit. Got dressed up, taking Liz horseback riding. He admitted to trying to one up whatever they did together before. Just an interesting (to me) observation.
Liz looks panicky when Max suggests truth serum (because Science!Liz probably could make truth serum), but once she realizes he means whiskey she's like, "oh yes, that's fine." Oh Liz… 
Diego details:
They were engaged just last year
Liz left without saying goodbye
They were working together on the Denver study
They would come home and keep talking about work
He had ideas to help improve it
They both spoke The Science
He pushed her to get better at The Science
When the funding was cut she realized she loved the work more than him
Liz couldn't figure out how tell him that so she packed her things in the middle of the night, hit the road, changed her phone, and blocked him on Facebook.
**This is the first time LIZ has mentioned social media. Interesting given the crap Maria keeps giving her about it!
Travis and fresh warm milk. What is up with it??
"Nice ring. Does it keep you from burning up in the daylight?"
David Anders introduces himself as Travis.
Just as a point of interest, Maria researched enough to find the bootmaker, figure out where he lives, but she didn't get his name??? 
Vampire Diaries/Originals reference.
Travis says he can't help with car stuff.
The milk was from a cow named Jennifer.  He milked her for the last time today. (Creepy).
Weird contradictory statements from Travis:
"You're the best thing I've seen in a long time."....
"Mm, I'm sorry. So many customers and all their ugly faces get all sewn up and stitched together in my mind."
"Yeah, that's the woman that bought them boots. While back. Nice lady. She paid cash."
Second reference to animals behaving strangely during a meteor shower:
"Meteor shower's got my girls singing a bit off key tonight.  Jennifer, she likes a good lullaby."
"Okay this guy is going to turn us into skin suits." (OG reference? Or just general sci-fi?)
Meteorchella at Planet 7 (Coachella-style party during meteor shower?) with any excuse to add sparkles!
Kyle says he's at Planet 7 because he's trying not to hang out with people from high school.
Isobel says she's trying to have fun without feeling like prey.
Don't think the details of Kyle/Isobel dancing matters all that much, but as a point of amusement I'll share that in the panel on Tuesday night they shared that Lily whispered something different to Trevino on every take...And they got progressively dirtier to the point that she finally felt like she crossed a line and profusely apologized.  Also the lick was a Lily addition. 
Max's confession about killing the drifter:
Kind of an interesting thing, comparing the first version of the drifter story in 1x06 to the 2x06 version. 1x06 was more dramatic, but 2x06 was more personal, I think. 
"There are moments that define our lives, and there are moments that divide our lives. Incidents that separate us into two different people: who we were before and who we will be after. Forever…One day we were children and the next we were something else. I was a killer. Michael an accomplice.  And Isobel...Isobel was broken."
"I killed a man once, on a camping trip. This drifter came out of nowhere, attacked Isobel.  I wasn't even thinking. I killed him. With this. I arrest people who kill people. Most of them usually regret what they did. You know, you can just tell that they're forever broken. It's like a piece of them dies with their victims. So when I could feel that darkness, like I had to kill, I wanted Isobel to let me die. Because I couldn't risk hurting even one innocent person. Cause life just wouldn't be worth living."
Kind of an interesting narrative choice to confess to murder on a first date and then have the girl just brush it aside. 
"No, it just hit me why you're so happy and idealistic, and I feel like an idiot. You are that way because you don't remember me. It's a clean slate.  It's like when you got out of the pods with whatever memories you had erased it's probably for your own good."
"Last I heard you were the love of my life."
"Your cohorts, they left out some details. Cause if you had your memories I'm positive the worst thing that's ever happened to you is connected to me. And I can't bear the weight of making you remember that again."
**Note, second time this has been implied.  Last time was by Michael in 1x08 regarding the alien symbol.
"...it's gotta have some connection to us right? Maybe it was something we saw somewhere before the crash."
"Sorry, are you, Max Evans, acknowledging that we must have had lives before we hatched out of the pods? You never want to talk about home."
"Hey, Roswell is home. Look, I'm sorry man. You're right. I've spent a lot of time not talking about where we come from or why we're here.  Keep thinking I can pretend the past away and just be normal. But if Isobel's blackouts are some alien thing, then I need to know more. Okay, and this symbol? That's all I have to go on. I mean don't you think it's strange that we don't have any memories? I mean, no parents, no language. We weren't infants, man. We were seven."
"I just figured our memory faded. Over 50 years in those pods. Maybe it was just time. Or maybe whoever put us in those pods doesn't want us to remember."
Travis and Trevor's house...with added bonus of his ring that Alex comments on.
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Leather ribbons/strips on the wall are for (from?) Hayley and Gertrude. More cows, I presume. 
There's also a framed Purple Heart on the wall next to a photo of Travis?
"War really messes with a man's mind.  Gets it all twisted up.
Timeline issue!! Alex says Mimi was missing for 3 weeks, but according to the clearly established timelines in 201-203 it was 4 weeks (or a month ish).  I wrote about this here:
Maria put her jacket on a scarecrow to trick Travis. And did she leave it there?
(Answer: yes. She doesn't wear it for the rest of the episode. Smart of her, actually).
Michael sees Trevor come out of the house and is about to shoot him. Maria immediate knew it wasn't Travis and threw herself in front of Michael's gun
Trevor shoots Travis.
A bullet from the Crashdown shooting falls out of Max's journal.  Does it look like it has blood on it? Or maybe just ketchup? If it's THE bullet it would make a lot of sense that he kept it hidden - evidence that Liz was shot. See this comparison between one of Wyatt's bullets in 1x02 and the one Max finds in 2x06
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"Sorry about my twin here. He's had a rough go."
"Combat does not make you an axe murderer."
"No, it wasn't the combat. It was the R&D. If a paramilitary group ever asks you to take part in a study, you run the other way. He showed up a few weeks ago. Locked me up out back. Lucky y'all showed up when you did. Gave me a chance to escape."
R&D is a military acronym for Research and Development. (Aka...The Science.)
Priscilla - the cow Mimi's boots were made from.
This is literally the only direct information gained about the boots from this little sleuthing excursion. 
Well, and that Mimi paid cash, which isn't like her.
Side note - I didn't really know what Paramilitary meant, so just in case any of you are also not good with military stuff, Paramilitary groups are like private armies. Like, I dunno, the private security firm that Jesse and Cam discussed in episode 2x04. 👀
Male doctor operating on Steph clearly states:
"All right we're approaching an arterial junction."
A female doctor replies and its less clear.  What I hear is...Blood gasses are back? Anyone else hear something that makes more sense than that?
He replied something like...the stint through here
She says something about pH levels.
Max admits that he didn't know what would happen when he decided to bring Rosa back.  He just wanted to fix the worst thing that ever happened to all of them.
"I can't believe we were Shyamalan'd by an evil twin."
I think Alex is referring to the twist ending? Or maybe just the insane axe murderer stuff.
M. Night Shyamalan wrote and directed the Sixth Sense, Signs, Split, etc…
During this scene is the first time we see Michael's tattoo… it's on his arm. I struggled with getting a cap of it, but I know there are gifs going around.
I had every intention of detailing the dialogue in the trailer scene, but before I could get to it, Carina posted the script, so I didn't think it was a good use of my time. Here's the script:
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The next morning, Alex calls the Sheriff from outside the trailer for an update.
The Sheriff tells him that Travis and Trevor burned their home and ran...weren't caught by the sheriff.  Which means we may not have seen the last of them.
The Spanish:
"Oh my God. Dios mio, Max. I took off your pants before I even said I love you. I'm some kind of zorra."
Dios mio basically is Oh My God! So Liz really was spiraling. She went, "Oh my God, Oh my God..."
Zorra - female version of Zorro. Basically a vixen, bitch, prostitute… the internet has all sorts of fun words that it translates into. 
"I call this one Visceral Werewolf Part 2, dedicated to my boy Chee Chee, may he rest in peace."
Can we have more Bert? Bert is the best. Also kudos to his goofy friend who is wayyy too excited about this.
Forrest's slam poem:
Locked up for days,
Time slipping away,
On my knees I would pray to break free from this cage.
But bargaining for keys, you forget hidden fees.
And wishing for what you’re missing ain’t the same as living the dream. 
And now I’m fighting to stay on this side of the cage.
Even though I know a part of me wishes I’d stayed. 
Ain’t no prophet or rebel or savior or devil
Could have predicted, fought, cheated or leveled. 
A life with potential that’s squandered, 
A comfortable cell is a question I ponder. 
Am I a free man or a prisoner wanderer?
Max's memory flash:
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Young Max, chained to the ground as described in 2x03. 
Max looks scared.
He's dressed all in white like the 1947 aliens after the crash (As shown in 1x12 and 2x03).
He's in a cave or something like a cave. 
Holes in the wall are glowing an orangey red color.
The ceiling is like the alien ship material with the alien symbol in it.  
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A figure approaches from behind him, bends down, and places a hand on his shoulder.
It mirrors the figure approaching Nora in 2x03 and touching her shoulder before burning the military men...probably the same person? Noah? The stowaway? Someone new?
After the figure touches Max, he looks at the hand, and then a red glow lights his face.
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1. Xocoyotzin Herrera "Esperanza"
2. Jose Luis Lepe "La Carreta"
3. Eagle Eye Cherry "Save Tonight"
4. Lousiana Red "I Done Woke Up"
5. Whissell "Magnetic"
6. Stop Dead "Alchemistress Dance"
7.  Orville Peck "Turn To Hate"
8. Kim Petras "Close Your Eyes"
9. Orville Peck "Queen Of The Rodeo"
10. Moontricks "The Fall"
11. Years & Years "Hypnotised"
12. Jordan Critz Feat. Birdtalker "Through Your Eyes"
This time I couldn't find the Whissell and Stop Dead tracks on spotify - however the Stop Dead track is referenced at being by Chelsea Dawn in the closed captions.  Which I did find. Trying to confirm this. Let me know if anyone else had better luck!
44 notes · View notes
hollowcrovvn · 5 years
The Ostensive Fumblings of Being Human (part 6)
Pairing: Connor x female!reader 
Rating: T 
Summary: January 2039. The aftermath of the revolution continues to shake the city of Detroit. Androids are living in government provided communities while efforts are being made to integrate them into society. You are a grad-student volunteering with the Detroit Crisis Response Unit (DCRU), working to help with relief efforts. Set within the backdrop of the slowing growing Android Rights Movement, Connor, newly deviant, is trying to understand what it means to be alive while many others like him seek equality and justice.
Chapter Summary: Valentine's day is approaching, which also means that date and "Temple Bar" scribbled on the Alpha Site file is also near approaching. What better way to spend a holiday than a late night steak out?
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (ao3)
Tagged: @shaydeevee33 @easy-and-steady @goldie516 @house-arya
You headed home from the DCRU offices after doing a quick round around the housing site. There was more surprise than anything at seeing you about, with most having fled to the safety of the Cadillac Place offices. Seeing the damage now in the fading sunlight it… it felt somehow even more surreal. Guards waited at a good distance as you stepped carefully over ashen wood and stained bits of metal, kicking one aside with the toe of your shoe. They had hydro washed the grounds, removing the blood and thirium. You’d been informed many of the androids in the adjacent modular had opted to move into ones further towards the center of the complex. You couldn’t blame them.
You hardly heard North’s approach, the young woman lingering a bit off to the side, but gesturing to you with a wave.
You walked quickly, saying before you even got close, “What’s wrong? Is it Simon?”
North shook her head, she looked tired, “He’s fine.”
That was a relief, but it still struck you suddenly how strange it was for her to be out here.
“I’m checking in. People are scared. I heard you opted out of the barbed fence line?”
“Yeah it— felt a bit much."
“I… appreciate that. It’s hard to keep our people from feeling this isn’t just another camp. A lot of them have the scars from those days, even if you can’t see them.”
It dawned on you by the way North crossed her arms and just her general demeanor that she wasn’t just talking about the others.
“I actually am also here to talk to you.” North began, “Look. I’m not good at this. I asked Josh just to give me your contact information, but he wouldn’t and when I asked Markus he threw my own line back at me.”
North bit her lip, pushing back a strand of hair the wind had blown into her face.
“Of course you can have it.” You said, recognizing that it was taken a lot for North to humble herself in this. You knew a lot of that had nothing to do with you, but you couldn’t say that you had appreciated her hostility either.
“Could you be just a little mad? Angry I understand. This— whatever it is, it makes me feel like the biggest asshole.”
You laughed, “Can’t help you. I’m not mad, just glad I was able to do what I said I was. I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do if I couldn’t get Cyberlife on board. Or how you all would react.”
“Probably not good.” North said with a sigh, swinging her arms out. She didn’t like to sit still and that reminded you of another android, “Markus told me, “She’s trying.”. End of conversation. I was so pissed off because why aren’t more trying? The human public will argue in their forums and wear their little “I support Droid Rights” badges but do any of them actually help?”
“Public opinion counts.” You said, “And it got me here. Right?”
“Small blessings.” North said, smiling faintly.
“Sometimes its hard to forget how it was. Did you see the marches?”
You nodded.
“We knew what we were getting into. We knew we might die, but still… standing there while the people around you fall. Staring down the barrels of so much… not even hate just— indifference.” North rubbed a hand over her lips, scowling as she dropped her hands to her waist.
“If it sounds like I’m making excuses, I probably am.” North said, “What I should say is that I’m sorry for our introduction. I’d like to work with you.”
You couldn’t help but smile, big and beaming. North caught sight of it and scoffed, but there was genuine humor in her eyes.
“Is that an okay?!” She said and turned to find you had offered her your hand. After a moment, she took it, giving a soft shake. When she took her hand back she rubbed her temple slightly.
“Okay… give me just a minute.” It took her longer to connect to your phone. You wondered why, but didn’t pry. You accepted the WR400 message.
“I’ll keep you updated on Simon. When he wakes up, I wanted to know if you would like to be there.” North said and you couldn’t help but be shocked.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude on him and Markus. I… can tell they must be close.”
“We all are.” North said, nodding.
“Yeah, I got that impression from Josh. All four of you went through so much together… it must be nice to have such close friends.”
North smiled softly to herself, as if to say you have no idea.
“Security is still high. I’ll walk you out. Until someone takes responsibility for this attack, we don’t know whether you people are targets too.”
That was a good point and you were more than happy to have the company of someone not in SWAT gear.
By the time you got home, ill-advised latte in your hand, it was already dark and bitterly cold. The sun went down so early in the winter, sapping the energy from your limbs though it was hardly yet nine o clock. The lobby of the apartment was mostly empty, with some people still around in the lower rec room areas. You noticed the security guard gave you a knowing smile and a faint nod. It was odd, but you gave a pleasant enough smile and “good evening” before disappearing up the elevator to your floor.
When you got to your door, you fumbled with your key card and then all but stumbled through the threshold, dropping your things and tossing the keycard into the bowl on a nearby stand reserved for that very purpose and setting your drink down too. You shut the door behind you, shucking off your shoes and quickly making work of the front of your blouse and itching to get to the clasp of your bra.
You made it about half way into the room before you turned and had to muffle a scream into your hands as Connor stood in your kitchen. How you managed to put that into the back of your mind you didn’t know, but it hit you without a beat that of course he was here, you’d invited him.
He looked genuinely concerned and genuinely amazing as usual, having traded off his suit and tie for jeans and a dark navy sweater. He had the sleeves pushed up to his elbows and was in the process of dispensing what smelled like some heavenly lo mein into one of your bowls.
“Sorry! Uh. Startled me.” You said, following the trail of his eyes and looking down and seeing the top of your very own, very lace frilled pink bra. You wrapped your shirt closed around yourself.
You stared at one another, a prolonged deer in headlights moment on your part until he said cheerfully,
“I ordered Chinese for you.”
Your stomach growled its approval.
“Awesome. Lemme just uh— go change. In the bedroom.”
“If you’d like.” He said, innocent as can be. You laughed, high and way too nervous, slipping off into your room to scream into a pillow for a hot second.
When you came back, comfortable in fleece bottoms and a faded Tigers t-shirt, Connor had clearly taken pains to adjust your sitting area while you were gone. There were pillows, clearly taken from your linen closet and more blankets for extra comfort. The delicious smelling lo mein was waiting on the glass coffee table, with other boxes of rice and chicken also present. And of course there was Connor, looking up at you as you came into the room with an expectant smile. God, if he had a tail you were pretty certain it would be wagging.
“You didn’t have to do this, Connor.” You said, shifting a pillow aside to take a place beside him, feeling a bit awkward to eat in front of him when he didn’t.
“There is popcorn too, if you’d like. But I thought something of substance would be better first.” Connor said, which seemed rather reasonable and all, but it still made you feel rather bashful. You picked up the bowl, happy to see a fork instead of the wooden chopsticks and stirred the noodles around the utensil.
“Okay— you didn’t have to, but I’m not gonna lie. Super glad you did.” You said. Connor looked pleased, bring his leg to rest up on the sofa as he turned towards you, arm over the back.
“Hank recommended I do something “casual”. I had planned to download a program on recipes, but he said that might come across as “too much”.
“Hank’s right. You don’t need to cook for me or do anything at all really.” You said, shaking your head with a sort of affectionate exasperation, “I like just having you around.”
“To talk about Machiavelli.” Connor added, “And films?”
“Yeah, about that. Given your text I imagine you probably have finished The Prince?”
Connor nodded.
“So! Tell me. What are your thoughts? Hit me with it, hippy.”
“His insights into human nature are primarily negative. He sees people as existing to serve the interests of the powerful through a constant balance of violence and benevolence. The masses are sheep, to be controlled.”
That was a very basic understanding, one that any search engine could produce, but something in Connor’s expression told you there was more.
“That’s what a lotta people say, but what did you think? You did quote it, so I wondered if you agreed with him on his conclusions.”
Connor made a face, a very clear indicator he did not.
“I think… that focusing only on the ends, on removing empathy and ideas in favor of blind efficiency, to be without feeling— it’s easy, but it’s inhumane. There are things he discusses which I find interesting but ultimately my feelings are very….” He drew off, fingers curling a bit into the fabric at the back of our sofa.
“Polarizing?” You finished, knowing full well the roller coaster it probably took him on.
“Yes. If I had read it “before" I probably would have agreed with him.” Connor said, “I don’t anymore. Realizing that was— emotional? I think that is the correct description.”
“Maybe that’s why Hank recommended it to you. To show you how far you’ve come.” You said, not knowing for sure, but finding that perhaps the old man had a plan all along.
“It made me look for the more insights on social order and governing bodies. Like Leviathan.”
You lit up, nodding while chewing through a bite of lo mein.
“That’s a good one!” You said, swallowing, “Social contracts.”
“Yes. The natural and artificial man…” Connor seemed to be relaxing as much as you, but still carefully selecting his words.
“I also read Nietzsche.”
“Of course you did.” You said, unable to keep yourself from laughing. If you had a quarter for every philosophy major who came out of 101 with a hard-on for Nietzsche you could pay for your next two years of grad school.
“You do not like him?”
“One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” You quoted, then clarified, “I like him just fine. People use existentialism and nihilism to justify being garbage people. I believe we should persevere through the chaotic mess of our lives rather than give into it.”
You speared a piece of chicken with your fork.
“Try being an optimist in a den of college age philosophy majors. It’s exhausting. Like yeah. People suck. We are floating on a blue dot through space and are inconsequential in the whole of existence. Awesome. Pass me the rice.”
Connor did so with a laugh. You took the container, brushing his hand faintly as you did and finding yourself very aware of that tiny detail.
“I envy your dedication to simplicity.” Connor said and you were not sure if he was teasing you or not.
“Like I said. Leave the rich man to his game. Give me my next meal.”
You chewed up some noodles for emphasis.
“And I don’t eat.” Connor added, “So I’ll aspire to higher thinking for both of us.”
“100 percent okay with that arrangement. You be smart and I’ll be full.”
“And frustratingly gorgeous.”
Ugh. God damn security really saved it like that in the log? That explained a lot.
“D-don’t act like that’s brand new information Mister “Do-You-Find-Me-Aesthetically-Pleasing?”. You said it yourself you were built to be pretty.”
Connor conceded it seemed, nodding with a frown.
“You want to watch the rest of the movie?” You said, the display flashing up on queue at your words. Connor perked.
“Yes please.”
The monitor began the film right where it left off, capturing his rapt attention. He was sitting in a way that you could so easily just slip a bit closer and rest into that soft sweater, put your head on his shoulder and just die of complete bliss. You flicked glances over at him as you had before, expecting his attention to be too focused to noticed— until you both looked at the same time, catching the other in the act of staring.
You immediately looked forward, but by the way your cheeks were burning you were pretty sure those beautiful brown eyes were still on you.
“Are you cold?” Connor asked.
“A little.” You said, playing into the charade. Connor knew full well the answer and if he hadn’t a quick scan would have told him.
“I am capable of increasing the warmth of my exterior to 110 degrees with little effort.”
The offer hung, unanswered in the air as you flipped noodles over and over around your fork. Finally, you shuffled over until his side was flush with yours. You didn’t lean on him, that seemed a bit too much, but you suddenly felt the faint aura of warmth and could not deny it was pleasant for multiple reasons.
Connor seemed nonchalant, eyes again fixed on the monitor as his LED ran yellow. You told yourself it was probably just the heating.
“—-...” he said, your name sounding somehow even better on his lips. You hummed, glancing at him.
“I like you.” He said. There was an air of expectation, pause. He was waiting for a response.
“I know, Connor. I like you too!” You said, reassuring but trying to mask the earnestness in which you felt those words. You did like him, you liked him a lot, but you didn’t even know where to begin unpacking those feelings in the swarm of everything that had been happening. You silently wished things were easier, that you could just go back to being a girl waiting in line behind a boy at a coffee shop.
Despite your attempt, somehow, it felt like it was the wrong answer still as Connor’s LED settled back to solid ice blue.
“I uh, I got something in my eLibrary during one of my many cab rides of the day.” You said, “It’s for you. I thought you might like it.”
Connor rose an eyebrow, looking uncertain, but his LED did flash twice as he downloaded the book.
“Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo. 116 coin sleights and 236 coin tricks.” He said, slowly seeming to grow understanding as his smile turned into a grin.
“Much more fun to read than Hobbes. Call it a repayment for the Chinese.” You said, feeling yourself flush from the heat of him and your feeling suddenly a bit silly for getting it.
“Yes, but I thought you were going to have me unsync from your devices?”
“As long as you don’t go snooping through my phone logs, I don’t mind it. It’s kinda nice, like you’re always—“
You stopped, realizing how the words would have sounded.
“With you?” He finished, quiet.
“Um yeah. With everything going on, it’s nice to know I got a DPD detective who could find my body.” You said, meaning it to be a joke.
Connor tensed a bit at that, arm curling slightly closer towards you, but still not touching. You didn’t even notice, sitting up to set down your empty bowl and then gently falling back.
The night fell away, bits and pieces fading in and out. You remembered your cheek against something rough, denim— you turned your face in and found plush softness and a gentle touch soothing through your hair, across your cheek and even tracing over the shell of your ear. You fidgeted, swatting the tickling away.
When you woke up the next morning, you were tucked in on the couch, the smell of coffee strong and welcome as you slowly woke more and more. The front door clicked and Connor was gone.
Friday was quickly approaching. 2/14. While most were waiting in anticipation of Valentine's Day, you had actually pretty much forgotten about the entire thing and waited with a different kind of anticipation.
You wished you had more time to focus on Connor and the feeling that something was hiding, unsaid and accumulating beneath... but there was so much else to do. You waited in the lobby of Wayne State’s medical center, flipping through maps on how to reach Temple Bar and the feed of upcoming events. Per their calendar, there was nothing, they were even closed on Valentine's day, which was an oddity in itself... but you didn’t think that note in the DPD file Hank had was jotted down for nothing.
After the stunt you had pulled with Cyberlife, you were informed that the main director was taking over via off-sight coms as they didn’t want to work with an intern. You were back to square one, but with your major supervisor in the hospital room down the hall, no one really was in a position to scold you for missing time in the office. A nurse came to get you,
“She’s awake and said she’d like to see you. She’s a bit groggy still, so try to keep conversations light-hearted… if possible.” The nurse advised, leading you to the door.
You stepped in, noting this was the first time you’d seen Miranda with her hair down. She had burns, dressed and tended to, but were more severe than your own. She was healing, the miracle of modern medicine ten fold in the last twenty years courteously of Cyberlife.
“Hey…” you said, slipping into the chair, “I brought you something.”
You made sure no nurses were around as you slipped out the closed thermos from your coat.
Miranda laughed, quiet and slightly pained.
“I knew… when you came in… you were a good fit.”
You set the thermos of London Fog on the table by her bed.
“I heard… my… promotion for you was… over ridden.” She said, words coming slowly, exhausted.
“It was good for the short time. I think I did what you would have wanted.”
“Taken care of.”
Miranda closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Idealism… works in small bursts.” She breathed out, “You seemed… adequately idealistic.”
“The CyberLife representative said something similar. Said you uh— knew when to pretend to believe.”
“I’m a government… employee. Of course… I do.”
It was disappointing to hear that from someone whom you idealized, but right now everything about Miranda was human, from the dark circles under her eyes, her unkempt hair and the magnitude of wires and cables plugged into the machines around her running from her arms.
“I was… going… to wait. But… I have an opening. I want.. to give you the job.”
“What kind of job?” You asked.
“Assistant… Division Planner. Alpha site.”
“Miranda…” you said, “Can you even do that?”
“I may be… here… but I am still the Division Planner for the alpha, beta and gamma sites. I’m responsible for hiring… and I’m hiring.”
She curled her fingers, trying to pick up a tablet on her bed. You picked it up, seeing the names of the two other intern volunteers who had started with you from the beginning signed as the assistants to beta and gamma sites. Another blank line was there, for Alpha.
“Director approved. Sign and you got it. But I can understand… if after everything… you say no.”
You took out your stylus and wrote your name.
“Bombs away.” You said and Miranda groaned, despite the smile on her face.
“Keep that sense of humor. You’ll need it.”
You left the hospital and got a cab back to the Cyberlife facility where they were treating the androids, sending out a quick message to Josh to let him know to expect you.
You also sent a quick one to Connor.
[from: --
You got time today to come by and meet the group? Markus said you were more than welcome. ]
You were surprised by the long delay. Normally Connor responded so quickly when you messaged, but right now it looked like it hadn’t even been opened immediately as per usual.
The cab was halfway out to the old GM factory when the message came through.
[from: Connor
Unfortunately, I do not. There are some cases we are working on. I will not be able to "hang out" until Saturday evening. I am not avoiding the situation, in case you were thinking so. ]
Well you weren't but now that he said it you were a bit curious. You were surprised by how disappointed you were at the news. He'd become such an invaluable addition to your post-work relaxation time the past few days you were not looking forward to going home to an empty apartment-- which was new to you. Throughout college and high school you'd never seemed to have the time to spend on romantic relationships. Not that this was romantic, you reminded yourself silently, just uh- close. Close was a better word.
[from: ---
I won't say I'm not bummed, but I understand work life. Plus, it gives me time to do some grad-student stuff. ]
[from: Connor
Please do check in from time to time. I will back-read. ]
Oh you would, permission not even needed.
Thursday seemed to drag on and on. Between setting up your new office at the Cadillac Place and then arguing for over an hour with security because you wanted to move back to the on-site facility you barely limped your way through the afternoon. It was weird to be your own "boss", but you turned out to be more hands on than the other planners had expected, going over blueprints with them and listening in to drafting meetings. You knew the material, which was also new to them and had no problems expressing your opinions on where best to branch the housing units out.
For a temporary installation, you were thinking considerably far ahead, but it was nearly impossible to be an urban planner without being also a futurist. What if it took longer to refurbish abandoned and discarded homes along the city outskirts? What if the government backed out or required down payments and now you all were left waiting for androids to achieve the right to work? There were thousands of tiny outcomes, branching off infinitely and you had to be ready to make sure there was a place for these people to live.
After work, your attention shifted to the paper you were hoping to submit to the Wayne State academic journal which was right now just a detailed hypothesis on how to prepare for a "white flight" type scenario from encroaching in areas where androids would begin to live. History made it a likely outcome, but learning from that same history was also a possibility.
When it was finally time to sleep, a mixture of anticipation and some missing factor kept you tossing and turning. Finally, giving in, you turned on the lights in the living room and set a film playing on low volume. Curled back up into bed, you could almost trick yourself into thinking Connor was just in the other room.
The next morning you called off, prepared to claim soreness or other illness, despite your rapidly healing burns and bruises from the explosion, but it turned out as the assistant director, all you had to do was ping a server of your absence and the people were notified. No questions asked. For now at least.
Connor had been quiet, but not even ten minutes after your call in you got a message.
[from: Connor
Are you feeling alright? ]
[from: ---
What did I say about my phone logs? ]
[from: Connor
Stay out of them. ]
[from: ---
Uh huh. Get back to work, mister. I'm fine. Just wanted a day to myself. ]
[from: Connor
It is a good idea. You've hardly had much time to recuperate. Hank asked if you "passed along his message"? ]
[from: ---
Tell him I did, but I don't expect it to be followed. ]
[from: Connor
He said it was "worth a shot". I can not tell you of what has been happening with the case, but there have been some... irregularities. ]
[from: ---
Like? ]
[from: Connor
Let's just we are dealing with cross-contamination. ]
That was code enough for "Jericho's investigation is crossing our investigation".
[from: Connor
I will be in some long briefings the remainder of the day and evening. I will respond to any messages tomorrow. Have a good day off, ---. ]
Clearly you weren't the only one who didn't pay attention to holidays.
You booted up your tablet, checking for the tenth time the route to the Temple Bar. You breathed in, held and then let it out. Was this really even a good idea? But another thought butted in, whispering faintly, Never was anything great achieved without danger.
Yeah? Well, nothing was more dangerous than conscientious stupidity, so it looked like you were about to do Machiavelli proud and make Dr. King shake his damn head.
Temple Bar had once upon a time been a diner, the outside tiled with olive green panels and dotted with cubed glass windows. It was a dive, like if you pulled up a definition of "dive-bar" in Webster's dictionary you were pretty sure scrolling through the associated images that this place, with it's peeling paint and it's condemned-and-abandoned-chic would show right up. The words Temple Bar weren't even on a sign, but stenciled above its double doors in bright red paint.
The sun had begun to fade off, leaving the sky a pale canvas of dark purples and light pinks just barely visible behind the buildings. Inside the bar looked like the lights were on, but the doors did not move when you pushed on them. Thinking maybe you'd catch a glimpse around back, you turned the corner around the grey building next door and noted a door being ushered by two guys in street clothes. Typically there would be nothing really strange about them hanging out smoking cigarettes around the corner from a bar, if you didn't know that the bar's doors were closed. They were distracted, talking to another guy who'd come up to them so you hurried back behind the corner, listening.
One man at the door spoke, "Anything interesting happenin'?"
And the approaching man replied, "Oh, right uh-- yeah. Saw a pink elephant."
"Relax bud, you did fine." the questioning man said and you heard the sound of the door open, the dull roar of conversation and music and then all went silent again as the door shut.
You took a deep breath, waited a good ten minutes in torturous limbo-- and turned the corner. You smiled, having decided to use the best camouflage a girl could use, red lipstick and a low cut shirt.
They looked at you with grins, taking drags off their cigarettes.
"You all dolled up for your Valentine, sweetheart?" the taller one asked, "Or you out looking for one?"
"Maybe I already found one" you said, cautious behind that smile. The man laughed and then used it for his lead.
"You see anything else interesting lately? Besides my gorgeous mug."
"Oh yeah. A pink elephant." you said, flashing a smile you hoped was sultry and not just ridiculous.
"Awesome. Love it when we get us some female support." the man said, opening the latch and ushering you into the building.
"You have fun, little mama. I'll come buy you a drink later."
And the door closed.
The building was perhaps once a dry goods store, or other storage facility. There were permanent oil stains in the concrete floor that suggested maybe once it was a garage. Now though, it had been redone into a recreation space, with pool, standing tables and a slightly raised stage towards the front. There were maybe thirty to forty people present, leaving a lot of room to move around. When you came in directly to your left were two guys manning a table with pamphlets and other literature that all followed a very singular theme. Anti-Android. To your right was a guy with a scanner, which he promptly shined over you without explanation. There was a faint chime and he nodded.
"Human, clear."
Now you knew why this gathering had been noted in Hank's file and suddenly, with a rush of adrenaline, you became aware that this could very well be a meeting for the people who set a bomb off fifteen feet from your ass.
The words of Martin Luther King weren't going to save you now, so you flipped through the hand outs and smiled prettily and for the most part everyone seemed pleased a young lady was there. There were few of you, but those that you did see were mostly spoken for, hanging off the arms of other men and one, a rather tough looking woman.
"Mike will be addressing the congregation in about twenty, so get yourself a drink girl!" one guy said, happily handing you a free pin that showed a cartoon of an android without it's skin, X eyed and bleeding blue. Very charming. You made sure to drop it into an unaccompanied glass of beer on your way through. There was no mistake, you were out of your damn depth and now you were stuck here. Your nervousness must have read as feeling "out of place" because a blonde girl at the bar leaned over at your approach and smiled,
"First timer?"
"Yeah..." you said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Everyone is super cool. Plus you don't have to worry about anyone crying over a robo joke." she laughed and you forced yourself to laugh with her.
"I'm Dani. You?"
Shit. Well. Go with the tried and true.
"Jane." you said, taking the hand offered to you.
"Hey! Get a special drink over here for my girl Plain Jane!" Dani said, and the man next to her laughed.
"Tom." he said, nodding and you nodded back.
"How long uh-- so how long have you guys been coming?"
Tom flashed up four fingers like he was in some gang flick.
"Four months! Even before the start. Got my girl here coming after all that mess back in November. Finally realized I had a point, didn't ya?"
Dani sighed, rolling her eyes playfully.
"You wanna meet some of the big guns?" Tom said, "I know a few of them. C'mon. Great bragging rights for a newbie!"
You barely had time to protest when Dani grabbed your arm and along with Tom, drug you over to a spot that was off to the side. There were sofas circled around each other and here there seemed to be only guys and none of them were drinking. They looked up at the interruption with an irritation you recognized, but that Tom in his buzzed state was oblivious to.
"Got some fresh meat! Everyone, this is Jane. Course you probably already know at least one of these ugly fuckers."
Of course? You looked at all the faces now staring at you and didn't recognize a single one. There was a good looking man sitting with his arms splayed out over the sofa's back, eyeing you with the same kind of calculated scan you'd' except from an android. It didn't take a grad student to know you were busted.
"I don't know her." came the first voice, followed by another and then the last. With that verdict, Tom suddenly had pulled back and was looking at you with a renewed confusion.
"Oh-- I thought... but wait..."
The guy you assumed was in charge stood up and made his way over to you. Everything in your limbs screamed run but you were paralyzed to the spot. Trapped between Dani and Tom.
"Thanks you two, go on back to the bar now."
The two left, still looking confused and Dani even shooting you a look of profound pity. The man in front of you however, had no such look, eyeing you with wicked coldness.
“How'd you get in? We recruit. That's how we keep out the riff raff and everyone here knows at least one of my boys right here. And if they don't know you, then you weren't invited.”
He reached up, drawing a hand through your hair.
"And we don't like party crashers around here."
Panic pulsed through your face, deafening your ears. When an arm suddenly slung heavily over your shoulders you gasped and jumped, only to be held tight but gently closer.
“Babe it’s just me. Got your beer.” This man you immediately recognized, even out of uniform, as the “Gavin” who taunted Connor in the DPD break room about his "ring". He passed you a beer, another in his hand that was around you, teasingly pressing it to your cheek. It was cold. You accepted the bottle, the eyes of the man questioning you now on Gavin.
“Neil, is she with you?” the man asked, no longer sounding as hostile, but more than a little annoyed.
“Yeah yeah. Sorry. I know the whole “no plus ones” but this is my girl. She was gonna kill me if I didn't do something for V-day tonight. Hey-- she's cool and she’s smart as fuck. Great addition to our group. Don’t know how I scored.” He said, turning fond eyes on you and clearly by the incline of his chin, was leaning in for a kiss. You played along, half closing your eyes as his lips pressed to yours warmly. You tasted no alcohol on his breath to speak of. It was quick, Gavin turning his face back up to the guys with a grin.
“It’s because you’re so cute.” You said, voice dry. It even got a laugh from one of there guys who had a minute ago been looking to bounce you.
“And my other extensive qualities.”
“Alright, alright. Jesus Christ, Neil we got rules for a reason. We just don’t want the wrong sorts getting in, but if this guy is tapping’ ya there is no way you’re made of plastic.”
You wrinkled your face in disgust, masking your actual disgust for his behavior with disgust at the notion.
“Silicone parts are made for toys.” You said, recalling some old 90's song lyric. They all seemed far too impressed with it.
“Should put that on one of our headers!” said one of the guys behind the leader.
“Yeah, speakin’ of talkin’ shop there was something I wanted to run by you Mike. Hey babe, why don’t you go mingle.” He let you go, directing you off with a swat to your ass. You tried to resist your bodies innate instinct to stiffen.
“Good, cause you and me are gonna re-discuss why we have the rules too." "Mike" said, but was still watching you with those cold eyes, "Don’t let that one have too long a leash now, Neil. Someone might snap her up.”
Even his smile was chilling.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes and smiling the way you’d seen girls in bars do to be “cool girls". As if Mike was just sooooo funny.
You slipped away trying to find a secluded place to keep watch of the people coming and going around, all getting drinks and chatting like it was a regular old Valentine's day bar night. After a couple of minutes, arms wrapped around your middle again and you could tell by the sleeves it was Gavin.
“Neil, huh?” You said quietly.
“What are you doing here?” Gavin said through gritted teeth, acting like he was grinning into your hair.
“I was in the area.” You said, feeling his jaw work against your temple in frustration.
“You are about to blow a sting is what you are doing. How’d you find out about this?”
Why lie?
“Saw the name and date in Hank’s file.”
Gavin swore quietly, but then whispered into your ear again like a good “sweet” boyfriend.
“Alright, gumshoe, you had your fun. Now get. This ain’t no place for a good robo-loving girl like you.”
You elbowed him, hitting your funny bone on his rib along the way. It wasn’t especially hard, but enough to make him hiss and the arm around your waist to become uncomfortably tight.
“Assaulting an officer? Tsk tsk.” Gavin said, flirty yet somehow still pissed off.
“Shut up. He’s about to talk next.”
Sure enough, “Mike” took up on the makeshift stage, a chorus of cheers ringing out.
"First things first. We all are extremely grateful to you boys who gave up your night of guaranteed sex to come out here tonight and rally for your rights."
Another roar.
"And we are extremely sorry for all you boys who gave up your night of beating your meat to porn to come out here tonight and rally for your rights!"
Ah. What a classy public speaker.
"For too long we've all been struggling under the heel of Cyberlife and their workforce. We've lost jobs, we've lost homes and now we've lost something more fundamental to human kind than can be expressed." he paused for effect, "We've lost justice."
There was another chorus of agreements.
"243 victims of violent deviant crimes. Two hundred and forty three. How many androids caught? Maybe half a dozen. And now? Zip. Nothing. All investigations suspended because the damn liberals are too busy giving them government aid!"
Mike gave time for the group to settle on that, outraged comments and cries of various disgusting prejudices, not all limited to androids.
"Raise your hand if you or a family member has been a victim of a deviant? Huh? C'mon, I'll make it easy." Mike said, and rose his hand, "Many know our good founder lost his brother, god rest his soul, who was murdered in cold blood by one of these skin job sluts and what did the DPD do? Let them get away."
He shook his head, putting on a show of seething.
"He wants justice. I want justice. Do you want justice?"
Another loud chorus.
The place exploded with noise and you were suddenly grateful for the steady pressure of Gavin's chest against your back. He whispered lowly,
"Now would be a good time to slip out..."
Gavin didn't give you a chance to respond, setting his hand on the back of your neck and using it to direct you out through the crowd. You reached back to slap his arm, but he refused to let go.
"Oh now wait wait-- hold on, is that Neil and his girl? Hold on."
You both froze, noting suddenly as the crowd dispersed around you.
"You see. Neil brought a lady friend tonight and either he is as dumb as he seems, or she done played him like a fiddle. Ladies and gents, I'd like to introduce you to the new assistant division planner of the traitors putting those androids up in homes like kings."
The next few seconds blurred, guys coming to grab Gavin and him putting up a fight to get off. Two of the guys from the front door roughly grabbed your upper arms and you felt the solid press of a gun against your side. Gavin took a few good hits before he too was pushed on the ground, a gun to his head.
"You see, little miss didn't think we backwater mongrels would have-- I don't know-- details on all DCRU's robo-loving libtards. But hey. Whaddya know. We do."
"Stop! He didn't know!" you yelled, desperation in your voice with knowing that you could at least maybe keep Gavin from getting mixed up in your mistake.
"If everyone would do us a huge favor and please, file on into the bar next door. We're gonna postpone our rally for a bit of house keeping."
There was genuinely some individuals, like Dani and Tom who didn't seem entirely okay with what was happening, but regardless, the crowd moved out, leaving you and Gavin alone in the empty warehouse with Mike and six of his men.
"I think this is the best contribution you've made to the cause so far, "Neil"." Mike said, jumping down from the stage and coming to lean over Gavin. "Head honcho and I were all a wonder how we'd deal with the new security... but shit, now we can just walk in. Blow those skin-jobs apart."
Gavin jerked, trying to get his arm free of one of the guys. Mike nodded and they let go, throwing Gavin down unto his hands and knees. In a second the three guys were on him, punching and kicking whatever they could reach. Gavin curled, defending his ribs and head, but otherwise took each blow.
"Brought me the perfect Valentine." he said and reached out towards you. You jerked your head away, trying to keep him from taking your neck in his hand and unable to pull back enough with how the two held you fast, digging the gun into your hip.
"Get rid of him. We take the girl to Twelve Oaks."
The door burst open, the body of one of the doormen flying through and falling, un-moving unto the floor.
"What the fu--" Mike's certain-to-be-eloquent statement was cut off.
The men turned their guns towards the door, firing on the first person that came through. It took a minute to register that that person was in fact the slumped form of the other guard in a headlock, which was dropped unceremoniously to the ground as the individual holding him reloaded and fired. The shots were clinical, perfect in their execution. One drop, two drops. Connor moved like a machine, quickly dodging behind the pool table to avoid a hail of bullets from those still standing. But these guys were not trained soldiers or cops, Connor just needed a few timed breaks in the fire and two more went down. Losing men fast, Mike booked it toward the back, the remaining guys following close behind. Connor seemed intent to chase after them, but halted his pursuit to trail his gun on the guy who still held you. The man wrapped his arm up around your throat, cutting off your breath as he staggered back, using you as a shield. He pointed his gun at Connor, but thinking better of it, instead pointed it at you.
There was nothing in his Connor's eyes, no recognition, no pity. The warm brown of his iris was engulfed in near black, his LED red.
"Back off, freak! I swear to god! I swear to god I will kill her!"
From the ground, Gavin moved, pulling out his own gun and drawing it on the man. Human eyes were drawn to movement, and this man was no different as he turned his attention towards Gavin, arm laxing.
"Down!" Connor yelled, and you ducked under the man's arm, slipping away and exposing a perfect line of fire to the man's chest which Connor immediately exploited.
One shot. The man's arm released you and you fell to the ground, clamoring away.
Two shots.
The shots kept coming as Connor unloaded into the man until at last your captor finally staggered back and fell to the ground. There were sounds of yelling coming from the bar, the issuing of commands and the door burst open to a few armored officers and Hank, wearing a vest.
"Area needs securing." Connor stated, cool and calm, "Please inform medical personnel. We have an officer down, five wounded POIs and two dead."
Your breathing was fast, too fast, it came in short gasps. Hank swore under his breath, holstering his own weapon as he dropped down to your side, his hands surprisingly gentle.
"Up ya go. C'mon." Hank said, helping in the endeavor as suddenly your legs seemed disconnected from your will for them to move. As soon as you were vertical, another officer came forward, opening his handcuffs. Hank rebuked him swiftly,
"Hey, hey. You wanna get slapped with a lawsuit? Put that shit away, I'll take her."
"Take me?" you managed, looking for Connor and finding he was following some other officers out the back way, on the trail of "Mike" and his two men. You wondered if they managed to stop them.
"Yeah, that's what happens when you get caught up in a damn cop raid." Hank said, helping you steady. You noted, to your horror, your shirt was covered in blood and your hands now too where you'd touched it. You made a sound in the back of your throat and Hank steadied you again.
"C'mon... c'mon, kid, let's get you out of here."
The interrogation room of the DPD was no strange place for you, but the handcuffs securing your wrists together at the front were. Your hair was pulled back as best you could manage and you were actively trying to ignore the fact there was blood drying and clumping the strands together in spots. You'd been given a DPD hoodie and some sweats, which you were more than happy to trade your blood covered clothes for.
The cold metal table felt nice on your temples as you lay with your head down on your arms, the faint clink of the handcuffs hitting together a repetitive sound you continued to produce, if only to distract you from the silence.
When the door opened, you heard the noise outside-- they did have a lot of people to process tonight. You lulled your head up a bit, noting Hank. You slunk up into a sitting position, movements slow and groggy.
"You warmin' up?" Hank asked and you nodded. You'd been in shock the medics said and now all you felt was tired.
"Good. Maybe you can tell me what the hell you were doing at that bar tonight then?" he said, voice curt, "If it isn't too much trouble."
"Where's Connor?" you said, looking towards the two way glass.
"The Detective had other duties to see to. Which leads me to my first and most important question." Hank sighed, "The guy he shot-- did he have a gun?"
"Yes." you said, remembering all too well the cold touch of it to your side. "He had it on me. He said he was going to kill me."
"So the detective was right to act in your defense?"
"I... appreciated it." you didn't know what else to say. When you thought of it, all you saw was the empty look in Connor's eyes, void except for the task at hand. He hadn't even spoken to you at all except to tell you when to put your head down.
"Good. Now let's start from the top. How'd you hear about the rally?"
"I didn't know it was a rally." you said, "I saw the bar name and the date on one of your notes when I was last here."
Hank frowned. You knew it would most likely get him reprimanded, but it was the truth.
"So you-- what? Just thought you'd impede a police investigation? Did you think we weren't going to have eyes on it?"
"I-- maybe. I just..."
"What? Cause Ms. ---, I gotta tell ya, it looks awfully damn suspicious that you, a DCRU volunteer, were found at a rally of the group that may have bombed your facility."
God, he was right. Why on earth had you ever thought this was a good idea? It was just this-- drive you'd felt since you saw Miranda laying in that bed. Saw Simon. The other androids... Markus looking so shattered and defeated that day as North tried to comfort him. You were helping but it wasn't enough.
"I wanted to see them." you said, "I needed to see them. So I would know if they were the ones who did this."
Hank sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and tipping his chair back.
"So you're telling me you were just out looking for some-- what? Closure?"
"Yeah. I guess." you said, pausing for a moment, "...I barely sleep. I live off coffee because I don't want to eat, if I even remember to do it. When I close my eyes all I see is that flash and I just-- I needed to know why."
"What you need, ---, is to talk to the damn therapist we referred you to when this happened."
You knew he was right. Connor had been keeping you together with his visits which were half obvious home checks. Your co-workers hadn't bat an eye at you taking the day off because you were the only one of those in the blast who hadn't yet. The others had not been back since.
"I just want to do what's right for them. I want to protect them."
Hank nodded and slowly reached over and unlocked the cuffs from your wrists.
"It's been made obvious by Detective Reed's impression and my own, that you were not there as a participant. I'm letting the obstruction go and your breaking our most convincing "extremist's" cover for two reasons." he held up his index and middle finger, ticking them off,  "One. You are a victim of a violent crime, Ms. ---, whether you like it or not. Twice. And two... well. You know two."
"I advice you take some time off work and get your head straight. You are doing good for these people, Ms. ---, just please leave the detecting to us because next time you play at Nancy Drew, the department will press charges." Hank stood up, gesturing that you should too.
"There was something." you said, "Something that didn't make sense that that guy Mike said."
Hank narrowed his eyes.
"He knew about my promotion. I'm assistant division planner now to the housing site that was bombed. He shouldn't know that. There's no way. It's not even been released, I only signed the paperwork a few days ago."
The gravity of that statement dawned on Hank, making his face twist with shock and then disgust.
"Jesus Christ...."
He had drawn the conclusion you had. Someone from within DRCU was providing these people with information.
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missjanjie · 5 years
Branjie Fic | Bad Girls Club (1/?)
Title: Bad Girls Club Summary:  Los Angeles' new program, the Juvenile Female Rehabilitation Program (JFRP) was created with the purpose of taking at-risk girls in the county and send them to a summer-long program located where a sleepaway camp once stood. There, they will take classes in ethics, behavior, and other courses to help mold these young minds. Brooke Lynn and Vanessa have been sent there for wildly different reasons, but with the same result - a clean permanent record. Being roomed together, the pair might find an unlikely alliance (and maybe more) in each other. Word Count: ~2.5k Relationship: Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo) Rating: E (for later chapters)
Read on AO3
“Hytes.” The woman’s beady eyes scanned the list over her reading glasses. “Room 208.” She used her pen to point down the hall before walking off to direct the next girl that walked through the door.
Brooke Lynn had only walked about six feet before she heard a room down the hall blasting Rihanna. She looked up when she’d reached the source. 208. Fantastic. Not that she had anything against the singer, but it was eight in the morning and she just was not in the mood to deal with it. Her first instinct was to storm in and shut the music off, but then she remembered where she was.
Most, if not all, of the girls here had some sort of criminal record – she doubted her situation was a common one, being a first-time offender being promised no more than a slap on the wrist once all was said and done. And she knew why – she was rich, white, had a well-connected family… This must have been what Martha Stewart felt like when she went to prison, she mused. Her hand hovered over the doorknob. Should she knock? This was her room too, after all. Besides, whoever was in there probably wouldn’t hear it over the music, so she let herself in, the door shutting behind her.
The room itself was maybe a square foot or two larger than a college dorm, comfortable, but far from roomy and accommodating. It had been re-purposed from the sleepaway camp that preceded it, and it did manage to maintain a woodsy aesthetic. Everything was clean, almost too clean – as if they weren’t supposed to touch anything. Though her roommate’s side already seemed well-lived in, as Brooke noticed when she finally allowed herself to look over towards her.
On the right side of the room, the other inhabitant hadn’t even looked up when she’d walked in. When Brooke’s gaze drifted towards her, she stopped in her tracks. She had wavy, chestnut-brown hair pulled into a loose ponytail, bronze skin that even looked soft to the touch, and as she painted her nails, her tongue was pressed between her lips – soft lips that made Brooke wonder what they’d feel like if—
The music cut off in the middle of ‘Disturbia.’ “Are you my roommate or do you work here?” the girl asked, yanking Brooke from her silent assessment.
“Roommate.” Brooke blushed and moved with her luggage to the other side of the room. “My name’s Brooke Lynn,” she introduced.
“Vanessa. Miss Vanjie if you’re nasty,” she laughed at herself before blowing on her nails and admiring her handiwork. Once done, she sat upright and looked her over. “You lost or something? I think cheer camp’s down the road.” Despite her comments, there wasn’t any malice in her tone.
Brooke looked down, rubbing her arm awkwardly. “No, no. I’ve been… Sentenced to charm school instead of ‘conventional punishment’ just like you, more or less.” She had no idea what Vanessa was actually in for, but the absolute nonchalant attitude she had made it clear that she wasn’t the same anxious, uncertain, ‘just slipped up’ type.
Vanessa snorted in laughter. “For what? Some white people shit like…” She was drawing a blank. “Tax evasion?”
Brooke covered her mouth as she giggled. “No, no, nothing like that.” She looked down, fiddling with her hair. “A guy kept hitting on my friend at work. When she finally outright rejected him, he got her fired. So… I slashed his tires.” She didn’t regret what she had done, but everyone from her parents to teachers acted like she had lost her mind whenever she told the story.
But not Vanessa. No, she was smiling at her, nodding her head in approval. “Shit, that’s pretty badass for someone that looks like Elle Woods,” she mused.
“Hey, Elle Woods is badass!” Brooke retorted. “But…thanks, I think. What about you – what sort of wild felony did you commit that makes you such an authority?”
Vanessa rolled her eyes and lay back down. “I got busted with a quarter ounce and a fake.” Before Brooke could ask, she clarified, “Weed and a fake ID. But I’m a ‘repeat offender’ and ‘general nuisance’,” she huffed, irritated. It wasn’t her fault – it was just how she liked to have fun. She wasn’t hurting anyone.
“And now we’re here. The great equalizer of the system,” Brooke mused as she started to unpack.
“Yo, don’t pretend for a second like the system treats us equal just ‘cause we roommates, got it? You can’t pretend they gonna look at us and treat us the same. We can sit and kiki and braid each other’s hair or whatever, but you know damn well we going home to two real different lives.” Vanessa had rolled onto her side as she spoke, bearing a piercing glare that contrasted her relaxed position.
Brooke stared at the ground and cleared her throat. “You’re absolutely right, and I’m sorry.” So much for making a good first impression she thought, and silently went back to moving her clothes into their respective drawers.
After a deep, reluctant sigh, Vanessa got up and sat next to Brooke instead. “It’s okay. I don’t want us to get off on a bad start. There’s gonna be a lot of crazy bitches in this program, might be nice to have someone in your corner, you know?”
Still a bit red in the face, Brooke Lynn faced her, tucking a few blonde strands behind her ear. “I couldn’t agree more.” A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she felt a weight lift off of her chest. “Allies?” She extended her hand out.
Vanessa chuckled and shook her hand. “Sure, allies.” She tilted her head, studying Brooke’s hand for a moment. “You got short nails,” she remarked. “Is that a personal preference or—”
“Yes, I’m a lesbian, Vanessa,” Brooke laughed softly.
“Duly noted.”
It was the first night at the JFRP, and all two hundred girls had been funneled into the mess hall for dinner. This room was the most obvious remainder of the site’s days as a sleepaway camp, leaving it just endearing enough to make them forget where they were, if only for a meal. Brooke Lynn had just taken her plate of uniformly unappetizing dinner and searched aimlessly for a seat. There didn’t seem to be a spot for her to sit in.
Vanessa noticed this and, after going back and forth for a moment, took pity on her. “Yo, roomie, over here!” The smile and relief on the blonde’s face was just enough to keep her from regretting the decision.
The other girls, her friend, A’keria and two other girls – Yvie and Scarlet – if she remembered correctly, at the table had hardly acknowledged Brooke directly, rather exclusively to each other through unsubtle whispering – mostly speculation that Vanessa was only tolerating Brooke’s presence because ‘she looked like a Barbie doll’ and ‘hey, if she’s flexible enough…’
“Would all of y’all shut the fuck up? Crazy asses.” Vanessa had whirled around to snap at them, glaring pointedly.
Yvie’s brow rose and a smirk hit her lips. “Thou doth protest too much,” she chided.
“Don’t even care enough to ask what you mean.” She rolled her eyes.
“What’s going on?” Brooke asked, looking up from her tray and towards the other four girls, having been fading in and out of paying attention.
Vanessa turned, angling herself between Brooke and the other girls to intercept. “Nothing, they just being stupid, don’t pay them bitches no mind,” she assured, spending the rest of the meal making sure the two conversations didn’t overlap.
Luck was with her, as they got through dinner without Brooke Lynn catching on to the adjacent gossip. But whatever luck she had immediately dissipated when they returned to their room. Vanessa’s bed was stripped bare and there was a note taped to the frame. Apparently, there had been reports of mold on the beds and each of them were inspected during dinner. While Brooke hadn’t been affected, she was stuck without a bed for the night. “This is bullshit,” she muttered. “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”
“You can share with me,” Brooke offered with a shrug and a small smile. “I know it’s a little tight, but I don’t mind if you don’t.” In fact, she reallydidn’t mind, but she swore it was coming from a kind place and not a sexual one.
And Vanessa wasn’t sure how to make heads or tails of it either – but she sure as hell wasn’t about to sleep on the floor. “You sure? ‘Cause that does sound like the best option here,” she admitted, sitting down on the unaffected bed.
“Of course, it’s the least I could do.” Brooke got up and grabbed her toothbrush and pajamas. “I’ll be right back,” she said and went down the hall to the bathroom.
It had only taken Vanessa a minute to get changed, leaving her alone on Brooke’s bed, which in and of itself didn’t mean anything, but the temptation to snoop was starting to grow. A little peek couldn’t hurt, right? All she took was a quick look through the top drawer – just enough for her to be impressed by the fact that Brooke appeared to own half of a Victoria’s Secret catalog. She had thought she’d spotted something else as well, but she heard footsteps down the hall and slammed the drawer shut, avoiding getting caught by the skin of her teeth.
Brooke got under the covers after she set her belongings down. “I’m gonna turn in now, just make yourself comfortable.” She rolled over and closed her eyes.
Despite having fallen asleep facing the wall, Brooke had awoken to find herself spooning Vanessa from behind, her face buried into her thick mane that smelled faintly of vanilla and cinnamon. Her smaller body felt so warm and soft against her own and god, if she could only just lay there a little longer…
The default iPhone alarm had just become Brooke’s least favorite sound in the world. Having to untangle herself from a barely awake Vanessa caused her damn near real pain. “Class is in an hour,” she mumbled to her bed companion as she pushed herself to a sitting position and rubbed her eyes.
Vanessa rolled onto her stomach and groaned into the pillow. “Shouldn’t have to wake up at eight in the fucking morning in the summer,” she muttered.
“This is still a punishment,” Brooke reminded her as she carefully navigated around her to get out of bed and dress for the day.
Vanessa rolled her eyes as she pulled herself together. “This is still a punishment,” she mocked under her breath as she ran a brush through her hair. She threw her bag over her shoulder and shoved her hands into her pockets before they walked – not together, but in tandem – to the main building.
In front of the building were a few tables, milk crates full of paper bags on each of them. ‘Breakfast’ was written in marker and taped to the front of each crate and each girl took a bag as they went inside.
There were about ten minutes of just chatting while eating their single-serve packages of cereal and dubiously ripe oranges. The teacher had entered in the midst of breakfast, and even when everyone had settled down, there was an air of confusion around her presence.
Considering the circumstances, everyone had expected someone gruff and serious – maybe a cop or a warden or something. Instead, they had a tall, cheerful woman that stepped right out of a Disney cartoon.
“Good morning, ladies. My name is Ms. West and I’ll be your behavioral modification instructor for the duration of this program,” she greeted and wrote her name on the board. “I will say, I am surprised to see some familiar faces here, but no matter, you’re all equal in my eyes.”
Brooke sunk into her seat, wishing now more than ever that she was anywhere but in this classroom. She dropped her gaze to the desk, pointedly avoiding eye contact with the teacher.
Vanessa, sitting a row over, waved her hand to get Brooke’s attention and mouthed ‘what’s wrong?’
‘Nothing,’ Brooke mouthed, shaking her head and then huddling herself over the syllabus when it made its way down the line to her.
The rest of the introductory class had gone in one ear and out the other. Brooke Lynn’s mind felt cloudy, as if it’d slipped into a sea of fog that filled up her head and only threatened to escape through the mist in her eyes. Her cheeks burned red, fueled by the rapid beating of her heart. This was the last thing she had wanted, the one thing she didn’t have any sort of plan for.
“I’m surprised to see you here, Brooke Lynn,” Nina said when she started towards the exit. “This isn’t your scene at all, what happened?”
“I messed up.” She shrugged and put her hands on her hips. “I did something I wasn’t supposed to, and now I’m paying the price.” She sighed and looked down. “Please don’t let this get out back home, I’ve been keeping it a secret.”
Nina nodded. “I’ve never broken a promise to you before,” she assured, then tilted her head. “You should get going, your friend’s waiting for you.” She used her head to gesture back towards the rows of desks.
Brooke’s brows knit forward before she turned around and saw Vanessa lingering, sitting up on one of the desks and swinging her legs. “Oh, yeah… Come on, Vanjie. We should go.” She pressed her lips into a fine line and briskly walked out of the class, inadvertently making it difficult for the shorter girl to catch up.
“Okay, now will you tell me what the fuck is going on?” Vanessa asked, out of breath.
“Nina – Ms. West – is a teacher at the school I go to. And it’s…well, it’s the type of school you probably think I go to.” She chuckled dryly. “She’s like a mentor to me, I really respect her. I feel like I’m letting her down by being here, and gossip spreads so fast…”
“But you aren’t here ‘cause of some stupid shit. You’re here for standing up for your friend. I bet that’d get you a lot of street cred in whatever fancy-ass private school you go to,” Vanessa offered with a soft smile.
Brooke sighed and shook her head. “It doesn’t work like that. Where I’m from, ‘street cred’ is a mark against you. You have to be as close to the norm as possible. Coming out caused enough drama, I don’t need this on me too,” she explained. “So, I just have to be as boring as possible.”
Vanessa let out a soft laugh. “I don’t care what you do back home, but there’s no way I’m letting you be lame here.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Guess you’ll just have to wait and see, babe.”
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ogwivia · 5 years
Lie To Me- Youngblood Stories 3
{This is a set of original stories by Olivia Franklin. Each one is inspired by a song off the album Youngblood. I hope you enjoy, and if you have ideas for the other stories please let me know}
Cover Art by: KaLa-Kedavra
Dedicated to Liz, my number one Cal girl. I love you infinity.
Sitting backstage at your friend Calum’s gig in New York City, you desperately seek his help. You have been touring with them for the last two months, but tonight you fly home. This is your last chance to convince him to help you.
“Calum, please. Come on, if we do this we can both get what we want. My parents will be happy believing I am dating you, and your publicist will be appeased thinking you are dating me”.
In an attempt to beg with a look to accompany your voice, your puppy dog eyes make an appearance. Your begging gaze is met with a skeptical grin from Calum. After a long moment of consideration, he takes a deep breath before looking you directly in the eyes.
“Alright fine, I will do it. But will they really believe you and I are a couple?”
“Calum, nowadays we could both like the same photo on Instagram and people would begin theorizing that we were dating. Besides, we have been friends since we were kids. I’m sure we can be convincing enough.
There was a hesitation in Calum’s eyes, and you were not sure what was causing it, perhaps the brokenness still lingering in his eyes from the breakup, but maybe you are just overanalyzing. After making sure he is clear on the plan for your first fake date, you quickly thank him again and run off to call Darren. Admittedly, this whole situation was strange, but you really had no other options. Your parents did not approve of your boyfriend, and you had no idea why. Calum also benefits from this arrangement because he just got very publicly dumped by his ex and his publicist feels that being with a new girl will really boost his image. This was necessary, and besides, it was only a temporary arrangement until you can move out.
 *Calum’s POV*
As I watch her walk away, I allow the plan to replay in my head over and over. After she is out of sight, other thoughts begin to take the place of the details I am trying so desperately to remember. Maybe this was not a good idea after all.
Last night was the first night in months I was able to fall asleep rather than crying until my eyes ran out of tears. I loved Anaya, I loved her so much, and I thought she loved me too. The vivid memory of her breaking up with me backstage at her modeling show and then running to the nearby press to announce to the world still replays in my mind daily. Why did she have to do that to me, what did I do to deserve this? All I ever did was love that girl.
Snapping back to reality, I realize I am now standing in the middle of a public park crying. Wiping my tears, I begin to wonder if my heart will ever be able to mend itself enough to love again. Maybe this fake relationship is what I need to distract myself; besides, it is only a temporary arrangement until I find a new Anaya.
 The next few months went by seamlessly. On Friday nights, you and Calum would go on a very staged date and on Saturday nights you went out with Darren. Most dates would begin with you and Calum taking the longest route possible to get to each date location in order to make sure paparazzi saw you. After finally reaching the date location, you would meet up with Darren while Calum would linger nearby in case any “unwelcomed surprises”- your agreed upon nickname for the paparazzi that are a little too nosey- decided to grace you with their presence.
 While Saturday nights with Darren were obviously your favorite, Friday nights with Cal began carving a special place in your heart as the months dragged on. You were only six years old when you met Calum at an adventure summer camp in Australia. Growing up, you returned to that very same camp every summer, every year growing a little bit closer to Calum. By the time you both reached appropriate dating age, you had grown so close that a mutual agreement was made that it would be weird to date. However, the two of you remain to this day, very good friends. On the many Friday nights spent trying to convince the paparazzi, you would often reminisce on fond childhood memories while making new ones. This fake relationship thing was easy.
 *Calum POV*
After the first couple dates, I got the flow of everything down and it was easy to seamlessly execute our plan to not get caught. As soon as I dropped her off with Darren, my attention turned to the many dating apps I had downloaded to try to replace an irreplaceable person. Love that for me.
At first, the Friday night dates were very scripted and forced, but then we realized those conversations had to be no different than the ones we had normally.  Friday quickly became my favorite night of the week for many reasons, a big one is that, for a few hours, I could escape my broken world and live in an ideal one… even if it was just pretending. This fake relationship thing is easy.
Tonight, was the 21st fake date. Why am I keeping track of the exact number? I have no idea. She got to pick our activity this time and decided on a simple dinner at a café. Throwing on black jeans and a Green Day shirt, I head out the door to go meet her.
 Sitting at the park right across the street from Calum’s house, you wait patiently for him to arrive while talking to Darren on the phone.
“Baby it is only a little while longer, I promise”, you say trying to reassure your boyfriend.
“I know, but I do not like this at all. You seem to have way too much fun with him.”
“Darren, it is all a part of the charade. We have to keep up appearances or the public won’t believe it. Calum is an old friend, so we do have a good time together… but only as old friends. I promise. I have to go, Calum is here. I love you, see you tomorrow.”
Hanging up the phone, you greet Calum with a hug and kiss on the cheek. As you walked to the café, you couldn’t help but notice an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach. It happened every time you talked to Darren about Calum… but why? Pushing those thoughts into the back of your mind, you turn your focus to Calum.
*Calum POV*
As I approached her, I felt a sinking feeling in my chest… but why? Tonight, was no different than the other 20 times we have done this. I push these thoughts to the back of my head as I reach her.
I could tell she was here physically, but her mind was a million miles away. She probably just had a long day of work or something, I elect not to ask. Eventually, she snaps back to reality and everything seems normal again… well, as normal as a fake date can be.
The next evening, you stand in front of the mirror modeling a knee length, royal blue, strapless dress. Tonight, Darren is taking you to a five-star restaurant, the expensive kind with teeny-tiny portions. Throwing on a pair of sparkly silver high heels, you once again return to the mirror for one final look. Tonight is going to be amazing, so why did it feel so wrong? Taking one final glance, you walk out the door to your apartment. In order to not arouse suspicion, Calum is driving you to the restaurant and Darren will meet you there.
Throughout the whole dinner, you find yourself periodically glancing over Darren’s shoulder to Calum who is seated alone at the next table. Why are you doing this? Darren is buying you a nice dinner, focus on Darren.
*Calum POV*
It is times like this that I miss Anaya the most.
What a way to spend a Saturday night… sitting at a five-star restaurant, by myself, watching my fake girlfriend go on a date with her real boyfriend. I should’ve dragged one of the boys along with me, so then at least not feel like as much of a loser. I find myself watching them closer than normal, almost as if to make sure she is safe… why do I care so much more all of the sudden? The one prominent thing I notice above everything else is that she looks happy… very, very happy.
My brooding thoughts are interrupted by them walking over to my table.
“Hey Cal, Darren is going to take me back to his apartment so you can just head home.”
Here comes that stupid, unexplainable feeling again. Note to self: Ask Ashton about this later, maybe he can help.
“Okay, um… yea. I guess I will see you later.”
Giving me a hug, she runs off.
As you and Darren reach his car, that weird feeling returns… but, it is probably just nerves. After driving for a few miles, Darren pulls off into a little park, so that the two of you can stargaze. It was little moments like this that reminded you why you love him. He pulls out a picnic blanket, and you settle into your spot…
…right in his arms…
…right where you should be…
That last thought stings a little, but you brush it off and enjoy the evening. The two of you watch the stars for hours, quietly enjoying each other’s company. Darren finally glances at his watch and realizes it is 2 in the morning and y’all should probably get back to his apartment.
You walk in the door and everything feels so wrong… but it shouldn’t… it should be perfect; it should be amazing… it shou-
Your thought is interrupted by Darren pulling you in for a deep kiss. Suddenly, every other thought fades, and you lose yourself in the moment. Maybe it was just nerves after all.
Everything is great until he reaches around for the zipper of your dress; suddenly, every thought explodes at once. Pushing his hand away, you break the kiss and step away.
“I’m sorry, I am just not ready yet.”
“What do you mean you aren’t ready yet?”
“I mean… I am not ready yet, could we just go to bed… please?”
Reluctantly, Darren agrees and you both lay down to sleep. He quickly drifts off, but you, the only drifting you are doing is down a long train of thought. Glancing over at the clock, you see the time… 3 AM. Perfect, you are going to have a great day tomorrow running on little to no sleep. Why can’t you rest? You are here, wrapped in the arms of the one you love.
…The one you love…
A moment of realization suddenly hits you… you finally diagnose the weird feeling that keeps popping up. Oh no.
*Calum POV*
I return home… alone… again. Everything was going well, I was recovering, getting better… maybe even a little bit happy. So why do I feel so empty and broken now?
I lie awake allowing a million thoughts to run through my head. Glancing over at the clock, it says 3 AM. Why can’t I sleep? I just want to sleep.
Why do I feel this way? She is happy… Why am I not happy?
I mean it’s not like I lov-
Oh no.
I don’t know what to do with this revelation? How do I proceed? I can’t do anything, she is with someone, she is happy.
Getting out of bed I open my notebook and decide to do the thing I do best, write a song. Tonight I am once again crying, but for a very different reason. Tears streaming down my face, I begin to write.
I saw you looking brand new overnight I caught you looking, too, but you didn't look twice You look happy You look happy
She seems so content with him… how could I ever take that away from her?
Flashing back to New York City Changing flights so you'd stay with me Remember thinking that I got this right
What if I had not let her walk away that day? What if I stopped her? What if I realized my true feelings then? The trouble was… I was so sure I knew what I wanted… so sure I had this right.
Now I wish we'd never met 'Cause you're too hard to forget While I'm cleaning up your mess I know he's taking off your dress And I know that you don't But if I ask you if you love me I hope you li-li-li-lie Lie to me
Maybe life would be better if I had not decided to go to an adventure camp. Maybe everything would be easier. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt this bad.
It's three A.M. and the moonlight's testing me If I can make it 'til dawn then it won't be hard to see That I ain't happy I ain't too happy
I am not happy… not happy at all… I cannot even begin to imagine my life without her. Even if it is all a lie… I would love to hear her say it just once… just once.
 Your 3 AM thoughts are still there when you wake the next morning. You were so happy… or at least… you thought you were. Had you been lying to yourself this whole time? You and Calum both agreed that you would never date… but how much longer could you really keep that promise.
Woah… wait… hold up a second. You still have a boyfriend; you convince your mind to deal with that first. He has been so good to you, so kind, so caring… but, he is not the one you love.
Maybe he was… or maybe you told yourself he was… but now, the thought of being with anyone except Calum causes your heart to sink.
Slowly walking over, you wake Darren up.
“We need to talk”
*Calum POV*
I shoot a quick text to her, begging for a meeting at the park. A few minutes later, my phone buzzes with a text of agreeance and I take off towards the park. There is no way someone in a relationship that happy would ever consider loving someone as broken as me, but I have to hear her say it… just once.
Calum’s text was an unexpected but welcome surprise. This is the perfect opportunity. Besides, sitting in the same apartment as someone you just broke up with would not make for a pleasant afternoon. You needed to talk to Calum, yet the thought of what he would say terrified you.
Just friends… that was the agreement… why would he ever change his mind… especially for someone as insignificant as you.
Quickly drying your tears, you run out of the apartment to meet Cal.
Approaching the park, you run up to Calum.
“We need to talk”, you both say in unison.
“Let me go first”, Calum says in a very insisting tone.
Seating yourself on a bench beside him, he begins to talk.
“Please, hear me all the way out. When we started the whole fake relationship thing, I thought it was a great idea. We had agreed to be just friends and I had no problem sticking to that promise. Then, I started to find myself craving every second we spent together. Those Friday nights were something I looked forward to every week. At first, seeing you with Darren did not bother me at all, but after a couple of months, every time I saw you with him, I wished it was me. Listen, At the end of the day, what I want most is for you to be happy. I would not take your happiness away from you for anything in the world. You seem happy with Darren, and if you really love him, then I won’t interfere. I know, I know you love him and not me… but I need you to know… to know that I love you, always have, always will. But… if you can look me in the eyes right now and tell me you don’t love me, I will walk away and let you be happy.”
His last words hit your heart like the earth’s sharpest dagger. Tears pour down your face like a flowing river through a broken dam. Finally composing yourself enough, you turn to answer.
“Calum… I cannot look you in the eyes and say I don’t love you because I realized last night… that I do. I think I always have… I was just too scared to admit it. I thought you would be mad or upset because we had made that promise… that stupid promise And I-“
Your rambling is interrupted by Calum pulling you in for a deep kiss. At that moment, everything seems so right. The world is at it should be. I loved him, he loved me. There were no lies necessary.
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michaelconlon-blog1 · 5 years
SW 150 Blog Post 1 
There are many social issues that are represented throughout arts. Many songs, books, pictures, and movies are made to bring awareness to a “Social Norm” that need to be changed. One thing that motivates me to try and fix a social problem is the movie Remember the Titans. I was introduced to this movie when I was in middle school, taking a sports films class. Going into watching this movie, I wasn’t really expecting it to have an impact on me, because I didn’t understand how deep the movie was. This movie motivates me to make a social change in accepting everybody, no matter who they are.
           Remember the Titans is a movie about a high school football team, that was originally an all-white school, but was now allowing everybody to come to the school. Many of the players did not want to have African Americans on their team, and vice versa. They were separated, all because of their social beliefs. They wanted nothing to do with each other when they were assigned to go to a football camp. When the coaches made the rooming arrangements to where it would be one white player and one African American player, they were all unhappy. They just didn’t accept each other because of their beliefs. As the movie progresses, the team begins to untie, ending the separation between the two races. All of the players learn to like one another and treat each other respectfully, and they really become brothers. This movie is a perfect example of whole wrong some social ideas are, and when they are put into a situation of that social norm, they prove that it isn’t how things should be. At the time of the film, the two races didn’t think they were supposed to like each other, didn’t think they could sit in the same room as one another, but when they are put in a situation where they are together, they could actually learn to really like one another. This movie inspired so many people across our country, to accept one another for who they are, and put a big dent in segregation issues.
           Growing up, I never looked at anyone different from myself. I never thought low of anyone because of their race. What this movie made me realize, however, is that at the time, all of the people in my life where the same race as me. Not that I wouldn’t become friends with different kinds of people, but because in my town, there wasn’t a big mix of people. According to a demographic chart of my town, Seaford, New York, of the 1,507 people of my town, 91.2% of people are white, 1.8% are Asian, and 6.4% are Hispanic. This list may be a few years off, but it shows how I never really had experience with different races of people growing up. Shortly after I saw this movie, there was a new kid in my class, who happened to be African American, and I was inspired from that movie to make sure that he didn’t feel different from anyone else. I couldn’t imagine how nervous he must have been when he came to school, with new people he has never met, and I wanted to make him feel welcome. Well, about 4 years later, he is one of my best and closest friends. Nobody in my school gave him issues about his race, and he seemed to be liked by everybody. I was very proud that he was able to fit right in to my town, and that really shows me that not only Remember the Titans, but the entire social act of bringing people together was accepted by people.
           When I came to the University at Buffalo, I was in almost a completely different world coming out of my town. The demographics of UB are so spread out, I was excited to meet a bunch of new people from different areas that I would probably never meet back in my town. I transferred here after a semester of community college, and I was put in a dorm room with three Chinese boys. I will forever be grateful that I was put in that room, because I became friends with the most respectful, caring people I have ever encountered in my life. They helped me successfully adapt to life here at UB. As I walk around the campus, I see groups of people of different races who seem to be very close and like each other, and it makes me very happy. This movie made me realize the importance of bringing people together and how much of a better place the world will be.
           Not only has the movie, “Remember the Titans”, made a big impact in my life, but it has around the world. The movie is about fighting racism and separation through football. This was portrayed in real life by a famous quarterback named Colin Kaepernick. He started to kneel during the national anthem before every game, saying that he is doing it to fight for minorities. This quote comes from an article about Colin’s movement. “I am not looking for approval. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. … If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right.” While his heart is in the right place, and he’s only trying to bring people together, it is a very controversial topic in the US. People say if he wants to bring awareness to this issue, he should do it another way. Standing up to the flag is disrespecting the men who fought for us to live our lives. Me personally, I am torn between the issue. I like the message he is sending, but I also don’t want to kneel for the national anthem. I have two grandfathers who both risked their lives for our country, and I will always be grateful for their sacrifice. This movement has been a big topic in the US for years, and that’s exactly what Kaepernick wanted, to have people talk about what he’s doing, and why he’s doing it. This is a successful movement. It didn’t completely end the problem that he is trying to fix, but he definitely spread awareness to his issue or everyone being treated equally.
           Many athletes all over the world have been using their fame and status to spread awareness through civil rights. Many NBA players have spread awareness through their social media accounts about how there still needs to be a change. A Log Angeles clippers owner, Donald Sterling, stated that he didn’t want anyone of a different race attending his teams’ games. This was something that all of the athletes knew they needed to step in and get their message across that this kind of disrespect will not be allowed in today’s world. Not only clippers players wanted him to get banned from the NBA for life, but other players around the league, including Star Lebron James, wanted him gone, and were going to protest if he wasn’t. “Last May, the Clippers protested team owner Donald Sterling’s racist comments—in which he said he didn’t want black people coming to his games—by turning their warmups inside out and hiding the team’s name and logo. In the days that followed, Golden State was prepared to walk off the court and boycott a playoff game against Los Angeles and there were rumblings that LeBron James would lead a league-wide sit-out if Sterling were allowed to remain owner in power.” This quote is from an article about how NBA players have fought racism through using their high status to spread awareness. I am very proud that people who are well known around the world are trying to fight this social issue. Social Media allows these famous men and women to talk about social issues and try and fight them.
           “Remember the Titans” has made a huge impact on me. I would never be as focused on people being equal if I haven’t watched that movie. Even though even before that movie I knew that this was a problem, seeing it in the movie made me realize that this issue has to be resolved, because although there is progress, this movie came out in 2000, and it is now 2019 and there are still many issues on this topic that come up around the world. I know throughout my life, I will put an extra effort to make everyone around me feel equal, and fight against racism, through all races. I was inspired by “Remember the Titans”, and I will always be grateful that this movie was brought in to my life.
Works Cited:
“NBA Players Making Their Voices Heard on More than Just Basketball.” SI.com, 26 May 2015, www.si.com/nba/2015/05/26/nba-civil-rights-lebron-james-carmelo-anthony-trayvon-martin-eric-garner.
Schiller, Andrew. “Seaford, NY Demographic Data.” NeighborhoodScout, NeighborhoodScout, 10 June 2019, www.neighborhoodscout.com/ny/seaford/demographics.
TheUndefeated. “Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem over Treatment of Minorities.” The Undefeated, The Undefeated, 3 Sept. 2016, theundefeated.com/features/colin-kaepernick-protests-anthem-over-treatment-of-minorities/.
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Islamophobia: A “Zionist Plot”?
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In response to Hating Muslims, Loving Zionists: Israel a Far-Right Model, where Al Jazeera gets everything wrong
Al Jazeera penned an opinion piece trying to lump anti-Muslim terrorism, rational critics of Islamism with Zionism of all things. The “logic” goes that “x Israeli politician is a far-righter”, many leading political figures in far-right politics that criticize Islam have expressed affection and approval for Israel; Palestine is oppressed by Israel and as such all of these things are related to each other. They even used the censored picture of Brenton Tarrant to drive the point home that “See? if you hate Islam, you are also just like this guy and oh, you support Israel too”. 
I can’t even begin pointing out what is wrong with this “some x are y, some y are z, therefore x are y” fallacy, I am even more surprised that right-winged critics of Israel didn’t even try to debunk it. In one hand, it’s pretty observable that support for Israel is strong among mainstream conservatism than other movements across the political spectrum. On the other hand, there is one figure who is never discussed when the topic of alt-right and Zionism overlap, being very little-known outside of Israel.
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This is Meir Kahane, a ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbi from the USA who migrated from to Israel and was a co-founder of the Jewish Defense League and the Kach political party. Also known as “Israel’s Ayatollah”, he urged the establishment of a Jewish theocracy codified by Maimonides (a Reconquista-era Spanish Jew), the immigration of all American Jews to Israel before a “second Holocaust” could take place and was very vocal about advocating the annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, violence against Palestinians and those he deemed as “anti-semites”. He was extremely divisive: there were people who found his Jewish supremacist rhetoric intolerable and equated him to the Nazis, while in other camp you had those who supported him largely because of Arab aggression as The Los Angeles Times reported that “[he] is a reaction to the wanton murders of innocent men, women and children in Israel” (which you can find many parallels with modern day politicians supported by the alt-right). Kahane was arrested at least 62 times by Israeli authorities for inciting hatred.
While in prison, Kahane wrote a manifesto titled “They Must Go” where he advocates the complete exile of Palestinians and the necessary process how to do it arguing that if they didn’t they’d begin outbreeding the Jewish population and take over Israel in 20 years (he wrote it in the 80s). His manifesto reads a lot like the anxiety Europeans feel about Muslim migrants which isn’t alleviated in the slightest by them speaking out in the open how they will establish a European caliphate.
Kahane was popular enough with the Israelis that he was elected with one seat to the Knesset. However, he was never really popular with his fellow parliamentarians, whom he regarded as “Hellenists” (Jews who assimilated into Greek culture after being conquered by Alexander the Great), since Kahane thought they weren’t Jewish enough. Most of his proposed laws included: imposing compulsory religious education, stripping citizenship status of all non-Jewish citizens (including Christians) and demanding that relations with Germany and Austria being cut but monetary compensation for the Holocaust being kept.
In 1990, Kahane was assassinated by an al-Qaeda member (it’s believed he was one of the first victims of the terrorist group), who was initially cleared of the murder, but was arrested later for being implicated in the 1993 WWC bombing attempt, where he confessed his first crime and was jailed to life imprisonment. His death made him a martyr leading to Kach member Baruch Goldstein to swear revenge and in 1994, he walked into the Cave of the Patriarchs on the West Bank and shot up the place, killing 30 Muslims before being lynched by the survivors. Given the Cave of the Patriarch status as a important religious site to Islam, this atrocity would have provoked probably worse reactions than Christchurch.
While researching about these things, I couldn’t help but see so many parallels between that and the Christchurch mosque incident. Kahane’s manifesto reads a lot like Tarrant’s own. Even if they were not familiar with Kahane’s own views, it was probably not lost to those that really read into Tarrant’s manifesto that not once he denounces the State of Israel for the current state of Europe - instead he blames Angela Merkel, Reccep Erdogan and Sadiq Khan, straight up calling for their deaths. This seemed enough for many people to conclude Tarrant was an Mossad agent.
To those reading this you may be asking: you listed so many things in common with the alt-right, Islamophobia and Zionism, so what did Al Jazeera get wrong?
Ah, if you actually paid attention to the fringe discourse, you realize that nothing discredits you faster than declaring yourself far-right and voicing support for Israel. I sincerely doubt that white supremacists would have liked a Jewish supremacist like Kahane, specially his demands that Germany to continue paying reparations forever. The fringe right actually finds lots of solidarity with Palestinians and common ground with the liberal left than either side cares to admit. Sure many right-wing politicians happen to be Zionists, but those are the mainstream old guard. 
I also observed that they also are overwhelmingly in support of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in large part because he is an authoritarian model that stands up against Israel. Does it mean that all people who support Assad are also the same? No. Many support Assad because he is considered a bulwark against Islamism (even though he is a Muslim himself, albeit not considered one by terrorist extremists because he is Alawite). Despite his many flaws, normal people are willing to stand up for him because he represents stability in Syria.
I also take huge issue with Palestinians being referred to as exclusively Muslim because it erases their small and long-suffering Christian minority, which is never on anyone’s minds every time someone discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, despite the fact that Palestinian Christians played a huge role in resistance against Israel before the rise of Islamism ended up alienating them and Christians across the Middle-East aren’t necessarily thrilled about Israel either, not even Israeli Christians themselves.
It’s probably no coincidence that Al Jazeera, who denounces both Israel and the Assad regime who are antagonistic to each other, also happen to be big Islamist apologists which explains why they insist in portraying the Palestinian cause as a religious struggle rather than a nationalist one. It’s in their interest to denigrate critics of Islamism who run across the board in the political spectrum from atheists like Bill Maher and Sam Harris, Christians like David Wood, Brother Rachid and Zacharias Botros and Muslims like Majid Nawaz, Ed Hussein and Mohammed Tawid and many, many, many people worried about the dangers of Islamism, which they use so vociferously the term “Islamophobia” coined by the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization disguised as political party. This way they can lump all the opposition into one camp and paint them as Zionist Islamophobes.
With all that said, the rise of conservatism and nationalism across the world is co-related with the modern liberal left’s weakness to confront the Islamist Question. One of the key reasons that led to Donald Trump’s election were fears of Hillary Clinton increasing immigration as observed by the skyrocketing of sexual abuse cases in Western Europe. Even though he is a more despotic and authoritarian figure than Trump, Erdogan from Turkey is subjected to much less scrutiny from the Western media when he locks up more journalists anywhere in the world.
And this isn’t contained to the West either, the Bharatiya Janata Party characterized as Hindu nationalist and anti-Islamic continues being elected into power because of India’s spats with Pakistan and being formed in the first place because of Indian secularists appeasing to Muslims. And if the future is any indication, you can expect more persecutions of Muslims in Sri Lanka by Buddhists and Christians after the Easter bombings from this year. Those has less to do with Zionism and more with the fear of Islamism.
There is a good reason why I brought up Kahane into this editorial: much like modern day politicians, he was considered too radical by the status quo of the time yet gained the support of a silent majority like modern day because the current status quo proved intolerable. The same thing happened in my country with Jair Bolsonaro, who was already saying absurd things as early as the 90s and would never be considered as President of Brazil yet here we are, though Kahane was assassinated before he got the chance of being Prime Minister.
How many times are we going to deflect the problem like Al Jazeera before we confront it straight in the eye?
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jdmainman123 · 3 years
All right cats out the bag gloves are off let's call it what it isn't too bad satellite Baker is mad about a daughter is it the command dead daughter that works on his n****** the best it seems like I got one running off of a bus just by pretending it's that I got a dead dollar in my pocket f****** n***** start screaming running off the bus is it work better on the n****** let me know now
Anyways let's call it you guys are not allowing the reason why I'm here cuz of the airplane. And let's call it down the middle your satellite makers family inside the city that never left has a dead daughter rotten under the f****** staircase probably watching the computer watching p*** like the f****** loser dead daughter we expected that hated airplanes father
I'm ready to die for having the best family in the world I didn't even know that why did somebody tell me I have the best family in the world on the airplane.
And let's ask another question does his white hair girl how does it feel walking around the road to retarded n*****. That's just pretty sad you know what happened was I think he bought this retarded f****** monkey remember I said beastiality he fell in love with the with the with the monkey and then he got the monkey a bus ride and then next day the monkey had a house I think he bought him a retarded daughter
It's just from the signs I'm seeing guys but you guys want to put your money where your mouth is it's about money and power you guys want to talk f****** s*** bro let's talk about the airplane family
Of course satellite caught that lie any boys 60 years old owns every car in the city owns every McDonald's that has nothing to do with the airplane 75% of you are walking around knowing just finding out what a satellite is and calling yourself satellite makers for f****** some weird reason I guess your satellite maker needed help with all the girls
So put your money where your mouth is you know exactly what this is about you're just angry sent me to another f****** camp to talk s*** about some tiny fish whole lake just because you're angry that I have an airplane family they're in Tehran right now with their mother in snow hanging out I don't know like 2,000 of them they're all I rent that out of the hotel for them nothing Hilton actually let us stay free
Yeah I told Donald Trump if this s*** goes any farther I'm going to leak the tape.
Yeah talk s*** about Hitler tough guy get on your tiny f****** phone to talk s*** about Hitler talk s*** about Los Angeles California I've never seen such a failed f****** n***** family so afraid of Los Angeles California and I'm not even representing them anymore you're looking at him Utah Alabama beach you're looking at the new m***********
Now I bought her a karaoke bar on the beach hey I got a shot of Penny I found Penny what is another is that is that in Nebraska Joe penny I found you on the billboard cash back refi there it is re then p r e approval this guy's a f****** retard he spent all his money on his f****** broken English language me and while we're waiting on the Spanish to show up to blind side every one of these f****** crackers and n****** that don't know one word in Spanish I know they said coyote it sounds like coyote 🐺 yeah then you answer me this Chief why does it have an emoji guyate is that a gay son joke
No they brought me here to pick on this four white girl I don't appreciate it and then they dragged into a fight about the black hair white skin girl and jason. What did that little little black girl told you you can't call black son anymore is that what happened that's usually every f****** tour a weekend it comes to me say listen we got a problem I said what is it she said the black girl told the little white girl she's not allowed to call black son anymore
It's the same f****** problem with you people what the f*** is wrong with your God damn n****** holy f****** s*** bro I can't wait till I catch your white skin cracker break his f****** face in I promise that f****** cracker boy you think this s*** is f****** funny you think it's satellites are f****** game you and your 3/4 tiny facility I promise that s*** bro you got me all angry and s*** you don't have some f****** failed f****** degenerate both of the boys outside the homophobic energy of the white skin boys in the black skin boys is enough to f****** have a satellite fall from the f****** sky we already found the root of your f****** you don't need to lie on your side to say look the boys are outside the black skin and the white skin and they both never suck the dick they were like oh I know why this satellites tripping f****** talking every f****** minute it's common f****** sense can't suck the mother's p**** never suck the dick doesn't have a father then you got the white skin boy and a black skin boy outside and you question why the satellites f****** tripping
It's common sense it's an only common sense to me that that the energy of these two been standing next to each other f****** can't can't f****** shake hands can't hug just f******
I told you it's going to happen to your n****** but the problem is to blaming black again and I told you your white cracker I got little patience for his b**** ass I'm ready to die for whatever you want me to socialism or jobs. I just can't wait to get to Phoenix and see that mountain I'm going to know him safe they got a big hill when you're riding on the bus it it almost seems like one of those gay jokes you're driving and in the hills starts getting smaller and smaller and there's like little trees at the end and you're like oh s*** I just came out of a tunnel no wait there's downtown.
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