#lor patron librarians
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citroncynique · 8 months ago
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Don't miss a moment of this experiment~
This is my first time trying my hand at drawing the LoR Sephirah!!! Hope you like it hehe
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aumberine · 3 months ago
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I do not take criticism
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remratsuken · 9 months ago
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bpd-roland · 2 months ago
Didn't forget about this blog ive just been trying to figure out what to post. Last night i was thinking about roland being super chatty and a huge gossip. like iirc his personality traits in his artbook profile are "amiable" "talkative" and some third thing. for a guy who hates talking about himself, he sure does love to yap about whatever the Tea is
he'll often bring up random shit he heard about one time just to talk about it. he does this with angela basically every pre-reception but another notable example is like, that one small stories on hokma's floor where he's like "dude dont talk about angela behind her back. cus yknow i heard she can hear us all the time whenever she wants. she could be listening right now" and the other librarians are like Arent you. Doing that. Talking about her. he's so absurd and i wanna know what other bullshit he chats about. does he have an actual gossip buddy and who would it be.
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trio-of-librarians · 2 years ago
My pleasure, HaLynn~
HaLynn smiles at Chesed, before departing down to where Acacia is.
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ratlesshonret · 10 months ago
I made a lot of posts summing up my thoughts on the Sephirah/Patron Librarians when I finished LobCorp, and more when I was midway through LoR, but now that I'm all caught up on Project Moon lore, I thought I'd give my thoughts on EVERY Patron Librarian and Sinner.
This'll be a long one, so buckle up.
Angela - Holy shit. Where do I start. Ten thousand people have summed up Angela better than I ever could. She's just like me fr, she's one of the best-written characters, she's amazing in every way. Though to be fully honest... I don't like how some aspects of LoR's story surrounding her were written. But that is a LOOOOONG tangent that probably needs its whole own post.
Malkuth - I've said a lot of mean things about Malkuth. I've called her a "nothing character," I've said she's "just the tutorial Sephirah/Librarian," and I've generally seemed very neutral-to-negative on her. But overall... I do like her. Her need to be recognized for her abilities hits me close to home.
Yesod - Love him in LobCorp. Ruina made him into so much more of an insufferable asshole. I don't like him very much in Ruina.
Hod - Arguably the Sephirah/Patron I relate the most to. Her depression, her need to be seen as a "good person," and just... so much of her dialogue. It all resonates with me. And the way she moves past it all, and is still able to be kind... I love it. My heart.
Netzach - I'm not his biggest fan, not by a LONG shot, but I still love him to pieces. He's so chill.
Tiphereth - If Tiphereth has a million fans, I'm one of them. If Tiphereth has ten fans, I'm one of them. If Tiphereth has no fans, I'm no longer alive. And Enoch is fine ig, I wish he got more screentime though.
Chesed - He's cool. I feel generally lukewarm about him, like a lukewarm cup of coffee.
Gebura - I could go on a tangent about how hot Gebura is, and I won't lie that it is a reason I really like her, but... she's so strong. And courageous. And in a genuine way. She had to learn what courage really means. Her journey in LobCorp is one of the best-written parts of that entire game, almost on par with the ending to me. And the way she chats with Roland in LoR is just so interesting.
Binah - I could go on a tangent about how hot Binah is, and I won't lie that it is a reason I really like her, but... as I've said in the past, I love how she isn't just what she looks like on the surface. She has the ability to be cruel without a second thought, but she can be kind without a second thought as well. For all she seems like a high-and-mighty bastard who revels in keeping information from people and being smart and philosophical, under the surface she is totally not that, and it intrigues me to no end.
Hokma - Gonna be real... I really... REALLY don't like Hokma. Like, at all. I'm verging into "active disdain" territory with him. Which sucks, because I wanted so bad to like him. But I just can't. Sorry chat.
Roland - What is there to say about Roland? He's-- Roland. There's so much about Roland, and my thoughts are almost identical to the hundred other thoughts on his character you've probably read. So I'm not gonna waste your time with that. Just know I really like him.
Now it's time for the Sinners lol.
Yi Sang - He's fine. His story didn't really resonate with me in the way it did for a lot of others. Which is sad to me, but you know, you can't like every character ever. I respect him as a character.
Faust - She is, to me, the definition of mixed opinions. She's hot. She's an insufferable bastard. She seems to care more than she lets on. She's a smarmy know-it-all. She obviously has her own struggles. She presents an aura of I-don't-give-a-shit. She's nice to Dante more than she needs to be. She's on the side of the big company. I cannot ever decide on a solid opinion about Faust, because it changes basically every time they give her a speaking line.
Don Quixote - Dondon :3
Ryōshū - I love her a lot. She's probably not intended to be a funny character, but a lot of her moments are hilarious to me. I love her dynamic with Sinclair. She's pretty as hell. And badass. Most of her Identities are really cool, too. Out of every Canto left, Ryōshū's is the one I'm most excited for.
Meursault - I have no opinions on Meursault. He is perfectly adequate as a character, and my emotional attachment is minimal.
Hong Lu - Hong Lu is a weird one to me. I wanna like him, but he has so little time on screen and so few speaking lines that it's hard to really form an attachment. You can kinda project whatever you want onto him because he's so absent from the story. I need more time to form an opinion, as more Cantos come out.
Heathcliff - God I love Heathcliff. I had a lot of issues with Canto VI, but overall I loved it, and Heathcliff's story. His character development across the game. His relationship and dynamic with Ishmael. There's so much to talk about that, again, I cannot cover in what is supposed to be a short summary of my opinions on each major character.
Rodion - I really like her, I just wish she was more fleshed out. Which will come in time, of course. Her source material is what really attached me to her (Crime and Punishment is a great book) and that's probably why I'm able to stay so loving of her despite her lack of much real character development throughout the story.
Sinclair - Where to start with Sinclair... I really love his story. And his personality. He ticks every box for what I like in a character. He's cute, too, which helps. They really went off with his Canto, and even though later Cantos have had higher production value and more cool moments, his still has a close place in my heart as the first time I realized Limbus might not just be "worse LoR."
Outis - Not really a fan. I kind of... find her insufferable. Even moreso than Faust. But I KNOW that the SECOND her Canto drops, my opinion will change. She's one of those characters where I can tell her Canto will either make me start to love and worship her, or despise her even more. My opinion is ready to change. I'm ready to love her. And when her Canto drops, I feel like that just may happen.
Gregor - He's fine. Like Meursault, I don't have too many thoughts. He kind of got his story done pretty early, and has been relegated to be a minor side character who provides occasional comic relief. But he serves the role well, and I like him overall.
Dante - Dante is arguably my favorite protagonist. I may like them more than Roland. Their failcringe vibe just captivates me.
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cyborg-squid · 11 months ago
I'm thinking about the moment with Meursault in Canto 6, when he talks about ensuring Heathcliff's safety even if it means forsaking the Golden Bough, as well as Heathcliff stabbing himself with the Bough which I couldn't help but think was inspired by when Yi Sang was stabbed with one, and what I love about it, more than just Sinners becoming friends, 'found family' sort of stuff, is that it comes after this period where. Dante really has a lot of doubts about the Sinners relationships with each other and themself, the fact that the Sinners, and even Vergilius, are all in this for their own reasons and goals. And there's Ishmael pushing everyone away in SEA and her Canto, and even back at the very beginning with the Sinners just murdering each other at 1st meeting.
It'd be one thing if it was like "Oh, they're friends now because they've been fighting alongside each other and have good chemistry" or whatever, but because this improvement in Sinner (and Vergilius!) relations comes after Dantes understandable doubts, and moments of downright unfriendliness and hostility between some of them, makes it so much better.
And of course, it also makes sense after the experiences we've had with the Golden Boughs so far, them showing and reflecting the past of the Sinners, as well as going up against people from their pasts; the characters with the most 'successful' Bough acquisitions, with them more fully confronting their pasts and manifesting EGOs (Yi Sang, Ishmael, Heathcliff), they come to better understand themselves, and of course, the others Sinners (and Dante) who witness it would come to understand and empathize with them as well, at least to an extent!
In a way, it mirrors the Floor Realizations of Library of Ruina; Angela's relationship with Patron Librarians starts in a much worse spot than the Sinner relationships, but it's through these Floor Realizations that the pasts of Angela, and then Roland, and the Sephirot themselves are put on display, are shown truly to one another, where motives and intentions can be understood, even if not agreed with. And of fucking course, doing all the Floor Realizations is the only way to get the true ending, understanding and acknowledgement and change is not only beneficial, it is necessary, not only to the individuals themselves, but to the City as a whole.
It is somewhat of a glib simplification to call the Floor Realizations and then the Golden Bough encounters 'therapy', but it's really not all that wrong.
I'm sure other posters have expressed it better before, but the way the Golden Bough successes have been helping their Sinners, makes me think of the end of LoR, how Angela and the Library can and will change the City and the people of it, for the better, contrary to the apathy expressed by Roland and others earlier in the story. "That's that, and this is this." That's just the way things are. But things don't have to be that way, and structural change begins at the individual level, starting with people being more honest with themselves, an overlapping belief of both Carmen and Angela (which is part of why there's this fine line between Distorting and manifesting EGO, two sides of the same coin).
So what I'm getting to is that I think the Golden Boughs have, in some way, been intentionally released from the Library in an attempt to bring about change to the people of the City, to have people go through positive changes like those some Sinners have had so far. From 'Lament', "stolen from the tree's hand", as well as Dante's new ability having the text "Sapling of Light" (iirc), you have these connections to trees and nature, specifically the Seed of Light project, as well as the 'boughs' of Golden Boughs.
Now, I do think things might not be going exactly as 'planned', the Limbus Company swooping in and taking the Golden Boughs; this attempt at mass self-help being caught up within the corporate gears of the City. Faust, Vergilius, others might have the proper idea of what the Boughs are all about, but you get the feeling that who (Dias???) or whatever is backing the Limbus Company has different motives.
I feel like all this, this idea of what the Golden Boughs might be and their intent, is kind of old news at this point and it's probably already been figured out by a lot of players, I've had it in my head for a while but was only able to properly articulate it now.
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librarian-sibling-duo · 2 years ago
She’s practically bouncing in place. “OH MY GOD THEY WERE RIGHT! YOUR…NOT A BOX!”
"Hmm? Oh. Hello, Wetherby. Yes, it is me. I hope the tour Gamma provided was sufficient?"
"...why are you looking at me like that?"
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malottie · 1 year ago
does anyone have sprites of the patron librarians
i want to do some lor shitpost but i can't find much online and i don't feel like going in game to take screenshots and then spend hours cleaning up the sprites
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ahmedmootaz · 1 year ago
So X never being sent into the light... How's Ayin and his many facets without X? Does Adam win in his side and being more of a pest in the reverb battle?
At first I thought of X being in LoR au has him suddenly reappear in the library and get Awkward with Angela and others but then realized with X in the light he can try and deal Angela's coup the best he can.
If that still happens. Like is the extraction team more of afraid of Binah even with X around? X being Patron Librarian of General Works alongside with Roland?
It's funny how I thought X in Lor au would give me X/Angela adopts the bh but no, there's more things that butterflies with him around and not just romance.
Dear astrocourier,
Indeed, there's plenty of things that hinge on X's presence or absence in both LC and LoR...without mentioning of course my little Tale of a Library series. For a faceless, nameless clone, he sure does play a surprisingly large role once you think about it...especially with the scenarios you suggested.
When it comes to TMFoA without X, I think that it would actually turn out worse for the A3; X was a major part of why Ayin tolerated their presence begrudgingly; without him, he would've been free the lash out at them and beat them up as he pleased, which would've definitely rendered the reconciliation he had with his facets a distant dream if even that. I doubt Adam would even make it to the Reverberation battle with how much Ayin despised him back then, and in a way, I feel that would've worked out worse for him since his mind would've still been subject to the A3's destructive influence since no matter how much he suppressed them, it would've never been as effective as a reconciliation.
Had X not been in the Light during Angela's coup, I believe that would've complicated things quite a bit for her as well, since Binah was shown to respect him at the end of her Meltdown, and although she would've likely attempted to balance out the sides as she did in our timeline, I have a sensation the Agents would've been more loyal to the man who managed to earn Binah's respect twice, so that would've definitely complicated her coup if not made it impossible as you said...and if he was still transported into the Library anyway, then I think Roland would still take over as Patron Librarian of the Floor of General Works, since Angela would likely have a rather large grudge against him by then...
It is indeed quite fun to imagine all of these possibilities, and it's quite interesting to think that they all happen with X when he's no neglected both in Canon and in Fanon. I guess that's where we come in to fix that, keheh. As always, thank you for the fun ask, astrocourier! Until next time, be well, stay safe, and see ya'.
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aumberine · 5 months ago
Let's take ibuprofen together
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librarian-sibling-duo · 2 years ago
“Y-Yep…we’ll be able to, Mr Yesod.”
He’s wandering around the bookcases when he suddenly stops in his tracks upon hearing that oh so familiar voice.
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asocialmoth · 2 years ago
If ever we get far in the game's lifespan, maybe 3-5 years where Limbus can truly stand on its own without LoR and Lob Corp's shadow (not to say it's not already have its own identity, right now it's still new and the other 2 installments are still much more major pillars of the world), we could probably have a nostalgia anniversary event or something with Library identities. How would you like Project Moon to go about them?
Rationale for Reverb Ensemble members is that the worlds the identities come from doesn't necessarily have to be of the same faction (see Kurukumo and Blade Lineage being grouped in one world in the theatre) so I thought this would be cool. Then I added Reverb Ensemble alone for the sake of fairness.
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lobcorpconfessions · 2 years ago
It's interesting sometimes to think of slightly atypical situations for Yesod. Like how he in LoR sometimes drinks with others patron librarians and how he doesn't know how to keep track of how much he drinks. Or also singing karaoke with someone. Just letting him relax with the rest of us
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reg1ment · 1 year ago
Hm ... the only two characters that came to mind immediately were Binah and Zena?
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Binah (the one with a tea cup) is a Sephirah in L. Corp, and the Patron Librarian of Philosophy in LoR. She's got a roundabout way of speaking which leaves people a bit confused, but she has this air of wisdom about her. Also, she's an absolute badass with her own unique deck of Combat Pages, and is the only person who can inflict the "Fairy" status on opponents. She's a bit aloof, and doesn't actually join in battles until a certain stage of LoR is reached.
Zena is an arbiter of the Head--that was Binah's former occupation before she wound up at L. Corp and then the Library. She's similar to Binah in terms of how she speaks, but is ruthless in battle. Not much is actually known about her, either, since the Head (the government of the City in ProjMoon's world) is incredibly secretive--there isn't a lot known about them or how they operate.
~ heart-of-aspiration 📖
BINAH HI… she is so what i was looking for thank you sarah. the way she talks is so awesome i want to give her a gentle hand squeeze bc i’m shy… zena’s mysterious vibe is also crazy cool. library of ruina your characters are some of the most rad i’ve ever seen
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