#lor yujin
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lewyhellark · 8 months ago
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bad-lobcorp-aus · 4 months ago
AU where Yujin gets a good nights sleep and proceeds to kick the entire Library's ass.
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transgenderfivepebbles · 1 year ago
it is our god-given duty to be stronger than project moon and do what they could not: make yujin more butch
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wolvzephyr · 2 years ago
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thought about yujiten/tenyuji for the first time in a while...
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buruhas · 1 year ago
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Shi Association, mission accomplished afterparty
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Shrenne cake
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literallys-illiteracy · 4 months ago
i am 90% sure that the next Walpurgis EGO is going to be Alriune.
We have the first Abnormality of Yesod's floor, (1st Walpurgis EGO) The second abnormality of Hod's Floor, (2/3rd Walpurgis EGO) And the third abnormality of Malkuth's Floor. (2/3rd Walpurgis EGO)
the only Asiyah floor we don't have yet is Netzach, and we have the Abnormalities from 1-3 for the floors we do have, so Alriune as the fourth released EGO, as the fourth Abnormality on the floor, and as the fourth floor in LoR.
also if I'm correct then it means we probably get Nihil as an EGO for Tiphereth's floor, either that or it resets to 1 for the middle floors meaning:
Queen of Hatred
Big and Will be Bad Wolf
Road Home//Scaredy cat
in all likelihood I am completely wrong on all counts and am just overanalysing this... (Lob Corp EGO ID and Yujin ID next Walpurgis is my guess)
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theoriedelesthetique · 2 months ago
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𝐡 𝐱 𝐬 𝐬 𝐭 𝐹 đ« đČ ;
Chanwoo est souvent dĂ©crit comme un petit ĂȘtre mĂ©lancolique - mais c’est pour une excellente raison. Il n’est pas forcĂ©ment parti du bon pied dans la ville. NĂ© Ă  Iksan, petite ville de l’Ouest corĂ©en, il ne passera que ses deux premiĂšres annĂ©es avec ses parents, dont il ne garde aucun souvenir. C’est un accident de la vie quelque part. Chanwoo Ă©tait chez sa grand-mĂšre, qui le gardait, quand ses parents sont victimes d’un accident de voiture qui leur coĂ»tera la vie. Chanwoo ne comprend pas pourquoi ses parents ne sont jamais rentrĂ©s - mais par contre, il comprend qu’il va passer un peu plus de temps que prĂ©vu avec sa grand-mĂšre. Et personne ne peut choyer le petit plus qu’elle. Elle l’adore, le protĂšge envers et contre tout, mais surtout, elle l’éduque merveilleusement bien. La jardin de sa grand-mĂšre, ça devient un peu le refuge de Chanwoo - et peut-ĂȘtre que ça n’est pas habituel pour un enfant de se retrouver les mains dans la terre, de connaĂźtre les diffĂ©rents rosiers par coeur - mais ça le rapproche de sa grand-mĂšre, toujours un peu plus, et ça lui donne l’impression qu’il a une famille normale, mĂȘme si ça n’est pas le cas.
C’est sa grand-mĂšre, donc, qui le pousse Ă  s'ouvrir au monde, et qui l’envoie, souvent, jouer dans la maison des voisins. Dans cette maison, il fait la rencontre de Doyun, et trĂšs rapidement, ces deux-lĂ  deviennent cul et chemise. Ils sont incapables de se lĂącher, et ça permet au petit Chanwoo de voir autre chose que les Ă©ternels napperons de sa grand-mĂšre, qui considĂšre Doyun comme son deuxiĂšme petit-fils, qui est aussi tendre avec lui qu’avec Chanwoo. Ça permet Ă  Chanwoo de grandir Ă  peu prĂšs normalement, aux cĂŽtĂ©s de son meilleur ami, bien qu’il ressente toujours le vide provoquĂ© par l’absence de ses parents. Il Ă©volue tranquillement dans sa vie, pas forcĂ©ment excellent Ă  l’école, mais il veut surtout se faire le plus de souvenirs possibles, parce que c’est ce dont il a Ă©tĂ© privĂ© avec ses parents.
Au lycĂ©e, son groupe d’amis s’agrandit, notamment avec la prĂ©sence d’Haneul, la petite amie de Doyun, pour qui Chanwoo Ă©prouve une grande affection. Sa vie sentimentale Ă  lui, c’est le dĂ©sert parce qu’il est trop occupĂ© Ă  coller aux basques de ses amis, mais il n’a aucun regret concernant cette pĂ©riode de sa vie - il a vĂ©cu ce qu’il devait vivre, et ses annĂ©es lycĂ©es font partie des plus chĂšres de sa vie. Et Chanwoo, soldat fidĂšle de ses amis, accepte fiĂšrement d’ĂȘtre le tĂ©moin de Doyun, quand il Ă©pouse Haneul, Ă  peine sorti du lycĂ©e. 
MĂȘme si toute sa vie se trouve Ă  Iksan, Chanwoo finit par Ă©couter les conseils de sa grand-mĂšre, et quitte la ville, pour rejoindre SĂ©oul. Il se trouve un emploi un peu nul, qui ne l’intĂ©resse pas tellement - et c’est par hasard qu’il tombe sur une annonce immobiliĂšre. Trois garçons, qui recherchent un quatriĂšme colocataire - et juste comme ça, Chanwoo trouve sa place, aux cĂŽtĂ©s de Yujin, Minseok et Hyonu.
Pour autant, sur chacun de ses jours de repos, Chanwoo retourne Ă  Iksan, pour prendre soin de sa grand-mĂšre, qui atteint tranquillement la fin de sa vie. Et c’est lors d’un sĂ©jour dans sa ville natale que Chanwoo dĂ©couvre l’horrible vĂ©ritĂ© sur son meilleur ami - Doyun trompe Haneul Ă  la moindre occasion, dĂ©laisse le fils qu’ils ont eu ensemble, et mĂȘme quand Chanwoo le confronte, Doyun ne semble pas comprendre le mal qu’il fait, lui faisant promettre de ne rien dire Ă  Haneul.
Mais Chanwoo qui est loyal, mais pas stupide, balance tout Ă  Haneul. Il perd beaucoup lĂ -dedans, parce que son meilleur ami ne veut plus lui adresser la parole, mais au moins, le garçon peut se regarder dans une glace, quand il aide son amie Ă  quitter la ville, quand il l’aide Ă  gĂ©rer le divorce, quand il reste la prĂ©sence indĂ©fectible aux cĂŽtĂ©s d’Haneul. Il a clairement choisi son camp, et ça n’est pas celui de Doyun. Pourtant, parfois, la culpabilitĂ© le ronge - il sait qu’il a tout de mĂȘme trahi Doyun, mais il semblerait que sa loyautĂ© envers son meilleur ami d’enfance ne passe pas au-dessus de ses codes moraux.
Quelques mois aprĂšs l’incident avec Doyun, le monde de Chanwoo continue de s’effondrer. La grand-mĂšre de Chanwoo dĂ©cĂšde, et il a du mal Ă  lutter contre le sentiment de solitude qui l’envahit, mĂȘme s’il est entourĂ© comme jamais. Il accepte difficilement Ă  quel point sa vie change, notamment quand il voit que Doyun ne vient mĂȘme pas Ă  l’enterrement de sa grand-mĂšre.
C’est le plus seul que Chanwoo ne s’est jamais senti, finalement - et quand il rentre Ă  SĂ©oul, il s’investit plus que de raison dans son amitiĂ© avec les garçons, parce qu’il est terrifiĂ© qu’eux aussi, un jour, le dĂ©laissent.
Mais aprĂšs la pluie vient le beau temps, et c’est ce que Chanwoo finit par se dire, quand quelques annĂ©es plus tard, Haneul arrive Ă  SĂ©oul. Il retrouve un semblant de stabilitĂ©, entre son groupe d’amis qui s’étend toujours plus au fil du temps, Haneul et ses cĂŽtĂ©s, et son filleul, Jiwon, qui lui rappelle tous les jours que la dĂ©cision qu’il a prise vis-Ă -vis de Doyun Ă©tait la bonne. Et puis, grĂące Ă  Haneul, il rencontre Eunbi, son apprentie.
C’est encore une fois son monde qui se chamboule, entiĂšrement, parce que celui qui se sentait vide jusque lĂ  dĂ©couvre enfin ce que ça fait de se sentir complet.
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𝐡 𝐱 𝐬 𝐭 đ« 𝐱 𝐯 𝐱 𝐚 ;
⁕ Chanwoo a une passion dans la vie, hormis ses plantes, et tout le monde le sait : son poisson rouge, Caroline. C’est un sujet de discorde rĂ©gulier avec Minseok, qui a accidentellement failli le tuer plus d’une fois.
⁕ AprĂšs la mort de sa grand-mĂšre, Chanwoo n’a pas eu le cƓur Ă  revendre la maison de cette derniĂšre. Bien sĂ»r, c’est un gouffre financier, et la plupart de ses Ă©conomies y passe, mais il y passe encore beaucoup de temps, notamment lors de ses week-ends, parce qu’il n’arrive pas Ă  se dĂ©barrasser des souvenirs. Il entretient encore d’ailleurs son jardin. 
⁕ S’il est trĂšs protecteur de Jiwon, Haneul, elle, est trĂšs protectrice de lui, et c’est elle qui signalera plus d’une fois aux garçons d’y aller doucement avec lui. Chanwoo a un grand coeur, et ne sait pas toujours se dĂ©brouiller avec toute sa sensibilitĂ© et son empathie.
⁕ Chanwoo est arrivĂ© en tant que petit dernier de la colocation, et de ce fait, il est un des “derniers” arrivĂ©s du cafĂ© crew. Pour autant, il s’est rapidement fait sa place dans le cercle, notamment par sa bienveillance et son attitude tournĂ©e vers les autres. Nourrissant une obsession trĂšs connue pour les plantes, il est en permanence occupĂ© Ă  brasser les oreilles de Yoori concernant la dĂ©coration de son cafĂ© - son appartement avec les garçons ayant dĂ©jĂ  fait les frais de son obsession.
𝐚 đ© đ© 𝐞 𝐚 đ« 𝐚 𝐧 𝐜 𝐞 ;
Physiquement, Chanwoo est plutĂŽt grand, mais il est surtout assez Ă©lancĂ©. Dur de dire s’il est vĂ©ritablement musclĂ© ou non - assez pudique, il passe sa vie Ă  s’engouffrer dans des vĂȘtements beaucoup trop grands pour lui. Il a Ă©tĂ© brun quasiment toute sa vie, mais Ă  la mort de sa grand-mĂšre, il s’est teint en blond platine et n’a pas changĂ© depuis, mĂȘme si ça avait sĂ©vĂšrement fait froncer les sourcils de Yujin. Il porte des lentilles de contact, pour compenser sa vue absolument catastrophique. Si Ă  l’origine, Chanwoo n’était pas trĂšs passionnĂ© tatouage, il commencera Ă  se pencher sur la question pour Eunbi - ce faisant, il a aujourd’hui un avant-bras bien rempli, uniquement de petits dessins de la jeune femme.
đ© 𝐞 đ« 𝐬 𝐹 𝐧 𝐚 đ„ 𝐱 𝐭 đČ ;
Chanwoo est souvent dĂ©crit comme quelqu’un Ă©tant d’une infinie gentillesse, ce qui se matĂ©rialise par son souci d’aider les autres en permanence - et cette gentillesse, parfois, lui a causĂ© des torts. Malheureusement, cette bienveillance l’amĂšne parfois Ă  ĂȘtre un peu naĂŻf. Il n’est pas aveuglĂ©ment loyal non plus - il a tendance Ă  ĂȘtre juste dans ses dĂ©cisions, mĂȘme quand elles sont douloureuses pour lui. Chanwoo a tendance Ă  ne jamais blĂąmer les autres pour leurs erreurs, et il a toujours l’habitude de prendre la responsabilitĂ© des fautes de la terre entiĂšre sur ses Ă©paules. 
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lunarsparrows · 2 years ago
started playing lor again last week and finally figured out how to read books and yujin's page took me out. belated sadness over booking shi association is setting in (6 months later) I LIKE THEM SO MUCH... I'M SO SAD...
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m1sf1re · 2 years ago
Garnet was basically being subject to multiverse theorem. Like, multiple selves converging into one being, and it was more than he could take. Granted, it was kickass to see him call upon skills of LoR characters, especially Yujin's imo, but it wasn't enough. And that's going to be a major thing in Limbus, being able to utilize other selves' identities. (The gacha system)
What I'm curious and confused about is what happens once they break, becoming those cocoons and eventually monsters. Guess we'll find out soon enough.
I know all of 12 people will know what I'm talking about, but for those of you out there who've read Project Moon's Leviathan, hoo boy was that last chapter both really interesting in plot, but also the large-scale for the upcoming game Limbus Company.
If I can make Outis wipe the floor using the Red Mist's Page, I'll be content with whatever PM Jank is there on launch.
And for those who haven't any idea what I'm talking about, go read Leviathan. And play the games (LobCorp, LoR)
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ruinaimagines · 3 years ago
you know theres been a lot of good cute stuff here. so i think its appropriate for me now to ask for a scenario about yujins last moments in the library. (i love her she is everything but also going through SO MUCH)
While I’ve written things that are sad with a happy ending, I haven’t written anything outright angsty. I will absolutely provide that, and so here’s your request.
Yujin’s Last Moments in the Library Scenario:
There was no doubt in her mind that this cruel fate was all part of the Blue Reverberation’s plan. Perhaps it was too ambitious of a goal to attempt to take a stand against him herself. Should she have been just a little more patient, maybe this situation would have never come to be.
It’s a miserable feeling to fall to your knees before the enemy, desperately wanting to stand up and continue fighting. She had come here weakened along with her other team members, the scale waging this war was already tipped unfairly.
But the biggest regret of all? Seeing the deaths of her colleagues Valentin and Tenma. They said they’d follow her dreams until the end, and they did. There wasn’t even a corpse to hold onto, not a face to remember them by. Like flames to a fire, they bursted into pages.
And so everything they planned for came crumbling down. The distant dream of overthrowing the Shi Association’s leadership seemed like a delusion at this point. Hope seemed to dangle before her like bait, yet the moment she reached to grasp at it, it was torn away.
Everything is burning, she’s littered in bruises and cuts, and her breathing is ragged. Exhaustion courses through her body, she can’t even find the energy to cry, to mourn her fallen colleagues. All she can do is pathetically grip at the sword in hand, one which has become dull and bloodstained.
She didn’t want to drag either Valentin or Tenma into this, they didn’t deserve to die like this. Their passion, their loyalty, it didn’t deserve to be stuffed in the shelves of this place where it would be forgotten.
They fought valiantly for a moment that would never come to pass. ‘Just wait a little longer, soon we will seize the opportunity.’ Had they waited past the time they yearned for? Was there ever going to be a weakness revealed? For once did the methodical and forbearing personality of hers lead to a fatal mistake? Was it possible that she was to blame?
Just barely she evaded another swing of a blade, though it happened to nip her slightly on an already beaten up shoulder. Her legs are teetering on the edge of collapse, yet somehow she manages to stay upright. Not for long, that’s sure.
As soon as the seedlings of uncertainty decided to root within her heart, they were silenced just as quickly as they came. No, she was not at fault for taking the path she did up to this point. Yujin isn’t to blame, and her colleagues certainly aren’t. They did everything they thought was right, and they just happened to be intercepted with an unavoidable issue.
She doesn’t even hold much of a grudge against the librarians that have brutally fought against her. There’s a reason the Shi Association is known for its indiscriminate view on death, even in the face of enemies. Just as she was, they were only doing what they had to. As sorrowful as it is to lose those you care for, these people of the library are not who her anger is directed at.
However, to Thelma, the man who was willing to sentence everyone to such death. The person who was fully aware of the cruelty they would face, all for his own selfish desire of saving his own hide and position. There is no pity for him, only a single wish. A wish that his responsibilities and shadiness will one day catch up to him, and when it does, it will be an absolute hell.
And to the Blue Reverberation? What more is there for her to say? If this truly was all some elaborate scheme of his then it’s frustrating yes, but unsurprising. In retrospect, all Yujin had to want was for her to be more careful. That color fixer deserved no riddance, not even a second thought. He’d probably take it as a compliment. The ultimate choice was to pay no care to him at all, don’t feed the fire.
Truthfully this confidence and desire that burned in her for the dream they originally had set in front of them didn’t come out of nowhere. Should she have not reflected once more on the tragic deaths of Valentin and Tenma, she’d be lost to the tangled vines of doubt that grew in her mind like weeds.
What kind of a leader would she be to give up her own dedication so easily? To toss it out, just because of some crisis on who’s to blame. What’s faith in a cause if you can’t hold out on it until the very end? To die with the afterthought that their mission was doomed from the start was the more cowardly option. Tenma
 they held out even as their demise neared, for they believed there was still a chance to reach their goals. It would be dishonorable to not do the same.
And even though she was bruised and battered, even though her vision was fading, and even though every noise seemed so overwhelming her heart stood strong. They might not have won, perhaps nothing would have changed, but she was proud of what they achieved.
Yujin wasn’t one to ponder too much on the afterlife, but if there was one, she hopes that she gets to meet those two. She hadn’t been able to tell them just how much she respects them and how pleased she is with their work. Tenma is probably beating herself up for falling, and Valentin is just as upset. An afterlife, yeah? Sounds like a nice thought.
Maybe, just maybe the three of them will meet somewhere where they’re free.
She wonders if their deaths were peaceful, but as her own body begins to scatter into paper, it looks like she won’t have to ponder that question any longer.
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sealed-valkyria · 3 years ago
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Two Gartic Phone doodles I am pretty proud of and I am very grateful my friends are patient. The Xiao one was from just last night, but the Yujin one was from a bit ago. 
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nezumasa · 8 years ago

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transgenderfivepebbles · 11 months ago
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(shi)tpost for today
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transgenderfivepebbles · 1 year ago
hello to all three shi association fans. i wrote a thing
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wolvzephyr · 3 years ago
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ridiculously cruel quiz to send to your friends who don't know who library of ruina characters are 
(versions with/without names included; the username at the bottom is one of my twitter accounts fyi)
for added challenge: send the nameless quiz first. wait for their answer. and then send the version with their names
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wolvzephyr · 2 years ago
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Haven't drawn them in a REALLY long time
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