#looking at you Caramel and crunchy chip
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dreamyblanket · 19 hours ago
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Sorry guys, wafer on the brain, it's terminal u.u
Anyway, I'll elaborate on this in the tags bc omg I'm going to yap your metaphorical ear off.
#SO during the whole “affogato almost takes over the citadel situation” dark cacao cookie [whom i will refer to as DC for my health]#dc basically took all the cookies that were hunting/fishing/patrolling the surrounding lands for food and stuff to make them work#on fortifying the wall#therefore two things happened 1] the cookies who still were hunting for food literally couldn't keep up with the apatites of cookies who#were working super fucking hard on the wall and 2] all the farming imports from the villages near by stopped almost entirely because#it was too dangerous to import their goods or get anything from the citadel [like tools] so they had to keep what they could for themselves#so effectively a famine was starting#and so cookies started eating things they probably shouldn't like deer crackers and wolf treats#looking at you Caramel and crunchy chip#caramel just never fully kicked the habit because it was what she had alot of and she would trade her rations for them with the villages#crunchy chip just allways did that tho. he's just like that#Dc on the other hand grew up in those lands before there was real communication between villages or a citadel to depend on for rations#so famine was common and rough. eatting bark and leaves were common place in his home so while he does eat jellys he never kicked the#craving for tree bark#on the plus side hes got a crazy strong stomach and can eat just about anything#whereas chocolate wafer is from a small village near the hollyberry kingdom so they have allways had an abundance of fruits and juice to#snack on. they managed to convince dc to add dried berrys to their imported goods list and now they are considerd a sweet treat#idk how to put this in kinda organically so ill just say the dc kingdom is a place that depends on imported goods heavily#things like precious metals and food usually comes from the hollyberry kingdom [and gc before her isolation]#in return dc kingdom provides military support and has the best medicine in all of earthbread. All the best doctors studied there#anywho im dome rambling sorry for whoever gets jumpscared thinking this was gunna be short#also if you notice my art suddenly being colored and stuff its because im trying to open coms soon! i want to nail my coloring before then!#^^ if you read all that. wow! have a candy!🍬#dreamy talks#[🧋]#chocolate wafer cookie
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speed-world · 2 months ago
Hello, im a fan of the self aware scenario you did with the coward y/n cookie, and I was wondering what their reactions would be of meeting the beast cookies
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To be honest, you had no interest in going to Beast-Yeast, at all. After all, why would you? Whatever conflict the Ancients and other cookies had with each other didn’t concern you, not to mention that just the name - “Beast-Yeast” - already freaked you out.
If it weren’t for Pure Vanilla Cookie promising that your safety, due to the agreement between the Ancients and Dark Enchantress Cookie, you would’ve stayed comfortably in the Cookie Kingdom far away from the other continent.
You wish you never listened to Pure Vanilla now, because this beast - Shadow Milk Cookie - immediately wanted to make you run far, far away.
The jester scared you with his sinister and maniacal behavior. If you had a fear of clowns before entering the cookie world, then you’d pass out the more his actions continued.
After seeing the mental turmoil Pure Vanilla was experiencing, the loss of Elder Faerie Cookie, Shadow Milk’s terrifying powers and his “plays” that were mockeries of all the adversaries of the Beasts—the color blue might be your most hated now.
Yeah, you’d be completely fine and dandy if you never saw a hint of Shadow Milk’s Cookie ever again
However, he couldn’t stand to think of this meeting being your last…
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How were you convinced to go back to Beast-Yeast a second time?? Suppose you can be grateful for that promise with the Ancients and Dark Enchantress Cookie.
You actually really liked the Ivory Pagoda. The atmosphere was so serene and otherworldly, and warmly inviting…or dangerously alluring.
The company of Dark Cacao Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, Crunchy Chip Cookie, and the Cacao warriors made this trip a whole lot more comfortable and relaxing. However, their presence couldn’t make things better when you finally came face to face with the other Beast - Mystic Flour Cookie.
You thought the slow creepiness of Cloud Haetae Cookie would be the worst of your problems, but at least the story they told was directed to the Ancient instead of you.
The second you saw that spider pop out of that cocoon, your soul ascended to the crossroads. Your body went so pale that Dark Cacao thought you succumbed to the pale ailment.
You really couldn’t articulate how much Mystic Flour scared you. Shadow Milk was insane, but this?! She’s so uncaring, so unrelenting in her belief of apathy, is it too late to stay with Peach Blossom Cookie for the rest of this journey?
Let’s not even get started on that face. You hated any related horror stuff in the real world, and now you’re seeing that in front of your face!!
Yeah no, forget this. Awesome job on Dark Cacao awakening, time to get on the first airship outta this place.
As much as you wanted to be as far away from Mystic Flour Cookie as possible, you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Stared at by a force that you couldn’t look back at, no matter how hard you tried….
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Hell. To the freaking. NO
Naaaaaah Golden Cheese Cookie, she’s crazy if she thinks you’re going to accompany her to Beast-Yeast. Promise be damned, they clearly didn’t account for the mental pain that you’ve suffered through.
Smoked Cheese Cookie seemed dead serious on agreeing with you, but Golden Cheese wouldn’t take no for an answer. You decided to stick close to Smoked Cheese, because the Beast is only focused on Golden Cheese after all, right?
Had it not been for the presence of Golden Cheese and Smoked Cheese, you wouldn’t have even thought of coming to this place. It’s hotter than a truck engine in the summer, a lot of these Spice cookies are pretty hostile, and—Oh God the sandstorms are the crumbs of dead cookies?!?????!
And then, you met him-Burning Spice Cookie. He’s already scary to look at, so you just hid your face whenever you saw or heard him.
His power is also way too scary-he doesn’t care about any collateral damage caused, heck he probably loves if there’s more of it! Smoked Cheese spent his time making sure that not even a crumb of you were harmed during the fight of Golden Cheese and Burning Spice.
You weren’t sure what freaked you out more: Nutmeg Tiger Cookie’s unwavering devotion to such a being like Burning Spice, or the fact that Burning Spice Cookie does all that he does…for entertainment.
All the death, destruction, suffering he causes, everything, all for a cheap laugh?! Why-why again did you ever come here?!?
To make matters worse? Smoked Cheese and Golden Cheese were locked away in a cage. But you? No, Burning Spice didn’t want you in confinement.
He found it much more amusing to have you by his side, attached to his hip and sitting on his lap.
Your soul departs each time he speaks, your breath is taken away when he breaks something, because you’re scared that it might be you he breaks next. Seeing him be so casual and collected after crushing Cilantro Cobra Cookie in front of your face was what set you over the edge.
You were panicking, screaming, tossing around. You wanted to leave now, no ifs, ands, or buts. You can’t take this anymore and-…
He-he’s staring at you….he’s in the middle of his second round fight with Golden Cheese Cookie, and he’s staring. Right. At. You.
You were eternally grateful for Smoked Cheese Cookie being so understanding, and being so quick in trying to get you out of this God forsaken continent.
But even as you were getting away, you heard his laugh. You know Golden Cheese struck him down, but you heard his faint sinister laugh; virtually paralyzing you in place.
Please, for your sake, can you never come back to Beast-Yeast ever again?!?
Where did this ticket come from?
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cookiekissers · 5 months ago
Hi hello, could I request a malewife reader x dark cacao cookie fluff?? Your writing rocks btw 🦖🦖
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[Dark Cacao Cookie x House Husband Reader]
AWWWW thanks so much!! <3
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Even though the air felt calm then, snowflakes delicately danced on the frigid breeze descending from the mountains. From the tension in the air, everyone knew a harsh snowstorm was approaching. You held on to your husband's arm as you walked through the streets of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, checking in on the Cookies to ensure they were well-prepared for the coming storm. Accompanying you were Caramel Arrow Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie, serving as your husband's guards. Two other aides pulled a wagon filled with supplies, distributing bags of essentials to the kingdom's citizens. You gazed up at Dark Cacao's handsome, stoic face. He glanced to the hazy peaks in the distance, a line of worry etched into his dough as he gauged how much time they had before the winter storm hit.
You reached up and gently caressed his cheek with your warm hand, bringing his attention to you. With an amused smile, you brushed away some snow that had collected in his long, dark hair. Dark Cacao Cookie held your hand to his cheek, turning his head, he gave your palm a quick, reverent kiss. Snowflakes had fallen, and delicately rested on his lashes, making him even more beautiful against the stark white snow.
"Don't worry, love, we've been through worse storms. The kingdom can handle it." You said reassuringly. Dark Cacao Cookie didn't answer, but he nuzzled your hand for a moment before letting go.
"The storm is approaching. I'll have Caramel Arrow Cookie escort you back to the castle. Wait for me there," he replied. Normally, you would have insisted on staying right by your husband's side, as you were just as much a ruler of the kingdom as he was. You didn't want Dark Cacao Cookie to bear the entire burden of the kingdom alone. As his partner, you felt that the kingdom was your responsibility too, and you were determined not to let him carry it alone.
But this time, you allowed Caramel Arrow Cookie to usher you back to the castle. You turned to look behind you and saw Dark Cacao Cookie speaking with Crunchy Chip Cookie. The cream wolf captain stood to attention, and after a moment once he received his orders, hopped onto the back of his trusted wolf companion and led the cream wolf squadron to the great gates of the kingdom.
At least this gave you a chance to prepare a little surprise for your husband once he got back to the castle.
The castle servants fussed over you while preparing your surprise, insisting that you let them take care of everything for you. However, this was special, and it was something you wanted to do on your own.
You threw another cream wood log into the fireplace to ensure your shared bedchambers were toasty and warm for your husband when he returned from his duties. But you didn't stop there. You considered yourself a dedicated house husband, and for your lover, you would always go above and beyond for him. You prepped a warm meal and oven-fresh buns for the both of you, lit candles around the room, readied and pressed Dark Cacao Cookie's robes, and took care of any remaining business from the day that regarded the kingdom.
You signed and sat on the edge of the bed after finishing all your hard work. The timing was perfect as the bedroom door opened, and Dark Cacao Cookie quietly slipped inside. He removed his fur-lined cape and shook the snow off before hanging it on the wall. You stood up excitedly and scampered up to him, quickly catching him in your embrace.
"Dear, welcome home!" you said happily. Dark Cacao Cookie's dough was cold to the touch, but he seemed to melt under your warmth. His tired eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled at you. Dark Cacao held you closely in his arms, kissing your cheek affectionately.
"How did everything go?" you asked.
"All the supplies have been distributed. We'll just have to wait and see how we handle the storm when it arrives," Dark Cacao Cookie said with a weary sigh. He looked up and seemed momentarily surprised by the room before glancing back down at you.
"What's all this?" He questioned. You smirked and gave your husband a quick peck on the lips before pulling him over to the bed.
"I prepared all this for you." You said, "So you can relax with me this evening." You smiled sweetly. You picked up his robes, neatly unfolding them and handing them to Dark Cacao Cookie to put on. Your husband's brow furrowed in an all too familiar way when he was feeling guilty.
"Thank you for all this, dearest. But there's more work for-" Dark Cacao Cookie began to say but you interrupted him with a click of your tongue. You gingerly reached up, and took his crown off for him.
"Not this time. I took care of everything today, so you have no choice but to spend the evening with me." You grinned playfully. Dark Cacao Cookie smiled slightly and relaxed. His strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you close, and he kissed you deeply. Dark Cacao Cookie's still cold lips moved against your's sweetly, and when he pulled away, he sighed quietly against your shoulder.
"Thank you, my dearest." He said gratefully.
You helped your husband undress slowly. Kissing his body lovingly whenever his dark dough peeked out from behind the silky fabric. Slipping his warm, prepared robe over his shoulders, you tied the sash around his waist, kissing his chest tenderly once you were done. You noticed Dark Cacao Cookie watching you with admiration. He admired your every move with such tenderness and adoration you couldn't help but blush like you weren't already married.
Dark Cacao Cookie pulled you against his chest, swaying with you in his arms. He kissed the top of your head as you rested against his chest. How did he get so lucky to marry such a wonderful man like you?
A quiet knock at the door brought your attention away from each other. A servant slid the door open and bowed their head.
"Your majesties," They greeted. "I have today's report of the kingdom's resources." They said. Dark Cacao Cookie frowned slightly.
"Leave it. I will attend to it later. Now, do not disturb us for the rest of the night." He ordered.
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brittle-doughie · 10 months ago
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Late Arrival (Dark Cacao Cookie)
“Dark Cacao Cookie. Now that they have awoken, they will attack us to reclaim their lost Soul Jams. During the fight, Shadow Milk Cookie had taken Y/N Cookie under his control through his deceit. I fear that with Shadow Milk Cookie pushed back for now that he will alert the others to Y/N Cookie’s existence.”
“White Lily Cookie and I were barely able to bring them back from Shadow Milk Cookie’s control, they need the time to settle down. Please, for their sake, do not bring Y/N Cookie with you. I understand how much we all value and cherish them, but it only puts them in danger of the Beast Cookies.”
“There’s no telling what the other Beast Cookies will do to keep Y/N Cookie for themselves…”
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Dark Cacao only sighed as he looked away from the letter, seeing Y/N Cookie prepping alongside Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip Cookie from the distance. It looked like he had ALREADY invited Y/N Cookie to come along with him for the expedition to Mystic Flour Cookie’s temple.
He was too attached to them for his own good….
But…he shook his head as he gripped his blade and headed over to the cookies.
He…he can protect them. It won’t be like what Pure Vanilla described back at the Silver Kingdom.
He’ll make sure you’re safe…
“Have the preparations been made?”
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“Yes, my King! I have ordered the troops to be ready at the gates.”
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“Your Majesty! Everything has been ready and set for our travel to Beast Yeast! I’m worried about Y/N Cookie though, they look uneasy…”
Crunchy was right, you had that shaking feeling in your legs….
Going back to Beast Yeast so soon….
You really wanted to stay at the Cookie Kingdom, where it was safe…
But when Dark Cacao Cookie practically pleaded for your aid, you didn’t want to let him down…
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“Will you be okay, Y/N Cookie? I know it was such short notice to ask for your help. Especially after your recent arrival back to your kingdom, but I will do my best to protect you…”
“As will I.”
Dark Cacao Cookie had placed his hand on your shoulder, giving you more reassurance as you collected yourself.
He was right, as long as you had him and the others backing you up, things won’t go south…like before…
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“Foolish Cookies..! You simply have no idea what’s waiting for you! How long can you protect Y/N Cookie before they fall into our hands! HA HA HA HA HA!”
You shake your head to try and forget his words. You can trust Dark Cacao. With the others in the kingdom, there shouldn’t be any cause for concern.
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itsabouttimex2 · 4 months ago
What are the cookie run “fams” and what do the Y/Ns look like?
Yandere CRK Families
Alright this was a fun question, so I’ll go over three of them!
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In terms of personality, I think that this particular Y/N is going to be very timid and withdrawn after an entire life spent within their father’s desolate and quiet castle.
As someone who believes in the necessity of strength and discipline, Dark Cacao Cookie doesn’t hold back from piling on consequences when he thinks you’re making a mistake or putting yourself in danger. His guidance is often harsh, but he genuinely thinks it’s what you need to become resilient enough to survive.
The king is strict- but he’s convinced that it’s only because he wants to see you become the best version of yourself. He frequently gives you strenuous “lessons” in survival skills or fighting techniques, preparing you for any misfortune or struggle that may come your way, but deep down, Dark Cacao knows he’s not willing to cut your lead enough slack to allow to those scenarios to manifest.
…and maybe it allows him to tuck your tired room in nice and tight when all is said and done, and maybe leave you with a treat or two.
But only if you’re good.
Caramel Arrow Cookie guards you as she guards the king, willing to trade her life for yours- I think she manifests her “yandere” behavior in sheer devotion and loyalty to His Highness, Dark Cacao Cookie, which spills over onto you in turn. If you are safe and happy, then Caramel Arrow knows that her king can focus on his duties as sovereign.
Because she’s unwilling to go against an order levied by the king, Caramel Arrow is strikingly strict with her care- not brutally so, but she’s definitely not the sort to waver once an order has been given. To help pass the time, she’ll set up targets and guide you through nocking and loosing arrows, ensuring that you’ll be just as grand an archer as her, all in time with your father’s ceaseless swordsmanship lessons. She’s warm-hearted in spite of her unwavering devotion to your safeguarding, which means it’s not impossible to get a pep talk or even a piggyback ride back to your room when you grow exhausted- and she also makes all of your meals herself to prevent any poison from being snuck in.
As for Crunchy Chip Cookie, he’s a little more hands on when it comes to dealing with you. He’ll roughhouse and tease and pester, though always with a measure of restraint- his job is to keep you safe, so no going all out or actually fighting. Still, a wrestling match or two is good for your spirit and allows for the burning of excess energy.
Though you aren’t allowed outside, there’s no rules against bringing outside in… which means that the Cream Wolf pups can “secretly” visit you as much as they’d like! It’s an immediate mood-booster for both you and the puppies, so he doesn’t mind cutting into training time.
Dark Cacao knows about all these canine rendezvous, of course. Crunchy Chip ran it by him beforehand, but they pretend that all of it is happening just under the rug. Maybe a little bit of presumed “troublemaking” does your heart good.
Well, until you inevitably get attached to a ring and then shuffle into his throne room to guiltily ask to keep it as a pet after “confessing” to playing with them it frequently.
(…he says yes, to everyone’s surprise.)
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Probably your name is something like “Chocolate Milk Cookie”, “Cocoa Powder Cookie”, or “Dark Truffle Cookie”.
(Though the many soldiers tasked with caring for you will inevitably slip in enough nicknames to fill a book…)
Constantly nervous/bored and frowning, the soft gifts you’re spoiled with can only do so much to keep your wanderlust and frustration at bay- not that Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip ever stop piling them on. You prefer the books over the plushes, but anything new gets your little sad face twisting into a gleeful expression, encouraging your guardians to continue piling the gifts on.
Dark Cacao has you permanently bundled into the traditional garbs of his people, constantly wearing a reminder of the long-buried soldiers who bravely gave their lives for their people.
Unfortunately for you, you aren’t granted the privilege of owning thick woolen socks or fuzzy fur-lined boots- instead, your father ensures that even a step out of line would have you freezing and desperate to return to the warmth of your room.
Instead, you are forced to remain barefoot all through the day, walking only in halls and rooms that have plush carpet laid out for your little feet- else you begin to crumble from the cold. Of course, if the weather ever gets to you, you can always return to your room and request a fluffy blanket or a hot meal…
So long as you do what father says.
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(Not sure which one yet… name pending, basically. “Mermaidfam” is a little long, haha)
Probably you’re a little thing who falls overboard after rowing out a little too far, caught in the careless waves and dragged under the tide, then beaten mercilessly against rough rocks and jagged coral. The event leaves you soggy, close to crumbling… until a tender mermaid comes to your rescue under the veil of moonlight, dragging you to her underwater palace.
White Pearl Cookie is happy to meet you, to know you, to drink in every last story you can share with her about your warm and dry home back on land- until you pass out in her arms, dough so broken that your jam spills into the waters of Tearcrown.
Luckily for you, the Little Moon of the Sea has no end to her patience and kindness! Given that you’re unarmed and somewhat crippled at the moment, there’s little harm in bringing you back to the palace and settling you in for an extended stay.
Her sisters, on the other hand…
Though she’s kind, Aquamarine Cookie doesn’t think much of you at first. Really, with your wobbly lips and tearful eyes that scrunch each time a wound is cleaned and patched, she mostly just pities you. Eventually you end up wandering into her garden, where she warms up to your curiosity and enthusiasm over her lovely array of foliage. Especially if you take notes as she speaks. Expect lots of veggie dishes to aid in your healing.
Though she finds most two-legged cookies to be far too odd to bother with, Gold Citrine Cookie has already raided your personal effects and taken a liking in your interests- after all, a cookie that loves the sea can’t be that bad, right? She snatches the prettiest shells from your bag and takes them to her reliquary, hoping to gild them until they’ve reached a level of sparkle that satisfies even her.
Maybe some two-legged cookies are worth getting to know, if you like the same things that she likes. If you make White Pearl happy, you can’t be too bad.
Given her powers of foresight, Mystic Opal Cookie has very little trouble finding where you’ll be or what you might want, often drifting into sight to offer up a warm shroud or a nutritious snack, then slinking back into the shadows without a further word. She won’t never indulge to you her visions, but it’s safe to assume that you’re at least in them.
Crimson Coral Cookie doesn’t exactly like having a dubious and dying land cookie in their ward, but like her other sisters, understands that you basically can’t do anything to harm them without ensuring a death sentence for yourself, and you’re clearly not stupid, so… she allows your presence to slide.
Once she sees how happy you make her littlest sister, Crimson Coral does genuinely lighten up and make a decent effort to understand you, especially if you have knowledge of aquatic animals- it’s an easy thing to bond over.
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I’m guessing that this particular Y/N might be something like “Shoal Scavenger Cookie”, “Seaweed Sailor Cookie”, or maybe “Tide Tracker Cookie”- having ties to the sea certainly helps them earn the trust of the Gem Mermaids by proving that you aren’t too different in terms of what you and they cherish.
With components like seafoam or algae in your dough, you’re surprisingly resist to growing soggy in the water, even more so when you’re granted a jewel to ward off the condition entirely- albeit in the form of a bracelet or necklace that locks tight around your dough and can’t be removed by hand.
Gold Citrine enjoys dressing you in a dazzling array of glittery and luxurious clothing, often custom-tailoring flowing garbs that sway with each gentle wave that billows through Tearcrown… though she often forgets that you don’t have a tail.
(…not that they aren’t looking for a way to give you one.)
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Y/N is a Cake Hound Cookie. There’s no way around it. Red Velvet Cookie finds your little form after it toddles out of the oven, delirious from heat and fear, shivering and quaking- and he fucking snaps.
You’re him.
A mixture of Cookie and Cake, beast and being, in a neat package with a tail that nervously wags as he brings food to your mouth, his clawed hand cupped around the back of your little head, feeling your squishy strawberry ears…
You are a seamless culmination that he can only dream of being.
In reverence and awe, he brings you back to his master’s lair.
For all that Licorice Cookie isn’t on board with having a freshly baked cookie on the team (especially with how much trouble Poison Mushroom Cookie causes him), he’s also aware that letting a child who is immediately and unmistaken visible as “half-monster” wander freely in the world would be worse, and the mage doesn’t have it in his heart to send you off after you’ve already settled in.
As for the shroom-fanatic themself, Poison Mushroom Cookie essentially just clings to you and offers an endless supply of “shroomies” with abated glee, constantly hanging from your sleeves and tugging on your tail as you go about the day, just happy to have a new friend after a certain swordsman left…
Pomegranate Cookie graciously agrees that Red Velvet should keep you alongside his other Cake Hounds, if only because she’s intrigued to see what you’ll be capable of doing. After all, another set of hands to aid their master isn’t exactly a bad thing- and you very well may have powers granted to you by nature of your birth as a cookie-cake amalgamation. In time, she comes to treat you as she treats Poison Mushroom- almost as a troublesome little sibling who needs watching over.
Never one to spurn decent company, Schwarzwälder is happy to have a cookie young enough to do as he says- you’re probably too young to grasp his born name, and settle for calling him “Brute”. I imagine he’s got some decent ground rules for being a canine, knowing what you can or can’t eat, what methods for tending to your ears and tails is best, etc, etc… probably the safest yandere we’ve gone over so far.
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Perpetually confused at the new and strange world around you, your eyes are frequently wide and your face pulled into a contemplative frown, overwhelmed with all that your sensitive ears and nose pick up on.
Red Velvet wants to be the one who does your hair, but his cake hand makes it nearly impossible to complete without damaging your frosted strands, so Pomegranate or Licorice will do it instead. Poison Mushroom will, uh, “try”… but their version of “trying” is to braid little mushrooms into the frosting.
(A+ for effort, Poison Mushroom Cookie.)
However, Red Velvet does get to help keep your ears glossy and tail clean, spending hours each week tending to your canine appendages. He’s got specialized polish (by Schwarzwälder’s recommendation) for the strawberry ears that flick and swivel with each barked order and every little coo, and a brush for the cream dollop tail that waggles at Bat-Cat and Schwarzwälder’s antics.
All your clothes are custom-sewn, of course. Red Velvet simply won’t tolerate any less than the about best for his favorite little soldier.
Once Pomegranate has grown fond of you, she’ll take to stitching any tears or fraying in your clothes, mending them with a sleek red and black thread that resembles her beloved master’s color scheme.
(Schwarzwälder is probably your favorite, though- after all, he’s the only other dog!)
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hugemilkshake · 16 days ago
I got a request but it a au kind of one so if you don't want to do it you that's understandable, but if you can it's Mafia boss ancients x undercover cop Y/N that was sent to get dirt on them (players choice if they succeed or not).
Suggestion idea: Have the top being the less threatening and the bottom being the most threatening.
Enjoy the milkshake! I don’t know what the suggestion idea is in reference to do im going to ignore that
Also I don’t know much about the mafia besides it’s organized crime so feel free to correct me
Mafia AU Ancients + undercover detective reader
-idk if this is romantic or platonic-
Pure Vanilla
Infiltrating Pure Vanillas group is surprisingly easier than you’d expect!
Everyone is surpisingly friendly and it’s like this isn’t even a mafia being ran and everyone’s just old friends
And it’s surprisingly easy to get close to Pure Vanilla! He’s very sweet and treats you like an old friend
But there’s one problem. The crows.
Crows follow you everywhere, almost to the point you feel uncomfortable and even unsafe going, or even talking about your detective work
And that’s exactly how Pure Vanilla wants you to feel.
He knows your a detective, he knows about every detective for security reasons. He’s not dumb
But instead of tossing you aside he decided to try and force you convince you to fully join his group! I mean its probably the smart option, Black Rasin and Strawberry Crape wouldn’t mind having a few words with you…
Similar to Pure Vanillas, it’s very easy to infiltrate Hollyberrys group, except one key difference…
It’s way harder to get information.
Now the only reason why you can even get information is either through Princess Cookie, details like family photos and very rarely Pitaya Dragon
Now if you had the idea to get Hollyberry drunk then that could work… except it takes a lot for Hollybery to get drunk and Wildberry would prevent her from spilling any valuable information if she were to get drunk
And another difference between Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla is that the likelihood of be being found out to be a detective is a lot lower
Wildberry has suspicions but has nothing to base them off of
But should you be found out, you won’t be killed, but you will be sent to the hospital in critical condition
Not by Hollyberry. She might be tough but the most she’ll do is ridicule you, now Wildberry on the other hand… be prepared to say bye to your kneecaps.
Dark Cacao
Difficult. That’s all this is. Difficult.
Getting in is difficult and building trust with anyone is difficult, you’d have a better chance fighting a dragon and surviving than getting information
Only VERY few know a lot, and they won’t spill, I mean Affogato might spill but you better be paying him A LOT
You most likely won’t have the funds to bribe others so you have to result to snooping around
The most you find is stuff about allies, enemies and future, still important but not what you would prefer to find.
Now this is were you have two options, stop or keep looking around and potentially making Dark Cacao aware of who you are and what your doing
Honestly no matter what you do Affogato will threaten to blackmail you, I mean why do you think you’ve not been caught yet?
Look… if anyone, especially Crunchy Chip or Caramel Arrow caught you then you’d be dead
But the moment you find out anything about Dark Choco from snooping around… is the second Dark Cacao learns who you are.
No one learns about Dark Choco and gets away with it
And for that, you better pray that Affogato likes you enough to try and help you because if he doesn’t then you are a goner.
Golden Cheese
It was hard to find a way into Golden Cheeses group, hell it was hard even finding evidence that it exists!
But once you do get in it’s pretty much pointless, Golden Cheese already knows who you are
Now why are you kept around? Well it’s because she wants to mess with you.
She will intentionally get super close to reveling something super important but ends up avoiding it or straight up lies to you
It’s funny to see you get excited only to get let down or believe something blatantly false
Of course, everyone plays into it.
Mozzarella is the most willing while Smoked Chesse has to let it grow on him.
Burnt Cheese is confused but plays along. Fettuccine would tell you stuff if she knew anything
To summarize your experience, your gaslit and messed with the entire time your there.
If you do find something out, it’s not like you are aware it’s true, if could be made up for all you know
White Lily
Now White Lily doesn’t necessarily run the group she’s in, she’s only second in command to Elder Faerie Cookie
But man does she take her job seriously.
Any information she writes down, it’s in the language of the faeries
If you want to learn anything or even get in, you need to learn a whole new language. Sometimes you got to commit to the bit.
Once you do learn the ins and outs of a new language then you’re going to be reading a lot.
No one’s telling you anything, so you have to read.
It’s mostly due to everyone being really secretive, like everyone is. Finding out someone’s favorite color can be trying to solve a puzzle that’s missing a piece
But unlike Dark Cacao, most are pretty chill if your caught, unless if your in either Elder Faeries or White Lilies office
If your caught it’s up to them, maybe your kicked out, maybe your never heard from again. It’s a gamble
Dark Enchantress
Getting into Dark Enchantresses group can be dirt easy or the most difficult thing ever but once you get in, information can be easy to come by
It’s because of Licorice and Poison Mushroom.
Licorice accidentally spills stuff while Poison Mushroom would tell you everything for a skittle.
Now if you want any information about Dark Enchantresses personal life then just give up. It’s never going to happen
Dark Enchantress won’t tell you and neither will anyone else since they don’t know it or are put under strict oath
To be blunt, if your identity is discovered then your going to be killed. So just play along since this group is kinda fun at times
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pilotingdreammsss · 10 days ago
Spare Parts.
Part two of my cookie run kingdom au. Enough interest was shown for me to continue!~ Thank you for the support, I do hope this chapter is enough... ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Part one.
Even the nurses fall silent- the tension becomes thick enough to cut with a knife. One of the nurses, the notably peppier one, clearly one of the new hires, shyly addresses you.
"Your Majesty!... your new outfit is..."
You shoot her a look, one of poorly disguised threat. You did not need the pleasantries.
She falters, dough going redder as she retreats, following a senior nurse as both depart in silence.
You sit on the bed opposing the lesser injured cookie.
She wears a glare that you fear would see right past your facade. Into your sullied thoughts, revealing your cowardice as an ancient. Cowardice, it was, but it kept your kingdom safe.
"...I hope my nurses have sufficiently aided your injuries."
You start, and watch her examine her bandages, shooting a glance at her companion, who's injuries are more visible.
"Yes. Your nurses have been of good help."
You smile. It's strained, serving only the purpose to diffuse the tension. You watch the cookie's eyes wander elsewhere, downwards, away from your softer gaze. Present in them is malcontent, dark, and looming. Her dark eyes do not, however, tell you what this shame is reserved to.
She attempts to speak again, but her voice wavers and she goes quiet once again.
"Is something of the matter?"
You ask, her eyes suddenly meet yours again. Her hands move from the plush covers of the infirmary bed to her lap. Wrinkles form beneath her eyes.
"...My kingdom... his Majesty..." her voice falters again, her associate stirs in his own bed.
"The Pale Ailment, it-"
The Pale Ailment? The name is foreign to you, though you can only assume it's some kind of affliction.
She shakes her head, eyes closed tightly, as if to dismissively state: 'Nevermind, it's probably not your business.'
You now knew why they'd been sent out. One of the ancients needed help... the urgency in her few words is palpable.
There's a grumbling from beside you. Both of you pause your emotionally charged conversation.
"Crunchy Chip Cookie!"
She pushes herself forward, despite her injuries, and dashes towards her dazed companion. You almost reached out to stop her, but her speed is remarkable despite her state. He was now sat up, eyes wide as she gripped the edge of the bed.
"I take you're not too injured?"
You silently note that they seem close.
"Just a little dazed. A little hit like that isn't enough to knock me down!"
His voice is booming, though warm, like milk with honey.
You approach the two cautiously. Immediately pelted with questions as Crunchy Chip Cookie quickly regains his senses.
"Is this our kingdom? Where are we exactly, Caramel Arrow Cookie?"
Crunchy Chip Cookie asks, clearly only just comprehending where he is.
You interrupt him, with slight desperation twinging your voice. Hoping to cut him off before he asks the fated question.
"This kingdom is mine- scouts spotted you outside the borders."
Crunchy Chip Cookie blushes slightly in response, scratching the back of his neck.
"We got a little lost, then Caramel Arrow Cookie provoked some cake monsters..."
Caramel Arrow Cookie dips her head in a silent admission of guilt. Eyes scrunched together; done more in embarrassment than pure guilt.
. . .
You would be lying if you said that this whole 'Pale Ailment' did not concern you. Atleast subtly. Watching their heartfelt reunion had renewed a flame within your very soul. The care you had for all cookies of Earthbread. A distant memory... just barely visible... a memory of who you were before... yes... that was it. Before you had been told your reasons for existence. You had loved, just as the other ancients had. You had loved them, as friends. Watched them grow and be revered by their loyal subjects.
Then, it had happened. Between your quarrels: an echoing reminder of your purpose. A spare part. The reason of your quarrel, nor the ancient that had so bitterly said those words had been lost to memory. The Ancients had pleaded- so desperately that you stay. That you were needed and appreciated. That they hadn't meant what they'd said.
It wasn't enough. You left, scornfully. Their letters remained unanswered by you. Any attempts of communication- an invitation for a drink with Hollyberry cookie, the proposal to talk it out with Pure Vanilla- were declined. You gave them no answers. Then...then... there spanned a concerning gap in your memory.
Your reminiscing comes to an abrupt stop. Suddenly aware that Caramel Arrow Cookie's hand was waving just infront of your face.
You can feel heat creep through your dough.
"You're with us?"
She asks, and you nod hesitantly, carefully, and watch her face relax.
"Thank goodness."
You laugh sheepishly, dough flushed.
"I apologise for scaring you."
You reply simply,
"I think... I should depart. My head is spinning..."
Caramel Arrow Cookie smiles weakly.
"I suppose..."
She replies, Crunchy Chip Cookie making a noise of approval.
You had other matters to attend to. You had already wasted enough time.
You silently bid them goodbye, leaving through the same sugar glass doors you'd entered through. Both proud and harboring a deepset conflict. You felt your mind frazzled - you'd been so insistent on no contact with those outside your kingdom, and now you'd begun to turn from your previous dictation.
This was your choice, wasn't it?
You'd shove open the doors to the infirmary, streets now emptier than before. Turning to the direction of your castle, you took extra time to let the conversation sink in. It was urgent that you would discuss what to do with these cookies to keep both them and your kingdom safe...
The evening colours begin to paint the sky. You had made the decision to take a detour to tend to your gardens, inbetween your onslaught of thoughts.
One of your kingdom's many adored places. It was usually a public place, though as of the moment, it was empty.
"I forget how peaceful these gardens are."
You'd mutter, bending down to grab at the petals of a flower, feeling it between your hands. Noticing it's slight orange hue, now casting your eyes to the orange sky. The hues of oranges and yellows seem to blend gracefully into a gradient, appearing almost golden, like the icing on your many garments. A slew of harmonious colours, tinting your kingdom in an orange light.
Just outside your gardens, the bustle of the kingdom continues. Students returning from their classes, merchants retreating to their quarters, taverns stirring to life...
The mundanity of usual life is almost luxuriously beautiful. You watch contentedly from a biscuit bench, mind surprisingly still, now also aware of your own need to retreat to your own quarters.
Now yawning, you'd haul your body off the bench, starting at leisurely pace, towards your castle doors... up the chocolate stairs. Still keeping a watchful eye on your surroundings. Watching your kingdom slowly grow further... you pushed the doors open, dismissing the guards off their posts, pushing the doors closed....
The patterned floors, intricately carved and painted, glittered beneath the dying sunlight seeping through the windows. Only now you'd appreciate the stained glass, how masterfully it had been handled, how it complimented the architecture so sweetly.
Your castle was humbly decorated, compared to those seen in your time. It had expensive artifacts, sure, but it too had many items with only sentimental value. One of which is a painting. One of your previous friends and of you, you sparsely examined it, but something about it prevented you from throwing it away.
Only when you settled in your chambers, having traversed the winding corridors, lined with miscellaneous decor... Your thoughts would return. The sky had since turned dark, sprinkled with stars- your room only allowing a sliver of moonlight to illuminate your desk. Scattered with your many writings, drawings and books- everything else shrouded in a deep, indulgent blue hue.
On every other night, you would have been at ease. But tonight, the weight of the day was suffocating- something dreadful was on the horizon, and despite your efforts to decipher it, you could not. It was nothing but a slurred mass of colours. Oh how it kept you stirring- grumbling to yourself. It was clear that you could not possibly sleep in this state.
Your chamber doors would creak open- some hour into your sleeplessness- much to your surprise.
"Your Majesty?"
The voice is strikingly familiar.
"Mixed Swirl Cookie."
You sit up, eyes meeting hers. She smiles softly - dressed in a gown you hadn't yet seen her adorn. It's casual, you note, clashing with her usual uniform. One that was stern, commanding of respect.
"I knew you would be awake."
She boasts, taking the chair from your desk and swivelling it around, so that it faces you.
"I have some... matters to discuss."
Her tone is solemn, almost soothing. You say nothing.
She takes this as a que to continue.
"I spoke to those cookies at the infirmary..."
You can hear her swallow, batting her eyelashes.
"...I think it may be time to open our doors for some new cookies."
She sits on the aforementioned chair.
"They talk of... atrocities committed by the Beasts. Of suffering."
You cast your eyes away from her, down onto the covers of your bed. Finally finding the guts to speak.
You fall quiet. The words fall flat.
Mixed Swirl Cookie notices your hesitance. The look in your eyes, one of deep contemplation.
"I will stand by you, whatever your choice is."
She reassures suddenly.
"It's... just a suggestion, your Majesty. I just cannot help feeling that... maybe it's time."
She stands now, pushing the chair back to its original position. You cannot find the correct words to say to her.
She turns one last time, gripping the door handle.
"... Goodnight, Y/N cookie."
The door slams shut with a thud. The stillness of the night returns. Now laying, conflicted, reflecting on Mixed Swirl Cookie's words...
Maybe... it was time?
Ending notes:
Haa... I'm not quite sure if I like how this one was written... But hey! I hope yall do!~ The first half of this chapter was written a while ago, but I tried to keep it consistent! Albeit I edited it much more than usual haha!
I think I'll do some requests before I start on part 3 ^w^; ! That or some asks about this au...
I'm friendly, I promise! Request away, I write for most cookies!
Oh! And~ Some art of Mixed Swirl Cookie and Caramel Arrow Cookie! Just incase yall wanted to see what she looked like!
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cremefrappe13 · 3 months ago
Days in the Sun (Beast Ancients AU)
(I was thinking, most people only notice the Neobeasts and their followers, but what about those who suffered under their reign? What would become of them? So, I wrote this story to bring a shred of light into what happens to them in my mind. I didn’t write a paragraph for the Faerie Kingdom though, they seem like they’re enjoying life. Also, this takes place before Princess Cookie runs away, but after Caramel Arrow is injured.)
As always, Beast Ancients AU belongs to @cuppajj And yes, I delayed the Celestial Cheese and Midnight Lily for this and it was 100% worth it.
Days in the sun When my life has barely begun
Princess Cookie gazed at the sight her grandmother had become. Her eyes bore witness to everything Hollyberry Cookie- no, Dragonberry Cookie, was doing to her parents. The fear encapsulated her mind, but amongst that fear, she felt sadness… and despair. As Princess Cookie remained in her room, gazing out at the sunset, the sadness once again filled her heart and she began to cry, letting those tears of hopelessness and sorrow fall.
Not until my whole life is done Will I ever leave you…
The cloak was ready. Everything was packed but… Princess Cookie still did not want to leave. Turning to look back at the remnants of her old life and her family, the young princess made a vow to herself:
“I’ll come home after I end this.”
Will I tremble again To my dear one’s gorgeous refrain?
Crunchy Chip supported Caramel Arrow’s larger frame over his tinier body, stumbling through the snow in search for shelter. He felt the pressure mounting on him, knowing full well that Caramel Arrow was slowly freezing to death as he moved. He knew that her arm was being frozen too, in Frigid Cacao's cold and icy permafrost. The worry attempted to consume his mind, and with it, his heart, but Crunchy Chip could not give up, not after Caramel Arrow had done so much for their kingdom! He shook it off and pushed on, finding a warm cave and hurriedly building a fire as he quickly placed his comrade down next to the said fire.
Will you now forever remain Out of reach of my arms?
Crunchy Chip observed Caramel Arrow, attempting to use the fire he had built to thaw out her arm but it was no use… he started to try everything, even attempting to wake Caramel Arrow from her cold slumber as she shifted uncomfortably, occasionally shivering or even trying to speak. Crunchy Chip would be there for her at every waking moment, but even he knew that it was all useless…
Crunchy Chip looked to the skies, knowing that the only solution would be to find a cookie who was an expert on magic ice and snow. It was a race against the clock. If he did not find someone, anyone who could cure Caramel Arrow… he could lose his dear friend forever.
All those days in the sun What I’d give to relive just one…
Smoked Cheese looked upon his radiant queen, who seemed to have lost her mind to the sheer power she held now. He sighed, turning back to his smoke-filled shadows, concerned about the fate of his beloved kingdom welling up in his mind as he remembered the potential disasters of this newfound… problem. She was isolating the kingdom again, and that was not good. The last time this happened… ugh, even he himself did not want to remember the painful memory of being crumbled. Smoked Cheese turned towards the darkness, feeling as if he knew that darkness was the direction his queen, and with it his kingdom, was going towards and it would only lead them to devastation once again.
Undo what’s done And bring back the light…
Smoked Cheese could only hope that this time he could stop the downward spiral of his ruler’s mental state before it was too late. Otherwise, a repeat of the Dark Flour War just might happen, but this time would be caused by the five cookies even he himself, Mozzarella and Burnt Cheese once hailed as their heroes and leaders. Smoked Cheese decided to start scheming again, but this time, he would be more careful… Perhaps assisting that young cookie who calls herself “Yellow Feather” regain her memories might just be the key to ending this and bringing back the light that once graced his radiant queen.
Oh, I could sing Of the pain these dark days bring
Black Raisin mostly felt worry as she witnessed what Pure Vanilla had become. She often skirted around him now, trying not to be “purified” as she took care of each and every last one of the former Raisin Villagers. She heard stories on how some of them had become purified or Lambs of Penance, and she herself flinched every time she witnessed Pure Vanilla, now Saint Vanilla, “purify” (read as “kill”) the same villagers he once healed and took care of so long ago… and the loss of each Raisin Villager only wanted to make her cry. It hurt even more than losing her arm, and Black Raisin could only hope that these dark days would end soon.
The spell we’re under Still it’s the wonder of us I sing of tonight
Black Raisin tended to another Raisin Villager’s wound as she listened to Villager Cookie 2 talk about the latest “purification” inside the Raisin Inn. Her eyebrows drew together each time she heard Saint Vanilla proclaim his message of salvation and it only made her worry even more about the villagers. She looked outside, knowing that the feeling of being watched would never go away ever again because of the orchids. Black Raisin got up, leaving her villagers behind as she closed the window shutters and everything just to be safe, but even she herself knew that it was a matter of time before she would be targeted for “purification”. She could only hope and pray that the threat of Saint Vanilla would be over soon, and Pure Vanilla would come back…
How in the midst of all this sorrow Can so much hope and love endure?
Cream Puff fired another blast of “Jellius Extremus” at the Vanilla Orchids that Saint Vanilla’s Lambs of Penance had planted. The young girl wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead after making sure that the orchid was gone, and she looked around, watching her seniors and professors rally together the remaining cookies who had come to the City of Magic for shelter and protection. To Cream Puff, it was so, so hard to stay as optimistic as she usually was… even after Professor Latte told her now was not the time to give up and let the Neobeasts win, Cream Puff still felt like stumbling down and not getting up again. She was so tired, tired of all the fighting and destroying the orchids, but she kept pushing herself on. She knew she could keep going!
I was innocent and certain Now I’m wiser but unsure…
Little Cream Puff felt like this was just like the Beacons of Unity all over again, but she knew that this time, she was a big girl and a proper wizard now. She had to fight and protect, just like Professors Espresso and Latte! She picked up her staff, pointing the magic blue crystal on the tip at another orchid, and fired. Latte came to assist Cream Puff, and the two exchanged encouraging words, bring back the spirit of unity that everyone knew they needed at this moment, to finish this battle and one day, end this war.
I can’t go back into my childhood That my father made secure
Clotted Cream hurried about, as he hastened his pace to make sure that the Creme Republic would be able to defend itself and its citizens for the impending war that everyone sensed was coming soon. As he finally sat at his desk for a brief moment of respite amongst the chaos, Clotted Cream sighed, trying to relieve himself of the frustration that came with being Consul during a time of war. He stared out of the window, remembering his childhood and how carefree he once was under his mother’s care, but the security his father gave was something he also appreciated, despite all the nasty things that Custard had done…
I can feel the change in me I’m stronger now, but still not free…
He snapped out of his daze, he was glad that his people, after a long and tireless argument, were finally putting their differences away in order for the unity they needed to keep the republic going. It was all they had, after all. Especially since no one wanted to see the loss of their grand republic like they lost the Vanilla Kingdom so long ago… They did not want to lose the Creme Republic they had built with their bare hands and the progress they had all made after the losses they took in the Dark Flour War. They just needed to keep going down this path and progress forward to win this war.
“Days in the sun will return” We must believe as lovers do That days in the sun Will come shining through…
The cookies of Earthbread stared at the morning sun as it rose into the air, hoping that they could all survive the threat of the Neobeasts and that one day… their days in the sun, that were filled with love, joy and wishes, would come shining through…
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 month ago
Chocobrave AU Oneshot
Well…Clotted Cream’s entrance was…certainly surprising…
It shocked everyone to the core but…Pure Vanilla felt relief…his old kingdom had survived the Dark Flour War…
They were safe…
For now they begun the feast…after all it’s been a long journey for his fellow cookies…
So…why isn’t…?
“Dark Cacao Cookie is everything alright?” Pure Vanilla asked the King of the north who turned to him. “You’ve yet to sit down.”
“I’m…waiting for someone.” Dark Cacao replied, much to Pure Vanilla’s surprise. “Waiting for someone?”
“My son.” That’s when Wizard Cookie and Strawberry Cookie put their utensils down for a moment. Pausing in shock. “He was supposed to arrive a moment ago.”
“Your son Dark Choco Cookie?! You invited him?!” Wizard asked in shock, catching the attention of everyone. Dark Cacao shook his head. “No, my…other son.”
“His younger brother.”
Now Hollyberry perked up. “Huh…didn’t hear you baked another.” Dark Cacao turned to the door. “He’s adopted.” The pink-haired Ancient nodded in understanding, makes sense now.
“Why didn’t he join you then? I never saw him in the Dark Cacao Kingdom.” Strawberry Cookie asked shyly. It was strange…he could’ve helped when battling Dark Choco Cookie. “He protects the borders with Crunchy Chip Cookie, he separated from us to check on Caramel Arrow Cookie.”
Dark Cacao had a rare expression of worry. “I hope he’s alright.” He says, Pure Vanilla held his arm in comfort…the cookie was way too tall for him, he could’ve helped barely reach his shoulder…and it would be equally as hard considering his shoulder pads. “I’m sure if he’s anything like you he’ll be fine.” Dark Cacao didn’t seem too convinced though, but acknowledged Pure Vanilla’s comfort.
Just then, one of the Cacao Watchers burst through the door. “Your Highness! The Prince has arrived!”
Dark Cacao blinked for a moment. “And…why are you out of breath?”
At that scream suddenly a young Cream Wolf bursted into the Main Hall, scaring everyone except for the Cacao Watchers, who tried to calm the Wolf down.
Its rider, who was probably the so-called ‘Prince’ was struggling to get a hold of its excitement. “Woah! Woah! Easy there boy! Easy!” His face was covered by his cloak…? Scarf…? Uhm let’s go with cloak. Seemingly by accident considering the way the Wolf was moving wildly.
Dark Cacao sighed, not out of disappointment, he was seemingly amused and slightly relieved. He approached looked to Crunchy Chip Cookie who offered the King a treat to calm the Wolf down, then he approached.
Carefully he calmed the Cream Wolf down. “Sit.” He commanded. The Cream Wolf sat, gaining a relieved yelp from the Prince. “You need to work on your Cream Wolf training.” He responded, giving the Cream Wolf his treat.
The Prince pouted. “Oh, how could I not spoil him?” He says petting the Cream Wolf and scratching his ear.
To Wizard Cookie and Strawberry…The Prince’s voice sounds…familiar…almost…
“Care to introduce us Dark Cacao Cookie?” Hollyberry spoke after a hearty laugh, seeing Dark Cacao being soft in public is rare…well children tend to bring the best in him and Hollyberry after all…Dark Cacao stood up as the Prince slid down the Cream Wolf. He cleared his throat.
“Everyone, this is my son.” At that moment the Prince removed the cloak over his head.
Wizard and Strawberry stood eyes widened in shock and body still.
Did they…hear that right?
As The Prince removed his cloak he revealed the face underneath…
His hair was different sure but that was definitely…
“Gingerbrave?” Everyone paused at the knowing tone from Strawberry Cookie, who stood up, as if in disbelief. “Are you okay Strawberry Cookie?” Pure Vanilla asked, looking at her worriedly.
“Wizard Cookie? Strawberry Cookie?”
Eyes turned towards the young Prince, who somehow knew the names of the Cookies in front of him, standing still in complete shock as well, his eyes were almost dilated but they seemed to hold…
“You…know these cookies?” Dark Cacao asked, turning to Gingerbrave. He was silent for a moment, then smiled.
“Of course I do! They’re my friends!”
At that moment they knew…
Strawberry practically wailed into tears, bolting towards Gingerbrave and tackling him almost causing him to fall. Gingerbrave hugged back, pulling her into a spinning hug.
“You’re alive! Thank the stars you’re alive!” She cried, holding unto Gingerbrave tight and constantly crying in his arms. She eventually let go, to step aside for Wizard. “You probably have a lot to say-“
Gingerbrave was interrupted as Wizard slapped him, shocking everyone in the room. Gingerbrave only smiled and chuckled. “Guess I deserved that.”
“You little-!” Wizard said, also in tears. “You idiot! Don’t you dare let us worry again you stupid-!” He could barely speak, lightly hitting Gingerbrave’s arm and chest until pulling him into a hug. “Don’t EVER disappear like that again!” Wizard hid his cries on Gingerbrave’s armor, to which the Cookie sighed.
“Yeah I get it.” He replied, hugging them both. “Sorry about that guys…”
He was holding back his own cries, but they could feel it…the way he trembled as he held them, the way he hid his voice as he too was on the verge of bawling his eyes out.
Tears spilt from his eyes but he remained strong. Letting out soft laughs of relief.
They were alive, they were okay…they were home…
They were safe…
They’re not in the Oven anymore…
Sunlight practically shone against them as they hugged for hours, warmth spreading them into a new era of healing, reunification and peace…
They were going to be okay…
Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry smiled at the scene. “Darn…they make our reunion look plain.” Hollyberry joked, Pure Vanilla chuckled. “Who would’ve thought? Guess fate really has brought us in full circle.” He looked to Dark Cacao Cookie who didn’t smile…course that was usual.
But the look he gave the group made it seem like he was about to. The way he stared at Gingerbrave with Pride and almost longing…
He was happy for him…who wouldn’t be?
After a while the group parted. “We…have a lot to catch up on.” Gingerbrave joked causing a laugh from Strawberry Cookie. “How the hell can you still joke after THAT?” Wizard said half-heartedly as Gingerbrave laughed in response. “Just trying to make you smile…have you found a few spells while I was gone?”
“Oh tons, you missed a lot.” Wizard said sarcastically. “Course I did! I wouldn’t give up just for that!”
“Still the same as usual then.” Gingerbrave replied with a bright smile…
The group barely left his side, chatting amongst themselves as they made up for lost time…
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peach-top · 4 months ago
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The next day, the raven-haired ruler woke up to find himself lying on a comfortable pillow or...so he thought it was a pillow. He let out a soft gasp, realizing that he was lying his head on someone's lap. And that someone is looking straight at him.
"Good morning." [Y] greeted Dark Cacao.
Without a second thought, the ruler bolted up, only for his forehead to collide with the wanderer's chin, making them both wince in pain.
They both received a bandage on the forehead and chin then were scolded by the elderly pharmacist for their recklessness.
"My apologies. I seem to have forgotten that you allow me to rest on your lap." Dark Cacao apologized. [Y] brushes it off, "No need...How's your fever?"
The ruler nodded, "I think I feel better now. Thank you."
"...Are you sure you're ok? Whenever I touch your shoulder, you tense up and slap my hand away, yelling." the taller male frowned. The raven-haired ruler sighed, "Sorry. Because of the voice in my head, I felt...tense. But I'm fine now. I can no longer hear that voice."
"Ah. If there's any problems, you can tell me." [Y] said with gentleness in his voice. Dark Cacao looks away to hide his soft blush, "...I'll see what I can do..."
"...Never had I ever felt this way before..." the raven-haired ruler thought, placing his hand over heart. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. "Ahem. Come in."
The door slid open to reveal Affogato, Caramel Arrow, and Crunchy Chip. The first watcher beam, "Your majesty! Thank goodness, you're awake! A-are you feeling better??"
"What are you saying?! Of course he'll feel better!" Crunchy Chip chirped, happy to see that Dark Cacao is well. Affogato huffed, "You and your cream wolves won't stop howling. You were mistaken that he might've died..."
"Shut it!" Crunchy Chip howled in anger and embarrassment.
"I am well. I must thank the wanderer for helping me rest." Dark Cacao pointed to the taller male. "It helps me rest peacefully after all of that headache."
"I don't trust him..." Crunchy Chip narrows his eyes at the taller male. "I've heard he tamed some beasts that were attacking the kingdom and even the dragon! But that won't convince me to trust him!"
Crunchy Chip stares menacingly at [Y], not completely trusting him. What if he betrayed Dark Cacao? What if he's only pretending to be an ally? What if-
"That's fine. You don't need to trust me, but I'm happy that the kingdom is now safe from danger." [Y] said.
The second watcher rushed in with a panic look on his face, "Y-your highness. The...Snow Licorice dragon had returned..."
"It has returned to attack, hasn't it?!" the tamer exclaimed. [Y] corrected the male, "She. The dragon is a female. Please be respectful."
"Is she preparing to attack?" Dark Cacao asked.
"No...She's just standing there. I think she's waiting for someone..." The second watcher mumbled before taking a glance at the taller male.
"What if she attacks?!" Crunchy Chip pointed. Caramel Arrow gives the short male a light bonk in the head, "She won't."
"She could possibly be waiting for the traveler since he did remove the poison from her body..." Affogato suggested.
"I think you're correct. We will not need our weapons." The ruler of the kingdom announced. "We must trust the wanderer to handle the dragon on his own."
"Understood." The Watchers nodded with understanding.
"I mustn't question your command, so I'll do as you say." Crunchy Chip sighed.
"Good." Dark Cacao said then turned to the taller male, "You must do what you want to do. We'll wait for you."
"Thank you."
· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·
Under Dark Cacao's commands, the watchers watched as the taller male stepped outside of the gate. They didn't have their weapons, but they'll stay on guard. Dark Cacao watched with the others as [Y] stood before the dragon.
"Good to see you again." [Y] smiled softly. The Snow Licorice dragon leaned her head down for the taller male to stroke her head. "Are you feeling any better? No trouble?"
The dragon purred as a response. The former guardian heard a small roar from beneath the dragon's wing, "Oh? Is there someone with you?"
The Snow Licorice Dragon lifted her wing to reveal five baby dragons, much to the people in the Black Citadel surprise. So, the dragon returned to show her babies to [Y].
"Ah. So you have babies." [Y] chuckled. The baby dragons rush over to the taller male and snuggle with his legs.
"Aww..." Caramel Arrow and the second watcher cooed at the sight.
"Hmph. That's cute, but my cream wolves are cuter!" Crunchy Chip pouted.
"You came all this way to show me your babies. How cute. I hope these Snow Licorice dragons grow up to be healthy and strong." [Y] grinned, lifting a baby dragon in his arms. The Snow Licorice Dragon bumps her muzzle against the male's arm. The taller male's eyes widened, "Oh? You name this one after me?"
The taller male then let out a chuckle, "Hahahaha. How sweet of you. Glad your babies were born healthy despite the poison."
"He can understand them...? No way..." the tamer mumbled with amusement in his voice. "So that's why he's the Tamer of All Beasts..."
"He mentioned this before, he's the former guardian of the Millennial Tree Forest who protected the forest. He has animal friends." Caramel Arrow smiled.
"W-what?! T...that's amazing! I wonder if he can teach me how to tame a dragon! ✨" Crunchy Chip awed.
"Didn't you say you don't trust him?" Affogato deadpanned. "You're far too easy to convince."
"Shut it!"
Dark Cacao noticed [Y] made a "come over" movement with his hand. Confused, the raven-haired ruler approached the dragon and the taller male, receiving a soft growl from the dragon, but [Y] calmed her down.
"Alright. You just had to do one thing. You'll need to apologize for attacking her." [Y] told the ruler. "She only attacks because you attacked her first and the poison has taken the better of hers."
"...I see." Dark Cacao mumbled before turning focus on the dragon then bowed in an apologetic manner, "I, Dark Cacao, apologized for the action we caused you. We do not know what the dragon is thinking, nor did we hear the pain coming from the mother. Once again, we apologize for our actions. From now on, us warriors will leave you in peace."
"..." The Snow Licorice Dragon stares aggressively at the raven-haired ruler before huffing at him, sending small smoke his way.
"She...scoffed at me..." Dark Cacao sweatdropped.
"It'll take a while for her to trust you. Don't worry..." [Y] chuckled softly. Dark Cacao blushed when he heard the taller male's genuine chuckle before looking away. He cleared his throat, "I see what I could do to gain her trust. Glad we were able to have a truce."
"His little chuckle...is amusing..." the ruler thought, feeling his heart flutter inside him. "It makes it harder for my heart to slow down..."
· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·
It has already been weeks since [Y] stayed at the Black Citadel. Fortunately, he made friends at the Dark Cacao Kingdom. It must've been nice to make friends and explore the outside world. The former guardian was glad he decided to leave the forest.
[Y] summoned a bird to send the letter to Millennial Tree and Wind Archer about his adventure in the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
"Hello, dearest traveler, are you writing a letter?" Affogato asked the taller male while holding two cups of affogato coffee. [Y] nodded, "I'm sending it to the forest like I promise."
"Oh? Interesting..." the priest mumbled before sitting next to the wanderer. "Ice Cream Coffee?"
[Y] tilted his head. He has never heard of ice cream nor coffee before, "Ice Cream Coffee?"
Affogato chuckled at the male's curiosity, "It's a mixture of ice cream and coffee. Bittersweet. Give it a taste and you'll see."
Just as say, [Y] took a sip of the ice cream coffee. It took a while until the taste kicked in and it was bittersweet. A mixture of bitterness and sweetness. It doesn't taste so bad.
"Ah..." [Y] awed. He then sipped more of the ice cream coffee. "So, this is what it feels like to taste ice cream coffee."
"I'm glad you like it. I made them myself. I am Affogato after all. I am bitter and sweet." Affogato beamed, clasping his hands together. "It's my specialty~"
Affogato does smell like ice cream and coffee, but does he taste like one. Curiosity took the better of [Y], so he leaned over and bit on Affogato's cheek, catching him by surprise. [Y] continue to bite on his squishy cheek, but it's odd that he doesn't taste like ice cream coffee, however he can taste something weird that isn't food.
"T-traveler!" Affogato squeaked. [Y] pulled away, "You don't taste like one, but smell like one."
The priest pressed his hand on his cheek where the taller male bit him, "Humans aren't people to taste or bite even if they smell like food."
"Really? My animal friends like to bite me, so I thought my kind does something similar." [Y] stated. He just had no idea. It's impossible for Affogato to even get mad at the male because of his innocence and cluelessness. He's such a pure being.
Affogato covered his face, "Why? I enjoy manipulating others who are easy targets or perhaps his majesty. How is it difficult to manipulate something so pure...?"
"Affogato...?" [Y] tilted his head.
· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·
"Wind Archer. It appears that [Y] sent us a letter." Millennial Tree called for the archer. Wind Archer leaped off the tree and landed before the Spirit of the Forest. Millennial Tree opened the stroll and read the letter. He chuckled after reading the full letter, "My~ It seems he's making friends and having fun."
"I see..." Wind Archer sighs with relief.
Millennial Tree smiled, "You seem relieved. You must've missed him a lot."
The archer blushed, "I...I...I'm just- N-nevermind...."
· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·
Back at the Black Citadel, Dark Cacao was writing letters to his friends aka soon-to-be partners about [Y]. It could possibly be just in case he entered into their kingdom without suspicion. Surely, they'll love [Y] like he did. He knows for sure.
Sadly, tomorrow [Y] will be leaving to continue his journey, which is sad to see him go, but they'll meet again, right? The ruler sent off letters to his lovers about the wanderer. Luckily, he described how the taller male looks just so they can recognize the description that he sent to them.
"...It's only been weeks. My feelings for him are getting stronger. As they say: Action speaks louder than words." Dark Cacao mumbled. "Then I shall use action to show my feelings."
╭ ⁞ ❏. facts
┊ ⁞ ❏. the heroes are not in a poly relationship yet
┊ ⁞ ❏. wind archer can be possessive of [y]
┊ ⁞ ❏. author-chan used the wheel to decide on who [y] can meet
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➤ chapter v.
➤ final.
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astral-cookiery · 2 years ago
Hugging Headcanons. || Ft: Dark Cacao Kingdom
A/n: Surprise surprise! Guess who's alive? Such absence was caused by me being bad at keeping a solid schedule and then wanting to play Crk more than I wanted to write. Things are now being worked on heavily though!
Maybe a tiny spoiler warning for episode 14 on Affogato's? It's the last two bullets, so you can just scroll right past it if you do not wish to see spoilers. It doesn't spoil too much, I don't think.
Dark Cacao Cookie
You low-key might suffocate a tiny bit depending on the context of your hug.
If he hasn't seen you for a while, (I.e. on an adventure with the other ancient heroes) you can expect to be trapped in his armored arms until he decides to go and rest after a draining trip.
If you happen to spontaneously hug him whilst somewhere public, he'll give you an awkward side hug in response, since he doesn't want to break the stony demeanor he maintains to the other cookies.
If you're having an emotional moment while hugging and someone else walks in, the expression he gives the intruder is enough to send them scrambling away and mumbling apologies.
The cape goes around both of you. And then you're trapped in a cave of warmth.
Affogato Cookie
Smug bastard. If you ask, he'll give you some holier than thou remark before obliging, making a grand gesture with his arms and inviting you to come closer. Don't worry, he won't bite.
He'll wrap both his arms around your shoulders and pull you into his chest.
Probably gives you some stupid (not) reassuring words if you happen to be upset about something.
Bestie is not good at comforting. He's had a hundred and one problems, but a sad cookie has not been one of them.
If his vibe wasn't totally off, he'd probably give pretty comfortable hugs, seeing how his elegant clothing is made with soft silks and lined with fine fur.
If, after the events of episode 14, you do encounter him again (and don't hate him), he will most likely gladly accept a hug. His holier than thou demeanor will not falter, but he was secretly looking for a little comfort after so much work went to waste.
His hugs are probably a little more genuine than they were during his time as Royal Advisor.
Caramel Arrow Cookie
Older sister vibes
She'll hug you pretty tightly more often than not. Usually in the child way where they intentionally squeeze you like a boa constrictor, except she's an adult with wilderness training and she is significantly stronger than a child.
Awkward sibling hug? Awkward sibling hug. *pat pat.* /ref
H o l d. She'll grab you under your arms and lift you up into a hug. She will attempt to do this regardless of if you are taller or heavier than her. Caramel Arrow is strong, do not underestimate her determination.
(Using the bow and arrow gives you good arm strength last I checked)
If she's feeling playful, she'll outright throw you into the snow afterwards. And then she'll sprint off as quickly as possible. Unless you happen to drag her down with you.
Hugs often turn into snowball fights.
Crunchy Chip Cookie
He was embarrassed the first time you hugged him, and probably hid his face against your shoulder.
Really aggressive hugger. He'll probably squeeze you as hard as he can.
H o l d. (pt 2.) Crunchy Chip Cookie is the type to try and pick you up with a hug, do the awkward backward lean so that he can actually get your feet off the ground, and then drop you. Believe it or not, picking someone up via hugs is not the easiest feat.
When he's determined to hug you after being out at his post for an extended period of time, he'll outright charge at you and then knock you into the snow.
Prepare to get mauled by an excited cookie and his equally excited cream wolves.
If Caramel Arrow wasn't there to pry him off, you'd probably freeze before you got the chance to get out of the snow again.
He will pretend to be sparring with you if anyone happens to walk by (ahem, Dark Cacao.) He doesn't want to look soft or anything! (Please imagine the thing cats do where they randomly attack you while petting them.)
This is not beta-read, probably very ooc, and probably a little self indulgent, unapologetically.
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 2 months ago
The Awakening of White Apathy Rewrite // Chapter 2: Camaraderie in the Fog
Here's chapter 2!!
<Prev.> <Next>
The group ventures into the floury fog with Crunchy Chip Cookie leading the charge, his steps filled with confidence and triumph. Caramel Arrow Cookie, meanwhile, was not too far behind, annoyed with the commander's cockiness as the fog only got thicker. Dark Cacao Cookie squinted his violet eyes to better view his surroundings, only to stumble over a random rock with a loud thump. Caramel Arrow Cookie, the Swift and Cautious Dark Cacao warriors immediately stopped when the thump reached their ears, assisting their king as Crunchy Chip walked further away. As his steps suddenly stopped, Caramel Arrow looked up to see the commander was nowhere to be found.
"Crunchy Chip Cookie? Where are you?" Caramel Arrow shouted. "CRUNCHY CHIP COOKIE, ANSWER ME!! ACK- I knew it..! He was so confident just a moment ago!"
"Don't tell me, he got himself lost from the group?" The Swift Dark Cacao warrior sighed as Dark Cacao Cookie got back on his feet.
"Of course he did! That cookie's confidence makes up for his lack of a brain!" The Cautious Dark Cacao warrior replied with a hint of snark in his voice.
"Everyone, stay on your guard." Dark Cacao huffed. "Crunchy Chip Cookie should be close by..."
Caramel Arrow nods in agreement, "Yes, Your Majesty! I shall lead the way for now... Surely Crunchy Chip Cookie hasn't wandered too far away."
As the group ventures deeper and deeper into the fog, within a blink of an eye, Dark Cacao Cookie finds himself all alone... It was like his warriors disappeared into thin air! The king urgently looked around as he listened closely for a mutter, footstep, anything to know his warriors were still by his side. Every second felt like hours, the silence getting louder, as Dark Cacao's mind wandered in paranoia.
"Where is everyone...? I can't see a thing...! Caramel Arrow Cookie! Are you nearby?!" The king shouted, his voice bouncing off of the trees and rocks.
No response.
"CARAMEL ARROW COOKIE!" The king shouted again.
No response.
"DARK CACAO WARRIORS, ANSWER ME!" The king shouted once more as the reality began to settle in. He lost his warriors.
"It can't be...! I have lost sight of everyone already?!" Dark Cacao Cookie questioned himself as he walked, soon bumping into a tree with a loud thud. "Eugh...!" He groaned as he rubbed his nose, "This dense fog! Cover my eyes no more!"
The king lifted his sword, determination, and annoyance flowing through his dough as he prepared to strike.
"I shall blow it away with a slash of my sword!"
With a swift slash from his sword... the fog was still as dense as it was before. Dark Cacao's eyes widened in shock as his sword lowered, his eyebrow twitching slightly. He was dumbfounded! He was always able to cut through the thickest of fogs with only one slash of his sword without fail... but all of a sudden, he couldn't?! This was getting ridiculous... utterly ridiculous! Dark Cacao's patience began to quickly dwindle as he stormed through the fog with a huff.
"ANYONE?!" The king shouted once again, "This is getting ridiculous... IS THERE NO ONE HERE?! If you can hear me, answer!!" Dark Cacao huffed in annoyance, "IS THERE REALLY NO ONE HERE?!"
Before he could continue his screaming, the sound of rustling from the bushes quickly caught his attention. The king scanned his surroundings to find the source before his eyes landed on the ground, being met with a trail of fresh cookie tracks! Dark Cacao's eyes lit up with triumph as a slight smile appeared on his face.
"AHA!" Dark Cacao exclaimed with excitement, "Fresh cookie tracks! Those must belong to Caramel Arrow Cookie!"
Before he could follow the tracks, the same rustling sound in the bushes caught his ear once again, stopping him in his tracks as his triumphant smile faded. Dark Cacao's head snapped into place as he readied his sword for attack.
"Who goes there?!" He barked.
No response.
"Face my sword!!"
Dark Cacao stumbled back a little from the blow, baffled and shocked. He looked down at his sword, no one was ever able to block his attacks like that! Not his watchers, his commanders, warriors, maids, NO ONE! How was that even possible?! Whoever that was, they certainly were a skilled swordsman indeed! Almost as if... no, no that couldn't be right! Dark Cacao hasn't seen him in almost three years! There was no way he was here... no, couldn't be... right?
"They... read the movement of my sword..? What skill-"
"Your Majesty! It's me, Caramel Arrow Cookie!"
King Dark Cacao froze in place... he knew that voice!
"There he is! Look! We found His Majesty!"
Oh, thank goodness! It was only Caramel Arrow Cookie, Crunchy Chip Cookie, and the two other warriors, not too far behind! Dark Cacao took a sigh of relief as the floury fog began to clear. However, not enough for the king to see properly, that is... The group stopped in front of their king as he tried to make out who was who.
"What a relief that we found each other again!" Caramel Arrow chirped.
"Yes... eugh..." Dark Cacao groaned in annoyance, "This fog is obscuring my vision... I cannot see a thing!" The annoyed king quickly stood proud and tall as he called to his loyal warriors:
"Caramel Arrow Cookie!"
"Yes, Your Majesty! Forever loyal to you, it is I, First Watcher Caramel Arrow Cookie!"
"Crunchy Chip Cookie!"
"Yes, Your Majesty! I am Crunchy Chip Cookie, His Majesty's proud Commander of the Cream Wolves!"
"And my Dark Cacao Warriors!"
"Yes, Your Majesty! Glory to the Dark Cacao Kingdom!"
"Thank goodness... we are all together once again. Let us keep it that way as we continue forward."
Caramel Arrow Cookie crossed her arms, a sly smirk on her face as she eyed Crunchy Chip Cookie.
"Yes," She remarked, "Let us keep it that way as we continue forward, Mr. 'My senses are as good as the Cream Wolves themselves'...~"
"HEY!" Crunchy Chip barked, "As if you're any better, Miss 'I'm addicted to boba tea'! Why don't you stop acting all high and mighty while your forehead is bigger than a billboard!"
"And why should I listen to you?" Caramel Arrow snipped with a sneer, "I am the first watcher and you're nothing more than a mere commander! I can find my way through the thickest of fogs and fight the toughest of beasts! Why do you think His Majesty chose me to be his first watcher?~ Besides, your sense of direction is so bad, you couldn't find your reflection in a mirror!"
"YOU CRACK MIRRORS!!" Crunchy Chip snapped back, his words dripping with venom, "HONESTLY, I'm still left here wondering why His Majesty would ever choose YOU! If anything, he probably took pity on you after you lost your dear-"
"Enough!" Dark Cacao boomed, his voice bouncing off of the trees and rocks once more, "We have traveled here to eliminate the source of the pale ailment, NOT argue and fight with one another like children bickering over a toy! What has gotten into you two? I have trained you better than this!"
The commander and watcher ceased their childish banter as they stood still, listening to the king's angry words. Their eyes shot daggers at one another as the king lectured them like bratty children. Dark Cacao huffed and pinched his nose, wondering what had gotten into his best watcher and commander... He has seen them bicker and argue before, but never to this extent. Their bickering always felt like simple sibling banter with some slight name-calling here and there, but to hear Crunchy Chip Cookie pull out something so personal... something he knew would hurt Caramel Arrow Cookie deeply... was unacceptable! And to hear Caramel Arrow talk so highly of herself... was bizarre! Perhaps it was only nerves...?
"You're right, Your Majesty. I don't know what came over me!" Caramel Arrow sighed as she bowed.
"Yeah... you're right, Your Majesty. We shouldn't be arguing, especially when we need to stop the pale ailment from spreading!" Crunchy Chip added, bowing as well.
"Hmpf." Dark Cacao scoffed. That was a rather quick shift in tone... quicker than he expected, "Then I expect you both to focus on the task at hand from this point on. I better not hear such venomous words leave your mouths for the rest of our journey, understood."
"Yes, Your Majesty." The commander and watcher replied, their eyes staring at the ground.
"Good. Now, let us continue forward. I shall lead the way onward."
Dark Cacao Cookie marched forward, taking the lead as Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip sulked behind, staring at each other with an annoyed look in their eyes.
"Don't say such things in front of him..." Caramel Arrow whispered, "You could-"
"Relax...!" Crunchy Chip muttered under his breath, "He won't catch a thing...! That guy is as dense as a boulder!"
"But, extremely paranoid...! It's best if we keep our heads down for the time being... you know what will happen if we don't..."
"Fine, fine... but don't think I'm following your orders because I want to..."
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brittle-doughie · 10 months ago
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The Plague Approaches! | Looking into The Awakening of White Apathy Update for CRK!
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The Pale Ailment looks to be a sickness that’s coming from a storm that had been carried over from Beast Yeast. Is this natural for that continent or is Mystic Flour Cookie trying to bait Dark Cacao Cookie into heading over there to face her?
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Is that Mystic Flour Cookie’s actual body in there? Butter Roll may have worked for nothing, lol.
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THERE SHE IS! PLAYABLE MYSTIC FLOUR! She’s a Healing class too, pretty ironic for a cookie that’s currently causing a plague. The Healing class is making a comeback with this one.
She also appears to have this quirk where her background and such gradually change the more you promote her.
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Cloud Haetae Cookie! I thought for sure they’d be a Special rarity cookie, but I guess not. The Peach Blossom cookie doesn’t seem to be present in this trailer, she’s for part 2 then.
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Stormbringer Cookie’s costume has been dipped in butter.
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New element? The cookie choice for Darkness is a bit odd, I can understand cookies like Licorice or Dark Choco, but Caramel and Crunchy Chip?
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This update is gearing to be quite the big one what with Mystic Flour approaching and the Beasts overall beginning their attacks on the Ancients. If the order is stuck to from Elder Faerie, then we could expect Eternal Sugar in the future, maybe….
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“Y/N Cookie, come to me…”
You shake your head vigorously, refusing her request as you try to keep the grip on your weapon steady, stepping back from the slowly approaching Beast cookie.
“No, leave…them alone!”
Dark Cacao Cookie was on one knee, the shaking had gotten bad for him, he couldn’t maintain his balance.
“There’s no need for violence, Y/N. I wouldn’t burden you with such a fight. Don’t you want to just go home?”
No, you had come this far with Dark Cacao Cookie, you were going to see this until the end, with her defeated.
The white fog started to form all around you, obscuring you from view to Dark Cacao Cookie.!
“Y/N Cookie…NO!”
He struggled what strength he had and hurried into the fog.
“Why do you continue like this?”
Mystic Flour Cookie appeared before Dark Cacao Cookie, a dazed Y/N Cookie in her lap.
“Why do you persist?”
“Wouldn’t be better to just crumble away like the rest?”
“No, I will cut down any danger to the Dark Cacao Kingdom and to those I hold dear! Put them down!”
“Y/N Cookie is too weak for that, but they will do nicely in my cocoon and soon…become a part of me…”
Dark Cacao Cookie refused, only pointing his sword at Mystic Flour Cookie.
Mystic Flour Cookie only sighed.
“How insufferable….”
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annawho3sblog · 8 months ago
Hi! Can I request Caramel arrow x reader fluff?
𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰! 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱!
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It's a normal day at the dark cacao kingdom, it's snowy as always but today you decided to spend your time with your lover, Caramel Arrow Cookie. You noticed how she seems in a bad mood lately.
Making a basket full of her favourite food and drinks, you looked at the mirror making sure you looked decent,now seemingly finished all you had to do is get your lover and everything will be perfect.
But it's quiet hard when she's the first watcher,i mean you love that for her but she doesn't have time to spend with you, she wasn't in her usual spot and that made you worry but the other watchers were kind enough to tell you about where she went.
After thanking the cookies you made your way to find her and just like the watcher said she right there. she didn't notice at first and you decided to take advantage of that.
Sneaking behind Caramel Arrow Cookie, you covered her eyes “wha—” she yelped in suprise “guess who~” you hummed smiling brightly,there was a moment of silence –you can tell she was smiling– before she hummed seemingly in thought “Crunchy chip cookie” you chucked before replying “nope! Try again” you heard her laugh before saying your name “GASP how did you know!?” “did you really say gasp out loud” “let me have this okay”
After few jokes here and there,and eating some of the food and drinks, you can tell she feeling a lot better then the last few days.
you spent the rest the day talking and a joking around.
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okay i kind like this 👍
Not the best but not the worst either
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everettswritings · 8 months ago
Can I have a request from you to write about ler!Dark Cacao Cookie, Lee!Crunchy Chip Cookie and Lee!Caramel Arrow Cookie? The context is that They are arguing and teasing with each other just to impressed their king, but Dark Cacao teach Them a lesson to be get along by tickling Them?
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Yep! (NSFW/Kink accounts DNI)
The cold winds of the Dark Cacao Kingdom had been quieter than normal, but no one was complaining nor could they complain. It wasn’t often that the weather was kind to the denizens of this ancient land. Naturally, everyone seized the opportunity given to them and they began to work and train double-time- including Caramel Arrow Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie. The First Watcher and the Commander of the Cream Wolves were rather friendly with each other, sharing banter that could only be described as sibling-like, but being like brother and sister- regardless of how close the two were- would always come with a little… competition. Today was no exception, in fact: it was amplified. The two were at each other’s throats right in front of His Majesty, scrambling to prove that one was better than the other.
“My King, I’m certainly much faster than Crunchy Chip Cookie! My training as a Watcher has only made me more agile and quick.” Argued Caramel Arrow Cookie.
“Puh-lease!” Retorted Crunchy Chip Cookie, “Even if I’m not that fast, which I am, I’m still the better mountain climber! My training, which is even harder and more rigorous, has made me more proficient in the mountains than any other cookie!”.
Dark Cacao Cookie sighed and massaged his temple. At first he found the tiniest bit of humor, even cuteness in this behavior, but now it was starting to grow as irritating as dealing with actual children. Sometimes he wondered if the warriors before him were actually children.
“Crunchy Chip Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, you two have no need to act like this.” The old king began, his tone displaying exasperation, “Yes, the both of you have your expertise and skill in different fields; but does that mean you two have to constantly compete with each other? No. In fact, you both make it sound like you’ve already forgotten the most important lesson you’ve learned.”. The warriors shared a glance, then looked back at their king, “What do you mean by that, Your Majesty?” Asked Caramel Arrow Cookie as Dark Cacao Cookie started to step closer. The ancient hero set his hands on either of his warriors, a stern and almost playful look on his face, “So you’ve truly forgotten, haven’t you? For shame, First Watcher! I suppose I will have to teach you two this lesson again…” His hands started to drift towards their sides’ as he pulled them closer.
“M-My King? What’re you- HAHAHAHAHA!” Crunchy Chip Cookie was cut off by his own laughter, his beloved king had started tickling the both of them! The two started to squirm and laugh under Dark Cacao Cookie’s touch, his hands digging into their sides and lightly brushing their ribs on occasion. The king had figured that since they both acted like children, he may as well give them that treatment. The two were immediately subdued, unable to withstand this ticklish nightmare!
“Hahahaha! Ahahahaha! Y-Your Majehehesty! Hahaha! No more!” Caramel Arrow Cookie pleaded, Crunchy Chip Cookie followed suit, “Ahahahahaha! Aha! Hahahaha! My King, stop!”. Dark Cacao Cookie’s face was graced with the smallest of smiles “Have you remembered your lesson yet?” He teasingly asked, only to be met with more laughter and shaking heads. Something that resembled a chuckle escaped his lips as his hands finally came to a stop with their tickling, and he shook his head. “You two are utterly hopeless,” His tone shifted to that of a gentle one “the most important lesson is that all warriors of this kingdom are the same at heart. You both have different skills, but you both still had the same weaknesses and downfall. The same can be said for every other warrior of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but in the end they would still fight until their last crumbs for their homeland. That is what matters, not this petty nonsense about who’s better. Do you understand?”.
Caramel Arrow Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie exchanged glances once more, then nodded, “We understand, Your Majesty.” Crunchy Chip Cookie said sheepishly “I… We are deeply sorry, Your Majesty.” Caramel Arrow Cookie apologized. Dark Cacao Cookie nodded “Good. Now… for your earlier behavior.” The king grinned a little wider this time and began tickling the two again, his hands going after the exact same spots as last time.
The sounds of their laughter filled the halls of the Citadel… and even the heart of their king, at least for the next few minutes or so. It pained him to eventually let go, though. It had been so long since…
That’s all! Writing this made me think of some scenarios I’ve got about my OC and Dark Choco(they’re siblings) and I kinda wanna write that now, maybe as a sort of prequel to this fic. Also, I know I said I’ll shoot for 4-5 requests this evening, but I’m more drained than I thought. I guess I should’ve known better than to make myself write so much when I’m still reeling in from band camp, nursing mild heat exhaustion and sunburns, but you only live once. Have a good one 🫶
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lavender-butterfly-cookie · 2 months ago
....next up can imagine...just watching a 'kidnap' in process...imagined affogato and Caramel arrow about to fight...when y/n walks up to one of em, gently takes their hand...and starts walking away.
Ending 1: one rival just watches as the other gets casually kidnapped...you choose reaction to both being kidnapped and the other seeing the kidnapped dragged away.
Ending 2: one rival makes the mistake at teasing the other rival or laughing at the adorablness happening....cue tired y/n turning to look at them...cut to tired y/n laying across two laps instead of one...snoozing...while the two who hate eachother can't move because of universal rule and because they don't wanna lose tired y/n to the other...
Caramel Arrow cookie and Affogato twink where having a full blown argument, as Per usual. It was nothing new, but it was still annoying. That is, up until a particularly sleepy cookie walked up to the two. This caught both the fighting cookies attention.
Caramel Arrow cookie: Y/N cookie? Is there something you need?
Without saying a word, Tired Y/N gently takes the end of her sleeve and begins walking away, keeping her with them. She and Affogato were equally confused, but she didn't try to resist. Seeing an opportunity, Affogato (ever the mf) calls out to taunt at her.
Affogato cookie: Well well, looks like the first watcher seems to be kidnapped by such a small and simple cookie. Who would've known.
Before Caramel Arrow cookie can shoot an insult back at him, Y/N cookie stops walking and turns to him.
Affogato cookie: What?...
Twenty minutes have passed and not a single sign of Caramel Arrow cookie nor Affogato cookie. Crunchy Chip cookie kept looking for the two, eventually coming to a stop at an open door. Looking inside, he's met with the sight of Y/N cookie sleeping on both cookies laps.
Crunchy Chip cookie: What the-
Caramel Arrow cookie: Shhhhh! You'll wake them up.
Crunchy Chip cookie: Is this where you've been this whole time???
Affogato cookie: Unfortunately.
Crunchy Chip cookie: Why don't you just move them?
Affogato cookie: Universal rule.
Caramel Arrow cookie: And I don't want this ugly fugly twink next to me to be alone with such a sweet soul
Affogato cookie: Well excuse me-
Caramel Arrow cookie: You're excused-
Crunchy Chip cookie: Yeesh, lucky I'm not there.
Just then, Y/N 's eyes open, looking up at Crunchy Chip cookie.
Crunchy Chip cookie: Wha-
Both cookies: Run
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