#lololol this is so dumb
kitsure · 1 year
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tytosoup · 1 year
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Bluelock is full of silly goofy guys and I love them all
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iceeericeee · 8 months
I wonder how many tags i can add on to this
#there must be SOME kind of a limit otherwise posts would get suuuuuuper duper long like is it just 30?#idk but i'm going to find out by simply maxxing out the character limit for each tag and finding out the limit of tags for each post lololo#this is gonna be great. i just have to remember to type without ever using the comma. it shouldn't be too hard right? fuck i almost typed#the comma i'm already bad at this smh my head. also if your still here i commend you. you have a better attention span than i do.#i'm already starting to get bored holy shit this is not happening. i gotta power through this. FOR SCIENCEEEEEEEEEE. or somethinggggggggggg#but fr idk what else to say. maybe just saying that i don't know what to say will be good enough? but does that even count?#I don't even know anymore. ffffffffuck. this is gonna be a while huh? also holy shit if you're still here omg u deserve like. a prize or#something because u definitely didn't have to stay and read all of this bull shit. lololol i typed out bs but decided to just spell the who#thing out just to make it go by faster. i'm so lazy. this is only the nineth tag HOW will i make it to 30. i am sobbing the adhd is adhding#very hard rn. are you still here? bruh this is insane. i have somehow managed to keep ur attention this long and it's just me spouting#absolute balderdash. wait do you know what balderdash even means? i don't care if you do already i'm gonna tell you anyway. balderdash is#basically just another word for nonsense. boom. you learned something new today. balderdash equals nonsense equals this damn post.#why did i decide to do this in the first place. it was a dumb idea. i don't know if i can even keep going. this is only the *counts tags*#it's the 14th tag. we've got a long way to go boys. men. soldiers. comrads. friends. besties peeps. marshmallows.#where was i going with this? oh yeah. trying to max out the limit for tags. dang i almost typed a comma there. i haven't done that since#i think the third or fourth tag. dang that feels like such a long time ago. not for you guys probably. it feels longer because i have to li#type it all out and stuff. so it's definitely gonna feel longer for me. are you still here? good lord don't you have better things to#be doing than reading all of this? we're already on tag number 18. it feels like i should be on the thirtyeth by now. or however it's spell#'toast' you might be wondering 'why are you typing out the names of the numbers instead of say '9' or '5'?' well you see. young one.#this is a strategy i'm using to make each tag slightly longer. even if i don't know how to spell it. it'll make it just a little bit longer#anyway. i got off topic. not that there was ever a topic to begin with. unless it's about making this as long as i can.#which i am apparently good at doing. i guess. are you STILL here? do you seriously have nothing to do? i guess i'm flattered you stayed thi#whole time. instead of reading something else you stayed here. with me. listening to me talk. on the twenty-third tag. oh yeah its tag 23#except now it's tag twenty-four. how crazy is that. this little talk is almost over. only 6 tags away if memory serves right. this's strang#i kind of don't want this to end. but i know it should. after all there is a limit. but all things must come to and end at some point i gue#i'm running out of things to say. it's probably a good thing it's almost over. hahahahah............... but i don't want to go. i don't wan#to leave this post. i've worked so hard on it. and for what. just for it to end. are you still here? yes? good. i'd hate to end this alone.#thank you for indulging me and my craziness. the end is only 2 tags away now. you can go ahead and leave. i'll be okay on my own. really...#...you're still here? i- i don't know what to say. i suppose a toast is in order. perhaps. for this journey. this stupid dumb post i though#would be fun. i'll make it short. it's the last tag after all. this was fun. but i will never do it again. so long as a i live. i'll miss y
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imthejudge · 1 year
why warren uses periods in texts: proper punctuation.
why nathan uses periods in texts: pure passive aggressiveness.
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cainballad · 3 months
Auron plush WIP part 2
I wanted to make him look more serious but i decided not to and leave his face how he is 😂 He has a lot more little details than Braska. Braska is basically just a petal robe so it wasn’t so bad.
Anyway, Auron looks more wonky when I stuffed his head lol so cute 💕
also his torso. The details of the breastplate.. geez lol I did the backside too.
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The damn details on his gauntlet and leg/boot was so crazy. LUCKILY I crafted real life versions so I was able to understand how it make a mini version
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This is what I got so far and will work on him more after Australia (he isn’t attached yet)
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I cannot wait to start his haori 😵‍💫
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slutforstabbings · 9 months
Increasingly annoyed by people who act as tho a film they don't like has no themes or coherent ideas just because they don't like it. Specifically talking about people who will rant and rail against a movie, especially for being dumb or confusing or out of character or a similar critique, but then actively demonstrate that they did in fact understand and pick up on the themes and ideas of the movie, but they hand wave it away with a "but that's dumb" or a "what were they were even going for?" It's intellectually lazy, and it's dishonest.
If you genuinely didn't understand a film, that's fine. If you're so disinterested in or disappointed by a movie that you don't care to examine it more deeply, that's fine. If it's hard to articulate exactly what the problems you have with the work are, that's fine.
But when people behave as tho they didn't understand it or they don't care enough to analyze it, when clearly they did understand it and just didn't like it, it's like why do you think whether a movie sets up and then delivers on a concept or idea hinges on whether you enjoyed it or not? Why should I take your criticism seriously if you won't do the movie the same favor?
I see people say things like "I guess they were going for (insert theme here) but that's stupid." What from the text of the film makes you think that's what they were going for? What do you mean by "that's stupid"? Is it poorly executed? Is it antithetical to another theme in the work? Is it silly or tonally dissonant? Or did you just dislike it too much to analyze it further? Did it just disappoint you or rub you the wrong way?
Like I just wish people would either go there and actually do the work of saying "here's what I think they were going for, here's where they were successful and here's where they failed" or be honest and say "I picked up on some things, but I'm not interested in exploring the themes because it disappointed me so much."
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firelord-frowny · 2 months
~the liberal redneck~ gets me sooooooooooo 🥵🥵🥵 its embarrassing lmaoooooooo
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potatoes-tomatoes · 1 year
I’ve been goin thru a steven universe rewatch since last week and… wow. Wow this show is revolutionary for queer voices. It was eye opening seeing everything unfold again.
It’s been wonderful experiencing the show with fresh eyes. I started the show, saw the premiere of the show, followed it and finished it while I was still closeted and bigoted. I saw the reveal of Garnet being a fusion, being love, and was initially disgusted and disappointed because I was TAUGHT to be disgusted and disappointed.
The residual bigotry flares up at times… but it’s not me anymore. Well it is, but it’s like.. the MEMORY of me seeing that moment through my old eyes. I do my best to not feel shame, but to understand and forgive myself and enjoy creating a new experience watching SU.
now that I’m (somewhat) open, I’ve been able to enjoy the show and appreciate how much it’s done for queer voices since. I… saw Ruby and Sapphire’s wedding for the first time, I saw it— not with my hands barely covering my eyes. What a triumph that this show inspired others to let queer ppl share their stories, experiences, hopes, fears, love, without shame! Steven Universe isn’t perfection— it’s flawed, beautifully flawed, like the people who made it, the people who watch it, and the characters in it. If the road it paved wasn’t perfect, then all the better for newer voices, newer stories to be like, that limestone thingy in roman rock to reinforce it. To make it better. to make like, longer gay roads! pff shit I think I was trying to be poetic and metaphorical or something, but I hope my point came across. I just have big feelings right now. I didn’t realize what SU did for this lil baby queer. It’s so inspiring
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dutybcrne · 7 months
@dcndrohime replied to your post:
When that mad sus tag line is just an Heizou vibe 🤔
He like a bit Heizou in flirty vibes. Honestly, i think he sus cuz he's cleary hidin smth
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girlhighclub · 2 years
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scrawlingskribbles · 10 months
oof, I finally bit the bullet & re-pierced my one closed-over ear today, but I ended up having to push the stud in from the back to be sure I lined it up correctly so now my ear looks Quite stupid for the time being and is in fact Very angry at me for stabbing her so brutally lmfao
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tainted-sweet-meats · 2 years
a verbal breakdown on how I draw snarlies in my art.
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125storejuice · 2 years
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ventiddy · 2 years
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the quest js small tbh im just glad i got to pull for tighnaris weapon even THO the banner is a scam ik ik but the weapon wont be on standard ;; i mean if i vortex ill put it on zhongli igg but ghaahaha I NEED YELANS WEAPON ITS SOOO GOOD but i would put it on yelan : instead of nari tbh she deserves it ;(((( i wish al haitham leaks were out someone just said hes super untrustworthy so shhhhhh oh yeah nilou leaks DONT BELIEVE THOSE tHOSE r private servers so their actual ratio and crit value is FALSE dont believe them they even might have c6’s of others like mona and KIRA DOES CYNO HORRIBLE they don’t understand how to use his e on time with his special and EYE thingy and also THEY SUCK at trying to do reactions with him 😢
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cainballad · 1 month
Auron plush WIP 3
It’s been months since my last update only cuz I’ve been busy (work, getting sick 2x, vacation to Australia and San Francisco)
But here we are. Auron has legs. Becuz I worked on his boot and stuff for cosplay, I knew how to make a mini version of it 😂
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I also finally attached Auron’s arms now. He’s a bit wonky cuz of the way I stitched his gloved arm. (It looks shorter LOL) but then I realized I have to take it apart and attach his sleeve first.
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I was worried he might be shorter than Braska but after putting them side by side, I was wrong. He’s a good height!
Anyway, sorry auron, I gotta detach your gloved arm. lol I used tumblr picture effects to make it looks like a sphere recording 😂
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stabbystiletto · 2 years
I know it's a shitty wip lol 😅 but I just saw the trailer for season 2 and had to literally drop what i was doing to grab my tablet and start a new fanart lololol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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This one⬇️⬇️⬇️ is older lol but holy shit I just got the motivation to work on it again 😆😆😆
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Also it's nowhere near done lol but I'm posting this anyway cause I like I said I just saw the trailer for season 2 and HOLY SHIT I was like "okay, okay, this is good, I dig it, murders in a religious school, very nice, angry Nica, I dig it" but then.
The pink car, I'm like okay Tiffany got herself a cute car, nice but then I read the license plate
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(yeeeeea, the tags are long as hell sorry lololol but i had a lot of feelings about this lolololol 😅😅😅😅😅 who knew tumblr had a limit on the number of tags lololol learn something new everyday lolololol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
#i wish i could say I didn't cry lol but as soon as tiffany opened the door and said 'glen and glenda!' and i saw there was two of them#i started crying lolololol 😅😅😅 i still am 🥲🥲🥲#i know it's kinda a dumb thing to get so worked up about but whatever i have my reasons okay and i just wasn't expecting this lololol 😅#in season 1 chucky just said that he had a queer kid and tiffany only mentioned glenda so#it seemed like even if they did put glen/glenda in they might retcon the twin thing#I'm just really happy that they kept it 🥰🥰🥰☺️☺️☺️#god I'm so excited to see them interact#what kind of dynamic do they have?? do they get along and act super close??#do they argue and fight because their personalities are so different??#does glenda talk glen into committing murders with them??#does glen have a crisis of conscience and end up betraying glenda cause they're not as evil as the rest of the family??#does glenda bully glen a lil cause they view their sibling as 'soft' but then murder anyone else who's mean to them??#like a whole 'i can bully them cause we're twins but you can't' kinda thing??#these are questions I've had ever since i first saw seed of chucky lolololol i really hope this season answers some of them i can't wait 😆#if i recall correctly the only real interaction we saw in seed was when glenda pointed at glen and said 'you're pissing your pants!'#which might indicate they have a bit of an antagonistic relationship with their twin#but it could also be typical behavior for a kid who just saw their sibling piss themself lololol there's not a lot to go on 😆😆😆#anyways i just was not expecting this it really took me out in a great way#an amazing way#i know it's kinda dumb but I've been kinda 🙃🙃🙃😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨💀💀💀 lately and this really put the wind back in my sails 😊😊😊#for the moment at least but you know what I'll take it lololol 😉😉😉😃😃😃#also i know it's not what this post is about but the way tiffany styles nica#like how she dresses her the way she she her hair and makeup#nica looks so pretty lol 😆 like i get it's a fucked up situation but she looks really good lololol 😆😆😆#I'm so excited to see how nica gets ger revenge on tiffany 😃😃😃 gonna be good lol 😆😆😆#also just throwing this out there but what if the twin on the left with the green furry jacket and the super shirt hair is glenda#and the one on the right with the purple sweater and long hair is glen#👀👀👀👀👀#i mean personality wise i feel like it could fit#plus didn't glenda have more vibrant redder hair?? i feel like glenda's hair was more red than glen's
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