crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
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Ouizi Mural, Chicago | Jenny Lam 
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crae32 · 4 years
I’m about to have children and buy a home with this man. Wow .#status
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
How to activate your "happiness chemicals"...
DOPAMINE ~ the reward chemical
Complete a task
Doing self care acitivites
Eating some food
Celebrating your little wins.
OXYTOCIN ~ the love hormones
Playing with a dog
Playing with a baby
Holding hands
Hugging someone
Giving someone else a compliment
SEROTONIN ~ the mood stabiliser
Be in the sun
Walk in nature
ENDORPHIN ~ the pain relief
Laughing exercises
Essential oils
Eating dark chocolate
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
My Nu Moon Ritual 🌙
Peace to the Gods and Goddesses. It has been a while, but as we know the material world loves to suck us in and distract us from what is important. Today, I will be sharing my Nu Moon ritual in honour of the Libra Nu Supermoon happening this Friday, the 16th of October. I’m a Libra moon so I’m anticipating a magical night. I like to harness the energy of the Nu Moon to organize my goals and desires and to give them the cosmic push they need for manifestation. Our ancient ancestors looked to the dark sky as a clean slate to manifest their desires so I look to them when I’m doing my Nu moon ritual. Note briefly that a ritual is simply the practical application of our theoretical spiritual knowledge. A ritual can be anything you want it to be. But my general rule in life is “the simpler, the better”. Get to the point. It doesn’t have to be some big fancy candle lit ritual. It could simply be writing down your desires and praying for them. It’s all up to you and your discernment. But anywho, let me get into my Nu Moon Ritual.
Firstly, I make sure that it is the Moon hour. Planetary hours of the day are key for any sort of ritual as we channel the energy of the planet and more specifically that aspect of the Most High. Secondly and most importantly, I clean my room and myself. Spirit doesn’t like dirty. We all know the saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”? Take that literally. Spirit cannot flow freely in a dirty space. I discard of all items I am no longer using or organize them to be given away. I use this night as an opportunity to purge. (though some may argue that a full moon is better for purging, it’s all about YOUR intention.) I then energetically cleanse the room. I like to do this with cleansing music, sage and incense. As I am moving through the room with my sage, I cast out all dense, negative energy and demons out of myself and the space through prayer. “May all dense negative energy leave this room and leave me with this smoke.” I then meditate to silence the mental noise and to channel my higher self. I do this with the lights off and a candle lit. After that, in my higher-self-state (I can literally feel the mental difference when I channel Her), I take my journal and start writing under the candle light. I do this because I’m trying to preserve my higher self’s presence and a radical change in environment will surely disturb my meditative state. I write out everything that I am asking God and my ancestors and angels for; everything that I can think of that I want or need and sometimes I like to add manifestations based on the theme of the sign the moon is in. For example, this Nu Moon, I will be manifesting more love for my union because Libra, ruled by Venus, has a theme of partnerships. After I’m done journaling, I go to my alter and light a candle. I pray for what it is I am asking for over the candle and sometimes I will add offerings. Popular offerings include money, flowers, alcohol and food. The key is to have a clear mind and a clear heart when praying at the alter because the clearer your intentions are, the more able God and your ancestors and angels are able to assist you. It is crucial that you watch how your candle burns. Things like drips, flame dancing and popping and the size of the flame are crucial to understand how your prayer was received by Spirit and how it will play out. I will link the website I use to decipher my candle. After this ritual, I go about my business, typically going to bed.
I must remind you again that this is only my method of a Nu Moon ritual. The thing about rituals, as long as you’re following the greater universal laws, there are really no rules. The key of rituals is your focus and intention. The key to all “magic” is your focus and intention. Keep your mind and heart centred on what it is you wish to achieve.
I hope you all have a great Libra Nu Moon. Rest, reset, manifest!  
planetary hours: http://www.astrology.aaazen.com/hours/newyork.html 
candle signs: https://www.groveandgrotto.com/blogs/articles/the-candle-signs-dictionary
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
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Pause for a second and appreciate what you currently have. You’re doing way better than what you think you are.
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
Until you lie
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crae32 · 4 years
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crae32 · 4 years
Distance really does give you some clarity on how you feel about people.
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