#look at me! Look I am learning! I am going to become an annoying creature once I really get the hang of it!
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“Until next we meet, Anthea...”
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If You Love Her
Prompt: You are dating Rafe after JJ cheated on you... but you're still a member of the pogues. A party and the boneyard makes tensions rise between everyone.
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Rafe POV
Her head rests against Rafe’s chest as they soak up the last bit of the sun lounging on the Druthers. It has been a rare peaceful day and Rafe is thanking whatever higher power there is that she has become his saving grace. He just hates the way that it happened.
               (Y/N) is originally a pogue, but it never mattered to Rafe no matter how hard he tried to deny it. Rafe never picked on her, only her friends. She became close with Sarah after saving whatever the latest sea creature was at the time. So she had been over a few times before Sarah started dating John B. Though it was the moment she stopped hiding behind the boys and found her voice, that Rafe has never stopped listening. He has been in a trance ever since. Her fire is what drew him in, but it is (Y/N)’s heart that melted his core. The only problem, she was JJ Maybank’s girl. “Was” being the operative word.
               Rafe will never forget her tear stricken face, red eyes, and piercing sob from that night. It took everything in him to not beat that punk to a pulp. Thinking about it even now gets Rafe all riled up. He hates that she is still around JJ, she never left the group. Rafe understands they are her friends, but he doesn’t like it.
“Come on,” (Y/N) stirs, still half asleep. “You promised we would go to the party.”
“Right, the boneyard party. With the pogues.”
“Hey, I’m a pogue.” (Y/N) angles her face to look up at his with a teasing smile.
“You’re my pogue.” Rafe smiles and leans down to place a kiss on her forehead.
               Yeah she is his pogue and he wouldn’t want it any other way. Any other party he would be excited to go. He loves parties with his girl, dancing the night away and playing drinking games. Tonight will be exactly like that, except he will have to see Maybank. I wonder if him and Kie have made it official yet, Rafe wonders to himself.
Your POV
               The music can be heard from a mile away in Rafe’s truck. My arm wraps around his as his hand gently squeezes my thigh. I know he doesn’t want to be here. He is doing it for me and I love that he is willing to entertain me for a few hours. I won’t make him stay long. I want him to see that my friends can be cool, and I hope one day they can put away their bad blood and get along.
Years of pent-up anger at both groups has been baking as long as I can remember. If it wasn’t for becoming secret friends with Sarah years before she joined the group, I may have the same outlook on Rafe as the others. Can he be a jerk and annoying as hell? Yes, but he can be sweet and at times my friends can be no better. Things between the kooks and the pogues have been quiet lately, but I know Rafe has it for JJ. I can’t blame him, I did too before I accepted that JJ deciding to cheat had nothing to do with me and everything to do with him. If I could have wished for anything that if JJ had to cheat, I would have chosen for him to cheat with anyone else but Kie. It makes the tension in the group that much thicker.
“Relax,” I giggle. “We’ll make an appearance. Stay an hour, two tops. Then we can go off on our own.”
               Rafe doesn’t say anything but I can see a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips. His thumb lightly brushes against my skin and I sense him starting to relax a bit. I just hope that tonight ends up being drama free.
               The truck is parked and Rafe is on my side opening the door. I learned early on that I am not allowed out of the truck unless he opens my door for me. Made that mistake and he wouldn’t move from his spot till I got back in so he could do it properly. I thought it was annoying and egotistical, but now I find it sweet. JJ never did that for me when we were dating.
               There are a lot of things that Rafe does that JJ never did. Aside from the whole cheating part, JJ was a fairly good boyfriend. He looked after me, was a good cuddler, made sure I had a good time. Being with Rafe though is so different. Sure he does look after me, kind of always has. We have the best time when together and I feel so safe in his arms. I’m not worried about a pretty blonde catching his eye. He is a complete gentleman making sure I am okay, respecting boundaries, going slow, being open. Something I did not expect is for him to communicate as well as he does. I guess once he knew I wasn’t going anywhere and that his feelings don’t scare me, he trusts me enough to talk about all the crap with his dad and if he is feeling insecure. He never freaks or overreacts when I have an issue with something.
“Hey boys!” I greet John B and Pope at the keg. I notice a small release of air leave Rafe’s chest at the realization JJ isn’t around yet.
“(Y/N) what up! I miss you at the chateau.” John B goes in for a hug and Rafe lets go of my waist to accommodate. The two shake hands after John B releases me. It is a simple gesture to an outsider, but with these two it means everything. John B is practically my brother and with him dating Sarah, and Rafe dating me, they both are trying to put in an effort.
“Here you two go.” Pope hands me and Rafe cups of beer that we gladly take.
A few drinks later, we depart for a dance near the fire. The music pulsates through my veins mixed with the alcohol and a nice buzz fills my senses. Rafe loops his arms around my waist and I pair mine around his neck. We sway to our own beat, not minding the people jumping around us. We are lost in our own world and we are the only two people who exist.
               Rafe’s eyes peer into mine as we rest our foreheads against each other. His lids close and I do the same, focusing on his hold on me. Warmth swarms over my body originating from his touch. I can’t wrap it around my head that I am with Rafe Cameron and that he can make me feel like I’m on top of the world. I only hope I can make him feel the same, that is often one of my insecurities. One that Rafe knows about and tries to assure me that I am more than enough for him.
“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Rafe whispers in my ear and places a kiss on the tip of my nose. I swear he can read my mind.
               Before I can say anything Rafe’s touch disappears from my body. I immediately open my eyes and find the back of a blonde standing between me and my boyfriend, JJ. The alcohol has me stumbling against the sand as I land against Rafe’s arm and he steadies me before putting my frame behind his. Always my protector.
               Rafe makes his stand but waits to see what JJ plans to do first. He knows that if he threw the first punch I would be mad. All I want is peace. Except I would not ask him to hold back if JJ started it first. He promised me, and so far he has kept his promise.
“You got the money, the job, and now the girl.” JJ’s words spread through the dry air, and people are beginning to take notice of a potential scuffle. Tears sting my eyes. Why is he making it sound like it is my fault I left him?
“Well Rafe if you plan on dating (Y/N) I want to fill you in on a few things.” JJ takes a step forward and I can feel Rafe’s muscles tense beneath my hands. JJ begins to speak but his gaze falls to me. “She always has trouble falling asleep, and she likes to cuddle while under the sheets.” JJ sends a wink my way and whistles from the accumulating audience fill the air. “She loves pop songs and dancing, and bad trash TV. There’s still a few other thin-“
“She loves love notes and babies,” Rafe interrupts. “And likes giving gifts. She has a hard time accepting a good complement. She loves her whole family and all of her friends… not that they deserve it.”
               I didn’t think it was possible for the air to get thicker than it has just now. JJ’s drunk eyes danced over me until Rafe unexpectedly interrupted. Both of our eyes cling to Rafe as he spoke but for two different reasons. My heart skips as Rafe reaches to grab my hand and gives it a light squeeze. I had no clue JJ was going to do something like this, but I am even more surprised at the fact Rafe has been paying attention this well. He continues to amaze me and all I want to do is kiss him.
“When she gives me her heart completely, I won’t break it like you did. (Y/N) is safe with me. I’ll stand by her side instead of sneaking off behind her back.” Rafe stares JJ down a few moments more before turning towards me.
His hands cup my cheeks and looks into my eyes silently asking if I’m okay. I nod to answer him and bring my hands up to rest against his wrists. Rafe places a soft but protective kiss against my forehead and whispers for us to go. Wrapping an arm around my shoulder, he pulls me in close and nods his head toward a stunned John B.
The walk to the car is silent. Rafe opens my door for me and waits for me to climb in before closing it. He quickly joins me in the driver’s seat but doesn’t start the car. Instead he turns towards me, he eyes furrowed as he contemplates what he is going to say.
“I’m sorry if I over stepped.” Rafe’s voice is a whisper. “I know you can handle yourself, but I couldn’t let him do that. Act like he still has claim over you, that he is the only one who can know you.”
“Hey, hey it’s okay. You did everything right.” I lean over and let my hand cup his cheek, bringing his gaze back to mine.
“I meant everything I said.” His beautiful orbs pierce mine. “I want you to know that. I’m in it for the long game. I love you (Y/N).”
               His voice cracks and I can tell how scared he is to say that last part. We’ve only been dating a month but we have known each other for years. Staying the night with Sarah has usually ended up with late night talks with Rafe after she fell asleep. We are the unlikely duo but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I trust you.” I say and my face heats up with my smile. “I love you, Rafe.”
               It takes a moment for the words to register in Rafe’s ears but once they do pure shock and adoration quickly take over his features. He leans in and gifts me with a soft but passionate kiss. All his love and vulnerability is wrapped in every movement he makes with me and I can already tell this is forever.
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the---hermit · 3 months
Garden gnome diary
This is just a random list of thoughts, tips and things I am learning as I am keeping a vegetable garden for the first time. I thought it would be fun to write down some things, and maybe what I learn can be useful for others too? I do have a bit of experience gardening, but I only even had herbs that don't need as much attention as a veggie garden does. At the moment my veggie garden has been up for a couple of months more or less, the weather hasn't been kind this year since it's been raining most days for the past few months. I'll probably make more posts like this and random updates in the future.
Starting small is always the best option. This year i decided to plan tomatoes, zucchini and some salad, and after the salad I planted will been eaten I won't plant any more because it was a failure. The combo of heavy rain and slugs has not been kind to it, so I decided that my energies for this year will be focused on the other veggies and that's okay. It's not something I can focus on full time, so having fewer plants to look after is good for me to learn. create habits and not feel overwhelmed.
No matter how little you plan to stay in the garden, or how small the task you will get dirt on yourself, so dress accordingly.
On the same note, having comfortable clothes that you are okay with getting dirty is a game changer. I have a pair of old shoes I don't really wear out anymore so those have become my gardening shoes. And most importantly I have a pair of trousers with lots of pockets that have become my gardening uniform. They are super comfortable, they are light so even if it's very hot I am not suffering too much and I still get total coverage so I can sit down, and avoid as many mosquito and other insects bites as I can.
Moreover I know summer is hot and the temptation to wear a sleaveless top is there, but the more skin is out the more bites you get, so for the love of god wear a baggy tshirt (note made by someone will regret wearing a tank top in the garden for the next week)
Also a pair of well fitted garden gloves is necessary and will become your absolute best friend. I always struggled to find gloves that were small enough for my hands, and when this year I finally did it made everything so much better.
Cleaning out the weeds that grow around the veggies you have planted makes up for most of the job. It's very annoying especially because they grow so quickly and take so much time to clean up. I recommend having an audiobook or a nice playlist on while doing this job because it really makes the time fly. Having a bucket or something to put them as you are plucking them will save a lot of time.
Also since you often have to pluck the weeds out by hand in between the plants find a comfortable position. Sit down, however you are most comfortable, because it will take so much time and you cannot afford to give yourself backpains just because you didn't want to get dirt on your trousers. I somethings almost lie on the ground because it's comfortable and I don't care if my neighbor sees me looking like an idiot half laying in the dirt. I accept myself as a creature of the garden and I couldn't care less if others think I'm weird.
The real enemy is not the weeds (tho they are so annoying) it's slugs. Keeping the garden clean of weeds and everything makes it easier to spot them, but especially when it's been rainy I recommend looking around, under plants and all and remove the little bastards before they ruin everything. I live near the woods so i just gather all the slugs and leave them in the woods near my house in the hopes that some hedgehogs will eat them.
Related to that I have been trying to get hedgehogs to move in/near my garden for a while. Last year I saw a few nearby so I am keeping it up, but leaving a couple of small pile of leaves and weeds (yep that's where all the weeds go) so they can sleep under there if they want to. And I also leave out the snails for them.
I finally understand why the steretypical old man with a garden is so grumpy, and it's all because of the snails trying to eat my salad, and the behated cats the people living nearby leave out that think my garden is their toilet. If you listen closely you can probably hear me curse like a sailor about that.
Writing down on a calendar when it rained and when you watered your plants is going to make things so much easier. I have terrible memory, my brain cannot remember these things.
If you have to build some sort of supportive structure like I did for the tomatoes, for the love of god find ways to make the edges of the structure as safe as possible. I am so clumsy and if it weren't for the precautions I built in the structure and the fact that I am always wearing a baseball hat I would have hurt myself so many times. The baseball hat basically just hits things before I do, or before I accidentally stab myself in the eye with something, because I am a fool and I will walk into stuff.
I don't think this is necessary but here goes nothing, for the love of god wear sun protection.
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Past =-= Next
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Summary: He's trying to figure out what his next moves are.
Author's note: Imhoden's next chapter.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
He’d requested that if Space Wolves, those vile barbarians were in the area, that he doesn’t have to deal with them. Especially since those bastards destroyed Prospero, unjustly. Imhoden had been one of the Sorcerer Kings of Prospero who rose up in defiance against the Space Wolves hunting. 
Hearing how his father had died at the hands of the Barbarian Wolf King burned a rage fierce in his hearts that had been difficult to quell. But he had managed to calm down enough to not set himself sparking with rage. Using the Warp was very, very difficult now, and the cost of energy was higher than he was used to it being. 
He carefully joins a group of Loyalist Thousand Sons, all of them from various points in the Imperium’s history. They were trying to figure out how they got here, and if there was a way to get back to where they had come from. Even if they did manage to do so, could they, would they remember what they learned when they had come to Ancient Terra. 
Time paradoxes, as well as Time Loops and the potential for setting Alternate Timelines were all discussed among this band of brothers, and their fellow cousins who have the knowledge of learned scholars and mastery of the Warp. 
Hearing of the Ordo that helps manage and maintain the timeline, sending their agents to ensure The Holy Timeline (whatever that means to make sure that things don’t go off course) seems… almost insane. 
Also, while that Ordo hasn’t been formed yet, they could have agents in this time, or nearby monitoring the flow of time and see if there were ‘unholy’ branches that started to bud, and they would destroy that which didn’t fit their narrow world view of What Was  The Right Time Line.
 And some baseline humans called his Legion Arrogant. To think that one could control Time itself and the flow into the Proper Time, sounded absolutely arrogant and the height of stupid foolishness that would only end in tragedy that none would remember and potential tragic hilarity. For all creatures are subjected to Time, for its cruel grasp, that and Death are the only two real certainties. 
One of the times that Imhoden was out gathering some supplies, he hears a voice that he can barely recognize. He turns and sees one of the Chaos Marines- in Colors of post-Heresy Thousand Sons. His hearts sink and his eyes widen when he realizes just who it was that was calling out to him.
One of those who’d survived the burning of Prospero and the Deal with The Chaos God, who’d survived Ahriman’s destruction of the Thousand Sons into ‘curing’ the Flesh Change.
“Janus?” Imhoden gasps out. No- his brother- one of his dearest friends in the Thousand Sons. One of the brothers whom had been with him since the very beginning stages of him becoming a Space Marine of the Thousand Sons was. Had fallen.
“You look just how you did,” Janus says stunned as he peers down at his smaller and now younger brother, “I’m glad that you survived the Burning of Prospero, even though it meant your arrival here.”
“For me, the Burning of Prosper has only been a few months,” Imhoden says.
“For me it’s been nearly ten thousand years,” Janus says, before smirking at him, “You are now the little brother.”
Imhoden groans at that, they had been almost born and started their Aspirant training on the near same day. So arguing over who was older and who was younger was something that they’d teasingly done all throughout their lives.
“Janus, no,” Imhoden says with an annoyed groan.
“Janus, yes.” Janus warbled back with a cackle. “I’ve missed you Odi, so much.”
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Im getting into my dc batfam feels and I just want you to picture dc Kate during under the red hood she calls Bruce a pussy and shoots joker and Jason's like i consider that a marriage proposal I honestly picture Kate and robin!Jason being frenemies like omg you are so annoying but if anyone wants to hurt you they have to go through me vibes then when he comes back she gets protective even though he's literally a crime lord and like twice her size
God yes Kate is so fucking mad at Bruce about Jason's death. So what if Bats wanted to kill Joker? He didn't actually do it! Kate and Dick working together to find and kill him. Kate is very aware that this means she will no longer be welcome in Gotham. Worth it.
(Dick and Kate and New Robin Tim hunting down the Joker for Jason???? Dick and Kate looking at each other over Tim's head like wtf did we become this feral creature's parents?. Dick and Kate in their "I'm too young to die but too old to eat off the kids menu, what a stupid age I am!" era. Jason has someone set up a meeting with "the people who killed the Joker" and it's his childhood crush, his not-brother, and his replacement?!?!?! What the fuck. No, seriously, guys, what the fuck?? Jason reveals his identity out of shock more than anything and is suddenly at the bottom of a very weepy puppy pile)
Can also see Kate buying an apartment building in or just outside of crime alley because of Jason and the desire to look out for his neighborhood in his honor.
It takes waaaay too long for Jason to reveal he's Red Hood to her, mostly because she keeps trying to kill him with extreme prejudice. Like, he gets that's Joker's pre-joker name, right? Is this some kind of sick joke? Gets to the point where he pays Poison Ivy to drug her and dump her at one of his safe houses bc he a dramatic ass hoe
Potential for Kate to think she's dreaming or hallucinating Jason amd she pokes him and screams when he's solid which startles jason into screaming at her. I'm a fan of people screaming at each other for no reason.
as bbs they are TOOOOO much alike. They're enamored with the magic/awesomeness of being a superhero, they are the second of their name, both are birds, they're book nerds. Kate doesn't have a lot of fellow rich people friends so I think she'd take to Jason right away, I can see her giving him gala tips etc. I can see them liking each other as civilians and hating each other as superheroes because they are TOO alike which is kind of funny which is frenemies territory. Like god another bird themed superhero??? Getcha own thing. They get kidnapped from a gala and that's when they learn each other's superhero identity? Maybe???
BUT they always laugh at each other's bird jokes in solidarity
Kate was Jason's first kiss. Bbys holding hands!!!! Jaybin is SO bashful and SO respectful of her boundaries ahhhhh I'm dying
I saw a post about how there's a memorial to the second Robin on a rooftop in crime alley because they know he was one of theirs and I am OBSESSED with Kate tending to it with other residents of the area once she moves to Gotham (Kate moving to Gotham is her version of when a cat stares at you and then knocks your glass of water over. Bruce doesn't think she should be here? Oh he doesn't? How interesting. Unfortunately, all of her fucks have been promised to other issues so she has none for you, Brucie)
Kate is who Jason calls after the batarang to the neck incident. He texts her an SOS and she keeps it together to get jason bandaged up and in bed and then she breaks into the Manor and starts screaming and throwing things at bruce. Would she have been able to enter the Manor normally? Yes. Breaking in was to make a POINT. The point was FUCK YOU BRUCE. (VERY funny if this causes a falling out between Bruce and Ollie because the Hawkeyes are pissed at Batman and the arrow heroes have to stand in solidarity? Maybe prompting Ollie and Roy to patch up their relationship because Arrow Heroes. Honestly it's giving WWI vibes. Like, I got no beef with you but my boo does so fuck you.)
Goddddd I love jason and Kate so much
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
OC Interview Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @mk-writes-stuff (here)!
I'll go with Corah (the main character of "Of Starlight and Beasts") because I don't think I've done this tag for her before!
Are you named after anyone?
"No, not really."
When was the last time you cried?
"I don't really cry all that often - at least not in front of people. At least I try not to. When I'm sad or something truly upsets me I just kinda, shut down and run off to try to find somewhere I can truly be alone. Then I cry. The last time I truly cried was when our kingdom was attacked by those horrid monsters a few months ago. It was chaos and I can't help but feel I could've done something to prevent it, even though that's a foolish notion."
Do you have kids?
"No, of course not, I'm too young for that, I'm only nineteen! I'm almost still a kid myself. And I've got a whole world to see, a lot of adventures to have, wrongs to make right and monsters to fight before I can start thinking about that. If I ever have children, I'll try to be like my Dad was for me - present and caring, as a parent should - not like my mother who left when I was little and never once looked back. Sometimes, because of her, I worry that - if I eventually have any children - I might not be a perfect mother, if I ever become one."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"Only sometimes! It depends strongly on my mood and whom I'm talking to. If I'm happy, I might use sarcasm to make some light hearted jokes, if someone is doing something annoying on purpose I'll use sarcasm as a rebuttal, and so on and so forth. I try to be very careful not to hurt other people's feelings, because it doesn't hurt to try and be as polite as possible to everyone you meet - its common courtesy and even a simple smile and kind words might make someone's day much better, because you never know what they're going through. But on a less serious note, I tend to use sarcasm a lot with my friends - mostly because I trust them and also because they're incredibly sarcastic as well so they're able to match my energy very well!"
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"I try to understand a bit more about their intentions and morality, if they're trying to help people or if they're using power to cause harm to others. I can get a general vibe of whether someone is good or bad from a first impression - but I tend to give anyone the benefit of the doubt until I'm proven wrong. I also notice try to notice the little details that might give me some more insight into that person's personality and daily life. Sometimes the details speak the loudest, because everyone is so unique and different in their own personal way."
What’s your eye colour?
"Dark brown!"
Scary movies or happy endings?
"I personally like both! When I was a little girl I used to adore the kinds of tales that had very intriguing and scary events that the protagonist had to face throughout the story - the more epic and high stakes the obstacles the better - as long as the hero triumphed in the end. And to this day, though my taste in books has certainly matured that preference hasn't changed. I think that, when you grow up in a kingdom that is constantly beset by monsters and horrors born of dark magic, you learn that fear is a natural part of life, and you learn how to deal with it in a way that doesn't let it consume you - you learn to grow from it, and to use that fear in order to create a better future. My Dad comes from a long line of monster hunters, so I was naturally raised with a lot of tales about eldrich creatures from far off lands and the knights who defeated them."
Any special talents?
"I am a knight-in-training, and I take my training duties very seriously. Because of this I can say I'm pretty talented when it comes to fighting, especially with the use of swords, spears and daggers. I'm also good at archery and I've learned how to fight wearing plate armor (the weight of that amount of metal takes a while to get used to, but once you do it becomes pretty much second nature). Though I take pride in those talents I've nurtured, I still have a lot to learn - hubris can lead to fatal mistakes in a fight. I also like sewing and making simple jewelry out of daily items, and I think I can dance well enough to not make a fool of myself in front of everyone in a masquerade. At least I hope so!"
Where were you born?
"I was born in the capital city of Tirawen, and have lived there ever since. It's a beautiful city, with good people and an incredibly vast set of cultures, but its also a very complicated place - the nobility is trapped in a constant 'dance' of which House has the most power and influence, and as such, gossip and intrigues are a harsh reality one has to deal with when around the city's elite. The kingdom also is constantly beset by monsters, though due to the capital being in the heart of the kingdom, it is usually safer than the provinces, despite the kingdom's magic barrier shielding most of the land. Also, fun fact that some people don't know: due to our kingdom being constantly in contact with that same magic, people from Tirawen often have longer lifespans - up to 200 years old if they live really close to the heart of the kingdom where magic is the strongest! I just find that pretty neat!"
Do you have any pets?
"We have an old dog named Miss Hilde who is the sweetest little thing - despite her being the biggest dog I've really ever seen. She's incredibly playful, but don't let those big, seemingly thoughtless eyes fool you - she's a sneaky and sassy pup who likes making a mess at every chance she gets, because she knows she'll get away with it. Or at least that's what I think my dog thinks, haha."
What sort of sports do you play?
"Does jousting, horseback riding, swordfighting and other knightly duties - like archery, duelling, etc - count? I hope it does, because that's pretty much a lot of what being a knight entails - at least I'm constantly exercising, so hopefully I'll be a healthy and buff old lady when I eventually grow old, haha."
How tall are you?
"I've always been pretty tall for my age, which has definetly come with its own sets of advantages and disadvantages."
What was your favourite subject in school?
"Hmm. In my time at the academies I used to really like subjects such as 'History of the Ancient Realms', 'Handling Magic', 'the General Sciences of Alchemy' and every single class that had something to do with improving my abilities as a knight!"
What is your dream job?
"I think I've probably already talked your ear off about wanting to be a knight, by now, so I think we've got the answer right there, haha. I cannot wait to pass my Trials and be fully knighted as a soldier of the realm - then I'll be able to serve my country and protect the people from the monsters that lurk in the night, as well as bring honor back to our family name... Which is a very complicated subject for another time."
Tagging (gently, no pressure): @agirlandherquill, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories, @illarian-rambling, @elshells, @winterandwords, @writernopal, @moonandris, @eccaiia, @inky-duchess, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @clairelsonao3, @thepeculiarbird, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @ybotter, @aalinaaaaaa, @autumnalwalker, @oh-no-another-idea, @cowboybrunch and OPEN TAG
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beneathsakurashade · 4 months
ᴋɪᴛꜱᴜɴᴇ ʏᴏᴍᴇɪʀɪ - Tɯιʂƚҽԃ Wσɳԃҽɾʅαɳԃ x Gҽɳʂԋιɳ Rҽαԃҽɾ Chapter: 4
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"The echo in the mirror!"
Shion wasn't sure why their day had to end up so shitty, it should've been easy, cleaning a part of the school and boom.  Done for the day, nothing more, nothing less.  But no, some acehole had to tic them and their friend off, then cause a prized statue to be burnt.  THEN as if fate hadn't punished them enough, their friend had to run up on a chandelier and then it came crashing down.  Sure, they wasn’t the bravest student back home, but they were by no means a jumpy student either. But going from being ignored completely to suddenly being the talk of the school was something they were not even close to getting used to.  Besides this whole ordeal seemed awfully similar to a game that their cousin had ranted about.  The main character gets sent to a school in a new world, and they have to help seven students after they overblot.  Wait…what if they were now the main character?  Would merch be made of them in their old world?  Would they have fans?  Shion was zapped out of their thoughts as they noticed Y/N looking at them from across the cafeteria.  Staring at them and their friends like the group were enacting a scene from a drama.  Once he noticed that Crowley had left, he approached the group. 
“So you’re telling me that you not only damaged a Statue of Seven but you also shattered a chandelier?” You dryly ask the three humans and that bakeneko. You notice that the two humans beside the magicless one are Ace and Deuce. “Hey! You’re probably the same age as us!” Ace Trappola cries back, (You found out more info about him by asking around after the dinner). You discovered that his brother taught him various magic tricks, that Ace broke up with his middle school girlfriend after he got bored. You learned more then you cared about this rather annoying personality. You also learned quite a bit about Deuce Spade, a former middle school delinquent. He changed his ways after finding out how much it actually affected his mom. He came to Night Raven in hopes of starting fresh, dyed his hair a new color, and adopted a new honor’s student personality. All that you found out about the magicless human and bakeneko was their name, Shion meant remembrance in the Inazuman language of flowers. They came from a world without magic. While Grim had a rather strong fondness for tuna.
You sigh “What foolish creatures you all are…” you turn to face Ace. “And actually, I am older than you indignant-I mean you’re right, we’re the same age”. Shion smiles nervously, “Say, Y/N…is it possible for us to gather around a billion thaumarks by tomorrow?” You pale and sigh “Well you four would need to become some sort of MagiTok celebrities overnight or marry some absurdly rich person” Ace shrugs “Welp, we better start practicing our dancing skills then…I mean Juice and I could always start a prank channel” Deuce looks at him confused “H-HUH? No way! Also its Deuce with a D!” You sigh airily. “I can assure you though, that no well-to-do family would have anything to do with you all. Much less marry you”. Ace and Deuce look offended and Shion looks confused. “You” you point to Ace “Are horribly crass, no decent family would allow their heir to marry you”. You point to Deuce “You are far too dense, you’d be more akin to the desperate pauper after the princesses’ hand than the prince”. Lastly you turn to Shion “Your only fault would be that you haven’t a single penny to your name”.
“How in the Seven’s name did you even manage to burn a statue and shatter a chandelier in the same day? Mere hours apart no less, has fate damned you to poor luck?” You ask exasperated. “Welll, Ace started the fight, and then he ended up causing Grim to burn the statue of the Queen of Hearts. Then the Headmage gave us a punishment of washing a hundred windows, so Grim and I starting washing them. But we noticed that Ace wasn’t with us and then we realized that his bitchass wasn't even planning on helping us. Grim and I found him doing shit, so we dragged Deuce into this and Ace got a cauldron dropped on him. Then Grim ran away so we had to chase after him, Grim ran up on a chandelier for whatever reason. So when we launched Ace up there we broke the chandelier. Then Headmage appeared outta nowhere and said that he'd expel us or something, I was too busy thinking about all the ways I'd murder Ace and Grim-I mean um anyway. So basically we have to find a replacement magestone for the one that we wrecked, so I guess we'll have to go mine and craft for whatever the hell a magestone is. But Crowley also said that they’re impossible to find in that mine…”.
How did they even manage to cause such a commotion?  On the first day of school no less?  I admire their bravery, risking expulsion on the first day is no easy feat...You silently ponder and respond to Shion "I see, well then, I suppose that you need help?" Ace shakes his head "Hell nah, we're goo-" Shion interrupts him "Ace, your ass can't even wash a hundred windows.  It isn't up to you if we need help or not".  They smile "You don't have to help us if you don't wanna Y/N, some people wanna mind their own business.  That's fine with me".  You nod, "So you don't need any help...very well, I shall step aside and let you all handle it.  I have things to do in the meantime".  You rise from your seat and excuse yourself to return to your dorm.  “May fate bless you” you bow and pull a small charm out of one of your pockets, a bright red omamori.  “This is blessed with good fortune, as well as a protection charm”.  You hand it to Shion.  "How do we know that is ain't actually a curse?" Ace remarks suspicious "I don't think that someone would curse us though" Deuce replies.  Shion sighs "If it ends up being cursed I'm giving it to Ace".  
Magicless Human Shion Yuukuro POV
    Shion blinks as they're sent in front of a picturesque cottage near the forest, "Did we sneak onto the set of the live action Snow White or some shit?  This is way too pretty to be real..." a gentle stream and bridge are set near the cottage.  "So this is Dwarfs' Mine.  Long ago, there were tons of magestones here..." Deuce says amazed.  "Urgh... Who knows what lurks there now?" Grim mumbles "You act like you're not one of the reasons we're stuck here.  I hate this, playing Minecraft at night was scary enough as a kid.  But experiencing it in real life is not fun".  Shion quips.  "Hey there's a house over there, lets see if people are there" Ace smiles "Do you really think that some family is gonna be nice to random ass teens who just knocked on their door in the middle of the night?" Shion replies. 
Deuce knocks on the door gently "Helloooo? Anyone home?" there's no answer. He opens the door and the three of them stare at the open room. Spiders had turned this home into their own, spinning cobwebs that hung around the roof and draped down like curtains. There was evidence of animals inhabiting the cottage, as there were shells and scraps of material scattered around the floor. Grim sputtered out something as he caught a cobweb on his face. "Hey, look at these desks and chairs, they're tiny. Did kids live here or something?" Ace says and Shion respond sarcastically "Well maybe I dunno, dwarfs lived here? Y'know like the miners?". Ace glares at them and continues looking around the cottage "Seven? Damn, that's more than I expected…" Deuce nods "It must have been a lively place". "If we're lookin' for a magestone maybe we should be lookin' in the mine?" Grim pipes up. Ace, Deuce and Shion pause as they remember the reason that they all came here for.
Shion finds a pickaxe left by the door, and the four of them head into the mines. "Wait weren't minors banned from working in the mines like a hundred years ago?" they say aloud "And kids play Minecraft nowadays…wait, is this a sign that minors long for the mines to mine minerals?" Ace pauses and responds "What the fuck are you yapping about, Shion?" they shrug in response "Ignore me, I'm rhetorically speaking". "Wait… you two are in the same dorm as Y/N, right?" Shion starts "Yup, he's a weird guy" Ace shrugs as they walk deeper into the mines "I wouldn't say he's weird, he was pretty nice when we chatted at the dinner last night" Deuce contends. Walking through the mine Shion can't help but wince at the recollection of Crowley's rant about them being expelled.
Grim was still reeling from dizziness due to him falling from the chandelier.  While Crowley explained that the chandelier was a prized artifact, with a hefty price attached.  "I'll pay anything!" Deuce cries determinedly "No less than a billion thaumarks" Crowley announces.  Shion scoffs internally 'Oh so bro can spend a fuck billion of thaumarks on fucking chandeliers but is too broke to give a homeless student decent housing?  His priorities are more skewed than mine'.  Ace pales and Deuce's look of determination fades into despair "W-what?!  How am I gonna tell my mother...".  Shion's face contorts at the mention of more than a couple hundred thaumarks "That's not what I was expecting... I already spend a shit ton of money on gacha games, no way in hell am I gonna be able to afford a billion dollars".  Crowley continues "There is a sliver of a chance that you can repair this chandelier" Ace and Deuce brighten up "There is?!" Shion whispers "I bet the Headmage is gonna say something like, 'oh well actually, it can be fixed but you need to climb a mountain that's like hundreds of miles away and then you need to wake a sleeping dragon, beat them, then gain access to a flower that only blooms once in a million years, but the only way you can find that flower is by using some amulet or some shit".  They catch the slightest look of confusion from Deuce as they whisper their rant.  The Headmage nods "Yes, the magestone used for this was mined in the Dwarfs' Mine.  Alas, there most likely aren't any more magestones left, but there is a possibility".  Shion runs the possibilities through their mind, wait... they're probably the mc right?  Oh, great, so they have plot armor on their side.  They also couldn't help feeling bad for Deuce, bro's probably stressed as hell wondering how to explain to his mom that three dumbasses got him expelled from Royale High on his first day.  "By next morning, if you all fail to return with a magestone, you are all expelled". 
The three passed the time by referencing dead memes and jokes so depraved that Shion could hear Deuce muffle his laughter.  They had a friend that did that back home, they seemed to be the perfect kid, never swore, stayed quiet, always studied, but they contained their obvious laughter at certain jokes.  Deuce interrupts their flashback as he shouts "There's something there!" Grim shouts "Myah!?" and the three are faced with two ghosts, oddly similar to the ones back at Ramshackle, to be honest, the only thing different is that they're wearing grey hooded cloaks. They low-key remind Shion of the cloaks that Anneliese and Erika wear when they sing about how similar they are even though one is a princess and the other is an indentured servant…  "Visitors!  The first in ten years!" they laugh in glee.  "Ah hell nah" Shion sighs in annoyance, they all take a run for it while Ace and Deuce occasionally turn around to fire spells at the ghosts.  "My legs are gonna give out..." they mutter I suck at P.E., why is this damn mine so damn long?! they think and halt as their friends stop.  "D-did we lose them?" Deuce sighs out of breath.  "We gotta keep going" Ace says and you all continue running.  The group only pauses because Ace says that the reason they're here is because of Deuce's stunt.  "Well maybe you shouldn't have avoided your washing duties!" he replies.
"Oh so we're bringing back ancient history now?  How about this all started because someone set fire to a statue!" Ace fires back.
"Myah?!  Well ya' shouldn'ta made fun of me!" Grim cries back.
"All of you shut the fuck up!  Who cares who started this who mess, it was Ace by the way, but ignoring that.  We're all stuck here now so let's finish this" Shion groans.
    Your argument is paused by an ominous voice muttering in the distance "...neeevvvaaa... ...iiivvv... ...ooouuu...".  Deuce says nervously "It sounds like its... getting closer".  The voice repeats "...iiivvv... oooouuu...".  The source of the voice comes into view.  It's a large monster, similarly dressed to one of the dwarfs from Snow White, but with a round bottle filled with what seems to be ink for a head.  And it's body seems to have been covered with it, the pungent stench of ink fills their senses.
   Kitsune Hime POV
    Ramshackle is a fitting name for a dorm straight out of a horror film.  Though an even more fitting name would be Wuthering Heights, with the whole dilapidated gothic aesthetic.  The outside isn’t too disappointing, other than the few tombstones in the front yard, but that usually means the inside was.  You open the door barely attached to it’s hinges.  The creaks hurt your ears as you step inside. However the inside is indeed worse, much worse, the living room is as inviting as a poltergeist can make.  Furniture is scattered around the floor, paintings hanging on the wall are either set tilted or strewn down.  Cobwebs hang like a cloud from the ceiling.  The windows are cracked in dismay and the ceiling would often let out droplets of rain.  You sigh “My my my…this is definitely going to take some work…” Summoning a broom you snap and the broom starts to sweep. You decide to summon a sponge and bucket to clean the windows.  In a few hours the windows are clean, albeit still cracked, and the floors are dust-free.  The furniture is all set properly, and you decide that as a courtesy, you’ll sew some new coverings for the couch and chairs.  “Let’s see, I’ll need a lot of yards of fabric to sew new covers for the cushions".  You ponder for a few seconds before nodding, "Hmph, Yuukuro is lucky that I take pity upon their plight!” After finding enough fabric to sew some cushions you smile proudly.  “Yuukuro should be returning from their excavation soon.  That will give me enough time to set this place straight" you use various patterns of lavender colored fabric, as well as some thread and sewing materials. You set your bag of materials down, and start to sew with magic, humming to yourself.
For some reason you took a liking to Shion, perhaps it was because you were both from worlds other than Twisted Wonderland.  You sought to look after them, why?  These thoughts swirled around in your head.  After many hours you've created both cushions and a plush blanket for the prefect, as well as a few pillowcases to match. 
    You remember seeing Lilia at the Orientation.  You were still waiting eagerly for the opportunity to meet him, there was something  different, something off about him.  You saw him attending to the student whom you later learned was Silver.  Last time you met, he absolutely despised human, much like yourself.
In a luxurious bedroom a small young girl sits on her older sister’s lap as they sit at the vanity.  The two girls is that had both have fox ears and tail, the older sister dressed in a fancy light cerulean kimono gently brushes her sister’s H/C hair.  “Remember my sister, never look at a human.  They might see that as a form of challenging” the older sister says and continues to brush her sister’s hair, tying it up into a tight bun and pushing an ornate hair clip into the bun. Her sister nods and waits eagerly as her sister applies a light rouge to her own lips and then to her sister’s.  “Mother is having me married off soon, and you shall follow after me” the older sister continues.  “But I don’t want to get married!” The younger sisters cries “Hush now, cease those tears, you know what Mother would say if she saw your that your makeup was ruined by tearstains”.  Her sister chides.  
“But what if I get married to a mean man?” The younger sister almost bursts into tears at the mere thought “If that happens I’ll kill him” her sister smiles “No one will know that it was me”.  The younger sister smiles excitedly “I love you elder sister!”     The sister smiles in return “I love you as well, but those words are heavy, only say them to those that you mean them to”.  She warns.       The two head into town dressed in the attire of nobility.  “Close your eyes when I tell you to” the elder sister demands as they head closer to a building with bright red lights.  You cover your eyes with your hands and carefully peek through the cracks in your blindfold.  You can make out the faint outlines of men and women barely covered by their kimonos.  "Elder sister, where are we?" Your sister ignores the question and pulls you along.  As you enter a building the scent of expensive perfume surrounds you.  “This is my job, Y/N, and I expect you to be on your best behavior in front of my coworkers” your sister smiles “A-alright Suzu” you mutter nervously and follow as she leads you up a staircase.  “You don’t have to cover your eyes anymore” she sighs as you both enter a room.  You hear a haughty voice that you don’t recognize calling out to your sister “Suzuran, what in the Archons are you doing bringing your sister here?  To a brothel of all places?” You look behind the shelf hiding the source of the voice and catch sight of a young man.
His back turned to the both of you, you can see a rich purple kimono draped on his arms.  A sort of purple mist hangs around him, and you notice the bright cyan of an Anemo Vision.  Light blonde hair dusted with powder, and tied into a tight bun.  “Honestly, this is definitely one of your more foolish decisions” he sighs and brings out a fan the same color of his kimono.  “Aw, is this how you greet a good friend?  Your manners have gotten deplorable, Sumiko.  My Archons, it’s no wonder no man or woman would pay for a night with you”.  Suzuran smirks and sighs playfully “Ah, but I suppose that you can’t help it, your standards are far too high for even the most affluent of samurai”.  This Sumiko huffs annoyed and turns to the left, and your E/C eyes meet his, electric purple.  Akin to Miko’s, you shudder at the thought of the conniving kitsune that your sister was close friends with.      
“Hm, you don’t look half-bad, though I suppose that’s to be expected from a family of your status little L/n” he smiles slightly “I suppose that I should formally introduce myself.  Forget everything that Suzu has told you about me.  I am Sumiko Hanamitsu, one of the most expensive kitsune at this brothel”. You heard of the Hanamitsu family, a kitsune family famous for their perfumes.  They’re close acquaintances with the Kamisato clan.  In fact, you attended a wedding between one of their sons and a daughter of the Kamisatos.  But to have one of their sons working at a brothel… how unexpected.  “Do not expect me to be kind and caring little one.  This world is cruel, and so am I” Sumiko admits while he fans himself in boredom.          That was many a century ago… you sigh as the imaginary curtain closes on your play from the past.  Teleporting back to your shared room at Heartslabyul, saying goodnight to Jayden before you tuck yourself into bed.  You silently pray for Shion and their friends' success you watch as the hours melt together and change into a new morning.   
Magicless Human Shion Yuukuro POV
    “Stooonesss… Stooonesss aaare miiiiine!” The creature cries in a voice that drags them down like a weight in an inky ocean.  It’s pained in a desperate way, almost making them feel bad for it.  Pure terror glues you all to your spots, but unfortunately, the potential danger doesn't shut Grim up.  “Myah!  I wasn’t expecting monsters in here!” Grim shouts.  “What were you expecting, Grim?  There to be just spiders?  With our luck? Hell no” Shion sighs wearily.  "What even is that thing?  Didn't it just say something about 'stones'?" Ace says pale.  "Wait... so there are still magestones here!" Deuce smiles.  But he's quickly hit by the monster, and Ace comes to his defense.  "Ey!  Stay away from me!" Grim shouts and spouts fire at the monster.  Shion grabs him up the his collar and holds him against their chest, "We've gotta get outta here, guys!" they shout.
The four of them run out of the cave and Ace huffs out of breath "No one said there'd be anything like that". Deuce responds "There's no way we can beat that thing", and Ace says back "Let's just give up, it ain't worth the work anymore man. I'm gonna just accept that fucking expulsion, cause I do not wanna fight that thing again”. Deuce huffs in response “Nuh-uh! I’d rather die than be expelled!” “Big talk from someone half the mage I am. If ya’ want the stone so badly, why dontcha’ get it yourself?! Cause I’m out” Ace fires. “Fine, go back to your coop then, chicken!” Deuce cries and his expression darkens. “What are these middle school ass insults?” Shion groans and rubs their temple. “Whoa, Deuce like… turned into a totally different person… scary” Grim mutters nervously and cuddles into Shion’s arms. Deuce coughs and his expression changes yet again, “M-my bad. Lost my cool there, sorry”. Shion nods “It’s alright, but uh, what now? We can’t go back and fight that thing” Grim looks up at them “Why not? Can’t they just blast it with magic?” Deuce shrugs sadly “Nope, different kinds of magic and strong spells require training that we don’t have”. “Duh, that’s why magic academies exist” Ace nods. “Besides, the more flustered a mage is, the worse their spell game is”. “Is that why Grim sucks at magic?” Shion says.
"Nah, though, magic comes easier to some than others” Ace shrugs “Hey, I’ve got an idea!” Deuce smiles.  “Yeaaaah, last time we did that, we ended up in this whole shitshow.  We fought that thing and it creamed us.  What exactly is your plan?  I sure don’t trust you to improvise”.  Shion notices Deuce getting more annoyed with every word outta Ace’s mouth.  “Y’know Ace, I’m not sure that you used the right words…” they mutter.  Deuce cracks his knuckles "Oh so we're gonna go at it again, huh?".  Shion thinks I swear to the Archons, if these shits start another yap session, I'm actually going to have that thing kill me.  By some grace, the two of them agree to put their shared braincell to work. 
┏━━━゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚━━━┓ Fun Facts
Y/N originally was forbidden to learn sewing, but convinced her mother to let her.
Shion thinks they should give Ace bacon flavored crickets when they all get back
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runawaycarouselhorse · 10 months
Have you done any watches of the pokemon arcs and talked about them? Someone I'm mutuals with discussed doing that for AG arc. I'm considering doing it for the DP arc since I still consider it my favorite arc in the franchise.
Aww, sorry, I was a child getting into fandom when AG was starting in Japan, social media was at its infancy too... i didn't even have a livejournal yet. I don't do full series rewatches either. But I am very fond of the Contest arc, Haruka/May and Masato/Max, the humour, and the warm and tropical colour palettes. I also adored the hoso specials (the Side Stories that got dubbed as Pokemon Chronicles, although the dubs for those were... infamously much worse than the TV series in script quality and accuracy), I used to downloa the specials and watch them in Japanese while slowly learning Japanese bit by bit because no subbing group took Pokemon seriously enough to sub it outside of banned episodes, specials, and movies...
It was a unique time, I think!
Rescue Ralts! Hurry, Masato!/Do I Hear a Ralts? remains one of the best episodes of the anime, period. The Wishing star of Seven Nights: Jirachi was my old favourite pokemon movie before Lucario!! I love that the dub kept KAORI's singing for May and part of Chiisaki Mono in Japanese.
AG is criminally underrated, despite introducing concepts popular in fandom, like Hadou/Aura. Satoshi apologizing to Lucario after seeing his memory of apparently being abandoned by Aaron was the turning point for me where I truly felt Satoshi mature as a person and become much kinder and more patient. He was so prone to fighting people, he was much more of a (pint-sized) hotblooded shounen protagonist before that, but I adore the all-loving hero he grew into. How he helped Hikozaru/Chimchar heal in DP, how patiently he dealt with both Shinji/Paul and Shootie/Trip being jerks to varying degrees compared to the way he was before (solution: run screaming and throw himself at whatever problem exists, fists flying), the growth I personally cared about was visible even in the first episode of BW! where he's annoyed or exasperated by what he encounters, but keeps his temper in check and just makes faces in disapproval, fff.
He can still, of course, fight those who deserve it, like Largo's bullies and Sauboh/Faba.
So, yeah, I loved AG! It also has one of the only battles to ever excite me (anyone who knows me, knows I HATE Pokemon battles, they make my eyes glaze over... it's just not interesting to me unless a fight has, like, swords or something—I really do watch Pokemon more for the cute friendship stories, ships*, and idealized humans living in harmony with nature and other non-human creatures setting)... it was Haruka VS Shuu in the kanto Grand Festival! I was literally on the edge of my seat. I loved seeing her surpass him and his little look of approval and smile before she went from concern to happily celebrating with Wakashamo/Combusken. They had a beautiful story arc going from him looking down on her (while gifting roses like he's harboring a secret crush, fff), to respecting her as an equal, even dropping the -kun honorific he used to use after her name, when he saw her as a kouhai/underclassman and himself as her senpai/upperclassman, and moved to calling her just "Haruka"... after she saved his life, I believe!
I feel like that was Pokemon's best written romance amongst th main characters, it didn't overtake her story arc, it added to it and she still had her goals outside of that, it only added to her growth and story. ^^ It was innocent and sweet.
I am convinced that "for Agehunto/Beautifly" line is how Satoshi saw through Kasumi/Misty's lie in the final series.
I also adore the episode were Haruka and Nyasu/Meowth go back in time and save a man's life and improve a whole town (?) by doing so. It was a fun, moving episode.
The dub harmed this a bit with music choices and voice acting, but from the look of things, people still found it quite emotional (I still vastly prefer the original, no contest!), so Arbok and Weezing's release episode. Interesting that poacher Ryo/Rico was one of the last criminals shown using a real world gun and modern day weapon... maybe also because it doesn't look familiar to a lot of people as a real firearm...
*I got into Pokemon and Sailor Moon via a Rocketshipping fanfic set in the Silver Millenium when I knew nothing of both series and was used to only reading Harry Potter fanfic as an 11 year old! The secret backstory, pffft. So I watched for TR. ^^
I used to review Best Wishes! episodes, the earliest reviews were on my livejournal ( http://inkedfeathers.livejournal.com ), later mini reviews were on my now deleted tumblr blogs, but some reblogs exist... some DP episodes too! BW! was my favourite.
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anonymousfoz · 1 year
The Earth, Stars and Moon (Part 4)
Part 3 | Part 5
Taglist: @quinnharperwrites, @holdmyteaplease, @yesireadbooks, @teacupsandstarlight, @vite-poh, @theoracleofgiana, @writeblr-of-my-own
The wolf den was a lush forest with a lake and numerous fluffy boys. Some were shifters and some were wild animals, but the pack was strong, with Sister Wolf leading. The teenager was hesitant to approach due to a fear of wolves, but Brother Bear had assured her safety. It took some time to get used to the smell of wet dog, but the teenager had settled nearby the group of bison that were like children to Brother Bear. They were much calmer, and a few had fallen asleep beside the teenager. The teen just felt out of place, and for good reason. She wasn’t like Brother Bear or Sister Wolf; she wasn’t chosen into this life but born into it. She heard the subtle clops of hooves and got up to see a golden buck standing over her. A majestic creature to some, but to her it was just dad.
“Neptune. Where are the others?”
“With all the wolves.”
“Do they-”
“No. They don’t know Father. I know what happens if your wife finds out that I am alive.” The teenager began to pet one of the sleeping bison. Neptune was always aware of what her existence meant to her dad and what Mother Moon could do if she were discovered. Mother Moon knew she existed, but had thought Neptune died when she was a young infant. Her dad just didn’t have the guts to kill her, and she was glad for that. He was an amazing dad, but he was always on edge of his wife finding out. It was why Neptune needed to become a part of the group with Sister Wolf and Brother Bear. If she was accepted in and a tribe claimed her, there was nothing Mother Moon could do. But time was against the father-daughter duo.
“You can tell James. He doesn’t like Moonie.” Neptune looked at her father with a confused glare, before he responded, “Brother Bear is James. I gave them names, remember?”
“I always thought James was the annoying coyote.” Neptune looked up at the sunset before letting out an exhale. “Dad... do you think I will be accepted by a tribe? What if I’m not good enough?”
“Neppy, don’t think like that. It takes time to learn about your powers and traits. James and Adelita took years to figure out their craft and get accepted by a tribe.”
“We don’t have time. I know what I am, but I just can’t grasp anything.” The buck sat in silence, thinking of anything to make Neptune feel better, but he had nothing. Father Sun wasn’t good when it came to fast thinking.
“You are right about that, but you already know your animal and special abilities. You are a smart individual with two great teachers around you. You will figure something out. You always do. Meanwhile, I’m stuck listening to my wife about my mistakes and how I’m not raising the sun correctly. Like it’s in the sky? What more does she want!?” Neptune let out a small chuckle at her dad’s anger. He had loved his job of being the keeper of the sun, but he was quick to anger when it came to people telling him how to do it. The two continued to talk before the sun set and Father Sun had to go to Mother Moon. He pranced off into the darkness before the moon rose. The sleeping bison let out a grunt before waking up and running off to a figure in the distance who was Brother Bear. Neptune went quiet as the large man sat down beside her.
“I’m guessing you heard everything?”
“Not everything, but Tatanka right here informed me of what I needed to know.” Neptune hadn’t thought of the fact that the bison could have been listening the entire time. Her heartbeat began to skyrocket out of fear of what could happen. Brother Bear got up and extended his hand out to her. Neptune was hesitant, but did take his hand. The two of them and Tatanka headed deeper into the Wolf Den. What was in store for Neptune was unknown, as she failed at keeping her secret safe. “Don’t worry, kid. I’ll make sure you remain safe, even if spite is the only thing that motivates me.” With that, Neptune took a sigh of relief, and the rest of the night was a blurry memory for her.
But for Brother Bear, this raised more questions than answers. He had figured the coyote was lying about sending them after the child, after all Mother Moon never would have done that. It was out of character, but for Father Sun, it made perfect sense. But how did Father Sun have a daughter with another woman? And there couldn’t be anyone that was assigned a fox as their animal, as that was Sapphire’s animal. It couldn’t be claimed. It was smart and undetectable at the time, due to how annoying the coyote was. Brother Bear was fine with doing anything to spite Mother Moon and he clearly cared for Father Sun, but this was all so sudden and confusing.
“Beary, the kid is asleep. What did you want to tell me?” Sister Wolf came out of the tent and stood beside the 6 foot man.
“Would you ever report anything to Mother Moon?” Sister Wolf gave a side eye to the question. It was a random question, but he had to ask despite knowing the answer, mainly for reassurance.
“Of course not. We both know what she did to Sapphire. Her marriage with Father Sun has been on the rocks since then.”
“Apparently before then. I’ll explain in the morning. You need some sleep.”
“What? I’m perfectly fine to spend another 72 hours awake.”
“The bags under your eyes tell me another story.” Sister Wolf let out a nervous chuckle before hugging Brother Bear. “Would telling you a story help you sleep?” Brother Bear let out a sigh as Sister Wolf began to nod. He knew the story she wanted him to tell. It was always the same story; he grew sick of telling it over and over, but he would do it over and over for his little sister. While they weren’t related through blood, it didn’t matter. The large man carried the younger woman to an elderly tree and sat down before telling the story.
“It all started back when I was a lad…”
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mwebber · 1 year
Hiii ames about the prompt ask thing: devil! Mark and angel! Seb 🥰
this has been in my inbox forever and i can't remember what the original game was... i'll try to give my thoughts though!
visually i'm seeing things like a studio ghibli film.. idk, i feel like that's important to establish.
mark is lucifer, but he isn't actually the devil. he gets so annoyed by the technicality. it's the most annoying part of his role in the grander balance of the mortal and immortal worlds: lucifer is not a singular fallen angel so much as a series of beings and temptations and energies--lucifer has the potential to inhabit all things, at all times in the greater timeline of the earth's life. mark is only the devil in this particular circumstance and time.
he's not a very good devil, if seb's going to be honest. aren't devils supposed to be--y'know, like, evil? and up to no good? and drawing people away from the light of god?
seb's not a ROOKIE angel, by the way. he's been around the block. (and by that he means he's been to earth twice, but nobody's actually counting.)
(he's counting.)
this devil, in this particular circumstance and time, just seems to like fiddling with human car sports.
"i think it's funny," says mark, as he makes another engine stop running inexplicably, "when ants create a scientific explanation for me."
"i don't think it's funny," responds seb, who promptly blesses the engine to run again when the driver veers towards the gravel.
mark sniffs. they watch the rest of the session in silence, two ghosts leaning against the pitwall fence to watch cars zip by from a human perspective.
seb's job is to eliminate this devil. he's armed with god's grace and a righteous mission. it should be a quick in-and-out, less than a fraction of a moment in heaven.
but mark just. looks so much like the humans that seb has sworn to protect. or, well, not really. he has dark, tousled hair that flickers rough silver in the sunlight and downy, chestnut brown in the shadows, like he exists at every age simultaneously. his eyes are unnerving in every iteration, no matter their colour. his jawline stays relatively the same through it all. most obvious is the absence of matter behind him: an empty, hungry void where seb has wings and a tail and body parts indescribable to human perception.
"i can hear you thinking." mark doesn't turn his head, but seb feels eyes on him nonetheless.
thankfully, seb doesn't know what embarrassment is. "shouldn't you be trying to bring about the. like, i don't know. downfall of democracy?"
and mark gestures, and the void behind him flutters with--dare seb say--amusement. "they don't need me for that." there are devils all around, and people doing the devil's work.
but before seb can ask, twilight passes into the night proper, and mark disappears.
seb is the worst thing an angel could be. he's gone and discovered the feeling of CURIOSITY, added it to his inventory of emotions like picking flowers.
he comes back to earth to find mark again. the only time they can see each other is in that half hour between day and night, the equalizer of all things; and by god, he'll keep coming back every night until he can satisfy his urge to Understand the creature he's been tasked to kill.
i'm Exhausted so i'm gonna pass out but basically seb learns what it mean to Become Human and grows from a bratty arrogant bitch to a wizened and better Angel, and mark experiences the pain of falling in love with the one thing he can't have but also the catharsis of coming to terms with his own emotional complexity. something something they stand together at the end of the world holding hands..
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sleepyhomosexual · 11 months
i cry i scream for help i claw at the walls i'm not good at asking for help nothing will help i'm stuck i'm trapped i'm doomed by the narrative i make people worry about me people don't worry about me i feel bad i'm stupid i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry im sorry i suck at talking i can't make friends i can't keep friends im a mess these meds aren't working strengthen the meds these meds aren't working strengthen the meds it's a never ending fucking cycle it's the same it's the same it's the same take my meds still sad take my meds still sad take my meds still sad what happened to my childhood am i still living in my childhood am i weird do i annoy you do you hate me am i loud am i loud am i too mentally ill am does my trauma disturb you do i disturb you do you like me do you like me please like me i'll go to the farthest lengths for you to like me i'm a people pleaser i'm a bad person i just want you to like me maybe if you like me i can learn from you what makes you liked so i can copy you i can mask and pretend i'm you i'll tear off your face i'll become you i'll becoming you you hate me for it you hate me but i'm you i'm you i look i'm the mirror and all i see is you i speak and all i hear is you i am nothing i amount to nothing im nothing without you you're nothing without me we are one we are different we are similar we are opposite we're sewn together we're ripped apart i am nothing i am nothing i am nothing we are nothing we are nothing we are nothing i wear your clothes i do the same things as you i talk like you i annoy you i annoy you i hate me i hate me i hate me am i even me or am i a reflection of you am i my own person or am i just trying to copy you because i want to be loved i am a fetched creature trying to belong i am nothing i am nothing i am nothing we are nothing we are nothing we are nothing i bleed i bruise i crack but is it real is it real what if i broke the mirror what if i broke it are we still the same if i die will you die are we the same are we different do you still like me love me love me love me please i'll do anything i want friends i don't want to be weird i don't want to be annoying i need friends i am nothing i am inhuman i am simply just a fragment of your imagination i am what you want me to be i am plain and you paint me you make me what you want i am not my own person but it's fine right people will like me if i'm not myself i try to be something else you still don't like me what did i do what did i do i am nothing i am creature i am the grass beneath your feet i am the stars in the sky i am the whole universe i am nothing i am nothing i am nothing i'm unreadable i am confusing i am nothing i am nothing i am nothing you can't understand me so i try i try i confuse i confuse i am bad i try to fix myself i can't be whole i am nothing i am nothing
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myimaginedcorner · 1 year
PREVIOUS RESULT: There's an upcoming expedition. Perhaps... you should go ask Ashna to join you.
Some time ago, you got an offer of alluring sort. It was a friend of yours who organised a long voyage to reveal mysteries outside the city walls, buried deep in ruins among healing Nature. She sought for bright minds of brave heart, and to your name there were enough achievements to make you a desired participant. You gave her no clear answer, at the time – however, dozens of new letters came while you explored Academy’s old maze, and among them, one elegant reminder that you are welcomed at her side.
You didn’t think of going, at first. It wasn’t quite the field you chose to dedicate your life, and it was far away from your beloved institution. With so much to discover here, you saw no point to move anywhere else. However, your ideas shifted as you thought of them.
As soon as your mind jumped to the distracting memory of two beautiful eyes, you realised you wished to join the expedition. Not by yourself – with them, and them only. To watch their interaction with the outside world, and learn on a behaviour that both terrified and awed you. To understand how, someone so enthralling, ended up at the north peaks of your worst prison. Without you noticing, Ashna became your main research, your own experiment that threw away all others. And so, you obliged your selfish interest.
It didn’t take you long to find Ashna’s research group: putting elves at its centre, Ashna chose to study Therania’s species and their history, focusing on the academic records that have kept knowledge alive on creatures whose existence now was nothing but a myth. From them Celest had learned of the dwarven realms within the mountains, or of the honsa, sentients that could still walk among your kind in elven guise, discovered by no eye. Theirs was the task to write down Life, and let its memory revive those that are lost to the past. Upon their skin was where ancient tongues would be immortalised, and with their death, they would become the manuscripts that descendants use to master languages otherwise dead. No higher honour was there for a scholar elf than to be made a book – and such were books that Ashna read, too, a peek into the recollection of the teachers from gone centuries.
Knocking on the door, you heard commotion, someone’s loud protest telling you you’ve caused an undesired pause. You felt the guilt, unhappy to become a bother for an avid mind; however, you needed to intrude, no other way left to ask your desired questions.
The door got opened quickly, and behind, you saw the eyes you came to seek here. With them, you saw a smile, and all your shame washed off.
“It’s you!” despite your earlier conversation, Ashna looked equally happy to your previous reunion. “Have you come to check out our discovery? You’ll love it, this might be revolutionary!”
“No… I’m not here for your research,” you shook your head. Within, you noted how strange it was to say so. The elf gave you new reasons you were yet to understand in meaning. “I had an offer.”
“An offer?” with their head tilted, they echoed you like an empty chamber. Somewhere behind, an excited voice called.
“Master Ashna!”
“Just a second!”
Cheerful, your acquaintance signalled their team to spare them a few seconds, and closed the door behind their back. Left once again alone, they smiled, this time, much warmer, and you saw mischief playing in their eyes.
“Am I really that bad of an influence, or you have other important stuff to tell me?”
“Why would you be a bad influence in such situation?” you arched a brow, their chain of thought escaping your comprehension.
“Well… I guess I thought you missed me.”
Their smile grew shier, and for a second, a sudden urge to prove them right pierced through your heart like an annoying needle. You frowned, pulling it off, and making sure your mind recorded the experience: it was unusual, and so, it needed further self-reflection.
“I have an offer, as I said.”
“Ah, which is?” curiosity taking over naughtiness, they lent you their two ears quite eagerly.
“I have been invited to an expedition. It would take place starting next week, with no fixed date for my return.”
The gleam within their eyes got dull. You watched how an invisible artist added new colours to their radiant face, and strokes of blue painted sadness over their expression. In disappointment their lips pursed, and their gaze dropped as pearls from a broken collar. Their fingers lost their place, nervously searching for a right position.
“So, you’re leaving again…?” they murmured, and their mouth got forced into a smile that brought no joy, but stabbed you in the heart with knives much sharper. Once more, you were lost to them, emotions terrifyingly refusing your control. Urged to run, you stayed: your thirst for knowledge only grew with every drop of fear.
“I am.”
You nodded, catching yourself making a pause too long to be of any use.
“But I would like you to accompany me.”
Their eyes grew bigger. Where tragedy was writing down a new act, sparkles burned down the masterpiece, and flames ignited pupils in excitement.
“With me…?” with your words not enough to convince them they heard right, they echoed you a second time. “You want me to come?”
“Yes. I can get you a spot in the expedition, if y–”
“I… haven’t finished.”
“I don’t care, my answer’s yes!”
“You don’t even know where we are headed…”
“It doesn’t matter!” beautiful laughter filled the corridor you stood in; to you, it sounded better than the most genius concert, a melody more pleasing than the finest lyre. Two hands grabbed yours into a grasp soft and warm, and goosebumps took over your skin in a wave preceding your quickened heartbeat.
“Thank you,” now, their smile shined brighter than the sun, and no other light could drown out its flicker.
You nodded, completely lost, your mind yours no more. The moment that you lived was cut from history, from time and space, with only the two of your existing in the world.
“So, where are we going?”
Their question reawakened you from a dream sweeter than cake, appealing to your gears to turn again, no honey gluing them together.
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spider-mar2004 · 3 months
🕸❤𝕎𝕖𝕓𝕓𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤💙🕸
A Misery's Pain
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine Parker, Marlette, Miguel O'hara, Ben Reilly & Aracely Penalba
Summary: Miguel knows how Kaine gives the hand for help his closer ones, but by the multiverse science, he takes it away.
Warnings: Swearing, Discussion, Fighting, Some Blood, Angst, Mentions of an unknown enemy, small hint of feelings from Kaine to Marlette, Comfort from Aracely fluff, Mystery tension.
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After the tension moment between Kaine and Miguel, it was now taken in the society's "jail" zone, where the enemy anomalies were trapped. Some of them were slight surprised as they saw a well, an "alias" from the Spider-Society was there, in that red net of spiderwebs made of lazer or hologram, whatever exactly it was made. But Kaine was there, quiet and fully silent, hah, great. He trying his best for then know end being trapped and the persons he wanted help just left, basically, he failed his mission.
The tall muscular Spider-Man would come to Kaine's direction, the clone clearly knew what he did after do the mess in the control center, which it caused Miguel's trust and "happiness" disappear fully, turning them into mistrust and rage. As he walked, he quietly crossed his arms and with a serious tone, he asked.
"I assume that you was the one who destroyed and did a mess in my control system, hm? Hay una razón para eso? Idiota?" [Is there a reason for that? Idiot?]
Kaine heard that question, he didn't want to answer at the start, but with a frustrated sigh, he would just do it already.
"What if i respond you a no? And if yes, why it matters?"
The clone asnwered in a rude tone, geez that made Miguel's annoyed face become into an angry one.
"Tell me Kaine, i am giving you the chance, we are doing it nice-"
"Nicely? Oh is that really nicely use my clone sibling for catch anomalies? Aswell with Marlette? Who seemed a bit more new into this "Spider-Socieshit"? Poor of you use persons as tool is not so fucking nice from you."
Kaine spat more rudely and sarcastic answers, O'hara looked closer to him, eye to eye.
"Seems like you don't like understand the things here. Pobre criatura, Pobre Miseria, is such a shame having you here, i think it was a big error that i recieved you." [Poor creature, poor misery]
"I don't speak spanish, but yes, may i can be a misery or whatever you say. But i'm not going to allow you keep in control to them by your fucking ideology. Is a shit that is from your head, the reality is all we need have our peace, and have our peace here i not what we need. So if Ben commits an error just like that Miles did, is obviously that you'll get rid of him."
"But Miles' case is clearly different, the spider who bit him was from ANOTHER universe, and the creation of The Spot? Don't tell me, thanks by him, the multiverses all will collapse, You don't know how powerful The Spot can be!?"
"And you know that also you KILLED a ton of lives from another universe!? Just for see a fucking girl!? Don't then act as the victim "I just wanted see my daughter." And blah blah, Did also Miles caused all it himself? No. All shits happens because yes, life's a shit, all is a shit. You can't decide over someone's life because the life, in no matter which world, will bring unexpected things. Understood? Mr. Anomaly-"
The raw words from the clone spat out and made Miguel get enough of that. He desactivated the net and shoot him a red lazer webbing. Which he threw him to the "Go-Home" zone, where a machine reminding a lot of a spider was just destroyed by the self Miguel, huh, same creator, same destroyer of that poor machine.
In other hand Kaine, He fell against the machine but fortunately he was okay thanks by his good resistance. But Miguel as he disappeared his webs he would pull out his retractile claws from his fingers, aswell the other spider with his stings from his wrists.
"But i've learn about my mistakes! That's why I MADE THIS SOCIETY! I spent my time, i spent everything for everyone! Including you! But NO!"
Miguel grabbed Kaine's neck, but in defense back, he would put the sting on his torso.
"Try me."
Those two simple words, provoked the leader spider ready to attack.
"Oh you sure? Well pleasure to do it."
Miguel laughed softly a bit in sarcastic way, which he quickly would slash Kaine's right side cheek with his claws, two of them caused slash wounds but as Kaine saw the claws quickly act, he would also cause a slashing wound with his sting at his left side of his torso. Miguel groaned irritated for quickly push Kaine away, the holografic suit would vanish on the wounds' area, he studied the injury, it was bleeding but not so much like a deep wound. While Kaine touched his own bloody slashes, he hissed of pain and saw the bit of blood on his fingers.
The both pair of red eyes stared at each other, Miguel stared at the wirst device, he opened his palm and gestured.
"Give me the device, now."
Miguel growled, breathing slightly heavily by the rage he was carrying. Kaine stared at the mentioned device, then he smirked slightly.
"Ah yeah this, sure."
He quickly type his world's name, for then open a portal, he looked at Miguel, for then he took the device off, dropped it and... Stepped on it, turning it into pieces and sparking. He glitched, which caused him more pain but luckily he got enough time for enter to the portal throwing himself. Miguel ran to it but too late, few seconds later, being mad he stepped even more the broken portal-opener device, pieces turning into smaller pieces.
Meanwhile, Kaine would be glitching during the universe traveling, until he arrived to his original home. Well, more like he ended on the rooftop of a random building, face hitting on the floor first, but he got up slowly because well the glitching pain.
Well, aswell a bit of the cheek wounds were caused by Miguel, fortunately those weren't deep or enough to be new scars, but yet was a bit painful by his sensitive skin. Finally, he was free from that man, but he remembered something. Oh no... What he can do with Ben? Well there is a chance to help him because they belong to same universe but... What about Marlette?
That woman, lately was stuck in his mind. But why? There should be a reason, just, he can't find it right now.
Just... Focus on Ben since would be the easiest one first. But how? Ben would be his time in the Spider-Society, or doing multi-universal missions. Well, for know all Kaine can do is just wait, but where exactly? Unfortunately he never had a home before, well he was stayed in his brother's apartment, but by logic it would be all locked and pretty sure Kaine won't just break the window glass for enter in.
Oh, but he remembered also something else.
Aracely. That's it!
He got the idea for go visit her, so he would put his mask on and then he went swinging off with his webbing.
After minutes later, he would arrive on a simple small apartment, then he would start knocking the window. A young lady would be listening music with her head but she had a feeling that she wasn't alone, she took off her headphones and turned to see Kaine from the window, she widened her eyes slightly and smiled, she went trotting and opened the window for then hug him happily.
"Kaine! Finally you are here!"
"Uh yeah yeah... I am here now. How's everything?"
"Well all good- Wait a minute... Kaine, What happened?"
"What do you mean Aracely? I am okay-"
"No, no estas bien!" [You are not okay!]
Aracely took off quickly the man's mask, she saw the wounds from his cheek, she blinked in confusion, well yes Kaine had combat injuries worst than just two scratching wounds but still would worry Aracely a bit.
"Let me guess... Had a fight in that spider-people place, right?"
"How i can lie to you? Well yeah... But it doesn't... Matter."
"What if i tell you that you are... Worried on two persons, one is obviously Ben but the other... Who is it?"
Yes, Aracely since she had mind reading, telepathy, and some other psychic abilities thanks being as also Hummingbird. She knows Kaine, c'mon he was like a father figure to her, so she cares of him.
". . . Just possibly a new friend."
"A new friend that you was been non-stopping to think of. C'mon, tell me who is her? I feel like is a woman."
Kaine took a deep sigh as Aracely kept asking.
"Fine then... Is just a friend, or id what i sorta assume, named... Marlette, she uh, belongs to another universe, she is also a spider like me. Sadly she was in a hard situation but... I don't know how i help her... I basically retired from that place because, the boss being moody and such."
". . . I understand... Actually is a long time that i am not feeling such an empathy from you towards someone else apart of me and Ben..."
"I mean, she is very stubborn and other things but... I feel she is not a bad person, and easily to be manipulated by Miguel. I want understand her but how? I don't think that she is going to visit me, and i can't because i can't travel universes."
"Maybe is because she passed things like you did too? Who knows but, i feel like, very worried more than that."
"Apart of her, i am also worried that Ben can do something that Miguel can murder him. I know, yes we had fights and anything but still he... Urgh, is my brother, and i care of him. Is just, i don't know how Ben can just listen me, he is fully on Miguel's side so there's no way for it."
"Kaine, listen. Ben will see, i know you care of him and anything but, i am sure he won't die, after all the one who is breaking the canon and an important element of this world will be the one in a huge danger, so tranquilo viejito, Ben won't die, but yes i think you are right on being by his side or... Ay no sé, I am not veery into that but yes at least you explained me, for now just, let's let the time act." [Calm down lil old man] [Ah i don't know]
Aracely explained in a comforting tone, Kaine sighed and then nodded slowly.
"If you say so... Can i take a shower?"
"Of course silly long hair! Mi casa es tu casa!" [My house is your house!]
She giggled, Kaine gave a tiny smile, something rarely appears. Then he left, going to the bathroom and take a relaxing shower, For calm down all those feelings by the way.
After minutes, Kaine would have his long hair wet, and took a sigh, then he would dry himself with the towel and wrap it on his waist, but before leave the bathroom, he would stare at the mirror, his current brown eyes deeply staring at himself. And the thoughts took over him, which was pretty common he standing there, self-staring and pensative.
Wondering... What could happen next? By that it brought him some more questions inside his head, and unfortunately, he would also start think about his painful past.
He saw himself in the 90's era when he was a villain, long hair with a spikey strange-looking suit covering everything... Also the day he was born by the cloning method. He was used to be a weapon, so he knows it and that was a reason why he worried about them both.
He won't let them live like the life he lived, like the pain he felt. And never be forgotten...
Leaving this for now, in by the other hand, Ben Reilly without his mask, would be continuing his journey traveling multiverses, being aswell pensative. He would be on a wall, looking down, he wondered what happened to his brother? Pretty sure at the society or well more actually into their home. He wanted ask to Miguel about what happened but since he didn't see him... Just no, maybe could also stress him.
Then as few seconds later, he saw his boss coming out from a portal, face covered by his own hands, Ben not understanding slowly approached to him crawling.
"Uhm... Boss? Are you-"
"Yeah just, my daily stress things i guess. But it doesn't matter, have you find something? Any hint?"
"Actually... No boss, Nothing yet unfortunately. I am pretty sure this is going to turn into a strange mystery that nobody of us can solve and-"
"And you start your drama again, Ben listen, seriously. Focus on this, this is important. Nothing matters than just find him."
"But dad- I mean Miguel... Is surely that kid is not here and may can be in somewhere else... So please have at least some tiny more of patience with me, you don't know my past-"
"Always your past Ben, you should be ashamed acting like an immature kid because by that, pasts are gone. Punto y final." [Dot and Final]
Ben looked down, having a frown on his expression.
"B-but... What about my brother Kaine? Where's him?"
Miguel sighed deeply in stress, god everytime he hears that name he would just want throw Ben to the window.
"Ben. Not time for that, you know him really well more than me, who know's what he is doing, maybe ruining things as always."
Reilly, unsure about what he was saying, he cleared his throat, wondering what he did.
"Yeah but-"
"But but but and but! No Buts you golden hair dude! He's somewhere random, end of the discussion."
Miguel snapped there with a slight in pain hiss by the injury he had, but it was hidden by the holografic suit, his red eyes becoming slight more redder, Ben just silently nodded, but also being worried. After all, he would visit his universe for see Kaine and ask what actually happened, the fact being fully on Miguel's side slowly began to turn into a strange feeling. And he also wondered, why this sudden feeling just appeared? Who knows. Miguel already tired of be with the younger clone, decided to leave him alone and search Marlette.
Now, in Marlette's scene. She would be in a dark side of a building, feeling the breeze, blow on her face and body. She thought about not sure if continue the mission or not, geez everything is confusing! But, As Miguel arrived, she would look at him, both masked by the way.
"Hey, how's everything?"
"Pretty strange Miguel, just i can't find the answer about on how i do this... I know, We had a deal but, is really needed stop Miles and bring him to you? Just, i mean i am not agreed, if i don't do that, it breaks the deal?"
"Marlette, i know that you won't hurt young ones, and i clearly know that you don't like a lot follow my commands, but more of a command, this is more like, saving the multiverse, if we let that kid break the canon and aswell let The Spot keep doing his job, all the entire multiverse will just... Disappear, even mines, yours, everyone's, nobody will survive as an infinite thing collapses, not even also a simple atom. So the most easy and safer mission for you is just, bring him and done."
Miguel explained and shrugged, Marlette shook her head slowly.
"I am sorry, may can i fail you about this but. Sincerely, that doesn't answer my simple question, again. If i don't do this the deal will break?"
"Apart of the deal break, everyone will also break."
". . . Okay, está bien, lo que sea. Seriously if you hurt him i'll snap your neck and rip it off." [It's okay]
Marlette seriously said in that firm, quiet and also intimidating tone, she was never afraid of Miguel after all.
"No me hagas reir, I promised you that, You know one day there is a possibility about she being free. And i don't say that by myself, the canon says it." [Don't make me laugh]
Miguel smirked slightly under the mask, Marlette turned her head to see him slowly, knowing what he meant, she would let out a low growl. Accepting the journey, just as Miguel meant the words pronouns of "She" or "Her", made already her mind start to obey him. So then without more interactions and words, O'hara left, leaving her some space alone.
Poor of her, All the rough and fierce personality she had, was also tired. Maybe listen him would bring the benefit of defeat something she never defeated.
But, Why, and Who could be her?
Staring at her hands, with claws, would bring her a memory of a white hand stained of fresh blood, she shook her head and snorted slightly annoyed.
"Why have you done this...?"
She whispered and asked to herself, staring still at her own palm from her clawed hand. The annoyed feeling faded away as she thought about Kaine, where he could be? Should she would search him? Maybe.
The three main characters were in a deep ocean of confusions, Not understanding anything about the messed puzzle Miguel formed, will be there a solution? Will these bad feelings will leave one day?
The answer, could be a yes, or maybe a no. Who knows, Miguel O'hara would likely depend of it if he keeps messing up the pieces of the puzzle, or maybe make it easier?
Nobody knows.
Back to the Earth-616, Aracely would already feel by telepathy Kaine's actual mood status, she frowned her face in a worried expression. She started to find a way for calm him down, because really hurts her see her fatherly-figure feel that emotional and traumatic pain again.
After Kaine just finish stare at the mirror at himself, he would just go to put comfortable clothes, a black shirt with red sweatpants with black circle patterns on the sides. So as he was ready, Aracely would hug him again.
"I know what you are feeling Kaine... But, Since you saved me, i must try to save you from that pain now..."
"No, is not so important anymore. All i need is just accept it, i know is gone, which is great than just keep dealing with it but still... Not so nice have that pain stuck in your mind, and trust me, is not... Easy for that."
"Kaine, all i would say about this is only just, do what your heart says, maybe i am uh, not sooo good about being too wise or something. But i am sure that, the future actions will you do, will turn you into a even more better person, who needs stay in a spider-people place? You have your home, no dealing with external problems. And very sure about being kicked from that zone was for a reason."
"But possibly being now just a dude with arachnid powers can't just anything to help them. May yes i can sorta save people or whatever but... Just... I am afraid, Arecely."
"Don't be afraid, there will be a day with the whole solution for that problem. And each day, it will get better."
Kaine sighed as he heard the comforting words from the young mexican lady, she was right, so with a pair of slow nod movements, he would hug her back, all the dark moments slowly disappearing and becoming into green in peace moments.
One day, all be okay.
Let the time, heal the wounds.
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Apologies if the chapter 4 seemed a bit shorter comparing the other chapters, but i am proud of this one! Next chapter these two lovebirds spiders will start fall on the love's claws! 💪💙🕸
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Learning to Navigate
Jacwyn and the two pixies race through the untamed Wyldes, Loti leading the way. Tink and Dew each cast spell after spell behind them, growing vegetation, obscuring everyone's tracks, but nothing slows down their pursuer. The sound of crashing trees and booming steps gets closer and closer as they desperately strive to find a safe haven. Finally after what felt like an eternity Loti stopped in her tracks and opened a door hidden inside of a massive tree, so large it stretched up into the sky, disappearing past the canopy above and stretching wide enough to comfortably encompass at least two houses within. Loti: "Everyone get in!" The party doesn't hesitate as they rush into the tree, Loti following behind as she slams the door shut behind them. The four of them each turn to watch the door as the crashing gets closer and closer. Sure enough they soon hear, and feel something massive slamming against the tree, dirt shakes loose from the ceiling, cascading down on the group as they watch the door in fear. Whatever is outside slams against the massive tree several more times, but never touches the door, after several minutes the sound of a bloodcurdling unnatural howl breaks the air followed by the sound of the creature's booming footsteps walking away.
Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, Tink and Dew share a concerned look as Loti turns to look at them. Loti: "You three are lucky that I was out there, and actively looking for someone to help me out. Otherwise you'd have been that things dinner." Jacwyn gives an appreciative and relieved smile. Walking over and clearing his throat to address her. Jacwyn: "Thank you. I don't know what we'd have done if you hadn't shown up. But-" Loti cuts him off with a gesture. Loti: "I already told you, you'd be food right now. Look, I don't know what the story is with you three, but once our deal is done you guys really need to figure out where it is you're trying to go. Otherwise it's only a matter of time before you become something's meal out there." Jacwyn's look of gratitude quickly shifts to one of frustration and irritation at being cut off. He folds his arms and rolls his eyes. Jacwyn: "What exactly does that mean?" Tink speaks up interrupting the two as she interjects, Dew flying off to seemingly investigate the satyr's home in the meantime. Tink: "Didn't we tell you? The Fae realms work based on desire, you have to want to go somewhere to go there, or want something, whatever it is that you want, by focusing on that the Wylde's will lead you there!" She looked to Loti who similar to John, looked a bit annoyed at being interrupted. Loti: "Yeah, that's generally how it works." She looks to Jacwyn. "Essentially, animals hunt by wanting to find food or prey, so the Wyldes guide them to the nearest source of food for them. As it so happened, that thing out there wanted a meal, and you three were the closest thing that it would hunt, or at least you were the most obvious. I wanted to find someone who could get a message to the Archmage Silverquill, and so I found you three." She gave him a meaningful look, looking him up and down. "I found Jacwyn Silverquill~, her fucking son." A look of desire flashed in her eyes, a strange scent filling the air as she stepped closer to him. Jacwyn started to blush at the look from Loti, clearing his throat as he looked around, but before anything could happen Tink spoke up again. Tink: "Son!? No, no, no hey satyr girl? Yeah, you're mistaken. This is obviously just a flat chested girl! I think I'd have noticed if she was a guy." Tink strikes a proud pose, pushing out her chest. Tink: "I think he'd have pitched a tent at least once when we first met having to look at this sexy body all day~." Jacwyn blushed brightly at this and stomped his foot. Jacwyn: "I have! It's not my fault that you don't pay attention! I am a man, you stupid fucking-" Tink glared at him and with a word used an invisible hand to slap him. Tink: "Bullshit! I know a man when I see one, and that's not you!" Loti licked her lips with a smirk, she was in heat, another reason she'd been out looking for someone today, she needed to find someone to help her relieve herself. And now she had a member of the most powerful magical bloodline in the mortal realms. Loti: "Well, there's one way to solve this~. We gotta check."
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herb-and-legends · 2 years
I stopped watching Dr Who very quickly after Matt Smith started because I found him to be offensive to everything that Dr Who stands for. Not a big deal but I couldn't enjoy it personally. Now I come across all these things on Tumblr describing what has happened since and how the canon has been destroyed and shit on and I just don't get why Dr Who fans are okay with all of it.
I am NOT talking about things like a female doctor and such. I am talking about a mix of fans that just don't know the lore and also apparently the writers have gone crazy changing everything and forgetting who their characters are.
When Matt Smith became the doctor, he immediately started running around like a kid on Ritalin (I guess trying to emulate Tennet), practically broke the 4th wall to point out that bow ties are cool when no one asked, ran up to the roof and showed aliens a compilation of home movies depicting how bad ass PREVIOUS doctors were and said "tell me who I am."
So, he hops on the scene and is annoying and then tries to just slip right into the slot that previous doctors have established in an extremely low effort and out of character introduction. Even Tenets arc where Donna had to bring him back from the edge of rage when he was going to destroy that creature, this establishing his ongoing humility and not wanting to become that person, even that didn't start with him just announcing first what has happened to people that have crossed him in the past. Tennet was ashamed and after that heartbroken every time he couldn't save everyone, including his enemies. Then Smith immediately wakes up and shoves it in these aliens faces like he is proud? I gave it a while more with him until it was clear that the writers were leaning into that personality instead of making it a learning arc.
Anyway point being it looks like it has continued to go down a road I wouldn't have enjoyed in both quality and writing. In my opinion.
It's really too bad because maybe if the fans had insisted on better they would have gotten it. It feels like such an amazing universe and story that has been dumbed down with cheap drama instead of the satisfying story telling I experienced.
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sneakingpasta · 3 years
Mdzs but WWX doesn’t die and is there as Jin Ling grows up with his parents and his uncles
Alright so WWX actually gets to celebrate Jin Ling’s one month celebration with his family
Brought him a spicy pepper or something because we all know that that’s how one accepts another into their family Yunmeng style
Jiang Cheng and him start fighting because babies can’t have spices until they’rs six months (Always gotta have a fight in a family reunion, you know how it goes)
Baby Jin Ling won’t go to sleep until Uncle Xianxian plays a little flute song just for him (absolutely spoiled rotten, this baby is) (WWX doesn’t mind spoiling him)
Once Jin Ling can actually have spicy foods you Know that wwx is cooking up a motherfucking call-the-ambulance lava melting meal for initiation
Jin Ling’s crying but is a stubborn boy who will eat every drop of this poison to assert dominance
After the meal is finished, the rest of the family members are dying while rinsing their mouths out
Meanwhile Wwx is holding Jin Ling like he’s the baby Messiah
Wwx keeps cooking and Jin Ling actually develops his level of spiciness
Wwx starts teaching Jin Ling how to destroy kitchens and people’s mouths cook and now they’re both disasters in the kitchen who can make food that will kill a man
WWX teaches Jin Ling some sick flute solos that he can now perform like it’s nothing
However, the best and most incredible thing Jin Ling has learned from both Wwx and JC, is how to swear
The first incident happens when Jin Ling is four
It’s a nice day, disciples are playing with the younger children, parents are setting up picnics on patches of grass, a gentle breeze is blowing through, filling everyone with peace
Then, like a discordant note swinging through the air, a resounding “FUCK” is heard
Everyone whips their heads around
Little Jin Ling is trotting at very fast speeds towards his two uncles, looking as though he had been treated with utmost discourtesy and unfairness, drenched in water
His face is red with anger and wwx and jc ask him what’s wrong
“The mudafucking wind threw me into the damn lake”
There is silence
Then, wordlessly, JC and WWX look to each other
And they can’t help it
Wwx “Pfft” is all it takes to send the both of them wheezing
Then they pick Jin Ling up, tears of laughter still steaming down their faces, as they go to fight the wind
Flash forward a couple of years
Jin Ling has become a master archer (Gotta thank Uncle Wen Ning for the lessons) and an amazing sword fighter
However, having been raised by two dramatic ass uncles, he is also a Drama Queen
And when Wwx starts showing signs that he’s got a fuckin big crush of Lwj, that’s when Jin Ling is like “Alright Showtime Motherfucker”
At this point, he knows for a fact that lwj is also helplessly in love (Jin Ling is repeatedly exasperated and annoyed at how dumb two of the smartest people can be. Like seriously. It was embarrassing to watch)
So he gathers all of the Lan disciples and recruits them into the “Getting my dumbass uncle his soulmate because he won’t stop whining about it over dinner and I am this close to snapping his neck” Team
With the crew together, they put together what might be the most extra plan to get two people together (including fake investigations)
With Jin Ling, Lan Jingyi, Lan Sizhui, and Ouyang Zizhen at the helm of the ship, they somehow execute the dumbest and most idiotic plan in the history of plans and make it work
Then, after months of preparation and build up, the day arrives
They send out a distress signal
Wwx and lwj enter a dark forest clearing
Hidden in the trees, the juniors are making hand signals at each other
From the darkness, thousands of lanterns float up into the sky (They spent two entire sleepless nights making them and transporting them here)
Beautiful white birds gently drift through the night sky
Flower petals seem to fall from nowhere (Are actually being thrown by frantic juniors who are so worried about making the plan go wrong if they don’t perfectly toss them)
Not a single cloud is in the sky, as the moonlight perfectly lights up the area (The Juniors swore to slice every cloud in half if it came to it and Heaven wasn’t bout to test them)
BUT since they forgot they lured them here with a DISTRESS CALL, wwx and lwj are stressing out about where the ducklings are and their safety and what type of creature was doing this and-
“HOLY FUCK JUST KISS ALREADY” Jingyi shouts from his spot in the tree
Similar shouts echo from the the forest as lwj and wwx finally understand the situation
Bada bing bada boom PG confession time
By the time they kiss a lot of juniors are rolling their eyes or gagging because “ew, kissing”
After the kiss, Jin Ling descends from a tree like a God, flute in hand, as he begins celebrating their win with the most epic fucking flute solo the world has or will ever hear
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