#look okay i Genuinely believe that asshole of a man had to have provoked him
ssaalexblake · 1 year
getting flashbacks to Gibsongate and the megafans claiming simultaneously that he was both an innocent babe being framed And captain america for hitting the awful dude bc like... how does that dissonance even Work?
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spiderstyles04 · 4 years
Episode 1:
Can’t stand the fact that they’re trying to make Sam the victim, fuck the white bitch 😤. (okay yeah she’s kinda the victim but like she deserves to be blamed)
I can’t stand the fact that everybody keeps trying to make Robby the villain (ik he’s MIA, but the words they’re calling him make me wanna punt their asses into oblivion 🧎🏽‍♂️🏌️)
Episode 2:
Kreese is actually fucking sadistic wtf.
fuck men (esp. those that prey on young girls).
cops @ the prison rlly said: “I aint see nothin at all -👄-“.
wow so you can definitely see who is Johnny’s priority! Instead of continuing to look for his missing son, he went to go see Miguel🖕🏻.
and Miguel is like boohoo why’d this happen to me it’s all Johnny’s fault. Uh no it’s partially yours for accelerating the fight. Shouldn’t have gotten in the middle of a fight if you wanted to come out unharmed.
Robby blaming himself for everything and worry abt the others before himself is making me cry my eyes out pls 😭😖.
Daniel fucking Larusso rlly said let’s catch this scared teenage boy off guard and have a cop sneak up on him and arrest him
Episode 3:
I hate that Robby is in jail but he looks hot af
Not the LaRussos blaming Robby’s grudge on him being a teenage. Like you literally had a cop sneak up on a terrified kid and you expect him to take your calls???? I think tf not.
Sksks Sam rlly out here acting like Tory got angry outta nowhere and that she had no reason for being brutal. Yeah having a bad background doesn’t justify bullying but you kinda provoked her. YOU KISSED ANOTHER GIRL’S BOYFRIEND WHILE YOU HAD ONE OF YOUR OWN. SUCK IT UP AND SHUT UP LIL BABY.
Not Robby fighting with guys in prison over their comments abt Sam of all ppl 💀 she’s the reason you’re in there and she cheated, what the fuck are you defending her for?
sad puppy Robby is making me tear up shit I love him too much to see him in pain 😖
God I hate Eli. Imagine being jealous of not being able to creative enough to raise money for your friend so you resort to stealing the money from the only ones able to get money for him 💀.
“Douche clown” BAHAHA.
Episode 4:
NOT JOHNNY ASSUMING THAT ROBBY IS THE ONE STARTING FIGHTS (reminds me of Jess and Rory from Gilmore Girls when she accused him of fighting with Dean when rlly he just got attacked by a bird)
I love that Robby is telling Johnny off like PERIODT KING GO OFF
Nah if some idiot wrecked my lego diagram that took me weeks to build, I’d knock him on his ass no hesitation. Idgaf if I got expelled
Not the counselor completely disregarding the fact that Dimitri’s project was wrecked
Every time Johnny enters Robby’s life, he just makes shit harder for him. I feel horrible for my bby
Kreese has a god complex & I wanna put him in the ground 🕳👨🏻‍🦽👩🏽‍🦯
Little miss princess got some anger issues oop
Not Johnny making a paralyzed kid get out of bed 💀
Episode 5:
Robby basically telling Kreese to fuck off and tell talk to “somebody who gives a shit” is everything to me I love him
Not Johnny using a sex magazine to motivate Miguel 🤢
If Robby gets back with Sam I will RIOT
Imagine taking pleasure from terrorizing others and children sksksk couldn’t be me
Damn it Robby you shouldn’t be fighting. It’s only gonna make your sentence worse bby. Ik he’s an asshole, but you gotta be the bigger man
The fight in the lazer tag place I- not even gonna comment
Episode 6:
I’m glad Eli is abt to get the vibe check he deserves
Miguel rlly should choose what he says more wisely like sir you can’t just tell the angry mentally unstable girl that she needs help sksksksk those are words of war to her
Oh Mrs. LaRusso getting in on the action lmao
Episode 7:
Damn Tory rlly wakes up every day and chooses violence uh it was a dream nvm
There’s no fooking way Miguel recovered from a spinal injury so quickly 🙄 also why’d they throw away the wheelchair??? That shit is expensive af
Imagine having a dad that actually feels genuinely bad for not keep up with your life SKSK couldn’t be me
I haven’t seen Robby in a hot minute and I’m getting pissed abt it.
I love when ppl tell Eli off. Gives me a diff kind of joy
tf is Eagle Fang sksksks
@ Kreese: Bye bitch 🥴
Episode 8:
I cant believe they’re dicusssing Kreese when they’re abt to pick up Robby I- none of these men are fit to be stable father figured to him
Glad Robby told them to fuck off bc when the going gets tough, unfortunately, they will always choose someone else over Robby
But I’m all here for Miguel’s character development. Looks like soon I’ll have a total of 2 characters that I like on this show
Eyyy go off Miguel preach
Nvm fuck that. I’m glad Robby walked in on Miguel and Sam flirting so he could see she isn’t all she’s cracked up to be. I’m glad he’s telling them off. I just hate that they’re making him out to be a villain, AGAIN UGH
Episode 9:
Fuck fuck fuck I’m terrified for this episode
oh shit Ali...
Trouble is in the air....
Miguel and Sam 🙄😀
Oh so Robby is back in his sn 1 wardrobe... 🤬
Not you making bad decisions again Robby smh we’re trying to keep you out of jail
I repeat... if Robby and Tory get together I am RIOTING
Fuck Johnny
Episode 10 - final episode:
I am the quintessential example of seething anger. If I was an anime character, I’d have steam coming out of my ears and a tic mark on my forehead smh
Tory has got some anger issues that surpass even my own, and that’s saying something
Also why tf are they fighting in Sam’s house??? Like I don’t like her but thats not only trespassing passing on private property, but the damages they’re causing are gonna cost a buttload
I’m just glad that Robby isn’t there to fight. Thank you bby
I love the fact that Eli is realizing how fucking stupid he’s been acting
I’m still crying over Robby fuck
Everybody over here hashing shit out and Robby is inside the dojo like X👄X
Anyways all in all, fuck season 3 gn
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dal3ks · 4 years
the interview
pairing: tony stark x female reader 
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none! just a little bit of cursing and teasing! some flirting! 
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"so ms. (y/l/n), i have a new assignment for you," your boss slid you a manila folder, "i need you to conduct an interview for me. preferably recorded. it needs to be in my office tomorrow at eleven a.m., no later."
you stared at the folder, opening it slowly. once you read the name of the individual you were supposed to interview, your jaw dropped, "but getting an interview with tony stark is practically impossible! he's a multimillionaire with much better things to do!"
"and that is precisely why i need you to interview him," your boss cleared his throat, "it is extremely difficult to get time with such a prestige man, but, i do have the interview already scheduled for you. unfortunately, i have to run home early today to pick up my daughter from daycare. i do have faith in you, (y/n). you're a fantastic journalist. your last article about spider-man was not only inspirational, but very thought provoking."
"you're just throwing this assignment in my lap because i mainly write about modern superheroes," you grimaced, "spider-man was a fifteen year old boy. he was a breeze. this time around it's an asshole in his thirties. he's cocky and arrogant."
"i mean if that's what you really think, then i can give you an alternative assignment," your boss shrugged, picking through more folders, "how does the  lady-bug crisis in valor, vermont sound?"
you let out a sigh, "i'll do it. just text me the time and address. and just for your information, i do care about the lady-bug crisis. for some reason i cannot write those kind of articles for the life of me."
"well, i know you will exceed my expectations," your boss gave you a genuine smile, "i'll have my receptionist send you the address on your way out. good luck!"
"i'll do my best," you mumbled, standing up from the chair.
on your way out of your boss' office, his receptionist gave you the time and address of the interview. your jaw dropped once more once you realized where the location was. the interview was scheduled at tony stark's mansion. it was also scheduled for eight-thirty p.m., which was kind of late for a single interview.
you sat down at your desk with a huff. even though the man was an asshole, you were sure that tony stark was brilliant and complex. you jotted down some questions in your phone, preparing for a short interview. typically tony stark got bored with all of the questions, and then proceeded to kick the journalists out. hopefully it would be short. you couldn't stand the man.
even though most of your work involved modern superheroes, you shied away from covering the multimillionaire. there was just something about tony stark that irritated you, and you couldn't place your finger on what it was. sure, he was cocky, arrogant, and boasted about himself, but there was just something else you disliked about him.
it was mainly the way he treated women. he used women as eye candy, toys, and much more. you had heard dozens of stories from women reporters and journalists about how he hit on them. with some of the women, he even offered them a night with him. he was disgusting in that matter, and you were sure to keep your guard up around him.
you left work early to prepare for the interview. although you were wearing black slacks and a blouse, you opted to change into a pair of leggings and a crew neck. you felt that it would give you a more "comfortable" vibe, as you wanted the interview to be more casual. you let your hair stay down in loose curls, and you washed off your makeup. the more you dressed down, the better.
also, you wanted to be comfy since you were going to be staying up all night to write the damn article. the deadline of eleven a.m. was ridiculous, but you knew your boss had good intentions. there was a promotion within the office, and if this article was amazing, then you would earn the job. so, there was more at stake than just an interview with mr. stark.
around eight, you left your apartment. you typed the address into your phone, your fingers shaky. even though you had conducted hundreds of interviews with strangers, this one intimidated you slightly. you were afraid that you were going to bore the man.
once you arrived at tony stark's mansion, you swallowed a lump in your throat. you showed your identification to the security guard, who let you in with a grunt. you pulled into the driveway, exiting your car once you gathered your needed materials.
you knocked on the door, expecting to see mr. stark's assistant, pepper. instead, it was tony stark himself, clad in a pair of sweatpants and a metallica shirt. his outfit was more than likely designer, which intimidated you.
"ah, ms. (y/l/n)? come in," mr. stark opened the door, allowing you to step in.
once you stepped into the house, your heart dropped. it was completely beautiful. the floor was a shiny hardwood, and expensive looking furniture was everywhere. surely this was a mistake. you weren't worthy of being in this man's home.
"is it okay if we do this in my lab?" his voice interrupted your thoughts, "i have something i'm working on. i talk better if i'm tinkering with something."
"oh yeah," you nodded, "not a problem, mr. stark."
he scoffed, "please, call me tony. don't be like everyone else."
his sharp comment made your eye twitch, "i'm sorry, it's just that i'm not used to this."
"new on the job?" he began to walk towards an elevator, which you assumed lead to the basement.
"actually it's my second year," you answered, "my jurisdiction is with the heroes of today."
"ohhh fancy," tony chuckled, "i wouldn't call myself a hero, but i guess i'm popular, huh?"
goddamn this man was cocky. you gritted your teeth, "you must be. the media is all over you."
tony glanced at you, actually taking a second to look at you, "wow."
"what?" you raised a brow, your tone sharp.
"you look good," his voice sounded genuine, "you look amazing, actually."
"and how does this correlate with the interview?" you smirked.
"no one comes dressed like you," tony answered, "i like you already."
"thank you," his compliment made you grin, and you started to think that maybe this man wasn't as bad as you thought.
the elevator doors opened, and tony led you to his work area, where he was tinkering with a new version of his iron man suit. he gestured towards an open chair, and you hesitantly sat down.
"before we start," tony cleared his throat, opening a program on his computer, "do you want anything to drink? is the air comfortable? if it's too hot or too cold, let me know."
"that's sweet of you," you beamed, "but i'm fine. thank you, though."
"no problem," tony nodded, then began toying around with the hologram in front of him.
you admired him for a minute as he worked. his dark hair was messy, which you assumed was due to working in his lab all day. his shirt was a little small, as it defined his muscles in his arms and shoulders as he worked. his brown eyes were focused, searching for a new development on his project. you stared for a second, star struck. this man was gorgeous. no wonder ladies dropped their panties for him.
"you okay?" his voice interrupted your thoughts. you glanced up to see him smirking at you, arms folded across his chest, "i believe we were about to start an interview, not a staring contest."
you felt heat rush into your cheeks, "sorry, you're just uh, extremely attractive when you work."
tony raised a brow, obviously enjoying your embarrassment, "yeah? i get that a lot."
"i'm sorry," you could feel the waves of embarrassment radiating off of you, "let's get started."
"how about i shoot an email to your boss?" tony interjected, "and we postpone this whole shindig. you're different, and i want to get to know you better. forget about me, there's hundreds of interviews with me out there. i want to know about you, (y/n)."
"but tony," you began, "this interview could earn me a higher position."
"and i could get you out of that shitty office and promote you as head of marketing for my company," tony scoffed, "you're an excellent writer, (y/n). i read your article on good old spider boy last week. you deserve something more than nine dollars an hour. you'd excel as head of marketing. and if you want something else, you got it."
you blinked, shocked, "tony, i don't know. your offer is gracious but i just can't up and leave. they need me at that office."
"and who's being cocky now?" tony winked at you, "just consider it, all right? i'll send you some answers to your questions later in an email."
"my boss wants the interview to be recorded," you swallowed a lump in your throat. god he made you a blushing mess.
"they'll be sound bytes then," tony sat down on the counter beside you, "speaking of bytes, how about we grab a bite sometime? do you want to have dinner sometime, with me?"
"like a date?" you widened your eyes.
"yes," he chuckled, "like a date."
"i like the sound of that," you murmured, glancing up at him. even though tony was short, you were still shorter than him.
tony gave you a gentle smile, "you're by far the most beautiful woman who's ever walked in my life."
you blushed, "oh, you don't mean that."
"i do," he nodded, "you're drop dead gorgeous. and i like that you came here as yourself, not some version of yourself that you're forced to be. it's different, a nice different."
you found yourself melting under all of the compliments. your mind buzzed, wondering what was going to happen next. one minute you hated the man, the next, you were falling for him. he really was not the man you had painted him to be in your mind. it just took some time alone with him, away from the media and cameras, to see who he really was.
"thank you, again," you murmured, "you're quite handsome yourself."
"thank you," his voice was soft, "so, tell me about yourself."
you found yourself opening up him, memories and stories spilling out of you. and you didn't know it yet, but as he got to know you, as you opened up, he only fell harder and harder for you.
and you found yourself falling for him as well as the night continued.
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jennifersylvesters · 5 years
not so subtle - part thirteen
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x reader Word Count: 2.9k~ Warning: swearing A/N: first ‘not so subtle’ / fic piece i’ve written for the year. holy cannoli. probably one of the shorter pieces i’ve written in a while. anyways, sure would be super if you left feedback. enjoy ~
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One hundred and sixteen calls. 
Seventy-eight voicemails. 
Two hundred and three text messages and counting. 
It was official: Harrison Osterfield definitely used up his data plan for the month. Still, it didn’t discourage the flood of messages pouring into your phone. 
You wanted to keep the matter private; why fill the world in on your inevitable heartbreak? 
Of course you never got what you wished for. Within a week all your friends heard the story that transpired Halloween night. What’s worse: everyone seemed to have a say. 
Some sympathized with you, cursing Harrison as an asshole. Others pleaded for you to give him another chance. Sure, mistakes had been made but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be redeemed. Actually, that’s exactly what it meant. Nothing could change your mind. 
Harrison Osterfield was officially a blacklisted topic.
If you pushed out the memory far enough, you’d end the suffering. You’d be content. So you ignored Zendaya’s calls about how you should let him speak his peace. Zendaya, you beautifully majestic, innocent gazelle. You’re too good for this world. You deleted Harry’s texts about how you both needed closure. Closure can suck it. Nothing would make a difference. 
So maybe that’s why you weren’t expecting that certain visitor at your doorsteps. 
You had no reason to suspect anything exciting. After all, you called off the annual Thanksgiving dinner. You kept quiet amongst your friends so you hadn’t been expecting company when you trudged up your apartment steps. 
But there he was. 
You blinked in surprise at his presence. Huh? Huh. 
There, at the stop of your steps, sat Tom. You couldn’t help but notice the prominent dark bags under his eyes. Upon clearing your throat he glanced up. 
Out of everyone, Tom chose to remain mum to the situation. It only made sense that he would side with his best friend; his silence on the matter only served to confirm your suspicion. Perhaps he had something to add? Oh, no. You weren’t sure you were ready for that. Already forming an excuse, you began to greet him. 
“Hey, Tom. I’m actually-”
“He’s an idiot.” 
You blinked once. Twice. That was definitely unexpected. 
“Um, would you like to come in?” you offered. He nodded, dusting off his pants as his face soured at whatever thoughts troubled him. 
“He shouldn’t have done that” he scowled as he entered your apartment. Even in his outraged state, he found time to take off his shoes and hang up his jacket neatly. What an odd sight to see an infuriated Tom tidying up your home. 
“I told him he shouldn’t have done that!” 
“Who are you talking about?” you asked gently, peeling your own jacket off before haphazardly tossing it on your sofa. 
“Haz! That bloody idiot, Haz!” he fumed as he picked up your jacket and hung it up on the coat rack. “He shouldn’t have…He shouldn’t have done that!” 
No, he shouldn’t have. The two of you certainly agreed on that. Still, it was strange to know Tom sided with you. This was Harrison’s best friend. Wasn’t this the moment where he pleaded Harrison’s case? Wasn’t this the man who insisted the two of you belonged together? What did it mean when Tom stopped believing in that potential?
Tom stormed about your kitchen as you stared confused, watching him open cabinets until he found the kettle. 
Of course he would make tea at a time like this. 
He grumbled under his breath as he fussed around, muttering how his best friend was an absolute git. You wanted to agree, but it seemed wrong to insert your opinion during his mini tirade. 
A couple minutes later Tom handed you a cup of tea before pouring his own. 
Studying his furrowed brows, you quietly took a sip. What was Tom’s angle here?
“Even though he’s an idiot, you must know that he cares about you.” Ah, there it was. You rolled your eyes as you took another sip. The beverage burnt your tongue but it was better than speaking about the issue at hand. 
“He does” Tom insisted. “He just…” 
“If you say he made a mistake, I will toss your tea into the sink” you calmly warned. It didn't matter who made the tea; this was your house, and he knew you would follow through with the threat.
“He just-”
“Tom, I genuinely don’t care” you lied, turning to grab honey. You ignored his look of concern, proceeding to sweeten your tea. “Really, I don’t. I don’t care.” 
“Y/N, there’s never shame in caring” he commented softly. 
“There’s certainly shame in caring too much” you snorted, taking a swig. 
“Is that what you really believe?” Tom tilted his head, almost heartbroken by your display of honesty. You hated that look. God, you despised that look. Stop that. 
“I’m not getting into this with you, Tommy.”
“He cares a lot about you. He really does.” Stop. Please. 
“Not when it matters most.”
“He didn’t mean to have this escalate.” Please stop. It’s too much. Just...stop. 
“I don’t care.” 
“He didn’t mean-”
“It’s not about what he did or didn’t mean to say or do, Tom!” you cried out, flinging the cup down onto the counter. You were so exhausted hearing the same excuses over and over. “It’s not about what he wanted to do or what he wanted to say! He hurt me, alright? And I get that he’s your best friend! I do. I really do! But what he did?” You felt your face hot, tears rimming your eyes. 
“I’m not okay, Tom” you heard your voice crack. “I get that you see him as this great guy who made a mistake but I...I’m...I’m not okay.” You looked down at the tiles, unable to face him. “I wanted to believe we’d work out. But it’s not that easy. How am I supposed to forget all the things he did?” 
Tom set his cup down before crushing you with a tight bear hug, startling you completely. You stood in his arms, unsure of what to make of this. 
“I’m sorry” he whispered into your hair. “I’m so sorry.” 
The two of you had never been close, but in that moment you understood why Emma loved him so much. You understood why everyone adored him. This person felt so strongly, cared and considered your feelings so thoughtfully, that the idea of his best friend breaking your heart hurt him too. 
Slowly your arms wrapped around him before clinging to him tightly. Tears rolled down your face as you began to sob. How strange to think that Tom was the first person you cried to since the incident. How strange to be vulnerable with the best friend of the man who cut you deeply. Yet you wouldn’t have traded this comfort for anything. 
He consoled you, brushing your hair as you choked out all your despair. Every so often you heard him repeating his apologies, how you didn’t deserve any of this. 
By the time you finished crying, your throat felt raw. Using your sleeves to wipe away stray tears, you managed to collect yourself somehow. The two of you moved to the couch where you sipped on the now lukewarm tea. 
Tom was the first to break the silence. “I know you don’t believe me, but things will get better.” 
“Please don’t tell me he’ll fix things” you groaned. Tom gently nudged you before placing his hand on yours. 
“Then I won’t say it. I’ll just think it.” The two of you mustered weak smiles at his comment. 
Once again, silence crept into the space. The two of you sat quietly as Tom racked his brain trying to formulate the right words. 
“Y’know, when we’re hurt, we lash out to protect ourselves” he started slowly. “I’m not excusing anything, but-” he hesitated, staring down at his cup before glancing at you. “He felt hurt as well.”
Good. He deserved it. 
Did he though?  Did he deserve you attacking him mercilessly? 
Despite all the anger and frustration, you never wanted to truly hurt Harrison. That was never your intention. After all, you cared too much for that. 
But that’s what you did that night, didn't you? You hurt him, and you did it on purpose. You provoked him, prodding his weaknesses and exposing his flaws. And for what? It was trepidation that he’d hurt you again. 
You did just as Tom described; you guarded yourself by lashing out. 
All you could do was simply nod at Tom’s words as you let the realization sink in. 
Harrison hurt you. You hurt Harrison. Neither of you had been in the right for what was said and done.
It was discomforting to come to terms with that you weren’t simply the victim, but you needed to acknowledge the truth. The two of you wronged one another, both to blame for that night. 
“You’re a lot more clever than we give you credit for, Tommy” you smiled softly at the Brit. 
He chuckled as he nudged his shoulder gently with yours. “I’m not asking for you to forgive him right away. Or maybe you haven’t got to forgive him at all. The things he did- that’s hard to bounce back from. But you two?” He glanced at the carpet, letting his foot dig into the fabric. “Really can’t imagine the two of you being happy letting this go unresolved, ya know?”
Oh, how you knew.
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Tom’s words played in your mind from that day on. “Really can’t imagine the two of you being happy letting this go unresolved.” 
He was right, of course. It was difficult to move on when your thoughts constantly lingered on Harrison. That didn’t mean you could simply give Harrison a quick ring. What would you say?
“Oh hey, Harrison. You were an absolutely dick, but I guess I was a complete twat. We should probably put it in the past.”  Haha. Yeah, right. 
Turns out you didn’t need to phone him. 
A couple days later you returned from classes where someone nervously paced back and forth in the middle of your staircase. 
You stood at the base staring up at the sight of him. You knew he came by frequently attempting to apologize in person. Kimberly wouldn’t allow him, stating he’d only hinder your mental health. 
You knew her girlfriend once threw something at his head and barked at him to beat it. You heard him yelp before escaping down the stairs. 
You knew he left voicemails after his visits, pleading how he just wanted a minute to speak. But hearing his voice was a completely different sensation than seeing the man before you. 
It didn’t matter how nervous or messy he looked; Harrison Osterfield looked good and would always take your breath away. You wondered if his handsomeness would ever fade. Maybe never. 
“I’m so sorry.”
How many times had he apologized in voicemails? How many texts had you read with him repeatedly stating that? Strange to think how a word could lose its strength when so overused. 
“Sorry about what?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” An exasperated look crossed his face causing you to roll your eyes. Perhaps having him slightly grovel was a bit petty, but you felt entitled to that. 
You climbed the stairs, finding yourself ready to slam the door in his face. Fuck unresolved feelings.
Right as you were about to breeze past, the realization dawned on Harrison that you wanted a proper apology. His hand bolted out, gently grabbing your arm. It dropped when you glanced at his hold. He murmured an apology, wiping his sweaty hand on his shirt. 
“I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry for grabbing you like that. I’m sorry for how I treated you on Halloween. I’m sorry for every stupid mistake I made when it came to you.” Suddenly, he was confessing all his faults. They poured out, apologizes for every time he hurt your feelings or made you cry. 
And you understood he meant it. He genuinely felt terrible about his mistakes. He wanted to right the situation.
But you weren’t ready to move past so easily. 
It’d be so simple to forgive everything and say you were fine. Yet you weren’t alright in the slightest. 
Yes, you hurt him. Yes, you were to blame as well. You knew this. Still, the scorn he released on you felt fresh in your memory. The way his words snapped without second thought terrified you. You could forgive, but you couldn’t simply forget. 
Adjusting yourself on the staircase, you made yourself eye level with him before speaking. “Fine.”
“Fine?” he echoed, clearly unsure what this meant. 
“Fine” you repeated. “I accept your apologies.” You shrugged on the verge of turning when his hand took hold of yours. 
“What...Is that all?”
“What else do you want from me?” It was a loaded question, something he hesitated to answer. 
“It doesn’t matter” you brushed off when he didn’t speak. “It’s fine, Osterfield.” 
“C’mon, Y/N. I just-”
“I said it’s fine. I don’t care.” 
“You can’t meant that.”
“I don’t care. I’m done with this, alright? You came here to apologize, and I accepted the apology. What more is there to say?” 
“How about talking about us?”
“What about us?” 
“We can move past this. We can take this slowly. We can make this better” he urged. 
“But what if we can’t?” His face fell at your words. “I get what you’re saying. I mean, I laid it on the line for you. And no doubt you laid it on the line for me too.” The corner of his mouth lifted slightly. “But we never really stood a chance, right? That’s what we learned on Halloween.” The glimpse of a smile vanished from his face. “We’d just...We wouldn’t work. So I’ll be the first to admit I’m done.”
It hurt to say, but it was for the best. Wasn’t it?
“I still care about you, Y/N” he squeezed your hand gently. You wanted so badly to squeeze it back, but you wouldn’t allow that softness. 
“You cared enough to throw my insecurities back in my face? Is that your version of caring?” you countered. He flinched at your response. 
“I never meant to-”
“But you did.” You stopped, remembering your discussion with Tom. As frustrating as the situation was, you had no right to throw this back at him. 
Softening your tone, you continued. “I’m sorry for that. That was out of line. If this” - you gestured to him with your free hand - “was to ever work, I can’t imagine how happy we’d be together.” 
Except that wasn’t true, was it? The two of you would’ve been great despite both of your faults. The two of you could’ve been magic. But your hesitance made you terrified to dive in. 
“So like I said, I’m done.” 
The two of you stared at one another, your determined glance taking in his own. Eventually he released your hand and you climbed the remainder steps. 
Goodbye, Harrison. 
As you slid the key into the lock, you heard a loud laugh. 
“You know what? No.”
 Turning around, Harrison stood at the top of the steps smiling at you. Why was he smiling like that?
“I fucked up. I know I’m an absolute div, the biggest div to ever exist for hurting you like that. You could probably put me in the competition for the diivviest thing to ever be done and I’d win hands down.” 
Glad you two could agree on that one. A soft nod was all you offered in acknowledgment. 
He paused, head tilting before shaking his head and chuckling to himself.
“But there’s no way I’m giving up on us. I’m not giving up on you.” 
Sucking in your breath, you couldn’t turn away. What was going on in that mind of his?
“I know you’re scared of this, that you’re imagining how we’d hurt one another. Because we’ve done that in the past. Particularly me, which again, I’m a complete div for acting that way.” You couldn’t help by smile at that. 
“But you don’t see what I do. How happy we’d be together.”
He began inching forward with every sentence. “Do you know that every time I see you, it’s like the whole world lights up? People talk about how great and funny you are, and I just can’t help but think how lucky I am to know you. I’ve always been glad to know you. Even when I wasn’t falling for you, I liked being around you. It wasn’t just that you were amusing, either. You were...You shine in a way that no one else could ever compare. Guys would talk about you, and I’d get jealous. It’s so bloody stupid, but I’d get so protective over you and we weren’t-” he paused, glancing down at the ground.
At this point you were too focused to look anywhere else but Harrison. As he glanced up, you held your breath. “Do you know how proud I’d be to call you mine?”
By the time he was only a couple steps in front of you, you could see those beautiful blue eyes shining. “You and me? We’re it. We’re magic, love.” 
Your heart was pounding as you looked at the beautiful confident boy smiling at you. “What do you want me to say to that?” 
He shook his head, that charming smile never fading. “You don’t have to say anything, darling. Because I’m gonna prove this is worth it. Despite both of us being too bloody stubborn for our own good, I’m gonna prove we’re good together.”
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tags list: @hypnotized-so-mesmerized, @sleepybesson, @sophiatomlinson23, @supernatural-girl97, @tomhaz | @alt-ernativewonderland, @blackstarryroses, @bringmethehorizonandpizza, @butithasntkilledyouyet​, @chims-kookies​, @choke-me-sweet-pea​, @deleteidentity​, @divosterfields / @bbk8lin​ (idk if you wanted me to still tag you in this?), @highladyjel​, @hollandhearts​, @jessiq31​, @kateelyse96​, @kayla-m1996​, @lexshead​, @lovelytrashure​, @maybemona​, @otheenglishsetters​, @sarcasticvodka​, @soccerstud004​, @spider-mendes​, @thefallenbibliophilequote​, @valkyriesqueen101​, @wolvesofthewinter​
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fraink5-writes · 7 years
Human Qualification- Chapter 1
June 13
Merry Christmas! This fic is a gift to @leio13​ for always supporting and encouraging me. Without you, I wouldn’t have made it this far. Thank you.
Additionally, a huge thank you to @missmizpah for beta-reading! You rock even if you don’t like commas!
Summary:  To slowly lose all your functions until you are nothing but a trapped mind in a deteriorated shell, that’s what it means to be ‘No Longer Human.’
This fic can also be found on ao3 here. Without further ado, please enjoy!
“I’ve always wanted to die anyway.”
Unable to move, Dazai lay helpless on the ground, watching the death surrounding him. Chuuya glared impatiently as he threw another body to the ground. Blood ran down his arm—was it his or his enemies? Ultimately, he said nothing to Dazai, sparing him only one last indignant look. It was impressive how easily Chuuya moved through the horde of adversaries despite his wounds. His body, so fluid and swift, was a paintbrush, splashing rufescent color across the landscape. If nothing else—even when his own body gave up—Dazai was certain he could depend on Chuuya’s strength.
This mission was supposed to be a quick one. It was an ordinary—no, an exceptionally easy mission. They were to infiltrate a business on the black market and grab a memory stick with information “critical to the Mafia’s functioning,” which Dazai suspected was dirt on other members of the underground. While Dazai scoffed at Mori’s over-evaluation of the information, he could fundamentally understand its merit. After all, he was essentially raised by the scheming head of the Port Mafia.
Another thought that Dazai and Mori shared was that the current mission would be a simple one. There were only 20 or so opponents, and Mori had given permission for Dazai and Chuuya to eliminate all of them. On an okay day, this was an easy task for the infamous Double Black. With a simple strategy and their combined strength and abilities, the enemies didn’t stand even a slight chance—to hint at a possibility of their victory would be cruel to them. That day should have been no different.
Yet it was.
Dazai’s body had betrayed him. Even when completing the most basic tasks, his body weighted down uselessly. Dazai’s arms were weaker, compounding the burden. This was not a sudden development. In fact, Dazai had noted it at the beginning of the month, but he paid it minimal attention. He had managed just fine, minus a bit of fatigue here and there. And so, that afternoon, when devising his plans, he chose to ignore it. But his expectations deluded him. When the fighting began, it became immediately apparent that his weakened body was not cut out for confrontation.
Watching Chuuya polish off the last of his opponents, millions of different plans and potential outcomes flashed through Dazai’s mind, but he wasn’t optimistic enough to challenge the flow of events (which just happened to be favorable due to Chuuya’s intervention). Instead he resigned himself to his failure and his fatigue, letting his mind vacillate between fuzzy shades of gray and black.
“Oi!” The sharp tone knocked Dazai from his haze. Menacing teeth, piercing blue eyes, an asymmetrical mop of orangey hair, bloody wounds decorating his body—the man towering over Dazai was certainly Chuuya. “Get the fuck up!” He barked. He turned away, presumably repulsed by the sight of Dazai’s weakness.
With one hand on either side of his body, Dazai pressed on the ground, but it didn’t budge, nor did his body. Pathetically, he rolled over onto his side with a soft groan. He couldn’t the number of injuries he had. In his daze, they were dull—practically non-existent—but as he struggled in the dirt, they woke up, sparking pain throughout his limbs. Once again he pushed; this time, he managed to raise himself to a sitting position. He could barely keep his head afloat on his shoulders; lifting the rest of his body was unthinkable.
Tapping his foot into the ground, Chuuya eventually condescended to look at Dazai, his pointed glare dulling with weariness. He sighed and threw his head back as if looking for a higher power to spare him of his burden. But no relief ever came, so Chuuya bent down and lifted Dazai from the ground. Harshly throwing his partner over his shoulder, the silent message he sent Dazai swore of revenge. Too exhausted to pay the warning any heed, Dazai lazily dropped his head on Chuuya’s shoulder, provoking a groan in response (which Dazai also ignored).
Silently, the two patients dredged down the streets, Dazai like a zombie in his half-asleep state. He wondered thoughtlessly about how the two of them appeared—weary, draped over each other, blood dripping—luckily it was late enough that there weren’t many people on the streets. Chuuya didn’t say a word, but a muted irritation radiated from his body. Much to Dazai’s relief, the redhead’s exhaustion prevented him from raising a grand objection. However, Chuuya’s fatigue paled in comparison to Dazai’s, who wasn’t even aware of (nor cared about) his own whereabouts until he was right outside his own apartment door.
Dazai couldn’t even react before Chuuya pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. It was a miserable side effect of their partnership. He dragged Dazai to his living room couch and negligently ditched him there. “I’m going to use some of your bandages since you hoard them.” With that, Chuuya casually wandered into Dazai’s bathroom—another thing which would have bothered Dazai, had he been in his right mind. Upon his partner’s return, Dazai was still lying on the couch exactly the way Chuuya left him. Chuuya shrugged, perhaps disappointed, and continued to the exit. At the door, however, he hesitated. He inspected Dazai’s lifeless form for an extensive period of time before sighing, “What is with you today?”
“I can’t move,” Dazai half murmured into the couch.
“Haha,” Chuuya laughed dryly, but his stare grew increasingly more worried. Finally, he trudged towards Dazai and helped him from the couch and into the bathroom. “Only this once… because we’re partners.”
Dazai smiled weakly. If he was feeling up to his usual self, it would have been a teasing grin, yet, due to his current state, it was genuine (as much as Dazai hated to be helped by his insufferable partner). He sat on the toilet and slowly peeled off his sticky clothes and soiled bandages.
Chuuya shook his head, disappointed. “You’re going to need to rinse off before we proceed. There’s too much blood.” He paused, “You can do that, right?”
Dazai stood up wearily and nodded. If he couldn’t take a shower, his demise was rapidly approaching. Chuuya grabbed a roll of bandages and left the room (presumably to bandage himself in the meanwhile).
Under the sharp rainfall from the showerhead, Dazai’s whole body stung.. He examined himself, looking for noticeable differences. Aside from the copious wounds (which, frankly, weren’t too unusual for Dazai), there were no glaring changes in his body. Perhaps he had lost a bit of weight, but it was nothing which couldn’t be explained by typical fluctuation.
Cautiously, he stepped out of the shower and dried himself with expendable rags (he was still bleeding all over). The biting water had lifted a bit of his fatigue, but he was still extremely incompetent.
Having heard the water stop, Chuuya knocked on the door and hesitantly entered. “Shit,” was his first remark. “I was hoping it wasn’t as bad as it looked.”
“Fucking hell. What the fuck were you doing today?”
“Well, you saw.”
“Yeah, I saw—I saw you give up almost immediately. What happened to the plan, asshole?!”
“I couldn’t go through with the plan… Sorry.” It was a statement of pity directed mainly at himself.
“‘Sorry.’” Chuuya sneered. “What’s going on? What was that—what is this all about?!”
“You won’t believe me, even if I told you.”
“Because you’re never fucking honest!” Chuuya’s tone dropped. “Just tell me already. I’m your partner. If this is going to affect the way things work, I need to know.”
“I’m going to die soon.”
Silence settled into the room along with the steam. Neither Chuuya nor Dazai could think of the appropriate words to say. Dazai breathed in the silence, hoping it would suffocate him. Meanwhile, Chuuya continued to work rhythmically, his spideresque fingers coiling bandages around Dazai’s arm.
“I have only a few months. No longer than two years.”
“Stop fucking around.” Chuuya’s fingers came to a halt.
“I’m not fucking around. This is the inevitable consequence of my ability.”
Chuuya eyed him keenly, searching for traces of dishonesty, but he found none. His blue eyes were tinged a shade darker with pity. Dazai found Chuuya’s raw, human sympathy (even for his loathed partner) admirable.
“It’s the downside of my ability—every ability has one—the gradual degeneration of my body. To slowly lose all your functions until you are nothing but a trapped mind in a deteriorated shell, that’s what it means to be ‘No Longer Human.’”
Chuuya stared up at Dazai in terrified awe.
“I knew I was going to die young,” Dazai continued, “but even I didn’t think it would be this early.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’ve always wanted to die, anyway.”
Chuuya was stunned to silence as he began slowly working again. Carefully, he dressed Dazai’s wounds, applying soft pressure. The tender message of Chuuya’s busy fingers eased the tension in Dazai’s body. Superficially, Dazai was fully treated, but within him, there was a growing wound which Chuuya could never patch up.
All Next →
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xkanekitoukax · 7 years
Sorry, i mean nishitou fluffy hcs set in high school (idk if this be enough)
Okay, Anon…sorry this took awhile, been working on several things at one time…and then you hit me with this and I was like OMG YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME WANT TO START SOMETHING HERE.
I mean, I had an original fic of mine inspire this…and I lost control of it and I’m trying really hard to not make this a thing. And very AU because I’m not even following Japanese high school rules (they are really strict, man).
Also, Anon, I know you said fluffy…but to get to the fluff there has to be some sass and angst before the fluff comes in. :P And I just realized I don’t think I really have any fluff in this...but there would be if I had continued. Welp.
And, this is all messy, but again, I didn’t want to turn it into a fic…because probably all of this sucks, but whatever. YOU FED MY NISHITOU DESIRES…with no smut lmao.
~ Touka Kirishima, a sophomore, is a straight A student, but a bit of a loner who has pretty much nothing but contempt for her fellow peers. She keeps to herself and only hangs out with her best friend, Hinami Fueguchi. Her older brother, Ayato, a senior, is a bit of a rebel with a temper problem. He’s been secretly dating, Touka’s best friend, Hinami…a sophomore.
~ Nishiki Nishio, a senior, is a bit of a know it all who’s also pretty popular. Currently dating his chemistry lab partner, Kimi Nishino. He’s really good friends with, Ayato, and they’re often causing mischief.
~ They’ve known each other since they were kids, but have always teased one another. And as they grew up, the banter continued and intensified.
—Snippet of what it’s like between Nishiki and Touka—
One night, at the Kirishima household… [Touka’s POV]
I knew I should have been focusing on studying, I did have a pretty big full week of exam ahead of me, but the news had some interesting story to report on and it was quite gruesome. Ghouls, flesh eating monsters, had been making themselves more known in public. But while the news tried to put fear in the rest of us, I couldn’t help but be a little…fascinated.
“You clearly need to find new entertainment.” An all too familiar and annoyingly amused voice spoke from behind me. I didn’t bother to turn around because I knew who it was and I wasn’t sure I could stomach his face. Funny how I could stand watching the gory scenes of a ghoul’s aftermath on tv, but Nishiki Nishio’s face was my limit.
I let out an irritated sigh. “What would be more entertaining would be if one of those dead ghouls were replaced with you.”
“Even as a ghoul I’d still be too good looking to be killed off.” Nishiki answered, his voice showing he was even more amused than before.
“Not to me. I’d shoot you myself right now if it were legal.” I switched off the TV.
“You can’t kill a ghoul with a gun, you know.” He said with all amusement gone from his voice and replaced with a much more stern tone.
“You missed my point. I’d shoot you no matter what, if I could.” I turned around, looking at him unenthusiastically. “Why are you here?” I asked through slit eyes.
“I’m meeting your brother for…”
“No, I mean why are you here here, in my presence. Can’t you go wait somewhere else? Or better yet, shouldn’t you be entertaining whatsherface…?” I asked irritated. The slight frown on his face hinted that I insulted him because I pretended to not know his girlfriend’s name.
“Her name is Kimi.” He corrected me, shifting in his place slightly that I wasn’t sure was out of frustration or because he was uncomfortable. Either way I felt some satisfaction for getting under his skin a little bit.
“Does it look like I care?” I rolled my eyes as I stood up and walked around the couch, walking past Nishiki as I headed towards the kitchen.
Nishiki was following close behind me. No matter how nasty or sarcastic I was towards him he was like a fly that couldn’t be bothered. He lingered around and I was sure it was to make my life hell. Was this punishment for something?
“Well, whatever, I’m hanging out with your brother tonight.” He had to make that fact clear for whatever reason. I was trying to ignore him as I opened the fridge and grabbed a soda, slamming the door as Nishiki leaned his backside against the counter and crossed his arms. There was a smirk across his face, a smirk I so badly wanted to smack off him. “You know, you could tag along with us to have fun for once in your life.“
I started to laugh. Who did this guy think he was? “First of all, tag along only to be the unnecessary fifth wheel? No. And second, I’d rather have my insides eaten by a ghoul before I ever go anywhere with you.” Nishiki’s smirk only grew bigger. Goddamn him.
“Is that so? Because I can arrange for that to happen. I’d bet all my money on the ghoul.” He was chuckling and I could feel my right eye start to twitch.
“Keep testing me, Nishio, I swear to God you will regret it.” I spat.
It only made Nishiki laugh. “Rabidity makes you adorable, Kirishima.”
I was seething, I could feel the heat pooling up in my cheeks and I swear they could have flamed up if it were at all possible.
“Whoa, Touka, put the face away before you hurt someone.” Ayato
“Perfect timing, Ayato.” I let out through clenched teeth and narrowed my eyes at Nishiki. “You live to see another day, Nishio. Unfortunately.” I didn’t stick around to hear what lame comeback he would whip up. I couldn’t stand to be around him anymore and left with my heart racing. It had to be because of the rage inside me. It couldn’t have been anything else.
~ Ayato is usually the one to drive him and his sister to school, often picking up Hinami along the way. Both Ayato and Hinami have been quietly dating for a while, but haven’t told anyone. Touka has suspected it for a while though.
~ One day, Ayato ends up sick and he can’t take his sister to school and she refuses to ride the bus, so she decides to walk (despite his protests to help get her ride), but along the way Nishiki pulls up in his car, offering her a ride.
“No way, Nishio. Keep driving before I start screaming stranger danger.”
He looks and sounds really fucking amused. “It’s really cold, Kirishima.”
“No shit.” She rolls her eyes and keeps walking, ignoring the fact that Nishiki is still following her.
But it is really, really cold outside and she’s not even half way to school. She realizes she’ll freeze half to death before getting there. She curses to herself as she stops walking and Nishiki stops his car. She refuses to look at him, but she can just tell he’s tickled by all of this, he’s even trying to hide his laughter. She already regrets this. She slips into his car, still not looking at him.
“Don’t start with me, Nishio.” She warns as she puts on her seatbelt.
“What? It’s kind of funny that even your icy personality couldn’t handle this weather.” He laughs, making Touka clench her fists.
“Why are you even taking this route to school? You don’t even live around here…” She changes the subject.
“Your brother called and told me about your genius idea to walk to school. He asked me to find you, so I did.” Nishiki shrugged. Touka curses her brother.
“I can’t believe you actually went out of your way to do that. I’m in her spot, aren’t I?” She refuses to say Nishiki’s girlfriend’s name out loud.
“Kimi sometimes drives herself to school. So, you lucked out on this one.”
~ The rest of the ride they stay silent and when they arrive at school Touka is quick to mumble a thanks and quickly gets out of Nishiki’s car, wanting to avoid him for the rest of the day.
~ During one of Touka’s breaks, she goes into the restroom and hears giggling and small moans coming from one of the stalls, she’s tired of couples sneaking into stalls to do whatever they do, so she bangs on the stall door, yells for them to stop or she’ll tell the principal, and that’s when the door unlocks and opens. She finds it’s Nishiki and Kimi. Kimi is all flushed and pushing her skirt down, rushing out of the restroom embarrassed and then Nishiki is standing there with his hair all messy, zipping up his pants, and looking smug at Touka, but she has a look a look of repulsion on her face.
“You disgust me, Nishio.” She lets out. And for a moment she see her words cut through him, his smugness is all gone. But she walks out.
~ Shortly after that Nishiki stumbles on Touka as she’s heading to class and he stops her.
“I’m sorry, Kirishima.” He looks genuinely sorry.
“What?” Touka is confused.
“For what you saw. In the restroom.”
“Whatever.” She walks past him.
“Really?” He sounds slighted.
Touka turns back, looking indifferent. “What did you expect from me? Did you want me to tell you ‘it’s okay, Nishio?’, I mean, did you really expect my forgiveness?”
“I’ve apologized! What more do you want from me?”
“To leave me alone.” She rolled her eyes.
“What is your problem with me?”
“You’re an asshole, Nishio. You speak before you think, you do things without thinking and it gets you in trouble. It makes me want to have nothing to do with you.” And that’s when Nishiki flinched. He never flinched. What she had said had deeply affected him in some way that she couldn’t understand. Even as he looked down and away from her she could tell he was either stumped that she had called him out or he was hurt. But he couldn’t be hurt…
“You have no idea how wrong you are about that.” Nishiki said, still not looking at Touka. He took a deep breath and turned around and began to walk away leaving her to wonder why he said she was wrong. What was she wrong about?
~ The rest of the day Touka continues to focus on her classes, until Hinami informs her that Nishiki got into a fight and was sent home for the rest of the day. Touka doesn’t seem all that surprised since Ayato and Nishiki both get into trouble a lot together, only getting into fights when they’re provoked. But it does worry her a little, what could have provoked Nishiki to start a fight at school?
~ When Touka walks out of school she finds Nishiki is there by his car, waiting for her? He has a busted lower lip and a slight black eye forming. He looks upset. “What are you still doing here?” She asks him.
Nishiki opens the passenger door. “I’m taking you home.”
“No, you’re not. It’s warmer now, I can walk.” Touka starts to walk past him.
“Touka, please don’t give me shit about this. Just get in the car. I promised your brother I would get you home safe.” Nishiki sighs, looking like he’s in no mood to bicker.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Nishio!” She continues to walk.
Nishiki grabs her wrist, it’s firm but he doesn’t hurt her. It stops Touka dead in her tracks. She looks back at him and sees him looking a little annoyed and a little defeated. “Please.”
“Fine.” Touka caves in. And it’s another silent car ride, but Touka sneaks peeks over at Nishiki and she can’t help her curiosity.
“What dumbass did the damage this time?” She asked him about the fight.
Nishiki kept his eyes on the road. “Doesn’t matter.”
“Wow.” Touka snickered.
“What?” Nishiki glanced at her.
“You always like bragging about your fights.”
“It’s not something I’m really proud of, Touka.” He said. Touka noticed something really odd with Nishiki. He didn’t seem like himself, or at least the Nishiki she used to. He was much more somber and he hadn’t called her by her last name. The way he said her first name…it made her flush.
“Why are you so glum?” Touka hid her face.
“You really hurt me back there, Touka.” Nishiki admitted and Touka instantly felt her heart sink. “Just how you say I say things without thinking, you do the same thing and don’t realize how hurtful you can be.”
They arrive at her home and she sits there a little stunned that Nishiki had even admitted this to her.
“I didn’t think you cared.” Touka let out.
“Yeah, well, I do.” Nishiki said. Both of them still couldn’t look at each other much less say anything else as Touka opened the door and walked away, watching Nishiki drive off.
What had just happened?
Annnnnd I stopped there…but I am being consumed by them…WELP.
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