#look tim being hurt is very upsetting okay???
Dick being extremely calm about threats to Tim's safety
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"timmy, please..." 😭
being tim's older brother is stressful
panels from detective comics 695-6 (contagion), detective comics 699 (lock-up), nightwing 6, detective comics 728 (road to no man's land), last laugh 6, nightwing 97 (war games)
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Gothic mushroom shaped candles. Danny picked one up, grinning. Sam would have love these on her alters. Very Sam, very Gotham.
It a bit bittersweet, now that he could think of her without being paralyzed by crushing grief. Her and Tucker both. Danny turned, keeping an eye on Tim as he glared into the case of used cameras.
Danny walked over and tried not to feel guilty about practically mooching off of a child. Even if the money he was using was actually the Drakes’.
“Like anything you see?”
Tim shook his head. Danny pondered over what little he knew of photography- all of which he learned from documentaries that were more focused on nature.
“I think there might be a camera store a couple of blocks down. We could get the ones that takes photos of animals, like the really big ones that takes photos of wildlife?”
“I guess. I mean, I don’t need it since we can…” Tim glanced around suspiciously. Danny willed his mouth to not smile at Tim’s antics. “Fly close,” the kid finished in a whisper.
“Okay, but what about when I’m not there?”
Tim hunched up on himself and Danny despaired inwardly. Uh oh, what did he say now?”
“Are you going somewhere?” Tim quietly asked, sounding hurt and upset.
“No,” Danny soothed, patting Tim on the head. I mean, what if I’m busy with stuff but you want to go take pictures without me?”
“You said to go get you whenever I wanna go out to take pictures.”
“Okay, yeah, I- well, we might as well get you a quality camera, right? To take really really good pictures of the… local wildlife. Like… the birds and the bats, and all that.” Danny winked exaggeratedly.
Tim blinked and giggled when he got the joke. “Okay, as long as you’re staying!”
Danny grinned, fangs and all. “Of course.”
At the end of their shopping spree, generously provided and sponsored by the Drake family and their heavy black card, Danny got a phone and Tim got a wild life camera that was a whopping $4,000 but was compact enough to not look absolutely ridiculous.
“It’s heavy!” Tim whined, as he grinned like a loon.
“It’s quality,” Danny plopped the shopping bags on the island in one of the giant kitchens Drake manor had. “I’ll make dinner. You figure out those settings and you can tell me about it when we eat.”
“Okay!” Tim hummed excited, quick fingers and laser focus already aimed at his new device.
Danny picked up his new phone and dialed a number he knew by heart. As it rung, Danny held it up to his ear and began prepping the ingredients. At least
“Hello?” His sister’s cautious voice came through the phone. Danny’s shoulders relaxed.
“Heya, Jazz.” He could see Tim’s ears all but perk up in order to eavesdrop. His mouth quirked up in amusement and Danny turned away. He probably shouldn’t be encouraging that kind of behavior… but it was funny.
“Danny! Are you okay? I- I heard that they chased after you and I was worried sick! Are you safe? Any injuries? Do I need to pick you up?”
“I’m good. Promise. Not bleeding out or dying. It’s actually pretty nice right now,” Danny paused before turning back a little more so he could watch Tim’s reaction peripherally. “Hey, listen, can I adopt a little brother?”
He watched Tim sit up straighter eyed flickering up to him and back down again, a secretly pleased look on his face as he figured out that Danny was in fact talking about him.
“Danny, what the hell?” Jazz huffed, audibly relieved to know that Danny wasn’t on his merry way to becoming a full on ghost. “Who, why, and what kind of trouble did you get into now?”
“Hey, this was me getting out of trouble. Those people don’t even know where I escaped to. Tim helped me out a lot,” Danny said in the tone that meant ‘and there’s more to it but I can’t tell you right now.’
“His name’s Tim?”
“Yeah, you wanna say hi?”
Tim looked terrified as he heard Danny’s side of the conversation. Danny could relate.
“Alright. But you’re explaining everything later, got it?”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Danny turned to Tim, abandoning the peas he was shelling and rinsing off his hand to hold the phone.
“Tim, my sister, Jazz, wants to say hi. Are you cool with that?”
“Uhm! Yeah! Yeah, sure.” Tim, honest to ancients, squeaked. Danny’s enhanced hearing could pick up Jazz’s already melting heart. He taped a button.
“Jazz, you’re on speaker.”
“Hey, Tim. I’m Jazz. Thanks for taking care of my little brother!”
“Uh, hi, Jazz! I’m Timothy Drake! And, uh, you’re welcome! Anytime!”
Tim glanced at Danny for reassurance, relaxing a bit when the halfa threw him a double thumbs up.
Jazz went quiet.
“Jazz, you good?” Danny asked.
“We’re adopting him. Danny, you better make sure knows about everyone. Hi, Tim, I’m Jazz, your new big sister.”
“Uh- I have parents.”
“That can be fixed,” Jazz casually brushed off. Tim looked like a deer in headlights, so Danny took his sister off speaker and went back to cooking. He made sure to smile at Tim.
“Don’t worry, we won’t adopt you if you don’t want to. But it wasn’t a joke, we’re very serious.”
“I’ll think about it?”
Danny shrugged. “Good enough for me.”
“So, where are you?” Jazz asked him, rustling coming through on the phone.
“You are so fucking lucky I love you, dumbass. I’ll be there tomorrow at noon.”
“Playing hooky, are you?”
“Fuck off, little brother, before I show Tim your toddler pictures.”
“Thanks, Jazz.”
“Bye, Danny. Don’t get killed again when I’m not there, got it?”
“Sure, sure.”
Danny smiled and returned to his agenda of stuffing as many vegetables into one meal as he can. At least the food isn’t trying to tear out his face.
Robin hasn’t heard the eerie giggles around lately, but he’s been practicing his own. It’s weird though, because there’s always a glint of something in the corner of his eyes.
“Robin, muggers.”
“On it, B. Shall we, Batgirl?”
“Let’s go, Boy Wonder.”
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
"It's A Wonderful Life" AU with Tim and Jason
I only know the very basic premise of this movie, so we're going off of that.
Tw: death, suicide, violence
This could be a Titan's Tower AU, but I do think this could be a bit more fun after the BruceQuest.
Tim, who's had his support systems (even the JL ripped from him) and is seething in paranoia, gets cornered by Red Hood. The last time he saw Jason alone, he got a batarang to the chest (Battle of the Cowl). Tim has no reason to suspect this interaction will be friendly.
Red Robin is geared up for a fight. Red Hood has his hands up in surrender and far away from his hip holsters. It's not exactly reassuring (Jason can probably whip out his pistols in the same amount of time it takes Tim to grab a birdarang), but it does communicate that Jason isn't looking for a fight. Tim, who's one mental breakdown away from taking over Lex Corp for the hell of it, doesn't see this as a good sign. Why would Jason, the original Cain instinct, want to talk "peacefully" with his Placeholder? What's the aim?
Jason kind of just wants to apologize and is low-key concerned with how he's so isolated from everyone. He doesn't truly care about Tim, and he doesn't think it's his place/right/ability to be the support for the kid, but he can at least say sorry. Tim doesn't need to accept it, but he deserves the acknowledgement that it was indeed fucked up and not Tim's fault in the slightest. It's not much, especially with the scar on Tim's throat and the trauma, but it's a start. He still holds some resentment for the kid, but he's starting to learn that's more Jason and Bruce's fault than Tim's.
The conversation doesn't go great. Maybe Tim is being defensive and an asshole (which is fair since Jason's attacked him twice at least). Jason gets a little upset over this and snaps back (which is not what he's trying to do and counterproductive).
They get interrupted by this magician that sighs. They explain how fucking exhausting it is hearing them continue to misunderstand each other so they will show them what the world was like if Tim was never born.
Cue something similar to the movie I described. I haven't seen it, so here's what I think happens in that movie combined with this AU.
Tim and Jason stumble around Gotham at the current date in this alternative universe.
It's hell. They constantly run into crime on every corner, and there's no order.
They find out that Bruce had died within a year of Jason dying. Gotham fell to shambles due to Batman's declining reputation at that point. They had no hope and were hostile to any heroes that tried to help (due to the last hero they had turning on them). Gotham was eventually abandoned by the US government.
With his death, people found out Bruce Wayne was Batman. This causes Alfred to be sent to jail, and Dick could never return to Gotham. Dick only survived due to the Titan's refusing to let him destroy himself. He's still not okay.
Damian never came to Gotham cause Bruce had died. He's still set to become Ra's vessel, and no one (like Dick, the JL, Jason, etc) knows about this plot.
Jim Gordon was killed, and Barbara had to move out of Gotham.
Steph joined Helena for a bit. They made a kickass team, but they didn't survive to the current day.
Duke and his family moved out of Gotham before the gates closed, but he lost his parents in the escape.
Cass was never taught language.
Jason killed the Joker and then himself.
Anyways, Gotham goes to shit and Bruce kills himself on patrol (let's himself be hit and doesn't give himself needed rest). That's the basics of what they learned in this alternative universe.
This causes Tim to feel a bit better about all the sacrifices he made. He was vital and important to the Bats. He did good. He was necessary. It doesn't erase all the pain and hurt, but it boosts his self-esteem just a small bit.
Jason didn't realize the extent of what Tim did for them. He didn't realize the impact of Tim's decision and how he saved everyone. The two of them part, and Jason starts to uncover all the sacrifices the teen made.
Tw: suicide
If you want extra angst, maybe the magician reveals that Tim was planning to kill himself before he saw that Bruce needed him (thus the world is what happened if Tim went through with his OG plan). Tim has severely unhealthy coping mechanisms now, but his tendency to help people allows himself to feel needed. Lots to unpack there.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
okay no bc i actually need to see abuela having a meaningful talk with christopher about how shannon wasn’t a good mother and that he’s old enough to know the truth rather than eddie just over-romanticizing the whole thing
christopher does not need to be shamed for being upset at his mom leaving. the whole “she didn’t leave, she died 🥺” argument is just factually untrue when she fully intended to leave again before she had her accident
he does not need to be coddled and told about how hard it was for her when she was actively being just as ableist as ramon and helena. he is 13 years old; if he can make a decision on where he lives, he can hear the truth of how awful his mother was so that maybe he can actually provide sufficient context to the actions his dad has taken
yes, she was very young when christopher was born, and no eddie was not a perfect husband/father in the beginning; but the point is she didn’t even give him a chance to even begin processing his PTSD when he cane back, immediately vilifying him for everything before doing the same exact thing as what… petty revenge? giving him a taste of his own medicine? you’re an adult woman with a son who needed you and you walked out on him because you didn’t want the stress. okay, that’s fine, that’s your choice
but don’t show up once he’s older demanding to see him because “he’s my son too” and then proceeding to shame eddie, the one who HAS been there for him after you left, for something he already has made clear he regrets, and has also atoned for by stepping up and actually taking responsibility rather than shirking them the moment it got ‘too hard’ when his parents would have been more than willing to let him do
and then to try and manipulate him with the whole “he’s my son” “we can be a family again” bullshit as a way to get back into his pants— only to dip as soon as things start to get serious again?
and on top of that, the “she was just a girl” argument doesn’t even hold up because yeah, she WAS just a girl. she’s not just a girl anymore. she’s a grown adult woman shirking her responsibility because she doesn’t want to be a mother. That’s all well and good; she doesn’t have to be a mother. But once you make that decision, don’t go crawling back acting like you weren’t the one to actively decide to leave. You’re an adult, making adult decisions, and you need to handle the adult consequences of those adult decisions.
sorry no one will ever be able to convince me to like shannon and im sick of the writers trying to force rose tinted glasses on her existence bc of tim’s obsession with bringing devin back out of nowhere every two seconds
anyway sorry for the shannon rant i saw thay post i reblogged and it just reminded me how much anger i hold towards her for everything she did and how i hate it when people are like “oh she changed she wanted to try again 🥺” when she quite literally didn’t, as is evident by the way she immediately tried to run away again the moment she had to be an adult.
also there is no way buck would EVER look at the way she treated chris and eddie and then actively be friends with her. friend-ly maybe, civil at best, but he would never look at the lasting hurt she caused those two and actively chose to persue a friendship with her.
anyway getting off my anti-shannon soap box and i just needed to get that off my chest lamo
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daydream-with-twist · 9 months
Yandere Tim Drake x reader 
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Warning : Yandere behaviour,
You were homeless and alone, living on the streets of Gotham City with no place to go. Then one day, a hero by the name of Red Robin found you while patrolling the city. He took you in and brought you to his apartment, where he promised to take care of you and keep you safe.
It was great at first. He provided for your needs and made sure you were healthy. However, soon enough, he has become extremely overprotective of you and started to act weird around you. He locks the front door whenever he leaves outside he makes sure you can't escape. It has been a long time since you've been outside, and now you are trapped in his apartment.
One day, you had enough of this. While he was sleeping, you decided to try and get out of his apartment. You tried to be as careful and sneaky as possible, but it didn't go as planned.
As you were about to open the door slowly, turning the key, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You freeze in shock and let go of the key, feeling Tim turn you around to face him.
He looks at you with a blank expression, coldly looking directly into your eyes. "Y/N...what are you doing?" he asks, his tone cold and stern.
"I..." you trail off, unsure how to respond or what to say in this situation.
"You're...trying to leave, aren't you...?" he says, staring at you coldly. He is obviously upset, but he is controlling his anger and not allowing it to show. "What am I...not good enough for you...?" he adds in a hurt, yet cold, tone.
"Tim...I just want to go out," you say quietly, avoiding his penetrating gaze as you look down. "It's been so long, and I just want to..." you start saying but you get cut off when he out of nowhere picks you up quickly and carries you to his bedroom. 
"HEY! Put me down! Let go of me!" you said, sounding upset and frustrated, as you're carried against your will.
"No," he says simply, holding you tightly and carrying you into his room. He puts you on his bed as he climbs on top of you and says "Now listen here, Y/N. Listen to me closely." He looks down at you with a cold, icy look, his expression intimidating. 
"Let go of me!" You attempt to speak, but he cuts you off again quickly by placing one hand over your mouth, holding it tightly and preventing you from speaking.
"Listen...to me..." he says, looking at you in a crazed, intense way without breaking eye contact. 
"Stop being so ungrateful after everything I've done for you! I've provided for you, taken care of you, and made sure you were safe! Now you try to escape me? How dare you?" He was starting to get very upset, finding it harder to keep calm and suppress the rage inside him at your attempt to leave.
"You cannot leave me," he says quietly. "Never." He looks at you with a intense gaze before continuing to speak. 
"This is Gotham... I can't lose you to some thugs if I let you out. If you get hurt... I will never forgive myself..." He is starting to calm down a bit as he lets go of your mouth and slowly hugs you. He hides his face in your chest, unable to look at you while expressing his fear of losing you.
You don't know what to say. You are still feeling frustrated that you can't go out. You don't want to be locked up. It isn't fair for you, but you also feel bad for him. You feel a mixture of emotions as you don't know what to say. Then, you let out a small sigh as you speak.
"Tim...I just want to go out..." you whisper, looking down at him while he still hugs you close. 
"I know, but it's dangerous out there. I can't lose you. I love you so much. You're my entire world. I'll take care of you and provide for you, and love you with all of my heart okay.. I'm sorry, but I can't let you out. I don't want you leaving this apartment." He says, blushing softly as he gets closer to your face.
"Can't you see? We are meant to be together just the two of us. Don't you get it? I love you so much. You belong to me," he says, looking softly into your eyes.
You blush at his words but You try to pull away from him, but he holds tightly onto your wrists. He keeps his grip tight as he gets closer to you and says, "Stay with me. Say we belong together forever."
"Tim, that's just...well, you know..." you say, avoiding his gaze and feeling embarrassed.
He pulls you close to him, holding your face with both hands, forcing you to look at him in the eyes. "Say it please...for me," he says in a gentle, pleading tone. He looks at you lovingly, looking as if he's about to kiss you.
You can't help but feel incredibly embarrassed and nervous as your heart beats faster a bit. You let out a small sigh and say, "We belong together forever..."
This makes Tim very happy, as he smiles widely at you. "Come here," he says with a charming grin, leaning forward to give you a soft, loving kiss on the lips.
In your heart, you knew that he wanted to kiss you. Even so, you weren't expecting him to actually do it, and when he did, it caught you by surprise. You were about to push him away, but he held you tightly, not letting you get away, as he kissed you deeply. You felt a fuzzy feeling in your heart, and you gave in just a little bit, letting yourself be swept away by the moment.
After a few minutes of kissing, he pulls away, breathless, his cheeks red, just like yours. He smiles sweetly at you and says, "We belong together forever."
"Let's get some rest my dear," he adds, pulling you on top of him and wrapping his arms around you. "We have a lot to talk about tomorrow." You curl up in each other's arms.
It's clear to you that he's not letting you go. You don't know what to do. You feel torn between listening to him and living your life like this for the rest of your life. Or maybe you should find a way out of this situation. But for now, you're tired, and you decided to sleep.
I give up mid way lol anyways hope you liked it 
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mamawasatesttube · 2 years
Please tell us more about the Selkie au 👀
I wanna know everything. What’s the significance of the pelt being worn by Tim? What are the backstories?
YEAH!!!! okay so a bit of background: selkies are critters from celtic/norse mythos. they are seal-human shapeshifters, who can change form by removing or wearing their sealskins; the most common tales involve fishermen stealing a selkie woman's sealskin cloak to entrap her as his wife, despite her yearning to return to the sea.
SO, with that being said:
kryptonians are selkies!!!
kon is created by cadmus labs and lex luthor. he doesn't even know the significance of his coat; it's kept locked away except for when he gets it for promotional photoshoots. he doesn't realize it has anything to do with why he's always discontented and afflicted with varying bouts of malaise.
when clark finds out - when he can see this physical, material evidence of kon's mistreatment - he's beyond horrified and enraged. they're violating a child, so profoundly that he doesn't even realize he's being violated, and he cannot let that stand.
lois, fully human but VERY protective of her husband and by extension all selkies: LET ME AT HIM. LET ME AT LUTHOR IM GONNA RIP HIS FACE OFF
clark, holding her off the ground: dearest, please. i need you to stay calm... and write the most damning exposé the planet has ever seen.
lois: .......FINE. but then YOU better rip that bald fucker's face off, you hear me?
clark comes home with kon in tow, uncharacteristically quiet and subdued. his eyes are red-rimmed and his cheeks blotchy, but lois doesn't say a word about it. she lets him sit curled up in the corner of the sofa, clutching his pelt around himself tight enough to make himself look small, and thinks he looks more like a child than he ever has before.
fast forward a couple years. kon has found his place in the family; jon in particular adores him. he's gotten kind of jaded and unhappy about his whole history; he's seen clark leave his sealskin around the house, has even seen lois wear it, but he's kept his hidden away in his room ever since that first day, except for when he's wearing it himself. clark, lois, and ma never touch it; the only one allowed to is jon, and even he knows not to push if kon's feeling antsy.
tim is kon's bestie. all the core four are besties. but none of them know the selkie secret - it's very well-guarded. they just know kon is a weirdo who really loves to take long walks on the beach and gaze at the ocean.
one day, he is on a long walk by the marina with tim. tim, somehow or other, falls into the water in january. he gets out quickly, of course, but it's cold and he's wet and kon really doesn't want him to get hypothermia, so--
he shrugs the sealskin coat off his own shoulders and wraps it around tim's, and tells him c'mon, let's get back to the house.
they go back to the house.
they walk in the door.
tim is wearing kon's coat.
kon, who barely even tolerates his beloved baby brother touching his coat, because he was so violated and taken advantage of in his earliest days!!!!
clark hold her coffee. lois is about to whip out her shotgun.
and that's how we get the scene @cowboysorceror drew <3 clark is extremely concerned; lois is 👌 THIS CLOSE to a mama bear rampage, tim is freezing, and kon is like. well. this sure is happening!
other quick notes, in part brainstormed with beckett and also with my bestie @adjit in various dms:
kon doesn't, like, LOVE this whole scenario, but frankly, he's more worried about tim than he is upset about his coat. he knows tim would never use it to hurt him, to control him, to own him; he trusts tim. simple as that!
it's kind of hard to communicate this to clark and lois in a couple of quick facial expressions over tim's head, but he manages.
they get tim bundled into a hot shower and warm, dry clothes, etc. he's coming back downstairs from kon's room, afterwards, and pauses on his silent feet when he overhears his name in conversation.
"no, it's not--i'm fine, i promise," kon is saying. "tim's not like--tim wouldn't hurt me. i know he wouldn't. you don't gotta worry."
huh, tim thinks. he's pretty observant, not that he needed to be to notice the way clark and lois stared at him and kon earlier. clearly, the jacket is significant; he knows clark and jon have matching ones. maybe it's a family thing?
sounds like kon had some kind of shitty ex, and... they got worried about him getting into a relationship again?
well. no need to worry about that! he immediately resolves that he will put their worries at rest. he Will be the best boyfriend kon has EVER had.
like, they aren't dating (yet), but, uh, you know. semantics. details.
(he doesn't find out the actual secret until later. when he finally realizes what this meant, that kon trusted him with his personhood, he. well, he's not crying, but he does get this funny tug in his chest and he really, really has to go hug kon for a long time.)
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thecursivej · 12 days
Live Reactions Harris vs. Trump pt. 1 of ??
Oh this is very, VERY, debate-y.
DAMN HE SCARED! Cowering while Kamala is like "Hiiii"
Did David Muir just say it was Kamala and Trump were elected 4 years ago? Weird
Ope, looks like Donny is already struggling to stay awake.
Definitely doing better than Biden did. It seems she's been practicing impromptu speaking (slay).
Okay... but are we better than we were four years ago? (I personally say yes, but the american people need to see you answering this question).
LMAO not trump giving the lil' nod at "he's gonna do what he's done before"
Already very respectful, very straightforward, great connection to the camera (and in turn the audience through the camera).
Donald...Tarrifs end up hurting people because they raise the....SALES TAX. Ayiyiyi.
Damn, already blaming immigration.
Trump brought up African American jobs and fucking Kamala looks like she wanted to cackle.
LOOK AT HER FLOOOOW (if you're a debate kid/coach, you know)
He's so upset, because he knows she's spitting the truth.
Welp, jan 6th very passively mentioned; mark your bingo cards.
Damn, great rebuttals from Harris. Trump isn't event really rebutting.
Have...have you looked at her plans? Donny boy?
...bruther you do not understand the economy. What the fuckeroni and cheese are you saying?
My ass is mirroring Kamala's expression before the camera even shows her.
Yeah, call his ass out Kamala. Call his ass out. But also pls answer the question; why we keeping them tarrifs?
Okay so, if you've got "someone doesn't answer the question" go ahead and mark that shit if you haven't.
I love Harris just being like "Bro what the fuckeroni and cheese is this?"
LMAO That Marxist reaction is AMAZING.
WHO THE FUCK IS ABORTING A CHILD AT NINE MONTHS!? That is murder, not abortion.
LMAO Tim being out of it?
WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY SAYING THIS SHIT!? Yeah, no, making up bullshit right now.
....Does Trump know what Roe even is?
Each state that's voted for abortion to be in their state's constitution HAS VOTED YES AND ENSHRINED IT. WE DIDN'T NEED TO OVERTURN ROE YOU DUMBASS.
Great job with the response, Kamala. Truly, a wonderful response. ESPECIALLY calling on religious differences and faiths.
Girl her use of rhetorical questions is just so... so... GOOD. As a public speaking professor, this shit slaps.
I'm about to molly-whop Donny boy (spiritually in my heart pls leave me tf alone FBI)
Bruther your actions speak louder than their words.
IMPOSSIBLE!? HELLO!? Nah dawg, never tell me the odds.
Ope, student loans mentioned, mark your bingo cards.
Annnnd no yes/no. Not worth it.
Kamala did answer the question; she would support reinstating all the protections from Roe v. Wade.... but as we see that isn't enough. There needs to be a clear outline of what to do.
Welp I've got a bingo already, 26 minutes in...holy fuckeroni and cheese.
WW3 mentioned
Once again, no answer from 45.
Welp, here he goes continuing to peddle the false info about Haitian immigrants (who did legally immigrate here) eating people's pets; which the Mayor and PD have DEBUNKED. Fucking wild
I love that Kamala looks so fucking concerned for his brain.
PFFFTTTT "I heard it from people on TV" BITCH WHAT!?
I love Harris just giggling at the absurdity.
I feel like the only noise in Donny's head right now is the AOL startup noises.
God... I'm so fucking done with his bullshit and we're only 34 minutes in.
What's hysterical is the Biden admin KEPT Trump's immigration policies... bruther. The fuck?
Here he goes again about migrant-crime
Can we just cut his fucking mic already?
I am fucking cackling.
Mmmm good use of rhetoric, Kamala. Good job.
Kamala looks so done with this bullshit. If I was up there debating, I'd have written down "what the fuck is this fucker saying?"
Democracy mentioned
Slay to Lindsey asking the hard questions.
Mmmm, good job focusing in on fracking since she's in Pennsylvania....BUT ALSO FUCK FRACKING....But also yeah we do need various forms of energy...BUT NOT AT THE CONSEQUENCE OF THE PLANET PLEASE.
"I was given a small loan of a million dollars" dawg... that's not small....
Oh fuck off Trump, you get to talk while she talks? But when she does? You're so angry? Fuck off.
Jesus christ he goes over time just fucking cut off the damn mic.
He definitely isn't gonna answer about Jan 6. He's just gonna deny deny deny. "I think IT'S gonna be big" BITCH!?
I'm so sick of this shit already.
Legit fuck off Donny. You're not fooling anyone.
....Named two fox news hosts....not very reliable motherfucker.
He knows he's losing when he says "let's leave this debate right now"
Mark "random personal attack" for biden.
Y'all I am maniacally cackling at the way he's getting roasted as hell.
Jesus just cut the mics. Lord almighty.
Oh here we go; Israel and Hamas... this should be interesting (for anyone worried; I am Pro Palestine through and through; fuck Benjamin Netanyahu)
So Kamala's main phrase is "Let's look at how we got here"
We have to be freedom for Palestine; but if we don't cut off Bibi? Then they will destroy all of Palestine so we won't get a two state solution, Kamala. For fuck's sake, they (IDF) killed an American protesting in Israel.
Why...are we talking about Ukraine right now? Hello?
This would absolutely have happened under Trump and with his anti-semitism? It probably would've been worse.
Weird fucking compliment to ABC from Donny, that ain't gonna help tho.
Already, that's it for this part, go get a snack and water, I need to scream into the void. BRB
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Not to be an Obnoxious Shipper, but I just think it’s so interesting how Chris Sanford was written to be at his core just *careless* with Lucy. From their first meeting till the very end of the relationship, he kept making mistakes that hurt Lucy or just were careless of her feelings. Like, the unthinking cruelty of singing the song that she sang while she thought she was going to *die*, insisting on looking for houses while she clearly was not okay, to being condescending about her job. And I am not going to say Lucy wasn’t hiding in her relationship, but that’s the thing. She spent her entire relationship masking her actual feelings. Lucy Chen who we know as the most empathetic person, who loves to talk through how she’s feeling, who’s so expressive, her boyfriend couldn’t ever tell when she was upset. It took Tim Bradford two seconds to see how upset she was, but Chris didn’t. Chris is interesting to me because he’s not a bad guy, he was just so careless that Lucy could never love him. She could never love the guy who was careless enough to have to be taught about justice, or careless enough to sing the song of the most traumatic experience of her life, or so careless to continuously bombard her with houses on a terrible day.  Chris only ever saw what he wanted to see, and if he hadn’t been so careless, he might have been able to notice that Lucy wasn’t actually happy. My two cents anyway. 
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How do you think the Curtis sister/sodas twin!reader dating Tim would go. Like since he's not far from being Darry's age and runs a real gang, plus he's considered one of the toughest greasers besides Dallas? What would Dally think of that, her brothers, and what kind of stuff would that include?
I love that you write for the sheperds, they're so underrated</3
Hello hello~! So sorry it took so long to get to this 😅 (I definitely agree they're much too underrated for my taste. Twobit too actually. I dont think Two gets enough love either.)
Lemme just make the list....
Darry: Ha....haha....HA. Okay so the only way he finds out is by Pony being a whiny tattletale. Otherwise there's absolutely no way in hell he'd hear you out just out of the blue at a family dinner. He respects Tim, but he wants what's best for his family, ESPECIALLY the only girl. Tim's just as bad as Dally to him, hell maybe even a bit worse. The night he catches you trying to sneak back home, he's absolutely LIVID. But when he finds out there's that typical "You're not allowed to see him" garbage. But I mean, he works early, so what's he gonna do? Risk working on zero sleep so he knows you don't sneak out? 🤷
You have a looooong talk with Pony and Soda but after you got them onboard they cover for you for a while. A lot of sneaking...but it's one night when he happens to come across you two at Buck's. Yall hadn't realized he was there and a fight broke out, to which Tim protected you, and then after Darry approached yall, tried to protect you from getting yelled at too. After that night he agreed, but he definitely was very strict with Tim about safety and how late you had to be home.
Sodapop: Soda's actually super cool with it. In the series, Soda looked up to Tim and ended up getting scolded by Tim for taking Darry for granted. Soda likes Tim, and yeah, he knows he has a bad record, but he 100% trusts Tim.
He tries to stay out of the fight the night Darry finds out, but otherwise he's usually more than willing to help you sneak out, that is as long as you promise to stay safe.
Ponyboy: Now this little shit is a conniving backstaber. But he did it out of love or whatever so 🙄😒... He uhhh caught you sneaking out. And uhhh "he was worried you'd get kidnapped or get hurt being out that late." He didn't actually know it was Tim you were with, so you can't COMPLETELY blame him, but at the same time I give you full permission to give him shit and make him feel guilty.
He caught you sneaking out at WAY past curfew and couldn't catch you before you were gone. So, like the worry wart Pony is woke Darry and sat with him until you got back. It's not that he cares once he finds out it's Tim, he trusts Tim fully, but he worries constantly anyways.
Steve: Honestly similar to Soda. Steve usually just kinda goes with what Soda thinks and vice versa with the exception of a few rare occasions. He wants you safe, he sees you as family too, but it's not really his love life to meddle with and he knows Tim's not that bad either. However, he is one of the first to say he'd beat up Tim for you if he had to. More than willing to fight in a rumble against the Shepard gang is worst comes to worst happened.
Johnny: Johnny stays out of it. He stays out of most things, especially if it gets Darry or Dally mad, but this he just figures yall can handle on your own. Johnny doesn't like judging people much, especially his own kind, so he's not upset that you like Tim. He's extremely cautious though. Johnny ultimately cares about nothing but you're safety because let's face it the gang is his family. Like actually is his family. He's the beat one to vent to though whenever you and Tim get into a small fight or whatever though.
Twobit: Two is giving you so much shit. Will not stop teasing even well into the relationship. He finds out because let's be honest, Soda can only keep a secret from Darry. Everyone else in the gang? Yeah not so much. Two is poking fun in FRONT OF DARRY too just to get a rise outta you, but he'll never out you or tell Darry on you. He just likes teasing.
Dally: Ha. He hands you a switchblade. Okay okay so Dally and Tim are major frenemies. They get along perfectly sometimes, and other times Dally is using you to get back at him. Like Johnny, Dally has a protective eye on you, so of course he's...not the happiest to receive the news. "HIM? Really? You could do so much better!" He thinks Tim's too similar to him and believes full heartedly he'll break your heart. In fact, at first he believes Tim's dating you to mess with him. It takes a LONG time before he recognizes that you actually care about each other and accepts it. That's not to say you can stop carrying that switchblade though.
Tim: Well....you're dating so obviously he likes you, dummy 🤷 Lmfao kidding kidding. Sooo Tim definitely enjoys the thrill of sneaking around with you late at night and breaking Darry's rules with you, but in the end he knows Darry's a good guy for worrying. He respects Darry's position as your caretaker and as the neighborhood's older brother, but... everyone needs to break their parent's rules as a teen. And by parent yes of course I refer to Darry as a parent.
That is to say though, because Darry and Tim are so similar in age and both respect each other, just like he had yelled at Soda in the series, is not afraid to put his foot down if you go too far with disobeying your brother or if he thinks you're in too much danger. He's your protector when the boys aren't around and even when they are, he still keeps tabs.
Curly: Curly doesn't know much about you, but you are the only girl Tim's ever seemed serious about. And by that he means first girl that Tim's brought home and made food for. He and Angela adore you, because I mean, anyone that can hook Tim is pretty respectable, but Curly's just...Curly. He'll be polite to you but he'll try and shit talk Tim every change he gets. Kinda trying to sabotage Tim lol but he ultimately is very happy for you guys. Actually enjoys when you come over because there's someone to talk to that isn't a hood or a trashy flirt that just wants a hook up.
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vechter · 1 month
woah okay so i was just thinking abt this.. how would you rank the batkids in order of most to least like bruce? now (hear me out bc ik it sounds dumb) rank them in the order of his favorite? or the one’s he’s closest to from most to least. and are there like.. any similarities in the rankings? any patterns
hi anon, i rlly wanna give you a decent answer with panel evidence and analysis but i'm beat so:
in most to least like him, cass would probably be in the lead because she gets batman's mission in a way none of the others can. every life is worth saving. she has seen death, she knows exactly what it looks like and she can never let anyone fall victim to that. everything is her fault, she needs to save everyone. very much the tenet of being bruce wayne.
dick would probably be second. he learned everything from bruce. all his coping mechanisms look like a knight-in-bat-armour. they grew up together, they found their footing as a crime-fighting duo together. dick is often considered the best parts of batman but he can also very much be the worst of bruce- the control freakism, the debilitating guilt complex and martyrdom, the tendency to self-isolate.
i think, tim and damian are probably a tie for third place but in very different ways. the thing with tim is he chose this life, he never makes a move too early. he believes in ending a confrontation with minimal damage and in the quickest way possible- he can see the big picture. also, he is insanely abnormal about dick grayson, just like bruce wayne lmao. with respect to damian, a lot of damian's early appearances are very heartbreaking because he's sooooo defensive and prickly. he doesn't know his place in this awful city and his father has just died. and so often, just like bruce, his intentions are misread bc he struggles to be vulnerable. he wants to do good! but people don't often give him the benefit of the doubt, much like bruce. plus, very often their statement of facts is taken as condescension or a lack of concern when that's very much not the case!
jason and steph can alternate for last place lmao. before you get upset, i think what makes jason very similar to bruce is how they're both self-fulfilling prophecies. tragedies of their own making. they are both changed irrevocably by jason's death and neither of them have the tools to admit that to each other in a manner that doesn't include explosives. meanwhile, steph's dogged determination to keep going out, no matter what anyone else around her says, very bruce-core of her. she wanted to be saved and then she made the choice to save herself! people have hurt her irredeemably but still, she believes in the goodness of people.
i'm afraid i've only read a small amount of duke so i don't feel comfortable adding him to this. also, babs is not his kid ofc but depending on how much sleep she has had, she can be anywhere on this scale lmao. it all just depends on the kind of day she's having.
as for his favourites, it's very much dick. but there's no saving grace in that. you are your father's prized lamb and all it does is get you sacrificed.
i think cass and damian are tied for second place. unfortunately, this does not mean bruce likes damian. sure, he loves him. he'll make heaven and earth move to get him back. but does he like always like damian? nope.
then tim, followed by steph. jason cannot be accurately placed because too much of his identity is tied into robin; bruce is always haunted by that version of jason who believed in robin's magic. also, for fun- helena is not his kid either but she is plum last. always. bruce dislikes her a lot for reasons he cannot be bothered to understand. tim thinks it's hilarious.
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scourgeofgotham · 1 year
Batgirl and Robin
Chapter 7
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Crying, Unresolved Trauma, Stalking, Begging, Stockholm Syndrome
A/N: okay so sorry it's taken me like three weeks to write this, and I've changed it to a span of 2 months from the first chapter to the end.
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“I’m irrevocably in love with you.”
They were together again, Batgirl and Robin
It was October 31st, Halloween.
Jason was the Arkham Knight and was creating havoc across Gotham. He was relentless and only wanted to kill Bruce. She tried to calm him down and have him forgive Bruce, but there was no use.
Every chance Jason had, he tormented Bruce about his beloved daughter.
“Did you like the little home video I sent you Dark Knight?
“Your little girl is perfect for me… she's very obedient.”
“You know? She didn’t fight me… She begged for me.”
“To think, for you to adopt a little girl, and for her to love you and call you her father… then when she meets me, she forgets all about you…”
“It appears we have something in common, it's a sweet little name your daughter calls us.”
When Jason kidnapped Oracle he made sure to keep her away from his prize possession. He couldn’t risk her leaving him and his whole plan failing. He knew Barbara would tell her what he's been causing throughout Gotham.
Dick was trying to find them, while Bruce had him distracted. He had to help rescue both Batgirls from Arkham Knight. It was torturous enough seeing the video of his baby sister being violated by Arkham Knight, but not knowing what he was doing… killed him.
Bruce was going after Arkham Knight to rescue Commissioner Gordon. Then the Knight ambushed Bruce in the tunnels with his excavator. Thinking he finally had him ambushed, Bruce escaped and took down the Knights' militia. He walked towards Jim Gordon to untie him.
“Get me out of here Batman, we need to get to Scarecrow.”
Finally being able to rescue Commissioner Gordon, Bruce was interrupted.
“Turn Around.” Bruce heard the distorted voice.
He was standing in front of the Arkham Knight, who was pointing a gun at him.
“Who are you?”
“You really have no idea?” The Knight went up to hit the button on the back of his helmet. “Do you Bruce?”
“Jason? But... You're dead.”
“What's the matter? Lost for words? I expected more... I'm hurt."
Meanwhile, at Jason’s Safehouse
The little canary was watching all of Jason’s destruction. Several militia watch towers, drones, and tanks all scattered all over Gotham. She hardly recognized Jason. He was a completely different person...
She saw a distant figure jumping from the rooftops and looking around. She stared at him for a while, and all of a sudden a bunch of militiamen were after him. He managed to defeat all of them, and once he brought out his weapons she realized who it was. She went to go put on some of Jason’s clothes he left for her. Then when she was fully dressed, then grabbed her grapple gun. She went to go open the locked door. When Jason wasn't looking— she looked at him typing in the codes. She typed in the code and the door opened, she hoped that Jason wouldn't find out...
She found multiple militia guards protecting the safe house, and she took them out, silently. Once she found herself free, she made her way to the rooftop. She looked around for the person, trying to find them.
Then all of a sudden she feels two hands around her, pulling her into them.
“There you are pretty bird.” He spun her around to look at him, “Dickwad...” she giggled.
“What did that awful psycho do to you?” He sounded so upset.
“Dick... It's Jason.” She said to him, looking up at him. “Jason didn't die.”
“What do you mean? Bruce said he saw him die.” Dick sounded concerned.
“Joker had him wear body armor, it stopped the bullet. He paid Slade to get him off the island.” She explained. “He’s been planning this for years."
“Why? After what Bruce did for him? Why is he hellbent on destroying Gotham?” He spat.
“He was manipulated into believing that Bruce abandoned him and that he just replaced him with Tim right after. He even thought I forgot about him, he thought his girlfriend didn't love him anymore.” she started crying, it hurt her to see Jason had turned into such a relentless killer…
Dick wiped the tears that were running down her face, he then put his finger under her chin to lift her head and kissed her forehead.
“When did you two… become a thing?” He questioned, trying to distract her from what was happening. “I just turned 14, and Jason was 15. It was when he started going to the troubled teen's school— I stalked him.” She realizes how insane that last part makes her sound. “Once I found out that Jason was… cute, I ended up sneaking out a lot just to see him.” she grinned. “You stalked a street thug?” He was pissed, “He killed his parents and you thought he was cute?” and now he was furious. “Jay didn’t kill his parents— okay, he got them killed. But Cathy and Willis abused him and tried to sell him— Maroni killed them.” she corrected herself.
“He loaded the gun and he had someone else kill them.” She knew Dick was right, it was his right as her older brother.
“Jason still was a good person, he was misguided by rage. He still wants to serve justice, has just been guided by rage and he can’t see clearly.” she was perplexed. She loved Jason and she knew that inside he was still a good person—
however, reconsidering his behavior, she had no clue if he was beyond saving.
“I still love him, I never stopped loving him,”
she sighed. “Bruce didn't show him that he loved him. Jason thought Bruce was going to love him as his son, and then he felt like just his assistant. Even if Jason didn’t get captured by Joker, he still would have resented Bruce,” she spat. “Pretty bird…” Dick whispered. He ran his finger down her face and pulled her in. “I’m gonna keep you safe—away from Jason.” He confidently told. She pulled away from him, “I don’t want to stay away from him! I want to help him, I want to be with him forever! He saved me, he made me feel cared for! I’ve felt numb for the entire time that he was gone. Dad stopped giving me attention, you went off to Blüdhaven, and my boyfriend was being tortured and presumed dead! I could have brought him home if I thought I could take on Joker, or at least stalled enough till Bruce was there!” she screamed. “Jason is the only one that has ever truly loved me...” she sobbed.
“I'm sorry...” he sighed with sorrow
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coolgirl32 · 1 year
How would nightmare aka Jacqulyn aka batmom get angry at her family
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It all started when Bruce was being patched up by dick he was attacked by the zombie things that were working for the court of owls Bruce was waiting for Damian to come home so he could give Damian a Stern lecture and to ground him that's when Damian appeared in his room thinking no one was there when Bruce turned on the lights he asked Damian where he was Damian told his father he was just out Bruce then saw the sai Damian was hiding
That's when Bruce and Damian started arguing Bruce said some things Damian said some things. After Bruce said that if Damian ever tries to sneak out and do patrol on his own again he'll be sent to a School in Switzerland and before Bruce could say anything else his wife Jacqulyn appeared with a angry expression on her face. And that's when he heard her say it his full name Bruce Thomas Wayne he had never ever heard her say his full name like that in a long time the first time was when she got mad at him for yelling at Jason back then he hoped she never did it again because it freaked him out but he was surprised and all he could see was rage and anger but also hurt and pain of course his wife made him apologize to Damian and she made Damian apologize to Bruce she even gave them a lecture on that they are family in that family sticks together and that Damian needs to go outside once in awhile and that she understands that there are dangerous people out there looking for Bruce and for the rest of the Wayne family she also told him that it wasn't a good idea to threaten his own kids if he wants to be a good father he has to take this a gentler approach be tough but be fair
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It all started after dick and Damien first met dick was being patched up by Alfred dick was very upset at Bruce because Bruce well actually Jacqulyn gave all those lectures about using protection and using birth control dick felt a little pain Alfred being concerned asked dick if he was okay dick answered Alfred by saying he could take the cut Damian said something insulting to dick before Dick could say anything he heard the three words he never wanted to hear from his own adopted mother his full name Richard John Grayson his eyes widen when he heard them from his own adopted mother and looked at her he could tell she was not happy that he was about to say something to Damian Jacqulyn then gave dick a lecture about being a better big brother and that Damian is his little brother now and that he needs to act like an adult and not like a child and need to think about how he would feel if somebody said all those things to him dick thought about it and understood that he wouldn't feel good about it so he apologized to Damian. Damian wanted to say something but he had a little respect for Jacqulyn
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It all started after Jason resurrected from the dead and learn that Bruce didn't kill the joker and grieve Jason's death so after a few weeks of planning and becoming the Red Hood Jason was finally face to face with his adopted father and adopted mother of course his father being upset but when he looked at his adopted mother he knew something wasn't right there was anger and sadness and you could tell that she's been grieving and crying but that's when he heard it those three words Jason Peter Todd his full name Jacqulyn had never said his full name before only when she gets angry but that was rare but this felt different he felt guilty so when Jacqulyn gave Jason a lecture on that he cannot kill innocent people and he cannot just throw a little hissy fit because he's not getting his way and he cannot play God because it's wrong and she raised him better than that Jason understood and knew better than to piss his adopted mother off so he gave her a hug and apologize to her and Bruce so after they went back to the manor Jason started going to therapy and started to think about things that he's done that was wrong
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It all started when Tim was having his sleep paralysis and him drinking too much coffee of course everybody tried getting him to sleep so when is adopted mother walked in his room and tried to get him to go to sleep he snapped and yelled at her which to be honest was a very stupid idea 1. Yelling at his mom is a wrong thing and 2. He forgot that his own adopted mother was from Mississippi so when he heard his full name being called by his own adopted mother he knew he fucked up he had never heard her call him by his full name which was Timothy Jackson Drake and when he looked at her he could tell there was anger in her eyes and the look of what did you say he knew he had to fix things up so when he went to his bed and went to sleep he knew he had to apologize the next morning and he did and he told his adopted mother and everybody else that he will change
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It all started after Damian's 15th birthday Damian was a teenager now and as all teenagers they all have attitude apparently Damian was in one of his bad moods everything was not going as planned this morning he stumped his toe and then he bumped into Tim where Tim accidentally spilled his coffee on Damian but the last straw was when his adopted mom Jacqulyn walked in and try to say hi to him with a smile on her face apparently Damian accidentally yelled at her and that's when he heard it his full name Damian Thomas Wayne he had never heard her say his full name not ever since he was 8 years old he immediately apologized to her Jacqulyn then gave Damian a lecture that if he's having a bad day he needs to breathe and go somewhere by himself so he can calm down he immediately apologized again and then he apologized to everyone else he knew not to yell at his adopted mother ever again that day
And that is how nightmare would get angry at her family I hope you all love this also please don't judge
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escapismqueen · 2 years
Chenford + what Tim test... your fake proposal to Ashley..
Hi 🥰here it is ❤️I just want to apologise to everyone for how long this took. I was hoping to have it finished at least a week ago, but I’ve been so ridiculously busy and was struggling to find the time to write. I’m literally never busy so when I said ‘hoping to get this up within the next day’ I really meant it 🤣so again, I’m so sorry for the wait. I hope it’s okay ❤️
Summary: ‘I got mad after one of your Tim tests’ Tim couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something deeper at play, and it isn’t long before he’s questioning Lucy to tell him the truth.
Incl- Angst, Hurt/comfort, slight fluff
Warnings- the recollection of that moment that we all hated and a mention of the two clueless people we also hated.
A Chenford fic- What Tim test ?
Tim had been thinking about what Lucy had said the other day ‘I got mad after one of your Tim tests.’ He thought it was funny at the time- even cute, but now he wondered what had made her so mad ? He’s been giving her ‘Tim tests’ since the very first day of her rookie year, what one suddenly hit so hard that she felt she had to retaliate ?
As Lucy clattered around in the kitchen, Tim watched her in deep thought; he had a feeling that when she previously stated ‘I actually can’t remember’ that she most certainly did. Was now the moment to bring it up? “Luce ?” Lucy looked up with a smile of bliss on her face, the kitchen island lights bouncing off her chocolate honey eyes. Maybe now wasn’t the time; she looked happy and relaxed- a feeling that doesn’t come by all too often in their line of work, and Tim didn’t want to bring up something that had obviously caused her some anguish in the past.
Lucy looks towards him, eyebrows raised in curiosity “Tim ? You okay ? You’ve been staring at me for 3 minutes. I thought you had a question ?” She huffs out a small giggle, amused by the far away look in her boyfriends eyes. “Oh, sorry, it doesn’t matter now.” As he turns his head to face away from her, hoping that she won’t push it any further, Lucy paces softly towards him, a narrow eyed look on her face., one hand resting sassily on her hip “Tell me.” The heightened sharpness in her voice a tell tale sign that she’s not going to let this go anytime soon, so Tim gives in and asks the question that’s been plaguing him.
“What was the Tim test ? The one that made you so mad that you signed me up for make a dream ?.” At the utterance of his words, Lucy’s eyes widen, her lips parting to make an ‘o’ shape. She looked nervous and embarrassed, and Tim swears he could see a slight sadness in her vision at the recollection. As if wishing for the situation to go away, Lucy closes her eyes tightly, causing little creases to spread at the corners of her eyes. “I already told you; I can’t remember.” Tim rolls his eyes at her stubbornness; she may often accuse him of being the stubborn one, but she’s not far behind him. “Well I’m not buying it, so spit it out.”
Lucy sighs in defeat, the thought of having to talk about it sending waves of nausea through her body. “Um…it was um, it was when you fake proposed to Ashley.” An eerie silence falls over the room, Tim’s jaw drops at the revelation- he hadn’t realised she’d been so upset by it; at the time, he thought it would be a funny way of ‘teaching her’ that she shouldn’t poke her nose so much into his personal life- a lesson he’d been trying to teach her from day one but has since given up on and admitted defeat; not that he minds.
“The fake proposal ?” Tim’s words come out wobbly and unsure, Lucy’s confession has shaken him more than he thought. He hadn’t necessarily thought too hard about the way it could’ve hurt her- he didn’t know how she felt at that point, and a part of him wanted to see what her reaction would be- but Hurt was not something he ever wanted to see flashing across his girlfriend’s eyes, especially when he was the cause. Yet here she was; glassy eyes that have been darting around and avoiding him at all costs since she first spoke up and told him the truth.
Tim’s hand reaches for his face, brushing his fingers down his skin in disbelief- how could he hurt her like that and not have realised it ? Why didn’t she say anything at the time ? Was she hurt because he fooled her or was she hurt because she had feelings for him at the time ? “But- you were with- you were with Chris, I don’t understand. You knew it was a prank within 30 seconds of it happening, why were you so upset ?” No words followed Tim’s questioning, only the sound of the living room clock ticking at them both in mockery.
“Luce. Please, talk to me. This is clearly something we need to talk about.” He looked at her with a softened gaze, his curiosity put on the back burner in exchange for his concern for her. As he focuses more intently on her, he notices the quickening of her breathing and the shake of her legs; she’s angry- an emotion he didn’t quite expect when the conversation began. She was close to tears only minutes ago, but now- now she looked like she was ready to scream.
Lucys nostrils flare, her fists clenching alongside them as she replays Tim’s question in her head ‘why were you so upset?’ She can’t believe he doesn’t know. Sure, they were with other people when it had happened, but Tim isn’t stupid- how could he possibly not have known that that would upset her given their history ? The echoing of his words push her body off the couch, her stance rigid and her arms flailing in the air. “Are you KIDDING ME?!” The atmosphere shifts as soon as the words leave her mouth. This is no longer a cute little question and answer, this is an argument now.
Tim widens his eyes at his girlfriends demeanour, the sight of her this angry chilling him to his core. One thing people often forget to mention about sunshine people, is that despite the fact that they’re the sweetest, most positive people on earth, if you make them angry, you’re going to need all the help you can get, because they’re not going to back down. At all. Tim knows this about Lucy, and until now, he thought that her mood change when angry was hilarious- now it’s not so funny. As he watches her mouth open again, he takes a deep breath and braces himself for what’s to come- the wrath of Lucy Chen; and as much as he loves her and knows that this mood will diminish very soon, the only thing running through his mind as he watches her is ‘I’m screwed’.
“WHY WERE YOU SO UPSET ?!!! Hmmm, I don’t know- let me think Tim….Oh.. yes that’s it ! When you ‘proposed’ to her, I didn’t find it that humorous actually. I know we hadn’t spoken at all about our feelings then, but there’s always been something Tim, always ! And you know it.” Her voice begins to shake, the anger slowly levelling out as the hurt resurfaces in her chest. “In that moment, when I thought you’d actually proposed to her… I felt.. so stupid. Like ‘oh, this has been in my head, I’ve made it all up- every look, every touch, it didn’t mean the same to him.’ And yeah, i had a boyfriend- I know I did, so maybe I didn’t have the right to be upset, but it doesn’t change the fact that I was. I know you didn’t mean to Tim, but… you broke my heart that day. I couldn’t breathe until I knew it was fake. I went home, and I cried for hours. I lost a bit of hope for us that night because i thought ‘why would he pull this on me if he even felt a little of what I feel for him?”
A quiet fills the room. The air clings tightly to the words spoken, the silence only making them ring louder. ‘You broke my heart.’ Words that have never left the lips of anyone he’d been with before; he was usually the one left heartbroken; but had just left the lips of the person who means more to him than life itself. He’d. broken. Her. Heart.
Tim sits in shock, his hands glued to his side, his chest bubbling with guilt. He shifts his eyes momentarily towards Lucy, only this time, she’s not avoiding his gaze; she’s staring Intently at him with an anxious expression. ‘Say something. Please’ She begs inaudibly to herself. The wait is unbearable- she struggles to pin point the expression on her boyfriends face- all she sees is shock, and all she hears is the sound of her own rapid pulse. Tears begin to cloud her eyes once again, this is it- she’s lost him. As she looks up and slowly moves her body to Turn away from him, she’s stopped by the sudden gentle but firm grip of her boyfriend’s arms.
It takes a moment for her to react, her mind still trying to catch up with Tim’s actions after she’d convinced herself only seconds ago that she’d messed this all up. As if sensing exactly what she was thinking, Tim turns her around in his arms and buries her face into his chest, his hands softly cupping and caressing her hair as he gives warm comforting kisses to her head. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry” his apology reverberates off of every wall, the murmuring of it releases a sob from Lucy’s chest. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I’m so so sorry.”
When Tim notices that Lucy’s breathing has only quickened, he reaches to cup her face in his hands, fingers tilting her chin up so that their eyes can meet, fingers shakily wiping each tear as they fall “I- I didn’t know. I’m so sorry Luce. I didn’t know.” His whisper is so soft that Lucy feels a slight tickle on her face from his breath. His expression is mirroring hers now- watery eyes, furrowed brows, a clenching of his jaw that’s clearly appeared to persuade his tears not to fall. She begins to think of the day they met; she thought he was such an ass. He was mean to her, he never gave her a smile or a look of reassurance, yet there was something in her that refused to give up on him. A feeling that had never left. She looked at Tim, and watched as the Tim she first met and the Tim she was with now meshed together- how could she possibly be mad at this man when her heart so desperately clung to him?
Lucy buries her face into him once again, taking a not so subtle moment to smell his shirt to help her gather her thoughts and calm her breathing. “No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I know you were only pranking me because I was being super annoying that day. And I know you’d never hurt me on purpose. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have even brought it up.. it’s not your fault Tim.”
“It’s not yours either” he states with conviction. “You were hurt and I was the reason for it. And just because I was stupid enough to not realise, doesn’t mean that I don’t owe you an apology.” He moves slowly away from Lucy but keeps a tight grip on her hand, pulling her down with him to lie back onto the couch, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist, their legs entwining with each other with no effort required. Neither of them speak for an hour, they just lay there in each others arms, faces nuzzling into one another, and thanking every Lucky star that they ended up here.
The comfort and warmth radiating from Tim’s body begins to send Lucy to sleep, her eyes fluttering every few seconds to force herself to stay awake just that little bit longer. And she’s glad she did, because a minute later, when she’s cursing herself for fighting sleep that she so obviously needed; Tim breaks the silence. “The only woman I want to marry is you. And I knew that then too.”
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peekaboo-icyou · 1 year
Part 3
Part 4 of fear
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They had left on there mission to find you or your ring they tracked it and it showed up all the way on some island they flew there wilbur was super anxious and terrified to see what they had done to your body I mean who wants to see their true loves body with wounds he was trying his best to hide his very upset self I mean he still looked like and absolute mess his hair was long his stubble had grown out and his eye bags were horrible he couldn’t wait to kill every last one of those bastards
“C’mon get into the dress now!” The man stands above you looking furious “no I don’t want to marry you!” He slaps you making you sob harder and fall to the floor “yes you do!” You sob “No! No no! I love Wilbur not you! He’s my husband not you!” He looks at you even angrier “that’s it” he grabs your arm and drags you back to your room and throws you to the floor “your going to stay in here without food or water until you realize how much you need me!”
It took a few days to get to the exact place of the ring and when they did it was just outside a mansion they looked around at the windows and they saw one on the second floor that was all boarded up, and then they broke inside
All you heard was yelling and maids screaming and shooting lots of shooting you tried to get up but you were so weak from not eating or drinking anything for a few days, then you heard doors being kicked in then it got closer then finally your door was kicked open so you just closed your eyes and pretended to be dead “baby?! Oh god were going to get you out of here and a proper….” You open you eyes and Wilbur’s right there about to pick you up “Your alive!” He picks you up and squeezes you tight then he kisses you “let’s get you out of here” “put my wife down!” You hear Mateo say “she’s not your wife! Look I get she’s one of the most beautiful women you’ve probably ever interacted with but she’s mine so get your own” You hear them both pull their guns out, they both end up losing there guns then Mateo throws wilbur to the floor and starts to strangle him you some how gather the strength to grab a gun and point it at Mateo “fuck you” you then shoot him the recoil knocks you over since your so weak “baby!” Wilbur picks you up again and rushes you out of there
You woke up in a hotel room “Wilbur…” you hear the sink turn off “y/n?!” He rushes over to you and hugs you you see tears in his eyes “I thought you were dead!” He starts to cry “what did they do to you baby?” Your stomach growls he chuckles “hungry?” you nod, he gets you f/f “can you please tell me what they did to you?” You nod “he d-didn’t do anything bad he just hit me a few tim-“ “he hit you?! Oh that fucker” you tear up “and he made me kiss him and do other stuff” he hugs you “oh I’m so sorry baby i promise this’ll never happen again and guess what” he cups you face and squishes it before getting up and going to the bathroom and coming back with a container “I found your ring and now all it needs is your hand” you smile and put your hand out “there you go baby” he hugs you “how long have you not eaten for” “I think it was 3 maybe 4 days…” you sound super weak “oh god if that man were still alive I would torture the fuck out of him” “you killed him?” He smiles proudly “no you did love” you look at him shocked “I-I did?” He nods and you burst into tears “hey hey what’s wrong” you look at him “I killed someone!” He hugs you tighter “hey it’s okay baby he hurt you first and he was a shitty guy he’s killed thousands of innocent people” you sniffle “now let’s get some more food in you then we can cuddle okay?” You nod “I love you Wilby” he hugs you tighter “I love you to love”
Should I make a part 5 and if I should what should it be about?
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
jumping back to my tim and hannah ask, I meant like how does gary work with the both of them ykyk?? And how all 3 of their relationships are (friendship wise)
Ohhh I see, okay.
Gary's got a pretty complex relationship between Tim and Hannah actually. Hannah's hometown, before she and her brother moved, was rather close to the main passage to the underground Talpian Dominion. When Hannah was younger she'd often meet up with Gary, who was always being rebellious and crossing the threshold into the land above. They sort of met by chance at first, and Hannah's laidback attitude was easy for Gary to get along with, so they just kept hanging out.
Gary being the person that he is, his overall friendship with Hannah is a bit rocky, being argumentative and a little bit of a grump from time to time. Hannah knows Gary doesn't always mean to be that way, and that he tries to be a decent person, so she still stuck by him.
One day though he just stopped visiting Hannah, after the gaps between his visits had already been lengthening. They got to be pretty good friends, so Hannah was upset about this for a while. But that'd've happened a few years before she moved up closer towards Tim, so she's had time to get past it ^^;.
But where Gary actually ended up, when he finally stopped visiting, was actually up in Little Stone where Tim lives. Or, well, he traveled the land for quite a bit, found himself up there eventually, and settled down. Where he originally thought was just a somewhat secluded flat opening in the woods, close enough to society were he to need any supplies, but far enough to where nobody could ever bother him. ...But instead he accidentally settled on Tim's acreage, and didn't realise for the better half of a year.
You could probably count the amount of times he encountered Tim with your fingers and toes alone, throughout the few years he lived there, but still a very unique kind of relationship between them came to be. Gary hated Tim the second they ran into each other, but Tim just thought the guy was interesting, and never told his mother about it. Which is all whatever, but Gary being so isolated from the world, any time they did run into each other he'd always draw the encounter out a little longer than it needed to be.
Tim also just totally trusted Gary even though he was literally trespassing on their lot, and that sort of trust continued after the Fault, because the first person he thinks to go to after he finds his mother kidnapped, is Gary. Not any neighbor, but Gary. It'd be this choice that not only connects Hannah & Gary back together, but also a visit that would retroactively save Gary.
So right at the start of the Fault you basically have this weird triangle of feelings between them, for better or worse. That tends to be their theme throughout their journey.
Gary wants to dislike Tim but the guy is so nice & he's been his only living connection to the world for years, and he's tense around Hannah because of his absence, but reliant on her because he needs her help with his pet Citus, who's body she helped design and build. Hannah is having to relearn Gary, the friend she used to know, concerned for his wellbeing but hurt by his actions-- while her other friend Tim navigates his temper with ease from more recent years of exposure. And Tim is buddy buddy with them both.
But also Gary can be there for Hannah when she needs a more logical brain to talk to. No offense to Tim, he can just be a little silly and airheaded with his takes on life, but that outlook also keeps Gary from getting too uppity about things & keeps everything lighthearted amidst their complex feelings.
Here's how I look at it simply, though:
Hannah - Tim: too silly, nothing to stop them from making dumb decisions.
Hannah - Gary: no fun, all serious, they can sometimes rub eachother the wrong way & make things more difficult than they need to be.
Tim - Gary: a cycle of nothing, friendliness that's met with defensive hostility that's met with more friendliness that's met with frustration. nothing gets done.
Hannah - Tim - Gary: balanced, just the right amount of fun and smarts, with a healthy distribution of emotions. they can accomplish a lot when working together.
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itsawhumpsideblog · 1 year
The Safehouse, pt. 3
CW: for institutionalized slavery, mentions of abuse, treatment of people as things
Advice from the Box Boy Liberation Movement:
Meals present a particular challenge for new rescuees. They will likely have difficulty expressing preference or even recognizing when they have a preference. Thus, it may take time to learn what they like to eat or whether they have any allergies. While rescuees are learning to identify needs and express themselves, focus on preparing meals that will treat rescuees' nutritional deficiencies and expose them to a wide variety of flavor options. Every safehouse is stocked with epinepherine auto-injectors and other allergy medication in case of emergency.
As they started toward the kitchen, Angie realized that the rescuees had not stood to follow them. They were following along, sure enough, but on their knees. She winced- that couldn't be comfortable.
"Would you like to stand up?" she asked and then, before Francis had a chance to assure her that he would do as she wished, she said, "You're free to walk upright here."
Francis nodded and slid to his feet in a smooth, practiced motion. He lowered his shoulders and folded his hands behind his back, keeping his head down and his expression blank.
Their other rescuee looked like he was having more trouble and no wonder. Something was very wrong with his hands and he was holding his left arm cradled against his stomach as he tried unsuccessfully to get his feet under him.
"I'll help you," Tim said. "May I put my arm around you?" The rescuee nodded, but looked shy and uncomfortable. "I'll be gentle, don't worry," Tim added. He crouched down and put his arm around the boy's waist. "Can you put your right arm over my shoulders?" he asked. "You don't have to if it hurts."
The boy paused and then nodded and slid his arm around Tim's neck. He was clinging to Tim with his elbow and forearm, his hand limp, and he was still bent protectively over his left arm, as if he was afraid that Tim would jostle it.
Very slowly and carefully, Tim stood up and brought the rescuee with him. The boy didn't seem very steady on his feet; his knees didn't straighten out well and when they began walking, his steps were slow and halting, the movements of a person much older than he could possibly be.
"Are you out of practice?" Tim asked. "Don't worry, you can lean on me. We'll get you into the kitchen and you can sit down."
Angie smiled at all three of them. "If everyone is ready, let's go see the kitchen and get some lunch." She led the way, checking over her shoulder periodically to make sure they were following along and didn't need her help. It made her feel like a mother duck. Francis was behind her, still watching her heels. He walked very gingerly, like he needed to limp with both feet but couldn't. Tim and the other boy followed along, going at the rescuee's speed.
When they reached the table, Angie pulled out one of the chairs and Tim started to lower the rescuee into it. That was when they ran into difficulty. The boy started to look panicked and shake his head furiously. The closer Tim got him to the chair, the slower he moved and eventually he stopped walking altogether. He couldn't seem to bring himself to move away from Tim- or maybe he simply couldn't stand without help- but neither could he get any closer to the chair.
"What's wrong?" Tim asked. "You can sit there, it's okay with Angie and I. We want you to- it'll make it easier to get back up."
He shook his head again and his eyes were wide and afraid. Angie looked to Francis, who had finally raised his head to look around. His dark eyes were anxious.
"Pets are not permitted on the furniture," he said. Angie wondered if he was able to speak for himself at all, or if he could only parrot phrases he had learned in training.
"Even if the homeowners ask them to?" Angie pressed, being very careful not to upset him if she could help it. Today, they needed to make the rescuees comfortable. Helping them heal was long-game stuff.
Francis looked very awkward and not a little nervous. "Even with permission, it- it makes many pets uncomfortable, Mistress."
"Angie," she reminded him, trying not to insist. "Well, we won't force you, either of you. What are you comfortable with?"
"Pets may take a place on the floor, near the table if they are permitted," Francis recited.
"All right. Tim, you two hang tight for a minute. I'm going to get some pillows." The house was amply provided and Angie was back in just a moment with two pillows, the kind that were made for outdoor seating and had non-skid material underneath. This way the boys wouldn't have to balance and risk slipping.
She placed them down and offered Francis a hand. He did not take it, but sank down to his knees. She was gratified to see that his expression shifted just a little to one of pleasure and- was that relief? They had a lot to learn about these two.
Tim helped the other boy onto the second pillow and then straightened up. "Soup and sandwiches for lunch, do you think?" he asked.
Angie nodded. "We've got everything for a quick chicken noodle and some grilled cheese. Do you want to make the soup?" Tim was amenable and crossed the kitchen to open the refrigerator.
"Um," Francis interrupted nervously and they were focused so tightly on observing the boys for any sign of a need or desire that Tim and Angie both turned quickly to look at him. He blushed. "This pet can cook for you," he said. "He is trained and- it is his place to serve you."
"Don't you worry about that," Angie said, trying to sound breezy and unconcerned, as if the way he spoke didn't make her heart ache. "We'll take care of it for now. You just rest a little."
Francis bowed his head again and watched the strange people who had taken them in. He and the other pet- who didn't seem to have a name- had certainly landed themselves in odd circumstances. It felt very strange and very wrong to be watching the Master and Mistress work while the pets rested on comfortable cushions. Still, the smell of their soup and sandwiches was delicious and Francis dared to hope that there might be a crust for him, if they couldn't eat all that.
He was surprised when they set a plate and a bowl in front of him and another in front of the other pet. So surprised that he looked up, full into the face of his new Master and actually stared for a moment before remembering to drop his gaze. Still, he didn't touch the food.
"It's for you," the Master said, in a gentle voice that Francis thought he could either like or fear, depending on what kind of person this Master turned out to be. "Angie and I will sit at the table, and you know you're welcome to join us when you're ready."
Francis didn't believe this, but they did move their chairs so that they were sort of next to their Pets, as if they were sharing a meal. Glancing up at them in case they changed their minds, Francis took the bowl of soup and began to eat, quickly and neatly. People didn't like it when Pets made a mess, and he wanted to get the food down before the meal was over and he lost access to it. Who knew when he would eat again? Besides, the soup was steaming hot. Maybe it would help him feel warm again.
Next to Francis, the other Pet had started with the sandwich. He didn't seem to be able to use his left arm at all, which was going to make the soup challenging, but reached awkwardly out with the right and grasped the food in fingers that were stiff and probably painful. Looking at the cuts and bruises on his right hand made Francis wince.
After the soup, Francis ate his sandwich in the fewest bites he could politely manage and was relieved that he had gotten the whole meal down in time. He sat back a little and looked over at the other Pet. He was bent over the soup, still guarding his left arm, and fumbling with the spoon. He was going to spill and make a mess and then the people would be angry; Francis knew how people could be.
He shot a nervous look up at the Master and Mistress, who for some reason just smiled at him and were completely ignoring the impending disaster with the soup. But he knew what was going to happen. He could forestall disaster and they would be grateful and pleased, if they noticed.
Francis turned slightly to his right and took the bowl of soup from the other boy. He got a hurt look in return for his troubles, especially when he took the spoon, too. It wasn't hard. Those hands were in no shape to fight back.
Francis dipped the spoon into the bowl with a trembling hand- fear or weakness? he wondered- and lifted it to the other boy's lips. Now the look was one of great gratitude and Francis allowed himself to give the other boy a smile. He fed the boy the whole bowl of soup, spoonful by spoonful, until it was all gone. The boy wiped his face with one clumsy hand and smiled thanks at Francis.
When the meal was done their strange Master and Mistress insisted on cleaning up and when the Mistress said, "Why don't we show you the living room?" Francis stood to follow.
Next time: Francis cleans up and Tim and Angie begin getting to know him.
Master Post
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