#long sleeved dress
cfudgy · 2 years
cool DTIYS I found.
here's 𝗯𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗽.
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from @annieartist03's DTIYS
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ato-dato · 6 months
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I return to you with one piece fanart, sire.
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leafspiritz · 1 month
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imogen’s new outfit my beloved
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jjian1002 · 4 months
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Modern au
They’re going on a coffee date☕️
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weaselishmcdiesel · 4 months
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back when i wore dresses there were only two id ever wear, one because it was like a sweater and the other bc it had watermelons and i thought that was rad. he'd probably share the mindset i think
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intotheelliwoods · 4 months
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Poptart in poncho..... poptart in poncho so I dont have to worry about empty sleeves and so his hump back shell can fit.....
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br3akfestattiffanys · 11 months
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This Pink Blumarine Dress 🌸
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No one:
Joseph Quinn in plus 30 degrees celcius weather:
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arianadrew · 5 months
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bought this shirt and a couple other things today
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nartothelar · 3 months
I was seeing the comic of Emmets self destructing behavior even after he and Ingo reunited and wow… that implication it’s not the first time…
How many times must have this happened? How many times until Ingo knew snapping him out by a gentle hand on his shoulder? What bad habits did Emmet develop while being on his own? With "Ingo" encouraging him to be more healthy? Just so deliciously dark! I love it?
On the other hand how much strain Ingo's body going through when he has his moments he sees "the man in white" his body switches to "life-or-death-mode" receiving a little bruise could cause him to fall into full panic mode and try to treat it like a lethal wound if not for Emmet snapping him out of it and calming him down again.
While both have their moments of seeing their subconscious guardian angel both react differently.
Emmet is apathetic towards "Ingo" dismissing him since he’s not even there. He reacts mentally.
Ingo’s whole body could react to small bruises and injuries like they could kill him and depending on his support to get through it. He reacts with his whole body.
Also when Ingo’s aware he’s probably insecure about all the scars he’s got on him now. How many times he almost died… he doesn’t want the real Emmet to know. It’s bad enough that "the man in white knows"…
YES YES!!! This analysis is so perfect!!! If you'd allow me to ramble a bit...
Emmet's self destructive tendencies have been going on for a while since Ingo's disappearance. He has his Elesa and his depot agents to support him/remind him to not truly forget about himself (Elesa trying to take more time off from her job to check on Emmet/invite him out to lunch to make sure he eats, the veteran depot agents frequently checking up on him during the day/encouraging him take more breaks/interrupting his smoke breaks "accidentally", ect) but it's been hard to say the least. It will take some time for these habits to truly go away even with Ingo back, especially on his bad days.
BUT ALSO YEAH! Ingo! If Emmet appears at the corner of his eye suddenly or he sees him from a distance (any sort of blurred visage - as the man in white always appeared as) he might have a knee jerk response - a sudden urge to run or seek safety - but ultimately it won't be too serious.
His body reacts the most drastically when he is already in a state of injury and Emmet is within eyesight. Elevated heart rate, shortness of breathe, blurred vision, body tremors: his adrenaline levels will spike to an unnatural level causing a ton of stress on the body, since his mind is basically telling his body that he's on the brink of death. The quickest way to calm him down if it were to get this bad would be to have Emmet out of his sight until he can calm down...Not very ideal when the source of one's panic works the same job as you, in a work environment where slight injuries aren't too uncommon
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mididressobsessed · 9 months
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Source: pinterest.com
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fashion-from-the-past · 2 months
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kenneduck · 11 months
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Twitter posts about Bazz and Kenne while I get ready for an IRL wedding. 🌸💕
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thisisrealy2kok · 26 days
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Diesel D-Mathilde L1 metallic-effect maxi dress - Grey
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gogmstuff · 3 months
1908 (December) Les Modes - Robe de visites par Margaine-Lacroix - Photo by Reutlinger. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1292X2100.
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